
Portal Pendidikan, Kerjaya dan Informasi, Utama di Malaysia

Apa Itu Sijil, Diploma, Ijazah, Sarjana dan PHD ?

Mungkin ada yang mengetahui apa itu pengajian di peringkat sijil, peringkat ijazah, sarjana dan PHD . Namun demikian masih ada yang bertanya dan minta penjelasan lebih lanjut mungkin tentang pengertian, contoh, tempoh pengajian, kos pengajian dan sebagainya.

Untuk hari sabtu ni Saya ada sediakan sedikit info tentang peringkat pembelajaran ni, peringkat-peringkat kelulusan atau iktisas sebenarnya sangat penting untuk dimaklumkan kepada setiap penuntut ilmu kerana ia merupakan pengetahuan asas yang mana pengetahuan ini memberikan motivasi ataupun penunjuk arah dalam menentukan halatuju kerjaya hidup.

Peringkat kelulusan dan dipanggil iktisas ini dibahagikan kepada 5 peringkat utama. peringkat tersebut terdiri dari sijil, diploma, ijazah sarjana muda, ijazah sarjana dan PHD.

Peringkat pertama/ permulaan

Peringkat mula-mula yang ramai orang ambil/belajar ialah peringkat Sijil ( Certificate ), Kebiasaan yang popular diambil ialah Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia. Manakala kursus lain seperti Sijil elektrik, Sijil kejuruteraan awam, Sijil pembantu perubatan dan banyak lagi. Pendek kata, apa sahaja yang nama kursus yang dimulakan dengan perkataan ” sijil ” itulah menunjukkan peringkatnya.

Tempoh pengajian peringkat sijil pula memakan masa maksima 2 tahun dan ada juga kursus peringkat sijil memerlukan tempoh paling minima 6 bulan. Yuran pengajian kebiasaanya RM 500 untuk sekali belajar dan kebiasaanya RM 450 dan biasiswa pula bergatung kepada penaja kursus tersebut. Jika kursus itu ditaja oleh agensi berkaitan kerajaan kebiasaanya biasiswa disediakan menerusi latihan dalam pembelajaran yang dilaksanakan.

Peringkat kedua

Peringkat ini kelulusan lebih tinggi dari peringkat sijil iaitu peringkat Diploma. Peringkat diploma ini merupakan peringkat separa profesional. Peringkat ini memerlukan syarat mempunyai sijil untuk memohon kursus-kursus yang ditawarkan. Kursus diploma ini dinamakan seperti Diploma kejuruteraan awam, Diploma perakaunan dan banyak lagi.

Tempoh pengajian peringkat diploma ini kebiasaanya 3 tahun dan kos pengajian kira-kira 15 ribu. Jika pengajian di universiti swasta mungkin lebih dari Rm 15 ribu tu.

Peringkat ketiga

Peringkat ini adalah paling popular sekarang iaitu kelulusan diperingkat Ijazah, Nama penuh peringkat ini dinamakan Ijazah Sarjana Muda. Peringkat ini adalah peringkat profesional dengan memerlukan kelulusan sekurang-kurang mempunyai diploma ataupun kursus persediaan seperti di Matrikulasi ataupun SIjil Tinggi Pelajaran Malaysia STPM. Contoh kursus ialah Ijazah Sarjana muda perubatan.

Tempoh pengajian pula ialah sekitar 5-3 tahun kebiasaannya adalah 4 tahun, tetapi kebanyakan kursus perubatan mungkin memakan masa 6-5 tahun bergantung kepada bilangan matapelajaran yang diambil. kos pengajian pula tidak tetap dan kebiasaannya sekitar 20ribu ringgit bagi sepanjang kursus diambil.

Peringkat keempat

Peringkat ini adalah peringkat lebih mencabar, Peringkat ini dinamakan sebagai kelulusan Ijazah Sarjana atau ” Master “. Peringkat ini kebiasaanya mengambil masa kira-kira 2-3 tahun kerana ia melibatkan pembelajaran lebih khusus dan lanjutan dari ijazah tadi. Kebiasaanya peringkat ini mengambil masa 2 tahun boleh dibuat secara sepenuh masa atau Sambilan.

Kos pengajian Peringkat ini kebiasaannya sekitar 15 ribu bergantung kepada institusi yang dimohon.

Peringkat Lima

Peringkat ini merupakan peringkat terakhir dalam kelulusan pendidikan iaitu peringkat PHD atau Doktor Falsafah, Peringkat ini pengajian lebih mencabar dan memerlukan komitmen yang tinggi dalam mentelaah dan membuat kajian. Peringkat ini memerlukan syarat mempunyai Sarjana untuk diterima menyambung pengajian.

Kos belajar peringkat ini kira-kira 20 ribu dan tempoh pengajian 5-4 tahun. Tetapi kebiasaanya adalah 4 tahun kecuali kursus yang sukar atau mempunyai masalah dalam menyelesaikan kajian ataupun bilangan matapelajaran yang banyak.

Sebenarnya ada banyak lagi info yang boleh dihuraikan oleh 5 peringkat ini termasuk peluang kerjaya, contoh kerjaya, bentuk pengajian dan sebagainya. Tetapi untuk hari cuti ni cukuplah dengan yang dinyatakan tu kita akan sambung lain kali.  😀

Terima kasih.

117 thoughts on “ Apa Itu Sijil, Diploma, Ijazah, Sarjana dan PHD ? ”

Assalamualaikum, saya nak tanya. Saya sekarang sedang menjalani Diploma Pendidikan Islam di Marsah. Kalau saya nak melanjutkan pelajaran di mana mana Universiti di peringkat Degree, adakah saya perlu ambil Ijazah sarjana muda Pendidikan Islam atau boleh ambil kursus lain yang berkaitan? sebab saya bercita cita ingin menjadi guru pendidikan islam di Sekolah menengah.

Wsalam.. kebiasannya ada tawaran untuk lanjutkan pelajaran bagi setiap institusi, jika tidak memenuhi..boleh juga memohon kembali di UPU bila buka nanti..tapi kali ni mohon untuk permohonan ijazah sarjana muda.

Baik, Terima Kasih Tuan 🙂

degree peringkat ke berapa

Degree dalam bahasa inggris.. dalam bahasa melayu ijazah.. biasanya degree dimaksudkan ijazah sarjana muda..sebab kalau ijazah sarjana adalah Master.

  • Pingback: Diploma : 3 Kelebihan Dan Kelemahan Diploma

Klau diploma ambik course automotive nanti sambung degree ambil course sesuai?

Banyak peringkat ISM nanti..universiti bitara kejuruteraan seperti UTM, UTHM pun ada. Sebaiknya saudara rujuk rujukan UPU untuk lihat senarai pengajian berkaitan.

salam…saya nak bertanya… saya nak buat degree perubatan akan tetapi sekarang saya masih dalam degree biomedical science…cadangmya lepas habis degree pertama,saya nak persue ke degree medical.. saya mempunyai diploma dalam bidang kejururawatan dan SPM saya bukan dari sains tulen… adakah boleh saya melanjutkan ke bidang perubatan tu??

  • Pingback: Apa Itu Diploma Pengurusan Pelancongan – Xpresi

Salam tuan. Tuan tahu dimana tempat yg ada buat kursus sijil kejuruteraan awam ?

Assalammulaikum,saya nk bertanya adakah Sijil Professional sama taraf dengan Sarjana?

Salam tuan, saya nak tanya.. sy mempunyai Master flm bidang Pengurusan (Sumber Manusia). Boleh ke sekiranya saya ingin menyambung PhD dalam bidang pendidikan?

assalamualaikuM, saya diploma course lain kalau ijazah nak amik course lain boleh kea?

Waalaikumussalam, boleh..tapi kne berkaitan..cth diploma kejuruteraan awam, boleh juga ambil kejuruteraan elekronik dan berkaitan.. Diploma sains boleh juga ambil ijazah alam sekitar, kimia atau kesihatan

Assalamualaikum, Kolej Matrikulasi tergolong dalam peringkat yang mana?

Waalaikumussalam, matrikulasi kini setaraf dengan diploma/ Asasi.

assalamualaikum,boleh sya thu berapa tempoh masa yg diperlukan untuk menamatkan ijazah sarjana muda undang-undang syariah di UM?

assalamualaikum. nak tanya satu soalan. macam mana kita mahu tahu kerjaya apa kita dapat kalau bidang apa yang kita ambil di UA. contoh “kalau ambil ijazah sarjanamuda antropologi dan sosiologi, apa kerjaya yang bakal saya dapat”. boleh tolong bagitahu mengenai semua bidang di UA. kalau ada websitenya boleh minta?

Assalamualaikum, Boleh terangkan sikit apa itu “Ijazah pertama” ?

Assalam, sy baru grad diploma dgn HPNM 2.81 mata. Kalau saya sambung degree brapa taun agaknya?? Harap admin dapat balas segera.

Jika dulu 4 tahun, tapi skrg ni ada yg disingkatkan pada 6 semester utk diploma. Tapi bergantung juga pada kursus yang diambil dan ketetapan universiti, baik shafiqi dapatkan maklumat lanjut dengan universiti yang diminati.

assalammualaikum, apa beza first class degree dengan degree biasa? Saya ada terbaca kalau first class degree privilege dia kita dapat skip master. Is it true? thnank you.

Salam,saya ingin bertanya apakah hala tuju saya selepas mengambil sijil profesional ? Adakah saya boleh terus sambung degree menggunakan sijil professional atau perlu mengambil diploma dahulu ?

Salam tuan,saya merupakan lepasan spm,apakah kebaikan apabila saya mengambil sijil profesional di UM ? Kemanakah hala tuju selepas mengambil sijil profesional ? Boleh saya sambing degree dengan menggunakan sijil profesional ?

kalau saya berminat nak ambil STPM + ijazah + master, berapa lama tempoh masa saya belajar ya??

Kami ada buat artikel berkaitan tempoh masa pengajian ni, cuba rujuk https://www.xpresi.org/tempoh-masa-belajar-stpm-ijazah-master/

assalamualaikum..saya nak tanya selepas saya mengambil sijil lanjutan adakah saya boleh sambung mengambil diploma…..ape faedah sijil lanjutan ni…harap membantu,,,

assalammualaikum.saya nak tanya , klau kursus yg saya ambil ni.,pengajian video Dan filem di politeknik.bila nak sambung buat ijazah ada tak course tu kat mana2 institut?

Akak sambung degree Kat mana skrg ?

Assalamualaikum. Jika sudah mempunyai Diploma dari politeknik, adakah berbaloi jika saya ingin mengambil sijil kemahiran seperti Penjaga Jentera atau sepatutnya lebih berbaloi jika saya menerusi pengajian saya ke tahap yang lebih tinggi iaitu ijazah sarjana muda. Mohon pencerahan daripada yang berpengetahuan.

Waalaikumussalam, bergantung pada ariff, tapi sebaiknya teruskan menuju aras tinggi dalam pembelajaran jika layak n mampu. jika boleh, sambung belajar sampai PHD.


Assalamualikum, say ingin bertanya..jika pengambilan sijil dimana yew yang menawarkannya pengambilan sijil sahaja??

Waalaikumussalam, banyak..di Institut kemahiran spt IKM, ILP, Kolej Komuniti.. IPT juga ada menawarkan sijil.

Assalamualaikum. Sy ada kemusykilan. Skrg ni sy sdg menyambung pengajian peringkat ijazah dalam bidang kejuruteraan awam. Adakah boleh sekiranya selepas tamat pengajian nanti sy nk sambung lg pengajian ke peringkat sarjana tetapi dlm bidang pengurusan perniagaan. Terima kasih.

Boleh kah ambil master tanpa degree. guna pengalaman kerja sahaja

rasanya xboleh.. mmg kne ikut peringkat..sbb masa nak mohon tu mmg dia akan minta kelayakan sebelumnya..

assalamualikum .. saya ingin bertanya .. bolehkah sijil ikm menyambung pelajaran diploma ke kktm ? dan jika orang tu mempunyai sijil lvl 3 dari kolej swasta dan keputusan spm hanya 3 kredit .. tetapi math tidak kredit hanya lulus ingin menyambung diploma ke kktm dapatkah di terima sambil membuat surat rayuan ?

Salam, saya merupakan pemegang/lepasan diploma perakaunan, jika saya menyambung pengajian dalam Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perakaunan secara separuh masa, berapa lama agaknya tempoh penggajian (semester) untuk program separuh masa dari serba pengetahuan Tuan.

Assalamualaikum . Nak tanya . Kalau nk ambik courses dkt uitm shah alam blh ambil lebih dr satu ke?

Waalaikumussalam, kalau dalam permohonan boleh mohon lebih dari satu..Tapi kalau belajar/menuntut hanya boleh satu..

Assalam, saya ada sikit kekeliruan apa perbezaan ijazah sarjana muda dengan sarjana muda ?

Salam, xada beza.. sama shj.. kalau ijazah sarjana itu berbeza.. perkataan “muda” tu yang membezakannya. Kalau tak ada muda maksudnya ia adalah peringkat master/ sarjana

Salam.nak tanya ape perbezaan diploma eksekutif dengan diploma biasa.sekarang ni saya mengambil diploma elektrik di politeknik secara separuh masa yang mengambil masa 4 tahun.sekarang ini saya saya tertarik dengan diploma eksekutif elektrik yang ditawarkan OUM hanya 18 bulan.adakah kedua-dua diploma ini sama taraf.

Diploma eksekutif juga ialah diploma, cuma bezanya dari segi pengkhususan. Di politeknik saudara mengambil diploma dlm pengkhusussan elektrik, manakala di OUM saudara akan mengambil diploma dalam pengkhusussan eksekutif ( berkaitan pentadbiran dll )

assalam…boleh saya tahu dasar yg digunapakai menyatakan tempoh pengajian peringkat sarjana muda adalah 4 tahun..tq

Wsalam. pengajian 4 tahun tu adalah kebiasaanya/ purata tahun semasa post dibuat.. utk gambaran/informasi pembaca.. namun demikian, keputusan tempoh pengajian dibuat berdasarkan keputusan senat universiti atau keperluan pengajian.

Assalamualaikum tuan, saya merupakan lepasan graduan Ijazah sarjana muda yang masih lagi menganggur. Buat masa sekarang saya telah terima pelbagai tawaran kerja namun saya tolak kerana bukan dalam bidang yang saya minati. Bolehkah saya seorang pemegang ijazah sarjana muda hendak sambung belajar bermula dari bawah iaitu sijil kemahiran. Saya khuatir jika saya mengambil sijil kemahiran , ijazah yang saya miliki tidak laku. Buat pengetahuan tuan, saya merupakan pelajar dalam bidang sains fizik (elektronik) dan saya ingin bermula dari bawah dalam bidang kejuruteraan elektronik kerana pengajian saya dahulu tidak banya praktikal hanya lebih kepada teori. saya sudah cuba menghubungi pihak kolej yang menyediakan program INSEP untuk lepasan graduan namun buat masa sekarang tiada lagi perancangan bagi pihak mereka. Dan saya tidak mahu mengambil Master kerana saya lebih ingin merasai sendiri suasana dalam bidang pekerjaan disamping belajar.

Salam tuan, apa nama lain bagi asasi?

Salam, nama lain rasanya xlah juga..tapi ia sama dengan kursus persediaan Ijazah sarjana muda

Cara biasa (konventional) dapat Ijazah:

Diploma (3 tahun) > Ijazah Sarjana Muda (3-4 tahun)

Cara cepat (Fast track) dapat Ijazah:

Higher National Diploma (HND-3 1/2 tahun) > Ijazah (1 1/2 tahun)

di mana ye pusat pengajian yg mnawarkan sambung sarjana dari hnd selama 1 1/2 tahun shj..

hnd? kebanyakan srjana memang 1 1/2 tahun.. PHD biasanya 4 tahun. Bergantung pada Universiti

sorry.. Higher National Diploma (HND-3 1/2 tahun) > Ijazah (1 1/2 tahun).. boleh saya tahu dimana tempat pengajian yg mnawarkan sambung ijazah slama 1 1/2 tahun sahaja utk pemegang higher national diploma

Terima kasih atas perkongsian..minta keberkatan ilmu

Saya tahun ni form 1, skg baru tahu peringkat utk sambung belajar kalau dah habis spm… trima kasih encikk.. Saya bercadang utk belajar sampai sarjana muda jelah.. skg ni tgh buat planning utk masuk aliran apa pada form 4 dan form 5 akan datang

salam tuan. Adakah ijazah di oum diiktiraf? Saya berminat untuk menyambung pengajian ke peringkat ijazah keselamatan kesihatan dan pekerjaan. Adakah berpatutan saya menyambung di dalam bidang ini? Untuk maklumat tuan. Saya bekerja di dalam bidang elektrik. Adakah relevan untuk saya menyambung di bahagian tersebut? Harap tuan dapat memberikan jawapan. Terima kasih tuan.

salam.. jika ijazah yg diberitahu tu mmg diiktiraf..boleh rujuk sini http://esilav2.jpa.gov.my/online_progs/esisraf/ no MQA/FA0538. Untuk soal relevan atau tak.. sy tak pasti..pastikan subjek matapelajaran yang dipelajari dalam ijazah tu banyak yang berkaitan dengan apa bidang kita sekarang..

Pertama sekali Terima kasih tuan sbb reply. Sy mmg perlukan pertolongan tuan. Yaka. Tapi sy rasa lari tajuk dah dari bidang sy bekerja skrg. Sebab di OUM tiada bidang engineering. Selain dari itu. Bidang ap yg sesuai untuk sy sambung belajar? Sy dah check. Tapi OUM mmg tiada kejuruteraan. Terima kasih tuan.

Mmg la xde engineering, mane boleh belajar bidang engineering secara part time, oum menjalankan kursus semuanya part time. So kalau nk engineering pergi utm skudai.

Nomercybro- ko silap kot bro. Utm space ad engineering.parttime gak. Mayb ko budak2 lg kot. Lgsatu ak tak tanya ko pun. keybord worrior ko ni.

Assalamuallaikum w.b.t.

Saya ada beberapa soalan. InsyaAllah saya sekarang sedang fikir2 utk ambil samada EXECUTIVE diploma ATAU, PROFESSIONAL DIPLOMA: soalannya

1)Apakah beza diantara kedua2 diploma tersebut 2)Adakah kedua-duanya setaraf dengan diploma biasa? 3)Saya dimaklumkan tempohnya singkat berbanding diploma, betulkah? 4)Jika ingin memohon kenaikan pangkat didalam kerajaan, boleh kah diambil kira setaraf diploma utk memohon jawatan gred 27….

Maaf agak byk soalan….harap dpt membantu

Waalaikumussalam, sebelum tu nak tanya yang ditawarkan tu dari universiti swasta ke?

salam tuan,saya akan menamatkan pengajian eksekutif diploma dari oum,tetapi disebabkan eksekutif diploma ini tidak mendapat pengiktirafan jadi peluang untuk saya menyambung ke peringkat lebih tinggi adalah terhad.. Saya ditawarkan untuk menyambung ijazah di oum dalam bidang keselamatan dan kesihatan pekerjaan tetapi ijazah tersebut juga belum mendapat pengiktirafan dari MQA. Soalan saya, adakah saya membuat keputusan yg betul dengan mendaftar masuk atau apa cadangan terbaik tuan. 1.ijazah keselamatan kesihatan pkerjaan oum 2.sarjana eksekutif keselamatan kesihatan klia training 3.eksekutif master keselamatan kesihatan klia training

Dah pasti ke dia xada pengiktirafan? cuba semak dekat laman web MQA. Biasanya setiap kursus dah ada MQA.. kalau tidak agak susah..tapi masih boleh memohon jika ada rezeki..

Tuan untuk kursus BOHSM di OUM telahpun mendapat MQA skg ni pun saya ditahun 3 di OUM, tahun depan tamat pengajian jadi teruskan sambung belajar anda di OUM..

saya ingin bertanya .. saya ditawarkan untuk dip sains gunaan .. dan sya rasa klau bleh sya mahu habiskan bidang ini hingga ke tahap degree .. adkah peluang perkerjaan bagi kos ini senang utk diperolehi?

salam. saya ingin bertanya. saya lepasan degree in management. boleh anda terangkan sedikit info mengenai second degree. bagaimana nak apply. universiti mana yang ada offer buat second degree. saya dah puas belek google ni. xjumpa2 juga. saya merancang hendak mengambil second degree in math to pursue my ambition.

Assalamualaikum tuan.. Saya menghadapi kekeliruan.. Saya merupakan lepasan spm 2013.. Saya telah mengisi permohonan tajaan jpa-mara di mana saya memilih course perubatan USM-KLE.. setelah melepasi tarikh tutup permohonan baru saya tahu yang USM-KLE ialah program ijazah.sedangkan untuk mengikuti program tersebut saya perlu melepasi asasi/matrik/IB… Apa akan terjadi dgn permohonan saya ?jika saya dipanggil interview , apa perlu saya lalukan ? Saya perlukan pencerahan..terima kasih..

Waalaikumusalam.. sistem dan panel pemilih akan tapis dulu.. yang tidak layak spt tiada kursus persediaan akan disngkirkan utk calon temuduga..jgn bimbg yerr 🙂

salam…saya nak tanya….saya pelajar lepasan stpm 2012..saya ada isi UPU pd thun ini utk sesi kemasukan september 2014/2015….so,saya nk tanya..lepas isi UPU,perlukan saya post dokumen serta sijil-sijil yang diperlukan kepada universiti yang dipohon….saya keliru sebab arahan ada mengatakan,**pemohonan lepasan diploma/setaraf wajib mencetak slip pemohonan serta mengemukakan dokumen yang dikehendaki kepada universiti pilihan masing**….so,perlukan sya post dokumen seperti di dikehendaki ataupun tidak?minta perjelasan dan pendapat….sebab saya keliru…semasa isi,saya di bawah kategori Diploma?setaraf sebab saya Lepasan STPM 2012..minta pendapat

Asalamualaikum saya nk tanya kalau saya ambik apa2 kemahiran contoh seperti kimpalan blajar 2 thun dpt sijil selepas itu bole ke saya hendak sambung diploma

Waalaikumussalam, boleh.. tapi pastikan sijil tu ada kualiti .. 🙂

jika saya mengambil diploma eksekutif. bolehkan saya menyambung pengajian ke tahap degree? jika boleh apakah syarat-syaratnya?

Boleh.. tapi kne mohon la.. syaratnya? rujuklah syarat ijazah yg anda nak mohon tu.. biasanya ada kat laman rasmi UPU atau Universiti

boleh tahu apa beza pasca ijazah dengan ijazah sarjana?

nak tanya, ape maksud ” sijil lanjutan “..?

Salam tuan, saya musykil tentang diploma dan diploma lanjutan?? Boleh tuan terangkan?Saya dah ada Diploma skang berminat untuk bt Ijazah Sarjanan Muda? Adakah Diploma saya dikira Diploma lanjutan setelah selesai saya ambil Ijazah Sarjana Muda?Mohon pencerahan untuk kebaikan semua..terima kasih tuan..

assalamualaikum..saya ada pertanyaan..di malaysia..dimana kita boleh membuat double degree..pasal setahu saya..ipta/ipts tak buat utk double degree

Double degree berlambak di Malaysia. Ianya ada “&”. Cth SARJANA Muda it Dan pengurusan dengan kepujian. Biasanya subjek diambil adalah double major.

assalamualaikum, saya ingin bertanya… saya ingin melanjutkan pelajaran ke perigkat diploma dan sarjana muda dalam bidang kejuruteraan mekatronik. Boleh kah saya melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat Master dalam bidang Sains Gunaan( fizik)??

TerimaKasih sangat 🙂

Assalamualaikum… sy ingin bertanya…sy ingin melanjutkan pelajaran kepringkat sarjana…apakah kelebihan sarjana pendidikan daripada sarjana tanpa pendidikan…dan adakah sarjana pendidikan lebih menjurus kepada guru sekolah ataupun pensyarah IPTA..

terima kasih

Waalaikumussalam.. jika sarjana ada pendidikan kita akan belajar subjek tambahan bekenaan pedagogi dan hal lain tentang pendidikan. Ilmu itu menampakkan kita mempunyai ilmu yang melayakkan kita untuk menjadi pendidik termasuk sebagai pensyarah dan tenaga pengajar lain..ia bergantung kepada apa yg dipilih selepas pengajian.. jika mempunyai pendidikan kita akan lebih mendapat pekerjaan bekenaan pengajaran dan pembelajaran..

salam, di ambil dari ayat en fiziesss “dari mana ijazah diperolehi juga diambil kira”.

adakah ijazah nie berbeza-beza mengikut tempat ?minta penjelasan..

salam..ijazah tetap sama..cuma kadang-kadang penemuduga ini subjektif..ada yang mahukan keluaran dari institusi tertentu dan ada juga yang pastinya mahukan keluaran dari institusi yang mempunyai LAN.

salam..saya nak tanya ape perbezaan antara matrikulasi, asasi dan diploma? … mana satu lagi bagus dan menjana masa depan? dan ape kualiti pembelajarannya? dan yang mane akan mengmbil masa yang sedikit?

Salam..rasanya sy dah terangkan dalam penulisan lepas..cuba gunakan carian untuk membacanya semula..

salam , saya keliru mengenai dua benda ni . apa beza antara ijazah sarjana muda dengan kepujian dan ijazah sarjana muda sahaja ? adakah title ” kepujian ” tu bagi kesan apa-2 di alam pekerjaan nanti ? terima kasih 🙂

Salam, boleh rujuk maklumatnya di penulisan terbaru kami di Perbezaan Ijazah ( Kepujian ) dengan Tiada Kepujian Dalam Ijazah

saya nak tanya.. apa yang dimaksudkan dengan diploma siswazah? ataupun dikenali sebagai diploma lanjutan?

bleh bgi pndgn tk..sya tk fhm.. Perbezaan di antara ijazah sarjana muda eksekutif dan ijazah sarjana muda?

Bahasa senang faham..Ijazah sarjana muda ialah tahap pengajian.. Jika ditambah eksekutif iaitu Ijazah Sarjana Muda Eksekutif menunjukkan Ijazah sarjana muda tersebut adalah dikhususkan kepada pengajian berkaitan eksekutif.

saya sekarang masih lagi dalam delema aliran apa y saya perlu ambil kerana saya minat dalam bidang juruteraan tetapi saya x ambil jurusan sn .pada mulanya saya saya adalah pelajar sains tetapi saya x bergitu ykin y saya boleh bawa sbb aliran itu amat berat dn sy x kut saya x mampu nk bawa subjek itu dan saya tukar kepada jurusan perdagagan x pi saya msih lgi x tenang dgn aliran y peelu saya ambl dan hampir 5 bulan saya dlm dilema tolng saYA syay perlukan bantuan dari anda

Ada sesipa bole beri pendapat mengenai diploma eksekutif?

saya nak tanya.. apakah perbezaan ijazah sarjana muda dengan ijazah pertama??? adakah keduanya sama??

ia..ia sama sahaja.

aya ingin menjadi pakar psikologi..aliran apa yang perlu saya amik bila saya sudah tamat spm..

Ada banyak cara samaada ke diploma berkaitannya dan STPM aliran kemanusiaan..

assalam. nk tanya, sy bakal mghabiskan pengajian diploma. sy nk melanjutkan pengajian ke peringkat lebih tinggi. kursus yg sy nk mohon nanti, ada beza. sarjana muda (kepujian) dan sarjana muda. apa beza yg ada kepujian dgn x ada kepujian?

ada kepujian maknanya belajar lama.

Xde kepujian maknanya belajar sekejap

Di Australia kepujian itu diberikan kepada pengajian yang mempunyai kajian di akhir pengajian dan ia juga bergantung pada pencapaian pelajar tersebut secara berterusan semasa tahun ke 2-3. Pelajar juga perlu membuat thesis dan menerbitkannya. Oleh demikian, kepujian itu diberikan kepada pelajar yang cemerlang sahaja dalam kursus yang diambil. Untuk di United Kingdom UK, kepujian itu membezakan kelulusan professional/ ijazah khas dan ijazah biasa. Untuk mendapatkan kepujian perlulah cemerlang paling kurang CGPA 2.00 ( Kelas kedua ) semasa menamatkan pengajian. Selain itu, kajian juga perlu dilakukan semasa tahun akhir pelajar bekenaan. Untuk di Malaysia ini, kami tidak dapat memberikan ketetapan atau penerangan yang lebih baik kerana apa yang telah berlaku kini agak mengelirukan ( kelemahan kami ) berbanding penggunaan “ Kepujian “ itu sebelum tahun 90an. Jika dahulu, pemberian kepujian adalah bagi Ijazah yang berkualiti iaitu mendapat keputusan akhir yang baik ( kelas pertama ) untuk mendapatkan taraf Kepujian itu.

Sumber : Perbezaan Ijazah ( Kepujian ) dengan Tiada Kepujian Dalam Ijazah |Xpresi

Assalamualaikum , saya nak tanya apakah perbezaan antara asasi sains ,asasi sains hayat dan asasi perubatan ? terima kasih.

Waalaikumussalam.. Asasi Sains.. Belajar subjek2 pecahan sains.. kebanyakan institusi menawarkan Bio dan fizik bersama.

Asasi Sains Hayat Belajar subjek pecahan Sains.. belajar Biologi tanpa ada fizik..

Asasi Perubatan Pengkhususan persediaan perubatan seperti pecahan biologi yang lebih mendalam..

tq sir for yr info it was useful for me…………………………………

Sekarang sy dah faham ttg peringkat selepas SPM ni. Terima kasih byk-byk.

subhanAllah, thnx

Sama2..harap info yg diberikan dapat membantu sedikit sebanyak..terima kasih sbb singgah sini 🙂

salam…saya bakal menduduki spm thun nie..sy cuma nk tnya , boleh tlng beritahu senarai penaja biasiswa dan laman webnya serta cara memohonya?? dan bagaimana hendak memasuki universiti malaya(UM) kerana sy dengar ada borang khusus untk memasuki universiti ini..

Salam, semoga terus cemerlang dalam SPM, selamat berjuang… Untuk senarai penaja biasiswa tu ia berubah2.. ia mengikut pengurusan institusi yang menawarkan biasiswa. Oleh tu, sy tak boleh senaraikan sebab ia mengikut pekembangan semasa. Kebiasaannya biasiswa adalah dari JPA dan MARA. Tetapi tempat terhad dan memerlukan keputusan yang cemerlang. Untuk maklumat mengikut update semasa, baik aiman LIKE facebook xpresi https://www.xpresi.org/lebih-profesional-dengan-xpresi-fan-page/ oleh itu, aiman akan dapat update terbaru dalam facebook aiman bekenaan biasiswa dan permohonan universiti. Mungkin ia sedikit sebanyak membantu nanti apabila pemohonan biasiswa dan universiti di keluarkan nanti. Satu lagi, Mungkin aiman boleh taip perkataan biasiswa atau permohonan um pada sistem carian xpresi, sebelum ini ada sedikit informasi bekenaan biasiswa yang telah di keluarkan xpresi..Terima kasih..

salam.. sy cuma ingin bertanya, sy merupakan pelajar yng akn ambil spm thun ni..sy berminat dengan jurusan perubatan..iaitu untuk menjadi doktor.. namun sy dengar bilangan doktor dan yng bkal menjadi doktor adalah berlebihan.betul ke fakta nie?? dan kalau betul, boleh tlng cdngkan kursus yng sesuai yng peluang pekerjaannya masih bnyk tp masih dlm jurusan perubatan..

Salam, xpe..sy mmg galakkan sesiapa sahaj yg nak bertanya.. 😉 berlebihan? saya tak begitu pasti dengan fakta berlebihan tu. Tetapi mungkin sejak kebanjiran tawaran dari pelbagai institusi termasuk swasta yang kadangkala merendahkan kelulusan kemasukan. saya rasa isu berlebihan tu takde. Yang ada tak dapat kerja pun sebab keputusan yang tidak baik dan tidak cukup syarat-syarat untuk menjadi doktor perubatan. Untuk menjadi doktor perlu memenuhi syarat seperti tinggi keputusan peperiksaan, jam kredit kuliah, latihan di institusi kesihatan dan dari mana ijazah diperolehi juga diambil kira. Mungkin kebanjiran sesetengah institusi yang mengutamakan keuntungan membuatkan banyak syarat tidak dipenuhi. Ataupun faktor pelajar itu sendiri yang tidak belajar bersungguh-sungguh. Pada pendapat sy setakat ini bidang perubatan memang diperlukan terutama di kawasan yang tidak menjadi pilihan seperti dikawasan pekan dan luar bandar. Untuk pengetahuan saudara ada banyak klinik kesihatan di Malaysia..yang pastinya penduduk akan bertambah dikawasan tersebut dan pastinya ia perlu dinaiktaraf menjadi hospital yang mana memerlukan banyak doktor..Untuk saranan pekerjaan yang banyak kekosongan tu saya ambil prinsip tidak menjawabnya. sebab sebenarnya setiap jawatan sentiasa ada setiap tahun.. 😉

Bagus info ni, baik untuk pelajar yang kurang ilmu tentang halatuju pendidikan. Tahniah Admin.

Ia cikgu amir, baik utk maklumat yang lebih terperinci ikut dimensi berlainan. Terima kasih sbb singgah sini 🙂

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Further Study After SPM: Your Options and How to Choose

After completing the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), students have a variety of further study options, including enrolling in pre-university programs such as A-Levels, Foundation courses, or the Malaysian Matriculation Programme; applying to local or international universities for degree programs in areas such as science, arts, medicine, or law

After SPM, students may pursue diplomas in fields like engineering, business, design, or information technology at polytechnics or vocational colleges; joining vocational and skills training courses in areas like culinary arts, automotive repair, or fashion design; opting for professional certification courses in fields such as accounting, finance, or information technology; or even taking a gap year to explore interests, volunteer, or gain work experience before deciding on a specific educational or career path.

Futher Study After SPM

Options after spm.

After completing SPM, students have several options to choose from, depending on their interests and career goals. Here are some of the most common options for further study after SPM:

Pre-University Programmes

Pre-university programmes such as STPM, matriculation, foundation, A-levels, and IB are designed to prepare students for university-level education. These programmes usually take one to two years to complete and provide a solid foundation in subjects such as mathematics, science, and languages. They also help students develop critical thinking, research, and communication skills that are essential for success in higher education.

Vocational and Technical Courses

Vocational and technical courses are ideal for students who prefer hands-on learning and practical skills development. These courses are offered by vocational colleges, technical schools, and polytechnics, and cover a wide range of subjects such as engineering, automotive technology, culinary arts, and fashion design. Upon completion, students can either enter the workforce or pursue further studies in related fields.

Diplomas and Degrees

Diplomas and degrees are the most common options for students who wish to pursue higher education after SPM. Diplomas usually take two to three years to complete, while degrees take three to four years. These programmes are offered by universities, colleges, and private institutions, and cover a wide range of subjects such as business, law, medicine, and engineering. Upon completion, students can either enter the workforce or pursue postgraduate studies in related fields.

Overseas Education

Studying abroad is an excellent option for students who want to broaden their horizons and gain international exposure. Many universities and colleges around the world offer scholarships and financial aid to international students, making overseas education more accessible and affordable than ever before. However, studying abroad also requires careful planning and preparation, including obtaining visas, arranging accommodation, and adapting to a new culture and environment.

There are many options available for students who wish to pursue further study after SPM. Each option has its own advantages and disadvantages, and students should carefully consider their interests, abilities, and career goals before making a decision. By choosing the right option, students can gain the knowledge, skills, and qualifications they need to succeed in their chosen field.

After completing SPM, students have various options to choose from for their pre-university studies. Below are some of the popular pre-university programmes in Malaysia.

Foundation Courses

Foundation courses are one-year programmes that prepare students for undergraduate studies. These programmes cover a wide range of subjects and are offered by universities and colleges. Foundation courses are designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their undergraduate studies.

A-Levels is a two-year programme that is recognised by universities worldwide. This programme is designed to prepare students for undergraduate studies in the UK, Australia, and other countries. A-Levels cover a wide range of subjects and require students to take exams at the end of each year.

STPM is a two-year programme that is recognised by universities in Malaysia. This programme covers a wide range of subjects and is designed to prepare students for undergraduate studies in Malaysia. STPM requires students to take exams at the end of each year.


Matriculation is a one-year programme offered by the Ministry of Education in Malaysia. This programme is designed to prepare students for undergraduate studies in Malaysia. Matriculation covers a wide range of subjects and requires students to take exams at the end of the year.

Diploma Programmes

Diploma programmes are two- to three-year programmes that are offered by universities and colleges. These programmes are designed to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to succeed in their chosen field. Diploma programmes cover a wide range of subjects and require students to take exams at the end of each semester.

American Degree Program

The American Degree Program is a four-year programme that universities in Malaysia offer. This programme is designed to prepare students for undergraduate studies in the US. The American Degree Program covers many subjects and requires students to take exams at the end of each semester.

Australian Matriculation

Australian Matriculation is a one-year programme that is recognised by universities in Australia. This programme is designed to prepare students for undergraduate studies in Australia. Australian Matriculation covers a wide range of subjects and requires students to take exams at the end of the year.

Canadian Pre-University

Canadian Pre-University is a one-year programme that is recognised by universities in Canada. This programme is designed to prepare students for undergraduate studies in Canada. Canadian Pre-University covers a wide range of subjects and requires students to take exams at the end of the year.

There are many pre-university programmes available for students after completing SPM. Each programme has its own benefits and requirements. Students should carefully consider their options and choose a programme that best suits their goals and interests.

Higher Education Pathways

After completing SPM, students have various options to pursue higher education. This section will provide an overview of some common pathways to higher education, including degree programmes, university admissions, and studying abroad.

Degree Programmes

Degree programmes are offered at universities and higher education institutions. These programmes can be completed in various fields of study, such as business, engineering, medicine, and humanities. Students can choose to pursue a bachelor’s degree, which typically takes three to four years to complete, or a master’s degree, which takes one to two years to complete.

Entry requirements for degree programmes vary depending on the institution and field of study. Generally, students are required to have completed SPM and a pre-university programme, such as STPM, A-Level, or foundation studies. Some universities may also require students to take an entrance exam or submit a personal statement.

University Admissions

When applying to universities, students should research their desired programmes’ admission requirements and deadlines. Public universities in Malaysia have an online application system, which is called Unit Pengambilan Universiti (UPU), where students can submit their academic records, personal information, and supporting documents.

Students can also apply to private local universities and universities overseas, such as in Australia, the United States, or the United Kingdom. The application process for international universities may differ from Malaysian universities, and students may need to take additional tests, such as the SAT or IELTS.

Studying Abroad

Studying abroad can provide students with a unique cultural experience and exposure to different education systems. Students can choose to study abroad for a semester or a full degree programme.

When considering studying abroad, students should research the universities and programmes available in their desired country. They should also consider the cost of living, visa requirements, and language proficiency requirements.

There are various pathways to higher education after SPM, including degree programmes, university admissions, and studying abroad. Students should carefully consider their options and research the requirements and opportunities available to them.

Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is a popular option for Malaysian students after SPM. TVET courses offer practical skills and knowledge highly valued by employers in various industries. There are several types of TVET courses available in Malaysia, including the Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) , Malaysia Skills Diploma (DKM) , Malaysia Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM), and vocational and certificate courses.

Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM)

The Malaysian Skills Certificate (SKM) is a certificate programme that is recognized by the Malaysian government. The SKM programme is designed to provide students with the skills and knowledge needed to enter the workforce. SKM courses are available in various fields, such as automotive, electrical, and hospitality.

Malaysia Skills Diploma (DKM)

The Malaysia Skills Diploma (DKM) is a diploma programme that is also recognized by the Malaysian government. The DKM programme is designed to provide students with advanced skills and knowledge in their chosen field. DKM courses are available in various fields, such as engineering, construction, and information technology.

Malaysia Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM)

The Malaysia Advanced Skills Diploma (DLKM) is a diploma programme that is designed for students who want to specialize in a specific field. The DLKM programme is more advanced than the DKM programme and provides students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills. DLKM courses are available in various fields, such as manufacturing, logistics, and tourism.

Vocational and Certificate Courses

Vocational and certificate courses are also available in Malaysia. These courses are designed to provide students with practical skills and knowledge in a specific field. Vocational courses are available in various fields, such as culinary arts, hairdressing, and beauty therapy. Certificate courses are available in various fields, such as accounting, marketing, and human resource management.

TVET courses are a great option for students who want to gain practical skills and knowledge in a specific field. These courses are recognized by the Malaysian government and are highly valued by employers in various industries.

Specialised Fields of Study

After completing SPM, students have a wide range of options to choose from when it comes to further studies. Specialised fields of study are one of the most popular options as they provide students with the opportunity to focus on a specific area of interest.

Science and Engineering

For students interested in science and engineering, there are many majors and electives available. These fields of study are ideal for those who want to pursue careers in research, innovation, and problem-solving. Some of the most popular science and engineering majors include biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science. Additionally, students can choose from a variety of electives such as robotics, artificial intelligence, and environmental science.

Business and Management

Business and management are popular fields of study for students who want to pursue careers in finance, marketing, and human resources. Some of the most popular majors in this field include accounting, finance, marketing, and management. Students can also choose from a variety of electives such as entrepreneurship, business law, and international business.

Arts and Humanities

Arts and humanities are ideal for students who are interested in pursuing careers in the creative arts or social sciences. Popular majors in this field include English, history, philosophy, and psychology. Students can also choose from a variety of electives such as creative writing, film studies, and sociology.

Culinary and Hospitality

For students interested in culinary arts and hospitality, there are many majors and electives available. These fields of study are ideal for those who want to pursue careers in the food and beverage industry or the hospitality industry. Some of the most popular majors in this field include culinary arts, hospitality management, and tourism. Additionally, students can choose from a variety of electives such as wine studies, pastry arts, and hotel operations.

There are many options available for students who want to pursue further studies after SPM. By focusing on a specialised field of study, students can gain the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue rewarding careers in a variety of industries.

Skill Development and Industry Preparation

After completing SPM, many students choose to pursue further studies to develop their skills and prepare for their chosen industry. This section will discuss some ways to achieve this.

Internships and Work Experience

One of the best ways to gain industry experience is through internships and work experience. These opportunities allow students to apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-world situations. It also helps them to build their networks and gain insights into different career paths.

Soft Skills and Critical Thinking

Another important aspect of industry preparation is developing soft skills and critical thinking. Employers often look for candidates who can communicate effectively, work well in teams, and solve problems creatively. Students can develop these skills by participating in extracurricular activities, volunteering, and taking part in group projects.

Professional Qualifications

To further enhance their career prospects, students can also consider obtaining professional qualifications. For example, the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) offers a globally recognised qualification in accounting and finance. This can open up a range of career pathways in various industries.

Pursuing further studies after SPM can provide students with the education and training they need to succeed in their chosen career paths. By gaining industry experience, developing soft skills and critical thinking, and obtaining professional qualifications, students can prepare themselves for the job market and receive the necessary support to succeed.

Financial Planning for Further Education

Financial planning is a crucial aspect of pursuing further education after SPM. It’s essential to plan ahead and explore the various options available to ensure that the financial burden of further education doesn’t become overwhelming. In this section, we’ll explore two key areas of financial planning: scholarships and financial aid, and cost management.

Scholarships and Financial Aid

Scholarships and financial aid are excellent options to explore when planning for further education. Many universities and colleges offer scholarships and financial aid to deserving students. It’s essential to research and apply for scholarships and financial aid early to ensure that you don’t miss out on any opportunities.

One way to find scholarships and financial aid is to visit the websites of universities and colleges you’re interested in attending. You can also search for scholarships and financial aid on websites such as Studifast.com and Easyuni.my. These websites provide information about various scholarships and financial aid options available to students.

Cost Management

Cost management is another critical aspect of financial planning for further education. It’s essential to manage your costs effectively to ensure that you don’t overspend and end up in debt. One way to manage your costs is to create a budget. A budget will help you keep track of your expenses and ensure that you’re spending within your means.

Another way to manage your costs is to explore cost-saving options. For example, you can purchase second-hand textbooks instead of buying new ones. You can also consider carpooling or using public transport to save on transportation costs. It’s essential to explore all options available to you to ensure that you’re managing your costs effectively.

Postgraduate Opportunities

Pursuing postgraduate studies after SPM can help students advance their education and training, as well as increase their employability and earning potential. There are various postgraduate opportunities available for students who wish to further their studies beyond their undergraduate degree.

Advancing to Postgraduate Studies

Postgraduate studies are designed to provide students with advanced education and training in their chosen field. This can include coursework-based programmes, such as Master’s degrees, or research-based programmes, such as PhDs.

Higher education institutions in Malaysia offer a range of postgraduate programmes that cater to different academic and professional goals. Students can choose to pursue postgraduate studies in fields such as business, engineering, law, medicine, and more.

Postgraduate studies can be a significant investment in terms of time and money. However, they can also lead to higher salaries, better job prospects, and the opportunity to make a positive impact in their field of study.

Research and Specialisation

Research-based postgraduate programmes, such as PhDs, are designed to provide students with the opportunity to conduct original research in their chosen field. This can involve working closely with academic supervisors, conducting experiments, collecting data, and presenting findings.

Research-based postgraduate programmes can be highly specialised, allowing students to develop expertise in a specific area of study. This can be particularly beneficial for students who wish to pursue a career in academia or research.

Postgraduate studies can also provide students with opportunities to network with professionals in their field, attend conferences and workshops, and gain valuable experience working on research projects.

Pursuing postgraduate studies after SPM can help students advance their education and training, as well as increase their employability and earning potential. Whether students choose to pursue coursework-based or research-based programmes, they can benefit from the opportunities and experiences that postgraduate studies provide.

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Your Guide to Foundation, Pre-University, Diploma After SPM

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27 May 2024

Taylor's Team (Editor)

Congratulations on completing your Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM)! You’re now at a pivotal crossroads where the decisions you make will pave the way for your future.

So, have you set your heart on a specific career, or are you still exploring what stirs your passion?

Understanding what to study after SPM is your first step towards making empowered and informed decisions that align perfectly with your career aspirations and deepest interests.

Understanding Your Options

Diploma programme.

Are you eager to dive straight into the professional world? A diploma could be the perfect springboard. In Malaysia, diploma programmes offer a focused, practical route into industries ranging from creative arts to information technology (IT). These typically last between 2-3 years and are perfect for gaining the fundamental knowledge and technical skills that are vital in today’s job market .

The best part? Diploma graduates are highly sought after in many fields, especially those that value technical expertise and job-ready skills, such as IT  and business administration. This makes a diploma an excellent option if you're looking to get a head start in your career.

However, it’s not all smooth sailing. While a diploma can fast-track your career, it may limit your options if you decide to switch careers or pursue advanced roles that require higher qualifications.

The good news? With strategic planning and possibly further study, you can navigate these challenges successfully.

Enrolling for a diploma requires you to complete your SPM with at least 3 credits, including crucial subjects relevant to your chosen field, like Mathematics and English for Engineering. Also, a pass in Bahasa Malaysia and History is typically needed.

Foundation Programme

If university is on your horizon and you have a clear idea of what you want to study, consider studying a foundation programme . Designed to last only a year (but also an intense one), these programmes act as a bridge between secondary school and university, providing focused preparation that aligns with specific degrees.

But what if you’re not quite sure of your major? No worries—programmes like the Foundation in Arts and Foundation in Science  offer exposure to a broad range of subjects, helping you to find your footing without the pressure to commit immediately.

One thing to note: foundation programmes aren’t career-focused, and they offer limited practical experience. So, it’s not advisable to study this path if you’re thinking of jumping straight into the working world earlier.

They do, however, equip you with essential life skills such as time management, effective communication, and critical thinking— which will serve you well in any university setting.

Here’s the entry requirements: A pass with at least 5 credits from your SPM results, including English. Certain programmes might look for specific grades in subjects that match the track you’re aiming for, such as Engineering and Computing .

Pre-U Programme

Global recognition? Check! Preparation for world-class universities? Double check! 

Studying pre-university (Pre-U) programmes like the Cambridge A-Levels , Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT) , and Canadian Pre-U (CPU) or Canadian International Matriculation Programme (CIMP) prepare you for over 1.5 to 2 years for the academic rigours you’ll face internationally.

They are especially popular among those looking to study abroad, offering a solid academic foundation that eases the transition to universities in countries like the United Kingdom, Australia, or Canada. You’ll not only gain a deep understanding of your chosen subjects but also develop the critical thinking and analytical skills that top universities value.

Though these programmes are challenging and demand dedication, they are invaluable for those looking to thrive in diverse and dynamic academic environments.

While they might be pricier, the investment can pay off massively, especially with scholarships and financial benefits for those aiming to study overseas  and end with career opportunities worldwide.

So how do you get into Pre-U? You’ll need a minimum of 5 credits at SPM including English, for both Science and Humanities streams. However, some prerequisites would apply for these streams.

Looking Ahead

Now that you have a clearer understanding of the options available to further your study, let’s dive into how you can make the best choices for your future:

Making Strategic Decisions From the Start

It’s crucial to align your studies with your career interests. Use online tools like personality tests such as 16Personalities or the Big Five Personality Test , and career tests such as Career Explorer . They can offer insights into your strengths and how they mesh with different career paths

Also, staying informed about emerging job market trends through resources like the  World Economic Forum and attending career fairs can guide your decisions. These fairs not only help you choose a path that fulfils you and offers solid prospects but also provide the opportunity to gain insights directly from local industry professionals.

Considering the Finances

Navigating the financial aspects of your education shouldn’t dim the excitement of your academic adventures. Look out for a wide range of scholarships and financial aid  tailored to reward your hard work and assist with your tuition fees.

To further ease your financial journey, why not sharpen your budgeting skills? Constructing a detailed budget that includes all your expected expenses—from books to bites—helps you control your finances rather than letting them control you.

Take advantage of student discounts and plan your expenses smartly to make the most of every ringgit around sales periods. By mastering these financial skills tips now, you’ll set yourself up for a lifetime of smart financial decisions.

Thinking Long Term

As you ponder your educational choices, it's crucial also to cast your gaze towards the horizon. The job market and personal goals can evolve, so flexibility and adaptability are keys to long-term success.

Think of your education as a toolkit; continuously expanding it with new skills and knowledge through online courses or workshops. Doing so will keep you agile and ready to seize emerging opportunities.

Building a robust professional network through internships and industry events can also provide a vital link to future career opportunities and advancements.

Every educational pathway after SPM has its unique strengths and aligns differently with each student’s aspirations and career goals. As you ponder what to study after SPM, remember that the journey is as significant as the destination.

Eager to explore further? Talk to our counsellor to learn more about the intakes, entry requirements, your education pathways and more. 

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Pathways to higher education in Malaysia

by StudyMalaysia.com on May 10, 2021 | Top Stories , Higher Education in Malaysia

You might be in your last year of secondary schooling and starting to consider what to do next. Or perhaps you’ve just left school and haven’t quite decided if you should continue with higher education. While you might dread more studying and exams, there are many benefits to pursuing a higher education qualification. College or university is important for many reasons—this includes long-term financial gain, job stability, job satisfaction, career success, and the chance to develop important skills in critical thinking, communication and leadership.

The following diagram gives you an overview of study options for students with SPM, IGCSE or O-level qualifications. It also shows the pathways for further study—from pre-university to doctoral level.

Pathways to higher education in Malaysia

A. Academic qualifications

Pathways to a pre-u, diploma, certificate or american degree transfer program.

If you’re considering a pre-U qualification, you have many options to choose from—STPM, A-levels, foundation and matriculation. The general entry requirement for a pre-U programme is 5 credits at SPM level or its equivalent. However, some programmes may have specific subject requirements. The study duration at pre-U level is between 10 and 18 months. This is the shortest route to a bachelor degree programme.

For the route to a diploma programme, the general entry requirement is a minimum of 3 credits at SPM level. However, courses such as Diploma in Nursing has a higher entry requirement, i.e., 5 credits including maths and science. The duration of study is usually 2 years but some programmes take 2.5 years. With a diploma, you can join the workforce or if you wish to pursue a bachelor degree, you can usually obtain an exemption from year 1 and enter year 2 of the degree programme.

If you do not have the required SPM grades to pursue a pre-U programme or diploma, you can still consider studying for a certificate. The entry requirement is a minimum of 1 credit at SPM level. A certificate programme is a skills-based course which usually takes one year to complete. With a certificate, you can join the workforce or choose to further your studies by pursuing a diploma programme. (Note: There is no exemption and you will need to start at year 1 of the diploma programme.)

After completing a pre-u programme, you’ll be able to enter year 1 of a bachelor degree programme. Bachelor degrees typically take 3 years to complete; however, some programmes are longer—engineering and pharmacy programmes take 4 years, while medicine and dentistry take 5 years.

After pre-U, you can also opt to pursue a professional accounting course such as ACCA. If you study for ACCA after a bachelor degree, you may qualify for some exemptions.

To pursue an American Degree Program (ADP) after SPM, you’ll need a minimum of 5 credits. It usually takes 4 years to complete the ADP which can be done entirely in Malaysia or through the 2+2 route i.e., 2 years (60 credits hours) in Malaysia and 2 years (60 credits in USA).

Pathways to a bachelor degree qualification

The pathways to a bachelor degree include a pre-university qualification to enter year 1 or a diploma qualification to enter year 2 of a bachelor degree programme (subject to terms and conditions).

Pathways to professional qualifications after completing a bachelor degree

With a recognized bachelor degree qualification, you can move on to acquire a professional qualification in the field of Accounting, Medicine, Engineering, Architecture, Law, and others. A professional qualification is generally a qualification that is recognized and required by the relevant professional bodies which allow you to practise as a qualified professional in that field.

Pathways to postgraduate study

With a bachelor degree qualification, you can pursue a postgraduate programme, e.g. a master’s degree or a PhD, which is the highest level of academic qualification.

B. Skills-based qualifications

Skills-based qualifications awarded by dsd.

If you have completed SPM or if you are at least 16 years old, you eligible to pursue a skills-based course. These qualifications are awarded by the Department of Skill Development (DSD) of Ministry of Human Resources . There are 5 qualification levels in The National Skills Qualification Framework: SKM 1, SKM 2. SKM 3, Diploma Kemahiran Malaysia (DKM), Diploma Lanjutan Kemahiran Malaysia (DKLM).

For more information and enquiry

  • Check out more resources from StudyMalaysia that can help you plan your journey to further studies.
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Source: Copyright © STUDYMALAYSIA (StudyMalaysia.com)

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  +604-928 4641

  +604-928 4605,    this email address is being protected from spambots. you need javascript enabled to view it.,   www.pace.uecsb.com.my, professional and continuing education centre (pace).

Professional and Continuing Education Centre (PACE) acts as the coordinator in managing off-campus programmes in collaboration with other institutions and/or colleges.

Currently these are the centres of study where the programmes are conducted at: UUM Sintok, UUM Kuala Lumpur, Kuching, Sibu, Kota Kinabalu, Kota Bharu, Johor Bharu, Melaka and Ipoh.


Candidate must be 21 years old and abive and possess at least 3 years of working experience as well as obtained Malaysian School Certificate (SPM) subject to:

  • Passed SPM / equivalent
  • Obtained a credit in Bahasa Malaysia/ Malay Language; AND
  • Obtained credits in three (3) other subjects at SPM level/equivalent;
  • Obtained at least a pass in any of the following subjects Mathematics/Additional Mathematics/ Commerce / Principle of Accounting/ Foundation in Economics
  • Passed the eligibility pre-test conducted by UUM if not fulfil the above-mentioned (iii and iv) requirements.

For candidates who have STPM, the general requirements are as the following:

  • Passed SPM / equivalent; AND
  • Obtained a Credit in Bahasa Malaysia/ Malay Language at SPM level/ equivalent (Passed Bahasa Melayu with at least Grade C AND
  • Passed any of the following subjects Mathematics/Additional Mathematics/ Commerce / Principle of Accounting/ Foundation in Economics at SPM level; AND
  • CGPA of 2.0; AND
  • Gred C (2.00) for General Studies/ General Paper; AND Gred C (2.00) for two(2) other subjects


The admission requirements are:

  • Credit in Bahasa Malaysia/Malay Language at SPM level/ equivalent. (Passed Bahasa Melayu with at least Grade C); AND
  • Passed in any of the following subjects Mathematics/Additional Mathematics/ Commerce / Principle of Accounting/ Foundation in Economics at SPM level; AND
  • The Government of Malaysia and endorsed by the University senate
  • MQA and recorded in MQR ; OR
  • Obtained at least Jayyid (Gred 2.00) in Peperiksaan Sijil Tinggi Agama Malaysia (STAM); OR
  • Passed with atleast Gred C (2.00) at Matrikulation/Foundation in three (3) specialised subjects


  • The Government of Malaysia and approved by the University Senate MQA and recorded in MQR
  • Passed APEL assessment administered by MQA
  • Fulfil the admission criteria to Bachelor’s Degree (Level 6,MQF) as approved by MoE:
  • Candidate must be a Malaysian citizen age 21 years old and above on the year of application and possess relevant working experience.

MUET is the graduation requirement for the Off-Campus Programme (PJJ)


RM150.00 per credit hour


RM300.00 (once throughout study years)


RM20.00 per semester


Student RM10.00 to be charged every semester


RM13.00 every semester


RM40.00 every semester


RM100.00 (to be attached and sent with the application form)

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Here Are 12 Different Paths To Consider After SPM

A-Levels, Form 6, Foundation... so hard to choose leh!

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By Jeremy Ng

  • #university

1. A-Levels: If you like exams and want to keep your options open

A-Levels is a pre-university programme that is 100% exam-based. Following the UK education system, you get to take a minimum of three subjects out of the 60 available subjects. While generally viewed as a difficult course, A-Levels is recognised worldwide and will help you prepare for competitive degrees like medicine or law.

2. Canadian Pre-U: If you prefer coursework over exams

Unlike A-Levels, Canadian Pre-U (ICPU) and Matriculation (CIMP) has a 70% emphasis on coursework, which is good if you enjoy working on assignments. Not only accepted in Canada, you can also further your studies in the US, UK, Singapore, and other countries. Note that you'll have to complete a minimum of 10 hours of community service before graduating.

3. AUSMAT/HSC/SAM: If you plan on studying in Australia

One of the more popular study options in Malaysia is Australian matriculation programmes like Australian Matriculation (AUSMAT), New South Wales Higher School Certificate (HSC), and South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE), previously known as SAM. While they each have their own syllabus, they all comprise of 50% coursework and 50% exams. At the end of the course, you will earn a Australian Tertiary Admission (ATAR) rank, which will qualify you for universities in Australia, as well as around the world.

4. ADP: If you're looking to further your studies in the US

American Degree Programme (ADP) allows you to start your degree in Malaysia, and continue the last two years in the US. The unique thing about American degrees is that you spend two years taking general subjects like English, Psychology, and Philosophy, before you specialise in your field of study. This gives you a more holistic education, but some people may find it unnecessary having to go through so many general subjects.

5. Foundation: If you've set your sights on a particular university

Foundation courses are meant to help students progress from SPM to a degree programme. It also allows you to get a foot into your university of choice. Each foundation course consists of core and elective subjects, which prepares you for university while allowing you to explore different interests.

6. Diploma: If you want the option of working or getting a degree

If you prefer a more hands-on learning experience, you can go with a diploma course. After finishing your diploma, you can either go straight into the workplace or continue with a degree in the same field. The downside is that it's harder to get into top universities or demanding degree programmes like engineering with a diploma.

7. Local Matriculation: If you're keen on local universities

One of the most cost-effective study paths is going into local matriculation. Not only is the course subsidised (you only have to pay minimal fees), you are almost guaranteed a spot in local universities. However, it's not as easy to get into, and once you proceed to public university, you won't always get the degree programme of your choice.

8. STPM/Form 6: If you like the high school environment

Can't get enough of high school life? Continue to study in Form 6 and sit for Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia (STPM), which is equivalent to A-Levels. The great thing about STPM is that it's recognised worldwide, which means you can further your studies wherever you want to. You can even resit for your exams multiple times until you get your desired results.

9. TVET: If you prefer hands-on, practical experience

Did you know that 98% of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates get a job, compared to 60% of university graduates? That's because TVET equips you with technical skills for the workplace, whether it's in auto body repair, fashion, or culinary arts. Another great thing is that polytechnics and community colleges are often subsidised, which means you only need to pay minimal fees.

10. ACCA: If you know you want to do accounting

  • SPM > Diploma in Accounting > Degree in Accounting > Four ACCA papers > Three years experience
  • SPM > A-Levels/STPM > 13 ACCA papers > Three years experience
  • SPM > Certified Accounting Technician (CAT) > 10 ACCA papers > Three years experience

11. PISMP: If you would like to become a teacher in Malaysia

To become a teacher in Malaysia, you'll have to apply for the Program Ijazah Sarjana Muda Perguruan (PISMP) programme, usually open for registration in March. Next, you'll go through a one-year preparatory programme called PPISMP, before continuing on to pursue PISMP for four years. At the end of the programme, you'll receive a bachelor's degree and be qualified to teach in public schools in Malaysia.

12. Gap Year: If you want to take some time to recalibrate

If reading all of this has got you more confused, perhaps what you need is a gap year. Nevertheless, that doesn't mean just staying at home and being unproductive for a whole year. Go out to do an internship, learn a new skill or language, or volunteer at a non-profit organisation to get some real world experience. Make the most of your gap year by refocusing and deciding what you want to do next! :)

So, which of these courses are you most keen on taking?

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After SPM Pathways and Courses in Malaysia

Posted on October 25, 2022 by Uni Enrol

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If you are wondering what to do after SPM, or in this case, what courses you should take after SPM, then you’ve come to the right place.

After SPM or IGCSE, many students choose to further their studies up to a diploma or Bachelor’s degree level in a university or college, so that they can specialise in a field that is relevant to their desired career.

To progress to degree studies after secondary school , the 3 common after SPM pathways in Malaysia are diploma, foundation and pre-university courses.

These pathways are available in both public and private institutions in Malaysia but the course options that are offered vary and each has different learning outcomes.

The fourth pathway, which is less known, is the overseas bridging programme, which offers preferential entry to partner universities abroad e.g. in UK or US.

Read here to find out more about each pathway options and the things that you should watch out for when choosing your course after SPM.

How to choose your course after SPM

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Here are the key factors to consider when you decide what courses you should take after SPM or IGCSE.

Course options

Public institutions (e.g. STPM) and private institutions (e.g. A-Level) offer different courses for each pathways.

As the seats in public institutions are limited, the student acceptance process is also more complicated compared to private universities and colleges.

Therefore. if you aim to study in a public university like Universiti Malaya (UM) or Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), then you should ideally choose to study courses offered by public institutions like Asasi, Matrikulasi and STPM.

Entry requirements

This refers to the minimum number of Cs in SPM or IGCSE (also known as credits), that you need, in order to qualify for a pathway.

Keep in mind that this does not include subject requirements for your chosen diploma or degree course. e.g. you will also need a C in SPM/IGCSE Mathematics to study Computing & IT diploma or degree courses.

In this guide, we indicate the fee ranges for pathways and courses at private institutions only, to help students gauge the affordability.

Fees at public institutions are generally affordable for students from all income level because the cost is subsidised by the government and are thus not covered here.

You can read more about tuition fees and general cost of higher education here .

PTPTN (Perbadanan Tabung Pendidikan Tinggi Nasional) is a government organisation that offers low-interest study loans to all Malaysian students, who wish to pursue diploma/degree and need financial aid to offset the cost.

The loan amount changes based on the institution type (public vs. private) and course of study. As for how much you can get, i.e. 100% or 75% or 50% PTPTN, it is based on your family household income.

As you go through each study pathways, you will learn which courses are applicable for PTPTN and the loan amount available for 100% PTPTN in private institutions.

Recommended Reading: All you need to know about PTPTN


What course you choose to study now, right after SPM/IGCSE, greatly impacts your flexibility to choose what to study later in your degree.

For example, diploma courses are specialised and tied to a field of study. Therefore, its flexibility is low because you can only progress to a degree in the same field.


It will be easier for you to be accepted for your degree programme, if your course is a widely recognised qualification by other universities.

This is why some students choose to study international pre-university courses like A-Level or AUSMAT, for easier acceptance by foreign universities.

On the other hand, private universities in Malaysia would generally accept courses that are accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA).

Find out which after SPM pathways are more popular based on our study of 14,000 SPM students, who used Uni Enrol’s Pathway Match service in 2022 to be matched with scholarships and universities globally based on their profiles.

Pathway 1 – Diploma courses

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Diploma students get to directly study and focus on their field of interest during the entire 2 (or sometimes 3) years of studies.

Unlike the other 2 pathways, where students still study more general subjects, Diploma courses cover more specialised topics related to their intended careers, making it ideal for practical-based courses like e.g. Culinary Arts, Hotel Management, Communication and Design.

Therefore, instead of progressing to degree studies, Diploma graduates have the choice to directly join the workforce in a related field.

This effectively gives students the flexibility to “pause” their studies if necessary, e.g. for those who do not wish to study 4 years continuously after SPM due to timing or financial constraints.

Key consideration factors

  • Options . Diploma (both public and private).
  • Entry requirements . Minimum 3Cs. If you only have 1C, then you may consider to take a Certificate course first before continuing to study diploma.
  • Fees . Diploma courses start from RM 30,000 for private institutions.
  • PTPTN . The loan for Diploma courses covers up to RM 6,800/year. Higher for Health Science courses e.g. Nursing, Pharmacy, Dentistry.
  • Flexibility . Low, because you can only continue to study degree in the same major or field.
  • Recognition . Medium, provided the diploma courses are recognised by MQA.
  • Popularity . 44% of SPM students in our 2022 database chose Diploma.
  • Highlights . Diploma students get up to 1-year exemption for degree course of the same major.

Pathway 2 – Foundation courses

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SPM and IGCSE school leavers, who already know what degree and which university they want to study in, often choose Foundation and Asasi programmes.

This is the most direct and secure pathway to a known university after SPM/IGCSE. Both programmes take 1 year to complete and offers students an introduction to the field of study.

  • Options . Foundation in Arts/Science (private), Asasi (public)
  • Entry requirements . Minimum 5Cs. To qualify for Foundation in Science, you’ll need a C in Mathematics and relevant science subjects.
  • Fees . Tuition fees for Foundation courses start from RM 10,000.
  • PTPTN . The loan covers up to RM 6,800/year. Only applicable for Foundation courses from Multimedia University (MMU), Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP), UNITAR International University (UNITAR), and Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK).
  • Flexibility . Medium, because you will still be able to switch universities for your degree course as long as your Foundation programme is recognised by MQA. For Asasi programme, more often than not you will continue with your degree course at the same public institution.
  • Recognition . These 2 programmes are mainly recognised in Malaysia. However, Asasi is only for public universities and Foundation is offered by private universities.
  • Popularity . 41% of SPM students in our 2022 database chose Foundation as the pathway after SPM.
  • Highlights . Both Foundation and Asasi programmes cover the introduction of your field of study.

Pathway 3 – Pre-University Courses

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International pre-university courses are intended for students, who are planning to study abroad.

Recipients of full scholarships to study overseas after SPM would generally be sponsored to study international pre-university in Malaysia first.

As for those who want to enter public universities in Malaysia, then STPM and Matrikulasi are the pre-university courses to consider.

Such courses take between 1 to 2 years to complete and offer general topics that might not be related to your degree. Hence, why this pathway is also a popular choice who unsure of what they want to study after SPM/IGCSE.

With Matrikulasi, you are required to live in a dormitory, dress in formal attire for class but at the same time you will receive a monthly allowance.

  • Options . A-Level , AUSMAT, SACE and CIMP (Private), STPM and Matrikulasi (Public).
  • Entry requirements . minimum 5Cs.
  • Fees . International pre-university courses start from RM 13,000, excluding exam fees.
  • PTPTN . Not applicable for international pre-university courses.
  • Flexibility . High for those who want to have more degree options to choose from.
  • Recognition . High, STPM and other international pre-university qualifications are well-accepted for entry into local private universities as well as internationally.
  • Popularity . 15% of SPM students in our 2022 database chose this pathway.
  • Highlights . Among the international pre-university courses, A-Level is the most similar to SPM as it is exam-oriented. AUSMAT/ SACE and CIMP place emphasis on both a student’s coursework and exam result.

Pathway 4 – Overseas Bridging Programmes

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Overseas bridging programmes offer students an alternative pathway to progress to selected degree courses at foreign universities in US, UK, Europe and Australia.

Compared to international pre-university courses, bridging programmes are generally less demanding and stringent, making it an easier pathway to secure degree placements in universities affiliated with the programme providers.

If you wish to study abroad directly after your SPM/IGCSE, then you can consider bridging programmes that are directly taught at your study destination country.

  • Options . American Degree Transfer Programme and UK Undergraduate Foundation (Private)
  • Entry requirements . minimum 5Cs
  • Fees . Bridging programmes in Malaysia start from RM 19,000/year.
  • PTPTN . Not applicable for bridging programmes.
  • Flexibility . Medium. You may not be able to progress to competitive degrees like Medicine. Similar to foundation, you have to choose a stream or subject combination that is closest to your intended degree course.
  • Recognition . Low. The bridging programme will only be accepted as an entry qualification by the universities that are directly affiliated with the respective bridging programme.
  • Popularity . Only a handful of our students have selected this pathway.
  • Highlights . Joining bridging programmes could improve your chances of getting into some of the top tier universities abroad. e.g. the UBridge Undergraduate Pathway Programme for entry into University of California (e.g. UCLA, UC Davis, UC Berkeley).

Let’s Wrap This Up

There you have it. Those are the 4 pathways and courses you can take after SPM or IGCSE. Ready for the next step?

If you are still unsure of what to do after SPM or IGCSE, or need more information on what courses you should take after SPM, then do reach out to our counsellors at Uni Enrol for free guidance.

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For a comprehensive overview, check out our The Ultimate Guide to Higher Education

Consult Compendium

Malaysia Flag

Last updated in 2018

Chapter 1: Higher Education System

Section 1.1.: schematic description of the higher education system.

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Section 1.2: Description of Higher Education System

The familiar degree structure containing  Bachelor, Master’s and PhD programmes  is found in Malaysia and is  supplemented with undergraduate and postgraduate diploma programmes.  Minimum credit values are proposed for the qualifications pegged to the  Malaysian Qualifications Framework.

Programmes offered by  private  higher education institutions are  accredited on a programme-by-programme basis.  Only the programmes  listed by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA ) on the Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR) are considered to be national awards.

Diploma courses  are  MQF Level 4  awards, offered by universities, polytechnics and accredited private providers. These awards are available in  both the higher education and vocational sectors . The Diploma programmes require the completion of at least  90 credits  in the credit system.

The  Advanced Diploma  is a 40-credit  level 5  award in the MQF. It aims to provide individuals with the knowledge, practical skills and managerial abilities to take on more complex and higher responsibilities in the workplace.

Bachelor degree The duration of a  Bachelor degree (MQF Level 6)  is between three and  four years (120 credits and above) , although courses in certain programmes may last longer, for example, medicine and dentistry are five-year degrees. Degree programmes usually comprise some  general study courses , general and  specific core courses  and  some chosen subjects.  An Honours degree may be awarded if a sufficiently high score has been achieved. A dissertation or a final -year project may form part of the programme.

Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma Graduate Certificates  (30 credits)  and Graduate Diplomas  (60 credits)  are also available in some universities and accredited institutions. They are normally taken by students who wish to  change their field of study  or continue their  professional development.

Postgraduate Certificate and Postgraduate Diploma Some institutions offer  postgraduate certificate and postgraduate diploma  programmes lasting between one and two years with a minimum  credit value of 20 and 30 points,  respectively. Most of the content of these courses are at  Master’s degree level,  but they tend to be shorter and include less independent study.

Master’s degree A Master’s degree requires one to  three years of further study after a Bachelor degree.  There are three types of Master’s degrees; a coursework only Master’s (e.g., Master of Business Administration), a research only degree and mixed-mode programmes that include a  mixture of coursework and research.  The programmes that contain coursework have a credit value of at least 40 credits in the framework.

Some universities also offer  Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degrees . In some cases, these are the same as Master’s degrees (e.g., Master of Arts, Master of Science) by research. In other cases, they are  higher research degrees  that allow a student to convert their  candidacy to doctoral programmes  subject to specified requirements

Doctorate A PhD is awarded after the completion of a  further three years of study  following a Master’s degree. In certain subjects, the course can last up to seven years. Doctoral students are expected to conduct  independent research  that contributes to the broadening of knowledge within their area of expertise.

Collaboration between Private and Overseas Higher Education Institutions

Local colleges working with overseas institutions  either offer a split degree programme or offer the entire degree programme in Malaysia.

A  split degree programme  can take the form of the following:

  • Twinning programme  – the student partially completes the award at the private college and completes the remaining years at the partner institution, which then awards the qualification.
  • Credit transfer programme –  the private college has an agreement with a number of foreign institutions so students can transfer the credits from their studies towards a degree programme at their chosen overseas institution.
  • Advanced standing programme  – students study for one or two years at the private college. They can then get recognition for part of or all of their study to gain advanced standing to complete the remaining portion of the degree programme at a foreign institution.
  • Entire degree programmes  can be taken at one of the private colleges. This can be done in the following ways:
  • 3+0 programme –  the entire programme is offered in Malaysia by a private college on behalf of the foreign partner institution.
  • External programmes –  the student registers for the external programme of a foreign university, and the private college acts as a tutorial centre. The degree gained is identical to the one awarded to the internal students of the foreign university.
  • Distance learning –  similar to the external programme, students learn through video conferencing and audio-visual materials with tutorial support provided by the private college.

Section 1.3: Number of Higher Education Institutions

  • Public Universities:  20
  • Polytechnics:  36
  • Community Colleges:  94

Cut-off date: 31 December 2017

Private HEIs:  467

  • With University Status: 53
  • With University Status (International University Branch Campus): 10
  • With University College Status: 38
  • With College Status: 366

Cut-off date: 31 August 2018

Section 1.4 Number of Students in Higher Education

General number of students (enrolment) & n umber of students divided by type of institution 

Number of foreign students

Number of outgoing exchange students with credit transfer :   not available

Number of incoming exchange students with credit transfer :  not available

Cut-off date: 31 December 2017,  Source:  http://www.mohe.gov.my/muat-turun/awam/statistik

Section 1.5: Structure of Academic Year

Typical structure of an academic year are as follows:

*Including study week and exam

The  beginning  of academic year  varies by institution . For public institutions, the academic year for most programmes begin in September and ends in May. Some institutions begin their academic year in February and ends it in November. There are also institutions which begin their academic year in June.

Section 1.6: National Qualifications Framework (or Similar)

The  Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF)  is a national instrument, which develops and classifies qualifications based on a  set of criteria that is nationally agreed and internationally benchmarked,  and which clarifies the academic levels, learning outcomes and credit system based on student academic load. There  eight levels  of outcome-based qualification in the MQF.

Section 1.7: Learning Outcomes in Higher Education

Learning outcomes are statements that explain what students should know, understand and can do upon successful completion of a period of study, which generally lead to a qualification or part of a qualification.

Below are the  five clusters of learning outcomes in MQF:

Further, the learning outcomes are asserted in three categories, which are levels of qualification, fields of study and programme.

Section 1.8: Admission Requirements to Higher Education

The  general entry requirement  for undergraduate degrees is  the Malaysian Higher School Certificate  (Sijil Tinggi Persekolahan Malaysia, STPM), Matriculation or an equivalent pre-university programme. The minimum entrance requirement is three passes in the STPM and applicants are generally expected to have achieved at least two principal passes, but in practice higher scores are needed. A minimum CGPA of 2.00 (grade C) in the Matriculation Examination is required to be considered for university admission, but a higher grade is normally needed to gain a place. The Unified Examination Certificate (UEC) Senior Middle Level Certificate is not accepted for entry into public universities, but often allows access to private institutions.

The minimum entry requirement to higher education are as follows

, STPM) with minimum Grade C in two subjects; or (the Malaysian Higher Islamic Religious Certificate) with minimum achievement of ; or

Language requirements

For Diploma level programmes, students are expected to achieve  Band 2 in the Malaysian University English Test (MUET)  or a  Score of 4.0 in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS)  or its equivalent. For Bachelor level, it is MUET Band 3 or IELTS 5.0 or its equivalent. For postgraduate programmes, international students are expected to achieve language proficiency of IELTS 5.0 or its equivalent. But, some fields of study require higher score, for example, programmes in the field of Business Studies require IELTS Score of 6.0 or its equivalent.

Section 1.9: Grading System

Section 1.10: Tuition Fee System for International Students

The fees for international students include tuition fees and other study fees  depending on the field of studies and duration of a programme.  The Ministry of Education (Higher Education Sector) is the entitty that monitors and controls the fees for international students studying in Malaysia.

Section 1.11: Graduation Requirements and/or Qualification Awarding Requirements

For  Bachelors Programm e minimum graduation credit is  120. For  Masters Programme  minimum CGPA for graduation is 3.00 and above with a minimum graduating credit of 40.

Section 1.12: Relevant Current and Prospective Reforms in Higher Education

Mid-Term Review of Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB) 2015-2025 (Higher Education)

  • Based on the current political and socio-economic progress in Malaysia and the internal restructuring of the Ministry of Education, a review of the successful implementation of Wave 1 and the progress of Wave 2 of the MEB (HE) is needed for timely intervention, re-strategizing and ensuring the success of Wave 3 implementation.
  • With the fast changing global patterns and trends (emergence and awareness of Industrial Revolution 4, Industry 4.0 and Society 5.0, etc.), further realignment of the MEB (HE) is needed to embrace these changes for a happier, loving and mutually trusting education ecosystem.
  • Thorough review of the effectiveness of the implementation, current achievements and challenges of the ten transformational shifts of the Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB) 2015-2025 (Higher Education).
  • A comprehensive review of the Malaysia Education Blueprint (MEB) 2015-2025 (Higher Education).
  • best practices from benchmarking
  • the needs of current challenges and future trends

Chapter 2: Quality Assurance in Higher Education

Section 2.1: quality assurance body in higher education.

Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)

The establishment of a  new entity  which merges the National Accreditation Board (LAN) and the Quality Assurance Division, Ministry of Higher Education (QAD) was approved by the Government on 21 December 2005. This entity is responsible for  quality assurance of higher education for both the public and the private sectors.

The new entity , the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) , was established on 1 November 2007 with the coming in force of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act 2007. The MQA was officially launched by the Honourable Minister of Higher Education, Dato’ Mustapa Mohamed, on 2 November 2007.

The  main role  of the MQA is  to implement the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF)  as a basis for quality assurance of higher education and as the reference point for the criteria and standards for national qualifications. The MQA is responsible for  monitoring and overseeing the quality assurance practices and accreditation  of national higher education.

The establishment of the MQA saw LAN dissolved and its personnel absorbed into the MQA.

With the vision to be a global authority on quality assurance of higher education and the mission to put in place a system of quality assurance that is recognised internationally, the MQA is set to chart  new boundaries in higher education quality assurance.

As a quality assurance body, the  functions of MQA are:

  • To implement MQF as a reference point for Malaysian qualifications;
  • To develop standards and credits and all other relevant instruments as national references for the conferment of awards with the cooperation of stakeholders;
  • To quality assure higher education institutions and programmes;
  • To accredit courses that fulfil the set criteria and standards;
  • To facilitate the recognition and articulation of qualifications; and
  • To maintain the Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR)

Programmes offered by public institutions are listed on the MQR if they are recognised by the Public Service Department or by the relevant professional body.

There are two processes involved in the current MQA accreditation system:

  • Provisional Accreditation  – this initial process is designed to help higher education providers achieve accreditation by enhancing the standards and quality of provision.Accreditation – this is a formal recognition that the certificate, diploma or degree programme meets MQA standards.
  • New courses  are initially given provisional accreditation and full accreditation is awarded once a full cycle has been completed.


Section 2.2: Quality Assurance System

Section 2.3: Link Programme Authorisation with Quality Assurance

Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR)

Section 81 of the Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act 2007 (Act 679) provides that the Agency shall establish and maintain a national register known as the Malaysian Qualifications Register (MQR), containing programmes, qualifications and higher education providers accredited under the Act.

The  MQR is the reference poin t for accredited programmes awarded by higher education providers. These programmes or qualifications (i.e., certificate, diploma, advanced diploma, or degree) must conform to the Malaysian Qualifications Framework.

The objectives of the MQR are:

  • to provide information on accredited programmes and qualifications;
  • to enable stakeholders to know, understand and make comparison on the features of a qualification and its relationship with other qualifications;
  • to facilitate the credit transfer process.

Contents of MQR are as follows:

  • name and address of the higher education institution
  • application reference number
  • name of the qualification
  • field of the qualification
  • validity period
  • qualification level
  • credit requirements to graduate and
  • Mode and duration of study.

Additional information  such as learning outcome statements of the programme, admission criteria and other relevant information will be uploaded from time to time.

The MQR plays a significant role in  ensuring that accredited higher education qualifications are registered and made available for reference  to all stakeholders. Higher education providers, both local and foreign, may apply to have their qualifications registered in the MQR provided that the programmes fulfill the standards and criteria set and are accredited.

The MQR also contains  information on the credit requirements  of each qualification or programme, and thus  facilitate the credit transfer process  from one level to another.

The information in the MQR  can also be used for certification or clarification  regarding any registered qualification. Any interested party may refer to the MQR in order to obtain verification on the status of any qualification. An extract from the MQR is available upon request. http://www2.mqa.gov.my/mqr/

Chapter 3: Credit System in Higher Education

Section 3.1: description of credit system.

Provision for credit system is stated in MQA Act 2007 section 36(f) ‘to establish a credit system to facilitate credit accumulation and transfer which is acceptable within and outside Malaysia’.

Credit system  plays an  increasingly important role  in higher education, both at national and international levels.

Its key importance lies in its ability to quantify and record student-learning achievements.

Credit system:

  • helps to  measure student learning  and programme transparency;
  • provides  flexibility  to HEPs in programme design and delivery;
  • helps to achieve  common understanding  and secure standards of qualifications;
  • facilitates  credit transfer and recognition  within, and among the skills, technical and vocational, academic and professional sectors;
  • facilitates  comparability  of qualifications locally or internationally by comparing credit load;
  • aids  access and credit transfers  based on assessment of prior formal, informal and non-formal learnings; and
  • promotes mobility  of students and workers between institutions, regionally and globally.Credit has  both qualitative and quantitative value  overall. MQF is also seen as Credit-Reference Qualifications Framework as mandatory minimum credit accumulation for each level and transferable credits are prescribed and regulated. At the institutional and programme levels, policies and requirements on credit exemptions and transfers between programmes and between institutions locally and abroad, must be provided.

Key elements to be observed on the credit system:

  • The MQA Act 2007 defines a credit as  ‘a representative measure to reflect the academic load’.  Within the MQF, ‘credit is a quantitative measure that represents the volume of learning or academic load to attain the set of learning outcomes.’ It is a measure of the total academic/learning load or volume of learning a student must undertake to achieve a defined group of learning outcomes.
  • In this aspect, ‘academic load’ is a  quantitative measure of all the learning activities  required to achieve a defined set of learning outcomes: lectures, tutorial, seminar, practical, clinical practice, self-study, retrieval of information, studio work, research, fieldwork, WBL as well as preparing and sitting for an examination.
  • The Malaysian credit value is  1 credit equivalent to 40 Notional Learning Hours  (NLHs). This took into consideration the semester system and assumption of availability of learning hours of average students, various learning activities, guided or independent learning and non-face-to-face-learning.
  • Credit(s) may  also be acquired by learners through assessment and validation of prior experiential learning  in other settings.
  • The  minimal  credit load for each level is  defined by the Framework  (and is independent of the mode of delivery of learning). However, higher credit requirements for specific qualifications are established, indicated based on fields of study or for professional programmes accordingly.
  • Credit transfer  is  subject to the policy and framework  set to enable learners to accumulate credits and to transfer credit.
  • Credit exemption:  Allows a student to be granted credit on application for exemption for a course(s) based upon learning achieved in another programme. However, this does not preclude institutions from requiring, of those granted credit transfers or exemptions, obligations to meet all graduation requirements, including the satisfactory completions of the minimum number of courses of that institution.


Section 3.2: Credit Transfer System(s)

Not applicable.

Section 3.3: Additional Information

  • CT can be  performed either vertically or horizontally  through subject to  subject mapping.  A strict subject-to-subject compatibility in terms of intended learning outcomes, content and performance is expected to be applied for curriculum components that define the body of knowledge of a programme. These include subjects classified as core, major, minor and specialisation.
  • The applicant must have obtained a minimum grade of C or its equivalent (satisfactory performance or a pass) in the previous course;
  • The credit transfer must be for the same credit as the course credits of the programme being transferred into;
  • The credit transfer must be based on subject or course mapping with at least 80% match in content and equivalent course outcomes (parity of course); and
  • The programme from which the course credits are transferred from are accredited or approved in the country of origin (recognition).

CT for APEL(C)

  • APEL(C) prescribes method of  assessing knowledge gained from work or life experiences.  On top of that, knowledge gained from previously subscribed short courses may allow credit transfer for related courses in academic programmes enrolled at higher education institutions.
  • APEL(C) permits individuals to be  exempted from taking certain subjects  which will eventually help to accelerate in the completion of their study. Upon the mapping exercise conducted on the candidates, the achievement of learning outcomes can be measured for the credit transfer to be awarded.

This initiative is consistent with the government aspiration in supporting lifelong learning


  • Acumulative experiences and learning through  MOOC  are assessable and  can be awarded with credits.  Thus, the national policy recognises the award of credits for learning through MOOC and it covers all disciplines and levels of qualifications in the Malaysian Qualifications Framework (MQF).
  • Candidates with MOOC whose  achievement were verified based on the competency assessed can be awarded with credits.  However, MOCC offered has to be confirmed on its quality, sufficiency of curriculum content and equivalency of credits for the related courses in academic programmes at higher education institutions.

CT for Mobility Programme

  • The mobility programme aims at enriching students’ learning experience through residential programme in other institutional environment. The programme may i nvolve collaboration between local institutions or between local institutions with foreign institutions.  The credits earned through this programme at the host institution are  transferable  to the academic programme conducted at the sending institution.
  • The HEPs involved in student mobility programme must have a  clear advance standing arrangement  with their partners which describes CT applications and options according to different curriculum components of the main programme of studies. A strict subject-to-subject mapping is expected for core, major, minor and specialisation as compared to mapping for open elective courses. In principle, student should enjoy a greater flexibility in completing the overall credit requirement of open elective components through mobility programme.

Section 3.4: Application of Credit System in Higher Education Institutions Obligatory?

Section 3.5: number of credits per academic year/semester.

The number of credits per standard academic year is  50 credits. Semester system  https://bit.ly/2y9FELE

Section 3.6: Number of Credits per Higher Education Cycle

  • Short cycle programmes (level 5)  are 40.
  • Bachelor programmes (level 6)  are 120 credits.
  • The number of credits for a  Master programme (level 7)  is minimum 40 credits
  • PhD  by Mixed mode and Coursework is minimum 80 credits (there are no credits for Masters by Research (level 7) and PhD (level 8)).

Section 3.7: Description of Credit Unit

The Malaysian credit value is  one credit equivalent to 40 Notional Learning Hours ( NLHs). This took into consideration the semester system and assumption of availability of learning hours of average students, various learning activities, guided or independent learning and non-face-to-face-learning. These activities include lecture, tutorial, seminar, practical, self-study, retrieval of information, research, fieldwork, as well as preparing for, and sitting of, an examination

Section 3.8: Link between Learning Outcomes and Credits

The MQF defines a credit as a  representative measure to reflect the academic load.  Academic load is a quantitative measure of all the learning activities required to achieve a defined set of learning outcomes.

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  Typical SPM Graduated Student , WARNING! This will be a long post.

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Stalk me.

This post has been edited by : Feb 6 2014, 04:18 AM
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You could take a diploma too .MMu require a Pass in SPM/OLevel or its equivalent with 4 credits,
inclusive of Mathematics & at least a Pass in English, not too about other unis.

APITT's foundation program seems to include some business units
Software Engineering
Internet Technology
Enterprise Computing
Computer Games Development
Multimedia Technology
Web Media Technology
Web Media Technology
Educational Technology
Media Informatics
Business Management
International Business Management
Human Resource Management

There are lots of professional certificates for IT too like ,again I am not too sure about this , the links below may help you,

I have given you the main info , just go and set your budget, find out which course you really like and compare the courses offered by various unis including their entry requirements and course structure and the fees, you should also make an appointment with the course counselors at the unis, many unis offer this service for free, they may claim to be the best in this and that but it is up to you to judge and compare : Feb 6 2014, 04:47 AM
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and get the course I want?


This post has been edited by : Feb 6 2014, 04:51 AM
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TS | Post
Stalk me.

You could take a diploma too .MMu require a Pass in SPM/OLevel or its equivalent with 4 credits,
inclusive of Mathematics & at least a Pass in English, not too about other unis.

APITT's foundation program seems to include some business units
Software Engineering
Internet Technology
Enterprise Computing
Computer Games Development
Multimedia Technology
Web Media Technology
    Web Media Technology
    Educational Technology
Media Informatics
    Business Management
    International Business Management
    Human Resource Management

There are lots of professional certificates for IT too like ,again I am not too sure about this , the links below may help you,

I have given you the main info , just go and set your budget, find out which course you really like and compare the courses offered by various unis including their entry requirements and course structure and the fees, you should also make an appointment with the course counselors at the unis, many unis offer this service for free, they may claim to be the best in this and that but it is up to you to judge and compare  : Feb 6 2014, 05:42 AM
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Getting Started

or O-Levels
or SM2
or Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School UEC Certificate
or equivalent qualification (3 credits)
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    or O-Levels
    or SM2
    or Malaysian Independent Chinese Secondary School UEC Certificate
    or equivalent qualification (3 credits)
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Power to Leverage
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Power to Leverage
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10k Club
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: Feb 6 2014, 11:49 AM
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: Feb 7 2014, 02:03 AM
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made everything sound even more harder. Really?
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Is not necessary for the industry and somewhat disadvantage mainly because our education system is poorly constructed. Only continue this route if by the time you are doing intern, the industries is too crammed with high pointers and your pointers are not doing well. You will be heading to lecturing or research.

P/S: Dont diss the being lecturer part. In a tight market, any jobs will be valuable.
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TS | Post
Stalk me.

Is not necessary for the industry and somewhat disadvantage mainly because our education system is poorly constructed. Only continue this route if by the time you are doing intern, the industries is too crammed with high pointers and your pointers are not doing well. You will be heading to lecturing or research.

P/S: Dont diss the being lecturer part. In a tight market, any jobs will be valuable.
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made everything sound even more harder. Really?
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this would really help to higher you chances in getting a job.
: Feb 7 2014, 02:26 PM
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Look at all my stars!!
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Look at MY STARS!!!!!!!!!
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  • Master’s vs PhD | A Complete Guide to the Differences

Master's vs PhD | A Complete Guide to the Differences

Published on November 27, 2020 by Lauren Thomas . Revised on May 10, 2024.

The two most common types of graduate degrees are master’s and doctoral degrees:

  • A master’s is a 1–2 year degree that can prepare you for a multitude of careers.
  • A PhD, or doctoral degree, takes 3–7 years to complete (depending on the country) and prepares you for a career in academic research.

A master’s is also the necessary first step to a PhD. In the US, the master’s is built into PhD programs, while in most other countries, a separate master’s degree is required before applying for PhDs.

Master’s are far more common than PhDs. In the US, 24 million people have master’s or professional degrees, whereas only 4.5 million have doctorates.

Table of contents

Master’s vs phd at a glance, which is right for you, length of time required, career prospects, costs and salaries, application process, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about master's and phd degrees.

The table below shows the key differences between the two.

Master’s PhD
Career prospects Usually intended for a career outside of academia. Prepares for a research career, ideally as a university professor.
Length of time 1–2 years 5–7 in the US (master’s degree included); 3–5 outside the US (after a separate master’s degree)
Structure Mostly coursework, often with a semester-long or capstone project at the end. 2 years of coursework (in the US), followed by 3–5 years of preparing a dissertation, which should make a significant original contribution to current knowledge.
Cost Varies by country, university and program; usually higher upfront cost with limited financial aid available. Tuition fees are usually waived and a living stipend provided in exchange for being a teaching or research assistant.
Graduate salaries Wage premium (compared to earnings with a high school education) is 23% on average. Wage premium is 26% on average.

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A PhD is right for you if:

  • Your goal is to become a professor at a university or some other type of professional researcher.
  • You love research and are passionate about discovering the answer to a particular question.
  • You are willing to spend years pursuing your research even if you have to put up with a lot of dead ends and roadblocks.

A master’s degree is the better choice if any of the following apply:

  • You want to continue studies in your field, but you’re not committed to a career as a professional researcher.
  • You want to develop professional skills for a specific career.
  • You are willing to pay a higher upfront cost if it means finishing with your degree (and thus being able to work) much faster.
  • You want the option to study part-time while working.

The length of time required to complete a PhD or master’s degree varies. Unsurprisingly, PhDs take much longer, usually between 3–7 years. Master’s degrees are usually only 1–2 years.

Length of a master’s

Master’s degrees are usually 2 years, although 1-year master’s degrees also exist, mainly in the UK.

Most of the degree consists of classes and coursework, although many master’s programs include an intensive, semester-long master’s thesis or capstone project in which students bring together all they’ve learned to produce an original piece of work.

Length of a PhD

In the US, a PhD usually takes between 5 and 7 years to complete. The first 2 years are spent on coursework. Students, even those who choose to leave without finishing the program, usually receive a master’s degree at this point.

The next 3–5 years are spent preparing a dissertation —a lengthy piece of writing based on independent research, which aims to make a significant original contribution to one’s field.

Master’s degrees tend to prepare you for a career outside of academia, while PhDs are designed to lead to a career in research.

Careers for master’s graduates

There are two types of master’s degrees: terminal and research-intensive. The career prospects are different for each.

Terminal master’s degrees are intended to prepare students for careers outside of academia. Some degrees, known as professional degrees, specifically prepare students for particular professions; these include the Master of Public Policy (MPP), Master of Business Administration (MBA), Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT), Master of Fine Arts (MFA), and Master of Public Health (MPH) degrees.

Other master’s degrees, usually Master of Arts (MA) or Master of Sciences (MS or MSc) degrees, do not necessarily lead to a specific career, but are intended to be a final degree. Examples include an MS in Communications or MS in Data Analytics.

In research-intensive master’s programs, students take coursework intended to prepare them for writing an original piece of research known as the master’s thesis . Such programs are usually intended to prepare for further study in a doctoral program.

Careers for PhD graduates

As research degrees, PhDs are usually intended to lead to an academic career. A PhD can be thought of like an apprenticeship, where students learn from professional researchers (academics) how to produce their own research.

Most students aspire to become a university professor upon the completion of their degree. However, careers in academia are highly competitive, and the skills learned in a doctoral program often lend themselves well to other types of careers.

Some graduates who find they prefer teaching to producing research go on to be teachers at liberal arts colleges or even secondary schools. Others work in research-intensive careers in the government, private sector, or at think tanks.

Below are a few examples of specific fields and non-academic careers that are common destinations of graduates of those fields.

  • Computer Science
  • Lab Sciences

Many government jobs, including economists at a country’s central bank, are research-intensive and require a PhD. Think tanks also hire economists to carry out independent research.

In the private sector, economic consulting and technology firms frequently hire PhDs to solve real-world problems that require complex mathematical modeling.

Graduate students from the humanities are sometimes hired by museums, who can make use of their research and writing skills to curate exhibits and run public outreach.

Humanities PhDs are often well-suited to research and grant-writing roles at nonprofits. Since so much of research is funded by grants, PhD students often gain a lot of experience applying for them, which is a useful skill in the nonprofit sector.

There are a wide range of non-academic research jobs for lab scientists with doctorates in subjects like chemistry, biology, ecology and physics.

Many PhD graduates are hired by pharmaceutical companies that need to perform research to create and test their products. Government agencies, such as the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), also hire lab scientists to work on research projects.

Job prospects after graduation vary widely based on the field. In fields like management, computer science, statistics, and economics, there’s little underemployment—even graduates from less well-known programs can easily find jobs that pay well and use the skills they’ve gained from the PhD.

However, in other fields, particularly in the humanities, many PhD graduates have difficulty in the job market. Unfortunately, there are far more PhD graduates than assistant professor roles, so many instead take on part-time and low-paid roles as adjunct instructors. Even non-academic careers can sometimes be difficult for PhDs to move into, as they may be seen as “overqualified”  or as lacking in relevant professional experience.

Because career options post-PhD vary so much, you should take the time to figure out what the career prospects are in your field. Doctoral programs often have detailed “placement” records online in which they list the career outcomes of their graduates immediately upon leaving the program. If you can’t find these records, contact the program and ask for them—placement information should play an important role in your choice of PhD program.

Although PhDs take far longer to complete, students often receive a living stipend in exchange for being a teaching or research assistant. Master’s degrees are shorter but less likely to be funded.

Both master’s degrees and PhDs lead to increased salaries upon graduation. While PhDs usually earn a bit more than those with a master’s degree, in some fields, the wages are identical, meaning that no financial benefit is gained from going on to a PhD.

Cost of a master’s

The upfront cost of a master’s degree is usually higher than a doctoral degree due to the lower amount of financial aid available. However, increased salaries also arrive faster than with a doctoral degree, because people graduate much earlier from a master’s program.

Some master’s students do receive stipends for their degrees, usually as compensation for being a teaching or research assistant. In addition, many people complete master’s degrees part time while working full-time, which allows them to fund their living costs as well as tuition.

The cost varies significantly by school and program. Public schools are usually cheaper than private ones. Some master’s degrees, such as MBAs, are notoriously expensive, but also result in much higher wages afterwards that make up for the high cost.

The master’s wage premium , or the extra amount that someone with a master’s degree makes than someone with just a high school diploma, is 23% on average. Many universities provide detailed statistics on the career and salary outcomes of their students. If they do not have this online, you should feel free to contact an administrator of the program and ask.

Cost of a PhD

PhDs, particularly outside the humanities, are usually (though not always) funded, meaning that tuition fees are fully waived and students receive a small living stipend. During the last 3–5 years of a PhD, after finishing their coursework (and sometimes before), students are usually expected to work as graduate instructors or research assistants in exchange for the stipend.

Sometimes students can apply for a fellowship (such as the National Science Foundation Graduate Research Program in the United States) that relieves them of any obligations to be a teaching or research assistant. Doctoral programs in the US tend to be better funded than in the rest of the world.

Sometimes, PhD degrees can be completed part-time, but this is rare. Students are usually expected to devote at least 40 hours a week to their research and work as teaching or research assistants.

The main cost of doctoral programs comes in the form of opportunity cost—all the years that students could be working a regular, full-time job, which usually pays much better than a graduate school stipend.

The average wage premium for PhDs is 26%, which is not much higher than the master’s degree premium.

In the US, the application process is similar for master’s and PhD programs. Both will generally ask for:

  • At least one application essay, often called a personal statement or statement of purpose .
  • Letters of recommendation .
  • A resume or CV .
  • Transcripts.
  • Writing samples.

Applications for both types of programs also often require a standardized test. PhDs usually require the Graduate Record Examination (GRE), which tries to measure verbal reasoning, quantitative, critical thinking , and analytical writing skills. Many master’s programs require this test as well.

Applying for a master’s

Master’s degrees programs will often ask you to respond to specific essay prompts that may ask you to reflect upon not just your academic background, but also your personal character and future career ambitions.

Northwestern University’s Kellogg Business School requires Master’s of Business Administration (MBA) applicants write two essays, one about a recent time they demonstrated leadership and the second about their personal values.

Who you should ask for your letters of recommendation varies by program. If you are applying to a research-intensive master’s program, then you should choose former professors or research supervisors. For other programs, particularly business school, current work supervisors may be a better choice.

Some professional master’s programs require a specific test. For example, to apply to law school, you must take the Law School Admissions Test, or LSAT. For business school, you must take either the GRE or the Graduate Management Admissions Test (GMAT).

Applying for a PhD

When applying for a PhD, your resume should focus more on your research background—you should especially emphasize any publications you’ve authored or presentations that you’ve given.

Similarly, your statement of purpose should discuss research that you’ve participated in, whether as an assistant or the lead author. You should detail what exactly you did in projects you’ve contributed to, whether that’s conducting a literature review, coding regressions, or writing an entire article.

Your letters of recommendations should be from former professors or supervisors who can speak to your abilities and potential as a researcher. A good rule of thumb is to avoid asking for recommendations from anyone who does not themselves have a PhD.

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A master’s is a 1- or 2-year graduate degree that can prepare you for a variety of careers.

All master’s involve graduate-level coursework. Some are research-intensive and intend to prepare students for further study in a PhD; these usually require their students to write a master’s thesis . Others focus on professional training for a specific career.

A PhD, which is short for philosophiae doctor (doctor of philosophy in Latin), is the highest university degree that can be obtained. In a PhD, students spend 3–5 years writing a dissertation , which aims to make a significant, original contribution to current knowledge.

A PhD is intended to prepare students for a career as a researcher, whether that be in academia, the public sector, or the private sector.

This depends on the country. In the United States, you can generally go directly to a PhD  with only a bachelor’s degree, as a master’s program is included as part of the doctoral program.

Elsewhere, you generally need to graduate from a research-intensive master’s degree before continuing to the PhD.

This varies by country. In the United States, PhDs usually take between 5–7 years: 2 years of coursework followed by 3–5 years of independent research work to produce a dissertation.

In the rest of the world, students normally have a master’s degree before beginning the PhD, so they proceed directly to the research stage and complete a PhD in 3–5 years.

A master’s degree usually has a higher upfront cost, but it also allows you to start earning a higher salary more quickly. The exact cost depends on the country and the school: private universities usually cost more than public ones, and European degrees usually cost less than North American ones. There are limited possibilities for financial aid.

PhDs often waive tuition fees and offer a living stipend in exchange for a teaching or research assistantship. However, they take many years to complete, during which time you earn very little.

In the US, the graduate school application process is similar whether you’re applying for a master’s or a PhD . Both require letters of recommendation , a statement of purpose or personal statement , a resume or CV , and transcripts. Programs in the US and Canada usually also require a certain type of standardized test—often the GRE.

Outside the US, PhD programs usually also require applicants to write a research proposal , because students are expected to begin dissertation research in the first year of their PhD.

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Thomas, L. (2024, May 09). Master's vs PhD | A Complete Guide to the Differences. Scribbr. Retrieved September 18, 2024, from https://www.scribbr.com/graduate-school/masters-vs-phd/

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Pursue a Degree with Working Experience - UNITAR International University

Can I Pursue a Degree with Only Working Experience?

  • Date: Thursday December 9, 2021
  • Author: UNITAR International

The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) assessment has been implemented to enable working adults to apply for Certificate, Diploma, Bachelor Degree, Masters (coursework & mixed mode) and even PhD  (coursework & mixed mode only)! This means that those who chose to work right after SPM are now given an opportunity to obtain higher education qualifications. Some may wonder if they can do a degree while working full time through APEL, but the assessment has more to do with helping adults to use their work experience to get a university degree.

What’s the Difference Between APEL (A) and APEL (C)?

Below is a comparative table to understand better APEL (A) and APEL (C) for working adults who want to pursue a degree programme [1]:

Recognise the learning regardless of how and where it was acquired for the purpose of .Recognise the learning regardless of how and where it was acquired for the in an academic programme pursued.

Candidates are required to

submit the application for

APEL (A) certification to MQA or Pusat Penilaian APEL.

Students are required to submit the application for APEL (C) assessment to the HEPs.

1. Only applicable to Malaysians.

2. Pass the Aptitude Test and


3. Minimum age requirements:

1. Open to Malaysians and non-Malaysians.

2. Require to either have the academic qualification or APEL (A) qualification.

3. No minimum age requirements.

** APEL (A) can only be used at UNITAR International University. Students cannot use this qualification at any other institution.

Utilise Your Work Portfolio to Gain Degree Programme Entry

Even though you have completed your secondary school education or a Pre-U course, possessing a tertiary credential will definitely add value to your present-day job. You can do so by compiling all your work experience into a portfolio when applying for a degree course via APEL (A). The majority of employers and recruiters would usually factor in the candidate’s higher ed background during the hiring process.

Skip Undergraduate Studies and Pursue a Postgraduate Degree

Feeling shy to enrol for an undergraduate programme as an older working adult? Don’t worry, you can actually bypass that stage and do a postgraduate study through APEL (A). If you’re 30 years of age, you can enrol for a masters degree programme with relevant work experience in addition to having STPM/Diploma/A-Level/equivalent certification. A doctorate candidate, on the other hand, needs to be at least 35 years of age. But be mindful that postgraduate courses are more demanding and you may need to consider studying part-time while working full-time.

Accelerate Your Study Period via Credit Transfer

Did you know you can use your work experience and convert them into academic credits? This means that you can complete a degree programme faster than your peers! APEL (C) allows such credit transfer for working individuals. UNITAR is an Accredited APEL Assessment Centre that provides an academic opportunity for people with working experience who lack higher ed qualifications to stand a better chance of getting a job promotion or having more career options. Contact us today for more information.

1. https://www2.mqa.gov.my/apel/pdf/APEL(A)%20vs%20APEL(C)_en.pdf

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NBC Bay Area

105-year-old Stanford graduate finally gets her diploma after 80+ year wait

Virginia hislop had waited 83 years for this day, by garvin thomas • published june 18, 2024 • updated on june 22, 2024 at 9:21 pm.

On Sunday morning, commencement exercises for Stanford University's Graduate School of Education started late. The school's undergraduate ceremony had run behind schedule, so the smaller ceremonies for graduate students ended up being pushed back half an hour.

It was a minor inconvenience for most of the 160 students getting their master's degrees and doctorates in education. For one student, though, it was downright inconsequential. Virginia Hislop had waited 83 years for this day, so what were another 30 minutes?

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"My goodness, I've waited a long time," were Hislop's exact words when she accepted her diploma.

The 105-year-old Hislop, who grew up in Southern California and now lives in Yakima, Washington, said she always wanted to go to Stanford. Her mother had attended the school in the 1920s.

"There was a desire to come to Stanford and take advantage of everything I could," Hislop said.

Hislop earned her undergraduate degree in 1940 and by the summer of 1941, Hislop had earned enough credits to qualify for a master's degree in education and only needed to write a thesis to finish meeting the degree requirements. But then, on the eve of the Second World War, her husband George, a second lieutenant in the U.S. Army, was called up to active duty. He was ordered to report to Fort Sill, Oklahoma.

“Not my idea of a place for a honeymoon,” Hislop said. “But I had no choice in the matter.”

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Hislop was soon the mother of two small children, so returning to her studies was not a possibility.

Still, the lack of a master's in education did not stop Hislop from spending a lifetime being involved in education.

"No, it had absolutely no effect," Hislop said.

For decades, Hislop served on boards and committees overseeing every level of schooling, from kindergarten to college in Yakima.

“I gave it a great deal of thought and tried to improve the education where I lived,” Hislop said. 

One thing Hislop did not give a great deal of thought to, however, was that nearly-finished degree. It was such a non-issue her son-in-law had never heard the story until recently. He contacted Stanford to inquire about it and learned something revelatory: sometime after Hislop left Stanford, the thesis requirement for a master's had been dropped. She had earned the degree, after all.

"I was surprised and pleased," Hislop said.

So, by her grand and great-grandchildren, Hislop joined the class of 2024 on the commencement stage and received a well-deserved standing ovation. 

She viewed it as a recognition, not just for her diploma, but for all the work in education she has done in the past 80 years. 

"I feel like I've made a difference in my community," she said.

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Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia

Sunway University is a leading not-for-profit private university committed to the pursuit of education through scholarship, research and enterprise. It is ranked among the top 2% of universities in Asia and rated as a 5-star institution by Quacquarelli Symonds. The University has also been awarded a 5-Star rating in the SETARA 2017 assessment of Malaysian Higher Education Institutions, and is one of only eleven universities in Malaysia to be awarded the Premier Digital Technology University...

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2 years

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2 years

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SEGi University Kota Damansara Logo

Selangor, Malaysia

SEGi University and Colleges (SEGi) stands as the largest group of higher education institutions in Malaysia, boasting a vibrant community of over 16,000 students hailing from approximately 85 countries worldwide. With an impressive 40% of its student body being international students and a dedicated 9.1% of foreign faculty staff, SEGi offers a richly diverse and inclusive environment for academic growth and cultural exchange.  This university has 4 campuses ( UEP Subang Jaya , Kuala...

3 years From RM 22,000

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

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From RM 22,000

UOW Malaysia KDU University College Logo

Shah Alam, Selangor, Malaysia

Established in 1983, and a pioneer in Malaysian private education, UOW University has continued to be an innovative leader in being the first SMART University in Malaysia. Through its SMART initiatives, UOW aims to provide a superior learning experience to nurture students to become independent and life-long learners. UOW offers a wide range of programmes at Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Masters levels. The Certificate and Diploma courses are internally developed while the Degree and...

2 years From RM 43,590

2 years From RM 41,440

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Diploma in Computer Studies

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From RM 43,590

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Diploma in Business Administration

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Diploma in Communication & Media

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Diploma in Entertainment Arts

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From RM 47,240

Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) Logo

Kuala Lumpur, WP Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation (APU) is the only top private Malaysian university to receive two distinctions. The university has received the prestigious QS "5 Stars Plus" rating and is ranked in the Top 2.2% of global universities in the QS World University Ranking 2024. Facts about Asia Pacific University ranking (in the latest QS World University rankings):  Employer’s Choice Award 2024 “Best Tech University” & “Best Future Ready University” Awards by PC.com 2024 100%...

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Diploma in Business with Information Technology

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UCSI University Logo

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28 months From RM 30,670

2 years From RM 45,415

2 years From RM 4,577,060,064

2 years From RM 46,136

3 years From RM 63,325

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

28 months

From RM 30,670

Diploma in Information Technology

2 years

From RM 45,415

Diploma in Logistics Management

2 years

From RM 4,577,060,064

Diploma in Management

2 years

From RM 46,136

Diploma in Nursing

3 years

From RM 63,325

Management & Science University (MSU) Logo

Management and Science University (MSU) has made a significant impact in higher education, both locally and internationally. Recognized in the University Ranking Malaysia, MSU is celebrated for offering some of the best programs in Malaysia. Their commitment to quality education has earned the Tier 5 Excellence rating twice from the Ministry of Higher Education of Malaysia. MSU Malaysia understand the importance of affordable university fees in Malaysia. Their goal is to provide top-notch...

29 months From RM 24,000

29 months From RM 23,700

29 months From RM 23,300

29 months From RM 23,600

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Computer Forensic

29 months

From RM 24,000

Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering

29 months

From RM 23,700

Diploma in Business Computing

29 months

From RM 23,300

Diploma in Accounting

29 months

From RM 23,600

Diploma in Computer Engineering

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From RM 24,000

University of Cyberjaya (UoC) Logo

University of Cyberjaya (formerly Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences - CUCMS), established on 23 October 2005, is a registered and accredited private university located in Cyberjaya, Malaysia's first smart city.  A well-recognized five-star healthcare university in Malaysia, the University of Cyberjaya (UoC), has been awarded one of the highest SETARA ratings by the Ministry of Higher Education. The university's academic strengths are highlighted by its highly experienced and...

30 months From RM 32,675

2 years From RM 47,750

30 months From RM 32,750

3 years From RM 47,900

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Information Technology (IT)

30 months

From RM 32,675

Diploma in Occupational Safety & Health

2 years

From RM 47,750

Diploma in Psychology

30 months

From RM 32,750

Diploma in Medical And Health Science

3 years

From RM 47,900

Sunway College Johor Bahru Logo

Sunway College Johor Bahru

Sunway College Johor Bahru was established in 2004. Because of the growing student population, Sunway College JB moved to a new campus in 2006.  The Higher Education Ministry awarded Sunway College JB with six stars at Malaysian Quality, Evaluation System in 2017 (MyQuest). The group felt honoured, because only 15 colleges out of 276 nationwide receive the six-star rating. Sunway College JB offers an interesting learning experience which helps students discover their hidden talents. The...

2 years From RM 41,030

3 years From RM 41,580

3 years From RM 40,350

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma In Business Administration

2 years

From RM 41,030

Diploma In Information Technology

3 years

From RM 41,580

Diploma in Hotel Management

3 years

From RM 40,350

Diploma in International Business

2 years

From RM 41,030

Diploma in Marketing

2 years

From RM 41,030

BERJAYA University College Logo

BERJAYA University College

Berjaya Times Square College, located in the heart of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, is a premier institution dedicated to providing quality education in various fields. Nestled within the iconic Berjaya Times Square complex, the college offers a dynamic learning environment with state-of-the-art facilities and a diverse community of students from around the world. Since 2008, BERJAYA University College (BERJAYA UC) has been a beacon of excellence in Malaysia. With programs spanning Hospitality,...

2 years From RM 49,410

2 years From RM 36,740

2 years From RM 37,410

2 years From RM 47,310

2 years From RM 45,560

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Patisserie

2 years

From RM 49,410

Diploma in Business Management

2 years

From RM 36,740

Diploma in Public Relations

2 years

From RM 37,410

Diploma in Heritage cuisine

2 years

From RM 47,310

Diploma in Hotel Management

2 years

From RM 45,560

Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) Logo

Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) For over 20 years, Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur (IUKL) has been educating scholars in fields such as Engineering, Architecture, Construction Management, Quantity Surveying, Business, Accounting, Information Technology, Corporate Communications, English Language Studies, and Biotechnology. These fields are highly sought after in this modern era, reflecting the university's commitment to providing education that meets the demands of...

30 months From RM 33,450

30 months From RM 34,130

2 years From RM 31,510

30 months From RM 33,190

30 months From RM 33,770

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Accounting

30 months

From RM 33,450

Diploma in Automotive Engineering

30 months

From RM 34,130

Diploma in Business Administration

2 years

From RM 31,510

Diploma in Civil Engineering

30 months

From RM 33,190

Diploma in Corporate Communication

30 months

From RM 33,770

Multimedia University - (MMU) Cyberjaya Logo

Cyberjaya, Selangor, Malaysia

At Multimedia University (MMU), it is renowned for being an excellent higher education institution in an effort to produce newer generations of leaders and quality workers. Other than that, the Institution has also paved for opportunities in building course programmes that can later contribute to the emerging high-tech ICT industry of the country which is consistent to the Silicon Valley-Stanford model in the United States. Students that participate in the bustling university life at MMU...

2 years From RM 24,870

27 months From RM 26,270

2 years From RM 25,970

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Digital Business

2 years

From RM 24,870

Diploma in 3D Modelling & Animation

27 months

From RM 26,270

Diploma in Creative Multimedia

2 years

From RM 25,970

Diploma in Management

2 years

From RM 24,870

Diploma in Finance

2 years

From RM 24,870

INTI International College Penang Logo

INTI International College Penang

George Town, Penang, Malaysia

INTI International University & Colleges are currently well respected and recognised names in the private higher education industry in Malaysia. At INTI College Penang, we are committed to providing international students with an exceptional educational experience that prepares them for success in a globalized world. Situated in the vibrant city of Penang, our campus offers a dynamic learning environment equipped with modern facilities and resources. From state-of-the-art classrooms to...

30 months From RM 21,782

2 years From RM 36,224

2 years From RM 33,510

2 years From RM 34,482

30 months From RM 37,440

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma In Business Management

30 months

From RM 21,782

New South Wales TAFE Advanced Diploma Of Accounting

2 years

From RM 36,224

Executive Diploma in Business Administration

2 years

From RM 33,510

Diploma in Mass Communication

2 years

From RM 34,482

Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

30 months

From RM 37,440

INTI International University Logo

INTI International University stands as a beacon of excellence in Malaysia's private higher education landscape, offering international students a transformative learning experience. With over 25 years of educational excellence, INTI is renowned for its commitment to providing a holistic education that prepares students for success in a rapidly evolving world. Over the past two decades of providing education excellence, INTI International University & Colleges has become one of the most...

3 years From RM 40,590

2 years From RM 35,600

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma In Mechanical Engineering

3 years

From RM 40,590

Diploma in Information and Communication Technology

2 years

From RM 35,600

Multimedia University (MMU) Melaka Logo

Multimedia University (Melaka)

Melaka, Malaysia

Multimedia University (MMU) is a higher education institution governed by Universiti Telekom Sdn Bhd (UTSB), a wholly-owned subsidiary of TM. It fulfills the noble responsibility of corporate social responsibility, taking on the challenge of educating the next generation, national leaders, and knowledge workers. As Malaysia's first private university, MMU has developed a pioneering model for the successful formation of private colleges in the country, paving the way for the growth of the...

33 months From RM 26,570

2 years From RM 26,970

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Electronic Engineering

33 months

From RM 26,570

Diploma in Accounting

2 years

From RM 26,970

Diploma in Business Administration

2 years

From RM 24,870

Diploma in Information Technology

2 years

From RM 25,970

SEGI College Penang Logo

SEGI College Penang

SEGi College Penang serves as SEGi’s education hub to students in the Northern Region of Malaysia. The campus is situated in Green Hall and comprises modern facilities and a conducive study environment, providing existing and future students with a more complete learning experience. SEGi College Penang offers a wide range of diploma, degree, post graduate and professional courses in the fields of business, accounting, marketing, human resource, early childhood education, mass communication,...

2 years From RM 27,000

3 years From RM 34,775

3 years From RM 34,650

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma In Accounting

2 years

From RM 27,000

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

3 years

From RM 22,000

Diploma in Information Technology

3 years

From RM 34,775

Diploma in Occupational Safety and Health

3 years

From RM 34,650

Diploma In Business Administration

2 years

From RM 27,000

Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) Logo

University of Selangor (UNISEL)

Established on 23rd August 1999, Universiti Selangor (UNISEL) stands as a pioneering institution in the Malaysian educational landscape. As the first state-owned and managed university in Selangor, its inception was driven by a noble aspiration: to elevate Selangor into a premier educational hub within the region. Despite its governmental backing, UNISEL is uniquely classified as a private university, owing to its distinct funding structure independent of Malaysian federal resources. This...

30 months From RM 15,915

30 months From RM 16,780

30 months From RM 15,855

30 months From RM 16,195

30 months From RM 21,215

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma In Early Childhood Education

30 months

From RM 15,915

Diploma in Teaching English as a Second Language

30 months

From RM 16,780

Diploma in Education (Islamic Studies)

30 months

From RM 15,855

Diploma in Psychology

30 months

From RM 16,195

Diploma in Communication and Media

30 months

From RM 21,215

Le Cordon Bleu Malaysia Logo

Le Cordon Bleu Institute of Culinary Arts

**Discover the World of Culinary Excellence at Le Cordon Bleu** Embark on a culinary journey like no other at Le Cordon Bleu, the world's leading network of Culinary Arts and Hotel Management institutes. Established through a strategic partnership between Sunway Education Group and Le Cordon Bleu, Sunway Le Cordon Bleu Institute of Culinary Arts offers vocational pathways in culinary arts training, providing students with the opportunity to graduate with prestigious Le Cordon Bleu diplomas....

9 months From RM 182,740

9 months From RM 99,990

9 months From RM 96,790

6 months From RM 57,650

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Grand Diplôme

9 months

From RM 182,740

Diplôme de Cuisine

9 months

From RM 99,990

Diplôme de Pâtisserie

9 months

From RM 96,790

Diplôme de Boulangerie

6 months

From RM 57,650

AIMST University Logo

Kedah, Malaysia

AIMST UNIVERSITY is one of the top private universities in Bedong, Malaysia. Their offerings include an array of AIMST University courses in fields such as medicine, engineering, computer technology, applied sciences, business, and accountancy. Imbued with the vision of its founders, AIMST University aims to be a premier private sector institution in Malaysia, catering to the needs of both local and international students by providing quality technical education at an affordable price. AIMST...

3 years From RM 38,950

3 years From RM 34,300

3 years From RM 21,150

2 years From RM 22,100

2 years From RM 21,600

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Nursing

3 years

From RM 38,950

Diploma in Physiotherapy

3 years

From RM 34,300

Diploma in Electrical & Electronic Engineering

3 years

From RM 21,150

Diploma In Biotechnology

2 years

From RM 22,100

Diploma in Business Management

2 years

From RM 21,600

Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL) Logo

Step into a world of academic excellence and holistic education at Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL), where international students are welcomed into a vibrant and diverse learning community. Established in 1983 by the Methodist Council of Education, the Methodist College Kuala Lumpur (MCKL) is known today as a private higher educational institution and based in Brickfields, Kuala Lumpur. This is the exact institution that was one of the first few offering GCE A-Level program which was...

30 months From RM 21,600

2 years From RM 33,150

3 years From RM 21,600

30 months From RM 23,400

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Early Childhood Education

30 months

From RM 21,600

American Degree Transfer Program

2 years

From RM 33,150

Diploma in Social Work

3 years

From RM 21,600


30 months

From RM 23,400


30 months

From RM 23,400

Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK) Logo

Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK)

Universiti Tun Abdul Razak (UNIRAZAK) was established on 18 December 1997 and is one of the first private universities in Malaysia. UNIRAZAK is wholly-owned by Yayasan Pelaburan Bumiputra, which also owns Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB). Since 2012, UNIRAZAK has been under the leadership and guidance of our esteemed Chancellor, YABhg. Tun Ahmad Sarji bin Abdul Hamid. UNIRAZAK is known for its coveted degrees which were jointly-developed in partnership with globally renowned professional...

30 months From RM 18,000

1 year From RM 8,500

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Psychology

30 months

From RM 18,000

Diploma in Accounting

30 months

From RM 18,000

Diploma in Management

30 months

From RM 18,000

Diploma Information Technology

30 months

From RM 18,000

Postgraduate Diploma in Education

1 year

From RM 8,500

UOW Malaysia KDU University College - Penang Campus Logo

UOW Malaysia KDU Penang University College

KDU College Penang is an integral part of Paramount Education, a pioneer in private tertiary education in Malaysia since 1983. Paramount Education offers the full spectrum of education services and today, is recognised for its high-quality, good-value education with an ethos of letting every student shine. KDU College Penang offers various internationally recognised industry-driven academic programmes, from Certificate to Diploma and Degree levels. All the programmes are affiliated with top...

2 years From RM 33,200

30 months From RM 49,500

28 months From RM 40,085

30 months From RM 34,230

3 years From RM 44,775

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Business

2 years

From RM 33,200

Diploma in Interior Design

30 months

From RM 49,500

Diploma in Mass Communication

28 months

From RM 40,085

Diploma in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (Microelectronics)

30 months

From RM 34,230

Diploma in Nursing

3 years

From RM 44,775

Lincoln University College Logo

Approved by the Malaysia’s Ministry of Higher Education and Malaysian Qualifying Agency (MQA-National Accreditation Board), Lincoln University College is, in fact, a premier private institution of higher education that is focused on ensuring that students can get access to quality education. Students’ needs in achieving an in-depth foundation of knowledge is highly prioritized by the founders and administrators of LINCOLN as part of their role in being dedicated academicians. These potential...

3 years From RM 25,805

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Pharmacy

3 years

From RM 25,805

Diploma in Pharmacy (ODL)

3 years

From RM 25,805

Diploma in Nursing

3 years

From RM 25,805

Diploma in Medical and Health Sciences

3 years

From RM 25,805

Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine

3 years

From RM 25,805

Sunway College Ipoh Logo

Sunway College Ipoh

Sunway College Ipoh is a premier private educational institution within the Sunway Education Group (SEG), which is overseen by the Jeffrey Cheah Foundation (JCF). The foundation has given out over RM670 million in scholarships, showing a real commitment to making sure quality education is within reach for everyone. Sunway College Ipoh, part of the prestigious Sunway University Ipoh network, reflects this commitment through its significant scholarship offerings. Sunway College Ipoh is located...

3 years From RM 31,500

2 years From RM 27,810

2 years From RM 28,870

3 years From RM 33,745

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Interior Design

3 years

From RM 31,500

Diploma in Business Information Technology

2 years

From RM 27,810

Diploma in Business Administration

2 years

From RM 28,870

Diploma in Graphic Design

3 years

From RM 33,745

Diploma in Marketing

2 years

From RM 28,870

SEGi College Kota Damansara is a well-known and established college.   SEGi College Kota Damansara, strategically located in the bustling township of Kota Damansara, is a prominent institution offering a diverse range of programs catering to international students. With its convenient location and accessibility, the college provides an ideal environment for students seeking quality education in Malaysia. SEGi College Kota Damansara stands out as a beacon of academic excellence, offering...

3 years From RM 26,300

2 years From RM 34,000

3 years From RM 29,500

3 years From RM 29,000

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Restaurant Management

3 years

From RM 26,300

Diploma in Psychology

2 years

From RM 34,000

Diploma in Mass Communication

3 years

From RM 29,500

Diploma in Information Technology

3 years

From RM 34,775

Diploma in Hotel Management

3 years

From RM 29,000

MAHSA University Logo

MAHSA University is an entity that is continually evolving; developing new programmes, creating pathways of further education and delving into research activities so as to offer prospective and current students a rich learning experience and a comprehensive education which will be valuable and rewarding. The institution is focused on  providing excellence in education. MAHSA University was founded by Professor Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamad Haniffa, who is also the MAHSA Pro-Chancellor and Executive...

3 years From RM 37,100

3 years From RM 48,500

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Physiotherapy

3 years

From RM 37,100

Diploma in Nursing

3 years

From RM 37,100

Diploma in Pharmacy

3 years

From RM 37,100

Diploma in Dental Technology

3 years

From RM 48,500

Diploma in Dental Technology

3 years

From RM 48,500

SEGI College Sarawak Logo

SEGI College Sarawak

SEGi College Sarawak is seen as the gateway for the Group to East Malaysia. Established with the prime objective of providing quality training to school leavers to prepare them for their future, SEGi College Sarawak today stands as one of the largest private colleges in East Malaysia. SEGi College Sarawak offers a wide range of programmes to meet the requirements of today’s employers. Following their expansion into nursing and healthcare-related qualifications as well as the addition of the...

3 years From RM 27,000

3 years From RM 30,000

3 years From RM 39,970

3 years From RM 41,850

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma In Accountancy

3 years

From RM 27,000

Diploma in Psychology

3 years

From RM 30,000

Diploma in Health Care

3 years

From RM 39,970

Diploma in Medical Laboratory Technology

3 years

From RM 41,850

Executive Diploma in Information Technology

3 years

From RM 34,775

Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) Logo

Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) was established in 1976 and is one of the first private universities in Malaysia. It was previously named Institut Latihan Sultan Ahmad Shah (ILSAS) until 1997. The institution later changed its name to UNITEN, upon becoming a recognised institute of higher learning. Their vision is to become a leading university in global energy.  The programmes offered are focused on Engineering, IT and Business.  The university focuses on its students in becoming...

30 months From RM 29,900

27 months From RM 25,900

27 months From RM 22,005

27 months From RM 25,020

30 months From RM 28,800

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Computer Science

30 months

From RM 29,900

Diploma in Finance

27 months

From RM 25,900

Diploma in Business Studies

27 months

From RM 22,005

Diploma in Accountancy

27 months

From RM 25,020

Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (Local Students only)

30 months

From RM 28,800

INTI College Sabah Logo

INTI College Sabah

Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

At INTI College Sabah (ICS), we are dedicated to fostering academic excellence and practical skills to prepare our international students for successful careers upon graduation. Our campus boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including a comprehensive library, a versatile multi-purpose hall, and modern hostels with gym amenities. With Wi-Fi coverage across the campus, students can stay connected while enjoying recreational activities such as basketball on our courts. Our top priority is...

2 years From RM 38,264

2 years From RM 43,744

32 months From RM 27,982

2 years From RM 38,639

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma In Business

2 years

From RM 38,264

Diploma in Hotel Management

2 years

From RM 43,744

Diploma in Hotel Management (Work-based Learning)

32 months

From RM 27,982

Diploma in Marketing

2 years

From RM 38,639

UCSI College Logo

UCSI College

The UCSI is a private college which provides quality education and learning support for professionally-driven industry-ready academic programmes and language certification courses to arm students and current workforce with the necessary skills and knowledge for career success and professional development. UCSI’s college offers quality education and learning support for language certificated courses and industry ready programmes. UCSI’s college divine that upon termination of any of its...

28 months From RM 29,570

2 years From RM 31,165

2 years From RM 32,231

2 years From RM 31,541

2 years From RM 30,895

Course name Duration Tuition fee

Diploma in Information Technology

28 months

From RM 29,570

Diploma in Marketing

2 years

From RM 31,165

Diploma in Mass Communication

2 years

From RM 32,231

Diploma in Accounting

2 years

From RM 31,541

Diploma in Business Administration

2 years

From RM 30,895

Pathway after SPM: Diploma Courses in Malaysia

After SPM, if you want to continue studying, you have a few options:

  • After SPM > STPM > Bachelor's degree
  • After SPM > Pre-University course (Foundation, A-Level, Australian or Canadian matriculation) > Bachelor's degree
  • After SPM > Diploma > start working or go for Bachelor's degree
  • After SPM > Amerian Degree Transfer Program (ADTP)

You can read about the difference between Diploma and Foundation in this article .

There are more than 80 universities & colleges in Malaysia with Diploma courses. A diploma shows that you are capable of study at university level.

One step below an undergraduate degree, in Malaysia Diploma courses are often taken up by students looking to enter the workforce at the earliest possible time, by equipping them with practical skills and knowledge for their specific industry. Entry into a Diploma course only requires students to have completed their high-school education, making it a very popular option amongst students in Malaysia. If students decide to change their mind at a later point, they also have the option to transfer to Year 2 of their chosen Undergraduate Degree as well, since Diploma courses typically range between 24 to 36 months.

Popular Diploma courses in Malaysia are often in the fields of Communications, Culinary Arts, Hospitality and Management , Business , Accounting and Information Technology.

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Maximum 6 courses for comparison!

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Current currency: MYR - RM

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Current site: EasyUni Malaysia


  1. Spm Diploma Degree Master Phd

    spm diploma degree master phd

  2. Spm Diploma Degree Master Phd

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  3. SPM vs Diploma vs Degree vs Kerja, mana patut KEJAR ?

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  4. Spm Diploma Degree Master Phd

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  5. Obtain a SPM diploma in 2020, 购买马来西亚SPM文凭

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  6. Spm Diploma Degree Master Phd

    spm diploma degree master phd


  1. The season of decisions prayer call

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  3. The repeating units of two polymers, P and Q, are shown below: CIA ak 04 Cs CH (a) Draw the structu…

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  5. 50 + Word Meaning Practice Every Day

  6. vulnerable PHD DIARIES vlog: productivity, gratitude, reflection, & winning a big award?!


  1. Apa Itu Sijil, Diploma, Ijazah, Sarjana dan PHD

    Peringkat kelulusan dan dipanggil iktisas ini dibahagikan kepada 5 peringkat utama. peringkat tersebut terdiri dari sijil, diploma, ijazah sarjana muda, ijazah sarjana dan PHD. Peringkat pertama/ permulaan. Peringkat mula-mula yang ramai orang ambil/belajar ialah peringkat Sijil ( Certificate ), Kebiasaan yang popular diambil ialah Sijil ...

  2. Education Pathways: What to Study After SPM?

    A master's degree is a postgraduate academic qualification granted to students who have successfully undergone a study showcasing high expertise in a specific field of study or area of professional practice. Master's degrees typically take one to three years to complete in full-time or part-time study. PhD (Doctorate)

  3. What's next after SPM? Foundation, A-Level, AUSMAT or Diploma?

    When students say they have an 'SPM certificate' or 'passed SPM', it means they have taken at least six subjects and obtained passing grades in Malay language and history. SPM grades are presented as distinctions (A-, A, A+), credits (B+, B, C+, C), pass (D, E), or fail (G). Students with three or more SPM credits have various post-SPM options ...

  4. Diploma, Bachelor, Master's & PhD: Who Can Study?

    Students who did not do well in their SPM examination while scoring 3 or 4 credits can consider applying for a diploma course. The course is typically 2 to 3 years of study. Compared to a bachelor's degree programme, the duration is shorter for a diploma course which will allow you to graduate earlier. You can gain work experience ahead of ...

  5. A Glance At The Malaysian Education System

    Bachelor degree: 120: Graduate diploma: 60 : Graduate certificate: 30: 5: Advanced diploma: 40: 4: Diploma: 90: 3: Certificate: 60: 1-3: ... Besides pursuing an academic pathway to higher education qualification from certificate to PhD levels, SPM qualification holders or youths aged 16 and above have the option to pursue skill-based programmes ...

  6. After SPM and IGCSE Guide 2024

    While waiting for the SPM results, there are several productive things you can do to make the most of your time and prepare yourself for the next phase of your education and career. 1. Develop new skills. One of the most beneficial activities you can engage in is skill development.

  7. Why SPM Students are choosing Diplomas Over Degrees

    Here's why: 1. The entry requirements are less rigid. The general entry requirements for a diploma is a pass with three credits in SPM (with the exception of a nursing diploma which requires five credits). Some diplomas may have additional requirements - do check with the college you're interested in. 2.

  8. Diploma or Degree? 5 Criteria for SPM Students to Decide

    To enrol for university courses after SPM in Malaysia, you will need to look into the entry requirements of each study programme. Generally for diploma courses, it is required for the candidate to obtain 3 credits in SPM/IGCSE or O level or its equivalent. As for bachelor's degree courses, students should complete a pre-university programme ...

  9. Further Study After SPM: Your Options and How to Choose

    After completing the Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM), students have a variety of further study options, including enrolling in pre-university programs such as A-Levels, Foundation courses, or the Malaysian Matriculation Programme; applying to local or international universities for degree programs in areas such as science, arts, medicine, or law.

  10. Your Guide to Foundation, Pre-University, Diploma After SPM

    With strategic planning and possibly further study, you can navigate these challenges successfully. Enrolling for a diploma requires you to complete your SPM with at least 3 credits, including crucial subjects relevant to your chosen field, like Mathematics and English for Engineering. Also, a pass in Bahasa Malaysia and History is typically ...

  11. Malaysian Qualifications Framework

    3.4.3 Doctorate. 3.5 Lifelong education pathways. 3.5.1 Advanced Diploma. 3.5.2 Graduate Certificate and Graduate Diploma. ... Bachelor's Degree, Postgraduate Certificate & Diploma, Master's Degree, Doctoral Degree. MQF 2.0 The framework divides all qualifications into two sectors, correlating with the type of institution offer the courses ...

  12. Pathways to higher education in Malaysia

    For the route to a diploma programme, the general entry requirement is a minimum of 3 credits at SPM level. However, courses such as Diploma in Nursing has a higher entry requirement, i.e., 5 credits including maths and science. ... e.g. a master's degree or a PhD, which is the highest level of academic qualification. B. Skills-based ...

  13. Diploma & Degree Levels

    Education Financing ». Diploma & Degree Levels. Specifically for SPM, Certificate and Diploma-graduate students to further studies at Diploma or First Degree levels in the field and institution within the country set by MARA. Applicants do not receive financial/ sponsorship assistance from any agency for the same education level (.

  14. Distance Learning

    SPM. Candidate must be 21 years old and abive and possess at least 3 years of working experience as well as obtained Malaysian School Certificate (SPM) subject to: Passed SPM / equivalent; Obtained a credit in Bahasa Malaysia/ Malay Language; AND; Obtained credits in three (3) other subjects at SPM level/equivalent;

  15. Here Are 12 Different Paths To Consider After SPM

    This gives you a more holistic education, but some people may find it unnecessary having to go through so many general subjects. 5. Foundation: If you've set your sights on a particular university. Image via SAYS. Foundation courses are meant to help students progress from SPM to a degree programme.

  16. After SPM Pathways and Courses in Malaysia

    To progress to degree studies after secondary school, the 3 common after SPM pathways in Malaysia are diploma, foundation and pre-university courses. These pathways are available in both public and private institutions in Malaysia but the course options that are offered vary and each has different learning outcomes.

  17. Malaysia

    Section 1.2: Description of Higher Education System. The familiar degree structure containing Bachelor, Master's and PhD programmes is found in Malaysia and is supplemented with undergraduate and postgraduate diploma programmes. Minimum credit values are proposed for the qualifications pegged to the Malaysian Qualifications Framework.

  18. Typical SPM Graduated Student

    SPM > Diploma > Degree > Master > PhD SPM > Foundation> Degree > Master > PhD But the difference between both is diploma take about three years and you will get certificate which you can use to apply for job. For foundation is usually around one year and then you continue to degree. Card PM. Report Top.

  19. Diploma, Sarjana Muda, Sarjana & PhD : Siapa Perlu Ambil Ini?

    Program ijazah sarjana muda biasanya berlangsung selama 3 atau 4 tahun pengajian, dengan pengecualian ijazah sarjana muda dalam perubatan dilanjutkan hingga 5 tahun ke atas. Memeroleh ijazah sarjana muda memenuhi keperluan akademik standard di mana-mana syarikat apabila memohon pekerjaan peringkat kemasukan dan pertengahan.

  20. What's Next After SPM? Explore Your Study Options Here

    The SPM (O-Levels) results will be released a few months after the end of the examinations, allowing you to get a few months of rest or seek a part-time job. However, these few months are best spent planning your next step. Some might even be eager to embark on their new path of knowledge before the SPM results are out, so it is vital to know ...

  21. Master's vs PhD

    The two most common types of graduate degrees are master's and doctoral degrees: A master's is a 1-2 year degree that can prepare you for a multitude of careers. A PhD, or doctoral degree, takes 3-7 years to complete (depending on the country) and prepares you for a career in academic research. A master's is also the necessary first ...

  22. Can I Pursue a Degree with Only Working Experience?

    3. Minimum age requirements: a) Certificate: 19 years of age. b) Diploma: 20 years of age. c) Bachelor Degree: 21 years of age. d) Masters Degree: 30 years of age. e) Doctoral Degree: 35 years of age. 1. Open to Malaysians and non-Malaysians.

  23. 105-year-old Stanford graduate finally gets her diploma after 80+ year

    Hislop earned her undergraduate degree in 1940 and by the summer of 1941, Hislop had earned enough credits to qualify for a master's degree in education and only needed to write a thesis to finish ...

  24. Diploma courses after SPM

    After SPM > Pre-University course (Foundation, A-Level, Australian or Canadian matriculation) > Bachelor's degree; After SPM > Diploma > start working or go for Bachelor's degree; After SPM > Amerian Degree Transfer Program (ADTP) You can read about the difference between Diploma and Foundation in this article. There are more than 80 ...