• Author: Litera Centre
  • Updated: June 22, 2023
  • Language: English


IGCSE – English, part of the International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) curriculum, is a comprehensive English language program designed for students aged 14 to 16. It aims to develop essential language skills in reading, writing, speaking, and listening while also fostering critical thinking and analytical abilities. The IGCSE English curriculum covers a wide range of topics, including literature, language analysis, and communication. Students engage in various language activities, explore literary texts, and develop their writing skills through different genres. IGCSE English provides a solid foundation for further academic pursuits, as well as effective communication in real-life situations.

Speech in IGCSE?

In the context of the IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) exam, a speech is a form of oral communication that requires students to present a prepared topic or theme clearly, structured, and engagingly. It allows students to showcase their communication skills, critical thinking, and ability to convey their ideas effectively to an audience. A speech in IGCSE exam typically follows a specific format: an introduction, body, and conclusion. The introduction captures the audience’s attention, establishes the purpose of the speech, and introduces the main points that will be discussed. The body paragraphs delve into these points, providing supporting evidence, examples, and arguments. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the key points and leaves a lasting impression on the audience. The IGCSE exam assesses various aspects of a speech, including content, structure, language, delivery, and overall impact. Students must demonstrate their ability to articulate their thoughts, organize their ideas coherently, use persuasive language and techniques, and engage the audience effectively. Moreover, students should exhibit confidence, clarity of expression, and an understanding of the audience’s needs and interests. Preparing for a speech in IGCSE exam involves extensive research, planning, writing, and practice. Students must select a relevant and compelling topic, gather supporting materials, craft a well-structured speech, and refine their delivery through repeated rehearsals. By mastering the art of delivering a powerful speech, students can excel in the IGCSE exam and develop valuable communication skills that will benefit them in various aspects of their academic and professional lives.

Importance Of Writing Good Speech in IGCSE:

Writing a good speech for the IGCSE exam holds immense importance. It is an opportunity to showcase not only one’s knowledge and understanding of the subject but also their communication and presentation skills. A well-crafted speech captivates the audience, effectively delivers key points, and leaves a lasting impact. It demonstrates the ability to organize thoughts coherently, utilize persuasive techniques, and engage the listeners. A good speech can elevate an individual’s performance, earning them higher marks and distinguishing them from their peers. Moreover, it cultivates essential skills like critical thinking, research, and public speaking, which are invaluable in academic and professional settings.

Speech, besides, is a powerful tool for influencing opinions and promoting change. Public speaking, for instance, has been used throughout history to rally crowds, inspire movements, and advocate for social justice. Individuals can raise awareness about important issues by delivering persuasive speeches, challenging prevailing norms, and igniting positive societal transformations. The impact of influential speeches can be seen in historical figures such as Martin Luther King Jr ., whose “I Have a Dream” speech fueled the Civil Rights Movement. One of the most iconic speeches in Indian history, Jawaharlal Nehru’s “Tryst with Destiny ” emphasizes the significance of the historical moment and outlines the country’s vision for the future. Similarly, “Quit India” by Mahatma Gandhi, and “Tryst with the Past” by B.R. Ambedkar are a few examples of exemplary speeches.

10 Best Ways To Write A Speech in IGCSE:

Whether you are presenting to your classmates or in front of an examiner, a well-crafted speech can leave a lasting impression. To help you excel in your IGCSE exam,

Here are the 10 best ways to write a good speech for IGCSE English:

1. Understanding the Purpose:

Before you start writing, clearly understand the purpose of your speech. Are you informing, persuading, or entertaining your audience? Identifying the purpose will guide your speech’s tone, structure, and content.

2. Knowing the Audience:

Tailor your speech to suit your audience’s interests, knowledge, and expectations. Consider their age, background, and specific characteristics that influence how they receive and respond to your message.

3. A Captivating Opening:

Grabbing attention from the beginning. Begin with a powerful quote, an intriguing question, a personal anecdote, or a thought-provoking statement. This helps engage your listeners and makes them eager to hear more.

4. Structure Of Speech:

Organize your speech logically and coherently. Use a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a strong conclusion structures the speech organically. Each section should flow smoothly, transitioning from one idea to the next.

5.  A Strong Thesis Statement:

The thesis statement of your speech is its central idea or the main argument. Clearly state this in your introduction, previewing the key points you will discuss throughout your speech.

6. Persuasive Language and Techniques:

To effectively convey your message, use persuasive language and techniques such as rhetorical questions, anecdotes, statistics, and emotional appeals. These devices will enhance your speech and make it more compelling.

7. Support Your Points with Evidence:

Support your statements with credible evidence, examples, and facts. This will add credibility to your speech and make your arguments more persuasive. Use reputable sources and cite them appropriately.

8. Vivid Language and Imagery:

Make your speech memorable by using vivid language and imagery. Paint a picture with your words, appealing to the senses and evoking emotions. This builds connectivity between you and your audience with your message on a deeper level.

9.  Practice Delivery and Timing:

After writing your speech, practice delivering it aloud. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language. Aim for a natural and confident delivery. Time yourself to ensure that your speech fits within the allocated time limit.

10. Craft a Powerful Conclusion:

End your speech with a strong and impactful conclusion. Summarize your key points, restate your thesis, and leave your audience with a lasting impression. Consider ending with a memorable quote, a call to action, or a thought-provoking question.


Writing a compelling speech requires careful thought and consideration. It is to be noted that writing a good speech requires careful planning, practice, and attention to detail. By following these 10 best ways, you can write a compelling speech that showcases your communication skills, knowledge, and ability to engage an audience. Remember to practice your delivery and be authentic in your delivery. With these strategies, one can be well-equipped to write an exceptional speech that will engage and move your audience. To ace the art of writing a good speech, head to our Litera Center IGCSE English curriculum and book a free demo class. Good luck with your IGCSE exam!

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10 Best Ways to Write a Speech - IGCSE English

What is a speech.

Speech is the delivery of a message to an audience via the spoken word. It is often used to persuade the audience to support an idea, or to explain/describe an interesting topic or event.

This question mostly appears in Paper 1 of your English Language and Literature question paper .

Features of Speech Writing

You will be given a reading booklet insert containing the passage for the speech writing. Read through the passage carefully. The adjacent question will be provided in the question paper booklet.

You would have to choose relevant points from the passage after having a thorough understanding of the question.

Now, convert the passage's selected points into your own words. After that, you can start putting the points together in a cohesive manner in the form of an effective speech.

Let’s take a look at how to convert the selected points from the passage into your own words.

“We could only see barren mountains despite walking for four hours. There were no other travellers on the mountain except a few lonely dwellings.”

"Four hours had passed, and all we could see were barren mountains. The route was devoid of other travellers; the only sign of human habitation was a couple of tiny, isolated dwellings."

Can you see how I modified the sentence structure and words from the highlighted section without altering the paragraph's meaning? This is how it's done; it's not easy at first, but with practise, it will become easier.

  • A speech shouldn't be a stream of consciousness, it should rather be well planned out. It should seem effortless and smooth. Make sure that you bring out a strong sense of voice and use words that are simple yet impactful.

Let’s look at an example of an impactful and powerful speech from history and analyse it to understand better.

“we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be, we shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender.”

Winston Churchill, 4 June, 1940

This speech was delivered by Winston Churchill in 1940 during adverse situations to inspire people to come together and fight on. If we take a closer look at the highlighted text we see repetitions of phrases and a rhyme scheme cleverly embedded into the speech. This evokes feelings of awe in us. We are automatically drawn to the articulation and our hearts pound in patriotism.

This is precisely the effect a speech should have on people. Your speech need not necessarily evoke awe but it should convey the message in an effective and efficient manner.

Always write your speech in the first person point of view . Since you are the person who is delivering the speech in front of an audience.

You may need to refer to the audience at times during your speech; in those situations, it is better to use the term we . Why, you may wonder, because it evokes a sense of unity rather than division. When giving a speech, this is a vital consideration. As seen in the example above, Churchill uses we repetitively thus inspiring the listeners. It unites the crowd and creates a sense of oneness in them.

Have clear topic sentences with separate ideas for each paragraph. It need not be mentioned but should have an idea what each paragraph should be about. This helps your speech be coherent and not mixed up.

Use informal language to connect with the audience, using high diction will create no effect in the minds of the audience. The message may be unclear, misconstrued or confusing.

Usage of emotive language, rhetorical questions, comparison are advisable. As seen in the example above Churchill has used emotive language via rhythm and repetition.

Keep the sentences short so you don’t deviate from the topic. This makes sure that the listener is following you and you don’t lose track of your sentence. It also ensures your sentence structure is perfect.

Here’s an Example:

Read Passage A in the insert and answer this question

You are the Head Guide, Chris (Peter’s boss). You are responsible for training the safari guides. When a group of new trainee guides arrives at the camp, you give a talk to prepare them for what lies ahead.

Write the words of your talk.

In your talk, you should:

  • describe the range of attractions Idube Camp and the area around it have to offer and how these might appeal to guests
  • explain what being a trainee guide is like – the kind of activities they will be asked to do and what they should and should not do as trainees
  • suggest what makes a good safari guide, the challenges of the job and the personal qualities they will need to develop.

Welcome to Idube Camp! I hope you are excited for the new experience of the camp. There are many exciting things ready for you to explore, one of them is the safari drives where you can see dangerous animals in their habitat and how they interact with each other. Secondly, there will be guided walks where the safari guides will explain the surroundings and tell what you missed during the walk. Lastly, there are dinner nights with delicious food and service with socializing under the starlight. The place is decorated with lanterns.

Being a trainee guide one should remain calm at all times. You should always be the ones to lead the group. Trainees are also required to carry liquid drinks to Bush Camp. My advice to you is to never run whatever you do. Try to never forget this point as it is essential and crucial.

What makes a good safari guide are the little things which are often overlooked. The in-depth knowledge of trees, birds and insects will help you. You should also be aware of taking shortcuts and changing paths when required. There are also some challenges guides should overcome first of all, carrying cans when they happen to let go of the wheelbarrow. It is also important to know the different bird calls to know whether they are alarm calls against predators or you. This will help you in navigation and protection.

So, I hope you are excited to begin this journey with us. We welcome you to Camp Idube with all our hearts! Thank you!

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A speech is a planned and practised text that you will need to perform in front of other class members. It should be approximately two minutes, although your teacher will make this clear. Speech topics range from the more serious ‘Present a global issue affecting the planet in the twenty-first century’, or the light-hearted ‘Persuade the class to watch a film of your choice.’ No matter what the topic, you will need a clear message with a concise argument. It is no use shrugging your shoulders and saying ‘I don’t know.’ You will need to be proactive with your research and opinions.

Watch the following video on Michelle Obama:


How well written is the speech?

How does she perform the speech?

Obama has clearly structured her speech. She has memorised the planned words.

  • Use of pauses

Obama allows for audience reaction and response. It is is easy to fear pauses, but let the audience have time to consider the message of your speech. Note that she does not stutter or stumble over her words.

  • Use of voice

Obama considers where the emotion in her voice should lie. As she is discussing her children, her voice sounds warmer and more emotional.

  • Use of hand movement

Obama does not keep her hands still. She allows herself to show her emotion through her hand gestures. You need to keep still but allow yourself to express feeling.

How should you structure your speech?

You must structure your speech according to purpose and topic:

  • Introduction - clearly state your view and
  • Arguments - provide 3 clear arguments. They should all strengthen and build upon your introduction. Think of each argument as a hamburger:

Speeches, figure 1

Each detail should be well researched. Provide statistics for your audience that are useful and support your argument. Your ‘colourful vocabulary’ should adhere to the purpose of your speech.

  • Conclusion - reiterate your argument clearly. Ensure you end with a strong finish.

What is Standard English?

There are two types of English: Standard English and non-Standard English. Standard English is widely considered to be the ‘correct’ form of the language, whilst the non-Standard form is a more informal form of the language.

Look at these two sentences:

  • 2mrw I go 2 the cinema 4 my brthday.
  • Tomorrow, I will go to the cinema for my birthday.

Which is Standard and which is non-Standard?

  • 2mrw I go 2 cinema 4 brthday (non-Standard)
  • Use of numbers instead of letters
  • Incorrect spelling
  • Use of tense is incorrect
  • Lack of accurate grammar
  • Lack of accurate punctuation
  • Tomorrow, I will go to the cinema for my birthday (Standard)
  • Letters are used
  • Correct spelling
  • Tense is correct
  • Accurate grammar
  • Accurate punctuation

It is incredibly important that the speech is written in Standard English, so that you sound professional and formal.

It’s important to practise your speech and not just use the tips for memorising:

  • Use a video recorder or phone and record yourself. Watch the tape and ensure you are looking still and confident.
  • Practise in front of the mirror. You can add different body movements to show your confidence.
  • Ask the family to be an audience. They will probably love to be involved in your school project. It does not matter how well they speak English but they can tell you if you are standing still and looking confident!

Remember to write a list of possible questions down that you might be asked by your teacher or fellow students. You must plan the answers.

You will be nervous on the day and the words will probably escape you. Your classmates will all be feeling exactly the same.

  • Stand confidently
  • Do not fidget
  • Speak loudly and clearly
  • Do not be scared to show emotion in your voice
  • Do not laugh

You need to look professional when you are performing your speech.

You will be assessed immediately and feedback should be provided straight away. There are a few official forms to complete, so try not to be surprised if your teacher is writing lots of notes. You may even be asked to peer assess other members of the class.


Best Ways to Write a Speech in IGCSE English

Home » Blog Microsite » Best Ways to Write a Speech in IGCSE English

  3038 Reads     Updated on: January 17, 2023

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IGCSE (International General Certificate of Secondary Education) offers up to 70 subjects to its students, including more than 30 languages. Students can take them in any combination. The groups under which the subjects are ordered are

  • Group 1 – Languages
  • Group 2 – Humanities and Social Sciences
  • Group 3 – Sciences
  • Group 4 – Mathematics and Business
  • Group 5 – Creative and Professional and Vocational

Students have to choose 2 languages, one subject each from groups 2 to 5. The 7th subject can be chosen from any group 2 to 5. Apart from giving an international education certificate, high scores on the IGCSE have other benefits too.

  • High job opportunities and expertise
  • Higher education in countries abroad
  • Work skills to adapt to social life

There are two options for the language English – English as the first language (EFL) and English as the second language (ESL)

Cambridge IGCSE First Language English (EFL) is curated for students whose first language is English. The course enables the students to

  • Enhance their speaking and writing skills
  • Expand their vocabulary, and use correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation
  • Develop a personal style
  • Develop an awareness of the audience being addressed

Cambridge IGCSE Second Language English (ESL) is curated for students whose native language is not English but have a working knowledge. The course enables the students to

  • Understand and use English in a range of situations
  • Enhance the awareness of the four language-learning skills – reading, writing,
  • listening, and speaking
  • Focus on the use of the language in everyday communication
  • Learn to complement the other areas of the curriculum by developing the transferable skills

Thus, the students improve their communication abilities in this language, increasing their opportunities for further studies or for a planned career.

To choose the right option, consider two major parameters

  • How comfortable and fluent are you in the English language
  • What your future goals – either academic or career are

Assessments of EFL and ESL – Writing

Paper 1 and Paper 2 of the EFL require the students respond to texts provided in the examination

Paper 1 – Extended Response to Reading

  • Requires the students to respond in 250–350 words to one of the following text types – speech, letter, report, journal, interview, and article

Paper 2 – Directed Writing – Two Questions

  • Evaluate the information in the text to write a 250-350 worded
  • discursive/argumentative/persuasive speech, letter, or article
  • Descriptive or Narrative 350-450 worded composition

ESL Require the Students to Attempt the Following

  • Make brief notes related to a text printed in the paper
  • Write 80-word summary related to a text printed in the paper
  • Write 100-150 words of continuous prose in response to a picture and/or short prompts printed in the paper
  • Write a 100-150 review, report, or an article in response to a picture and/or shore prompts printed in the paper

Let us dig deeper into the component – Speech writing – which is one of the tasks in the paper. Speech is the expression of or the ability to express thoughts, ideas, and feelings by articulate sounds.

If you have not written any speech, then surely writing one will be intimidating. But with the right techniques, anyone can write a speech. The main purpose of giving/writing a speech is making the audience buy your idea or pay attention to your thoughts and ideas.

Features of a Good Speech Writing Task

  • The student will be given a reading booklet insert containing the passage for the speech writing. Questions related to the passage also will be provided. The student needs to read the passage carefully.
  • After thoroughly understanding the question, he needs to select the relevant points from the passage.
  • He then needs to convert the selected points into his own words.
  • Finally, he needs to put the points and put them together to create an effective speech

Picking The Relevant Points of The Passage

The large variety of plants in Hawaii must have spread over considerable distances because the Hawaiian Islands have never been connected to other land masses. This necessitates a method of transportation as well as ecological parity between the source area and the recipient area.There is some debate around the involved transit technique. Some biologists claim that air and ocean currents transport plant seeds to Hawaii.

The results of flotation experiments and the brisk air currents, however, call into doubt these presumptions. Transport by birds is more likely to happen, either externally through unintentional feather attachment of the seeds or inside through fruit digestion and subsequent seed release. Even though it’s likely that fewer kinds of plant seeds have traveled to Hawaii externally than internally, more plant species are known to be suited to external than to internal travel.

The passage talks about the plantation in Hawaii islands. Since it is an island, the author emphasizes the long-distance dispersal of seeds for the growth of the plants.

He then talks about the dispute in the methods of seeds dispersal – ocean and air currents, and birds. He also discusses the reasons causing doubts on the hypotheses.

Paraphrasing The Points

Let us consider a few examples for paraphrasing the chosen relevant points:

  • My business partners and I are currently working to secure funding for a brand-new firm we are launching.
  • I’m currently looking for capital for my new company with my business partners.
  • This brand is preferred by most plumbers.
  • Many plumbers favor this brand.
  • The still waters of the Caribbean were teal in color.
  • The turquoise Caribbean waters were beautifully calm.
  • In the first season of the program, Mary’s brother and sister banded together to oppose her.
  • Earlier on in the show, Mary’s sister and brother struck a bargain. logically putting everything together

Putting The Points Together in a Cohesive Manner

The speech should be well planned out and smooth. The essence of your idea that you want to share with the audience should be strong and firm and use words that are simple yet impactful.

1. Always write the speech in the first -person point of view, as you are the person delivering your idea in front of the audience. Use of personal pronouns is a strong way to connect. For example

“I am sure that you would agree with me…” “I believe that you would have come across…’ “We all follow the same…”

2. Use anecdotes – philosophical, inspirational, or humorous. These can be used to – convey messages or for motivational purposes or deter the audience from doing something rather than handing over a list of rules.

3. Use Rhetorical questions – By bringing out the questions, you are not expecting any answers rather sets your audience thinking on your idea.

4. Clear Paragraphs – Have clear topic sentences with separate ideas for each paragraph though they are not mentioned. Each paragraph has to have the path indicators depending on whether it is in line with the previous paragraph or contradicting the previous idea. For example, ‘Another’, ‘In addition to’,

5. ‘Furthermore’, ‘Additionally’ – all these are indicators that you are conveying the same idea present in the previous paragraph. And ‘Yet’, ‘But’ ‘In contrast’,

6. ‘Contrary to’ – all these indicate that you are deviating or giving the other version of the idea presented in the previous paragraph. Each paragraph should have a topic sentence, supporting details, colorful vocabulary, and a concluding sentence.

7. Range of vocabulary – Sometimes a range of vocabulary included in your speech can take care of repetitive words and make your sentences stand out. Also building vocabulary helps in the paraphrasing task.

Keep the sentences short to avoid deviating from the topic. This makes sure that the reader/listener is on the same page as you are.

8. Appropriate closing – A good speech as it should have a strong opening should have an appropriate closing too with a small reiteration of your idea and a thanks to the audience.

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Are students allowed to bring dictionaries to the IGCSE english exam?

No, dictionaries are not allowed to bring in the IGCSE english exam.

Can a student use the British language English rather than American and Australian language English?

Yes. Students can use the British language, American and Australian languages in the IGCSE English exam.

How to write a speech for the IGCSE English exam?

To write a speech one needs to point out the relevant information from the passage. The student needs to put and complete the sentence in a logical manner. There must be a flow in the passage. And with the appropriate closing to end the speech.

What is Speech Writing?

Speech writing is the art and process to write a summary in a logical manner. In order to describe a topic for 5-10 mins of duration. Thus, This is called speech writing.

What is the format of speech writing?

First, start with the introduction. Second, followed by the body (main content). Last, End with a conclusion. Thus this is the format of speech writing.

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A fine wordpress.com site, guide to writing persuasive speeches.

Purpose of Speech

Speeches are usually formal spoken presentations for a particular purpose—often to persuade an audience to support an idea, or to explain or describe an interesting topic or past event.

An effective speech

  • engages the audience straight away through personal reference or surprising information.
  • uses humour, powerful ideas, imagery, rhetorical questions and repetition to make a point.
  • uses a range of sentence lengths for effect

Successful Persuasion

Successful persuasive language appeals to:

  • LOGIC Reasoning is clear and consistent. Logic may be real or false (i.e. giving the appearance of logic)
  • PERSON Know and understand the audience. Knowledge of personal motivations and history can be used to good effect.
  • EMOTION Use emotional appeal, highly emotive words, images, and colours to stir an effective response.

Structure of a persuasive speech/ speech

  • Captures audience’s attention;
  • Start with yourself and why you are speaking.
  • Include an interesting fact or item of information.
  • Clearly state your opinion.
  • Developing your ideas;
  • Using questions to engage listeners.
  • Your argument.
  • Acknowledgement of the other argument/ opinion.
  • Summarise your speech.
  • Conclude the speech memorably.

Useful words:

Adverbs : evidently; understandably; reasonable; undoubtedly; clearly; finally; strongly; adamantly

Verbs: to challenge; to oppose; to question; to implore; to urge; to condemn; to propose; to support

Adjective s: Vital; important; essential; biased; dishonest; inappropriate; controversial; brave; foolish

Transitional words and phrases : In addition,…; Furthermore,…; Above all… It goes without saying…; Of course,…; Decidedly…; Undoubtedly…; Indeed…; In fact… Specifically,…; More importantly,… Yet,… ; However,… In summary…

Useful phrases :

This needs to be dealt with…; Some people feel that…; How could you possibly…; What would happen if…; This would mean that…; Is it really worth…/ Do you really think…; Just think about…; I believe that…; Although not everybody would agree, I want to argue that…; There are several points I want to make to support my point of view. Firstly…; I have several reasons for arguing for this point of view. My first reason is…; Therefore, although some people argue that…; think that I have shown that…; We can solve this by…; If these plans go ahead…

Read the following speech identify the persuasive P IN A FOREST techniques (personal pronouns, alliteration, fact, opinion, rhetorical questions, repetition, emotive language, statistics, rule of three)

Ladies, Gentleman and Children, lend me your ears! I am here today to express my utter disgust at the so called ‘sport’ of fox hunting. Some of these rich, posh, toffee-nosed public school boys in tights say that shooting foxes does not always kill the fox outright and that hunting with dogs is actually more humane. However, that could not be further from the truth. Fox hunters chose foxes purely for puerile pleasure; not because they want to help farmers. Indeed, the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals reported a case of a twelve year old girl and her ten year old brother being traumatised at the sight of a fox being torn limb from limb by a pack of blood-thirsty hounds. Does this sound like humane pest control to you? Furthermore, being hunted by a wild pack is not a humane way to die. Statistics show that 92% of foxes killed in the hunt have a longer, more agonising death than these killed by more traditional methods of pest control. Stop the murder,stop the violence, stop fox hunting!

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what a lovely, concise speech! It gives all the points it should, too.

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Speech Writing IGCSE 0500

Speech Writing IGCSE 0500

Subject: English

Age range: 14-16

Resource type: Lesson (complete)


Last updated

8 October 2019

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A lesson on speech writing in preparation for 0500 IGCSE. Includes links to some fantastic youtube videos and builds on the use of rhetoric devices.

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example of a speech igcse

Speaking can be quite nerve-wracking, because everything you say is being recorded and marked, and for some reason human beings find speech more vulnerable and personal than text. I mean, ‘texting’ people is so much more easier than talking to them over the phone, right?

For paper 5 of the IGCSE English as a second language, you will be given a topic card based on which you and the examiner will have a conversation.

  • The examiner will start with a informal chat just to get you settled down and comfortable.This warm-up session will not be marked, so you should make use of it to calm yourself down and get ready. Be free and open with the examiner. Know that you’re just having a conversation.
  • You will then be given a topic card by the examiner. (During my speaking test, the examiner understood from the warm-up that I loved reading, so she gave me a topic that related to fact & fiction. You could do this in the warm-up- give a hint of your interests or a topic you’re very comfortable talking about ). You will get a few minutes to read the topic and prompts and to come up with your points. You can add your own points that are not prompted in the card, to get higher marks!

Capture 2

  • Have a stress-free genuine conversation. Don’t make it a speech , just simply have a chat with your examiner. Answer her questions. All those talk shows you watch and wanted to be a part of? Well, this is the time! Don’t get worried about how good you sound in the recording. There are going to be thousands of such recordings coming in for examination and every one of them is going to sound different from the rest. Different accents, pronunciations, styles, speeds. There’s nothing you have to worry about. Just chat.
  • Do avoid ‘umm’ ‘ehh’ ‘err-‘ and all that. Instead, pause .
  • If you feel like you’ve had a good conversation keeping to the topic given, then it is likely that you’ve done a good job!

The speaking tests are one of the first exams in the IGCSE exam sessions. It is perfectly normal that you will be a bit nervous about it since it’s your first ever board-examination. But once you’re done, I assure, you will feel silly that you worried about nothing. What’s more, it helps set the mood for the rest of the exam session. So, calm down- that’s the key to nailing this test.

Notes submitted by Lintha

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11 thoughts on “ Speaking ”

As an examiner and teacher, these are all the points I give to my students. Kudos to you for helping others

I found the information in the site very useful thanks

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Hi, my name is Elias and I am an IGCSE O Level student. I wonder what is the best way to practice beside than looking at my self in the mirror. I hope one of you responds ASAPS, because I have an exam this year may june paper 2020. Thanks, Great website and FANTASTIC team. Soooo much love and admire to all of you xxx.

Hello Elias, you could ask a friend or family member to sit down and ask you questions on a random simple topic. It’s best when you practice with a person. Good luck!

let me know how did you do in your exam?

Heyyy my name is Monaliza and I’m also an IGCSE student thank you Elias. Really nice of you I’m writing mine on may/June 2021

Lovely summarized!

Thank you! ☺️

this is really helpful!! thank you so much!!!!!

Glad we could help

Appreciate every work done to have such a useful site. Thank you so much

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