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Gilman Scholarship Essay Tips from an Alum

Uc merced study abroad stories of interest.

The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is due Tues, Oct 3. We heard from a UC Merced and UC Education Abroad Program returnee and Gilman Scholar recently who had some very down-to-earth advice on the statement of purpose essay requirement for prospective Gilman applicants.

Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

UC Merced is considered by many to be the most diverse campus in the University of California system, and our students are well-positioned as potential Gilman applicants:

  • UC Merced is designated a Hispanic-Serving Institution (HSI)
  • 61% of our students are Pell Grant recipients (fall 2013)
  • 65% of our students are first-generation (fall 2014)
  • In terms of enrollment by ethnicity our campus demographic consists mostly of students traditionally underrepresented within study abroad
  • And so many other areas are considered for the scholarship

A recent Gilman Scholar had this to say about writing the statement of purpose:

If you’re a first-generation college student, “try using the fact that you’re a first generation college student in a … genuine and advantageous way. What were some of the struggles of being a first generation college student? Simply stating that you are a first generation college student does not qualify you for the scholarship; the point is to relay certain struggles you’ve had being a first generation college student.”

“I would home in on struggles you have had leading up to studying abroad; you have to think about it in the perspective of the people giving you the scholarship. What makes you eligible for the scholarship? Why would they give you money and not someone else who is in financial need? What would you use the money for?”

“Research more about [your host country] and talk about why you want to go there in the first place. … What about the culture, land, and country are you going to be benefiting from? What makes it crucial to your career path?”

“I would address things like: what is the program you are going to take part in? How are you going to incorporate studying abroad into your future goals? What skills might you be achieving by studying abroad? How will you be involved when you study abroad?” Talk about “hardships and struggles!”

And on the follow-on service project proposal:

“[D]on’t be afraid to get creative! They love it when students are creative. For instance, I had a friend (also a Gilman Scholar) who created a cookbook of the country’s food where she also wrote about cultural things. I … wrote and did a 365 photo project. Don’t be afraid to propose something fun; it shows that you’re passionate about being in the country that you’re going to.”

Need more help and tips ?

Learn more about study abroad scholarships .

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USAC Study Abroad News

33 Tips for Applying for the Gilman Scholarship

September 14, 2021

Will you be applying for scholarships to study abroad?

Whether you need financial support or not, scholarships make studying abroad a more enjoyable experience by easing some of the financial burdens. USAC offers a wide variety of scholarships and discounts each year to help students fulfill their study abroad dreams, and there are many third-party scholarship opportunities students can also apply for. One popular option is the Gilman Scholarship. This scholarship has been helping students study abroad since 2001 and every year a large portion of USAC students are awarded funds.

Here are important deadlines to note. To get the specific application deadlines visit the Gilman Scholarship website .

A few former Gilman recipients shared their tips with us to help you get started on your application. We also learned more about why they chose their study abroad locations. Here’s what they had to say.

Teresa Dorado San Ramón, Costa Rica

I chose to study abroad in San Ramón, Costa Rica because the courses offered in the program coincided with my environmental science major in addition to being in a tropical environment. I wanted to experience first hand the efforts Costa Rica is making towards sustainability and conservation. Being fluent in Spanish, I knew I wanted to be able to communicate and learn as much of the culture and interact with locals.

I would encourage anyone who is eligible to apply and definitely have a mentor or their campus Gilman representative revise their application material. They are there to help!

Jonathan Blackmon Montevideo, Uruguay

I chose my location because it included both nontraditional destination travel and an intensive language component that would allow me to bring back a marketable skill with me to the United States. In addition, I interned at an institution serving lower-income marginalized communities and the ability to add this component really helped in the selection process. Being a representative of a traditional minority group in the U.S., I knew I wanted an internship revolving around public service to a similar group in Uruguay.

My advice for future Gilman applicants would be to pick a location and program that they can tailor to their future career goals. For example, I chose Spanish in Uruguay because I desired to be a Foreign Service Officer for the U.S. Department of State and bilingualism is a very marketable skill in today’s global economy.

Tania Gonzalez Reggio Emilia, Italy

I chose my program location because Reggio Emilia offered courses that fulfill my home university course requirements, and is a city that exhibits authenticity. Since it is not a huge city that attracts a lot of tourists, I was able to emerge myself in the Italian culture better.

The advice I have for other students wanting to apply for the Gilman Scholarship is to definitely go for it. The application process is certainly reasonable especially if you do get it.

Cindy Rodriguez Heredia, Costa Rica

I chose this location for various reasons. I wanted to learn more about Latin America and as well as exploring the country’s beautiful biodiversity.

My advice to future applicants is to start early and meet with an advisor who can help guide you.  I was honored to receive a scholarship of $5,000 and I am honestly very blessed to be given the opportunity.

Alexander Meyers Chengdu, China

I chose Chengdu, China for several reasons. People kept saying Chengdu was “China’s China” and fairly untouched by foreign influence, which has remained true. China appealed to me because I was interested in stories and literature and I grew up learning European/Western stories, so I thought it would be exciting to gain access to a new set of stories and traditions.

As for advice to anyone applying for the Gilman — be honest. If you tell the truth and let your passion show, Gilman will know.

McKenna Parker Bengaluru, India

I’ve always loved India since I was a little kid — the food, the movies, the clothes, the Hindi language — everything. It was a natural choice. I was also interested in how identity and culture play into healthcare and medicine. India is such a diverse country, and I wanted to experience something that was totally opposite and new to me.

My advice for applying for the Gilman: Think of a service project that is somehow unique to you and your past. Describe it in extreme detail. Find someone that you trust who can edit your essays, and not just someone who will sugar coat it. Find someone that will tear it apart and leave no stone unturned! Remember that the Gilman people who review your application know nothing about you except for what you write, so use your words carefully and creatively.

Jesi Naomi Florianópolis, Brazil

To be honest Brazil chose me.  I wasn’t sure where I wanted to go, but I knew I wanted it to be a place where music, the universal language, speaks loud and expressive arts are welcomed as a healthy part of everyday life. The location was between Africa and Latin America … and then, a USAC counselor told me Florianópolis, Brazil was the place for me!

Music was my major and I double majored in Latin American studies.  I wanted to bring back rhythm demonstrations, or music videos to future study abroad students in order to encourage the Gilman scholarship.  I planned on using videos, pictures, and interviews to show at international festivals and study abroad fairs.

My advice would be to start as EARLY as you can on the scholarship application and essays.  Order transcripts first thing! They take time to process and mail, and figuring out how to scan/upload them to the computer could get tricky. Have at least three people read the essays and have patience with the process. If it was anything like what I went through applying for scholarships was like having an extra class on top of 16 units — filling out applications and writing essays about my intentions for study abroad.   Take the essays seriously and use it as an opportunity to really understand your intentions, what are your goals for living in another country, what do you want to gain from this?  This gave me solid goals that I believe will definitely come true just because I wrote them down.

Gwyer Sinclair Bristol, England

As an engineering student who needed advanced and specialized coursework, my options were limited. A few schools offered the courses I needed, and from those, I chose based on interest in the area and language compatibility. My program with the University of Bristol introduced me to a world-class school with a great program for engineering and an interesting culture.

To other students who are applying for the Gilman Scholarship, understand what you are getting into, and identify the interesting or challenging parts of your chosen program. Then, when you write your application, speak to your personal goals and the way this experience will help you reach them. If your school has a dedicated study abroad office or advisor (most do), they will be a great help to you as well.

Christina Tran Lyon, France

I chose Lyon, France because I wanted a city where I could really explore French culture and customs in order to enhance my French speaking skills.

Give it your all. The Gilman helped me understand myself better, simply by letting my thoughts flow in my writing. Of course, I rewrote my essay about 30 times, but it’s worth it in the end.

Nikki Osgood Chiang Mai, Thailand

First of all, I wanted to study in a place completely different from Western culture. Thailand seemed to be a good match. I wanted to study in a Buddhist country since the values of compassion and respect are central to the philosophy. Personally, I was trying to develop my empathy and selflessness. Thai culture is very outwardly focused, caring about each other much more so than in America. I also chose the Chiang Mai program because of the opportunities to explore jungles and raft down rivers.

As for advice, I would talk to your Gilman advisor (if you have one) as much as possible. I had written the first draft of my personal statement which was far from satisfactory. I ended up scraping the first draft and completely rewriting it, using the advice from my advisor. Have them read it, edit it, and go back as many times as possible to ensure it illustrates how your experience led you to your chosen program. I would also think about an internship as it will boost your application.

Esther Bellinsky The Hauge, The Netherlands

I chose to study in The Hague, Netherlands for many reasons. I realized that as an individual focusing in the field of peace and conflict resolution with an International Relations degree, it was important for me to interact with different cultures, gain conceptual insight, and hands-on training, so my passion for peace and justice transforms into visible change. The Hague University of Applied Sciences in the Netherlands (THUAS) gave me an opportunity to combine these principles together.

THUAS offers law and political science classes that focus on the international perspective, an ideal course of study for my major. NATO & International Security, Crisis Communication, and Human Rights Law & Conflict Resolution are some class titles that intrigued me. These courses fit my degree while allowing me to study through a global lens that UCD could not offer. THUAS also offers a unique opportunity called Project “Europe 21,” an intensive and practical six-week independent research project, where students work to identify a solution to a real-world problem posed by a local organization. Student teams work with local organization support members, and their solution is assessed by a committee of faculty and external representatives. This project would be a valuable opportunity to make my voice heard in world issues.

The city where I intended to study, The Hague, was dubbed “the home of international justice” by Ban Ki Moon, former U.N. Secretary General. I could not think of a better place to learn about peace issues than a city that is home to the famed Peace Palace and the International Criminal Court. The Hague is also home to international organizations such as the Global Human Rights Defense. I sought opportunities with international organizations and made connections in the field of international peace and global aid. On a personal level, this study abroad experience gave my degree a unique global aspect and built my problem-solving skills. It helped me gain a diverse worldview, become an independent thinker, and prepared me for a career in a cosmopolitan environment.

My advice for prospective Gilman scholars is to put the most effort into the written statement and service project, and write about what matters to you . Show purpose in your statement- explain how you prepared to study abroad and how this experience will allow you to achieve your goals. Finally, believe that you have the opportunity to study abroad even if your financial circumstances are more difficult than others and show the committee a clear link between your study abroad experience and your future career goals.

Vegas Kremser Bristol, England

From England’s popularity in a destination, television programs I grew up with, and their worldwide recognition for higher education, it is needless to say, I was attracted to the country. While most students would choose to study in the glamour and hustle bustle in the city of London, I selected the University of Bristol for their research excellence and mathematics area.

My advice for anyone interested in the Gilman, is to truly express your interest in detail in the essays on the application.  This is your chance to express yourself and describe your dream adventure abroad!

Boatran Tran Madrid, Spain

I went to both Europe and the Dominican Republic and absolutely loved my experience. I wanted to learn Spanish, but I was a tad too scared to go to South America or the Caribbean to complete my studies so I thought Madrid was the perfect medium for my comfort/curiosity zones. My minor was also in Spanish so I could kill two birds with one stone.

The only advice I have for those applying to the Gilman scholarship is to prepare a well-dictated personal statement. Keep it informative, but concise.

Jordan Burke Reggio Emilia, Italy

My major is psychology and my minor is child and family development, the focus of my education has always been based on children. While learning about the best practices to use for educating young children, one teaching method always stood out to me: the Reggio Emilia Approach . I chose to study abroad through the USAC Reggio Emilia program because of my interest in the Early Education classes offered in Reggio Emilia. I was so excited to study Early Education in the town the Reggio Emilia Approach originated in.

My advice: Start early! Have as many people read it as you can. My family and friends read draft after draft of each of my essays. If your school has a writing center, you can take it there. Study abroad advisors are happy to help too.

The Gilman Scholarship loves to award people of all types of backgrounds. If there is something that makes you special, make sure to mention it. For me, it was being a first-generation student.

Maintain the theme of your essay, but don’t be afraid to be funny or add personal anecdotes. The more you stand out, the more likely your chances of winning are.

The word count for the essay is just maximum. Don’t worry if you are under the word count. Make sure you answer every question but don’t make it too wordy just to reach the maximum word count.

Make sure your “Follow-on Service Project” is original and try to make it something you’re passionate about. They read a lot of essays suggesting blogs. Unless you have a new take on blogging or are already a blogger, I would avoid making your project based on one.

Be patient! Waiting to hear back was so stressful, but it was all worth it in the end.

Keenan Hunt Alicante, Spain

I chose to study abroad in Spain because of my love for both Spanish and European history. I’ve always been interested in learning about the history of Spain, from it’s pre-roman roots to more recent times. I decided that if I was going to study abroad anywhere, it would be valuable to experience the history and culture of Spain first-hand.

For other students applying for the Gilman scholarship, I would simply recommend being honest about your reasons for studying abroad and your financial need. Don’t be afraid to let your personality and personal history show in your application!

Ayleen Arteaga Valencia, Spain

I chose the program in Valencia because it fit both my academic and personal goals. As a biomedical engineering major , the majority of programs did not offer the courses I needed, such as physics, calculus, and chemistry. When I heard that the Polytechnic University of Valencia offered the courses I needed, I made it my number one choice. Additionally, I am a Mexican- American who has learned Spanish in my household and in class; however, I was interested in learning Spanish beyond words upon a page.

When it comes to applying for the Gilman, humble yourself in every aspect of the application. Do not be afraid to reach out to your Study Abroad advisors at your university so they can review your application. For the essay portions, write about your own life experiences with clarity, precision, and genuineness. Your ability to accurately convey your desires and goals will set you apart.

Kimberly Udemba Lyon, France

I chose my program and location because it was such a great value. I love France and like most, I was going to choose Paris, but Lyon is cheaper and also a really cool city.

My advice to future applicants would be to start the application EARLY! Organize your thoughts together for those essays and have people read them over and look at them. Look at example essays of past recipients. It makes a difference. Starting early gives you more time to catch mistakes and get those required documents in on time.

Emily Henline Yonsei, South Korea

I chose South Korea as my study abroad location for many reasons. A year before signing up for a program, I was trying to decide which country in Asia to study in because I always had an interest in Asian culture. Through my friends help and doing lots of research, I became infatuated with the idea of studying in South Korea. The language, culture, and technological advances are only some of the reasons I chose Korea.

Some advice I would give someone applying would be to have someone edit their essays a few times before submitting it. An English major friend of mine and I went back and forth editing these essays until I finally thought it was good enough to submit.

Dalila Alvarado Yonsei, South Korea

Being able to travel and experience South Korea’s culture had always been a dream of mine for many years. When I realized that there was a way I could not only make my dream come true, but also have the opportunity to study abroad through USAC, I did not hesitate to choose the South Korea program location.

I would tell students that although it might be challenging when writing the essays, to not be discouraged. Also, do not wait until the last minute to begin the application and the essays. The earlier they start the process, the more time it will give them to have everything updated in their application and the more time they will have to make any possible changes to their essays.

Kyra Taubel-Bruce Prague, Czech Republic

I chose to study in Prague, Czech Republic because, as a photojournalism and linguistics major , Prague is an epicenter for media studies and offers the opportunity to study a new language as well. I wanted to study and experience non-American media and culture in a location that I have been interested in for a long time.

I think the advice I would give to other Gilman applicants is to share a story in their application. A personal anecdote shares a little bit more about who you are as a person and the people reading your essay have an opportunity to get to know you. They read thousands of essays about why people want to study abroad and they don’t get to know everyone. Giving them that chance will make your essay stand out.

Ruvim Nochvay Chiang Mai, Thailand

I chose Thailand because I’ve been interested in Eastern culture/ religion for a long time now and I wanted to get a first-hand experience of it.

My advice for students who are applying for the scholarship is to make sure that their essays are proofread several times, as any grammatical issues immediately bar them from receiving it.

Maria Rios Bilbao, Spain

I chose Bilbao because the Basque Country holds a special place in my heart. I was fortunate enough to grow so close to someone who was raised in the Basque Country and calls it home. Her stories she shared about her life was so fascinating, and after she passed I was only eager to learn more.

Applying for the Gilman is no joke but it was the best decision I made. I spent weeks writing and refining my paper. I wanted to tell my story and I wanted to tell it in a captivating way. I wanted the scholarship committee to truly understand who I was and why I wanted to pursue this journey. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to read over your paper. I had three people read over it and revise it. It helps you out so much and gives you someone else’s perspective on what they are reading.

Brook Jensen Chaing Mai, Thailand

I choose to study abroad in Chiang Mai, Thailand because it offers unique biology courses for my degree, and I want to experience the exotic, beautiful, and rich culture of Thailand.

I advise future students to use the resources available to you through the USAC and Gilman websites, especially the webinars.  They help you understand what they are looking for in their applicants, and they give you advice on how to make your application stand out.

Piersan Kimmers Pau, France

I chose to study abroad in Pau, France because I wanted to be fully immersed in the culture and traditions of a new country and to go to bed each night exhausted from the experience of the new culture. Pau is a smaller village in the southwest of France, located at the base of the Pyrenees and across the border from Spain. As an avid outdoors-woman, I was ecstatic to be at the base of such a mountain chain and experience all that it has to offer. In addition, I chose Pau because I wanted to know the locals and their traditions and hear the personal stories and struggles of the natives of the village and their ancestors.

I encourage other students hoping to apply for the Gilman Scholarship to sit down and go for it! When you’ve finished your essays, give them to multiple people to proofread. Don’t let them change the information you give, but use them to improve grammar and sentence flow. Your study abroad coordinator would be a great start to proofread your essays, as they have probably helped former Gilman recipients with theirs. Be authentic and speak from your heart!

Christina Nielsen Alicante, Spain

I pursued study in Spain to experience a facet of the Spanish language and Hispanic culture that I had less exposure to. A desire to become fluent in Spanish and learn about a country I had only read about in textbooks led me to choose Spain as my country to study abroad in. My desire to learn Spanish stemmed from my desire to connect and better communicate with nearly 20 percent of the U.S. population.

I chose Alicante because of the small program size and unique, less popular destination. By studying in Alicante, a less traveled to and studied in destination, I received a more authentic experience interacting with members of the community more and tourists less.

When applying for the Gilman Scholarship, don’t be afraid to seek guidance, especially if this is your first time applying for a competitive scholarship. Watch the videos on the Gilman website that take you through essay brainstorming and read through the submission tips. This can help you understand exactly what they are looking for and help vanquish writers block. Take advantage of your university’s study abroad office and/or scholarship and fellowship office.  Employees in these offices have great insight and essay revision skills. Many of them may have even scored the Gilman or scholarships of the like and know what graders will be looking for. If possible, talk to Gilman Alumni on your campus to get a feel for the process. Last but not least, be true to who you are and don’t be afraid to get personal in your essays. Adding unique details about who you are will make your application more memorable and more human.

Santiago Ricoy Gwangju, South Korea

I chose Korea because I had long been interested in learning to speak Korean.The opportunity to finally solidify some degree of fluency through immersion was something I simply could not pass up. I was told about how excellent Korean university engineering programs can be. However, I knew selecting a city and school needed to involve some strategy to maximize my Korean learning goals.

I found that the larger cities in Korea, while full of opportunities for interaction have become increasingly Westernized in culture. Therefore when meeting foreigners (as is common with international tourists in Seoul, and foreign government members in Daejeon), Koreans will be more inclined to speak in English. My research revealed that Gwangju was somewhat of a cultural hub with a history behind it, as seen manifested physically in the 5.18 memorial park. On top of that, it is small in comparison to other cities and I felt that I found deeper immersion in the culture there with these factors in combination.

I have too many tips but here’s what I would tell my past self if I could: Yes, you are applying; don’t even question it. Before you do ANYTHING, go through the Gilman scholarship portal and review all of the pages. Do not forget to double check and write down the character limits for your essays. Set your deadline at least two weeks before the scholarship deadline for all of your essays. You’ll need those two weeks to get input from friends, family, and your study abroad advisor; have your school’s writing center give suggestions to improve it; and go through to perfect the essays. You’ll make fewer mistakes if you aren’t rushing, trust me.

Christen Lena Gomez Madrid, Spain

I chose Madrid, Spain as my program location because it was a very important goal of mine to learn how to speak Spanish. I was also drawn to Madrid because of the accessibility of fine art museums and beautiful architecture.

My number one piece of advice for students applying for the Gilman scholarship is to take your time on the essay and the follow-on project proposal. Don’t just go with the first thing on your mind; really reflect on why you want to study abroad so that you can come up with an essay and project that will stand out from the crowd.

Chelsea Armsworthy Lüneburg, Germany

I chose Germany because I love the German language and culture. I studied German for years and was ready to be immersed in the culture and language.

My advice is just to be yourself in your essays. Start doing everything early; there are many videos and blogs about what you need to apply. Start gathering your things in a folder on your computer. Start those essays as early as possible. It is a process, but it is worth it.

If you’re feeling ready to apply for the Gilman Scholarship you can do so on the website .

gilman scholarship essay format

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Applying for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

People walking down the street

If you are a Pell Grant recipient and a U.S. citizen, you are eligible for the  Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program . The Gilman Scholarship offers eligible students awards of up to $5,000 to help fund their study abroad. Students studying  Critical Need Languages  or STEM are eligible for supplemental awards. For more information and to apply, visit .

Summer, Fall, and Academic Year program deadlines are typically in early March.

Winter, Spring, and Calendar Year program deadlines are typically in early October.

Steps to Apply

  • Review the  Gilman website  thoroughly. There is important information for applicants including the  application overview ,  eligibility ,  essays ,  selection criteria ,  submission tips ,  deadlines , and much more!
  • Start your  Gilman application . 
  • IMPORTANT:  Complete the Outside Agency Scholarship Authorization to Release Information Form. This allows Financial Aid to verify your aid information as they are certifying your Gilman application. You can access the OAS Authorization to Release Information form by going to the  Forms page  of the UCSC Financial Aid Website or requesting it from financial aid directly. When completing the form, you may list Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program under both the “name” and “agency” sections. The email is [email protected], the phone number is 800.852.2141 and the address is 1800 West Loop South, Suite 250. Houston, TX 77027. Once you have filled out the form, email it to financial aid at  [email protected]
  • Need assistance writing your essay?  Start by using our  Guide to writing a scholarship application . If you need support writing your essay(s), contact the  UCSC Writing Center . The Writing Center works with all students at all stages of the writing process, including prewriting, writing, and revising.
  • Want a final review of your essay(s)? Our global learning advisors are here to help.  Once you’ve visited the writing center, our global learning advisors can provide a final review of your scholarship essay(s) before submission. Simply copy your essay into a Google Doc and share it with [email protected]. Be sure you grant us “editing” access. Give your UCSC Global Learning Advisor  at least 1 week  prior to the scholarship deadline.  Please note: we can only review your essays for content to ensure you are answering the essay prompts and are not able to spend more than 30 minutes on a review. The writing center can provide more detailed feedback. For more information about the scholarship essays, please refer to our Gilman Scholarship Application Guide .
  • Submit Gilman application by the  student deadline.
  • After submission, UCSC Global Learning and Financial Aid will certify your application by the advisor deadline (a week after the student deadline). There is no need to notify either office that you have submitted your application. Please indicate Ashley Bayman as your Study Abroad Advisor and see below for your Financial Aid Advisor.
  • For further guidance, review the Gilman  Selection Criteria webpage  to see the rubric in which all essays are graded and scored.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know whether I get the Pell Grant or if I am Pell eligible?

Check your UCSC Financial Aid Award for a Pell Grant. Also, check with the Financial Aid Advisors. You can visit them during drop-in hours OR email them accordingly at  [email protected]

If I receive a Gilman Scholarship, will that impact my university financial aid package?

It may, depending upon your aid package. The UC Santa Cruz Financial Aid Office has federal, state and institutional guidelines they must follow when awarding financial aid packages. You can only receive financial aid (including scholarships, grants, and loans) up to the total study abroad program cost. The Gilman scholarship becomes part of your regular financial aid packaging, with the aim of replacing loan eligibility with scholarship funds where possible. Please meet with one of our Special Programs Financial Aid Advisors during their virtual drop in hours or email them.

Who do I list as my Study Abroad Advisor?

Please list Ashley Bayman as your study abroad advisor.

Who do I list as my Financial Aid Advisor?

  • Luis Melgoza or Maria Orozco

Do I have to let my Global Learning Advisor or Financial Advisor know that I am applying for the Gilman?

No. Gilman’s online application system will automatically email us and the Financial Aid Advisor you listed on your application to let us know that you have submitted a Gilman application and to ask that we certify your application. We are very familiar with the Gilman here at UC Santa Cruz and are accustomed to certifying Gilman applications each quarter.

Where can I find my program information?

  • For UCSC-designed programs, including global seminars, partner programs, and global internships, you can find your program information under the  Programs section of our website. Please note, UCEAP, Other UC, and Independent Program information can be found on their respective websites.

If the information for your program is not available yet, please email us at  [email protected]  with any questions.

Do I have to contact my global learning and financial aid adviser to certify my Gilman application?

No. You do not need to contact UCSC Global Learning or the UCSC Financial Aid & Scholarship Office about the submission of your Gilman Scholarship application. We are automatically notified of your submission. We will make sure your application is reviewed for certification by the adviser certification deadline (typically a week after the Gilman application deadline). Once the certification is completed, you will receive an auto-message from the Gilman Scholarship website.  PLEASE note that in order for Financial Aid to release information to Gilman about your aid package, you must complete an OAS Authorization to Release Information Form.

Where do I go if I have more questions?

Please visit the  FAQ section of the Gilman website  first, then contact us at  [email protected]  or Gilman directly at [email protected] with any remaining questions or concerns.

In this section

  • Get Started
  • Why Global Learning?
  • Global Learning 101
  • How to Apply
  • Academic Planning
  • Understand the Cost of Participation
  • Get a Financial Aid Estimate
  • Make Your Global Learning Budget
  • Scholarships for Global Learning
  • Tools to Afford Global Learning
  • Student Stories
  • Adult Learners
  • Americans Abroad
  • Disabilities
  • Families or Dependents 
  • Financial Need
  • First Generation
  • Gender and Gender Expression
  • Heritage, Culture, and Diaspora Seekers
  • International Students
  • Mental Wellness
  • Race, Ethnicity, and Nationality
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Gilman International Scholarship

If you are a Pell Grant recipient and a U.S. citizen, you are eligible for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program. The Gilman Scholarship offers eligible students awards of up to $5,000 to help fund their study abroad. Students studying Critical Need Languages are eligible for an additional $3,000.


Applying for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

Conact Us

Questions? Get in Touch! Reach out to our Study Abroad staff for personalized guidance!  

Application Process Steps

Event Registration

Please register for any upcoming Gilman Information Session in advance by filling out our Registration Form  

  Steps to Apply for FAMU students

  • Review the Gilman website thoroughly. There is important information for applicants including the application overview ,  eligibility , essays , selection criteria , submission tips , deadlines , and much more!

Spring and Calendar Year program deadlines are typically in early October. You can read more information about these deadlines on .

  • Start your Gilman application . Complete all required fields. You will need an unofficial transcript as well as transcripts from all universities you've attended as an undergraduate. In the application, it will also ask for your study abroad and financial aid advisors. Please list Emily Maurer as your study abroad advisor. For your financial aid advisor, please list Bettye Colson.
  • Need assistance writing your essay? Contact the FAMU Writing Resource Center! : If you need support writing your essay(s), contact the  FAMU Writing Resource Center . The Writing Resource Center works with all students, in all genres, at all stages of the writing process, including prewriting, writing, and revising. You can schedule an appointment with the writing center  here .
  • Want a final review of your essay(s)? Our education abroad advisor is here to help!:  Once you've visited the writing center, our education abroad advisor can provide a final review of your scholarship essay(s) before submission. A rubric for grading your essays is provided below in the FAQ for your use, along with a sample ranking score list from a real live review panelist in the past. Please  note, we will only review your essays  for content to ensure you are answering the essay prompts and will not spend more than 30 minutes on individual reviews.  To take advantage of this service,  share your essay(s) in a Google Doc with [email protected]   (be sure you give us “editing” access).  All essay drafts must be sent  at least 1 week  before the deadline or we cannot guarantee they will be reviewed.
  • Submit Gilman application by the  student deadline.
  • After submission, FAMU Education Abroad and Financial Aid will certify your application by the advisor deadline (a week after the student deadline). There is no need to notify either office that you have submitted your application. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Please click on the "+" to learn more about Applying for the Gilman Scholarship

Please list Bettye Colson as your financial aid advisor.

No. You do not need to contact FAMU Education Abroad or the FAMU Financial Aid Office about the submission of your Gilman Scholarship application. We are automatically notified of your submission. We will make sure your application is reviewed for certification by the adviser certification deadline (typically a week after the Gilman application deadline). Once the certification is completed, you will receive an auto-message from the Gilman Scholarship website.

You can download it here .

If you are in the process of applying for the Gilman Scholarship, below are several resources that we encourage you to take advantage of in writing and editing your essays:

  • Gilman Application Process & Submission Tips
  • Composing Competitive Gilman Essays (Video)
  • Tips for Applying to the Gilman (University of Colorado Boulder)
  • 33 Tips for Applying for the Gilman Scholarship from Past Gilman Winners (USAC)
  • 8 Tips for Making Your Gilman Scholarship Essays Stronger (USAC)
  • How to Study Abroad on a Gilman Scholarship (CAPA)
  • Successful Gilman Essay Sample

The Follow-On Service Project essay of the Gilman Scholarship application is often a challenge for students. Your project idea should be both tangible and creative, and promote both the Gilman in particular and study abroad in general. Below are a few projects that students have completed in the past and that you may choose to use, or incorporate in some way. It is important to note, however, that these essays are always best when ideas are original and you can make personal connections to the project, its outcomes, and its intended audience.

  • Promote the Gilman Scholarship at our Study Abroad Fairs
  • Present about your experience applying for the Gilman and studying abroad at our Gilman Scholarship Information Sessions
  • Help review Gilman essay drafts at our Scholarship Writing Workshops
  • Join our team of Study Abroad Ambassadors (Peer Advisors) to promote study abroad and the Gilman Scholarship to your peers
  • Give a presentation to an organization you’re involved with at FAMU or in the local community
  • Create a blog or social media account for your time abroad, regularly posting content geared toward other students
  • Write an article about your experiences abroad, including how you got the Gilman, and submit it to the FAMUan or another media outlet

Please contact:  


  1. Gilman Scholarship Info

    gilman scholarship essay format

  2. Reflective essay: Gilman scholarship essay example

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  3. How to write sucessful Benjamin Gilman International Scholarship Essays

    gilman scholarship essay format

  4. Learn How to Write a Truly Impressive Scholarship Essay!

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    gilman scholarship essay format

  6. FREE 7+ Sample Scholarship Essay Templates in PDF

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  1. Essays

    The Statement of Purpose essay is an important factor in the selection of Gilman Scholarship recipients. We strongly encourage you to read the Gilman Selection Criteria, carefully review your essay, and ask an advisor, faculty member, or others to proofread your essay for spelling, grammar, and content prior to submission.. In your essay, be specific in describing your individual reasons for ...

  2. PDF Advisor Best Practices: Essays pt 1

    Gilman-McCain Scholarship Eligibility. $5,000 for child or spousal dependents of active or activated military personnel. U.S. citizen. Undergraduate student. Credit-bearing program. In a Travel Advisory level 1 or 2 country, or level 3 approved exception. No minimum length requirement! Recipient of any type of Title IV federal financial aid.

  3. PDF Advisor Best Practices: Essays Part 2

    The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program is a program of the U.S. Department of State with funding provided by the U.S. Government and supported in its implementation by the Institute of International Education (IIE). Advisor Best Practices: Essays Part 2 Building Mutual Understanding and Follow-on Service Project Proposal

  4. PDF Writing the Essay

    Writing Tips. Be precise. Use clear, concise language. Choose compelling words that paint a picture of who you are as a person. Give concrete examples. Mention the Gilman Scholarship by name. Avoid jargon: don't assume reader knows about NYU, your major or your planned field.

  5. PDF "Statement of Purpose" Essay Tips

    GILMAN Scholarship Application "Statement of Purpose" Essay Tips . Fall 2019 . Keys to a strong application essay: • Answer all questions. The readers will rate you on your answers to each question. If you don't answer a question you can't get any points for it.

  6. PDF Gilman Study Abroad Scholarship Essays Tips and Guidlines

    The Gilman McCain Scholarship- for dependent child of active duty military members at time of application in Air Force, Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Coast Guard, and recipient of any type of Title IV federal financial aid. ESSAY ONE: Statement of Purpose (7,000 characters including spaces; single-spaced) Personalize your application.

  7. PDF Composing Competitive Essays

    Welcome to the Gilman International Scholarship Program's Composing Competitive Essays video. One of the most important components to your Gilman International Scholarship application is completing your essays: the Statement of Purpose essay and the Follow-on Service Project Proposal. These essays are closely reviewed during the selection ...

  8. PDF Tips for Applying for A Benjamin A. Gilman Scholarship

    before submitting your Gilman application. It is important that you understand how study abroad and an outside scholarship may affect your financial aid package. • If you're participating in a semester UR study abroad program, your estimated costs will be based on UR tuition and housing costs, not on the program's costs.

  9. PDF Gilman Scholarship Essay Guide

    You will use this essay to explain how you plan to cultivate connections and be engaged. Prompt 3: Community Impact - Follow-on Service Project Proposal In no particular order, describe your Follow-on Service Project in more detail: ' What is your project and how will it increase awareness of study abroad and the Gilman Program among your peers ...

  10. PDF Gilman Scholarship Statement of Purpose Essay Tips

    The Gilman Statement of Purpose essay is your chance to personalize your application and make the judges want to meet you! The essay is limited to 7,000 characters (including spaces) which is about 1 1⁄2 pages, single-spaced. Visit for details and applicant resources to help you along the way! The program seeks ...

  11. PDF Gilman Scholarship Statement of Purpose Tips

    The Gilman Statement of Purpose essay is your chance to personalize your application and make the judges want to meet you! This essay is a maximum of 7,000 characters, including spaces, which will be about 1 1⁄2 pages single-spaced. Do not format (i.e. bold, underline, italics) your essays in your word processing program because the ...

  12. PDF MSU Student Gilman Scholarship Guidelines Created by Amy Huff The

    The Gilman Scholarship has recently opened up for the first 2023 cycle. You can start your application by going here. The purpose of this document is to provide guidance for the Gilman Scholarship process, including the essay prompts. Please use this guide. Work through the essay prompts step by

  13. 8 Tips for Making Your Gilman Scholarship Essays Stronger

    3. Take your time. Start your essays early — I worked on mine for almost two months! You don't want to start late, realize the deadline is closer than you thought and not have the time to give it your all. 4. Read your essays out loud. When you read out loud, you will stumble over any sentences that don't make sense.

  14. EASY Essay Writing Tips for the Gilman International Scholarship

    Thinking about applying for study abroad funding through the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship? Need help starting your personal statement? Look n...

  15. Gilman Scholarship Essay Tips from an Alum

    The Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is due Tues, Oct 3. We heard from a UC Merced and UC Education Abroad Program returnee and Gilman Scholar recently who had some very down-to-earth advice on the statement of purpose essay requirement for prospective Gilman applicants. UC Merced is considered by many to be the most diverse campus ...

  16. 33 Tips for Applying for the Gilman Scholarship

    When it comes to applying for the Gilman, humble yourself in every aspect of the application. Do not be afraid to reach out to your Study Abroad advisors at your university so they can review your application. For the essay portions, write about your own life experiences with clarity, precision, and genuineness.

  17. Applying for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

    If you are a Pell Grant recipient and a U.S. citizen, you are eligible for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Program. The Gilman Scholarship offers eligible students awards of up to $5,000 to help fund their study abroad. Students studying Critical Need Languages or STEM are eligible for supplemental awards.

  18. Gilman Scholarship

    The U.S. Department of State's Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship is a grant program that enables students of limited financial means to study or intern abroad, thereby gaining skills critical to our national security and economic prosperity. The University of Florida consistently has many students receive the Gilman Scholarship; typically, about 30% of the students who apply from ...

  19. PDF Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship Syracuse University

    The Gilman Scholarship Program is sponsored by the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State. The Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs fosters mutual understanding ... • Write responses to t hree required essay questions • Provide accurate information on the cost of your study abroad program

  20. PDF Welcome []

    Compose your essays in paragraph format (not as numbered responses to the questions below). Please preview your essays once you have uploaded them into the application to ensure the correct file was uploaded. Resources for Essay: 1. Strategies to complete the Gilman Essays • Statement of Purpose • Building Mutual Understanding Essay •

  21. Applying for the Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship

    The Gilman Scholarship offers eligible students awards of up to $5,000 to help fund their study abroad. Students studying Critical Need Languages are eligible for an additional $3,000. ... The Follow-On Service Project essay of the Gilman Scholarship application is often a challenge for students. Your project idea should be both tangible and ...

  22. Gilman Scholarship Essay Writing Workshop Series: #1 The Statement of

    The Gilman Scholarship, a U.S. State Department sponsored study abroad scholarship funding up to $8000, is currently accepting applications from students who are planning to study abroad May 1, 2024 to April 30, 2025: this application cycle includes Summer 2024, Fall 2024 or the 2024-2025 academic year. ... Event Location: The Spring 2024 ...