what does all but dissertation status mean

All But Dissertation (ABD) Status 😬

A Plain-Language Explainer + Guide For Stuck Students

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr. Eunice Rautenbach | April 2024

When it comes to completing a PhD or doctoral degree, “all but dissertation” (or ABD) is all too often the danger zone for candidates. In this post, we’ll explore what it means to be ABD , look at the factors that contribute to students finding themselves in this position, and offer practical suggestions to help you navigate (or altogether avoid) ABD. 

Overview: All But Dissertation (ABD)

  • What exactly is ABD?
  • Why do students get stuck?
  • How to avoid or escape ABD status
  • Common questions about ABD

What Does “All But Dissertation” Mean?

As the name suggests, “all but dissertation” or ABD describes a PhD or doctoral-level candidate who’s completed all the necessary coursework and passed all relevant exams, but has not yet submitted and defended their dissertation or thesis (in which case, it’s called “All But Thesis”). In essence, it’s a form of academic purgatory – so close to the finish line, yet so far.

To be clear, achieving ABD status is no small feat – if you’ve made it this far, you’ve likely already conquered years of rigorous study, challenging exams, and the general academic torment that accompanies postgraduate-level study. So, pat yourself on the back. However, the challenge now is to push yourself past the plateau and complete your dissertation. Easier said than done, we know…

Need a helping hand?

what does all but dissertation status mean

Why Do Students Get Stuck?

Over the years, we’ve had many ABD students approach us for help in the form of private coaching . While everyone’s situation is unique, we’ve seen some patterns in terms of the underlying factors that contribute towards students getting stuck in the all but dissertation holding pattern.

Let’s unpack some of the most common contributing factors, after which we’ll discuss some practical measures you can take to mitigate them.

ABD Factor 1: Procrastination & Poor Time Management

Writing a dissertation requires a huge commitment of time and energy . Naturally, many students struggle with procrastination and/or poor time management, making it hard for them to maintain the consistent progress needed to conquer the dissertation mountain.

This is often exacerbated by a general lack of structure in terms of their approach. Without the routine of regular classes and clearly defined deadlines, students often derail and find themselves burning a lot of time on relatively low-value activities. In other words, they find themselves very “busy”, but not very productive.

ABD Factor 2: Supervision Issues & Social Isolation

As we’ve discussed before , maintaining high-quality engagement with your research supervisor is critically important throughout the dissertation process. It’s no surprise then that conflicts or a general lack of support from an advisor can significantly delay or even stall students’ progress . As the relationship erodes further and further, students lose more and more momentum, eventually grinding to a dead halt.

Related to this dynamic, a feeling of isolation and loneliness can often creep in over the months or years. This puts a major drag on students’ general feelings of well-being, further contributing to a l oss of momentum . In a nutshell, a lack of high-quality, productive relationships is a major contributing factor to getting stuck in all but dissertation status.

The ABD procrastination problem is often exacerbated by poor time management skills and a general lack of structure and daily routine.

ABD Factor 3: Academic Burnout & Research Roadblocks

After years of intense study and research, some students will experience burnout. This feeling of mental and physical exhaustion then impedes their ability to complete their dissertation or thesis, and dampens their motivation to push on with the project. In other words, they burn out and lose the passion and enthusiasm they had at the start of their PhD journey.

At the same time, it’s not uncommon for students to encounter unexpected problems in their research . Quite often, we see students facing difficulties with data collection, changes in research direction, or challenges in interpreting results. These are par for the course in the research process, but dealing with them in an already burnt-out state is often just too large a rock to push up the mountain.

ABD Factor 4: Funding Issues

In many cases, doctoral programmes offer funding for a specific period of time (often 3-5 years). However, completing all the requirements for a PhD can sometimes take longer. When the funding runs out before the dissertation is completed, students face the challenge of supporting themselves financially while they finish their research work. As you’d expect, this leads to increased stress and oftentimes forces students to take on part-time or full-time jobs, which can significantly slow down their academic progress and get them stuck in ABD.

Hiccups are par for the course in the research process, but dealing with them in an already burnt-out state is often just too much.

ABD Factor 5: Perfectionism

This list wouldn’t be complete without mentioning the treacherous trait of perfectionism. All too often, we see hardworking doctoral candidates struggle with perfectionism, feeling that their dissertation or thesis is never good enough to submit. This can lead to a cycle where students continually revise their work, never feeling satisfied enough to consider it complete.

Given that a dissertation is a substantial and defining piece of work, the desire to produce something flawless can be particularly paralysing . Perfectionism can also then feed intro procrastination (which we discussed earlier), creating a vicious cycle of inaction.

Of course, these are just a handful of common contributors to students landing up in all but dissertation land – there are many other potential factors that can come into play. However, if you want to move past ABD status (or avoid it altogether), you’ll want to take a proactive stance to combat these issues.

How To Break Through The ABD Barrier

Whether you’re currently stuck in ABD or you’re just starting the dissertation stage and want to make sure you don’t hit a scholarly standstill, there are several simple but effective actions you can take to conquer the proverbial Mount Thesis.

Action 1: Establish A Well-Defined Routine

Creating a clearly defined daily routine is crucial for making steady progress on your dissertation. By setting aside specific times each day for writing and research, you can mimic the structured setting of coursework, which will help you maintain focus and productivity.

In practical terms, you’ll want to articulate a clear daily schedule of well-defined activities. Put these into your calendar and perhaps even consider using a time-tracking app such as Toggl Track . Also, it’s a good idea to find a consistent working location that’s free from distractions, so that you can cultivate an environment conducive to deep work.

In addition to maintaining a firm daily routine, you’ll also want to regularly assess your progress . So, take some time each week to review what you have accomplished, what you haven’t – and adjust your plans accordingly for the week ahead. This regular check-in will help keep you on track and prevent feelings of overwhelm.

Action 2: Set Realistic Goals (And Action Plans)

Setting realistic, achievable goals is key to making consistent progress and avoiding the dreaded all but dissertation limbo. To this end, it’s wise to begin by outlining the major milestones you need to achieve and then break these down into smaller , highly specific tasks. For example, instead of setting a goal to ‘write a chapter,’ you might set a goal to ‘write the introduction section of chapter one.’ This approach makes the task seem less daunting and more attainable.

With your goals set, you’ll then need to develop an action plan to achieve them. In other words, you need to define which specific actions you’ll take day in, day out to achieve each goal. It pays to get very specific here – for each goal, consider what exactly you’ll need to do, how much time it will take, what resources you’ll need, whose input you’ll require and so on. The more granular you get at this stage, the less chance of nasty surprises catching you off guard down the line.

A final thought on goals and goal setting. It’s important to celebrate your victories as you achieve them, no matter how small they might be. Recognise each task you complete and allow yourself to bask in a moment of pride. Ticking items off your to-do list is a simple practice, but this positive reinforcement can be incredibly motivating and will help you maintain a positive outlook throughout the dissertation process.

achieve and then break these down into smaller, highly specific tasks. For example, instead of setting a goal to 'write a chapter,' you might set a goal to 'write the introduction section of chapter one.' This approach makes the task seem less daunting and more attainable.

Action 3: Invest In Your Advisory Relationship

When it comes to conquering your dissertation or thesis, maintaining a strong working relationship with your advisor is critically important. In fact, we’d go so far as to say that it’s the number one defence against getting stuck in all but dissertation mode. Making a concerted effort to grow this relationship pays significant dividends.

In practical terms, aim to have structured, regular meetings where you discuss your progress, challenges, and the next steps in your research. Being prepared with specific talking points or questions will make these meetings more productive – but it will also demonstrate to your advisor that you value their time and take the process seriously .

As an overarching philosophy, try to always put your best foot forward when engaging with your advisor. Don’t be the student who constantly whines and moans about every little obstacle. Bring potential solutions to the table – not just problems. Simply put, make yourself an attractive student to work with and you’re much more likely to have an invested advisor on your side.

Action 4: Build A Support Network

Building a strong network of peers and colleagues is key to mitigating the feelings of loneliness and isolation that will invariably present themselves during the research journey. While you must (by design) travel down a narrow, lonely path in terms of the intellectual focus, it doesn’t need to be a lonely path psychologically and socially.

To build a network, a good starting point is to engage with fellow PhD candidates in your department – or if need be, in other departments. You can also consider attending academic conferences and participating in online forums related to your research area. These interactions not only provide social support but can also lead to new insights and ideas for your own dissertation. Again, while everyone’s research focus will be unique, the experience (and its associated challenges) will be very similar across the board.

If you are fortunate enough to connect with candidates within your specific research area, you might also consider forming a study group where members can share their progress and provide feedback on each other’s work. Naturally, this collective approach can help you maintain motivation and reduce the sense of isolation.

While you must travel down a narrow, lonely path intellectually, it doesn’t need to be a lonely path psychologically and socially.

Action 5: Be Proactive About Burnout

A surefire way to secure all but dissertation status is to burn yourself out midway through the research process. So, keep an eye out for common burnout warning signs such as chronic fatigue, disillusionment, and decreased productivity .

If you spot these red flags, you’ll need to take proactive steps to reduce your risk of hurtling over the edge and completely flattening yourself. In practical terms, this could include setting more reasonable work hours, ensuring you take time off for relaxation, and engaging in hobbies and exercise. Don’t underestimate the power of a little exercise – oftentimes, a little time away from the screen can do wonders for your writing.

If you find yourself already thoroughly burnt out, consider seeking professional help such as counselling or therapy. In some cases, universities themselves offer resources for stress management and mental health support. So, be sure to check what’s available to you.

Action 6: Say Farewell To Perfectionism

To move past ABD (or, ideally, avoid it altogether) you must move past perfectionism . To this end, start by defining what ‘good enough’ looks like for each stage of your dissertation. Here, it’s a good idea to consult with your supervisor so that you can align expectations. Remember, the goal is to complete a dissertation that meets the specified academic standards – not to produce a flawless piece of work, change the world or earn a Nobel prize.

Beyond defining what success looks like, it’s useful to cultivate a mindset that values progress over perfection . In practical terms, this could mean setting limits on the number of revisions for each section or chapter and using timers to enforce focused writing periods without self-editing. The aim here is to encourage yourself to move forward with the writing process, even when you feel that certain parts could be improved. Remember, done beats perfect – every day.

Remember that the goal is to complete a dissertation that meets the specified academic standards - not to earn a Nobel prize.

FAQs: All But Dissertation Status

All but dissertation faqs, can you get a phd abd degree.

No, you cannot get a “PhD ABD degree.” ABD status is not a degree; rather, it describes a stage in the doctoral study process. In some cases, universities may award a Master’s-level degree to ABD status students who drop out of the PhD programme, but this varies from university to university.

How long do students typically remain in ABD status?

The duration can vary widely among students and disciplines. Some complete their dissertation in a year or two, while others may take longer. Extending too long in ABD status can risk programme deadlines and even lead to students leaving the programme without completing their dissertation.

Can ABD status expire?

Yes, some programmes have a time limit by which the dissertation must be completed. If the dissertation is not completed within this timeframe, the student may lose their ABD status and might have to meet additional requirements to re-enter the programme or complete the degree.

Can ABD status impact my career prospects?

Being ABD has different impacts, depending on the field. In academia, not completing the dissertation can significantly hinder career prospects, as a completed doctoral degree is often required. In other industries, substantial coursework and research might still be valued even if the dissertation is not completed.

Can I use the title "Dr." if I'm ABD?

No, you cannot use the title “Dr.” The title is reserved for individuals who have completed all requirements of their doctoral degree, including the dissertation or thesis project.

Are there any specific support systems for ABD students?

Many universities offer specific resources for ABD students, including dissertation boot camps, writing retreats, and specialised advising. Private coaching can also prove invaluable for students stuck in ABD.

Wrapping Up

Navigating (or avoiding) all but dissertation status is undoubtedly challenging. But, with the right approach, it is certainly manageable. If you find yourself in ADB land, remember that you’ve already accomplished so much by reaching this point and you most certainly have what it takes to cross the finish line.

If you need 1:1 help moving past ABD status, be sure to check out our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through every stage of the research process.

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Setting The Record Straight: ABD (All But Dissertation) Degree Status

Doctorate degrees are a lifetime achievement that few individuals pursue and complete. In fact, according to leading labor market analytics firm EMSI, only 3.6% of degrees completed in 2020 were doctoral degrees.

It’s not surprising that doctorates are completed by fewer individuals. Doctorate degrees are intensive, requiring the highest levels of scholarly research and writing. For many people, the dissertation is the most challenging part of getting a doctorate degree. That’s why “ABD,” or “all but dissertation,” has entered the mainstream terminology of doctorate degrees. However, the term leaves many confused if ABD is a type of degree or not. 

We’re here to help clarify what ABD means and how it relates to earning your doctorate degree.

Is ABD A Form Of A Doctorate Degree? 

No . High-quality doctorate programs require the completion of a dissertation to earn your doctoral degree (with the exception of professional and clinical doctorates in areas like law and nursing). ABD simply means you have completed all required doctorate coursework, but have not written and defended your dissertation.

While ABD brings you one step closer to completing your doctorate, achieving ABD status doesn't mean you can take your foot off the gas. ABD doesn’t hold academic weight and you can’t be called a doctor until you finish your dissertation. 

Unfortunately, many doctorate students stop at ABD. Let’s look at the reasons why.

Why So Many Doctorate Students Stop at ABD

what does all but dissertation status mean

There are a host of reasons doctoral students may dropout or take a break at the ABD stage of their doctorate program. Let’s look at some of the most common reasons students stop at ABD so you can navigate these pitfalls:

  • Self doubt: Some students struggle with imposter syndrome and wonder if they’re really qualified to get their doctoral degree. Lack of confidence can leave students feeling unmotivated, causing them to put their degree on pause or dropout all together.
  • Time Management: Once you get to the dissertation stage, you no longer have the structure of a typical course with weekly deadlines. Some students struggle with managing their time and fall behind. If procrastination gets the best of them, it may feel easier to quit than get back on track.
  • Finances: Getting a doctorate degree is a significant financial investment. If students don’t properly budget, or face new financial challenges, they may pause their degree at ABD.
  • Personal Circumstances: Whether students have family or professional changes, some situations that lead to ABD are unavoidable. If students need to take a break, they should put a plan in place for picking up where they eft off.
  • Dissertation Intimidation: Starting a dissertation can feel like a stark departure from the familiarity of taking coursework. At this stage, students are put into the driver’s seat and are responsible for their own progression, which can feel daunting.
  • Difficulty Writing: The dissertation is extremely research and writing intensive. Most dissertations are over 100 pages. If students struggle with focused and scholarly writing, it can be a detriment to finishing a doctoral degree.
  • Lack of Support: Some students feel isolated when they move into the dissertation phase of their doctorate degree. If you don’t choose a program with support services or create a strong peer network, the solitary nature of a dissertation can deter students from finishing.

Earning a doctorate is challenging and rewarding, but do you know what to really expect? Download this free guide for tips and insights to help you prepare for success.

If you started but haven’t completed a doctoral program you aren’t alone. According to the Council of Graduate Schools, almost 50% of students who start a Ph.D. program don’t complete their degree. However, Ph.D. programs only represent one type of doctoral degree. Completion stats vary widely between universities and doctoral degree programs. The biggest difference in successful completion of a doctoral degree is often the university and program a student chooses. If you’re ABD, you need to find a student-centered program designed to meet the needs of ABD students.

Measuring Doctoral Student Success: Average Doctoral Program vs. Student-Centered Doctoral Programs at Franklin University

Doctoral Students Who Graduate5.13%32.2%
ABD Students Who Complete Their Degree10.26%28.81%

*Source: First Cohort Data January 2017-August 2021

Are you still feeling stuck at ABD? Let’s look at ways you can set yourself up to successfully complete your doctoral degree.

6 Tips to Complete Your Doctorate—from ABD to Dr.

No matter how long you've been ABD, you can regain your motivation and finish strong. Here are 6 tips that can help you graduate from your doctorate degree program:

  • Get inspired early and start thinking about the topic of your dissertation at the beginning of your doctorate program. If you’re ABD, pick a topic you’re passionate about before restarting your doctorate.
  • Create a plan that maps out steps and milestones to complete your dissertation in your desired timeframe. Being proactive and setting your own deadlines will help you stay on track.
  • Get into a routine so that researching and writing your dissertation just feels like a normal part of your schedule. 
  • Develop a support system —both at home and in your program. Your family and friends can help you stay motivated, while faculty advisors, committee members and peers can make writing your dissertation feel more manageable.
  • Practice self care , because a dissertation isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon. Most students take anywhere from 1 to 2 years to complete the dissertation, but it can take longer based on the amount of time you commit.
  • Find a student-centered universit y that offers dedicated support, including personal faculty advisors and a student support network, that make it easier to complete your doctorate.

what does all but dissertation status mean

Don’t Stop at ABD—Find The Right Program and Complete Your Doctorate Degree

Remember, ABD is not a recognized credential and there are ways to overcome the barriers that prevent many from finishing the work. A doctorate is the academic achievement of a lifetime and is attainable if you stay organized, motivated and dedicated. 

Choosing the right doctorate program is the first way to set yourself up for success. Whether you’re starting from the beginning or picking up where you left off, you need a doctorate designed for your unique needs.

Franklin University offers transfer-friendly online doctorate degrees that help working adults achieve their goals. From start to finish, you can complete your doctorate degree in as few as 3 years, including your dissertation. Franklin doctorate programs accept up to 24 hours of transfer credit, so if you have completed coursework, but not your dissertation, Franklin can help you get over the finish line.

Explore the doctoral programs offered at Franklin to see if there is a program that will help you take your career to the next level.

what does all but dissertation status mean

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what does all but dissertation status mean

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Trapped in dissertation revisions?

All but dissertation (abd): a complete guide, published by steve tippins on may 8, 2019 may 8, 2019.

Last Updated on: 2nd February 2024, 05:30 am

What does ABD Mean?

The term “ABD” stands for All But Dissertation. This means that you have finished everything in a PhD program except for the dissertation. Someone who is ABD has successfully completed all of the required classwork and any required comprehensive exams. The term itself has no academic standing but is used to tell others where you are in your program.

Having completed in the neighborhood of two years of classwork, it is nice to have something to acknowledge this accomplishment. Many use the term “ABD” to let others know their position in their doctoral journey.

However, this should not be a destination. ABD should just be a way to tell people where you are on your journey, similar to telling someone that you just passed the hardware store on your way home. Home is your destination, not the hardware store.

Can You Get a “PhD ABD Degree”?

The short answer is no, there is no such thing as a “PhD ABD degree.” Rather, the term “PhD ABD” is used to refer to a place in one’s journey towards getting a PhD.

Another term that has begun to be used to connote a similar message to “PhD ABD” is “PhDc” (also expressed as “PhD(c)” or “PhD-c”). This term has gained popularity recently but there is concern about its use. The APA has expressed concern that the general public may not know what the term means and believe that the holder has completed her/his PhD. Similarly, the term “ABD Degree” makes claim to a degree that was never completed.

When a similar question was asked online, one user commented, “A PhD that’s All But Dissertation is like an espresso that is All But Coffee. It’s hot water with a bit of sugar, thus defeating the entire purpose of the exercise.”

Neither PhD ABD nor PhDc represents the achievement of a degree, so the use of either in a formal setting, such as your CV or in correspondence, should probably be avoided. Avoid making claims like holding an ABD Degree.

However, a new type of degree has arisen lately for those who stop their studies having completed all but their dissertation. This gives people something to show for their time in the PhD program. Called names such as Certificate of Doctoral Completion, this is a way to allow students who leave a program to do so with a degree–albeit, one not nearly as esteemed as a PhD. This may serve the purpose as an ABD degree.

All But Dissertation: Why Do So Many PhD Candidates Quit?

close-up shot of an open laptop in a college classroom

Around 50% of those who start a PhD program do not finish . Many of those who do not finish get to the All But Dissertation stage before they leave their program. Why would someone leave a PhD program after such a big time and effort investment?

what does all but dissertation status mean

There are many reasons why people leave at the ABD level. Among the reasons are:

Lack of funds

Getting a PhD takes time and money. For many people the money (or access to loans) can run out. If that happens, there may be no other option but to leave.

External obligations

Life happens and situations change. Maybe you have had two kids during the process and they need your time and attention, perhaps your aging parents need your care, or maybe your Aunt Melville died and left you her $30 million estate. We cannot predict the future, and valid reasons may arise to leave a program.

Bad situations

There are many stories about abusive advisors/mentors in PhD programs. There is an uneven power distribution between committees and doctoral students. This can turn into a reason to not finish a degree.

Realization that they don’t want/need a PhD

One of the things that you learn in PhD classes is critical thinking and asking questions. What is not part of these programs is solving problems. You learn to answer questions and leave the application/problem solving to others.

Some people get to the ABD stage and determine that they are more suited to being advocates and solving problems than answering questions, giving them an incentive to go out and begin solving the problems that they see. The world needs both types of people.

All But Dissertation: How Not to Stay There

Many people get stuck at the ABD phase of the journey and do not finish their degree. Most of the time, this leaves them with nothing to show for the considerable amount of coursework they completed.

If you decide to leave a program at the ABD stage, having loans can make it seem worse.  Eight months after you stop attending school, student loan payments kick in. No one really enjoys making student loan payments, and they can seem even worse if you left a program without a degree.

Here is my advice for powering through the all but dissertation phase and earning your degree.

Know what’s coming

close-up shot of a big pile of books

When you were taking classes, your program was laid out in front of you. You knew which courses to take when and what grades you needed. As you enter the dissertation phase things are not as straightforward. You should read everything that your school provides on the process and become familiar with any templates that are provided. A good template can signal to you what sections are needed in each chapter and save you time.

Also understand the review process for the work you submit and plan accordingly. If it takes two weeks for your committee to review your Prospectus , then work on finding more literature for your eventual Chapter 2. If your Proposal is being reviewed, start preparing your IRB submission. Be as efficient as possible.

Work every day

There is a book titled “Writing Your Dissertation in 15 Minutes a Day.” The idea is that you need to work on your dissertation consistently, everyday. I find that people who put time in on a regular basis, daily if possible, tend to move forward faster than those who put in a lot of time on an irregular basis. If you have large amounts of time between sessions, you have to spend time remembering where you were. Make writing your dissertation a habit and you will move beyond the ABD stage.

Ask for help

In our society, we’re often taught that asking for help is a sign of weakness. But if you want to complete your PhD program, you’d better let go of that belief and recognize that asking for help is both wise essential for your success.

man and a woman having a discussion in an outdoor café

If you are in a graduate program there are people out there who can help you if you ask. For example, librarians can help you find material and save you lots of time. If your writing needs help, most schools have Writing Centers and if that is not enough, a good academic editor can save you a lot of time and help you move forward.

You dissertation chair and committee are resources as well. Ask the members of the committee for guidance (read: What to Do if Your Advisor is Ignoring You ).

If you are looking for more hands-on help, a dissertation coach can help you towards the finish line.

Be good to yourself

Graduate school is not a sprint. It can be a long, grueling process so you need to take care of yourself along the way. You don’t want to reach the end and be so burned out that you aren’t able to use the degree you worked so hard for.

Self care is very important. Try to add simple things like taking a walk of talking to a friend to your routine. This can save your sanity and help you move forward. For more on this see my article on self care .

Realize your progress

It is easy to get lost in the vastness of writing a dissertation and not realize how much you have actually accomplished. Sometimes it is good to stop and look back at what you have accomplished. For example, you have finished all of your coursework and comprehensive exams. You have done a great deal. Now you get to concentrate on something that truly interests you.

Reward yourself for genuine progress. Rather than paying attention to how much time you spent writing, set mile markers such as writing 2,000 words, finishing a draft of your Chapter One, or addressing all of your committee’s comments.

what does all but dissertation status mean

All But Dissertation: Summary

You have the chance to be one of the 2 percent of the population with a doctoral degree. Take care of yourself on the journey, stay dedicated to the process and call on all available resources. You can do this!

Steve Tippins

Steve Tippins, PhD, has thrived in academia for over thirty years. He continues to love teaching in addition to coaching recent PhD graduates as well as students writing their dissertations. Learn more about his dissertation coaching and career coaching services. Book a Free Consultation with Steve Tippins

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What is ABD and How to Avoid It

I n my work with doctoral students, I often find confusion regarding the term ABD, which means “all but dissertation.” This In today’s post, I want to share an excerpt from my book with Karri Holley, The Qualitative Dissertation in Education: A Guide for Integrating Research and Practice .

While the term is quite common in certain national higher education systems, not every student fully understands the meaning of “A.B.D.”

A.B.D. stands for metandienona “All But Dissertation.” A.B.D. means that a student has finished coursework, qualifying examinations, and all other requirements for the doctorate—except for the final defense of the dissertation.

The term, although widely used, does not represent a formal status; at no point in the doctoral program should students receive an email from the faculty congratulating them on earning this distinction.

Furthermore, we recommend that students not use the term on their email signature, after their name (i.e., Maria Garcia, A.B.D.), or in other formal contexts. However, students might include the term on their resume or CV to note where they are in the doctoral process alongside an anticipated date of degree completion, depending on institutional and field-specific norms.

If the term does not denote a formal status, why is it so common?

One unfortunate reason is because doctoral students may end up getting stuck at this stage (Locke & Boyle, 2016).

In a study by the Council of Graduate Schools (Sowell, Zhang, Bell, & Redd, 2008), just over 40% of students in the social sciences completed their degree within ten years.

The number of students completing doctoral degrees in the United States declines dramatically after years 6 and 7 across all fields of study. Although the study did not draw conclusions regarding the dissertation as the cause for this decline or differentiate between students in a traditional PhD program compared to a professional doctorate program, undoubtedly many students make it through coursework only to run into a roadblock with the dissertation. 

Regardless of the labels, different degree structures, and varied programmatic approaches, common strategies can help students transition from A.B.D. to degree completion.

First, as you finish coursework requirements in your program, keeping your personal and professional life as consistent as possible proves enormously helpful.

While the ability to avoid professional change is not always possible, realize that the period of time in which you are writing the dissertation may not the best for a promotion, a job change or taking on extra responsibilities.

Although some people succeed while making professional changes at the same time as pursuing their doctoral degree, getting up to speed on a new role or workplace can drain mental energy and leave low reserves for the dissertation.

Second, do your best to stay connected to campus, faculty, and peers.

While technology provides remote access to resources and people, too much physical distance from campus can create feelings of disconnect or loss of focus.

Distance makes meeting with your dissertation chair in person or accessing hard copy library books more difficult.

Of course, journal articles and books can be accessed easily online, and some academic institutions support distance students by mailing necessary materials or providing electronic access, but distinct benefits exist to being able to get to campus.

We advise students to think of campus as a workspace separate from both home and work. By doing so, you can more concretely conceive of dissertation research and writing as a “third shift” at which you can clock in, clock out, and approach the experience like a separate job from home and work.

If you do not currently have a space on campus that is your own (for example, a cubicle in a graduate student suite or a desk or corner in your advisor’s office or department suite), discuss the issue with your advisor and peers. You may have find an empty corner of the library or a quiet student lounge in another academic building. Do whatever you can to locate a designated, on-campus space where you can work solely on the dissertation. 

The third major problem causing students to get stuck in the dissertation pipeline is that some students fail to set aside time to work on the dissertation (King & Williams, 2014).

For students in programs with required coursework, successful completion of courses almost always signals that students have the skills and knowledge to complete the dissertation.

The ability to dedicate time to the dissertation separates students who finish in a timely manner from those who never do or take an inordinately long time to do so.

Finally, we find that students fail to reach out to their dissertation chair to seek help and advice. This particular issue tends to snowball; as students get bogged down, they become embarrassed by their inability to make progress or deal with arising problems.

In turn, this embarrassment leads them to not seek out help. Even when students do reach out, they might apologize for their lack of progress or responsiveness to emails asking for updates. Apologies in this regard are not productive!

Dissertation chairs have busy personal and professional lives and often do not keep track of their dissertation advisees, especially considering their own research and teaching activities (Storms, Prada, & Donahue, 2011).

It is nearly impossible for chairs to track all of their advisees’ progress, meaning they are unlikely to be sitting in front of their computers waiting for a message from an advisee to arrive.

Doctoral students must be proactive and reach out to their chair to ask for help (Ahern & Manathunga, 2007). While the dissertation chair can and should give guidance during the dissertation process, they cannot do this if students do not ask for help.

Asking questions, seeking advice, and pushing past feelings of inadequacy are crucial to getting unstuck with the dissertation. 

Ultimately, our suggestions here boil down to this: Develop the conditions that best position you for success.

Eliminate any issues that hinder progress. Additionally, set personal deadlines and expectations that enable you to prioritize dissertation work. After doing everything you can personally to set yourself up for success, remember to use your dissertation chair as a resource and guide.

Proactively seeking support from the chair and peers can prove profoundly beneficial. Setbacks will inevitably occur, but as the famous N.F.L. coach Vince Lombardi famously said, “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.”

In many ways, this approach is at the heart of successfully writing a dissertation: Encountering roadblocks within or outside of the dissertation requires figuring out a path forward and continuing to make steady progress.

what does all but dissertation status mean

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What is ABD (“All But Dissertation”) and How Can You Avoid Getting Stuck There?

what does all but dissertation status mean

ABD, or “all but dissertation,” is a term used frequently in the US to designate a PhD student who has passed all qualifying degree elements except for the writing, presentation, and defense of the doctoral dissertation.

For many students, abd can stand as both an exciting milestone and a terrifying sinkhole . .

This is because ABD is the term used to refer to students who have left their PhD programs at this crucial stage: they have put in the blood, sweat, tears, and eye-strain but don’t have the coveted PhD degree and title to show for it.

This post will cover some quick tips to help you prepare early to avoid the ABD sinkhole.

Why Do Students Fail to Move Past the ABD Stage?

There are many reasons why students often fail to progress beyond the abd stage, including financial pressures, changes in life goals and directions, institutional shortfalls, and writing and research challenges..

Sometimes, a student can get stuck at the ABD stage through no fault of their own. One of the most heartbreaking stories I have heard in my time as a dissertation coach was a student who never moved past the ABD stage because all the supervisors she had been working with at her institution left. Shocking and unacceptable as this type of situation is, it is becoming more and more common as HE institutions deal with increasing hiring pressures.

More commonly, however, ABD occurs when students encounter roadblocks they don’t know how to overcome. They may run out of funding, and not know how to get more. They may take a radical turn in life, such as getting married or having children, that changes their desire to complete a PhD. Or, they may become daunted by the task of researching and writing the dissertation—especially if they are not strong writers or lack proper institutional support.

Four Ways to Prepare to Stride Past ABD

To avoid getting stuck at the “all but dissertation” stage, there are key ways you can prepare yourself in advance., choose your supervisory team carefully., learn how to find and apply for funding, grants, and scholarships..

  • Plan for personal issues.

Seek dissertation help early.

Your supervisory team is your lifeline within your institution, so it pays to choose its members with care. Don’t select supervisors purely according to research interests; instead, choose supervisors:

  • You already know and feel comfortable working with;
  • Who have a reputation for being dependable and supportive;
  • With a strong history of student mentorship;
  • With a strong record of successfully graduating PhD students.

Ask your supervisors directly when you approach them if they intend to remain at your institution long-term and what the plan will be if they do leave. Also, make sure that you discuss with them the level of support they will be willing and able to provide during your PhD journey, including research support, motivation, accountability, writing support, and career support. Be clear about your needs and choose supervisors who are willing to support them.

If your personal funds and degree funding are tight, grants and scholarships can mean the difference between completion and ABD. Most institutions have a grants and scholarships department or office that can help you find and apply for these types of funding. Many also offer workshops and training sessions (or even credit-bearing classes) on grant writing. Finally, you can use sites like GrantFoward (free to sign up to) or check the websites of professional organizations in your field.

Plan for Personal Issues

Usually, when students drop out due to personal issues, it is because the pressure of planning for them is too much on top of the mental effort needed just for the degree itself. Even where there are objections due to finances or time pressures, these usually come down to logistics. You can help mitigate such unforeseen roadblocks by planning ahead for them.

Even if you think there is only a 1 in 7 billion chance that you will get married, have a baby, lose a loved one, etc., make a concrete plan just in case. Could you work part-time? Could you do evening classes? What support networks do you have available to you? Thinking these things through in advance will make the unexpected much more manageable if it ever happens, making you much less likely to drop out.

It is never too early to start thinking about your dissertation and seeking the support you will need to finish. Whether you need help understanding the research process, getting your results into writing, following academic conventions, or even just staying motivated, start searching out support sources early. Add mentors to your support network, explore institutional and private coaching options, and ask questions at every stage of the way. Prepare in advance for the things that challenge you, and you will be in a much stronger position once you reach the ABD milestone.

Need More Help?

Need some extra support getting ready to be ABD? Check out my coaching packages to find out how I can help you!

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Navigating ABD: All But Dissertation Insights And Strategies

Discover the journey of ‘All but Dissertation’ – a compelling exploration of unfinished scholarly pursuits.

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For many doctoral candidates, the concluding stage known as the dissertation phase can be an elusive and challenging endeavor. This stage, commonly referred to as “All but Dissertation” or ABD, signifies the completion of all requirements for a doctoral degree, except the final dissertation. Doctoral candidates who find themselves in this unique academic position may wonder about the significance, challenges, and opportunities associated with ABD status. In this article, we will explain what ABD status entails, offering insights and strategies to navigate this phase with confidence and, ultimately, cross the academic finish line.

What Is ABD (All But Dissertation)?

ABD (All But Dissertation) is a term used in academic circles to describe a student who has completed all the requirements for a doctoral program, except for the dissertation. In a doctoral program, students typically go through a series of stages, including coursework, comprehensive exams, and the dissertation phase. The ABD designation is applied to a student who has successfully completed the coursework and passed the comprehensive exams, demonstrating their deep understanding of the subject matter. However, they have yet to complete the dissertation, which is the final and most significant component of a doctoral program. 

This status can be a transitional phase, as students work on their dissertations and conduct original research, moving closer to earning their coveted doctoral degree. The ABD phase can be both challenging and rewarding, as it represents the culmination of years of academic study and the final step toward becoming a recognized expert in the chosen field.

Reasons For Not Completing A Dissertation

Completing a dissertation is a significant academic accomplishment, but several reasons can lead to individuals not finishing this crucial component of their doctoral journey. These reasons include:

Lack of Time

Doctoral candidates often have demanding schedules, including jobs, family responsibilities, and other commitments. The extensive time required for researching, writing, and revising a dissertation can be a significant hurdle. Balancing these responsibilities while dedicating substantial time to dissertation work can become challenging.

Also read: Time Management for Researchers: A Comprehensive Toolkit

Academic Challenges

Doctoral-level research and writing are highly complex and require advanced critical thinking and analytical skills. Students may face difficulties in defining a research topic, conducting comprehensive literature reviews, collecting and analyzing data, or structuring and presenting their work. These academic challenges can create feelings of frustration and stagnation.

Financial Difficulties

Pursuing a doctoral degree can be financially burdensome. Tuition fees, research expenses, and the costs of educational materials can accumulate. Financial stress can become a barrier to dissertation completion, particularly for those who need to work while studying to cover these expenses.

Related article: Funding for Research — Why, Types of Funding, When, and How?

Emotional/Health Issues

Doctoral programs can be emotionally and mentally taxing. The stress associated with doctoral studies can take a toll on students’ emotional and mental well-being. The pressure to excel academically, meet deadlines, and complete a dissertation can lead to burnout, anxiety, or depression. Health issues, whether physical or mental, can emerge, disrupting a student’s ability to focus on their dissertation.

Professional Opportunities Elsewhere

Some doctoral candidates encounter compelling professional opportunities during their academic journey. These opportunities might include high-paying job offers, significant career advancements, or projects they are passionate about. In such cases, the potential career gains may divert their focus from completing their dissertations.

Benefits Of ABD Status

There are several benefits of ABD status. One of them is about universities that can hire ABD candidates to teach undergraduate courses, especially in cases where their expertise aligns with the course content. Additionally, ABD professionals might find opportunities in research roles or within organizations that value their extensive knowledge, research skills, and critical thinking abilities. While it’s essential to acknowledge the potential limitations of not completing the dissertation, such as being ineligible for tenured positions at research-focused universities, ABD status can still lead to fulfilling and successful careers in academia, research, or other fields. It offers an opportunity to contribute to their chosen field, apply their knowledge, and make a meaningful impact while maintaining a work-life balance.

Access to Academic Resources and Networks

One significant advantage of ABD status is the continued access to academic resources and networks. Doctoral students who have completed their coursework, comprehensive exams, and some or most of their research may still access university libraries, research databases, and academic advisors. They can continue to collaborate with professors, researchers, and fellow students, which can be invaluable for further research or career development.

Achieving Doctoral-Level Expertise Without Completing the Dissertation

Another noteworthy benefit is the achievement of doctoral-level expertise without completing the dissertation. ABD students have typically engaged in advanced coursework, gained comprehensive knowledge in their field, and passed rigorous qualifying exams. This level of expertise can open doors to teaching positions, research roles, or advanced positions in various fields.

Alternatives To Earning a Doctoral Degree Without Completing the Dissertation Process

Alternatives to earning a doctoral degree without completing the dissertation process recognize that there are different paths to expertise and career growth, and they allow individuals to tailor their educational journey to their specific goals and circumstances. The choice between these options should be based on an individual’s career objectives, field of study, and personal preferences.

Related article: Doctorate Without Thesis: Everything You Need to Know

ABD Status or Testing Out Options in Higher Education Programs

Some higher education institutions offer flexible options for individuals who have achieved ABD status. These options are designed to acknowledge the extensive knowledge and expertise ABD candidates have gained throughout their doctoral studies. Universities may provide avenues for ABD students to finalize their degrees without the traditional dissertation route.

ABD Status Option

In some cases, universities offer formalized ABD status programs where students can complete their doctoral degrees without writing a traditional dissertation. These programs may involve alternative research projects, comprehensive exams, or specialized coursework, allowing ABD students to demonstrate their expertise in different ways. The specific requirements can vary by institution and field of study.

Testing Out Option

Another approach is the “testing out” option, where ABD candidates can take comprehensive exams or defend their knowledge in front of a committee. If they successfully demonstrate their expertise, they may be awarded a doctoral degree. This method acknowledges that some individuals possess the necessary knowledge and skills without requiring a dissertation.

Professional Certificates in Place of a Doctoral Degree

In some cases, individuals may choose to pursue professional certificates instead of completing a doctoral degree. These certificates offer a more streamlined path to specialized expertise in a field. They are particularly beneficial for those interested in gaining targeted knowledge for practical applications, such as leadership roles, without the need for extensive research or the dissertation process.

Examples of Professional Certificates

Many professional organizations and universities offer specialized certificates in various fields, such as project management, healthcare administration, data science, and more. These certificates typically involve coursework tailored to the specific subject matter and may be completed in a shorter timeframe than a full doctoral program.

Career Advancement

Professional certificates can enhance career prospects, providing individuals with in-demand skills and qualifications. For many professionals, this may be a more direct and practical route to career advancement than pursuing a full doctoral degree.

How to Explain Your ABD Status In An Academic Or Professional Setting

Explaining your ABD status in an academic or professional context involves articulating that you’ve completed all the requirements for a doctoral program except for the dissertation. It’s crucial to clarify your achievements, such as coursework, exams, and any research accomplishments. Be honest about your reasons for not completing the dissertation, and express your future career goals. Confidence and positivity are key, as is highlighting the skills and knowledge you’ve acquired. Seek support and mentorship, be prepared to answer questions, and leverage your ABD status as an opportunity to network and collaborate with professionals who appreciate your expertise, recognizing it as a valuable phase in your academic journey. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

Choose the Right Moment

Decide when it’s appropriate to disclose your ABD status. It’s often best to bring it up during conversations about your academic background, career goals, or when discussing your qualifications.

Be Clear and Concise

When explaining your ABD status, use clear and straightforward language. You can say, “I’ve completed all the requirements for my doctoral program except for the dissertation.” Avoid jargon or overly technical explanations.

Highlight Achievements

Emphasize the coursework, research, and comprehensive exams you’ve successfully completed. Mention any notable academic achievements, such as publications or conference presentations, which demonstrate your expertise and commitment.

Explain Your Reasons

If relevant, share your reasons for not completing the dissertation. It might be due to personal circumstances, career opportunities, or a change in academic interests. Be honest but avoid dwelling on any negative aspects.

Express Future Intentions

Clarify your career goals and how your ABD status aligns with your professional aspirations. Mention your plans to complete the dissertation or how you intend to leverage your existing expertise.

Network and Collaborate

Use your ABD status as an opportunity to network with professionals and academics who appreciate your knowledge and skills. Seek collaborations and opportunities that align with your expertise.

Remember that ABD status is not a roadblock; it’s a stage in your academic journey. Many professionals and academics understand the challenges of doctoral studies and respect the dedication required to reach this point. By effectively explaining your ABD status, you can position yourself as a knowledgeable and committed individual in your field.

Below, you will find a comprehensive guide to programs designed for those who have reached the ‘All But Dissertation’ (ABD) stage in their doctoral journey. These programs offer various alternatives to help individuals complete their dissertations and earn their coveted doctoral degrees:

10 Best All But Dissertation Completion Programs [2024 ABD Guide]

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PhD ABD (All But Dissertation) [the scary doctoral reality]

All but dissertation is the equivalent of academic limbo. The scary reality is that there is a huge portion of students who make it to the dissertation stage but simply do not write up their thesis in order to finish their degree.

ABD stands for all but dissertation and refers to a PhD student who has completed all of the prerequisites (such as coursework, and research) but has not yet written up their dissertation. They have not yet completed their PhD .

There are a variety of reasons why people find themselves as an ABD student in this article will go through all of the important aspects of why people do not qualify despite having done most of the work of their doctoral degree.

What does ABD Mean for a Doctoral Student?

ABD stands for “all but dissertation” and refers to someone who has successfully completed all the coursework and exam requirements for a doctoral program, but has yet to complete their final dissertation.

This means that they have often completed:

  • Literature review
  • Significant amount of research

…but have still yet to write up their thesis.

ABD status is important because it signifies that someone has made significant progress towards earning their PhD, but it is not the same as having completed the degree program .

It is important to note that even though someone may be ABD, they are not yet a doctoral graduate until they have successfully written and defended their dissertation.

All But Dissertation: Why Do So Many PhD Candidates Quit?

It’s a surprising fact that many PhD candidates quit at the ABD stage, for reasons that vary from personal to systemic.

Here is data I have graphed from the council of graduate schools for various fields showing the attrition rate of PhD students as they progress through their PhD:

All but dissertation ADB attrition rates vs year of study.

The graph illustrates the attrition rates over a ten-year period for three broad fields: Engineering, Life Sciences, and Mathematical & Physical Sciences.

  • Engineering shows the highest initial attrition rate, starting at 6.4% in the first year and increasing to 31.0% by the tenth year.
  • Life Sciences starts with an 8.1% attrition rate, peaking at 29.0% by the sixth year, and then stabilizing.
  • Mathematical & Physical Sciences have the lowest initial attrition rate at 5.1%, reaching 28.9% by the tenth year.

This trend indicates that while Engineering programs have higher early attrition, Life Sciences and Mathematical & Physical Sciences also experience significant attrition over time.

The pressure to complete the dissertation can be daunting and overwhelming. So much so, that many people do not finish and become an “All But Dissertation” PhD! Especially when they are 10 years into a PhD.

There are many reasons why someone may not finish their degree and I have seen multiple students become stuck at the dissertation stage because:

  • the supervisor does not help them with revisions
  • they have left to get a job and say that they will “write up alongside a full-time job” – often this never ends up happening
  • they don’t actually need a PhD for their current career directions so focus on growing and networking in their current role
  • being overwhelmed by thought of writing such a large document

One major factor is the pressure and stress that the dissertation process entails.

Writing a dissertation takes a significant amount of time, research, and effort, and requires a student to write diligently every day for multiple weeks to complete.

There are loads of reasons why a PhD is hard to write – check on my YouTube video about the unglamorous truth about writing any graduate thesis.

Additionally, a lack of support from faculty members, financial struggles, and competing priorities, such as work or family, can also contribute to candidates dropping out of their PhD program.

How to complete your dissertation – easy dissertation completion

When you’re a PhD student and have achieved ABD status (All But Dissertation), completing your dissertation can feel like an insurmountable challenge. Here’s a guide packed with insider tips to help you navigate the dissertation stage and finish your dissertation with confidence:

Understand the importance of setting clear, manageable goals. Instead of vaguely aiming to “complete the dissertation,” break it down. For example, aim to draft the literature review by the end of the semester. This not only makes the process less daunting but also provides a sense of accomplishment as you check off each milestone.

Engage actively with your dissertation committee. Regular updates and meetings are crucial. Send them a summary email before each meeting to set the agenda and ensure that discussions are productive. This proactive communication helps align your progress with their expectations, minimizing last-minute surprises during the dissertation defense.

Many doctoral candidates face the dissertation phase alone, leading to a lack of support and imposter syndrome. Combat this by seeking out communities of fellow ABDs, either through online forums or university groups. Sharing struggles and solutions can provide much-needed moral support and practical advice.

Don’t overlook the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Reward yourself for meeting goals, whether it’s with a coffee break or a Netflix episode. And remember, your social life isn’t just a reward; it’s a necessary part of your well-being.

Consider leveraging resources like a Graduate Writing Lab or a Writing Skills Improvement Program . These services can offer valuable feedback and help you improve your scholarly writing, ensuring your dissertation meets the high standards of your PhD program.

And finally: stay flexible. If your research takes an unexpected turn, communicate this with your committee and adjust your plan.

The best way to avoid burnout is to remain adaptable and recognize that the dissertation process is inherently iterative. By staying organized, seeking support, and maintaining flexibility, you’ll navigate the ABD stage and complete your degree with confidence.

Who is considered an ABD? Dissertation status?

If you are a PhD candidate and have completed all your coursework, passed comprehensive exams, and are now in the process of researching and writing your dissertation, you can consider yourself ABD (All but dissertation).

ABD means that you have finished all the requirements for the PhD except the dissertation. You are then considered a doctoral candidate, and not yet a doctor, until you have defended your dissertation.

ABD is a term used to describe the status of a graduate student who has completed everything for their PhD except the dissertation.

If you have submitted your dissertation proposal, conducted extensive research, and prepared your work for publication, but have yet to defend your dissertation, then you are considered ABD.

Once you have defended and successfully completed your dissertation, you will be awarded your PhD.

How Long Does the All But Dissertation Phase Last on the Doctoral Journey?

The length of the dissertation phase may vary significantly, depending on the program and the individual student’s progress.

Some doctoral programs require their students to complete the dissertation within a certain time frame, while others may not enforce strict deadlines.

I was able to write up my PhD thesis within three months . I had a very tight deadline and I spent eight hours a day in the library working in two sprints until my thesis have been written.

The ABD phase can last for a few months to several years, depending on the research work required, the amount of time the student can dedicate to the project, and the feedback provided by advisors.

I know of one person who took over 10 years to complete their PhD – much of it in the “all but dissertation” stage.

Here is my video on how to write up quickly if you just want to get over the all but dissertation hurdle:

Can You Get a “PhD ABD Degree”?

A PhD ABD degree refers to a student who has completed all the requirements of a PhD program, except for the dissertation.

It is not officially recognized or awarded as a degree but colloquially it is what many people refer to ADB students as.

While it is possible to have a successful career without completing a doctoral program, having an ABD status may limit some potential job opportunities.

Quite often it is recommended that you do not put your ABD degree on your CV if it has been many years of writing.

Should you list PhD ABD on your resume? Academic jobs could be harmed.

Listing PhD ABD (All But Dissertation) on your resume is a personal choice.

It is important to consider what message you want to convey to potential employers and if they see your lack of submission as a negative.

For example, I was able to apply for a job with an ADB because my thesis had been submitted but not yet reviewed. Andy Stapleton

If your thesis is about to be submitted, reviewed, it’s probably okay to put on your resume. However, it is been many years since you had last contact with your PhD program is probably best to leave it off.

Potential employers may view this as incomplete education or lacking the necessary qualifications.

It is your decision whether or not to list PhD ABD on your resume, but it is important to consider the potential impact it may have on your job search.

Endless ABD Status?

Being in an Endless ABD Status can be frustrating for graduate students who have completed their coursework, but have not successfully defended their dissertation.

This can be a difficult phase for students as they are often dealing with limited funding, competing demands on their time, and the pressure of completing their dissertation within a reasonable timeframe.

I know of people who spend up to 6 months waiting for their thesis to be examined which severely limited their career momentum and this is very frustrating.

Graduate school is an already challenging experience, and the ABD phase can make things even more daunting.

Challenges of Being All But Dissertation

Being All But Dissertation (ABD) presents a unique set of challenges for graduate students in a doctoral program.

The pressure to complete the dissertation can be daunting and overwhelming. So much so, that many people do not finish.

The research, writing, and revision required to complete a doctoral dissertation can be time-consuming and mentally exhausting.

ABD status can become a barrier to professional opportunities both inside and outside of academia.

It is difficult to secure academic positions without a completed dissertation, and non-academic employers may not fully recognize the value of an ABD status.

This creates a challenging environment for those trying to navigate this stage of their doctoral program.

My recommendation is that if you are an all but dissertation, you should focus 100% of your efforts on your goal of completion if your circumstances allow.

Many people say that they will return to their thesis after a little break – many people I know and are leaving their thesis for ever after the get a job and move away from academia.

If your current career projection doesn’t require a PhD and you are happy with our PhD there is also no pressure for you to actually finish your dissertation.

what does all but dissertation status mean

Dr Andrew Stapleton has a Masters and PhD in Chemistry from the UK and Australia. He has many years of research experience and has worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow and Associate at a number of Universities. Although having secured funding for his own research, he left academia to help others with his YouTube channel all about the inner workings of academia and how to make it work for you.

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what does all but dissertation status mean

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what does all but dissertation status mean

What Does All But Dissertation Mean? [2024 Guide]

While researching doctoral programs, it’s common to wonder, “What does All But Dissertation mean?”

What Does All But Dissertation Mean

All But Dissertation (ABD) status is a common label applied to students who haven’t finished their doctoral programs. A dissertation is a graduation requirement at many colleges and universities. It involves several years of research and writing and is considered one of the most challenging aspects of earning a PhD.

Editorial Listing ShortCode:

If you’re hoping to earn your PhD, it’s important to know how ABD status can affect your academic journey and professional goals.

What Does All But Dissertation Mean?

student taking ABD degree

All But Dissertation (ABD) means that a doctoral student has not yet finished their dissertation, but they have completed their required coursework. The dissertation, or final research project, is a core graduation requirement in most doctoral programs.

While earning a doctorate, a student must meet several criteria to qualify as being ABD. These are the requirements for ABD status:

  • You’ve completed all required coursework.
  • You’ve taken any qualifying or comprehensive exams.
  • You have not finished writing or defending your dissertation.

Students who have ABD degree status are not yet considered doctors. They may plan to complete their dissertations in the future or may have stepped completely away from their doctoral programs.

ABD status is not a term that’s included on your degree or transcript. It’s a way of explaining where you are on your academic journey. If you’re applying for a professional role, you might use ABD to indicate to the company that you have finished your doctoral courses.

If a student fails to finish their dissertation, and it’s required by their doctoral program, they will not be able to complete their PhD.

What Is an ABD Degree?

PhD student taking ABD degree

The term “ABD degree” is not used by any colleges or universities because there is actually no such degree. Stating that you have an ABD degree could be misleading, as you haven’t yet earned your doctorate or PhD.

ABD status is an indicator that a doctoral student’s degree is still in progress, with the dissertation being the only outstanding requirement. Many people refer to a PhD ABD to explain that they’ve completed the necessary courses and exams for their program. All they have left is to complete their dissertation.

Why PhD Candidates Quit

doctorate student working on her dissertation

In addition to answering the question “What does ABD mean?”, it’s also helpful to address why some students have this status. The most common reasons include:

  • Low confidence . Doctoral programs are often intimidating, and the student may feel that they lack the ability to successfully complete a dissertation. They might also question their selected research focus.
  • Poor time management . The dissertation stage of a doctoral program is unstructured and requires the student to work more independently. Students who struggle with managing their time may procrastinate.
  • Lack of resources . Graduate school is expensive, and students may need to return to full-time employment before finishing their degrees. They may also struggle in schools with inadequate support programs.
  • Personal circumstances . An illness can significantly delay the completion of a dissertation. Some students have to shift their focus to family members or childcare.
  • Writing skills . Dissertations usually require students to write at least 100 pages about their research topic. This process can be especially difficult for those who don’t enjoy writing.

These challenges may cause students to drag out their dissertation projects or drop out of their doctoral programs altogether.

How to Complete Your Doctorate Degree

student taking Doctorate degree doing research for dissertation

Although ABD status can be discouraging to some, doctoral students can still move on and finish their degrees. Following these tips may help you make steadier progress:

  • Set up a designated workspace that minimizes distractions.
  • Choose a dissertation topic that you find engaging.
  • Create a schedule with specific times to conduct research and write.
  • Establish milestones for when you’ll complete certain stages of your dissertation.
  • Reach out to academic and personal support systems for help.
  • Build in breaks to disengage from your dissertation so you don’t suffer from burnout.

How long does it take to write a dissertation ? Students aren’t expected to complete their dissertations in a matter of months, so it’s beneficial to give yourself credit for your achievements and pace yourself on the journey.

Earning Your PhD Degree

student completing her PhD degree

Completing a PhD program is an incredible accomplishment, even for online doctoral programs in education without dissertation , but it’s easy to get overwhelmed along the way. Having the status of ABD PhD acknowledges your hard work of completing all of your coursework requirements. All that’s left is to move forward and tackle your dissertation.

Some colleges and universities offer All But Dissertation programs that are designed for students who are struggling to complete their dissertations. They offer a high level of support during the research and writing process.

If you’re ready to finish your PhD, searching for ABD completion programs online could be a strategic next step in your academic journey.

what does all but dissertation status mean

ABD (“All But Dissertation”)

The prospectus is 20 double-spaced pages (excluding bibliography) and explores four aspects of the PhD candidate’s dissertation topic: the intellectual relevance of the topic chosen, previous scholarship on the subject, the techniques and methods the dissertation will employ, and the primary and secondary sources that will be consulted. Within (at most) twelve months of successfully completing the oral qualifying exam, PhD candidates must submit their dissertation prospectus to their first and second readers for approval. First and second readers must be members of the Graduate School Faculty at Boston University. Once both readers have approved the prospectus, it must be submitted to the Director of Graduate Studies for final approval, along with the Dissertation Prospectus Approval Form , which will be submitted to the Graduate School upon approval by the DGS.


The dissertation is written under the supervision of the first and second readers who approved the prospectus. It is a work of original research on a topic approved by the dissertation advisor. The dissertation should demonstrate the candidate’s ability to assemble all the available historical material bearing on the subject, to analyze and evaluate the material critically, and to interpret the evidence with impartiality and insight. It should also display a creative use of sources, interpretive independence, and the clear presentation of complex arguments. The dissertation should form the basis for a scholarly monograph that will make a significant contribution to existing scholarship.

Dissertation Defense

Upon completion of the dissertation, candidates for the degree defend their dissertation before a faculty committee.

In consultation with the first reader, the student assembles the Dissertation Defense Committee, which consists of at least four faculty members. These scholars must be members of the Graduate School Faculty of Boston University, either by regular or special appointment, though exceptions can be made for members from outside BU. After all revisions have been made to the satisfaction of the first and second readers, the student may begin the process of scheduling the defense. The final version of the manuscript must be provided to all committee members at least four weeks before the defense.  The student should then email the Department Administrator, requesting a room for the exam, list the committee members (and their roles) and provide the signature page.

The exam usually lasts for at least one hour. In consultation with the Chair of the Dissertation Defense Committee, BU faculty and graduate students may attend the exam. However, only the defense committee members may participate. To open the proceedings, the student must make a 10-minute presentation summarizing the findings contained in the dissertation. In addition to the grades of Pass or Fail, the examiners may award a grade of “Pass with Distinction,” which will be recorded in the student’s departmental file. Upon successfully defending the dissertation, the student must provide the History department administrator with a copy of the dissertation abstract, including whatever corrections have been agreed upon at the time of the defense.

Applying for Graduation

Students must file an application to graduate with the Graduate School office ( check with this office for deadlines ). Note that an application is good only for the specified date; if a student must postpone a dissertation defense, a new application must be filed. Note also that a student must be registered for the semester in which they graduate and in the preceding one and that a student must be registered for any semester in which a degree requirement is completed (such as submission of the research paper or passing the language examination).

ABD: All But Dissertation

You may already have an ABD degree without realizing it!  You are ABD when you have completed  A ll B ut the D issertation.

What is all but the dissertation?  All but the dissertation means you have taken all the courses you need to take to earn a Ph.D.  It means you have taken your Ph.D. qualifying exam.  It means you have defended your dissertation proposal . At this point, you might feel you almost deserve a degree already, so someone invented the term All But Dissertation degree.  Unfortunately, ABD is not a real degree offered by any university, and getting this far will do you no good if you don’t finish your dissertation.

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When you are ABD, all that is left for you to do is your original research and then write your dissertation with the assistance of your advisors and dissertation committee members.

However, many doctoral students become stuck at this ABD point.  This is when the quest for a degree can become very lonely and unstructured at the very moment it becomes most difficult.  For many students, this stage is challenging emotionally, personally, socially, and practically as well as intellectually, and unfortunately only about 56% of doctoral students earn their PhD status within 10 years .  An ABD doctoral student has to figure out how to organize personal life, keep motivated, manage time, fight fatigue and discouragement, and overcome the remaining academic obstacles.

One reason many ABD students do not finish their dissertation is that they lack the support and guidance needed to navigate the dissertation process.  Our seasoned team of mentors are able to move you from ABD to Ph.D. by helping you finish your dissertation, assisting with everything from topic development to defense.

Take control of your future and use the resources available to you to complete your dissertation. If you are ABD or feel like you are on that track, schedule your complimentary consultation . During the call we will develop a plan to complete your dissertation and avoid that dreaded All But Dissertation status.

The Classroom | Empowering Students in Their College Journey

What Kind of Degree Is an ABD?

Tanya Mozias Slavin

What is the Difference in PhD & DSC Programs?

If you've been researching college and graduate school options, you've likely encountered many confusing abbreviations. M.A., M.Sc. and Ph.D. are familiar abbreviations for academic degrees. But what is an ABD degree or Ph.D. ABD? And what does it mean to have achieved a Ph.D. ABD status?

Ph.D. ABD Is Not a Degree

Although occasionally you may encounter the phrase "ABD degree," it's important to understand that ABD is not actually a degree. It stands for “all but dissertation” and applies to those graduate students that have completed all the requirements toward achieving their Ph.D. but have not yet written their dissertation.

Completion of a Ph.D. program is typically contingent on many requirements. In most universities, Ph.D. students are required to complete a certain amount of coursework. Depending on the program, other requirements may include writing one or two qualifying papers, undergoing a candidacy or comprehensive exam and presenting a research proposal.

Once you have done these things and all that is left is to write your doctoral dissertation, you have achieved an ABD status.

Opportunities for ABDs

Once you achieve your Ph.D. ABD status, many universities allow you to choose to complete the rest of your degree requirements either on campus (also called "in residence") or off campus ("in absentia").

In any case, there are many reasons not to stop at your ABD but to put in the effort and achieve your Ph.D.

Students achieving the ABD status don't have the same opportunities as those who achieve their Ph.D. For example, in order to apply for an academic position, you need to have a Ph.D., not an ABD. In some exceptional cases you may be eligible to apply if you can show that you’re very close to attaining your Ph.D. degree. However, with the academic job market more competitive than ever, those situations are rare.

Achieving an ABD status, however, might make you eligible for certain competitive grants that students at the beginning of their Ph.D. programs might not be eligible for.

Life After ABD

While ABD brings you closer to the completion of your graduate studies, achieving an ABD status doesn't mean you can relax now. You might think that now that your coursework and other requirements are behind you, you’re just one step from achieving your Ph.D. degree. But in reality that one step is a huge step. For many students the actual work only starts after achieving the ABD status. Before that, your coursework might have held you accountable and clearly defined the boundaries and the requirements of your work, but when you're an ABD, and are one on one with your research, and the only framework might be occasional meetings with your supervisor, it's much harder to be accountable.

However, the difficult work is well worth the effort. While some people put Ph.D. (ABD) on their LinkedIn profile, there is no such thing as an ABD degree, and really those three letters mean that you've almost done it but not quite.

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Tanya Mozias Slavin is a former academic and language teacher. She writes about education and linguistic technology, and has published articles in the Washington Post, Fast Company, CBC and other places. Find her at www.tanyamoziasslavin.com

University Policies

Doctoral student status .

POLICY TITLE: Carnegie Mellon University Doctoral Student Status Policy
DATE OF ISSUANCE: This Policy was approved on February 28, 1991 and most recently revised on June 1, 2011. Administrative changes were made on November 25, 2019, and on March 12, 2021.
ACCOUNTABLE DEPARTMENT/UNIT: Office of the Provost. Address specific questions about your status to your home department/school. Questions on general Policy content should be directed to the University Registrar's Office, 412-268-8250.
ABSTRACT: Policy covers time limits on doctoral degree student status, a definition of All But Dissertation status, a definition of and status for doctoral students and the tuition and fees charged for students and students .

Policy Statement

The university has a policy that covers: time limits on doctoral student status, a definition of All But Dissertation status, a definition of In Residence and In Absentia status for doctoral students and the tuition and fees charged for students In Residence and students In Absentia . These rules apply to all doctoral students. Students who began their doctoral studies prior to the date of this policy’s revision may follow time-to-degree requirements from the previous policy, but all other rules set forth in this policy will apply immediately to all doctoral students.

Time to Degree

Students will complete all requirements for the Ph.D. degree within a maximum of ten years from original matriculation as a doctoral student, or less if required by a more restrictive department or college policy. Once this time-to-degree limit has lapsed, the person may resume work towards a doctoral degree only if newly admitted to a currently offered doctoral degree program under criteria determined by that program. Under extraordinary circumstances, such as leave of absence, military or public service, family or parental leave, or temporary disability, a school or college may, upon the relevant department's recommendation and with the written approval of the dean, defer the lapse of All But Dissertation status for a period commensurate with the duration of that interruption. Students, who are pursuing the Ph.D. degree as part-time students for all semesters of their program, as approved by their program, may also appeal to their program or department for extension of the time to degree limit.

All But Dissertation Status

All But Dissertation, ABD, status is intended for students whose only remaining requirements are the completion and defense of their dissertation. Once a student meets the departmental criteria [1] , All But Dissertation status must be approved by the department by submitting the appropriate form to [email protected]

In Residence Versus In Absentia

Once students achieve All But Dissertation status, they must choose whether to complete their dissertation In Residence or In Absentia . A doctoral student In Residence maintains student status and all consequent student privileges and continues to be actively engaged with the university. A doctoral student In Absentia status  is one who has left the university with the intent of completing their dissertation but is not actively engaged with the university and does not require university resources. When a student decides whether to pursue All But Dissertation In Residence or In Absentia, they must complete a Doctoral Student Status Agreement form, which is available through their academic department or on the HUB website. Once the agreement has been approved by the student’s department, the student may change their status between  In Residence  and  In Absentia multiple times with approval. A student In Residence or In Absentia must meet the specific criteria noted later in this policy. Students  In Absentia will not be verified by the university as an enrolled "student" for immigration or loan purposes. All But Dissertation students in J1 or F1 immigration status must continue to follow the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations [2] .

All But Dissertation Students In Residence

All But Dissertation students In Residence receiving any financial support (such as tuition, stipend, fees or health insurance, whether full or partial), tied to activities that are integral to their doctoral program that is  paid by or administered by the university must be enrolled for at least thirty-six units to maintain full time student status and all subsequent student privileges. Exceptions to the thirty-six unit enrollment requirement may be granted by the Provost [3] . All But Dissertation students In Residence who are not receiving any financial support (such as tuition, stipend, fees or health insurance, whether full or partial), from the university tied to activities that are integral to their doctoral program should consult their college policy to determine the number of units for which they must be registered in order to maintain full-time student status and all subsequent privileges. All But Dissertation students In Residence who are pursuing their doctoral degree on a part time basis and are not receiving any financial support (such as tuition, stipend, fees or health insurance, whether full or partial), from the university tied to activities that are integral to their doctoral program should consult their college policy to determine the number of units they must be registered for in order to maintain part time student status and all subsequent privileges. Note that doctoral students must be a full time graduate student for at least one academic year or more if required by the student’s home college. All But Dissertation students who are employed by the university in a capacity independent of their educational program and are pursuing a doctoral degree part time, may register for the number of units required by their department in order to remain in part time status so long as they are not receiving any financial support (such as tuition, stipend, fees or health insurance, whether full or partial), tied to activities that are integral to their doctoral program by their college, school or department. Questions about eligibility for tuition benefits should be referred to the Benefits Department.

Final Semester Tuition for All But Dissertation Students In Residence

Students who are supported by the university must be registered for thirty-six units for the entirety of their final semester and will be assessed their college’s full-time tuition.

Full-Time Students

If a student completes all Ph.D. degree requirements and is certified by:

  • September 30th (in the fall), or February 28th (in the spring), tuition will be adjusted to $0; however, they will remain enrolled for thirty-six units for the semester.
  • October 31st (in the fall), or March 31st (in the spring), tuition will be adjusted to 50% of the full-time tuition; however, they will remain enrolled for thirty-six units for the semester.
  • After October 31st (in the fall), or after March 31st (in the spring), but BEFORE the first day of the next semester, tuition will not be adjusted, and they will remain enrolled for thirty-six units for the semester.
  • Fees will not be adjusted after the semester course add deadline.
  • Tuition will not be assessed in the summer, except for students who return from All But Dissertation In Absentia status and who are registered for thirty-six units. For those students who are certified by June 15th tuition will be adjusted to $0; for those who are certified by July 15th tuition will be adjusted to 50% of the full-time tuition. For those who are certified after July 15th but BEFORE the first day of the next semester, tuition will not be adjusted, and they will remain enrolled for thirty-six units for the semester.

Part-time Students

Students registered for fewer than thirty-six units are not eligible for a tuition adjustment, regardless of their certification date. Fees will not be adjusted.

All But Dissertation Students In Absentia

An All But Dissertation doctoral student may, upon departmental approval, be regarded as In Absentia when, and so long as, the following three conditions apply:

  • The student has been enrolled as a full-time graduate student at Carnegie Mellon University for at least one academic year or more if required by the student's home college. Part-time graduate enrollment may, at the department's discretion, be counted pro-rata toward this requirement.
  • The student does not receive any financial support (such as tuition, stipend, fees or health insurance) tied to activities that are integral to their doctoral program that is paid by or administered by the university.
  • The student does not require substantial use of university resources. Departmental approval of this condition shall be subject to guidelines established by the school or college.

According to university guidelines, students In Absentia may [4] :

  • Use University Libraries
  • Use the university stores.
  • Use computing facilities only for department communications and for dissertation text preparation.
  • Enter university buildings for faculty/student consultations.
  • Be eligible for student health insurance as determined on a case by case basis [5] .
  • Use the Career and Professional Development Center.
  • Become university employees.
  • Be employed with a graduate student stipend [6] .
  • Maintain legal F1 or J1 student status.
  • Use University Health Services [5] .
  • Buy parking permits [7] .
  • Use athletic facilities [7] .
  • Reside in university housing.

Employment of All But Dissertation Students In Absentia

As noted above, All But Dissertation students In Absentia are extended only minimum access to university resources. The student does not receive any financial support (such as tuition, stipend, fees, or health insurance, whether full or partial), tied to activities that are integral to their doctoral program paid by or administered by the university. An All But Dissertation student In Absentia cannot be hired for work by Carnegie Mellon University directly related to completing their dissertation and/or make substantial use of resources for work toward the doctorate as noted above [4] . In order to be in compliance with these policies, the university's employment policies and the Internal Revenue Service, an All But Dissertation student In Absentia may only be hired for university employment through the appropriate employment process. Questions should be referred to Human Resources.

Tuition and Fee Effects of In Absentia Student Status Including the Final Semester

While an All But Dissertation student is In Absentia , no tuition will be assessed. The student will, however, be responsible for all applicable fees.

An All But Dissertation student who is In Absentia , who returns to defend their dissertation has several options:

  • A student who receives support (such as tuition, stipend, fees or health insurance, whether full or partial) paid for or administered by the university, must follow the policy for Final Semester Tuition for All But Dissertation Students  In Residence  (see above) and is eligible for the tuition to be pro-rated as identified in the schedule.
  • A student returns to the university solely for the purpose of the defense and is In Residence for 10 or fewer days would pay the technology fee in addition to the tuition.
  • A student returns to the university solely for the purpose of the defense and is In Residence for more than 10 days would pay the technology, transportation, and student activities fee in addition to the tuition.
  • A student who is  In Absentia  may petition their program to complete and defend their dissertation without a return to campus. Such a student will be not be charged tuition but would be charged a Dissertation Completion Fee and technology fee. 

[1] General examples of having met All But Dissertation requirements may include completing all courses and passing qualifying exams; completing all courses and acceptance of dissertation proposal; etc. as defined by program, department or school. [2] The intent of the DHS regulations is that the student continues to pursue completion of the degree on a full-time basis under the jurisdiction of the university that will award the degree. International students who enter All But Dissertation status must remain In Residence and be registered full-time as defined in this policy to preserve F1 or J1 immigration status while they complete their degree. Questions about All But Dissertation status and immigration requirements should be addressed to the Office of International Education. [3] If granted exception results in the student’s enrollment being reduced to less than half time, tax consequences may apply. [4] An All But Dissertation student In Absentia may be hired as an university employee without switching to active student status so long as the hiring department certifies that the student is not hired at Carnegie Mellon for work directly related to his/her dissertation and that the student does not inappropriately make substantial use of resources for work towards the doctorate as noted above.  As an employee, an individual would be eligible for benefits that apply to his/her status as an employee, not as a graduate student. [5] University Health Services is not available to students in In Absentia status, except in an emergency, or on a case by case basis. All inquiries may be directed to the Manager of Business Operations, University Health Services. [6] Graduate students are not considered employees of the university as their primary affiliation with the university is as a student. [7] An individual whose primary relationship with the university is as an employee and who as Ph.D. student moves to the status of ABD In Absentia will be eligible for benefits that apply to his/her status as an employee.

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ABD Company

What’s worse than getting a ph.d. in today’s job market not finishing one..

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When I first began my Ph.D., I kept hearing other graduate students bandy about the term “ABD,” but I had no idea what it meant. Arrested Botox Detonation? Anointed Between Demigods? I didn’t dare ask, because Rule No. 1 of Grad School Fight Club is that you never admit that you don’t know something in public. (“Oh, Phenomenology of Spirit ? I’ll have to re -read that this semester.”)

Eventually, I figured it out: ABD stands for “all but dissertation,” a description of a student who has finished coursework and passed comprehensive exams, but has yet to complete and defend the doctoral thesis. Today, the Ph.D. Completion Project estimates that the ten-year completion rate (that is, someone’s status a decade after they begin) is 55–64 percent in STEM , 56 percent in the social sciences, and 49 percent in the humanities. Not all Ph.D. dropouts advance to the dissertation stage before they leave—but since the project’s charts start leveling out around Year 8 (the dissertation begins in Year 3 or 4), it’s safe to assume a hell of a lot do.

Aside from the obvious professional consequences (it’s hard enough get a job with a doctorate!), there are also psychological ramifications to leaving grad school without finishing. Last month, Jill Yesko, an ABD in geography, took to Inside Higher Education with a wrenchingly honest look at how she and many of her fellow ABDs feel:

Only in the parallel universe of academia is it possible to log years of Herculean scholarship, write and defend a complex dissertation proposal, and – upon failing to complete one’s dissertation – come away with nothing to show but the humiliation of not being recognized by the academic industrial complex for one’s blood, sweat and uncompensated toil.

Many programs do disown their dropouts, refusing to write letters of recommendation and often cutting off all contact. But the anger, disappointment, and betrayal Yesko expresses here reveal far more about the lasting emotional damage that leaving graduate school can cause. It is, in fact, especially wrenching to students who never envisioned a life outside of academia (and, often having gone directly from college to graduate school, have never lived one). In recent years, many , many online resources have sprung up to offer academic cast-asides the support they otherwise lack.

Speaking of which: Reaction on IHE to Yesko’s piece—and her solution, to offer a new kind of degree between an M.A. and a doctorate—was a snide pile-on. “Can we make sure that the Certificate of Doctoral Completion also comes with a little plastic trophy and a large green ribbon signaling excellent participation?” sniped one commenter. Added another: “These degrees aren’t soccer trophies for young childrens [ sic ] whose spirit might get crushed. Terminal ABD has a meaning: Failure.” And you, dear reader, may also feel, right this second, as if those who leave Ph.D. programs simply couldn’t hack it.

Maybe they couldn’t. But that’s nothing to be ashamed of. Dissertations—some 250 pages of original research in the humanities, and topping 400 in the social sciences—are objectively, indisputably difficult. It sometimes takes years just to collect data or comb through the necessary archives, and then the damn thing must be written, often in total isolation. Dissertations are not impossible, but they are very hard, and most people in the world—including, perhaps, you, my friend—cannot complete one.

There are innumerable reasons for this, and I know them all, because when I quit academia , I started working for a company that “coaches” dissertators who are blocked, stalled, or simply in need of some practical guidance. Thus, I happen to have firsthand knowledge of the countless obstacles put in the way of ABDs—by outside forces, and by themselves—because it is my job to.

First, the outside hindrances: Some advisers are helpful and supportive. But many run the gamut between absentee, excoriating, and micromanagerial. There are the advisers who retire, leave, or even die. Then there’s the total lack of preparedness for such an extensive and rigorous project: A seminar paper is a 5K fun run; a dissertation is an ultramarathon . And in the social sciences and STEM fields, there are data sets or experiments that simply fall apart.

Then there are the inner hindrances, the ones that cause procrastination, and then shame, and then paralysis. Here’s my favorite: believing, erroneously, that one must read and master every single word of existing scholarship before even beginning to write. Here’s my least favorite (which happens to my clients all the time): refusing to turn in any chapter that isn’t perfect, and thus not turning in anything at all—which results in the adviser getting irate, which puts even more pressure on the student to be even more perfect, ad infinitum . This is how dissertations are stalled, often forever.

So what can be done to fix this? The Izzy Mandelbaums of academia may argue the system is fine the way it is : In a field that requires extended independent work to succeed, the trial by fire of the dissertation is an apt initiation. (“All aboard the pain train!”) But does it have to be this way? I see no reason why, for example, more dissertation advisers couldn’t be enthusiastic about seeing early drafts, to provide guidance and support. Some already do this (mine did), but far too many of my clients say their advisers won’t even look at anything that isn’t “polished.” Every adviser who says this is part of the problem.

Another step in the right direction would be not just to hold dissertation workshops, but also to make them mandatory. A lot of grad students are simply too paralyzed (or ashamed to admit they don’t know what they’re doing) to attend one of their own volition. A mandatory workshop frees them to get the help they need, without having to admit they need help.

And, most importantly, though I’m not sold on Yesko’s idea for an in-between degree, Ph.D. programs need to stop disowning the students who do not graduate. Whatever inconvenience a jilted adviser suffers from an ABD is nothing compared with the ABD’s fractured life and career. The least an adviser can do is write a letter. And, finally, along with the current drive to require programs to publicize their real (i.e., full-time) job placement rates , so should they be compelled to list attrition.

Finally, here’s what ABDs can do to help themselves. Dare to stop reading and start writing, and revel in an early draft that is an unabashed hot mess. Realize that the greatest misconception of dissertation writers is that the project must be perfect. In fact, for a career academic, the dissertation should actually be the worst thing you ever write.

Sure, the best way to avoid the psychic wounds of not completing the dissertation is to squeeze that bad boy out any way you can. But we must also remember that students leave Ph.D. programs for innumerable reasons, usually complex combinations of things in and out of their control. Terminal ABDs will work for much of their lives to overcome what is at best a sense of lingering incompleteness, and at worst lasting anguish and damage. But it is the academic establishment’s treatment of those who fail initiation—disowning, shame, refusal to reveal attrition—that is one of its dirtiest secrets. 

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When can a person be called a PhD ABD?

Can one call oneself a PhD ABD (All But Dissertation) after completing all of the course work and working on the dissertation?

  • all-but-dissertation

ff524's user avatar

  • 11 and student who has just enrolled in PhD without coursework? are you a PhD ABD immediately? The PhDs I am considering are "assessed solely on the basis of a thesis", which is not at all unusual here in Australia (to my knowledge). –  Frames Catherine White Commented Sep 20, 2014 at 12:39
  • 46 You can call yourself whatever you like, whenever you like. But I wouldn't recommend using "ABD" in any official capacity, ever. –  JeffE Commented Mar 4, 2015 at 10:11
  • 3 Just remember, ABD means Almost Became Doctor. –  Bob Brown Commented Feb 1, 2016 at 12:42
  • 10 @JeffE I once commented that ABD is like saying you climbed Everest (All But Summit) because you made it to base camp. –  Fomite Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 19:18
  • 7 Any natural born US citizen over the age of 35 who has resided in the US for at least 14 years can call themselves "President of the United States ABE" -- all but elected. PhD ABD is similarly ridiculous; the dissertation is the requirement of the PhD and everything else is meaningless. –  Thomas Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 17:16

8 Answers 8

Some people think it's ok to call yourself PhD ABD when in the Canadian or US system, you pass the qualifying exams and coursework, but haven't yet, or fail to ever, deliver the thesis.

But simply do not call yourself PhD ABD.

It's not attractive to advertise failure.

You're either a PhD candidate, or you're a PhD, or there's nothing to say on the subject (bar a line on the CV filling in the black hole on your timeline with discreet mention of an aborted doctorate). PhD ABD is a ludicrous pseudo-title.

A PhD that's All But Dissertation is like an espresso that is All But Coffee. It's hot water with a bit of sugar, thus defeating the entire purpose of the exercise.

enthu's user avatar

  • 25 @TobiasKildetoft: because hot water on its own would just be a masters? –  Steve Jessop Commented Sep 19, 2014 at 9:53
  • 8 The question seems to be about current PhD candidates using the term to indicate a stage in their candidacy. The distinction being made is useful, the term ABD is commonly used to make that distinction, and completing the non-thesis requirements for a PhD before the thesis is the ordinary process, and not any kind of failure. –  Henry Commented Sep 19, 2014 at 18:08
  • 7 @Henry I haven't heard of someone calling themselves ABD if they've left the program, but EnergyNumbers (apparently) has: "or fail to ever, deliver the thesis." If the term connotes that possibility in some places, I'd hesitate to use it there too. But even where I would use it, it's more of an "in-group" term for others in a PhD program. E.g., "So how far along are you?" "Oh, I've been ABD for about 8 months now." I wouldn't expect to hear it in wider usage. –  Joshua Taylor Commented Sep 20, 2014 at 13:02
  • 24 I once said that ABD is like saying you "Climbed Everest, except for that tricky part above base camp with all the rocks and snow". –  Fomite Commented Mar 2, 2015 at 2:45
  • 6 @Henry, in the vast majority of times I have heard someone refer to themselves as "ABD", it was because they had essentially washed out after comps/quals. Very few current students call themselves "ABD" ... as EnergyNumbers states, once you've completed the coursework and defended your prospectus, you're a "candidate". –  Yasha Commented Mar 2, 2015 at 15:40

At many schools there's an official step of "advancing to candidacy" or something similar which is the last official hurdle before the dissertation. Although ABD is an informal term, I would expect somone who described themself as ABD to have passed that step.

Noah Snyder's user avatar

  • 4 There is a huge level of variation in what "advancing to candidacy" means . In many programs, one can advance to candidacy well before reaching ABD status. –  ff524 Commented Sep 19, 2014 at 0:34
  • 2 @ff524: Fair enough, I'd still expect someone who said ABD to have advanced to candidacy or done something similar. –  Noah Snyder Commented Sep 19, 2014 at 2:58
  • No. If you have advanced to candidacy, you refer to yourself as a "PhD Candidate," which is an official title, and which is superior to ABD status. "ABD" is only used by people who have not yet or have failed to advance to candidacy. –  SigmaX Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 20:23
  • 1 @SigmaX: That simply isn't true. First, ABD literally means that every requirement for the degree has been met except the dissertation (and dissertation defense). If the requirements are (coursework, teaching practicum, candidacy, dissertation), then an ABD must have completed the coursework, teaching, and candidacy. Whereas a Candidate might not have completed the teaching requirement yet. On the other hand, the title PhD Candidate requires candidacy in the present, while ABD only requires it in the past (possibly now expired), so Candidate is more promising of a future degree. –  Ben Voigt Commented Mar 4, 2018 at 2:59
  • @Ben Voigt: i suppose I always thought of the dissertation proposal as being included in the 'D' of ABD. In programs where the proposal is the final step before candidacy (and the only step left before diasertation), then perhaps we're both right :). You're right that programs that have additional requirements that may be contemporaneous with the dissertation would yield a more complicated picture. –  SigmaX Commented Mar 5, 2018 at 4:12

ABD is not an actual title but rather just a little construction people use to describe a state that many graduate students find themselves in. I think that you can honestly call yourself ABD if you have completed all of the requirements of your PhD with the exception of an approved dissertation and/or dissertation defense.

Here is a very incomplete lists requirements that PhD programs might include and which an ABD candidate would be assumed to have finished:

  • Successfully completing required course work and/or resident semesters/quarters
  • Passing general examinations and/or qualifying examinations
  • Fulfilling language and/or fieldwork requirements
  • Having written and/or defended a dissertation prospectus or proposal
  • Maintained a grade point average over some threshold.

Of course, there are many other requirements like this that programs require and that an ABD student would have to have fulfilled. If you have done all of them, except the dissertation, you can call yourself ABD. If you failed to complete any of the non-dissertation requirements, you are not yet ABD.

mako's user avatar

  • In most programs, defending the proposal/prospectus advances you to candidacy. At that point, you're beyond ABD—you are now a "PhD candidate," which is a genuine title. If you tell me you are ABD, I will assume that you have not advanced to candidacy. –  SigmaX Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 20:25
  • 1 (edits elsewhere recently bumped this question to the front page, which is why this comment is nearly 1.5 years after your answer) For what it's worth, where I work (not academic) we often get applications to job postings that include ABD. These are typically people 10+ years out of graduate school with no intention of returning to academics, and their use of "ABD" serves (correctly) to distinguish them from Masters only applicants (e.g. MFA degree is common here). Often, these are people in humanities disciplines who spent several years working on a Dissertation and finally left academics. –  Dave L Renfro Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 14:39

If I saw this, I would read it as someone that had passed a PhD in a subject of ABD then after I found out; discount them for any jobs for misleading me.

“PhD candidate with publications” or “Withdraw from PhD but published” would be more meaningful.

Ian's user avatar

  • You're not a "PhD candidate" until you advance to candidacy. An ABD student is typically someone who has not advanced to candidacy. –  SigmaX Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 20:24

In Germany and Belgium they use the (informal) title Doctorandus (abbreviated Drs.) which means something like "He who will become Doctor". In Belgium it means PhD candidate and in Germany it means the dissertation has been approved but the candidate needs to defend it in public (generally a formality). In the Netherlands they used to give the official title Drs. as an equivalent to a Master degree. In Italy, anyone with a university degree is Dottore (which means "Doctor" according to the dictionary but is not at all that level).

There are large differences in what a school diploma means. I have read (American but also some Southern European) PhD dissertations that would not be good enough for a Master. An acceptable dissertation is either a book that is published by a respectable publisher or a collection of 4-6 articles accepted by peer reviewed journals (at least one article in a journal with a high impact factor). ABD is ridiculous, to me it means that you did not finish it and you are not about to.

jakebeal's user avatar

  • By you are not about to , do you mean an ABD will never finish it? –  Nobody Commented Feb 1, 2016 at 11:56
  • 3 Maybe it's used in some fields that I haven't come in touch with, but I've never heard about the title Drs. in Germany. –  O. R. Mapper Commented Aug 30, 2016 at 7:18

I have struggled tremendously over the use of the term ABD. Unfortunately, due to illness and institutional failure to process IRB application appropriately, I aged out of the program. However, course works and comps were completed on first round and when I look at the money I spent I feel that I am entitled to something. Therefore, I use the term ABD with pride instead of shame and have continued my PHD studies at another institution. So, if you have eaten up your student loans pursuing a PHD that you aged out of and passed your comps regardless of what others say it is time that we stand with our PHD ABD with pride because we have paid for it.

FuzzyLeapfrog's user avatar

  • I am so disgusted by people downvoting those comments. –  Albert James Teddy Commented May 21, 2020 at 21:54

In the USA, PhD ABD is ludicrous only to the arrogant academic. PhD ABD gives very important information to non-academic employers. Namely, it signals rigorous training in the production of knowledge process, as attested by passing qualifying exams necessary for Candidacy. By definition Candidacy attests one has the tools to endeavor in that process; i.e., dissertation project. A Master's degrees' objective is different: it is training in specialized analysis. A distinction in title to reflect the distinction in training is therefore appropriate.

PhD ABD also signals that one has chosen to work in the productive sector v. in Academia. Plenty of reasons to make that choice!

Whether someone left the PhD program due to their inability to complete the dissertation/coursework successfully or their free choice is very easy to tease out (e.g., in an interview process, via transcripts showing performance, etc.).

So to the orthodox I say: be more open-minded. Show nuanced discernment. Note that your fundamentalism is against Academia's core mission!

In the end, a PhD ABD who knew he/she was in the wrong place and cut their losses is much better off (economically, and arguably socially and psychologically) than a 7-year frustrated post-doc that can sign PhD after their name! Due to structural problems in higher-ed that is where most PhDs land. The people vilifying the PhD ABD in pejorative terms here and elsewhere sound like the latter trying to prove that although they are unhappy, at least "they did not fail" like the PhD ABD.

As a PhD ABD I can attest that could not be further than the truth! I am much happier with my lot! One, by the way, which most people call remarkably successful!

Yours truly, M.M., PhD ABD

user82871's user avatar

  • 1 I like the humor, but how's " PhD ABD " different from just having a Master's, outside of the implication that a PhD was attempted-but-not-achieved? Or was this intended as tongue-in-cheek? –  Nat Commented Nov 13, 2017 at 12:33

For academic jobs it's important on your application to indicate that you are post-comps or "ABD". Many institutions will not consider your application without the accompanying ABD if you are still working towards completing the PhD (usually in the Spring following your Fall applications).

Chris's user avatar

  • 8 The usual way to do this that I have seen (in the US, in philosophy) is to have a line in the cv like: "Ph.D. (expected 2015, defense scheduled for 5/1)" I wouldn't ever use the phrase "ABD" officially. and if one doesn't at least have a defense scheduled, I can't imagine one is a serious contender for any academic position. –  user10636 Commented Aug 25, 2015 at 15:52
  • 3 I agree. There are other ways to indicate your status in the program, as jakebeal has suggested. And putting ABD after your name is often seen as just plain foolish. I know someone who kept it attached to his name for his 30+ year academic career (he was never on the tenure track), and it was thought to be silly. –  ewormuth Commented Aug 25, 2015 at 22:10
  • 1 Officially, you are either a "PhD student" or a "PhD candidate," and there is no in between. I, however, do like to tell potential employers that I have "finished my coursework." That makes clear that I am advanced PhD student, although I am not yet a candidate, and avoids the connotations of failure that come with "ABD." –  SigmaX Commented Jan 27, 2016 at 20:28

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what does all but dissertation status mean

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What Kamala Harris has said so far on key issues in her campaign

As she ramps up her nascent presidential campaign, Vice President Kamala Harris is revealing how she will address the key issues facing the nation.

In speeches and rallies, she has voiced support for continuing many of President Joe Biden’s measures, such as lowering drug costs , forgiving student loan debt and eliminating so-called junk fees. But Harris has made it clear that she has her own views on some key matters, particularly Israel’s treatment of Gazans in its war with Hamas.

In a departure from her presidential run in 2020, the Harris campaign has confirmed that she’s moved away from many of her more progressive stances, such as her interest in a single-payer health insurance system and a ban on fracking.

Harris is also expected to put her own stamp and style on matters ranging from abortion to the economy to immigration, as she aims to walk a fine line of taking credit for the administration’s accomplishments while not being jointly blamed by voters for its shortcomings.

Her early presidential campaign speeches have offered insights into her priorities, though she’s mainly voiced general talking points and has yet to release more nuanced plans. Like Biden, she intends to contrast her vision for America with that of former President Donald Trump. ( See Trump’s campaign promises here .)

“In this moment, I believe we face a choice between two different visions for our nation: one focused on the future, the other focused on the past,” she told members of the historically Black sorority Zeta Phi Beta at an event in Indianapolis in late July. “And with your support, I am fighting for our nation’s future.”

Here’s what we know about Harris’ views:

Harris took on the lead role of championing abortion rights for the administration after Roe v. Wade was overturned in June 2022. This past January, she started a “ reproductive freedoms tour ” to multiple states, including a stop in Minnesota thought to be the first by a sitting US president or vice president at an abortion clinic .

On abortion access, Harris embraced more progressive policies than Biden in the 2020 campaign, as a candidate criticizing his previous support for the Hyde Amendment , a measure that blocks federal funds from being used for most abortions.

Policy experts suggested that although Harris’ current policies on abortion and reproductive rights may not differ significantly from Biden’s, as a result of her national tour and her own focus on maternal health , she may be a stronger messenger.

High prices are a top concern for many Americans who are struggling to afford the cost of living after a spell of steep inflation. Many voters give Biden poor marks for his handling of the economy, and Harris may also face their wrath.

In her early campaign speeches, Harris has echoed many of the same themes as Biden, saying she wants to give Americans more opportunities to get ahead. She’s particularly concerned about making care – health care, child care, elder care and family leave – more affordable and available.

Harris promised at a late July rally to continue the Biden administration’s drive to eliminate so-called “junk fees” and to fully disclose all charges, such as for events, lodging and car rentals. In early August, the administration proposed a rule that would ban airlines from charging parents extra fees to have their kids sit next to them.

On day one, I will take on price gouging and bring down costs. We will ban more of those hidden fees and surprise late charges that banks and other companies use to pad their profits.”

Since becoming vice president, Harris has taken more moderate positions, but a look at her 2020 campaign promises reveals a more progressive bent than Biden.

As a senator and 2020 presidential candidate, Harris proposed providing middle-class and working families with a refundable tax credit of up to $6,000 a year (per couple) to help keep up with living expenses. Titled the LIFT the Middle Class Act, or Livable Incomes for Families Today, the measure would have cost at the time an estimated $3 trillion over 10 years.

Unlike a typical tax credit, the bill would allow taxpayers to receive the benefit – up to $500 – on a monthly basis so families don’t have to turn to payday loans with very high interest rates.

As a presidential candidate, Harris also advocated for raising the corporate income tax rate to 35%, where it was before the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that Trump and congressional Republicans pushed through Congress reduced the rate to 21%. That’s higher than the 28% Biden has proposed.

Affordable housing was also on Harris’ radar. As a senator, she introduced the Rent Relief Act, which would establish a refundable tax credit for renters who annually spend more than 30% of their gross income on rent and utilities. The amount of the credit would range from 25% to 100% of the excess rent, depending on the renter’s income.

Harris called housing a human right and said in a 2019 news release on the bill that every American deserves to have basic security and dignity in their own home.

Consumer debt

Hefty debt loads, which weigh on people’s finances and hurt their ability to buy homes, get car loans or start small businesses, are also an area of interest to Harris.

As vice president, she has promoted the Biden administration’s initiatives on student debt, which have so far forgiven more than $168 billion for nearly 4.8 million borrowers . In mid-July, Harris said in a post on X that “nearly 950,000 public servants have benefitted” from student debt forgiveness, compared with only 7,000 when Biden was inaugurated.

A potential Harris administration could keep that momentum going – though some of Biden’s efforts have gotten tangled up in litigation, such as a program aimed at cutting monthly student loan payments for roughly 3 million borrowers enrolled in a repayment plan the administration implemented last year.

The vice president has also been a leader in the White House efforts to ban medical debt from credit reports, noting that those with medical debt are no less likely to repay a loan than those who don’t have unpaid medical bills.

In a late July statement praising North Carolina’s move to relieve the medical debt of about 2 million residents, Harris said that she is “committed to continuing to relieve the burden of medical debt and creating a future where every person has the opportunity to build wealth and thrive.”

Health care

Harris, who has had shifting stances on health care in the past, confirmed in late July through her campaign that she no longer supports a single-payer health care system .

During her 2020 campaign, Harris advocated for shifting the US to a government-backed health insurance system but stopped short of wanting to completely eliminate private insurance.

The measure called for transitioning to a Medicare-for-All-type system over 10 years but continuing to allow private insurance companies to offer Medicare plans.

The proposal would not have raised taxes on the middle class to pay for the coverage expansion. Instead, it would raise the needed funds by taxing Wall Street trades and transactions and changing the taxation of offshore corporate income.

When it comes to reducing drug costs, Harris previously proposed allowing the federal government to set “a fair price” for any drug sold at a cheaper price in any economically comparable country, including Canada, the United Kingdom, France, Japan or Australia. If manufacturers were found to be price gouging, the government could import their drugs from abroad or, in egregious cases, use its existing but never-used “march-in” authority to license a drug company’s patent to a rival that would produce the medication at a lower cost.

Harris has been a champion on climate and environmental justice for decades. As California’s attorney general, Harris sued big oil companies like BP and ConocoPhillips, and investigated Exxon Mobil for its role in climate change disinformation. While in the Senate, she sponsored the Green New Deal resolution.

During her 2020 campaign, she enthusiastically supported a ban on fracking — but a Harris campaign official said in late July that she no longer supports such a ban.

Fracking is the process of using liquid to free natural gas from rock formations – and the primary mode for extracting gas for energy in battleground Pennsylvania. During a September 2019 climate crisis town hall hosted by CNN, she said she would start “with what we can do on Day 1 around public lands.” She walked that back later when she became Biden’s running mate.

Biden has been the most pro-climate president in history, and climate advocates find Harris to be an exciting candidate in her own right. Democrats and climate activists are planning to campaign on the stark contrasts between Harris and Trump , who vowed to push America decisively back to fossil fuels, promising to unwind Biden’s climate and clean energy legacy and pull America out of its global climate commitments.

If elected, one of the biggest climate goals Harris would have to craft early in her administration is how much the US would reduce its climate pollution by 2035 – a requirement of the Paris climate agreement .


Harris has quickly started trying to counter Trump’s attacks on her immigration record.

Her campaign released a video in late July citing Harris’ support for increasing the number of Border Patrol agents and Trump’s successful push to scuttle a bipartisan immigration deal that included some of the toughest border security measures in recent memory.

The vice president has changed her position on border control since her 2020 campaign, when she suggested that Democrats needed to “critically examine” the role of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, after being asked whether she sided with those in the party arguing to abolish the department.

In June of this year, the White House announced a crackdown on asylum claims meant to continue reducing crossings at the US-Mexico border – a policy that Harris’ campaign manager, Julie Chavez Rodriguez, indicated in late July to CBS News would continue under a Harris administration.

Trump’s attacks stem from Biden having tasked Harris with overseeing diplomatic efforts in Central America in March 2021. While Harris focused on long-term fixes, the Department of Homeland Security remained responsible for overseeing border security.

She has only occasionally talked about her efforts as the situation along the US-Mexico border became a political vulnerability for Biden. But she put her own stamp on the administration’s efforts, engaging the private sector.

Harris pulled together the Partnership for Central America, which has acted as a liaison between companies and the US government. Her team and the partnership are closely coordinating on initiatives that have led to job creation in the region. Harris has also engaged directly with foreign leaders in the region.

Experts credit Harris’ ability to secure private-sector investments as her most visible action in the region to date but have cautioned about the long-term durability of those investments.


The Israel-Hamas war is the most fraught foreign policy issue facing the country and has spurred a multitude of protests around the US since it began in October.

After meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in late July, Harris gave a forceful and notable speech about the situation in Gaza.

We cannot look away in the face of these tragedies. We cannot allow ourselves to become numb to the suffering. And I will not be silent.”

Harris echoed Biden’s repeated comments about the “ironclad support” and “unwavering commitment” to Israel. The country has a right to defend itself, she said, while noting, “how it does so, matters.”

However, the empathy she expressed regarding the Palestinian plight and suffering was far more forceful than what Biden has said on the matter in recent months. Harris mentioned twice the “serious concern” she expressed to Netanyahu about the civilian deaths in Gaza, the humanitarian situation and destruction she called “catastrophic” and “devastating.”

She went on to describe “the images of dead children and desperate hungry people fleeing for safety, sometimes displaced for the second, third or fourth time.”

Harris emphasized the need to get the Israeli hostages back from Hamas captivity, naming the eight Israeli-American hostages – three of whom have been killed.

But when describing the ceasefire deal in the works, she didn’t highlight the hostage for prisoner exchange or aid to be let into Gaza. Instead, she singled out the fact that the deal stipulates the withdrawal by the Israeli military from populated areas in the first phase before withdrawing “entirely” from Gaza before “a permanent end to the hostilities.”

Harris didn’t preside over Netanyahu’s speech to Congress in late July, instead choosing to stick with a prescheduled trip to a sorority event in Indiana.

Harris is committed to supporting Ukraine in its fight against Russian aggression, having met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky at least six times and announcing last month $1.5 billion for energy assistance, humanitarian needs and other aid for the war-torn country.

At the Munich Security Conference earlier this year, Harris said: “I will make clear President Joe Biden and I stand with Ukraine. In partnership with supportive, bipartisan majorities in both houses of the United States Congress, we will work to secure critical weapons and resources that Ukraine so badly needs. And let me be clear: The failure to do so would be a gift to Vladimir Putin.”

More broadly, NATO is central to our approach to global security. For President Biden and me, our sacred commitment to NATO remains ironclad. And I do believe, as I have said before, NATO is the greatest military alliance the world has ever known.”

Police funding

The Harris campaign has also walked back the “defund the police” sentiment that Harris voiced in 2020. What she meant is she supports being “tough and smart on crime,” Mitch Landrieu, national co-chair for the Harris campaign and former mayor of New Orleans, told CNN’s Pamela Brown in late July.

In the midst of nationwide 2020 protests sparked by George Floyd’s murder by a Minneapolis police officer, Harris voiced support for the “defund the police” movement, which argues for redirecting funds from law enforcement to social services. Throughout that summer, Harris supported the movement and called for demilitarizing police departments.

Democrats largely backed away from calls to defund the police after Republicans attempted to tie the movement to increases in crime during the 2022 midterm elections.

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Japan issued its first-ever megaquake alert. What does that mean?

Naoshi Hirata (center), chairman of a committee tasked with evaluating the risk of a Nankai Trough earthquake, speaks at a news conference in Tokyo on Friday.

Japan’s first-ever alert for a possible Nankai Trough megaquake, announced Thursday evening following a magnitude 7.1 tremor earlier in the day, left many wondering what to make of the relatively unknown warning.

The impact of Thursday’s quake so far appears to be minor, with 16 injuries and three buildings damaged reported in the regions affected.

But the alert that followed may have put residents on edge. How serious is the situation, and what should people do in the days to come? Here’s what you need to know.

At 7:15 p.m. Thursday, over two hours after the quake struck off the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture, the Meteorological Agency issued a megaquake alert.

At a news conference that followed, the agency said the chance of a major earthquake striking along the Nankai Trough is relatively higher than usual, although the alert doesn’t mean a major earthquake will necessarily occur within a specific time-frame.

However, considering that this is the first alert of its kind, the agency is urging people to be prepared for potential disasters while avoiding panic.

The agency issues alerts on the possibility of a megaquake when abnormal phenomena are observed along the Nankai Trough, or when the possibility of an earthquake is believed to have increased.

After initial alerts are issued, an expert committee of the weather agency meets to evaluate the situation and update the alert level based on conditions such as the magnitude of the earthquake that happened at the plate boundary.

Hirata and other committee members meet in Tokyo on Thursday.

Such notices are delivered at two levels based on the committee’s assessment — an alert and a more serious warning. The agency issued the lower level alert on Thursday, which means people should be prepared for potential cases requiring evacuation.

Thursday’s quake was higher than magnitude 7, leading to the lower alert level. A quake of magnitude 8 or higher would trigger the higher level warning.

The alert is expected to last for a week in principle, and can be lifted based on further expert analysis. But that wouldn’t mean the chance of a major quake striking anytime soon is zero.

Nankai Trough earthquakes

The Nankai Trough is a trench-like seafloor structure in the area where the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate meet, extending from Shizuoka Prefecture’s Suruga Bay to offshore Hyuganada, off Miyazaki Prefecture.

Large quakes in the Nankai Trough, which have occurred in the past in roughly 100 to 150-year cycles, have historically caused severe damage. The most recent one, on Dec. 21, 1946, was measured between 8.1 and 8.4 on the moment magnitude scale.

According to the government’s damage assessments, a large quake in the Nankai Trough could cause a maximum of 323,000 deaths and missing person cases in the worst scenario. The government aims to reduce that by 80% with adequate evacuation measures.

As it’s been 78 years since the last major quake in the area, the likelihood that a magnitude 8 to 9 class earthquake will strike in the next 30 years ranges from 70% to 80%, according to government data.

On top of that, there’s a possibility that the regions hit by a magnitude 7.0 earthquake or higher, such as the one that struck Miyazaki on Thursday, could be hit by additional quakes of magnitude 8 or higher.

In the event of a large-scale earthquake along the Nankai Trough, tsunami arrival times could be very short, giving people little time to flee to safety.

Authorities and transportation

Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi said the government is closely monitoring the situation and urged the public to continue their day-to-day activities.

“We urge everyone to take preventive measures such as preventing furniture from falling over, checking evacuation routes and means of communications with their family, and evacuating immediately in case of an earthquake,” Hayashi told a regular news conference Friday.

He added that the government found three cases on social media where misleading information about earthquakes is being used to direct people to harmful websites, stressing the importance of caution online.

Electronic boards at Tokyo Station on Friday notify passengers of delays to bullet trains due to the megaquake alert.

The government has two designations for specific areas requiring enhanced prevention measures, based on the projected intensity of a quake and the expected level of tsunami damage. Such cities and towns are required to set up their own procedures specifically for a possible megaquake in the Nankai Trough.

Meanwhile, the Wakayama Prefectural Government, after setting up a dedicated task force Thursday night, said it will have staff on rotation 24 hours a day in each department for the next week to coordinate any response to a potential earthquake. The Tokyo Metropolitan Government also established a similar task force.

The alert has also seen a response from railway operators. On Thursday evening, Central Japan Railway announced the suspension of some of its express trains.

In addition, while the alert is in effect, the Tokaido Shinkansen line, which connects Tokyo and Osaka, will operate at reduced speed between Mishima and Mikawa-Anjo stations, resulting in at least 10-minute delays. East Japan Railway took similar measures on portions of its Tokaido, Ito and Chuo lines.

Being prepared

Getting ready for an earthquake doesn’t require a huge effort. Make sure to have:

  • Enough water for you and your family, with 3 liters per person per day for at least three days recommended
  • Portable toilets and toilet paper
  • A small emergency kit you can carry with you
  • A car with a full tank of gas, if you have one
  • Some cash readily available

For more, here’s a full list on what to do before, during and after an earthquake.

Naoshi Hirata (center), chairman of a committee tasked with evaluating the risk of a Nankai Trough earthquake, speaks at a news conference in Tokyo on Friday. | JIJI

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2024 Olympics medal count: United States wins race, ties China with 40 golds after women's basketball victory

America's final tally of 126 medals in paris is improvement in all categories from tokyo games.


With the 2024 Paris Olympics about to close, the United States will end the Summer Games as the country that has won more medals than any other nation. However, the battle for which country would win in the gold medal category came down to the last sporting event of the Games as the United States moved into a tie with China at 40 each on the strength of the U.S. women's basketball team securing a 67-66 victory over France Sunday morning.  

Both countries added to their gold stockpiles throughout the Games' final day. China added its latest gold medal after Li Wenwen prevailed in the women's weightlifting +81kg division. The U.S. had an opportunity to answer in the women's volleyball final, but fell to Italy en route to a silver medal. The Americans did, however, add another gold to the board with Jennifer Valente winning the women's omnium track cycling final, pulling to 40-39.

Team USA was heavily favored to defeat France, but the host nation gave America's team of WNBA all-stars all it could handle. With the victory, the U.S. extended its Olympic winning streak to 61 games and eighth straight gold medal, and sixth for veteran Diana Taurasi.

Team USA will  lost one bronze medal in controversial fashion , however. Gymnast Jordan Chiles has to return her hardware after taking third in the Aug. 5 women's floor exercise final. The Court of Arbitration for Sport ruled that a scoring inquiry that leapt Chiles from fifth to third came four seconds late, so Romania's Ana Bărbosu will be declared the new bronze medalist. 

The United States won the overall medal count by a wide margin -- 35 to be exact -- with a final tally of 126. The United States also has the outright lead in silver and and bronze with 44 and 42 in each category, respectively. Overall, China is second with 91 medals, with Great Britain (65), France (63) and Australia (53) rounding out the top five.

The United States entered these Games with the most medals ever won in the Summer Olympics. The U.S. also holds the record for most gold medals won in a single games with 83 captured in 1984, one of the country's host years that took place as the Soviet Union led a 12-nation boycott of the Los Angeles Games. Such lofty totals will obviously not happen in 2024, although America was able to build upon its showing of 113 medals at the Tokyo Games of three years ago. The U.S. won one more gold than it did in the Tokyo Games three years ago, and America has gone plus-three in its silver tally, up from 41, and far surpassed the previous number of bronze medals won, posting a plus-nine, up from 33.

Check out the 2024 Paris Olympics medal count below. It will be updated regularly as events conclude through the conclusion of the Summer Olympics on Aug. 11.

2024 Paris Olympics medal count

USA United States 404442126
CHN China 40272491
JPN Japan 20121345
AUS Australia 18191653
FRA France 16262264
NED Netherlands 1571234
GBR Great Britain 14222965
KOR South Korea 1391032
ITA Italy 12131540
GER Germany 1213833
NZL New Zealand 107320
CAN Canada 971127
UZB Uzbekistan 82313
HUN Hungary 67619
ESP Spain 54918
SWE Sweden 44311
KEN Kenya 42511
NOR Norway 4138
EIR Ireland 4037
BRA Brazil 371020
IRI Iran 36312
UKR Ukraine 35412
ROM Romania 3429
GEO Georgia 3317
BEL Belgium 31610
BUL Bulgaria 3137
SRB Serbia 3115
CZE Czechia 3025
DEN Denmark 2259
AZE Azerbaijan 2237
CRO Croatia 2237
CUB Cuba 2169
BRN Bahrain 2114
SLO Slovenia 2103
TPE Chinese Taipei 2057
AUT Austria 2035
HKG Hong Kong 2024
PHI Philippines 2024
ALG Algeria 2013
INA Indonesia 2013
ISR Israel 1517
POL Poland 14510
KAZ Kazakhstan 1337
JAM Jamaica 1326
RSA South Africa 1326
THA Thailand 1326
ETH Ethiopia 1304
SUI Switzerland 1258
ECU Ecuador 1225
POR Portugal 1214
GRE Greece 1168
ARG Argentina 1113
EGY Egypt 1113
TUN Tunisia 1113
BOT Botswana 1102
CHI Chile 1102
LCA St Lucia 1102
UGA Uganda 1102
DOM Dominican Republic 1023
GUA Guatemala 1012
MAR Morocco 1012
DMA Dominica 1001
PAK Pakistan 1001
TKE Turkiye 0358
MEX Mexico 0325
ARM Armenia 0314
COL Colombia 0303
KGZ Kyrgyzstan 0246
PRK North Korea 0246
LTU Lithuania 0224
IND India 0156
MDA Moldova 0134
KOS Kosovo 0112
CYP Cyprus 0101
FIJ Fiji 0101
JOR Jordan 0101
MGL Mongolia 0101
PAN Panama 0101
TJK Tajikistan 0033
ALB Albania 0022
GRN Grenada 0022
MAS Malaysia 0022
PUR Puerto Rico 0022
CIV Ivory Coast 0011
CPV Cape Verde 0011
EOR Refugee Olympic Team 0011
PER Peru 0011
QAT Qatar 0011
SGP Singapore 0011
SVK Slovakia 0011
ZAM Zambia 0011

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19 Facts About Tim Walz, Harris’s Pick for Vice President

Mr. Walz, the governor of Minnesota, worked as a high school social studies teacher and football coach, served in the Army National Guard and chooses Diet Mountain Dew over alcohol.

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Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota, in a gray T-shirt and baseball cap, speaks at a Kamala Harris event in St. Paul, Minn., last month.

By Simon J. Levien and Maggie Astor

  • Published Aug. 6, 2024 Updated Aug. 9, 2024

Until recently, Gov. Tim Walz of Minnesota was a virtual unknown outside of the Midwest, even among Democrats. But his stock rose fast in the days after President Biden withdrew from the race, clearing a path for Ms. Harris to replace him and pick Mr. Walz as her No. 2.

Here’s a closer look at the Democrats’ new choice for vice president.

1. He is a (very recent) social media darling . Mr. Walz has enjoyed a groundswell of support online from users commenting on his Midwestern “dad vibes” and appealing ordinariness.

2. He started the whole “weird” thing. It was Mr. Walz who labeled former President Donald J. Trump and his running mate, Senator JD Vance of Ohio, “weird” on cable television just a couple of weeks ago. The description soon became a Democratic talking point.

3. He named a highway after Prince and signed the bill in purple ink. “I think we can lay to rest that this is the coolest bill signing we’ll ever do,” he said as he put his name on legislation declaring a stretch of Highway 5 the “Prince Rogers Nelson Memorial Highway” after the musician who had lived in Minnesota.

4. He reminds you of your high school history teacher for a reason. Mr. Walz taught high school social studies and geography — first in Alliance, Neb., and then in Mankato, Minn. — before entering politics.

5. He taught in China in 1989 and speaks some Mandarin. He went to China for a year after graduating from college and taught English there through a program affiliated with Harvard University.

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    What Does "All But Dissertation" Mean? As the name suggests, "all but dissertation" or ABD describes a PhD or doctoral-level candidate who's completed all the necessary coursework and passed all relevant exams, but has not yet submitted and defended their dissertation or thesis (in which case, it's called "All But Thesis"). In essence, it's a form of academic purgatory - so ...

  2. Setting The Record Straight: ABD (All But Dissertation) Degree Status

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  3. All but dissertation

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  4. All But Dissertation (ABD): A Complete Guide

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  5. What Is ABD (All But Dissertation) Degree Status?

    An ABD status means that a doctoral student has completed all but the dissertation portion of their degree. It is not a degree itself, but rather, a status as part of a doctoral degree program. Whether you're thinking about pursuing a doctoral degree or have heady enrolled in a program, you've probably heard of the abbreviation ABD.

  6. What is ABD and How to Avoid It

    A.B.D. stands for metandienona "All But Dissertation.". A.B.D. means that a student has finished coursework, qualifying examinations, and all other requirements for the doctorate—except for the final defense of the dissertation. The term, although widely used, does not represent a formal status; at no point in the doctoral program should ...

  7. All But Dissertation: What Is It?

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  8. What is ABD ("All But Dissertation") and How Can You Avoid Getting

    Est. Reading: 4 minutes. ABD, or "all but dissertation," is a term used frequently in the US to designate a PhD student who has passed all qualifying degree elements except for the writing, presentation, and defense of the doctoral dissertation.

  9. Navigating ABD: All But Dissertation Insights And Strategies

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  10. PhD ABD (All But Dissertation) [the scary doctoral reality]

    All but dissertation is the equivalent of academic limbo. The scary reality is that there is a huge portion of students who make it to the dissertation stage but simply do not write up their thesis in order to finish their degree. ABD stands for all but dissertation and refers to a PhD student who has completed all of the prerequisites (such as ...

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  13. ABD ("All But Dissertation")

    The dissertation is written under the supervision of the first and second readers who approved the prospectus. It is a work of original research on a topic approved by the dissertation advisor. The dissertation should demonstrate the candidate's ability to assemble all the available historical material bearing on the subject, to analyze and ...

  14. Doctoral Students: All But Dissertation

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    Ph.D. ABD Is Not a Degree. Although occasionally you may encounter the phrase "ABD degree," it's important to understand that ABD is not actually a degree. It stands for "all but dissertation" and applies to those graduate students that have completed all the requirements toward achieving their Ph.D. but have not yet written their dissertation.

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    First, defending a dissertation is too big to be an "all but". It's the culmination of a serious academic experience. I've seen plenty of students get to that point only to have the degree disappear. Next, the dissertation and the defense is a big step.

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    Policy Statement. The university has a policy that covers: time limits on doctoral student status, a definition of All But Dissertation status, a definition of In Residence and In Absentia status for doctoral students and the tuition and fees charged for students In Residence and students In Absentia. These rules apply to all doctoral students. Students who began their doctoral studies prior ...

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