Conjugation verb essayer in French

Model : marcher / balayer

Auxiliary : avoir

Other forms: s'essayer / ne pas essayer / ne pas s'essayer

The regular verbs of the 1st group follow this conjugation model (verbs ending in -er). Verbs ending in -ayer follow at the same time this model (il balaye) and the model of balayer (il balaie)

The verb has several variants of conjugation, which may correspond to different meanings. Please use the menu to select one or all variants.

  • il/elle essaye
  • nous essayons
  • vous essayez
  • ils/elles essayent
  • il/elle essaie
  • ils/elles essaient
  • j' essayais
  • tu essayais
  • il/elle essayait
  • nous essayions
  • vous essayiez
  • ils/elles essayaient
  • j' essayerai
  • tu essayeras
  • il/elle essayera
  • nous essayerons
  • vous essayerez
  • ils/elles essayeront
  • j' essaierai
  • tu essaieras
  • il/elle essaiera
  • nous essaierons
  • vous essaierez
  • ils/elles essaieront

Passé simple

  • il/elle essaya
  • nous essayâmes
  • vous essayâtes
  • ils/elles essayèrent

Passé composé

  • j' ai essayé
  • tu as essayé
  • il/elle a essayé
  • nous avons essayé
  • vous avez essayé
  • ils/elles ont essayé


  • j' avais essayé
  • tu avais essayé
  • il/elle avait essayé
  • nous avions essayé
  • vous aviez essayé
  • ils/elles avaient essayé

Passé antérieur

  • j' eus essayé
  • tu eus essayé
  • il/elle eut essayé
  • nous eûmes essayé
  • vous eûtes essayé
  • ils/elles eurent essayé

Futur antérieur

  • j' aurai essayé
  • tu auras essayé
  • il/elle aura essayé
  • nous aurons essayé
  • vous aurez essayé
  • ils/elles auront essayé
  • que j' essaye
  • que tu essayes
  • qu' il/elle essaye
  • que nous essayions
  • que vous essayiez
  • qu' ils/elles essayent
  • que j' essaie
  • que tu essaies
  • qu' il/elle essaie
  • qu' ils/elles essaient
  • que j' essayasse
  • que tu essayasses
  • qu' il/elle essayât
  • que nous essayassions
  • que vous essayassiez
  • qu' ils/elles essayassent
  • que j' eusse essayé
  • que tu eusses essayé
  • qu' il/elle eût essayé
  • que nous eussions essayé
  • que vous eussiez essayé
  • qu' ils/elles eussent essayé
  • que j' aie essayé
  • que tu aies essayé
  • qu' il/elle ait essayé
  • que nous ayons essayé
  • que vous ayez essayé
  • qu' ils/elles aient essayé


  • j' essayerais
  • tu essayerais
  • il/elle essayerait
  • nous essayerions
  • vous essayeriez
  • ils/elles essayeraient
  • j' essaierais
  • tu essaierais
  • il/elle essaierait
  • nous essaierions
  • vous essaieriez
  • ils/elles essaieraient

Passé première forme

  • j' aurais essayé
  • tu aurais essayé
  • il/elle aurait essayé
  • nous aurions essayé
  • vous auriez essayé
  • ils/elles auraient essayé

Passé deuxième forme

  • j' eusse essayé
  • tu eusses essayé
  • il/elle eût essayé
  • nous eussions essayé
  • vous eussiez essayé
  • ils/elles eussent essayé
  • ayant essayé
  • essayé
  • essayés
  • fé essayée
  • fé essayées
  • ayons essayé
  • ayez essayé
  • avoir essayé

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Lawless French

Essayer – to try

French verb conjugations.

j’   (tu)  
tu   (nous)  
il   (vous)  
vous   (tu)
ils   (nous)  

  Essayer is a stem-changing verb (y to i).

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French Verb Conjugation Using "Essayer" (to Try)

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The French verb  essayer  means "to try." It's a simple word that can easily be confused with  essuyer  (to wipe) , so be sure to look and listen for that 'A' in  essayer .

In order to place  essayer  into the past, present, or future tense, the verb needs to be conjugated . Just follow along in this lesson and you'll be saying "tried" and "trying" in French before you know it.

Conjugating the French Verb  Essayer ​​

Essayer  is an optional stem-changing verb . Typically with verbs that end in - yer , the 'Y' has to change to an 'I' in certain forms. The rules are a little more casual with  essayer  as you'll see in the table. When there are two forms of the conjugation, you can use either.

The stem of  essayer  is  essay -. To this, a variety of infinitive endings is added that conform with the subject pronoun as well as the tense of the sentence. For instance, "I try" is " j'essaie " or " j'essaye ." Similarly, there are two options for "we will try": " nous essaierons " or " nous essayerons ."

All this leaves you with many words to memorize. The good news is that there are many opportunities to practice it and use  essayer  as you "try" things throughout your day.

j' essaie
tu essaies
il essaie
nous essayons essaierons
vous essayez essaierez
ils essaient

The Present Participle of  Essayer

The  present participle  of essayer is  essayant . This is as simple as adding - ant  to the verb stem. Not only does it work as a verb, but it can also become an adjective, gerund, or noun when needed.

The Past Participle and Passé Composé

The  past participle   essayé  is used to form the  passé composé , a common past tense form of "tried" in French. To use this, you'll also need to conjugate the  auxiliary verb   avoir . For example, "I tried" is " j'ai essayé " and "we tried" is " nous avons essayé ."

More Simple  Essayer  Conjugations to Know

When the action of trying is in some way questionable, you can turn to the subjunctive verb mood . Similarly, if it's dependent on something, the conditional verb mood is used.

With less frequency, you will come across the passé simple or the imperfect subjunctive . These are mostly found in formal writing and will help considerably with reading comprehension.

Subject Subjunctive Conditional Passé Simple Imperfect Subjunctive
j' essaie
essayai essayasse
tu essaies
essayas essayasses
il essaie
essaya essayât
nous essayions essaierions
essayâmes essayassions
vous essayiez essaieriez
essayâtes essayassiez
ils essaient
essayèrent essayassent

To use  essayer  in commands or direct requests, turn to the imperative verb form . When using this, the subject pronoun is not required: use " essaie " instead of " tu essaie ."

(tu) essaie
(nous) essayons
(vous) essayez
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Essayer – To try

By: Author David Issokson

Posted on Published: January 7, 2024  - Last updated: June 16, 2024

Essayer – To try

In today’s lesson we’ll have a look at the verb essayer , which means “to try”. For example, j’essaie d’apprendre le français (I try to learn French). Let’s jump right into the lesson!

Essayer - to try in French

Essayer – To try

Word origin.

The French verb essayer is related to the noun essai (try, attempt), which comes from the Latin verb exigere (to judge, examine, weigh) and noun exagium (weight, balance).

Present tense conjugation

Essayer is a regular ER verb. This means that its endings are the same as all other French regular ER verbs when conjugated in the present tense. Essayer has two accepted spelling patterns in the present tense. The pronunciations are the exact same.

J’essaie I try Tu essaies You try (singular, informal) Il, elle essaie He, she tries Nous essayons We try Vous essayez You try (plural, formal) Ils, elles essaient They try

J’essaye I try Tu essayes You try (singular, informal) Il, elle essaye He, she tries Nous essayons We try Vous essayez You try (plural, formal) Ils, elles essayent They try

Example sentences

In our first example sentence, essayer is simply “to try”. This example uses the word jamais (never), which we cover in our French negations lesson. This sentence is in the futur simple , a commonly used French future tense .

Si tu n’essaies pas , tu ne réussiras jamais .

If you don’ try, you’ll never succeed.

Essayer de + infinitive

In these two example sentences , essayer de + infinitive means “to try to do something”.

J’essaie de chanter la chanson mais c’est très difficile.

I try to sing the song but it’s very difficult.

Je vais essayer de terminer mon projet avant demain .

I’ll try to finish my project before tomorrow

Essayer + noun

In the next two examples, essayer is followed by a noun , meaning “to try something”. Essayer can also translate to “to test”. Hence, “I test the skis ” could also work as a translation for this next sentence.

The les in this example sentence is a direct object pronoun, meaning “them”. This post on our site covers object pronouns in depth.

J’essaie les nouveaux skis avant de les acheter .

I try the new skies before buying them.

Nous allons essayer le nouveau restaurant ce soir.

We are going to try the new restaurant tonight.

In French, the noun essai transaltes to “try” or “attempt” and is the origin of the English word “essay”.

Il a réussi son examen au troisième essai.

He passed the exam after the third try.

Et voilà ! You now know how to use essayer in French! Now check out our other lessons covering the verbs quitter (to leave), bosser (to work hard) and ranger (to tidy, put away).

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Essayer is a verb that means

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David Issokson

David Issokson is a lifelong language learner and speaks over seven languages. Of all the languages he speaks, he's the most passionate about French! David has helped hundreds of students to improve their French in his private lessons. When not teaching or writing his French Word of the Day lessons, David enjoys his time skiing, hiking and mountain biking in Victor, Idaho.

See all posts by David Issokson

French: essayer

French verb 'essayer' conjugated.

conjugation french of essayer

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What is the correct conjugation (present, indicative) of “essayer” ?

I've looked up conjugation of “essayer” and two different sources have given me two different suggestions:

According to this source , one would pronounce “j'essaye” as “ʒ‿esɛj”.

According to the other source , one would pronounce it as “ʒ‿ese”.

I would like to ask which pronunciation is the correct one. Or, if they are both correct, which is “more usual” and which is “less usual”.

  • conjugaison

Stéphane Gimenez's user avatar

Both j'essaie pronounced /ʒ‿esɛ/ or /ʒ‿ese/ and j'essaye pronounced /ʒ‿esɛj/ are correct.

The former looks to be more frequently written but I'm not sure the same is true for spoken French where both might be equally used. In any case, I do not make a difference between these forms.

jlliagre's user avatar

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Verb conjugation of "essayer" in French

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Verbs like 'essayer': why do they have two conjugations?

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My friend explained it has to do with older French and modern French, I think. And he mentioned something about people who live in the countryside tend to use the 'y' form more. I just wanted to understand this a bit better. Merci en avance !

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French Conjugation

  • S'essuyer conjugation table
  • S'essuyer conjugation rules
  • S'essuyer french definition

S'essuyer conjugation in all forms

S'essuyer conjugation in all tenses.

  • S'essuyer : verbs with similar conjugation
  • S'essuyer conjugation in indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in present indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in present perfect indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in imperfect indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in pluperfect indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in simple past indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in past perfect indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in simple future indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in future perfect indicative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in subjunctive
  • S'essuyer conjugation in present subjunctive
  • S'essuyer conjugation in past subjunctive
  • S'essuyer conjugation in imperfect subjunctive
  • S'essuyer conjugation in pluperfect subjunctive
  • S'essuyer conjugation in conditional
  • S'essuyer conjugation in present conditional
  • S'essuyer conjugation in past conditional
  • S'essuyer conjugation in imperative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in present imperative
  • S'essuyer conjugation in past imperative
  • Infinitive of french verb S'essuyer
  • Present infinitive of french verb S'essuyer
  • Past infinitive of french verb S'essuyer
  • Participle of french verb s'essuyer
  • Present participle of french verb s'essuyer
  • Past participle of french verb s'essuyer
  • Gerundive of french verb s'essuyer
  • Present gerundive of french verb s'essuyer
  • Past gerundive of french verb s'essuyer

Common french verbs

  • French Conjugation Rules
  • French Tenses
  • French Verbs

French Auxiliaries Verbs

  • French First Group Verbs
  • French Second Group Verbs
  • French Third Group Verbs
  • Most Common French Verbs
  • Avoir conjugation
  • Être conjugation
  • Aimer conjugation
  • Manger conjugation
  • Finir conjugation
  • Partir conjugation
  • Aller conjugation
  • Faire conjugation
  • Dire conjugation
  • Lire conjugation
  • Voir conjugation
  • Venir conjugation
  • Pouvoir conjugation
  • Prendre conjugation
  • Vouloir conjugation
  • Devoir conjugation
  • Savoir conjugation
  • Mettre conjugation
  • Present Indicative
  • Imperfect Indicative
  • Simple Past Indicative
  • Simple Future Indicative
  • Present Perfect Indicative
  • Pluperfect Indicative
  • Past Perfect Indicative
  • Future Perfect Indicative
  • Present Subjunctive
  • Past Subjunctive
  • Imperfect Subjunctive
  • Pluperfect Subjunctive
  • Present Conditional
  • Past Conditional
  • Present Imperative
  • Past Imperative
  • French Conjugation
  • S'essuyer conjugation

Conjugation of french verb s'essuyer

Present perfect, simple past, past perfect, simple future, future perfect, subjunctive, conditional, s'essuyer french verb, conjugation rules, reflexive form:, negative form:, interrogative form:.

  • S'essuyer french verb conjugation rules
  • S'essuyer verb participles
  • S'essuyer similar verbs conjugation

Essuyer french definition

Active voice conjugation, passive voice conjugation, reflexive form conjugation, similar verbs conjugation.

Here is the full list of verbs sharing the same verb conjugation :

List of verbs used as patterns in french conjugation:

Most common first group verbs

Most common second group verbs, most common third group verbs.

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Lire – Conjugation of Lire – To Read

Conjugation of lire - to read.

The verb Lire – To read  In French is an irregular verb ending in – re . The conjugation of lire  is the same as only one other verb: élire .

Compound tenses of lire  such as passé composé, plus-que-parfait, and more, are built with the auxiliary  avoir .

Lire isn’t followed by a preposition   – Lire  quelque chose.

Let’s learn together the conjugation of lire  in all the French tenses you should know!

conjugation french of essayer

Participe présent

Participe passé.

nous  lisons

elles lisent

Passé composé

j’ ai lu

nous avons  lu

vous avez  lu

ils ont  lu

elles ont  lu

elle lisait

nous lisions

vous lisiez

ils lisaient

elles lisaient


j’ avais lu

tu avais lu

il avait lu

elle avait lu

on avait lu

nous avions lu

vous aviez lu

ils  avaient lu

elles  avaient lu

Futur simple

nous lirons

elles liront

Futur antérieur

j’ aurai lu

tu auras lu

elle aura lu

nous aurons lu

vous aurez lu

ils auront lu

elles auront lu

Conditionnel présent

elle l irait

nous l irions

vous l iriez

ils l iraient

elles l iraient

Conditionnel passé

j’ aurais lu

tu aurais lu

il aurait lu

elle aurait lu

on aurait lu

nous aurions lu

vous auriez lu

ils auraient lu

elles auraient lu

Subjonctif présent

que je l ise

que tu lises

qu’il l ise

qu’elle l ise

qu’on l ise

que nous l isions

que vous l isiez

qu’ils l isent

qu’elles l isent

Subjonctif passé

que j’ aie lu

que tu  aies lu

qu’il  ait lu

qu’elle  ait lu

qu’on  ait lu

que nous  ayons lu

que vous  ayez lu

qu’ils  aient lu

qu’elles  aient lu

Examples including conjugation of Lire

Je lis un petit peu tous les soirs. I read a little bit every evening.

Elle a lu un article intéressant. She read an interesting article.

Quand j’étais petit, je lisais des bandes dessinées. When I was little, I read comic books.

Si j’avais le temps, je lirais plus souvent. If I had time, I would read more often.

Il faut que tu lises ce livre pour le cours. You need to read this book for class.

Je viens de lire un message de mon ami. I just read a message from my friend.

Nous avions déjà lu ce livre avant de l’acheter. We had already read this book before purchasing it.

Lis ce texte attentivement ! Read this text carefully!

French verb conjugated like Lire

Élire  – To elect

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Faire Futur Antérieur Conjugation [+6 Examples & Quiz]

  • Sam Denishin
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In this French grammar lesson you will learn about the faire futur antérieur conjugation.

In this lesson you will learn about:

  • how faire is conjugated in French,
  • how faire is pronounced in French,
  • how faire is used in sentences in French,
  • how you can quiz yourself on the faire futur antérieur conjugation
  • how to practice with flashcards on faire futur antérieur conjugation
  • how and why you should use the courses of Language Atlas to learn French

Please refer to the French B2 Curriculum to get a better overview of French grammar, if you are curious about how this fits in the overall structure of French B2 .

By the end of the lesson you will know all about faire (to do/to make)!

Table of Contents

Faire futur antérieur conjugation table.


Pronunciation of Faire Futur Antérieur Conjugations

There are 3 important rules to take into account, when you want to pronounce an faire futur antérieur conjugation.

  • The je , and vous form both have the same pronunciation.
J’aurai fait . Vous aure z fait .
  • The tu , and il/elle/on form both have the same pronunciation.
Tu aura s fait . Il aura fait .
  • The nous , and ils/elles form both have the same pronunciation.
Nous auron s fait . Ils auron t fait .

Example Sentences with Faire Futur Antérieur Conjugations

The final section of this lesson on the faire futur antérieur conjugation is about seeing the verb in action.

This is valuable because you can improve your understanding on the faire futur antérieur conjugation through examples.

Si je réussis, j’ aur ai fait du bien de ma vie. If I succeed, I will have done some good in my life.
Si vous découvrez ce que c’est, tu aur as fait une grande avancée. If you find out what it is, then you will have made a big step forward.
Dès qu’il aur a fait son CV il pourra postuler pour un stage. As soon as he has made his CV he can apply for an internship.
Nous aur ons fait nos devoirs d’ici demain. We will have done our homework by tomorrow.
Vous pouvez réussir, mais vous l’ aur ez fait par malhonnêteté. You may succeed, but you will have done so through dishonesty.
On peut supposer que certains l’ aur ont fait . It can be assumed that some will have done so.

Quiz Yourself on the Faire Futur Antérieur Conjugation

At the end of every lesson you can do a small quiz.

You will see the sentences of the previous chapter.

You will either need to fill in the blanks, choose the correct multiple choice option, or both.

Once you are done the correct answer will be shown.

You can redo the quiz as many times as you want!

How to Practice With Flashcards for This Lesson

Using flashcards is an absolute necessity when it comes to learning a language!

It is the best way to memorize what you learn, you can personalize your progression because it adapts to your actions, and all flashcards have audio to improve your hearing and pronunciation.

Please read our article on how to learn a new language for more information.

There are two ways to practice with Flashcards for this lesson.

  • The Flashcards in our Courses

After you have downloaded Anki for free, you can get our French B2 Anki Deck .

This Anki Deck contains 1,964 flashcards with which you can practice absolutely everything for French B2!

All the flashcards have text, images, explanations, and audio.

You can also use our courses that have flashcards integrated alongside lessons with audio, quizzes and much more!

However, I am sure you are wondering, what are your courses, and why should I take them?

The Courses of Language Atlas

Have you ever wondered what the best way is to learn a new language?

I have been learning languages for over 20+ years and I was always frustrated with books, courses, and classes that I had tried.

It never really seemed to work for me.

I wanted to learn a language in the most effective and efficient way, and there was nothing out there for me.

So I thought, “ why not make something myself? “.

Using my experience and by doing research I created Language Atlas, a platform where people can learn French and Spanish in the most effective and efficient way.

I created free lessons and quizzes so that there would always be a easy and accessible way for people to learn or brush up on their language skills.

However, I also created courses that are much more comprehensive and in-depth.

The courses of Language Atlas have:

  • 800+ Lessons with audio
  • 800+ Quizzes
  • 10,000 Flashcards with explanations, images, and audio
  • A gamified way of learning a new language
  • A vibrant community (including support from me)

You can register for free and try the French A0/A1 and Spanish A0/A1 Courses for free!

This includes over 60 lessons and quizzes, 500 flashcards that adapt to how you learn, and access to the community (including support from me).

All you have to do is study 30 minutes a day and you will be fluent in no time!

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conjugation french of essayer

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  2. Essayer

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  16. Linguno

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