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Ministry of Education Strategic Plan 2017-2021

Vision:, mission:, values:.

  • Citizenship and Responsibility: Enhance national citizenship and social responsibility.
  • The Principles and Values of Islam: Ensure human values in discussion, tolerance, moderation, peace and volunteering.
  • Commitment and Transparency: Commit to professional and transparent performance.
  • Equality and Justice: Commit to community partnership and accountability in the education process.
  • Participation and Accountability: Ensure equal educational opportunities for all.
  • Science, Technology and Innovation: Encourage a society that is driven by science, technology and innovation.

Ministry of Education Strategic Objectives

  • Ensure inclusive quality education including pre-school education.
  • Achieve excellent leadership and educational efficiency.
  • Ensure quality, efficiency and good governance of educational and institutional performance, including the delivery of teaching.
  • Ensure safe, conducive and challenging learning environments.
  • Attract and prepare students to enroll in higher education internally and externally, in light of labor market needs.
  • Strengthen the capacity for scientific research and innovation in accordance with the quality, efficiency and transparency standards.

  • Provision of quality, efficient and transparent administrative services, in accordance with the quality, efficiency and transparency standards.
  • Establish a culture of innovation in an institutional working environment.
1 Average TIMSS Score Among the top15 countries
2 Upper Secondary Graduation Rate 98%
3 Enrollment Rate in Preschools (public and private) 95%
4 Average PISA Score Among the top 20 countries

Percentage of Students with High Skills in Arabic, According

to National Tests
6 Percentage of Schools with High-Quality Teachers 100%
7 Percentage of Schools with Highly Effective School Leadership 100%
8 Enrollment Rate in Foundation Year %0
9 Expenditure on Research and Development  as % of GDP 1.5%

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Ministry of Education, Guyana

  • Guyana Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2021- 2025

Click here to download the Plan (PDF)

The Guyana "Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2021- 2025 - Vision 2030" has been developed, and will be implemented, at a most interesting point in the country's history. The 2030 Vision for the sector is Providing opportunities for quality, equitable education and lifelong learning for all. This vision is articulated at a time in which major growth in the economy is predicted because of the discovery of oil and gas and also at a time in which it is expected that the extractive industries will be the key drivers of economic growth in the medium term. At the same time the country has a national development strategy, the alignment of Government's educational priorities, which is "in line with the United Nation's agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In particular, it not only aims to foster sustained economic growth that is low carbon and climate-resilient but also promote social cohesion, good governance and careful management of finite natural resources." In spite of, and perhaps even because of these changes the ultimate goal of this ESP is consistent with the goals of previous plans that is: To contribute to employability and reduction of poverty, by increasing performance at all levels and reducing the disparity between sub-groups.

The development of this plan benefitted from several activities which have taken place in the last two or three years such as a review of the nursery programme carried out by an international consultant, and a survey of out-of-school children. It was also informed by wide-spread consultations on a wide range of issues as the Ministry of Education (MOE) embarked on its curriculum review process. Consultations were also held with over 200 youth, including some in juvenile detention centres, and with three organisations working with persons with disabilities. Additional consultations were held in all education districts after the first draft of the plan was produced. Policy issues were initially derived from these studies and consultations, but it is important to note that they also reflect alignment with priorities of the Government, and its commitments to the UN 2030 agenda, in particular SDG 4, and to its regional commitments, e.g. the CARICOM Human Resource Strategy. Identification of the major priorities was based on the use of the problem-tree analysis tool developed by the International Institute for Education Planning (IIEP), and on appropriate evidence-based strategies for performance and completion, that - were discussed and selected.

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strategic plan for ministry of education

Ghana ESP

Building on Ghana's achievements in expanding education, the Education Strategic Plan sets out the vision and policies for realizing the ambition of transforming Ghana into a ‘learning nation'. It puts Ghana on the road towards meeting the Sustainable Development Goals and represents a deliberate reorientation towards this aim, as it replaces the previous ESP for 2010-2020.

This plan not only sets the long-term vision but also how this will be operationalized in the medium term through the accompanying Education Sector Medium Term Development Plan 2018-2021.

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Ministry of Education

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The National Education Sector Strategic Plan(NESSP) 2018-2022

  • Kenya Primary Education Development Project
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  • Secondary Quality Improvement Project
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  • Kenya GPE COVID 19 Learning Continuity in Basic Education Project
  • GOK/AfDB Support to TVET




The Constitution of Kenya 2010, underscores the provision of quality education and training as a right and a fundamental to the success of the government’s overall development strategies. The goal of Vision 2030 is the development of a middle income economy in which all citizens have enhanced entrepreneurship, innovation and lifelong learning opportunities.  To achieve this aspirations, the Ministry of Education (MOE) developed the National Education Sector Plan (NESP) 2013-2018 to guide the development of the education and training sector.

The NESP document highlights the policy goals, objectives, major challenges and proposes strategies and financing options for the realization of such goals and objectives over a period of five years.  It is an all-inclusive and sector wide plan with the overarching goal of “quality education for Kenya’s sustainable development”.  The emphasis is on all levels of Education and Training with a focus   on improvement of Education quality and relevance, access, equity, sector governance and accountability as well as social competencies and values.

NESP is in three volumes. Volume I focuses on Basic Education programme rationale and approach while Volume II provides the Basic Education Operational, Volume III focuses on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET); Science, Technology and Innovation (ST&I) and University Education. The implementation period of NESP 2013 – 2018 is coming to an end in June 2018.  In view of this, the ministry has initiated the process of reviewing the NESP document with a view of aligning the sector priorities to the national aspirations as outlined in MTPIII of the Vision 2030. The proposed plan will cut across the three state departments covering programmes from pre-primary to university.

strategic plan for ministry of education

Anne Gachoya of Directorate of Policy Partnership in the Ministry Education addresses National Education Sector Plan (NESP) Committee during a Technical Capacity Building Workshop at Mash Park Hotel today, 19th December 2016. The workshop was organised by the ministry of education in collaboration with Plan international – Kenya

strategic plan for ministry of education

Members of the National Education Sector Plan (NESP) Committee members pose for a photograph at Mash Park Hotel during the official opening of a three-day Technical Capacity Building Workshop 19th December 2016.

strategic plan for ministry of education

David Watene of State Department of University Education addresses National Education Sector Plan (NESP) Committee during a Technical Capacity Building Workshop at Mash Park Hotel today,19th December 2016.


Ministry of Education

Education Sector Strategic Plans 

This section contains a list of The Education Sector Strategic Plans (ESSP) that are published by the Ministry of Education.

The ESSP identifies a total of 17 sector outcomes under nine strategic priorities, with targets that are both ambitious but feasible. 

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STRATEGIC PLAN 2017/18 2021/22 - Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture

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  • Ministry Strategic Plan 2017-2022
  • PSSR B.II final to PSSC 2_7_2012_Recruitment Policy
  • Public Service Act 13 of 1995
  • Public Service Charter
  • State Finance Act 31 of 1991
  • Annex_A_Application_for_employment_form_156043
  • Education Act 16 of 2001
  • Health Questionnaire
  • J.I Part III - Grievances and Representations
  • Labour Act 2007
  • School Grant Utilisation Manual 30 03 2020
  • Namibia MoE Sector Policy on Inclusive Education (2013)
  • EIFL Training Impact of CPD-TOT programme in Namibia_fv (1)
  • Library for Development impact study Finnish-NLAS report
  • Moternson report (3)
  • Community Libraries Map latest
  • NLAS Annual Report 2017-2018
  • NLAS Annual Report 2018- 2019
  • NLAS Annual Report 2019-2020
  • NLAS Annual Report 2020-2021
  • Circular 1-Compilation of File Plan
  • Circular 2-List of Main Series
  • Circular 3-Instructions for Use of File Plan
  • Circular 4-Guidelines for Records Centre Storage
  • Circular 5-Records Centre Requirments
  • National Standards Guidelines for School Libraries in Namibia 2020


  • Archives Act No 12 of 1992 DIRECTORATE OF NAMIBIA LIBRARY AND ARCHIVES SERVICE Namibia Library & Information Service Act 4 of 2000 Namibia Art, Culture and Heritage Policy
  • National Art Gallery of Namibia Act (No. 14 of 2000)
  • Convention on the Protection of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions UNESCO (2005) -
  • Namibia Film Commission Act (No.6 of 2000)
  • Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Protection Act (No.6 of 1994, as amended)
  • Namibia_Cultural_Policy - 2001 African Union Plan of Action on the Cultural Industries, Dakar Plan of Action on Cultural Industries (African Union (AU) formerly known as OAU (1992).
  • Charter for African Cultural Renaissance, African Union (AU), (2006)
  • Belgrade Recommendation on the Status of the Artist, Belgrade, 27 October 1980, UNESCO (1980) -
  • AU_Plan_of_Action_Cultural_and_Creative_Industries-en
  • Admission 2023
  • National Education Policy Act 1996 SA
  • Formal Education Circular No 3 Of 2022
  • Formal Education Circular; No. 05 of 2022
  • FORM ED Circular 06 of 2022Deviation from the school calendar for 2022-28 and 29 July 2022
  • Circular Formal Education; 07 Of 2022
  • Release of Learners to attend National,International Sporting Events during Assessment
  • Circular Form Ed; 1 Of 2022 (School Operations for the Commencement Of The 2022 School Year)


  • 15th School Day Report 2024 (15SDS)
  • AEC User Manual 2022
  • AEC Form 2023 Electronic version

Education in New Zealand

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School planning and reporting: Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together for Ākonga Success

Guidance and requirements for consulting with your community, developing and publishing your planning and reporting documents as part of your wider planning and reporting process.

Level of compliance Main audience Other


The new framework for school planning and reporting, called Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together for Ākonga Success: Our School, Our Community is now in place.

The requirements of Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together are set out in the Education and Training Act 2020 and the Education (School Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2023. 

The new framework: Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together

  • Support materials

Due dates for 2024

More information.

Effective planning and reporting underpins all the other work that schools and kura do.

Schools and kura need to intentionally plan, and evaluate their performance to:

  • give effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi and support Māori-Crown relationships
  • meet legislated board primary objectives and show how the school or kura has had particular regard for the  National Education and Learning Priorities  (NELP)
  • ensure the needs of all ākonga are met
  • ensure the voices of all ākonga and whānau are heard
  • implement teaching and learning programmes that give effect to the New Zealand Curriculum or Te Marautanga o Aotearoa to improve outcomes for all ākonga.

Under the Education and Training Act 2020, a new planning and reporting framework came into effect on 1 January 2023. Regulations that set out the details of the new framework have now been made.

Education (School Planning and Reporting) Regulations 2023 – NZ Legislation (external link)

  • School planning and reporting legislation comparison [PDF, 626 KB]

Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together is designed to help:

  • focus schools and kura on continuously improving their planning and reporting practices to deliver equitable and excellent outcomes for all learners
  • support learners, whānau and communities to be involved in the planning process for their school or kura
  • give schools and kura flexibility to reflect their local contexts in their planning and reporting
  • support whānau and communities to hold their schools or kura accountable for learner outcomes.

Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together requires your board to develop:

  • a 3-year strategic plan  [1] developed in consultation with their school community, that sets out how the board will meet their primary objectives (set out in the Education and Training Act 2020)
  • an annual implementation plan that sets annual targets and actions for working towards their strategic goals
  • an annual report that reports on the school’s progress and finances.

[1] Your board’s first strategic plan will be for a timeframe of 2 years (1 January 2024-31 December 2025) to align the strategic planning cycle with board triennial elections.

Objectives of boards in governing schools – NZ Legislation (external link)

How school planning and reporting links to the delivery of the national curriculum

Developing and delivering a high-quality local curriculum and marau ā-kura is at the heart of planning for your school or kura.

In your strategic plan, your board needs to plan for the successful implementation of the refreshed and redesigned national curriculum. More information about the new curricula is available from the curriculum and assessment changes page.

Curriculum and assessment changes

A diagram showing legislative responsibilities for curriculum and a statement to help boards manage the transition period until the new curricula is in place is available from:

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa – Kauwhata Reo (external link)

Te Marautanga o Aotearoa – TKI (external link)

New Zealand Curriculum – TKI (external link)

Support materials for schools

We have designed a toolkit to support your board and principal to implement Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together.

The toolkit sets out the detailed requirements of your planning and reporting documents.

Further support material including advice on giving effect to Te Tiriti o Waitangi will be available soon.

  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together toolkit [PDF, 2.4 MB]

This toolkit includes several worksheets that schools might find useful during their planning process.

Full versions of these worksheets are available below:

  • Worksheet: Community network map [PDF, 1021 KB]
  • Worksheet: Self-reflection tool [PDF, 25 KB]
  • Worksheet: Describing your community and engagement considerations [PDF, 23 KB]
  • Worksheet: How do you want to be involved in planning and reporting with your school [PDF, 203 KB]
  • Worksheet: Filling the gaps – plan your targeted engagements [PDF, 17 KB]

Information kit

We have designed an information kit on kura planning and reporting to support boards, tumuaki and staff in Māori-medium settings and for specified kura boards.

The information kit contains information about the new requirements, a suggested planning and reporting process, and example templates.

The information kit for Māori-medium and specified kura boards is different from the English-medium toolkit.

The main differences are:

  • inclusion of the definition of a specified kura boards and the different requirements for their plans
  • addition of example templates for how a principal could report to their board.
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together information kit (te reo Māori) [PDF, 213 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together information kit (English) [PDF, 213 KB]

Implementation pack

The implementation pack includes the key changes to the planning and reporting framework and a high-level timeline for proposed key dates.

It also includes self-reflection statements to help you monitor your progress as you lead your school through the planning and reporting changes. 

  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together implementation pack [PDF, 665 KB]

We have also developed templates for the strategic plan, annual implementation plan and annual report. The use of these templates is optional, and they can be amended to suit the needs of your school or kura and your community. 

  • Template: Strategic plan [DOCX, 233 KB]
  • Template: Annual implementation plan [DOCX, 233 KB]
  • Template: Annual report [DOCX, 251 KB]  

Community planning pack

A pack that you may choose to provide to your community to help them understand how they can be involved in your school’s planning and reporting processes is also available.

  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (English) [PDF, 804 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (Māori) [PDF, 90 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (Hindi) [PDF, 115 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (Samoan) [PDF, 89 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (Simplified Chinese) [PDF, 156 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (Tongan) [PDF, 92 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (Braille) [BRF, 3 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (Audio) [MP3, 1.3 MB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (Large Print) [DOCX, 111 KB]
  • Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community Pack (Easy Read) [DOCX, 5 MB]

Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together community pack (New Zealand Sign Language)

School annual reports and publishing your documents

See more information about your school annual report:

School annual reports

See more information about publishing your documents online:

Publishing your documents online

Your board needs to complete the following in 2024:

Due date Action
By 1 March Publish and submit your strategic plan (in effect from 1 January 2024–31 December 2025).
By 31 March

Publish your annual implementation plan for the current school year.

Send your annual financial statements to your auditor.

By 31 May  Submit your annual report. Please also publish your annual report online as soon as practicable following this.

Please use the Secure Data Portal to submit your documents to the Ministry. All documents must be 22MB or less to be successfully uploaded to the Secure Data Portal.

Secure Data Portal (external link)

Relevant documents

Briefing note: Transitioning from the NAGs and the NEGS [PDF, 4.8 MB]  

Education report: Strategic planning and reporting in schools and kura – process and timing (external link)

Education Report: Options for planning and reporting regulations (with Annex 4 – planning and reporting process overview) [PDF, 1.9 MB]

Cabinet paper: Policy approvals for school planning and reporting [PDF, 1.3 MB]

Regulatory impact statement: Regulations for school planning and reporting [PDF, 455 KB]

Relevant legislation and policies

Section 138, Education and Training Act 2020 – NZ Legislation (external link)

Section 134(2)(e) and 134(8)-134(9), Education and Training Act 2020 – NZ Legislation (external link)  

The Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELP)

Assistance is also available from the New Zealand School Trustees Association (NZSTA):

Advice and support – NZSTA (external link)

Phone: 0800 782 435

Resource Centre – NZSTA (external link)

School planning and reporting articles (external link)

Your local Ministry office can also help with developing your planning and reporting documents.

Local Ministry offices

Last reviewed: 22 July 2024 Has this been useful? Give us your feedback


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    strategic plan for ministry of education


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    The Ministry of Education has launched its 2022 - 2026 strategic plan whose goal is have "an educated and skilled nation.". Education Minister Hon. Douglas Syakalima launched the strategic plan at a colorful ceremony held at the Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka. Hon. Syakalima said the 2022-2026 ministerial strategic plan is anchored on the 8th ...

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    Hits: 10524. The Guyana "Education Strategic Plan (ESP) 2021- 2025 - Vision 2030" has been developed, and will be implemented, at a most interesting point in the country's history. The 2030 Vision for the sector is Providing opportunities for quality, equitable education and lifelong learning for all.

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    the Ministry is focused on building upon the achievements of the teaching and learning process, raising education standards to improve outputs, quality and competitiveness, and overcome challenges. Reflecting this goal, the Ministry has embarked upon the preparation of the Education Strategic Plan (2018-2022) using a broadly participatory approach.

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    The proposed plan will cut across the three state departments covering programmes from pre-primary to university. Anne Gachoya of Directorate of Policy Partnership in the Ministry Education addresses National Education Sector Plan (NESP) Committee during a Technical Capacity Building Workshop at Mash Park Hotel today, 19th December 2016.

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    The Ministry of Education launched its 2022 - 2026 Strategic Plan that is aimed at having "An Educated and Skilled Nation." The Ministerial Strategic Plan was launched by the Honourable Minister of Education, Mr. Douglas Syakalima, MP., at an event held at Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Thursday, 28 th December, 2023.. The Honourable Minister stated that the 2022-2026 Ministerial Strategic ...

  17. Essp

    This section contains a list of The Education Sector Strategic Plans (ESSP) that are published by the Ministry of Education. The ESSP identifies a total of 17 sector outcomes under nine strategic priorities, with targets that are both ambitious but feasible. Title. Info. Modified. Education Sector Strategic Plan 2004-2008. 843 KB. Nov 18, 2022.

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    stakeholders, the Ministry identified three themes for the 2017/18 - 2021/22 Strategic Plan; namely: Quality, Equity and Efficiency. Under the first Pillar of Quality, this Strategic Plan envisages that Namibian learners will. achieve much better results in national examinations because of the improved motivation, and.

  19. Documents

    Ministry Strategic Plan 2017-2022; PSSR B.II final to PSSC 2_7_2012_Recruitment Policy; Public Service Act 13 of 1995; Public Service Charter; State Finance Act 31 of 1991; Annex_A_Application_for_employment_form_156043; Education Act 16 of 2001; Health Questionnaire; J.I Part III - Grievances and Representations; Labour Act 2007; PPMLP

  20. School planning and reporting: Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi

    How school planning and reporting links to the delivery of the national curriculum. Developing and delivering a high-quality local curriculum and marau ā-kura is at the heart of planning for your school or kura. In your strategic plan, your board needs to plan for the successful implementation of the refreshed and redesigned national curriculum.

  21. National Education Strategic Plan

    Jogoo House "B" Taifa Road. P.O. Box 300400-00100 Nairobi. Email us : [email protected]. Call us : +254 (0) 3318581. State Corporation. Kenya National Examinations Council. Kenya Education Management Institute.

  22. ministry of education strategic plan

    SPN21 Downloads. Document Downloads ministry of education strategic plan. Type. Name. Modified. Approval Status. MOE Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022 Layout. 3/12/2018 10:23 PM. Approved.

  23. PDF U.S. Department of Education Fiscal Years 2022-2026 Strategic Plan

    U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION FISCAL YEARS 2022fi2026 STRATEGIC PLAN. to eliminate. Addressing these inequities will help ensure that we meet and exceed the Department's mission to promote student achievement and preparation for global competitiveness by fostering educational excellence and ensuring equal access.

  24. ED Strategic Plans and Annual Reports

    Released February 12, 2018. The Department of Education Strategic Plan for Fiscal Years 2018-2022 describes the policy and operational priorities for the agency. The Plan details the Department's strategic goal and objectives over the next four years. The Plan also provides an overview of our Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Agency Priority Goals.