Definition of Antithesis

Examples of antithesis in everyday speech, common examples of antithesis from famous speeches, examples of proverbs featuring antithesis, utilizing antithesis in writing, antithesis and parallelism, antithesis and juxtaposition, use of antithesis in sentences  , examples of antithesis in literature.

Antithesis is an effective literary device and figure of speech in which a writer intentionally juxtaposes two contrasting ideas or entities. Antithesis is typically achieved through parallel structure, in which opposing concepts or elements are paired in adjacent phrases , clauses , or sentences. This draws the reader’s attention to the significance or importance of the agents being contrasted, thereby adding a memorable and meaningful quality to the literary work.

Example 1:  Hamlet (William Shakespeare)

Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice ; Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment.

Example 2:  Paradise Lost  (John Milton)

Here at least We shall be free; the Almighty hath not built Here for his envy, will not drive us hence: Here we may reign secure, and in my choice To reign is worth ambition though in Hell: Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven.

Example 3:  Fire and Ice  (Robert Frost)

Some say the world will end in fire, Some say in ice. From what I’ve tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire. But if it had to perish twice, I think I know enough of hate To say that for destruction ice Is also great And would suffice.

Example 4: The Gettysburg Address by Abraham Lincoln

We have come to dedicate a portion of that field, as a final resting place for those who here gave their lives so that nation might live.
The brave men, living and dead, who struggled here, have consecrated it, far above our poor power to add or detract.
The world will little note, nor long remember what we say here, but it can never forget what they did here.

Function of Antithesis

Synonyms of antithesis, post navigation.

antithesis of character meaning

Antithesis Definition

What is antithesis? Here’s a quick and simple definition:

Antithesis is a figure of speech that juxtaposes two contrasting or opposing ideas, usually within parallel grammatical structures. For instance, Neil Armstrong used antithesis when he stepped onto the surface of the moon in 1969 and said, "That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." This is an example of antithesis because the two halves of the sentence mirror each other in grammatical structure, while together the two halves emphasize the incredible contrast between the individual experience of taking an ordinary step, and the extraordinary progress that Armstrong's step symbolized for the human race.

Some additional key details about antithesis:

  • Antithesis works best when it is used in conjunction with parallelism (successive phrases that use the same grammatical structure), since the repetition of structure makes the contrast of the content of the phrases as clear as possible.
  • The word "antithesis" has another meaning, which is to describe something as being the opposite of another thing. For example, "love is the antithesis of selfishness." This guide focuses only on antithesis as a literary device.
  • The word antithesis has its origins in the Greek word antithenai , meaning "to oppose." The plural of antithesis is antitheses.

How to Pronounce Antithesis

Here's how to pronounce antithesis: an- tith -uh-sis

Antithesis and Parallelism

Often, but not always, antithesis works in tandem with parallelism . In parallelism, two components of a sentence (or pair of sentences) mirror one another by repeating grammatical elements. The following is a good example of both antithesis and parallelism:

To err is human , to forgive divine .

The two clauses of the sentence are parallel because each starts off with an infinitive verb and ends with an adjective ("human" and "divine"). The mirroring of these elements then works to emphasize the contrast in their content, particularly in the very strong opposite contrast between "human" and "divine."

Antithesis Without Parallelism

In most cases, antitheses involve parallel elements of the sentence—whether a pair of nouns, verbs, adjectives, or other grammar elements. However, it is also possible to have antithesis without such clear cut parallelism. In the Temptations Song "My Girl," the singer uses antithesis when he says:

"When it's cold outside , I've got the month of May ."

Here the sentence is clearly cut into two clauses on either side of the comma, and the contrasting elements are clear enough. However, strictly speaking there isn't true parallelism here because "cold outside" and "month of May" are different types of grammatical structures (an adjective phrase and a noun phrase, respectively).

Antithesis vs. Related Terms

Three literary terms that are often mistakenly used in the place of antithesis are juxtaposition , oxymoron , and foil . Each of these three terms does have to do with establishing a relationship of difference between two ideas or characters in a text, but beyond that there are significant differences between them.

Antithesis vs. Juxtaposition

In juxtaposition , two things or ideas are placed next to one another to draw attention to their differences or similarities. In juxtaposition, the pairing of two ideas is therefore not necessarily done to create a relationship of opposition or contradiction between them, as is the case with antithesis. So, while antithesis could be a type of juxtaposition, juxtaposition is not always antithesis.

Antithesis vs. Oxymoron

In an oxymoron , two seemingly contradictory words are placed together because their unlikely combination reveals a deeper truth. Some examples of oxymorons include:

  • Sweet sorrow
  • Cruel kindness
  • Living dead

The focus of antithesis is opposites rather than contradictions . While the words involved in oxymorons seem like they don't belong together (until you give them deeper thought), the words or ideas of antithesis do feel like they belong together even as they contrast as opposites. Further, antitheses seldom function by placing the two words or ideas right next to one another, so antitheses are usually made up of more than two words (as in, "I'd rather be among the living than among the dead").

Antithesis vs. Foil

Some Internet sources use "antithesis" to describe an author's decision to create two characters in a story that are direct opposites of one another—for instance, the protagonist and antagonist . But the correct term for this kind of opposition is a foil : a person or thing in a work of literature that contrasts with another thing in order to call attention to its qualities. While the sentence "the hare was fast, and the tortoise was slow" is an example of antithesis, if we step back and look at the story as a whole, the better term to describe the relationship between the characters of the tortoise and the hare is "foil," as in, "The character of the hare is a foil of the tortoise."

Antithesis Examples

Antithesis in literature.

Below are examples of antithesis from some of English literature's most acclaimed writers — and a comic book!

Antithesis in Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities

In the famous opening lines of A Tale of Two Cities , Dickens sets out a flowing list of antitheses punctuated by the repetition of the word "it was" at the beginning of each clause (which is itself an example of the figure of speech anaphora ). By building up this list of contrasts, Dickens sets the scene of the French Revolution that will serve as the setting of his tale by emphasizing the division and confusion of the era. The overwhelming accumulation of antitheses is also purposefully overdone; Dickens is using hyperbole to make fun of the "noisiest authorities" of the day and their exaggerated claims. The passage contains many examples of antithesis, each consisting of one pair of contrasting ideas that we've highlighted to make the structure clearer.

It was the best of times , it was the worst of times , it was the age of wisdom , it was the age of foolishness , it was the epoch of belief , it was the epoch of incredulity , it was the season of Light , it was the season of Darkness , it was the spring of hope , it was the winter of despair , we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven , we were all going direct the other way —in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Antithesis in John Milton's Paradise Lost

In this verse from Paradise Lost , Milton's anti-hero , Satan, claims he's happier as the king of Hell than he could ever have been as a servant in Heaven. He justifies his rebellion against God with this pithy phrase, and the antithesis drives home the double contrast between Hell and Heaven, and between ruling and serving.

Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven.

Antithesis in William Shakespeare's Othello

As the plot of Othello nears its climax , the antagonist of the play, Iago, pauses for a moment to acknowledge the significance of what is about to happen. Iago uses antithesis to contrast the two opposite potential outcomes of his villainous plot: either events will transpire in Iago's favor and he will come out on top, or his treachery will be discovered, ruining him.

This is the night That either makes me or fordoes me quite .

In this passage, the simple word "either" functions as a cue for the reader to expect some form of parallelism, because the "either" signals that a contrast between two things is coming.

Antithesis in William Shakespeare's Hamlet

Shakespeare's plays are full of antithesis, and so is Hamlet's most well-known "To be or not to be" soliloquy . This excerpt of the soliloquy is a good example of an antithesis that is not limited to a single word or short phrase. The first instance of antithesis here, where Hamlet announces the guiding question (" to be or not to be ") is followed by an elaboration of each idea ("to be" and "not to be") into metaphors that then form their own antithesis. Both instances of antithesis hinge on an " or " that divides the two contrasting options.

To be or not to be , that is the question: Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them ...

Antithesis in T.S. Eliot's "Four Quartets"

In this excerpt from his poem "Four Quartets," T.S. Eliot uses antithesis to describe the cycle of life, which is continuously passing from beginning to end, from rise to fall, and from old to new.

In my beginning is my end . In succession Houses rise and fall , crumble, are extended, Are removed, destroyed, restored, or in their place Is an open field, or a factory, or a by-pass. Old stone to new building , old timber to new fires ...

Antithesis in Green Lantern's Oath

Comic book writers know the power of antithesis too! In this catchy oath, Green Lantern uses antithesis to emphasize that his mission to defeat evil will endure no matter the conditions.

In brightest day , in blackest night , No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil's might Beware my power—Green lantern's light!

While most instances of antithesis are built around an "or" that signals the contrast between the two parts of the sentence, the Green Lantern oath works a bit differently. It's built around an implied "and" (to be technical, that first line of the oath is an asyndeton that replaces the "and" with a comma), because members of the Green Lantern corps are expressing their willingness to fight evil in all places, even very opposite environments.

Antithesis in Speeches

Many well-known speeches contain examples of antithesis. Speakers use antithesis to drive home the stakes of what they are saying, sometimes by contrasting two distinct visions of the future.

Antithesis in Patrick Henry's Speech to the Second Virginia Convention, 1775

This speech by famous American patriot Patrick Henry includes one of the most memorable and oft-quoted phrases from the era of the American Revolution. Here, Henry uses antithesis to emphasize just how highly he prizes liberty, and how deadly serious he is about his fight to achieve it.

Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take: but as for me, give me liberty or give me death .

Antithesis in Martin Luther King Jr.'s Oberlin Commencement Address

In this speech by one of America's most well-known orators, antithesis allows Martin Luther King Jr. to highlight the contrast between two visions of the future; in the first vision, humans rise above their differences to cooperate with one another, while in the other humanity is doomed by infighting and division.

We must all learn to live together as brothers —or we will all perish together as fools .

Antithesis in Songs

In songs, contrasting two opposite ideas using antithesis can heighten the dramatic tension of a difficult decision, or express the singer's intense emotion—but whatever the context, antithesis is a useful tool for songwriters mainly because opposites are always easy to remember, so lyrics that use antithesis tend to stick in the head.

Antithesis in "Should I Stay or Should I Go" by The Clash (1981)

In this song by The Clash, the speaker is caught at a crossroads between two choices, and antithesis serves as the perfect tool to express just how confused and conflicted he is. The rhetorical question —whether to stay or to go—presents two opposing options, and the contrast between his lover's mood from one day (when everything is "fine") to the next (when it's all "black") explains the difficulty of his choice.

One day it's fine and next it's black So if you want me off your back Well, come on and let me know Should I stay or should I go ? Should I stay or should I go now? Should I stay or should I go now? If I go, there will be trouble If I stay it will be double ...

Antithesis in "My Girl" by the Temptations (1965)

In this song, the singer uses a pair of metaphors to describe the feeling of joy that his lover brings him. This joy is expressed through antithesis, since the singer uses the miserable weather of a cloudy, cold day as the setting for the sunshine-filled month of May that "his girl" makes him feel inside, emphasizing the power of his emotions by contrasting them with the bleak weather.

I've got sunshine on a cloudy day When it's cold outside I've got the month of May Well I guess you'd say, What can make me feel this way? My girl, my girl, my girl Talkin' bout my girl.

Why Do Writers Use Antithesis?

Fundamentally, writers of all types use antithesis for its ability to create a clear contrast. This contrast can serve a number of purposes, as shown in the examples above. It can:

  • Present a stark choice between two alternatives.
  • Convey magnitude or range (i.e. "in brightest day, in darkest night" or "from the highest mountain, to the deepest valley").
  • Express strong emotions.
  • Create a relationship of opposition between two separate ideas.
  • Accentuate the qualities and characteristics of one thing by placing it in opposition to another.

Whatever the case, antithesis almost always has the added benefit of making language more memorable to listeners and readers. The use of parallelism and other simple grammatical constructions like "either/or" help to establish opposition between concepts—and opposites have a way of sticking in the memory.

Other Helpful Antithesis Resources

  • The Wikipedia page on Antithesis : A useful summary with associated examples, along with an extensive account of antithesis in the Gospel of Matthew.
  • Sound bites from history : A list of examples of antithesis in famous political speeches from United States history — with audio clips!
  • A blog post on antithesis : This quick rundown of antithesis focuses on a quote you may know from Muhammad Ali's philosophy of boxing: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee."

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What is Antithesis — Definition & Examples in Literature & Film

I f you’ve ever heard sentence structure, met characters, or witnessed ideas that seem diametrically opposed, you’re actually pretty familiar with the idea of the antithesis. But there is more to it than just juxtaposing ideas. Read on to learn exactly what is antithesis, how this tool is used, and how you can include an antithesis in your next project. 

Antithesis Definition

First, let’s define antithesis.

There are a number of terms often confused for antithesis (like paradox or oxymoron ). But an antithesis has a particular grammatical structure that helps differentiate it from the rest. So, here’s the antithesis definition and then we'll look at specific examples:


What is antithesis.

An antithesis is a rhetorical and literary device with parallel grammar structure but which establishes a nearly complete or exact opposition in ideas or characters. It can be effective in emphasizing drastic differences between opposing concepts.

How to pronounce antithesis: [an-TITH-uh-sis]  

Familiar antithesis examples:

  • “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.”
  • “No pain, no gain.”
  • “Out of sight, out of mind.”

The word “antithesis” comes from the Greek word meaning “setting opposite,” which is an idea that has been used in various forms. Let’s look at those various forms in more antithesis examples.

Antitheses Examples

How do we use antithesis today.

The purpose of antithetical language is not just mentioning the existence of opposing ideas, but rather emphasizing the stark differences between them.  The often lyrical and rhythmic nature of this device helps accentuate the parallel grammatical structure.

Watch the video below to learn more about how we use antitheses today. 

Antithesis Definition, Examples and Techniques

We use this device in that pure form today (see the examples above) in everyday turns of phrase. But there are more in-depth ways (in actions and story in general) that fit the antithesis definition. 

People and characters can act in an antithetical manner to their beliefs.

Antithesis Examples in Behavior: 

  • A character who says they love animals but wears real fur coats.
  • Someone who says they are vegetarian but eats a big steak for dinner.
  • A person who uses a “Shop Small” tote bag but does their holiday shopping at Walmart. 

In addition, characters in literary or scripted works, much like people, can be antitheses to each other in and of themselves. In fact, this is often how great villains are created.

Check out the video below to see more on writing great villains , and how antagonists can mirror or juxtapose protagonists . 

Page to Picture: How to Write a Villain  •   Subscribe on YouTube

Protagonists can be an “antihero,” or the villain of a story can be portrayed separately as a parallel to the protagonist; therefore, the protagonist and antagonist highlight each other’s strengths and weaknesses, and evil and benevolent qualities. Some classic examples of this pseudo-mirrored antagonist concept are: 

Snow White and the Queen

Batman and Joker

Dumbledore and Voldemort

As you can see, the antithesis is typically the ultimate antagonist, even if the character they are meant to parallel isn’t the protagonist, as is the case in the Harry Potter series. 

Both a strong example of antithesis and nuanced portrayal of complicated character relationships, the Harry Potter series showcases a number of moral ambiguities as they pertain to Dumbledore and Voldemort.

We imported the script into StudioBinder’s screenwriting software to see exactly how this juxtaposition is first established.

Harry Potter Script Teardown Full Script PDF Download StudioBinder Screenwriting Software

Read Full Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone Script

Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone masterfully establishes the characteristics that Harry and Voldemort share, but it also establishes similarities between Dumbledore and Voldemort.

Throughout the series, these shared traits influence Dumbledore and Voldemort in their objectives and decisions. 

For instance, in the Sorcerer’s Stone , we are introduced to how Voldemort and Dumbledore move through the world. Hagrid tells Harry early on about Voldemort’s rise to power: he was a wizard “who went as bad as you can go [...] anyone who stood up to him ended up dead.” Hagrid frames Voldemort as a powerful wizard, capable of massive destruction. 

What is Antithesis Harry Potter Second Example StudioBinder Screenwriting Software

Antithesis Example in Harry Potter  •   Read Full Scene

Alternatively, towards the end of the first film Dumbledore explains his tactics in his work with Nicolas Flamel on the Sorcerer’s Stone . “Only a person who wanted to find the stone—find it, but not use it—would be able to get it.” Dumbledore respects power and the laws of magic, and his actions reflect that. 

What is Antithesis Harry Potter First Example StudioBinder Screenwriting Software

Further into the series, in Order of the Phoenix , we see what happens when Dumbledore’s tremendous abilities collide with Voldemort’s formidable power in their epic Ministry of Magic duel.

Voldemort’s spells all aim to destruct, whereas Dumbledore’s are equally amazing, but meant to disarm, distinguish, or defend. 

The series is a remarkable example of how antitheses can be essential to a story, and the respective backstories, unique abilities, and of course choices of Voldemort and Dumbledore prove it.  

Implementing Antitheses

How to use antithesis.

With all the ways you can implement and define antithesis, it’s good to have a number of tricks or rules of thumb to keep in your back pocket. Whether you’re writing a short story or your next feature screenplay, here are some things you can keep in mind. 

1. Aim for Moderation

If you’re using antithesis in the form of a rhetorical device, try to keep the number of antitheses to a minimum unless it’s a crucial character trait of the speaker. Using a similar literary device too often can leave your writing predictable or even annoying. The more you use a tool, like antithetical language, the less meaning it can have. 

2. Similar Structure

Keep the structure of your antithesis as similar as possible if you want to highlight the differences more intensely. And try to keep the phrasing itself balanced. Both variables of the equation don’t have to be exact, but the lyrical phrasing can help your antithesis shine and stick long after the read. 

3. Focus on Differences

Focus on contrast but remember to find ways to draw the parallels. How can the characters be compared to the point where their differences become obvious? How can their differences lead to conversation about how the characters may actually be similar? 

Antitheses via characters and sentence structure can assist in not just interesting writing, but memorable writing. They can make your message more understandable and retainable, which should be a top goal in any written work. You never want to give you reader a reason to stop reading.

So, now that you’ve learned more about how an antithesis can strengthen your work, you can implement it  into your next project like a pro.

After all, no guts, no glory. 

What is Irony?

Antithesis is a rhetorical device you can use in everyday speech. Much like an antithesis, we encounter several types of irony in everyday life, too. Keep reading to learn about the types of irony and how they’re used in TV and Film. 

Up Next: Irony Explained →

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Literary Devices

Literary devices, terms, and elements, definition of antithesis, difference between antithesis and juxtaposition, common examples of antithesis, significance of antithesis in literature, examples of antithesis in literature.

HAMLET: To be, or not to be, that is the question— Whether ’tis Nobler in the mind to suffer The Slings and Arrows of outrageous Fortune, Or to take Arms against a Sea of troubles, And by opposing, end them?

( Hamlet by William Shakespeare)

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way…

( A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens)

There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, which specified that a concern for one’s own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Orr was crazy and could be grounded. All he had to do was ask; and as soon as he did, he would no longer be crazy and would have to fly more missions. Orr would be crazy to fly more missions and sane if he didn’t, but if he was sane he had to fly them. If he flew them he was crazy and didn’t have to; but if he didn’t want to he was sane and had to. Yossarian was moved very deeply by the absolute simplicity of this clause of Catch-22 and let out a respectful whistle.
This case is not a difficult one, it requires no minute sifting of complicated facts, but it does require you to be sure beyond all reasonable doubt as to the guilt of the defendant.

( To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee)

In Harper Lee’s novel To Kill a Mockingbird , Atticus Finch is a lawyer representing Tom Robinson. Atticus presents the above statement to the jury, setting up an antithesis. He asserts that the case is not difficult and yet requires the jury to be absolutely sure of their decision. Atticus believes the case to have a very obvious conclusion, and hopes that the jury will agree with him, but he is also aware of the societal tensions at work that will complicate the case.

Test Your Knowledge of Antithesis

WITCHES: Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air.
MACBETH: Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?
WITCHES: Something wicked this way comes.

4. Which of the following quotes from Heller’s Catch-22 contains an example of antithesis? A. There are now fifty or sixty countries fighting in this war. Surely so many counties can’t all be worth dying for. B. He had decided to live forever or die in the attempt, and his only mission each time he went up was to come down alive. C. You’re inches away from death every time you go on a mission. How much older can you be at your age? [spoiler title=”Answer to Question #4″] Answer: B is the correct answer.[/spoiler]

Antithesis Definition Antithesis, which literally means “opposite,” is a rhetorical device wherein opposite thoughts are prepare in a sentence to obtain a contrasting effect. Antithesis emphasizes the idea of assessment through parallel structures of the contrasted terms or clauses. The structures of terms and clauses are similar, so that it will draw the attention of the listeners or readers. For example: “Setting foot on the moon may be a small step for a person but a giant step for mankind.” The use of contrasting thoughts, “a small step” and “a massive step,” within the sentence above emphasizes the importance of one of the most important landmarks of human history. Common Antithesis Examples Some well-known antithetical statements have become part of our everyday speech, and are regularly used in arguments and discussions. Below is a listing of some commonplace antithetical statements: Give every man thy ear, however few thy voice. Man proposes, God disposes. Love is a really perfect thing, marriage a actual thing. Speech is silver, but silence is gold. Patience is bitter, however it has a sweet fruit. Money is the foundation of all evil: poverty is the fruit of all goodness. You are smooth on the eyes, but tough on the heart. Examples of Antithesis in Literature In literature, writers rent antithesis not simplest in sentences, but additionally in characters and events. Thus, its use is extensive. Below are a few examples of antithesis in literature: Example #1: A Tale of Two Cities (By Charles Dickens) The establishing lines of Charles Dickens’ novel A Tale of Two Cities provides an unforgettable antithesis example: “It become the first-class of times, it become the worst of times, it became the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it become the epoch of belief, it turned into the epoch of incredulity, it changed into the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it changed into the spring of hope, it was the wintry weather of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing earlier than us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the opposite way.” The contrasting thoughts, set in parallel structures, markedly spotlight the battle that existed within the time discussed in the novel. Example #2: Julius Caesar (By William Shakespeare) In William Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar, we note antithesis within the characters of Mark Antony and Marcus Brutus. Brutus is portrayed as the “noblest of Romans,” near Caesar, and someone who cherished Rome and Caesar. Antony, at the contrary, is proven as a person with the evil intentions of harming Caesar, and taking charge of Rome. These antithetical characters spotlight the battle inside the play. Example #3: An Essay on Criticism (By Alexander Pope) Alexander Pope, in his An Essay on Criticism, says: “To err is human; to forgive divine.” Fallibility is a trait of humans, and God – the Creator – is most forgiving. Through those antithetical thoughts, Pope exhibits the simple nature of human beings. He wants to say that God is forgiving because his creation is erring. Example #4: Community (By John Donne) We find antithesis in John Donne’s poem Community: “Good we must love, and must hate ill, For unwell is ill, and correct desirable still; But there are things indifferent, Which we may neither hate, nor love, But one, and then another prove, As we shall discover our fancy bent.” Two contrasting words “love” and “hate” are combined within the above lines. It emphasizes that we love right due to the fact it is always top, and we hate bad due to the fact it's far always bad. It is a matter of desire to love or hate things that are neither good nor bad. Example #5: Paradise Lost (By John Milton) John Milton, in Paradise Lost, says: “Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heav’n.” The contrasting thoughts of reign/serve, and Hell/Heav’n are positioned on this sentence to acquire an antithetical effect. Function of Antithesis A literary tool, like antithesis, makes use of phrases to convey ideas in exceptional methods from the commonplace words and expressions of daily life. Thus, it conveys meaning greater vividly than regular speech. When contrasting thoughts are brought together, the concept is expressed extra emphatically. As a literary device, antithesis makes contrasts in an effort to observe pros and cons of a subject below discussion, and facilitates to bring on judgment on that precise subject.

  • Alliteration
  • Anachronism
  • Antimetabole
  • Aposiopesis
  • Characterization
  • Colloquialism
  • Connotation
  • Deus Ex Machina
  • Didacticism
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Flash Forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Internal Rhyme
  • Juxtaposition
  • Non Sequitur
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Poetic Justice
  • Point of View
  • Portmanteau
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Superlative
  • Synesthesia
  • Tragicomedy
  • Tragic Flaw
  • Verisimilitude


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What is Antithesis? Examples of Antithesis in Literature and Speech

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that has been used for centuries to create contrast and emphasize ideas in speech and writing. It involves placing two contrasting ideas side by side, often using parallel grammatical structures, to highlight their differences. This technique can be used for various purposes, such as to create emphasis, create balance, or to make a point.

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Definition of Antithesis

Antithesis is a literary device that involves contrasting two opposing ideas or concepts in a sentence or passage in order to create a dramatic or rhetorical effect. The word “antithesis” comes from the Greek word “antithenai,” which means “to oppose.”

Antithesis can be used in a variety of ways, including through contrasting words, phrases, or clauses. This technique is often used in poetry, prose, and speeches to create a sense of tension and to emphasize the differences between two ideas.

In antithesis, two contrasting ideas are placed side by side in order to highlight their differences. This technique is often used to create a sense of balance in a sentence or passage. For example, consider the following sentence: “To be or not to be, that is the question.” In this sentence, the opposing ideas of existence and non-existence are contrasted in order to create a sense of tension and to emphasize the importance of the decision at hand.

Examples of Antithesis

Antithesis is a literary device that involves the use of contrasting ideas, words, or phrases in a parallel structure. Here are some examples of antithesis in literature, speeches, and advertising.

Antithesis in Literature

Antithesis is commonly used in literature to highlight the contrast between two opposing ideas or themes. One of the most famous examples of antithesis in literature is found in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities . The opening lines of the novel read:

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way – in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.”

The contrasting ideas of “best” and “worst,” “wisdom” and “foolishness,” “belief” and “incredulity,” and others are used to emphasize the stark differences between the two cities.

Antithesis in Speeches

Antithesis is also commonly used in speeches to create a memorable impact on the audience. One of the most famous examples of antithesis in a speech is from Martin Luther King Jr.’s “I Have a Dream” speech:

“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.”

The contrasting ideas of “live together” and “perish together” are used to emphasize the importance of unity and brotherhood.

Antithesis in Advertising

Antithesis is also used in advertising to create memorable slogans and taglines. One example is the slogan for the car company BMW:

“The ultimate driving machine.”

The contrasting ideas of “ultimate” and “driving machine” are used to emphasize the high quality and performance of BMW cars.

In conclusion, antithesis is a powerful literary device that can be used in a variety of contexts to create memorable and impactful statements.

Antithesis vs. Juxtaposition

Antithesis and juxtaposition are two rhetorical devices that are often used in literature and speech. While they may seem similar, there are distinct differences between the two.

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that involves placing two contrasting ideas side by side in a sentence or phrase. The purpose of antithesis is to create a stark contrast between the two ideas, often to emphasize a point or to create a sense of tension or conflict.

For example, one famous example of antithesis comes from Charles Dickens’ “A Tale of Two Cities”: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” This sentence contrasts two opposing ideas, highlighting the extreme differences between them.

Antithesis is often used in speeches and persuasive writing to create a memorable and impactful statement. However, it can also be used in more subtle ways to add depth and complexity to a piece of writing.


Juxtaposition, on the other hand, involves placing two ideas or objects next to each other in order to highlight their differences or similarities. Unlike antithesis, the two ideas or objects may not necessarily be opposing or contrasting.

For example, a writer might use juxtaposition to describe two characters in a story. By placing their descriptions side by side, the writer can highlight their differences and create a more vivid picture of each character.

Juxtaposition can also be used to create irony or humor. By placing two unlikely ideas or objects next to each other, a writer can create a sense of surprise or amusement.

In conclusion, while antithesis and juxtaposition are both rhetorical devices that involve placing two ideas or objects next to each other, they serve different purposes. Antithesis is used to create a contrast or conflict between two opposing ideas, while juxtaposition is used to highlight the differences or similarities between two ideas or objects.

Antithesis in Communication

Antithesis is a powerful tool in communication that can be used to emphasize contrast, create memorable phrases, and strengthen arguments. By juxtaposing two opposing ideas, antithesis can help to clarify and highlight the differences between them, making them more easily understood and remembered. In this section, we will explore the importance of antithesis in communication and how it can be used effectively.

Emphasizing Contrast

One of the primary functions of antithesis is to emphasize contrast. By placing two opposing ideas side by side, antithesis can draw attention to their differences and make them more apparent. This can be especially useful in situations where it is important to distinguish between two similar but distinct concepts. For example, in political discourse, antithesis can be used to highlight the differences between two competing policy proposals or ideologies.

Creating Memorable Phrases

Another important function of antithesis is to create memorable phrases. By using contrasting ideas in a sentence or phrase, antithesis can create a sense of balance and rhythm that can make the words more memorable. This can be seen in famous quotes such as “To be or not to be” from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, which uses antithesis to create a memorable phrase that encapsulates the play’s central theme.

Strengthening Arguments

Finally, antithesis can be used to strengthen arguments. By using contrasting ideas, antithesis can help to make an argument more persuasive by highlighting the strengths of one idea while pointing out the weaknesses of another. This can be especially useful in situations where it is important to make a convincing case, such as in a legal argument or a political debate.

In conclusion, antithesis is an important tool in communication that can be used to emphasize contrast, create memorable phrases, and strengthen arguments. By using contrasting ideas, antithesis can help to clarify and highlight the differences between two concepts, making them more easily understood and remembered. Whether in literature, politics, or everyday conversation, antithesis can be a powerful tool for effective communication.

Overall, antithesis is a valuable tool for writers and speakers who want to create a sense of contrast and emphasize their point. When used effectively, it can make writing or speech more memorable and impactful. However, it is important to use it in moderation and not rely on it too heavily. By understanding how to use antithesis effectively, writers and speakers can take their communication skills to the next level.

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What is antithesis? A guide with examples

Find out how to use antithesis to improve your writing and see examples of antithesis being used in literature, poetry and advertising.

What is antithesis and antithesis examples


This blog post is part of the Semantix copywriters’ toolkit, which is a great resource for writing professionals and all those looking to improve their writing, including language and marketing students. Firstly, we’ll discuss the definition of antithesis, including how it differs from similar rhetorical devices . Then, we’ll look at how other writers have used antithesis to set contrast and add impact to their work, including some famous examples of antithesis in literature, poetry and marketing.

What is antithesis?

The word antithesis is sometimes used to mean ‘opposite’. For example, “She is slim and sporty – the very antithesis of her brother”. However, ‘antithesis’ (or ‘antitheses’ if plural) is also the name given to a particular rhetorical or literary device. In this blog post, we’ll be looking at ‘antithesis’ in its role as the rhetorical and literary device.

The word ‘antithesis’ comes from the Greek for ‘setting opposite’. It means to express a concept by creating contrast. This can be done in different ways according to different definitions: either using only the content of the expression, or the content and the grammatical structure. Using the content can be as simple as using words with opposite meanings in close proximity to each other, or more complex by describing concepts that contrast with one another. This draws the reader’s attention to the differences between the two things.

Antithesis often presents opposing ideas and presents those ideas in a parallel grammatical structure. This is unlike general parallelism, which presents a balance of elements in a structure (sentence, clause or other) without necessarily involving the content. Antithesis is usually created in two parts, but can also be formed by three or more opposing clauses.

Writers can use antithesis to communicate a concept that is best expressed through opposites. It’s a simple yet effective way to really drive a point home. As with other literary devices , the rules aren’t set in stone, it’s more about using the device in ways that create impact and bring the words to life.

Examples of antithesis in literature

What makes a good piece of writing truly great? You might argue that the key ingredients include memorability, impact and the beauty of a rhythmical grammatical structure – deliverables that can be served skillfully with antitheses.

When you put two antithetical concepts together in a short phrase, you get drama. And drama is what keeps the reader turning the pages.

In addition, the parallel structure often used in antithesis makes the words stand out from the other text on a page. Working like a mental stop sign, it compels the reader to notice the contrasting ideas and consider the meaning of that contrast.

Using antithesis, writers can present contradictions by balancing opposing words and statements. This builds contrasting images in a reader’s mind and creates a powerful impression of either a character or circumstance.

A good portion of the best-known writers in history have been masters of antithesis. For example, antithesis plays a big part in the language used by William Shakespeare. In fact, nearly every character he created uses it. For example, in Mac beth the witches chant, “Fair is foul, and foul is fair” – a simple but dramatic antithesis. One of the best-known Shakespearean quotes of all time is an antithesis from the play Hamlet , when the prince says, “To be, or not to be...”. In just six words Shakespeare creates a perfect contrast between existing and not existing, inviting the audience to ponder the meaning of life itself.

Another famous use of antithesis is the expression, “To err is human; to forgive, divine”, which was written in 1711 by English poet Alexander Pope in ‘ An Essay on Criticism, Part II ’. After the original creation of the statement, further iterations have added the word ‘is’ so, “To err is human; to forgive is divine”, which, arguably, improves the rhythm by creating an equal number of words in each part of the sentence.

And it’s not just the writers of old who wield the sword of antithesis so well: their modern counterparts are equally aware of its power. For example, the Green Lantern comic writers use antithesis at the start of Green Lantern’s oath in order to emphasise his mission to defeat evil at all costs:

In brightest day , in blackest night , No evil shall escape my sight. Let those who worship evil’s might Beware my power – Green Lantern’s light!

Antithesis in poetry.

Poetry is perhaps the writing genre where we find the most graceful use of words. That’s why there are lots of antitheses used in poetry throughout history.

Take a look at the two-part structures and conceptual contrasts from some of the world’s best-known poems:

"Better to reign in Hell , then serve in Heav’n" – Paradise Lost , John Milton, 1667

“much madness is divinest sense ” – 620, emily dickinson, “some say the world will end in fire / some say in ice ” – fire and ice, robert frost, 1920.

Occasionally, a writer might even make use of a triple antithesis:

“Herein lives wisdom, beauty , and increase ; / Without this, folly, age , and cold decay ” – Sonnet 11, William Shakespeare, 1609

Antithesis in speeches.

Of course, what works on paper often works in its spoken form too. Some of the best speeches of all time can thank, at least in part, antithesis for their success.

“That’s one small step for a man – one giant leap for mankind” – Neil Armstrong, 1969

“we must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools ” – martin luther king jr, 1964, “on this day, we gather because we have chosen hope over fear, unity of purpose over conflict and discord ” – barack obama, 2009, antithesis in advertising.

Marketers love to make us remember how truly wonderful their services or products are. Antithesis provides marketers with a powerful tool: contrast to underline a unique selling proposition (USP) and a memorable rhythm. That’s why you’ll find the path to marketing gold is littered with antitheses: the antithesis is the life-blood of the tagline or slogan.

Take a look at how each of these taglines uses a parallel structure and creates opposition:

“ Small business. Big future” – Santander

“ heavy on features. light on price” – apple, “ tough on stains. gentle on skin” – persil, “ less calories; more taste” – so good, “inspired by yesterday , built for tomorrow ” – nokia, “ all of the taste. none of the sugars” – alpro, “ smart listens to the head. stupid listens to the heart” – diesel, antithesis, chiasmus and parallelism – what are the differences.

Parallelism, sometimes called parallel structure or parallel construction, is the repetition of grammatical structures in a piece of writing in order to create a balanced, harmonious effect.

Parallelism requires only the repeated grammatical structure, while antithesis uses the content – you can’t set up opposing concepts by only using the structure!

Look at this example, “They have plundered our seas, ravaged our coasts, burnt our towns – all while caring for their own oceans and cities.” The beginning of this statement repeats the same structure while changing the verbs and nouns. It doesn’t create a contrast between each clause or suggest any form of opposition. That’s the key difference between other forms of parallelism and antithesis: parallelism doesn’t need to present opposites, but antithesis is all about the opposites.

If a similar phrase was written using antitheses, it might read something like this. “They have plundered our seas; but have nurtured their seas. They ravaged our coasts; they cared for their own. They burnt our towns while they built their cities.” In the ‘antithesis version’, each clause is juxtaposed with another concept to create impact. You can hear how much more powerful the second phrase is if you read both versions out loud.

While antithesis is parallelism, not all parallelism is antithesis! For example, chiasmus is also a form of parallelism. In fact, it’s sometimes described as an inverted parallelism and happens when word order or grammatical structure is reversed in two phrases. For example, the phrase, “Do I love you because you are beautiful? Or are you beautiful because I love you?” qualifies as a parallelism and a chiasmus but there’s no opposition so it’s not an antithesis.

Antithesis, chiasmus and parallelism

Semantix’s copywriting toolkit

Our copywriting toolkit is a valuable resource for anyone aiming to improve their writing skills. It contains definitions and examples of rhetorical devices in action, with guidelines on how and why they are used.

Using rhetorical devices, such as antitheses, is a time-proven method of taking your writing to another level and making sure that your words are impactful, memorable and effective. Whether you’re writing for pleasure or writing for business, they create drama and keep your readers or listeners engaged.

Semantix’s copywriting services

As the leading language solution provider in the Nordics, language is our passion. Every day, we help our clients reach new target audiences and enter new global marketplaces. We believe that language should be used as an opportunity to boost business and never be seen as a barrier.

Our copywriting services are available in more than 200 languages, and we only work with native-speaking translators . By matching you with a multilingual copywriter with experience in your specific industry, we’ll help you make every word work hard for your business in every language.

Want to find out more about our multilingual copywriting services?

Further reading.

  • A Handlist Of Rhetorical Terms – Richard Lanham, University of California Press, 2013
  • Simplified Glossary Of Literary Terms/Devices: An Easy-To-Use Source Of Definitions, Examples And Exercises For Students And Teachers – Victor Igiri, 2022
  • The Oxford Dictionary Of Literary Terms (Oxford Quick Reference) 4th Edition – Chris Baldick, OUP Oxford, 2015
  • The Elements Of Eloquence – Mark Forsyth, Icon Books, 2013
  • The Elements Of Rhetoric – Ryan N S Topping, Angelico Press, 2016
  • The Penguin Dictionary Of Literary Terms And Literary Theory – J A Cuddon, Penguin, 2014
  • The Rhetorical Device: Literary Resources For The Writer Vol. 1 of 2 – Paul F Kisak, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016
  • Writing With Clarity And Style: A Guide To Rhetorical Devices For Contemporary Writers – Robert A Harris, Routledge, 2017
  • The Use Of Rhetorical Devices In Selected Speeches by Clinton & Trump: Discourse From The Electoral Campaign 2016 – Larissa Wolf, AV Akademikerverlag, 2018
  • American rhetoric (online) Antithesis blog post
  • Studiobinder (online) ‘What is antithesis’ blog post
  • The Oxford Dictionary O f Literary Terms (Oxford Quick Reference) 4th Edition – Chris Baldick, OUP Oxford, 2015
  • Voltaire, The Project Gutenberg EBook Of A Philosophical Dictionary, Volume 4 (of 10).
  • Toastmasters (online) ‘The Crafting of Eloquence’ blog post .

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Definition of antithesis

Did you know.

Writers and speechmakers use the traditional pattern known as antithesis for its resounding effect; John Kennedy's famous "ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country" is an example. But antithesis normally means simply "opposite". Thus, war is the antithesis of peace, wealth is the antithesis of poverty, and love is the antithesis of hate. Holding two antithetical ideas in one's head at the same time—for example, that you're the sole master of your fate but also the helpless victim of your terrible upbringing—is so common as to be almost normal.

Examples of antithesis in a Sentence

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word 'antithesis.' Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

Late Latin, from Greek, literally, opposition, from antitithenai to oppose, from anti- + tithenai to set — more at do

1529, in the meaning defined at sense 1b(1)

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“Antithesis.” Dictionary , Merriam-Webster, Accessed 1 Aug. 2024.

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Most people can’t tell these 4 literary devices apart: your guide to paradox, oxymoron, antithesis & contrast

Following my post on comparative devices (simile, metaphor, analogy and conceit) , some readers have asked me to write a post on contrasting devices. 

In literature, contradictions take on different forms, and they often show up as examples of the literary devices below: 

  •         Paradox 
  •         Oxymoron 
  •         Antithesis 
  •         Contrast 
  •         Irony 

I’ve previously written a post on irony and how to tell if something is ironic, which I encourage you to check out .

But today, our focus is on the other four contrasting devices – paradox, oxymoron, antithesis, contrast. 

What do they mean? 

How can we tell them apart? 

And most importantly, how do we identify and analyse their use in poetry and prose? 

Paradox, oxymoron, antithesis and contrast – what do they mean?

More so than any other literary device, there appears to be more discrepancy between sources when it comes to explaining the differences between paradox and oxymoron, or antithesis and contrast.

This can be confusing for English learners, so in this section, I want to set the record straight once and for all. 

First, let us turn to our trusty ole’ Oxford Learners’ Dictionary for some definitions: 

Paradox : a statement containing two opposite ideas that make it seem impossible or unlikely, although it is probably true ; the use of this in writing

Oxymoron : a phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other, for example a deafening silence

Antithesis : the opposite of something; a contrast between two things 

Contrast : a difference between two or more people or things that you can see clearly when they are compared or put close together

For the general reader, the definitions above could very well suffice. At most, we see that ‘antithesis’ and ‘contrast’ are synonyms, while ‘oxymoron’ is a more specific form of ‘paradox’. 

But for the English student who wants to write good literary analysis, this level of understanding is superficial at best, and misleading at worst. 

Instead, here’s a more clarifying explanation: 

  • Contrast is an umbrella term for antithesis , paradox and oxymoron .
  • While antithesis refers to a statement which contains two opposite ideas and a contrast that makes logical sense, paradox refers to a situation which contains two opposite ideas – but the contrast doesn’t seem to make logical sense until we understand the context.
  • Oxymoron is the ‘mini’ version of a paradox , as it’s usually as a short phrase which contains two words of opposite meaning, and like paradox, the contrast doesn’t seem to make logical sense until we understand the context.

How do we tell these devices apart? 

To visualise their relationship, here’s a diagram to boot: 

contrast antithesis paradox oxymoron

Now, with examples: 

Contrast : “While I love a good double chocolate ice-cream, I hate how it’s basically just empty calories and sugar.”

Antithesis : “This double chocolate ice-cream is nutritionally deficient , but spiritually nourishing .” 

Paradox : “This double chocolate ice-cream is so good it’s evil .” 

Oxymoron : “This double chocolate ice-cream is wonderfully evil .” 

contrast antithesis paradox oxymoron examples

Paradox : You see, then, while it doesn’t seem to make sense for something to be good and evil at the same time (these two words being literal antonyms of each other), we understand from the context of someone eating a delicious but unhealthy double choco ice-cream that it is “good” because it tastes good, but also “evil” because it makes us fat and spikes our blood sugar. 

Oxymoron : Likewise, the oxymoronic phrase “wonderfully evil” is a combination of an adverb and an adjective that contain opposite meanings.

‘Wonderful’ means extremely good, so this contrasts with ‘evil’, which means extremely bad. As explained above, we are able to grasp the implication of the oxymoron once we understand the context. 

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Antithesis and c ontrast : Here’s one tip to tell whether something you read is a general example of contrast or a more specific example of antithesis: 

It is most likely antithesis if the two opposite ideas are placed in grammatical and/or syntactical parallel. 

What does this mean? 

Let’s review the example of antithesis again: 

This double chocolate ice-cream is nutritionally deficient , but spiritually nourishing .

Notice that the phrases “nutritionally deficient” and “spiritually nourishing” contain the same set of parts of speech and are placed in the same word order (adverb followed by adjective). 

“Nutritionally” and “spiritually” are both adverbs placed front in the phrase, whereas “deficient” and “nourishing” are both adjectives placed at the back. 

Compare this to the example of contrast : 

  While I love a good double chocolate ice-cream, I hate how it’s basically just empty calories and sugar.

  While this sentence clearly contains a set of opposite ideas – love vs hate, it doesn’t follow a distinctive syntactical pattern. There’s no grammatical or syntactical parallelism between “a good double chocolate ice-cream” and “how it’s basically just empty calories and sugar”. 

Now that we’ve done some ground work on the concepts, let’s move on to close read some literary examples of these contrasting devices. 

Paradox in Wallace Stevens’ ‘The Snow Man’ (1921) 

  In Stevens’ poem ‘The Snow Man’ , the speaker ends with a sharp paradox to convey the beguiling presence of winter wind – 

One must have a mind of winter To regard the frost and the boughs Of the pine-trees crusted with snow; And have been cold a long time To behold the junipers shagged with ice, The spruces rough in the distant glitter Of the January sun; and not to think Of any misery in the sound of the wind, In the sound of a few leaves, Which is the sound of the land Full of the same wind That is blowing in the same bare place   For the listener, who listens in the snow, And, nothing himself, beholds Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is.  

What are we to make of the last three references to “nothing”?   

To start, the listener is characterised as “nothing himself”, and yet, he must be ‘something’ (or someone!) to have the visual capacity to “behold” whatever’s in front of him. This is our first paradox, because emptiness – “nothing” – possesses no human agency, let alone the ability to see.   

But what does the man see? 

“Nothing that is not there and the nothing that is”: it turns out that he can’t actually see anything, because wind is transparent and therefore ‘invisible’.

Yet, this cold winter wind isn’t entirely an atmospheric steppe of nothingness, because it very much asserts its presence in the aural and tactile sense. 

Interestingly, the person portrayed in this poem (who is separate from either the speaker or the poet, by the way!) is referred to as a “listener”. 

This perhaps brings us to a main point in the poem: the supremacy of the auditory over the visual faculty during a cold, hard winter. When all is awash in white, the speaker suggests, you get more out of the experience from hearing closely than you would from observing intently. 

After all, there’s not much to see, but a dynamic, albeit quiet, symphony plays on in the background of nature, even with the seeming suspension of life.

As such, Stevens leverages paradox to convey the idea of pregnant ‘nothingness’ (and here I use an oxymoron), which shows us that what we don’t see sometimes finds alternative, and indeed richer, expression in what we can instead hear. 

“The Snow Man” may seem bleak upon first reading, but if we make an attempt to immerse ourselves into the scene described, we are likely to detect an unlikely optimism – one which shines through in the naturalistic elegance of Stevens’ verse. 

Paradox and oxymoron in Alfred Lord Tennyson’s ‘Lancelot and Elaine’, from The Idylls of the King (1859-1885)

  Like much of Victorian literature, Tennyson’s The Idylls of the King is a long piece of work. As an epic poem comprising 12 narrative verse sections, Idylls retells the literary cycle of King Arthur’s legend, his love for Queen Guinevere and her betrayal of him with Lancelot, one of the Round Table Knights. 

In the sixth narrative titled ‘ Lancelot and Elaine ’, Guinevere’s remarks about her lack of love for Arthur is a great example of paradox – 

Arthur, my lord, Arthur, the faultless King, That passionate perfect, my good lord – But who can gaze upon the Sun in heaven?                                                       … to me He is all fault who hath no fault at all: For who loves me must have a touch of earth; The low sun makes the colour: I am yours, Not Arthur’s, as ye know, save by the bond.

To the Queen, it is precisely Arthur’s sheer ‘faultlessness’ – the fact that he is too perfect – which makes him more God than man, and as such, difficult to love.

So, despite him having “no fault at all” in the moral sense, “he is all fault” to Guinevere because as his wife, she cannot love him and therefore, must fail in her wifely duty. 

In the rest of this verse narrative, we learn that Elaine of Astolat harbours an unrequited love for Lancelot. After the Knight suffers serious wounds from partaking in a jousting tournament, he takes refuge in the hermit Sir Baudwin’s cave, during which Elaine, having actively sought him out, nurses him back to health.

While deeply grateful for Elaine’s attentiveness, Lancelot admits that he doesn’t love her, but is instead emotionally attached to Guinevere – 

And the sick man forgot her simple blush, Would call her friend and sister, sweet Elaine, Would listen for her coming and regret Her parting step, and held her tenderly, And loved her with all love except the love Of man and woman when they love their best, Closest and sweetest, and had died the death In any knightly fashion for her sake. And peradventure had he seen her first She might have made this and that other world Another world for the sick man; but now The shackles of an old love straitened him, His honour rooted in dishonour stood, And faith unfaithful kept him falsely true.

The final two lines in this section offer up perfect examples of paradox and oxymoron.

Given the adulterous nature of Guinevere and Lancelot’s feelings for each other, Lancelot’s “honour” – his integrity – as one of the Arthurian Round Table Knights, is “rooted in dishonour”, because his ultimate allegiance should be to King Arthur. 

Yet, by falling in love with Guinevere, he has made the King a cuckold.

As such, Lancelot suffers the paradox of being a loyal lover to the Queen, but also a disloyal servant to the King. 

The two examples of oxymoron in the last line expose the irony of Lancelot’s misguided love: it is his “faith” in Guinevere’s love that perpetuates both his and the Queen’s “unfaithful[ness]” – one in allegiance and the other in matrimony. 

  Likewise, the adverb “falsely” in “falsely true” bears two connotations: first, his steadfastness in love is morally ‘false’. Worse, it is wrong and misjudged, as he’ll eventually realise that it is Elaine, not Guinevere, who truly loves him. 

By the time he understands this, however, it’ll be too late, as Elaine will have died from the heartbreak of her spurned love.  

Antithesis in Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities (1859) 

Most would agree that one of the most iconic openings to any book is housed in Charles Dickens’ A Tale of Two Cities .

In a series of neatly contrasted superlatives, the prolific Victorian novelist captures the zeitgeist of the French Revolution era – 

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way — in short, the period was so far like the present period, that some of its noisiest authorities insisted on its being received, for good or for evil, in the superlative degree of comparison only.

Best vs worst, wisdom vs foolishness, belief vs incredulity, Light vs Darkness, spring vs winter, hope vs despair, everything vs nothing, Heaven vs the euphemistic “the other way” (Hell), good vs evil. 

In this short introduction alone, Dickens packs in nine pairs of antithetical ideas. 

In hindsight, the French Revolution is probably the single most defining event in Western political history, having ushered in the rise of republican and democratic government, a ruling model which continues to prevail in the Anglosphere today. 

Like most historical watersheds, the French Revolution was a period of extraordinary anomalies, which came about as a result of extreme behaviour, tectonic changes and paradigm shifts in politics, society and culture. 

From the ashes of protracted war and mass sacrifice, however, emerged a better world order and the advancement of civilisation in the long run. This wouldn’t have happened had the late 18th century been an era of vanilla neutralities, but it did because it was one of jerking extremities. 

This, from a stylistic angle, makes antithesis an apt device for portraying the energies of the time. 

By framing his introduction with a string of antithesis, Dickens also hints at the model of character behaviour in the rest of his novel. 

And as we find out, many characters in Two Cities do act in ways that are absolute, Manichean and ‘all or nothing’:

For instance, Charles Darnay disowns his aristocratic birth name Evremonde and leaves France for England out of disgust at his family’s poor treatment of French peasant; Dr Manette makes shoes obsessively as a way to distract himself from deep bouts of misery; and most memorably, Sydney Carlton sacrifices his life to protect Darnay, Lucie and their family – deemed criminal by aristocratic association – from execution at the hands of the brutal Revolutionaries. 

Perhaps the idea here, then, is that only in extremes can real greatness come about, and despite any losses incurred along the way, it is those periods and people that demonstrate maniacal intensity in the pursuit of a cause which will eventually prevail in memoriam. 

Confused about other literary devices? Check out my other posts below!  

  • Hyperbole vs caricature : what’s the difference? Reading Charles Dickens’ ‘Hard Times’ to find out
  • Form vs structure : what’s the difference? Reading Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s ‘Sonnet 29’ and Lewis Carroll’s ‘Alice in Wonderland’ to find out
  • Personification , anthropomorphism and pathetic fallacy : what’s the difference? Reading John Milton’s ‘Paradise Lost’ to find out
  • How to write an awesome analysis on sound: your guide to alliteration , assonance and consonance

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4 thoughts on “ Most people can’t tell these 4 literary devices apart: your guide to paradox, oxymoron, antithesis & contrast ”

Would Juxtaposition be considered on this list?

Yes – it would be a good addition…!

This is a superb explanation. I was getting very confused about the difference between paradox and oxymoron and not getting any clarity from from anywhere else on the internet.

Thank you so much – I’m so pleased to hear that this helped you 🙂

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[ an- tith - uh -sis ]

the antithesis of right and wrong.

Her behavior was the very antithesis of cowardly.

Synonyms: reverse , opposite

  • the placing of a sentence or one of its parts against another to which it is opposed to form a balanced contrast of ideas, as in “Give me liberty or give me death.”
  • the second sentence or part thus set in opposition, as “or give me death.”
  • Philosophy. Hegelian dialectic

/ ænˈtɪθɪsɪs /

  • the exact opposite
  • contrast or opposition
  • rhetoric the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas, phrases, or words so as to produce an effect of balance, such as my words fly up, my thoughts remain below
  • philosophy the second stage in the Hegelian dialectic contradicting the thesis before resolution by the synthesis

Other Words From

  • self-an·tithe·sis noun

Word History and Origins

Origin of antithesis 1

Example Sentences

In the Democratic primary in his home state, he was humiliated by his old antithesis Wallace, who beat him decisively.

It cannot be stressed enough that the behavior of the sitting president is the antithesis of the ideals of American democracy, institutions or peaceful transitions.

American Christians may have chosen cynicism in 2016, but cynicism is the antithesis of the Christian faith, and cynicism won’t have the final word in America, either.

The transhuman cannot exist outside of ubuntu, of course, which is the antithesis of the colonial order for a number of reasons.

Tesla’s being touted as a go-go player in the antithesis of a go-go sector.

Belle Knox is the antithesis of Jenna Jameson—and not just in looks.

To me this is the antithesis of what travel should be about.

Married at First Sight is the antithesis of The Bachelor and The Bachelorette.

Yet its sound is the musical antithesis of a blended Frappuccino.

Now Joffrey, the Starks' black-hearted antithesis, has met a similar fate.

If you did fail, you would try Exclusion, and you would find nothing which is the antithesis of the area of New York.

Thus seen, socialism appeared as the very antithesis of law and order, of love and chastity, and of religion itself.

There is, however, but little danger of overdoing the parallel construction where there is no antithesis.

Nor is it to be wondered at, if we consider the antithesis which is presented to their usual mode of life.

He is a sentimental Classicist, and his subjects the antithesis of the Grco-Roman ideal to which he does homage in his technique.

  • English Grammar
  • Figures Of Speech

Antithesis: Meaning, Definition and Examples

Figures of speech , otherwise known as rhetorical devices, are used in the English language to beautify and make your language look and sound a lot more effective rather than a literal presentation of information. Each figure of speech has its function and is meant to perform its roles giving the context a unique effect. In this article, you will learn about one such figure of speech called antithesis. Read through the article to learn more about what antithesis is, its definition and how it differs from an oxymoron. You can also check out the examples and analyse how it is written for an in-depth understanding of the same.

Table of Contents

What is antithesis – meaning and definition, what differentiates an antithesis from an oxymoron, some common examples of antithesis, frequently asked questions on antithesis.

An antithesis is a figure of speech that states strongly contrasting ideas placed in juxtaposition. They contain compound sentences with the two independent clauses separated by a comma or a semicolon , in most cases. However, there are also instances where the antithesis is a compound sentence with a conjunction . An antithesis is mainly used to portray the stark difference between the two opposing ideas.

Antithesis, according to the Oxford Learner’s Dictionary, is defined as “a contrast between two things”, and according to the Cambridge Dictionary, “a difference or opposition between two things”. The Merriam-Webster Dictionary gives a more explanatory definition. According to it, antithesis is “the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences”.

Knowing the difference between an antithesis and an oxymoron will help you comprehend and use both the rhetorical devices effectively. Take a look at the table given below to learn more.

in juxtaposition. to produce an effect.

Here are some of the most common examples of antithesis for your reference.

  • Hope for the best; prepare for the worst.
  • Keep your mouth closed and your eyes open.
  • “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. It was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness.” – Charles Dickens
  • “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind.” – Neil Armstrong
  • “Better to reign in Hell, than to serve in Heaven.” – John Milton
  • Speech is silver, but silence is gold.
  • “Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice.” – William Shakespeare
  • Keep your friends close; keep your enemies closer.
  • “To err is human; to forgive divine.” – Alexander Pope
  • Money is the root of all evil: poverty is the fruit of all goodness.

What is antithesis?

An antithesis is a figure of speech that states strongly contrasting ideas placed in juxtaposition. They contain compound sentences with the two independent clauses separated by a comma or a semicolon, in most cases. However, there are also instances where the antithesis is a compound sentence with a conjunction.

What is the definition of antithesis?

What is the difference between antithesis and oxymoron.

The main difference between an antithesis and an oxymoron is that antithesis refers to the use of two contrasting ideas or thoughts conveyed in two independent clauses placed in juxtaposition, separated by a comma, a semicolon or a conjunction; whereas, the term ‘oxymoron’ refers to the use of two opposite words within a phrase to create an effect.

Give some examples of antithesis.

Here are a few examples of antithesis for your reference.

  • “Love is an ideal thing, marriage a real thing.” – Goethe
  • “Folks who have no vices have very few virtues.” – Abraham Lincoln
  • “Man proposes, God disposes.”
  • Beggars can’t be choosers.
  • Be slow in choosing, but slower in changing.
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antithesis of character meaning

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How is an antithesis used in creative or formal writing?

I'm struggling with how to present an antithesis in a setting.

I understand the definition:

NOUN 1.a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else: "love is the antithesis of selfishness" synonyms: (direct) opposite · converse · reverse · reversal · inverse · obverse · [more] •a contrast or opposition between two things: "the antithesis between occult and rational mentalities" synonyms: contrast · opposition •a rhetorical or literary device in which an opposition or contrast of ideas is expressed. "figures of speech such as antithesis" · [more] 2.(in Hegelian philosophy) the negation of the thesis as the second stage in the process of dialectical reasoning. Compare with synthesis.

But not how one is used or portrayed, particularly in creative or formal writing?

  • creative-writing
  • academic-writing

Aspen the Artist and Author's user avatar

  • So what part of that are you struggling with? Or are you looking for literary examples? –  user18397 Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 21:57
  • Examples would be blissful, yes. I know the definition, but I'm not so sure how it's used. –  Aspen the Artist and Author Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 21:59
  • 2 I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because it is not specific to the craft of writing. –  user16226 Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 22:26
  • 1 I think it's salvageable, particularly if it was edited to focus on how one can be portrayed –  user18397 Commented Oct 9, 2017 at 22:45
  • 1 This is a homework question, and while homework questions are not automatically off topic, there are guidelines that I don't think this question meets in its current form. (See and… ) "Questions asking for homework help must include a summary of the work you've done so far to solve the problem, and a description of the difficulty you are having solving it." I don't think this question is there yet. –  user16226 Commented Oct 10, 2017 at 22:35

2 Answers 2

Presenting an antithesis well, in a story, can be difficult.

Most people tend to think in terms of protagonist and antagonist, or even two opposing forces. While this is correct to a certain degree, it's not what an antithesis, in a literary work, is. You need to think bigger. Make it grand.

The antagonist can often be a dark mirror of the protagonist, like a reversed image - seemingly opposite but disturbingly similar. An antithesis, on the other hand, is more than that. And there's nothing stopping the antagonist being a servant of the antithesis.

The first examples that spring to mind, for me, are Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series and Raymond E Feists Midkemia saga.

The story, at the heart of it, is one of Light vs Dark. The Light represents creation, life, death and everything in between. The Dark is the absence of all that. It isn't death and destruction (although they are the tools it uses), but the complete and utter removal of everything the light created. The struggle and story are played out through the intermediaries that are the main characters - both protagonists and antagonists, but the true antithesis in the story is the Dark Lord.

Same goes with the Midkemia saga. Despite the epic cast, the ultimate adversary in the stories is The Void/ The Dread. The true antithesis of everything - it doesn't kill so much as obliterate all life.

And this is where it works best, a matter of looking at the Big Picture - the sheer scale behind the story. As Mark said in his answer, it's about contrast. Not Life and Death, but Life and the Complete Absence of Everything. Good and Evil. Chaos and Order. Night and Day etc.

The first principle of highlighting anything in any work of art is contrast. If you want a white dot to stand out, you put it on a black wall. If you want a high note to stand out, contrast it with a low one. If you want a character to appear more saintly, compare their conduct to that of a sinner.

Antithesis is simply maximum contrast. Instead of light grey and dark grey, it is black and white. Instead of naughty or nice, it is angel and devil.

Stories ultimately revolve around choices, and particularly around great choices that are made at significant cost. The impact of the choice can be heightened by making it a choice between one value and its antithesis. This is a choice without compromise.

The problem with such extreme contrast, though, it that it seldom occurs in nature. Most choices are not between unalloyed good and unalloyed evil, and even where such choices exist, they are not the most interesting choices. Employing such an extreme level of contrast, therefore, is a very powerful tool that has to be use sparingly in order to be effective.

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antithesis of character meaning

  • Literary Terms
  • Definition & Examples
  • When & How to Write a Character

I. What is Character?

A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. Writers use characters to perform the actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along a plot line. A story can have only one character (protagonist) and still be a complete story. This character’s conflict may be an inner one (within him/herself), or a conflict with something natural, such as climbing a mountain. Most stories have multiple characters interacting, with one of them as the antagonist, causing a conflict for the protagonist.

II. Examples of Character

A popular television series that just ended is the show “Glee.” Each season had popular characters who had to learn to work together to create a good musical production. Various characters underwent a change, making them a dynamic character, such as Noah Puckerman. He appears to carry out the stereotype of a jock (strong but not so smart), but his character changes as it’s revealed that he can be hard working and intelligent.

A movie that features one character throughout most of it is “Castaway” with Tom Hanks. His character is on board a shipping plane when it crashes. He’s the only survivor, trapped on an island for four years. This movie focuses on his psychological (mental) and physical condition as he slowly adapts to a life of isolation, living alone on an island that is off all regular sea and airplane routes. It’s a great example of how a story can work with only one character, although many minor characters appear in the beginning and end.

III. Types of Character

A. major characters.

These are the most important characters in the story. There are two types, of which there may be a couple for each.

  • Protagonist – This is the main character, around which the whole story revolves. The decisions made by this character will be affected by a conflict from within, or externally through another character, nature, technology, society, or the fates/God.
  • Antagonist – This character, or group of characters, causes the conflict for the protagonist. However, the antagonist could be the protagonist, who is torn by a problem within. Most times, something external is causing the problem. A group of people causing the conflict would be considered society, perhaps the members of a team, community, or institution. Additionally, the antagonist could be a part of nature, such as an animal, the weather, a mountain or lake. A different kind of antagonist would be an item such as a pen, car, phone, carpet, etc. These are all considered technology, since they are instruments or tools to complete a job. Finally, if the conflict comes from something out of the character’s control, the antagonist is fate or God.

b. Minor characters

These are the other characters in a story. They are not as important as the major characters, but still play a large part in the story. Their actions help drive the story forward. They may impact the decisions the protagonist or antagonist make, either helping or interfering with the conflict.

Characters can have different traits. Major characters will usually be more dynamic, changing and growing through the story while minor characters may be more static.

  • Foil – A foil is a character that has opposite character traits from another, meant to help highlight or bring out another’s positive or negative side. Many times, the antagonist is the foil for the protagonist.
  • Static – Characters who are static do not change throughout the story. Their use may simply be to create or relieve tension, or they were not meant to change. A major character can remain static through the whole story.
  • Dynamic – Dynamic characters change throughout the story. They may learn a lesson, become bad, or change in complex ways.
  • Flat – A flat character has one or two main traits, usually only all positive or negative. They are the opposite of a round character. The flaw or strength has its use in the story.
  • Round – These are the opposite of the flat character. These characters have many different traits, good and bad, making them more interesting.
  • Stock – These are the stereotypical characters, such as the boy genius, ambitious career person, faithful sidekick, mad scientist, etc.

IV. The Importance of Character

Characters are what make stories. Without a character, there is no story to tell, only a lot of scenery. Many characters in literature, television series, and movies have a huge impact on people. Some people like to live their lives through these characters, who appear to have more exciting lives.  Also, these characters may seem so real and inspirational, that people forget they are fictional.

Characters become so important to the audience, that cities across the country hold conventions in which people pay a lot of money to dress and act as their favorite characters from multiple types of shows, particularly of the comic magazine genre (type of literature).

V. Examples of Character in Pop Culture

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been keeping the city safe since the 1980s, but are still just as popular today. They each have their own special fighting method as well as personality. Originally simple, small turtles, they became super human, err turtle, after an accident in which the fish bowl of water they were in got knocked out of their owner’s hands and fell down a sewer grate, along with a canister of radioactive material. The rest is history. Nickelodeon has brought the characters back to fame, as can be seen on the channel and in the Nickelodeon Hotel in Orlando, Florida. The hotel features suites based on characters from the Nickelodeon shows for kids, and kids can interact with their favorite characters, including the Turtles, during breakfast and fun events. It’s clear that characters are an important part of our culture.

The characters are named after famous painters, and each turtle has his own personality to which different kids may relate. For example, Leonardo is the wise leader, the one who can keep the group focused. Raphael is the hothead. His temper wants to get the best of him, just as most of us would like to jump into things! Michaelangelo is the comedian. Like our class clowns in school, he’s the group clown. Finally, no group is complete without the geeky nerd. Donatello is always inventing things to help our turtle heroes in their adventures .

VI. Examples of Character in Literature

A book whose character was inspired by a real teenage girl is “The Fault in Our Stars” by John Green. The protagonist is 16-year-old Hazel, who meets Gus, a fellow 16-year-old cancer patient, at a camp. Their young romance is doomed as they are fighting a losing battle with cancer. Their strong spirits overcome their parents’ fears as the determined Hazel gets her wish to go overseas to meet an author she has long admired. The book has both characters undergoing change, very dynamic, as they struggle to adapt to their fate. The minor characters are impacted by the decisions Hazel and Gus make, giving depth to the story line. This book is an example of how authors take real life situations to create believable and interesting characters. Green’s inspiration for the story, Esther Earl, was a young fan with cancer who had wanted to meet him. He became friends with her and her family. She was diagnosed with cancer at 12 and died at 16.

John Green Discusses the Touching Inspiration Behind 'The Fault in Our Stars'

VII. Related Terms

Archetype: A standard or stock type of character that appears in fiction, such as the villain, the hero, the damsel-in-distress, or the sidekick. Each archetype has more categories within, as well. For example, the villain could be a tyrant, devil, schemer, etc. The hero could be the warrior, proto-female, scapegoat, etc. These are especially common in fairy and folk tales.

VIII. Conclusion

Characters are the whole reason for any story. They can be used to help teach a lesson, to entertain, to educate, and even to persuade, depending on the author’s goal for the story line. Characters can be based on real people and events, or be totally unrealistic, such as space aliens. People become attached to characters as if they are real, may develop favorites, and relate to those that have faced similar situations.

List of Terms

  • Alliteration
  • Amplification
  • Anachronism
  • Anthropomorphism
  • Antonomasia
  • APA Citation
  • Aposiopesis
  • Autobiography
  • Bildungsroman
  • Characterization
  • Circumlocution
  • Cliffhanger
  • Comic Relief
  • Connotation
  • Deus ex machina
  • Deuteragonist
  • Doppelganger
  • Double Entendre
  • Dramatic irony
  • Equivocation
  • Extended Metaphor
  • Figures of Speech
  • Flash-forward
  • Foreshadowing
  • Intertextuality
  • Juxtaposition
  • Literary Device
  • Malapropism
  • Onomatopoeia
  • Parallelism
  • Pathetic Fallacy
  • Personification
  • Point of View
  • Polysyndeton
  • Protagonist
  • Red Herring
  • Rhetorical Device
  • Rhetorical Question
  • Science Fiction
  • Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
  • Synesthesia
  • Turning Point
  • Understatement
  • Urban Legend
  • Verisimilitude
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antithesis of character meaning

Do you remember the famous line that Neil Armstrong spoke when he landed on the moon and achieved the great feat? His words ‘that’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind’ struck the minds and hearts of everyone. His line showed a sharp contrast between the two words. Can you identify them? 

The words small and giant have opposite meanings. This phrase used a figure of speech called antithesis. A ntithesis means the direct opposite. It is a contrary opinion or a concept. The statement can include characteristics that are contrasting. Using antithesis can highlight and drive home an important point.  

Antithesis is found everywhere but it is used widely in films and literature . Using this makes the audience understand the point of the other person with more clarity.

What is Antithesis?

Antithesis is a rhetorical device that brings out the contrast in the statement. It contains two ideas in the phrase that are complete opposites of each other. They are used to strengthen an argument and make it easier for the listener or reader to remember. 

antithesis of character meaning

Antithesis is also used to make the reader feel a certain way. They persuade the other person to elicit a particular emotion that the writer wants to show.

The dictionary defines antithesis as the placing of a sentence or one of its parts against another to which it is opposed to form a balanced contrast of ideas. It means the direct opposite or contrasting ideas in the same sentence .

Antithesis examples:

Everyday examples-.

Antithesis can be used in everyday speech as well. Many phrases spoken use this device. 

  • Go home or go big- this is a phrase heard more in games.
  • No pain, no gain.
  • Speech is silver but silence is golden- this one would have been used by every teacher out there! 

Examples from famous speeches- 

  • “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country. ” – this was quoted by John.F. Kennedy during his inaugural speech as the 35th President of the USA.

antithesis of character meaning

  • “We must all learn to live together as brothers – or we will all perish together as fools.” Martin Luther King Jr quoted this to highlight the contrast between two versions of the future.

Proverbs featuring antithesis- 

  • Beggars can’t be choosers.
  • One man’s junk is another man’s treasure.
  • Hope for the best and prepare for the best.

How to write with Antithesis?

Antithesis is best used to add contrast. Concepts such as emotions and opposing elements of a setting use this. The concepts don’t need to be complete opposites but they should be distinct. Antithesis creates a lyrical quality so one should keep in mind the rhythm and wording to be similar. Overuse should be avoided since the impact will sound duller and make writing seem forced.

Why do writers use Antithesis?

  • Writers use antithesis to create a contrast and present a choice between two different things.
  • Placing opposites together gives more clarity and attention to its characteristics.
  • It allows the expression of strong emotions and conveys range.
  • It also allows the text to be more memorable for the reader or listener. 

Read this article to get more information on Literary Syntax .

Difference between Antithesis and Juxtaposition:

Antithesis often gets confused with other literary terms. Juxtaposition is one such literary device that is mistaken in place of antithesis. Juxtaposition places two things next to each other for an interesting effect. This is done to bring attention to their similarities or differences. The juxtaposition does not always compare or contrast, unlike antithesis. Antithesis could be a juxtaposition but vice versa cannot be told as the same.

Difference between Antithesis and Oxymoron:

Oxymoron is another literary device that gets confused with antithesis. Oxymoron is a combination of contradicting words placed next to each other. For example, living dead, making haste slowly, the only choice, etc. 

The idea of an oxymoron focuses on contradiction while antithesis is more based on opposites. Antithesis doesn’t function with only a few words and is not placed next to each other. Pretty easy to identify them!

You can get more information about Anaphora in this article.

Difference between Antithesis and Foil:

A foil is a literary character that highlights attributes and reveals information in another character through opposing traits. It is used to draw attention to the other person’s qualities. This can get confused with antithesis. While the character can have opposing qualities, it does not mean it is a bad character. This is a foil character. If the main character is a hero, then antithesis will mean being the villain and foil will mean being a sidekick of the hero.

Antithesis and Parallelism:

Parallelism is a literary device in which parts of a sentence are the same. They can be grammatically the same or at least similar in construction. This makes it a great persuasion tool as people find it a pattern and rhythm more memorable. 

The easiest example to understand this device would be Martin Luther King Jr’s speech- 

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today…”. 

antithesis of character meaning

Although anyone would not be able to remember the whole speech, the part that uses parallelism sticks to the mind. This shows the power parallelism holds in making a bigger impact.

Antithesis uses parallelism in many cases. It can involve parallel elements of the sentence which can be verbs, nouns, adjectives, etc. An example that has both antithesis and parallelism in it is from the book The Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens- 

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times; it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness;

Origins of Antithesis:

Antithesis originates from the Greek word Antitithenai which means set against. It comes from two words ‘ anti’ meaning ‘against’ and ‘ tithenai’ meaning ‘to place’. The earliest usage of this as a literary device is known from the 16th century.

Antithesis in Literature: 

Antithesis is a favorable device that a lot of authors use. Some of Shakespeare’s best works use this.

  • Othello by Shakespeare- 

“This is the night

That either makes me or fordoes me quite .”

The antithesis in this is quite clear as the antagonist uses it to differentiate between the two potential outcomes.

  • Julius Caesar by Shakespeare- 

There is a subtle use of antithesis here. The author uses it to show the contrast between the characters Markus Brutus and Marc Anthony. The former being a noble, honorable man and the latter being evil but honorable.

antithesis of character meaning

Antithesis in poetry:

  • Paradise Lost by John Milton-

“Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heav’n.”

There is the use of double antithesis here. One between heaven and hell and the other one between ruling and serving. The poet justifies that it is better to rule even in hell than be a servant, even if it is heaven.

  • Fire and Ice by Robert Frost-

              Some say the world will end in fire,

           Some say in ice.

           From what I’ve tasted of desire

           I hold with those who favor fire.

           But if it had to perish twice,

          I think I know enough of hate

          To say that for destruction ice

          Is also great

         And would suffice.

      Antithesis is used to contrast fire and ice as opposing yet destructive forces. The fire represents desire while the ice represents hate. There is the literal and figurative meaning used by the poet.

Antithesis in popular culture:

  • In the song ‘My Girl by the Temptations’ (1965)

I’ve got sunshine on a cloudy day

When it’s cold outside I’ve got the month of May.

The singer uses antithesis to express joy in contrasting conditions.

  • In the movie ‘Beauty and the Beast’ by Disney-

antithesis of character meaning

The movie uses antithesis on its characters. While Belle is the epitome of beauty, the beast is a stark contrast by being ugly. Yet, they find their way to each other which makes it a heartfelt union.

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Did the Olympics mock the Last Supper? Explaining Dionysus and why Christians are angry

Was the opening ceremony performance a mockery of christianity, as some are suggesting or was it a homage to the greek god dionysus, as organizers proclaim.

Friday's wild opening ceremony for the Paris Olympics put the spotlight on influential French metal bands , famed athletes bearing their nations' flags and a triumphant return from Celine Dion herself .

The parade down the river Seine featured plenty of eye-catching moments that sparked online fervor – including one now particularly infamous scene that outraged many Christians who lambasted its resemblance to Leonardo Da Vinci's famed Last Supper painting.

In the tableau, a scantily-clad man painted in blue emerged at the center of a table to sing among dancing drag queens.

Conservative and Christian leaders were quick to condemn the scene as an offensive parody of imagery and symbolism at the center of their faith, despite the insistence of ceremony organizers that they took inspiration from an ancient pagan festival.

So, was the brief scene a mockery of Christianity, as some are suggesting? Or was it a homage to the Greek god Dionysus, as organizers proclaim?

Here's what to know about the controversial moment, and why some are questioning the performance's intent.

Paris Olympics: Top moments from opening ceremony

Drag queens dance around Dionysus in opening ceremony performance

The performance featuring Dionysus was one of many highlights of the opening ceremony to this year's summer Olympics taking place Friday on and along the Seine.

The tableau, which was broadcast during the ceremony, included a woman wearing a a silver, halo-like crown at the center of a long table flanked by drag queens. The scene is promptly disrupted when a nearly naked man painted blue emerges from a dinner plate surrounded by fruit.

As he begins singing, the drag queens break out into dance behind him.

Conservative, Christian leaders say performance mocked 'Last Supper'

It wasn't long until the scene prompted outcry from Christian and Conservative leaders in the United States who viewed its imagery as a mockery of "The Last Supper."

The famous mural by Renaissance artist Leonardo da Vinci depicts Jesus Christ surrounded by his 12 apostles on the eve of his crucifixion.

As described in the Gospel, Jesus shares bread and wine with his gathered disciples, which he instructs them to eat and drink as his body and blood. The New Testament moment is a cornerstone of the Christian worship, as it is the basis of the Eucharist.

Because the Olympic opening ceremony scene so closely resembled the revered painting, several Christian and Catholic organizations publicly denounced it.

The French Bishops’ Conference, which represents the country's Catholic bishops,  said in a statement  that the scene was a "mockery and derision of Christianity." Influential American Catholic, Bishop Robert Barron of Minnesota,  said in a video  that it constituted a “gross mockery" of "a very central moment in Christianity."

Conservative political leaders and businesses also criticized the piece.

In a post on X , formerly known as Twitter, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Saturday said the performance "was shocking and insulting to Christian people around the world.” C Spire, a U.S. telecommunications provider, also said on X that it was pulling its advertising from the Summer Games as a result of the performance.

Who is Dionysus, reputed inspiration of ceremony feast scene?

But the opening ceremony’s artistic director, Thomas Jolly, has insisted that the scene is not a reference at all to the Last Supper.

Rather, the performance is a nod to a pagan celebration featuring Dionysus, the Greek god of fertility, wine and revelry.

Portrayed at the Olympics by French singer and actor Philippe Katerine, Dionysus – known to the Romans as Bacchus – has a close tie to France: In Greek mythology, he is the father of Sequana, the Goddess of the River Seine.

Even the official Olympics account on X said on Friday that the “interpretation of the Greek God Dionysus makes us aware of the absurdity of violence between human beings.” The post did not mention the Last Supper, while others commenting on the post described the performance as a depiction of a Dionysian feast.

Following the outcry, Jolly said at  the International Olympic Committee's daily briefing at the Olympic Games on Saturday that the moment was not meant to "be subversive or shock people or mock people." On Sunday, Jolly appeared on  French TV station BFMTV to further insist that "The Last Supper" was "not my inspiration" for the segment.

"The idea was to have a pagan celebration connected to the gods of Olympus. You will never find in me a desire to mock and denigrate anyone," he said. "The idea was to create a big pagan party in link with the God of Mount Olympus."

What is the Festival of Dionysus?

In 5th century Athens, the Festival of Dionysus came to be one of the pinnacle events of the year.

Every year around springtime, playwrights would compete to entertain the masses of Athenian citizenry, according to Brown University . The festivities also included a procession from outside the city limits in which the sacred statue of Dionysus was carried to a theater named for the god near the Acropolis.

While the Olympic ceremony performance could be said to depict one such celebration, some have even said the scene was reminiscent of not just Da Vinci's work, but other works as well.

Among them is “ The Feast of the Gods ," a 17th century painting from Dutch artist Jan van Bijlert depicting the Greek gods of Olympus crowded around a long table. At the center of the table is the sun god Apollo, recognizable by a halo of light around his head.

The painting is among the collection at the Musée Magnin in Dijon, France, which  posted  images of it Sunday on X.

“Does this painting remind you of something?” the museum asked with a wink.

Ce tableau vous rappelle quelque chose ? 😉 Et si vous veniez l’admirer au #MuséenationalMagnin à Dijon ? @jeuxolympiques @paris2024 @Thomajolly @DaphneBurki #Paris2024 #ceremoniedouverture #Jeuxolympiques — Musée Magnin (@MagninMusee) July 28, 2024

Paris 2024 spokesperson issues apology

The explanations for the performance did not stop Paris 2024 spokesperson Anne Descamps from apologizing on Sunday to those offended by the scene.

"Clearly there was never an intention to show disrespect to any religious group. On the contrary, I think (with) Thomas Jolly, we really did try to celebrate community tolerance," Descamps said. “Looking at the result of the polls that we shared, we believe that this ambition was achieved. If people have taken any offense, we are, of course, really, really sorry.”

The IOC  said on social media  that it took note of the apology from Paris 2024.

Contributing: Jordan Mendoza , USA TODAY

Eric Lagatta covers breaking and trending news for USA TODAY. Reach him at [email protected]

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What does 'no cap' mean? What does rizz mean? A guide to Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang

antithesis of character meaning

What are the kids even saying these days?

It can be difficult to keep track of all the new words Gen Z and Gen Alpha say on a consistent basis. Cap? Rizz? Sometimes it can feel like your child, teenager or even young adult are speaking a different language.

Boomers, Gen X and millennials have no fear because here is a compiled list of the most popular slang words used by Gen Z and Gen Alpha and their definitions according to Merriam-Webster , Urban Dictionary and other experts like middle school teachers. You won't feel old anymore after understanding this new and hip vocabulary.

The definitions of Gen Z slang

Aura : noun, the unquestionable confidence of a person.

Based : noun, a word used when you want to recognize someone for being themselves and not caring what others think.

Bet : noun, another meaning for "OK"

Bussin : adjective, Extremely good, excellent

Cap / No Cap : noun, a lie/an expression to show someone is not lying.

Cooked : adjective, describing something in a negative way.

Drip : noun, clothing or accessories that are fashionable

Gyat : noun, short for "god-damn" used to describe someone with a curvaceous figure

Ick : noun, a feeling of disgust at something unpleasant or offensive.

Let them cook : give them space to do something they are good at.

Lit : noun, used to describe when something is cool or exciting

Mid : noun, used to insult or degrade an opposing opinion, labeling it as average or poor quality.

NPC : noun, a non-playable character in a video game, referring to a person who is predictable and follows along.

Opps : noun, anyone in competition or against you, an enemy.

Red Flag : noun, someone's negative qualities

Rizz : noun, short for charisma, romantic appeal or charm

Tea : noun, the best kind of gossip, shared between friends.

Slaps : adverb, describing something to be excellent or amazing

Sus : adjective, giving the impression that something is questionable or dishonest, short for suspicious.

Other Gen Alpha terms

Other slang terms and phrases that are more commonly used by today's teenagers and children can be a little more complicated to understand.

Some of these words have very little meaning at all, and it can be difficult to trace their background.

Some teenagers use the word skibiddi in many contexts where no one definition fits the word, but Know Your Meme blog says it comes from a series of YouTube videos from 2023.

One middle school teacher Philip Lindsay, who even went on USA TODAY to describe some Gen Alpha terms, helped break down the term Sigma in a video on TikTok where he says the term is a way to describe a successful male. He says his students sometimes use the term to say when something is the best.

Other terms like mewing or mogging are used to describe the looks of a person. Lindsay says the essence of the word mog or mogging is to appear more superior to someone in a physical or ascetic way. Lindsay helps break down mewing, which is an actual exercise that is suppose to strengthen your jawline, but his students practice the act of mewing when asked question they do not want to answer a question

Then there's fanum tax which is a phrase that comes from a Twitch streamer that he uses before he snatches a portion of their food.

Who knows what new terms and phrases develop from memes and influencers in the future, but for now hopefully you can better understand your child or student when they try talking to you with all the new slang.

The Personality of a Pisces, Explained

An illustrated rendition of Pisces showing figure with fish under water.

After you're done reading up on this zodiac sign's unique personality traits, catch up on this month's Pisces horoscope . For a fuller look at your year, check out our astrologer's 2024 Pisces horoscope predictions .

Water sign Pisces (February 19 - March 20) is the last constellation of the zodiac. It's symbolized by two fish swimming in opposite directions, representing the constant division of Pisces' attention between fantasy and reality. As the final sign, Pisces has absorbed every lesson—the joys and the pains, the hopes and the fears—learned by all of the other signs. This makes these fish the most psychic, empathetic, and compassionate creatures of the astrological wheel. With such immense sensitivity, Pisces can easily become swallowed by emotions and must remember to stay grounded in the material realm (appropriately, Pisces rules the feet).

Pisces is ruled by Neptune, the celestial body that governs creativity and dreams, and these ethereal fish adore exploring their boundless imaginations. In its more nefarious form, however, Neptune also oversees illusion and escapism. Neptunian energy is like the energy of the ocean: magical, mysterious, and often scary. When the fog is thick on the water, the horizon is obstructed and there is no differentiation between the sea and the sky.

Those with this sun sign must be wary of mirages: These impressionable fish prefer wearing rose-colored glasses to addressing problems, which can earn Pisces a reputation for being flaky or delusional. This water sign should remember that problems can't be solved by swimming away. Willful ignorance never makes conflict disappear: It only gives it the chance to grow.

A mutable sign, Pisces effortlessly adapts to their surroundings. These visionary fish have unparalleled access to the collective unconscious through their clairvoyance and make incredible artists and creatives. Kind and gentle, they're invigorated by shared experiences of music and romance. Any relationship with mystical Pisces is guaranteed to involve deep spiritual exploration. Keep reading to find out more about Pisces’ personality traits, weaknesses, and who they're most (and least) compatible with.

What are Pisces known for?

What are pisces' weaknesses, who should pisces avoid, which signs are pisces' best matches.

The last sign of the zodiac, watery Pisces are known for their dreamy nature, deep empathy, and artistic flair. This archetype is perfectly embodied by Pisces legends like Rihanna , Justin Bieber, Drew Barrymore, Albert Einstein, Elizabeth Taylor, and Steve Jobs, who perfectly exemplify the range of Pisces’ imaginative and intuitive abilities. Pisces have an uncanny ability to tune into the emotions of others, often knowing what people need before they even say it, making them effortless trend-setters who are always ahead of the curve. Their interests often lie in the mystical and the artistic, where their vivid imaginations—and elusive childlike spirit—can truly run wild.

Pisces feel everything—including emotions that don’t even belong to them. Energetic sponges, Pisces will metabolize others’ experiences, which can be incredibly overwhelming. Accordingly, Pisces' deep empathy and sensitivity can sometimes lead to escapism, challenging anxiety, and erratic mood swings. Often, Pisces need to retreat into a fantasy world or engage in avoidant behaviors to manage the deluge of psychic stimuli and escape reality's harshness. Grounding exercises, like learning how to set (and maintain!) healthy boundaries are extremely important for aquatic Pisces. Protecting their emotional energy and being discerning about who they trust are also extremely important practices for this gentle, ethereal sign. Every Pisces must learn to balance their compassionate nature with self-protection, ensuring they care for themselves before tending to others. After all, we can’t pour from an empty cup.

Pisces are ethereal mermaids who float through life on waves of emotion and intuition, often getting lost in their own fantastical worlds. Naturally, this mystical sign doesn't always vibe well with the bold and brazen fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius), who don’t necessarily have the patience to float down Pisces’ enchanted river. Fire signs, always trying to snap Pisces out of their reverie, often find Pisces' ever-oscillating energy more perplexing than enchanting. Likewise, air signs—Gemini, Libra, Aquarius—can also be a challenging match for Pisces. These social butterflies thrive on interaction and intellectual banter, often skating over the deep emotional currents where Pisces soak. Their breezy approach to relationships and low tolerance for Pisces' intense whirlpools can leave Pisces feeling misunderstood and undervalued, like a fish out of water.

Pisces thrive in relationships where they can swim freely in the depths of intimacy and soul-searching—always toeing the line between fantasy and reality. Ideal partners for Pisces are those who aren't afraid to experience a wide range of emotions, which means fellow water signs—Cancer and Scorpio—make excellent companions. Cancer and Scorpio effortlessly flow with Pisces’ ethereal sensibilities, sharing a profound psychic language that feels divinely-guided. These connections are not just relationships; they're spiritual journeys that transform and enrich both partners. Alternatively, the earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) can help Pisces find the shore. Their solid, grounded presence provides the stability and practical anchoring Pisces needs (and can’t generate independently). These earth signs can bring Pisces back from their dreamy escapades to the cozy comforts of home, offering a steady base where Pisces can truly unwind.

Read what your sign's 2024 horoscope predictions mean for you right here , or check out your monthly horoscopes here .

More on astrology:

  • This Is What You're Like in Bed, According to Your Zodiac Sign
  • What Your Sign's 2024 Horoscope Predictions Mean for You
  • This Is Who You're Compatible With, According to Your Zodiac Sign

Allow astrologer Aliza Faragher to explain which signs yours is most compatible with:

antithesis of character meaning

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Star wars: forest whitaker's saw gerrera character & clone wars origin explained.


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Star Wars Movies In Order: How To Watch Release Order, Chronologically & With The TV Shows

9 ways star wars canon has changed jedi & sith lightsabers, which lightsaber color would you have based on your zodiac sign.

  • Saw Gerrera played a pivotal role in the liberation of Onderon from the Separatists during the Clone Wars.
  • Forest Whitaker portrayed Saw Gerrera in live-action beginning with Rogue One, showing his extreme tactics as the leader of the Partisans.
  • Saw Gerrera has appeared in various Star Wars media beyond animation and live-action, showcasing his legacy and impact on the galaxy during the Dark Times of the Empire's reign.

Saw Gerrera has become one of Star Wars' most iconic and darkly captivating characters in the interim period between the prequel and original trilogies. While he came to notoriety during the period known as the Dark Times , Saw Gerrera's origins became as early as the Clone Wars. While called many different names throughout his career, Saw Gerreras had always been the living embodiment of rebellion, no matter the cost.

A creation of George Lucas who first had the character in mind for his canceled live-action television series Star Wars: Underworld , Saw Gerrera eventually made his way into the canon first through animation with The Clone Wars . However, Gerrerra has since made several appearances in several different projects and mediums, though most notably in live-action. To that end, here's Saw Gerrera's full Star Wars history and origins explained, and where he's expected to show up next.

Liam Neeson as Qui-Gon Jinn from Star Wars The Phantom Menace, Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker from Star Wars A New Hope, Daisy Ridley as Rey from Star Wars The Force Awakens

What's the best way to watch Star Wars? Here's everything you need to know to watch in release or timeline order, and how to include the TV shows.

Saw Gerrera First Appeared In Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Fighting to free onderon from the separatists.

Saw Gerrera in Star Wars The Clone Wars

Having made his very first appearance in The Clone Wars season 5, Saw Gerrera was a primary freedom fighter on the planet Onderon alongside his sister Steela , seeking to liberate their homeworld from the Separatists after their king was deposed and replaced by a ruler friendly with the CIS. Unable to enter the conflict directly, the Republic instead sent Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano, and Captain Rex to help train the freedom fighters in the best forms of combat against the Separatists' droid armies. While the campaign was ultimately successful, it did result in Steela's tragic death.

In this dynamic Clone Wars arc that served as his very first story in the Star Wars canon, Saw Gerrera was voiced by actor Andrew Kishino. Kishino would later return to voice Gerrera in the spin-off series Star Wars: The Bad Batch , set in the immediate aftermath of the Clone Wars after the Empire replaced the Republic, resulting in Onderon's continued oppression. As such, the Dark Times of the Empire's reign is when Saw's legacy truly began in the Star Wars canon.

Forest Whitaker Plays Saw Gerrera In Live-Action

Leader of the partisans.

Despite his dynamic Clone Wars origins, Saw Gerrera is much better known for his later live-action appearance in 2016's Rogue One: A Star Wars Story . Played by legendary actor Forrest Whitaker, Rogue One sees Saw at the end of his long career, the paranoid leader of the resistance group known as the Partisans who are often identified as terrorists due to their aggressive and brutal tactics. Even the Rebel Alliance came to view Saw and his forces as extremists, resulting in Saw eventually cutting ties with Bail Organa and Mon Mothma.

That being said, Saw Gerera's extremism was the direct result of his refusal to give up "The Dream" : a free galaxy and the end of Imperial oppression, no matter what had to be done, or who needed to be sacrificed along the way to get it. As seen in Rogue One , Saw ultimately lost his life due to the Death Star's single-reactor test on the holy world of Jedha, just before the events of A New Hope. However, Saw Gerrera would make several more Star Wars appearances between his Clone Wars origins and the events just before his death in Rogue One .

All Of Saw Gerrera's Other Star Wars Appearances Explained

Movies, shows, books, comics, and games.

Beyond Rogue One, Clone Wars , and Bad Batch , Saw Gerrera has made several other appearances in the Star Wars canon during the Dark Times . Forest Whitaker went on to voice Gerrera with a return to animation in Star Wars Rebels . Making guest appearances alongside the crew of The Ghost , the Spectres had to contend with Gerrera's darker tactics and extremism just before the events of Rogue One. Whitaker also voiced Saw in EA's Jedi: Fallen Order , with the Jedi survivor Cal Kestis joining the Partisans' efforts on Kashyyyk. Cal Kestis went on to work with Saw on other missions as well.

Gerrera has also been featured in several canonical books , most notably James Luceno's Rogue One prequel novel Catalyst and Beth Revis' Rebel Rising , and canonical comics from Marvel about Jyn Erso whom Saw raised and trained (before ultimately abandoning her). Gerrera's posthumous legacy was also revealed in comics such 2015's Star Wars from Marvel and the Battlefront II novel Inferno Squad , revealing the fates of the surviving Partisans, having renamed themselves The Dreamers.

Saw Gerrera's most recent appearance was in animation with The Bad Batch season 2 in 2023. However, Gerrera's most recent live-action appearance was in 2022's Andor, Star Wars' dynamic Rogue One prequel series . Still played by Forest Whitaker, Saw Gerrera displayed little interest in Luthen Rael's proposals to unify with other cells , claiming that all others were lost, not having what it takes to make "The Dream" a reality. That said, Andor's first season notably takes place before Saw canonically ends up (temporarily) joining forces with Mothma and Organa, something that was most likely motivated by Luthen.

Saw Gerrera's Star Wars Future Explained

Returning for andor season 2.

Saw Gerrera and Luthen Rael in Andor

Having recently been confirmed by Forest Whitaker himself, Saw Gerrera will be making a return appearance in Andor season 2 . As the series is expected to lead up right to the events of Rogue One , it will be fascinating to see how Luthen ends up convincing Saw to join with others, as well as what Gerrera might specifically do that leads to his falling out with the Rebel Alliance . At any rate, it truly is impressive to see all that Saw Gerrera has done between The Clone Wars and A New Hope , as well everything he was willing to do for a free Star Wars galaxy.

Andor season 2 is expected to being streaming on Disney+ sometime in 2025.

antithesis of character meaning

Diego Luna stars as Cassian Andor in Andor, a Disney+ exclusive series set five years before Rogue One. The series follows the titular character as he transitions from a humble thief to a revolutionary icon of the rebellion against the empire. Cassian, a man who tries to keep himself out of confrontations post the destruction of his world, is shoved into the central conflict as he naturally slots into the role of leader. Andor will explore the rebellion's burgeoning days and highlight pivotal events in the Star Wars Franchise before the construction of the Death Star. 

Star Wars


  1. Antithesis

    The word antithesis, meaning absolute opposite, ... This is effective in terms of comparing two contrasting ideas, such as a character's conflicting emotions or a setting's opposing elements. In literature, antithesis doesn't require a pairing of exact opposites, but rather concepts that are different and distinct. ...

  2. Antithesis

    The word "antithesis" has another meaning, which is to describe something as being the opposite of another thing. For example, "love is the antithesis of selfishness." This guide focuses only on antithesis as a literary device. The word antithesis has its origins in the Greek word antithenai, meaning "to oppose." The plural of antithesis is ...

  3. What is Antithesis

    Familiar antithesis examples: "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.". "No pain, no gain.". "Out of sight, out of mind.". The word "antithesis" comes from the Greek word meaning "setting opposite," which is an idea that has been used in various forms. Let's look at those various forms in more ...

  4. Antithesis Examples and Definition

    Antithesis is the use of contrasting concepts, words, or sentences within parallel grammatical structures. This combination of a balanced structure with opposite ideas serves to highlight the contrast between them. For example, the following famous Muhammad Ali quote is an example of antithesis: "Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee.".

  5. Antithesis: Definition and Examples

    In literary analysis, an antithesis is a pair of statements or images in which the one reverses the other. The pair is written with similar grammatical structures to show more contrast. Antithesis (pronounced an-TITH-eh-sis) is used to emphasize a concept, idea, or conclusion. II. Examples of Antithesis.

  6. Antithesis in Literature: Definition & Examples

    Antithesis Definition. Antithesis (ann-TIH-thuh-suhs), put simply, means the absolute opposite of something. As a literary term, it refers to the juxtaposition of two opposing entities in parallel structure. ... Where antithesis is a verbal or written opposition, a foil is a literary opposition, usually embodied by a character in a narrative ...

  7. Antithesis

    Antithesis (pl.: antitheses; Greek for "setting opposite", from ἀντι-"against" and θέσις "placing") is used in writing or speech either as a proposition that contrasts with or reverses some previously mentioned proposition, or when two opposites are introduced together for contrasting effect.. Antithesis can be defined as "a figure of speech involving a seeming contradiction of ideas ...

  8. Antithesis: Meaning and Literary Examples

    Antithesis, in simple words, means the direct opposite of things. Its dictionary definition is "a noun that includes the rhetorical contrast of ideas using parallel arrangements of words.". It is a literary device that helps make a written work more captivating, impactful, and memorable. Following is a quote by Muhammad Ali, the famous ...

  9. Antithesis

    Antithesis Definition Antithesis, which literally means "opposite," is a rhetorical device wherein opposite thoughts are prepare in a sentence to obtain a contrasting effect. ... In literature, writers rent antithesis not simplest in sentences, but additionally in characters and events. Thus, its use is extensive.

  10. What is Antithesis? Examples of Antithesis in Literature and Speech

    Antithesis in Speeches. Antithesis is also commonly used in speeches to create a memorable impact on the audience. One of the most famous examples of antithesis in a speech is from Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech: "We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.". The contrasting ideas of ...

  11. Guide to Literary Terms Antithesis

    Antithesis. Antithesis occurs when contrasting ideas are expressed in close proximity with the effect of both highlighting the contrast and balancing the opposing elements. Writers typically use ...

  12. What is antithesis and antithesis examples

    The word antithesis is sometimes used to mean 'opposite'. For example, "She is slim and sporty - the very antithesis of her brother". However, 'antithesis' (or 'antitheses' if plural) is also the name given to a particular rhetorical or literary device. In this blog post, we'll be looking at 'antithesis' in its role as ...

  13. How to Use Antithesis in Your Writing: Definition and Examples of

    Writing How to Use Antithesis in Your Writing: Definition and Examples of Antithesis as a Literary Device. Written by MasterClass. Last updated: Sep 29, 2021 • 3 min read

  14. Antithesis Definition & Meaning

    antithesis: [noun] the direct opposite. the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences (as in "action, not words" or "they promised freedom and provided slavery"). opposition, contrast. the second of two opposing words, clauses, or sentences that are being rhetorically contrasted.

  15. Most people can't tell these 4 literary devices apart: your guide to

    Paradox: a statement containing two opposite ideas that make it seem impossible or unlikely, although it is probably true; the use of this in writing. Oxymoron: a phrase that combines two words that seem to be the opposite of each other, for example a deafening silence. Antithesis: the opposite of something; a contrast between two things

  16. Examples of Antithesis Across Media: Notable Uses

    The antithesis of something can be the opposite of something, but it can also be much more than that. Follow through our list of examples to learn more. ... Authors and speakers use antithesis between characters, concepts and situations to draw contrasts in their work — which can be a very effective way to persuade an audience to support a ...

  17. ANTITHESIS Definition & Meaning

    Antithesis definition: opposition; contrast. See examples of ANTITHESIS used in a sentence.

  18. Antithesis: Meaning, Definition and Examples

    Antithesis is a figure of speech that places two completely contrasting ideas or clauses in juxtaposition. An oxymoron is a figure of speech that contains two opposing or contrasting words placed adjacent to each other within a phrase to produce an effect. For example: "Art is long, and Time is fleeting.". For example:

  19. How is an antithesis used in creative or formal writing?

    I understand the definition: NOUN. 1.a person or thing that is the direct opposite of someone or something else: "love is the antithesis of selfishness". synonyms: (direct) opposite · converse · reverse · reversal · inverse · obverse · [more] •a contrast or opposition between two things: "the antithesis between occult and rational ...

  20. Writing 101: What Is a Foil Character in Literature ...

    What makes a character interesting? In literature, authors will sometimes highlight certain aspects of a character's personality by using a foil: a supporting character who has a contrasting personality and set of values. Putting the foil and main character in close proximity helps draw readers' attention to the latter's attributes.

  21. Character: Definitions and Examples

    A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. Writers use characters to perform the actions and speak dialogue, moving the story along a plot line. A story can have only one character (protagonist) and still be a complete story. This character's conflict may be an inner one (within him/herself), or a conflict with ...

  22. Antithesis

    A foil is a literary character that highlights attributes and reveals information in another character through opposing traits. It is used to draw attention to the other person's qualities. This can get confused with antithesis. While the character can have opposing qualities, it does not mean it is a bad character. This is a foil character.

  23. Did Paris mock Last Supper at Olympics? Why some Christians are angry

    Olympic officials claim a controversial scene was a nod to Dionysus, despite outcry from Christians that it mocked the Last Supper.

  24. Gen Z and Gen Alpha slang terms explained from bussin to sus

    Opps: noun, anyone in competition or against you, an enemy.. Red Flag: noun, someone's negative qualities. Rizz: noun, short for charisma, romantic appeal or charm. Tea: noun, the best kind of ...

  25. Superman's New Elseworlds Redesign is Not What Anybody Expected (But

    The sequel to the fan-favorite Elseworlds series, Batman: Gotham by Gaslight, is in full swing and has recently unveiled a solicitation for an upcoming issue featuring Superman's new character ...

  26. Pisces Zodiac Sign: Personality Traits and Sign Dates

    The last sign of the zodiac, watery Pisces are known for their dreamy nature, deep empathy, and artistic flair. This archetype is perfectly embodied by Pisces legends like Rihanna, Justin Bieber ...

  27. Judge clarifies: Yes, Trump was found to have raped E. Jean Carroll

    What the jury found Donald Trump did to E. Jean Carroll was in fact rape, as commonly understood, even if it didn't fit New York law's narrow definition, says Judge Lewis A. Kaplan.

  28. Star Wars: Forest Whitaker's Saw Gerrera Character & Clone Wars Origin

    Saw Gerrera has become one of Star Wars' most iconic and darkly captivating characters in the interim period between the prequel and original trilogies. While he came to notoriety during the period known as the Dark Times, Saw Gerrera's origins became as early as the Clone Wars.While called many different names throughout his career, Saw Gerreras had always been the living embodiment of ...