English Compositions

Short Essay on Save Electricity [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn to write short essays on the topic of ‘Save Electricity’. Here I will write three sets of essays on the same topic in very simple words for a better understanding of all kinds of students. 

Table of Contents

Short essay on save electricity in 100 words, short essay on save electricity in 200 words, short essay on save electricity in 400 words.

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Electricity is one of the biggest gifts that science has given to us. It is mostly produced by burning fossil fuels and fossil fuels are non-renewable. This means that once we use up all the fossil fuels present on this planet, we will have to solely depend on solar, wind and hydropower to generate electricity.

Although these resources do help, the use of renewable energy is not widespread and thus, a large part of the world may end up having to live without electricity. That’s why we must save electricity. We must be mindful of our usage of electricity. We must turn off light bulbs and fans when they aren’t in use. Saving electricity is the need of the day. 

Today, it is very difficult to imagine a life without electricity. Be it light bulbs or fans, heaters or air-conditioners, mixer-grinders or ovens, everything runs on electricity. Even our mobile phones and computers wouldn’t be able to function without electricity. And that is why it is very important for us to save electricity.

Electricity is generated around the world mostly using fossil fuels like coal. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. This means that once we use up all the fossil fuels present on this planet, we will have to solely depend on solar, wind and hydropower to generate electricity. These days, many parts of the world use these renewable resources to generate a portion of the total electricity needed. But since producing electricity using such methods is neither very well-developed nor widespread, it is possible that if we empty the reserves of fossil fuels, a large part of this world will be left without electricity. 

We must conserve electricity to ensure that our future is bright. We must be mindful of our usage of electricity. We must always remember to turn off light bulbs, fans and other electrical appliances when they are not in use. Instead of watching television all day long, we should encourage each other to go out and play in nature. Only by reducing our usage of electricity will we be able to save it. 

Over the last 200 years, science has bestowed countless gifts upon humanity. Out of all these gifts, the one that has proved to be the most important is electricity. Today, it is very difficult to imagine a life without electricity. Be it light bulbs or fans, heaters or air-conditioners, mixer-grinders or ovens, everything runs on electricity.

Even our mobile phones and computers wouldn’t be able to function without electricity. We have now become dependent on electrical appliances for the smallest of things like hair drying, heating food and washing our socks. That is why it is very important for us to save electricity. 

In most nations across the world, electricity is produced using fossil fuels such as coal. Fossil fuels are non-renewable resources. This means that we can not go on and on and expect that we will always have electricity. Once we use up all the fossil fuels present on this planet, we will have to solely depend on renewable resources such as solar, wind and water to generate electricity. These days, some parts of the world use these renewable resources to generate a portion of the total electricity needed. But producing electricity using such methods is neither very well-developed nor widespread. 

It is not only possible but also probable that if we empty the reserves of fossil fuels, a large part of this world will be left without electricity. Therefore, we must conserve electricity to ensure that our future is bright. We must be mindful of our usage of electricity. We must always remember to turn off light bulbs, fans and other electrical appliances when they are not in use. It is actually quite easy to save electricity. We can wash clothes by hand instead of turning the washing machine on for every single piece of garment.

We can also use natural light instead of depending on electric lamps during the day. Instead of watching television all day long, we should encourage each other to go out and enjoy nature. We should encourage kids to play with each other rather than watching TV all day long or playing video games on their computers. This would not only save electricity but also help kids live an active and healthy life. 

We should launch campaigns to spread awareness amongst people about the importance of saving electricity. We should also push the government to adopt renewable ways of electricity generation and encourage people to install solar panels on the top of their houses. This would make us less dependent on fossil fuels for electricity. Electricity is a precious resource for us that’s why we must focus on saving electricity. 

Hopefully, all your doubts have been resolved regarding this context after going through this lesson. If you still have any confusion, kindly let me know through some quick comments. 

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Paragraph On Energy Conservation 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words For Kids, Students And Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph On Energy Conservation: Energy conservation is the exertion made to diminish the utilization of energy by utilizing less of an energy service. This can be accomplished either by utilizing energy all the more proficiently (utilizing less energy for a consistent help) or by diminishing the administration’s measure. Energy conservation is a piece of the idea of Eco-sufficiency.

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Paragraph On Energy Conservation – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Energy supplies can be increased out by the conservation or arranged administration of presently accessible assets. There are three kinds of energy conservation available. The first is curtailment, which is doing without—for example, decreasing travel to lessen the measure of gas consumed.

The second is an update; changing how individuals live and how products and enterprises are delivered. The third sort is the more effective utilization of energy, changing following higher energy costs. A model is putting resources into vehicles that go father per gallon or protecting houses. Social orders most regularly receive this alternative since it requires less extraordinary changes in the way of life.

Paragraph On Energy Conservation - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph On Energy Conservation – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Energy conservation alludes to the techniques for decreasing energy utilization by the method of disposal of wastage and the advancement of productivity. We realize that because of the large hole among requests, and gracefully, the parcel of endeavors is being done to overcome any barrier as far as the age of greater power, which requires part of capital speculation and separated from it makes parcel of natural concerns.

Energy conservation is the key component of energy the board. We can decrease the energy utilization by receiving different energy conservation methods that incorporate productive utilization of advances and maintain a strategic distance from energy wastages.

Over 8% of the power you purchase is most likely squandered because of the plan of your hardware, and how it has been introduced. This is notwithstanding the energy squandered by running hardware for longer than should be expected. Power is the most costly type of energy accessible this costly fuel must be utilized carefully.

Paragraph On Energy Conservation – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

There is a wide hole in the gracefully and request of intensity in India, and overcoming any issues by putting in new force stations won’t happen in not so distant future. The other option is to preserve each watt of energy. Energy conservation in the residential division is a valid statement to begin as about 20% of the total energy created is used for a household reason, which is an impressive offer.

Local force utilization in India takes about one/fifth of the all-out force utilization, which is significantly high. Beforehand the force was sponsored in all the conditions of India, and individuals (mis) used power generously without agonizing over the proficiency of the apparatuses.

On account of the economic changes, the endowment is being pulled back in power part in a staged way all through India, and the force duty is steadily expanding. The individuals started to understand the requirement for energy conservation.

Indeed, even the Government of India made a represent energy conservation in 2001, which shows the reality of the force circumstance. Since the residential segment utilizes the force in an assortment of utilizations, this is a likely territory to be considered for energy enhancement. Energy conservation is a piece of the idea of Eco-adequacy.

Paragraph On Energy Conservation – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

Energy conservation leads to the endeavors made to lessen the utilization of energy. The energy on Earth isn’t in boundless gracefully. Moreover, energy can set aside a lot of effort to recover. This surely makes it fundamental to moderate energy. Generally vital, energy conservation is feasible either by utilizing energy all the more productively or by decreasing the measure of administration utilization.

As a matter of first importance, energy conservation assumes a significant job in sparing non-sustainable power source assets. Besides, non-sustainable power sources take numerous hundreds of years to recover. Additionally, people devour energy at a quicker rate than it very well may be created. In this way, energy conservation would prompt the safeguarding of these valuable non-sustainable wellsprings of energy.

Energy conservation will decrease the costs identified with petroleum derivatives. Nonrenewable energy sources are extravagant to mine. Hence, buyers are required to follow through on greater expenses for products and enterprises. Energy conservation would surely diminish the measure of petroleum products being mined. This, thusly, would diminish the expenses of buyers.

Subsequently, energy conservation would reinforce the economy as buyers will have an increasingly discretionary cash flow to spend on products and enterprises. It is consistently a significant method of energy conservation is by utilizing energy-effective items.

Energy conservation is useful for logical exploration. This is because; energy conservation gives scientists a lot of time to lead explores.

Along these lines, these specialists will have more opportunities to think of different energy arrangements and choices. People must guarantee to have petroleum products to the extent that this would be possible. This would give me sufficient opportunity to find functional arrangements.

Another significant purpose behind energy conservation is natural assurance. This is on the grounds that different energy sources are altogether hurtful to the Earth. Besides, the consumption of petroleum derivatives extensively dirties the air. Also, atomic energy makes hazardous atomic waste.

Paragraph On Energy Conservation - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 And Competitive Exams Students

FAQ’s on Paragraph on Energy Conversation

Question 1. What are some of the energy conservation?

Answer: Energy conservation can be as straightforward as destroying lights or machines when you needn’t have any need for them. You can likewise utilize energy-concentrated apparatuses less by conducting family unit usages physically, for example, drying your garments by hanging as opposed to placing them in the dryer or washing dishes by hand.

Question 2. for what reason is energy conservation important?

Answer: Energy conservation assumes a significant job since the usage of non-inexhaustible assets additionally impacts our condition. Extraordinarily, utilization of petroleum products supplies to air and water contamination, for example, carbon dioxide is created when oil, coal, and gas combust in power stations, warming frameworks, and motors of vehicle.

Question 3. What is an energy conservation example?

Answer: Energy conservation is the choice and practice of utilizing less energy. turning off the light when you leave the room, unplugging machines when they’re not being used, and taking walks as opposed to driving are largely instances of energy conservation.

Question 4. Is it important to moderate energy?

Answer: Above all else, sparing energy is significant in light of the fact that energy use impacts the Earth and everybody in it. Besides, when you preserve energy, you likewise save money on the average cost for basic items. Recharged, for example, water, wind, and sunlight based. Nonrenewable energy sources, then again, similar to gas, coal, and oil, can’t be supplanted.

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Essay on Energy Conservation

Energy is all around us, and it’s what makes our world work. From the lights in our homes to the cars on the road, energy is essential for our daily lives. However, it’s important to remember that energy is not an infinite resource. We need to use it wisely and conserve it for the future. This is where energy conservation comes into play. In this essay, I will argue that energy conservation is crucial for a sustainable and bright future.

What is Energy Conservation?

Energy conservation means using less energy to do the same tasks. It involves finding ways to reduce our energy consumption while still meeting our needs. For example, turning off lights when we leave a room, using energy-efficient appliances, and insulating our homes to keep them warm in the winter and cool in the summer are all ways to conserve energy. By doing these things, we can save money on our energy bills and help protect the environment.

Why is Energy Conservation Important?

Energy conservation is essential for several reasons. First and foremost, it helps reduce our impact on the environment. When we use less energy, we produce fewer greenhouse gases, which are responsible for climate change. By conserving energy, we can slow down the warming of the Earth and protect our planet for future generations.

Secondly, energy conservation can save us money. When we use less energy, our energy bills go down. Imagine if you could save money every month just by being more mindful of how you use energy! That extra money can be used for other important things, like education, healthcare, or fun activities with your family.

How Can We Conserve Energy?

There are many simple ways we can conserve energy in our everyday lives. One way is to use energy-efficient light bulbs. These bulbs use less electricity and last longer, which means we save money and reduce our energy consumption. Another way is to unplug electronic devices when we’re not using them, like chargers, computers, and TVs. Even when these devices are turned off, they can still use energy if they’re plugged in.

Additionally, we can save energy by using public transportation or carpooling instead of driving alone in our cars. When we drive less, we use less gasoline, which helps reduce air pollution and save money on fuel. Moreover, we can turn off the tap while brushing our teeth to save water heating energy and make sure our homes are well-insulated to keep the heat or air conditioning inside.

The Impact of Energy Conservation

The impact of energy conservation goes beyond just saving money and protecting the environment. It also helps create a more sustainable future. Sustainable means that we can meet our needs today without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. By conserving energy, we ensure that there will be enough energy for everyone in the future.

Imagine a world where there is not enough energy to power our homes, schools, and hospitals. It would be a challenging and uncertain place to live. But if we start conserving energy now, we can avoid that future and make sure that energy is available for everyone, now and in the years to come.

Conclusion of Essay on Energy Conservation

In conclusion, energy conservation is not just a good idea; it’s a crucial step toward a better future. It helps us reduce our impact on the environment, save money, and ensure that there will be enough energy for everyone in the future. We can all do our part to conserve energy by making small changes in our daily lives, like using energy-efficient light bulbs and turning off devices when we’re not using them.

So, let’s work together to conserve energy and create a more sustainable and brighter future for ourselves and the generations to come. By doing so, we can enjoy the benefits of energy conservation and make our world a better place for everyone.

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Save Electricity Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on save electricity.

Electricity is an essential resource for a thriving life. It runs our daily life. Life without electricity would be impossible to imagine now. We generate electricity using coal or natural gas. However, people do not realize the natural resources to do as are limited and non-renewable. We must conserve electricity so that we can conserve these resources.

Save Electricity Essay

In other words, electricity serves mankind greatly. We must stop the wastage of power. The world will lose its light if there is no electricity. Moreover, careless behavior by humans must be checked. We need to realize the importance of electricity to save ourselves from the darkness.

Need for Electricity

Electricity is needed in almost every sphere of life now. We need it to lead a comfortable life full of all amenities and services. The world will become dormant without electricity. For instance, all our health and education facilities are conditioned by electricity. If there is no electricity, the surgeon won’t be able to perform his surgery. Moreover, students won’t be able to gain practical knowledge.

Likewise, motor mechanics in the garages and engineers in the factory depend on electricity. Furthermore, the passengers at the railway station and the airport can travel safely due to electricity only.

In addition, various means of transportation depend on electricity only. Trams and metros carry thousands of people every day. All this is made possible due to electricity only. Electricity boosts our modern life and helps in making it civilized.

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How to Save Electricity

Firstly, all of us must understand that even a small step will go a very long way in saving electricity. For instance, if every person at each home switches on the fan when not in use, thousands of watts of electricity can be saved.

Similarly, if we use our air conditioners, heaters, ovens, refrigerators and more properly, we can successfully save large amounts of electricity.

save energy essay 200 words

Furthermore, try making use of natural light more. Do not keep the lights unnecessarily in the morning and afternoons. Make do with the natural light as it is enough. We must replace all our old appliances as they consume a lot of electricity. In other words, we must strive to make our homes energy efficient.

Moreover, always remember to unplug your electrical gadgets when not in use. These devices consume at least 10% of electricity even when inactive. Thus, unplug them to save electricity.

In addition, try to cut down your TV watching time. Encourage kids to read and play outside instead. Likewise, try using laptops in place of desktops. Desktops consume more energy than a laptop. You must also switch off the fans if you using your air conditioner, thereby avoiding unnecessary wastage.

Most importantly, installing solar panels can help you excessively. They are very economical and help in saving a lot of energy. The solar panels will help in consuming lesser energy that too economically. Similarly, the industries which use megawatts of electricity must install windmills. This can help in getting cheap electricity through natural means.

{ “@context”: “https://schema.org”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is Electricity important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Electricity powers all the facilities now. It helps a surgeon perform life-saving surgery. Similarly, it helps students in learning practical knowledge at school. Furthermore, people lead a comfortable life all thanks to electricity.”} }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we save electricity?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”:”One can adopt a number of ways to save electricity. Make sure to use natural light to the fullest and avoid turning on lights in the morning and afternoon. Moreover, always switch off fans and lights when not in use. Unplug your gadgets and install solar panels to get economic electricity.”} }] }

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Paragraph on Energy Conservation

Energy Conservation is the agenda of saving energy for mother earth. As a part of this natural environment, we all are obliged to save energy. The portion of the energy we are sharing for our use need not be wasted. For focusing on the energy conservation topic, we have created some important paragraphs. Kindly read it as per your need.

Short and Long Paragraphs on Energy Conservation

Paragraph 1 – 100 words.

Energy Conservation includes the conservation of electricity, fuels, natural gases, coal, etc. Energy sources are scarce and easily exhaustible. It is important to use it in a very efficient way. The world is blessed with energy naturally provided by the earth.

Sources of Energy are the backbone of science and technology. From the normal light bulb to the engines of vehicles everywhere, energy is involved. For preserving energy, it is important to reduce the consumption of energy. Conservation of energy is important; they are making our life easy. In our normal day to day life, we can include the habit of conserving energy.

Paragraph 2 – 120 Words

Energy conservation is a hot topic for the world. There are various forms of energy available on earth. For mankind, it is important to know the importance of energies available. Electricity, fuels, nuclear power plants, windmills, etc are the forms of energy sources for common use. The wise use of these forms of energy is necessary. The cutting down of energy consumption is beneficial for all of us. Let’s focus on the need for energy conservation:

  • Energy Conservation is necessary for coping with the expenses spent on energy services.
  • Energy Conservation is necessary for reducing air pollution.
  • For preserving the natural resources for future generations energy conservation is necessary.
  • For availing the natural scarce resources to rural to urban areas its conservation is necessary.

Paragraph 3 – 150 Words

Energy conservation is a common phenomenon for the world of the growing population. In real sense, energy is the service that the world is using on a daily basis. The growing population demands more and more energy to be consumed. This can create a misbalance between the energy available for society and the energy which is continuously spending.

For financial security and nation wise social security conserving the energy services are necessary. Worldwide securing the energy is a common phenomenon. There are various methodologies and simple steps that we can include in our day-to-day life for saving energy. What are we using today; we have to secure it for the future.

By keeping this thing in mind, energy saving can be done on a mass level. Refrigerators and Air Conditioners are said to the appliances that consume electricity on a large basis. The gases produced by these coolers are harmful to the environment. Thus, simple habits like the installation of stabilizers for maintaining the voltage can consume less electricity.

Paragraph 4 – 200 Words

Energy Conservation is the preventive measures for conserving the naturally available energy. It involves the maximum utilization of energy in an efficient way. There are various ways that can be counted as energy conservation methods. These are as follows:

  • Using LED and CFL Light Bulbs instead of traditional light bulbs.
  • Using appliances that are energy efficient.
  • Installation of Power strips as they will provide an option of using various appliances’ switches at the same time.
  • Turning off the T.V., Radio, Microwave, PC, etc appliances after using it.
  • Switching to Thermostat based devices form the traditional appliances of maintaining the temperature.
  • Using water heaters of lower voltage.
  • Changing our day-to-day behavior of using Energy services.
  • Using the Upgraded method of the HVAC system in households.
  • Keeping a check on water uses.
  • While using Washing Machines, the laundry part should be done carefully.
  • Fossil fuels or Fuels should be used in an efficient way.
  • On the Red signals of road, turning off the vehicle engines can be a smart move for saving the fuels.
  • Energy audits at home can be a move for saving energy.
  • Installation of Solar Panels, Rain Water harvesting system can contribute to conserving energy.

Paragraph 5 – 250 Words

Energy Conservation is the method of conserving the naturally available energy sources and energy services for the world. There are various methods of conserving the energy but question is that why there is a need for conserving it? The main motto of energy conservation is to fulfill the demands of the future generations.

The government has implemented a tax policy for energy services. This taxation policy involves a tax on electricity, water, gas available for households. This policy is implemented by the motive of less-consumption of energy services by households. This is also a contribution towards the poor and rural people for availing of the energy services.

The wastage of energy sources can be lower down due to the fear of heavy tax implemented on its use. Energy Conservation can also be termed as energy–efficiency. Electricity, Fossil Fuels, Water, Heat, and Natural Gases are naturally found and processed form of energy which we are using in our daily life.

In the United States, energy-efficiency methods are announced by the government itself. The use of HVAC constructed buildings is also one of the architectural plans. Various campaigns and NGOs are working for the Energy Conservation. In India, Power-Cut is a nationwide issue. This is because of the scarcity of Energy sources. One of the reasons behind less consumption of energy is forgery and fraud of electricity while distributing it. Rural India is still not much boon by electricity. For resolving all these social issues Conservation of Energy is necessary.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans. Conventional Sources of energy are those in which fuel is naturally available.

Ans. Non-conventional sources include the sources which are newly recognized.

Ans. The development that doesn’t affect the nature is sustainable development.

Ans. We can save energy by using the fuels in limited quantity and following non conventional methods of energy.

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Save Electricity Essay – 10 Lines, Short & Long Essay For Kids


Key Points To Note: Essay On ‘Save Electricity’ For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on ‘save electricity’ for kids, a paragraph on ‘save electricity’ for children, short essay on ‘save electricity’ for kids, long essay on ‘importance of saving electricity’, what will your child learn from this essay.

We use electricity for almost everything nowadays, and it seems impossible to live without it. However, we waste too much electrical energy without considering the consequences. This article will discuss the topic ‘save electricity’ for classes 1, 2 and 3. We must save electricity to use it in the future, and we must preserve energy so future generations can benefit from it. Conservation of electricity essay is the best way to teach kids about the rising concern of electricity. It will sensitise them about the importance of the conservation of electricity, and they will learn how they can cooperate to achieve the same.

Your child should keep a few key aspects in mind when writing an essay on this topic. Let us demonstrate how to create an essay about electricity conservation for your youngster:

  • The first stage is to have your youngster organise the concepts (in their heads) regarding the electricity conservation that they wish to write about.
  • Allow your kid to jot down their thoughts to create an outline that will allow them to cover all of the themes while writing the essay in the second phase.
  • They will build easy-to-read short and basic phrases in the third phase.
  • Your child can write about the value of electricity conservation, how saving electricity can save mankind, and so on.

Consider what your life would be like if you didn’t have access to electricity. There will be no tablets, light bulbs, or snack refrigerators. Isn’t it difficult to imagine? We have a few lines below that will help children write an essay for classes 1 and 2 on saving electricity in English.

  • Electricity is an important resource today. We need electricity for everything that we do, so we must try to save it as much as possible.
  • Electricity is derived from coal and other natural resources extracted from the earth, so we can save the earth by saving electricity.
  • Electricity is also harnessed from water, which is a crucial natural resource.
  • We must use energy-saving products such as LED blulbs.
  • If we switch off all the lights and fans when not in use, we can save a lot of electricity.
  • We should turn off electric appliances to save electricity when they are not in use.
  • We also can save electricity by using energy-efficient refrigerators, air coolers, and air conditioners.
  • Solar panels are a great alternative to reducing energy consumption.
  • We can burn less fuel and conserve water to save electricity.
  • If we save electricity, it can be distributed more efficiently.

Electricity is important for everyone, and children are the future, so we should teach them to save electricity. Below is the paragraph that will help children write an essay on saving electricity:

Electricity is one of humanity’s greatest discoveries. The discovery of electricity signalled the start of bigger findings relevant to humankind. Electricity has transformed our way of living, and it should be saved at home and in the workplace, organisations, and classrooms. Every individual should be responsible for saving power. Saving electricity saves money as well. We, as students, must take responsibility for switching off lights and equipment when not in use. Appliances that are not in use should also be unplugged. Installing solar panels is beneficial and cost-effective.

Power drives the world, and if we have plenty of it, we also have responsibility. Given below is the essay for classes 1, 2 and 3 on saving electricity.

We should conserve energy. We require electricity at all times and for a variety of social purposes. Electricity is seen as the heart of existence, without which the entire world remains black at night in the current world. Our healthcare, teaching, farming, technology, and other specialised activities depend on electricity. The expert in the activity theatre, the engineer in the industry, the engine technician in the garage, the officer at the workplace, and the passengers at the train station, all benefit from the administration provided by electricity. Indeed, even our minor efforts to conserve electricity will be beneficial. We should be careful about the electric devices we use at home. Fans, lighting, air conditioning systems, coolers, and water heaters must be used properly. TVs should not be turned on when nobody is watching them. We should use sunlight wherever we can as it will help conserve energy. We should all make an effort to preserve electricity.

Electricity saved is electricity generated. This essay for class 3 on saving electricity will help your child organise their thoughts:

Electricity is one of the most important resources for any lifestyle. Our daily lives are powered by electricity. It is difficult to picture living without electricity now. Thus, preserving electricity is critical for human survival.

Uses of Electricity

We use electricity in nearly every aspect of our lives; we require it to live a pleasant life full of comforts and services. Without power, the world will become dormant. Electricity, for example, powers all medical and educational institutions. If there is no power, a surgeon cannot execute the necessary surgeries, and students cannot obtain practical experience, for which the internet is crucial. Similarly, workers in workshops and engineers in plants rely on electricity to perform properly. Passengers on the railway and airport may also travel securely because there is electricity around.

Why Is It Important to Save Electricity?

Electricity sources are likely to run out. Energy, it is true, cannot be generated or destroyed. However, the energy sources from which it is derived are expected to diminish. For example, coal, which significantly contributes to the creation of power, is rapidly decreasing. This necessitates energy conservation. Saving electricity aids in the conservation of natural resources, allowing for economic savings.

Ways To Save Electricity

There is no industrial sector or other areas in today’s world where electricity is not utilised. People must realise that even little steps may go a long way toward saving power.

  • We should use natural light more often and turn off the lights in the morning and afternoon when it is not needed.
  • We should make every effort to make our own homes more energy efficient.
  • Remember to disconnect your electrical appliances when they are not in use since even when they are inactive, they consume 10% of the power. Unplug them to conserve electricity.
  • All outdated appliances that use a lot of power should be replaced.
  • One of the most effective strategies to save power is to use renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy.

Your child will learn to think about different aspects of electricity. It will develop their observation and thought process toward electricity. They will also learn about the importance of saving electricity.

1. Who Invented Electricity, And When?

Benjamin Franklin invented electricity in 1752.

2. What Are The Names Of Some Less Useful Electric Appliances?

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Writing an essay on topics like saving electricity plays a major role in developing their social and mental ability. Your child will observe the importance of electricity around them and try to write them down, improving their creative and expressive skills.

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Paragraph on Save Electricity

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Save Electricity in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Save Electricity in 100 Words

Saving electricity means using less power to help our planet. When we turn off lights, TVs, and fans when we leave a room, we save energy. This also means the electricity bill is not as much. We can also save power by using sunlight during the day instead of turning on lights. At night, we can use one light instead of many. We should tell our family and friends to do the same because saving electricity is good for the Earth. It means less pollution, and it keeps our world clean and healthy for everyone, including plants and animals.

Paragraph on Save Electricity in 200 Words

Saving electricity is very important. Think of it as helping your family save money and taking care of our planet at the same time. When we use less power, we also help the air stay clean. Here are some easy things you can do. First, when you leave a room, always remember to turn off the lights. This simple step can save a lot of energy. Also, if it’s a sunny day, open your curtains and let the sunlight light up your room instead of using lamps. Another good idea is to turn off the TV, computer, or video games when you’re done playing with them. Tell your parents to use energy-saving bulbs; they last longer and use less electricity. In the summer, instead of making the air conditioner very cold, use a fan to stay cool sometimes. And in the winter, put on a sweater instead of turning up the heater. If we all do these small things, we can save a lot of electricity. By saving power, we make sure there’s enough for everyone, and we help our Earth be a better place for all living things.

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Paragraph on Save Electricity in 250 Words

Saving electricity is much like saving up pocket money – the more you do it, the more you have for other important things. Think of electricity as something that needs to be used wisely and not wasted. We use electricity for almost everything – from lighting our homes to powering our favorite gadgets. But it’s not unlimited, and wasting it can lead to bigger problems like running out of power or even harming our planet. To save electricity, we can start with simple steps. Turning off lights when we leave a room is like closing the tap while brushing our teeth; it stops unnecessary use. If we switch to LED bulbs, which use less power and last longer, we’re choosing a smarter way to light our rooms. During the day, letting sunlight in means we don’t need to switch on lights at all. Our TVs, computers, and gaming systems can gobble up power even when we are not using them, so turning them completely off can save more electricity than we might expect. And did you know that many gadgets charge faster when they’re turned off? This means they spend less time plugged in, saving more energy. If we all do our part and use electricity wisely, we can help keep our environment clean, reduce our bills, and make sure there’s enough power for everyone. So, let’s make a difference, one light switch at a time, and keep our world bright and beautiful. (Word count: 250)

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Essay on Save Electricity for Students in English [Easy Words*]

January 25, 2021 by Sandeep

Save Electricity Essay: Electricity is the most basic service required by all of us in every sphere of life. All our amenities and services are entirely dependent on electricity for running smoothly. Our everyday lives would be unimaginable without electricity at the backdrop. We must conserve electricity because the source from which it is generated is not unlimited in supply. Right from education, health, industries, factories, offices, railways, airlines, other travel modes are all dependent on electricity for their survival.

Essay on Save Electricity 500 Words in English

Below we have provided Save Electricity Essay in English, suitable for class 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.

Electricity stripped darkness from the earth and illuminated every area of human activity. Life is almost impossible today without electricity. Modern life has become so technological and industrial that we need energy even for simple daily life things. Most devices we use today are powered by electricity.

Electricity is the basis for both technological and scientific practices. Modern people now enjoy travel and networking services, which can only be done with electricity. This has revolutionized western forms of travel and communication. Battery cars and electric trains are fast means of travelling. Many diseases have modern surgical treatment. Hundreds of patients undergo surgery, so these procedures are unlikely without electricity.

Importance of Saving Electricity

One of the primary motivators for power consumption at home is the cumulative energy gain at the end of the year. There are other reasons why it is essential to save energy besides your pocket effect.

Solar or wind-energy generation limits the consumption of fossil fuels. The turbines that produce electricity need these fuels. The longer they are used, and the more energy they consume, the sooner they are exhausted. These supplies are not infinite or renewable. The burning of fossil fuels for energy creates massive quantities of air emissions. Oceans and soil are also affected by the environment after an oil spill occurs. Such environmental challenges reinforce why electricity conservation is so critical.

Ways to Save Electricity

Using natural light throughout the day will save you up to $9 a day. A single, strategic window will illuminate the area from 20 to 100 times. Natural light increases your room’s aesthetic value, aside from saving your money. There are essential kitchen appliances in any home, including refrigerators or dryers. Make a point of replacing the existing, obsolete ones with the new energy star certified ones. Replacement of an old dryer with the new robust version will save you up to $130 a year.

Any computer printers and other electronic gadgets use energy even though off. 10% of energy consumption is in this kind of electronics. You may use a power strip with a lock to shut several machines off at a time. The air conditioner is often imminent, so it is not appropriate to use it from early spring to late summer without ever shutting it off.

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  • Save Electricity Essay


All About Electricity

Electricity is the best gift of science to mankind. This is the age of electricity. Electricity is a source of light, heat, and other comforts. Right from house lighting to the running of giant factories to streets and parks, it is the invisible current that makes these entities run. Electricity supplies all types of energy to man in order to improve his scientific inventions and increase his social amenities.  Heating and cooling processes are also executed by it. All you need to do is just switch on a button and there you have ample power.

Electricity is primarily produced from coal and water. It is also produced from other sources like nuclear energy, solar energy, etc. but still, production is very less. Efforts are being made to produce more electricity from solar, wind, and nuclear sources so that the natural sources can be conserved. 


Electricity is one of the most important sources in the life of a human. Especially now that we have entered the 21 st century, there is hardly anything that does not work on electricity. However, due to the huge demand for electricity worldwide, it has become hard to produce electricity and provide it to everyone. However, if proper steps and measures are taken to Save Electricity then it is possible that both mankind that is to come and the mankind currently existing can use them. Here is a guide on how you can write the Save Electricity Essay via Vedantu and express all your views on the same. This essay writing helps not only kids from high classes but also those students present in the lower grades.

Need for Electricity

The modern world without electricity is impossible now and it is needed in every sphere of life. Electricity facilitates technological advancement and supports a wide range of products and services that enhance our quality of life and stimulate economic productivity. Thus, demand for power is directly correlated with population and economic growth. 

Houses, streets, parks, offices, shops, malls, etc. are lighted with electricity. Modern communications and transport are rendered safer, speedier, and more comfortable by the introduction of mobile phones, the Internet, the electric train, tram, and motor.

The introduction of electrical devices has simplified labor in every form in the house, in the office, and in the factory. Among domestic services, equipment of every type is functioned more cheaply and efficiently by electricity. Many labor-saving and time-saving devices using electrical energy have been introduced, to minimize drudgery at home and office. 

Radio, television, cooler, heater, washing machine, air conditioners, all depend on electricity. There is no grandeur in festivals and celebrations without electricity. 

Electricity has brought a great revolution in the field of medical science. It plays an important role in the treatment of diseases by electrotherapy. 

Electricity has changed the way of farming. In fact, it has mechanized farming. It has helped us to distribute the water of the rivers into canals and irrigate dry and barren lands. Without electricity, we cannot imagine industrial growth. All types of industries require electricity to function.

How to Save Electricity?

Electricity generation depends largely on non-replaceable resources. Thermal power needs coal and other fossil fuel for generating electricity. This fuel has limited reserves and it will take millions of years to replenish these reserves.

There are many different ways in which we can save electricity and thus conserve energy. At home, elementary actions should be taken such as unplugging computers, turning off televisions in order to reduce our consumption of electricity, thereby conserving energy. You can install thermostat technology at your home and connect the different appliances and gadgets that draw power from all those outlets that are not even in use. Solar panels can be planted to reduce the consumption of electricity.

Furthermore, we can use more natural light. In the daytime instead of switching on lights and fans, we can keep our windows open to get natural light and air.

We can increase our outdoor activities more like playing, gardening, reading, etc. so that TV time can be reduced. We can switch our office work and other related tasks to laptops from desktops because laptops consume less energy than desktops. 

Tips to Write a Good Save Electricity Essay

Make sure you use short lines

Make the lines used in the essay a bit interesting to the readers

Do not use many complex words and keep them as simple as possible.

Electricity is the backbone of modern society. Our life will go back to the primitive age without electricity. There is a need for rational use of electricity, as it is largely produced from non-renewable sources like coal and water. Alternative sources of electricity should be explored to meet the gap between its demand and supply. We should take every step to conserve sources of electricity for future generations.


FAQs on Save Electricity Essay

1. What are all the parts of the essay that need to be covered while writing the Save Electricity Essay?

There are particular parts of the essay that need to be included in the Save Electricity Essay in order to provide the best essay possible. Without these sections, the essay will look all clustered, and hence including them while writing your essay is a must. Here are the parts that you need to add:

1. Introduction:

An introduction should not be too lengthy. Its main purpose should be to attract readers. Students should write at least 50 to 60 words in this section.

The body is the main part of the essay as it will consist of everything about the topic. This section will contain about 100 to 150 words.

3. Conclusion:

This section will mostly focus on providing the summary of the entire essay along with the closing statement. There will be only 2 to 3 lines with about 30 to 40 words.

2. What are some of the uses of electricity?

Leading a comfortable life needs electricity in it and hence electricity has become one of the most important aspects of our lives. For example, if you were to attend a class online you would need electricity. Similarly, electricity will be needed by a surgeon to conduct successful surgeries. Apart from these passengers who are traveling by railways or airplanes can only do so if proper electricity has been provided to the engine. This means that various means of transportations and other objects are run on electricity and if electricity is not used well then these operations might not be possible.

3. How does writing the Save Electricity Essay help students understand the importance of electricity?

When students write on the Save Electricity Essay they get to know various aspects related to electricity as follows:

  • Importance of electricity
  • Uses of electricity
  • Why is electricity being one of the scarce resources nowadays
  • How electricity can be saved for future generations

All of these aspects once understood by students will also be able to be a part of the sustainable environment. Vedantu helps students get an idea about the same with a sample Save Electricity Essay that helps them from one on their own. Students can also refer to the Vedantu NCERT Solutions that help them study well and get good grades.

4. How to write a short Save Electricity Essay for my class assignment?

If you are focusing on writing a short Save Electricity Essay for your class assignment you can check out the sample provided on Vedantu. Apart from this you can also check the points provided below and add them to get a short and simple essay.

  • Electricity is an important aspect of our life and it is impossible to live in this generation without electricity being provided.
  • It is possible that without electricity our lives might go back to the primitive age.
  • Saving electricity is one of the important things if humans are to live efficiently in this world.
  • It is to be made sure that during the day time the natural light should be preferred than using the lights or lamps to light the room
  • When there is good weather outside, open the window and enjoy the light breeze rather than turning on the AC or fans as these take up a lot of electricity.

5. How is Electricity produced and why is it becoming scarce as days go by?

It is seen that around 65% of water is used to generate electricity and is also used in various generators that run on electricity. With such a large amount of water being involved in the production of electricity, it is seen that water is becoming scarce day by day. Hence the electricity which is produced with water is also becoming more and more scarce day by day. Due to this, there will be a time when it will be impossible to save water and electricity anymore. These two main aspects once lost will lead to a lot of trouble.

Word count: 858

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Essay on Save Environment: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

save energy essay 200 words

  • Updated on  
  • May 10, 2024

Essay on Save Environment

Saving our environment is very important. However, over the years, we human beings have destroyed our planet Earth by polluting it with our activities. Now, it is high time we work for the betterment of our planet and save it for us and our future generations. In this blog, you will read about how we should start saving the environment if we want a secure future for us and our future generations. You will also be reading sample essays on how you should save the environment. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is an Environment?
  • 2 Why Do We Need To Save the Environment?
  • 3 Essay on Save Environment in 100 Words
  • 4 Essay on Save Environment in 200 Words
  • 5 Essay on Save Environment in 300 Words
  • 6 Short Essay on Save Environment: Sample

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What is an Environment?

Environment refers to the physical, biological and ecological systems and the elements around us. All these elements are present on the earth without human intervention. An environment is made up of several aspects. These include:

  • Physical Components: This includes landforms (Mountains, valleys, plains), water bodies (oceans, rivers, ponds, lakes), the atmosphere of the air and finally geological features (rocks, soils and minerals). 
  • Biological Components: All living organisms which live in the natural environment fall under this category. It includes microorganisms, plants and animals. 
  • Ecosystems:  An ecosystem is a geographical area comprising plants, animals, and other organisms, weather and landscape, which together form a bubble of life. 
  • Biodiversity: It comprises all the different types of living organisms one will find in one area. All types of organisms such as fungi, bacteria, plants and animals form biodiversity.

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Why Do We Need To Save the Environment?

Thanks to our environment it allows life to exist on Earth. Our environment provides us with water, food, clean air and other vital resources for our survival. It is very important for biodiversity, maintaining ecosystems and preventing climate change. 

On the other hand, human activities like deforestation and pollution have created menace by threatening this delicate balance. Therefore, humans need to protect the environment to ensure a healthier future for all of us and the future generations. By doing so, we will be safeguarding our health, the beauty of our planet and economic stability. Neglecting the same could lead to dire consequences such as extinction of species, resource scarcity and catastrophic weather events. 

Everyone needs to take the necessary steps to ensure a sustainable and habitable world.

Essay on Save Environment in 100 Words

Saving the environment is vitally important for our planet’s well-being. However, nowadays, human activities are inclined towards causing pollution, deforestation and climate change which eventually lead to threatening the ecosystems and human health. To battle this situation, it is very necessary to begin by reducing carbon emissions and using cleaner energy such as solar and wind power. 

On the other hand, water should also be conserved by reducing water wastage which will create a huge impact. Next, protection of the biodiversity through conservation efforts and sustainable agriculture is also necessary. 

To save the environment, one should begin by planning trees, supporting recycling and finally reducing single-use plastics. These are some of the common practices towards saving our environment. 

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Essay on Save Environment in 200 Words

We all have been gifted with a precious gift by Mother Nature which sustains all life on Earth called the Environment. However, in recent years, there have been severe threats which in turn have led to huge damage to the environment. So, to ensure to have a sustainable future, it is very important that we all as human beings take crucial steps to save the environment.

Currently, one of the most pressing issues which we are all facing is climate change. The burning of fossil fuels to create energy has led to the emission of greenhouse gases, causing global temperatures to rise. 

Speaking of problems, deforestation is another major concern. We all know that trees play a very important role in absorbing carbon dioxide and providing oxygen. 

Another major challenge is the pollution of some of our major resources which include soil, water and air. By simply adopting sustainable practices such as reducing waste and investing in green technologies we all will be able to reduce pollution and conserve resources. 

To conclude, we must all remember that saving the environment is not a choice but a necessity. It will require global cooperation as well as individual commitment. By addressing all the above-mentioned issues, we will be able to protect the environment for us and future generations and ensure a healthier place to live.

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Essay on Save Environment in 300 Words

Our environment is a very precious thing which provides us with clean air, fresh water, fertile soil, and a diverse range of ecosystems that support countless species, including humans. However, our actions over the years have only shown that we aren’t grateful. This has led to environmental degradation and climate change has reached a threatening level. Therefore, we must start with immediate actions to save our environment. 

One of the most pressing issues today is climate change. It is largely driven by the burning of fossil fuels, deforestation and several industrial activities. Due to all these activities, there have been dire consequences which can be quite evident through extreme weather events, rising sea levels, and disruptions to ecosystems.

To fight this climate change problem, we will have to work to get cleaner, renewable energy sources. We must also protect and restore our forests as they act as carbon sinks and absorb harmful greenhouse gases. 

Common issues like pollution are creating a huge problem for us as it is poisoning our air, soil and water. To work on this, we must reduce our reliance on single-use plastics and adopt an eco-friendly alternative. On the other hand, industrial emissions and vehicle pollution can be controlled by putting strict actions and electric vehicles can be promoted. For wastewater, it can be treated through responsible waste disposal to prevent contamination of our water bodies. 

Water scarcity is another growing concern. We must ensure that water is used wisely. Additionally, reducing water pollution from industrial and agricultural runoff is essential for the health of our ecosystems and aquatic life.

Biodiversity loss is another critical issue. Deforestation, habitat destruction, and overexploitation of resources are driving many species to extinction. Conservation efforts, protected areas, and sustainable practices in agriculture and fisheries are vital to preserving our planet.

In conclusion, we must address climate change, pollution, biodiversity loss, and water scarcity through a combination of government policies, technological advancements, and individual actions. Our planet’s health is intricately linked to our own.

Short Essay on Save Environment: Sample

Let us find a sample of a short essay on save environment below:

Also Read: Essay on Water Conservation: Samples in 150, 200, 250 Words

The world environment day is celebrated every year on 5 June 2023.

This year the motto for World Environment Day was #BeatPlasticPollution.

We must follow the practice of reducing, reusing and recycling to save our environment from harmful human activities.

Related Reads

This was an essay on save environment. For more interesting topics on essays, visit our essay writing page and follow Leverage Edu.

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Essay on Electricity


Imagine if we had to endure the unbearable heat during the summers or live in darkness during the night. We can’t think of a life without a fan or light, can we? But have you wondered what makes them work? Electricity is the beautiful phenomenon that is behind the running of various appliances today. We cannot underestimate the power of electricity in our lives, and this long essay on electricity will help your kids to be familiar with its uses and benefits.

Essay on Electricity

Importance of Electricity

There is hardly anything that does not work on electricity. Whether we need to watch TV or run a grinder, electricity is an important component that makes them function. This long essay on electricity shows how electricity makes our lives easier and more comfortable. Earlier, if we relied on handmade fans to keep ourselves cool, we now have to simply tap on the switch to run our electric fans, pedestal fans or ceiling fans. Similarly, the old kerosene lamps are now replaced by modern lights and tubes that fill the whole place with light. In this manner, electricity has given us many comforts, and it is hard for us to imagine going back to living without it.

Nearly every aspect of human life has benefited from using electricity. Apart from simplifying our lives at home by inventing electrical appliances, electricity has enabled easy communication through the introduction of telephones and fax machines. Besides, its use is found in many industries and factories to run large machines. If electric trains took the place of steam engines in the transportation industry, new devices and instruments, like X-ray machines, scanning devices, ECG and such, have changed the way the medical industry operates. Thus, we can say that the unseen presence of electricity has filled our lives with hope and joy.

Ways to Save Electricity

We all know that we get electricity from coal and water. Coal and petroleum are non-renewable resources, and there is a limit to using them, as it would take enormous time to replenish these resources. Thus, it is important to use electricity productively. Give your children this free printable essay on electricity from BYJU’S so that they understand its significance.

In this save electricity essay, there are some effective tips to conserve energy. We often tend to switch on the lights even in broad daylight or use a fan when it is extremely cold. Such unnecessary use of electricity must be avoided as you can open your windows to let in light and wind. Limit the charging of your phones and laptops, and remember to unplug them after it is fully charged. Also, try to spend maximum time outdoors so that you can restrict the time of watching TV. Thus, by taking such simple measures, we can save electricity.

Found this essay interesting? You can access more essays similar to the essay on electricity, along with a range of kid-friendly learning resources, on BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

Explain how electricity is produced..

Electricity is mainly produced from non-renewable sources, like coal and petroleum. But nowadays, electricity is also generated from wind, flowing water, sun and tides to make electricity cheap and easily available.

What are the uses of electricity?

Electricity is widely used in homes, industries and factories. Inventions like fans, lights and other electrical devices, like washing machines, refrigerators, televisions, computers and grinders, work on electricity.

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    Paragraph on Save Electricity in 250 Words. Saving electricity is much like saving up pocket money - the more you do it, the more you have for other important things. Think of electricity as something that needs to be used wisely and not wasted. We use electricity for almost everything - from lighting our homes to powering our favorite gadgets.

  19. Energy Conservation Essay in English for Students

    Essay on Energy Conservation in 500 Words. ... There are numerous opportunities that we have to save precious energy daily. Big production facilities have the capital to install better energy-conserving appliances, whereas households can save it by switching theirs off. Our duty as moral citizens is to preserve these resources for future ...

  20. Essay on Save Electricity for Students in English [Easy Words*]

    January 25, 2021 by Sandeep. Save Electricity Essay: Electricity is the most basic service required by all of us in every sphere of life. All our amenities and services are entirely dependent on electricity for running smoothly. Our everyday lives would be unimaginable without electricity at the backdrop. We must conserve electricity because ...

  21. Save Electricity Essay

    Electricity is the best gift of science to mankind. This is the age of electricity. Electricity is a source of light, heat, and other comforts. Right from house lighting to the running of giant factories to streets and parks, it is the invisible current that makes these entities run. Electricity supplies all types of energy to man in order to ...

  22. Essay on Save Environment: Samples in 100, 200, 300 Words

    Essay on Save Environment in 300 Words. Our environment is a very precious thing which provides us with clean air, fresh water, fertile soil, and a diverse range of ecosystems that support countless species, including humans. However, our actions over the years have only shown that we aren't grateful. This has led to environmental degradation ...

  23. Essay on Electricity

    In this save electricity essay, there are some effective tips to conserve energy. We often tend to switch on the lights even in broad daylight or use a fan when it is extremely cold. Such unnecessary use of electricity must be avoided as you can open your windows to let in light and wind. Limit the charging of your phones and laptops, and ...