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What is a risk register: a project manager’s guide (and example)

What is a risk register?

Looking for tools to set your team up for success? A risk register can do just that.

A risk register is shared with project stakeholders to ensure information is stored in one accessible place. Since it’s usually up to project managers (we’re talking about you!), it’s a good idea to learn how and when to use a risk register so you’re prepared for your next project. 

What is a risk register?

A risk register is a document that is used as a risk management tool to identify potential setbacks within a project. This process aims to collectively identify, analyze, and solve risks before they become problems. While usually centered around projects, other circumstances where risk management is helpful include product launches and manufacturing. 

A risk register document, otherwise known as a risk register log, tracks potential risks specifically within a project. It also includes information about the priority of the risk and the likelihood of it happening. 

A project risk register should not only identify and analyze risks, but also provide tangible mitigation measures. This way, if the risk becomes a larger threat, your team is prepared with solutions and empowered to solve the issues. 

When should you use a risk register?

There are many instances when a risk register comes in handy. Ideally, it should be used—or available for use when needed—for every project. It can be used for both small and large projects, though your risk log may look different depending on the scope and complexity of your initiative. 

While a small project may only include basic information about the risk such as likelihood, priority, and solutions, a more complicated project may require around 10 different document fields. 

While some companies employ risk management professionals to manage a risk log, it often falls on the project manager or team lead to oversee it. If your team doesn’t already use a risk management or incident management process, it may be helpful to know common risk scenarios to decide whether a risk register is right for you and your team. 

Some risk scenarios ranked by priority could include:

Low priority: Risks such as lack of communication and scheduling errors can leave projects open to scope creep and missed deliverables. 

Medium priority: Risks such as unplanned or additional work can cause teams to struggle with productivity and create unclear objectives. 

High priority: Risks such as data security and theft can leave your company open to revenue loss and should be prioritized. 

Once you know when to use a risk register, you can properly define high priority risks when you come across them. 

Common risk scenarios

Multiple risks could arise during a new project. Anything from data security to unplanned work can risk projects going over budget and scope. Nobody wants to imagine the consequences of missed due dates, which is why it’s important to identify potential risks before they happen.

Common risk scenarios

It’s a good idea to include common risk categories in your risk register log so you’re prepared when they occur. Learn a little more about these risks and determine which ones could apply to your team. 

Data security 

If you’re working on projects that could affect data security, it’s extremely important to track and mitigate potential risks. Unmanaged risks could result in:

Information being stolen: Without proper mitigation, your business could become vulnerable to private information being stolen. This is especially harmful if it’s customer information being stolen.

Credit card fraud: This is dangerous for a number of reasons, but could result in a loss of revenue and potentially require legal action. 

Data security is a top risk and should be prioritized accordingly in order to prevent long-term security issues.  

Communication issues

Communication issues can arise no matter the size of your project and team. While a risk register can help identify where communication areas live, it can be helpful to also implement work management software to streamline communication at work .

Here are some risks that could arise from lack of communication:

Project inconsistencies: Without proper communication, inconsistencies in deliverables can cause confusion. 

Missed deadlines: No one wants to miss a deadline but without clear communication, your team may not be aware of due dates for deliverables. 

Creating a proper communication plan can also help prevent risks from surfacing in the first place. 

Scheduling delays

If scheduling errors and delays go unnoticed, they can become a big problem when deadlines are missed. Tools such as timelines and team calendar software can help prevent scheduling errors in the first place. 

Project scheduling delays could result in:

Rushed deliverables: There’s nothing worse than a project that hasn’t been properly executed, which can cause goals to be missed and work to appear sloppy.

Confusion: Teams can become overwhelmed and confused without a proper schedule in place. 

Implementing a schedule can help keep deliverables on track for both daily tasks and one-off projects. 

Unplanned work

We’ve all been in a situation where a project goes over scope. It’s a common risk that can be fairly easy to mitigate if tracked properly. Catching unplanned work early on allows you to properly delegate it to the project lead. 

Without a proper risk register, you could experience:

Missed deliverables: If work slips through the cracks, you may be at risk of missing a deadline altogether. 

Employee burnout: Overscheduling your team members with unplanned work can create tension and even cause overwork and burnout. That’s why it’s important to scope projects correctly. 

If you do run into issues with unplanned work, implementing a change control process can help communicate additional work to your team members.  

Theft of materials

While hopefully uncommon, businesses that have a large inventory of products could run the risk of theft or reporting errors. By tracking inventory consistently and frequently, you can catch risks early on to determine the cause.  

Theft can leave your business open to:

Loss of revenue: Whether products are being stolen or there are errors in reporting, theft will have a negative impact on revenue. 

Uncertainty: When theft happens, employee and business uncertainty can cause internal stress. 

Misuse of time: Along with theft of tangible goods, there’s a risk of time theft. In a remote working environment, it can be more difficult to track where your team is spending their time. 

Similar to data security, theft is a high-priority risk that should be handled as quickly as possible. 

What’s included in a risk register?

A risk register is made of a list of risks and tracking fields. Your team’s risk log will most likely look different than others as you’ll have unique risks associated with your projects. 

What's included in a risk register

No matter the differences, most risk registers are made up of a few essential parts, including risk identification, risk likelihood, and risk mitigation. These parts work to create a fluid log of information on potential risks. These logs are also helpful to look back on when working on new projects that could face similar risks. 

Additional fields that are good to include are details like risk identification, description, and priority. The more specific you get, the more likely you’ll be prepared to mitigate whatever risks come your way. 

A great rule of thumb to keep in mind is the more complicated the project is, the more intricate your risk register is likely to be. That means it’s a good idea to be as specific as possible within your log for large projects that span multiple months and have a number of different stakeholders. 

Here are some of the most important fields to include in your project risk management plan. 

1. Risk identification  

One of the first entries included in a risk register is the identification of the risk. This is usually in the form of a risk name or identification number. A risk identification field should include:

The risk name

The identification date

A subtitle if needed

You don’t need to get super creative when naming your risks, a simple summary will do. On the other hand, if you want to get creative, you can craft personas for each type of risk. For example, using the persona “Daniela” as your data security risk name to help team members understand how to quickly identify risks. 

Along with a name, you may also choose to include a short subtitle and the date of the risk identification. This will help track how long mitigation methods are taking and allow you to identify which risks are taking the longest to resolve. 

2. Risk description

After the identification is complete, a short description should be added to your log. A risk description should include:

A short, high-level overview of the risk

Why the risk is a potential issue

How long you choose to make your descriptions is up to how detailed you want your log to be, but the average length is typically 80 to 100 characters.

More importantly than the length, a description should include the key points of the risk and why it’s a potential issue. The main takeaway is that a description should accurately describe the risk without getting in the weeds so it can be easily identified. 

3. Risk category

There are a number of risk categories that help quickly identify the potential risk. Quickly identifying the risk makes it easier to assign to the correct team—especially when working on a complicated project with multiple risks. A risk category could be any of the following:



Project plan

To determine the category type, you’ll first need to evaluate where the risk is coming from and who can help solve it. You may need to work with department heads if the solution isn’t obvious. 

4. Risk likelihood

If risks are caught early enough, it’s possible the team will be able to sort them out before any real action is needed. So it’s possible that risks that are flagged on your risk register won’t actually become problems. 

The likelihood of a risk can be documented with a simple selection of: 

Not likely 

Very likely 

Categorizing your risks by likelihood can help identify which risks to tackle first and which you should wait on. 

5. Risk analysis

A risk analysis gauges the potential impact the risk could have on your project. This helps to quickly identify the most important risks to tackle. This is not to be confused with priority, which takes into account both likelihood and analysis. 

While teams document risk levels differently, you can start with this simple five-point scale:

If you’re struggling to identify the risk level, you may want to get a second opinion by working with a department head. This way you can accurately gauge how high the impact might be. 

6. Risk mitigation

A mitigation plan, also called a risk response plan, is one of the most important parts of a risk register. After all, the point of a risk management plan is to identify and mitigate possible risks. Basically, it’s an action plan. A risk mitigation plan should include:

A step-by-step solution on how to lessen the risk

A brief description of the intended outcome

How the plan will affect the impact 

While small risk assessments may be easy to mitigate, some risks are much more complex and don’t have obvious solutions. In this case, the mitigation plan will need a bit of teamwork to solve. This usually happens beyond the actual risk register document, such as during a meeting or team huddle. 

However you choose to conduct your mitigation plan, you should document a high-level description within the log for reference and clear communication. This will not only ensure everyone on the project team understands the response plans, but it will also help you visualize the solution. 

7. Risk priority 

While the impact of a risk will help determine priority, it’s good to also include this entry on your log. Priority should take into account both the likelihood of the risk and the risk analysis. Both of these aspects will make it clear which risks are likely to have harmful consequences on the project. 

Priority can be documented by a simple number scale:

If you’re looking to make your risk register more visually appealing, you may want to document priority by using a color-coded scale instead. This can be used in place of or alongside the three options. Love organizing by color? Then color-coding your log is the perfect option for you! 

8. Risk ownership

Once the risk has been identified, reviewed, and prioritized, it’s time to assign the mitigation deliverables to be implemented. Risk ownership should include:

The person assigned to oversee the implementation of deliverables

Any additional team members, if applicable

The risk ownership field can help quickly determine which department the risk should be handled by. It can also help visualize which team members have ownership of specific risks. 

9. Risk status

The last field to include in your risk register is the status of the risk. This helps communicate whether a risk has been successfully mitigated or not. A risk status field should be filled out with one of the following:

In progress

If you want to get more granular with your status options, you may choose a more specific list such as active, not started, hold, ongoing, and complete. 

Additional risk register fields

While there are a handful of main entries that every risk register should include, there are additional optional items you can include as well. It’s always better to over-prepare than be caught off guard when the time comes, so take a look at these additional fields to decide if you need them. 

Risk trigger: Adding a risk trigger entry can help you evaluate why the risk happened in order to prevent future risks. 

Response type: While many risks will be on the negative end of the spectrum, there is a possibility for a positive outcome. In this case, you can add a field for a positive or negative response. 

Timeline: You can also include the schedule or timeline of the mitigation plan within the log in order to keep information in one place. Timeline software is a great tool to help with this. 

How to create a risk register (with example)

A risk register contains a lot of information and can be challenging to create for the first time. While you may know what information you need to include, getting started can be difficult. That’s why we put together an example to help you get started on your own risk management plan. 

Here’s what your risk register log might look like:

[List View] Example risk register project in Asana

The key objective of a risk register is to log the information of potential risks, so don’t get too caught up in the details. You should choose the fields necessary to communicate potential risks to your team members. 

Some teams may only need a simple risk register with few fields, while others may need something more complex. It may be helpful to start simple and work your way up to a more complex log if needed.

Here’s an example of a risk register entry to get you started on your own risk log. 

Risk name: Design delay

Risk description: Design team is overbooked with work, which could result in a timeline delay. 

Risk category: Schedule

Risk likelihood: Likely

Risk analysis: Medium

Risk mitigation: Hire a freelancer to create project graphics. Move meetings from Kabir’s calendar during the week of 7/12 to free up time to edit graphics and send to Kat for final approval. 

Risk priority: 2

Risk ownership: Kat Mooney

Risk status: In progress

Once you get the hang of filling out your risk register, you can work to continuously improve and perfect your data log for future projects.   

Don’t risk your risk management plan

Identifying risks is a large part of any successful risk management strategy. While identifying and mitigating new risks isn’t always easy, it’s essential in order to keep your business on track for success. Once you nail down your risk register, project risks won’t seem as hard to manage. Plus, your team will have more time to spend on important things, like delivering impact. 

If you’re looking for additional resources on risk management, check out how to create a contingency plan to prevent business risks. 

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What Is a Risk Register & How to Create One


You’ll never be able to anticipate every risk event that could occur in a project, but by using a risk register, you’re prepared to respond quickly before project risks become real problems that sidetrack the whole project.

What Is a Risk Register?

A risk register, or risk log is a risk management tool that’s used to identify potential risks that could affect the execution of a project plan . While the risk register is mostly used during the execution of the project, it should be created during the project planning phase. It’s never too early to start thinking about risk analysis in your project and having a project risk register on hand and ready is essential in managing risk.

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Risk Register Template

Use this free Risk Tracking Template for Excel to manage your projects better.

A risk register is the first step in project risk management , and it’s an important part of any risk management framework. It helps project managers list risks, their priority level, mitigation strategies and the risk owner so everybody on the project team knows how to respond to project risk.

What Is the Purpose of a Risk Register?

If you know what risk management is, then you’ll know that the next step to managing risk is strategically working to control the potential issues that are most likely to occur when you’re managing a project. Therefore, you should have a risk analysis mechanism in place to collect potential risks and map out a path to mitigate risks and get the project back on track, should those risks become realities.

Having a risk log to track project risks , whether by a simple spreadsheet or as part of a more robust project management software solution, is a good idea to tackle in any project plan. There’s risk inherent in everything, and that’s especially true when managing a project with many moving parts.

Project management software can help you track risk better than a static spreadsheet. With ProjectManager you can make an online risk register where you can identify risks, calculate their impact and manage them with your team. With our Risk view, you can make a risk list and stay on top of all the risks within your project. Write a description, add tags, identify a resolution, mark impact and likelihood, even see a risk matrix—all in one place. Get started today with a free trial.

Risk register tool in ProjectManager

Risk Register vs. Risk Matrix

A risk register and a risk matrix are similar tools. Both assess the level of risk and are key to any contingency plan or risk management plan. But there are differences. For one, the risk matrix is a visual tool. It charts each risk and maps it on a grid.

The risk matrix measures the likelihood of the risk occurring, from rare to almost certain, and its severity, from insignificant to severe. It’s also color-coded to show the priority of each of the risks charted on the matrix.

A risk register also deals with the impact of risk on a project. However, it’s a spreadsheet, not a graphical representation of those risks. Therefore, it provides more detailed information, such as a description of the risk, the response and who’s responsible for identifying and mitigating that risk .

Free risk matrix template

Risk Register Example

Let’s get a better understanding of what a risk register does by making up a risk register example. Let’s say you’re Acme Manufacturing and you’re planning for a large run of widgets that need to be delivered to distributors by a certain date to reach your retailers and customers as expected. Here’s what a risk log example looks like. We used our free risk traking template for Excel to make this example. You can download one for free for your project.

The first step is identifying the risk. You’d give it an ID to make it easier to track. Let’s call this number one, which is equipment malfunction. The next item is describing its impact. If equipment goes down on the assembly line work stops. That impacts the schedule and even the viability of the entire project.

risk register example

To avoid this issue is to do periodic preventive maintenance, which reduces the likelihood of a breakdown. However, a malfunction is always a risk that might occur, even if the machinery is well-maintained. To mitigate this, you might have backup equipment to keep the assembly line running while the other equipment is being repaired. The risk level depends on the impact this risk might have on your project. The risks listed in this risk register example are high because they affect the project budget and schedule.

Next, is the owner of the risk. That could be John Smith, the mechanic, or Fred Jones, the employee who runs the machine. It could also be both, as Fred could identify the risk when it’s an issue and John is then called to repair the equipment.

If there’s anything that you’d like to add to the risk register, there’s a column for notes in our risk register template. This could be used to track the repair if the risk in fact occurs, or it could capture some other pertinent information not already covered in the risk register.

How to Use a Risk Register In Project Management

The first step in the risk management process is risk identification. Projects are all different, of course, but for organizations that run similar projects year after year, there might be historical data to review to help identify common risk categories for those types of projects.

Additionally, you can anticipate some project risks based on market forces (supply and demand risks, for example), based on common project management issues or even based on weather.

Collect the Project Risks

Collecting the possible risks that can show up when managing a project requires a systematic approach to make sure you’re as thorough as possible. The project risk register is a system, which can then track that risk if it in fact appears and then evaluate the actions you’ve set in place to resolve it.

When registering these risks on a risk log spreadsheet or within your project management software , you have a place to put this data and follow the specific risk event throughout the project, thereby seeing if the risk response actions you’ve put in place to remedy the risk are working. A risk tracking document keeps project risks on a tight leash to mitigate their impact so they don’t ruin your project.

Document the Project Risks

Documenting project risks using a risk register is vital to the success of any project. It gives you one place to identify the risk, note its history—from where it first occurred to where you finally resolve it—and even tag the risk to the person who identified it and manages it. On the risk log, you can note the risk score and how likely the risk will impact the project and so much more.

Free risk management plan template

Monitor the Project Risks

As mentioned, you can assign risks to your team members in your project risk register. That person then is responsible for monitoring the risk and leading any risk response actions required to mitigate the impact of that risk event or address it once it becomes an issue. By documenting this process in a project risk register, you’re less likely to lose track of project risks over the course of a busy project, which means the risks aren’t turning into real issues that can negatively impact the project budget or schedule and compromise the success of the project.

Resolve the Risks

Finally, when the project risk is resolved, you can close it. Nothing is better than checking off that risk in your risk log as no longer a problem in the project. If the risk event has been remedied, you don’t want to continue using resources on a problem that doesn’t exist. It simply gives you more control over your risk management plan and fosters better communication with your project team and stakeholders.

What Is Included in a Risk Register?

Risk registers vary depending on the organization and the project. However, most risk register templates share these commonly used elements:

  • Risk identification ID: A name or ID number to identify the risk.
  • Risk description: A brief explanation of the risk.
  • Risk breakdown structure: A risk breakdown structure is a chart that allows you to identify all your project risks and categorize them.
  • Risk categories: There are many risk categories that can impact a project such as a schedule, budget and technical and external risks.
  • Risk analysis: The purpose of risk analysis is to determine the probability and impact of a risk. You can either do a qualitative risk analysis or a quantitative risk analysis.
  • Risk probability: You’ll need to estimate the likelihood of each risk and assign a qualitative or quantitative value.
  • Risk priority: The risk priority is determined by assigning a risk score to each risk, which is obtained by multiplying the risk impact and probability values. If you’re using qualitative measurements, prioritize risks with the highest impact and highest probability.
  • Risk response: Each risk needs a risk response to mitigate its effect on your project. Those risk responses are also documented in a risk response plan.
  • Risk ownership: Each risk needs to be assigned to a team member who becomes a risk owner. The risk owner is responsible for deploying the appropriate response and supervising it.

How to Create a Risk Register

Let’s go through the steps to create a risk register so we can get the most out of this risk management tool.

1. Risk Identification

Get the project team together to brainstorm potential risks. Every team member is responsible for different areas of the project, so use their expertise to identify potential project-derailing risks. You’ll also want to speak with stakeholders to ensure you’ve brought their concerns to mind and are tracking their risks, too. Be sure to exhaust all risk categories of potential impact, from market forces to resources to the weather.

2. Describe Project Risks

The next thing you want to do is describe the project risk. Try to be as thorough as you can while keeping the description to the essentials. Having too vague a risk makes it a challenge to truly understand whether a risk has become a real issue. For example, don’t write, “the weather” for a risk contingent on the weather. Rather, go for something specifically related to your project, such as, “Monsoon season in India could cause shipping delays for copper which will impact the project schedule .”

As you identify and describe risk, ProjectManager will help you assign ownership to a team member, set the priority and attach any relevant files. Teams can collaborate, share the risk, add comments and tag people. Managers get visibility into the work and everyone is working on the same updated and life data.

Risk management in ProjectManager

3. Estimate Risk Impact

Include everything that the risk can influence, so you can develop a strong strategy to deal with it. For example, if layoffs have been rumored in your business sector regionally, identify the actual impact that might have on your project schedule if it came to pass. For example, “Projected layoffs in Southeast manufacturing could risk production schedules in June. This could delay the entire project execution by three months unless alternative production options are considered.” This tells the risk owner to investigate potential options for manufacturing facilities outside of that region, so a real risk management plan is in place.

4. Create a Risk Response Plan

This is the heavy lifting in the project risk register, so give it the time and effort necessary to complete it properly. You want to be thorough, but not excessive. Keep the risk response plan short and to the point. Do your research, so if the risk shows up in the project you can go right into action. Document all response plans and implementation strategies. If this requires a long document, add a link or add an attachment to the risk response plan document to point directly toward the planned response.

5. Prioritize Project Risks

Not all project risks are created equally. Some of them have a greater impact than others, so you have to decide which are going to move to the front of the line and which are okay to ignore if you don’t have the time and resources. Here you’ll determine the level of risk: high, medium or low. This way you can filter your register and prioritize accordingly.

6. Define Risk Owners

Finally, assign an owner to each risk. If you don’t have a risk owner for each and every potential risk, then you might not know about it until the impact of that risk is irreversible.

There’s one last column in your risk register, and that’s a place to collect any notes that don’t fit under the categories already discussed. It’s important to have a place to put these ideas so they don’t get lost in the endless churn of a project.

Using ProjectManager’s Risk Log Features to Track Risks

ProjectManager is an award-winning project management software with integrated risk-tracking features that allow you to list, manage and collaborate with ease. Once you’ve selected a certain risk, there’s a simple and fast way to edit every aspect of the risk, including its name, description, owner and its level of priority. Even better, you have the ability to add notes, files, images and other attachments to that specific project risk.

Risk register and risk management features in ProjectManager

Another powerful risk management features is our real-time dashboard. Our project dashboard gives you a snapshot of your project status and is ideal for catching risks before they become issues. This unique feature is valued by project managers all over the world, in major companies like Volvo, NASA and Bank of America.

ProjectManager is online project management software that offers a collaborative risk-tracking tool that gives you all the features you need to identify, track and resolve risks as they become issues in your project. Try it yourself and see how it can make managing risk and the whole project that much easier. Take our free 30-day trial today!

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Risk Register: Examples, Benefits, and Best Practices

A project's success or failure typically depends on your ability to manage obstacles that crop up. While you can’t always accurately predict what issues you may encounter, you can control your ability to anticipate potential risks and deal with them effectively.

Tools like risk registers give project managers something to help them mitigate risks that can and will arise during a project. When they come up, you can fix them and move on while experiencing minimal impacts.

What is a risk register?

A risk register, or risk log, is a document set up by project managers to identify and track risks capable of impacting a project. It’s one thing to be aware of problems that could throw your project off track. A risk register lets you put it all in black and white and outline potential solutions beforehand. If the issue appears, you have a contingency plan ready to execute and help you overcome the roadblock.

Using a risk register lets you establish a hierarchy of risks, starting with the most impactful. Your goal should be to have a path to mitigating those risks, reducing the harm they cause, or eliminating them. Your register should also outline what’s considered an acceptable level of risk and how you can set up insurance to help offset the impacts.

Download a free risk register template from HyperComply

Why are risk registers important.

Your risk register also helps you make critical decisions like delaying a project or dealing with a specific risk by pulling in additional resources. Projects tend to get bigger and more complex, making it harder to manage everything. If something gets missed because you don’t have a centralized location for risk tracking, you could make a critical mistake that derails your project.

Even risks that appear minor at the time can have an impact. For example, what happens if critical information gets stolen by a hacker or a new piece of legislation passes that impacts your project? It’s hard to think of an industry that wasn’t affected by supply chain issues last year. What happens if a critical component you rely on gets held up overseas?

Monitoring these problems in a risk register lets you identify issues early in the project. Something that might seem unlikely to occur at the beginning of the project could become a real possibility as time passes. If you’re tracking that risk, you can spot changes early and have a risk management plan ready. In this way, risk registers insulate your business from third-party risks and improve your security posture.

When should a risk register be used?

Risk registers are an integral part of risk management, and you should always have one for complex or critical projects. It’s also helpful to have someone positioned as a risk manager or coordinator for the team. They would be responsible for the upkeep of the risk register. However, for most companies, that role falls upon the project manager.

However, one person should never have to shoulder the responsibility of tracking all potential risks. Other project team members, like personnel from IT or legal, should offer input on risks that could occur and offer ideas on mitigation. Stakeholders or clients may have insights on certain risks that may not be evident to other project team members.

Industries that use risk registers

Every professional tasked with running a project can benefit from using a risk register. Below are some examples of how specific industries use them.

Risks in healthcare have the potential to impact not only a company’s bottom line but the patients' health. A risk register used in a healthcare setting might include the following concerns:

  • What might cause harm to staff
  • What might cause harm to patients
  • Potential litigation
  • Loss of services at a facility
  • Having personally identifiable information lost or stolen
  • Negative media coverage


If an unexpected risk arises on a construction project, it could impact your ability to complete the job safely and on time. The risk management process can help construction firms have a plan in place for issues like weather events that might slow down progress. Other risks you should include in your risk register created for a construction project include the following:

  • Construction crew's experience
  • Ability to implement safe working conditions
  • Cost of materials and equipment needed for the project
  • Ability to obtain materials necessary to complete construction
  • Availability of workers needed to finish a project

Risk management is a critical component of the finance industry. Here, financial institutions aim to ensure financial solvency so they aren't penalized for not following industry regulations. The type of risks captured for the finance industry can vary depending on your line of work but can include:

  • Operational expenses
  • Banking regulations
  • Potential for data theft
  • Customers taking their accounts to another financial firm
  • Market fluctuations

No line of work is immune to dealing with risk, including software development. What happens if you spend years developing new software, then have a competitor undercut you by bringing a cheaper version to market? Setting up a risk register template for software projects can help you avoid mistakes like incorrectly budgeting the project, leading to ballooning costs.

The project’s scope might also continuously expand until it barely resembles the original idea. Some other risks you should account for when it comes to software projects include:

  • Technical risks impacting code quality
  • Need for proper documentation
  • Having the right-sized team to handle the project
  • Lack of knowledge among current staff
  • Cost of bringing in personnel to finish a project
  • Slow adoption rates of finished product

The main goal of most consulting firms is to avoid making their clients unhappy. Risk registers help consultants anticipate issues that could cause dissatisfaction and complaints, including:

  • Making sure to have documented requirements outlining the client’s expectations
  • Assessing the quality of any sub-contractors or third parties used for the project
  • Determining if you will have the supplies needed to complete the project when you need them
  • Tracking how well you are doing in adhering to deadlines
  • Protecting data against internal or external theft

Components of a risk register

Risk register components capture the elements recorded by project managers when tracking potential issues. Below is an overview of the various components included in a standard risk register template, regardless of industry.

Risk identifier

The risk identification number organizes risks into specific categories to help project managers track identified risks and responses. You can use either numbers or letters based on what makes sense for the project’s structure. The risk identifier should help readers spot a risk quickly when working the risk register.

Description of the risk

This section gives a very brief description of why the risk is an issue. Your description can be as long as you like, but it's best not to get into too much detail here. Stick to the most important details and keep it high-level — just enough to give readers a better understanding of a project’s feasibility and potential returns.

Systems and processes involved

Detail the processes and systems impacted by the project. This should include the people and technology involved and explain how the risk occurs. An example might be tapping into a specific database for information to feed your workflows. You should anticipate risks like needing additional access to system resources, having them available when needed, and having someone on-hand to deal with any technical issues.

Risk category

Risk categories help you quickly identify possible risks. Using categories makes it easier to determine who should bear the responsibility of taking care of the item. That becomes doubly important when working on a large, complex project.

Likelihood of risk occurring

Flagging a risk early gives your project team enough time to mitigate the issue without taking further action. Catching threats early can stop them from becoming a problem that impacts your project deliverables. You can document the likelihood of a common risk occurring using labels similar to the ones below:

  • Very likely

Potential impact of the risk

Here, you capture the results of a risk analysis performed to capture how a risk could impact your project. That gives you a better sense of which risks to take on first. Come up with a point scale that makes sense for your team, like the example below:

  • Extremely low
  • Extremely high

Risk response

Your risk response, or risk mitigation plan, is essential to your risk register. Here, you define the steps involved in lowering the risk level, describing the intended outcome and how your plan will change the risk’s impact. More negligible risks can be easier to deal with versus complex items without clear solutions. Your risk log gives your team a point of reference to help with communication and devise ways to solve your problem: mitigate/Reduce, avoid, accept, or transfer the risk (with insurance).

Risk priority level

Risk priority differs from risk potential in that you’re evaluating both the likelihood of a risk occurring and the analysis performed. These aspects help clarify what risks are most likely to lead to adverse project outcomes. You can use a scale similar to the one used to define your risk likelihood.

  • 4 (Extremely High)

Owner of risk response

After capturing, reviewing, and prioritizing your risks, you need to assign each mitigation item to someone for implementation. Document the person designated to oversee the risk (the risk owner) and associated team members.

Risk status

Your risk status field communicates whether the person responsible for overseeing the mitigation achieved success. Flags you can use to indicate risk status include the following:

  • In progress

Risk register examples

Using a risk register might seem daunting if you’ve never set one up for projects. Below are some risk register templates for potential issues you can use to get started.

Example 1: Encryption data sent to third party

Risk Name: Data encryption

Risk Description: The IT team must develop a process to encrypt data flowing from and to a third-party system.

Risk Category: Cybersecurity

Risk Likelihood: Likely

Risk Analysis: High

Risk Mitigation: Budget hours for IT to write a specialized process for encrypting the information from our database and into the client’s platform.

Risk Priority: 3

Risk Ownership: George Michael

Risk Status: Open

Example #2: Website design deadline

Risk Name: Web designer availability

Risk Description: The web designer tasked with the website layout has been tapped for a different project with a conflicting deadline.

Risk Category: Scheduling

Risk Analysis: Medium

Risk Mitigation: See if another design team member can fill in or hire a contractor to complete the job.

Risk Priority: 2

Risk Ownership: Janet Goodman

Risk Status: In progress

Example #3: Incorrect Project Timeline Estimation

Risk Name: Project Deliverable Timeline

Risk Description: The timeline initially agreed upon for the project may need to be longer.

Risk Analysis: Extremely High

Risk Mitigation: Schedule a meeting with the stakeholders and executives to review the roadblocks keeping the team from delivering the project by the original deadline and coming up with a more feasible one.

Risk Priority: 1

Risk Ownership: Bill Baher

Risk Status: In Progress

Benefits of using a risk register

Let’s look at ways different industries can benefit from adopting the practice of relying on risk management templates for their projects.

Identifies patterns from threats

Maintaining a risk register helps you spot threats that could throw your project off track. As you monitor your register, you may begin to see trends. This can help your risk management team adjust your strategies and make necessary changes to address the risks, improving your security posture. 

Helps develop stronger risk mitigation strategies

Documenting risks helps you develop mitigation patterns capable of lowering the threat level they present to your project. You can outline what resources might be needed and have them in place if the threat becomes more tangible.

Instills greater confidence in risk response

A risk register puts you in a position to maintain a proactive stance versus always having to come up with ad-hoc solutions. Your team and stakeholders can feel more confident in your ability to manage issues that might crop up during the project.

Best practices for maintaining effective risk registers

Below are a few suggestions for creating a risk register that makes project management smoother and more efficient.

Update your risk register often

Your risk register should always reflect an accurate snapshot of what’s happening with your project. That only happens if you and your team regularly update the document. Revisit the project risk register continuously — even if you don’t need to change anything.

Set user access rights accordingly

Make sure that team members tasked with identifying and mitigating risks have access to view the risk log and make updates. 

Monitor third-party risk continuously

Keep up with any risks associated with working with third parties or systems during your project. Make sure you keep track of anyone who gets access to your risk register and remove their access once they no longer need it.

Adjust risk management techniques over time

A risk register is an important tool that risk management decision-makers use to track and communicate risk, but how you deal with risks will change as you get new input or work with different team members. Don’t be afraid to adjust and refine your risk register to accommodate the project’s needs. 

Manage and mitigate risk easily with HyperComply

Dealing with risk is an essential element of project management. Identifying potential problems early gives you time to develop mitigation strategies, and risk register templates that cover common risks can help simplify the process.

Risk registers are one critical aspect of an effective risk management strategy, but ensuring the security of your third-party vendors is another: if they're at risk, so are you. HyperComply streamlines security reviews with automation, helping your business speed up the due diligence process and confidently onboard new partners . 

Try out HyperComply today to see how our platform solidifies your company's cybersecurity.

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Risk Register

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Download our Risk Register PPT template to showcase that the risk register is one of those arsenals of project managers that they use to tackle multiple challenges and obstacles. You can also capitalize on this beautiful deck by presenting how this tool helps managers and leaders track and monitor the risks that might become a cause of interruption in their projects/tasks/activities. Risk managers can portray the best way to segregate multiple risks based on their severity to combat potential problems proactively. You can further display the need for a risk register, its main components, who create and handle it, and much more in a visually engaging manner.  

A Quick Glance at the PowerPoint Slides

  • A vast table infographic describes the main headings of a risk register and the aspects to be considered while segregating and tackling them.
  • Using another tabular graphic, you can illustrate a brief overview of the risks that appeared in the past, along with the detailed description, like the cause(s) of each risk, its impact, level, outcome, what it costs the organization, and the mitigation plan.

Spellbinding Features

  • The users don’t need to be technical experts or possess editing experience to make the visual elements in line with their objectives and requirements.
  • Our 24*7 available customer support executives are there to resolve all your concerns and queries.
  • By downloading the set once, you gain lifetime ownership and complete control.
  • All illustrations and icons can be projected to any screen size without hampering the optical resolution.

Download this exquisite PPT now to craft a unique presentation in no time!

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Lay your hands on our self-explanatory Risk Register PowerPoint template to explain a tool that helps project managers keep track and manage risks of different levels of impact.

Project managers and risk analysts can make use of these impactful PowerPoint slides to showcase different components of a risk register, such as risk name, cause, impact, likelihood, impact level, cost, outcome, and mitigation plan. You can conveniently use the provided text placeholders to enter your own textual information.

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EU 32 34 36 38 40 42
UK 4 6 8 10 12 14
US 0 2 4 6 8 10
Bust 79.5cm / 31" 82cm / 32" 84.5cm / 33" 89.5cm / 35" 94.5cm / 37" 99.5cm / 39"
Waist 61.5cm / 24" 64cm / 25" 66.5cm / 26" 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32"
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UK/US 34 36 38 40 42 44
Neck 37cm / 14.5" 38cm /15" 39.5cm / 15.5" 41cm / 16" 42cm / 16.5" 43cm / 17"
Chest 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38" 101.5cm / 40" 106.5cm / 42" 111.5cm / 44"
Waist 71.5cm / 28" 76.5cm / 30" 81.5cm / 32" 86.5cm / 34" 91.5cm / 36" 96.5cm / 38"
Seat 90cm / 35.4" 95cm / 37.4" 100cm / 39.4" 105cm / 41.3" 110cm / 43.3" 115cm / 45.3"

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What is a risk register and how to create one

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In today’s competitive environment, businesses must deliver products faster and more frequently to maintain an advantage. Executing multiple projects at once can increase risk factors, and identifying, monitoring, and mitigating these risks is critical to meeting your project goals and maintaining customer satisfaction. 

Managing risks, from identifying their potential impact to planning your response, can help keep projects moving forward rather than derailing progress. Successful businesses often rely on a risk register to identify, document, and address risks throughout the project lifecycle. This guide discusses what a risk register is, its basic components, and how to create one.

Get started with a free Confluence risk assessment matrix template .

What is a risk register for project management?

A risk register is a project management tool for evaluating, prioritizing, and addressing risks to projects across your business. It serves as a central repository for identifying risks so project managers and teams can effectively track and mitigate them. Understanding risks and their implications and priorities can help streamline workflows and ensure you keep your projects on track.

Tools that provide a connected workspace are the foundation for implementing an effective risk register. Confluence allows teams to create, edit, and share information in a central repository for an updated, single source of truth. With a risk register template, teams can get started quickly, develop mitigation plans, and track risks throughout the project lifecycle.

Key components of a risk register

Risks come in many forms, including data security, legal compliance, and supply chain issues. A risk register should consider all the potential risks your project may face, no matter what category they fall under.

There are four key components of a risk register:

  • Risk identification : Assigning an ID number and name helps track the risk throughout the project timeline . Adding a brief description of the risk keeps everyone on the same page when referencing or working on it.
  • Risk assessment : This includes analyzing the risk and assigning it to a category based on schedule, budget, or scope. Identify the likelihood of the risk and its outcome using qualitative impacts, such as customer satisfaction, or quantitative impacts, such as cost. These factors will help you prioritize the risk.
  • Risk response : Determine your response to the risk and document it in a risk response plan. Using a central repository such as Confluence for the response plan allows everyone to access and respond according to the plan.

Risk ownership : Assign a knowledgeable owner responsible for the overall risk, including the response plan.

When to use a risk register

It’s never too early to begin using a risk register. Teams often identify risks in the project planning and product discovery phases, which is an excellent time to start tracking, assessing, and strategizing how to address risks. Continue using the risk register throughout the project lifecycle.

Project changes are common, and reassessing risks and looking for new ones should be part of managing change. You should also include the risk register in standard project reviews with stakeholders to keep them informed.

Benefits of using risk registers

Understanding risks early, analyzing their impact, and creating a plan for addressing them can help keep your project on schedule and within budget. The following are some of the benefits of using a risk register.

Proactive risk management

Identifying every risk early might not be possible, but you can identify a large percentage through project collaboration . Teams that include risk identification in each phase of the product and project management lifecycles identify solutions early that they can build into the project plan.

Improved communication

A proactive risk management approach allows teams to coordinate early, understand the goal, and work together to mitigate risks. That way, when new risks arise, teams have a standard process for capturing, analyzing, assigning, and planning the response. Using collaborative tools such as Confluence provides a current source of truth about any risk at any time.

Enhanced decision making

The risk register provides project managers and stakeholders with clear information about each risk and its impact. It reduces or eliminates the guesswork. 

For example, a risk may seem like a high priority when you first identify it, but analysis may reveal that you can mitigate it quickly or easily. On the other hand, a risk that seems fairly low priority when you first identify it may become priority number one after the analysis. The risk register helps focus attention on the most important risks first.


Tools such as Confluence help teams collect and maintain all information related to the risk, such as severity, impacts, response plan, and the person responsible, in a single repository. This single source of truth ensures that teams work from the same understanding of the risk, no matter where they’re located or what team they’re on.


Assigning an owner to each risk in the register improves productivity by ensuring that the right people are working on the response plan. Scheduling, reviewing, and updating the risk register during project review meetings and throughout the project life cycle maintains a real-time snapshot of progress. It allows you to change priorities or adjust schedules as you resolve risks or new risks arise.

Task management software such as Jira can help track the progress of the work from identification to resolution.

Limitations of risk registers

A clear and easy-to-follow process can help overcome many of a risk register's limitations. However, identifying some risks, such as equipment malfunction, may be difficult, leading to gaps in the risk register.

Risks can evolve, and keeping the register current is important to ensure it reflects the latest information. Training team members on risk assessment, scoring or prioritizing, and providing complete and accurate data helps ensure the effectiveness of the risk register.

How to create a risk register

To create an effective risk register, use a standard process and provide training to the entire team. The following are steps to create and maintain the risk register.

Identify risks

Begin with a brainstorming session that involves the entire team. Different people bring varying perspectives and knowledge to areas others may not have insight into. 

For example, a developer may recognize compatibility issues that require additional software purchases, and finance may see budgetary risks associated with unexpected purchases. External partners may also have first-hand experience and can detail the risks they’ve encountered. During this step, collect as many different perspectives as possible.

Assess risks

Assess the risks using a standard scoring process. Apply the same standard to each risk, whether financial, technical, security, quality or another kind.

  • First, determine the probability of the risk occurring using a number scale for high, medium, and low.
  • Then, assess the potential impact on the project using the same number scale for high, medium, and low.
  • Finally, calculate the risk score by multiplying the probability by the impact.

You can quickly identify high probability/high impact risks by their score and prioritize them first.

Plan risk responses

Develop strategies to reduce the likelihood and impact of each risk. A collaborative team environment can help, as team members bring unique experiences and insights. Plan the specific actions to take if the risk materializes. 

Having an action plan in place allows the team to respond and resolve issues immediately if they materialize, allowing the project to continue. It also provides information for other team members, such as finance, early in the project.

Include high probability/high impact risks in your roadmap software tool to ensure all stakeholders are aware.

Assign risk ownership

Assign an owner who understands the risk's nature and impact in detail. This may be a developer with experience in cybersecurity or a partner relationship manager possessing experience working with suppliers. The owner is responsible for researching additional information or solutions, updating the risk register with new or changing information, and requesting additional resources if necessary.

Monitor and review risks

Keep the risk register updated regularly to ensure it correctly reflects changes to existing risks and progress on the planned actions and captures new risks. The project review meeting should include reviewing the risk register, but having a separate and regular risk register meeting is good practice. 

New risks arise and identified risks change throughout the project. Making the risk register meeting a standard part of the project management lifecycle , including updating Gantt charts and timelines, can reduce surprises and keep the project on track.

Using risk register templates

Using a risk register template allows teams to get started quickly identifying and tracking risks. Confluence risk register template helps teams collect the necessary information, determine the severity and impact, and document the mitigation plan in case the risk becomes a reality. The template you choose should allow you to collaborate in a connected environment and provide the basic building blocks for tracking risks throughout the project lifecycle. With shared information, when risks require action, everyone on the team is aware of the plan and can immediately get to work.

Assess your risk with Confluence for a smoother project journey

What you don’t know, can hurt you. Understanding your project risks and preparing mitigation plans before they arise can make the difference in keeping your project on schedule, ensuring product quality, and maintaining your budget. 

Confluence organizes knowledge across teams, projects, and goals, bringing order to chaos. It allows you to find what you want, and discover what you need. With company-wide and project-related knowledge in a centralized place, surfacing important information has never been easier. Collaboration through real-time editing and inline comments allows the entire team to maintain velocity and move the business forward, as well as easily share information with the broader organization. 

The Confluence risk assessment matrix template helps fast-track the process. It walks you through identifying and assessing risks, developing a planned approach, documenting ownership, and tracking changes. Get started for free.

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5 Examples of Risk Matrix PowerPoint Visualization


  • February 19, 2018
  • PowerPoint templates for download , Project Management & Scrum presentations , Strategy Management presentations

Last Updated on June 28, 2024 by Barbara

One way to perform and document a risk analysis and assessment is using the risk matrix diagram. This simple visualization matrix is a management method that helps you present possible risks, and define the risk levels. As a result, you can support management decision-making and plan activities to mitigate those risks.

Explore our Business Performance PPT Reports category on the website for more resources to boost your presentation impact.

If you don’t invest in risk management, it doesn’t matter what business you’re in, it’s a risky business. Gary Cohn

Risk Matrix analysis can be easily visualized in a PowerPoint presentation. Your presentation will look more creative if you use a consistent and clear risk matrix diagram for visualization of the new company’s competitors or changes in government policy.

Remark: You can get all presented icons and slide examples in the Risk Matrix Diagram PPT set .

This visual framework is part of other management strategy tools such as SWOT, Porter Forces, and PEST. You may check this article “ 7 Visual Frameworks for Strategy Analysis Presentation ” for more examples.

Why use a Risk Matrix?

The purpose of risk management is to anticipate and control risks so as to minimize their threats and maximize their potential. The risk matrix diagram will help you to create a memorable presentation of those risks. Using a diagram illustration you can visualize with colors all risk categories and focus attention on the main subject. Risk Matrix graphics can be handy presenters who need to show risk assessment or different states of consequence process.

In this blog, we propose examples of creating and presenting risk matrix diagrams , which will help you to make the possible risks visible.

You’ll find a few variations of showing the Risk Matrix Diagram on the slide:

  • showing risk types in the form of a list
  • illustrating levels of probability and impact
  • presenting probability and severity risk levels
  • creating a risk matrix with a place for notes

Let’s start our journey over the Risk Matrix Diagram illustrations examples. See how you can show it creatively so that your audience will be focused on your presentation.

#1: Presenting Types of Risk with Creative Bullet Points

In the beginning, you may want to introduce types of risk:

  • Economic risk
  • Social risk
  • Risk related to the use of various technological advancements
  • Risk related to natural forces, so unpredictable sometimes
  • Political risks covering country leaders’ actions, various lobbying on a government level, federal agencies regulations, etc.

risk matrix ppt list colorful agenda

But instead of putting those risks as a standard bullet point list, consider the example below: The first and easiest way to show various types of risk – use a simple list. This diagram includes all kinds of risks, illustrated with icons and colors. The icons for each stage will help your listeners to focus their attention on one or another point.

 #2: Illustrating Risk Probability and Impact

risk matrix diagram ppt

The next example is a typical risk matrix diagram, consisting of 4 parts. Each of them includes an eye-catching icon, therefore it can be employed for any audience: starting from students to your business partners.

#3: Adding Description to Risk Matrix

This type of risk matrix slide includes a place for the description of each point of risk. The advantage of this diagram is various symbols that illustrate emotions, so you can easily show risk analysis results.

#4: Showing Risk Probability and Severity Levels

risk matrix probability severity level hand drawn icons

This full-slide risk matrix diagram will help you to conduct a detailed analysis. You can identify your severity and probability risks. A colorful matrix will help you show all levels of risk:  low, medium, and high. With such a diagram template, you can easily illustrate the most dangerous risks and keep listeners attention on it.

#5: Creating Risk Matrix in Minimalist Style

If you like minimalism in your slides, then you can choose such type of risk matrix: white rectangles with colored outlines and simple icons.

Recap of four presented Risk Matrix visualizations

We presented here a bunch of ideas on how you can talk about risk without boring your audience with text-only slides. Get inspired by the examples we mentioned:

  • agenda for showing all types of risk
  • diagram with a minimalist style with the icons of emotions
  • showing risk severity and probability in a big matrix with hand-drawn symbols
  • templates for illustrating risk probability and impact

Why use diagrams for the risk matrix concept?

A risk matrix diagram is a simple mechanism to increase the visibility of risks. It is a basic management tool that is useful for strategic planning. Risk provides the objective metric to help the decision-making process. That’s why the risk matrix has been widely adopted by many businesses. The risk matrix diagram focuses on the highest-priority risks and presents complex risk data in a visual chart. 

What’s inside the Risk Matrix Template collection?

We created a collection of risk matrix diagrams in various versions and added iconic symbols for 5 types of risk. All icons are fully editable, so you can change their color and resize them without losing the image quality.

The slide set contains:

13 Matrix PPT Slide Layouts for Two-Dimensional Risk Assessment:

  • Explanation of the risk matrix concept.
  • Diagrams for 2×2, 3×3, and 5×5 matrices with description areas.
  • 30 icons for various 5 types of risk, risk severity, and risk probability levels, in flat and handwritten styles.

All examples above are part of the infoDiagram PowerPoint Diagrams collection. It contains vector graphics that can be easily edited and added to other presentations:

Explore our YouTube channel for more creative ideas:



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How to Build and Maintain a Risk Register (Plus Examples & a Risk Register Template)

Hyperproof Team

Last Updated on: Oct 18, 2023 | 18 Minute Read

Best guide to building a risk register

As security, compliance, and risk management professionals, we know that cyber-attacks are increasing in frequency, severity, and creativity. We’re working hard every day to ensure that cybersecurity risk receives adequate attention in our organizations. 

Yet, many management teams and boards still struggle to grasp the extent to which cyber risks can impact organizational objectives. Many organizations have struggled with integrating cyber-security risk into an overall enterprise risk management (ERM) program .

What cybersecurity data should be collected? What sort of analysis should be performed? How should one consolidate cybersecurity risk information into an overall program? 

To answer these questions, and to help security professionals communicate the value of preventative security to their management teams, NIST recently released a document titled “ Integrating Cybersecurity and Enterprise Risk Management ” (NISTIR 8286). The focal point of this guidance is centered on the usage of a risk register – described as a “repository of risk information” — to effectively integrate cybersecurity risk management into an overall ERM program. 

So, what exactly is a risk register, what information should be tracked in it, and what are the strategic benefits of keeping your risk register up-to-date? That’s what we’ll dive into in the rest of this article.

vector image illustrating governance, risk, and compliance

What is a Risk Register? 

A risk register is an information repository an organization creates to document the risks they face and the responses they’re taking to address the risks. At a minimum, each risk documented in the risk register should contain a description of a particular risk, the likelihood of it happening, its potential impact from a cost standpoint, how it ranks overall in priority relevant to all other risks, the response, and who owns the risk.

Why is a risk register important?

All types of organizations face a broad array of risks, including cybersecurity, financial, legal, operational, privacy, reputational, safety, strategic, and supply chain risks. It can be difficult to know what risks matter the most and ensure that certain risks such as cybersecurity risks and supply chain risks have adequate attention. 

Risk registers are useful information gathering constructs: They help senior leaders and operators see the full spectrum of their organization’s significant risks and understand how to best manage the risks in order to achieve organizational objectives. Thus, any organization that wants to maintain a robust risk management process should not skip the important step of creating a risk register. 

A risk register can be integrated into any risk management methodology your organization uses. Many resources — such as well-known frameworks from the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations (COSO), Office of Management and Budget (OMB) circulars, and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) — document Enterprise Risk Management frameworks and processes. 

These different resources outline similar approaches: Identify context, identify risks, analyze risk, estimate risk importance, determine and execute the risk response, and identify and respond to changes over time. The risk register is a critical tool organizations should use to track and communicate risk information for all of these steps throughout the enterprise. It serves as a key input for risk management decision-makers to consider. 

NIST’s latest risk document, “ Integrating Cybersecurity and Enterprise Risk Management ” was born from their observation that most organizations do not assess or measure cybersecurity risk with the same rigor or consistent methods as other types of risks. 

NIST wanted to help public and private sector organizations uplevel the quality of cyber risk information they collect and provide to their management teams and decision-makers. In turn, this practice would support better cybersecurity management at the enterprise level and support the firm’s core objectives

Understand the critical steps your organization needs to take to effectively manage cyber risk

Read Article ›

presentation on risk register

Evaluate Risks by Identifying Threats and Opportunities

For many, the term risks conjures up the idea of terrible events like data breaches, service disruptions, ransomware attacks, and natural disasters. Yet, NIST recommends that organizations take a balanced view when evaluating risks, encouraging cybersecurity and risk professionals to identify “all sources of uncertainty — both positive (opportunities) and negative (threats)” in their risk registers. 

For instance, launching a new online service provides an opportunity for a company to innovate and improve its revenues. Thus the leadership team may direct the organization to take a little more risk. This way, senior leaders can set the risk appetite and tolerance with threats and opportunities in mind.

When cybersecurity opportunities are included in a risk register, NIST recommends updating the risk response column using one of the following response types and describes the meaning of each: 

  • Realize : Eliminate uncertainty to make sure the opportunity is actualized 
  • Share : Allocate ownership to another party that is better able to capture the opportunity 
  • Enhance : Increase the probability and positive impact of an opportunity 
  • Accept : Take advantage of an opportunity if it happens to present itself 

NIST said the comment field of the risk register should be updated to include information “pertinent to the opportunity and to the residual risk uncertainty of not realizing the opportunity.” 

Additionally, each risk filed into a risk register should, at a minimum, contain the following information: 

  • A description of the risk
  • The impact to the business if the risk should occur (e.g. costs), 
  • The probability of its occurrence
  • The risk owner(s)
  • How it ranks overall relative to all other risks
  • The risk response. 

NIST noted that companies can add more data fields as they see fit, but each risk register should evolve as changes in current and future risks occur.

Need help getting started with a risk register?

Download Hyperproof’s Risk Register Template ›

presentation on risk register

How to Maintain a Risk Register

When you maintain detailed cybersecurity risk information in your risk register, you’re able to manage your cyber risks in a more strategic way, focus on the right areas given limited resources, and secure additional resources because your leadership team will start to understand the value of preventative security. 

Here are the key benefits of putting cyber security risks into a risk register:  

1. Once information is entered into a risk register, you can start to identify patterns from threats and system failures that result in adverse impacts. 

2. By committing to using a risk register, you have to go through a process of gathering all relevant parties and agreeing on a common scale for measuring risks across various business units (e.g. making sure everyone knows when to use a “high-risk exposure” vs. a “moderate risk exposure”). By normalizing the tracking of risk information across different units, you will provide senior leaders with more relevant information that will help them prioritize risk response activities.  

3. Company leaders will have greater confidence in the risk response choices they make because the responses will be informed by the right context, including detailed risk information, enterprise objectives, and budgetary guidance. 

4. A risk register forces risk owners to write down accurate risk responses for risks they “own”. To do so, risk owners will need to verify whether risks are mitigated to the extent they believe they’d done : Check whether certain policies are up-to-date and whether existing controls intended to mitigate threats are working as designed. Risk owners will talk to their compliance team or internal audit team to understand where risk management activities and compliance activities already intersect. These steps are important because they ultimately help decision-makers understand their potential exposure for achieving strategic operations, reporting, and compliance objectives.   

5. Maintaining a risk register makes it possible to produce enterprise-level risk disclosures for required filings and hearings or for formal reports as required, should your organization experience a significant incident.

Risk Register data analytics

What Data Should Go Into a Risk Register?  

At a minimum, each risk filed into a risk register should contain a description of the risk, the impact to the business if the risk should occur (e.g. costs), the probability of its occurrence, the risk owner(s), how it ranks overall relative to all other risks, and the risk response. 

NIST noted that companies can add more data fields as they see fit, but each risk register should evolve as changes in current and future risks occur. 

Here’s exactly what NIST provided in its document “ Integrating Cybersecurity and Enterprise Risk Management ”.

ID (risk identifier) A sequential numeric identifier for referring to risk in the risk register 
Priority A relative indicator of the criticality of this entry in the risk register, either expressed in ordinal value (e.g., 1, 2, 3) or in reference to a given scale (e.g. high, moderate, low) 
Risk description A brief explanation of the cybersecurity risk scenario (potentially) impacting the organization and enterprise. Risk descriptions are often written in a cause and effect format, such as “if X occurs, then Y happens” 
Current Assessment –Likelihood An estimation of the probability, before any risk response, that this scenario will occur.  The first iteration of the risk cycle may also be considered the initial assessment. 
Current Assessment — impact Analysis of the potential benefits or consequences that might result from this scenario if no additional response is provided. The first iteration of the risk cycle may also be considered the initial assessment. 
Current Assessment – Exposure Rating A calculation of the probability of risk exposure based on the likelihood estimate and the determined benefits or consequences of the risk. Other common frameworks use different terms for this combination, such as e.g., ISO 31000, NIST SP 800-300 Rev. 1). The first iteration of the risk cycle may also be considered the initial assessment. 
Risk Response Type The risk response (sometimes referred to as the risk treatment) for handling the identified risk. See next table 
Risk Response Description A brief description of the risk response. For example, “Implement software management application XYZ to ensure that software platforms and applications are inventoried,” or “Develop and implement a process to ensure the timely receipt of threat intelligence from [name of specific information sharing forums and sources.]
Risk Owner The designated party is responsible and accountable for ensuring that the risk is maintained in accordance with enterprise requirements. The Risk Owner may work with a designated Risk Manager who is responsible for managing and monitoring the selected risk response 
Status A field for tracking the current condition of the risk. 

See how to conduct a security risk assessment

presentation on risk register

Risk Response Types

Accept Accept cybersecurity risk within risk tolerance levels. No additional risk response action is needed except for monitoring.
TransferFor cybersecurity risks that fall outside of tolerance levels, reduce them to an acceptable level by sharing a portion of the consequences with another party (e.g., cybersecurity insurance). While some of the financial consequences may be transferable, there are often consequences that cannot be transferred, like loss of customer trust.
Mitigate Apply actions that reduce the threats, vulnerabilities, and impacts of a given risk to an acceptable level. Responses could include those that help prevent a loss (i.e., reducing the probability of occurrence or the likelihood that a threat event materializes or succeeds) or that help limit such a loss by decreasing the amount of damage and liability.
AvoidApply responses to ensure that the risk does not occur. Avoiding risk may be the best option if there is not a cost-effective method for reducing the cybersecurity risk to an acceptable level. The cost of the lost opportunity associated with such a decision should be considered as well.

You can download our free risk register template for Excel . It’s a starting point for building out your own risk register.

building out your own risk register template

The Case for Using Multiple Risk Registers

In Hyperproof, organizations can set up multiple risk registers to track different types of risks and customize the scales/risk scoring for each risk register. Companies might want to do this for several reasons: each department has different needs or considerations. For instance, IT focuses on IT assets, and Accounting focuses on sensitive information. Manufacturing focuses on processes and physical risks. Each of these departments might want its own risk register for tracking company risks at a more granular level.

The most common use cases to use multiple risk registers are to sort them by:

  • High/strategic risks vs. low operational risks
  • Corporate/strategic risks vs. domains/departmental risks
  • Corporate/parent company risks vs. subsidiary risks

A few less common use cases for leveraging multiple risk registers include:

  • Risk intake & filtering
  • Tracking items (e.g., vulnerabilities) related to risks
  • Upgrading/changing process (adding a new risk register for a new process)

A vector drawing of a risk registry calendar

The Benefits of Maintaining Robust Cybersecurity Risk Data

2. By committing to using a risk register, you have to go through a process of gathering all relevant parties and agreeing on a standard scale for measuring risks across various business units (e.g. making sure everyone knows when to use a “high-risk exposure” vs. a “moderate risk exposure”). By normalizing the tracking of risk information across different units, you will provide senior leaders with more relevant information that will help them prioritize risk response activities.  

3. Company leaders will have greater confidence in their risk response choices because the responses will be informed by the proper context, including detailed risk information, enterprise objectives, and budgetary guidance. 

4. A risk register forces risk owners to write down accurate risk responses for risks they “own.”. To do so, risk owners must verify whether risks are mitigated to the extent they believe they’d done : Check whether specific policies are up-to-date and whether existing controls intended to mitigate threats are working as designed. Risk owners will talk to their compliance or internal audit teams to understand where risk management and compliance activities intersect. These steps are necessary because they ultimately help decision-makers understand their potential exposure for achieving strategic, operations, reporting, and compliance objectives.  

5. Maintaining a risk register makes it possible to produce enterprise-level risk disclosures for required filings and hearings or for formal reports as required, should your organization experience a significant incident. 

Continuous Monitoring Is Critical

Risks and threat vectors can change in a matter of minutes. Thus, it’s essential to keep an eye on your risks at all times. NIST’s latest guidance emphasizes the importance of continuous monitoring. It outlines several ways to monitor risks on an ongoing basis, including:

  • Setting up positive KPIs, such as the number of critical business systems that include strong authentication protections 
  • Setting up negative KPIs, such as the number of severe customer disruptions in the last 90 days 
  • Teaching employees about the types of cybersecurity risk issues most likely to occur within the organization
  • Showing employees how they can alert key personnel to cybersecurity risk issues before they become significant
  • Conduct risk response exercises to train employees in recognizing, reporting, and responding to cybersecurity incidents

If senior management and risk professionals take just one message from NIST’s guidance, it is this: If cybersecurity risks are to be truly understood by senior management, cyber security risk cannot be tracked in a vacuum but rather must be tracked in an enterprise-wide risk register. This ensures all decisions made by company leaders are weighed against the firm’s risk appetite and risk tolerance and that limited resources are put in the right places to support business objectives. 

Coworkers coming together to weigh risk appetite and risk tolerance

Move Past the Limitations of Spreadsheets

In our annual IT Compliance Benchmark Report we surveyed risk management, compliance, and security assurance professionals to understand their cybersecurity risk management processes, practices, and tech stack. In 2023, 10% of respondents said they use spreadsheets to manage their IT compliance vs. 43% in 2022.

In a positive trend, using spreadsheets to track risks is becoming less widespread, as using spreadsheets actually does more harm than good. In addition to other limitations, spreadsheets are not databases; they have no data integrity or referential integrity, and they provide no way to create and maintain relationships between data in other files, such as documentation of controls designed to ensure you meet regulatory requirements. Their data analysis and reporting capabilities are quite limited, and they do not generate the reports organizations need for IT compliance audits.

Instead, you’ll be much better off by maintaining a risk register in purpose-built software, such as Hyperproof. 

Hyperproof: Intuitive Risk Register Software

Hyperproof’s risk register

Purpose-built risk register software makes it easy for risk owners to document everything that should go into a risk register, make updates to risks on the fly, visualize changes to risks, and communicate risk information to leadership teams. 

Hyperproof offers a secure, intuitive risk register for everyone in your organization. With the application, risk owners from all functions and business units can document risks and treatment plans. You can link risk to control and gauge how much a specific risk has been mitigated by an existing control versus the residual risk that remains. With this clarity, your risk management , security assurance, and compliance teams can focus their energy on the risks you need to worry about.

Further, organizations using Hyperproof are able to save time and money by avoiding a common and expensive practice: Creating duplicative controls. Most organizations treat their risk reduction and compliance efforts as separate workstreams; separate teams typically initiate activities in response to individual events. 

Because Hyperproof offers a compliance operations platform that allows you to get all compliance work done efficiently and keeps all records, if you use Hyperproof’s risk module and the compliance operations platform, you can tie a control to risk and a compliance requirement.

A screen shot of Hyperproof's risk register module. Here you can see how much customization can be utilized when defining risks.

When you know that control that’s already there for meeting a cybersecurity framework’s requirement is the same control that would mitigate a certain risk in your risk register, you’ll avoid creating a redundant control in response to that risk. This means you’ll work less on controls testing, maintenance, and collecting evidence for internal and external IT compliance audits.

Last but not least, with Hyperproof’s dashboard, you can see how your risks change over time, identify which risks and controls to pay attention to at a given moment, and effectively communicate the potential exposure for achieving strategic operations, reporting, and compliance objectives to your executives. 

To see how Hyperproof can help your organization manage risks better and get work done more efficiently, sign up for a personalized demo . 

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Hyperproof is a SaaS platform that empowers compliance, risk, and security teams to scale their workflows. With Hyperproof, teams can continuously manage organizational risks and their ever-growing workloads in one seamless platform without the burden of jumping between multiple legacy platforms and spreadsheets. Hyperproof is trusted by leading organizations like Instacart, Fortinet, Motorola, Blackberry, and 3M. To learn more about Hyperproof, visit https://hyperproof.io


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Risk Register Template

presentation on risk register

A risk register template is a table powerpoint design that shows probable risks in a project. Project managers should have a risk register matrix for showcasing threats and hazard elements in a project. It helps project managers to track and monitor any challenges and obstacles that might impact their projects. Risk management is essential to project management because it proactively reduces potential problems or setbacks. The risk matrix powerpoint is a clean and professional table diagram for project meeting presentations. The readymade design includes a set of concepts, columns, and rows with color codes to aid the audience in visualizing the data and relevant information. In this risk register design, eight columns represent eight elements that must be put in a risk register. This column addresses ID, Date, Risk description, Likelihood, Impact, Severity, Owner, and Mitigating action. The high, low, and medium columns are colored with red, green, and yellow tints.

A project risk register template for a powerpoint presentation can be used to show the purpose of the risk register in project management. The risk register will help identify, follow, and track potential project risks. For example, data security risks, legal risks, catastrophic events, supply chain disruption, and schedule risks could be displayed in the risk management matrix template. Risk managers and risk coordinators are responsible for producing a risk register. So they can visually depict the risks before their stakeholders and employees using the risk register matrix diagram.

The project risk register powerpoint template is a pre-made editable table that allows inserting your risk elements with a simple layout. It enables discussing project plans, analysis, execution, and progress. The columns and categories are to help you make it easier to monitor risks and understand the way of impact. The risk register ppt template best uses rows and columns for quantitative and qualitative risk registering. The table design can be customized using PowerPoint, Keynote, and Google Slides.

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11 ways to present top risks to the board

Kin Ly

When approaching the challenge of risk reporting, there are a number of key questions risk leaders may want to ask themselves: how do you present top risks to the board, what’s the best way of engaging with them, and what information do they need to know?

These questions have been at the centre of risk reporting discussions held by our network of risk managers, who regularly interact with each other about the challenges they face when trying to communicate with different levels of the business about the risks they face.

Create standout risk reports

To summarise the range of practical insights exchanged by Risk Leadership Network members about their experiences reporting on risks to the board, we have highlighted 11 key pieces of advice below.

1. Most boards like it to the point

Know your board members and be aware of how knowledgeable they are about risk-related matters. Do they have a lot of knowledge or not? Are they especially into risk? This may impact how you report to them.

2. Mitigate the need for detail

Organising pre-meetings with board members who want to receive a more detailed overview of the risks facing the business can help you mitigate the effect of their influence.

The risk report should be a catalyst for an informed discussion on risk, as opposed to a simple box-ticking exercise that just creates administrative burden for board members.

3. Get feedback

Get feedback from the board and CEO on what they are looking for.

Depending on the business and its reporting structure, this may not always be possible, so focus instead on what is most important for the board:

  • What risk information will help them execute their current strategy?
  • What assurance can you give them about the control environment of key risks?
  • Check the information you are presenting against the question that the board will inevitably ask: so what?

4. Focus on KRIs

A risk report focused on high-level aggregated KRIs and appetite can give the board a better view of which risks and opportunities the company should focus on right now.

5. Include emerging risks

Include emerging risks and horizon scanning findings. This can provide an insight into which direction the organisation should be looking at, as well as helping the risk team to apply a strategic lens to the business' key risks and opportunities.

Risk Reporting Self Assessment

6. Don’t focus on long-term risks

The biggest and most important risks to a company will often be those long-term threats and opportunities that the board are aware of; hence the same risks could be presented over and over again. Unsurprisingly, the board will not need (nor want) to hear about these repeatedly.

7. Highlight risks you want the board to consider

Highlight the risks you want the board to discuss and those you need guidance on.

These could be:

  • New and emerging risks, or risks related to new strategies
  • Ways to enhance your risk management maturity or simplify your current approach
  • Risk appetite/risk tolerance
  • Whatever you believe would be relevant for them and helpful for management/you.

8. Talk in plain English

The board will want to talk about the business in plain English – without reference to special risk techniques, templates or terminology.

Ultimately, if you can tell them something they didn't know, then you've already added value.

Take two or three risk topics they intuitively understand, bring in the risk owner, and try to frame the risk as a problem statement with a clear gap, while referring to a few internal data points or facts that they may not be aware of.

This tends to result in lively discussion, a focus on practical actions and an ongoing review of progress.

9. Break up the discussion into manageable pieces

Break up any prolonged interaction and discussions with the board into manageable pieces that are very focused on the purpose of the session.

10. Strike a balance

Regular reporting needs to strike a balance between qualitative and quantitative, historic and forward-looking, summary and detailed, financial and non-financial risks.

Deep dives should be called out separately to regular reporting.

Likewise, more strategic sessions should focus on a much longer time horizon and focus and strategic risks.

11. Use visuals

Boards (and risk and audit committees) prefer visual presentations of top risks. Risk dashboards, highlighting key actions to be taken or already in place, are a good start.

Actions and decisions should come out of these meetings.


Are you an in-house risk leader who would benefit from collaborating with a global network of senior risk professionals? All our collaborations are bespoke and tailored to our members needs - so let us know what your risk reporting priorities are , and we'll look for an appropriate opportunity. 

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Download Free Risk Register Templates

By Kate Eby | September 20, 2018

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This article provides free, customizable risk register templates and forms in Excel, Word, and PDF formats. Learn what to include and how to identify and track risk to ensure successful project completion.

Simple Safety Risk Register Template

Simple Safety Risk Register Template

Download Simple Safety Risk Register Template - Excel

Use this basic risk register template to evaluate safety risks, calculate the priority based on probability and potential impact, make notes on mitigation strategies, and assign the risk to a team member.

See how Smartsheet can help you be more effective

presentation on risk register

Watch the demo to see how you can more effectively manage your team, projects, and processes with real-time work management in Smartsheet.

Watch a free demo

Simple Business Risk Register Template

Simple Business Risk Register Template

Download Simple Business Risk Register Template

Excel | Smartsheet

Use this basic risk register template to evaluate risks to your business, calculate the priority based on probability and potential impact, make notes on mitigation strategies, and assign it to a team member to manage.

Risk Register Template

Risk Register Template

Download Risk Register Template

Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet

Use this preformatted, customizable risk register template to create a targeted action plan to identify and mitigate risks as they arise. With space to document risk descriptions, risk owners, triggers, probability, and response plan, you can easily create a strategic plan before a project’s timelines, budgets, or resources are derailed.

Project Risk Register Template

Project Risk Register Template

Download Project Risk Register Template

Use this project risk register template as a master document to outline all potential project risks.The template includes spaces for risk category, identification date, potential project impacts, and possible mitigation strategies. Similar to the risk register template, you can leverage this comprehensive template to detail the risks involved with every phase of your project and update it regularly to maintain visibility with team members and key stakeholders. Easily identify and mitigate risks associated with your projects before they seriously impact your deadlines — and your bottom line — with this customizable template.

Data Risk Register Template

Data Risk Register Template

Download Data Risk Register Template - Excel

Keeping data accessible and relevant is a priority for nearly every company today. Use this template to follow risks to your data, including data compliance, data corruption, and loss of data due to failures.

For data security-related risk tracking, check out the Data Protection Risk Register template below.

Agile Risk Register Template for Information Technology

Agile Risk Register Template

Download Agile Risk Register Template - Excel

The Agile methodology presents a unique set of challenges, due to its short cycles and  self-organizing, cross-functional nature. Agile has its roots in software development and information technology — use this template to track risks during the Agile process.

Internal Audit Risk Register Template

Internal Audit Risk Register Template

Download Internal Audit Risk Register Template - Excel

An auditor can use this template to evaluate a department by categorizing and tracking the risks, creating a list of root causes, and determining the likely time frame of the onset of the risk.

Corporate Risk Register Template

Corporate Risk Register Template

Download Corporate Risk Register Template - Excel

For company-level risk assessment, use this free template to keep track of pre and post-mitigation impacts, the processes and documents connected to each risk, and track the risks until they are closed.

Tax Risk Register Template

Tax Risk Register Template

Download Tax Risk Register Template - Excel

Use this tax risk register to manage risks related to taxation, including information on the type of risk, the time frame for onset, how the risk will be monitored, and any documents or processes related to the risk.

Strategic Risk Register for Schools Template

Strategic Risk Register Template for Schools

Download Strategic Risk Register fo Schools Template - Excel

In an educational environment, risk tracking needs to keep on top of the affected processes, as well as the steps within those processes. Use this template in a school situation, and manage the opening and closing dates for each risk.

Construction Risk Register Template

Construction Risk Register Template

Download Construction Risk Register Template

Excel | Word | PDF

This template focuses on risks associated with construction projects, and can help you to identify risks before they arise, describe possible consequences, and propose risk treatment plans in an effort to eliminate project delays. Use this premade template to describe possible risks and organize them into appropriate categories, like climate, traffic and transport, and nature conservation. Pinpoint risk ratings based on the likelihood and consequences of each risk, and assign specific team members risk action plans to create.

Risk Register Template for Banks

Risk Register Template for Banks

Download Risk Register Template for Banks

This risk register template for banks works to assess and mitigate risks in the banking industry. Use this downloadable template to create a proactive plan to identify and assuage risks and their negative impacts on banking projects, like inspection or audit issues. Prepare and update this template with potential risk activities, contingency plans, risk impact timelines, and more to keep your banking projects and day-to-day activities on track and on time.

Operational Risk Register Template

Operational Risk Register Template

Download Operational Risk Register Template - Excel

In an operational environment, both new and ongoing risks need to be addressed. Use this template to track both kinds of risks for your operations, and record how the impact of ongoing issues changes after you implement mitigation strategies or controls.

Data Protection Risk Register Template

Data Protection Risk Register Template

Download Data Protection Register Template - Excel

Risks to data can come from external or internal sources — they may be one-time events or ongoing problems. Use this data protection risk register template to keep track of the issues that can arise while working to comply with changing data protection mandates and regulations.

Human Resources Risk Register Template

HR Risk Register Template

Download Human Resources Risk Register Template - Excel

Because the human resources department has so many areas of responsibility, risks in HR can be separated into several different categories. Download this HR risk register template to manage risks and divide them into overarching categories in order to better manage them.

Occupational Health and Safety Hazard Risk Register Template

OHS Risk Register Template

Download OHS Risk Register Template

This occupational health and safety (OHS) risk register template targets the understanding, possible causes, and mitigation strategies involved with any foreseeable health risks and hazards associated with a project. Completing an OHS risk register is a legal requirement for all projects that have the potential to impact any person’s health or wellbeing,  — use this template to assess any hazards in a workplace, the seriousness of the hazard, and any control factors or features that should be put in place to prevent this hazard from harming anyone involved. Prepare this preformatted template to keep hazards in your workplace at bay and prevent legal or safety issues in the future.

ISO Risk Register Template

ISO Risk Register Template

Download ISO Register Template - Excel

The International Standards Organization (ISO) is a consortium of standards organizations from around the world that create quality standards. Risk assessment is part of the process to qualify for and maintain ISO certification. Use this template when assessing risks  processes as part of your ISO certification.

Clinical Risk Register Template

Clinical Risk Register Template

Download Clinical Register Template - Excel

The healthcare industry is covered by numerous regulatory bodies, so risk assessment needs to track any laws or regulations that cover changes made in response to identified risks. Mark risks in this template as ongoing or one-time, and each risk can include required resources and actions to stay in compliance with regulations.

What Is Included in a Risk Register?

A risk register is a brief yet informational document that includes many key components that help businesses and individuals identify, assess, and mitigate any risks associated with projects at each phase, from start to finish. These components include the following:

  • Heading and date
  • Project title or ID number
  • Project manager
  • Project category
  • Project impact or risk
  • Risk description
  • Date of risk or impact
  • Risk likelihood
  • Risk impact
  • Risk trigger
  • Risk category
  • Risk probability
  • Risk response or action plan
  • Positive and negative response options
  • Alternate response options
  • Cost of action plan
  • Schedule of action plan
  • Risk severity, ranking, and score
  • Mitigation or contingency plan
  • Status of risk (active, not started, ongoing, complete, dormant, retired)

You can include additional components in your risk register as well, such as residual risk, action progress, response effectiveness rating, and threat responses. Often, the risk register is included in a project’s work breakdown structure , a tool that visually breaks down a project into separate deliverables and individual components needed to complete the work. Doing so helps teams gain the most comprehensive sense of what the project entails and how to complete it.

Why Is a Risk Register Necessary?

Using a risk register adds structure and consistency to the project risk management process by having a readily-available document that targets each individual risk before it occurs. Both the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) and Prince2 state that a risk register template is a key component of any successful project. Additionally, you can review risks at the end of each phase of a project lifecycle and assess how well each risk was handled or how proposed remedies aided in the control of the specific risk.

You should incorporate a risk register at the beginning stages of the project planning process. When updated regularly and shared with team members, a risk register serves as a useful tool to manage and reduce the risks associated with any given project.

Additionally, using a risk register during business planning can help you to do the following:

  • Provide a documentation of risk strategies
  • Grade all potential risks
  • Ensure communication with key stakeholders and senior management, should risks come into effect
  • Identify mitigation actions required to solve a risk or its impact
  • Forecast and preparing a strategy for inevitable risks
  • Flag unidentified risks through open communication and input from team members
  • Instigate actions to reduce probability and potential impact

Although risk register templates are extremely useful for project owners as they work to identify risks and combat them, there are some downfalls in preplanning for risks so meticulously. Sometimes, doing so can lead to ritualistic decision making and give a false illusion of control over situations. However, not all risks can be foreseen, which can lead to a fallacy of concreteness in project plans. Keep an open mind to ensure these downfalls don’t plague your projects, even as you begin to identify and solve risks before they arise.

Tips For Creating a Risk Register Template

As you create your risk register template for your project, keep these tips in mind to create the most effective, comprehensive documentation of risks.

  • Create the plan when the project is approved as part of the project proposal or brief. Doing so ensures that all potential risks are analyzed and covered within the risk register, which can minimize potential impacts on projects if the risks come to fruition.
  • Include active risks in project status reports to maintain visibility. This keeps all team members and stakeholders on the same page, which ensures transparency.
  • Identify new risks or update risks as the project progresses. Risks can pop up at any time, and keeping your risk register updated throughout the project guarantees that visibility and mitigation strategies will never falter.
  • Assign each risk a separate identification number to ensure continuity and clarity. Performing this step will eliminate any confusion when it comes to each risk and its subsequent mitigation plan, especially for large projects with many potential risks.
  • Define risk impacts and probabilities in a manner that is easy to understand (i.e. low, medium, and high). Streamline risk and impact terminology so all team members and stakeholders understand how a risk could impact a potential project.
  • Review the risk register regularly, especially before progressing to the next phase of the project. This step will ensure that all potential risks are up to date as the goals or targets of the project shift.
  • Do not skip the process of creating a risk register. Risks can occur at any time, and it is important to stay ahead of them and have an action plan in mind.

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Risk Register PowerPoint Template

presentation on risk register

Product Description:

Risk register presentation template.

Use this Risk Register PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds.

The Risk Register PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience’s attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique set of editable infographics, icons, images, fonts, and presentation backgrounds. Download now and stand out in your next presentation with Risk Register PowerPoint and Google Slides template.

Ask us to modify or edit any specific element of the Risk Register template as per your need with our custom slides services. Lets collaborate to blend your ideas with our Risk Register template and get the final product delivered within 24 hours.

We can also help you and your team create full-fledged presentations from scratch with our presentation services . Explore now!

Features of this PowerPoint Template And Google Slides Theme:

  • 100% editable with easy-to-use features.
  • Contains 4:3 and 16:9 aspect ratio suitable for all types of screens.
  • Includes icons, images, graphics, and infographics to capture audience’s attention.
  • Compatible with both Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint.
  •   Risk-Register-PowerPoint-Template - 4x3  –  $4.99
  •   Risk-Register-PowerPoint-Template - 16x9  –  $4.99

presentation on risk register

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Startup Risk Factors Presentation Template Use this Startup Risk Factors PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds. The Startup Risk Factors PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience’s attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique...     read more 

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Risk Assessment Planning Presentation Template Use this Risk Assessment Planning PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds. The Risk Assessment Planning PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience’s attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique...     read more 

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Home PowerPoint Templates Risk

Risk PowerPoint Templates

Download risk diagrams and PowerPoint templates for project risk management. Under this category you can find affordable business diagrams and slide designs for Risk PPT presentations or Risk Management including awesome illustrations and Risk PowerPoint Templates  with editable text that you can use to present a risk scenario or uncertainty.

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NIST RMF Risk Management Framework Model PowerPoint Template

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Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Professional

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Icon Professional

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Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Samples

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Samples

This is a risk register ppt powerpoint presentation layouts samples. This is a seven stage process. The stages in this process are description of risk, probability, impact, risk reduction strategy, contingency, plans.

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Slideshow

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Slideshow

Presenting this set of slides with name risk register ppt powerpoint presentation outline slideshow. The topics discussed in these slides are risk register, probability, reduction, strategy, contingency plans. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Rules

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Rules

This is a risk register ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration rules. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are description of risk, probability, impact, risk reduction strategy, contingency plans.

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Layouts Guide

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Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Inspiration Slide Download

This is a risk register ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration slide download. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are description of risk, probability, impact, risk reduction strategy, contingency plans.

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Background Images

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Model Background Images

This is a risk register ppt powerpoint presentation model background images. This is a five stage process. The stages in this process are type of risk, description of risk, probability, impact, risk owner.

Risk Register And Assessment Plan For Supplier Department Microsoft PDF

Risk Register And Assessment Plan For Supplier Department Microsoft PDF

This slide represents risk register and assessment plan for procurement department. It contains details such as service area, risk description, potential impacts, current controls and residual risk score. Showcasing this set of slides titled risk register and assessment plan for supplier department microsoft pdf. The topics addressed in these templates are risk register and assessment plan for supplier department. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Summary File Formats

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Summary File Formats

This is a risk register ppt powerpoint presentation summary file formats. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are description of risk, probability, impact, risk reduction strategy, contingency plans.

Risk Register Impact Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Graphics Tutorials

Risk Register Impact Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Portfolio Graphics Tutorials

This is a risk register impact ppt powerpoint presentation portfolio graphics tutorials. This is a nine stage process. The stages in this process are trigger, impact, risk category, risk response.

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Graphics Design

Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Graphics Design

This is a risk register ppt powerpoint presentation file graphics design. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are probability, impact, contingency plans, risk owner, cost.

Risk Register Strategy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides Layout Ideas

Risk Register Strategy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Slides Layout Ideas

This is a risk register strategy ppt powerpoint presentation slides layout ideas. This is a three stage process. The stages in this process are marketing, business, management, planning, strategy.

Business Risk Register For Project Optimization Management Download PDF

Business Risk Register For Project Optimization Management Download PDF

This slide exhibits a risk register that enables one to determine potential risks within a specific project of a portfolio. It includes elements such as project name, risk name, priority, impact on cost, impact on schedule, responsible, and action taken to mitigate risk. Showcasing this set of slides titled Business Risk Register For Project Optimization Management Download PDF. The topics addressed in these templates are Impact On Cost, Software Development, Outsourced Software. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Vulnerability Assessment Methodology Risk Register Ppt Ideas Elements PDF

Vulnerability Assessment Methodology Risk Register Ppt Ideas Elements PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name vulnerability assessment methodology risk register ppt ideas elements pdf. The topics discussed in these slides are types of risk, description of risk, impact, risk reduction strategy, contingency plans, risk owner. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Risk Register Reduction Strategy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Layout

Risk Register Reduction Strategy Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Professional Layout

Presenting this set of slides with name risk register reduction strategy ppt powerpoint presentation professional layout. The topics discussed in these slides are business, management, planning, strategy, marketing. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

Risk Assessment Register To Determine Major Project Risks Background PDF

Risk Assessment Register To Determine Major Project Risks Background PDF

This slide provides an overview of the risk register created to determine and manage potential threats. The table includes risk, impact, level, owner and mitigation plan. Do you have an important presentation coming up Are you looking for something that will make your presentation stand out from the rest Look no further than Risk Assessment Register To Determine Major Project Risks Background PDF. With our professional designs, you can trust that your presentation will pop and make delivering it a smooth process. And with Slidegeeks, you can trust that your presentation will be unique and memorable. So why wait Grab Risk Assessment Register To Determine Major Project Risks Background PDF today and make your presentation stand out from the rest

Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Elements PDF

Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Elements PDF

Get a simple yet stunning designed Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Elements PDF. It is the best one to establish the tone in your meetings. It is an excellent way to make your presentations highly effective. So, download this PPT today from Slidegeeks and see the positive impacts. Our easy to edit Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Elements PDF can be your go to option for all upcoming conferences and meetings. So, what are you waiting for Grab this template today.

Ultimate Guide To Effective Change Management Process Risk Register Icons PDF

Ultimate Guide To Effective Change Management Process Risk Register Icons PDF

In this slide documentation of multiple risks associated with change are tabulated. It includes information such as risk description, date raised on, likelihood of the risk occurring, risk impact, severity, and mitigation action. Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative ultimate guide to effective change management process risk register icons pdf bundle. Topics like risk register can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Risk Register Probability Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Inspiration Information Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides Outline

Risk Register Probability Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Inspiration Information Ppt Powerpoint Presentation Slides Outline

This is a risk register probability ppt powerpoint presentation inspiration information ppt powerpoint presentation slides outline. This is a two stage process. The stages in this process are business, management, planning, strategy, marketing.

Escalation Steps For Projects Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Microsoft PDF

Escalation Steps For Projects Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Microsoft PDF

This slide provides the glimpse about the current challenges faced by the organization such as customer churn rate, companys revenues, etc. Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative escalation steps for projects project risk register with mitigating action microsoft pdf bundle. Topics like project risk register with mitigating action can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Handle Project Escalations Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Ppt Gallery Slides PDF

Handle Project Escalations Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Ppt Gallery Slides PDF

This slide provides the glimpse about the current challenges faced by the organization such as customer churn rate, companys revenues, etc. Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative handle project escalations project risk register with mitigating action ppt gallery slides pdf bundle. Topics like project risk register with mitigating action can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Escalation Administration System Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Slides PDF

Escalation Administration System Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Slides PDF

This slide provides the glimpse about the current challenges faced by the organization such as customer churn rate, companys revenues, etc. Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative escalation administration system project risk register with mitigating action slides pdf bundle. Topics like project risk register with mitigating action can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Cyber Security Risk Register Template In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Cyber Security Risk Register Template In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb

Introducing our well designed Cyber Security Risk Register Template In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb. This PowerPoint design presents information on topics like Cyber Security Risk Register Template. As it is predesigned it helps boost your confidence level. It also makes you a better presenter because of its high quality content and graphics. This PPT layout can be downloaded and used in different formats like PDF, PNG, and JPG. Not only this, it is available in both Standard Screen and Widescreen aspect ratios for your convenience. Therefore, click on the download button now to persuade and impress your audience. Our Cyber Security Risk Register Template In Powerpoint And Google Slides Cpb are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

Incident And Issue Management Procedure Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Ppt Icon Tips PDF

Incident And Issue Management Procedure Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Ppt Icon Tips PDF

This slide provides the glimpse about the current challenges faced by the organization such as customer churn rate, companys revenues, etc. This is a incident and issue management procedure project risk register with mitigating action ppt icon tips pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on three stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like project risk register with mitigating action. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Approach Avoidance Conflict Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Template PDF

Approach Avoidance Conflict Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Template PDF

This slide provides the glimpse about the current challenges faced by the organization such as customer churn rate, companys revenues, etc. Presenting approach avoidance conflict project risk register with mitigating action template pdf to provide visual cues and insights. Share and navigate important information on one stages that need your due attention. This template can be used to pitch topics like project risk register with mitigating action. In addtion, this PPT design contains high resolution images, graphics, etc, that are easily editable and available for immediate download.

Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Layouts PDF

Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Layouts PDF

Crafting an eye-catching presentation has never been more straightforward. Let your presentation shine with this tasteful yet straightforward Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Layouts PDF template. It offers a minimalistic and classy look that is great for making a statement. The colors have been employed intelligently to add a bit of playfulness while still remaining professional. Construct the ideal Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Ppt PowerPoint Presentation File Layouts PDF that effortlessly grabs the attention of your audience Begin now and be certain to wow your customers.

Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Complete Guide On How To Mitigate Portrait Pdf

Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Complete Guide On How To Mitigate Portrait Pdf

The Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Complete Guide On How To Mitigate Portrait Pdf is a compilation of the most recent design trends as a series of slides. It is suitable for any subject or industry presentation, containing attractive visuals and photo spots for businesses to clearly express their messages. This template contains a variety of slides for the user to input data, such as structures to contrast two elements, bullet points, and slides for written information. Slidegeeks is prepared to create an impression. Our Project Risk Register To Identify Issues Complete Guide On How To Mitigate Portrait Pdf are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

Business Contingency Planning Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Themes PDF

Business Contingency Planning Risk Register Ppt PowerPoint Presentation Outline Themes PDF

Presenting this set of slides with name business contingency planning risk register ppt powerpoint presentation outline themes pdf. The topics discussed in these slides are type risk, probability, impact, risk reduction strategy, contingency plans, risk owner. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

How To Intensify Project Threats Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Elements PDF

How To Intensify Project Threats Project Risk Register With Mitigating Action Elements PDF

This slide provides the glimpse about the current challenges faced by the organization such as customer churn rate, companys revenues, etc. Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative how to intensify project threats project risk register with mitigating action elements pdf bundle. Topics like date raised, risk description, likehood of the risk occurring, impact if the risk occurs, severity, owner, mitigating action can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Project Management Under Supervision Project Risk Register With Mitigation Approach Topics PDF

Project Management Under Supervision Project Risk Register With Mitigation Approach Topics PDF

This slide shows the potential risks associated with the project with rating and mitigation measures. This is a project management under supervision project risk register with mitigation approach topics pdf template with various stages. Focus and dispense information on one stages using this creative set, that comes with editable features. It contains large content boxes to add your information on topics like possible mitigation, risk rating, risk category, owner. You can also showcase facts, figures, and other relevant content using this PPT layout. Grab it now.

Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Professional PDF

Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Professional PDF

This Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Professional PDF is perfect for any presentation, be it in front of clients or colleagues. It is a versatile and stylish solution for organizing your meetings. The product features a modern design for your presentation meetings. The adjustable and customizable slides provide unlimited possibilities for acing up your presentation. Slidegeeks has done all the homework before launching the product for you. So, do not wait, grab the presentation templates today

Assessing Sales Risks Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Themes PDF

Assessing Sales Risks Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Themes PDF

The Assessing Sales Risks Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Themes PDF is a compilation of the most recent design trends as a series of slides. It is suitable for any subject or industry presentation, containing attractive visuals and photo spots for businesses to clearly express their messages. This template contains a variety of slides for the user to input data, such as structures to contrast two elements, bullet points, and slides for written information. Slidegeeks is prepared to create an impression. Our Assessing Sales Risks Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Themes PDF are topically designed to provide an attractive backdrop to any subject. Use them to look like a presentation pro.

Sales Risk Assessment For Profit Maximization Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Microsoft PDF

Sales Risk Assessment For Profit Maximization Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Microsoft PDF

Whether you have daily or monthly meetings, a brilliant presentation is necessary. Sales Risk Assessment For Profit Maximization Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Microsoft PDF can be your best option for delivering a presentation. Represent everything in detail using Sales Risk Assessment For Profit Maximization Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Microsoft PDF and make yourself stand out in meetings. The template is versatile and follows a structure that will cater to your requirements. All the templates prepared by Slidegeeks are easy to download and edit. Our research experts have taken care of the corporate themes as well. So, give it a try and see the results.

Executing Sales Risk Reduction Plan Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Download PDF

Executing Sales Risk Reduction Plan Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Download PDF

Formulating a presentation can take up a lot of effort and time, so the content and message should always be the primary focus. The visuals of the PowerPoint can enhance the presenters message, so our Executing Sales Risk Reduction Plan Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Download PDF was created to help save time. Instead of worrying about the design, the presenter can concentrate on the message while our designers work on creating the ideal templates for whatever situation is needed. Slidegeeks has experts for everything from amazing designs to valuable content, we have put everything into Executing Sales Risk Reduction Plan Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Download PDF.

Mitigating Sales Risks With Strategic Action Planning Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Background PDF

Mitigating Sales Risks With Strategic Action Planning Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Background PDF

Retrieve professionally designed Mitigating Sales Risks With Strategic Action Planning Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Background PDF to effectively convey your message and captivate your listeners. Save time by selecting pre made slideshows that are appropriate for various topics, from business to educational purposes. These themes come in many different styles, from creative to corporate, and all of them are easily adjustable and can be edited quickly. Access them as PowerPoint templates or as Google Slides themes. You do not have to go on a hunt for the perfect presentation because Slidegeeks got you covered from everywhere.

Performing Sales Risk Analysis Procedure Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Diagrams PDF

Performing Sales Risk Analysis Procedure Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Diagrams PDF

Welcome to our selection of the Performing Sales Risk Analysis Procedure Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Diagrams PDF. These are designed to help you showcase your creativity and bring your sphere to life. Planning and Innovation are essential for any business that is just starting out. This collection contains the designs that you need for your everyday presentations. All of our PowerPoints are 100 percent editable, so you can customize them to suit your needs. This multi purpose template can be used in various situations. Grab these presentation templates today.

Determining Risks In Sales Administration Procedure Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Inspiration PDF

Determining Risks In Sales Administration Procedure Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Inspiration PDF

Slidegeeks has constructed Determining Risks In Sales Administration Procedure Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Inspiration PDF after conducting extensive research and examination. These presentation templates are constantly being generated and modified based on user preferences and critiques from editors. Here, you will find the most attractive templates for a range of purposes while taking into account ratings and remarks from users regarding the content. This is an excellent jumping off point to explore our content and will give new users an insight into our top notch PowerPoint Templates.

Risk Analysis Risk Analysis Register To Determine Potential Threat Infographics PDF

Risk Analysis Risk Analysis Register To Determine Potential Threat Infographics PDF

This slide provides an overview of the log register used to identify the potential risks and their mitigation plan. The risks covered are price instability, overspending, inaccurate forecasting, disruptions and fraud. Present like a pro with Risk Analysis Risk Analysis Register To Determine Potential Threat Infographics PDF Create beautiful presentations together with your team, using our easy to use presentation slides. Share your ideas in real time and make changes on the fly by downloading our templates. So whether you are in the office, on the go, or in a remote location, you can stay in sync with your team and present your ideas with confidence. With Slidegeeks presentation got a whole lot easier. Grab these presentations today.

Software Quality Assurance Testing Risk Management Register With Impact Score Graphics PDF

Software Quality Assurance Testing Risk Management Register With Impact Score Graphics PDF

This slide represents the risk register of software quality assurance project to analyze and mitigate the risks. It includes details related to the risks along with their probability, impact, impact score, risk rate, level and probability percentage.Showcasing this set of slides titled Software Quality Assurance Testing Risk Management Register With Impact Score Graphics PDF. The topics addressed in these templates are Based Management, Launching Commercial, General Risk. All the content presented in this PPT design is completely editable. Download it and make adjustments in color, background, font etc. as per your unique business setting.

Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Ppt Styles Styles PDF

Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Ppt Styles Styles PDF

Explore a selection of the finest Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Ppt Styles Styles PDF here. With a plethora of professionally designed and pre made slide templates, you can quickly and easily find the right one for your upcoming presentation. You can use our Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Ppt Styles Styles PDF to effectively convey your message to a wider audience. Slidegeeks has done a lot of research before preparing these presentation templates. The content can be personalized and the slides are highly editable. Grab templates today from Slidegeeks.

Implementing Sales Volatility Management Techniques Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Template PDF

Implementing Sales Volatility Management Techniques Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Template PDF

Find highly impressive Implementing Sales Volatility Management Techniques Sales Risk Log Register With Possible Actions Template PDF on Slidegeeks to deliver a meaningful presentation. You can save an ample amount of time using these presentation templates. No need to worry to prepare everything from scratch because Slidegeeks experts have already done a huge research and work for you. You need to download XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX for your upcoming presentation. All the presentation templates are 100 percent editable and you can change the color and personalize the content accordingly. Download now.

Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated Efficient Project Administration By Leaders Download PDF

Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated Efficient Project Administration By Leaders Download PDF

This slide provides information regarding risk maintenance register for project management. It caters details related to risk description, risk occurrence likelihood, risk impact, severity, etc. From laying roadmaps to briefing everything in detail, our templates are perfect for you. You can set the stage with your presentation slides. All you have to do is download these easy-to-edit and customizable templates. Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated Efficient Project Administration By Leaders Download PDF will help you deliver an outstanding performance that everyone would remember and praise you for. Do download this presentation today.

Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated With Project Managers Playbook Slides PDF

Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated With Project Managers Playbook Slides PDF

Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated With Project Managers Playbook Slides PDF bundle. Topics like Estimation Methods, Scheduling Workshops, Lack Communication can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Project Excellence Playbook For Executives Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated Topics PDF

Project Excellence Playbook For Executives Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated Topics PDF

This slide provides information regarding work breakdown structure for agile software project budget assessment with various WBS items such as project management, hardware, software. If you are looking for a format to display your unique thoughts, then the professionally designed Project Excellence Playbook For Executives Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated Topics PDF is the one for you. You can use it as a Google Slides template or a PowerPoint template. Incorporate impressive visuals, symbols, images, and other charts. Modify or reorganize the text boxes as you desire. Experiment with shade schemes and font pairings. Alter, share or cooperate with other people on your work. Download Project Excellence Playbook For Executives Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated Topics PDF and find out how to give a successful presentation. Present a perfect display to your team and make your presentation unforgettable.

Playbook For Project Administrator Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated With Project Pictures PDF

Playbook For Project Administrator Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated With Project Pictures PDF

This slide provides information regarding work breakdown structure for agile software project budget assessment with various WBS items such as project management, hardware, software. Deliver an awe inspiring pitch with this creative playbook for project administrator various risks maintenance register associated with project pictures pdf bundle. Topics like work breakdown structure to manage key tasks and budget can be discussed with this completely editable template. It is available for immediate download depending on the needs and requirements of the user.

Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated With Project Project Administration Plan Playbook Mockup PDF

Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated With Project Project Administration Plan Playbook Mockup PDF

This slide provides information regarding work breakdown structure for agile software project budget assessment with various WBS items such as project management, hardware, software. Slidegeeks is one of the best resources for PowerPoint templates. You can download easily and regulate Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated With Project Project Administration Plan Playbook Mockup PDF for your personal presentations from our wonderful collection. A few clicks is all it takes to discover and get the most relevant and appropriate templates. Use our Templates to add a unique zing and appeal to your presentation and meetings. All the slides are easy to edit and you can use them even for advertisement purposes.

Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Template PDF

Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Template PDF

This slide represents the risk register to log the information of potential risks that have been identified by the organization. It includes details related risk, its likelihood, consequence and risk priority. Take your projects to the next level with our ultimate collection of Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Template PDF. Slidegeeks has designed a range of layouts that are perfect for representing task or activity duration, keeping track of all your deadlines at a glance. Tailor these designs to your exact needs and give them a truly corporate look with your own brand colors they will make your projects stand out from the rest.

Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Structure PDF

Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Structure PDF

This slide represents the risk register to log the information of potential risks that have been identified by the organization. It includes details related risk, its likelihood, consequence and risk priority. Here you can discover an assortment of the finest PowerPoint and Google Slides templates. With these templates, you can create presentations for a variety of purposes while simultaneously providing your audience with an eye catching visual experience. Download Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Structure PDF to deliver an impeccable presentation. These templates will make your job of preparing presentations much quicker, yet still, maintain a high level of quality. Slidegeeks has experienced researchers who prepare these templates and write high quality content for you. Later on, you can personalize the content by editing the Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Structure PDF.

Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Log Register To Prioritize Potential Project Risks Background PDF

Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Log Register To Prioritize Potential Project Risks Background PDF

This slide provides an overview of risk register used to determine the project threats. It includes risks, impact description, probability, risk score, response plan and responsible person. Presenting this PowerPoint presentation, titled Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Log Register To Prioritize Potential Project Risks Background PDF, with topics curated by our researchers after extensive research. This editable presentation is available for immediate download and provides attractive features when used. Download now and captivate your audience. Presenting this Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Log Register To Prioritize Potential Project Risks Background PDF. Our researchers have carefully researched and created these slides with all aspects taken into consideration. This is a completely customizable Effective Business Project Risk Mitigation Plan Log Register To Prioritize Potential Project Risks Background PDF that is available for immediate downloading. Download now and make an impact on your audience. Highlight the attractive features available with our PPTs.

Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Formats PDF

Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Formats PDF

This slide provides information regarding risk maintenance register to monitor existing risks by tracking risk occurrence likelihood, risk impact, severity, mitigation actions, contingency initiative, progress, status. Are you searching for a Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Formats PDF that is uncluttered, straightforward, and original Its easy to edit, and you can change the colors to suit your personal or business branding. For a presentation that expresses how much effort you have put in, this template is ideal With all of its features, including tables, diagrams, statistics, and lists, its perfect for a business plan presentation. Make your ideas more appealing with these professional slides. Download Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Formats PDF from Slidegeeks today.

Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Brochure PDF

Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Brochure PDF

This slide provides information regarding risk maintenance register to monitor existing risks by tracking risk occurrence likelihood, risk impact, severity, mitigation actions, contingency initiative, progress, status. Coming up with a presentation necessitates that the majority of the effort goes into the content and the message you intend to convey. The visuals of a PowerPoint presentation can only be effective if it supplements and supports the story that is being told. Keeping this in mind our experts created Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Brochure PDF to reduce the time that goes into designing the presentation. This way, you can concentrate on the message while our designers take care of providing you with the right template for the situation.

Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Mockup PDF

Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Mockup PDF

This slide provides information regarding risk maintenance register to monitor existing risks by tracking risk occurrence likelihood, risk impact, severity, mitigation actions, contingency initiative, progress, status. Do you know about Slidesgeeks Maintenance Register To Track Ongoing Risks Prevailing Mockup PDF These are perfect for delivering any kind od presentation. Using it, create PowerPoint presentations that communicate your ideas and engage audiences. Save time and effort by using our pre designed presentation templates that are perfect for a wide range of topic. Our vast selection of designs covers a range of styles, from creative to business, and are all highly customizable and easy to edit. Download as a PowerPoint template or use them as Google Slides themes.

Strategic Risk Management Plan Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Elements PDF

Strategic Risk Management Plan Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Elements PDF

This slide represents the risk register to log the information of potential risks that have been identified by the organization. It includes details related risk, its likelihood, consequence and risk priority.The best PPT templates are a great way to save time, energy, and resources. Slidegeeks have 100 precent editable powerpoint slides making them incredibly versatile. With these quality presentation templates, you can create a captivating and memorable presentation by combining visually appealing slides and effectively communicating your message. Download Strategic Risk Management Plan Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Elements PDF from Slidegeeks and deliver a wonderful presentation.

Operational Risk Assessment And Management Plan Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Formats PDF

Operational Risk Assessment And Management Plan Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Formats PDF

This slide represents the risk register to log the information of potential risks that have been identified by the organization. It includes details related risk, its likelihood, consequence and risk priority. Find highly impressive Operational Risk Assessment And Management Plan Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Formats PDF on Slidegeeks to deliver a meaningful presentation. You can save an ample amount of time using these presentation templates. No need to worry to prepare everything from scratch because Slidegeeks experts have already done a huge research and work for you. You need to download Operational Risk Assessment And Management Plan Enterprise Strategic Risk Identification And Management Register Formats PDF for your upcoming presentation. All the presentation templates are 100 percent editable and you can change the color and personalize the content accordingly. Download now.

Enterprise Risk Management And Mitigation Program Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Download PDF

Enterprise Risk Management And Mitigation Program Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Download PDF

Make sure to capture your audiences attention in your business displays with our gratis customizable Enterprise Risk Management And Mitigation Program Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Download PDF. These are great for business strategies, office conferences, capital raising or task suggestions. If you desire to acquire more customers for your tech business and ensure they stay satisfied, create your own sales presentation with these plain slides.

Strategic Risk Management Plan Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Infographics PDF

Strategic Risk Management Plan Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Infographics PDF

This slide shows the plan to evaluate potential hazards, removal of hazards by adding control measures as necessary. It includes details related to risk, likelihood, impact, controls, velocity etc.The Strategic Risk Management Plan Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Infographics PDF is a compilation of the most recent design trends as a series of slides. It is suitable for any subject or industry presentation, containing attractive visuals and photo spots for businesses to clearly express their messages. This template contains a variety of slides for the user to input data, such as structures to contrast two elements, bullet points, and slides for written information. Slidegeeks is prepared to create an impression.

Enterprise Risk Management Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Themes PDF

Enterprise Risk Management Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Themes PDF

This slide shows the plan to evaluate potential hazards, removal of hazards by adding control measures as necessary. It includes details related to risk, likelihood, impact, controls, velocity etc. Make sure to capture your audiences attention in your business displays with our gratis customizable Enterprise Risk Management Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Themes PDF. These are great for business strategies, office conferences, capital raising or task suggestions. If you desire to acquire more customers for your tech business and ensure they stay satisfied, create your own sales presentation with these plain slides.

Operational Risk Assessment And Management Plan Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Structure PDF

Operational Risk Assessment And Management Plan Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Structure PDF

This slide shows the plan to evaluate potential hazards, removal of hazards by adding control measures as necessary. It includes details related to risk, likelihood, impact, controls, velocity etc. If your project calls for a presentation, then Slidegeeks is your go-to partner because we have professionally designed, easy-to-edit templates that are perfect for any presentation. After downloading, you can easily edit Operational Risk Assessment And Management Plan Financial Risk Assessment And Management Register Structure PDF and make the changes accordingly. You can rearrange slides or fill them with different images. Check out all the handy templates

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Risk Management Infographics

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Every project has its risks. Assess them and show all the information that you’ve gathered in the form of infographics. All of the designs are ready for you to edit accordingly. As a bonus, we’ve included the real deal, a risk management matrix, totally modifiable and customizable.

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  • 30 different infographics to boost your presentations
  • Include icons and Flaticon’s extension for further customization
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
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presentation on risk register

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risk register

Risk Register

Nov 07, 2019

180 likes | 256 Views

Risk Register. I want to plan a project. by managing risks to its success. What is it and why should I use it?. This tool is a living document that helps you manage risks that could jeopardize the delivery of your project. What are the main risks in your projects?. Activity:.

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  • managing risks
  • manage risks
  • risk response strategies
  • low capacities motivations


Presentation Transcript

Risk Register I want to plan a project by managing risks to its success

What is it and why should I use it? • This tool is a living document that helps you manage risks that could jeopardize the delivery of your project.

What are the main risks in your projects? Activity:

Examples of risks • Political action or interference • Natural disasters • Misallocation of resources • Currency fluctuations • Changing donor mandates or policies • Social unrest • Low staff retention • Lack of necessary skills & expertise • Low capacities/ motivations of participants and/or community partners

Risk Response Strategies Avoidance Do not do (or do in a different way) Transference Shifting (or sharing) the risk for some aspect of the project Mitigation Acting to reduce the probability and/or impact Acceptance Deciding to live with the risk

Think of examples of the risk response strategies from your projects. Activity:

Example of a Risk Register

Complete a risk register for one of your projects.

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Register Allocation

Register Allocation

Register Allocation. Mooly Sagiv html://www.cs.tau.ac.il/~msagiv/courses/wcc11-12.html. Two Phase Solution Dynamic Programming Sethi &amp; Ullman. Bottom-up (labeling) Compute for every subtree The minimal number of registers needed (weight) Top-Down

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Risk Register	 		 January 2011

Risk Register January 2011

Risk Register January 2011. Ciaran Whyte Risk Administrator Planning &amp; Strategic Projects Unit. Agenda. Objectives of Seminar Why manage risks? Who should have a risk register? Risk Management Theory Risk Register format Risk Register Intranet Tool

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Risk Identification Risk Register Risk Rating Matrix Risk Monitoring Evaluation Pitfall Risk Management

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REGISTER. A Register is a group of binary storage cells suitable for holding binary information. A group of flip-flops constitutes a register, since each flip-flop is a binary cell capable of storing one bit of information.

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Register. Click on “Trip Login”. Register. Enter your information on the right and click “Create an account”. Register. Enter information for participant and click “Next Step”. Register. Choose preferred rooming option and opt-in for Refund Guarantee Protection.

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Register. module Reg(Q, D, Clk); // parameter N = 16; input Clk; input [N-1:0] D; output [N-1:0] Q; reg [N-1:0] Q; // always @(posedge Clk) Q &lt;= #`dh D; // endmodule. Register Reset_. module RegRst(Q, D, Reset_, Clk); // parameter N = 16; // input Reset_, Clk;

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Register Allocation

Register Allocation. Mooly Sagiv Schrierber 317 03-640-7606 Wed 10:00-12:00 html://www.math.tau.ac.il/~msagiv/courses/wcc.html. Source program (string). Already Studied. lexical analysis. Tokens. syntax analysis. Abstract syntax tree. semantic analysis. Abstract syntax tree.

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Lect# 9 Register (Continued). Register. A register is a sequential circuit that can be set to a specific state and retain that state until externally changed. State is a combination of bits. Register Design. An S - R latch is a simple 1-bit register.

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Register. A register is a sequential circuit that can be set to a specific state and retain that state until externally changed. State is a combination of bits Frequently used to perform simple data storage and data movement and processing operations. Register Design.

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Norfolk Community Risk Register

Norfolk Community Risk Register

Norfolk Community Risk Register. This presentation:. Introduces the Norfolk Community Risk Register Explains how risks on the Register are assessed Describes how the Register is used to inform civil contingency planning in Norfolk.

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``element`` Risk Register. As of ``d`` ``mon`` ``yyyy`` at ``h``:``nn`` ``p``m.

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Text analysis is essentially concerned with the organization and mapping of texts rather than with social relationships and interaction through texts , the latter being, technically speaking, a discourse analytical aim . (Hatim 1998: 262) DE BEAUGRANDE and DRESSLER (1981):

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Register. Commentary Lesson 11. What is it?. The degree of formality suitable for the situation or the writing required. Five Registers. On a continuum, they range from intimate to oratorical (frozen). Intimate. Oratorical/Frozen. Formal. Informal. How do you know what to use?.

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CIS 500 Assignment 6 VoIP Part 4 (Risk Register)

CIS 500 Assignment 6 VoIP Part 4 (Risk Register)

FOR MORE CLASSES VISIT tutorialoutletdotcom Assignment 6: VoIP Part 4 (Risk Register) Due Week 9 and worth 100 points Utilizing the Delphi technique, your team constructed the following risks register the VoIP project containing the risk, the likelihood of its occurrence on a scale of 1 (least likely) to 5 (most likely), and the potential negative impact on the project on the same scale. In addition, they recommended the appropriate response and identified its type for one of the risks identified.

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  1. Risk Register: A Project Manager's Guide with Examples [2024] • Asana

    A risk register can do just that. A risk register is an important component of any successful risk management process and helps mitigate potential project delays that could arise. A risk register is shared with project stakeholders to ensure information is stored in one accessible place. Since it's usually up to project managers (we're ...

  2. What Is a Risk Register & How to Create One

    Download Excel File. A risk register is the first step in project risk management, and it's an important part of any risk management framework. It helps project managers list risks, their priority level, mitigation strategies and the risk owner so everybody on the project team knows how to respond to project risk.

  3. Risk Register: Examples, Benefits, and Best Practices

    A risk register, or risk log, is a document set up by project managers to identify and track risks capable of impacting a project. It's one thing to be aware of problems that could throw your project off track. A risk register lets you put it all in black and white and outline potential solutions beforehand.

  4. Risk Register PowerPoint Template

    Slide Formats. 16:9. 4:3. Tags. Risk. Download our Risk Register PPT template to showcase that the risk register is one of those arsenals of project managers that they use to tackle multiple challenges and obstacles. You can also capitalize on this beautiful deck by presenting how this tool helps managers and leaders track and monitor the risks ...

  5. Risk Register PowerPoint Presentation Slides

    Project managers and risk analysts can make use of these impactful PowerPoint slides to showcase different components of a risk register, such as risk name, cause, impact, likelihood, impact level, cost, outcome, and mitigation plan. You can conveniently use the provided text placeholders to enter your own textual information.

  6. Risk Register: Examples & Templates

    A risk register is a project management tool for evaluating, prioritizing, and addressing risks to projects across your business. It serves as a central repository for identifying risks so project managers and teams can effectively track and mitigate them. Understanding risks and their implications and priorities can help streamline workflows ...

  7. Risk assessment powerpoint presentation slides

    Slide 15: This slide shows Risk Register showcasing- Type Of Risk, Description Of Risk, Risk Reduction Strategy, Contingency Plans, Risk Owner, Probability, Impact. Slide 16: This slide presents a Risk Identification matrix showing- Terminate, Treat, Tolerate, Transfer in terms of Consequences & Likelihood.

  8. What Is a Risk Register?

    A risk register is a risk management resource used to identify potential obstacles in a project. Creating a risk register involves recognizing, examining, and addressing risks before they become issues. The document, also known as a risk register log, keeps track of any risks that could impact a project.It includes information on the severity of risks and their potential impact if they were to ...

  9. Real-World Project Risk Register Examples

    Project managers often use risk registers to record and track risk. We gather the best real-world examples of registers for project management, software, construction, IT, and more. Included in this article, you'll find a risk register example for project management, construction, I T and software, engineering , and more.

  10. Risk Register

    Slide 1 of 33. Risk Register Powerpoint Ppt Template Bundles CRP. Slide 1 of 6. Incident and problem management process project risk register mitigating action. Slide 1 of 6. Various Risks Maintenance Register Associated Project Managers Playbook. Slide 1 of 10. Electronic Customer Service Risk Register. Slide 1 of 5.

  11. 5 Examples of Risk Matrix PowerPoint Visualization

    Let's start our journey over the Risk Matrix Diagram illustrations examples. See how you can show it creatively so that your audience will be focused on your presentation. #1: Presenting Types of Risk with Creative Bullet Points. In the beginning, you may want to introduce types of risk: Economic risk. Social risk.

  12. Risk Register Template and Examples

    2. By committing to using a risk register, you have to go through a process of gathering all relevant parties and agreeing on a common scale for measuring risks across various business units (e.g. making sure everyone knows when to use a "high-risk exposure" vs. a "moderate risk exposure").

  13. Project Risk Register PowerPoint Template

    Risk Register Presentation Template Use this Risk Register PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds. The Risk Register PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to ...

  14. Risk Register Template

    A project risk register template for a powerpoint presentation can be used to show the purpose of the risk register in project management. The risk register will help identify, follow, and track potential project risks. For example, data security risks, legal risks, catastrophic events, supply chain disruption, and schedule risks could be ...

  15. 11 ways to present top risks to the board

    4. Focus on KRIs. A risk report focused on high-level aggregated KRIs and appetite can give the board a better view of which risks and opportunities the company should focus on right now. 5. Include emerging risks. Include emerging risks and horizon scanning findings.

  16. Free Risk Register Templates

    Risk Register Template. Download Risk Register Template. Excel | Word | PDF | Smartsheet. Use this preformatted, customizable risk register template to create a targeted action plan to identify and mitigate risks as they arise. With space to document risk descriptions, risk owners, triggers, probability, and response plan, you can easily create ...

  17. Risk Register PowerPoint Template

    Use this Risk Register PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds. The Risk Register PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience's attention.

  18. Risk PowerPoint Templates

    Download risk diagrams and PowerPoint templates for project risk management. Under this category you can find affordable business diagrams and slide designs for Risk PPT presentations or Risk Management including awesome illustrations and Risk PowerPoint Templates with editable text that you can use to present a risk scenario or uncertainty.

  19. Risk Register

    Presenting this set of slides with name risk register ppt powerpoint presentation outline slideshow. The topics discussed in these slides are risk register, probability, reduction, strategy, contingency plans. This is a completely editable PowerPoint presentation and is available for immediate download. Download now and impress your audience.

  20. Risk Management Infographics for Google Slides and PowerPoint

    Features of these infographics. 100% editable and easy to modify. 30 different infographics to boost your presentations. Include icons and Flaticon's extension for further customization. Designed to be used in Google Slides, Canva, and Microsoft PowerPoint and Keynote. 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens.

  21. PPT

    Risk Register. An Image/Link below is provided (as is) to download presentation Download Policy: Content on the Website is provided to you AS IS for your information and personal use and may not be sold / licensed / shared on other websites without getting consent from its author. Download presentation by click this link.

  22. What is CrowdStrike, the company linked to the global outage?

    The global computer outage affecting airports, banks and other businesses on Friday appears to stem at least partly from a software update issued by major US cybersecurity firm CrowdStrike ...