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The importance of taking risks in business.

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Entrepreneurship in any form is something that can seem impossible from the outside. Going on your own journey and being your own boss is a dream to many people, but they have never taken the step to release themselves from their nine-to-five. Some may fear leading their own company. And without proper leadership, startups may not do very well. In fact, they  fail very quickly , with 70% of startups failing by their 10th year. However, all of your favorite entrepreneurs went out on a limb and started their journey, all or nothing, to make a name for themselves and their endeavor.

There are countless advantages that taking risks has to offer. Entrepreneurs may find a certain strategy that works for them that no one else has taken advantage of because of the significant risk involved. If you succeed in something new, then you find a strategy in your niche that works without any competitors willing to do the same, at least for a while. In my experience, companies only tend to succeed if they try new ways to build that no one else has already tried. In general, trying new things in life is a must to explore all avenues and have a sense of what is out there.

There are different types of risks, such as strategic risk, reputation risk and financial risk, that will always exist with every decision you make as an entrepreneur. Many of the things you do, say or even invest your money in can affect you long term. It is important to have a strategy when taking a risk to see if the positive outcome will outweigh the possibility of failure. For example, you notice the most strategic risk if your company begins to decline for a long period of time — companies often look to turn this around quickly and will do what is needed. Reputation risk exists when making business decisions directly affects how you are publicly known. Financial risk comes when taking out loans to support a business. These are just some basic risks that come with a business.

Something that is important for entrepreneurs to remember when it comes to taking risks is that you never know what might come out of it. This may seem scary to some, or it might be the exact motivation they need to work harder every day. Ask yourself, is my vision more powerful than the risk itself? Your idea may skyrocket and these little worries will seem like a grain of salt to you someday, or it may fail. There’s a lesson to be learned in all of risk-taking, and failure can provide an opportunity to learn from mistakes.

Taking the next step could be the right thing to make you more content with your life. You will not be able to say that you never tried because you did. Sometimes trying as hard as you can is just as satisfying as succeeding because you know you put in all of your efforts. You can never be sure how one decision may pay off, but for me, I like being satisfied with the thought of giving it my all. It’s a lot easier to settle with something out of your reach than something that you can easily just reach out and grab with a bit of effort.

When taking risks as a leader, make sure you complete your due diligence. There is such a thing as putting your hard-earned money in the wrong places, so it’s important to look out for red flags. Make sure the business or venture you are investing in or looking to partner with has very good reviews and plenty of potential.

In other words, make sure you are educated on the risks. There should be more “dos” than “don’ts” on your list when taking a risk properly. To make this easier for yourself, make a list, writing down the pros and cons of any risk you are considering to see what outweighs the other. You never truly know the outcome of a risk, but if you look into it deeply, you may be able to limit the room for failure.

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Taking Risks Essay | Is Taking Risks Good Or Bad?, An Essay On Risk  

January 10, 2022 by Prasanna

Taking Risks Essay: People often fear risks, especially when it comes to things like finances, relationships and career choices. Moreover, studies have shown that people are more likely to be worried about risks in the future than they are excited about opportunities. This is because it is difficult for humans to think in probabilities and statistics, so we tend to overestimate how bad things could potentially happen. However, taking risks can actually be a good thing, provided you do your research and weigh the alternatives carefully. Furthermore, you will need to find your risk threshold and you’ll be able to make decisions easily.

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What Is A Risk?

Risk is the probability of an (unpleasant) event happening and the severity of the result if it does happen. To elaborate, the word “risk” can be defined as any situation or factor that might lead to loss or injury. Some people have a negative view of risks and see them as things that will lead to loss, injuries, death and destruction, while others are more accepting of risks and see them as opportunities to learn new things. In most cases though, risks can be unsettling, and the outcomes depend on the circumstances

Who Are The Beneficiaries Of Taking Risks?

For many people, taking risks can be a rewarding experience. For others, taking risks can be dangerous and hazardous. In any case, the benefits of taking risks are often debatable because the possible consequences of them are not always certain and depend on the individual in question. If a risk taken leads to an outcome that someone else is happy with, then it’s considered good. But if the risk leads to an outcome that someone else isn’t happy with, it becomes a risk that isn’t worth taking and people will view you as having poor judgment. This causes fear of risk. Fear of risk in people’s lives can be attributed to many things but the two main causes are a lack of understanding or a lack of confidence. People who have a hard time understanding the potential outcomes of a risky decision will naturally be more hesitant to take the risk. People with low self-esteem may also be hesitant to take risks because risk can often lead to failure, which would lead people with low self-esteem to fail as well.

Interestingly, research has shown that when people are given information on probabilities and statistics, they tend to become less fearful of risks: In a study conducted by behavioral scientists, participants were informed on the risks of ATVs and their safety features as well as the probability of an accident happening. They found that when people were given information on probabilities and statistics, they tended to become less fearful of risks. In other words, statistics and probability are a necessary part of any risk assessment even if they are difficult to comprehend. Fear often comes from not being able to grasp the probability of a risk happening, so if we can help people understand these concepts better, they will be more comfortable with risks.

Is Taking Risks Good Or Bad?

Sometimes, it is better to take risks after carefully analyzing situations. For example, if you put your savings into the stock market and the market crashes, you lose money. But if you invest in the stock market and the market is currently down, then you might make some profit. The keyword to understand here is “calculated risk” – everything that we do has some risks, but thoroughly analyzing and then acting accordingly minimizes the amount of risk.  We also see some risks where it is necessary to take risks. If a company is not performing well, the owners will lose money.

Benefits Of Taking Risks

Risks come in all shapes and sizes and we often face decisions about whether we should take the risk or not. It’s difficult to predict what will happen and so it can be hard to work out what the likely benefits of taking a certain type of risk might be. The best way to understand the potential benefits of a risk is to look at historical examples. But even then, there might be many factors that can significantly affect the outcome of a decision.

There are a few benefits to risk-taking. First, there is a higher chance of succeeding if you take a risk. Second, taking risks can make your life more exciting and less stagnant. Third, risk-taking can lead to happiness. These are just a few examples of the benefits of taking risks in life. However, the benefits of risk-taking are not always obvious. Some people believe that the lack of proper planning increases the chances for failure. Others argue that taking risks is essential in order to find success because it forces you to be innovative and to think outside the box. Risk-taking is a result of multiple factors such as personality, cognitive ability, and temperament.

Generally, a person who is willing to take risks is often more successful, and even if they are not, they can learn from their failures. Regardless, taking a risk can be very hard because you never know what is going to happen. Some people might say that failure will make you stronger and teach you greater humility, while others might believe that this idea is a myth. A person might decide to take a risk for a huge reward, or they might decide to take a different path that they are comfortable with in order to avoid the possibility of failure. In other words, it is important for someone who wants to take a risk to think about the potential consequences before doing so.

The benefits of taking risks in business: The benefits of taking risks in business are limitless. Taking risks in business allows entrepreneurs to explore new and untested avenues with the potential for huge gains. It also encourages innovation, spurs creativity, and cultivates a sense of adventure in employees that can be infectious within an organization. A willingness to take risks shows that you’re not afraid of failure and that you have confidence in your abilities. A willingness to take risks is a sign of confidence in your abilities to succeed and failure is often a matter of perception. As long as you’re prepared to take risks, you’re taking the first step towards capitalizing on opportunities that will benefit your company.

The benefits of risk taking for personal development: Taking risks is one of the best ways to develop your skills. Not only are you learning how to handle different challenges, but you also learn more about your ability to adapt. In other words, taking risks can be terrifying, but it’s one of the best ways to sharpen your skills. It’s not about being risk-free, it’s about taking calculated risks that are within your comfort zone. These risks can give you the opportunity to learn new skills and get valuable experience that will help you in the future.

Taking Risks Essay in Life

Conclusion on Taking Risks Essay

Risk-taking is an important part of any endeavor. You can’t succeed without taking risks. Moreover, taking risks is an important aspect of life. Risk-taking pushes us to achieve things we never thought we could do and it makes the world a more challenging and exciting place. It allows us to learn and grow in ways that we may not have otherwise. There are many reasons why taking risks is important, but one of the most significant ones is that it allows for learning, growth, and development in ways that you may not have experienced otherwise. However, taking risks can have some devastating consequences. Hence, before taking a risk, it is important to weigh the pros and cons to ensure that you are making a carefully calculated decision.

FAQ’s on Taking Risks

Question 1. What are examples of taking risks?

Answer: These are examples of taking risks: – Investing your money into a company that you think will grow skyrocketing over time. – Taking a job that pays less but is more fulfilling for you. – Moving across the country for a relationship with someone you love.

Question 2. Why do people take risks?

Answer: Humans are hardwired to take risks. This is because the brain’s reward system is activated by many kinds of risk. These can range from taking a chance on a new type of food, to bungee jumping. Whatever the risk, if it pays off, it can be addicting and make you want more of the same type of thrill again.

Question 3. How should we take risks?

Answer: It’s hard to take risks. Some people are born risk-takers, while others are more cautious. However, the decision of how to take risks is individualized and should be made based on circumstances.

Question 4. How taking risks can lead you to a better life?

Answer: The idea of taking risks and chances is not one that many people would naturally want to take. That said, it is something that can lead you to a better life. Taking risks and chances in life will give you the opportunity to grow and learn, which can lead you to a better future than following a safe path.

Question 5. What is taking risks in life?

Answer: Taking risks in life is an important part of living. It can lead to success or failure. If you take risks, you might fail and make mistakes. But if you don’t take any risks, you’ll never know what could have been if you did.

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  • Why Risk Taking Is Important In Business

Now, perhaps more than ever before, successful business ownership involves taking risks. If you don’t embrace risk-taking, you may want to rethink being an entrepreneur.

A lot of small business owners have taken risks to get their businesses to where they are now. Taking risks, however, does not mean going into business blindly and then expecting great results. Taking risks in entrepreneurship involves careful planning and  hard work .

Today, we take a look at the reasons why risk-taking is essential to  small business  owners and entrepreneurs:


Nobody can be sure if risks will pay off, no matter how calculated they may be. But this should not stop you from taking risks. If you want your business to succeed, risks are necessary. You should never be left wondering what could have happened if you had dared to jump in! According to a quote by Frederick Wilcox, “Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.”

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“When you take risks and they work out, they lead to new capabilities you never saw before.” Tom Soderstrom


Some risks may not pay off, but an optimistic risk-taker will always look at failure as an opportunity to learn. The willingness to experiment with new ideas is key to  business growth . As Michael Stelzner puts it, “Nothing ventured, nothing gained.”

Failure will teach you how to think and plan strategically. Just remember that not all risks are good ones, and when you fail , learn from them and move forward.


Innovation involves changing how people do things. It is about sharing and teaching what we know and putting new ideas into practice.

Innovation cannot happen if you will not accept the risk that your undertaking might fail. The level of risk may be lessened, however, if you make all possible calculations and evaluate which option is best before proceeding to the next step.


Customers have constantly changing demands. For this reason, businesses should be in a constant state of progress. The astute business leader is in tune with what their customers need. Their finger is on the market of shifting trends and market demands. And they are innovative responders who operate by prioritising continuously evolving ways of taking solutions to market.

Business leaders recognise this, accept risk as a cost of opportunity, and then validate this attitude within their organisations. This helps greatly in realising their goals and achieving success.


Since most people tend to avoid risk, those who are brave enough to take risks already have a competitive advantage. They are the ones setting the pace and leading from the front with new ideas, fresh offers, and bold inventions. Risk takers are the most adept at pivoting when the going gets tough.

Simply put, when most individuals stay away from risk, that means less competition for risk-takers.

Can you achieve what these risk-takers have achieved? Maybe, maybe not. But for as long as you want to stay safe and for as long as you are content with where your business is right now, you will never find out.

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About Kerry Anne Nelson

Kerry Anne Nelson is the founder of Operation Verve and is a qualified first-class Honours graduate with more than 8 years of experience in education.

Kerry Anne Nelson is a workplace processes architect and uses her Lean Six Sigma training to maximise her years of experience in business management, education, and team leadership to help clients achieve lasting business growth.

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IELTS Cambridge 17 Essay: Taking Risks in Professional and Personal Lives

by Dave | Cambridge 17 | 4 Comments

IELTS Cambridge 17 Essay: Taking Risks in Professional and Personal Lives

This is an IELTS writing task 2 sample answer essay from the new Cambridge IELTS 17 book of past test papers on the topic of taking risks in professional and personal lives.

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The Complete Guide to IELTS Cambridge 14

The Complete Guide to IELTS Cambridge 13

It is important for people to take risks, in both their professional lives and personal lives.

Do the advantages of taking these risks outweigh the disadvantages?

Some would argue that taking risks, both in terms of one’s private life and one’s working career, is advantageous overall. I am generally in agreement with this contention due to the potential for advancement and growth.

Firstly, risk-taking can expedite one’s career goals. Many workers decide early on that they are content with their position in society and therefore often fail to actualize their potential. Others, however, attempt various business enterprises and transition from field to field in order to find a good match. Although this may lead to short-term setbacks, in the long-term such ambitious individuals are far more likely to become very successful in life. Assuming that these risks are taken early in one’s career, there is a strong likelihood that they will eventually profit the risk-taker in question.

Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also develop more mature personal relationships. In more conservative countries, many young people do not begin to have serious romantic relationships until after university. The result of this is that they are often immature and it can lead to poor and naive choices in terms of marriage and parenting. In contrast, a person who takes risks in their personal life and enters into various relationships throughout high school and university will become a better judge of character. Their allegedly risky behavior can then serve as the foundation for personal growth and increased maturity.

In conclusion, taking risks can be a catalyst for tremendous growth and is therefore advisable. The disadvantages of risk-taking can also be mitigated in most contexts by not being inordinately reckless.

1. Some would argue that taking risks, both in terms of one’s private life and one’s working career, is advantageous overall. 2. I am generally in agreement with this contention due to the potential for advancement and growth.

  • Paraphrase the overall essay topic.
  • Write a clear opinion. Read more about introductions here .

1. Firstly, risk-taking can expedite one’s career goals. 2. Many workers decide early on that they are content with their position in society and therefore often fail to actualize their potential. 3. Others, however, attempt various business enterprises and transition from field to field in order to find a good match. 4. Although this may lead to short-term setbacks, in the long-term such ambitious individuals are far more likely to become very successful in life. 5. Assuming that these risks are taken early in one’s career, there is a strong likelihood that they will eventually profit the risk-taker in question.

  • Write a topic sentence with a clear main idea at the end.
  • Explain your main idea.
  • Develop it with specific or hypothetical examples.
  • Keep developing it fully.
  • Short sentences can make your writing clearer.

1. Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also develop more mature personal relationships. 2. In more conservative countries, many young people do not begin to have serious romantic relationships until after university. 3. The result of this is that they are often immature and it can lead to poor and naive choices in terms of marriage and parenting. 4. In contrast, a person who takes risks in their personal life and enters into various relationships throughout high school and university will become a better judge of character. 5. Their allegedly risky behavior can then serve as the foundation for personal growth and increased maturity.

  • Write a new topic sentence with a new main idea at the end.
  • Explain your new main idea.
  • Include specific details and examples.
  • Add as much information as you can and make sure it links logically.
  • Finish the paragraph strong.

1. In conclusion, taking risks can be a catalyst for tremendous growth and is therefore advisable. 2. The disadvantages of risk-taking can also be mitigated in most contexts by not being inordinately reckless.

  • Summarise your main ideas.
  • Include a final thought. Read more about conclusions here .

What do the words in bold below mean? Make some notes on paper to aid memory and then check below.

Some would argue that taking risks , both in terms of one’s private life and one’s working career , is advantageous overall . I am generally in agreement with this contention due to the potential for advancement and growth .

Firstly, risk-taking can expedite one’s career goals . Many workers decide early on that they are content with their position in society and therefore often fail to actualize their potential. Others, however, attempt various business enterprises and transition from field to field in order to find a good match . Although this may lead to short-term setbacks , in the long-term such ambitious individuals are far more likely to become very successful in life. Assuming that these risks are taken early in one’s career , there is a strong likelihood that they will eventually profit the risk-taker in question .

Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also develop more mature personal relationships . In more conservative countries , many young people do not begin to have serious romantic relationships until after university. The result of this is that they are often immature and it can lead to poor and naive choices in terms of marriage and parenting. In contrast, a person who takes risks in their personal life and enters into various relationships throughout high school and university will become a better judge of character . Their allegedly risky behavior can then serve as the foundation for personal growth and increased maturity .

In conclusion, taking risks can be a catalyst for tremendous growth and is therefore advisable . The disadvantages of risk-taking can also be mitigated in most contexts by not being inordinately reckless .

For extra practice, write an antonym (opposite word) on a piece of paper to help you remember the new vocabulary:

taking risks making decisions that are not always safe

in terms of concerning

private life personal lives

working career jobs

advantageous overall good in general

I am generally in agreement with this contention I mostly agree

due to because of

potential possible

advancement moving forward

growth becoming a better person

risk-taking making risky decisions

expedite make faster

career goals pursue a good job and career path

decide early on choose from the beginning

content satisfied with

position job

fail to actualize don’t fully achieve

attempt try

business enterprises jobs and businesses

transition from field to field move from job to job

good match good fit

short-term setbacks drawbacks right away

ambitious individuals people with big dreams

are far more likely to become greater chance they will

Assuming given that

risks are taken doing risky actions

strong likelihood good chance of it

profit what you get/earn

risk-taker person who takes risks

in question being discussed here

develop change

mature personal relationships better interactions with others

conservative countries traditional nations

serious romantic relationships boyfriends, girlfriends, partners, etc.

The result of this is that the consequence is

immature not mature, childish

poor not good

naive innocent

enters into various relationships throughout have many different relationships during

better judge of character understand people better

allegedly it is assumed that

serve as the foundation for are the basis for

personal growth how a person changes and gets better

increased maturity growing as a person

a catalyst for tremendous the cause of big

advisable a good idea

mitigated weakened

contexts situations

inordinately reckless very risky


Practice saying the vocabulary below and use this tip about Google voice search :

ˈteɪkɪŋ rɪsks ɪn tɜːmz ɒv   ˈpraɪvɪt laɪf   ˈwɜːkɪŋ kəˈrɪə   ˌædvənˈteɪʤəs ˈəʊvərɔːl aɪ æm ˈʤɛnərəli ɪn əˈgriːmənt wɪð ðɪs kənˈtɛnʃən   djuː tuː   pəʊˈtɛnʃəl   ədˈvɑːnsmənt   grəʊθ rɪsk-ˈteɪkɪŋ   ˈɛkspɪdaɪt   kəˈrɪə gəʊlz dɪˈsaɪd ˈɜːli ɒn   ˈkɒntɛnt   pəˈzɪʃən   feɪl tuː ˈækʧʊəlaɪz   əˈtɛmpt   ˈbɪznɪs ˈɛntəpraɪzɪz   trænˈzɪʃ(ə)n frɒm fiːld tuː fiːld   gʊd mæʧ ʃɔːt-tɜːm ˈsɛtbæks æmˈbɪʃəs ˌɪndɪˈvɪdjʊəlz   ɑː fɑː mɔː ˈlaɪkli tuː bɪˈkʌm   əˈsjuːmɪŋ   rɪsks ɑː ˈteɪkən   kəˈrɪə strɒŋ ˈlaɪklɪhʊd   ˈprɒfɪt   rɪsk-ˈteɪkə   ɪn ˈkwɛsʧən dɪˈvɛləp   məˈtjʊə ˈpɜːsnl rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps kənˈsɜːvətɪv ˈkʌntriz ˈsɪərɪəs rəʊˈmæntɪk rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps   ðə rɪˈzʌlt ɒv ðɪs ɪz ðæt   ˌɪməˈtjʊə   pʊə   nɑːˈiːv   ɪn tɜːmz ɒv   ˈɛntəz ˈɪntuː ˈveərɪəs rɪˈleɪʃənʃɪps θru(ː)ˈaʊt   ˈbɛtə ˈʤʌʤ ɒv ˈkærɪktə   əˈlɛʤdli   sɜːv æz ðə faʊnˈdeɪʃən fɔː   ˈpɜːsnl grəʊθ   ɪnˈkriːst məˈtjʊərɪti ə ˈkætəlɪst fɔː trɪˈmɛndəs   ədˈvaɪzəbl ˈmɪtɪgeɪtɪd   ˈkɒntɛksts   ɪˈnɔːdɪnɪtli ˈrɛklɪs

Vocabulary Practice

I recommend getting a pencil and piece of paper because that aids memory. Then write down the missing vocabulary from my sample answer in your notebook:

Some would argue that t________________s , both i____________f one’s p_____________e and one’s w______________r , is a_____________________l . I_________________________________________________n d______o the p_________l for a_________t and g_________h .

Firstly, r__________g can e_________e one’s c__________s . Many workers d______________n that they are c_______t with their p________n in society and therefore often f____________e their potential. Others, however, a_______t various b__________________s and t___________________________d in order to find a g_________h . Although this may lead to s________________________s , in the long-term such a____________________s a_______________________________e very successful in life. A___________g that these r________________n early in one’s c_______r , there is a s_____________d that they will eventually p______t the r___________________________n .

Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also d__________p more m______________________s . In more c____________________________s , many young people do not begin to have s___________________________s until after university. T_________________________t they are often i____________e and it can lead to p____r and n____e choices i________________f marriage and parenting. In contrast, a person who takes risks in their personal life and e____________________________________t high school and university will become a b_________________r . Their a__________y risky behavior can then s_______________________________r p___________________h and i________________y .

In conclusion, taking risks can be a____________________________s growth and is therefore a__________e . The disadvantages of risk-taking can also be m__________d in most c______________s by not being i____________________s .

Listening Practice

Learn more about this topic by watching from YouTube below and practice with these activities :

Reading Practice

Read more about this topic and use these ideas to practice :

Speaking Practice

Practice with the following speaking questions from the real IELTS speaking exam :

  • How important is it for people to set goals?
  • Do people set different goals at different stages of life?
  • Are personal goals more important than professional goals?
  • What sort of goals do young people today set?
  • Are people becoming more pessimistic about their life goals?

Writing Practice

Practice with the related IELTS essay topics below:

Some people prefer to spend their lives doing the same things and avoiding change. Others, however, think that change is always good.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

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I see that you mentioned the demerit of taking risks in career aspect, but why did you not discuss the demerits in terms of personal life in your second body paragraph?


There is only so much space and it isn’t necessary in order to fully support my opinion – I can just say that this reason is overwhelmingly more important.

Is that clear, Ailes?


Hi According to your other post, the advantage outweigh disadvantage question needs both sides of topic.

which one is the correct instruction?

It isn’t absolutely necessary though I would advise it.

The exception is in cases like this question where there is personal and professional – then it makes sense to choose one side so that the development in manageable.

Is that clear?

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A Better Way to Think About Risk

  • Srini Pillay

Taking chances can be a good thing.

Few people would question the value of risk assessment. Without it, we would plunge thoughtlessly into situations that could lead to considerable harm. But upon closer inspection, risk assessment is itself a dangerous double-edged sword.

  • Srini Pillay , M.D. is an executive coach and CEO of NeuroBusiness Group . He is also a technology innovator and entrepreneur in the health and leadership development sectors, and an award-winning author. His latest book is Tinker, Dabble, Doodle, Try: Unlock the Power of the Unfocused Mind . He is also a part-time Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School and teaches in the Executive Education Programs at Harvard Business School and Duke Corporate Education, and is on internationally recognized think tanks.

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Risk Analysis - Free Guide for Students + Essay Examples

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All businesses are exposed to risks that impact their internal and external environment. Hence, risk analysis is vital in developing and strengthening organizations and creating strategies to avoid potential dangers. Today, we will review the risk analysis definition, methods, categories, and steps necessary to apply it. Don’t miss the compilation of risk analysis research topics & essay examples below!

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Companies face many threats in their everyday operations. These risks can be related to investments , succession planning, outsourcing, mergers and acquisitions, and other business situations. In order to survive and thrive, organizations should develop actionable risk management strategies. This is where risk analysis comes into play: it helps companies identify potential risks and classify them according to their severity levels.

What Is Risk Analysis?

Risk analysis is an assessment process that identifies the possibility of any harmful events that could damage the business or the environment. This approach is vital in risk management since it determines the relevance of detected risk factors. Also, risk analysis enables companies to rank dangers and develop a plan for their mitigation. Firms and governments often apply this method to decide whether to start a project, approve a financial offer, or prevent unfavorable future impacts.

Risk Analysis Benefits

Risk analysis has many benefits for companies:

  • Workplace consciousness. Risk assessment increases awareness of potential workplace hazards . As a result, the company can take the required safety measures to prevent them.
  • Legal compliance. Risk analysis can ensure that the business follows all the legal regulations applicable to its industry.
  • Company’s reputation. Since risk evaluation promotes workplace safety and legal compliance, it protects the company against events that can hurt its reputation.
  • Proactive response. Using the findings from the risk analysis, the organization can develop risk management plans for each department before a threat emerges.
  • Money saving. Risk analysis is an effective tool for saving money since it allows companies to spend fewer resources on solving issues.

Risk Analysis Limitations

The limitation of the risk assessment stems from the ambiguity and lack of accurate data. There are no standard methods to calculate threats. Therefore, nobody can determine the exact level of risk exposure at any particular time. As a result, underestimating the likelihood of the risk occurrence might result in significant financial losses.

Since risks are an inherent component of all businesses, companies have to evaluate risks to prevent or mitigate potential damages. There are 2 main categories of risk analysis: quantitative and qualitative.

Quantitative Approach

Quantitative risk analysis involves creating a risk model with the help of simulation or deterministic statistics to quantify risks. The model produces various outcomes that are analyzed with graphs, scenarios, or sensitivity analysis . These results aid in making decisions or creating a strategic plan to avoid potential risks.

Qualitative Approach

In contrast, qualitative risk analysis does not evaluate risk with numbers. Instead, it provides a written characterization of the risks, an assessment of the intensity of their impact, and solutions to potential problems. Qualitative risk analysis can be conducted using the SWOT framework , cause and effect diagrams, or a decision matrix. Its outcomes can prevent the company from potential income loss and other adverse impacts.

Selecting the appropriate risk analysis method is crucial since it affects the organization’s success. You can choose from 5 common approaches:

  • Decision tree. Companies using this method look at a particular decision’s potential consequences and likelihood. The decision tree effectively determines the best way for the company to avoid dangerous situations.
  • Bow tie. In this method, one divides a particular risk into two categories: causes and consequences . Then, develops a plan to address the risk factors and a strategy for mitigating its impact.
  • SWIFT analysis. SWIFT, or Structured What If Technique , is a team-based approach to risk analysis. It uses brainstorming to identify the safety of a particular method or the potential consequences of changes to existing organizational processes. It is usually used in safety-critical industries , such as healthcare or offshore construction.
  • Delphi method. This technique involves a brainstorming session with professional risk analysts and experts. Potential threats discovered during this analysis are later used to create a risk management strategy.
  • Probability and consequence matrix. The method requires organizational teams to rank the identified threats and vulnerabilities depending on the severity of their potential impact. This approach helps companies determine the primary contributing factors to all risks and develop an effective mitigation strategy .

The process of risk analysis includes 5 practical steps that you have to take to achieve an excellent result:

  • Identify and document potential threats and vulnerabilities. First, determine the risks faced by employees and the organization. You should examine the workplace to identify what processes or actions could be harmful. Examples include workplace accidents , natural disasters, disruptions in the supply chain, or chemical hazards.
  • Assess current security measures. Determining what safety procedures are already in place is the next step. This information will help identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses of the existing safety plans. Check each element of the security system and notice areas for improvement.
  • Evaluate the risks and decide on the precautions. Further, you should assess the likelihood of the hazard and the severity of its potential effects. This assessment will help you prioritize risks. In addition, you should develop a strategy that includes the issues you’ve discovered, the individuals that might be affected, and the intended measures to mitigate the risks.
  • Record your findings and implement them. To see the big picture, you have to record the outcomes of your risk analysis and use them in practice. After implementing the results, evaluate whether the chosen risk management strategy works.
  • Review and update your assessment if necessary. The threats to the business are constantly changing. New risks can stem from innovations, new procedures, or personnel. Review and update your risk assessment procedure regularly to address emerging risks beforehand.
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  • Ford Motor Company Business Model Business essay sample: Are you investigating Ford business model? 🚗 In this report, the Ford Motor Company business model is analyzed 🔍 in the context of the ongoing NAFTA renegotiation. 📰 Read the article to draw a Ford business model canvas.
  • Apple Company's Poor Inventory Management Issues Business essay sample: Since Apple Company operates internationally, it at times experiences challenges related to the supply of products, which emanates from poor inventory management.
  • Corporate Risk Management Decisions Business essay sample: Corporate risk management is an exercise in coordinating risk acknowledgment, risk appraisal, risk management systems, and the moderation of administrative assets.
  • Risks and Opportunities in Managing Global Teams Business essay sample: This report will focus on an in-depth exploration of risks and opportunities from global teams and managerial processes to mitigate threats in a volatile business environment.
  • Providian Trust Company’s Information System Business essay sample: This work presents a SWOT/TOWS analysis to highlight the key strengths, weaknesses, threats, and opportunities of the Providian Trust Company.
  • Flayton Electronics Data Breach and Risk Management Plan Business essay sample: The paper aims to compose a risk management plan presented in the case study, which is devoted to the security breach of customer data experienced by Flayton Electronics.
  • Operational Risk Management Business essay sample: A risk management team is responsible for identifying and prioritizing threats, developing a mitigation plan, evaluating the effectiveness of the plan, and making corrections if necessary.
  • Flayton Electronics: Risk Management Project Business essay sample: In case of data theft at Flayton Electronics, some risk management interventions were implemented to reduce the negative impact of the possible threats.
  • Risk Management Strategies in Business Environment Business essay sample: In this paper, the researcher looks at current risk management strategies that companies use in the modern business environment.
  • Company Problem Solution: Global Communications Business essay sample: This paper looks at the various problems facing the company and the initiatives the company can take to ensure its survival in the global market.
  • Audit Standards Comparison Business essay sample: The AICPA sets all generally accepted audit standards, which are commonly termed as GAAS. GAAS still forms the basis of other standards like the GAGAS and the PCAOB standards.
  • Fraud Risk Assessment of Business Organizations Business essay sample: The study assesses fraud risk factors that are related to human, social, technological, political, and economic aspects in five business organizations.
  • Risk Management in Arachem(M) Sdn Bhd Business essay sample: Risk planning and identification in Arachem(M); Risk analysis, evaluation and treatment; Procurement planning and strategies; Procurement solicitation and source selection.
  • Risk Management: Operational and Financial Risks Business essay sample: Most organizations now have a special risk assessment and risk management team to eliminate or reduce the effects of risk.
  • Organizational Risk Appetite and Assessment Business essay sample: Risk is often a requirement for an organization to meet its operational goals. Risk may bring innovation, partnerships, and monetary gains to a company.
  • Risk Management in an Organization Business essay sample: This paper researches the topic ‘risk management in organization’. Risk management as a subject and as a function of business management is a relatively new concept.
  • Wal-Mart: Company Analysis and Strategy Recommendation Business essay sample: The major competitors of Wal-Mart include Costco Wholesale Corporation and Target Corporation. During the 2008 financial year, stiff competition came from Target Corporation.
  • Risk Analysis and Techniques of Risk Management Business essay sample: The risk management in the financial institutions center round two basic issues as to the impact of risk on the functioning of the financial institutions.
  • Credit Risk Management: Objectives and Techniques Business essay sample: The paper focuses on such risks and highlight and explain the different techniques of managing them. Each risk will be better explained with the help of examples.
  • SABIC and the Petrochemical Industry of Saudi Arabia Business essay sample: In view of all the challenges that the petrochemical industry faces, SABIC has undertaken certain steps to meet all these challenges.
  • Venezuela: Risk Assessment in Opening a US Style Retail Department Business essay sample: The paper explains the various aspects of risks involved in opening a US-style retail store in Venezuela, like social, cultural, political, and legal.
  • Risk Management: Foreign Exchange Risks, Credit Risks, Interest Rates Risks Business essay sample: The credit risks are associated mainly with the global economic recession and the inability of contracting parties to fulfill their contractual obligations.
  • Risk-Assessment and Cost-Effectiveness of Rehabilitating Open Cut Coal Mine Spoil Areas Business essay sample: This research aims to present an analytical report on risk analysis and techniques of risk analysis with respect to engineering systems.
  • Diageo Ltd.: Strategic Financial Management Business essay sample: Diageo Ltd it's a holding that specializes in the following areas: production and distribution of alcoholic beverages; sale of bitters and liquors; hospitality industry.
  • Intersect Investments Company Problem Solution Business essay sample: Intersect Investments, is a finance company that deals with helping people manage their money the best way possible.
  • Short-Term Bonuses Culture and Instability in Management of Banks Business essay sample: The main aim of this dissertation is to understand the manner in which short-term bonuses culture has led to instability in management of banks.
  • General Civil Aviation Authority's Customer Satisfaction Business essay sample: The paper analyzes the GCAA that regulates the aviation-related operations and activities that take place in the UAE and neighboring countries.
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  • Jet Airways' Strategic Financial Management Business essay sample: The purpose of this report is to evaluate the strategic position of Jet airways. Jet Airways is one of the leading private airlines in India.
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  • Strategic Financial Management for Jet Airways 15 Business essay sample: Jet airways is one of the major airlines based in Mumbai India. On the other hand the company prides itself as a market leader in the domestic sector.
  • Risk Management. Fire and Rescue Services Business essay sample: Fire and Rescue Services (FRS) in the UK attended to over 877, 000 hazardous cases of fire or fake alarm occurrences in 1 year ending on 30th September 2006.
  • Enterprise Resource Planning: Selection and Risks Business essay sample: Enterprise Resource Planning has attracted increased interest in the recent past. This system is an integrated system that provides integrated support.
  • Remington Peckinpaw Davis: Improper Project Management Business essay sample: The case of Remington Peckinpaw Davis is an example of improper project management and issues it might cause to the company.
  • Management Practices After Global Financial Crisis Business essay sample: This study analyzes management practices prior to the 2008-2009 global economic crisis and the actions that managers have taken since the crisis.
  • DirecTV Company Analysis Business essay sample: The strategy, the situation in the corporate world, market share, risks, and stock market performance exposed by both the silent and public accounts give an analysis of DirecTV.
  • Summary of Supply Chain Logistics Management Business essay sample: Supply chain management covers many strategies to ensure efficiency in operations. There is a need to establish appropriate logistics to ensure the supply chain management success.
  • Critical Reflection: Team Work and Project Management Business essay sample: The innovation world has undergone major transformations. This has in turn called fro more calculated measures and approach towards product development management.
  • Evaluation of Samsung: Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Business essay sample: In this paper, the researcher seeks to evaluate the case to understand the risk attitude and risk appetite of the Samsung company.
  • Mindbody App: Proposed Business Plan Business essay sample: The Mindbody app is a business management tool that utilizes internet technology to offer a variety of service solutions to customers.
  • Starbucks’ Management and Operations: Starbucks Delivery Business essay sample: Starbucks delivery service is an excellent idea. The wide selection of drinks and outstanding delivery service will promote more sales and demand for the product.
  • Project Execution Through Risk Addressing (PETRA) Analysis Report Business essay sample: The report aims to analyze the PETRA results related to the risks and assess whether other recommendations need to be given in addition to the steps discussed by the review board.
  • Java for You Company: Obstacles When Running a Company Business essay sample: Java For You company existed in a severely competitive environment; hence, the company was facing many business hardships and risks.
  • Kudler Fine Foods: Case Analysis Business essay sample: This paper discusses identification of the key problems and to prepare a strategic plan for Kudler Fine Foods to overcome these difficulties.
  • Gogo Juice Company: Financial Plan Business essay sample: Financial projections indicate that it should begin making a substantial profit, which will keep multiplying, by the end of its 3rd year with an initial capital of $200,000.
  • McSport: Digital Marketing Strategy Business essay sample: McSport is an Ireland-based major supplier of sport and fitness products to gym facilities and football clubs globally.
  • Amazon’s Success Models and Factors Business essay sample: The company adopts a customer-centric model, which involves asking clients what they desire, and strategising how the customer's requirements will be delivered
  • Walt Disney World: Financial Analysis Business essay sample: The financial analysis of the Walt Disney World organization demonstrates that – being a part of an extremely big company – possesses every possible instrument to perform flawlessly.
  • Walmart: Financial Management Ratio Business essay sample: This report will focus on the current ratio, debt-equity ratio, profit margin, inventory turnover, and dividend yield of Walmart.
  • Operational Risk Management: Models & Criteria Business essay sample: The operational risk pertains to the internal functioning of the company including the development of the products and managing human resources and policies.
  • Supplier Evaluation: IPC and Branco Business essay sample: This report shows that Branco and IPC have an opportunity to mend this relationship by adopting their key supply chain functions to the enterprise resource planning (ERP) model.
  • Dignity Plc.: Financial Statements Business essay sample: The present paper aims at evaluating the financial performance of Dignity Plc by using relevant ratios and exploring their dynamics.
  • Project Management as a Critical Practice Business essay sample: Project management remains a critical practice for starting businesses or introducing new products successfully. Proper planning is approach for delivering quality results.
  • Planning for an Audit for Earthwear Clothiers Business essay sample: Planning for an audit is essential; it helps in identifying risks, fraud cases and reducing errors in auditing. Earthwear has a business objective of increasing the customer base
  • Malaysia’s Secret Recipe Expanding Into Australia Business essay sample: This paper aims to evaluate the threats and opportunities that Secret Recipe will face in the Australian market and describes viable management responses to cross-cultural challenges.
  • Malaysian Airlines' Marketing Plan Critique Business essay sample: This critique assesses the marketing plan of Malaysian Airlines under the scrutiny of the theoretical framework chosen, as well as the scope, and precision of the data provided.
  • Health Risk Management: Central Sterilization Supply Department Business essay sample: This paper focuses on the health risk management process of shortage of Central Sterilization Supply Department in a health care setting.
  • Importance of Risk Analysis and Evaluation in Business Business essay sample: The essay discusses four external business factors of environmental: economic, political, social and technological.
  • PepsiCo Company's Management Effectiveness Business essay sample: PepsiCo is a food and beverage company operating on a global level and possessing numerous brands. It poses itself as leading in the field.
  • Analysis of the Supermarket Industry’s Performance Business essay sample: The supermarket industry is among the largest economic sectors in the U.S. with regard to food and other non-food product retailing.
  • SMART Time & Attendance System Business essay sample: Management of the ADWEA advanced plans for privatization of two water treatment plants, for private-sector participation in expansion plans, and outsourcing of waste-water collection.
  • Cross-Cultural Differences and Employee Motivation Business essay sample: The article examines the employee motivation program at Walmart and how it can be adapted for employees with different cultural backgrounds.
  • CFO Report on Colgate-Palmolive Company Business essay sample: This CFO report is going to focus on the renowned Colgate- Palmolive Company. It is one of the world’s largest cosmetics and toiletries companies.
  • Exceptional Computer Services: Company Analysis Business essay sample: Exceptional Computer Services is the company, which is engaged in the sphere of information services and actions, which are closely linked with information and data security.
  • The Rio Tinto: Financial Analysis Business essay sample: This paper presents a financial ratio analysis focusing on the business risks and financial risks of the Rio Tinto.
  • CBI Constructors Firm's Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems Business essay sample: This paper deals with the issues of occupational health and safety management systems of CBI Constructors Pty Limited, located in West Perth, Australia.
  • Auditing & Assurance Services: Audit for Revenue and Collection Cycles Business essay sample: The focus of the present paper is the analysis of revenue and collection cycles as suggested in the book Auditing & Assurance Services by Louwers et al.
  • Financial Markets and Risks Analysis Business essay sample: Financial markets are vehicles for investors to gain a return on their investment. All investments have an intrinsic risk which is related to the returns on the investment.
  • Huffman Trucking Company Business essay sample: There are Potential Risks associated with the establishment of an election system so requested by Huffman Trucking Company. This paper would widely address these issues.
  • Fosters Australia Firm's Security Valuation Report Business essay sample: The paper includes dynamics of internal, operating performance, risks analysis, and growth analysis for Foster Company in Australia.
  • The Term of Liquidity Risk: Asset and Funding Liquidity Business essay sample: Liquidity risk is used to describe the financial vulnerability. There are two major types of liquidity risk in financial management: asset liquidity and funding liquidity.
  • Report for Domino’s Pizza Enterprises Business essay sample: The objective of this report is to apply the theory of corporate finance to a real organization and this paper selects Domino's Pizza Enterprises.
  • Islamic Bonds – Sukuks, Risk Factors Study and Analysis Business essay sample: Considering the huge existing market and the potential market for Sukuks, the paper will examine these financial products in greater detail.
  • Financial Analysis: Aveng Limited Group Business essay sample: The objective of this paper is to examine the financial standing of the Aveng Limited Group at the end of the financial year June 30, 2010, from a share investment perspective.
  • Upside Risk Impact on Lehman Brothers Crisis Business essay sample: Essay reports on the impacts of upside risks based on Lehman Brothers Company by identifying the role played by different upside risks.
  • Reviewing Emirate National Oil Company Contracting Strategies Business essay sample: This paper highlights the recommended changes that the ENOC Ltd must implement to minimise the risks established by its procurement and supply department.
  • Cost-Benefit Risk Analysis-Djibouti Business essay sample: Company A wishes to invest in Djibouti, to determine the riskiness of the intended venture, the paper undertakes the cost benefit-risk analysis of the country of intended operation.
  • Kellogg's Financial Case Analysis Business essay sample: The following research is set out to perform an in-depth analysis of Kellogg's Financial Case, by examining its governance, compensation, and capital structures.
  • Financial Risk Analysis: Review Business essay sample: Transaction risk is the risk of loss resulting from inadequate personnel in the business, while the financial risk is a nutshell of numerous threats connected with financing.
  • Custom Snowboards: Financial Analysis and Strategies for Entering the New Market Business essay sample: Custom Snowboards Inc. will enter the European market on its own. The capital budgeting techniques will be used to evaluate the viability of building a new plant in Europe.
  • Custom Snowboards European Expansion Business essay sample: The European Expansion presents a great opportunity for Custom Snowboards to grow its revenue and global presence.
  • Analysis of Graphic Packaging Holding Business essay sample: Graphic Packaging Holding is an American company that has specialized in packaging various products. The paper concludes that it is worthy to invest in Graphic Packaging Holding.
  • The Brambles Limited Analysis Business essay sample: Brambles Limited is a leading logistics company whose headquarters is in Sydney. Recall’s core function is business support through information management.
  • Accounting: Audit of Accounts Receivable Business essay sample: Accounts receivable are claims against customers related to goods or services sold to them on credit. The list of accounts receivable is extended to accommodate other claims.
  • Intermediate Financial Accounting Report Business essay sample: The entrepreneur expects to venture into the green fashion industry successfully and attain profit maximization. This goal will be achieved by pursuing the issues.
  • Counterespionage Measures in Business Business essay sample: The purpose of this article is to present an effective counterintelligence program that can be implemented by a large software company.
  • Audit Risk Approach and Its Components Business essay sample: An audit risk approach indicates the allowance that the books of accounts could be misstated. The audit risk approach has two components: inherent risk and control risk.
  • Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan by Chase Business essay sample: This paper focuses on Chase Bank. The goal is to investigate its strategy for syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland loan.
  • E-Laundry Business Opportunity Business essay sample: The paper proposed an e-Laundry business opportunity in which people can place orders while cleaners pick them up.
  • Risk-Based Internal Auditing and Micro-Financing Business essay sample: Risk-based internal auditing plays a great role in enabling organizations to realize their goals. Micro-financing has served to reduce the poverty levels and improved education.
  • Syndicating the Hong Kong Disneyland Loan Business essay sample: The location helped investment groups like Disney and the Hong Kong government to be comfortable with their risk exposure when contracting Chase as their loan manager
  • Pfizer Company’s Financial Statement Evaluation Business essay sample: Pfizer Company’s financial statement ratios and credit ratings will convince the bank loan managers of the ability to pay the company’s maturing bank loan installments on time.
  • Internal Control: COSO History Business essay sample: COSO is an organization that is dedicated to ensuring that there is thorough leadership. It does this by providing internal control and risk management guidance and framework.
  • A Merger Between Hospital Corporation of America Holding INC. And Tenet Healthcare Business essay sample: The paper will carry out financial statements and operating indicator analysis to assess the financial condition of the two Health care facilities.
  • Apple Company: Audit Risk Analysis Project Business essay sample: Apple Inc. was incorporated by Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs in 1977. The company was incorporated with a total net worth of US$250,000.
  • General Motor Sports Inc.'s Risk Management Business essay sample: The General Motor Sports Inc. score of 34 points places the company. This maturity level is actually defined as the basic enterprise risk management practice in position.
  • Audit Plan of Keystone Computers and Network, Inc. Business essay sample: This article is an audit plan for Keystone Computers and Network, Inc. that aims to analyze the audit strategy adopted and the risk associated with the company.
  • Harry Greens Supply Company Workplace Risks Business essay sample: This essay identifies the workplace risks associated with Harry Greens Supply Company and develops critical strategies to counter and reduce the said risks.
  • Dell's Company Financial Analysis Business essay sample: The purpose of this paper is to provide credible information based on Dell Company in the electronic industry.
  • Cost of Equity & Weighted Average Cost of Capita for Merchants Trust Business essay sample: Raising capital through a high share of debt is unfavorable for businesses in Hungary, as financial institutions charge higher interest rates. Stocks are the best option.
  • An Employee Motivation Program for Walmart Business essay sample: A comprehensive employee motivation program premised on employee empowerment through task delegation and workers’ autonomy will inspire Walmart’s workers.
  • Risk Management Implementation in the Project Life Cycle Business essay sample: Civil engineering projects are exposed to risks that can be potentially damaging due to the cost of investments incurred in such projects.
  • Telecity Group Plc.: Financial, Strategic and Risk Analysis Business essay sample: This report covers a comprehensive analysis of Telecity Group plc and recommendations are provided for managing these risks more effectively.
  • The Telvent Company: Hedging Alternatives Business essay sample: This paper analyses how and why Telvent company has adopted hedging. The analysis is made in the context of the company’s current venture into the African market through Senegal.
  • The Failure of Risk Management Business essay sample: Risk management in the modern business organization does not necessarily entail avoidance of risks but rather enhancement of efficiency in the overall business processes.
  • International Risk Company: Quanta Services in Houston Business essay sample: This research is focused on some of the serious risks that Quanta Services Inc faces as it endeavors to offer a solution to its clients in various countries.
  • Comparison Between Sifchain Finance and Republic Note Business essay sample: This report aims to compare the two ICOs that use the Sifchain and Republic notes and give the significant reasons each of them can be invested.
  • Royal Mail Group's Anti-Money Laundering Analysis Business essay sample: To perform the money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) risk assessment, the Royal Mail Group plc, a British-based multinational postal service company, has been chosen.
  • The Concept of Fraud Risk Factors Business essay sample: The concept of fraud risk factors is a situation that involves three conditions. These conditions include: incentives/pressures; attitudes/rationalizations; and opportunities.
  • Credit Risk Management in British Banks
  • Financial Analysis for Sturm Ruger & Company
  • Sainsbury’s Supermarkets in New Zealand: An Overview of Investment Opportunities and Risks
  • Risk Analysis for a US Footwear Business Venture in the Indian Market
  • Project Quality and Risk Management Plan
  • Risks, Budget Constraints and Recommendations
  • GlaxoSmithKline: Finance for Decision-Making Assessment
  • Burberry: Case Analysis
  • BMW: Customer Relationship Management and Risk Implications
  • Quillstine Farm's Start-Up Business Plan
  • Industrial Safety: The Role of Leadership and Management
  • Tim Hortons Inc.: Strategic Analysis
  • Management of Health and Safety
  • Fire Safety Management Plan (FSMP)
  • Operations and Finance Strategies for
  • Nestle Food Science: Company Analysis
  • Change Management Plan in Locus Fs Company
  • Nike Inc.'s Marketing and Corporate & Business Strategies
  • Apple's iPhone Supply Chain Mapping and Risk Assessment
  • Simons Inc.'s Accounting and Auditing Standards
  • A Business Case: Expansion of Murray’s Cheese Company
  • Nokia’s Supply Chain Management
  • Company Financial Analysis and Credit Risk Assessment
  • Organizational Project Management Office
  • Cleaning Company: Risk Assessment of the Working Environment
  • Security Risk Assessment Report
  • Operational and Other Financial Risks
  • Southwest Airlines Assessing and Managing Risk
  • The Dudebox Subscription Market Research Project
  • Management: Moyon Tea Business Plan

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BusinessEssay. (2023, March 25). Risk Analysis - Free Guide for Students + Essay Examples.

"Risk Analysis - Free Guide for Students + Essay Examples." BusinessEssay , 25 Mar. 2023,

BusinessEssay . (2023) 'Risk Analysis - Free Guide for Students + Essay Examples'. 25 March.

BusinessEssay . 2023. "Risk Analysis - Free Guide for Students + Essay Examples." March 25, 2023.

1. BusinessEssay . "Risk Analysis - Free Guide for Students + Essay Examples." March 25, 2023.


BusinessEssay . "Risk Analysis - Free Guide for Students + Essay Examples." March 25, 2023.

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IELTS Cambridge 17 Essay: Taking risks in professional and personal lives

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IELTS Essay Question

It is important for people to take risks, both in their professional lives and their personal lives. Do you think the advantages of taking risks outweigh the disadvantages?

Plan your answer

taking risk in business essay

Sample Answer

Taking risks is a normal part of life and it presents us with both opportunities and challenges . This essay will detail the reasons why the benefits of taking risks far outweigh the drawbacks.

In the business world, taking risks can open up the opportunity for unexpected growth. The website called is a great example. The owner of the website made a risky decision to quit her job and turn her blogging side hustle into a full-time career several years ago. This decision to step out of her comfort zone into the unknown has helped turned her blog into a multi-million-dollar business, which was something that she never expected when she started blogging. Taking risks also helps people conquer their fears in their everyday lives. For example, if someone afraid of public speaking took the opportunity to give a presentation in front of a crowd, it could help them to confront their fear and turn it into faith that they are capable of doing anything as long as they put in enough effort.

However, doing something risky might lead to failure if the risks involved are not properly calculated. Many people spend several years trying to turn their part-time blogging job into a successful business but fail and have to return to the nine-to-five rat race . Those years could have been better spent honing their skills at work, which might have helped them to climb the corporate ladder or be offered a pay rise. In addition, the courage to speak in front of a crowd in the above example might turn into a disaster if the speaker does not take the time to carefully prepare for the presentation. In some cases, this might be an opportunity for others to make fun of them and make them lose the courage to try public speaking again. However, these risks can be minimized if people carefully calculate the risks involved.

In conclusion, the benefits of taking risks, including exponential business growth and overcoming fear, outweigh any drawbacks because the chance of failure is reduced if people take calculated risks.

Useful vocabulary

  • present somebody with something = to cause something such as a problem, threat, or opportunity
  • side hustle = a part-time job that a person does as well as their regular job
  • comfort zone = a situation in which you feel comfortable and in which your ability and determination are not being tested
  • the unknown = a place, situation, or thing that is not known about or understood
  • conquer something = to succeed in dealing with or controlling something
  • be afraid of … = feeling fear; frightened because you think that you might be hurt or suffer
  • be capable of … = having the ability or qualities necessary for doing something
  • the rat race = a way of life in modern society, in which people compete with each other for power and money
  • the corporate ladder = the proverbial climb up a company’s employment hierarchy, where career advancement is likened to climbing rungs on a ladder
  • make fun of somebody/something = to make a joke about someone or something in a way that is not kind

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Risk Taking / Take The Risk Or Lose The Chance: The Road To A Bright Life

Take The Risk Or Lose The Chance: The Road To A Bright Life

  • Category: Business , Life
  • Topic: Risk , Risk Taking

Pages: 3 (1463 words)

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