What Is a Doctorate Degree?

A doctorate is usually the most advanced degree someone can get in an academic discipline, higher education experts say.

What Is a Doctorate?

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It's unwise to apply to a doctoral program if you don't have a clear idea of how you might use a doctorate in your career.

In many academic disciplines, the most advanced degree one can earn is a doctorate. Doctorate degree-holders are typically regarded as authorities in their fields, and many note that a major reason for pursuing a doctorate is to increase professional credibility.

"If someone wants to be respected as an expert in their chosen field, and also wants to have a wider array of options in research, writing, publishing, teaching, administration, management, and/or private practice, a doctorate is most definitely worth considering," Don Martin, who has a Ph.D. in higher education administration , wrote in an email.

A doctoral degree is a graduate-level credential typically granted after multiple years of graduate school, with the time-to-degree varying depending on the type of doctoral program, experts say.

Earning a doctorate usually requires at least four years of effort and may entail eight years, depending on the complexity of a program's graduation requirements. It also typically requires a dissertation, a lengthy academic paper based on original research that must be vetted and approved by a panel of professors and later successfully defended before them for the doctorate to be granted.

Some jobs require a doctorate, such as certain college professor positions, says Eric Endlich, founder of Top College Consultants, an admissions consulting firm that helps neurodivergent students navigate undergraduate and graduate school admissions.

Endlich earned a Doctor of Philosophy degree, commonly known as a Ph.D., from Boston University in Massachusetts. He focused on psychology and notes that a doctoral degree is generally required to be a licensed psychologist.

"Since a Ph.D. is a research-focused degree, it can be advantageous to those seeking high-level research positions in scientific fields such as astrophysics or biotechnology," he says.

How Long it Takes to Get a Doctorate Degree

Martin, founder and CEO of Grad School Road Map, an organization that helps grad school applicants navigate the admissions process, says obtaining a doctorate is often a lengthy endeavor.

"Typically it can take between four and six years to complete any doctoral program," he says. "If comprehensive examinations and a dissertation are part of the graduation requirements, it may take a year or two longer. There is no standard amount of time – some students take seven to 10 years to finish."

Endlich says doctoral degree hopefuls should be aware that completing a dissertation may take a long time, especially if unexpected hurdles arise.

"My dissertation, for example, involved recruiting college students to complete questionnaires, and it took much longer than I anticipated to recruit enough subjects for my study," he says.

The standards for a dissertation, which include the proposal and research, are rigorous and usually involve a review and approval by a faculty committee, says Hala Madanat, vice president for research and innovation at San Diego State University in California.

"As part of dissertation requirements, some programs will require publication of the research in high-impact peer-reviewed journals," Madanat wrote in an email.

Types of Doctoral Degree Programs

According to professors and administrators of doctoral programs, there are two types of doctorates.

Doctor of Philosophy

A doctor of philosophy degree is designed to prepare people for research careers at a university or in industry, and teach students how to discover new knowledge within their academic discipline. Ph.D. degrees are offered in a wide range of academic subjects, including highly technical fields like biology , physics, math and engineering; social sciences like sociology and economics; and humanities disciplines like philosophy.

A Ph.D. is the most common degree type among tenure-track college and university faculty, who are typically expected to have a doctorate. But academia is not the only path for someone who pursues a Ph.D. It's common for individuals with biology doctorates to work as researchers in the pharmaceutical industry, and many government expert positions also require a Ph.D.

Professional or clinical doctorates

These are designed to give people the practical skills necessary to be influential leaders within a specific industry or employment setting, such as business, psychology , education or nursing . Examples of professional doctoral degrees include a Doctor of Business Administration degree, typically known as a DBA; a Doctor of Education degree, or Ed.D.; and a Doctor of Nursing Practice degree, or DNP.

A law degree, known as a juris doctor or J.D., as well as a Doctor of Medicine degree, or M.D., are also considered professional doctorates.

How to Get a Doctorate

Getting a doctorate is challenging. It ordinarily requires a series of rigorous classes in a field of study and then passage of a qualification exam in order to begin work on a dissertation, which is the final project.

Dissertations are difficult to write, says David Harpool, vice president of graduate and online programs at Newberry College in South Carolina. Some research indicates that only about half of doctoral students go on to finish their degree, and a main reason is that many never finish and successfully defend their dissertation

"Many of them are in programs that permit them to earn a master’s on the way to a doctorate," Harpool, who earned a Ph.D. from Saint Louis University in Missouri and a J.D. from the University of Missouri , wrote in an email. "The transition from mastering a discipline to creating new knowledge (or at least applying new knowledge in a different way), is difficult, even for outstanding students."

Learn about how M.D.-Ph.D. programs

There is a often a "huge shift in culture" at doctoral programs compared to undergraduate or master's level programs, says Angela Warfield, who earned a Ph.D. in English from the University of Iowa.

Doctoral professors and students have more of a collaborative relationship where they function as colleagues, she says. And there's pressure on each student to produce "significant and original research."

Many full-time doctoral students work for the school as researchers or teaching assistants throughout their program, so time management is crucial to avoid burnout. However, the dissertation "is by far the biggest battle," she says. The goal is to avoid an "ABD," she says, meaning "all but dissertation."

"In my writing group, we had two motivational slogans: 'ABD is not a degree,' and 'a good dissertation is a done dissertation,'" Warfield, now the principal consultant and founder of admissions consulting firm Compass Academics, wrote in an email.

How Are Doctorate Admissions Decisions Made?

Admissions standards for doctoral programs vary depending on the type of doctorate, experts say.

The quality of a candidate's research is a distinguishing factor in admissions decisions, Madanat says. Meanwhile, leaders of clinical and professional doctorate programs say that the quality of a prospective student's work experience matters most.

Doctoral programs typically expect students to have a strong undergraduate transcript , excellent letters of recommendation and, in some cases, high scores on the Graduate Record Examination , or GRE, Endlich says.

"The size of the programs may be relatively small, and universities need to be sure that applicants will be able to handle the demands of their programs," he says.

Because professional doctorates often require students to come up with effective solutions to systemic problems, eligibility for these doctorates is often restricted to applicants with extensive first-hand work experience with these problems, according to recipients of professional doctorates.

In contrast, it's common for Ph.D. students to begin their programs immediately after receiving an undergraduate degree. The admissions criteria at Ph.D. programs emphasize undergraduate grades, standardized test scores and research projects , and these programs don't necessarily require work experience.

Admissions decisions may also depend on available funding, says Madanat, who works with doctoral students to provide funding, workshops and faculty support to help their research.

Who Is a Good Fit for a Doctoral Program?

Doctoral degree hopefuls "should be interested in making a deep impact on their field, open-minded, eager to learn, curious, adaptable and self-motivated," Madanat says. "Doctoral programs are best suited for those whose goals are to transform and change the fields they are studying and want to make a difference in the way the world is."

Someone who loves to study a subject in great depth, can work alone or in teams, is highly motivated and wants to develop research skills may be a good candidate for a doctoral program, Endlich says.

Because of the tremendous effort and time investment involved in earning a doctorate, experts say it's foolish to apply to a doctoral program if it's unclear how you might use a doctorate in your career.

"The students are being trained with depth of knowledge in the discipline to prepare them for critical thinking beyond the current state of the field," Madanat says. "Students should consider the reasons that they are pursuing a doctoral degree and whether or not it aligns with their future professional goals, their family circumstances and finances."

Rachel D. Miller, a licensed marriage and family therapist who completed a Ph.D. degree in couples and family therapy at Adler University in Illinois in 2023, says pursuing a doctorate required her to make significant personal sacrifices because she had to take on large student loans and she needed to devote a lot of time and energy to her program. Miller says balancing work, home life and health issues with the demands of a Ph.D. program was difficult.

For some students, the financial component may be hard to overlook, Warfield notes.

"Student debt is no joke, and students pursuing graduate work are likely only compounding undergraduate debt," she says. "They need to really consider the payoff potential of the time and money sacrifice."

To offset costs, some programs are fully funded, waiving tuition and fees and providing an annual stipend. Some offer health insurance and other benefits. Students can also earn money by teaching at the university or through fellowships, but those adding more to their plate should possess strong time management skills, experts say.

"Graduate school, and higher education in general, can be brutal on your physical and mental health," Miller wrote in an email.

But Miller says the time and effort invested in her doctoral program paid off by allowing her to conduct meaningful research into the best way to provide therapy to children affected by high-conflict divorce and domestic violence. She now owns a therapy practice in Chicago.

Miller urges prospective doctoral students to reflect on whether getting a doctorate is necessary for them to achieve their dream job. "Really know yourself. Know your purpose for pursuing it, because that's what's going to help carry you through."

Searching for a grad school? Access our complete rankings of Best Graduate Schools.

30 Fully Funded Ph.D. Programs

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Tags: graduate schools , education , students , academics

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What Is a PhD? Definition, Types of PhDs, and How to Get One

What is a PhD and is it really worth my time? This is a common question among professionals across a variety of fields, both within and outside academia, who contemplate grad school at some point in their journey. If you’ve ever wondered what a doctorate is and whether you should pursue one to advance your career and gain access to better job opportunities, read on.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through key definitions, including what a PhD actually is, the common requirements you need to complete a PhD degree, and the best degree programs available for a wide range of industries. It will also discuss the main benefits of becoming a Doctor of Philosophy, as well as the most common ways to fund your studies.

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What is a doctorate.

A doctorate is a research-based academic degree. It is considered a terminal degree in most disciplines, meaning it represents the highest level of education a student can obtain in their chosen field.

A doctorate is awarded to students who have undergone a lengthy research process and made a significant contribution to the body of knowledge in their field of study. It takes multiple years to complete, during which students work closely with a supervisor and focus on a specific dissertation topic. Completing a doctorate might also involve teaching and comprehensive examinations.

A doctorate serves as solid proof of a person’s level of knowledge and expertise. It demonstrates that you have mastery over your chosen subject, and helps establish you as an expert. This level of expertise comes with top-tier job opportunities and the potential to earn top salaries in your chosen profession.

Doctorate vs PhD: Key Differences

While many people use the terms doctorate and PhD interchangeably, there are key differences between the two. These differences have to do with the application of these degrees. However, both terms refer to terminal degrees, so they hold the same value.

A Doctor of Philosophy degree, or PhD, is a research-oriented degree that demonstrates a person’s ability to contribute new knowledge to their chosen field. A student who pursues a PhD usually does so to answer a specific question, conduct original research to provide an answer, and use their findings to advance their field.

On the other hand, the term doctorate is broader and typically refers to a professional or clinical degree. This means that a person who obtains it has demonstrated an ability to apply advanced knowledge in a particular field in their professional life. Professional doctorates of this kind are awarded, for instance, to medical doctors or doctors of juridical science.

PhD Requirements: How to Get a PhD

While each PhD degree program will have unique requirements depending on the school and field of study, there are some common requirements you need to complete to get a PhD. Keep reading to find out about the most common requirements to earn your advanced degree.

PhD Statement of Purpose

A PhD statement of purpose is a document that clearly outlines your goals for your PhD, your academic credentials, and the reasons why an academic committee should approve your project. It is typically between 500 to 1,000 words long and gives prospective students an opportunity to explain how their research project will make a relevant contribution to their field.

How Many Credits Is a PhD?

Typically, it takes between 90 and 120 credits to complete your PhD studies. However, this number can be as low as 60, depending on the degree type, area of study, and state, regional, or institutional requirements. Credit hours for graduate students are usually divided between course work, research hours, and dissertation work.

Other Common Requirements for a PhD

  • Coursework. While coursework is not the main focus of a PhD, students will usually have to enroll in a few core courses during their first or second year of grad school. They might also have the opportunity to enroll in elective courses, which offer a chance to learn about other fields of study.
  • Qualifying exams. A common component of many PhD programs is a set of qualifying exams. Students must successfully pass these comprehensive exams toward the end of their degree in order to demonstrate their level of competence in their field. These tend to be oral exams.
  • Teaching. Many PhD programs include a teaching component. Students are required to teach basic courses, typically to fresh undergrad students, which helps them develop teaching skills.
  • Research. Conducting original research on a particular subject is typically the main component of a doctorate program, and takes up the bulk of doctoral candidates’ time.
  • Dissertation. Throughout their program, PhD candidates need to complete a dissertation based on the original research they’ve conducted. Graduate students do this under the guidance of a qualified faculty member.
  • Dissertation defense. Once the dissertation is approved, PhD students need to successfully defend their research in front of a panel of experts in their field before they are awarded their degree. This is the final step in the dissertation process.

How Do PhD Programs Work?

Typically, PhD degree programs work based on a mix of coursework and research conducted over three to four years, although this can last longer depending on the program and the pace at which a student completes their research. Coursework is typically completed towards the beginning of the program, and towards the end, the dissertation or thesis becomes the main focus.

In addition, students must fulfill other program requirements throughout this period. This might include teaching undergraduate students, completing a residency, passing qualifying exams, or attending conferences or colloquia. The final step is usually an oral defense in front of a panel of experts, who are selected to evaluate the quality of the research and the value of the results obtained.

Do You Need a Master’s to Get a PhD?

No, a master’s degree is not always required to pursue PhD studies. Many programs in the US allow students to apply to a PhD program straight after completing their bachelor’s degree. Other programs offer dual degrees, meaning that you will obtain a master’s degree while you work toward your doctorate.

What Comes After a Doctorate Degree?

In many fields, the usual step after a doctorate degree is a postdoc. This is an option for those wishing to pursue a career in academia and continue doing research in their field. However, an academic career is not the only option. Because a doctorate is a terminal degree, graduates can easily move on to professional positions in other types of organizations in their chosen field.

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PhD Dissertation vs Thesis

The main difference between a dissertation and a thesis is the scope of the research being conducted and the type of degree you are awarded after completing it. Often, the terms are used interchangeably, or they can hold different meanings in European countries, which causes some confusion regarding their nature. Keep reading to understand the differences between a PhD dissertation and a thesis in the US.

What Is a PhD Dissertation?

A PhD dissertation is a piece of scholarly work that presents the original research carried out by a doctoral student during the length of their program. It discusses the scope, methodology, results, and conclusions of the research at length. The end goal of a doctoral dissertation is to produce results that help advance human knowledge in a given field.

PhD Dissertation Defense

A PhD dissertation defense is the process in which a PhD candidate defends their research in front of a panel of experts in their field. During the defense, members of the panel ask questions regarding the information presented, providing the candidate an opportunity to back up their work and demonstrate the level of expertise they’ve achieved after years of dedicated work.

What Is a PhD Thesis?

In the US, as opposed to some European countries, the term thesis refers to a shorter academic paper that is usually presented for the completion of a master’s degree. It can also sometimes be a requirement for honors students completing a bachelor’s degree. The information presented in a thesis is usually drawn from existing sources, rather than from original research conducted by the student.

PhD Thesis Defense

A thesis defense is usually not a mandatory requirement for master’s students, although this varies according to your school and department. The thesis is still an in-depth piece of scholarly writing and serves as a testament to a student’s mastery of a given subject, and a defense serves as an opportunity to engage a panel of experts and defend the contents of your paper.

How Long Does It Take to Earn a Doctorate?

Most doctoral programs are designed to be completed in four to six years. However, it can take up to seven and a half years to earn a doctoral degree from the start of graduate school, according to data presented by the National Science Foundation.

A number of factors can affect how long it takes students to earn their PhDs. They include the structure of their chosen program, the type of research being conducted, and the support provided by the institution. On average, students completing doctoral programs in science and engineering fields finish faster than their counterparts in non-science and engineering fields.

How Hard Is It to Get a PhD?

It can be very hard to get a PhD. Working for several years on a particular dissertation topic can be very trying. Aside from the time commitment, the depth of research that is part of the dissertation process can also be challenging. Admissions to a top education institution can be extremely competitive, as usually there are only a handful of positions available for hundreds of applicants.

What Is the Easiest PhD to Get?

PhDs in the humanities, social sciences, and education are typically regarded as the easiest to obtain. However, this truly comes down to how interested you are in your chosen dissertation topic and your level of commitment to making a relevant contribution to human knowledge, both of which can greatly influence your perception of the difficulty of the degree.

How Much Does a PhD Cost?

According to data from the National Center for Education Statistics, the average yearly cost of graduate programs in the US is $19,792. Data from the QS World University Rankings suggest that the yearly cost of a PhD in the US ranges from $28,000 to $40,000. The total cost of a PhD can greatly vary depending on the university, length of the program, and funding options available for doctoral study.

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Benefits of a Doctoral Degree: Why Do a PhD?

There are many concrete benefits to completing a doctorate, such as career advancement opportunities, expertise in your field, and the chance to earn better salaries. Keep reading to find out about some concrete reasons why you should do a PhD to advance your career.

Career Advancement Opportunities

Holding a doctorate can provide you with great opportunities to advance your career. Many top-tier jobs in various industries require applicants to be experts in their field. For instance, a PhD in Business Administration can make you a strong candidate for senior, managerial, or executive positions in world-class companies in the public or private sector, or help you launch an independent career as a consultant.

Even for jobs where this type of formal training is not required, you may still find yourself in fierce competition with other applicants. A PhD can help you stand out as a candidate, as it demonstrates your ability to conduct research, work independently, and succeed in pursuing your long-term goals.

Increased Earning Potential

One of the top benefits of completing your doctoral degree is the potential for earning better salaries. For example, the average yearly income for a professional with a Master’s Degree in Physics is $99,000, while someone with a PhD in Physics can expect to earn up to $119,000 yearly.

Expertise in Your Field

Earning a doctorate helps solidify your status as an expert in your field. If there is a topic that you are deeply passionate about, your PhD is your chance to fully immerse yourself in it. Through this process, you will be making important contributions and developing groundbreaking practices in your area.

Transferable Skills

Aside from your ability to work independently and conduct research in your area of expertise, you will also develop a variety of transferable skills that will be useful to you no matter what you choose to do after graduation.

Throughout your program, you will be participating in committees, teaching, organizing conferences, publishing your work, and meeting other experts. As a result, you will develop multipurpose skills, including time and project management, communication and interpersonal skills, and leadership skills.

While you pursue your academic degree, you will be participating in academic conferences, workshops, seminars, and colloquia. This, in turn, means you will have ample opportunities to connect with other doctoral students in your field and in other areas of knowledge. The connections you make through your PhD can lead to career opportunities and expand your social circle in new and interesting ways.

How to Earn a Doctoral Degree

So, how do you earn a doctoral degree? While there is work to be put in, the process is actually quite straightforward. Keep reading to find out how you can embark on the path toward your PhD.

The first step to earning your doctorate is to complete a bachelor’s degree at the undergraduate institution of your choice. Depending on your chosen field, you might need to obtain a degree in a specific discipline, which can then pave the way for your graduate studies.

If a bachelor’s degree is not an option right away, you can start by obtaining an associate degree , which can even be done through the best online community colleges . While you obtain your undergraduate degree, make sure to seek out career advice from experts who can help you decide how to best use your time and embark on the right academic path.

While earning a master’s degree is not mandatory to apply to a PhD program, doing so can offer you a competitive advantage. It will give you a chance to deepen your knowledge on a particular topic, connect with professors and gather recommendations, and test the waters regarding your chosen field.

In order to successfully apply to a master’s degree program, you will have to provide your GPA, letters of recommendation, and sometimes standardized test scores. For instance, if you’re interested in pursuing a Master’s Degree in Mathematics , you will need to prep for the GMAT and submit your scores. Be sure to check the requirements of your chosen school and department.

Whether you have completed your master’s or are applying straight after your bachelor's, make sure to spend some time choosing your specific research area and the type of PhD you wish to pursue. This is also an excellent time to assess funding opportunities and contact potential supervisors to gauge their interest in and ability to support you during your studies.

In order to enroll in a doctoral program, you will need to provide quite a few documents with your application. Every school is different, but the most common requirements are transcripts, letters of recommendation, and a strong statement of purpose. Make sure you check the specific requirements of your chosen program, and prepare to be interviewed by faculty members.

After being accepted into a doctoral program, you should outline what the next few years will look like. What requirements do you need to complete to earn your PhD? Spend time crafting a realistic timeline that can help you stay on track and complete every step successfully. This includes teaching, participating in conferences, and successfully completing your qualifying exams.

The final step to obtaining your PhD is to successfully complete your research and compile your results in your dissertation. Once it is reviewed and approved by your supervisor and readers, you will have to defend it as well. It can be a trying process, but the results will be worth it.

How to Choose a PhD Program

In order to choose a PhD program that is right for you, there are several factors you should consider. A PhD is a strong commitment both in terms of time and money, so the decision shouldn’t be made lightly. Keep reading to find out how to choose a PhD program.

PhD Acceptance Rates

The PhD acceptance rates of a university give you an idea of how likely you are to be admitted to your chosen program. This number is a reflection of how competitive a program is and the funding the department receives. Use this information to orient yourself to the selection process, as applying to a variety of programs with different acceptance rates can increase your chances of being accepted into one of them.

Keep in mind that acceptance rates are usually measured by department, not university. For instance, Columbia University has an acceptance rate of four to six percent for its psychology PhD program , and an acceptance rate of five to seven percent for its history PhD .

PhD Dropout Rates

PhD dropout rates are important to consider, as they give you an idea of how supported students are in a particular program and how likely you are to complete your doctorate. In the US, PhD attrition rates, or dropout rates, can range from 40 to 50 percent , so take your time to find a university and program with a high success rate to ensure you will be able to finish and obtain your degree.

Faculty Members

One of the key relationships you will have during your time as a PhD student will be with your supervisor. You will also be working closely with other members of your department. As such, make sure to research the faculty to ensure that their interests and research projects align with your own. During the research stage, you can even reach out to them to find out about the department, ask about funding opportunities, and receive relevant career advice.

Funding Opportunities

A PhD can be costly, but there are many ways to offset those costs to make it more manageable. Be it scholarships, grants, or work opportunities, make sure to research all funding opportunities available so you can select a program that aligns with your financial situation. Many universities offer fully-funded programs to outstanding students, so do your homework and find a program that doesn’t leave you financially crippled in the long run.

When you commit to a PhD, you are also committing to several years of work. Unless you are planning to complete your program fully online, you should take into account the place where you will be moving to continue your studies.

Do you prefer big cities or small college towns? Which part of the country would you be willing to relocate to? Take some time to reflect on your preferences so you can choose the best location according to your needs and preferences.

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What Can You Get a Doctorate In?

You can get a doctorate in a wide variety of topics. Below is a list of common fields in which you can pursue this type of degree:

  • PhD in Psychology
  • PhD in Education
  • PhD in Nursing
  • PhD in Social Work
  • PhD in Economics
  • PhD in Business
  • PhD in Computer Science
  • PhD in Data Science
  • PhD in Business Administration
  • PhD in Accounting
  • PhD in Mathematics
  • PhD in Statistics
  • PhD in Engineering
  • PhD in Cyber Security
  • PhD in Information Systems

Best PhD Programs and Their Potential Jobs

The best PhD programs offer you the training you need to succeed in your field and access top jobs in your industry. Keep reading to find out about common programs in a variety of fields, both in-person and online, as well as the jobs you’ll have access to once you finish.

A PhD in Psychology provides you with the formal training required to conduct scientific research in the field, practice professionally with patients, or both. With a PhD in Psychology, you will be able to advance human knowledge on behavioral disorders, strategies for diagnosis, and treatment plans that are on par with the latest scientific discoveries.

Psychology PhD Programs

  • PhD in Psychology at Stanford University
  • PhD in Psychology at University of California, Berkeley
  • PhD in Experimental Psychopathology & Clinical Science at Harvard University

Online PhDs in Psychology

  • Online PhD in Psychology at Liberty University
  • PhD in Counseling & Psychological Studies at Regent University  
  • PhD in Counseling Psychology at Loyola University Chicago

PhD Psychology Jobs 

  • Organizational Development Director | Average Salary: $118,140
  • Research Director | Average Salary: $107,634
  • UX Researcher | Average Salary: $88,914

PhD Psychology Salary 

According to statistics presented by PayScale, the average base salary of a professional with a PhD in Psychology is $95,000 per year. This can vary depending on your location, company, position, and level of experience.

A PhD in Education prepares students to conduct education research and is typically chosen by those interested in pursuing a career path in academia. Holders of this type of PhD are qualified to work as curriculum specialists, policymakers, teacher educators, instructional leaders, and, of course, education researchers.

Education PhD Programs

  • PhD in Teaching and Learning at New York University, Steinhardt
  • PhD in Education Policy at the University of Pennsylvania
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Education at Harvard University

Online PhDs in Education

  • PhD in Education – Educational Technology and Online Learning at Regent University
  • PhD in Education at Concordia University
  • Doctor of Education at the University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign

PhD Education Jobs 

  • Elementary, Middle, and High School Principals | Average Salary: $98,420
  • Postsecondary Education Administrators | Average Salary: $96,910
  • Postsecondary Teachers | Average Salary: $79,640

PhD Education Salary 

The average annual salary for a professional with a PhD in Education is $82,000, according to PayScale. Those with jobs as professors in postsecondary or higher education can expect a range between $56,000 and $188,000, while professionals in executive positions can make up to $171,000 per year.

A PhD in Nursing is a perfect option for nurses seeking to work in academia or conduct research. It is the highest degree that can be obtained by professionals in this area who have opted to advance their field from the lab instead of doing so in a clinical setting.

Nursing PhD Programs

  • Doctorate of Nursing at Johns Hopkins University
  • PhD in Nursing at the Univerity of Washington
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill

Online PhDs in Nursing

  • Online PhD in Nursing at the University of Central Florida
  • PhD in Nursing Science at Vanderbilt University
  • PhD in Nursing at Walden University

PhD Nursing Jobs 

  • Dean of Nursing | Average Salary: $113,399
  • Nursing Director | Average Salary: $93,943
  • Nursing Instructor | Average Salary: $64,253

PhD Nursing Salary 

PayScale estimates that the average annual salary for a professional with a PhD in Nursing is $93,000. A nursing instructor can expect an estimated salary ranging from $53,000 to $93,000, while a nursing director can expect a salary ranging from $85,000 to $156,000.

Students who pursue a PhD in social work gain the skills and knowledge to act as leaders in social work research and social work education. Graduates from these programs are prepared to become involved in the creation and analysis of social policy, planning, and administration. They can work with governments, nonprofit organizations, or in the private sector.

Social Work PhD Programs

  • Joint PhD Program in Social Work and Social Science at the University of Michigan
  • PhD in Social Work at The University of Chicago
  • PhD Program in Social Welfare at the University of Washington 

Online PhDs in Social Work

  • Doctorate of Clinical Social Work at the University of Southern California
  • Doctorate of Social Work at Rutgers University
  • Online Doctor of Behavioral Health – Management at Arizona State University

PhD Social Work Jobs 

  • Director of Clinical Services | Average Salary: $90,983
  • Executive Director | Average Salary: $81,329
  • Nonprofit Program Director | Average Salary: $59,621

PhD Social Work Salary 

The average annual salary for a professional with a PhD in Social Work is $76,000, according to data presented by PayScale. A program director for a nonprofit organization can make between $49,000 and $84,000.

The best doctorates in economics prepare graduates to make decisions that increase the profitability of businesses, maximize the use of resources, and inform public policy. Over years of analyzing economic trends, deepening their knowledge of local and global economics, and conducting research, graduates will be ready to work in the public or private sector.

Economics PhD Programs

  • PhD in Economics at Arizona State University
  • PhD in Economics at John Hopkins University
  • PhD in Economics at Syracuse University

Online PhDs in Economics

  • PhD in Public Policy – Economic Policy at Liberty University
  • PhD in Business Administration at the University of Maryland – Global Campus
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration at Hampton University

PhD Economics Jobs 

  • Financial Manager | Average Salary: $131,710
  • Economist | Average Salary: $105,630
  • Professor of Economics | Average Salary: $97,190

PhD Economics Salary 

According to PayScale, the average annual income for someone with a PhD in Economics is $112,000. Whether you obtain your PhD in person or through an accredited online PhD program , you’ll be able to make an impact and earn well while doing so.

A PhD in Business prepares you to become a successful professional in either the public or private sector. With this type of degree, you can go on to work in corporate finance, international business, or industrial organization. You’ll gain in-depth knowledge about markets, competition, and government regulation.

Business PhD Programs

  • PhD in Business Economics at Harvard University
  • PhD in Business at Stanford Graduate School of Business
  • PhD in Finance at New York University

Online PhDs in Business

  • Doctorate in Business Management at Atlantic International University
  • Executive Doctorate in Business at Drexel University
  • Doctorate of Business Education at Creighton University

PhD Business Jobs 

  • Senior Director of Strategy | Average Salary: $156,566
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO) | Average Salary: $144,743
  • Vice President of Operations | Average Salary: $133,086

PhD Business Salary 

According to data presented by PayScale, the average annual salary of someone holding a PhD in Business is $150,000. This type of degree opens the door to top positions in various industries, almost all of which come with lucrative salaries.

The best PhDs in Computer Science are flexible degrees that open doors in a variety of fields. Whether you choose to get this degree in person or opt for one of the best online PhDs in computer science , you will gain valuable experience and deepen your knowledge of computational science theory, cyber operations, and information assurance.

Computer Science PhD Programs

  • PhD in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University
  • PhD in Computer Science at Boston University
  • PhD in Computer Science at Arizona State University

Online PhDs in Computer Science

  • PhD in Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at University of California, Berkeley
  • PhD in Computer Science at Indiana University
  • PhD in Computer Science at Mississippi State University

PhD Computer Science Jobs 

  • Chief Data Scientist | Average Salary: $190.365
  • Chief Information Officer | Average Salary: $169,334
  • Senior Computer Scientist | Average Salary: $153,972

PhD Computer Science Salary 

According to PayScale, the average salary for a professional holding a computer science PhD is $131,000 per year. As with any other industry, your salary will be determined by your level of experience, your position, and your location.

A PhD in Data Science is a research-intensive degree that helps you cultivate skills and knowledge in programming, statistics, data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. With it, you can launch a successful career   

Data Science PhD Programs

  • PhD in Data Science, Analytics, and Engineering at Arizona State University
  • PhD in Computational Sciences and Informatics at George Mason University
  • PhD in Statistics and Data Science at Yale University

Online PhDs in Data Science

  • PhD in Data Science at Northcentral University
  • PhD in Information Science at the University of North Texas
  • Online PhD in Data Science and Technology Management at Northcentral University

PhD Data Science Jobs 

  • Computer and Information Research Scientist | Average Salary: $131,490
  • Mathematician or Statistician | Average Salary: $96,280
  • Medical Scientist | Average Salary: $95,310

PhD Data Science Salary 

PayScale does not offer salary information specifically about data science PhD holders. However, statistics do exist for computer science PhD holders, which is a close match. They show that the average salary for a professional with a PhD in Computer Science is $131,000.

A PhD in Business Administration prepares students for successful careers leading business ventures across all industries. It is a highly interdisciplinary degree that includes aspects of marketing, economics, information systems, finance, and human resource management. Accredited online PhDs in Business Administration offer busy students the opportunity to complete their degree in a fully remote modality.

Business Administration PhD Programs

  • PhD in Business Administration at Duke University
  • PhD in Business Administration at Harvard University
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Business Administration at George Washington University

Online PhDs in Business Administration

  • Business Administration PhD at Temple University
  • Doctor of Business Administration at Liberty University
  • Doctor of Business Administration at the University of Maryland Global Campus

PhD Business Administration Jobs 

  • Information Systems Manager | Average Salary: $159,010
  • Human Resources Manager | Average Salary: $126,230

PhD Business Administration Salary 

The average salary of a professional with a PhD in Business Administration is $105,000, according to PayScale. Salaries for information systems managers with PhDs in this field can be close to $160,000 per year. On the lower end of the spectrum, university professors in the field can take home around $80,000 per year.

A Doctorate in Accounting is typically pursued by students interested in focusing their careers on research rather than the practice of their profession. This can be accomplished both in academic institutions and research organizations. Teaching is another common avenue for those who pursue this type of degree.

Accounting PhD Programs

  • PhD in Accounting at the University of Colorado, Boulder
  • PhD in Accoutning at Stanford University
  • PhD in Accounting at the University of Pennsylvania

Online PhDs in Accounting

  • PhD in Accounting at Capella University
  • DBA in Accounting at Drexel University
  • DBA in Accounting at Liberty University

PhD Accounting Jobs 

  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO) | Average Salary: $140,445
  • Corporate Controller | Average Salary: $104,674
  • Financial Controller | Average Salary: $87,309

PhD Accounting Salary 

Once you obtain your accounting PhD, you’ll be able to earn a salary of $109,000 per year on average, according to data from PayScale. With jobs on the low end of the spectrum, you might earn $59,000 per year on average, while on the higher end of the spectrum you’ll be looking at an average annual salary of around $230,000.

A PhD in Mathematics can be extremely challenging to obtain, and these programs are usually highly competitive and admit only a handful of applicants each year. With this degree, you’ll be using your analytical and critical thinking skills in fields such as education and academic research, technology development and services, or the pharmaceutical industry.

Mathematics PhD Programs

  • PhD in Mathematics at Columbia University
  • PhD in Mathematics at Harvard University
  • Doctor of Philosophy or Doctor of Science Mathematics Degree at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Online PhDs in Mathematics

  • Doctorate in Mathematics at Atlantic International University
  • PhD in Mathematics Education at the University of Wyoming
  • PhD in Mathematics at Edith Cowan University

PhD Mathematics Jobs 

  • Data Scientist | Average Salary: $108,660
  • Actuary | Average Salary: $105,900

PhD Mathematics Salary 

The average salary for a mathematics PhD holder , according to PayScale, is $110,000. If you opt for a career as a data scientist, you can expect a salary ranging between $75,000 and $141,000. As a mathematician, that range can be between $66,000 and $135,000. 

A PhD in Statistics is useful in various fields, such as the medical industry, education, and economics. During this program, you will learn how to better understand data, calculate risk, and successfully measure uncertainty, all of which have applications across fields and in both the public and private sectors.  

Statistics PhD Programs

  • PhD in Statistics at Boston University
  • PhD in Statistics at Columbia University
  • PhD in Statistics at University of California, Berkeley

PhD Statistics Jobs 

  • Statistician | Average Salary: $96,280
  • Biostatistician | Average Salary: $77,924

PhD Statistics Salary 

The average annual salary of a PhD in Statistics graduate is $116,000, according to PayScale. As a statistician, your average salary can range from $71,000 to $133,000, and as a biostatistician, you can earn a salary ranging from $66,000 to $139,000.

Depending on the university and program you choose, a Doctorate in Engineering might be a PhD, an EngScD, a Doctor of Science in Engineering, or a DEng, Doctor of Engineering. This type of degree is heavily focused on technical research and can branch out into a variety of fields, such as biomedical, electrical, or mechanical engineering. Whatever the specialization, this doctorate will teach you to understand and solve problems using your technical knowledge.

Engineering PhD Programs

  • PhD in Biomedical, Computer, or Electrical Engineering at Boston University
  • Doctor of Science in Engineering at Columbia University
  • PhD in Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Online PhDs in Engineering

  • PhD in Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics at the University of Alabama
  • PhD in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Maine
  • Doctor of Philosophy in Reliability Engineering at University of Maryland

PhD Engineering Jobs 

  • Chief Engineer | Average Salary: $86,920
  • Manufacturing Process Engineer | Average Salary: $77,452
  • Applications Engineer | Average Salary: $74,529

PhD Engineering Salary 

With a PhD in engineering, you can earn an average salary of $147,000 , according to PayScale. As an applications engineer, you can earn a salary ranging from $67,000 to $100,000, while as a chief engineer your salary might range from $105,000 to $273,000.

Cyber security is a growing field, and the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) projects that there will be a 33 percent growth rate for information security analysts over the next 10 years. A PhD in Cyber Security prepares you for senior-level cyber security jobs across various industries, as well as for research positions. 

Cyber Security PhD Programs

  • PhD in Computer Science with a Specialization in Cyber Security at the University of Rhode Island
  • PhD in Security at the University of Colorado
  • PhD in Computer Science (Cybersecurity) at Arizona State University

Online PhDs in Cyber Security

  • PhD in Cybersecurity at Capitol Technology University
  • PhD of Science in Cybersecurity at Marymount University
  • Online PhD in Technology and Innovation Management – Cybersecurity at Northcentral University

PhD Cyber Security Jobs 

  • Chief Information Security Officer | Average Salary: $170,271
  • Cyber Security Architect | Average Salary: $129,369
  • Lead Security Engineer | Average Salary: $120,827

PhD Cyber Security Salary 

According to data presented by PayScale, you can earn an average annual salary of $172,000 with a PhD in Cyber Security . This type of degree grants you access to senior roles, including director of operations, education program director, chief information security officer, penetration tester, and cyber security architect.

A PhD in Information Systems provides students with the education needed to understand and solve complex information technology problems, as well as conduct relevant research to propose new solutions and innovate in their chosen field.

Information Systems PhD Programs

  • PhD in Business Administration With a Concentration in Computer Information Systems at Arizona State University
  • PhD in Information Systems at Dakota State University
  • PhD in Information Systems and Operations Management at Emory University

Online PhDs in Information Systems

  • PhD in Information Systems at Northcentral University
  • PhD in Information Technology at the University of the Cumberlands
  • PhD in Management With a Specialization in Information Systems Management at Walden University

PhD Information Systems Jobs 

  • Computer and Information Systems Manager | Average Salary: $159,010
  • Database Administrator or Architect | Average Salary: $98,860

PhD Information Systems Salary 

The average salary for a professional with a PhD in Information Systems is $141,000. As with any other industry, this figure varies according to your position, level of experience, location, and the company you work for.

Can You Get a PhD Online?

Yes, you can get a PhD online. Many reputable universities in the country offer accredited online degree programs in a variety of disciplines. This education format is ideal for students who are unable to relocate or who prefer more flexible learning modalities.

Most Affordable Online PhD Programs

  • PhD ​in ​Education ​and ​Educational ​Leadership at Drexel University. Tuition: $140/credit
  • PhD in Mathematics Education at University of Wyoming. Tuition: $399/credit (in state)
  • PhD in Information Systems at Dakota State University. Tuition: $464.90/credit
  • PhD in Information Technology at University of the Cumberlands. Tuition: $500/credit
  • PhD in Media and Communication at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. Tuition: $516/credit (in state)

Free Online PhD Programs

Unfortunately, there are no free online PhD programs. However, a multitude of funding opportunities do exist to help you cover the cost of your program. These include scholarships and grants, loans, and various forms of financial aid. Fully funded PhD programs also exist in a variety of universities and fields to support outstanding students looking to obtain their degrees.

How to Pay for a PhD

PhD programs are usually quite expensive. Fortunately, there are a variety of ways you can finance your studies. Keep reading to find out about the main ways to fund your PhD.

PhD Scholarships and Grants

Scholarships and grants consist of funds provided to students so they can cover the cost of their doctoral degrees. They can either be need-based or be awarded based on character or merit. Recipients of this type of funds usually do not need to pay the money back. They can be awarded by universities or other institutions, such as charities or research foundations.

PhD Financial Aid

Universities typically offer a wide range of financial aid options to prospective and current students to help them cover the cost of their programs. This might include, but is not limited to, tuition grants, stipends, computer or equipment subsidies, and access to funds for research or travel. Make sure to consult with your department to find out what forms of financial aid might be available to you.

Fully Funded PhD Programs

Many PhD programs are fully funded, meaning they waive tuition and associated fees entirely for outstanding students. Sometimes, the full funding can also include book stipends or funds for travel and research. While these tend to be highly competitive programs, they also offer the best option to complete your doctorate while avoiding the financial burden involved.

What Can You Do With a PhD?

With a PhD, you can gain access to senior, executive, or managerial positions in your industry. You can also have a successful career as a researcher in either the public or private sectors as you continue to expand the body of knowledge in your field. You can also choose to stay in academia and work as a college professor.

How Much Do PhD Professors Make?

On average, PhD professors earn an average salary of $143,823 per year, according to data presented by the American Association of University Professors pertaining to the 2021-22 academic year. This number can vary greatly depending on your field and whether you work for a public, private, for-profit, or not-for-profit institution.

What Jobs Can You Get With a Doctorate Degree?

  • Senior Data Scientist | Average Salary: $128,060 . Senior data scientists use data to create strategies and orient the growth of organizations. They also serve as team leaders.
  • Senior Software Engineer | Average Salary: $121,578 . Senior software engineers are experts in their field and are tasked with developing innovative information systems to help organizations reach their goals.
  • Senior Research Scientist | Average Salary: $106,142 . Senior research scientists work in laboratory settings across various industries. They conduct research and experiments, which can have industrial, commercial, or academic purposes.
  • Top Executive | Average Salary: $98,980 . The main task of a top executive, regardless of the industry they work for, is to devise strategies and policies to ensure their organization meets its goals.
  • Postsecondary Teachers | Average Salary: $79,640 . Postsecondary teachers instruct students beyond the high school level. The subjects they teach depend on their academic track and areas of expertise.

Conclusion: Is a Doctoral Degree Worth It?

Yes, a doctoral degree is worth it if you want to position yourself as an expert in your field, gain access to senior, executive, or managerial positions, and enjoy higher salaries. It is also a great option if you wish to contribute new knowledge to your field by conducting groundbreaking research on a particular topic.

Completing a doctoral degree requires endurance, commitment, and an ability to overcome obstacles. It involves a strong time commitment of several years, as well as a considerable financial commitment, but it usually pays off. Whether you plan to work in academia, a private research firm, or any other public or private organization, a PhD will arm you with the skills and knowledge you need to help your career flourish.

About us: Career Karma is a platform designed to help job seekers find, research, and connect with job training programs to advance their careers. Learn about the CK publication .

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doctor of philosophy

Definition of doctor of philosophy

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1651, in the meaning defined above

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“Doctor of philosophy.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/doctor%20of%20philosophy. Accessed 24 Apr. 2024.

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Example sentences.

He also bragged about earning a PhD, a point Smerconish did not question.

Even his nametag played up his dweeby nature, labeling him “Mr. Gruber, PhD.”

Throughout her life, she faced public ridicule, legal persecution and, eventually, redemption through a PhD in clinical sexology.

“It is impossible by elections to choose normal people,” argues Yoram Gat, an Israeli software engineer with a PhD in statistics.

The son of Taiwanese immigrants, he grew up in California and earned his PhD in neuroscience at Stanford.

Damn few of them got it from me, I'm happy to say, and those that did, knew more about the subject than most PhD's.

It was a great diversion from the late nights working on my PhD.

[ gal- uh - maw -free ]

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What is a PhD?

As the highest degree level achievable at university, completing a PhD shows that you've made a meaningful new contribution to your chosen research field

PhDs at a glance

  • Involves three or four years of full-time study, or up to seven part time.
  • Typically undertaken after achieving a Masters degree.
  • Can either be funded or self-funded.
  • Assessed through a written thesis and oral exam.
  • Many Doctoral graduates choose to pursue an academic or research career.

What is the meaning of PhD?

The term PhD or Doctorate of Philosophy is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase 'philosophiae doctor'.

A PhD degree typically involves students independently conducting original and significant research in a specific field or subject, before producing a publication-worthy thesis.

While some Doctorates include taught components, PhD students are almost always assessed on the quality and originality of the argument presented in their independent research project.

How long is a PhD in the UK?

Full-time PhDs usually last for three or four years, while part-time PhDs can take up to six or seven. However, the thesis deadline can be extended by up to four years at the institution's discretion. Indeed, many students who enrol on three-year PhDs only finish their thesis in their fourth year.

While most PhD studentships begin in September or October, both funded and self-funded PhDs can be undertaken at any point during the year.

If you're planning on studying for a PhD abroad, take a look at our individual country profiles .

Do I need a Masters to do a PhD?

The majority of institutions require PhD candidates to possess a Masters degree , plus a Bachelors degree at 2:1 or above. However, some universities demand only the latter, while self-funded PhD students or those with significant professional experience may also be accepted with lower grades.

You may need to initially register for a one or two-year Master of Philosophy (MPhil) or Master of Research (MRes) degree rather than a PhD. If you make sufficient progress, you and your work will then be 'upgraded' to a PhD programme. If not, you may be able to graduate with a Masters degree.

If you need an MPhil or MRes before enrolling on your PhD, search Masters degrees .

What does a PhD involve?

A standard PhD degree is typically split into three stages. A three-year PhD may follow this pattern:

  • First year - You'll meet with your supervisor to discuss your research proposal and agree an action plan with deadlines. You'll then complete your literature review, in which you'll evaluate and critique existing works to inform the direction of your project and ensure that your research will be original.
  • Second year - Your focus will shift to gathering results and developing your thesis, and potentially begin writing chapters of your thesis. You may also present your results and ideas at academic conferences, gain teaching experience, collaborate with other students on similar projects, communicate the benefits of your research to the general public through workshops, lectures and presentations, or submit work for publication in an academic journal or book.
  • Third year - Primarily involves writing your thesis, though your research may still be in progress. After your supervisor gives their approval, you'll submit your thesis before undertaking a one to three-hour oral exam ( viva voce ) in which you'll discuss and defend your thesis in the presence of at least one internal and external examiner.

How do I find a PhD?

As a PhD is different to other degrees, you're committing to more than simply an advanced qualification. You've chosen to engage in a large-scale independent research project and so you'll need to take into account a range of factors that will drive your search.

A methodical approach to the process is required and you'll need to consider the subject you're interested in carrying out research in and the type of Doctorate you're looking for, making sure this is the right project for you. Only when you're fully prepared and have a good idea of your research proposal should you search for PhD opportunities .

What other types of Doctorate are there?

Alternative types of PhD include:

  • Higher Doctorate - These are usually granted on the recommendation of a committee of internal and external examiners, which assesses a portfolio of published, peer-reviewed research you've undertaken over the course of many years. This type of Doctorate is usually for those with several years of academic experience. Common award titles include the Doctor of Civil Law (DCL), Doctor of Divinity (DD), Doctor of Literature/Letters (DLit/DLitt/LitD/LittD), Doctor of Music (DMus/MusD), Doctor of Science (DS/SD/DSc/ScD) and Doctor of Law (LLD).
  • Integrated/New Route PhD - This four-year PhD course is offered by over 30 universities and involves taking a one-year MRes before studying a three-year PhD. It combines taught elements with independent research, allowing students to learn different methodologies while building their transferable skills.
  • Professional Doctorate - Geared towards students of vocational subjects such as medicine, education and engineering, professional Doctorates are focused on teaching and so normally involve smaller research projects and thesis component. They're often favoured by those aiming for a career outside of academia and are usually supported by employers.

How much does a PhD cost?

Tuition fees vary, but usually fall between £3,000 and £6,000 per year for UK students and those from the European Union (EU) with settled status. UK Research Councils pay universities £4,596 per year (from 2022/23) on behalf of each funded PhD student, so this gives a good indication of the average figure.

For EU students looking to pursue a Doctorate in 2022/23, you'll need to have gained settled or pre-settled status to be eligible for student finance - see PhD loans .

Non-EU students may pay considerably more for their tuition fees.

Despite this, many PhD students are now part or fully funded - scholarships and bursaries are widely available, and particular attention should be paid to Research Council grants .

PhD studentships and assistantships involving a mixture of research and teaching are also common, with scientific studentships usually paid at a higher rate.

How do I apply for a PhD?

Some students propose their own research area and apply for funding, while in some cases a supervisor may already have funding for a project and advertise it like a job. When making a PhD application, you'll typically be asked to submit:

  • an academic CV
  • your academic transcripts
  • two or three academic references
  • a personal statement
  • a research proposal.

International students without settled UK status looking to study certain courses in medicine, mathematics, engineering and material sciences are required to comply with the Academic Technology Approval Scheme (ATAS) . This involves undergoing a security clearance process with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office. International students may also have to prove their English proficiency.

What can I do next?

Your ability to critically analyse, display intellectual maturity, and research independently and honestly is highly valued within academia and the workplace.

Many students who undertake a PhD get an academic job or become an industry researcher, possibly following the PhD with postdoctoral study, then a fellowship or lectureship.

Other career options will depend on your study area.

Discover what a PhD degree can lead to at your PhD, what next?

Find out more

  • Consider your PhD options at 5 routes to getting a Doctorate .
  • Get help with choosing your PhD supervisor .
  • Explore funding postgraduate study .

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The Savvy Scientist

The Savvy Scientist

Experiences of a London PhD student and beyond

PhD FAQs – A Complete Beginner’s Guide to Doctoral Study

do a phd definition

Tempted to do a PhD but have lots of questions? Hopefully this collection of popular PhD FAQs will help you to tick a few off the list!

Note – If you’re already sure that you want to do a PhD, and are looking for guidance on the applications process, check out my post on How to apply for a PhD which includes advice from successful PhD applicants. My post-PhD reflections on the things I regretted from my own PhD may be useful for you too, you can find that post here .

Let’s start with the absolute basics of PhDs!

What does PhD stand for?

PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. Doctor of Philosophy ? No matter which subject area your PhD is in you’ll become a Doctor of Philosophy because philosophy derives from Greek to mean “Love of wisdom” which make a bit more sense.

What is a PhD?

A PhD is a type of research degree classified as a doctorate. You get a PhD by doing original research into a topic, typically for at least three years.

There are loads of other types of doctorate and a PhD is simply the most common. EngD is another which is relatively common for industry-funded engineering students here in the UK.

PhD & DPhil what’s the difference?

There is no real difference between a PhD and DPhil, they’re both Doctor of Philosophy qualifications. A small number of historic institutions in the UK such as Oxford and York offer DPhils but the degree itself is equivalent.

How common are PhDs amongst the population?

Approximately 1% of the working population (25-64 years old) have a PhD. This varies a lot by country:

do a phd definition

Can you call yourself Doctor with a PhD?

Yes you can. Though to avoid confusion with medical doctors, rarely will PhD-holders use the “Dr” title outside of their workplace.

Sometimes PhD-holders will add the abbreviation PhD after their name if they want to make it clear they are a non-medical doctor, for example “Jeff Clark PhD”.

What have I done about my title since getting my PhD? Nothing so far!

Why do a PhD?

Unlike a lot of other degrees, most PhD students get paid to study . Read more in the finances section below.

There are lots of potential reasons to want to do a PhD. The PhD students from our monthly PhD Profiles series said the following:

do a phd definition

Sara found research the most enjoyable part of her undergraduate degree and a PhD was a way to carry on with research.

do a phd definition

Ornob wants to pursue a career in evolutionary biology so began with a PhD in the field.

do a phd definition

Vivienne has aspirations to be a professor so a PhD is a job requirement to progress in academia.

do a phd definition

Jeff (me!) had an interest in the field and enjoyed research. I wrote a whole post with a deep dive on why I decided to do a PhD here .

do a phd definition

Floor had enjoyed research during her Masters and didn’t think that she wanted a career in industry, so decided to do a PhD.

It’s important to mention that you don’t need to have a desire to stay in academia to do a PhD. In fact, even if you do want to go into academia afterwards, it’s probably good to know early on just how competitive it can be. Many people sadly cannot make a career out of academia long term.

Enjoy the subject matter and want to spend a few years researching it? That is reason enough to do a PhD. I’ve also now written a whole post about the benefits of having a PhD .

Applying for a PhD

Do you need a masters degree to do a phd.

No you don’t necessarily need a Masters degree to do a PhD as long as you can demonstrate you’d be suitable for a PhD without it.

For a more in-depth answer see the separate post here :

Can You Get a PhD Without a Master’s?

If you don’t have a Masters, I’d recommend checking out Centres for Doctoral Training (CDTs) which offer combined Masters + PhD courses. We have discussed CDTs with a graduate in Floor’s post here .

What grades do you need to do a PhD?

Entry requirements for PhDs can vary. In regards to the UK system usually you’d generally be expected to have at least a 2:1 from your undergraduate degree, plus some research experience.

My experience : I (narrowly) got first class honours in my undergrad (MEng) which certainly does help. But if you can demonstrate aptitude in research you usually don’t need a 1:1. It would be expected for you to have done well in any research projects. If you can get your name on a publication then even better!

The easiest way to find out what is expected is to check the PhD advert for entry requirements. For details on applying for a PhD, including how to find PhD adverts, check out my guide here :

How to apply for a PhD

I work in industry, can I come back and do a PhD?

Absolutely! I worked for almost four years between finishing my first degree and starting my PhD.

A PhD is more similar to a job than any other point in your education, so if you’ve spent time in a structured role it can provide you with a good work ethic. If your time in industry adds relevant skills and experience to your application, even better!

I’ve met loads of people older than me who are pursuing PhDs. If it’s your dream, it’s never too late to start a PhD!

What is the social life of a PhD student like?

Let me get this out the way first: PhD students should be able to have a life outside of the lab! If a PhD student has no time away from research I would personally suggest that they were doing things wrong.

Even if you really enjoy your project, it is good for your mental health to have a social life!

No matter the size of your research group there are often departmental and university-wide events. Plus, besides everyone you may meet through your research and department, PhD students can still join societies and sports clubs through the students’ union. I spent one of my birthdays during my PhD on the beach in Morocco with the surf club, don’t let being a PhD student put your off getting involved!

Check out the full post I’ve written: Do PhD Students Have a Social Life? Sharing My Experiences Making Friends and Avoiding PhD Loneliness

If you do go on to do a PhD, make sure to make the most of all the opportunities ! Your time as a PhD student is fantastic for personal growth.

How much holiday do PhD students get?

Sadly unlike undergraduates, PhD students don’t follow fixed semesters. This means no more three month long summer holiday, sorry!

However most departments recommend PhD students take 7-8 weeks of holiday a year , which is more than practically any job outside of academia.

I kept track of all the time off I took during my PhD and you can find the details here , including a month by month breakdown:

Do PhD Students Get Holidays? Sharing How Much Annual Leave I Take

Getting a PhD

How much work is a phd.

For a month I tracked how many hours I was working and what I was working on, so you can see a breakdown of my calendar here . I found I was working for roughly 40 hours a week. Now that I’ve recently finished my PhD, I’d say that that amount of hours was pretty representative of the whole PhD.

How Much Work is a PhD?

I do of course know some people who worked much longer hours, but most PhD students were on a similar schedule to me. Working roughly 9-5 on weekdays. Treat it like a job and you’ll be fine. PhD students don’t need to be slaving away long hours.

I managed to be strict with my time, largely avoiding work late nights or going in at the weekends. One of the main perks of doing a PhD is that you have autonomy and can be flexible with when you work. As long as you get the work done, any reasonable supervisor won’t mind when you’re there.

Yes I’ve heard stories of PhD students having to clock in and out with an expectation that they spend a certain number of hours in the office. I personally think this is stupid and doesn’t build trust. Try to speak to current PhD students from the group when choosing a supervisor .

How is a PhD assessed?

What you submit at the end of your research varies between universities and countries. Sometimes it’s a thesis and other times it can be a bunch of published papers. In all situations you give some kind of presentation and answer questions about your work.

In the UK you usually submit a thesis in preparation for a viva voce . The viva is an oral exam where you discuss your research with several academics and at least one will be an expert in your field. My viva wasn’t as scary as I thought it might be, but nonetheless it was five hours ( FIVE HOURS! ) long. At the end of your viva you’ll get told the outcome of your PhD with any changes to be made to your thesis.

There is often no requirement , to publish your work in journals during a PhD in the UK but it does help.

In other countries you may have to publish a certain number to pass your PhD and effectively these can be submitted instead of the thesis. This approach makes much more sense to me.

How long does it take to get a PhD?

In the UK, typically between three and four years to complete your research and submit the thesis. It can then take a few months for the exam (viva voce) to take place and then for any corrections to the thesis to be made.

Nosey about my PhD? For me personally, I started the PhD on 1st October 2016, submitted my thesis on 17th February 2020, had the viva on 25th March, submitted my minor corrections on 30th March and had the email to say it was officiated on 1st April 2020. Yep, April Fool’s Day…

When you realise your degree certificate will forever say your PhD was awarded on April Fools Day! #academiclife @imperialcollege pic.twitter.com/hKsGFyuc0x — Jeff Clark (@savvy_scientist) April 14, 2020

We cover all the stages of a PhD here, including putting the length of a PhD in the perspective of a whole career:

How Long Does It Take To Get A PhD?

Are PhDs really difficult?

No, well not how you might think.

You don’t need to be a genius, but you do have to be smart with how you work. Here I go into how a PhD is pretty different to all the prior years spent in education:

How Hard is a PhD?

Check out my new post covering academic challenges and failures relating to my own PhD: Overcoming Academic Challenges and Failure During a PhD

Money-Related Questions

How much does a phd cost.

If you have funding, which is explained below, all your fees are paid for by the funding source. If you are looking to self-fund, then you’ll have to pay bench-fees/tuition fees, which are usually approximately £4,000 a year for home students in the UK.

Fees vary massively depending on both the country the PhD work takes place in and where you’re from. For example, I believe Australian universities charge around $100,000 in fees to overseas PhD students. Of course ideally you have funding which covers both this and pays a stipend!

Do PhD students pay taxes?

In the UK, PhD students do not pay income tax, national insurance, council tax and student loan repayments. This means that if you can secure funding, even though you may earn less than friends in typical jobs, you get to keep all your earnings!

Do PhD students get paid?

Most PhDs, at least in STEM (science, technology, engineering and maths) get a stipend: basically a tax-free salary.

How much do PhD students get paid?

At the time of writing, most PhD students in the UK get around £16,000 a year . Doesn’t sound like a lot, but:

  • As mentioned above, you don’t pay income tax, national insurance, council tax or make any student loan repayments. My most popular post is this one , comparing the income of PhD students vs grad jobs and the difference really isn’t that big. Plus it’s only for 3 to 3.5 years!
  • You’re getting paid to learn science, working on something you’re really interested in. It’s amazing.
  • You have a lot more freedom than practically any “proper job”.
  • You’re getting paid, to be a student…
PhD Salary UK: How Much Do PhD Students Get Paid?

In summary, PhD stipends are really not that different to grad starting salaries. Please don’t be put off from a PhD simply because for a few years you might be earning a bit less than if you were working in another job.

Depending on what you want to do with your career, having a CV may lead to higher salaries. What is 3 years of lower wages out of a 40+ year career? The answer: nothing!

Where do I find PhD funding?

Getting funding will likely be the biggest hurdle for you to secure a PhD. I have a post here detailing the different types of funding and how you can find a project with funding attached.

How to Find PhD Funding in the UK

Can you self-fund a PhD?

Yes you can self-fund a PhD, and some students are in a position to do so. Just be careful that you account for university fees and not just your living costs.

Are you allowed to have another job at the same time?

Most universities encourage you to get involved with work within your department as a graduate teaching assistant (GTA). Some countries even insist that you work a certain number of hours as part of a contract for your monthly stipend.

Working as a GTA you might be invigilating exams, helping in tutorials, marking coursework etc and at Imperial you usually earn around £15-£26 an hour.

If you’re looking to work a full time job in tandem with your PhD (and doing the PhD full time), it is best checking your university’s policy. Some may have regulations against you working over a certain number of hours which could impede you from concentrating on the PhD.

There are extra ways to make money on the side which I address here :

How to Earn Money Online for Students

Can you get a mortgage as a PhD student?

Since I did my PhD in London I didn’t even consider buying somewhere during my PhD. I’m not interested in being tied into a massive mortgage for 25 years to buy a shoebox!

If I’d accepted my PhD offer for a CDT at Leeds I certainly would have tried to buy somewhere with my partner. I found this page useful when doing research. Buying a property with a partner who has a normal job would definitely make the mortgage application a whole lot more successful.

Will a PhD help your career?

This depends on what you want to do with your career. Some example scenarios:

  • Staying in academia – a PhD is usually required
  • Certain technical jobs in industry – a PhD may be required or a big bonus
  • Non-technical jobs – a bonus

I do not imagine any scenarios where having a PhD is worse than not having one. It is true though that for certain careers there may be other things you could do which would be a better use of your time, for example gaining more direct work experience.

If you want to do a PhD that shouldn’t stop you though, and considering the length of your career taking a few years out for a PhD is inconsequential.

Whichever career path you fancy taking, if you are at all interested in doing a PhD I think you should at least apply.

PhDs in London

Can someone afford to live in london as a phd student.

Yes! I lived in London for my PhD and actually was able to save money every single month while taking many holidays and not living in a tent.

I have a few posts sharing my experiences living in London which you may find useful:

For a month last year I tracked all my expenses to get an idea of my costs living in London as a student, you can find it here .

Sharing my monthly living expenses as a student in London: September 2019

Related to reducing costs, I learned to cycle in London and loved it. It saved me about £100 a month too!

Learning to cycle in London: my first 1000 miles

On top of that, for the whole of 2019 (third year PhD) I tracked my money, and the report is here :

My personal finances report for 2019

Where is good to live in London?

I’ve lived in three different houses during my PhD in London and have a pretty good idea now of good places to live in London. You can read this whole post talking about living in London as a student and the associated costs including a breakdown of rent :

London student accommodation: Breaking down the cost of living in London for students

Bonus: Read the journeys of PhD students

Before I started my PhD I had a ton of questions and nobody who I could ask about their experience. The reality is that many of these PhD FAQs have a variety of answers as everyone’s PhD story is different. Therefore if you’d like to hear first hand from people who are going through the journey check out my series of PhD profiles , with a new profile every month. You can also discover some of their top tips for applying!

do a phd definition

If you’d like personalised help with your PhD application I am now starting to offer a small number of one-to-one sessions. Please contact me to find out more or click here to book a call.

Is there anything else you’d like to know to help with a potential PhD application? Let me know and I’ll write about it! You can subscribe to stay up to date here:

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Definition of PhD noun from the Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

  • to do/have/be a PhD
  • Anne Thomas, PhD
  • acquire/​get/​lack (an) education/​training/ (British English) (some) qualifications
  • receive/​provide somebody with training/​tuition
  • develop/​design/​plan a curriculum/ (especially British English) course/ (North American English) program/​syllabus
  • give/​go to/​attend a class/​lesson/​lecture/​seminar
  • hold/​run/​conduct a class/​seminar/​workshop
  • sign up for/​take a course/​classes/​lessons
  • go to/​start preschool/​kindergarten/​nursery school
  • be in (North American English) the first, second, etc. grade/ (British English) year 1, 2. etc. (at school)
  • study/​take/​drop history/​chemistry/​German, etc.
  • (British English) leave/​finish/​drop out of/ (North American English) quit school
  • (North American English) graduate high school/​college
  • be the victim/​target of bullying
  • (British English) play truant from/ (both British English, informal) bunk off/​skive off school (= not go to school when you should)
  • (both especially North American English) skip/​cut class/​school
  • (British English) cheat in/ (North American English) cheat on an exam/​a test
  • get/​be given a detention (for doing something)
  • be expelled from/​be suspended from school
  • do your homework/ (British English) revision/​a project on something
  • work on/​write/​do/​submit an essay/​a dissertation/​a thesis/​an assignment/ (North American English) a paper
  • finish/​complete your dissertation/​thesis/​studies/​coursework
  • hand in/ (North American English) turn in your homework/​essay/​assignment/​paper
  • study/​prepare/ (British English) revise/ (North American English) review/ (North American English, informal) cram for a test/​an exam
  • take/ (both British English) do/​sit a test/​an exam
  • (especially British English) mark/ (especially North American English) grade homework/​a test
  • (British English) do well in/ (North American English) do well on/ (especially North American English, informal) ace a test/​an exam
  • pass/​fail/ (especially North American English, informal) flunk a test/​an exam/​a class/​a course/​a subject
  • apply to/​get into/​go to/​start college/ (British English) university
  • leave/​graduate from law school/​college/ (British English) university (with a degree in computer science)
  • study for/​take/ (British English) do/​complete a law degree/​a degree in physics
  • (both North American English) major/​minor in biology/​philosophy
  • earn/​receive/​be awarded/​get/​have/​hold a master’s degree/​a bachelor’s degree/​a PhD in economics
  • dissertation

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What Is A PhD Student? A Definition

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What is a PhD student

All PhD students are conducting some sort of research and many of them will be also teaching and assisting in their departments. Very few PhDs are completed on a  part-time  basis, so most PhD students are studying on a full-time basis. PhD students have often been getting ready to embark on their doctoral studies  for a very long time. While many of them may have taken up paid research positions, but this is not always the case so searching for funding is an on going activity for some PhD students. 

Here we take a look at many of the factors that make up what a PhD student actually is...

They're quite mature...

PhD students are all mature students , as they have already completed undergraduate and postgraduate degrees already. Most PhD students will have done a masters in preparation for starting a PhD , this is often an MPhil or a Masters by Research . All of this previous study means that PhD students have strong study skills and have spent time building academic qualifications in the lead up to their PhD. Many students go straight through an undergraduate and masters level to a PhD, but many other students have already started working, and their PhD is a way to grow an already established career. 

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Mohammad Abdollahi is a 35-year-old Iranian student studying a PhD in Operational Research at the University of Essex. He was delighted when he found out he’d been awarded a Postgrad Solutions Study Bursary worth £500. As an international student coming to the UK with his wife and two children, it has proved to be an invaluable funding resource as he explains. “It was good news and exciting – I was overwhelmed with joy!”

do a phd definition

PhD students are always researching

PhDs are all research degrees and most students who are embarking on a PhD have already completed some form of research. The research comes in many forms, such as scientific, sociological, archaeological, medical or historical and this research guided by their PhD supervisor . This is one of the most important relationships during a PhD as it is their guidance that shapes a PhD student's thesis . 

Many PhD students are teaching

Many PhD students will supplement their income by teaching or working as assistants in their department or work at the university. In some institutions it is expected that PhD students will do this and in other universities it is an optional extra that is not required. Teaching responsibilities may include assisting with lectures or tutorials and helping with undergraduate supervision. 

They are mostly full-time students 

This can be one of the big attractions for some undergraduates when they see PhD students still living a student lifestyle. However, most PhD students would not think that their lifestyles are something to aim for and the academic work they need to do does take up most of their time. The vast majority of PhD students are full-time and  part-time PhD students  find it difficult to maintain their studies over the six to eight years it may take to complete their research. They are, however, often very passionate about their studies. 

Some of them are getting paid to study

PhD students select their topic for research in one of two ways. They might decide on their research topic and then find a PhD supervisor or they may apply for one of the many advertised research positions. Searching for a supervisor can be a difficult route, especially if you change institutions between your masters and your PhD. Using the network of contacts you have built up during your previous studies or career is the key to finding a supervisor. The advantage of the second route is that the funding for the research is already in place and the student will receive a stipend as well. 

PhD students do worry about funding

Getting funding in place is a major worry for a large proportion of PhD students and it is often the case that many students start their PhDs without full funding in place. This is often why students might start on a part-time basis. PhD funding can come from a huge range of sources including the  government , grants and scholarships and most students  begin their search  with their university department.

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Meaning of PhD in English

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  • associate's degree
  • baccalaureate
  • bachelor's degree
  • double major
  • first degree
  • Master's degree
  • second degree
  • summa cum laude

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PHD Meaning: Here’s What It Means and How to Use It?


You’ve likely seen the abbreviation PHD — but what is the meaning of PHD? We’ll tell you. Read on as we explore this common acronym.

do a phd definition

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There are several ways to abbreviate words in the English language — hence why there are so many acronyms and abbreviations found in the dictionary today. 

While some terms are pretty self-explanatory, like “Feb,” which stands for “February,” there are some acronyms that could use a bit of explaining — such as Ph.D.

Although Ph.D is an abbreviation with more than one meaning, it commonly refers to a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D): spelled with a capitalized “P,” lowercase “h,” and uppercase “D.”  

Interested in learning more? We can help. Read on as we explore the abbreviation Ph.D to uncover its meaning, origin, and more. Are you ready? Let’s dive in.

do a phd definition

What Does PhD Mean?

Ph.D — aka Doctor of Philosophy — is defined by Dictionary.com as the highest degree awarded by a school in a field of academic study. A doctorate is typically awarded to an individual who has completed three or more years of graduate study and a dissertation approved by a committee of professors. 

Common abbreviations used for the doctor of philosophy include: 

  • Ph.D. 

After completing the Ph.D degree or dissertation, a graduate can use Dr. or Ph.D. For example:

  • Dr. Suzie Johnson or
  • Suzie Johnson (Ph.D) or
  • Dr. Suzie Johnson (Ph.D) 

What Is the Origin of Ph.D?

Abbreviated from the Latin term philosophiae doctor meaning “doctor of philosophy,” the Ph.D is the highest degree in most fields, with the notable exceptions of medicine and law that have their own doctorates. The degree originated in 19th century Germany when the word “philosophy” had the much broader meaning of “love of wisdom.”

Though universities have existed in Europe long before the 19th century, the degrees that medieval universities awarded to students had more in common with the MD than with the Ph.D, as they required mastery of already existing knowledge. 

In 1861, Yale University became the first institution of higher education in the United States to award the degree, conferring it on three recipients; Arthur W, Wright, James M. Whiton, and Eugene Schuyler. A few decades later, Canada accepted Ph.D as their highest level of honor, and in 1917, the doctoral of philosophy was introduced in all disciplines of the subjects.  

How Can I Use Ph.D in a Sentence?

Now that you understand what Ph.D means, let’s take a look at some examples of this acronym in a sentence:

“After telling him I earned an academic degree, he bragged for the rest of the night about having a Ph.D .”

“I can’t decide what academic field to get my Ph.D in.”

“Tom can’t work full-time because he is a Ph.D student and has to work on his thesis.”

“My mom is thinking about going back to school to complete a Ph.D program in psychology.”

“I am in the second year of my Ph.D program.”

“Whether you like physics, chemistry, or psychology, you can find a Ph.D program on campus,”

“Look, I understand that you’re my supervisor, but I am looking to get my Ph.D degree and ultimately become a doctor of medicine; in other words, I have to study and can’t pick up more than one shift per week.” 

“Have you taken the exams yet to get your Ph.D ?”

“Did you know that some Ph.D programs accept a portfolio of published papers?”

“To get a Ph.D , it’s important to study hard and get good grades.”

“Gosh, I didn’t realize how many seminars and workshops I’d have to attend to get a Ph.D !”

“A Ph.D comes with a pretty hefty fee, so be sure to apply for scholarships.”

What Is a Doctorate?

Simply put, a doctorate is any qualification that awards a doctoral degree. To qualify for one, you need to produce work at a high level that makes a significant new contribution to knowledge in your academic field. Doing so earns you the title “Doctor.”

Many people believe a doctorate and a Ph.D are the same. However, this is not the case, as a Ph.D is a type of doctorate, such as a Doctor of Philosophy. Other doctoral degrees or types of doctorate include:

  • Doctor of Education
  • Doctor of Theology
  • Doctor of Medicine
  • Doctor of Musical Arts
  • Doctor of Literature
  • Doctor of Divinity
  • Doctor of Civil Law
  • Doctor of Science

According to the American Psychological Association, the Ph.D is intended for students interested in gaining new knowledge through scientific research, or teaching experience. 

Does PHD Stand For Anything Else?

Although the abbreviation PHD is most commonly associated with the Doctorate of Philosophy, it does have a few other meanings:

  • Pizza Hut Delivery
  • Press Here, Dummy
  • Permanent Head Damage
  • Pretty Heavy Drinker
  • Please Hire Desperate
  • Preparing His Disciples
  • Player Hating Degree
  • Power Hungry Dog
  • Premium Hot Dog
  • Pretty Heavy Dude
  • Poor, Hungry, and Determined

A Final Word

So, what does PHD mean, you ask?

Simply put, PHD is an abbreviation that stands for many words; however, it’s most commonly used to abbreviate “Doctor of Philosophy.”

We hope this guide has provided you with all of the information you need to understand the meaning of PHD fully. To discover more interesting words and strengthen your overall vocabulary, be sure to check out our website , where you’ll find definitions, grammar tips, and more!  

  • A Brief History of the PhD | NeuWrite West 
  • Ph.d. Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
  • The First American Doctor of Philosophy Degree: A Centennial Salute to Yale, 1861-1961 | The Journal of Higher Education


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

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  1. Doctor of Philosophy

    A Doctor of Philosophy (PhD, Ph.D., or DPhil; Latin: philosophiae doctor or doctor philosophiae) is the most common degree at the highest academic level, awarded following a course of study and research. The degree is abbreviated PhD and sometimes, especially in the U.S., as Ph.D. It is derived from the Latin Philosophiae Doctor, pronounced as three separate letters (/ p iː eɪ tʃ ˈ d iː ...

  2. Explained: What Is a PhD Degree?

    PhD stands for Doctor of Philosophy. This is one of the highest level academic degrees that can be awarded. PhD is an abbreviation of the Latin term (Ph)ilosophiae (D)octor. Traditionally the term 'philosophy' does not refer to the subject but its original Greek meaning which roughly translates to 'lover of wisdom'.

  3. PhD Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of PHD is the academic degree, title, or rank of doctor of philosophy; also : a person who has earned the academic degree of doctor of philosophy. How to use PhD in a sentence.

  4. What Does 'PhD' Stand For?

    A PhD is a terminal academic degree students typically pursue when they're interested in an academic or research career. A PhD is the highest possible academic degree a student can obtain. PhD stands for "Doctor of Philosophy," which refers to the immense knowledge a student gains when earning the degree. While you can actually get a PhD in ...

  5. What Is a Doctorate or a Doctoral Degree?

    A doctoral degree is a graduate-level credential typically granted after multiple years of graduate school, with the time-to-degree varying depending on the type of doctoral program, experts say ...

  6. What Is a PhD? Definition, Types of PhDs, and How to Get One

    A Doctor of Philosophy degree, or PhD, is a research-oriented degree that demonstrates a person's ability to contribute new knowledge to their chosen field. A student who pursues a PhD usually does so to answer a specific question, conduct original research to provide an answer, and use their findings to advance their field.

  7. Doctorate

    Doctorate. A doctoral diploma awarded by the State University of New York at Buffalo. A doctorate (from Latin doctor, meaning "teacher") or doctoral degree is a postgraduate academic degree awarded by universities and some other educational institutions, derived from the ancient formalism licentia docendi ("licence to teach").

  8. Doctor of philosophy Definition & Meaning

    The meaning of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY is the highest degree awarded in many academic disciplines; also : a person who has earned the academic degree of doctor of philosophy —abbreviation PhD, Ph.D.. How to use doctor of philosophy in a sentence.

  9. What is a PhD?

    PhD is short for Doctor of Philosophy. This is an academic or professional degree that, in most countries, qualifies the degree holder to teach their chosen subject at university level or to work in a specialized position in their chosen field. The word 'philosophy' comes from the Ancient Greek philosophia, literally translated as 'love ...

  10. PHD Definition & Meaning

    PhD definition: the highest degree, a doctorate, awarded by a graduate school in a field of academic study, usually to a person who has completed at least three years of graduate study and a dissertation approved by a committee of professors.. See examples of PHD used in a sentence.

  11. What is a PhD?

    The term PhD or Doctorate of Philosophy is an abbreviation of the Latin phrase 'philosophiae doctor'. A PhD degree typically involves students independently conducting original and significant research in a specific field or subject, before producing a publication-worthy thesis. While some Doctorates include taught components, PhD students are ...

  12. What Is a Doctorate?

    Academic doctorate. An academic doctorate, often called a PhD (short for Doctor of Philosophy), is a research degree that typically requires completing a dissertation. Students enrolled in a PhD program may be interested in working in academia as a professor or conducting research in their field. However, a growing number of PhD students go on ...

  13. PhD FAQs

    17. In summary, PhD stipends are really not that different to grad starting salaries. Please don't be put off from a PhD simply because for a few years you might be earning a bit less than if you were working in another job. Depending on what you want to do with your career, having a CV may lead to higher salaries.

  14. PhD

    PhD definition: 1. abbreviation for doctor of philosophy: the highest college or university degree, or someone who…. Learn more.

  15. What is it Like to Do a PhD?

    Throughout a PhD there will be good days and bad, which will impact your experience accordingly. The nature of research can be difficult and frustrating, but it can also be exciting and interesting. Stress vs reward. It's no secret that doing a PhD is not an easy task. It takes a lot of work and dedication which, at times, might seem fruitless.

  16. PhD noun

    Definition of PhD noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more.

  17. What Is A PhD Student? A Definition

    PhD students are all mature students, as they have already completed undergraduate and postgraduate degrees already. Most PhD students will have done a masters in preparation for starting a PhD , this is often an MPhil or a Masters by Research. All of this previous study means that PhD students have strong study skills and have spent time ...

  18. Ed.D. vs. Ph.D. vs. Ed.S.: What's the Difference?

    A Ph.D. program, in contrast, emphasizes research over practice. These programs incorporate more theory, research, and policy-focused courses. Students might take classes in educational research, educational psychology, and learning theory. Focus: An Ed.D. focuses on education practice, while a Ph.D. focuses on research.

  19. PhD

    PhD meaning: 1. abbreviation for doctor of philosophy: the highest college or university degree, or someone who…. Learn more.

  20. What Does PHD Mean?

    Abbreviated from the Latin term philosophiae doctor meaning "doctor of philosophy," the Ph.D is the highest degree in most fields, with the notable exceptions of medicine and law that have their own doctorates. The degree originated in 19th century Germany when the word "philosophy" had the much broader meaning of "love of wisdom.".

  21. Doctorate in Psychology (Ph.D. and Psy.D.) Program Guide

    September Payscale data for 2023 reports the average salary for graduates with a Psy.D. as $92,000. This is considerably higher than the 2023 national median salary of $48,060, and for many psychologists, the financial and emotional rewards justify the cost and time spent in a doctorate of psychology program.

  22. Postdoctoral researcher

    Postdoctoral researcher. A postdoctoral fellow, postdoctoral researcher, or simply postdoc, is a person professionally conducting research after the completion of their doctoral studies (typically a PhD ). Postdocs most commonly, but not always, have a temporary academic appointment, sometimes in preparation for an academic faculty position.

  23. Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine

    Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO or D.O., or in Australia DO USA) is a medical degree conferred by the 38 osteopathic medical schools in the United States. DO and Doctor of Medicine (MD) degrees are equivalent: a DO graduate may become licensed as a physician or surgeon and thus have full medical and surgical practicing rights in all 50 US states.As of 2021, there were 168,701 osteopathic ...