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An air-liquid interface model to investigate the niche preference of campylobacter fetus , werkzame elementen van het werken met intergroepscontact en rolmodellen en de behoefte aan de inzet san rolmodellen in het “move your world” programma: perspectieven van jongeren en student-vrijwilligers , shaping climate change adaptation: the impact of farmers' perceptions , distribution of micro- and nanoplastics within human placental tissue , watersnood in de biesbosch: vroeger en straks. , effect of relative sea level rise on salt marsh change , anticipatory pipeline appraisal: spatial alternative polyadenylation in the human spinal cord , breaking left-to-right generation in transformer models: arbitrary orderings on tagging tasks , towards sustainable medication use: a comprehensive quantification and identification of medication waste in dutch healthcare settings. , what if hal breathed enhancing empathy in human-ai interactions with breathing speech synthesis , pdia3 does not control notch2 signaling in myeloid dendritic cells , in pursuit of majoranas: platform realization and shot noise probing , de mediërende rol van emotieregulatieproblemen in de relatie tussen conflicten met ouders en depressieve symptomen bij adolescenten , “ik voel me denk ik niet 50/50”: ervaringen met ouders, leerkrachten en leeftijdsgenoten tijdens de adolescentie en de invloed op de bi-etnische identiteit van bietnische jongvolwassenen , ouder-leerkracht samenwerking: wat verwachten ouders en leerkrachten van elkaar in de opvoeding van kinderen , influence of the bdnf val66met polymorphism on the development and persistence of post-traumatic stress disorder in military personnel , microstructural analysis of epidote-amphibolites and plate interface rheology in warm subduction zones , facial pain expression assessment in lame horses in locomotion using the equine utrecht university scale for facial assessment of pain (equus-fap) , the effect of sleep deprivation on learning and behavior in songbirds , de invloed van posttraumatische stress symptomen bij vluchtelingenouders op het welzijn van hun kinderen en de rol van sociale steun .
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New access to student theses
In September 2021 Utrecht University Library switched over to a different theses publication system.
After a transition period it is now possible to search for theses written by Utrecht University students from 2007 onwards via the Utrecht University Theses Repository . Students have given their permission to make their theses publicly available.
You can search by author, but also by subject or by the name of the thesis advisor. In addition, the theses can be found in general search engines such as Google Scholar and WorldCat .
If you have questions, please mail to [email protected]
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