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A Comprehensive Guide to the Startup Incubator Business Model

Discover the ins and outs of the startup incubator business model with our comprehensive guide.

A Comprehensive Guide to the Startup Incubator Business Model

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur looking for the perfect environment to grow your business idea? Look no further than the startup incubator. In this comprehensive guide, we'll cover everything you need to know about the business model, including what exactly a startup incubator is, the key components of the model, and the benefits of joining, as well as types of incubators and the application and selection process.

Understanding the Startup Incubator Business Model

Starting a business can be a daunting task, especially for first-time entrepreneurs. There are countless decisions to be made, from the initial concept to the final product, and everything in between. This is where startup incubators come in.

Definition and Purpose of Startup Incubators

A startup incubator is a program that provides mentorship, resources, and support to early-stage startups to help them grow and succeed. The primary goal of incubators is to help startups reach a point where they can stand on their own two feet and become profitable.

Incubators typically provide startups with a physical space to work, access to a network of experts, and the opportunity to connect with other entrepreneurs who are going through similar challenges. They also offer educational workshops, seminars, and networking events to help entrepreneurs grow their businesses.

Startup incubators can be found in many different forms, from university-affiliated programs to privately funded initiatives. They are often run by experienced entrepreneurs, investors, or business professionals who have a passion for helping others succeed.

Key Components of the Incubator Model

The key components of the incubator model are mentorship, resources, and a community of like-minded individuals. Mentorship is perhaps the most important component of an incubator, as it provides entrepreneurs with access to experienced professionals who can offer guidance and advice. Resources may include office space, equipment, funding, or other resources needed to help startups grow. The community aspect of an incubator is also essential, as it allows entrepreneurs to connect with and learn from their peers.

One of the benefits of being part of an incubator is the ability to access a wide range of resources that may not be available to individual entrepreneurs. These resources can include legal and accounting services, marketing and branding support, and access to funding through venture capitalists or angel investors.

Another key component of the incubator model is the focus on education and training. Incubators often offer workshops and seminars on topics such as business planning, financial management, and marketing strategies. These educational opportunities can be invaluable for entrepreneurs who are just starting out and may not have a background in business.

Differences Between Incubators, Accelerators, and Co-working Spaces

It's important to note the differences between incubators, accelerators, and co-working spaces. While all of these programs provide resources and support for entrepreneurs, incubators tend to focus on providing long-term support and mentorship, while accelerators offer a shorter-term program that focuses on fast-tracking startups to launch. Co-working spaces, on the other hand, simply provide a shared workspace and access to resources.

Incubators and accelerators are similar in many ways, but there are some key differences. Incubators tend to focus on providing support for early-stage startups, while accelerators are designed to help startups that are further along in the development process. Accelerators often provide funding, mentorship, and resources in exchange for equity in the company.

Co-working spaces are a popular option for entrepreneurs who are looking for a more flexible workspace. These spaces provide a shared office environment, which can be a great way to connect with other entrepreneurs and freelancers. However, co-working spaces may not offer the same level of support and resources as incubators or accelerators.

Overall, startup incubators are an important part of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. They provide a supportive environment for early-stage startups to grow and thrive, and offer a wide range of resources, mentorship, and educational opportunities to help entrepreneurs succeed.

The Benefits of Startup Incubators

Starting a business can be a daunting task, and many entrepreneurs struggle to get their ideas off the ground. Fortunately, startup incubators offer a range of benefits that can help early-stage startups succeed. In this article, we'll explore some of the most significant benefits of joining a startup incubator.

Access to Resources and Mentorship

One of the most significant benefits of joining a startup incubator is access to resources and mentorship. Entrepreneurs who are just starting out often lack experience and may not know where to turn for guidance. Incubators offer experienced mentors who can help entrepreneurs navigate challenges and make informed decisions. Additionally, startups may not have the resources they need to grow, such as office space or equipment. Incubators often provide these resources at a discounted rate or for free.

For example, some incubators provide access to co-working spaces, which can be a great way for startups to save money on rent and utilities. Others may offer access to specialized equipment or software that would be too expensive for startups to purchase on their own. By providing these resources, incubators can help startups grow and thrive.

Networking Opportunities

Another benefit of joining a startup incubator is the networking opportunities it provides. Incubators typically bring together a community of entrepreneurs, investors, and mentors, providing an excellent opportunity to meet potential partners, investors, or customers. Networking events and workshops can also help entrepreneurs gain valuable insights into their industry and learn from experts in their field.

Networking can be especially valuable for startups that are looking to raise capital. By connecting with investors and other entrepreneurs, startups can increase their chances of securing funding and growing their business.

Structured Support and Guidance

Incubators provide structured support and guidance to help entrepreneurs achieve their goals. They often have a curriculum in place to help entrepreneurs develop their business plan, build their team, and launch their product. They can also provide access to legal, accounting, and marketing services to help startups get off the ground.

For example, some incubators may offer workshops on how to pitch to investors or how to create a marketing plan. Others may provide one-on-one coaching sessions with experienced entrepreneurs or industry experts. By providing this structured support, incubators can help startups overcome common challenges and achieve their goals.

Increased Chances of Success

Perhaps the most significant benefit of joining a startup incubator is the increased chance of success. Incubators provide entrepreneurs with the support they need to grow their business and overcome challenges. They also provide access to resources that startups may not have been able to afford on their own. Overall, the resources, mentorship, and guidance provided by incubators can significantly increase the chances of success for early-stage startups.

In conclusion, joining a startup incubator can be an excellent way for entrepreneurs to get the support they need to succeed. From access to resources and mentorship to networking opportunities and structured support, incubators offer a range of benefits that can help startups grow and thrive.

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Types of Startup Incubators

Startup incubators are organizations that provide resources, mentorship, and support to early-stage startups. They are designed to help entrepreneurs overcome the initial hurdles of starting a business and increase their chances of success. There are several types of startup incubators, each with its own unique focus and benefits.

Industry-Specific Incubators

Industry-specific incubators focus on providing support and resources to startups operating in a particular industry. For example, a biotech incubator may provide resources specifically designed to help biotech startups overcome unique challenges, such as regulatory hurdles and securing funding from investors. These incubators often have a network of industry experts and mentors who can provide guidance and advice to startups. They may also offer access to specialized equipment or facilities that are essential for startups in that industry.

University-Based Incubators

University-based incubators are run by colleges or universities and are often connected to the research or innovation departments. They typically provide mentoring, resources, and office space to startups, and may also offer educational programs or classes to help entrepreneurs develop their skills. These incubators are a great option for startups that are focused on developing new technologies or products, as they can provide access to cutting-edge research and development facilities. They also offer the opportunity to connect with academic experts and potential investors.

Corporate Incubators

Corporate incubators are run by corporations and are designed to foster innovation within a company. They often provide support and resources to both internal teams and external startups, with the goal of developing new products or services that can benefit the company. These incubators offer startups access to the resources and expertise of a large corporation, including funding, mentorship, and market insights. They also provide corporations with a way to stay competitive and innovative in their industry.

Non-Profit and Government-Sponsored Incubators

Non-profit and government-sponsored incubators are designed to support entrepreneurs who are working on social or environmental problems. They may provide access to funding, mentorship, resources, and events that focus on building a sustainable, socially responsible business. These incubators are a great option for startups that are focused on creating positive social or environmental impact, as they offer access to a network of like-minded individuals and organizations. They also provide startups with the opportunity to connect with potential investors who are interested in socially responsible investing.

Overall, startup incubators are a valuable resource for entrepreneurs who are looking to start and grow a successful business. By providing access to resources, mentorship, and support, these incubators can help startups overcome the initial challenges of starting a business and increase their chances of success.

The Application and Selection Process

Joining an incubator can be an exciting and transformative experience for startups. However, it can also be a competitive and rigorous process. To help you better understand what to expect, let's take a closer look at the application and selection process.

Eligibility Criteria for Startups

Each incubator has its own eligibility criteria for startups. While the criteria may vary from one incubator to another, there are some common factors that most incubators consider. In general, startups that are just getting started and have a high potential for growth are the most likely to be accepted. Some incubators may have specific industries or sectors that they focus on, while others may be open to startups working in any industry. Startups may also need to have a minimum viable product or a proof of concept to be considered.

Aside from these general requirements, some incubators may also have specific eligibility criteria. For example, some incubators may prefer startups that have a certain level of funding or revenue, while others may prioritize startups that have a strong social or environmental mission.

The Application Process

The application process for each incubator varies, but generally, startups are required to submit an application online. The application may include information about the product or service, the team, the business plan, and financial projections. Some incubators may require startups to go through an interview process or to give a pitch presentation to a panel of evaluators.

It's important to note that the application process can be very competitive, with many startups vying for a limited number of spots. Therefore, it's important to put your best foot forward and ensure that your application is as strong as possible.

Selection Criteria and Evaluation

The selection criteria and evaluation process also vary by incubator. Generally, startups are evaluated based on their potential for growth, the strength of their business plan, their team, and their market opportunity. Incubators may also consider factors like the level of innovation, the potential for social or environmental impact, and the compatibility of the startup with the incubator's mission and goals.

During the evaluation process, startups may be asked to provide additional information or to participate in interviews or pitch presentations. The evaluators may also conduct research on the industry and market to better understand the potential of the startup.

Ultimately, the goal of the selection process is to identify startups that have the highest potential for success and growth. Once a startup is accepted into an incubator, they can benefit from a range of resources and support, including mentorship, networking opportunities, and access to funding.

Startup incubators provide a valuable resource for entrepreneurs who are just getting started. By providing mentorship, resources, and a community of like-minded individuals, entrepreneurs can gain access to the guidance and support they need to grow their businesses. Whether you're operating in a specific industry, working on social or environmental problems, or simply looking to get your startup off the ground, there's an incubator out there that can help you succeed.

Chris Beaver

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Business incubators: A guide for startups

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Startups begin with an idea that founders can then formulate into a business plan. However, building and growing a viable business is difficult and requires help from others. To address this, entrepreneurs often look to incubators to help fill the gap between ideas and a real product.

Business Incubators: A Guide For Startups

To decide if a business incubator is right for you, let’s dive into what it is and how it helps startup development. The article also covers how to choose the best one for your startup needs.

What is a business incubator?

A business incubator is a workspace designed to give a startup company the resources it needs to succeed. The perks of a business incubator vary from each program, but it often includes mentorship and other professional services. The goal of a business incubator is to turn a promising idea into a developing startup with a strong chance of success.

What is the role of an incubator?

Business incubators are often sponsored by universities or non-profit organizations. Private ventures may also fund incubator programs. Startups can spend a few months or a few years in an incubator before they “graduate.”

Incubators play many roles in startup development. They aim to nurture early-stage companies into sustainable businesses. Incubators provide a range of support, depending on the program. They may help your startup company with:

  • Office space — Incubators are frequently housed in a shared workspace with other startups in the program. The office space and equipment are either included or offered at below-market rates. Utilities like internet services are also part of the incubator
  • Mentorship — One of the key benefits of an incubator is having top mentors available to you. They can provide guidance and share their expertise to help you navigate challenges
  • Education and training — Incubators offer workshops and other programs to help a startup develop the skills it needs to succeed
  • Access to investors — Some incubators may arrange pitch meetings with investors to help companies secure funding. Other incubators may offer funding in exchange for equity in the company. Some incubators are prestigious with a high reputation which can gain your company favor from investors
  • Networking — Incubators provide a space for startups to meet potential partners, mentors, and investors. Through networking, startups gain a wider network of support and potential business opportunities
  • Revenue growth — Achieving revenue growth is easier when your company participates in an incubator. It can lower overhead costs and help you connect with investors
  • Professional services — Many incubators provide professional services like legal counseling or accounting. These services can help your company get started on a positive note
  • Support from other entrepreneurs — Sharing your incubator experience with other startup companies means you can learn from each other. The inspiration may help you launch your company quicker and more smoothly

Why do startups need incubators?

As you begin to take the first steps to developing your business idea, you may wonder if applying for an incubator is the right choice. Your startup could indeed develop into a successful venture without an incubator. However, a business incubator can provide many opportunities that you wouldn’t get otherwise.

For starters, an incubator can provide tailored support for your startup. As your business plan evolves, your mentors are right there with you to provide guidance and structure. They can also provide advice on how to avoid common pitfalls in your industry. Mentorship is a valuable tool, and you shouldn’t overlook it.

What is the difference between incubators and accelerators?

Incubators and accelerators are often used interchangeably. To be fair, they both provide support to companies, but incubators and accelerators have different key characteristics. If you’re not sure if you should join an incubator or an accelerator, evaluate these factors:

  • Venture stage — If you have a minimal viable product (MVP) and a business model, then an accelerator is a better fit for you. If you have an idea and a detailed business plan, then an incubator is ideal
  • Founding team — Accelerators prefer a fully functioning team when evaluating companies. Meanwhile, an incubator is more willing to work with solo entrepreneurs or minimal team members
  • Funding and equity — Accelerators often provide funding in exchange for capital. Incubators are less likely to have this arrangement and charge a fee instead
  • Timeline — Accelerators are often intense programs that take a few months to complete. Incubators have longer timelines and it’s not uncommon for startups to stay for a couple of years or more. However, the timeline will vary from program to program
  • Application process — Both incubator and accelerator programs need proof that your idea or product has high potential. For an incubator, you’ll need a strong business plan. An accelerator application will need you to prove product-market fit and a developed business model

The biggest difference between an incubator and an accelerator is the venture stage. Incubators are more willing to work with early-stage startups, even if all they have is an idea and a business plan. Meanwhile, accelerators expect you to have an MVP and already be operational on some level.

Successful startups from incubators

Incubators often give startups the resources they need to succeed. Here are some examples of startups that went through an incubator and are successful today:

Don’t think you need a fully developed product and business model to have success. Popular startup program Y Combinator says on average, 40 percent of the companies it funds are just an idea.

How to choose the right incubator

There are many incubators available to startups. The International Business Innovation Association (INBIA) estimates that 1,400 incubators are running in the U.S.

It’s not hard to find an incubator, but it’s difficult to get accepted. Top-tier competitive programs can have an acceptance rate of 1-2 percent . For comparison, the Harvard University acceptance rate for the Class of 2027 is 3.4 percent.

Beyond creating a competitive application, a startup needs to choose an incubator that fits its needs. Not all incubator programs are alike, so it’s essential to evaluate a program’s value before applying. Here are a few things to consider:

  • Do extensive research — Make sure you have looked at an incubator’s resources, structure, and services. Is it what you need to succeed? If you are willing to relocate, you may also want to consider incubators in other areas. You’ll also want to consider the experience of the mentors and the weekly time commitment of the program
  • Consult alumni — No one knows the value of an incubator better than the alumni. You may want to consider contacting companies that the incubator has helped
  • Assemble your team — While incubators may consider a solo applicant, you may also want to consider finding a co-founder or other team members. It’s essential to prove to incubators that you have the skills necessary to build your idea
  • Prepare a pitch — Incubators want to know why you think you can succeed. Prepare a well-researched pitch that shows why you are different and how you are a match for the program

Key takeaways

Incubators are a valuable resource for startups with a developed idea that need guidance on what to do next. You don’t need an MVP to apply for an incubator, but you should prepare a strong business plan and a solid pitch. Your goal is to show that your idea has potential.

Choose an incubator that has the resources that are best fit for your needs. The lessons, personalized feedback, and networking opportunities are crucial for building your company.

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How to Get Your Startup Up and Running with a Business Incubator

Dan Tyre

Published: June 28, 2019

Starting a company can be a lonely process for the first-time entrepreneur. There’s a lot of hard work, self-discipline , limited feedback on priorities, and process fraught with potholes -- some critical to the success of the enterprise itself.


Over the last decade, founders and startups have turned to business incubators and accelerators to scale their business. The concept makes a lot of sense for entrepreneurs or early stage founding teams that want to leverage a defined process for success and transition to a sustainable enterprise. But what is a business incubator?

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Business Incubator Definition

A business incubator is a company that helps startups and new businesses accelerate their growth and success. Incubators do this by providing support in a variety of areas including management training, office space, capital, mentorship, and networking connections.

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Incubators can be sponsored by different types of organizations including venture funds or private companies, municipal economic development organizations, and even colleges or universities.

Business Incubator Models

Some incubators are focused on different types of companies (i.e., fintech startups), vertical markets (i.e., the energy market), or geographic locations (i.e., companies in Arizona).

In fact, the National Business Incubation Association (NBIA) categorizes incubators into five models:

  • Academic institutions
  • Nonprofit development corporations
  • For-profit property development ventures
  • Venture capital firms
  • A combination of the above

Companies usually spend one to two years in a business incubator -- a span determined by need and/or obligation. A benefit of the business incubator model is that it creates a shared learning experience and supports collaboration.

The ability to receive quick, accurate information from incubator executives, mentors, instructors, or fellow entrepreneurs can have a significant impact on your ability to focus on the right priorities and make the right decisions to grow your business.

What is a Small Business Incubator?

Many business incubators support small businesses or startups. So, if you're looking for a "small business incubator," you're likely simply looking for a "business incubator" that provides support for business infrastructure, training, and capital.

Note that business incubators are different than business accelerators. While incubators exist to nurture the growth of a new business, accelerators are generally geared towards helping entrepreneurs transform their ideas into products or services that are ready for market quickly -- in as little as a few months.

It's important to know the difference between these two models and to discern which is right for your company or idea.

What Does a Business Incubator Do?

An incubator should provide diverse benefits to startup entrepreneurs. These benefits can include:

  • Office space - Some incubators offer office space for free or below-market rates to their portfolio companies. This solves several problems for startups. Mainly, it allows them to find a professional space for their employees to work without having to sign a lease -- especially helpful when the company is unsure how quickly they’ll scale production or headcount.
  • Specialized equipment - Some incubators invest in specialized equipment, like modeling software, 3D printers, prototyping equipment, or software development labs. This is a huge advantage for scaling companies in their infancy. Access to costly equipment and simulation programs can be crucial.
  • Experienced mentors - It’s important for startups to limit critical mistakes while scaling. Most incubators offer an experienced staff of savvy industry executives to help the core team stay focused and avoid mistakes. Incubators usually employ mentors with specific startup experience that can help explain process, planning, and decision criteria -- all while steering new entrepreneurs away from costly mistakes they made or witnessed.
  • Group training and education - Many business incubators offer an array of important business training spanning from legal advice on startup documents, incorporation terms, or IP issues to general business challenges like how to ship a product, establish a quality culture, or establish sales and marketing processes.
  • Software discounts - From accounting to project management, incubators typically offer business software that helps their startups scale. Pricing and education are typically vetted and negotiated for a standard rate allowing portfolio companies to get right to work. HubSpot offers this type of arrangement to more than 1000 startup partners worldwide .
  • Shared business services - Much like leveraging software availability and selection, many incubators offer accounting, banking, marketing, and manufacturing services to help companies scale.
  • Community - One of the best attributes of business incubators are the intangibles. Working with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs, using connections for connecting with prospects or customers, and learning from others in your cohort are invaluable parts of incubator life.

Is My Startup a Good Fit for a Business Incubator?

According to HubSpot for Startups’ Christian Mongillo, “The most important criteria is fit. Find a business incubator that works economically and allows you to expand as your team expands.

Look for one that has a selection process and is searching for similar types of companies. It’s not just a coworking space. The best incubators have a great mentor network and produce good results. They also have free wifi.”

Are all companies good fits for incubators? “Not necessarily,” says Mongillo. “If you’re a lifestyle company, a second-time entrepreneur, have access to office space, or want to build your own company culture, it might not be a good fit.

Some incubators require companies to give them an equity stake. So, if you don’t need the special services, you might be better off on your own.”

How Do I Get into a Business Incubator?

Being accepted into a business incubator can and should be a process. Most incubators have an admissions process and require companies to apply for acceptance.

Criteria for acceptance into an incubator varies, but most require you to present a feasible business idea and professional business plan. Here are a few steps to get started finding an incubator that’s right for your business.

  • Review your options geographically or vertically - Because of the sheer volume of available incubators, you might have more than one option to choose from. By doing a quick regional search, you can understand and rank the incubators that might be a good fit. Always review the website and ask for references from successful companies they’ve helped as well as a few from companies that have dropped out to get an overall view of fit.
  • Review criteria for admission - Most incubators have defined criteria for which types of companies they’re prepared to help. Some require certain milestones or criteria, like headcount, capital, entrepreneurial experience, background, revenue, or product fit. Others require contractual obligations from the accepted companies, so reviewing the application and understanding what’s is crucial to ascertaining fit.
  • Prepare a business plan - A business plan might not be required during the application process, but it’s helpful in determining whether the incubator is a good match. I’m a big fan of the three-page business plan rather than an unabridged version. A simple overview of business name, team build, value proposition, competitive advantage, addressable market, go to market strategy, product or service, and a 12-month forecast can help you differentiate your company.
  • Be prepared to work with a screening committee - In most cases, incubators will accept initial applications for companies meeting basic criteria. Some incubators require a video submission to explain the basic business model, vision, and mission of the company. The second stage is usually to meet and discuss your goals, plans, strengths, and weaknesses with a screening committee. This might take the form of an application, pitch or interview, and a series of meetings to set expectations for each side.

Best Startup Incubators

  • Parallel 18
  • Founder's Co-op
  • DreamIt Ventures
  • 500 Startups
  • Y Combinator
  • The Hatchery
  • Excelerate Labs
  • Capital Factory
  • EnterpriseWorks
  • New Venture Challenge

1. Parallel 18

2. founder’s co-op.

Helping new companies in the Pacific Northwest stack the deck in their favor.

3. DreamIt Ventures

Focused on startups with revenue or pilots ready to scale in the areas of healthtech, securetech, and urbantech.

4. Seedcamp

“Europe’s seed fund” invests in founders who attack large, global markets and solve real problems using technology.

5. 500 Startups

Diversity is a core value for this incubator. 44.5% of their portfolio belongs to racial minorities and they have scholarships available for underrepresented investors.

6. Alchemist

For founders whose revenue comes from enterprises, Alchemist offers funding, access to marquee customers, and highly rated mentors.

7. Amplify LA

Aims to help technology entrepreneurs grow their startups into successful companies. They like to invest early.

8. Y Combinator

Twice a year, they invest $120k into a large number of startups. These startups move to Silicon Valley for three months for intensive mentorship and support.

9. TechStars

A three-month program helping companies gain traction through mentorship, rapid iteration, and fundraising preparation.

10. The Hatchery

They’ll help you find customers, unite founders, and build your product. You might also receive funding from them.

11. Excelerate Labs

Mentor immersion, business acceleration, and finance and demo day preparation -- all based in Chicago.

12. Capital Factory

A Texas-based incubator that introduces startups to investors, employees, mentors, and customers.

13. EnterpriseWorks

A University of Illinois incubator focusing on biotechnology, chemical sciences, software development, and materials sciences.

14. AngelPad

With programs based in NYC and San Francisco, AngelPad spends three months working intensely with a small number of companies.

15. New Venture Challenge

Recently names the #1 University Accelerator Program in the Nation, New Venture has helped more than 200 companies successfully.

Choosing the right business incubator is a big decision. Use the criteria in this article and our Ultimate Guide to Entrepreneurship to jumpstart your journey and your success.

Need a little funding to help get your idea off the ground? Check out our list of the best crowdfunding sites to launch your business or product .

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The 10 Key Steps to Making Your Corporate Incubator a Success

Wondering how to start an incubator, already mid-way through the process, or simply looking to enhance your set up? This article is sure to help you.

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What do companies like Lufthansa, Danone, and Nike have in common?

Well, aside from being leaders in their respective fields, these companies have all invested in starting their very own business incubators and are currently reaping the benefits. Corporate incubators can help companies grow, operate more efficiently, and find disruptive solutions to traditional problems.

Sound intriguing? Keep reading! We’re about to walk you through the 10 key steps that will make your corporate incubator a success!

Let’s start things off with a little bit of background… Explore our global list of corporate ventures with over 200 examples you can sort by business model, industry, parent company and more!

Discover the 10 key decisions that shape your corporate incubator.

What is a corporate incubator.

Simply put, business incubators transform ideas into working companies.

It’s a give-and-take relationship in which:

  • The corporation provides its early-stage business unit with the support and guidance it needs to develop into an independent business
  • The incubator acts as a catalyst tool for the corporation to stimulate innovation and develop a pipeline of successful new ventures

This type of support can be crucial to the success of a new business.

What are the benefits of a corporate incubator?

We’ve already touched on some of the key benefits of starting your own corporate incubator, but here are a few, more specific examples:

  • They’re a great way to actively involve your employees in the innovation process and build a culture of innovation.
  • They help companies tap into new markets and stimulate the development of new value propositions.
  • They encourage the exploration of new research directions and help companies commercialize their expertise and know-how.
  • The newly acquired insights can help companies solve problems faster, more cost-effectively and at a lower risk.
  • They foster a supportive environment that facilitates innovation by creating, experimenting and learning by failing.
  • They provide access to new ideas, skill sets, and technologies
  • They can expand a company’s strategic vision

startup incubator business plan

Corporate incubators vs accelerators: What’s the difference?

Although some people use these terms interchangeably, the concepts are quite distinct from each other:

  • Incubators “nurture” disruptive ideas with the aim of helping them transform into an independent company with a solid business model.
  • Accelerators are the next step in the process, helping young companies expedite their growth and scale their existing business models.

Here are a few other key differences:

  • Programming: Corporate incubator programs tend to be flexible and on-demand due to the rapidly changing needs of a young company that is still establishing itself. Accelerator programs are fixed and highly structured because scaling a business model is a comparatively more straightforward task.
  • Duration: The “incubation” process lasts 1 to 3 years and concludes when the new company is ready to be pitched to investors or consumers. On the other hand, the “acceleration” process lasts only 3 to 6 months and ends when the company has reached its predetermined development and scaling goals.
  • Return: Corporate incubators usually have full ownership of the venture, while accelerators tend to establish partnerships or arrange some sort of equity in the venture.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s explore the 10 key steps that’ll help you take your corporate incubator to the next level!

10 Key Steps to Making your Corporate Incubator a Success.

Step 1: establish a clear purpose.

Start by envisioning what your end goal is, and why your company needs an incubator, e.g.:

  • Are you trying to remain competitive in a changing market?
  • Are you looking to change your company culture?
  • Are you looking to create new revenue streams?

Once that’s done, work on figuring out what the scope of your incubator will be e.g.:

  • What expertise will your incubator have?
  • What knowledge and assets will you leverage to gain a competitive advantage?
  • Does your plan include exploring new technologies?

Based on that, you’ll have a pretty good idea of what your incubator’s direction will be and the resources you’ll need to get started.  

Let’s look at two examples:

RBC Ventures , a thriving subsidiary of the Royal Bank of Canada, focuses mostly on exploring new markets that go beyond traditional banking. In terms of establishing a clear purpose, they went pretty specific.

Their purpose was to get 5 million people to use the products and services of RBC Ventures within a 5-year span and then convert 10% of that client base into Royal Bank of Canada clients.  

Lufthansa’s Innovation Hub is another great example. Having been set up to explore new digital business models, their main focus is to improve everyday travel through digital solutions.

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Step 2: Define the range of your corporate incubator

It’s important to have a clear idea of how far you want to branch out from your core business. A good way to start is by figuring out what type of innovation you’re looking to achieve e.g.:

  • Radical innovation: Disrupt the market by developing new products or services that don’t exist yet.
  • Adjacent innovation: Entering a new market by leveraging your company’s existing expertise.
  • Core Innovation: Optimising existing products for existing customers.

Walmart’s Nº8 , for example, focuses on radical innovation to explore new markets and change the way people shop.  

Capital One Labs from Capital One, on the other hand, focuses more on a mix of adjacent and core innovation, by developing products that improve the lives of their customers.

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Step 3: Decide how to build your corporate incubator team

Once you have a good idea of what your new incubator’s product or service will be, the next step is to figure out the type of expertise you’ll need to make it a reality.

For example, do you have the knowledge-base you need within your corporation? If so, will your new business unit consist of only internal intrapreneurs?

Depending on what your new offering is, you might need to bring in experts from outside your company. If that’s the case, you’ll have to choose between building a new team with only external experts or a mix that includes people from within your corporation as well.

Google’s Area 120 , for example, is an employees-only program aimed at encouraging small teams to build innovative products.

Coca Cola’s Founders takes a different approach by collaborating solely with external entrepreneurs to come up with new business ideas and create new ventures.

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Step 4: Define the potential additional activities of your corporate incubator

Find new ways to expand your portfolio by investing in and partnering up with startups that fit within the focus of your incubator e.g.:

  • Startup investment: Investing in startups within the focus of the incubator.
  • Mergers & acquisitions: Take over existing startups within the focus of the incubator.
  • Startup acceleration: Inviting startups to join an added acceleration program.

Lufthansa Innovation Hub is renowned for actively engaging in these types of activities to help further its digital capabilities and build a more innovative culture.

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Step 5: Focus on the right criteria to select your corporate venture ideas

Focusing on the right criteria will help you make well-founded decisions when refining your venture ideas later on.

Here are just a few examples of the type of criteria you should consider:

  • Problem statement
  • Solution fit
  • Company strategy fit
  • Market Validation
  • Venturing Team
  • Business Case  

Covering your bases early on will significantly increase your chances of success as you move through your incubator program.  

startup incubator business plan

Step 6: Set up a timeline and milestones for your corporate incubator program

Make sure you have detailed outlines illustrating the duration, process flows, milestones and deliverables of your incubator program.

Taking this step will help keep you focused on your goals and avoid unnecessary delays.

LEO Pharma’s Innovation Lab is a great example of how useful step 6 can be. Each of their products and services is subject to a strict 100-day build phase. Setting up such a precise timeline helps them go from idea to market quicker and more efficiently.  

Phillips Healthworks operates under a similar program designed to help them move quickly between ideas and new venture concepts. They use a 3 phase system of sprints to ideate, experiment and pitch each product or service.  

startup incubator business plan

Step 7: Allocate your resources wisely

New ventures need resources to get up and running, and it takes a lot more than just money to make it all happen.

Make careful decisions about which resources will be allocated to strengthen your new ventures e.g.:

  • Which departments will be involved (e.g. legal, engineering, I.T., marketing, etc.)?
  • What type of monetary resources do you have available?
  • Will you be working with any external sources of funding (e.g. crowdfunding, grants, loans, resource funding, etc.)?
  • What type of office space and equipment will you be using?
  • Does your incubator program need any additional services (e.g. entrepreneur or startup networks, advisory boards)?
  • Do you need to set up any strategic partnerships?

Having a clear idea of what resources your incubator program needs will help you reach your scale phase quicker and more efficiently.

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Step 8: Motivate your team with the right incentives

Setting up an effective incentives program is a crucial factor in the success of any new venture; so put careful thought into the type of incentive programs you’ll use.  

Taking this measure early on will ensure that your team is adequately motivated to build your next breakthrough product or service.

‍ BASF knows all about keeping a team motivated. They set up the Chemovator to offer their intrapreneurs a protected space to work on different ventures with full access to all BASF resources. This encourages passion projects, while at the same time creating new opportunities for innovation.  

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Step 9: Position your incubator strategically within the corporate structure

Positioning your incubator close to the executive level of your company will help you bypass long chains of command and expedite your approvals.

This can go a long way in helping you:

  • Keep the support and backing of your corporation’s leadership
  • Accelerate the development of your new business unit

Remember, no matter how brilliant your business ideas are, your venture runs the risk of being delayed or even phased out if you don’t have the right positioning, connections and internal support.  

startup incubator business plan

Step 10: Plan past the incubation phase

Decide on what happens when your venture is incubated, and ready to scale. Here are just a few factors you should consider:

Are you working towards selling your venture to an external buyer?

  • What type of investment will you be making or needing in the next phase of your venture?
  • Are you planning on establishing any partnerships?
  • Will you become a spin-off company?
  • Will your business unit be internal or external to your corporation?

Having a long term plan will keep you focused and working towards your pre-established goals, increasing the chance that your business unit will become a prosperous company when the time comes to scale.  

Final thoughts

When executed skilfully, incubators are a great way to innovate and develop disruptive new ideas that might otherwise be scrapped in favour of everyday corporate demands.

They’re especially useful for companies that are having trouble competing due to rapidly changing technologies, an outdated business model or the arrival of newer players in the market.  Find out more about how to identify the 5 key signs showing it’s time to step up your innovation game now.

If you recognise any of these traits in your company, it might be a good idea to take a closer look at investing in your own corporate incubator.

Building a customised incubation strategy enables you to leverage existing assets and take advantage of growth opportunities fast, all while expanding internal capabilities and fostering a culture of entrepreneurship. Get started today.

10 key decisions to shape your corporate incubator.

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What Is an Incubator? A Complete Guide for Startups

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If you’re an entrepreneur looking to get your startup off the ground, you have probably heard the word “incubator” thrown around. More than just a buzzword, incubators can be a vital tool in a startup's rise to stardom. But what is an incubator in business and how does it work?

Startup incubators are specialized hubs that can help early-stage ventures and startups navigate some of the most challenging aspects of running a business.

By the end of this comprehensive guide, you will know all about the different types of incubators, how they can help your business, and how you can get your business into an incubator.

In this article:

How does a startup incubator work?

The pros and cons of a startup incubator.

  • What are the different types of startup incubators?

Could an incubator help my business?

  • What do incubators want from a business?

How can I get my business into an incubator?

Startup incubators are unique organizations that function as a springboard for early-stage businesses and startups with the goal of providing specialized tools needed for startups to grow and innovate.

The resources and services they offer can vary, but often include access to office space, mentorship opportunities, business education classes, and community networking events. The structure of an incubator is much like a corporate office space and can include mandatory meetings, strict deadlines, and even a direct supervisor.

The idea for incubators began just over 60 years ago in Batavia, New York. With a family-owned factory at his disposal, Joseph Mancuso, an emerging entrepreneur, saw an opportunity to help other like-minded individuals get their small businesses off the ground. From there, he began recruiting emerging enterprises to operate in the low-cost office space located in his massive factory.

Today, there are over 7,000 incubators across the world , according to the International Business Incubation Association. This means that there’s an incubator for every type of business in practically every corner of the globe. All you need to do is find one that fits your needs and apply.

Startup incubator examples

Incubators can come in all shapes and sizes and meet all types of different needs a particular startup may have. Whether you’re looking for seed funding, networking opportunities, or mentorship, there is a startup incubator that can help.

Some examples of incubators you may or may not be familiar with include:

  • Founder Institute is a global network that helps companies at every level, from startups at the idea stage to developed companies with a product and customer.
  • Entrepreneurs' Organization is a peer-to-peer network of founders and builders from more than 60 countries.
  • Harvard Innovation Labs is Harvard’s own entrepreneurial ecosystem of support for its students and alumni.
  • Endeavor is a global organization that focuses on businesses and startups in emerging and underserved economies.
  • LaunchVic’s The Good Incubator is a Melbourne-based nonprofit incubator helping people with disabilities create or grow their businesses.
  • Communitech Hyperdrive is a Canadian incubator focused on technology, with a network of 28 regional innovation hubs across the country.
  • MaRS is a Toronto-based hub that provides office space, advisory support, and even access to investors.
  • Plug and Play is a global platform that connects blue-chip companies with startups to promote innovation.
  • Station F is a Paris-based hub offering a number of perks, services, events and workshops.
  • Capital Factory is an Austin-based co-working and event space dedicated to entrepreneurs, providing local founders access to mentoring and accelerator programs.

Are incubators and accelerators the same?

While they have a lot in common, incubators and accelerators have some key differences to be aware of before committing to a program.

The primary differences between incubators and accelerators are:

  • Venture stage : Startup incubators generally cater to very early-stage businesses, often without a product or team. Accelerators, on the other hand, look for companies that are more built out. They generally require a business to have a minimum viable product and a team of their own.
  • Funding : Incubators come with a lot of perks, but they don't always invest directly into a business. For accelerators, however, seed funding is their bread and butter.
  • Time frame : Incubators offer fairly flexible timelines, typically ending only once a company has a product pitch ready for investors. Accelerators operate on a much shorter timeline. The entire goal of an accelerator is rapid growth and a fast turnaround on their investment in a company.

Did you know that only 51% of businesses survive past the fifth year ? That’s a pretty surprising statistic and can be a jarring realization for many ambitious entrepreneurs.

Businesses fail for a number of reasons. Whether they’re lacking funding, struggling to keep up with rising costs, or the managers lack the necessary experience, keeping the doors open can be a tricky feat. But this is exactly the kind of help startup incubators provide.

There are many benefits that come with joining a startup incubator, though there are some downsides as well. Let’s have a look.


What are the benefits of a startup incubator?

Startup incubators can provide startups with a number of valuable tools, from workspaces to seed funding and more.

Here is a quick look at some of the tools a startup incubator can provide and how they can help your business:

  • Office space can help small companies save on rent and create unique networking opportunities with other enterprises.
  • Seed funding can assist startups in tackling bigger goals and taking their businesses to the next level.
  • Mentors can guide owners and managers to become more confident and efficient leaders.
  • Equipment and software vouchers can provide some extra financial relief for tech startups in particular.

What are the downsides of a startup incubator?

While the benefits of startup incubators are plenty, there are some downsides to consider before committing to an incubator.

Top startup incubators can be extremely selective. Incubators can provide great financial benefits, so making sure their investments are going to pay off is a top priority.

It’s estimated that there are as many as 305 million startups created every year , while there are only 7,000 incubators. That means you’re going to have a lot of competition.

Some incubators may require a commitment of up to two years, or even until you have a product that is ready to launch.

When joining a startup incubator, you’re committing to more than just the perks — you’re committing to a culture and way of doing things with which your company may or may not align.

What are the types of startup incubators?

There are a number of different types of startup incubators all specializing in different fields, offering different perks, and with different funding models. Rest assured, however, knowing that no matter what kind of incubator you choose, they all have one common goal: to help you grow your business.

Whether you’re looking for a nonprofit organization or a VC-run incubator, it's important to understand what each type of incubator does and what they might expect from you to ensure you’re choosing the right hub for your project.

The most common categories for incubators include:

University startup incubators

Nonprofit startup incubators, corporate startup incubators.

Now, more than any other time in history, students no longer have to decide between pursuing higher education and kick-starting a business. University startup incubators (UBIs) can help with both.

University incubators are usually university- or student-run and can receive funding from donations or venture capital support. They may also invest in students’ projects and use the proceeds to fund new endeavors. These programs can provide pupils with all types of assistance and mentorship, from access to costly technology to logistical solutions.

UBIs provide students with an opportunity to chase their dreams in a financially secure and safe environment. These startup incubators are rethinking the businesses of the future.

One of the top academic incubators in the world, University of California, Berkeley’s Berkeley SkyDeck , offers students’ companies up to $200,000 after being accepted. It also provides support with logistics, customer development, and even marketing and advertising.

Some startups set out to change the world without taking a profit. For this reason, nonprofit startup incubators are just as valuable as other incubators.

Nonprofit incubators are programs and work spaces that cater exclusively to — you guessed it — nonprofit businesses. These incubators leverage their networks, know-how, and resources to provide nonprofit startups with the tools they need to grow and accomplish their goals.

Resources can include things like office space or technology, which can prove to be a major benefit for nonprofit businesses that often struggle to secure these costly tools.

An example of a top nonprofit startup incubator is MassChallenge , a global organization helping early-stage companies solve some of the world’s most pressing challenges. Their program covers industries such as health and financial tech, sustainable food, and even space commercialization, just to name a few.

Corporate incubators are typically in-house programs or independent business units built to curate and develop ideas within their own company. These incubators, like others, focus on early-stage ideas, sometimes with the goal of creating an entirely new business or product. Corporate startup incubators have the advantage of leveraging business assets to create brand-new revenue streams and create a hub for innovation within their own company, all while helping employees feel like they’re part of something bigger. One of the most notable corporate incubators is Google’s Area 120 —a radical idea built to help employees pursue their own radical ideas. Google’s in-house incubator features over 120 teams working on all kinds of projects, from AI customer support agents to a new tool that helps creators easily dub their content to expand their audience.

Starting a business is hard work and incubators come with a lot of perks, though it is important to remember that not all incubators are the same and not all businesses are a good fit for an incubator. Determining if an incubator is good for a startup can be a tricky task. Before diving headfirst into a time-consuming and competitive incubator application process, you may want to ask yourself a few questions:

  • Am I ready to give up equity in my business?
  • Does the incubator I’ve chosen align with my business’s core values?
  • Can I commit to a rigorous schedule set by someone else?
  • Do I really want to answer to someone else?

By asking yourself these questions, you make a more informed decision as to whether or not the perks of a startup incubator are worth the cost.

No first-time entrepreneur has the business network of contacts needed to succeed. An incubator should be well integrated into the local business community and have a steady source of contacts and introductions.

It should come as no surprise that the resources startup incubators provide are highly sought after, and that entry to a startup incubator is a complicated and competitive process. But that doesn’t mean you can’t be prepared.

Here are a few tips that can help you in your application process:

  • Explore your options . The world is a big place, and with over 7,000 incubators scattered across the globe, it’s worth checking out different options.
  • Find the right fit . Think about your goals and what exactly you’d like from an incubator. Every incubator is different and finding the right match is imperative.
  • Be aware of the required milestones . Incubators typically help individuals create something from the ground up, but that doesn’t mean you’re applying to a program empty-handed. You should have an idea of what milestones you hope to achieve and a time frame in which you plan to meet your goals.
  • Create a killer business plan . Doing a deep dive into your business, your value proposition, and your projections will help you better understand what you’re looking for from an incubator. Additionally, it will help an incubator better understand exactly why they should accept your business.
  • Brace yourself for a grueling application process . Patience is the name of the game when applying for a startup incubator. The interview can be exhausting and time-consuming, so it’s important to remember why you’re there in the first place.

Startup incubators are some of the most sought-after programs in the startup universe. They can help build a business from the ground up, offering a number of huge benefits, especially for early-stage ventures.

Deciding which startup incubator is best suited for your startup can be a difficult task, but now you’ve got a better understanding of some of the ins and outs of the process.

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Business Incubator

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You will learn how the unique traits of business incubators can help your business evolve. Then, you will learn step-by-step how to build your own business incubator.

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In this training, you will

  • Learn a brief history of business incubators.
  • Compare incubators to other innovation tools.
  • Learn the benefits of participating in a business incubator.
  • Learn the underlying theories behind business incubators.
  • Walk through how to build a business incubator.
  • Explore business incubator metrics and KPIs.

Skills that will be explored

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A Brief History of Incubators

The very first incubator hatched from an egg.

Amidst a robust poultry industry in the 1960s, the Rochester-based Mount Hope Hatchery was trying to meet the growing demand for poultry and was in need of 80,000 square feet to house surplus chickens. That led them to the Batavia Industrial Center close to Rochester, New York.

The Mancuso family, well-known and respected local business owners, had bought a defunct old farm machinery plant and its warehouse in Batavia, which had closed leaving thousands of local residents out of work. The family wanted to use the warehouse in some way, to help boost the local economy ideally, and planned to find tenants to lease the space. Mount Hope Hatchery’s chicken coops were some of the early businesses tenants in the space.

The idea was straightforward: lease out excess commercial space to growing businesses poorly served by existing markets. No one could foresee that the Mancuso family’s actions would become a model for diversification and innovation. As quoted in an  article by Justin Peters in Wired , Mancuso family legend has it that while giving a tour of his complex in 1963, Mancuso said to reporters: “These guys are incubating chickens ….  I guess we’re incubating businesses.”

Far from its humble roots, the incubator concept first seen in Batavia has since transcended regional and national boundaries to become a  global phenomenon .

Incubators Compared to Other Tools

startup incubator business plan

Figure 1:  Comparison of startup support institutions

Image Source: Source:  Cohen (2013) and Hathaway’s adaptions (2016)

Incubators share some characteristics with corporate accelerators: they interact with startups;  provide physical space; and offer education programs, mentorship, and networks. But the goals and operation of these programs are much different.

Incubators operate over a longer cycle than accelerators. Startups participating in these programs tend to work on more experimental ideas and require more time to develop their product and business model. Because of these traits, the majority of incubators are non-profits, often working with local governments or universities.

This shouldn’t discourage corporates from building this tool. In the same way non-profit incubators succeed in building innovation ecosystems in local communities, corporate incubators strengthen innovation ecosystems inside companies. They also help companies commit to long-term strategy in a world focused on short-term gains.

But long-term strategies are hard to sell to leadership. Understanding the incentives for building incubators will help prospective incubator leaders secure buy-in.

Why Participate in an Incubator?

There is significant risk for companies that invest in incubators (or  accelerators ). There are upfront costs, and the time horizon for ROI is long. But a long-term commitment to experimentation is essential if companies are to stand a chance. Incubators can house these types of ideas.

Business incubators leverage the unique advantages and perspectives of startups, which established companies often lack. For example, Eddie Yoon and Steve Hughes explain in the Harvard Business Review that  startups are better at  detecting  and unlocking emerging and latent market demand  perhaps because they are consistently monitoring the pulse of a specific market area. Where startups often stumble, however, is when it comes to scaling their concept.

Big companies often make the mistake of creating what they can rather than what people want. They lack the agility and creativity of early-stage startups, but these big companies are more experienced at scaling. They also have advantages in logistics, such as procurement, distribution, and manufacturing, and established sales and marketing advantages.

The two entities complement each other; they can perfect a product and hold off on the scaling until the market is ready.

Large companies can benefit from and support startups’ capability to provide proof of concepts through early stage funding and later-stage M&A. But timing is everything. There are plenty of companies looking to invest in a promising startup, but there are far fewer promising startups. Yoon and Hughes  explain :

“there are more buyers than sellers; if the first time an established company is made aware of a startup is by receiving a deal book from an investment banker, it’s already too late.”

Companies must stay ahead of the curve and find complimentary startups for partnerships, experimentation and acquisition.

The following list outlines some of the benefits of a corporate incubator for startups and their corporate sponsors.

Benefits for Startups

  • Possible access to later venture funding
  • Lower personal and financial risk
  • Ready-to-use infrastructure such as office space, IT tools, and administrative business support services
  • Mentorship and training, which can include individual coaching, presentation, and negotiation skills
  • Assistance with business management, technology, and legal services
  • The opportunity to build relationships with potential investors, suppliers, and industry experts
  • If a startup is sponsored by a host company, it will likely receive funding, skills, expertise, peer support, and R&D knowledge from the host

The figure, below, summarizes the rationale for business incubators, highlighting the value derived from networks in terms of knowledge resources, access to financing, and community support.

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Image Source:   Wiggins & Gibson, 2003

Criticisms of the Business Incubator Concept

The results of business incubators can be hard to quantify. Ernesto Tavoletti notes that in  incubators “tend to fail” in supporting entrepreneurship , innovation, and regional development and are not proven policy instruments despite their popularity and the funding and promotion they receive.

Tavoletti also notes that studies that claim that incubators create jobs often originate from incubator associations and only measure the intended effects, not the unintended effects. These studies often fail to consider that firms would most likely have received funding without participating in an incubator. In some cases, studies include companies that moved into incubators later in their development to take advantage of facilities or funding.

On the other hand, a 2017 study finds that  firm performance is greatly enhanced by an incubator . This study by Ayatse, Kwahar, and Iyortsuun, published in the Journal of Global Entrepreneurship Research finds that revenue growth, job creation, venture funding, networking, and alliance building all improved after the incubation process. Interestingly, the study also finds that tenants should not overstay their time in an incubation program because that could reduce their chances of survival once they graduate.

The truth here is that every incubator is different. Each requires strategic planning from people who both know the tool and know the organization. It’s important to understand the theories behind incubators, the various models, the different tenant profiles, and to hear the perspectives of incubator critics.

The Underlying Theories in Support of Incubators

In a 2012 white paper, Mathew J. Manimala and Devi Vijay of the Indian Institute of Management Bangalore presented  seven theories  that explain and conceptualize incubator functions.

Structural Support Theory

The structural support theory proposes that new ventures can overcome the problems associated with startups, such as being new and small, if the cost of their infrastructure and overheads can be reduced. According to this theory, “pooling resources, as occurs in an incubator context, leads to efficiencies because the central pooling of resources can significantly reduce overhead costs and thereby increase operating efficiencies.”

Structural support can include office space, communication technology, managerial assistance, access to laboratory and equipment, research facilities, and expert staff. According to this theory, the venture stands a better chance of survival if support in these areas is pooled.

Cluster Theory

The cluster theory was developed by Michael E. Porter and described in The Harvard Business Review in 1998. The theory places incubators within a broader ecosystem with other entities. Clusters are “ geographic concentrations of interconnected companies and institutions in a particular field .”

The clusters are composed of industries and other linked entities important to competition. Fundamentally, they are networks and include, for example, component providers, machinery providers, services suppliers, and providers of specialized infrastructure. The advantage of being part of an incubator within a cluster is that it is easier to access resources within this environment, which increases efficiency and productivity.

According to Manimala and Vijay, the cluster theory builds on structural support theory and suggests that high-tech firms with similar characteristics in the same value chain cluster stimulate faster knowledge dissemination and synergistic growth using each other’s capabilities.

Social Network Theory

This theory posits that the effect of internal and external network connections and social networks increase the client firm’s network density and positively affect the development and growth of the startups.

“[S]ocial networks and contacts,” according to Manimala and Vijay, “facilitate access to capital, credibility and respectability because of the association with the incubator and its sponsor institutions, and they provide techno-managerial assistance through the incubator’s professionals and/or network.”

New Venture Creation Theory

With the new venture creation theory, network access and community support for entrepreneurs increases their legitimacy and the chances of venture funding and survival.

A 2004 study by Neck, Meyer, Corben, and Corbett found that incubator organizations, spin-offs, informal and formal networks, physical infrastructure, and the culture of the region where the incubator is located  interact to form an ecosystem conducive to high-technology entrepreneurial activity . Additionally, the authors found greater rates of new venture formation were found following critical moments in the life of incubator organizations.

The Resource-based View

This theory states that incubators provide both tangible and intangible resources to client firms. These resources—knowledge sources in the form of universities, for example—and market proximity spur growth through a community effect. This is not unlike the cluster theory in that incubators benefit from proximity and access to networks and logistics.

Gassmen and Becker used two levels of analysis in 2006—the resource flow between the corporate incubator and the technology venture and the resource flow interface between the corporate incubator and the technology venture—to develop  a model that can determine “how corporate incubators function  as specialized corporate units that hatch new businesses.” They emphasize that tangible resources are all visible and easy to measure, whereas intangible resources, such as tacit knowledge and branding, are more difficult to quantify and assess.

Dyadic Theory

The concept behind this theory is that entrepreneurs  “operate in an inter-dependent co-production dyad”  where business assistance is provided by the sponsor. According to Hackett and Dilts (2004), incubation co-production stimulates developmental assistance in independent incubator-client dyads.

This co-development is of mutual benefit and increases the likelihood that startups survive and that the sponsor and regional economies benefit.

Real Options Theory

Real options theory borrows concepts from the finance literature. The theory states that the selection of startups or entrepreneurs for the incubator creates an option, and the injection of required resources, monitoring, and assistance are also options. The real options methodology was initially applied when evaluating technological assets such as R&D.

In 2004, Hackett and Dilts used  real options theory to predict whether new ventures will survive  the early stages of development. The incubator is conceptualized as an entrepreneurial firm that sources and manages the innovation process within emerging organizations. The incubator is the unit of analysis while incubation outcomes, measured in terms of startup growth and financial performance at the time of incubator exit, provide indicators of success.

Theory is one thing, but the best way to learn is by doing. The following outlines the steps to building an incubator.

How to Build an Incubator

Step 1. select the incubator model.

“For incubators to live up to their full economic potential, they need to overcome two pitfalls: they need to provide real value, not just office space, and they need to measure success in more than just outside funding.” —  Harvard Business Review , 2013

Internal corporate incubators

Internal corporate incubators are the most common type of incubator. They are built inside the corporation, often without walls, and the startups are often spun out when they graduate. These incubators increase the chances of intrapreneurial success, and the corporation often receives equity ownership as though they were founders of the startups.

Entrepreneurs are typically recruited to manage the startup, and internal employees may join the new company. However, not all incubated concepts are spun out, and companies use these incubators to create breakthrough products for growth and revenue. PwC states that while typical R&D seeks incremental development,  incubators build company initiatives that have market viability . Incubators strive to go from concept to market.

Internal corporate incubators nearly always focus on the sectors relevant to the parent company. TechCrunch lists the following examples of  successful corporate incubation programs and startup spin-outs:

  • McDonalds’s spin out of Red Box (acquired by Coinstar for over $150 million)
  • Google’s spin out of Niantic Labs and Pokémon GO (reportedly worth $3.5 billion)
  • Oracle Labs’ development of the Java programming language
  • Amazon’s Lab 126 creation of the Kindle, Echo, and Fire products

External corporate incubators

External corporate incubators provide external entrepreneurs and startups with a location, infrastructure, and resources to pursue potential ideas. Host organizations seek out startups that they believe have potential in their business area in the hopes of later financial gain and an ongoing relationship, if not an ongoing investment.

This is based on the idea of “open innovation. Originally coined by Henry Chesbrough, open innovation is the concept that companies must open themselves up to the external world for the creation and development of new products and ideas. The following table from Henry Chesbrough’s writing in MIT’s Sloan Review compares open innovation to closed innovation:

startup incubator business plan

Here are some  examples of open innovation  provided by  ideXlab :

  • Audi launched the  Audi Innovation Award , a contest where participants submit their concepts for the car of the future. The winner earns a $25,000 worth of consultancy.
  • Procter & Gamble  published a list of technical problems that their team failed to solve on the company website. Readers were asked to provide a workable solution, no matter how out-of-the-box it may have seemed.
  • GE launched  Ecomagination Challenge , which requests ideas from anyone who has ideas related to energy problems.
  • Hewlett Packard created open innovation laboratories where researchers worldwide collaborate and create partnerships between internal teams and external scientists.
  • Local Motors  is a crowdsourcing startup created in 2007 by Jay Rogers, a former Marine. The model avoids the typical financial cost and time involved in designing and creating a new car because participants provide the industrial design. The winners of the design contests can also receive royalties from the car sales.

Incubators can provide the infrastructure for cooperation with the external ecosystem. The cooperation between the two entities can vary in its intensity. However, the goal is always to partner, learn, and build a successful new business that can be scaled independently either as a joint commercial venture or integrated into the host corporation.

Among external and internal incubators, there are various models and types. The U.S. Department of Commerce separates them into incubators “ with walls” and “without walls .” Incubators with walls provide a separate space and location for projects, and incubators without walls (or “virtual incubators”) house the incubator within the corporate environment and use the existing infrastructure and communication systems.

Evangelos Simoudis, founder of Synapse Partners, describes the following four incubator models in his piece “ Using Corporate Incubators and Accelerators To Drive Disruptive Innovation. ” I suggest that a corporation should adapt these models to their needs. 

The Incubator/Accelerator Model

This model includes both intrapreneurs (entrepreneurs within a corporation) and entrepreneurs. The incubation period for this type of model is typically between four to 18 months. Teams, if deemed of a high standard, are invited to join the corporation, or to “spin in.” Such teams are retained for longer with additional sponsor investment to keep them going, or they are required to work outside the corporation, as a “spin out,” with an investment from either the sponsor’s VCs or perhaps in conjunction with external VCs. Alternatively, the teams can be left to raise their own funding from external VCs or other funding sources.

This model is appropriate when a sponsoring business wants access to early stage concepts, is looking at the long term—ideally, seven to 10 years—for concept development and potential disruption, has appropriate metrics set up to measure the startup’s performance, and is open to the risks involved in mentoring and supporting an early-stage startup.

The unique benefits of this model are that there is a long-term commitment to disruption, which is crucial. Concepts need time to morph into products, time to reach the market, and time for adoption, which means that there may be some delay before there is significant ROI. Another benefit is that entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs work side-by-side and may eventually join the sponsor’s business units.

But entrepreneurs should be aware of the downsides to the model. According to Wharton Magazine, the sheer number of incubators is increasing, and not all of them are up to snuff. Some have weak investor relationships, which means that fundraising for the startups might be difficult come demo day. In addition, new programs have not had sufficient time to build a reputation or track record, which is not conducive to ready investor funding in a competitive startup market.

Wharton magazine also suggests that the time that entrepreneurs must spend at social events, building networks and discussing initiatives with potential investors, is time taken away from engineering, experimenting, and problem-solving toward a better end product.

Samsung and Telefonica are examples of firms that have applied this model.

The Pay-it-forward Model

For this model, the corporate incubator provides facilities and training while the teams work with external entrepreneurial teams. The idea is to expose teams to real-world problems in the industry and to provide resources and experts to help them solve those problems. This type of program typically lasts from six to 12 months, and the sponsoring corporation receives no equity from the startup.

This model is appropriate when the corporation wants to expose its executives to startup thinking and practices, attract entrepreneurial talent, and access new ideas and early-stage concepts from other resources to solve existing problems.

The unique benefits to corporations for this type of incubator are access to startup teams and their thinking and the creation of goodwill. A downside to this model that entrepreneurs might want to consider is that there may be a significant bias toward the interests of the corporation.

Allianz and Turner have applied this model.

The Developing Intrapreneurs Model

LinkedIn, Google, and Starbucks use this model where entrepreneurial teams incubate solutions and test business models within the organization; hence the term “intrapreneur.” This strategy works for companies that can’t pursue ideas using existing business units, so they set up a separate unit. This model fits when an organization is strongly committed to long-term concept building to achieve disruption.

The unique benefits of this model are that new products and business models can be rapidly developed. Resources are allocated to strengthen intrapreneurship and permit risk taking with out-of-the-box thinking.

One downside, according to Sean Silverthorne of Harvard Business School, is that if a  startup is working on a product or service that competes in some way  with the business of the company, the effort could be perceived as a threat to many inside the company.

The New Work Environments Testing Model

This model, applied by ATT Foundry and Standard Chartered Bank (SC Studio), describes creative work and the testing of new solutions or environments by the innovators.

The new work environments testing model is an incubator without walls. The sponsoring corporation does not offer on-site space for clients although they may have a central office through which to coordinate services, house the management staff, meet with clients, and perhaps even conference rooms. This is a suitable model for a corporation that wants to test startups but does not want to assume the risk of creating an external startup team.

The unique benefits to the new work environments testing model are that the corporation can use existing structures, such as flat management and open communication tools, to experiment with ideas, which reduces costs and may lead to better performance within the organization.

The New Incubator – Soft Landing for International Programs

Although a goal of incubators has been to boost local economies and ideally the national market, not all are focused on domestic markets. Many startups now use the incubator environment to reach beyond domestic boundaries.

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce,  international business incubators provide the same set of entrepreneurial services as a typical incubator , but they also provide a “soft landing” for international firms seeking to enter the U.S. market.

These types of incubators often provide specialized services. For example, the University of Florida’s soft landing program  helps both domestic and international firms integrate into the Central Florida business community .  The program helps with short-term leased office space, networking with the Central Florida business community, domestic market research, and provides access to experts on legal, government, regulatory, and press and media matters.

The  University of Toronto has partnered with the Chinese firm  to help companies who are entering the lucrative Chinese market. According to The Impact Centre at the University of Toronto center, will “provide start-ups with legal, marketing and other support services” while the Toronto center will offer entrepreneurship courses to Chinese students, researchers, and startups.

Other similar incubators offer translation services, language training, assistance with documentation such as obtaining business and driver’s licenses, cultural training, assistance with visa and immigration, and housing assistance.

Consider these examples and design a model that best suits your organization and its goals.

Step 2. Select Your Industry Focus

Most incubators are  focused on a specific industry  such as digital education, green technology, homeland security, fashion, or food. An industry focus ensures that the available skills and resources are optimized and targeted.

Technology incubators are specifically focused on emerging technologies such as software, biotechnology, robotics, or instrumentation. A service incubation program, as the name implies, focuses on entrepreneurial firms in the service sector, for example, landscapers, graphic designers, accountants, and internet-based companies. However, mixed-use incubators, or general-purpose incubators, nurture the growth of all types of companies and may not fit into any specialized niche.

According to Nola Hewitt-Dundas, incubators are increasingly oriented  toward knowledge-intensive activities  such as knowledge dispersion among collaborating actors and a more open collaborative model. While customers and suppliers have traditionally been valuable contributors to incubator projects, universities are now also increasingly involved.

Step 3. Select Your Program Length

While corporate accelerators generally  stick to a 3-month program , corporate incubators  don’t have a strict duration . According to Accion, many incubators require a  one- to two-year time commitment that includes incubator training and workshops . At the Polytechnic Institute at New York University, entrepreneur teams typically spend 18 months in the program while other incubators take much longer.

The SPARK Regional Incubator Network in Ann Arbor is structured so that  compani es graduate from the incubator in two to three years. Clients initially c ommit to a standard one-year lease. If the business meets their desired milestones, the lease is renewable for one or two additional one-year leases.

The duration of internal incubators depends on how long the company expects the concept to take to see quantifiable value,  according to Robert Wolcott of Kellogg Insight . But that’s the tricky part when it comes to early stage concepts. Wolcott explains that a startup may not see any returns for four or five years. Therefore, to retain the commitment of a host corporation, startups must demonstrate some other quantifiable value. Wolcott estimates that this must be achieved within 18 months to keep a corporate board happy.

The reason for this “need to produce” is the budget cycle. According to Wolcott, not much is expected of an incubator startup in the first three or four months. But, after a year, financiers are itching for positive indicators. With no results to speak of after 18 months, a startup might have a target on its back if it doesn’t come up with some proof of positive impacts.

Step 4. Select Your Location

Location considerations are similar to those of  corporate  accelerators .

Brad Feld, co-founder of Techstars, suggests that business incubators can thrive in any location. His opinion is that because many incubators are “virtual” and lack walls, incubators do not have to be in the same geographic area as the host organization. Rather, it might be better for the incubator to be located where there is optimal access to knowledge and physical resources. Close to a university, for example.

In the case of tech startups, and in the case of Silicon Valley, tech incubators benefit from the networks and events in the local area. According to  Michael Seibel of Y Combinator , the Valley offers “money and good valuations. We can introduce them to tons of other companies that can be mentors and customers, and we can introduce them to the pace of the Valley … We can’t do that anywhere else.”

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce,  graduating entrepreneurs tend to stay in the same geographic region as their incubator organizations  and, in most technical industries at least, entrepreneurs usually start businesses related to their previous work. Thus, because most entrepreneurs do not move to start a business, the possibilities for high-technology startups may be limited in some locations.

Where virtual incubators are concerned, they may be able to build a thriving ecosystem of their own, remote from the host organization—particularly if the location provides valuable external networks and resources.

Visual Representation of a Virtual Business Incubator

startup incubator business plan

Image Source:   World Business Incubation , 2015

Step 5. Select Your Learning Program

Business incubators and accelerators are fundamentally engines for learning. But the type of learning that you require, as well as the knowledge and skills that each startup team requires, will differ. A diagnostic process can help you to determine how best to allocate resources for learning so that both entities are served.

A model developed by Campbell, Kendrick, and Samuelson shows  four basic areas or “services” where incubators contribute  – revenue growth, employment or job creation, venture funding, networking, and alliance-building. The value addition activities begin with a diagnosis of needs, which is applied to prospective incubatee’s new business proposals. Once this diagnosis is complete, you can tailor the learning experience for participating startups. For more on learning programs, see our piece in  corporate accelerator design .

Step 6. Select Your Tenant

Just as there are different incubator types and models, there are also different types of tenants who may or may not be viable participants in one or more of the incubator models. A lot depends on the support and the resources that you, the host company, are willing or able to provide and whether the startup is in the same industry vertical as the sponsor.

When seeking a tenant, consider their maturity and readiness. Ernesto Tavoletti describes  four types of incubator tenants .

  • Anchor tenants  are typically mature entrepreneurs and can contribute financially to the incubator. They do not require input from the corporate host. Examples of this type of tenant include accounting companies, law and financial services firms, economic development agencies, or university offices.
  • Long shots  are early-stage startups that require a nurturing environment from the corporate host. These entrepreneurs are aware that they lack resources and require co-production efforts from their host to reach their potential.
  • Up-and-comers  also have significant resource gaps that can be addressed through co-production. These companies are one step ahead of long shots in terms of maturity and are operated by entrepreneurs who are aware of the gaps but are on the verge of being able to engage with resource assistance.
  • Superstars  have matured beyond the up-and-coming stage, and they are ready to engage with minimal co-production efforts from the host. They have resolved problems, can withstand crises, and expect to imminently graduate from the incubator. These companies can act as role models for up-and-comers and long shots.

Step 7. Manage Your Incubator

Given the long-term nature of incubators, they require strategic management. 

The U.S. Department of Commerce found that  successful incubators have adopted certain practices  such as crafting a written mission statement, selecting clients based on cultural fit, their potential for success, reviewing client needs at the entry stage, showcasing clients to the community and potential funders, and charging for rents and service fees.

These factors all stem from successful incubator leadership.

Incubator Leadership

When first creating an incubator, it’s crucial to identify and hire a strong entrepreneurial leader. According to a  white paper  by the Aspen Institute and National Entrepreneurship Network of India, cost concerns could derail the incubator at the outset if they inhibit hiring someone of the right caliber.

To give some idea of leadership experience, according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, on average,  incubator managers have 8.1 years of experience in the business incubation industry including 7.5 years  at their current position. Over 50 percent of the time of these managers’ is spent delivering client services, building internal and external networks for the program, and facility management.

A study by Monsson and Berg (2016) found that incubation managers had a  moderately positive influence on incubators  in terms of facilitating access to important actors, assisting with practical advice, and the daily management of the incubator program. According to the authors, the “modest role” played by managers reflects a preoccupation with operational tasks rather than a greater role creating partnerships and synergies.

Financial Commitment and Risk

Incubators and accelerators are a financial commitment. In addition to private funding and investors, public funding of incubators is common.

In Canada, for example, governments provide funding for incubators. However, in Canada,, Sunil Sharma, the chair of the board of the Canadian Acceleration and Business Incubation Association, expressed to The Globe and Mail the concern that  there’s already too much government money going to programs that support tech startups.

According to Sharma, “It’s time to really take stock of how much funding has been put into supporting entrepreneurs in Canada and really measure it against the outcomes that we should have been able to show by now.”

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce,  there is a significant correlation between the size of a business incubation program’s budget and program success ; that is, the bigger the budget, the greater the success. However, it is also important to look at revenue sources and how the incubator uses its resources. This research found that receiving a large portion of revenues from client rent and service fees is positively correlated with outcome measures, although the effect is only statistically significant for three client firm outcomes. On the expenditure side, the more programs invest in staffing and program delivery—relative to building maintenance or debt servicing—the higher the probability of improved client firm outcomes.

Incubation program budgets range from  revenues of $33,000 with expenses of $17,000 to $2.8 million in revenue with expenses of $2.5 million , according to the U.S. Department of Commerce, but data is scarce on this subject. The lack of quantitative data on the value of incubators emphasizes that the risks should be carefully weighed against the potential gains. 

Step 8. Conduct a Post-Program Assessment

The success of incubators and accelerators depends on how the program is managed after startups graduate. Networks and relationships make or break these programs. Successful startups give back to the program, and startups succeed partly because of continued contact from incubator hosts. See our piece on  post-program  strategies  for corporate accelerators  for more.

Measuring Incubator Success

“In addition, the business models of many for-profit dot-coms failed to consider that, on average, it takes slightly more than three years to successfully incubate a client firm—and perhaps up to six years or more for that firm to realize significant growth. However, interviews with former managers of dot-com programs suggest that their business plans speculated that clients would begin to turn a profit in 12 to 18 months—or even as few as six months. This flaw in the model most likely contributed to the rapid decline of the dot-com incubator.”  —  US Department of Commerce , 2011

Incubators have similar timeframes with corporate accelerators. While working with startups may imply faster growth, both accelerators and incubators start to create true value after they’ve had time to develop, generally within four to seven years. Incubators, in particular, are harder to quantify during their early stages. Compared to accelerators, the lack of time constraints and PR efforts limit short-term results. (We dive deeper into the time frame for these tools in our article on  corporate accelerator management .)

Combine this reality with the risks involved, and it can be difficult to get buy-in from the board. Corporate decisions are based on an annual schedule while, according to Dave McClure of 500 Startups,  startups live and die  within that period.

To secure buy-in, incubator leaders must think critically to align the implicit benefits of incubators with business goals.

Incubator Metrics and Kpis

The research is mixed when it comes to measuring the success of incubators, much of it claiming that past metrics and performance are either impossible to measure, or the studies suggest using varying metrics. The table below highlights some of the literature findings.

Nibh Venenatis

87 percent of incubator graduates stay in business
Incubators create jobs and sustain U.S. businesses
There are no acceptable performance measures in the incubation literature
Incubators are homogenous and cannot be compared
Output differs depending on the type and quantity of incubators
Incubators can be analyzed with five outcome states
Suggests the balanced-scorecard by Harvard Business School as a measure of incubation success

As evidenced by the past incubator studies, these tools are often studied through a policy lens. This is because the  majority of incubators are non-profits . While building local entrepreneurial ecosystems is good for the company in the long term, it’s not the best metric for selling these tools to corporate leadership.

Ayatse, Kwahar, and Iyortsuun’s 2017  review of existing incubator literature  found that there is no objective performance measure that can be applied across business incubators. Instead, firms and researchers must make up their own. Metrics identified during their research were the following:

  • venture capital funds
  • graduation from incubation program
  • firm survival
  • networking activity
  • innovative firms
  • organizational or firm growth
  • job creation
  • sales growth
  • profitability
  • patents registered
  • number of patents application
  • technology transfer
  • employment growth
  • technology growth or development
  • research and development productivity
  • ability to share knowledge and technology
  • high-tech employment.

The above bullet points can give incubator leaders some ideas for KPIs, but it is up to the individual organization to decide how to best serve business goals. For more on balancing business goals with startup engagement programs, see our article on  corporate accelerator management .

What Does Success Look Like for Corporate Incubator?

According to EY, studies show that approximately  90 percent of a company’s development efforts never result in commercialized products or services . This could imply that a successful incubator is nothing more than a random incident because there are few defined consistent metrics with which to measure or benchmark incubators.

Bakkali, Messeghem, and Sammut  suggest the balanced scorecard , developed by the Harvard Business School, as a particularly useful  tool to measure the success of incubators .

The balanced scorecard approach first determines what overall success of the company looks like (ROI, reputation for excellence, growth in market share, etc.) and derives measurable activities that reflect these goals. The activities are categorized by strategic focus, as seen in the diagram below.

startup incubator business plan

Image Source:  QuickScore , 2020

Bakkali, Messeghem, and Sammut (2013) explain that incubator managers insist on risk reduction because they focus excessively on short-term economic indicators. According to the authors, the balanced scorecard is fundamental to the learning process regarding incubator impacts.

What Does Success Look  Like for the Startup?

Incubators are proven to be beneficial for participating startups.  For instance, Eric Harwit, a Fulbright fellow, published a report in 2002 that found that 87 percent of firms that graduated from an incubator were still in business.

Hackett and Dilts (2004) offer more concrete metrics and define the outcome of the incubation process according to  five mutually exclusive outcome states  that are measured in terms of growth and financial performance at the time of incubatee graduation. These outcome states are the following:

  • The incubatee is surviving and growing profitably.
  • The incubatee is surviving and growing and is on a path toward profitability.
  • The incubatee is surviving but is not growing, not profitable, or is only marginally profitable.
  • Incubatee operations were terminated while still in the incubator, but losses were minimized.
  • Incubatee operations were terminated while still in the incubator, and the losses were large.

A white paper by the Aspen Institute and National Entrepreneurship Network of India (2013) provides in-depth information on the problems of measuring incubatee success. The paper discusses  exit factors as metrics  but emphasizes that what might be a successful exit for one incubator will be different for another. A high-growth technology start-up may consider raising a certain amount of capital as a successful factor for exit, whereas a medium growth start-up may consider positive cash flow and profits a successful factor for exit.

For this metric, the incubator would need to define its successful exit factors based on the type of start-ups that it would incubate. Other suggested exit factors are the following:

  • During a one to three-year incubation period—customers/user base, capital raised, product launched, valuation, revenue, jobs
  • At graduation after a one to three-year incubation period—revenue growth, valuations, jobs, total capital raised, social impact

What Does Success Look Like for Non-profit Incubators?

The goal of a non-profit incubator is to set up a robust entity that can sustain the creation of value in a local economy. Possible metrics include ongoing impact in the form of new entrepreneurs created, jobs created, and revenue to fuel local economies. According to the Aspen Institute and National Entrepreneurship Network of India (2013) white paper, however, these developments typically take between four to five years to mature and require a ifferent focus, resources, and outcomes along the way as the incubator progresses.

Over the long term, revenue and jobs are goals of an incubator but, according to the white paper, they may also be useful as active indicators to determine the immediate success of the startup.

Ultimately, tracking jobs, revenue, return on investment, and societal impact over a period of four to six years is ideal for measuring impact. This would include the period of incubation (1.5 to three years) and post-incubation (one to three years).

When comparing incubators, additional exogenous factors to consider are geographic location and the local economy—for example, the value of a company and the jobs it creates in a tier 1 town versus a tier 2 town—and the impact on the lives of the people in the community. The impact of a company in terms of education, livelihoods, and life expectancy might differ greatly depending on the location.

The Aspen Institute and National Entrepreneurship Network of India (2013) white paper outlines key challenges that incubators face to become successful—decision implications for partners, funders, and policymakers. Successfully implementing the right metrics and milestones would enable higher motivation, strong incentives, and the propagation of best practice knowledge for greater success of incubators as an industry.

However, classifying incubators and analyzing their metrics helps highlight some key challenges that must both be recognized and dealt with to ensure a higher chance of success.

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How to Apply and Get Accepted to a Startup Incubator

Learn to define your goals, create a compelling application, and secure your place in a supportive ecosystem that can accelerate your entrepreneurial journey.

startup incubator business plan

In the fast-paced and competitive realm of startups, securing a coveted spot in a startup incubator can be a game-changer. It’s like finding the treasure map to entrepreneurial success. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you on a journey on  how to apply for startup incubator , unpacking the entire process, from understanding the profound benefits of joining a startup incubator to mastering the art of crafting an application that stands head and shoulders above the rest. Moreover, we’ll introduce you to  PitchBob , an invaluable resource that can help you navigate the intricacies of the application process with finesse.

A startup incubator, often simply referred to as an "incubator," is more than just a place where startups are nurtured. It’s a comprehensive program designed to offer invaluable support to early-stage startups, turning them into thriving businesses. The incubator provides a structured and supportive environment that empowers entrepreneurs with the tools they need to succeed.

It’s a program designed to offer these fledgling ventures the guidance, resources, and collaborative ecosystem they need to evolve and thrive. Here are the core benefits:

  • Mentorship: You gain access to experienced entrepreneurs and industry experts who selflessly share their wisdom and insights.
  • Resources: The incubator provides crucial resources, including office space, financial support, and invaluable networking opportunities.
  • Collaborative Environment: It’s an environment where you rub shoulders with like-minded entrepreneurs, offering fertile ground for exchanging ideas, experiences, and even partnerships.

Why Join a Startup Incubator?

Timing is everything in the world of startups, and being part of a startup incubator can make or break your entrepreneurial journey. The earlier you secure a spot, the better your chances of success. The numbers don’t lie; startup failures are alarmingly high. In fact, according to According to  Exploding Topics , a reputable source for startup insights and trends, the startup landscape is indeed a challenging terrain. Let’s explore some key statistics:

90% of Startups Fail: It’s an alarming statistic, but one that we cannot ignore. Approximately 90% of startups ultimately do not survive the tumultuous journey to success. This demonstrates just how crucial it is for entrepreneurs to seek the support and guidance of incubators.

Top Reasons for Failure: The statistics also shed light on the primary causes behind these failures. Among the top reasons are a lack of market need for the product or service, running out of capital, and not having the right team in place. These are challenges that startup incubators are specifically designed to help you address.

The Role of Incubators: The statistics reveal that startups that are a part of incubators have a significantly higher survival rate. The structured support, mentorship, and resources provided by incubators contribute to this enhanced chance of success.

The Power of Timing: 22% of failed businesses didn’t implement the correct marketing strategies. Startups that join an incubator in their early stages tend to perform better and have a higher likelihood of success. This emphasizes the importance of applying for an incubator as early as possible.

Types of Startup Incubators

Now that we have a comprehensive understanding of what a startup incubator is and the compelling benefits it offers, let’s explore the rich and diverse tapestry of incubators available to budding entrepreneurs. Each type of incubator is meticulously designed to cater to specific entrepreneurial needs, and this diversity is an important aspect of the startup ecosystem.

Industry-Specific Incubators

Industry-specific incubators are precisely what the name suggests — they are incubators that are laser-focused on startups within a particular sector or niche. These specialized incubators provide targeted support and expertise tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities within that specific industry. Whether you’re venturing into the world of biotechnology, artificial intelligence, e-commerce, or any other field, there’s likely an industry-specific incubator designed to meet your needs.

University Incubators

Nestled within the academic realm, university incubators offer a unique blend of resources and opportunities. These incubators are typically located within educational institutions, allowing startups to tap into the vast knowledge and research capabilities of universities. University incubators offer an array of benefits, including access to cutting-edge research, collaboration with academics and researchers, and, often, a pool of potential talent.

Corporate Incubators

Corporate incubators are an interesting facet of the startup landscape. These are incubators initiated and run by established companies, often industry giants. The primary motivation behind corporate incubators is to identify innovative ideas that align with their core business and to invest in or collaborate with these startups. By joining a corporate incubator, startups can access a treasure trove of resources and support, including funding, infrastructure, and industry expertise.

How Can You Apply for a Startup Incubator

With a clear understanding of what startup incubators are and the benefits they offer, let’s take a deep dive into the meticulous art of preparing and submitting your application.

Step 1: Defining Your Goals

Aimlessly wandering into the application process is like setting sail without a destination. To align your application with the incubator’s mission, you must first define your goals and objectives. Why do you want to be part of an incubator, and what do you hope to achieve? This clarity not only guides your application but also demonstrates your commitment and purpose.

Step 2: The Art of Researching Incubators

In your quest to find the ideal incubator, research is your most potent weapon. Explore the wide array of startup incubators available in the market. Take into account factors like location, industry focus, program duration, and the specific resources they offer. Ensure that the incubator aligns harmoniously with your startup’s objectives and values.

Step 3: Crafting a Killer Business Plan

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty — your business plan. Your business plan is the cornerstone of your application. A well-structured and comprehensive business plan is essential. It should leave no room for doubt regarding your business concept, your target market, your revenue model, and the growth strategy you intend to employ. This plan should paint a vivid picture of your startup’s journey and potential. You can use PitchBob’s AI Business Plan Generator tool.

Step 4: The Art of Developing a Pitch Deck

A  pitch deck is your visual narrative — a compelling story that mirrors the essence of your startup. It is your chance to highlight your startup’s value proposition, and it must be nothing short of captivating. A well-crafted pitch deck is not just an accessory; it’s a pivotal piece of your application puzzle.

Step 5: The Application Process Unveiled

With your goals, research, business plan, and pitch deck in hand, it’s time to fill out the application form. This step demands meticulous attention to detail. Provide all requested information with precision, conciseness, and clarity. Ensure that your responses reflect your passion, vision, and commitment.

Step 6: Crafting a Convincing Personal Statement

Your personal statement is your opportunity to present the human side of your entrepreneurial journey. It should be a testament to your unwavering passion for your startup and your unwavering commitment to its success. Use this space to share your journey, your motivations, and your personal investment in your vision.

Step 7: Gathering References

References can serve as the golden ticket that seals the deal. Collect references that genuinely vouch for your skills, character, and the value of your startup idea. Strong references can significantly boost the credibility of your application.

Step 8: The Fine Art of Pitch Practice

A winning pitch is not born; it is made. Practice your pitch relentlessly until it gleams with confidence, clarity, and conviction. The ability to articulate your vision effectively is paramount during the presentation.

Step 9: Be Prepared for Interviews

If your application shines and you find yourself on the shortlist, be prepared for interviews. Anticipate questions about your startup, your aspirations, and your ability to collaborate. A well-prepared interview can be the cherry on top of your application.

Securing Your Place at the Table: Strategies for a Winning Application

All startup ideas are not created equal, and it’s imperative to understand the kind of concepts that incubators seek:

  • Groundbreaking Concepts: These are the transformative ideas that have the potential to revolutionize entire industries upon market introduction. They are the diamonds in the rough.
  • Progressive Concepts: Progressive concepts involve enhancements to existing products or services, ensuring they reach the next level of excellence. They represent the next step in evolutionary innovation.
  • Conventional Concepts: While conventional concepts might have profit potential, they often don’t align with what incubators typically seek. Incubators primarily gravitate toward groundbreaking and progressive ideas, as they promise substantial market disruption and innovation.

How PitchBob Can Be Your Navigator on This Journey

At  PitchBob , we empathize with the challenges you face as a startup entrepreneur, and we’re here to provide you with the tools and support on  how to apply for startup incubator . Generate your pitch deck with ai  as our aim is to ensure that you shine brightly in the fiercely competitive world of startup incubators.

In conclusion, the world of startup incubators offers a rich tapestry of options, each finely tuned to address the specific needs and aspirations of entrepreneurs. Industry-specific incubators provide a deep dive into the intricacies of particular sectors, offering specialized guidance and connections. University incubators bridge the gap between academia and entrepreneurship, harnessing the intellectual power of educational institutions to fuel innovation. Meanwhile, corporate incubators, backed by industry leaders, bring substantial resources and investment opportunities to the table. Whether you’re driven by niche expertise, academic collaboration, or corporate support, the diverse incubator landscape promises a supportive ecosystem for your entrepreneurial dreams.

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Startup incubators are designed to help entrepreneurs launch their businesses. Here’s what you need to know about joining one.

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You’ve put together your business plan and you’re prepared to launch your startup — but you still don’t feel ready enough to do so. Where do you go from here?

One way to get your business off the ground is by joining a startup incubator, which will help develop your brand so it’s ready for launch. Here are the basics you need to know about startup incubators — including types and benefits — so you can invest in the right one for your business.

What is a startup incubator?

A startup incubator is a collaborative program for startup companies — usually physically located in one central workspace — designed to help startups in their infancy succeed by providing workspace, seed funding, mentoring and training.

Startup incubators are usually nonprofit organizations, often associated with universities and business schools who extend invitations to students, alumni and members of the community to take advantage of the program. Some popular incubator programs include Y Combinator, TechStars and Excelerate Labs.

According to SCORE , incubators often provide access to the resources needed to launch a business. This may include office space and equipment, utilities (including internet service) and discounted or free professional services, such as accounting and legal help.

One of the greatest benefits of an incubator is the access it provides to a network of successful business partners.

What are the benefits of a startup incubator?

Beyond basic business resources, there are many benefits of joining a startup incubator:

  • Networking. One of the greatest benefits of an incubator is the access it provides to a network of successful business partners, many of whom usually require substantial financial commitments to be part of your venture. The overall exposure these networks provide is another plus, as most startups have limited marketing and PR budgets.
  • Mentorship. Incubators offer members the opportunity to hear and learn from the personal experiences of successful mentors in their chosen industry. While making mistakes along the way to success is an expected part of the process, these mentors are there to help you avoid making similar ones they’ve made when they were just starting out.
  • Support from other entrepreneurs. The opportunities and experiences you’ll share with the other members of the incubator group can help you launch your business more quickly and smoothly as opposed to trying to do so on your own. Speaking with and learning from other entrepreneurs can be the inspiration you need to push yourself — and each other — to reach the next benchmarkers of success.

Deciding to join a startup incubator

There are a couple of things to consider when deciding whether to join an incubator. Incubators provide a long-term opportunity for entrepreneurs looking to launch a brand-new venture, so if your business is in the early stages, the networking, mentorship and support benefits can prove valuable.

Also, it’s important to keep in mind that no two incubators are the same. According to SCORE , there are many different types of incubators to choose from, including:

  • For-profit incubators, who typically look to eventually monetize their equity in your company.
  • Not-for-profit incubators, who typically help grow your business to improve the local economy.
  • County-, state- and university-operated incubators.

Do your due diligence by ensuring you are choosing the right match for your company’s needs.

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What is a business incubator.

What is a Business Incubator?

Incubators have been around for quite a while, but the concept only began to gain traction in the 1980s after an influx of higher education institutions decided to launch school-affiliated business incubators in order to offer students better employment prospects.

That being said, there are plenty of non-industry-specific business incubators, too. Incubators like The Research Park at the University of Illinois and the MGE Innovation Center in Madison, Wisconsin are recognized as two of America’s top incubators because they place emphasis on what they’re able to offer tenants – rather than who it is they’re offering those resources to.

What Does a Business Incubator Offer?

Bearing in mind that a huge number of incubators continue to enjoy affiliation with area colleges and universities, tenants can also typically expect some sort of access to higher education resources – perks normally include discounted access courses or library access.

What is the Goal of a Business Incubator?

What are the benefits of a business incubator.

Based on the typical offerings, the implications for a startup taking up residence at a business incubator are clear. Unrivalled access to funding, mentors, skills development programs and a collaborative work environment can make a world of difference to your success. There are less obvious benefits, though.


What are the drawbacks of a business incubator.

Furthermore, business incubators aren’t quite as intensive as accelerators – which means the support you receive from an incubator will be a bit more ad hoc and spaced out.


The importance of business incubators for startup growth.

By bridging the gap between idea and execution, incubators ensure startups have a solid foundation for success. They help entrepreneurs refine their business models, connect with potential investors, and gain insights into effective market strategies.

Choosing the Right Business Incubator

Alignment with Your IndustryDetermine if the incubator specializes in your industry, providing tailored resources and networks.
Resource OfferingsEvaluate the range of resources offered, including mentoring, networking, funding, and shared equipment.
Educational OpportunitiesCheck for educational programs and workshops that enhance your startup's skills and knowledge.
Access to CapitalInquire about connections to funding sources and grants to support your startup's financial needs.
Support DurationUnderstand the duration of support, whether it's fixed or ongoing, and align it with your growth pace.
Equity RequirementsDetermine if the incubator requires equity in exchange for resources or if it allows full ownership.
LocationConsider the physical location's proximity to potential partners, networks, and startup communities.
Success Track RecordResearch past tenant success stories and testimonials to gauge the incubator's effectiveness.
Application ProcessUnderstand the application process, criteria, and associated fees, ensuring you meet eligibility requirements.
Community and CultureAssess the incubator's culture and community for a supportive and collaborative environment.
Long-Term VisionConsider the incubator's long-term vision and alignment with your startup's growth and sustainability goals.

Navigating the Business Incubator Application Process

Research ExtensivelyResearch and identify potential business incubators that align with your startup's goals.
Evaluate EligibilityReview the eligibility criteria for each incubator to ensure your startup meets the qualifications.
Craft a Compelling ApplicationPrepare a concise, clear, and compelling application outlining your business idea and goals.
Prepare a Solid Business PlanCreate a detailed business plan that includes your startup's vision, market analysis, and financial projections.
Highlight Your TeamShowcase the qualifications and expertise of your team members in the application.
Prepare for InterviewsPractice interview responses and be ready to demonstrate your commitment and passion for your startup.
Network and Seek RecommendationsBuild connections and seek recommendations from mentors or advisors within the startup community.
Be Open to FeedbackBe receptive to feedback provided by incubators and use it to improve your application and plans.
Review the TermsCarefully review the terms and conditions of any offers from incubators, including equity or rent requirements.
Stay PersistentMaintain persistence if you don't secure a spot immediately, continuing to refine your business plan and seek support elsewhere.
Maintain FlexibilityAssess whether the incubator's resources align with your startup's needs and growth plans.

How to Leverage Business Incubator Resources for Maximum Impact

To make the most out of a business incubator, startups should actively engage with the community, participate in events and workshops, and seek constant feedback from mentors.

Future Trends in Business Incubation

Specialized incubators focusing on niche markets or specific technologies such as AI, blockchain, and clean tech are also becoming more prevalent. Furthermore, there’s a growing emphasis on social entrepreneurship, with incubators supporting startups that aim to solve societal challenges.

Oct 3, 2023

Startup Incubator

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If you’re in the process of launching a startup, you’ve probably thought about applying for a startup incubator. In this guide, we cover all the basics: what they are, what they cost, what the requirements are and so much more. We also cover how they compare to other startup resources, such as accelerators, and we provide an overview of the top startup incubators. Finally, we provide tips on how to select the right incubator for you—let’s dive in!

What is a startup incubator?

A startup incubator, also known as a ‘business incubator’, is a program that provides resources and support to new small businesses and first-time founders. Incubators typically provide access to mentorship, discounted technology, physical workspaces, and networking opportunities. It is designed to help startups test their ideas, hone their business plans, and secure their first customers—which is helpful for getting a new initiative off the ground and securing funding from venture capitalists down the line.

How do startup incubators work?

Startup incubators typically have an application process that entrepreneurs must complete to be considered. Once accepted, entrepreneurs are typically required to participate in a program that lasts anywhere from a few months to a year. During said time, founders are provided with a ton of resources including mentorship, office space, and networking opportunities to help hone their business plan and grow their business. At the end of the program, entrepreneurs present their businesses to potential investors to secure funding.

What are the requirements to get into a startup incubator?

The requirements to get into a startup incubator vary from program to program. Most incubators require founders to have an idea for a startup, a business plan, and a team of at least two people. In addition, some incubators also require that entrepreneurs meet a minimum funding threshold before applying. Outside of the basic requirements, some incubators focus on specific niches, like med tech startups or health tech startups, some have specific requirements for the types of businesses they accept, and some only focus on startups in a particular area, like Silicon Valley.

Why do founders use startup incubators?

Startup incubators are a great way for first-time founders and early-stage startups to get their businesses off the ground quickly and find product market fit. As mentioned above, they provide a ton of key resources to ensure the highest possibility of success. In addition to the resources, incubators may also provide founders with introductions to mentors, investors, and industry experts to help scale their ideas. Finally, startup incubators typically provide entrepreneurs with exposure to investors during the final phase of the program: demo day.

What are the types of startup incubators?

Startup incubators come in a variety of shapes and sizes. They can either be for-profit or non-profit, and they can be focused on specific industries or they can be open to all kinds of businesses. Here are some of the common types of startup incubators:

  • For-profit incubators : These incubators make money by taking equity in the businesses they help launch.
  • Non-profit incubators : These incubators are typically funded by grants or donations, and they don’t take equity in the businesses they help launch.
  • Industry-specific incubators : These incubators are focused on a specific industry such as healthcare, technology, or fashion.
  • Geographic incubators : These incubators are focused on a specific geographic area, and they typically offer access to local resources and networking opportunities.

What are the benefits of going through a startup incubator?

There are many benefits to going through a startup incubator. Here are some of the top benefits:

  • Access to resources : Incubators typically provide access to resources including physical workspace, discounted software, and potentially even raw materials.
  • Guidance and support : Incubators typically provide founders with the guidance and support they need to launch their businesses through introductions to mentors and industry experts.
  • Exposure : Incubators typically provide founders with the opportunity to gain exposure to investors to potentially secure funding.

What are the drawbacks of going through a startup incubator?

While there are many benefits to going through a startup incubator, there are a few drawbacks to consider, here are some of the most common:

  • Equity : Some incubators charge a percentage of equity in exchange for the resources, guidance, and exposure they provide.
  • Time commitment : Incubators typically require founders to participate in a program that lasts anywhere from a few months to a year, which may not work for everyone.
  • Restrictions : Some incubators have restrictions such as specific industries or geographic areas they focus on.

What is the difference between startup incubators and startup accelerators?

Startup incubators and accelerator programs are similar in that they both provide resources and support to entrepreneurs. However, there are some key differences between the two.

Startup incubators typically have a longer program that lasts anywhere from a few months to a year. They provide access to resources such as mentorship, workspaces, and networking opportunities. They also provide guidance and support to entrepreneurs to help them develop their business ideas and launch their startups.

Startup accelerators, like YCombinator or 500 startups , on the other hand, are typically shorter programs that last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. They provide access to similar resources such as mentorship, funding, workspace, and networking opportunities, but they are designed to help founders scale their startups, not launch them, and help prepare them to take on seed funding or venture capital.

What does participating in a startup incubator cost?

The cost of participating in a startup incubator varies depending on the program. Some incubators are free, while others may charge fees or require you to give them equity.

Do startup incubators provide capital to startups?

Some incubators provide access to funding and grants to help startups get off the ground, others do not. It depends on how large the incubator is and what type of incubator it is (for-profit vs not-for-profit).

What are the top startup incubators in the United States?

There are many great startup incubators out there, but some of the top ones include Idealab, The Batchery , Upward , SteelBridge Laboratories , and Invenshure .

  • Idealab is a technological incubator out of Pasadena, CA that gives start-ups the resources they need to launch new products and services quickly. 
  • The Batchery is a global incubator situated in Berkeley, CA that focuses on seed-stage firms that are primed for rapid growth.
  • Upward is a global incubator based out of New York City that is dedicated to reviving second-tier towns through innovation.
  • SteelBridge Laboratories is an incubator based out of Pittsburg, PA for FinTech startups.
  • Invenshure is a medical device and imaging incubator based out of Minneapolis, MN that invests in medicines, developing platform technologies, and medical device and imaging startups.

What to look for and how to select a startup incubator?

When selecting a startup incubator, it’s important to do your research and talk to other founders who have graduated from the program. Here are some of the things to look for when deciding between multiple startup incubators:

  • Resources : What resources does the incubator provide? Does it provide access to mentors, investors, and industry experts? What about workspace, funding, and other resources?
  • Equity : Does the incubator take equity in the businesses they help launch? Am I okay with giving up equity in my business in exchange for the services it provides?
  • Time commitment : What is the length of the program? Am I committed to putting in the time required to make the program successful?
  • Reviews : What did other founders say about the program, did they think it was worth it? What are some of the critiques other founders had and are you okay with that?
  • Track record : What is the historical performance of the companies that have graduated from the program? Are there only one or two stand-out successes or many successes?

Final thoughts on startup incubators

Startup incubators are a great way for founders to initially get their startups off the ground quickly. They provide access to a ton of resources which can be invaluable to founders that are strapped for cash. Before deciding to participate in an incubator, make sure to do your research so you understand exactly what is required of you to graduate. Also, make sure to talk to other founders to ensure the program fits your needs and what you are looking to get out of it.

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What is a Startup Incubator? – Everything you need to know: The Ultimate Guide

startup incubator

Hey there, ambitious founders! Are you dreaming of turning your groundbreaking idea into a thriving business? Well, you’re in for a treat! Let’s talk about one of the most valuable resources at your disposal – a startup incubator. Trust me; these incubators can work wonders for your startup journey!

So, what’s the buzz about startup incubators? Imagine a nurturing environment, a safe haven where your fledgling startup gets all the support it needs to take flight. That’s exactly what an incubator is all about.

In this post, we'll cover:

  • 1 What is a Startup Incubator?
  • 2 How do Startup Incubators Work?
  • 3 What Can Startup Incubators Offer You?
  • 4 How to Choose the Right Incubator?
  • 5 How does a startup incubator differ from an accelerator?
  • 6 How can a startup incubator help my business grow?
  • 7 What kind of support and resources do startup incubators provide to early-stage startups?
  • 8.1 Benefits of Joining an Incubator:
  • 8.2 When You Might Not Need an Incubator:
  • 9 What are the typical criteria and qualifications for getting accepted into a startup incubator program?
  • 10.1 Commitments Involved:
  • 11 What are the potential costs or equity implications of joining a startup incubator?
  • 12 Examples of successful startups that have graduated from specific incubators?
  • 13 How can I best prepare my startup to make the most of the incubator program and maximize our chances of success?
  • 14 TL;DR – Startup Incubator
  • 15 Ready to Take the Leap?

What is a Startup Incubator?


Think of startup incubators as the ultimate mentors, cheerleaders, and protectors for your business. These organizations are designed to help early-stage startups find their footing and grow stronger. They provide a structured program with expert guidance, resources, and funding to fuel your growth.

Check out – list of the world’s top startup incubators

How do Startup Incubators Work?

Picture this: you’ve got an incredible startup idea , but you’re not quite sure how to turn it into a full-fledged business. That’s where the magic of incubators comes into play. When you join an incubator, you’re not just entering an office space; you’re entering a whole community of like-minded entrepreneurs.

Incubators typically run cohort-based programs, where a group of startups starts and completes the program together. Throughout the program, you’ll receive hands-on guidance, workshops, and access to industry experts, all tailored to meet your specific needs.

What Can Startup Incubators Offer You?

Mentorship Galore : Imagine having a team of seasoned entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts guiding you through the ups and downs of entrepreneurship. Incubators provide you with mentors who’ve “been there, done that” and can help you avoid common pitfalls.

Access to Funding : Money talks, and incubators can help you find investors who are willing to back your vision. They often have strong networks with angel investors and venture capitalists looking for promising startups.

World-Class Resources : From office space and technology infrastructure to legal and accounting services, incubators ensure you have all the essential resources at your fingertips.

Networking Nirvana : Remember, it’s not just about what you know, but who you know. Incubators offer a unique opportunity to connect with other entrepreneurs, potential partners, and customers, giving your startup a head start.

Validation and Credibility : Being associated with a reputable incubator can add instant credibility to your startup. It tells the world that your idea has potential, which can attract customers and investors alike.

How to Choose the Right Incubator?

Now that you’re all pumped up about startup incubators, it’s time to find the perfect match. But, hold your horses! Not all incubators are created equal, and what works for one startup might not work for another. Here are some key factors to consider when making your choice:

Focus Area : Look for an incubator that specializes in your industry or domain. They’ll understand your unique challenges and provide tailored support.

Track Recor d: Do your research! Check out the success stories of startups that have graduated from the incubator. It’s an excellent indicator of what you can expect.

Program Duration : Incubator programs can vary in length, from a few months to a year or more. Choose one that aligns with your startup’s needs and timeline.

Equity vs. No-Equity : Some incubators may take a small percentage of equity in return for their support. Decide if you’re comfortable with this arrangement. For example, Y Combinator takes a 7% equity while many others like StartupGuru are equity-free.

How does a startup incubator differ from an accelerator?

startup incubator vs accelerator

The terms “startup incubator” and “ accelerator ” are often used interchangeably, but they serve distinct purposes for your startup and offer different types of support to early-stage startups.

While both startup incubators and accelerators aim to support early-stage startups, incubators focus on idea validation and foundational support over a more extended period, while accelerators are geared towards rapid growth and scaling over a shorter, intensive program.

The choice between an incubator and an accelerator depends on the specific needs and stage of development of the startup .

How can a startup incubator help my business grow?

A startup incubator can be a game-changer for your business growth, offering a wealth of benefits and support. Here’s how a startup incubator can help your business take flight:

Mentorship and Guidance : Incubators provide access to experienced mentors and industry experts who can offer valuable insights, feedback, and guidance. They have “been there, done that” and can help you navigate the challenges and pitfalls of entrepreneurship.

Networking Opportunities : Incubators create a supportive community of like-minded entrepreneurs. You’ll have the chance to network with fellow founders, potential partners, customers, and investors. Building strong connections can open doors for your startup.

Access to Funding : Incubators often have connections with angel investors, venture capitalists, and other funding sources. They can help you secure the necessary capital to fuel your growth and take your startup to the next level.

World-Class Resources : From office space and technology infrastructure to legal and accounting services, incubators provide essential resources that might otherwise be costly and challenging for a young startup to access.

Structured Program : Incubators offer a structured and focused program designed to accelerate your startup’s progress. Through workshops, seminars, and one-on-one support, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to succeed.

Validation and Credibility : Being associated with a reputable incubator can add instant credibility to your startup. It demonstrates that your idea has potential and has been vetted by industry experts, which can attract customers and investors.

Focus on Product Development : Incubators can help you refine your product or service through feedback and testing. This iterative process ensures that your offering is market-ready and meets your customers’ needs.

Market Access : Some incubators have industry partnerships that can provide you with access to potential customers and early adopters. This can significantly speed up your market entry and help you gain valuable user feedback.

Legal and Regulatory Support : Navigating legal and regulatory challenges can be daunting for startups. Incubators often have legal experts who can guide you through these complexities.

Personal Growth : The incubator experience isn’t just about business; it’s also about personal growth. You’ll face challenges, step out of your comfort zone, and develop the resilience and adaptability required for entrepreneurial success.

Focused Development : Incubators help you identify and prioritize your startup’s key goals. With a clear focus on the most critical aspects of your business, you can make significant strides in a short amount of time.

Remember, the value of a startup incubator lies not only in the resources they provide but also in the ecosystem they create. The support, mentorship, and camaraderie you find within an incubator can be instrumental in propelling your startup to success. However, it’s essential to choose the right incubator that aligns with your business goals and values to make the most of this transformative experience.

What kind of support and resources do startup incubators provide to early-stage startups?

Startup incubators offer a wide range of support and resources to early-stage startups, providing them with the tools they need to succeed. Here are some of the key types of support and resources you can expect from a startup incubator:

Mentorship : Incubators provide access to experienced mentors and industry experts who can offer guidance, feedback, and advice. These mentors often have a deep understanding of the startup ecosystem and can help founders navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

Workshops and Training : Incubators conduct workshops, seminars, and training sessions covering various aspects of entrepreneurship, such as business strategy, marketing, finance, product development, and legal matters. These educational opportunities help founders develop essential skills and knowledge.

Access to Funding : Incubators may have connections with angel investors, venture capitalists, and other funding sources. They can help startups secure investment by providing introductions, pitch training, and guidance in preparing investor decks.

Networking Opportunities : Being part of an incubator grants startups access to a vibrant community of fellow entrepreneurs, potential partners, and industry stakeholders. Networking events, demo days, and conferences create valuable opportunities for making connections.

Office Space and Infrastructure : Many incubators offer dedicated office spaces or co-working facilities equipped with essential infrastructure like high-speed internet, meeting rooms, and collaboration spaces.

Legal and Regulatory Support : Navigating legal and regulatory requirements can be complex for startups. Incubators often have legal experts who can provide guidance on business registration, contracts, intellectual property, and compliance matters.

Product Development Support : Incubators assist startups in refining their products or services. This support can include feedback on prototypes, usability testing, and guidance on product-market fit.

Market Access : Some incubators have partnerships with established companies or industry players, providing startups with opportunities to access potential customers, distributors, and early adopters.

Investor Introductions : Incubators may organize investor meetups or events where startups can pitch their ideas directly to potential investors, increasing their chances of securing funding.

Business Development Support : Incubators can help startups with business development, sales, and marketing strategies, enabling them to scale and acquire customers effectively.

Peer Support : The incubator experience often involves a sense of camaraderie among startups in the cohort. Founders can learn from each other, share experiences, and offer mutual support.

Demo Days and Showcases : Incubators frequently organize demo days or showcases where startups can present their progress and achievements to a curated audience of investors, industry experts, and potential customers.

Exposure and PR Opportunities : Incubators may offer PR and media exposure to startups, helping them gain visibility and reach a broader audience.

Keep in mind that the specific support and resources offered by startup incubators can vary widely based on the incubator’s focus, industry expertise, and program structure. Founders should thoroughly research different incubators to find the one that best aligns with their business needs and goals.

Is it necessary for my startup to join an incubator, or can we succeed without one?

This question is rhetorical in my opinion. If you are already a privileged founder, and you don’t need external expert watch, you don’t need to join a startup incubator. In all other cases, you should.

Think of this as whether joining a pre-school is necessary for a toddler or not? Can you skip the pre-school and go directly to grade 1? Well, you may, but can you?

So, joining a startup incubator can be beneficial, but it is not a necessity for every startup to succeed. Whether or not your startup should join an incubator depends on various factors and your specific situation. Here are some considerations to help you decide:

Benefits of Joining an Incubator:

Support and Guidance : Incubators offer valuable mentorship, resources, and a supportive community that can help early-stage startups navigate challenges and make informed decisions.

Access to Funding : Incubators can connect startups with potential investors and funding sources, making it easier to secure funding to fuel your growth.

Networking Opportunities : Being part of an incubator provides exposure to a network of fellow entrepreneurs, potential partners, customers, and industry experts, which can open doors for collaborations and business opportunities.

Validation and Credibility : Joining a reputable incubator can lend credibility to your startup and validate your business idea, which can be attractive to customers and investors.

Focused Development : Incubators often provide structured programs that help startups stay focused on critical tasks and milestones, accelerating their progress.

When You Might Not Need an Incubator:

Already Well-Established : If your startup has already gained significant traction, secured funding, and has a strong team, you may not need the foundational support offered by an incubator.

Extensive Expertise : Some founders or teams already have extensive industry experience and networks, reducing the need for external support from an incubator.

Autonomous Growth : If you have a clear vision and know how to navigate the startup journey independently, you might prefer to retain full control over your business’s direction.

Specific Industry Focus : Some startups may benefit more from industry-specific accelerators or incubators that offer tailored support and connections.

Resource Availability : If your startup already has access to essential resources such as funding, office space, and mentors, joining an incubator may not provide significant additional value.

Ultimately, the decision to join a startup incubator or pursue other paths is subjective and depends on your startup’s unique needs and goals. Many successful startups have thrived without joining an incubator, while others have found immense value in the support and resources provided by these programs.

Before making a decision, thoroughly research different incubators, assess what they offer, and consider your startup’s current stage, needs, and growth trajectory. Discuss your options with your team and advisors to make an informed choice that aligns with your long-term vision for your business.

What are the typical criteria and qualifications for getting accepted into a startup incubator program?

The criteria and qualifications for acceptance into a startup incubator program can vary depending on the specific incubator and its focus. However, there are some common factors that most incubators consider when selecting startups for their program. Here are typical criteria and qualifications:

Stage of Development : Incubators usually target early-stage startups, often at the idea or pre-seed stage. Some incubators may accept startups that have a minimum viable product (MVP) and early market validation.

Innovative and Scalable Idea : Incubators seek startups with innovative and scalable business ideas. They look for ideas that have the potential to disrupt the market and achieve significant growth.

Market Potential : Incubators assess the market potential of the startup’s product or service. They want to see a clear target market and a viable plan to capture a significant portion of that market.

Strong Team : The startup’s founding team is a crucial consideration. Incubators look for teams with complementary skills, relevant experience, and a shared vision. A strong team increases the likelihood of success.

Coachability : Incubators want founders who are open to feedback, willing to learn, and adaptable. Being coachable and receptive to mentorship is essential for making the most of the incubator program.

Scalability and Growth Potential : Incubators are interested in startups that have the potential to scale rapidly and achieve substantial growth. Scalability is a key factor in attracting investors and achieving success.

Market Traction : Some incubators prefer startups that have already achieved some market traction, such as initial customers, partnerships, or revenue. Demonstrating market demand strengthens the startup’s case for acceptance.

Innovation and Uniqueness : Incubators favor startups with innovative and unique offerings. They want to see how the startup stands out from competitors in the market.

Clear Business Model : Having a well-defined and feasible business model is essential. Incubators want to see that the startup has a clear plan for revenue generation and profitability.

Alignment with Incubator’s Focus : Incubators often have specific industries or sectors they focus on. Startups that align with the incubator’s expertise and objectives have a better chance of acceptance.

Commitment and Dedication : Incubators look for founders who are committed to their startup’s success, dedicated to working hard, and willing to put in the effort required to achieve their goals.

It’s important to note that each incubator may have its unique evaluation process, and the weight given to each criterion can differ. Some incubators may have a competitive application process with multiple rounds, including interviews and pitch sessions. StartupGuru, for example, has a comprehensive online application followed by evaluation calls with our venture advisory team.

Founders should thoroughly research and understand the specific requirements and expectations of the incubators they are interested in. Tailoring your application to showcase how your startup meets their criteria and objectives can increase your chances of acceptance into a program.

How long do startup incubator programs usually last, and what are the commitments involved?

The duration of startup incubator programs can vary widely, but they typically last anywhere from a few months to a year or more. The specific length of the program depends on the incubator’s objectives, the nature of the support provided, and the stage of development the startups are in. Here are some common durations and the commitments involved in startup incubator programs:

Short-Term Programs (a few months) : Some incubators offer intensive short-term programs that last around three to six months. These programs are often highly focused and aim to accelerate the startup’s progress quickly. During this period, startups may be required to work full-time on their projects and actively participate in workshops, mentorship sessions, and networking events.

StartupGuru’s incubator is a short-term program, of 16 weeks (4 months), but on the contrary, it does not require the founder to be full-time involved yet until the validations are coming.

Mid-Term Programs (six months to a year) : Many incubators run mid-term programs that span six months to a year. These programs provide startups with a more extended period to refine their business model, develop their product, and achieve specific milestones. Startups may have some flexibility in terms of work hours, but active participation in the program activities is expected.

Long-Term Programs (over a year) : Certain incubators, especially those catering to specific industries or deep-tech startups, may have longer-term programs that last over a year. These programs often involve extensive research and development and may focus on commercializing advanced technologies. Startups committing to long-term programs typically have a more in-depth engagement with the incubator.

Commitments Involved:

The commitments expected from startups joining an incubator program can vary, but they typically include:

Dedicated Effort : Incubators expect founders to be fully committed to their startup during the program. Full-time engagement is common, especially in shorter and more intensive programs.

Participation in Program Activities : Startups are required to actively participate in workshops, training sessions, mentorship meetings, and networking events. This involvement ensures that startups gain the most value from the program.

Milestone Achievement : Many incubators set specific milestones for startups to achieve during the program. These milestones may relate to product development, market validation, revenue targets, or customer acquisition.

Coachability and Learning : Incubators value startups that are receptive to feedback, willing to learn, and open to adapting their strategies based on mentor guidance.

Networking and Collaboration : Startups are encouraged to engage with the incubator’s community, collaborate with other founders, and leverage the network and resources available within the program.

Progress Reporting : Incubators often require startups to provide regular progress reports, outlining their achievements, challenges, and plans.

Equity or Fees : Some incubators may take equity in the startup or charge a fee for participation. The terms of these arrangements are usually outlined in the incubator’s agreement or terms of acceptance.

Before joining an incubator, founders should carefully review the commitments and expectations outlined by the program. Understanding these details ensures that both the startup and the incubator are aligned in their goals and objectives, maximizing the benefits of the incubator experience.

What are the potential costs or equity implications of joining a startup incubator?

The costs and equity implications of joining a startup incubator can vary depending on the specific incubator and the terms of their program. Here are some potential costs and equity considerations you should be aware of:

  • Program Fees : Some incubators may charge startups a program fee for participating in their program. This fee can range from a nominal amount to a significant sum, depending on the incubator’s offerings and resources. It’s essential to understand the program fee upfront to assess its affordability for your startup.
  • Equity Stake : Certain incubators may require startups to give up a percentage of equity in exchange for the support and resources provided. This equity stake is typically negotiated as part of the acceptance terms. The percentage of equity taken can vary widely, but it is often in the range of 2% to 10% of the startup’s equity.
  • Convertible Notes or SAFE Agreements : Instead of taking direct equity, some incubators might use convertible notes or Simple Agreement for Future Equity (SAFE) agreements. These are debt instruments that convert into equity upon the occurrence of specific events, such as a subsequent funding round.
  • Revenue Share or Royalties : In some cases, incubators may opt for a revenue-sharing model, where they take a percentage of the startup’s revenue for a specified period. Alternatively, they might agree on a royalty arrangement for a certain product or service.
  • Equity Buyback : In certain cases, the incubator may offer startups the option to buy back a portion of the equity they initially gave up. This can be done at a predetermined valuation or at a negotiated price.
  • Terms of Funding : If the incubator provides funding to startups, it may come with specific terms and conditions, such as a preferred stock or convertible note.

It’s essential for founders to carefully review and understand the terms of the incubator’s agreement before committing to the program. Consider the potential costs and equity implications in light of the value the incubator offers. Evaluate how the support, mentorship, and resources provided align with your startup’s needs and long-term goals.

Keep in mind that not all incubators require equity or charge fees. Some incubators operate on a no-equity, no-fee basis, while others might focus more on providing resources and support without asking for direct financial stakes in return. Founders should research different incubators and choose one that strikes the right balance between the value offered and the commitments required.

Examples of successful startups that have graduated from specific incubators?

Here are some examples of successful startups that have graduated from specific incubators:

Dropbox : Dropbox, the popular cloud storage and file-sharing platform, participated in Y Combinator’s 2007 program. The company went on to become one of the most successful startups in the world.

Airbnb : Airbnb, the online marketplace for lodging and vacation rentals, joined Y Combinator in 2009. It has since grown into a global hospitality giant.

Both Dropbox and Airbnb graduated from Y Combinator and since have become the poster boys of startups that graduated from startup incubators and accelerators. However, there are other notable success stories, some of which are listed here for your knowledge.

Lime : Lime, the electric scooter and bike-sharing company, was a part of Google’s Launchpad program. The company has expanded to numerous cities worldwide and has become a prominent player in the micro-mobility industry.

Udemy : Udemy, the online learning platform, was part of 500 Startups’ accelerator program. The company has grown into a global marketplace for online courses, offering a wide range of educational content to learners worldwide.

OYO Rooms : OYO, the global hotel aggregator unicorn , started off as India’s Airbnb back in 2011-12. OYO’s parent Oravel Stays participated with incubators Venture Nursery and tech partner NCrypted ; later on we spun-off and started a separate incubator and venture advisory at StartupGuru.

Reddit : Reddit, the social news aggregation platform, was part of Y Combinator’s 2005 class and has since become one of the most visited websites on the internet.

Stripe : Stripe, the online payment processing platform, went through Y Combinator in 2010 and has become a major player in the fintech industry.

UiPath : UiPath, the robotic process automation (RPA) software company, was supported by Seedcamp in its early stages. The company has since become a major player in the automation industry and has experienced significant growth.

DoorDash : DoorDash, the food delivery service, participated in Y Combinator’s Winter 2013 batch. It has since become one of the leading players in the food delivery market.

Instacart : Instacart, the grocery delivery service, was part of Y Combinator’s Winter 2012 batch and has achieved significant success in the online grocery industry.

PagerDuty : PagerDuty, the incident management platform, went through Y Combinator in 2012 and has since become a major player in the DevOps and IT operations space.

Cruise : Cruise, the autonomous vehicle technology company, joined Y Combinator in 2014 and was later acquired by General Motors.

Doorbot (now Ring) : Doorbot, the video doorbell company, went through the Edison Nation incubator program before rebranding as Ring and becoming a household name in home security.

FarmLogs : FarmLogs, the farm management software platform, participated in Y Combinator’s 2012 program and has since gained recognition in the agriculture industry.

Sphero : Sphero, the robotic toy company, went through Techstars’ accelerator program. The company’s flagship product, a programmable robot ball, has gained popularity among educators and enthusiasts alike.

Citysearch : Citysearch, the online city guide and local business directory, was one of the early successes to emerge from Idealab. The platform became a prominent destination for users seeking local business information.

These examples demonstrate that successful startups can emerge from various incubators, showcasing the value of the support and resources provided by these programs. However, it’s important to note that the success of a startup depends on a combination of factors, including the idea, execution, market conditions, and team dynamics. The incubator experience can significantly contribute to a startup’s growth, but it is not the sole determinant of success.

How can I best prepare my startup to make the most of the incubator program and maximize our chances of success?

If your question is about qualifications and preparations required to participate in an incubator, then the answer would be different which I have provided above. However, if your question is how to make the most of the incubator during the program, then here is my guide for it.

Preparing your startup to make the most of the incubator program is crucial for maximizing your chances of success. Here are some steps you can take to ensure you are well-prepared:

Refine Your Business Idea : Have a clear and compelling business idea or product. Validate it with market research, customer feedback, and testing before joining the incubator.

Build a Strong Team : Assemble a dedicated and skilled team that complements each other’s strengths. Having a cohesive and passionate team is vital for navigating the challenges of the program.

Set Clear Goals : Define specific and measurable goals you want to achieve during the incubator program. Having clear objectives will help you stay focused and make the most of the resources available.

Research Incubators : Thoroughly research different incubators to find the one that aligns with your industry, stage, and objectives. Look for incubators with a track record of success and a strong network in your sector.

Prepare Your Pitch : Be ready to pitch your startup to the incubator. Craft a compelling pitch that clearly communicates your value proposition, market opportunity, and growth potential.

Understand the Program : Familiarize yourself with the incubator’s program structure, expectations, and commitments. Understand what resources and support they offer and how they align with your needs.

Demonstrate Traction : If possible, show some market traction or early customer adoption. Incubators often appreciate startups that have already started gaining momentum.

Be Coachable : Be open to feedback and willing to learn from mentors and advisors. Being coachable and adaptable will help you make the most of the mentorship provided.

Be Proactive : Take the initiative to engage with the incubator’s community, mentors, and fellow founders. Network, collaborate, and seek advice from experienced entrepreneurs.

Prepare for Intensive Work : Expect a fast-paced and intensive program. Be prepared to work hard, be flexible, and make the most of every opportunity.

Know Your Numbers : Understand your financials and metrics. Be prepared to discuss your revenue model, customer acquisition cost, and other key performance indicators.

Have a Growth Strategy : Outline a clear growth strategy and how you plan to scale your startup during and after the incubator program.

Network Early : Start networking and building relationships before the program begins. Attend events and meetups to connect with potential mentors, investors, and industry experts.

Prepare for Pitch Days : Incubators often have demo or pitch days. Practice your pitch and be ready to present your startup to potential investors and partners.

Be Resilient : Expect challenges and setbacks, but stay resilient and focused on your goals. Perseverance is key to success in the startup journey.

By preparing your startup thoroughly and approaching the incubator program with a strategic mindset, you’ll maximize your chances of making the most of the opportunity and achieving success with your business.

TL;DR – Startup Incubator

In conclusion, startup incubators can be transformative for early-stage businesses, providing invaluable support and resources that significantly boost their chances of success. Founders can leverage the mentorship, networking opportunities, and industry expertise offered by these programs to accelerate their growth and navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship.

To make the most of the incubator experience, founders should approach it with careful preparation and a strategic mindset. Refining the business idea, building a strong team, and setting clear goals are foundational steps to ensure readiness for the program. Thoroughly researching different incubators and finding the one that aligns with the startup’s industry and objectives is essential.

Being coachable and open to feedback allows founders to take full advantage of the mentorship and guidance provided during the program. Engaging proactively with the incubator’s community, networking with mentors and fellow entrepreneurs, and establishing connections early on can further enrich the experience.

Founders must demonstrate market traction, have a growth strategy, and understand their financials to present a compelling case for acceptance. Embracing a resilient attitude and being prepared for the intensity of the program will help startups navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities.

While joining an incubator can be advantageous, it is not a prerequisite for startup success. Founders should carefully evaluate their startup’s needs and long-term goals to determine whether an incubator aligns with their vision.

Ultimately, startup incubators provide a nurturing and supportive ecosystem that fosters innovation, growth, and success. By maximizing the opportunities and resources available through these programs, early-stage startups can take their businesses to new heights, paving the way for a thriving future in the competitive world of entrepreneurship.

Ready to Take the Leap?

Apply now to StartupGuru’s incubator , where we offer a transformative startup incubation program designed to fuel your growth and success. Join our vibrant community of like-minded entrepreneurs, gain access to seasoned mentors, and leverage our extensive network of investors and partners. Whether you’re at the idea stage or have some sort of prototype and pitch deck with you, our tailored support will help you navigate the challenges of entrepreneurship and accelerate your startup’s progress. Don’t miss this opportunity to supercharge your journey. Apply today at StartupGuru and embark on a path to thrive in the competitive startup landscape!

Now, that’s a compelling call-to-action, isn’t that? 😉

In summary, StartupGuru runs a leading 16-week incubation program, exclusively focused on non-technical founders building a tech startup. It is fully remote, equity-free and takes you from napkin-sketch idea to a built product, launch (traction) and funding, in a matter of months. We of course can’t work with all and have a careful evaluation process. Learn more about it here .

To summarize this article for you budding entrepreneurs- Startup incubators are like rocket fuel for your business, propelling you to new heights. If you’re ready to accelerate your startup journey, it’s time to explore the incredible opportunities these incubators offer. Remember, the key to success is not just a great idea; it’s the support and guidance you receive along the way.

So, dear founders, go forth, seek out the perfect startup incubator, and turn your dreams into reality! The world is waiting to witness the next big thing, and with the right incubator by your side, there’s no limit to what you can achieve!

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The Ultimate Guide to Startup Incubators (With 25 Recommended Programs)

If you're considering joining a startup incubator or startup accelerator, here's what to know..

startup incubator business plan

The first few steps of founding a company are often the hardest part. How do you decide on your idea? How do you connect with customers? How do you build your first product? How do you fundraise and connect with investors? If you’re an aspiring founder or early-stage entrepreneur, surely many of these questions are on your mind.

Entrepreneurship is such an individual journey that can frequently feel quite lonely. Particularly if you’re a first-time founder, you may sometimes feel like you’re missing the guidance you’d typically get in a team or corporate structure. 

This is where startup incubators come in: they provide startup founders in the earliest stages with the necessary capital, physical resources, guidance, and network to start building and get their company launched. 

But how should you go about deciding whether or not to join an incubator? To help you make this decision, and provide you with the most up-to-date information on the top programs Elpha members recommend, we’ve put together this ultimate guide. We cover: 

What is a startup incubator? How do incubators make money?

What is the difference between an incubator vs. accelerator, is joining a startup incubator a good idea.

Where can I find a startup incubator?

In short, a startup incubator is a program through which early-stage companies are empowered to form, grow, and succeed. Incubators help founders in the earliest stages of their company-building journey (many of them work with founders even before they have an idea!).

While every incubator is slightly different in their value proposition, they typically support founders through providing co-working space, some amount of investments (typically under $100K), programming (such as office hours with mentors, fireside chats, and community events), pro bono resources (such as free AWS credits), and credibility (through the startup being able to say they are incubated at X incubator).

In exchange, incubators take equity in the startups they incubate. While every incubator has slightly different terms, the portion they take is generally meaningful (low to high single-digit percentage).

Some incubators, including some of those listed below, do not take equity. These incubators are usually a part of a larger company that supports the program not as a monetization or typical investment tool, but rather as a way to stay close to up-and-coming innovation.

“Incubator” and “accelerator” are often used interchangeably in casual conversation and even among those in the industry (for example, venture capitalists often use the terms interchangeably.)

There is little meaningful difference between incubators and accelerators. The commonly accepted distinction is that incubators are usually focused on early-stage companies in the formation, or “zero to one” phase, whereas accelerators help take companies that already have some meaningful traction to the next level.

Given most of what we cover here is focused on the former group (the earliest stages), we will refer to them as “incubators,” but know this advice and information applies to both for all companies in the formation, pre-seed, and seed stages.

Joining an incubator will have both its benefits and costs! We recommend understanding what your needs are and how they align with these pros and cons. 

Brand name: being backed by a well-known incubator can help grow your company’s brand for attracting talent, getting in touch with journalists, and connecting with corporate partners and customers. 

Coworking space: oftentimes, incubators provide a space for you and your team to work out of, complete with resources like technology, whiteboards, food, and more. If you are looking for office space but want to save on costs, incubators are a great option. 

Investment: incubators often invest in companies and bring other investors to a demo day event where they can meet participating startups. Through an incubator, you may be able to raise your fundraising round more easily. 

Company building support: if you’re a first-time founder or a previous founder building in a new space, incubator team members and mentors can offer support in brainstorming around key company formation and growth topics in engineering, design, growth, hiring, and more.

Equity: generally, incubators invest in your company in exchange for equity (similar to the typical venture capital model). If you are looking to bootstrap, not looking to build a venture-scale company, or not willing to give up equity at the moment, incubators may not be for you.

Misalignment: If you join an incubator that is not fully aligned with your needs (for example, if they focus on B2B businesses but you end up pivoting to a B2C model), then you may feel as though you wasted your time engaging with the incubator when you could have been building more valuable connections and building your business in a better-aligned community. 

Lack of support post-graduation: while incubators are very helpful and focused on you while you are a part of their program, once you inevitably graduate (typical programs last for a few months), that support may disappear or at least decrease as the incubator focuses on their next batch of startups. If you are very reliant on the support from the incubator, you may feel a meaningful gap when you graduate.

Beyond these general considerations, you should also do your diligence on the specific incubators you are considering by:

Reaching out to friends or friends of friends who have gone through the program 

Looking at where the alumni startups are now - have they raised meaningful amounts of venture capital? Have they grown quickly? 

Understanding what types of programming the incubator offers - are the office hours with relevant people? Are the topics the ones you need help with? 

Learning more about the culture between the startups in the incubator - are they collaborative with each other? Or are they more competitive? 

Determining what types of investors attend demo day - how many attend? Do they usually invest? Are they right for your sector?

Where can I find a startup incubator? 

If you’ve determined that joining an incubator is a fit for your startup, the next step is to apply. We put together this startup incubator list with some of the most highly recommended programs from Elpha members!

500 Startups  

500 Startups is an incredibly global program that helps founders operate and expand in their local markets and learn from a very diverse network of mentors and other founders. Read more on Elpha about 500 Startups.

Alchemist is focused on enterprise companies. They support immensely on the sales front, helping companies develop monetization and growth strategies. 

Co-Founders Lab

If you’re looking for a co-founder to start your startup, Co-Founders Lab has a great program. Elpha members highlighted the comprehensive support of the incubator.

Entrepreneurs Roundtable incubator (ERA)

ERA is NYC’s first and largest early-stage startup accelerator and seed VC fund. They look for companies from around the world that are able to take advantage of the NYC opportunity as a starting point to successfully enter the market. Iynna , one of Elpha’s community managers, was previously the Global Programs Manager at ERA.

Envision incubator  

Envision is the first no-equity, student-focused incubator supporting diverse founders. Envision’s unique focus brings together an enriching community of founders supporting each other and tons of great mentors looking to help the next generation of entrepreneurs. 

Female Founders Alliance - Ready Set Raise  

Female Founders Alliance’s Ready Set Raise is one of the top incubators for female founders. Most of the programming is virtual, which helps more founders participate with minimal logistical disruption. Elpha members highly recommend Female Founders Alliance.

Fledge incubator

Fledge is focused on social impact companies. They are a great partner for mission-driven early-stage startups. Elpha members shared great feedback on the team behind Fledge.

Forum Ventures (previously Acceleprise)

Forum Ventures is a B2B software-focused incubator with a special focus on Canadian and US pre-seed tech startups. Elpha members highlighted immensely positive interactions with their team members. 

Founders Factory   

Founders Factory partners with founders as early as the business idea stage. They have a unique model where they invest both cash and services support. Elpha members shared very positive experiences with Founders Factory. 

Gener8tor is a rapidly growing and up-and-coming incubator program. It has a special focus in the Midwest. Elpha members mention hearing good things about Gener8tor.

Grid110 is a Los Angeles-based business incubator where you work with a cohort of 20 other early-stage entrepreneurs in a very communal and supportive environment. An Elpha member highlighted how her experience with Grid110 helped her get past the idea stage and into prototyping. 

HAX is a great incubator for hardware startups. While many other programs focus on software-powered companies, HAX has deep experience working with hardware companies through their unique product and growth journeys. 

Huckletree Alpha  

Huckletree Alpha is a pre-seed incubator for Europe-based startups. There is a big focus on supporting founders in their fundraising journeys with tons of pitch practice, deck feedback, and investor networking. Here's more info on Elpha about Huckletree Alpha.

IndieBio provides research-driven startups the lab space, network, and support to commercialize their transformative work. An Elpha member shared more about IndieBio’s robust programming and community.

LAUNCH is a business incubator founded and run by Jason Calacanis, one of the most active angels. They typically work with companies that have some traction already, to take their business to the next level. Here’s more info on the LAUNCH accelerator program on Elpha. 

Launch Alaska  

Launch Alaska offers an incredibly unique program for women-led startups in the food, energy, water, and transportation space. They help these founders test and deploy their technology in an arctic environment. Elpha members recommend Launch Alaska.


MassChallenge has worked with over 1.9K startups in the past 12 years. Their deep networks and experience help early-stage companies incubator their growth. The program is especially mission and impact-focused. 

Pear runs a close-knit incubator program for early-stage founders. All founders in the program get tons of individual attention and time from the Pear partners who are all former founders and operators. Elpha members suggest Pear.

Plug and Play

Plug and Play offers sector-specific programs around the US to support early-stage founders specifically through connections and introductions to large corporations in their space for customer acquisition or partnerships. 

SAP.iO is SAP’s accelerator focused on diverse founders for software startups (seed to series C stage). The program helps founders connect and integrate with SAP and SAP’s network of 400K+ enterprise customers. The program does not take equity. SAP.iO New York is run by an Elpha member . 

Techstars USA and Global

Techstars is a global incubator with many location and industry-specific programs spread out around the world. With Techstars, you can find the program best fit for your startup. Elpha members recommend diligencing the specific program you are applying for to make sure its particular culture and structure are a good fit, since the caliber and experience can vary by location.

Women’s Startup Lab

Women’s Startup Lab is an accelerator focused on female founders. The program helps founders launch, grow, and fund their startup company. Alumni mention how collaborative and supportive the community of mentors, team members, and other founders is. 

XRC Labs is focused on consumer goods and retail companies. They provide a coworking space in Manhattan, funding, and a big network of retail partners including Saks Fifth Avenue, Gap, CVS, and more. Here's more info on Elpha about XRC Labs.

Xx incubator

Xx incubator focuses on founders who are just getting started. They provide investments, free SF housing, an immigration attorney, and tailored mentorship. An Elpha member shared her great experiences with the program. 

Y Combinator

Y Combinator was an early pioneer of the incubator model and is now one of the most widely known programs in the world. They offer a deep investor network, excellent branding for your startup, and a rich community of incredible founders. If you apply to YC, check out the Elpha Office Hours with Carolyn Conway , on the admissions team at YC. Also read the advice from Elphas here , here , and here .

We hope this guide has helped you start your journey in navigating the startup incubator and accelerator worlds. For even more investors and accelerators supporting underrepresented founders, check out this list of 135 resources.

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ShiftPixy Labs

The 6-Step Business Incubator Process

Jun 23, 2021

startup incubator business plan

Are you ready for this? According to National Business Capital & Services, around 90% of all startup companies fail. Yep, nine out of ten new businesses don’t make it. When you look at a number like that, you may be tempted not even to begin. But what can make the difference between success and failure are business incubation programs? 

The business incubator industry helps with job creation, the local economy and turns good ideas into successful businesses. But what’s the business incubator process, and how can it help you beat the odds?

Table of Contents

What is business incubation?

You have a good idea but don’t know what to do with it. This is where business incubators can make a real difference. The concept of business incubation identifies the potential of new startups in the early stages and puts into place fundamental mechanisms for success. These “mechanisms” include strategic planning, learning environment, and financial management.

All business incubation programs have the end goal of ensuring the long-term survival and growth of the company. They help bring resources and support to develop products and services for those who otherwise wouldn’t have access to these benefits.

What is the business incubator process?

A successful incubator has three distinct stages in the process. The initial step is to begin the admission process and includes specific steps.

When applying to a business incubator, look closely at the requirements and what you need to submit. You may need to have a business plan in place and a well-developed idea to compete.

After submitting your application, you may have to interview with the incubator manager. So, being prepared for the interview is key to acceptance. Try to find out what they are looking for ahead of time and be prepared to prove why you’re the best fit for the incubator. 

Depending on the incubator admission process, you may have to wait a few weeks before you hear the answer. In the meantime, keep working on your business operations and strategy. This way, you’re even more prepared when you’re accepted. 

What happens once you start?

This stage is the heart of the incubator process and depends on the type of incubator and end goals. Incubator participants in the ShiftPixy Labs incubator go through a series of challenges and a carefully crafted curriculum. Plus, they gain access to mentors and opportunities to network.

Network with other startups

One of the hallmarks of Incubator development is networking with other startups. Cohort-based incubators pool like-minded entrepreneurs in a group to move through the process together. 

Without the incubator, startups may find it hard to create sustainable business networks that can help get the business off the ground and offer support in the years after the incubation ends. 

Start to Learn and Grow

In a sense, an incubator provides business assistance and crucial educational content that inspires companies to learn and grow. It’s like getting a business masters without having to pay the high tuition. 

Find Funding

When you participate in an incubator, you have more opportunities to meet an angel investor or secure capital financing. Business incubators understand that startups need access to funds and help candidates find investors or secure loans.

At the end of the program, incubated companies go through a demo day. Prospective investors learn more about the incubated concepts and decide whether the startup is worthy of investment. It’s the startup’s chance to show viability and proof of idea.

What happens once the incubation ends?

After completing key challenges successfully, the startup is now ready to launch the company. Financing and a solid business plan are in place. 

What are the benefits of business incubation?

You may have an idea of the benefits by now, but it’s worth mentioning them again. A successful business incubator can provide the following advantages: 

  • Complimentary office space
  • Access to mentors and expert advice
  • Help with product development
  • Ability to network with similar startups
  • Access to different finance options
  • Accelerated time frame to ensure success
  • Help to get the concept running

Having the benefit of being in an incubator is highly desirable for any starting business. Strategic planning and business management support give entrepreneurs and restaurateurs the necessary edge for success. 

Is a business incubator right for me?

The business incubation model has been around for years. But in the last few years has had a surge in popularity. Knowing if it’s right for you may depend on the incubation model and business goals. In the incubation industry, there are different types of incubators, including: 

  • technology incubators
  • startup incubators
  • corporate incubators
  • kitchen incubators
  • virtual incubators
  • academic incubators

The above examples are by no means finite. You can find any industry-specific incubator to fit your company’s product or goals. But some incubators are better than others. 

Apply to ShiftyPixy Labs Ghost Kitchen Incubator Program Today

ShiftPixy takes the kitchen incubator concept to a whole new level. The groundbreaking new approach takes aspiring restaurant operators from their early ideas to fruition. All of which culminate into a ghost kitchen setup. 

Ghost kitchens were taking off before the pandemic, but the number of people ordering food online for delivery has soared since then. People no longer need to visit a restaurant to experience yummy cuisine. The trend towards delivery is only going to increase. 

What matters is the quality and how fast it’s delivered. Ghost kitchens have no storefront, work from a commercial kitchen, and don’t rely on foot traffic. Locations don’t have to be trendy or in an up-and-coming neighborhood. Instead, ghost kitchens harness the power of technology and native delivery to build an empire. ShiftPixy Labs shows restaurateurs how to do it with style. 

The first step is to download the ShiftPixy Labs app and start the application process. Right now, we’re offering incubators for restaurant folk, but as we grow, so will the types of businesses we add to our incubator programs. Now is the moment to make your dreams a reality. If not now, when?

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Business Incubator Model – Everything You Need to Know

Do you want to start a business incubator? If YES, here is everything you need to know about the business incubator model plus example of successful companies. Business incubators are organizations that are geared towards helping startups and early stage organizations speed up their growth. Incubators also help their mentee businesses secure capital from angel investors, state governments, economic-development coalitions and other interested investors.

Business incubation programs are often sponsored by private companies or municipal entities and public institutions, such as colleges and universities. Their goal is to help create and grow young businesses by providing them with necessary support and financial and technical services.

Incubators are very essential in the life of a new business as they provide numerous benefits to these businesses. First off, their office and manufacturing space is offered at below-market rates, and their staff supplies advice and the much-needed expertise for the developing business. They equally create great marketing plans for these businesses so that they can easily access funding.

Companies usually spend an average of two years in a business incubator, during which time they often share telephone, secretarial office, and production equipment expenses with other startup companies, in an effort to reduce everyone’s overhead and operational costs, and make limited finances to go far.

Benefits of a Business Incubator

A business incubator provides diverse benefits to startup entrepreneurs so much so that they can no longer be ignored when starting a business. These benefits can include:

Space to work

Some incubators offer office space for free or below-market rates to their portfolio companies. This solves a lot of problems for startups. Mainly, it allows them to find a professional space for their employees to work without having to sign a lease. This is especially helpful when the company is unsure how quickly they’ll scale production or headcount.

Access to specialized equipment

Some incubators invest in specialized equipment, like modeling software, 3D printers, prototyping equipment, or software development labs. This equipment help greatly in scaling companies in their infancy. Access to costly equipment and simulation programs can be crucial when starting off.

Experienced mentors

It’s important for startups to limit critical mistakes while scaling. Most incubators offer an experienced staff of savvy industry executives to help the business team stay focused and avoid mistakes. Incubators usually employ mentors with specific startup experience that can help explain process, planning, and decision criteria, so as to steer new entrepreneurs away from costly mistakes they made or witnessed.

Expert training

Many business incubators offer an array of important business training spanning from legal advice on startup documents, incorporation terms, or IP issues to general business challenges like how to ship a product, establish a quality culture, or establish sales and marketing processes.

Software discounts

From accounting to project management, incubators typically offer business software that helps their startups scale. Pricing and education are typically vetted and negotiated for a standard rate allowing portfolio companies to get right to work. HubSpot offers this type of arrangement to more than 1000 startup partners worldwide.

Multiple business services

Much like leveraging software availability and selection, many incubators offer accounting, banking, marketing, and manufacturing services to help companies scale.

Access to like-minded entrepreneurs

One of the best attributes of business incubators are the intangibles. Working with a group of like-minded entrepreneurs, using connections for connecting with prospects or customers, and learning from others in your cohort are invaluable parts of incubator life.

Role of Business Incubators

Incubators provide various venture capitalists, angel investors as well as other mentors for entrepreneurs. By helping the startups set up office spaces or legal expertise, they allow the startup to focus more on the running of the core business so as to achieve success in record time. A business incubator provides businesses the much needed support to develop their new startup. This support can be in the form of:


Startup incubators provide office workspaces, workshops for startups to get the initial prototype phase up and running.

Incubators help multiple startups simultaneously. When these startups work under one roof, they get connected with entrepreneurs working in the same industry which helps them gain insights to improve their product. Many incubators even arrange startup networking meetings to help entrepreneurs increase their network.

Financial advisory/ Intellectual property teams/ Legal advisory

Business incubators lend their financial advisors, IP teams and legal advisors to the entrepreneurs so that they can make well-informed decisions.

Contacts for potential investors

Business incubators have been in the field of launching startups to become a legitimate business. Because of this, they have multiple contacts with previous and potential investors. They even help the entrepreneurs in developing a perfect pitch deck.


Many startup incubators have tools and equipment to manufacture prototypes, 3D models and even final products.

Initial financial support

Some business incubators provide a minimal fund to set things into motion and begin with the initial phase of pitching the idea and developing the concept.

Training and guidance

Business incubators provide training from market experts on how to begin, develop and implement ideas. They follow your progress closely and guide you how to improve your reach and get to the target market.

How Do Business Incubators Benefit?

Business incubators help their student entrepreneurs to nurture their ideas and successfully convert them into business models. This is done to entice potential students to sign up to their services.

Some existing companies incubate ideas to develop an eco-system around their existing product line thus making the market tilt towards their favour. Other private incubators help entrepreneurs by providing them support in exchange for equity.

How Incubation Benefits the Society

Incubators have been created with the intention of achieving a wide range of objectives, primarily those which are needed by small businesses, such as creating jobs, developing innovative ideas, diversifying the local economy, and broadly generating activity and wealth in a region by creating a vibrant small business sector. However, bioentrepreneurs may well ask whether they actually achieve such goals.

As a test case, in 2001, UK Business Incubation measured the impact of incubators on the local economy and work force in the united kingdom. The survey revealed that an incubator’s client businesses provided an average of 167 jobs (full-time equivalents) per incubator and were home to an average of 30 client businesses.

Most (60%) incubators also operate “outreach” services, helping and advising companies located outside the walls of the incubator. Incubators operating outreach activities supported an average of 106 additional businesses. Across the sample, an average of 75% of client companies turned over up to £500,000, but only 1.5% had a turnover of more than £5 million.

More importantly, companies housed within UK incubators had an average success rate of 80% compared with the national average of 50% of all small- and medium-sized companies registered and trading in that year. Around 70% of incubators attempted to measure the impact of their client businesses, for example, on the basis of jobs created and financial performance. Such indicators have also influenced government policy and funding in this arena.

Such studies do highlight the support for incubators, as well as their potential contribution. In particular, they highlight the usefulness of incubators in identifying and supporting potential growth businesses, helping technology transfer, developing innovation, and expanding the range of local businesses.

However, because incubation has been operative for only a relatively short time, there is less evidence that they are generators of jobs and wealth. Perhaps this is to be expected given the nature of these facilities, which is to offer longer-term approaches to immediate startup deficiencies.

7 Things to Know About Business Incubators Before Getting into It

Know why you need them.

Incubators work with early-stage companies or baby businesses, helping them access resources and support to get them to the point of self-sustainability. When people decide they want to become entrepreneurs, but are not sure where to turn for help, the incubator can provide mentoring, coaching, collaboration (with like-minded people), access to networks, and even physical office space. If your business is past the baby stage, then maybe you ought to look elsewhere.

Look at an Incubator’s Track Record Before Signing Up

Just as investors look at traction for a startup before they invest, you should look at the success of previous startups at a particular incubator. The success of an incubator should be measured by how well startups have done after graduation. Does the incubator have a track record of successful startups? Has the incubator assisted startups in raising their seed rounds after graduation?

Look for those you share similar objectives with

Ultimately your assessment should be based on what you need. If you are lacking in encouragement or mentorship, if your business plan is close to working, an incubator can be a great avenue to get that little nudge and the social support to help your business reach a new level. When looking out for one to sign up with, you should look out for those that complement your business objectives.

Don’t jump in head first

Before joining an incubator, consider what’s going on in your life, your commitment level to your company, the location of the incubator, and what the requirements are. Don’t overcommit.

Ask yourself if you are ready to be a client. This means showing up and participating in the program; being teachable and being under someone; accepting input from the incubator’s leadership; and all the while continuing to grow as the leader of your own company.

Know the Difference Between Early-Stage and Late-Stage Incubators

Early-stage incubators are valuable for helping an entrepreneur turn an idea into a step-by-step roadmap for building a business. The key ingredient in such incubators is mentorship from experts in the areas of building a business plan, financial strategy, management, operations, branding, pitching to investors, marketing strategy, etc.

Late-stage incubators and accelerators for businesses that can show initial market traction can provide important access to angel investors and opportunities to pitch to venture capitalists. Incubators and accelerators also help build important networks of contacts that can prove instrumental for financing and partnership prospects.

Be wary of hidden fees

Incubators typically provide inexpensive office space and basic business needs, such as Internet connectivity, in exchange for a fee. Entrepreneurs should understand exactly what the program offers and at what cost.

The upside of incubators is easy and inexpensive access to essentials, such as office space, telecommunications tech, conference rooms, and mentors. The downside is that incubators can often be more focused on generating lease fees instead of building value for the entrepreneur’s business – that is, there seems to always be another tenant waiting in line.

How to Get Accepted into an Incubator Program in 4 Steps

Being accepted into a business incubator can and should be a process. Most incubators have an admissions process and require companies to apply for acceptance. Criteria for acceptance into an incubator varies, but most require you to present a feasible business idea and professional business plan. Here are a few steps to get started finding an incubator that’s right for your business.

Review your options geographically or vertically

Because of the sheer volume of available incubators, you might have more than one option to choose from. By doing a quick regional search, you can understand and rank the incubators that might be a good fit for your company needs. Always review the website and ask for references from successful companies they’ve helped as well as a few from companies that have dropped out to get an overall view of fit.

Review their admission criteria

Most incubators have defined criteria for which types of companies they’re prepared to help. Some require certain milestones or criteria, like headcount, capital, entrepreneurial experience, background, revenue, or product fit. Others require contractual obligations from the accepted companies, so reviewing the application and understanding what is crucial to ascertaining fit.

Get your business plan ready

A business plan might not be required during the application process, but it’s helpful in determining whether the incubator is a good match. A simple overview of business name, team build, value proposition, competitive advantage, addressable market, go to market strategy, product or service, and a 12-month forecast can help you differentiate your company. Keep it simple at this stage.

Know that you will be screened

In most cases, incubators will accept initial applications for companies meeting basic criteria. Some incubators require a video submission to explain the basic Business model, vision, and mission of the company.

The second stage is usually to meet and discuss your goals, plans, strengths, and weaknesses with a screening committee. This might take the form of an application, pitch or interview, and a series of meetings to set expectations for each side. So you should endavour to prepare for it. If you make it through the screening stage, you are most likely to get accepted.

50 Successful Companies Operating on Business Incubator Model

One of the largest accelerator programs in the game is Techstars. They choose over 300 companies annually to join their three-month, mentorship-driven program. Techstars invests $120K in each startup and provides hands-on mentorship and access to the Techstars Network for life. Techstars hosts dozens of accelerator programs across different cities and industries.

Capital Factory

Capital Factory’s accelerator gives startups a competitive advantage in attracting talent, advisors, investors and customers. Its focus is on helping startups raise funding and increase customer growth by providing coworking space, hosting credits, a Startup Evangelist to advocate for your startup and access to a mentor network of the top investors and entrepreneurs in Texas.

Tech Ranch Austin

Tech Ranch equips entrepreneurs and ecosystems with insights, proven techniques, tools and processes that develop both the community and the entrepreneur. Tech Ranch has been recognized as a 2015 Top 3 Social Impact Incubator by UBI Global and 2015 & 2016 Top 20 US/Canada Accelerators by Gust’s Global Report. Its programs have influenced more than 6,000​ ​entrepreneurs in 42+ countries with more than 750​ solutions deployed.


Headquartered in the united states with locations in Boston, Israel, Mexico, Switzerland, Texas, and the UK, MassChallenge strengthens the global innovation ecosystem by accelerating high-potential startups across all industries, from anywhere in the world for zero equity taken.

Specifically for women-led startups, MergeLane aims to support a diverse startup community through virtual mentoring, personal coaching and a curriculum targeting early-stage business issues and topics that specifically affect women leaders. The program takes place in Boulder, Colorado, but companies are only required to be there in person for part of the 12-week program. Some of the program can be completed virtually.

Chicago Blockchain Center

The recently launched Chicago Blockchain Center is an accelerator focused on blockchain-enabled technologies. In collaboration with the State of Illinois, the Chicago Blockchain Center provides a platform for education, innovation and development with help from top Chicago companies and entrepreneurs.

New Venture Challenge

Launched in 1996, the Edward L. Kaplan New Venture Challenge is recognized as one of the top-ranked accelerator programs in the US. Through the NVC, the Polsky Center of the University of Chicago has graduated more than 230 startup companies and created thousands of jobs for the economy. NVC startups have achieved more than $13 billion in mergers and exits, and include household names such as Grubhub, Braintree/Venmo and Simple Mills.

WiSTEM is a 12-week accelerator program that connects women to capital, community and technology resources. The program, co-created by 1871 and Ms. Tech, has found success since launching in 2015, helping over 50 women-founded companies who have raised almost $10 million in funding and have created hundreds of jobs.

Funding from JPMorgan Chase has led to a recent expansion of the program, which is built around peer-to-peer learning, knowledge sharing and a fundraising strategy curriculum.

The Brandery

The Brandery is a nationally ranked accelerator that leverages the expertise of the Cincinnati region, namely with branding, marketing and design. In addition to an elite mentor network, startups are paired with world-class creative agencies and gain access to some of the biggest companies in the world, including Procter & Gamble and Kroger. The Brandery runs one 16-week accelerator program per year for five companies. The participating startups each receive $100K, a year of free office space and more than $200K in additional benefits.

Make in LA is an accelerator program that focuses on hardware startups. The Los Angeles-based program involves four months of hands-on work, from building prototypes to preparing pitches for investors. Innovative hardware startups can apply online during the yearly application period.

MuckerLab works with no more than ten companies per year, doing whatever is necessary, for as long as necessary, to ensure that each and every company achieves the operating milestones required for the next round of financing. Its hands-on, boutique approach has allowed for them to achieve extraordinary success rates and founder satisfaction scores. MuckerLab was recently ranked the number two accelerator in the US.

Its bespoke model allows the company to deeply embed themselves as adjunct operating executives in companies at their earliest stages, as well as those going through major inflection points.

AngelPad is a seed-stage accelerator program based in NYC and San Francisco. Since 2010, it has launched more than 140 companies. Every 6 months, they select around 15 teams from a huge pool of applicants (usually around 2000) to work with. AngelPad was recently ranked as the number one accelerator in the US (based on a study from MIT/Brown University). AngelPad has been called the “Anti-Y Combinator” due to its strategy of working with fewer teams on a yearly basis.

Betaworks (Camp)

Camp combines Betaworks’ building and investing experience into thematic accelerator programs for startups in frontier technology. Camp themes reflect the areas on which they are most focused and evolve along with their investment theses. This cycle’s theme is livecamp: everything around live streaming, esports, etc.

Blueprint Health

Blueprint Health invests time and $20K into 20 healthcare IT companies each year. The staff and mentors work intensively with the companies for three months to help them meet their individual business goals. Typically these goals include gaining customers, raising capital, building marketing and sales collateral and refining an investor pitch. But Blueprint Health doesn’t end after three months – they continue to help their alumni founders build and grow their companies and offer them additional resources that the community can provide.

Cofound Harlem

Cofound Harlem is an accelerator program in New York City that aims to build 100 companies in Harlem by the year 2022. The accelerator provides mentorship, education and other support to Harlem-based startups and companies that want to make a real impact on the community.

Dreamit Ventures is an early-stage venture fund that accelerates startups building transformative tech products in the fields of healthcare, real estate/built environment and security. Dreamit identifies and invests in startups with market-ready products looking to more rapidly gain customers, initiate new partnerships and raise their next round of funding. Startups participate in one of Dreamit’s three industry verticals: UrbanTech, HealthTech, or SecureTech.

Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator

Entrepreneurs Roundtable Accelerator combines seed capital, hands-on help and a great coworking location with an expert team to positively impact the trajectory of early-stage startups. ERA runs two four-month programs per year. They are New York City’s largest accelerator program as well as its deepest and strongest mentor network with 400+ expert investors, technologists, product specialists, marketers, customer acquisition strategists, sales execs and more, across all major industries represented in New York.

Fintech Innovation Lab

The Fintech Innovation Lab is a highly competitive 12-week program that helps early- to growth-stage startup companies refine and test their value proposition with the support of the world’s leading financial service firms.

MetaProp NYC

MetaProp and Columbia University collaborate to bring together some of the most innovative and influential real estate institutions and other industry PropTech visionary companies to lead the MetaProp Accelerator at the Columbia University Consortium.

New York Digital Health Innovation Lab

The New York Digital Health Innovation Lab, previously NY Digital Health Accelerator, is an annual program run by the Partnership Fund for New York City and the New York eHealth Collaborative for growth-stage companies that have developed cutting-edge technology products targeted at healthcare organizations.

Startup52 is an early-stage accelerator program in New York City that is focused on promoting diversity. The accelerator accepts startups in various industries, but puts a big emphasis on the capabilities and diversity of founding team members. Accepted startups receive one-on-one mentorship, coworking space and other support tailored to each startup.

VentureOut is a New York City-based program that is a one-week hyper-accelerator. It brings in startups from around the world and connects them to members of the startup and technology communities in NYC. The VentureOut program features sessions on subjects ranging from leadership to sales, and ends with individual meetings and new client meetings at the end of the week.

For startups that focus on retail and consumer goods, XRC Labs provides an innovative, design-centric accelerator program in New York. Participants get mentorship, access to capital, operational support and workspace on the campus of the Parsons School of Design at the New School. XRC Labs runs two 10-week programs each year.

AlphaLab is a nationally ranked software accelerator in Pittsburgh. They help early-stage tech companies quickly figure out the best way to build and grow in an immersive 4-month program that includes funding opportunities.


BoomStartup is a seed, early-stage venture growth fund and virtual accelerator program. They provide entrepreneur boot camp basics like custom accelerator plans, extensive mentoring from seasoned professionals, personalized mentorship, investor introductions and pitch development. The program uses lean startup methodologies to launch a number of business startup programs such as early-phase tech, software, EdTech, product, and biotech startups.

Capria is a valuable Seattle-based investment firm and accelerator program focusing on global impact startups. The program aims to work with startups that develop innovative solutions to global problems, specifically those operating in emerging markets.

500 Startups

Probably one of the most well-known accelerators, 500 Startups’ 4-month seed program gets your company access to mentorship, hands-on sessions with startup experts and an office space where you’ll work with other talented founders from around the world. They invest $150K in exchange for 6% in equity. They charge a $37.5K fee for participation in the program and it takes place in both San Francisco and Mexico City.

Alchemist Accelerators

The Alchemist Accelerator is an accelerator exclusively for startups whose revenue comes from enterprises, not consumers. The accelerator focuses on enterprise customer development, sales, market validation and a structured path to fundraising.

Boost VC invests $50K – $100K in exchange for 7% of the company. They seek passionate technologists from around the world for their accelerator in Silicon Valley. They give their companies a place to live and work, an unparalleled network and time to focus on their startup.

Founders Embassy

Founders Embassy is elevating, inspiring and educating international and immigrant founders by offering them unprecedented access to Silicon Valley through its immersive, bootcamp-style acceleration programs, impactful events and thought leadership – all without any exchange of equity. To qualify for the program, it is not required for the startup to be based outside of the US. However, if the company is based in the US, they do require for one of the founders to be either an international citizen or an immigrant living in the US.

Illumina Accelerator

For startups involved in clinical research and applied sciences, especially in the area of genomics, Illumina Accelerator provides extensive mentorship, financial support lab space and more. Founders accepted into the program must work full-time in the Bay Area during the six-month program.

Matter is a 20-week accelerator program that focuses on design thinking. Based in both San Francisco and New York City, participants immerse themselves in a collaborative culture where they are taught to focus on creating human-centered offerings in order to fail fast and bring products to market sooner. The application process includes a pitch, project and finalist round that startups must go through in order to be selected.

Upwest Labs

Upwest Labs offers $20K in funding over a four-month period for small businesses based in Silicon Valley. In addition to seed funding, small businesses can gain access to investors, mentors and more through the comprehensive small business development program that Upwest Labs provides.

Le Camp is a Québec-based incubator-accelerator that is dedicated to tech businesses growth and mentorship. They offer a diversity of services adapted to companies’ development stages, from pre-startup to internationalization.

Creative Destruction Lab

Creative Destruction Lab helps innovators transition from science projects to high-growth companies. Its focus is as a seed-stage program with the goal of helping companies go through the transition phase from pre-seed to seed-stage funding. Thalmic Labs, Nymi, Charge Spot and Pet Bot are some examples of the companies that CDL works with.

DMZ is a world-leading accelerator for tech startups in Canada. They help startups build great businesses by connecting them with customers, capital, experts and a community of entrepreneurs and influencers. They aim to create an environment where companies can focus on scaling their businesses. DMZ is ranked as the #1 university-based business incubator in the world by UBI Global. They have a strong commitment to helping high-growth tech startups scale, fostering a vibrant startup community and fueling innovation in Canada.

Extreme Accelerator

Extreme Accelerator is the most active Canadian pre-seed fund that invests, sponsors immigration and accelerates global startups. They are mainly looking for international startups relocating or expanding to Canada, with an aim to target a global or North American market. They also require demonstrated product-market fit through revenue and validations by accelerators or other parties.

Ideaboost is a Toronto-based business accelerator and startup community for companies that are building the next generation of technology-based media and entertainment products, services, and brands. This accelerator is an initiative of the Canadian Film Centre’s Media Lab, in partnership with Corus Entertainment. It provides high-potential Canadian startups with seed investment, mentorship and access to its network.

Launch Academy

Launch Academy is a tech incubator that provides the mentorship, resources, network and environment entrepreneurs need to launch, fund and grow their startups. Launch Academy offers three comprehensive programs, depending on a startup’s needs and growth stage.

Accelerate Tectoria

Its mission is simple: to increase the number of successful technology companies that start and grow in the Greater Victoria area. With input and funding from its partners, Accelerate Tectoria provides a structured venture development service designed to guide, coach and grow ambitious early-stage technology entrepreneurs.

CSI Kickstart

Known for their mentorship, impressive toolbox spilling over with resources and the ability to connect projects with the right investors, possible investors, mentors and more, CSI has it all. The incubator offers everything from human resources to knowledgeable entrepreneurs with an in-house production company — and even a virtual candy drawer!

This global incubator is wholly digital and aspires to help one million entrepreneurs achieve one million dollars in annual revenue within the next four years. This will lead to up to ten million jobs. Based on online educational programming, you’ll experience video lectures and get connected with online strategies and mentors. Aspects of this virtual incubator are free, but only approved members can access the entire program.

Based at Missouri State University, recipients are startups that aren’t physically nearby but are a good match for the program goals. Emerging businesses, startups and job creation are the goals of the eFactory. You can access the incubator program for support services, counseling, admin support and shared equipment. Mail services, virtual conference rooms and access to mailing lists and mentorship are at the heart of this program.

DreamIt Ventures

DreamIt focuses on the trifecta of the startup world — startups themselves, investors and corporate innovators. It’s one of the 20 most active incubators in the country, DreamIt is all about helping entrepreneurs scale via securing capital and customers. The incubator also partners with brands and corporations to help with pilot programs and tech advancement. Top angel networks and venture capitalists also connect with DreamIt for a healthy startup ecosystem.

Focused on tech startups, Amplify LA understands that not all startups are equal — and that means their goals and paths aren’t the same. Adopting a flexible approach is at the center of the program, with an accelerator customized to each project.

There’s no catch-all calendar or required schedule for all. Instead, mentors watch a startup’s performance and offer support. On-site support in Venice Beach is an option, but with the flexible mentorship approach, mandatory requirements are slim.

If someone in your startup has a connection to Stanford, you can qualify for the Accelerator Program. Your connection can come from your undergraduate or graduate years, but only one person needs to have such a connection. Otherwise, on-site incubator options are available, including a visiting professorship.

CodeLaunch, produced by Frisco, TX,  is a competition conducted annually between people as well as groups on technology startup ideas. This competition has been the source of success for at least 7 startups which won it. This competition targets “embryonic” stage and “very early” stage startups through established startups can also participate but won’t be the primary focus.

The main goal of this event is to create a medium through which people and their ideas can connect with investors and also for the investors to find ideas which they wish to support. Key2Close was one of the finalists of the 2015 edition of the competition.

India’s largest incubator for startups is T-Hub also known as Telangana Hub. On 5 November 2015 the first phase of T-Hub was set in operation by E. S. L. Narasimhan, Governor of Telangana and Ratan Tata, Chairman Emeritus of Tata Sons, and Telangana IT & Panchayat Raj Minister K. T. Rama Rao. Housed in a 70,000 square foot building called CatalysT, it is entirely dedicated to entrepreneurship.

Centre for Digital Innovation in Hull

The Centre for Digital Innovation in Hull, popularly known as C4DI is a digital incubator based in Kingston upon Hull, England. For providing assistance to startups, this company has created links with Amazon Web Services, PwC, Kingston Communications as well as other firms. The C4DI accelerator was launched in May 2014.

Y Combinator

Twice a year, they invest $120k into a large number of startups. These startups move to Silicon Valley for three months for intensive mentorship and support.

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Startup Incubators: What Are They & The 15 Best Ones in 2024


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List of startup investors in the FinTech industry, along with their Twitter, LinkedIn, and email addresses.

If you’re looking for ways to advance your early-stage startup through mentorship and networking, one option available to you is to join a startup incubator.

Whether you’re still in the initial idea stage of your business and want help developing a minimum viable product (MVP), or you already have an MVP and need guidance to build your sales and marketing strategies, an incubator might be just what you need to start moving your company in the right direction.

Keep in mind that incubators and startup accelerators are different in terms of funding. Incubators are not typically intended to be a source of capital in and of themselves. 

In fact, you usually have to pay a small monthly fee to participate in startup incubator programs. However, they offer great networking opportunities, which can result in meeting potential investors and securing funding from venture capital firms.

You may also want to read our Startup Accelerators guide .

What Is a Startup Incubator?

Startup incubator programs are made for businesses in the early stages of development. A startup incubator aims to provide support and resources to turn ideas into successful business ventures. Incubators offer a range of resources, including access to office space and coaching from mentors, typically serial entrepreneurs, founders, and venture capitalists.

Startup incubator programs have a selective application process to ensure that both parties are a good fit. Incubators can be industry-specific or open to startups from all industries, focusing on innovative business ideas with high growth potential.

Best 15 Startup Incubators

With thousands of startup incubators located in different countries worldwide, searching for the right incubator for your business can be overwhelming. 

Below, you’ll find five of the top global startup incubators to take a look at and consider applying for:

1) Capital Factory

Capital Factory

Capital Factory connects entrepreneurs in Texas with potential investors, employees, mentors, and customers. The Austin-located incubator program offers a large co-working space, admission to tech-focused events, and access to its network of mentors.

The company serves startups in all stages, providing entrepreneurs and their companies with the services they need to reach the next level in their development.

Location : Austin, Texas, USA

Industries : Transportation, digital health, education technology, government and military, marketplaces, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, big data, and more.

How to apply : Fill out the community membership application here .

What they give : Office space on a month-to-month basis, onsite amenities, access to a VR lab, advice from 150+ mentors, introductions to investors, special events, and pitch competitions.

2) The DMZ at Ryerson University

The DMZ at Ryerson University

The DMZ is the #1 university-based tech incubator in the world, according to UBI Global. The organization is committed to helping tech startups with high growth potential scale, fostering a vibrant startup community, and fuelling innovation in Canada. The DMZ provides entrepreneurs with the tools and services they need to build, launch, and scale their startups.

Location : Toronto, Canada

Industries : Tech startups in a variety of industries.

How to apply : Read the application requirements and apply here .

What they give : Access to office space, investors, target customers, industry-leading experts, and community events, as well as marketing, operations, talent sourcing, and financial management support services.

3) Seedcamp


Seedcamp is Europe’s biggest collective of investors, angels, and founders. The incubator VC firm provides founders with a global network of advisors to help them overcome common startup business challenges through training, consultancy, and other business services.

Seedcamp also helps pre-seed startups raise funding through introductions to investors and co-investments in funding rounds led by other VC firms.

Location : London, UK

Industries : No specific industries. Focuses on European seed-stage companies.

How to apply : Fill out the pre-seed admission form here .

What they give : Support in finding product-market-fit, building out sales and marketing capabilities, understanding how to grow your team, and introductions to a global network of operators and investors.

4) TechNexus


TechNexus is a Chicago-based startup incubator that offers a huge collaborative office space and access to a global network of partners, accelerators, and venture capitalists. They work closely with companies to identify areas for growth, build new and better products, enter new markets, implement new business models, and more. TechNexus also provides small investments to selected early-stage companies and connects companies they work with to other sources of venture capital.

Location : Chicago, Illinois, USA

Industries : No specific industries. Mainly focuses on seed-stage and series A-stage B2C and B2B companies.

How to apply : Email TechNexus at [email protected].

What they give : Consultancy and mentoring, recruitment and network support, leadership coaching, corporate customer partnerships, sales channels, co-marketing campaigns, co-developed products, collaboration capital and venture capital, and access to TeamWorking in-person office space.


Wayra was originally launched in Colombia and is backed by Telefónica, one of Latin America’s and Europe’s largest telecommunications companies. Wayra connects disruptive tech startups with Telefónica’s ecosystem and customers to help them scale up and accelerate their businesses. Wayra has hubs in 9 countries, including 6 in Latin America and 3 in Europe.

Location : Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico, Brazil, Spain, Germany, and the UK

Industries : IoT, Video, Big Data, AI, Cybersecurity, Fintech, Blockchain, Edge, and more.

How to apply : Apply to their next activation program here .

What they give : Preferred access to Telefónica’s platforms, technology, and experts, testing of new products and services, opportunities for investments, and connections to 350 million+ potential customers.

Le Camp

Le Camp is a startup incubator located in Québec, Canada. They focus on fostering the growth and success of technology-based businesses. They offer a comprehensive range of services to businesses at all stages of development, from pre-startup to international expansion.

Location : Canada.

Industries : Artificial intelligence, Fintech, Cybersecurity.

How to apply : You can apply to their pre-start-up program here .

What they give : They provide interactive learning and hands-on workshops. You will be taught to use the tools to create a solid foundation to develop your business. 

7) Launch Academy 

Launch Academy

Launch Academy is an incubator that provides entrepreneurs with the resources they need to launch and grow their businesses. This incubator has assisted over 6000 entrepreneurs since 2012, with 300 of those startups reaching the Seed and Series A stages.

Location : Canada. 

Industries : Information Technology,  Big Data, AI and more. 

How to apply : You can apply to their launchpad program here . 

What they give : Mentorship, weekly networking events, ability to connect with investors and access to their international network. 

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8) FinTech Innovation Lab

Fin Tech Innovation Lab

FinTech Innovation Lab is a 12-week initiative to help early-stage technology companies grow.

During this intensive program, participants will have the opportunity to refine and validate their value proposition with the support of top financial service organizations from around the world.

The program aims to help entrepreneurs transform their technologies from a luxury to a necessity in the industry by providing guidance and support.

Location : New Yor, Hong Kong.

Industries : Fintech.

How to apply : You can apply to their different programs here .

What they give : Workshops and panel discussions, product market feedback, and demo days where you get to showcase your product or service.


Idealab is a technology incubator founded in 1996. This incubator has significantly impacted the startup industry with a track record of over 150 successful companies, including 45 IPOs and acquisitions.

Its founder, Bill Gross, is a well-known entrepreneur who has spoken at prestigious organizations such as TED and the World Economic Forum.

Location : California, USA.

Industries : Tech, Eco-Tech, AI, Commerce and Clean Energy.

How to apply : You can get in touch idea Idealab here .

What they give : Tools for product development and their extensive network of entrepreneurs, founders and much more.

10) Highline Beta

Highline Beta

Highline Beta is an incubator specializing in launching new startups through collaboration with leading corporations and founders. Highline focuses on finding industry opportunities and launching new ventures with co-investment from their corporate partners. 

Location : Toronto, Canada.

Industries : Insurance, Health, Fintech, Retail, and others.

How to apply : You can email them at [email protected].

What they give : Access to expert advice on brand marketing to take your business idea to the next level.

11) CodeBase


CodeBase was established with a straightforward objective: to provide affordable coworking spaces equipped with high-speed internet for all your business needs.

Since its launch in 2014, Code bases’ support system has seen tremendous growth. They are available in more than 20 cities across the UK and also provide mentorship online.

Location : In all major cities within the United Kingdom.

Industries : Tech, Robotics AI, Cloud Computing, and other tech-related industries.

How to apply : You can get in touch with CodeBase here .

What they give : Codebase provides a supportive environment that includes a workspace, a sense of community, and educational programs for entrepreneurs.

12) Venture Catalysts

Venture Catalysts

Venture Catalysts is one of Asia’s biggest incubators. It provides great support and offers incubation assistance for one year. 

The incubator has also attracted co-investment from globally renowned investors, including YCombinator, Greenoaks, Axis Capital, and Alpha Capital.

Location : India, Hong Kong, and Qatar

Industries : IoT, Software, and Digital Health sector.

How to apply : You can get in touch with Venture Catalysts here .

What they give : Corporate connections, mentoring, global market access, networking opportunities, and industry-specific advice.

13) Tech Ranch

Tech Ranch

Tech Ranch is a startup incubator that assists startups in preparing for the market and equipping them with the necessary tools to tackle any challenge.

Tech Ranch offers a supportive community ideal for startups seeking to expand their network and establish robust connections with like-minded entrepreneurs and mentors to achieve success.

Location : Texas, USA.

Industries : Software, IT, Automotive Technology, and Business Services.

How to apply : You can connect with Tech Ranch here .

What they give : Virtual and online events and webinars, mentoring and coaching opportunities. Tech ranch also provides the ability to match startups with funding opportunities.


Ignite is a Europe-based incubator for early-stage startups. The program includes everything a startup needs to get their business off the ground. 

Location : United Kingdom. 

Industries : AI, cloud computing, edge computing, cybersecurity, and more.

How to apply : You can apply to their programs here .

What they give : Workshops, mentoring from experienced individuals, and networking opportunities.

15) InnoSpring Seed Fund

 InnoSpring Seed Fund

InnoSpring Seed Fund is a startup incubator based in Silicon Valley. They can tap into a worldwide network of resources for startups.

This incubator allows startups to secure significant and strategic investments as they progress in their development.

Industries : Technology, Media, B2B, and B2C businesses. 

How to apply : You can connect with InnoSpring Seed Fund here .

What they give : Future strategic investment opportunities, global expansion opportunities, resources, and information on how to scale your company.

How Long Do Startup Incubators Last?

Startup incubators usually offer long-term incubation programs of about 12 months or, in some cases, several years. This relatively long program length is because incubators are not designed to boost your startup’s growth rapidly but rather to nurture your business and provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to succeed as a founder and entrepreneur in the long term.

Application Processes of Startup Incubators

Since there is such a wide variety of startup incubators, the application process can vary significantly from program to program. However, incubator applications are generally not as complicated or competitive as startup accelerator applications.

To apply for a local or global startup incubator program, you will need to look at the specific organization’s website for an application form, or contact them directly and inquire about their current incubator programs. 

Most incubators require you to fill out a pre-screening form and provide some basic details about your startup to allow the incubator to evaluate whether or not you might be a good fit for their services. Note that not all incubators constantly accept new applicants, so you may not be able to apply for the incubator you’re interested in right away.

Do Startup Incubators Invest?

Startup incubators do not usually provide a sum of capital to startups that they accept to their programs. Their emphasis is on providing other valuable resources, including office space, training, and networking opportunities.

However, incubators are often closely connected to venture capital firms and angel investors, so you may have a chance to meet people who are interested in investing in your company during your time at an incubator.

When To Join a Startup Incubator?

Startup incubators are designed to help entrepreneurs in any development stage of their business. Unlike more competitive accelerator programs, incubators are not necessarily looking for entrepreneurs that already have an MVP or a fully fleshed-out business plan.

Since incubators often run for a year or more, they usually look for promising companies with long-term growth potential. So, if you have a business idea you’re working on, but you haven’t fully developed your product or service and acquired customers yet, it might be the perfect time to join an incubator.

Remember that most startup incubators are not intended to be a direct source of venture capital. So, if you’re strictly looking for funding for your business, an incubator may not be the right fit for you. You should join an incubator if what you’re mainly after is a collaborative space and a learning environment, where you will get to meet other people with experience building and growing startups who can help you solve early-stage business problems and develop your business plan and entrepreneurship skills.

5 Benefits of Startup Incubators

1) access to office space.

One of the primary benefits of joining a startup accelerator is that they usually give you low-cost office space to use. If you started your company from your home or a college dorm room, access to a professional office space for a year or longer can really help support you and your company’s growth in its early stages.

Incubator offices not only provide dedicated desk space, conference rooms, and other workspaces, but they also come fully equipped with high-speed internet and other critical business infrastructure and equipment that you may not be able to afford just yet.

2) Mentorship and Advisory Services

While incubators don’t usually offer the same intense, personalized mentorship that shorter accelerator programs do, they still typically have a team of startup mentors and business professionals who are there to advise program participants. Having access to individuals with a deeper, more experienced knowledge base than your own is invaluable when you’re developing your business idea and trying to get your startup off the ground and running.

3) Help With Business Basics

Startup incubators often provide help with basic business needs, including accounting and financial management services, human resources services, local regulatory compliance, etc.

These business basics are something that every company needs to deal with, but they can be daunting to tackle for new startup founders. Not only does having these types of resources available through an incubator program assist you in areas you don’t have any experience in, but it can be a huge time and money saver, as you don’t have to hire outside professionals to help you.

4) Networking Opportunities

Another of the biggest benefits of joining a startup incubator is the different networking opportunities they provide. From advisory board members and mentors to venture capitalists and other startup founders, you’ll have the opportunity to meet all kinds of people in the business world during your year or longer at an incubator.

These networking opportunities can result in business partnerships, investment capital, and other lasting connections that can help you and your business succeed.

5) Help Refining Your Ideas and Plans

Think of a startup incubator as a university program for your business that teaches you everything you need to know to set you up for success. During the time you spend at a startup incubator, you’ll use all the available resources to turn your early-stage business idea into a viable product or service, with a business plan that you can actually profit from.

Besides that, you’ll develop personal business skills that will help you be a more successful entrepreneur in the long run, on both current and future projects.

Should You Join an Incubator?

While many startup incubators are geared towards new founders, they can provide exciting opportunities to startups at any stage in their growth. 

Whether you have a budding idea that you want to turn into a prototype or an MVP, or you already have a product or service that you need help scaling and selling, you can certainly get value from joining an incubator.

There is a huge variety of incubators, so make sure to do your research about different startup incubators to find one that can provide you with the specific value you're looking for. 

Most incubators offer some things in common, including access to office space, consultancy, and networking opportunities, but some incubators specialize in certain areas that might be more or less suited to you and your company. 

If you’re trying to choose between a startup incubator vs. a startup accelerator , keep in mind that startup incubators are less focused on providing actual funding. 

They can introduce you to potential investors and can save you money in certain areas of your business, but don’t expect to receive a big chunk of venture capital when you join an incubator. Because many incubators charge a small fee to their members, they can even be a good fit for seed-stage or series A-stage startups that have already received some type of funding.

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How to Start a Business Incubator for Profits – Sample Business Plan Template

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » B2B Industry

Do you want to start a business incubator company from scratch? Or you need a sample business incubator business plan template? If YES, then i advice you read on. Starting a business is a very critical period in the life of an entrepreneur—one that brings a lot of fears and uncertainties.

Am I doing the right thing? What if I don’t succeed? Would I be able to recoup my investments ? These and similar questions run through the mind of an entrepreneur at the startup stage. This stage requires a lot of hand-holding, reassurance and support from experts. This is where business incubators become relevant.

Business incubators help to breed a business and support it during its start-up stage by providing a variety of services such as accommodation, expert advice, facilities and support. Usually, business incubators are run as not-for-profit organizations either as a government-sponsored program to encourage entrepreneurship or by some other NGO’s or developmental organizations.

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However, business incubation services have now become different from what it used to be years ago as it is now run by some people as a business on its own.

How Business Incubators Make Money

There are entrepreneurs who come up with several highly workable business ideas on a regular basis. If you know you have such attribute as an entrepreneur, then you should consider starting your own business incubator. Becoming a business incubator means that are able to turn ideas into money spinning machine, you will be able to nurture ideas from infancy stage to highly profitable stage.

Basically, what business incubator does is that, they provide support and all form of infrastructure to small business that are just starting out. They also provide a conducive environment for business ideas to be conceived.

For example, as a business incubator, you could create a hub where programmers who are just starting out without any office and the basic infrastructure needed to be productive to come under a roof to build their businesses. Normally most business incubator centers are supported by the government and they also receive grants from other organizations.

Starting a Business Incubator – Sample Business Plan Template

It is important to state that starting a business incubator requires vast business experiences. It requires huge capital to start and run and you are likely not going to start making profits from the onset. As a matter of fact, it pays to start it as an NGO or as a Community Social Responsibility – with that, you will be able to access funding and grants from appropriate bodies.

Now if you know you have what it takes to start a business incubator and you are ready to get started, then the following tips will help you to start on the right footings:

1. Research, Research and Research

Starting a business incubator is not as easy as it sounds. You would have to do a thorough research on various business models. You would have to research on factors affecting businesses in the area you intend starting your business incubator; you would have to research on various ways of accessing funds for small business and all the support system they would need to grow.

The truth is that you would do well with your business incubator centre if you are good with research and also if you truly have passion for helping entrepreneurs grow their business. Without these qualities, there is no point starting a business incubator.

2. Pool Your Cash Together

In case you have not been told, you would need to pool all the cash you can gather to be able to start and run a business incubator. You might want to ask what you would need the cash for? The truth is that you would money to rent and equip the facility to be used, you would need money for daily running of the centre, you would need money to pay some of your utility personnel / mentors and you would even need money to foot your bills as well.

This is so because the money you generate from the students would likely not meet up with your expenditure. Of course the easiest way to make money from running a business incubator is from grants from the government and NGOs and it won’t start coming from the very beginning. Here is a sample business incubator business plan template to help you raise the funds you need.

3. Incorporate Your Business or NGO

If your idea of starting a business incubator is so that you are able to offer a support system and structure for budding entrepreneurs to leverage on to start and grow their own business for free or at a very minimal fee so that you will be able to access grants and funding from government and the private sector, then you should consider registering and NGO.

It is easier to access funding when you work as a non-profit organization. Here’s how to start a non-profit organization . If you choose to run your business incubator as a full fledge business, then you should go ahead to register it as a business.

4. Lease or Rent a Conducive Facility

If you have pooled your cash together and you have incorporated your NGO / Business, then the next thing that is expected of you to do is to hire the services of a realtor to help you get a decent facility. Part of what you need to look out for when shopping for a facility is its location and space. You would need a facility that can easily be accessed by the public and a facility that has enough open space.

5. Build Your Faculty

Starting a business incubator means that you would have enough experienced successful business men and women in your faculty that will serve as mentors to young entrepreneurs. The success of your business incubator largely depends on the pedigree of your faculty members. So, it is important that you look out for people who are not only successful as entrepreneurs, but people who are willing to impart business knowledge to budding entrepreneurs.

6. Create Admission Procedures

This is on area that you need to be deliberate about; from the outset. You should be able to create a picture of what you want, and the kind of people you want to pass through your business incubator and that should inform your admission criteria. It would pay you to only admit people who are determined to succeed with their businesses so that you wouldn’t end up wasting your time and resources on people that don’t have the drive to grow a business.

Hence, it wouldn’t be a bad idea if you request that every entrepreneur seeking admission into your business incubator undergo a business pitching session where they can be screened by experts.

7. Open Your Door

If you are done with all that is expected of you to do, then the next thing to do is to open your door to only those who scaled through the business pitching session. It will pay you a great deal if you only admit those that have the passion, zeal and diligence to work hard to grow their businesses.

If you have successfully implemented the above, and you have started running your business incubator, then you should go all out to seek and apply for grants and funding.

There you have it, the seven steps needed to successfully start and run your business incubator. But the business incubation business problem could present a lot of challenges. The most prominent challenge is that you would be working with businesses that are just starting up and can hardly afford paying for such ‘ luxurious services ’. Therefore, if you plan to start making money providing business incubation services, here are some things you should know.

10 Critical Tips for Running a Profitable Business Incubator

A. run your business as a ‘for-profit’ incubator.

It is better to be upfront about things and run your business as a profitable enterprise. This means that you would register your business, draw up a business plan, and structure it as you would structure a regular for-profit enterprise.

b. Source for the right clientele

You need to source for the right people who recognize the importance of the services you render and wouldn’t mind paying you for it. Not everybody would be willing to pay for this type of service; only people who truly recognize and understand its potentials and what they stand to benefit would be willing to pay. These are the kinds of clients you should be searching for.

c. Accept equity as payment

Another strategy through which business incubators make money is to accept equity in the business instead of once-off payments. This way, you would continue to earn something from the business for a very long time. This also proves to be a win-win situation for both the business owner and the business incubator as both parties would strive hard to ensure that the business succeeds.

d. Accept deferred payments

One thing about start-ups is that funding is almost always a challenge. There would always be one or more expenses to undertake. Even entrepreneurs that recognize the potentials of business incubators may want to shy away from hiring their services due to unavailability of funds. You can help to ease such challenges by accepting deferred payments so that payments can be made only when the business becomes successful.

e. Employ strict selection process

Due to the fact that you may have to accept deferred payments and equity participation, it is only normal that you would want to select the businesses you incubate with care. You should carefully look at the plans and potentials of such businesses and discard businesses that look like they do not have good chances of survival without sentiments.

f. Offer your service as a consultancy

When you are drafting your service agreement or terms and conditions, you must ensure that your service is structured as a consultancy service. Of course, everyone knows that a consultancy service has to be paid for one way or the other.

g. Offer additional services

You could also think of offering several other similar services, which you could make money from—such as business planning , marketing consultancy , negotiators, etc. There are several other services that business incubators can render and make money from.

h. Create awareness

Involve the press or the media, so they can give your business widespread coverage. Basically, ensure that you do all it takes to create the necessary awareness and publicity that your business needs. This is why we provided a sample non-profit marketing plan template to help you out.

i. Encourage cross-pollination

This means that you should allow entrepreneurs or participants to communicate, patronize, and help each other to grow. There are likely to be ways through which each business can help the next to grow or patronize the next. This way, such businesses would be involved in one another and contribute significantly to the growth of each other.

j. Employ experts

You should build your team with people who are experts , understand various aspects of business, and can help other entrepreneurs to grow their businesses. With such people in your team, you will be able to achieve results that businesses will be eager to pay you to replicate for them.

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Leveraging Business Incubators for Startup Success: A Comprehensive Guide

Unlock the power of business incubators: From seed funding to mentorship, discover how incubators propel startups to success in a dynamic ecosystem.

March 22, 2024

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of startups, the journey from concept to market leader is filled with hurdles. Challenges like securing essential funding, understanding market dynamics, and crafting a niche can be daunting. That's where the magic of business incubators comes into the picture, offering a ray of hope and a robust support system for emerging ventures. 

A business incubator isn't merely a concept; it's a dynamic ecosystem meticulously crafted to nurture innovation and expedite startups' growth trajectory. These incubators are a powerhouse of critical resources—think of seed funding as the initial fuel for your engine, mentorship as your navigation system, office space as your base camp, and networking opportunities as your gateway to the world. 

This guide serves as your compass in the wilderness of business incubation. We are here to assist you in understanding the selection process of the right incubator, comprehend the numerous benefits available to you, and effectively utilize these resources. Our goal is simple: to equip you, the entrepreneur, with valuable insights and knowledge to confidently navigate these waters, make informed choices, and propel your startup toward the success it deserves.

Understanding Business Incubators

The foundation of every thriving startup is a great idea . However, turning this concept into a successful business requires more than just enthusiasm - it requires a supportive environment that can only be provided by a business incubator. Imagine a place where your budding idea is warmly welcomed and encouraged, with all the necessary resources, mentorship, and community support to help you reach new heights.

What Exactly Are Business Incubators?

Business incubators can be compared to guardian angels for startups. Whether nonprofit or profit-driven, these organisations offer a wealth of resources and services to serve as a springboard for your venture. They work closely with universities, government bodies, and corporations to help bring your dream to life.

Core Functions and Offerings

The essence of a business incubator is to be the wind beneath the wings of startups. Here's how they do it:

  • Collaborative Workspaces: Incubators provide more than just a desk. They offer a community where shared labs, workspaces, and facilities foster innovation and significantly reduce operational costs.
  • Expert Guidance: With access to seasoned entrepreneurs and industry mavens, mentorship within an incubator can pivot your journey toward success.
  • Networking: The adage "It's not what you know, but who you know" rings especially true here. Incubators open doors to potential customers, partners, and investors, broadening your horizon beyond measure.
  • Funding Assistance: While not direct benefactors, many incubators play a crucial role in connecting startups with seed funding, grants, or the right investors to fuel their growth.

For insights on amplifying your startup's potential, explore our guide on Maximizing Incubator Opportunities.

Diverse Incubator Landscapes

Finding the perfect incubator is akin to matchmaking for your startup. Here's what the landscape looks like:

  • University-Based Incubators: Leveraging academia's rich resources and networks to support ventures birthed within their corridors.
  • Nonprofit and Community Incubators: Focused on uplifting startups with a mission towards social or community impact.
  • Corporate Incubators: Where innovation meets enterprise, these incubators seek to nurture startups that can synergize with their core business.
  • Regional and Sector-Specific Incubators: Offering specialized support tailored to your industry or geographic location.

The Incubation Journey

Joining an incubator isn't just about signing up; it's a journey that starts with:

  • Application: Articulating your vision, team, and goals is step one.
  • Interview: A deep dive into your startup's ethos, viability, and team spirit.
  • Selection: The right fit is crucial, with incubators seeking startups that show promise and align with their mission and industry focus.

Your relationship with an incubator should be symbiotic. Choosing one that elevates your strengths and addresses your weaknesses lays a solid foundation for growth and success. 

Benefits of Joining a Startup Incubator

Starting a new business can be like exploring uncharted waters. It's exciting, but it can be difficult, especially for new entrepreneurs. In the early stages, startup incubators can be very helpful by providing resources to guide new companies toward success. In this article, we'll take a closer look at how these incubators can help your startup.

Comprehensive Support and Resources

Imagine having everything you need to grow your startup without the high costs . Incubators provide essential resources like modern office spaces, advanced technical infrastructure, and specialized equipment. This reduces your expenses and creates an environment that nourishes your business. With all the tools at your disposal, your business will thrive.

Mentorship from Industry Veterans

The startup landscape can be overwhelming and confusing. However, receiving guidance and mentorship from experienced individuals who have already navigated through such terrains can act as a beacon of hope and steer you away from potential missteps. Incubators can introduce you to industry experts with invaluable wisdom on strategic planning, leadership skills, and operational efficiencies. This knowledge can be instrumental in helping you avoid any pitfalls and make calculated decisions, making it worth its weight in gold.

Networking and Collaborative Opportunities

Joining an incubator offers many benefits, one of which is becoming part of a lively and diverse community. This network is a hub for potential investors, business partners, and customers and provides opportunities for collaboration that can help propel your startup to success.

Enhanced Credibility and Visibility

Choosing a trustworthy business incubator is like getting a stamp of approval on your startup. This helps attract investors and customers and also brings opportunities for media exposure and positive public relations, which can significantly enhance your startup's reputation in the market.

Access to Funding and Increased Survival Rates

Incubators provide startups with a tremendous financial boost. They offer seed funding and connections to venture capitalists. Incubated startups tend to have a higher survival rate, which shows that these ecosystems are effective. Incubators are support systems and launchpads that can propel startups to success. 

They are vital to the entrepreneurial world and can help turn your ideas into successful businesses. If you need help finding your way in the startup world, consider looking into an incubator. They can guide you and provide the support you need to make your dreams a reality. And remember, you're not alone on this journey.

Choosing the Right Incubator for Your Startup

For any entrepreneur dreaming big, finding the right startup incubator is a step you must take. This guide is about helping you match your startup's unique needs with what the best incubators out there offer.

Identifying What Your Startup Needs  

Before you enter the vast world of incubators, consider what your startup needs to soar. Is it expert mentorship , access to the latest technology, or connections to potential investors? Pinpointing your needs will help you filter through incubators to find one that's just right for your business's stage, industry, and specific hurdles.

Doing Your Homework on Incubators  

Start researching incubators that cater to your sector and are highly recommended. Look for those with solid track records, successful alumni, and a vast network. Dive into what they offer regarding mentorship, funding, and day-to-day support.

Understanding What's Expected of You  

Remember, incubators are all about give-and-take. They're looking for startups ready to engage fully with their programs. This means being prepared for a fair share of networking, mentoring sessions, and giving back to the community. Ensuring your startup's culture jibes with the incubator's vibe is key to a fruitful relationship.

Navigating the Application Jungle  

Getting into an incubator can be a walk in the park. The application process usually involves detailing your business plan, going through interviews, and sometimes presenting your idea in front of a selection panel. It's a chance to sharpen your pitch and gain invaluable feedback, so embrace it.

Learning from Those Who've Been There  

Don't just take the incubator's word for it. Chat with alumni and current participants to get the inside scoop on what it's like. Their experiences can offer you a clearer picture of the benefits and hurdles of joining. Investigating the incubator's financial health, leadership, and strategic partners is smart.

Making Your Choice  

Choosing the right incubator could be the catalyst your startup needs. It's about more than just resources: mentorship, community, and support. By thoroughly evaluating both your needs and what potential incubators offer, you can find the perfect partner to help launch your startup into the stratosphere.

Maximizing the Benefits of Incubation

Joining a startup incubator can be a game-changer for entrepreneurs looking to jumpstart their ventures. Incubators provide many resources, including access to seasoned mentors, networking opportunities, and essential business tools. To truly benefit from an incubator, it's important to actively seek advice and absorb wisdom in key areas like strategic planning, leadership, and personal development. 

Being receptive to feedback and ready to adapt based on expert advice can significantly enhance your venture's prospects. Engaging in an incubator program opens the door to a unique ecosystem where entrepreneurs , investors, and industry veterans gather. By diving into networking events, workshops, and seminars, you can build a strong network that could lead to valuable partnerships, customer leads, and even financial backing. 

Incubators also offer tangible assets like office space, technical support, and seed funding, which are crucial for speeding up product development, refining your business model, and boosting operational efficiency. Making the most of these resources is critical to hitting your business milestones. A crucial aspect of being in an incubator is using the available resources to confirm that your product meets market needs. As you prepare to graduate from the incubator, it's vital to have a solid growth strategy in place. 

This plan should cover scaling your operations and broadening your market presence. Taking a proactive and thoughtful approach to your incubation period is essential. Focus on gaining from mentorship, expanding your network, leveraging resources to their fullest, validating your product and market fit, and planning for life after the incubator. Contributing to the community and establishing your startup as an active and valuable member will lay a strong foundation for long-term success and growth.

Challenges and Considerations

For startups contemplating joining a business incubator, it's vital to consider a few challenges and make informed decisions. This strategic approach can significantly boost their journey towards success.

  • Understanding Selectivity and Competition: Getting into a renowned incubator is a challenging walk in the park. Thanks to their strict selection criteria, these institutions look for businesses that show promise and can scale up. Prepare to demonstrate what makes your startup stand out and its growth potential.
  • Finding a Cultural Fit: A startup's values and work ethic must resonate with those of the incubator. A mismatch can lead to disagreements and hinder the benefits you might gain. Take the time to learn about the incubator's environment and decide if it fits you.
  • Considering Equity and Ownership: Joining an incubator might mean giving up a slice of your company's equity. Think carefully about this exchange and ensure it aligns with your long-term objectives. It's about finding a balance that works for both parties.
  • Preserving Independence: While incubators offer invaluable resources, startups should strive to maintain their autonomy. Developing the ability to operate and grow independently ensures long-term sustainability, even after graduating from the incubator.
  • Managing Time Wisely: Participating in an incubator program requires a significant time investment. Startups must juggle this commitment with the need to run their daily operations. Prioritizing and balancing these aspects is key to leveraging the incubator's full advantages while maintaining your business fundamentals.

Startups eyeing incubator opportunities should tread carefully, ensuring a good fit with the incubator's culture, expectations, and agreement terms. This careful consideration is the cornerstone of reaping maximum benefits and laying a solid groundwork for future success.

Success Stories and Case Studies

Startup incubators have a track record of turning small ideas into industry-leading companies. A startup's journey from its early days in an incubator to becoming a household name offers invaluable insights into these programs' potential.

Tech Giants Beginnings  

Take Dropbox, for example, which started in the Y Combinator program in 2007. With the help of Y Combinator's mentorship, seed funding, and networking, Dropbox honed its product and strategy to become the cloud storage giant we know today. This journey underscores the significant role incubators play in a startup's development.

Industry Transformers  

Airbnb's story is another testament to the power of a good incubator. Also a Y Combinator graduate, Airbnb disrupted the traditional hotel industry with its unique home-sharing model. The early support from Y Combinator was crucial for Airbnb to navigate its entry into the market, setting it on the path to becoming a global powerhouse in the vacation rental space.

Pioneers in Sustainability  

Beyond Meat's journey began in the UCLA Anderson School of Management incubator, highlighting the incubator's emphasis on sustainable and innovative solutions. This support system helped Beyond Meat fine-tune its groundbreaking plant-based meat products, leading to its successful public offering and widespread adoption.

Healthcare Revolutionaries  

PillPack, which has redefined pharmacy services, benefited greatly from its time with Techstars Boston. The incubator's resources and mentorship were instrumental in helping PillPack navigate the healthcare industry's complexities, culminating in its acquisition by Amazon and revolutionizing prescription delivery.

A Super App's Rise  

Grab, Southeast Asia's leading super app started in a government-backed Malaysian incubator. The incubator's resources were vital in expanding Grab's offerings beyond ride-hailing to include food delivery, digital payments, and more, significantly impacting the region's digital landscape.

These stories show a common thread: incubators provide more than a workplace space. They offer a nurturing environment where startups can access vital resources , mentorship, and networks. This foundational support is crucial for startups to refine their products, strategize their business models, and ultimately secure funding or acquisitions. These success stories celebrate the startups' achievements and highlight incubators' pivotal role in fostering innovation and market fit.

In conclusion, business incubators serve as crucial catalysts in the startup ecosystem, propelling small ideas into industry giants through comprehensive support, resources, and mentorship. From tech pioneers like Dropbox and Airbnb to innovators in sustainability like Beyond Meat, the stories of startups nurtured by incubators showcase the transformative power of these environments. Incubators provide the tools and networks necessary for growth and instill a culture of innovation and resilience vital for success. 

For entrepreneurs embarking on the startup journey, selecting the right incubator is a strategic step that can significantly influence their path. By understanding the unique offerings of each incubator and aligning them with their startup's needs, founders can leverage these platforms for maximum benefit, turning their visions into viable, thriving businesses. This guide underscores the importance of incubators in the startup landscape, illustrating how they are indispensable in shaping the success stories of tomorrow.


Key Takeaways

Incubator Diversity and Selection: Startups must choose incubators that align with their industry, growth stage, and specific needs, ranging from mentorship to investor connections, to maximize growth potential.

Comprehensive Resource Access: Incubators provide startups with essential resources like office space, mentorship, and networking opportunities, significantly reducing overhead costs and fostering growth.

Mentorship and Strategic Guidance: The guidance from experienced mentors within incubators is invaluable, offering insights into strategic planning, leadership, and overcoming business challenges.

Networking for Opportunities: Incubators facilitate vital connections with investors, partners, and customers, expanding startups' networks and opening doors to new business opportunities and collaborations.

Success and Growth Trajectory: Successful incubator alumni like Dropbox and Airbnb illustrate the transformative impact of incubators on startups, leading to industry revolution and substantial growth.

startup incubator business plan

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Startup incubators, Startup incubator business model, Meaning of Startup Incubators, Startup business incubators, Ebizfiling

  • Posted On November 21, 2022
  • Posted By By Zarana Mehta
  • Articles - Entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship

Importance of a Startup Incubators

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  • Startup incubator business model
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Meaning of Startup incubators and Different types of Startup incubator business model

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In the startup ecosystem, a startup incubator is a widespread and important term. With the number of startups growing at an exponential rate each year, incubators play an important role in assisting and guiding startup founders through this difficult journey. This article will answer all of your questions about the meaning of a startup incubator, different types of startup incubator business models, and the importance of a startup incubator.

Meaning of Startup Incubators

A startup incubator is a programme that assists early-stage or seed-stage startups in growing and sustaining themselves by providing them with the necessary space, equipment, and support. Incubators typically help startups in their early stages with little to no traction and make them more competitive when seeking venture capital.

Incubators typically provide startups with free office space, utilities, computers, equipment, and access to incubator services and events. They may also provide mentorship, business coaching, and other services, as well as the opportunity to network with people who can assist in the growth of their business. Some incubators are even linked to accelerators, which provide funding and other resources to help companies grow faster.

Furthermore, startups that enter an incubator maybe given preferential treatment when applying for venture capital funding. This is due to the fact that venture capital firms or angel investors frequently have connections with startup incubators.

The length of time a company spends in an incubation programme can vary greatly depending on a number of factors, including the type of business and the level of business expertise of the entrepreneur. Life science and other firms with lengthy R&D cycles require more time in an incubation programme than manufacturing or service firms that can immediately produce and market a product or service.

Incubator clients typically stay on a programme for 33 months. Many incubation programmes establish graduation requirements based on development benchmarks such as company revenues or staffing levels, as well as other credible parameters for determining whether a candidate is worth investing in.

  • Creating jobs and wealth, as well as encouraging talented individuals to launch their own businesses
  • Developing a work ethic and entrepreneurial culture in a community or country
  • Commercialization of technology and other forms of rapid innovation
  • Developing or accelerating the expansion of local industry clusters
  • Business creation, retention, and ongoing assistance
  • Encouragement of female or minority entrepreneurship
  • Identifying potential business opportunities for spin-in or spin-out
  • Community revitalization and easy access to capital

Types of Startup incubator business model

While all incubators strive to help startups in their early stages, they are classified into the following types:

For-profit development organizations

Some companies create incubator services in order to profit while assisting startups or creating an investment opportunity for themselves. They typically make investments or provide funding to startups in exchange for equity.

Non-profit organizations

The most well-known incubators are non-profit organizations run by academic institutions, NPOs , government agencies, and other organizations to assist young students or economic development in society.

Advantages of Startup incubator business model

Learn and grow

The best business incubators provide you with access to a network of mentors, coaches, and educational programming focused on business innovation. Entrepreneurs, accountants, human resource professionals, angel investors, lawyers, researchers, and others may serve as mentors.

Help in providing structure environment

Incubators provide a structured environment in which you can immerse yourself in your work. You can establish good work habits to get your business off the ground, whether you have daily workshops or scheduled work time.

Helps in accumulate funds for business

An incubator can put you in touch with venture capitalists who maybe interested in funding your ideas. Acceptance into a reputable programme can impress investors while also demonstrating your abilities and drive.

It is critical to have a solid idea of what you’re going to do, an explanation of how you’re going to do it better than competitors or other prospective entrants, and a clear vision of how you’re going to grow when starting a business, but this is not enough without a very clear and written plan for yourself and others detailing how your vision will become a reality.

As investors read through hundreds of business plans, your idea must stand out. It must be innovative and creative, it must be solidly supported by good research, it must conform to reality and not include unrealistic expectations, and it must outline a clear path of how you intend to achieve your goals and provide a good return on investment. If all of these conditions are met, many investors today are ready, willing, and able to provide you with all of the funds, consulting advice , and other services and support that you require.


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Author: zarana-mehta

Zarana Mehta is an MBA in Finance from Gujarat Technology University. Though having a masters degree in Business Administration, her upbeat and optimistic approach for changes led her to pursue her passion i.e. Creative writing. She is currently working as Content Writer at Ebizfiling.

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How Do Startup Incubators Make Money (If At All)?

how do startup incubators make money

A startup incubator is a very common and essential term in the startup ecosystem. With the number of startups increasing exponentially every year, incubators play a significant role in assisting and guiding startup founders through this challenging journey.

However, the term often creates confusion regarding its definition, structure and revenue model. So, here is a guide answering all your questions about startup incubators, their work and how they differ from startup accelerators .

What Are Startup Incubators?

A startup incubator is a program designed to help early-stage or seed-stage startups grow and sustain themselves by providing them with the space, equipment, and support they need. Usually, incubators help startups in their early stages with minimal to no traction and make them more competitive when it comes to securing venture capital.

Startups in an incubator typically receive free office space, utilities, computers, equipment, and access to incubator services and events. Sometimes, they also offer mentorship, business coaching, and other services, as well as the opportunity to network with people who can help their business grow. Some incubators are even connected to accelerators, which provide companies with funding and other resources to help them grow faster.

In addition, startups that enter an incubator may receive preferential treatment when applying for funding from venture capital firms. This is because venture capital firms or angel investors often have connections with startup incubators .

Business incubators are quickly gaining popularity in various industries. For example, in 2017, Google invested $1 million in an incubator called Y Combinator. Other examples include Techstars, 500 Startups, Techstars Chicago, and Startupbootcamp. The Y Combinator program has helped create hundreds of successful companies, including Dropbox, Airbnb, Reddit, Stripe, and GitHub . Startupbootcamp London and Start-Up Chile are also well known for helping startups grow.

Types Of Business Incubators

While all incubators share the same goal of assisting startups in their early stages, they are divided into the following types:

  • Non-profit corporations: Most renowned incubators are non-profit organisations run by academic institutions, NPOs, government agencies, etc., to help young students or assist economic development in society. For example, the Berkeley Skydeck is the educational business incubator from the University of California, Berkeley and the Venture Incubation Program is a 12-week incubator program for Harvard students. Another example of a non-profit corporation is Mass Challenge .
  • For-profit development institutions: some firms also develop incubator services to profit while assisting startups or creating an investment opportunity for themselves. They usually provide investments or fundings to startups in exchange for equity. Some popular examples include Tech Ranch , WiSTEM or pyros, etc.

How Do Startup Incubators Work?

While startup incubators are usually flexible when it comes to helping companies by providing them with various facilities and mentoring them, they work in a structured manner to ensure the proper growth of different startups they work with.

Stages Of Progress In An Incubator

Generally, startups participating in an incubator go through the following four stages including:

  • Recruitment: startup incubators have a recruitment process where the potential members go through the whole application process. At this stage, the incubators analyse the startup potential, the idea, the team, the potential market, etc. Usually, the startup founders have to interview and convince the leaders to take them in.
  • Onboarding: once a startup gets accepted in the incubator program, the onboarding process begins where the incubator informs startup founders about its working and some rules to be followed. Moreover, during this period, the incubator also gets to know more about the company and its needs.
  • Beginning the program: this is when the program starts, and the incubator starts helping the company with mentorship, networking opportunities, funding, etc. An incubator program usually goes on for as long as the startup needs assistance. It can take anywhere from 3 months to two years. However, the specifications are generally clarified beforehand.
  • Networking with the alumni: even when the duration of the program finishes, the incubator provides startups with a vast network of alumni. As a result, the startup founders now have access to experienced entrepreneurs who can interact with them and guide them for their future endeavours.

What Are The Variables That An Incubator Depends On?

The success of a startup incubator depends on a lot of variables, including:

  • The total number of startups in the program: incubators generally take in a cohort of preferable startups with growth potential and nurture them. This is because the more the number of startups they invest in, the more are the chances that some of them will succeed and eventually make up for the money lost in unsuccessful startups.
  • The number of startups that fail within the first two years: it is a very well established fact in the startup ecosystem that most of the startups are bound to fail. Early failures give incubators no chance of exit, and they lose all their investments. Furthermore, they have to make up for their loss through other startups they invest in.
  • The time it takes to get a return (or liquidate the equity): even if a startup doesn’t fail and shows certain growth potential, there could be unprecedented delays in liquidating the equity or getting a return from them. As a result, investors usually try to get an exit as soon as possible. 

How Do Startup Incubators Make Money?

Usually, startup incubators are non-profit organisations funded by the government, academic institutions or private corporations . They take in a cohort of startups in their early stages and offer them services without asking for any equity in return. This is because they usually receive government grants or funding from universities or private organisations.

Why do these organisations invest in incubators, you ask?

Well, there are several reasons. For example, academic institutions want to help their students and alumni grow their startups by providing long-lasting connections to investors and mentorship from experienced entrepreneurs. At the same time, government or private sponsors invest to get access to startups in their early stages or help in the economic development of the society as a whole.

Furthermore, some private organisations run a non-profit incubator service as a front to fund ideas around their products or services to advertise themselves and create an ecosystem in their favour.

How Do For-Profit Incubators Make Money?

For-profit incubators usually demand equity in the early-stage startup for their services. More often than not, such incubators even provide funding or access to VC firms , accelerators, and so on apart from the standard services.

They look for potential exits or liquidity events once a startup gains enough market value and traction or when it goes public. This provides them with huge returns on their investment.

How Does Equity Convert Into Money?

Equity represents the number of shares of a startup. An incubator can easily convert this equity into money through an exit. An exit is when the incubator sells this equity or shares to another entity. This entity could be the company itself, another investor, some private company or even the common public.

There are many ways to get an exit. For example, if the startup an incubator has invested in goes public or declares an IPO , the incubator can sell its shares to the common public and get a massive return on its investment. Furthermore, sometimes there is a buyback when the company repurchases its own shares. Another way to get an exit is to sell the shares to a larger investor when the company starts a new funding round.

What If The Startup Fails?

There is no doubt that an incubator can earn loads of money by taking equity in startups. But, it is also highly plausible that most of the startups don’t make it. For example, according to Forbes , 90% of the startups fail during the first five years of their incorporation. So, how do incubators make money if the startup they have invested in fails?

Well, they have various other ways of making money, including:

  • Participation fee : such incubators usually charge a recurring fee from participating startups to cover their costs . Even though it doesn’t generate much revenue, the price helps incubators sustain themselves and the startups they support.
  • Multiple startups : another important thing to keep in mind is that incubators take in a cohort of early-stage startups with unlimited potential to grow. So even if a small fraction of them succeeds to get traction or enough market value, the incubator will be able to get a significant return on its investment.
  • Multiple sources of revenue : incubators, non-profit or for-profit, have numerous revenue streams coming from different sources. They don’t depend on just incubation services for their profits. For example, incubators develop a lot of connections and relationships that help them generate revenue by selling their services, providing consultation, tilting the market in their favour, etc.
  • Royalties from IP commercialisation or licencing : apart from equity, some incubators also demand a percentage of earnings from startups they incubate. But, it is not very easy to earn through royalties as it involves loads of legal arrangements and cash investments. Therefore, this is not the most used revenue source for many incubators.

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Tanya Chhabra

An enthusiastic human being with determination and zeal to explore new ventures. Tanya is an entrepreneurial spirit searching for changes and learning to exploit them as opportunities and impacting people for good.

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Startup Incubator: What does it do and how does it help?

Startup Incubator: What does it do and how does it help?

This wave of new startup businesses stemmed from people’s need to explore income-generating alternatives, while others finally decided to turn their passions or innovative ideas into full-time business ventures.

Across Canada, COVID-19 fueled unprecedented levels of innovation and entrepreneurship which led to the creation of two million startup businesses nationwide.

But if following your passions and becoming your own boss is the ultimate achievement, why aren’t even more people jumping on the bandwagon?

The reality is 50% of small businesses won’t survive longer than five years .

This is a daunting Everest climb for many to attempt. Looming fears of failure, not having the necessary business skills and experience, and having inadequate funding are the scary challenges that keep many aspiring entrepreneurs at the foot of the mountain.

Using a Startup Incubator Significantly Increase s a Company’s Survival Rate

The good news is that entrepreneurs from all over the world who once had minimal business experience or capital now operate successful companies due to the mentorship and support they received from a startup incubator.

In fact, using a startup incubator increases a company’s survival rate to 87%.

You may be asking:

  • What is a startup incubator?

What services do incubators provide?

How do incubators help startups, what benefits should incubators provide, how do i choose the best startup incubator for my business.

Becoming educated on what an incubator does and how it can help is arguably the most important research you can do to build a solid foundation for your business to succeed.

Let’s start with the basics.

What is a Startup Incubator?

Startup incubators are organizations designed to nurture early-stage startups by providing business mentorship, professional training, networking opportunities, connections to funding, and other resources so they can grow and scale into solid and viable businesses.

Every incubator is different, ranging in size, areas of focus, and expertise. These core differences may include:

Focused primarily on funding        vs.          Focused primarily on mentorship

Industry-specific                              vs.          Generalized clientele

Centrally-located                            vs.          Online-only

Later on, we will explore choosing the best startup incubator for your business. But no matter which type of incubator is right for you, the overall importance of business incubators has been proven to be king.

Many startups outside of these programs don’t make it, and the vast majority of those supported by incubators end up with thriving businesses due to its services.

With a wide range of startup incubators, the services provided to entrepreneurs will vary between organizations.

However, incubators that are client-centric and genuinely invest in the success of its clients offer more dynamic and comprehensive programming and services.

These services include (but are not limited to):

  • Business mentorship and coaching

Coaches and advisors are respected business professionals with industry-specific expertise.

  • Training seminars and workshops

Sessions offered to startups are relevant, in-demand, and led by credible experts on the topic.

  • Incubation centre or hub

A centrally-located incubator that offers clients the option to utilize collaborative workspaces and conference rooms that foster an environment of inter-startup networking.*

* Due to COVID-19, many centrally-located incubators temporarily transitioned to online services. With mandates and restrictions now being lifted, many are returning to in-person mentorship or hybrid models.

  • Access to valuable software and technology

Clients are provided with free access to tools such as CRMs, expensive equipment, and software.

  • Networking opportunities and events

Organized events for clients to meet professionals, industry leaders, investors, and other entrepreneurs in the community.

  • Access to Makerspaces

Collaborative workshops or areas where clients can build products, share ideas, and have access to cutting-edge technology and other tools.

  • Provide knowledge about the latest funding opportunities

Mentors advise clients on all up-to-date government grants, loans, and other access to funding.

  • Strong relationships with Angel Investors

Can make introductions and connections between startup clients and investors.

  • Coaching on investment pitch techniques

Mentors with investor experience teach startups the necessary skills to onboard investors.

Before diving into how incubators help, we must first identify the biggest challenges startups face and the elements that lead to failure .

As a startup business owner and entrepreneur, these elements can be detrimental to your business’s success and much harder to navigate without a startup incubator’s support, knowledge, and resources.

Top 4 Elements that Lead to Startup Failure:

  • Limited Product Testing

Your product or service may be unique and innovative. Still, until thorough and substantial testing is conducted you will not know how viable it will be in the market, what issues may need to be fixed, or features that are necessary to add.

Gathering insight towards entry barriers in your distinct industry, along with the specific needs and wants of your desired consumer base, is essential when developing the beginning stages of a successful business plan.

This invaluable knowledge-base will serve as the basis for all future brand decisions, and will assist you in sculpting a business strategy that is custom-tailored to your target audience.

  • Team Conflict

Having healthy and constructive discussions, debates, or even disagreements within your startup’s team is common and often produces the greatest ideas. However, there must always be a maintained cohesiveness amongst your core team.

A startup that is aligned on the company’s direction and made up by a team with complementing skill-sets will considerably affect productivity and general workplace positivity within your organization.

A successful team must work harmonically to propel the business forward with each member understanding the value of their colleagues and how their unique abilities aid the growth of the brand.

  • Lack of Passion, Resilience, and Determination

Having passion, resilience, and overall determination sets successful entrepreneurs apart from unsuccessful ones. No matter how viable a product or business plan is, every startup will at some point be faced with some form of adversity.

Successful entrepreneurs learn to problem-solve and push through more challenging times because of their passion and belief in their business.

Greed is regularly responsible for dismantling young brands. Often pushed by a company’s founding members, personnel can be pitted against one another due to conflicting ideals for nothing more than financial gain and peer recognition.

Consumers typically respond positively to a generous attitude because such practices exhibit a genuine and relatable brand image that prompts product loyalty amongst your user base.

How do startup incubators help overcome these challenges?

Client-centric incubators offer an extensive suite of services designed specifically to overcome the common challenges and barriers that early-stage companies face.

These reputable and top-tier incubators assist with:

Product and consumer testing

By utilizing resources such as mentorship from experienced industry professionals and leading business support applications, incubators supply startup clients with the necessary tools to perfect their products and services.

Fostering a positive, inclusive, and collaborative environment

Effective incubators are designed for all clients to flourish within its entrepreneurial landscape to minimize the chance of conflict within startups’ personnel. Startups work alongside each other in the incubator program, a proven method to help young companies succeed.

Surrounding your startup with same-stage businesses

It is sometimes easy to default to a ‘giving up’ mentality when trying to lift your startup off the ground. In an incubator made up of entrepreneurs, everyone is enduring the exact same trials and tribulations creating a tight-knit community. This form of support is invaluable and keeps everyone determined and passionate about their purpose.

Building problem-solving techniques

Circumstances of greed within a startup can be avoided by providing clients with problem-solving techniques. Established mentors, advisors, and business partners within the incubator’s network enhance a startup’s professional skills to keep your brand on track and maintain a company that appears genuine to consumers.

Helping to overcome the most common and damaging elements that lead to startup failure is, of course, vital for startup incubators to provide. Still, this alone should not be the only criteria you look for when choosing an incubator for your business.

You do not merely want your startup business to avoid or overcome challenges; you want it to thrive, grow, and succeed.

You must look beyond and analyze all of the benefits and perks that a startup incubator offers over others.

Every incubator is different and unique. For this reason, you want to make sure you choose an incubator that will offer the most significant value to your business.

We recommend only considering incubators that offer a full suite of benefits that will equip you with the greatest number of tools, resources, networking, and training to bring overall success to your business.

Top 8 Benefits to Look for in a Startup Incubator

  • Collaborative Workspace

Having the option to participate in an open-concept office or workspace provides endless, invaluable benefits to your startup business. These environments have proven to foster the most significant levels of brainstorming, networking amongst entrepreneurs, and innovation.

Many incubators also provide access to private boardrooms to book meetings with your team, potential investors, customers, or vendors. Having a workspace and private areas included as an incubator client alleviates high overhead costs for your business.

Over the past two years, startup incubators that typically operate out of a central location have had to transition to online services due to the pandemic. However, as mandates and regulations begin to ease, incubators are reopening its workspaces and offering hybrid in-person and online mentorship.

  • Decreases Costs for your Business

Joining a startup incubator should help reduce your costs of launching and operating your business by 40-50%.

Incubators that offer office space, boardrooms, high-speed wifi, makerspaces, events, workshops, networking opportunities, and access to software and technologies offer ENORMOUS value for your startup.

These inclusions and opportunities are big expenses for an early-stage startup, and are substantial perks to launch and grow your business.

  • Access to Extensive Funding and Investment Opportunities

One of the greatest benefits of an incubator is helping startups get funding. They are a gateway to accessing funding opportunities that would otherwise be confusing or difficult to navigate on your own. In Canada, startups have many avenues and ways to acquire funding, and understanding these funding opportunities is essential for any startup.

Funding opportunities startup incubators can help you with:

a) Federal Government Grants and Provincial Government Grants

Startups and small businesses across Canada have access to federal and provincial grants, notably a very long list of opportunities offered by the Province of Ontario . Although these grant descriptions and applications are available for public viewing, they can be overwhelming. Startup incubators have the experience to help you comprehend all opportunities, which ones apply to your business, and what approach you should take to have a higher chance of your grant application being accepted.

b) Introductions and connections to investors

Networking with investment firms and angel investors is a large piece of acquiring capital to build and grow your startup business. However, with millions of people launching startups that require substantial funding, it isn’t easy to get in front of the right investors without a solid introduction.

Many startup incubators have strong relationships with local investors. Having an incubator vouch for your product and business viability is often the ticket you need to get in the door.

c) Crafting a Memorable and Effective Investor Pitch

  Once the introduction has been made, and the meeting has been scheduled, you now have to prepare a pitch for an investment opportunity they cannot refuse. Delivering a solid pitch can mean the difference between your startup continuing its growth or remaining stagnant.

But how do you do this? Where do you start?

Startup incubators with knowledgeable and experienced advisors can coach you on the best strategies to build an effective investor pitch .

  • Ability to Focus On the Core of Your Business

Startup incubators that provide huge benefits such as workspaces, alleviating overhead costs, and access to funding allow you to focus on what matters most – your core business product.

While taking care of administrative and funding-related matters are essential, ensuring your product is ready for market is absolutely paramount. Incubators allow you to focus your time and energy on creating, evolving, and testing your product.

  • Access To “Mover And Shaker” Networking

Having access to “mover and shaker” networks—being able to tap into a strong network of business partners and investors—allows your startup to network productively. A startup incubator that offers high-quality networking should be a ‘must-have’ when researching which organization is right for your business.

  • Public Relations and Marketing

You may get to the point with your business when you have a solid product, extensive testing under your belt, and even healthy capital to support your growth. But if your target consumer has never heard of your brand, nor do they identify with it, you will not have any customers or revenue.

Full-service incubators provide assistance and coaching on PR and marketing strategies which are critical areas every startup business owner should prioritize. Incubators also tend to have large groups of businesses and investors that follow its digital presence. Therefore, incubators can help promote its clients’ successes through newsletters, websites, and social media platforms.

  • Support from Well-Known and Respected Business Mentors

An influential business incubator has a network of well-known and respected business professionals that entrepreneurs can learn from in real ways. Mentors are often active business owners who can share their first-hand experiences and the mistakes they have made to enrich the knowledge of incubator clients.

Often these mentors have endless connections across the business community which can help you access a variety of people and services in marketing, accounting, presentation skills, legal guidance, insurance, finance, human resources and much more.

  • Access to Workshops, Events, and Business Training

Choosing a startup incubator that holds various workshops, events, and business training will prove to be a massive benefit for your business. These inclusions are how you can organically network with business leaders, investors, and other entrepreneurs while building your professional skills and knowledge.

Your product or service is unique, so choosing a startup incubator should not be an impulsive decision.

No two incubators are identical in services offered or areas of expertise, so we recommend researching to determine which organization will be the right fit for you .

In addition to considering an incubator’s benefits and how they will help your business, as listed above, there are other significant considerations to take into account when picking a startup incubator.

Location of Your Startup: What factors should you consider?

A considerable portion of your research should include the best place for your startup to succeed. Consider the following questions.

What country or region leads in my industry?

Where is there significant growth and funding available in my sector?

Is there government funding available in the locations I am considering?

Is being in a large city necessary to achieve my business goals, or would a more rural location be a better fit?

Why is Canada a popular location for startups?

Many of the best startup incubators in the world are located in Canada due to:

  • Large funding opportunities
  • High-quality of life
  • Close access to U.S. markets
  • Being immigration-friendly
  • Substantial growth across the technology industry

Growing Canadian Tech Market

Canada is home to some of the world’s most sought-after tech startup incubators because of the country’s immense support and the abundance of natural resources to support the agtech and cleantech sectors.

Cleantech will be one of Canada’s top five exporting industries by 2025 , with $20 billion annually in exports—nearly triple the current value.

Other technology sectors experiencing a surge are digital and healthcare, especially after the two years of strain that COVID-19 placed on Canadians and its public healthcare systems.

Innovation Cluster Peterborough and the Kawarthas: The Ideal Incubator for Tech Startups

With two locations nestled in one of Ontario, Canada’s most desirable regions, Innovation Cluster Peterborough and the Kawarthas ticks all of the ‘must-have’ boxes for a startup incubator.

The Innovation Cluster offers a full-service incubation program focused on growing technology-driven companies. It provides collaborative workspaces, workshops, events, one-on-one mentorship, training, access to funding, networking opportunities, and more.

The Innovation Cluster is located 1.5 hours from Toronto and 3 hours from Ottawa, providing entrepreneurs with the best of both worlds: Rural community life with quick access to Canada’s booming city centres.

Being a rural startup incubator allows clients to access funding opportunities and receive one-on-one support often unavailable to startups residing in large metropolis centres.

The Innovation Cluster not only can support entrepreneurs in the Peterborough and Kawarthas region, but also international startups through its Startup Visa Program accredited by the Canadian Federal Government.

What truly sets the Innovation Cluster apart from other incubators is not only its ability to provide all clients with high-level expertise, services, resources, and an extensive entrepreneurial network.

What stands out is the organization’s prioritization of providing individual, high-quality mentorship to every client, and this is in our opinion is the most valuable attribute you can find in a startup incubator.

Learn more about the Innovation Cluster and apply online by visiting .

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What is a startup incubator?

If you own a small business, a new startup, or a company that needs a boost, consider looking into the variety of startup incubator options out there. A business incubator is a program designed to bring a collaborative atmosphere to small businesses. An incubator helps small businesses figure out the right answers to common startup questions.

The majority of startup incubators are nonprofits, and a large number of these are associated with business schools or university business programs. In addition, civic groups, governments, and entrepreneurs who have been successful have created business incubators.

The incubation process

When you’re considering working with a business incubator program, keep in mind that you need to find the right incubator for your company. You will need to apply to become part of the incubator program. There are no set requirements, and every startup incubator may require different things from your company, such as a working business plan or feasible ideas.

Once you are accepted into an incubation program, you’ll quickly find that you have a variety of services available to you. Many incubators offer shared administration and office space . Help with the physical space your company uses is an important part of the growth of your company.

The amount of time your company is a part of the incubation process varies and depends on several aspects. First, the incubator program you work with may require a set time commitment. In some cases this is a minimum time, while other programs have a maximum length. Another factor is your business expertise and the type of business you are building. Businesses that require more research or a longer production time generally are in incubation programs longer than fast production- or service-based businesses.

Finding an incubator

When you’re considering working with a startup incubator to help grow your business, there are several places to look. Talk to the administration or professors at local colleges and universities. If they do not currently have an incubation program, it is something they may be working toward. Keep in mind that to become a member of an educational institution incubation program, you may need to be currently or previously enrolled in the school. This is not always the case, but it is an important consideration.

Talk to other business owners in the area. If you know local entrepreneurs, talk to them about networking with others who may be part of, or even run, startup incubators. Having a good network is certainly not necessary to finding and working with a business incubator, but it can help if you’re having trouble.

Don’t forget to check online for a large variety of incubators. Some will be localized, while others are national or even global. In addition, some incubators provide locations for you to visit, work through, and get mentorship, while others are solely online, and only offer their services to startups through the internet. It’s important to decide what you’re comfortable with and how you would like to interact with your incubator.

If you’re having trouble finding an incubator or want to look into several incubators at once, check out the state directories and search engine available through the National Business Incubation Association. Another option for finding local programs is to visit your local Small Business Association office.

Get ready to apply

Before you apply to work with a business incubator, you need to make sure that your business is at the right development stage. While it’s beneficial to find an incubator early in your business, there are a few steps you should take first.

Make sure you do your research on the different incubators you find. Not all incubators are the same, and they certainly don’t offer the same services and options. Find an incubator that works within your chosen industry. Learn more about what your chosen incubators offer in terms of services and physical resources. Is there a cost to being involved with the program? Does the incubator require you to relocate? It’s also important to make sure that you understand the requirements you’ll have, such as trainings, seminars, and curriculum you’ll need to go through to be an active part of the program.

Along with your research on the incubator, take some time to check in with alumni. Consider getting in contact with other companies that have worked with the incubators you’re interested in to find out the specifics of what they did while in the program.

Get your team onboard. While it’s possible to go through an incubator program alone, you are less likely to get chosen for one of these programs if you don’t have a strong team. Your team needs to work well together and be able to show this to the incubator panel. In some cases, incubators may take a strong team over a strong idea, since the people you have in place are generally more important than the ideas of the company you want to form.

Don’t forget to prepare your pitch. Before you even apply for an incubator program, you need to make sure you know what you’re going to say and how you will tailor it to each program.

Business incubator

There are a number of services and help that a business incubator can help with. As you’re building your business, consider getting help from a startup incubator when you are hindered by the business aspects below.

Have you ever found yourself getting stuck on the basics? This is one of the many things that a startup incubator can help you with. Whether it’s simply creating your business plan or understanding everything you’ll need for your company, your incubator allows you to touch base on the basics of your business.

Another huge benefit of working with a startup incubator is that you’re able to expand your networking opportunities. Incubators frequently get startups and established businesses together. This helps ensure that companies that need each other are able to easily work together. As you’re working with an incubator, you may be invited to business get-togethers, parties, and outings. The more of these that you go to, the more people and businesses you’re able to network with to help grow your business.

Financial assistance

In some cases, your startup incubator will also be a financial help for you. Incubators may become investors, or introduce you to possible investors. They will work with you to help you understand the accounting and financial management your company needs to succeed in your chosen field. On top of this, working with a startup incubator is a great way to get access to loan funds, bank loans, and guarantee programs that you otherwise may not have access to. In some cases these incubators may even offer grants to help keep your business afloat.

Depending on the field your business falls under, you’ll likely have a variety of compliance and regulations you need to adhere to. However, navigating these can get confusing and frustrating. In addition, knowing everything you need to comply with as a small business is difficult. The startup incubator you work with can help you get through all the paperwork and problems you may encounter when trying to comply with the regulations. When you work with an incubator that is specific to your field, you can be comfortable with their knowledge of compliance regulations.


Are you putting together a presentation and need a little help? Reach out to your startup incubator for tips, tricks, help, and a pre-presentation audience. Mentors will help you tailor your presentation to the company, investor, or whoever else you’re presenting to. Tailored presentations help you land the business you need to grow and keep your business going. When you work with an incubator on your presentations, you’re better prepared for your next meeting.

Higher education resources

Since many incubators are run through higher education programs and schools, frequently you can find higher education resources through your incubator. These resources can vary, and may include the option to access seminars, find employees through the business program, and more.

Incubator programs are a great asset to small businesses and new startups around the world. Whether you’re looking for help with the physical office space your company needs, mentorship, or more, a startup incubator can help elevate your company to greater heights.

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14.2 Market Analysis and Ecosystem Assessment

1 min read • august 9, 2024

Market analysis and ecosystem assessment are crucial for developing a successful incubation or acceleration plan. These tools help identify opportunities, threats, and key players in the startup landscape. By understanding market dynamics and ecosystem resources, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions and position their ventures for growth.

Conducting a thorough analysis involves examining industry trends, competitor strategies, and target market segments. Assessing the startup ecosystem reveals available resources, support networks, and potential partnerships. This knowledge empowers incubators and accelerators to tailor their programs and maximize impact on participating startups.

Market Analysis

Strategic analysis frameworks.

  • Strengths identify competitive advantages and unique capabilities
  • Weaknesses highlight areas for improvement or vulnerabilities
  • Opportunities uncover potential avenues for growth and expansion
  • Threats reveal external factors that could negatively impact the business
  • Political factors include government policies, regulations, and stability
  • Economic factors encompass inflation rates, economic growth, and exchange rates
  • Social factors consider demographic trends, cultural norms, and consumer behaviors
  • Technological factors explore innovations, automation, and digital transformations
  • Environmental factors address sustainability concerns and ecological impacts
  • Legal factors cover industry-specific laws, intellectual property rights, and compliance requirements

Market Segmentation and Competitive Landscape

  • Demographic segmentation uses age, gender, income, and education levels
  • Psychographic segmentation focuses on lifestyle, values, and personality traits
  • Behavioral segmentation considers purchasing habits, brand loyalty, and usage patterns
  • Geographic segmentation targets specific regions, cities, or neighborhoods
  • Direct competitors offer similar products or services to the same target market
  • Indirect competitors provide alternative solutions to the same customer needs
  • Potential competitors may enter the market in the future
  • Analyze competitors' pricing strategies, marketing tactics, and product offerings

Industry Dynamics and Future Outlook

  • Technological advancements (artificial intelligence, blockchain)
  • Shifting consumer preferences (sustainability, personalization)
  • Regulatory changes impacting business operations
  • Emerging business models disrupting traditional industries
  • Analyze historical growth patterns and future projections
  • Identify factors driving or hindering market expansion
  • Calculate current market value and potential future value
  • Consider market penetration rates and adoption curves

Ecosystem Assessment

Mapping the startup ecosystem.

  • Identify key players including startups, investors, and support organizations
  • Map relationships and interactions between ecosystem participants
  • Analyze the ecosystem's maturity level and development stage
  • Human capital includes skilled workforce, experienced entrepreneurs, and mentors
  • Financial capital encompasses venture capital, angel investors, and grants
  • Intellectual capital consists of research institutions, universities, and innovation hubs
  • Physical infrastructure covers co-working spaces, incubators, and accelerators

Support Organizations and Networking Opportunities

  • Incubators offer early-stage startups office space, mentorship, and basic services
  • Accelerators provide intensive programs to rapidly scale high-potential startups
  • Government agencies offer funding, tax incentives, and regulatory support
  • Industry associations facilitate networking and knowledge sharing
  • Startup pitch competitions showcase innovative ideas to potential investors
  • Hackathons encourage collaborative problem-solving and rapid prototyping
  • Meetups and conferences bring together entrepreneurs, investors, and industry experts

Ecosystem Performance and Development Initiatives

  • Startup formation rate tracks the number of new ventures created over time
  • Funding metrics analyze investment trends and capital availability
  • Exit activity examines successful acquisitions and initial public offerings (IPOs)
  • Job creation rates assess the economic impact of startups on employment
  • Policy reforms to create a more favorable business environment
  • Education and training programs to develop entrepreneurial skills
  • International partnerships to attract global talent and investment
  • Technology transfer programs to commercialize research and innovation

Key Terms to Review ( 42 )

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  8. Applying for a Startup Incubator: Your Key to Entrepreneurial Success

    Explore the wide array of startup incubators available in the market. Take into account factors like location, industry focus, program duration, and the specific resources they offer. Ensure that the incubator aligns harmoniously with your startup's objectives and values. Step 3: Crafting a Killer Business Plan

  9. What Is a Startup Incubator?

    A startup incubator is a collaborative program for startup companies — usually physically located in one central workspace — designed to help startups in their infancy succeed by providing workspace, seed funding, mentoring and training. Startup incubators are usually nonprofit organizations, often associated with universities and business ...

  10. What is a Business Incubator?

    Business incubators are organizations that offer startups shared operation space. In doing so, entrepreneurs enjoy a collaborative work environment with invaluable mentoring and networking opportunities, funding support and shared equipment. In short, they offer fledgling young companies a warm, safe place to grow and prosper.

  11. The Founder's Guide to Startup Incubators in 2024

    Most incubators require founders to have an idea for a startup, a business plan, and a team of at least two people. In addition, some incubators also require that entrepreneurs meet a minimum funding threshold before applying. Outside of the basic requirements, some incubators focus on specific niches, like med tech startups or health tech ...

  12. What is a Startup Incubator?

    Think of startup incubators as the ultimate mentors, cheerleaders, and protectors for your business. These organizations are designed to help early-stage startups find their footing and grow stronger. They provide a structured program with expert guidance, resources, and funding to fuel your growth.

  13. PDF Seven Components of a Successful Business Incubator

    The following are seven components of a successful incubator from Colin Barrow's Incubators: A Realist's Guide to the World's New Business Accelerators. 1. Clear and Well Communicated Goals. There are many incubator types and structures. Universities develop incubators to benefit from the science, technology and intellectual property ...

  14. The Ultimate Guide to Startup Incubators (With 25 Recommended ...

    HAX is a great incubator for hardware startups. While many other programs focus on software-powered companies, HAX has deep experience working with hardware companies through their unique product and growth journeys. Huckletree Alpha. Huckletree Alpha is a pre-seed incubator for Europe-based startups.

  15. The 6-Step Business Incubator Process

    You may need to have a business plan in place and a well-developed idea to compete. Interview. ... Business incubators understand that startups need access to funds and help candidates find investors or secure loans. Demo Day. At the end of the program, incubated companies go through a demo day. Prospective investors learn more about the ...

  16. Business Incubator Model

    Business incubators are organizations that are geared towards helping startups and early stage organizations speed up their growth. Incubators also help their mentee businesses secure capital from angel investors, state governments, economic-development coalitions and other interested investors.

  17. Startup Incubators: What Are They & The 15 Best Ones in 2024

    6) Le Camp. Le Camp is a startup incubator located in Québec, Canada. They focus on fostering the growth and success of technology-based businesses. They offer a comprehensive range of services to businesses at all stages of development, from pre-startup to international expansion. Location: Canada.

  18. Starting a Business Incubator

    Here is a sample business incubator business plan template to help you raise the funds you need. 3. Incorporate Your Business or NGO. If your idea of starting a business incubator is so that you are able to offer a support system and structure for budding entrepreneurs to leverage on to start and grow their own business for free or at a very ...

  19. Leveraging Business Incubators for Startup Success: A Comprehensive

    Benefits of Joining a Startup Incubator. Starting a new business can be like exploring uncharted waters. It's exciting, but it can be difficult, especially for new entrepreneurs. In the early stages, startup incubators can be very helpful by providing resources to guide new companies toward success. In this article, we'll take a closer look at ...

  20. Startup incubator business model

    Types of Startup incubator business model. While all incubators strive to help startups in their early stages, they are classified into the following types: For-profit development organizations. Some companies create incubator services in order to profit while assisting startups or creating an investment opportunity for themselves.

  21. How Do Startup Incubators Make Money (If At All)?

    Stages Of Progress In An Incubator. Generally, startups participating in an incubator go through the following four stages including: Recruitment: startup incubators have a recruitment process where the potential members go through the whole application process. At this stage, the incubators analyse the startup potential, the idea, the team, the potential market, etc. Usually, the startup ...

  22. Startup Incubator: What does it do and how does it help?

    Startup incubators are organizations designed to nurture early-stage startups by providing business mentorship, professional training, networking opportunities, connections to funding, and other resources so they can grow and scale into solid and viable businesses. Every incubator is different, ranging in size, areas of focus, and expertise.

  23. What Is A Startup Incubator

    A business incubator is a program designed to bring a collaborative atmosphere to small businesses. An incubator helps small businesses figure out the right answers to common startup questions. The majority of startup incubators are nonprofits, and a large number of these are associated with business schools or university business programs.

  24. Market Analysis and Ecosystem Assessment

    Market analysis and ecosystem assessment are crucial for developing a successful incubation or acceleration plan. These tools help identify opportunities, threats, and key players in the startup landscape. By understanding market dynamics and ecosystem resources, entrepreneurs can make informed decisions and position their ventures for growth.