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Great Biology Capstone Project Ideas + 41 Topics To Easier Your Work

Capstone project in biology: what you need to know.

The biology capstone is an extensive research work you must undertake as a part of your academic course. Its main goal is to integrate skills and knowledge learned in previous courses to solve real-world problems. These skills may include quantitative literacy, scientific knowledge, and communication skills. These aspects of a college education are then applied to a creative activity to solve a problem. Here are some basic features of the capstone project in biology to consider.

  • It must be chosen by the student in consultation with an advisor.
  • The course advisor is expected to approve the topic before the student starts working on it.
  • The work must involve a process of data research and evaluation.
  • The student must communicate their working approach, rationale, and conclusions.

How to Meet the Biology Capstone Project Requirements

The most basic requirement is that your research must be unique, relevant, and feasible. The capstone project ideas biology chosen must also add value to the field. You can meet all the paper requirements in two main ways.

First, you could take a designated capstone course in biological sciences. These courses are often offered with the requirement that the student must complete a research project. The second option to consider if you want to meet the requirements is working with a faculty mentor. After you have completed the task, the faculty mentor will deliver a final research capstone in biological sciences and a signed copy of your evaluation form.

Parts of a successful work include:

  • A written report created in the scientific format that contains an intro, methodology, results, discussion, and conclusion sections.
  • A non-technical summary that communicates your findings less formally.
  • An oral presentation of the findings delivered in class or a scientific conference.

15 Simple Biology Capstone Project Ideas

Getting the best biology capstone project ideas high school or college may be one of the most critical steps you have ever undertaken. First, working with something exciting saves you a lot of time and stress. Second, a great and relevant idea is half of your success. The rest is the way you will realize this in paper. Luckily, there’s a huge variety of topics, from cloning to human anatomy. Here are some simple options to guide you:

  • Talk about how environmental pollution influences human health.
  • Cover the effects of acid rain on plant growth.
  • Research and emphasize the process of photosynthesis in plants.
  • Highlight the significance of the immune system in fighting disease.
  • Explore the effect of various dietary components on human health.
  • Talk about the processes of human development and reproduction.
  • Cover the impact of different exercise routines on health and well-being.
  • Research on the role genetics plays in cancer development.
  • Explore the procedure of cellular respiration in animals.
  • The ways different fertilizer types affect plant growth.
  • Research how DNA influences the development of human traits.
  • Explore how pesticides affect the environment.
  • Analyze the role enzymes play in human digestion.
  • Highlight the relationship between genetics and mental health disorders.
  • Explore the different types of exercise and ways they shape muscle growth.

Notably, a ‘simple topic’ means it will be easy to handle, which is subjective. If you want to ensure your work on your biology capstone ideas is seamless, choose those that interest you and have enough materials for your research.

14+10 Creative Biology Capstone Project Ideas High School

When it comes to the biology capstone project, most students have advisors who are faculty members in their programs. They are charged with helping students select paper topics and usually listen to students’ wishes. However, when choosing solutions for your project, ensure that your choice is not only a subject of interest. It should also provide impact your field and have academic value. Such biology capstone project ideas can be considered the best. Here are a few topics to handle within your high school course.

  • The work of hormones in regulating human behavior.
  • Talk about the process of cell division in plants and animals.
  • Explore the effects of different soil types on plant growth.
  • Explore the impact of deforestation on the environment.
  • Explore the human respiratory system.
  • Examine the procedure of synthesis of protein in cells.
  • The impact of pollution on the quality of the air we breathe.
  • Discuss the replication process of DNA in cells.
  • How pollution influences the quality of soil.
  • Explore the role DNA plays in inherited disorders.
  • The ways of different bacteria types influence plant health.
  • The role of hormones in regulating appetite.
  • Explore how viruses affect human health.
  • Analyze the relationship between exercise and mental health.

biology capstone project ideas

12 Interesting Senior Capstone Project Ideas Biology

The best ideas are relevant and interesting. However, they should also meet a wide range of various academic demands. It requires you to focus on reviewing the literature, research, analyzing information, and working with your mentor to solve problems. Here are a few biology capstone project examples of ideas for your senior school work. They all have enough materials to research, including many recent articles in scholarly periodicals.

  • Study the effects of DNA sequencing and how it can be applied in genetics.
  • How DNA methylation shapes gene expression.
  • Examine how different herbicides affect human health.
  • Examine how DNA influences the development of physical traits.
  • How different bacteria types shape water quality.
  • Affection of climate change on plant ecology.
  • Relationship between stress levels and physical health.
  • The changes in gene expression after RNA splicing.
  • The ways different viruses influence animal health.
  • Explore brain function and development.
  • The ways genetics affect anxiety disorders.
  • How DNA repair supports genetic integrity.

Need More Biology Capstone Ideas? Our Experts Are Here to Help!

The goal of the senior biology capstone project is to give students a chance to showcase the skills and knowledge gained during the course in solving a problem. This also increases the course’s value and students’ preparedness for life after school. While the task is essential, some learners struggle to find great solutions and handle work effectively. That’s where our capstone project writing service can help!

If you struggle to find and implement senior capstone project ideas biology, feel free to request our assistance. Our writing service has the best writers working around the clock to ensure you get quality work on time. Our experts are competent and can handle any topic, even narrow-profile ones. So, stop hesitating and entrust your task to us!

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Biology Research Projects for High School Students: 20 Ideas To Try This Summer

Photo of Janos Perczel

By János Perczel

Co-founder of Polygence, PhD from MIT

16 minute read

Biology and biomedical research are two of the most popular academic disciplines among high schoolers. If you’re someone who’s interested in those fields and you’re looking for research opportunities this summer, you’ve come to the right place! With the study of biology, not only can you gain a better understanding of the natural world, but your research can have practical applications in fields like medicine, agriculture, and environmental science. Whether you’re just starting out in your exploration of biology, have taken a biology class in school, or you’re looking to do some advanced research to submit to your state’s science fair , we have level-appropriate ideas for you!

With a variety of topics like cancer treatment, genetics, neurodegenerative diseases, and marine life, we’ve got you covered. Here is a curated list of 20 different research project ideas to get those creative juices flowing. If you’re hungry for more, head over to our comprehensive Project Ideas database here and browse over 2800 more ideas!  

Research YOUR fave areas of Biology and Medicine

Polygence pairs you with an expert mentor in to create a passion project around biology and medicine. Together, you work to create a high quality research project that is uniquely your own. We also offer options to explore multiple topics, or to showcase your final product!

Human Body Project Ideas

Rate of cognitive decline in different elevations.

Oxygen partial pressure decreases with altitude, challenging blood oxygenation which may affect brain function. If you’ve ever felt some altitude sickness, then this is exactly what’s happening. This is because the atmospheric pressure decreases at higher elevations, leading to a decrease in the partial pressures of the gasses in the air, including oxygen. And of course, oxygen is needed for us to function. What is the effect on brain health/ cognition in sudden increased elevation: say, climbing Mount Everest? Does chronic exposure to high elevations increase the likelihood of dementia? In this project, a meta-analysis of published works examining the effects of altitude on cognition would be conducted.

Idea by mentor Alyssa

Building a Blood Vessel

Use online graphics to illustrate how a blood vessel forms. Blood vessels are structures that carry blood and are responsible for transporting nutrients and oxygen throughout the body. There are three main types of blood vessels: arteries, veins, and capillaries. For this project, complete a literature search to understand what is known about blood vessel growth. Then, utilize this information to generate a graphic with no words to demonstrate how the vasculature (network of blood vessels) forms. The goal of this project is to explain science without using text and therefore make it more available to a larger community.

Idea by mentor Natalie

Examining the bacterial profile of various households

As of late, bacterial microbiomes have been a huge and interesting topic in the field of bacteriology as they play an important role in human health. Bacterial microbiomes are communities of bacteria that live on or outside organisms. They’re found in various parts of the human body, and help us to digest food and regulate our immune system. In this project, you will seek to understand how skin microbiomes can differ between different  individuals of different households. This project will require making different bacterial media that can be made at home selecting for various microorganisms. If you’re new to preparing bacterial media, check out this resource here!

Idea by mentor Hamilton

Regulation of Circadian Clocks

Sleep is known to be governed by two distinct processes: a circadian clock that aligns sleep and wakefulness to the solar day and the sleep homeostat that encodes for sleep debt as a compensatory mechanism against sleep loss. You’ve most likely heard about circadian rhythm and our body’s internal clock, and circadian regulation of sleep is a fundamental process that allows animals to anticipate sleepiness or wakefulness consistently every day. These mechanisms can be regulated in multiple ways: at the gene, protein, gene, and clock neuronal level. In this project, we will focus on 1) how to efficiently digest primary and review articles to compile and condense information, 2) investigate how circadian clocks are regulated at these different genetic levels, and 3) try to effectively summarize the information we've gathered. We can present this information in a variety of ways, and what the final product looks like is up to you.

Idea by mentor Oscar

The Biology of Aging

Aging is the number one risk factor for a variety of diseases including cancer, neurodegenerative disease, and loss of hearing/sight. We are only now beginning to truly understand the process of aging and have even started to uncover ways that we could stop, or potentially reverse, the effects of aging. What are the hallmarks/signs of aging? How do researchers study 'aging'? How does human lifespan and aging compare to the rest of the animal kingdom? Is it possible to stop or reverse the effects of aging? What advancements are being made related to this? We could explore these questions or brainstorm others you might have about the biology of aging.

Idea by mentor Emily

Animals, Plants, and Nature Project Ideas

How genetically engineered mosquitoes are reducing rates of vector-borne diseases such as zika.

Many countries are already releasing millions of genetically engineered mosquitoes into the wild every week. These mosquitoes have been modified to reduce their ability to transmit disease-causing pathogens like dengue fever, Zika, and malaria, and are sent into the wild to mate with disease-carrying mosquitoes. However, this is still controversial as some people are concerned about the unintended consequences on the environment. What could be the potential pros and cons for this? The project will mainly focus on doing meta analysis of articles and watching informative videos to understand how/why genetically engineered mosquitoes can be used to reduce rates of different diseases. Students will have the chance to use critical thinking and do in-depth research on genetic engineering techniques, how scientists determine breeding rates and number of insects released, and epidemiology of different bloodborne diseases.

Idea by mentor Vanessa

Efficacy of Marine Protected Areas

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are areas of ocean or coastal waters that are set aside for the conservation and sustainable use of marine resources. These areas are established by governments, NGOs, or other organizations, and they can take different forms, from fully protected "no-take" zones to areas with regulated fishing or other activities. Marine protected areas have the potential to guide sustainable resource management and protect biodiversity, but have a host of reasons for why they are not currently effective. Explore reasons for why MPAs may not be effective. Then develop a framework for mapping, modeling, and implementing an effective Marine Protected Area.

Bioinspiration: Do animals hold the answers?

Can the toxins produced by frogs help us fight antibiotic resistant bacteria strains? How can understanding how lizards and newts regrow their limbs help us improve wound treatment? Why do tilapia skins help with burns? Discover the role of animals in the development of modern medicine as well as its potential. Are there any ethical concerns with these developments and findings? If so, what are they and do they matter? Share your findings in a research proposal, article, or presentation.

Idea by mentor Cheyenne

How Climate Change Can Affect Future Distributions of Rare Species

Climate change, such as global warming and longer drought, can threaten the existence of some of the rarest plants on earth. It is important to understand how future suitable habitats will change for these rare species so that we can target our conservation efforts in specific areas. In this project, you will identify a rare species that you like (it can be animals, plants, or fungi!), and gather the data online on its current occurrences. Then you will learn how to perform species distribution modeling to map its current and future suitable habitat areas. To get you started on learning species distribution modeling, check out this Youtube resource here. The changes in the amount or location of future suitable habitats can significantly affect the destiny of a rare species. By doing this project, you will not only learn skills in data analyses but also become the best ambassador for this rare species that you love. 

Idea by mentor Yingtong

A Reef’s Best Frenemies

Coral reefs are in global decline. A primary cause of this is "coral bleaching" which results in the white reefs we often see in the news. Coral bleaching is actually the breakdown in the partnership between the coral animal and tiny, symbiotic algae that live within its cells. Corals and algae have a variety of thermal tolerances which are likely decided by genetic and environmental factors. However, despite how important this relationship is, it's currently very poorly understood. This project would review existing literature on the symbiotic partnernship and try to identify factors that predict bleaching and thermal resilience.

Idea by mentor Carly

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Diseases and Treatments Project Ideas

The understanding of a new and upcoming treatment: immunotherapy.

Immunotherapies have been growing in the past few years as alternative treatments for many types of cancer. These treatments work by boosting the patient's immune system to fight the disease, however it is not always effective. There are many types of immunotherapies with various nuances, but they all work to attack specific cells that are causing the disease. For this project, pick one of a few types of immunotherapy and deeply understand the mechanism of action and what is the current effectiveness against the cancer it treats.

Idea by mentor Hannah

Exploring The Cancer Genome Atlas data 

There has been an explosion of publicly available data for cancer. The Cancer Genome Atlas was a research program with the purpose of creating a comprehensive catalog of genomic and molecular information about different types of cancer, with the aim of improving our understanding of the disease and developing new treatments. The dataset has been used to identify new cancer subtypes, develop diagnostic tests, and discover potential targets for new cancer therapies. Explore the implications and impact of The Cancer Genome Atlas data, and why it’s become so important.

Idea by mentor Hersh

Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Physiological Benefits of Fasting-induced Autophagy

Autophagy, meaning "self-eating", is a cellular process where damaged or unwanted components are disposed. Autophagy has been linked to various diseased pathologies, including cancer and heart disease. Fasting or specific dietary lifestyles may induce levels of autophagy in the human body. In this project, we will perform and systematic review and meta-analysis of fasting or diet-induced autophagy and its benefits on the body. You will gain skills in 1) searching and reviewing primary literature, 2) computational skills for performing data analysis (R language), and 3) writing your scientific findings.

Idea by mentor Jose 

The Amyloid Hypothesis: Sifting through the controversy

For many years, scientists have thought that amyloid beta was the protein responsible for a patient developing Alzheimer's Disease symptoms. This "Amyloid Hypothesis" is now being questioned in light of current clinical data. Recently, drugs have been developed that reduce amyloid beta in patients. Surprisingly, the drugs worked in reducing amyloid beta, but it did not result in the slowing of disease pathology. Does this mean that the amyloid hypothesis is incorrect? Is amyloid beta less important in the progression of disease then what we once thought? This research project aims to explore the issues with the amyloid hypothesis and to assess where we stand in our understanding of amyloid beta's contribution to Alzheimer’s.

Idea by mentor Patrick

How do vaccines work?

During the COVID pandemic, vaccines have been all over the news! But how do they actually work? What’s the science behind them? Through this project, you will explore how vaccines work and the history of science behind vaccine development. While the final product of the projectwill be up to you, the ultimate goal of this project is for you to be a true public health advocate for vaccines and to be able to communicate why vaccines are so important in a way that the general public can understand.

Idea by mentor Helen

Sleep Disruption Profiles in Various Mouse Models of Alzheimer’s

Alzheimer's disease (AD) has been studied for decades but we are no closer to understanding the mechanisms of the disease. Because of the vast number of researchers studying AD, there are numerous models used to study the disease. All these models have different sleep profiles, phenotypes, disease onsets, sex differences etc. Therefore, in this project we will compile a document based on extensive literature review about the various models there are. We will focus on sleep profiles in these animals with an emphasis on male and female differences. This information is valuable because it is important to know which model is best to use to answer your scientific questions and there is a lot of criticism (by other scientists) that can be brought on by the model chosen so you need to be able to justify your choice. This project will also introduce you to the world of AD research and some of the gaps in knowledge in the field.

Idea by mentor Shenee

Rethinking The Treatment Of Neurodegenerative Diseases

Neurodegenerative diseases affect millions of people worldwide. They are conditions that affect the nervous system, particularly the brain and spinal cord, and examples include Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. While billions of dollars have been spent trying to find treatments for the disease, very few drugs and therapies have had a meaningful impact on slowing down disease progression. This is often because by the time someone is diagnosed with a disease, it has progressed too far for a treatment to have a substantial effect. Some recent approaches to treatment have turned to looking for early indications of the disease (termed "biomarkers") that can occur before the onset of symptoms. By diagnosing disease and beginning treatment before symptoms arise, these treatments could have a more profound effect in slowing down the progression of disease. Students could review the recent progress being made on identifying biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases, and either write a paper or even record a podcast on their findings!

Idea by mentor David

Genetics Project Ideas

Height and genetics: nature or nurture.

How much do your genes determine your height? How much do nutrition and environmental factors play a role? What gene variants are implicated in height differences and what is the role of epigenetics? Epigenetics is the study of heritable changes in gene expression or cellular phenotype that occur without changes to the underlying DNA sequence. These changes can be influenced by diet and lifestyle. We will access and analyze an open dataset on twins to estimate the correlation between monozygotic twins (who have the exact same DNA) and height. You will learn to use R to open a dataset, analyze data with statistical methods such the student’s t-test, and display your data as graphs and charts. Finally, you will learn how to make a research presentation on height and genetics, describe the research methods, and present the data in a compelling and thorough way.

Idea by mentor Adeoluwa

The World of Personalized Medicine

Similar to our fingerprints, our genetic code is also unique to each individual person. Our genetic code is what determines our hair color, height, eye color, skin tone...just about everything! For those that develop diseases such as cancer, their genetic code found inside the malignant cells that comprise a tumor may also be unique to them or to certain groups of people with similar mutations (the drivers of disease). So why is it that we treat each person the same way even though the genetic drivers of that disease may be disparate? The world of Personalized Medicine is new and exciting and looks to circumvent this problem. Personalized Medicine (also known as precision medicine) uses the genetic code of a patients disease to guide treatment options that prove to be highly efficacious. Together, lets write a review on a disease of your choice that could benefit from Personalized Medicine based on current literature and research.

Idea by mentor Somer

General Biology Project Ideas

Teach a biology concept two ways: to your fellow students and to the general public.

One of the best ways to learn is to teach. Choose a biological concept that interests you and prepare a lesson and or demo on it. The format should be a video recording of yourself teaching (a la Khan Academy or a Zoom class), but the other details are up to you. Consider incorporating a demonstration (e.g. how can you use items from your kitchen to illustrate properties of mixtures?) or animation (e.g. to illustrate molecular motion). Also consider how you will check that your students understand the concept(s) and/or skill(s) you have taught them. Prepare and record two versions of your lesson: one intended for your peers and one for the general public. How will the versions differ to reflect these different audiences? You will learn what it's like to teach, gain a much greater understanding of your chosen concept(s)/skill(s), and learn how to communicate science to different audiences.

Idea by mentor Alexa

Once you’ve picked a project idea, check out some of our resources to help you progress with your project! Whether you’re stuck on how to cite sources , how to come up with a great thesis statement , or how to showcase your work once it’s finished , we’ve created blog posts to help you out. If you’re interested in doing one of the biology research projects with the help of an amazing mentor at Polygence, apply now ! If you would like some help with coming up with your own idea, book a complimentary consultation call with our admissions team here ! For more biology and science research information, check out our comprehensive list of research opportunities for high school students .

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Biotechnology Senior Capstone Projects

Students in the KU Edwards Campus biotechnology program  conduct a senior capstone project that challenges them to apply their technical and research skills gained through their studies. Read below to learn more about the Biotechnology students’ capstone projects.

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Biotech Seniors 2023-2024

Kaitlyn Sy

Cell Signaling: Is lactic acid in the tumor microenvironment acting as an invisibility cloak for cancer?

Cancer is a devastating genetic disease caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of abnormal cells. Approximately one in every three individuals will be diagnosed with cancer at some point in their lifetime. Scientists have been hard at work to understand how cancer gains a foothold in its victim’s body and how this can be disrupted or prevented to stop the cancer’s progression. Specifically, a hot topic in cancer research has been how cancer hides from the immune system. Normally, CD8+ T cells patrol the body in search of diseased cells to target and destroy. If CD8+ T cells can clear diseased cells, then how do cancer cells survive and proliferate? Recently, scientists found a possible explanation. Tumors tend to have poor blood supply and consequently have low oxygen supply. Without sufficient oxygen, cancer cells shift their metabolism to anaerobic respiration to keep up with the energy demands of their rapid proliferation. This results in the buildup of the metabolic byproduct lactic acid in the area surrounding the tumor—called the tumor microenvironment—which may act as an invisibility cloak for the cancer cells. The goal of the present study is to assess the effects of high concentrations of lactic acid in the tumor microenvironment on the viability and responsiveness of CD8+ T cells. The findings of this study may provide insights into future approaches to cancer treatment and ultimately lead to better outcomes for cancer patients.

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Bridget Ruhme

Bridget Ruhme

Recombinant Protein Production: Revolutionizing Textile Dyeing by Exploiting Nature’s Palette of Endogenous Beet Pigments

The textile industry contributes a substantial amount of environmental pollution in the form of synthetic azo dyes. These dyes are long-lived chemicals that are photolytically stable and include some mutagenic and carcinogenic properties. Innovative alternatives to these synthetic dyes could minimize the negative ecological impact of the textile industry. Dyes may also contain heavy metals such as lead or cadmium, which are used as catalysts in their synthesis but are hazardous when concentrated or in close contact with the skin. This research project is focused on developing a bioengineered strain of yeast that can be used to manufacture biosynthetic red and yellow pigments derived from genes extracted from beetroot. These biosynthetic dyes will be purified, and their fabric-staining properties will be characterized. This research will serve as a proof-of-concept study that could lay the foundation for a future where fashionable clothing and environmental responsibility seamlessly coexist.

View Bridget's presentation

Olive Njoroge

Olive Njoroge

Cell Biology: Modeling Keloid-Prone Fibroblasts for Therapeutic Exploration

Wound healing is a process our bodies undergo to prevent infection and rebuild the skin’s barrier defenses. Scar formation is typically dependent upon the severity and complexity of an injury; however some people are prone to keloid scar formation. Keloids are a type of abnormal scar tissue that grows outside of the boundary of the original wound. In the wound healing process, fibroblasts are responsible for secreting collagen to rebuild the skin and fill in where it was disrupted. In keloid formation, fibroblasts produce excess collagen, leading to the appearance of a raised, overgrown scar. Collagen type I is a protein encoded by COL1A1, one of the main components of keloids. Modulating COL1A1 expression by fibroblasts could serve as a model for wound healing in which the over-abundance of collagen could be interrogated in isolation. This model could contribute to a better understanding of the mechanisms underlying keloid development and lead to a model for therapeutic targeting of collagen.

View Olive's presentation

Biotech Seniors 2022-2023

Cinthia Moncada

Cinthia Moncada

Can Ginseng Help Fight Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a global health concern. In the United States, breast cancer is one of the most common cancers in women. Although treatments exist, many are associated with harmful side effects, resulting in a persisting need for novel, less toxic treatments. One such prospect is ginseng, which literature suggests has anticancer properties and may upregulate the tumor suppressor protein, p53. This protein regulates the expression of other genes, some of which arrest cell cycle. Specifically, p53 induces p21, which is a cyclin/CDK inhibitor without which, cells cannot progress through the cell cycle. My research seeks to assess the anticancer effects of ginseng on the MCF-7 breast cancer cell. Several questions will be explored, including what concentration of ginseng can be used on MCF-7 cells without toxicity, whether/how ginseng influences the expression of p53 and p21, and if cell cycle arrest occurs following treatment with ginseng. Cytotoxicity will be determined by an MTT assay, while RT-PCR will be used to determine mRNA production to examine the regulation of p53 and p21 genes. Lastly, flow cytometry will be used to determine if and when cell cycle arrest results from ginseng treatment. Altogether, this research explores whether ginseng may be an adjunctive or alternative treatment for breast cancer.

View Cinthia's presentation

Ambreen Niaman

Ambreen Niaman

Analysis of Antioxidant and Antimutagenic Effect of Chlorogenic Acid, a Component in Coffee

The coffee plant was discovered in Ethiopia by a goat herder named “Kalidi” around 850 AD. He observed increased physical activity in goats after they consumed the beans of the plant. Since that time, coffee has become an everyday staple of life around the globe. While caffeine is responsible for much of the effects of coffee, chlorogenic acid (CGA), a polyphenolic compound in coffee, is an ester of quinic acid and caffeic acid believed to have antioxidant properties. One benefit of antioxidants is their ability to block mutations in healthy cells caused by free radical attacks. In this project, several questions will be explored regarding CGA, including what concentration of CGA is in commercially available coffee, whether CGA does exhibit antioxidant properties, and if it can block DNA mutation in bacteria. CGA will be quantified by HPLC (High-Performance Liquid Chromatography). The antioxidant activity of chlorogenic acid will be characterized in vitro by its ability to neutralize free radicals in a colorimetric assay and an Ames test will be used to measure its potential to block mutation in bacteria caused by a known mutagen. Overall, the results of this research project will contribute to our understanding of CGA as an antioxidant and its potential use as an antimutagen therapeutic.

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Hazel Hernandez

Hazel Hernandez

Can Beta-Blockers be Used as an Alternative Treatment for Cancer?

Our body goes through a process in which cells grow and multiply as needed. When a cell becomes old or damaged, the cell dies and is replaced by a new cell. When this process is disrupted, abnormal or damaged cells can multiply into tumors. Catecholamines like norepinephrine and epinephrine are known to increase the proliferation of cancer cells. These molecules act as neurotransmitters and hormones in charge of the fight or flight by binding to beta(-adrenergic) receptors in our body's various cell types, including cancer cells. Beta-blockers are medications generally used to reduce blood pressure by binding to beta-receptors. This project aims to explore beta-blockers as a possible treatment for cancer using MCF-7 breast cancer cells as a model. MCF-7 cells will be grown in culture and treated with epinephrine. A cell growth assay will determine what epinephrine concentrations may increase the proliferation of cancer cells. A similar assay will then be used to assess the capacity for beta-blockers to interrupt normal or catecholamine-induced cell growth. Overall, the results of this research project will contribute to our understanding of neuroimmune crosstalk in cancer and the potential use of beta-blockers as anticancer therapeutics.

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Jing Wong

Analyzing Jurkat T Cell Proliferation in an Adenosine-rich Microenvironment

The immune system is most commonly thought of for its role in protecting the body from invading microbes, however, it is also critical for preventing cancer. Specifically, lymphocytes such as NK and T Cells are required for this function.

Adenosine is a widely known byproduct of energy consumption by the body's cells. Extracellular adenosine is formed as a result of the hydrolysis of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and adenosine diphosphate (ADP) to adenosine monophosphate (AMP) by the transmembrane proteins, CD39 and CD73, which are broadly expressed on immune and tumor cells. Additionally, immune cells have been shown to express G-protein-coupled adenosine receptors (AR) such as the A2A adenosine receptor (A2AR) found on T cells. These receptors have been suggested to impart immunosuppressive signaling to the T cells, which protects inflamed tissues from excessive damage by these cells. Interestingly, ATP is often released from dying tumor cells into the microenvironment around the tumor as a result of the attack of T cells.

In order for T cells to keep up with growing tumors, they must proliferate multiple times during an immune reaction to increase their number. However, the more tumor cells they kill, the more ATP accumulates in the tumor microenvironment, leading to adenosine production by the CD39 and CD73. The effect this excessive adenosine accumulation in the tumor microenvironment has on T cell proliferation is not well known. To examine the qualitative change in T cells in the presence of adenosine, Jurkat T cells will be used as a model cell line to evaluate the proliferation, viability, and survival of T cells that are susceptible to A2AR agonists. Understanding the immune responses of T cells when exposed to an adenosine-rich microenvironment could be an important breakthrough in discovering potential therapeutic targets in oncology regarding A2AR as a receptor of interest for new drug development.

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Alex Sage

How IL-37, a Regulator of Immunity, is Regulated

Inflammation is a common, normal immune response exhibited by the body to protect against pathogens, chemicals, and other hazards. This response is characterized by heat, redness, swelling, loss of function, and/or pain in the affected area. Chronic inflammation occurs when these symptoms persist. Rarely does a person live their entire life without experiencing inflammation and less often do our pets. As much as thirty percent of Americans will be diagnosed as obese or overweight in their lifetimes, however as much as fifty percent of all dogs will be diagnosed as obese or overweight, putting them at a greater risk of developing a chronic inflammatory condition. While there are many ways for treating inflammation, there is still much that we do not understand in terms of the mechanisms behind how our bodies manage inflammation. A recently discovered protein, IL-37, has been shown to exhibit anti-inflammatory properties suggesting that it may regulate this condition. This research project aims to characterize the expression of IL-37 in DH82 cells under various inflammatory and anti-inflammatory conditions. The concentrations of extracellular IL-37 (in cell culture media) and intracellular protein (from cell lysates) will be measured via ELISA. Additionally, RT-PCR will be performed to assess the production of new material by the cell. These results will provide much needed information related to the mechanisms behind the regulated expression of IL-37.

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Guenaele Raphael

Guenaele Raphael

Can the Optimization of Cell Culture Media Increase the Production of Recombinant Proteins in the Baculovirus/Expression System?

The baculovirus expression system (BEVS) has been at the forefront of pharmaceutical and biotechnological research and has served as a tool to produce several human therapeutics such as Cervavix ® (preventative vaccine against the Human Papilloma Virus), Flublok ® (preventative vaccine against seasonal influenza virus) and Glybera ® (gene therapy treatment for lipoprotein lipase deficiency). This protein expression platform offers many advantages including flexibility in product design, high levels of protein expression and post-translational modifications, as well as scalability in manufacturing. Despite these advantages, the use of BEVS to produce recombinant proteins remains costly and time-consuming. Therefore, efficient and robust methods to improve the production processes of recombinant proteins in this expression system are necessary to respond to large-scale manufacturing needs. There is emerging evidence that baculovirus infections induce apoptosis of insect cells leading to lower protein yields. Previous research has also demonstrated that the optimization of cell culture parameters, media components, and feed strategies aid in obtaining high-density cultures resulting in higher yields of recombinant proteins in this system. This research project will examine the effects of two macromolecules (glucose, and glutathione) as potential cell culture media additives to increase the yield of recombinant proteins in the baculovirus/insect cell expression system. Protein production will be analyzed via ELISA and/or Western Blot. This project will also develop a rapid fluorescence assay via GFP as a surrogate for the detection of target proteins.

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Marissa Gaffen

Marissa Gaffen

Natural Antioxidant-Rich Foods Stabilizers of Forensic DNA Samples

Wherever there are people, there is crime. Violent crime, particularly, leaves inexorable marks on society. Yet there are thousands of cases that remain unsolved. Most of these cold cases persist because of the lack of DNA evidence. At a crime scene, DNA is exposed to a variety of destabilizing conditions. A primary, ubiquitous destabilizer is sunlight. This occurs because UV radiation creates free radicals capable of oxidizing DNA. Once oxidized, the covalent bonds of DNA may be disrupted and thymine dimers may form, both of which make it unsuitable for use as evidence. Mint is abundant, cheap, and contains a high concentration of antioxidants which could potentially be used to prevent DNA damage from oxidation. STR Analysis, a technique used in forensics labs to match DNA to specific individuals, will be used to assess the amount of 'usable' DNA in samples. These samples will be exposed to a variety of conditions that mimic real-life crime scenes to assess the deterioration of DNA over time. Samples with or without added antioxidant preparations will be compared to determine whether these preparations are sufficiently protective to overcome destabilizing conditions. The potential of stabilizing preparations to increase the halflife of DNA could have profoundly positive effects on forensic analysis.

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Camron Haas

Camron Haas

The Biochemistry of Breweries: Targeting Biochemical Pathways to Prevent Beer Spoilage

Beer has been brewed for well over 4,000 years and humans have been perfecting the process all along the way. One problem that brewers still face is the development of off-flavors. Off-flavors are any specific flavor that does not fit with a particular style of beer. One common off-flavor that develops is a buttery taste. The cause of that off-flavor is a molecule called Diacetyl. Diacetyl is produced by yeast, but it enters the beer by leaving the yeast cell as the precursor molecule, α-Acetolactic acid (acetolactate). Breweries do reuse yeast cultures to some extent, however these cells only remain stable for a finite number of generations, after which a fresh culture must be used. This is because the yeast produce more diacetyl the 'older' they are, so the more batches that use the same yeast the more Diacetyl will be produced. This project will use an additive called acetolactate synthase inhibitor to control the production of Diacetyl. This inhibitor targets the production of Diacetyl's precursor molecule, acetolactate. This project will analyze the acetolactate synthase inhibitor's ability to lower the level of Diacetyl in beer. To accomplish this, an assay to detect levels of Diacetyl in beer will be created. This assay will then be used to compare the concentration of Diacetyl in beer that was fermented using yeast with the acetolactate synthase inhibitors vs. yeast that were not given any additives. It is expected that the yeast cells with the inhibitor should produce beer with less Diacetyl off-flavor as the additive blocks the synthesis of acetolactate in yeast. This could lead to significant cost reductions by requiring fewer fresh yeast cultures.

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Juliann Solomon

Juliann Solomon

Assessing the Effects of Bitter Melon on Diabetic Cardiac Fibrosis

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Biotech Seniors 2021-2022

Allayah Stillwell

Allayah Stillwell

Natural Products as Anticancer Therapeutics: Analysis of the Anticancer Potency of EGCG, a component of Green Tea, on HCT 116 Colon Cancer Cells

Green tea has been used in Chinese medicinal culture as early as 2700 BCE. Green tea has a high abundance of catechins and other antioxidants, which potentially contribute to its purported health benefits. Many of green tea’s health benefits have been attributed to its main constituent, Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG). Literature reveals that EGCG potentially binds to the 67LR receptor, which is overexpressed in some cancerous cells, presenting the potential for EGCG to be used as a treatment to inhibit cancer cell proliferation. In this project, several experimental questions will be explored regarding EGCG including: what concentration of EGCG is in commercial green teas, what is the expression-level of 67LR on HCT 116 cancer cells, what is the anticancer potency of EGCG, and characterization of EGCG’s membrane permeability. High Pressure Liquid Chromatography (HPLC) will be used to quantitate EGCG in green tea preparations. EGCG’s anticancer potency will be assessed by exposing HCT 116 cells to various concentrations of EGCG spiked into cell culture media for 48 hours. Cell viability will then be assessed using a in vitro assay (MTT) and flow cytometry. Cellular permeability will be assessed by treating cells with EGCG and then quantitating the intracellular accumulation of EGCG under different conditions. Overall, the results of this research project will contribute to our understanding of EGCG and its potential use as an anticancer therapeutic.

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Sophia Khatri

Sophia Khatri

Neurodegenerative Diseases: Assessing the Protective Effect of GABA on Neuronal Cell Lines (SH-sy5y and PC12) from MnCl-Induced Parkinson’s Disease

When people think of brain disorders one of the first ones that comes to mind is Alzheimer’s, however Parkinson’s Disease is just as prevalent. 60,000 Americans are diagnosed each year with Parkinson’s Disease and 10 million people worldwide are living with Parkinson’s Disease. Little is known about the specific mechanism of this disease; however, it has been shown that death and impairment of dopaminergic neurons occurs resulting in failure to communicate, therefore there is a loss of motor function as well as other cognitive disabilities. Common therapeutics include dopamine promoters, antidepressants, anti-tremor medication, and lifestyle changes. One common treatment, Levodopa, is a dopamine precursor that passes into the brain and is converted into dopamine. However, most of these treatments vary from person to person. Instead of a curative approach, these medications are used to relieve the symptoms and maintain the quality of life.  Recently, researchers have evaluated alternative approaches to treat Parkinson’s Disease. GABA (Gamma aminobutyric Acid), a natural neurotransmitter in the brain, can potentially prevent damage to dopaminergic neurons. However, the mechanisms of GABA’s preventive abilities are still unknown. This work will assess GABA’s potential as a preventative against the effects of manganese chloride (MnCl2) in promoting Parkinson’s Disease progression in vitro. Neuronal cell lines, SH-sy5y and PC12, will be grown in culture and assessed using a western blot for their expression of GABA receptors, GABAa and GABAb. Once we have demonstrated expression of these receptors, we will expose the cells to MnCl2 which induces the cell impairment and death observed in Parkinson’s Disease. These same cells will then be cultured with MnCl2 + GABA to determine the effect of GABA on preventing this damage by observing cell morphology and cell viability. This research aims at showing an alternative and more natural treatment to Parkinson’s Disease by showing GABA’s potential neuroprotective effect on diseased cells. 

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Rylee Hanson

Rylee Hanson

Immunology: Analyzing Jurkat T Cell Viability and T Cell Receptor Signaling in Acidic Microenvironments

The immune system plays a key role in our overall health. The immune system protects from foreign invaders such as viruses and bacteria, but it also protects from abnormal cell growth, such as cancer. Cancerous tumors form when healthy cells mutate in a way that dysregulates their growth and survival. If left unchecked, these abnormal cells can grow uncontrollably and begin to spread. One way that the immune system recognizes and destroys abnormal cells and invaders is through recognition by T cells. T cells recognize foreign antigens via their T Cell Receptors (TCRs) which have been randomized, generated, and then negatively selected against self-reactive recombinants. A sampling of all proteins made by the cell is presented to T Cells via major histocompatibility (MHC) proteins present on all nucleated cells. A successful interaction between a T Cell and an MHC bearing foreign peptide will initiate an immune response including TCR signaling and proliferation. Interestingly, cancerous tumors have been observed to have acidic microenvironments, meaning the area immediately surrounding the tumor tends to be acidic. Acidic environments can negatively impact proteins, potentially causing them to denature. One concern is that the acidic nature of the tumor microenvironment could negatively impact the interaction between the T Cell and MHC molecule thereby reducing the efficacy of an immune response. This work will use Jurkat T Cells as a model T Cell line to evaluate the survival, immune signaling, and proliferation of T Cells under differing pH environments. Understanding how T Cells respond when exposed to tumor microenvironments could lead to potential targets for cell modifications and advance cancer treatments to improve patient care.

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Zachary Binkley

Zachary Binkley

Cellular Pharmacology: Assessing Phenibut’s Inhibition of Calcium-induced Toxicity in U87MG cells, an in Vitro Model for Traumatic Brain Injury

In 2019, 61,000 traumatic brain injury (TBI) related deaths were reported in the United States. Those who survive severe head injury are often left with permanent damage that results in life-long depression, decreased cognition, decreased self-regulation, and increased propensity to neurodegenerative diseases. A large portion of the brain damage from TBIs comes from secondary damage when neighboring brain cells are killed by excessive extracellular glutamate and calcium ions, released by the physically damaged cells, which disrupts the homeostatic balance of intracellular calcium in bystander cells resulting in apoptosis. Without therapeutic intervention, the secondary damage is difficult to control and will progress for several days after initial trauma. Phenibut is a therapeutic associated with a decrease in the extent of secondary damage. Interestingly, phenibut is a derivative of Gamma-AminoButyric Acid (GABA), the body’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter. Phenibut exhibits voltage dependent calcium channel blockade and GABA receptor agonism. Both mechanisms work to counter the toxic effects of excessive glutamate and calcium on brain cells. My research seeks to assess the efficacy of phenibut in preventing apoptosis in U87MG glioma cells exposed to varying concentrations of calcium and glutamate. Intracellular calcium will be measured with Rhod-4 calcium chelating fluorescent dye. Cell viability will be assessed with an MTT assay and flow cytometry. These data will further validate the potential for phenibut to prevent secondary damage from TBIs.

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Jacob Freitag

Jacob Freitag

Antimicrobial Biologics: Design and Characterization of Novel Iron Ion-Binding Peptides as Antimicrobial Agents

Yearly in the United States, over 1.7 million individuals are hospitalized with bacteremia (bacteria in the bloodstream) leading to long-term damage to organs and possible death. Treatment for bacteremia normally depends on extended use of antibiotics, yet increased usage of these compounds overall has contributed to antibiotic-resistant strains and the continued efficacy of these treatments is now in question. With approximately 270,000 deaths annually, the need for new antibiotics and novel co-therapies cannot be overstated. Iron ions specifically increase the proliferation rates of various pathogenic bacteria while simultaneously catalyzing the production of damaging reactive oxygenated species (ROS) within the host. Free iron ions in bacteremia patients’ serum correlates with an increased likelihood of multiple organ failure and death. Pairing these observations with ongoing research studying metal-binding peptides such as the Amino Terminal Copper and Nickel (ATCUN) motifs, which sequester metal ions in physiological environments, has confirmed these chelating agents as important adjuvants to traditional antibiotic treatments. This research is focused on discovering, building, and characterizing iron ion-binding peptide motifs (FBMs) that may be used in tandem with antibiotics and/or incorporated into new therapies such as anti-microbial peptides (AMPs). Development of FBMs will be done using a combination of bioinformatics and biomimetic design using natural iron-binding proteins as the model. The selected FBMs will then be produced by a AAPPTec Focus XC automated solid-phase peptide synthesizer using standard fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl (Fmoc) chemistry. Once completed, characterization studies will evaluate the iron ion-chelating capacity of these FBMs and their anti-microbial potency against known iron ion-dependent opportunistic pathogens such as Escherichia Coli, and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa grown in vitro .

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Paige Kramer

Paige Kramer

Natural Products & Immunology:  Assessing the Effect of Rosemary Extract on Histamine Release in Stimulated Murine Mast Cells

Each year more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. These may be life-threatening food allergies, pet allergies, or common seasonal allergies. Mast Cells are the main proponent of allergic reactions, mediated by the process of degranulation. During this process, the cell expels its granules and releases various molecules including histamine, beta-hexosaminidase, and others. These initiate an immune response which can result in symptoms ranging from mild irritation to system-wide anaphylaxis. Whereas antihistamine treatments block the histamine signaling on bystander cells, no drug has been found to stop the activation of mast cells, which remain an alluring target. Recent work has shown that Rosemary Extract (RE) has the potential to prevent mast cell degranulation. This project addresses this possibility using murine peritoneal mast cells and extracts of rosemary. Rosemary will be organically extracted overnight and then filtered before its complexity is assessed using reverse phase HPLC. Murine peritoneal mast cells will be harvested from mouse peritoneal cavities, enumerated, and assayed for the ability of RE to ameliorate their degranulation in vitro. A combination of quinacrine staining, microscopy, and flow cytometry will be used to both confirm the identity of the mast cells and measure their degranulation. A beta-hexosaminidase assay will be used to quantify degranulation, with and without the addition of RE.

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Amber Worden

Amber Worden

Email Amber

Gene Therapy: Evaluating the Anticancer Effect of PTEN Gene Therapy on 4T1 Breast Cancer Cells

One in 8 women in the United States will develop breast cancer within their lifetime. Chemotherapy is a common therapeutic for cancer, however, its toxicity is not limited to cancer cells, leading to a number of debilitating side effects. Alternative therapeutics are being developed to spare healthy cells without sacrificing efficacy. One alternative is gene therapy, which works to recover expression of a lost gene in genetically diseased cells. This project will use a viral vector to mediate gene therapy to restore the expression of the tumor suppressor gene, PTEN. Prior work suggests that the recovery of normal PTEN expression in these cancer cells could lead to reduced proliferation and cell death. This project aims to explore gene therapy as a potential anticancer tool in 4T1 cells as a model. Specifically, Lenti-293T cells will be used to incorporate PTEN into lentiviral vectors that will be used to infect 4T1 cells and reincorporate the PTEN gene into their genome. Once incorporated, PTEN expression will be induced and PTEN expression levels and anticancer effect will be measured. Overall, this research will demonstrate the potential of restoring tumor suppressor genes as a form of effective gene therapy.

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Valeria Laber

Valeria Laber

Cellular Pharmacology: Assessing the Impact of Ivermectin Treatment on Cell Viability and Microtubule Stability in Mammalian Cells Grown in vitro

The medical community and health officials have a serious concern about using the anti-parasitic worm medication, Ivermectin, for SARS-CoV-2 treatment. Several studies have shown Ivermectin to have antiviral action against Sars-CoV-2 in vitro; however, more work needs to be done to demonstrate the safety of this drug and investigate off-target effects. Despite the lack of such evidence, Ivermectin has been touted by some groups to be an effective treatment for Covid-19 resulting in 1,718 cases reported of exposure to Ivermectin from January 1, 2021 to October 17, 2021, according to the American Association of Poison Control Centers. It is therefore critical to establish a solid base of scientific evidence to support or refute the assertion made by these groups. Current evidence shows that Ivermectin acts against parasitic worms by binding to glutamate-gated chloride ion channels in invertebrate muscle and nerve cells of the microfilaria which increases influx of chloride ions into the cells and eventually causes death of the parasitic worm. In humans, Ivermectin can be used as a broad-spectrum anti-parasitic for the treatment of tropical parasites. However, mammals lack these ion channels and Ivermectin may bind to the microtubules of these cells and may adversely affect functions such as cellular proliferation. This research project aims to assess the potential adverse effects Ivermectin treatment can have on the cell viability and microtubule stability of mammalian cells (HeLa) grown in culture. Flow cytometry will be used to evaluate potential impacts on cell viability and cell cycle arrest. Cell viability (cell toxicity) will be assessed using an MTT assay. Additional work will focus on visualizing potential changes to intracellular microtubule structures by using fluorescent microscopy. The results of this research project should provide additional data to understand the effects of Ivermectin on microtubule proliferation.

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Lucy Johnson

Lucy Johnson

Natural Products & Immunology: Analyzing the Potential Blockading Effect of CBD Treatment on LPS-Mediated Inflammation

About 1.5 million Americans suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), an autoimmune, chronic inflammatory disease with no cure. This is a condition in which the immune system mistakenly attacks healthy cells, leaving the body in a constant state of inflammation. A major characteristic of RA is unresolved inflammation specifically in the joints of the hands, wrists, and knees. People who have RA suffer from pain, experience bone and joint deformity, and exhibit a loss of function in the targeted areas. In these patients, the immune system is not working properly and the immune responses are unregulated. As an autoimmune disorder, B cells are presenting healthy cells with autoantigens that trigger multiple signaling pathways that lead to the release of cytokines. A primary cytokine, IL-6, plays a role in the pathogenesis of RA due to its pro-inflammatory effects. IL-6 causes the release of acute phase proteins which cause fevers, iron deficiency, fatigue, fat and muscle loss, anorexia, and weakness. IL-6 release, therefore, represents a key therapeutic target as this may prevent the initiation of inflammatory responses. Cannabidiol (CBD) has been shown to exert a number of pharmacological effects, including anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. Herein, I will determine whether CBD treatment can decrease IL-6 expression in inflamed cells. Cells will be stimulated with LPS which will model inflammation in vivo. Cells will be co-cultured with different amounts of CBD and the expression of IL-6 will be measured using western blot. The expected results of this experiment are that CBD decreases the expression of LPS induced IL-6.

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Biotech Seniors 2020-2021

Alaina Coughlin

Alaina Coughlin

Biotherapeutics : Characterizing the impact IL-13 treatment has on mucus production of cultured human adenocarcinoma cells.

Every year between 30,000 and 40,000 people are newly diagnosed with ulcerative colitis (UC) in the United States. UC is the most prevalent disease in the category of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), it is disruptive to life, painful, and in severe cases it can be deadly. UC is caused by a thinning of the mucus layers that protect the lining of the digestive system from enteric bacteria and other materials. Enteric bacteria are typically harmless and even beneficial, but with the absence of a mucus barrier they can infiltrate the lining of the digestive system and cause a severe immune reaction and ulceration. IL-13 is a protein used by the immune system primarily to regulate the response to parasites. However, it has also been implicated in other immune responses: the mediation of allergic inflammation and airway hyper-responsiveness in asthma. Recently, increased levels of IL-13 have been observed in severe cases of SARS-CoV-2. IL-13 regulates, among other responses, goblet cell metaplasia and subsequent mucus secretion. My research aims to observe the effects of IL-13 treatment on a simulated intestinal epithelium (HT29 cells grown in culture) and its ability to induce goblet cell metaplasia and enhancement of mucus production. This work could be the foundation for treatments of UC that address the root cause of the disease, rather than current treatments of long-term immunosuppressants.

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Andy Cardonna Orellana

Andy Cardona Orellana

Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics: Assessing the influence glycosylation plays in protecting antibodies from lysosome-based proteolytic degradation.

Antibody therapeutics have recently become a valuable tool in the treatment of disease. Their ability to bind specifically to one target affords them exquisite selectivity, which can dramatically reduce off-target drug effects. Antibodies are important endogenous biomolecules that play a critical role in fighting disease. As such, our bodies have evolved mechanisms to protect antibodies from premature degradation and therefore tend to have highly favorable pharmacokinetic properties. Antibodies, such as IgG, can be taken up by cells such as monocytes, but are kept from lysosomal degradation by their interaction with the FcRn receptor. The FcRn receptor binds to the constant region of the IgG to protect them from degradation by exocytosing the IgG back into the serum. Studies have shown that glycans found in the constant region of IgG influence its interaction with the FcRn receptor. Therefore, the design of therapeutic antibodies must also consider lysosomal recycling pathways. Without the proper engagement of the FcRn, these therapeutics would have a greatly diminished half-life within the body, which would reduce their effectiveness. My research project aims to study the influence that glycosylation has on protecting IgG antibodies from lysosomal degradation in cultured THP-1 cells, a model for monocytes. Using fluorescent tags and live-cell dyes, I will evaluate the degree of antibody-lysosomal colocalization and assess proteolytic degradation of the antibodies using western blot analysis. These studies will compare results between antibodies with native glycosylation vs. deglycosylated antibodies. The results of this study will improve our understanding of antibody glycosylation and its influence in protecting them from proteolytic degradation.

Steve Harris

Steve Harris

Neurodegenerative Diseases : Assessing the impact that variable expression of the SOD-1 protein has on the abundance of intracellular reactive oxidative species in cultured human cells.

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS), though relatively rare, is a debilitating and fatal condition for which there currently is no cure. ALS is a degenerative neuromuscular disorder in which neural cells are damaged, leading to loss of function, and eventually affecting all muscles in the body. Mutation of the SOD-1 gene, a gene encoding a superoxide dismutase, has been identified as a significant contributor to the debilitating effects of ALS. Dysfunction of the SOD-1 gene can lead to a toxic, free radical-ladened environment inside neural cells leading to cell damage and death. This study aims to determine the influence variable expression levels of the SOD-1 enzyme have on the intracellular abundance of free radicals in human cells. To test this, HeLa cells will be used as a model human cell line in which we will vary SOD-1 expression levels:  unmodified wild-type HeLa cells representing normal SOD-1 expression, HeLa cells overexpressing SOD-1 (via a transient transfection), and HeLa cells under-expressing SOD-1 (via an siRNA knock-down). The abundance of intracellular free radicals will be assessed using a fluorescent reporter system in a microplate assay format and fluorescence micrograph format.  These results are expected to strengthen our understanding of the relationship between SOD-1 expression and its role in mitigating the intracellular abundance of free radicals in human cells.  This knowledge could guide therapies to counter the debilitating effects of ALS and improve quality of life for these patients.

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Jackson Cobb

Jackson Cobb

Pharmacogenomics: Assessing the genotype-phenotype relationship of the drug metabolizing enzyme CYP1A2 allele A vs allele C on caffeine metabolism in a human subject.

Caffeine is the world's most widely consumed psychoactive drug. Caffeine can be found in food, drinks, and supplements. Many of us ingest caffeine every day to wake up for the day or throughout the day as an energy supplement. Some individuals can consume a large amount of caffeine on a daily basis but not suffer the negative consequences of insomnia despite the stimulant effects of the drug, while others experience these adverse effects even with only moderate amounts of caffeine. In large part, this is attributable to the enzyme responsible for breaking caffeine down, CYP1A2. Furthermore, it has shown that there is a link between increased risk of cardiac arrest depending on which variant of CYP1A2 with the consumption of caffeine. The human population exhibits a wide variability in the genetic sequence for drug-metabolizing enzymes (i.e., genotype) that can lead to alterations in the body’s ability to remove the drug from the body (i.e., observed phenotype). Understanding this relationship is critical for scientists seeking to characterize drug dosages for the human population. My research seeks to characterize a genotype-phenotype relationship in a human subject using caffeine as a model drug. To accomplish this goal, I will identify the genotype of the subject by PCR across a variable region of the enzyme involved in caffeine metabolism (genes: CYP1A2 AA/C and enzyme CYP1A2). To identify the phenotype, I will design a quantitative method using HPLC to perform a PK study and determine drug half-life. These data sets will be combined to assess the individual’s genotype and phenotype relationship.

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Suzie Zell

Nutraceuticals : Assessing the antimicrobial potency and chemical composition of oregano essential oil: A scientific approach to test a supplement company’s therapeutic claim.

The increased prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria has generated growing interest in alternative/accessory antimicrobial agents. To meet this demand, many supplement companies market “essential oils” which are concentrated extracts from plants. These companies claim that their marketed essential oils have many health promoting properties such as antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory effects, among others. My research aims to study the antimicrobial potency of oregano essential oil on Staphylococcus epidermis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and Candida albicans. Additionally, we will specifically evaluate the antimicrobial potency of carvacrol, a compound found in high concentrations within the essential oil and suspected to be its active ingredient. Using the optical density at 600nm, this study will characterize the growth vs time curves of the selected microbes to determine the antimicrobial potency of the essential oil and carvacrol. Using HPLC, we will also measure the endogenous concentration of carvacrol within the essential oil. The results of this study will allow an evidence-based approach to scientifically evaluate the supplement company’s claim that their oregano oil possesses antibacterial and antifungal properties. Overall, this work serves as a standard by which supplement companies can make a claim regarding the antibiotic activity of this and other similar nutraceuticals.

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Sydney Isabelle

Sydney Isabelle

Pharmacognosy: Assessing the anticancer potency and selectivity of mushroom-extracts in model cell culture-based systems.

Fungi are everywhere. They are in your food, in your house and even in your body. Fungi are neither plant nor animal but a kingdom all their own. Over time, people have found increasingly creative ways to exploit the many uses of fungi.  Throughout history, fungi have been used as a food source, a tool to enhance biodegradation of organic material and as a medicine. As they relates to medicine, mushrooms have been reported to contain compounds that exhibit powerful anticancer activity. To evaluate these claims, these compounds will be extracted from the mushrooms using solvents such as water or methanol and then tested on the cervical carcinoma cells line, HeLa, grown in culture. If the extracts show anticancer activity, further downstream purification will be performed to identify the specific active components. This project focuses on extracting hydrophobic compounds from different species of mushrooms, examining their chemical fingerprint, and testing their anticancer potency and selectivity in model cell culture-based systems.

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senior capstone project ideas biology

Richard T. Oliver

Aging Research:  Assessing the influence CSB, a gene associated with premature aging in Cockayne syndrome, has on the induction of premature cellular senescence in a model cell culture-based system.

Cockayne Syndrome (CS) is a rare, fatal condition characterized by cognitive delays, stunted growth, and precocious aging. The molecular basis of CS is a disorder of the ERCC6 gene which codes for protein, CSA, involved in DNA repair. The accumulation of DNA damage over time contributes to cellular senescence and premature aging. Cellular senescence, defined as the irreversible arrest of cell proliferation following oncogenic stress such as DNA damage, is thought to be a major contributor to aging. The gold standard biomarker for measuring senescence is the hydrolysis of beta-galactosides into monosaccharides, which occurs only in senescent cells. My research aims to explore the influence that the CSB protein has on controlling senescence in human cells grown in culture. CRISPR will be used to knock out the ERCC6 gene in HeLa cells and verified by confirmation by PCR. To characterize any subsequent transformation of cells to a senescent phenotype, a beta-galactosidase activity assay will be developed using Fluorescein di(β-D-galactopyranoside), a fluorescent substrate for Senescent-Associated Beta-Galactosidase activity. The results of this study will further our understanding of the link between precocious aging-related disease states, cellular senescence, and the role of the CSB protein.

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Emily Munden

Emily Munden

Antiviral Therapies (Coronavirus): Evaluating the in vitro safety and potential antiviral activity of chloroquine and ivermectin on cultured human lung cells infected with coronavirus.

The outbreak of SARS-CoV-2 in 2019-2020 has resulted in a global pandemic infecting millions of people worldwide. As cases continue to surge and death rates climb, the race to find safe and effective coronavirus therapies is more important than ever. The mechanisms of infection and proliferation of coronavirus have been thoroughly studied and this knowledge can be exploited to develop therapeutics to potentially treat those infected with the virus. In previous studies, chloroquine has been shown to disrupt endocytosis and exocytosis processes involved in coronavirus infection, while ivermectin has been shown to inhibit coronavirus’ effect on the host cell’s anti-viral response. This research study examines chloroquine’s and ivermectin’s potential to inhibit coronavirus proliferation in a model human cell line grown in culture. Specifically, this study evaluates the in vitro safety, time- and dose-dependent anti-viral activity of these drugs, and the potential for synergic effects that might enhance antiviral activity of these two drugs.  While the world continues to race for effective treatments and potential cures for SARS-CoV-2, the data collected in this study could provide insight into chloroquine’s and ivermectin’s potential to disrupt coronavirus infection.

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Maya Abuhijleh

Maya Abuhijleh

Forensic Science: Employing short tandem repeat (STR) analysis to develop a cheap and reliable assay to verify human cell lines.

Over the years, DNA analysis has vastly increased the power of forensics, and has become an invaluable tool in law enforcement. DNA evidence is key to linking suspects to various crimes such as robbery, rape, murder, as well as serving as a tool for paternity testing and disease screening. However, these technologies are also applicable to questions outside of forensics. One such question arises in the laboratory when researchers are culturing a number of different cell types in close proximity. Because many cell types can look the same microscopically, it becomes possible to confuse, mislabel, or even cross-contaminate cell cultures. This research project aims to develop an assay that utilizes short tandem repeat (STR) analysis as a tool to verify human cell lines grown in culture in an affordable and reliable fashion. A small number of STRs will be analyzed by polymerase chain reaction to produce DNA products of variable sizes, as determined by the cell’s alleles, which will make up a fingerprint identifying each of several cell types. As these are human STRs, they can also be used to identify human DNA samples, which will further demonstrate the flexibility and reliability this test.

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Biotech Seniors 2019 - 2020

Zachary Mock

Zachary Mock

Cancer Therapy:  Is Ellagic Acid, a micronutrient found in fruits a vegetables, a cancer fighting agent?

Ellagic Acid is a micronutrient found in fruits and vegetables, described as a polyphenol antioxidant, with a purported ability to induce apoptosis and reduce cellular proliferation of cancer cells. My capstone project is focused on assessing the anticancer potency of Ellagic Acid. My research will characterize Ellagic Acid’s cytotoxic potency and antiproliferative effects on a cervical cancer cell line, HeLa. Additionally, I seek to determine the natural abundance of Ellagic Acid in select fruits and beverages. Ultimately, this research could provide evidence that supports further investigation into Ellagic Acid’s potential as a cancer fighting therapy.

Jerod Vandervort

Jerod Vandervort

Animal Health: Is CBD an effective therapeutic treatment for reducing anxiety in dogs?

Like humans, many dogs suffer from debilitating anxiety. Recent hype surrounding cannabidiol (CBD) and its therapeutic potential for treating anxiety has inspired me to design a study to test this claim. My research focuses on developing an assay capable of detecting cortisol, a physiological biomarker of stress/anxiety, in the saliva of dogs. Once this assay is validated, a single-animal crossover study will be performed in which baseline values of anxiety will be assessed using both observational data and quantitative cortisol levels found in saliva. Following baseline assessment of anxiety, a veterinarian-prescribed regimen of CBD will be administered and assessment of anxiety will continue to the end of the study. Ultimately, this data could provide evidence to support further investigation into CBD as a routine and effective treatment for managing anxiety in canines.

Kevin Long

Cancer Therapy: Can the sweet drinks we enjoy also fight cancer?

Sweeteners are commonly added to our food and drinks. What if some of these sweeteners also had cancer-fighting properties? Monk fruit is a common sweetener that naturally contains mogroside V which has been suggested to have anticancer properties. Although mogroside V’s mechanism of action is not fully understood, it is thought to limit cancer cell growth by increase the expression of p53, a tumor suppressor. My capstone project aims to measure two key aspects of mogroside V’s impact on a cervical cancer cell line (HeLa): its cytotoxic potency and its impact on p53 expression-levels. Ultimately, this research will provide evidence to support further investigation into mogroside V and its potential to serve as an anticancer therapy.

Kristi Lin

Environmental Biology: Induction of Escherichia Coli (E. Coli) to Degrade PET Plastic, an environmental pollutant.

Accumulation of plastic waste in our natural environment is becoming a serious threat to wildlife and the health of Earth’s ecosystems. Plastics accumulate in our environment because there are limited number of organisms capable of degrading them, i.e., they are not biodegradable. Until recently, scientists were not aware of an existing natural mechanism capable of biodegrading plastics. However, a strain of bacteria was recently discovered that shows the ability to degrade polyethylene terephthalate, or PET plastic. These bacteria, named Ideonella sakaiensis (I. Sakaiensis), were found in sediments near a plastic bottle recycling facility in Sakai, Japan. Although I. Sakaiensis biodegrades PET plastic, it does so rather slowly and is only found in sediment and is therefore cannot effectively be used to degrade all plastic pollution. My project aims to exploit the genes I. Sakaiensis uses to degrade PET and insert these genes into Echerichia coli (E. Coli). Once established, these modified E. Coli could potentially be used as a tool to remediate environments polluted with plastics.

Justin Carroll

Justin Carroll

Vaccine Production: Can a toxoid-vaccine for strep throat be created from s. pyogenes toxin?

Streptococcus pyogenes is an extremely morbid bacteria, causing over 10 known diseases in humans including strep throat. A common mediator of the diseases caused by this organism is the toxin, streptolysin O. Streptolysin O is a protein secreted by streptococcal bacteria capable of directly injuring host cells and lysing red blood cells. Although widely researched, there remains no vaccine against s. pyogenes. My research aims to clone this toxin and inactivate it in order to generate a safe and effective vaccine.

Darci Ezell

Darci Ezell

Drug Delivery: Development and testing of novel peptides to improve drug deliver to the brain

Diseases of the brain can be difficult to treat with pharmaceuticals due to a unique anatomical barrier called the blood brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is a collection of cells that encapsulates all the capillaries entering the brain. These cells are bound together by special proteins called VE-cadherins. VE-cadherins keep the cells of the BBB tightly linked and this limits drugs’ ability to slip into the brain. One promising method of increasing drug delivery through the BBB is by modulating (reducing) the tight binding of VE-cadherins. My research seeks to test two linear peptides’ (AVAIDK and KVFRVDAETGDVFAI) ability to modulate VE-cadherin binding and thereby increase drug penetration into the brain. VE-cadherin binding will be assessed using native PAGE (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). While changes in endothelial cell permeability will be observed by measuring TEER (trans-electrical endothelial resistance) values. Ultimately, this work will lay the foundation for follow-up work focused on developing adjunct therapies that improve the efficacy of brain-targeting drugs.

Claire Renfro

Claire Renfro

Immunology: Cloning and characterization of an immune signaling protein

When the immune system turns against itself, a variety of disease states arise. Many of these conditions exhibit a vicious cycle leading to increased severity of symptoms. In the last two decades, a new class of immune cells has been characterized as secreting a powerful signaling protein. These cells and the protein they secrete, interleukin – 17 (IL-17), have been linked to inflammation associated with the pathogenesis of autoimmune diseases, including the skin condition, psoriasis. In order to better understand the pathology of psoriasis, my research seeks to clone and characterize IL-17 and the signals it elicits in receptive cells.

Patrick McDougall

Patrick McDougall

Environmental Survey: Development and validation of a rapid, onsite test-kit to detect toxic algal blooms in local bodies of water.

Harmful algal blooms (HAB) are a growing concern for water supplies in the United States and around the world. These HABs are increasing in prevalence and produce toxins that negatively impact the health of humans, pets, livestock, and wildlife. Currently, there is not a wide selection of cost-efficient, on-site methods for testing water samples for HAB toxins. My research focuses on creating a simple test kit that can detect one of Kansas City’s most prevalent HAB toxins, microcystin. The design of the test-kit will exploit the natural inhibitory effects of microcystin on protein phosphatases to create a colorimetric assay that will generates signal proportional to microcystin concentration. This kit will enable users to perform a quick, on-site test of water supplies and determine if local bodies of water are contaminated with microcystin. Ultimately, this research will provide a proof of concept study that can potentially be used to launch a startup company focused on developing test-kits for public use.

Josue Bernal

Josue Bernal

Drug Delivery: Overcoming drug delivery barriers through the use of liposomes

Drugs can only be effective if they are able to reach their intended drug target. To reach these drug targets, they must traverse biological environments. Unfortunately, these environments present many anatomical and chemical barriers that limit drugs’ access to their intended target. Liposomes are tiny lipid-containing particles that hold the promise of overcoming many drug-delivery barriers. My project focuses on producing a variety of liposomes using different formulations and then testing their effectiveness of overcoming an antibiotic drug’s limited cellular permeability. This research project will lay the foundation for me as a scientist entering the scientific field of drug delivery.

Kenny Escobar

Kenny Escobar

Pharmaceutical Science: Are nutraceuticals truly what they say they are?

A nutraceutical is a food, fortified food, or supplement that is purported to provide medical benefits, boost performance, or prevent/treat disease. Nutraceuticals are available over the counter and do not require any medical supervision or oversight to use. Additionally, nutraceuticals often make audacious claims that “suggest” a myriad of health benefits resulting from the active ingredient; however, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not oversee the production and safety of these products. This ultimately creates a situation whereby nutraceutical company’s can sell a product without actually proving the active component is present or proving the active component is present at the stated concentration. My research project is focused on analyzing glutamine supplements, testing for both the presence and abundance of glutamine and comparing that to the specifications defined on the packaging. This project ultimately aims to raise awareness of regulatory compliance of pharmaceuticals and their role in our society.

Cheyenne Smith

Cheyenne Smith

Stem Cell Therapy: Can insulin-producing cells be generated to treat diabetes in dogs?

Is the time for daily insulin injections for the treatment of diabetes coming to an end? Everyday thousands of pets are subjected to insulin injections to treat their diabetes. This puts a major strain on both the animals and their owners. I have the privilege to collaborate with Likarda, an animal health company seeking to find a better treatment for type 1 diabetes in companion animals. Our goal is to develop and optimize an effective and cost-efficient way of transforming stem cells into insulin producing cells that can be stably infused into animals. My project specifically examines the growth signals required to generate these cells in culture. Ultimately, this would serve as a long-term treatment for animals suffering from diabetes and thus eliminate the need for daily injections.

Biotech Seniors 2018 - 2019

Nancy Varela-Gastelum

Nancy Varela-Gastelum

Cancer Biology: Human cancer cells metabolize sugar in an aberrant way. Can this be reversed to remediate the cancer?

Cancer cells can display an array of aberrant cellular behaviors. One of these behaviors, termed the Warburg Effect, describes cancer cells that overproduce lactate through anaerobic metabolism. My research aims to design and validate a lactate quantitation assay. This assay will be used to characterize the Warburg Effect in various cancer cell lines. Additional studies will be performed to reduce the expression of Lactate Dehydrogenous, a key enzyme that produces lactate, and assess the antiproliferative effects of this modification. Ultimately, this lactate quantification assay could potentially be used by other cancer research labs to characterize metabolism of their cultured cells in an inexpensive way.

Austin Brewer

Austin Brewer

Cancer Therapy: Is Lychee fruit a cancer-slaying super food?

My project involves utilizing an extract, called kuromanin, from lychee fruit to treat breast cancer cells. The treatments have shown promise in other studies and I would like to build on those by not only testing extracts made from fresh fruit, but by also testing extracts from frozen and canned lychee because they are more widely available. From this project I hope to further investigate whether or not kuromanin could be used as a viable treatment for cancer in the future.

Phuong Dinh

Phuong Dinh

Antibiotic Resistance: Does Manuka Honey contain our next-generation antibiotic?

Concerns have grown rapidly about antibiotic resistance in the recent years. Scientists are working to create and discover novel antibiotic drugs to combat this resistance. My project focuses on this area of scientific inquiry. Specifically, I am fascinated by the potential antimicrobial ability of honeys, especially Manuka honey. Methylglyoxal is the major antimicrobial component found in Manuka Honey. In my project, I am going to use the Kirby-Bauer method and microbial viability assays to measure the antimicrobial effects of Methylglyoxal against gram-positive, gram-negative and multidrug-resistant bacterial strains.

Aldyn Wildey

Aldyn Wildey

Drug Delivery: Can that diet soda really affect your brain? An in vitro study of aspartame permeability across the blood-brain barrier.

My capstone focuses on the design and validation of an in vitro blood-brain barrier assay. I would like to see if aspartame can pass through the blood-brain barrier using the neutral amino acid transporter (NAAT), which is expressed in the hCMEC/D3 human endothelial blood-brain barrier cell line. I will use high pressure liquid chromatography (HPLC) to measure the permeability of the aspartame into the brain in vitro.

Alex Fowler

Alex Fowler

Gene Editing: Using CRISPR to make bacteria glow

I am doing my project on gene editing. Specifically, I will be using CRISPR-Cas9, a gene-editing tool derived from bacteria, to incorporate a fluorescence gene (GFP) into a specific region of the E. Coli genome. This experimental work will serve as a training experience as I seek to master the CRISPR-Cas9 tool. My follow-up studies will use CRISPR-Cas9 to specifically edit a gene within mammalian cells grown in culture.

Paniz Borzoofard

Paniz Borzoofard

Disease Biomarkers: Creating an in-home test for PSA, a protein correlated with prostate cancer

PSA (prostate-specific antigen) is used as a biomarker to screen for prostate cancer in men. For my project, I want to develop an at-home test strip to assess PSA levels. The test strip will be designed to detect blood levels of PSA that exceed 3 ng/mL (the established threshold for a positive result in clinical testing). The broader goal of this project is to make it easier and cheaper for men to screen for prostate cancer. The increased ease and accessibility of this at-home test will hopefully decrease the number of deaths caused from delayed clinical testing.

View Andy's presentation

Over the years, DNA analysis has vastly increased the power of forensics, and has become an invaluable tool in law enforcement. DNA evidence is key to linking suspects to various crimes such as robbery, rape, murder, as well as serving as a tool for paternity testing and disease screening. However, these technologies are also applicable to questions outside of forensics. One such question arises in the laboratory when researchers are culturing a number of different cell types in close proximity. Because many cell types can look the same microscopically, it becomes possible to confuse, mislabel, or even cross-contaminate cell cultures. This research project aims to develop an assay that utilizes short tandem repeat (STR) analysis as a tool to verify human cell lines grown in culture in an affordable and reliable fashion. A small number of STRs will be analyzed by polymerase chain reaction to produce DNA products of variable sizes, as determined by the cell's alleles, which will make up a fingerprint identifying each of several cell types. As these are human STRs, they can also be used to identify human DNA samples, which will further demonstrate the flexibility and reliability this test.

Ellagic Acid is a micronutrient found in fruits and vegetables, described as a polyphenol antioxidant, with a purported ability to induce apoptosis and reduce cellular proliferation of cancer cells. My capstone project is focused on assessing the anticancer potency of Ellagic Acid. My research will characterize Ellagic Acid's cytotoxic potency and antiproliferative effects on a cervical cancer cell line, HeLa. Additionally, I seek to determine the natural abundance of Ellagic Acid in select fruits and beverages. Ultimately, this research could provide evidence that supports further investigation into Ellagic Acid's potential as a cancer fighting therapy.

Sweeteners are commonly added to our food and drinks. What if some of these sweeteners also had cancer-fighting properties? Monk fruit is a common sweetener that naturally contains mogroside V which has been suggested to have anticancer properties. Although mogroside V's mechanism of action is not fully understood, it is thought to limit cancer cell growth by increase the expression of p53, a tumor suppressor. My capstone project aims to measure two key aspects of mogroside V's impact on a cervical cancer cell line (HeLa): its cytotoxic potency and its impact on p53 expression-levels. Ultimately, this research will provide evidence to support further investigation into mogroside V and its potential to serve as an anticancer therapy.

Accumulation of plastic waste in our natural environment is becoming a serious threat to wildlife and the health of Earth's ecosystems. Plastics accumulate in our environment because there are limited number of organisms capable of degrading them, i.e., they are not biodegradable. Until recently, scientists were not aware of an existing natural mechanism capable of biodegrading plastics. However, a strain of bacteria was recently discovered that shows the ability to degrade polyethylene terephthalate, or PET plastic. These bacteria, named Ideonella sakaiensis (I. Sakaiensis), were found in sediments near a plastic bottle recycling facility in Sakai, Japan. Although I. Sakaiensis biodegrades PET plastic, it does so rather slowly and is only found in sediment and is therefore cannot effectively be used to degrade all plastic pollution. My project aims to exploit the genes I. Sakaiensis uses to degrade PET and insert these genes into Echerichia coli (E. Coli). Once established, these modified E. Coli could potentially be used as a tool to remediate environments polluted with plastics.

Diseases of the brain can be difficult to treat with pharmaceuticals due to a unique anatomical barrier called the blood brain barrier (BBB). The BBB is a collection of cells that encapsulates all the capillaries entering the brain. These cells are bound together by special proteins called VE-cadherins. VE-cadherins keep the cells of the BBB tightly linked and this limits drugs' ability to slip into the brain. One promising method of increasing drug delivery through the BBB is by modulating (reducing) the tight binding of VE-cadherins. My research seeks to test two linear peptides' (AVAIDK and KVFRVDAETGDVFAI) ability to modulate VE-cadherin binding and thereby increase drug penetration into the brain. VE-cadherin binding will be assessed using native PAGE (polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis). While changes in endothelial cell permeability will be observed by measuring TEER (trans-electrical endothelial resistance) values. Ultimately, this work will lay the foundation for follow-up work focused on developing adjunct therapies that improve the efficacy of brain-targeting drugs.

Harmful algal blooms (HAB) are a growing concern for water supplies in the United States and around the world. These HABs are increasing in prevalence and produce toxins that negatively impact the health of humans, pets, livestock, and wildlife. Currently, there is not a wide selection of cost-efficient, on-site methods for testing water samples for HAB toxins. My research focuses on creating a simple test kit that can detect one of Kansas City's most prevalent HAB toxins, microcystin. The design of the test-kit will exploit the natural inhibitory effects of microcystin on protein phosphatases to create a colorimetric assay that will generates signal proportional to microcystin concentration. This kit will enable users to perform a quick, on-site test of water supplies and determine if local bodies of water are contaminated with microcystin. Ultimately, this research will provide a proof of concept study that can potentially be used to launch a startup company focused on developing test-kits for public use.

Drugs can only be effective if they are able to reach their intended drug target. To reach these drug targets, they must traverse biological environments. Unfortunately, these environments present many anatomical and chemical barriers that limit drugs' access to their intended target. Liposomes are tiny lipid-containing particles that hold the promise of overcoming many drug-delivery barriers. My project focuses on producing a variety of liposomes using different formulations and then testing their effectiveness of overcoming an antibiotic drug’s limited cellular permeability. This research project will lay the foundation for me as a scientist entering the scientific field of drug delivery.

A nutraceutical is a food, fortified food, or supplement that is purported to provide medical benefits, boost performance, or prevent/treat disease. Nutraceuticals are available over the counter and do not require any medical supervision or oversight to use. Additionally, nutraceuticals often make audacious claims that “suggest” a myriad of health benefits resulting from the active ingredient; however, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not oversee the production and safety of these products. This ultimately creates a situation whereby nutraceutical company's can sell a product without actually proving the active component is present or proving the active component is present at the stated concentration. My research project is focused on analyzing glutamine supplements, testing for both the presence and abundance of glutamine and comparing that to the specifications defined on the packaging. This project ultimately aims to raise awareness of regulatory compliance of pharmaceuticals and their role in our society.

Topics Base

Everything begins with an idea!

Biology Capstone Project Ideas

Completing your college or university course or program is all about how timely and properly you complete all your biology capstone project. If you are the lazy kind that never takes school projects seriously and you’re always late in project completion and submission, you’ll be surprised when you’re forced to redo your program or repeat some of the units.

Whether you’ll graduate or not is dependent on how timely and accurately you complete your capstone project. If you’re taking a course related to biology, your graduation will depend on how timely and efficiently you complete your biology capstone project. Capstone projects require you to address real-life issues using relevant skills or knowledge.

Addressing the wrong biology capstone project idea can delay your graduation or even ruin your career. You’ve to be careful when writing a biology capstone project. The most crucial step to writing a good biology capstone project is to be idealist and intelligent in choosing a topic. It’s smart you first research and understands the biology capstone project you are working on. That way, it will be easy to write a project that will be accepted and approved by the professor.

  • The biological effects of siring a child with a first cousin
  • How is pollination affected by the flower color?
  • The reasons rodents are the primary virus and disease spreading agents
  • The lessons we can learn from the evolution of fleas and flies
  • The contributing factors behind the low otter populace
  • The effect of extended alcohol abuse on humans
  • The factors behind the frogs’ ability to jump quite high
  • Does genetics play any role in homosexuality?
  • How acid rain affects the environment and plant growth?
  • The biological implication of being a Bipolar
  • Why is the gestation period in humans different from that of other animals?
  • How do El Nino rains affect agriculture?
  • A quick analysis of the 3D Electron Microscopic tomographic reconstruction
  • The volumetric datasets development process in details
  • Understanding the human anatomical variation
  • A quick analysis of the customizable anatomical science education
  • The relationship between grow anatomy lab and ultrasound
  • Analysis of plant spacing and the effects of sizing when planting
  • What are the similarities between thrombotic mutation and thombotic events?
  • The effect of abortion on the life and the chances of a woman getting pregnant in the future
  • Some ignored and rarely known causes of cancer
  • Understanding nanotechnology as well its pros and cons
  • What may lead to the most common types of phobias?
  • How organotins and obesity relate?
  • Determining the right choice of hemoglobin depending on oxygen carriers and the transfusion protocol
  • How could vaccines lead to infant autism?
  • How obesity and genetics relate?
  • A quick look at different phobias and the best ways to treat them
  • How and why different human anatomical differ?
  • The most common genes susceptible to obesity
  • The most common genes susceptible to homosexuality behaviors
  • A quick look on meningitis and the contributing factors
  • Is Ebola a biological weapon?

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senior capstone project ideas biology

The Quadrangle

The student newspaper of manhattan college | since 1924.

senior capstone project ideas biology

Biology Students Present Their Senior Capstone Projects

Seniors present at senior capstone. CATHERINE DIAKOU/THE QUADRANGLE

By Catherine Diakou , Staff Writer

Manhattan College’s senior biology majors celebrated their year-long research at the capstone presentation event that took place at the end of March. After spending many hours on their chosen topic, students were able to honor the work of their classmates as well as themselves.

Bruce Shockey, Ph.D., has been mentoring these students through each of their individual studies.

“They’ve been doing a lot of work, and suffering to some degree and now this, nobody’s suffering today, there’s just joy,” Shockey said. 

Senior biology major Ava Cruz, has been studying her chosen topic for the entire school year along with her classmates.  

“You start day one; you start the first day of senior year talking about the process and everything,” Cruz said.

The course catalog breaks down this required class, labeling its aim as an investigation of the entire research process.

According to manhattan.edu, the class involves,“Training in reading and comprehension of scientific papers, understanding statistical analysis issues, constructing a reference section, [and] writing for science and power-point construction issues.”

Shockey went in-depth on the purpose behind such a time-consuming project.

“We want our graduates to have experience doing literature reviews, searching literature on the topic, picking a topic, writing it up, and knowing it well enough to then communicate it visually and verbally,” Shockey said. “I learned as a teacher, often I learn things better [by] teaching. Today they are teaching us about their project.”

While this aids the end of their academic career here at MC, it is also beneficial for their future endeavors in research.

“This is a good kind of microcosm of what happens with professional scientists, they go to meetings and they have poster sessions and talks, they communicate in that way,” Shockey said. “Some person you would never socialize with, all of a sudden you [can] have this weird interest that you and them can talk about and nobody else.”

Cruz dedicated her time to researching the genetic factors of the neurodevelopment of individuals with autism spectrum disorder.

“It’s a really really complex condition, so there’s a lot of answers as to what causes it,” Cruz said. “There’s a lot of different symptoms and you see a lot of different presentations, where some people are higher functioning, or they’re savant. And then there is very low functioning, [where] there are people that are non-verbal. How does that happen biologically?”

Following graduation this May, Cruz is headed to pursue a career furthering her research of autism spectrum disorder. 

“I am going to have a job at the MGH Larry Learning Center for Autism,” Cruz said. “It’s an outpatient psychiatric unit where they treat people with all different types of neurological disabilities such as autism from womb to tomb, and they are the only outpatient clinic that does that, which is really exciting.”

Seeing the finished projects and the part that research played in students such as Cruz’s future plans is what the capstone project is all about. 

“Completing something like this is the social aspect of science,” Shockey said. “These things don’t look that impressive on their little computer screens, but when you project it like that, it’s a big deal.”

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senior capstone project ideas biology

A Comprehensive Guide on High School Senior Capstone Projects (With Examples)

Senior capstone projects

Reviewed by:

Former Admissions Committee Member, Columbia University

Reviewed: 4/26/24

As you near the end of your high school journey, it's time to explore the world of senior capstone projects.

If you're a high school student, especially in your senior year, you're likely gearing up for the culmination of your academic journey: the senior capstone project. 

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know about capstone projects, complete with examples to spark your inspiration and help you succeed. Whether you're just starting to explore project ideas or fine-tuning your plans, you've come to the right place!

What Is a Capstone Project?

A capstone project is like the grand finale of your academic or personal journey. It's a focused effort that you tackle within a set timeframe, bringing together everything you've learned or accomplished. Unlike a passion project , which you can work on whenever you feel like it, a capstone project has a clear deadline.

For instance, let’s say you're a culinary arts student nearing graduation. Your passion lies in sustainable cooking practices, and for your capstone project, you decide to create a cookbook featuring locally sourced, eco-friendly recipes. 

Your cookbook project demands months of research, recipe development, testing, and layout design. It's a big commitment that demonstrates your expertise in culinary arts and your dedication to sustainable food practices.

Similarly, in school, a capstone project could take various forms, such as conducting research on a scientific topic, developing a business plan, or creating a multimedia presentation. These projects all reflect your broader interests and passions, demonstrating your skills and knowledge in a specific area.

Overall, your capstone project in high school is a major milestone, allowing you to demonstrate your expertise, creativity, and dedication. It's a chance to bring everything you've learned together and show what you're capable of achieving.

Different Between Capstone and Passion Project

Capstone projects are typically a mandatory part of a school or college program. They're serious business involving thorough research, problem-solving, and often collaboration with teachers or experts. The goal is to demonstrate your mastery of the subject matter and readiness to tackle real-world challenges.

On the other hand, passion projects are all about following your interests and doing something you love. You could focus on writing a novel, starting a community project, or diving into a hobby—passion projects are driven by personal motivation rather than academic requirements. They're more flexible and allow you to explore your passions on your own terms.

So, while both capstone and passion projects are valuable ways to dive deep into a topic you're passionate about, capstone projects are more structured and tied to academic goals, while passion projects offer more freedom and personal expression.

How to Find Ideas for Capstone Project

Looking for capstone project ideas? Let's take a look at some effective strategies to spark inspiration and find the perfect project for you.

Follow Your Interests

Think about what excites you the most. Do you love helping the environment or dreaming up better ways to teach? Pick a topic that really speaks to you. When you're passionate about what you're working on, you'll stay motivated and focused from start to finish.

Use What You've Learned

Consider the subjects you've learned in school. Think about how you can use that knowledge to solve real-life issues. For example, if you've studied marketing, you could create a marketing plan for a nearby business. Or, if you're good at finance, you could analyze a company's finances and propose ways to make them better.

Don't hesitate to reach out to your professors, advisors, or mentors for guidance. They've been through similar experiences and can offer valuable insights and suggestions. They might even be able to connect you with industry contacts or organizations that could provide support or resources for your project. Their feedback can help you refine your ideas and ensure you're on the right track.

Check Feasibility

As you narrow down your options, it's crucial to assess the feasibility of each potential project idea. Consider factors such as the availability of resources, the complexity of the task, and your own time constraints. 

While you want to choose a project that's challenging and meaningful, it's also essential to be realistic about what you can accomplish within the given timeframe. Setting achievable goals will increase your chances of success and prevent unnecessary stress along the way.

Identify Current Issues

Keep up to date with the latest news and trends in your field of study or topics that interest you. Identify important issues or new challenges that you could focus on for your capstone project. By addressing relevant and current topics, you can actively contribute to important discussions and possibly have a bigger impact with your project.

Consider Community Needs

Consider the issues that matter most to your local community or a specific group of people. Is there a problem or something missing that you could help with through your project? By talking to people in your community through volunteer work or doing surveys, you can find project ideas that match real needs and make a positive impact.

Broaden Your Horizons

Think outside the box! Don't stick to just one subject for your capstone project. Instead, think about how you can mix ideas from different areas. By combining different perspectives, you can come up with creative and innovative solutions that you might not have thought of otherwise. This can make your project stand out and bring new insights to your work.

Look for Inspiration from Previous Projects

When searching for ideas for your capstone project, take a look at projects completed by students who came before you. Looking at successful past projects can give you helpful ideas about topics, methods, and how big your project should be. 

Remember, it's important not to copy someone else's work exactly, but you can use it to inspire your own unique ideas and ways of doing things.

Think About Long-Term Goals

Think about how your capstone project can help you achieve your long-term goals, both in school and beyond. Are there particular skills you want to improve or experiences you want to have during the project? By making sure your project connects to your bigger plans, you can make it even more meaningful and helpful for your future journey.

Stay Flexible and Open-Minded

Stay open to exploring new directions and adjusting your project as you learn and receive feedback. Sometimes, the best projects come from unexpected changes or improvements along the way. Stay flexible and welcome the chance to learn and develop throughout your capstone project. 

By blending your interests, what you've learned in school, and advice from mentors, you can create a capstone project that shows off your abilities and makes a difference in your field or community.

Tips on How to Execute Capstone Project

Ready to tackle your capstone project head-on? Here are some practical tips to guide you through the execution process smoothly.

Junior Fall

Brainstorm Ideas : This is your chance to explore a wide range of topics and ideas that pique your interest. Consider what issues or subjects you're passionate about, what challenges you want to address, or what questions you want to explore further. Keep an open mind and jot down any potential project ideas that come to mind, even if they seem unconventional at first.

Set Goals : Once you've generated some project ideas, it's time to clarify your objectives. Think about what you want to accomplish with your capstone project and break it down into smaller, actionable goals. Consider both short-term goals, such as completing research or gathering resources, and long-term goals, such as presenting your findings or implementing a solution.

Junior Spring

Recruit and Fundraise : Depending on the scope of your project, you may need additional support from teammates or financial resources. Reach out to classmates, friends, or faculty members who share your interests and might be interested in collaborating on the project. Additionally, explore fundraising opportunities to secure funding for project-related expenses, such as materials, equipment, or travel.

Hit Milestones : As you begin working on your project, set specific milestones to track your progress and stay on schedule. These milestones could include completing research, conducting experiments or surveys, drafting project proposals or reports, or presenting preliminary findings to peers or advisors. Regularly assess your progress and adjust your approach as needed to ensure you're meeting your goals.

Rising Senior Summer

Stay Busy : Although summer break is a time for relaxation, don't let your momentum wane. Dedicate consistent time each week to work on your capstone project, whether it's conducting research, analyzing data, drafting project documents, or refining your presentation skills. Establish a schedule and stick to it to maintain progress and prevent last-minute rushes.

Stay Connected : While you may be physically distanced from campus during the summer months, stay connected with your advisors, mentors, or project collaborators through email, phone calls, or virtual meetings. Keep them updated on your progress, seek their input or feedback when needed, and leverage their expertise to overcome any challenges you encounter.

Senior Fall

Keep Pushing : As the new school year begins, ramp up your efforts and focus on achieving your project goals. Set new objectives for the upcoming semester and prioritize tasks that will bring you closer to project completion. If your project involves organizing events, conducting experiments, or presenting findings, plan and execute these activities with diligence and attention to detail.

Senior Spring

Plan Ahead : As you approach the final months of your capstone project, take time to reflect on your accomplishments and consider the next steps. Evaluate the impact of your project, gather feedback from stakeholders or participants, and identify any areas for improvement or follow-up activities. Prepare for project completion by documenting your findings, finalizing project deliverables, and communicating your results to relevant audiences.

By following these guidelines and staying committed to your goals, you'll be well-equipped to execute your capstone project successfully and make meaningful contributions to your field of study or community.

Common Mistakes

Let's take a look at nine common mistakes students make in their capstone projects, along with tips on how to sidestep them.

Choosing a Topic That’s Too Broad

Your topic should be relevant to your field of study, but many students make the mistake of selecting broad topics that lack focus. To avoid this, consult with professors or career advisors to narrow down your focus and ensure your topic is both relevant and manageable.

Choosing a Topic You Don’t Really Care About

Passion is key to success. If you're not genuinely interested in your topic, your motivation and enthusiasm will dwindle over time. Select a topic that excites you and aligns with your interests to stay engaged throughout the project.

Not Doing Your Research Properly

Research is the backbone of your project. Skipping this step or relying on inaccurate information can derail your project. Take the time to conduct thorough research, cite credible sources, and ensure the accuracy of your findings.

Not Writing Your Paper in the Correct Format

A well-structured paper is essential for clarity and coherence. Follow a standard format, including sections such as introduction, literature review, methods, results, and conclusion, to ensure your paper is organized and easy to follow.

Not Taking Advantage of All the Resources Available

Don't overlook the resources at your disposal, whether it's the library, the internet, peers, professors , or academic advisors. Utilize these resources for research, guidance, feedback, and support throughout your project.

Not Proofreading Thoroughly Enough

Typos, grammatical errors, and formatting inconsistencies can undermine the credibility of your project. Take the time to proofread your work multiple times, or enlist the help of a peer or professional proofreader to ensure your paper is error-free.

Forgetting to Reference Your Sources

Proper citation is essential to avoid plagiarism and give credit to the original sources of information. Ensure you cite all sources accurately and consistently throughout your paper, following the required citation style guidelines.

Poor Presentation

Your presentation is the final show of your hard work. Neglecting to prepare adequately or rushing through your presentation can detract from the quality of your project. Practice your presentation, create engaging visuals, and rehearse your delivery to captivate your audience.

Waiting Until the Last Minute to Start Writing Your Paper

Procrastination is a common pitfall that can lead to rushed and subpar work. Start early, create a timeline, and break down your project into manageable tasks to avoid last-minute stress and ensure a polished final product.

By steering clear of these common mistakes and approaching your capstone project with diligence and dedication, you'll set yourself up for success and leave a lasting impression with your academic masterpiece.

Ideas and Examples of Capstone Projects

Need some capstone project ideas for high school? Let’s take a look at some high school capstone project examples. 

  • Study green marketing strategies that promote sustainability and environmental responsibility.


  • Develop a system to detect red traffic lights using image processing for safer roads.
  • Create a solar panel system with adjustable angles to maximize energy capture.
  • Analyze how social media can be used to effectively engage and retain customers through content marketing strategies.
  • Design educational programs for nurses on asthma care and point-of-care testing protocols for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Computer Science

  • Develop a smartphone interface for managing medical records to improve accessibility and patient engagement.
  • Design a web-based survey system for collecting feedback and analysis in academic or business settings.
  • Evaluate the impact of project management practices on the success of political campaigns.
  • Assess how technology influences accounting practices and the effectiveness of accounting software in improving financial reporting.
  • Explore the benefits of virtual classrooms and digital engagement strategies for remote learning.

Information Technology

  • Investigate cybersecurity issues and propose solutions to protect against threats like intrusion and data breaches.
  • Create object recognition systems using machine learning for security surveillance and image analysis.

Looking to gain clarity on your senior capstone project? Here are some frequently asked questions to guide you through the process.

1. How Does a Capstone Project Differ from Other High School Projects?

A high school capstone project typically involves more in-depth research and interdisciplinary exploration compared to other projects.

2. How Do I Choose a Topic for My High School Capstone Project?

To choose a topic for your high school capstone project, consider your interests, skills, and academic goals, and seek advice from teachers or mentors.

3. Are High School Capstone Projects Required for Graduation?

High school capstone projects are not always required for graduation and can vary depending on the school or program.

4. Can High School Capstone Projects Be Related to Extracurricular Activities?

Yes, high school capstone projects can be related to extracurricular activities and allow students to integrate their interests and experiences into their academic projects.

Final Thoughts

In short, high school senior capstone projects are your chance to shine. By picking the right topic, steering clear of common pitfalls, and tapping into available resources, you can leave a lasting mark. Whether it's in marketing, engineering, education, or any other field, capstone projects let you show off your skills and get ready for what's next.

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60+ Inspiring Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students: Unlocking Excellence

Capstone Project Ideas for Stem Students

  • Post author By admin
  • October 3, 2023

Discover a range of innovative and challenging capstone project ideas for STEM students.

Hey there, STEM enthusiasts! We get it; you’re not just studying science, technology, engineering, or math – you’re living it.

And now, you’ve reached that thrilling moment in your academic journey: the capstone project. It’s like the grand finale of a spectacular fireworks show, where all your hard-earned knowledge bursts into a brilliant display of real-world application.

But hold on – choosing the right capstone project can feel a bit like picking your superpower for the future. Exciting, right? Well, that’s where we come in.

In this guide, we’re serving up a buffet of capstone project ideas specially crafted for STEM students like you. We’ve got everything from mind-bending tech wizardry to earth-saving eco-innovations.

Whether you’re into building robots that might just take over the world (kidding!) or exploring the mysteries of the human genome, we’ve got you covered.

So, let’s ditch the ordinary, embrace the extraordinary, and find that one project that’s going to make your STEM journey legendary. Ready to dive in? Let’s roll!

Table of Contents

What is Capstone Project Ideas for Stem Students?

Alright, listen up, STEM folks! Capstone projects? They’re like the big, epic finale of your journey through science, tech, engineering, and math. It’s where you get to flex those brain muscles and apply everything you’ve soaked up in the classroom to real-life challenges.

But here’s the kicker: picking the right project? It’s kind of a big deal. This ain’t just any old assignment; it’s your chance to shape your future career path.

So, in this article, we’re not just scratching the surface – we’re diving headfirst into a treasure trove of Capstone Project Ideas, tailor-made for STEM students.

Our mission? To help you find that spark, that “a-ha” moment, that will light up your academic journey. Ready to roll? Let’s do this!

Importance of Capstone Project Ideas for Stem Students

Alright, buckle up because we’re diving into why Capstone Projects are like the secret sauce of STEM education. These projects are a big deal, and here’s why:

Putting Knowledge to Work

You know all that stuff you’ve been learning in your STEM classes? Capstone projects are where you finally get to roll up your sleeves and put that knowledge to practical use. It’s like taking a test, but the real world is your exam paper.

Mixing It Up

STEM isn’t just one thing; it’s a melting pot of science, tech, engineering, and math. Capstone projects are like your chance to be the mad scientist mixing all these disciplines to cook up something amazing. It’s where you see how different fields can work together to solve complex problems.

Unleash Your Inner Genius

Remember those crazy ideas that kept you awake at night? Capstone projects give you the green light to bring those ideas to life. They’re all about innovation and letting your creativity run wild.

Hands-On Learning:

Forget about textbooks and lectures for a moment. Capstone projects are where you get your hands dirty (figuratively, most of the time). You learn by doing, and that’s an experience you can’t put a price on.

Becoming Sherlock Holmes

Investigating, researching, and analyzing data become your superpowers. Capstone projects turn you into a detective, seeking answers and solving mysteries.

Boss-Level Skills

Ever heard of project management and teamwork? Capstone projects are like your crash course in these essential skills. You learn how to work in a team, meet deadlines, and communicate like a pro.

Finding Real-World Problems

Capstone projects aren’t just for grades; they’re about addressing real-world problems. You become a problem-spotter, finding issues in your field that need fixing.

Supercharging Your Resume

Completing a Capstone Project is like having a golden ticket on your resume. Employers love seeing that you’ve tackled a real-world challenge and come out on top.

Changing the Game

Sometimes, your Capstone Project isn’t just a project; it’s a game-changer. You might stumble upon something so cool that it pushes the boundaries of what’s known in your field.

Opening Doors

Collaborating with experts and industry pros isn’t just a possibility; it’s often a reality in Capstone projects. These connections can open doors to your future career.

Making a Real Difference

And here’s the kicker – some Capstone Projects aren’t just about you; they’re about making the world a better place. Whether it’s in healthcare, sustainability, or technology, your project can have a positive impact on society.

Showcasing Your Awesomeness

Completed Capstone Projects are like trophies. They’re proof of what you’re capable of and a source of inspiration for future STEM students.

In a nutshell, Capstone Projects are like the stage where you step into the spotlight and showcase your STEM superpowers.

They prepare you for the real world, fuel innovation, and help move the needle in science and technology. So, get ready to rock your Capstone journey!

Capstone Project Ideas for Stem Students

Have a close look at capstone project ideas for stem students:-

Engineering and Technology

  • Solar-Powered Gadgets: Design solar-powered phone chargers, backpacks, or outdoor lighting.
  • Autonomous Robots: Create a robot for search and rescue operations or autonomous delivery.
  • Smart Home Automation: Develop a home automation system that responds to voice commands.
  • 3D Printing Advancements: Research and improve 3D printing materials and techniques.
  • Electric Vehicle Prototypes: Design electric bikes, scooters, or small urban electric vehicles.
  • Aerospace Innovations: Develop drones for agricultural monitoring or low Earth orbit satellites.
  • Renewable Energy Innovations: Build a small-scale wind turbine or experiment with tidal energy.
  • Biomedical Breakthroughs: Invent wearable medical devices for remote patient monitoring.
  • Environmental Conservation Initiatives: Create an app to report and track environmental issues in your community.
  • Robotics and Automation: Design a robotic system for assisting individuals with disabilities.

Biotechnology and Healthcare

  • Genetic Engineering: Engineer bacteria for biodegradable plastics production.
  • Telemedicine Solutions: Create a telemedicine platform for mental health support.
  • Drug Discovery Algorithms: Develop algorithms to predict potential drug interactions.
  • Biomedical Imaging Enhancements: Improve MRI or ultrasound imaging technology.
  • Prosthetic Limb Innovations: Design advanced prosthetic limbs with sensory feedback.
  • Stem Cell Therapies: Research the use of stem cells in regenerative medicine.
  • Precision Medicine Tools: Develop tools for tailoring medical treatments to individual genetics.
  • Medical Data Privacy Solutions: Create secure systems for handling sensitive medical data.
  • Healthcare Access Apps: Design apps for improving healthcare access in underserved areas.
  • Virtual Reality in Healthcare: Develop VR simulations for medical training and therapy.

Environmental Science and Sustainability

  • Eco-Friendly Building Solutions: Construct green buildings with innovative energy-saving features.
  • Waste Reduction Initiatives: Implement a smart waste management system in urban areas.
  • Clean Water Technologies: Invent low-cost water purification systems for rural communities.
  • Climate Change Mitigation Strategies: Develop strategies for reducing carbon emissions in industries.
  • Urban Green Spaces: Create plans for urban parks and green spaces to combat urban heat islands.
  • Renewable Energy Storage: Investigate novel methods for storing energy from renewable sources.
  • Sustainable Agriculture Solutions: Design vertical farming systems for urban food production.
  • Marine Conservation Innovations: Develop technologies to protect and restore marine ecosystems.
  • Biodiversity Monitoring Tools: Create apps and devices for monitoring wildlife populations.
  • Renewable Energy Education: Develop educational programs to raise awareness about renewable energy.

Computer Science and Data Science

  • AI-Powered Language Translation: Build a language translation tool that uses AI to enhance accuracy.
  • Machine Learning for Healthcare Diagnostics: Develop ML models for early disease detection.
  • Cybersecurity Advancements: Create an AI-driven cybersecurity platform for threat detection.
  • Data Analytics for Social Impact: Analyze data to identify social issues and propose solutions.
  • Quantum Computing Algorithms: Design quantum algorithms for solving complex computational problems.
  • Blockchain Applications: Develop blockchain-based systems for secure transactions or voting.
  • Virtual Reality for Education: Build immersive VR educational experiences for students.
  • IoT in Smart Cities: Create IoT solutions for improving urban infrastructure and services.
  • Natural Language Processing Chatbots: Design chatbots that assist with customer service or information retrieval.
  • Data Visualization for Climate Change: Develop visualizations to communicate climate data effectively.

Space Exploration and Astronomy:

  • CubeSat Missions: Plan and execute CubeSat missions to study Earth’s atmosphere or space phenomena.
  • Exoplanet Discovery Tools: Create algorithms and tools for identifying exoplanets.
  • Astrobiology Research: Investigate extreme environments on Earth as analogs for extraterrestrial life.
  • Space Tourism Initiatives: Design spacecraft or systems for commercial space travel.
  • Asteroid Impact Mitigation: Develop strategies for deflecting potentially hazardous asteroids.
  • Lunar Base Planning: Create blueprints for sustainable lunar bases or habitats.
  • Satellite-Based Earth Monitoring: Build sensors and instruments for monitoring Earth from orbit.
  • Space Debris Cleanup Technologies: Engineer systems for removing space debris.
  • Mars Colony Concepts: Design habitats and infrastructure for future Mars colonies.
  • Astronomy Outreach Apps: Develop apps for stargazing and astronomy education.

These project ideas offer a wide spectrum of exciting possibilities for STEM students to explore and contribute to their respective fields.

What are the capstone topics for stem?

STEM capstone topics are typically broad and interdisciplinary, and they allow students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout their STEM education to solve a real-world problem. Some examples of capstone topics for STEM students include:

  • Developing a new way to generate renewable energy
  • Designing a more sustainable transportation system
  • Creating a new medical device or treatment
  • Developing a new software application or algorithm
  • Improving the efficiency of a manufacturing process
  • Reducing the environmental impact of a product or service
  • Developing a new educational program to teach STEM concepts
  • Designing a more accessible and inclusive community
  • Addressing a social or economic challenge through STEM innovation

What is the Capstone Project for stem students?

Alright, so picture this: the Capstone Project for STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) students is like the thrilling climax of their academic adventure.

It’s where all that brainpower they’ve been accumulating throughout their STEM journey gets its moment to shine – by taking on actual, real-world problems.

Think of it as the ultimate challenge where they don’t just read about stuff in textbooks; they roll up their sleeves and get their hands dirty, so to speak. It’s the part where theory meets practice, and things get exciting.

Now, what’s on the menu for these projects? Well, it’s like a buffet of possibilities. STEM students can work solo or team up, and they might find themselves researching, tinkering, designing, or even inventing stuff. All with one goal in mind: making a tangible difference in their chosen STEM field.

But it’s not just about acing an assignment; it’s about preparing for their future careers. These projects teach them how to think critically, collaborate seamlessly, and confront real-world challenges head-on.

It’s not just education; it’s a taste of what awaits them in the dynamic world of STEM.


What is an example of a capstone topic?

Imagine having the power to foresee when a customer might bid farewell to a product or service. That’s customer churn, and it’s a puzzle that businesses need to solve.

Predicting customer churn is like having a crystal ball that helps identify customers at risk of leaving and take proactive steps to keep them on board.

So, what’s the scoop on this capstone project? It’s all about crafting a machine learning model that can predict customer churn based on past data. Businesses can use this model to pinpoint customers who might be on the verge of leaving and then craft personalized strategies to keep them happy.

But hold on, that’s just one flavor of the STEM capstone ice cream parlor. Here’s another tasty one in the realm of mechanical engineering:

Revolutionizing Prosthetic Limbs: Comfort and Functionality Redefined

Prosthetic limbs are like real-life superheroes for people who’ve lost their own limbs. But let’s be honest, there’s always room for improvement. This capstone project is a ticket to the world of designing and building a prosthetic limb that’s not just functional but also super comfortable.

Imagine this: cutting-edge materials, groundbreaking technologies, and innovative designs coming together to create a prosthetic limb that goes beyond expectations.

But hey, the STEM capstone universe is vast, and there are countless other galaxies to explore, such as:

  • Powering the World with Renewable Energy: Dreaming up new ways to harness renewable energy sources and save the planet.
  • Eco-Friendly Commutes: Crafting a sustainable transportation system for a greener tomorrow.
  • Medical Marvels: Inventing groundbreaking medical devices or treatments to enhance healthcare.
  • Software Wonders: Developing game-changing software or algorithms to simplify our lives.
  • Manufacturing Efficiency: Streamlining production processes for greater productivity and sustainability.
  • Environmental Guardians: Reducing the environmental impact of products or services for a cleaner Earth.
  • STEM Education Revolution: Creating exciting educational programs to make STEM concepts accessible to all.
  • Inclusive Communities: Designing communities that embrace diversity and accessibility.
  • Tackling Global Challenges: Using STEM innovation to address complex social and economic issues.

When you’re choosing your capstone topic, remember it’s your chance to shine. Consider what tickles your curiosity, matches your skills, and aligns with your career dreams.

And don’t forget to have a chat with your advisor or mentor for some valuable insights and guidance. Happy capstone adventures!

How do I get ideas for a Capstone Project?

Check out how to get ideas for a capstone project:-

Explore Your Passions

Kickstart your idea quest by diving into your passions and interests. Think about what genuinely fires you up within your field of study. When you’re passionate about a project, it doesn’t feel like work; it feels like a thrilling adventure.

Real-World Challenges

Shift your focus to the real world. What are the burning problems or challenges that industries or communities are facing right now? Your Capstone Project could be the solution they’ve been waiting for.

Course Curiosity

Recall those “Aha!” moments in your classes. Were there topics or concepts that made you sit up and take notice? Delving deeper into one of these could be the start of a captivating project.

Seek Expert Guidance

Don’t be shy about tapping into the wisdom of your professors, advisors, or mentors. They’re like treasure chests of knowledge and can point you in the direction of intriguing project ideas.

Industry Insights

Take a virtual tour of your field’s online spaces. Look at industry blogs, forums , or websites to discover the latest trends, innovations, and hot topics. It’s like eavesdropping on the professionals’ secret conversations.

Team Brainstorming

If you’re up for it, consider teaming up with classmates. Sometimes, two (or more) heads are better than one. Brainstorm together to cook up a project idea that gets everyone excited.

Project Archives

Dive into the past. Check out previous Capstone Projects from your school or program. While you’re there, see if you can add a unique twist to a familiar topic.

Research Opportunities

Sneak a peek at what’s cooking in your department’s research labs or ongoing initiatives. Joining an existing project might be your ticket to becoming a project superstar.

Expert Interviews

Reach out to the experts. Conduct interviews or surveys with professionals in your field. Their insights might just be the inspiration you need.

Personal Stories

Reflect on your own life experiences. Has a personal challenge or journey sparked an idea? Sometimes, the best projects come from personal stories.

Social Good

Think about projects that can make the world a better place. Projects with a positive impact on society or the environment often feel incredibly rewarding.

Futuristic Tech

Explore the cutting-edge stuff. Keep an eye on emerging technologies or innovative approaches. Your project could be the next big thing.

Feasibility Check

While dreaming big is great, make sure your project idea is feasible within the confines of your program’s time, resources, and your own expertise.

Get Creative

Embrace creativity. Dedicate some time to brainstorming sessions. Let your imagination run wild, jotting down all those wild ideas. Later, you can sift through them to find the golden nuggets.

Remember, your Capstone Project should feel like an adventure, not a chore. Take your time, let the ideas simmer, and choose the one that makes your heart race with excitement.

That’s the idea that’s going to propel you to Capstone success. Happy brainstorming!

In wrapping up our exploration of Capstone Project ideas for STEM students, let’s remember that this journey is nothing short of thrilling. It’s a world brimming with opportunities waiting for your genius touch.

As you venture into this territory, keep your passions close at heart. Seek out those real-world challenges that ignite your curiosity and resonate with your values.

Don’t hesitate to lean on the wisdom of your mentors and peers for guidance; they’ve been there and have invaluable insights to share.

Whether you find yourself immersed in renewable energy, pioneering medical breakthroughs, or tackling societal issues head-on with STEM innovation, your Capstone Project is your chance to shine.

It’s your canvas to paint your ideas, your passion, and your creativity. It’s the first chapter in your journey to shaping a brighter future through STEM.

So, embrace the adventure, let your imagination soar, and embark on your Capstone Project journey with confidence. The world is waiting for your innovative solutions, and the possibilities are endless.

Your STEM story is just beginning.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do i choose the right capstone project for me.

Consider your interests, skills, and career goals. Choose a project that excites you and aligns with your future aspirations.

Are there any funding opportunities for Capstone Projects?

Many universities and organizations offer grants and scholarships for STEM projects. Research and apply for funding opportunities early.

Can I collaborate with other students on a Capstone Project?

Collaboration can enhance your project’s scope and creativity. Consult with your advisor and explore team projects.

What should I do if I encounter challenges during my Capstone Project?

Don’t hesitate to seek guidance from professors, mentors, or online communities. Challenges are opportunities for growth.

How can I make my Capstone Project stand out to potential employers?

Focus on innovation, documentation, and presentation. Showcase your problem-solving skills and the real-world impact of your project.

What’s the importance of networking during my Capstone Project journey?

Networking can open doors to opportunities, mentorship, and industry connections. Attend conferences and engage with professionals in your field.

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149 Capstone Project Ideas & Examples – 2024

June 6, 2024

The word “capstone” originally referred to the decorative, final piece of masonry that would be affixed to the top of a new building. But in terms of schooling, what is a capstone project? Academically, “capstone” is a fitting metaphor, as a capstone project serves as a culminating, crowning illustration of your scholarly work. The capstone project synthesizes the learning you have done in various fields, demonstrates your level of expertise in your specific area of study, and often marks the end or milestone moment of a current study path. In short, it’s a big achievement! In this article, we’ve outlined a few tips for cultivating your perfect capstone thesis and have included a list of capstone project ideas to get you started.

General Capstone Writing Tips

As you select a topic for your capstone project, be sure to consider the following criteria:

Personal Interest . A capstone project is meant to be the culmination of or milestone representing your specific path of study; as such, it should be a project that actually interests you! Perhaps you’ve already been working on a passion project or long-term scholarly paper on a topic that excites you. Or maybe you’ve heard about a specific branch of inquiry within your field that you find compelling and want to explore further. Whether you’re new to a specific capstone subject or have been working on it for a while, it’s important to know that your actual interest in a subject can increase your productivity and learning. [i]

Existing Research . For any new piece of scholarship, it’s crucial to thoroughly understand and acknowledge the current knowledge and findings that exist around your thesis. As an advancing practitioner in your field of study or profession, you should already have a sense of what other scholars and experts have said about your capstone project idea, but this is a moment to fully explore: Who are the major players in this professional or scholarly conversation? What are the most important pieces of research that ground this field of study? What recent innovations have been made in this topic?

Stakes . If you’ve ever been involved in a debate or had to write a persuasive speech , you know that an important question to answer is: “So what?” Why is this capstone project idea important? What will be affected if the ideas in your capstone do or do not come to pass? What exactly is at stake here?

Examples Continued

Stakeholders . The stakeholders of a capstone are those who will be affected by the information in your project. Perhaps you’ve already engaged in community service and have seen a gap that can be filled by your particular area of expertise. Maybe you are one of the stakeholders in your research. In every capstone project, your readers should know who will be most important to your work.

Identify a gap or problem . If you’ve done your research properly, then you now know what current holes or gaps exist in your field. Make sure you frame your capstone so that your audience is aware of the work that needs to be done.

Fill the gap . This is your moment to shine! What is your specific hypothesis? What kind of research will you conduct to prove it? Specifically, how is your work contributing to this field of study? To this profession?

Feasibility and Scope . The last question you need to ask yourself is: Can I actually do this project? Do you have the time and resources to complete the work you’re proposing? Is your capstone actually doable? If you find that your project seems too big, don’t despair! Many capstone project ideas can be narrowed down for specificity and feasibility. Take a look at the example below:

Very broad:

“What are some recent developments in women’s health research?”

More specific and feasible:

“What are the most current findings on early diagnostic testing and maternal health outcomes amongst American women?”

Capstone Project Examples

Below, we’ve listed 150 capstone project examples in various fields. Think of all of these focus questions and ideas as jumping-off points. Some are very broad, while others are much more specific. Your capstone project will most likely fall under the “specific” category (see “feasibility and scope” above), but broader topics and focus questions can get you started down the path of your own particular branch of research.

Computer Science Capstone Project Ideas

1) In what ways does social media influence current developments in information systems and marketing?

2) What recent developments have we seen in natural language processing? What innovations do we hope to see?

3) How is cybersecurity an essential consideration in political and public policy?

4) What is the potential for virtual reality within the fields of mental healthcare and / or physical rehabilitation?

5) How can cybersecurity better function in the healthcare industry?

6) What are current and developing applications for machine learning algorithms?

7) How can we develop more secure data encryption?

8) What are the current needs for development in image processing and design?

9) How does artificial intelligence promise to elevate, innovate, revolutionize, or render obsolete various fields and / or methodologies inside and outside of computer science?

10) What current developments exist in the field of neural networks?

11) In what ways can we develop more efficient data encryption algorithms?

12) What specific roles does computer science play in national defense?

13) Exploring automated testing systems.

14) In what ways have smartphone interfaces changed human behavior? Can we predict future changes?

15) What recent innovations have we seen in cloud computing and what changes can we expect to see in this field?

16) How can we improve specific algorithms that conduct market-based analysis?

17) What are the current most important ethical questions surrounding big data and information systems?

18) What are the current expectations around the development and use of cryptocurrency?

19) What specific relationships exist between national policy and internet censorship?

20) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of computer science that specifically interests you !)

Nursing and Medical Capstone Project Ideas

21) What roles might nurses have in administering pain management and anesthesia?

22) In what ways can we address the country’s nursing shortage?

23) In what ways is the field of nursing expected to change in the near future?

24) What innovations can be made in continuing education for nurses?

25) In what ways can nurse practitioners and PAs function more effectively in primary care and specialty settings?

26) Going forward, what roles can nurses play in mobile health and telemedicine?

27) How can clinical settings improve their mental and emotional health outreach for employees?

28) In what ways do nurses and PAs function in specific research roles (e.g. cancer research)?

29) Development of cultural sensitivity training and eliminating health equity disparities in the nursing field.

30) Recent developments in women’s health initiatives and research.

31) In what ways can communication efficacy be addressed in clinical settings?

32) What is the relationship between medical care and specific public policies?

33) Nursing, management, and leadership roles.

34) In what ways can technology improve nursing and healthcare initiatives?

35) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of medicine or scientific inquiry that specifically interests you !)

Humanities and Arts Capstone Project Ideas

36) How does art function in the political and public spheres?

37) What specific developments have we seen in the field of graphic design in the past decade?

38) Analyzing the relationships between marketing, commercial viability and contemporary literature.

39) In what ways do the humanities function in ecocriticism and the Anthropocene?

40) Social media and communication.

41) What are some recent examples of the relationship between popular culture and political propaganda?

42) Current distinctions between pop culture, avant-garde, and highbrow literature and art.

43) What is the role of philosophy in current public debate?

44) In what ways do / have the humanities function(ed) within and / or outside of the public sphere?

45) What is the role of the digital humanities in ancient / early modern / modern history?

46) What recent developments have we seen in the fields of women’s and gender studies?

47) How has a globalized media culture impacted our views on cultural exchange / postcolonialism / hegemonic power structures?

48) In what ways have sustainability initiatives become an essential part of art, theatre, fashion, film, and literary production?

49) Race, class, gender and / or sexuality, and recent developments in the construction of personal identity.

50) How does appropriation function in the realm of cultural production?

51) What is the current role of cinema in public and political culture?

52) Creativity and new genres in the wake of social media, artificial intelligence and monoculture.

53) How can / do museums and public spaces function as sites of cultural production?

54) In what ways has artificial intelligence begun to shape the arts and humanities?

55) Recent innovations and gaps in ____________. (Have you already done some research on a particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of humanities research that specifically interests you!)

Engineering Capstone Project Ideas

56) What is the role of engineering in specific manufacturing practices?

57) In what ways are environmental and sustainable efforts transforming various industries (transportation, manufacturing, public use, energy, etc.)?

58) How does artificial intelligence promise to function in various engineering fields?

59) What are the functions of drones in supply chains?

60) How does engineering specifically function in the production and management of public health (water purification and distribution, waste management, etc.)?

61) What recent innovations have we seen in the fields of engineering and defense?

62) Assessing the feasibility of solar power, wind power, etc.

63) In what ways can engineering facilitate specific infrastructure innovations in public spaces?

64) What does the privatization of the aerospace industry demonstrate about the relationship between public and commercial scientific research?

65) In what ways does current engineering promise to disrupt fields like the automotive, manufacturing, aerospace, etc. industries?

66) Examining various uses of 3D printing.

67) What are some recent innovations in electric, geothermal and/ or nuclear energy?

68) What is the current relationship between extraction engineering and the public sphere?

69) How does the field of robotics function in medicine and public health?

70) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of engineering or scientific inquiry that specifically interests you !)

Education Capstone Project Ideas

71) How do charter schools currently function in the education system?

72) What current pathways exist for continuing education in the teaching field?

73) What roles does artificial intelligence play in the future of education?

74) Disciplinary practices and education for early childhood, middle school, high school, etc.

75) Addressing income and resource disparities between public school districts.

76) In what ways does gender currently function in STEM education?

77) In what ways can mental health initiatives more thoroughly benefit students, staff, and educators?

78) In what ways is parental involvement a factor in current curriculum models?

79) What are the advantages and disadvantages of various modes of virtual learning, technology in the classroom, asynchronous learning, e-learning, etc.?

80) How can we address the current teacher shortage?

81) What are the current relationships between politics, public policy, school funding and curriculum development?

82) What recent innovations have we seen in outdoor learning, Montessori schooling, forest schools, eco-education, etc.?

82) How can schools facilitate better curricula and funding for special needs programs?

83) What is the current role of the arts in public education? In private education?

84) What is the relationship between public policy and homeschooling?

85) In what ways do race and class currently function in specific conversations around education?

86) What are current concerns and developments in the practices of school safety?

87) What developments are currently underway in curricula involving interdisciplinary and project-based learning?

88) What benefits and drawbacks currently exist in extracurricular programs and initiatives for students of various age groups?

89) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of education or curriculum planning that specifically interests you !)

Biology Capstone Project Ideas

90) What are some recent developments in the ethics of stem cell research and cloning?

91) How has public disease testing changed since the pandemic?

92) What is the role of the biologist in mining, extraction, and geoengineering?

93) What recent innovations have been made in pesticide production, distribution, and wider use?

94) How can biology serve manufacturing industries to prevent contamination and supply chain stalling?

95) How do specific ecosystems currently function in regard to climate change? What changes are predicted to these ecosystems in the next decade and why?

96) In what ways are biologists’ roles evolving in the development of biomechanical medical devices?

97) What roles do biologists play in understandings of human reproduction and DNA?

98) How are pharmaceutical and recreational drugs currently understood and classified?

99) What recent biological innovations have been made in the production of food? What developments do we foresee in this branch of biology?

100) In what ways are biological systems affected by various forms of energy extraction and consumption (electrical power, gas, wind and solar power, etc.)?

101) How does A.I. promise to affect the roles of biologists in various fields?

102) What current biological threats do we face in terms of biological warfare? How are biologists crucial players in national defense?

103) Explore a relationship between the biochemical signatures of the body and mental wellness / illness.

104) In what specific ways is the organic movement both a biological consideration and a marketing strategy?

105) How do biologists play significant roles in the prevention of spreading infectious diseases?

106) What are the relationships between human population growth or decline and natural ecosystems?

107) How is marine life affected by human activity (recent understandings and developments)?

108) How do biologists function in public and political conversations around sustainability?

109) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of biology that specifically interests you !)

Psychology Capstone Project Ideas

110) What recent developments have been made in research around specific social media platforms and mental health?

111) What roles did the pandemic play in social and mental health amongst particular age groups?

112) How are recent developments in digital communication (“ghosting,” “swiping,” “liking”) indicative of disordered psychological behaviors?

113) Considering particular contexts like time and place, explore the relationships between psychological wellness and gender.

114) Investigate stress reduction efficacy amongst particular populations.

115) What is the role of mental health awareness in policies and conversations around public health?

116) What role does psychology play in pain management?

117) In what ways are clinical psychologists and therapists uniquely poised to conduct empirical research?

118) What recent developments exist in research around various types of trauma?

119) What daily interventions need to be explored in the reduction of anxiety and sleep disorders?

120) What is the developing role of telemedicine and online mental healthcare?

121) In what ways are particular prescription drugs more or less effective when paired with traditional types of psychotherapy?

122) In what ways do companies utilize psychology in marketing and branding?

123) What is the role of the child psychologist in public schools?

124) In what ways can HR departments benefit from on-staff mental health workers?

125) Explore distinctions between child psychologists and early childhood educators.

126) What interventions can be made in the realm of public policy to lessen the social stigma of mental health disorders?

127) How can psychology be used to create more efficient workplaces?

128) In what ways can new technology like apps and AI be implemented in the ongoing care of mental health patients?

129) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of psychology that specifically interests you !)

Business and Accounting Capstone Project Ideas

130) What are the current impacts of globalization on business strategy?

131) How can organizations change communication practices?

132) What are the relationships between sales, brand perception, and social justice movements?

133) In what ways are women perceived and compensated in the finance field? How has this developed over the past decade? What developments remain to be seen?

134) What leadership training programs and strategies best serve managers?

135) Exploring sustainable business practices.

136) In what ways can company structure influence business innovation?

137) What are the current trends and best practices for inter-departmental conflict resolution within businesses?

138) Exploring effects of mergers and acquisitions for specific companies.

139) What is the specific role of HR in performance management amongst employees?

140) Recent explorations of forensic accounting in cases of embezzlement.

141) Perform a case study analysis of a particular taxation policy.

142) What are some important features of the ethics of non-profit accounting?

143) In what ways can we measure international accounting standards?

144) Due to the pandemic, how have budgeting and financial planning methods evolved in recent years?

145) What specific impacts can we predict in the accounting field as a result of AI and other advancing technologies?

146) Perform an analysis of marketing strategies that utilize social media.

147) How can companies maximize consumer engagement in saturated markets?

148 Which technologies and designs are most effective in brand management and dispersion?

149) Recent innovations and gaps in _________. (Have you already done some research on a very particular topic? This is your moment to delve more deeply into a branch of business or accounting that specifically interests you !)

Capstone Project Examples – Works Cited

[i] Kahu, Ella., Karen Nelson, Catherine Picton. “Student Interest as a Key Driver of Engagement for First Year Students.” Student Success. Volume 8, Issue 2, pp. 55-66. July 2017.

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Jamie Smith

For the past decade, Jamie has taught writing and English literature at several universities, including Boston College, the University of Pittsburgh, and Carnegie Mellon University. She earned a Ph.D. in English from Carnegie Mellon, where she currently teaches courses and conducts research on composition, public writing, and British literature.

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  • Final year projects

Capstone and Research Projects

Capstone and research projects.

At the University of Leeds, all undergraduate students regardless of discipline, must complete a substantial research-based or capstone project in their final year.

The purpose of a research or capstone project is to enable you to showcase the sum total of all you have learnt over the course of your studies.

You will be challenged with combining all of the experience and knowledge obtained from your first to last year. In addition, you will be expected to understand and apply skills such as problem solving, creativity and innovation as these are vital to all biological subjects.

This experience is designed to bring reflection and focus to your entire degree, and help you develop the necessary skills for succeeding in your future career.

Research or capstone?

While a research project is aimed at providing you with an abundance of research experience, the Faculty of Biological Sciences is proud to offer capstone projects as an alternative. 

These capstone projects will allow you to take complete ownership of your final year project as you tackle a central scientific question or sole issue in depth.

Capstone and research lc miall

Depending on your field of study, during your research or capstone project you may be expected to complete tasks such as:

Frame your research within the context of existing knowledge

Develop and test ideas or hypotheses to explain observations and connections

Create solutions to local or global problems

Critically analyse data and communicate the results to diverse audiences

Types of research and capstone projects

When it comes to choosing the topic of your extended project, you will select that which best addresses your individual development needs and future career intentions.

For the primary assessment method (eg academic paper, commercial report or e-portfolio), you will be expected to pick the one most suited to your particular project format. 

Projects can be completed as an individual, in a team or even as a multi-team based assignment.

Research projects card

Research projects

Includes laboratory-based, bioinformatics/big data, computer modelling and literature reviews

Scientific or industry relevant capstones card

Scientific or industry relevant capstones

Such as systematic reviews, stakeholder opinion, scientific writing, grant proposal, commercial/regulatory report and grand challenges

Civic and societal capstones 2

Civic and societal capstones

Featuring educational development, science in schools, public engagement, professional education, infographics and grand challenges

Why do your project at the University of Leeds?

The University of Leeds and its Faculty of Biological Sciences boasts a sector-leading portfolio of traditional research projects offered alongside science or industry-focused capstones. This includes capstone projects with a civic or societal focus.

As a faculty, we provide you with an exceptional educational experience, properly preparing you for life in the workplace. Our role is to ensure that your final year project develops not only the scientific tools and experience you may need, but also transferrable skills such as independent research, presentation and time management.

If you would like to see examples of research or capstone projects that you could undertake, please see the individual course pages that you are interested in studying.

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Penn State Biomedical Engineering

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senior capstone design showcase, 2015

Sponsor a Capstone Design Project

Help create future biomedical engineers .

Get involved with biomedical engineering students and partner with Penn State and the Department of Biomedical Engineering to sponsor a senior capstone design project. We assemble interdisciplinary student teams to tackle problems/projects using knowledge acquired during their undergraduate education. Students are also tasked with building and utilizing quality communication and team-based skills to achieve their goals.

*Projects are offered as part of the Learning Factory *

What are Senior Capstone Design Projects?

  • All Penn State biomedical engineering students are required to complete BME 450W: Biomedical Senior Design prior to graduation.
  • Senior capstone design projects partner student teams with industry professionals in order to test and design solutions to real-world challenges in medicine, healthcare, biology, and engineering.
  • Students apply theoretical information gained in the classroom with a solid basis of teamwork and communication skills to deliver powerful ideas with viable results.
  • Projects are developed during the course of a semester and culminate each spring and fall during the College of Engineering Design Showcase.
  • Students receive valuable, practical hands-on experience to students in a number of engineering disciplines.

Benefits to Sponsors:

  • Uncovering fresh ideas and solutions to real problems
  • Investigating low cost, low risk new ideas
  • Creating corporate exposure opportunities throughout campus
  • Providing your company with a public relations opporunity 
  • Discovering potential future star employees for your company
  • Improving engineering education at Penn State
  • Interacting with bright, energetic, creative young minds
  • Networking with other companies and Penn State faculty.

Past Project Highlights

  • BME faculty member Spencer Szczesny advises four award winning capstone deisgn project teams
  • Dermatology residents optimize exam that identifies skin cancers
  • Two biomedical engineering teams win awards at  Spring 2018 Capstone Design Project Showcase  
  • Biomedical engineering team awarded at Spring 2017 Design Showcase
  • Lucy's Story: How Penn State engineering students are helping one child move forward
  • BME graduates travel to Shanghai China to present global capstone projects
  • BME students awarded at spring 2015 Design Showcase

Interested in sponsoring a project?

Send an email for more information to:.

  • Daniel Hayes Department Head and Huck Chair in Nanotherapeutics and Regenerative Medicine [email protected]
  • Matthew Parkinson Professor and Director of The Learning Factory [email protected]

The Department of Biomedical Engineering administers the bachelor of science, master of science, and doctorate degree programs in biomedical engineering. Our work combines traditional engineering principles with medicine and technology for the betterment of human health and society. 

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Penn State Department of Biomedical Engineering

Capstone Requirement

Students can choose from the following capstone options:

  • Honors Program in Biology
  • The Senior Reflection in Biology
  • The Independent Capstone in Biology

Capstone Outside of Biology

Declared Biology Juniors will be required to submit the Biology Capstone Intent Form during the Winter quarter of junior year

Declared Biology juniors will be receiving the form via email. Students are responsible for completing all capstone-required proposals applications, courses, and assignments related to the capstone of their choice.

Honors Program

Honors program requirements.

  • BIO 199/ 199X– 10 units of research in thesis lab completed during junior and senior years
  • BIO199W –3 unit course during Winter quarter of senior year

Note : 7 units of BIO 199/X and 3 units of BIO 199W (in other words, 10 units total) can be counted toward additional elective units for the Biology major requirements

  • Engage deeply with and appreciate the process of scientific research
  • Design and implement an independent research project that contributes to knowledge in Biology
  • Describe the research project, findings, and significance to a broad scientific audience in a variety of ways

Students will need to submit their Honors thesis (approved by readers) and present their work (poster or oral presentation) at the Achauer Honors Symposium in May as well as on our Virtual Showcase website. Students will also need a 3.0 GPA by graduation

  • Engage deeply in a biological research project
  • Communicate scientific information and their research findings in a variety of ways 
  • Drive an independent research project

Students will submit an application, please visit the Honors website for details on when to submit your Honors proposal.

  • Students will be required to apply to the Honors program and craft a research proposal that will be submitted near the end of Winter quarter of their junior year (exact dates are posted on the Honors website )
  • In the application, students will have identified their readers, their plan for research units, and share their proposed project for approval

For any questions, contact Dr. Jamie Imam at jamiec [at] stanford.edu ( jamiec[at]stanford[dot]edu )

The Senior Reflection

The senior reflection requirements.

  • BIO 196A– 3 units completed during Autumn quarter of senior year
  • BIO 196B –3 unit course during Winter quarter of senior year
  • BIO 196C – 3 unit course during Spring quarter of senior year
  • Explore passions for science and the arts and bring those passions together into a single in-depth creative project
  • Develop creative projects with the support of peers, mentors and instructors in a workshop environment, and curate them for presentation at an end-of-the year symposium.
  • Deepen and refine the ability to give and receive detailed, constructive feedback and support in a workshop setting among peers.
  • Reflect deeply in their Stanford careers and capstone experience through the writing and revision of a reflective essay.
  • By the end of fall quarter, each student will secure a scientific mentor and a creative mentor, and complete a detailed project proposal.
  • By the end of the winter quarter, having worked on their projects throughout the quarter, each student will submit a genre-appropriate “snapshot” of their project close to completion.
  • Near the end of the spring quarter, each student will curate and present their complete project at the end-of-the-year symposium.
  • By the end of spring quarter, having presented their final projects in the symposium, students will submit a 10-12 page reflective essay in which they describe and reflect upon their capstone experience, and on their Stanford careers.

The Senior Reflection is designed for those students who wish to combine an area of scientific interest with an in-depth creative project of their choice, which they will complete in a weekly creative workshop format. The Senior Reflection is a collaborative workshop-based program, in which students work closely with instructors, peers, and mentors.

Students will enroll in BIO 196A, commit to all three courses in the track (BIO 196A, B, C), and inform course instructors of their intention to do so.

No preliminary materials are required to enroll in BIO 196A,B,C as the proposal, capstone project, and reflective essay are generated during the three courses, with support from fellow workshop participants, instructors, and mentors.

For any questions, contact Dr. Susan McConnell at suemcc [at] stanford.edu ( suemcc[at]stanford[dot]edu ) and Andrew Todhunter at andrew.todhunter [at] stanford.edu ( andrew[dot]todhunter[at]stanford[dot]edu )

Independent Capstone

Independent capstone requirements.

  • BIO 199A– 3 units completed during Spring quarter of junior year
  • BIO 199B –1-3 units course during Autumn quarter of senior year
  • BIO 199C – 2 units course during Winter quarter of senior year
  • Explore passions for science, education, technology, business, community services, or other fields, and bring all those passions together into a single in-depth independent project.
  • Develop capstone projects independently with the support of advisors, mentors, and instructors.
  • Curate and present their projects at an end-of-year symposium.
  • By the end of spring quarter of junior year, each student will secure a project mentor and complete a detailed project proposal.
  • By the end of the fall quarter of senior year, having worked on their projects independently throughout the quarter, each student will submit a genre-appropriate “snapshot” of their project close to completion.
  • By the end of the winter quarter of senior year, having completed and revised their independent projects, students will submit their final projects
  • By the end of spring quarter, students will curate and present their projects in an end-of-the-year symposium.

Students who wish to complete an independent capstone project must enroll in the Independent Capstone in Biology course series. Such projects might involve creative works, research or business internships, travel-based study, teaching, or community service. Examples include the production of a teaching or business plan, a film or podcast, or a public education campaign.

In Bio199A, taken in Spring quarter of their junior year, students will identify mentors and develop project proposals. Students will begin their projects through Bio 199B in Fall quarter of senior year. In Winter quarter of senior year, students will enroll in Bio 199C to complete their projects and prepare for their presentation in spring.

The Independent Capstone in Biology is best suited for those students who wish to complete their projects independently, without close peer support and collaboration, while continuing to benefit from project mentorship.

Students will enroll in Bio 199A, commit to all three courses in the track (199A,B,C), and inform the course instructors of their intention to do so.

No preliminary materials are required to enroll in Bio 199A, as the proposal will be generated during the course, with support from advisors, mentors and instructors.

For any questions, contact Dr. Ashby Morrison at  %20ashbym [at] stanford.edu (ashbym[at]stanford[dot]edu)  and Andrew Todhunter at  andrew.todhunter [at] stanford.edu (andrew[dot]todhunter[at]stanford[dot]edu)

Outside of Biology Capstone Options

Notation in Science Communication

The program typically runs application periods in the Fall (for Juniors and Sophomores) and Spring (for Sophomores and First-Year Students). The next application period will open in Fall 2024.

If you have questions about the NSC application process, send an email to the NSC Coordinator at  notationsc [at] stanford.edu (notationsc[at]stanford[dot]edu) .

Science, Technology, and Society Honors program

Begin the process during Autumn of junior year by talking to the STS Honors program director. See more details about the timeline and requirements in the link above.

Interdisciplinary Honors in the Arts

Applications are accepted during the spring quarter of Junior year. See more details about the timeline and requirements. 

Undergraduate Honors in Education

Prospective honors students apply to the program in the early spring quarter of their junior year. Admitted students begin the program autumn quarter of senior year.

All undergraduates matriculating as first-year students in 2021-22 or later and graduating in AY 2024-25  or later must  complete a Senior Capstone Experience. Transfer students who enter during AY 2022-23 or AY 2023-24 and plan to graduate in AY 2024-2025 or later will also be required to complete a capstone.

senior capstone project ideas biology

Text Description of Decision Tree

2021 Senior Capstone/Design Projects - Agricultural & Biological Engineering - Purdue University

Purdue University

2021 ABE Senior Capstone/Senior Design Projects

Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Systems Management

2nd Hilal Kesim, Benjamin Geyer, Hunter Magiera, Brooks Royal
1st Xinhe Xie
  Ross Pearson, Abigail McGregor, Travis Lineback
1st Dustin Brown, Noah Miller, Brendon Sasser, Garret Smith
  Alex Kerby, Benn Watts, Mason Johnson, Patrick Weitzel
2nd Taran Brown, Andy Holbert, Evan Lehr
  David Taylor, Austin Erdman, Chase Gripp
1st Shiying Chen, Ziyuan Cheng, Chen Fang, Zifeng Huang
2nd Rundong Peng, Daizong Wu, Tianzhang Zhao
  Dariush Amir-Aslani, Katrina Balon, Margaret Levell, Damon Weatherholt
2nd Megan Casey, Grace Filley, Joshua Miller, Blake Richter
1st Robert Hazen, Garrett Illa, Sam Mailand, Lindsey Nielsen
2nd Ryan Bonaparte, Daniel Ludwin, Ratchaphak "James" Tantisanghirun
1st Ben Chambers, Chaela Minor, Grant Miller


  Hannah Boland, Alex Kuhn, Stephen Parker
  Rachel Baehl, Serena Birdinc, Connor Jones, Korie McCrea Group 4, Boiler Burger - Vegetarian Burger
Tie-1st Elijah Cline, Marina Mehling, Remington Wilson
  Laura Libera, Alexis Schmidt, Bailey Skidmore
Tie-1st Katelyn Bormett, Sammi Logan, Peyton Shafer, Rebecca Stanton
1st Emily Lintott, Kasey Martineau, Jacob Riedel
  Josh Parcel, Kevin Massa, Ben Howard
  Rachel Dange, Shruthi Garimella, Emma Lietzke
  Kathryn Myers, Andrea Pegg, Rachel Thomas Group 11, KARAquaponics: Accessible Aquaponics
1st Morgan Callin, Jacob Renfrow, Gabrielle Selvia, Taylor Sorrell
  Grant Barrett
  Kasia Ashwill, Jiwon Choi, Estefania Martinez, Lauren Oparah

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A place to post news and discuss the frontiers of biochemistry and biotechnology. Please refrain from posting home videos with songs and raps.

Capstone Project ideas??

Hello! I'm not entirely sure if this is the correct sub for this, apologies if not! I am an undergrad student in my last semester majoring in biochemistry, and for what is essentially my capstone class I have to give a ~20 min presentation on a chemistry research topic of my choice (doesn't necessarily have to be biochemistry as it's a class for all chemistry majors), and I'm having trouble finding/deciding on a topic that is specific enough for a 20 minute presentation. Any suggestions for potential topics or tips for narrowing my search to something specific enough for a presentation? Thanks!

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  1. 101 Biology Capstone Project Ideas To Get You Started

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  2. Biology Capstone Project Ideas.pdf

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  3. 2021 Senior Capstone/Design Projects

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  4. Check this biology capstone project example to learn how to impress

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  5. Best Capstone Project Ideas

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  6. 14 Senior Capstone ideas

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  1. 50+ Interesting Biology Capstone Project Ideas for College

    12 Interesting Senior Capstone Project Ideas Biology. The best ideas are relevant and interesting. However, they should also meet a wide range of various academic demands. It requires you to focus on reviewing the literature, research, analyzing information, and working with your mentor to solve problems. Here are a few biology capstone project ...

  2. Biology Research Projects for High School Students: 20 Ideas To Try

    In this project, we will perform and systematic review and meta-analysis of fasting or diet-induced autophagy and its benefits on the body. You will gain skills in 1) searching and reviewing primary literature, 2) computational skills for performing data analysis (R language), and 3) writing your scientific findings.

  3. Biotech Capstone Projects

    Biotechnology Senior Capstone Projects. Students in the KU Edwards Campus biotechnology program conduct a senior capstone project that challenges them to apply their technical and research skills gained through their studies. Read below to learn more about the Biotechnology students' capstone projects.

  4. Biology Capstone Project Ideas

    The most crucial step to writing a good biology capstone project is to be idealist and intelligent in choosing a topic. It's smart you first research and understands the biology capstone project you are working on. That way, it will be easy to write a project that will be accepted and approved by the professor. Get Writing Help.

  5. Biology Students Present Their Senior Capstone Projects

    Manhattan College's senior biology majors celebrated their year-long research at the capstone presentation event that took place at the end of March. After spending many hours on their chosen topic, students were able to honor the work of their classmates as well as themselves. Bruce Shockey, Ph.D., has been mentoring these students through ...

  6. A Comprehensive Guide on High School Senior Capstone Projects (With

    We discuss how to find ideas for your senior capstone project, tips on executing the project, common mistakes, and examples! Get in touch: +1-800-991-0126. Get in touch: +1-800-991-0126. Programs. Grades 6 - 11. College Profile Development. Grade 12. Application counseling and final review.

  7. PDF Biology Major Senior Project Information

    3. Description of Biology Senior Project. The Biology Senior Project is meant to be the capstone writing and information literacy experience for students at Bryn Athyn College pursuing a bachelors degree in biology. The senior project is a required course in the biology program, listed as Biology 495, worth 3 credits.

  8. Independent Capstone in Biology

    Independent Capstone in Biology. To fulfill their capstone requirement, seniors in Biology may undertake an independent capstone project through the Independent Capstone in Biology course series, BIO199 A, B, C. Such projects might involve creative works, research or business internships, travel-based study, teaching, or community service.

  9. PDF Biology Senior Capstone Manual

    • Capstone research will require you to perform work on a project mentored and evaluated by a Biology department faculty member; a formal paper and oral presentation are required. • Information about faculty research is provided in the next section. Discuss any interest you may have in capstone research with your advisor as soon as possible.

  10. Capstone ideas : r/biology

    Our DNA has changed on the same timeline and for the same thing. Basically we have evolved together for the last (approx) 20,000 years. We both developed the gene for cancer at the same time, our digestion changed at the same time. We have lived so close for so long that what changes ones DNA also changes the others.

  11. 60+ Inspiring Capstone Project Ideas for STEM Students: Unlocking

    STEM capstone topics are typically broad and interdisciplinary, and they allow students to apply the knowledge and skills they have learned throughout their STEM education to solve a real-world problem. Some examples of capstone topics for STEM students include: Developing a new way to generate renewable energy.

  12. Research Capstone in Biological Sciences

    The capstone project in the Biological Sciences B.S. consists of a mentored research project on a biological topic that is completed in the junior or senior year. The capstone project must be chosen by the student in consultation with a faculty mentor. The faculty mentor must approve the project before work begins.

  13. 149 Capstone Project Ideas & Examples

    Capstone Project Examples. Below, we've listed 150 capstone project examples in various fields. Think of all of these focus questions and ideas as jumping-off points. Some are very broad, while others are much more specific. Your capstone project will most likely fall under the "specific" category (see "feasibility and scope" above ...

  14. Capstone and Research Projects

    The University of Leeds and its Faculty of Biological Sciences boasts a sector-leading portfolio of traditional research projects offered alongside science or industry-focused capstones. This includes capstone projects with a civic or societal focus. As a faculty, we provide you with an exceptional educational experience, properly preparing you ...

  15. Capstone Design Projects

    Senior capstone design projects partner student teams with industry professionals in order to test and design solutions to real-world challenges in medicine, healthcare, biology, and engineering. Students apply theoretical information gained in the classroom with a solid basis of teamwork and communication skills to deliver powerful ideas with ...

  16. Capstone Requirement

    The Senior Reflection in Biology; The Independent Capstone in Biology; ... Students who wish to complete an independent capstone project must enroll in the Independent Capstone in Biology course series. Such projects might involve creative works, research or business internships, travel-based study, teaching, or community service. ...

  17. 2021 Senior Capstone/Design Projects

    AF-1, Urban Agriculture Irrigation Project for the Food Insecure. 2nd. Megan Casey, Grace Filley, Joshua Miller, Blake Richter. BFS-1, Hobart, IN - Trail Culvert and Stream Flooding Improvements. 1st. Robert Hazen, Garrett Illa, Sam Mailand, Lindsey Nielsen.

  18. Any good ideas for a collegiate senior capstone project?

    With NGS experiments, the data will be relevant to all kinds of questions beyond what the experiment was designed to answer. For instance, a labmate of mine is about to submit a cool paper using an RNAseq atlas to call somatic mutations. I will be graduating in the fall (December 2019) want to get the ball rolling on my senior biology capstone.

  19. Biology capstone ideas : r/capstone

    Biology capstone ideas. hello guys, well my friend which is younger than me will be having her capstone project for bachelor soon. she contacted me to get help and advices but well not all majors had a capstone project so I wasn't really useful. besides, I don't have much knowledge about biology, so please share any interesting ideas for ...

  20. PDF Biology Senior Capstone Manual

    Research projects involve inquiry, experimental design, investigation, data . analysis and drawing conclusions and take place on and off campus, in labs and in natural . environments. Students can perform research during the academic year and/or summer and can fill the senior capstone requirement by doing research. h are Fellowships for summer ...

  21. Biology Capstone Project Ideas and Writing Tips

    The Capstone project is a full investigation of the topic. The writers who perform familiar tasks must come up with appealing ideas and topics. The biology capstone project ideas should always be unique. It brings a strong need to perform original content. The paper must be of high quality.

  22. Trying to come up with my senior capstone project idea but I

    Trying to come up with my senior capstone project idea but I need some ideas. So this is my senior year at a VERY small school located in the Appalachian mountains of western North Carolina. I'm a wildlife bio/biology major, and I'm very into herpetology. We have the option of doing a research project, lit metanalysis, or case study report ...

  23. Capstone Project ideas?? : r/Biochemistry

    The Nature family of journals have like 10+ review journals in many different disciplines. My class did a similar project and everyone had to choose a drug. We talked about it's properties, the pathway it effects and how, uses of the drugs/the disease it treats and stuff like that. You It took about 10/15 minutes to present but I'm sure you ...