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  • Spring Boot

Spring Boot – Architecture

The Spring Boot is built on top of the core Spring framework. It is a simplified and automated version of the spring framework. The spring boot follows a layered architecture in which each layer communicates to other layers(Above or below in hierarchical order). The spring boot documentation provides the following definition to the Spring Boot Framework.

Spring Boot makes it easy to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring based application that you can “Just Run”

The main aim of spring boot is to remove the XML and annotations-based configuration settings from the application. Along with this spring boot provides the following benefits such as opinionated(options to later change the configuration), convention over configuration, stand-alone, and production-ready.

Spring Boot Layers

The spring boot consists of the following four layers:

  • Presentation Layer – Authentication & Json Translation
  • Business Layer – Business Logic, Validation & Authorization
  • Persistence Layer – Storage Logic
  • Database Layer – Actual Database

Layers Of Spring Boot

Fig 1 – Layers Of Spring Boot

1. Presentation Layer

The presentation layer is the top layer of the spring boot architecture. It consists of Views. i.e., the front-end part of the application. It handles the HTTP requests and performs authentication. It is responsible for converting the JSON field’s parameter to Java Objects and vice-versa. Once it performs the authentication of the request it passes it to the next layer. i.e., the business layer.

2. Business Layer

The business layer contains all the business logic. It consists of services classes. It is responsible for validation and authorization.

3. Persistence Layer

The persistence layer contains all the database storage logic. It is responsible for converting business objects to the database row and vice-versa.

4. Database Layer

The database layer contains all the databases such as MySql , MongoDB , etc. This layer can contain multiple databases. It is responsible for performing the CRUD operations.

Spring Boot Flow Architecture

Spring boot flow architecture

Fig 2 – Spring boot flow architecture


  • The Client makes an HTTP request(GET, PUT, POST, etc.)
  • The HTTP request is forwarded to the Controller . The controller maps the request. It processes the handles and calls the server logic.
  • The business logic is performed in the Service layer . The spring boot performs all the logic over the data of the database which is mapped to the spring boot model class through Java Persistence Library ( JPA ).
  • The JSP page is returned as Response from the controller.


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Spring Boot is a module of the Spring Framework. It is used to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring Based Applications with minimum efforts. It is developed on top of the core Spring Framework.

Spring Boot follows a layered architecture in which each layer communicates with the layer directly below or above (hierarchical structure) it.

Before understanding the , we must know the different layers and classes present in it. There are layers in Spring Boot are as follows:

The presentation layer handles the HTTP requests, translates the JSON parameter to object, and authenticates the request and transfer it to the business layer. In short, it consists of i.e., frontend part.

The business layer handles all the . It consists of service classes and uses services provided by data access layers. It also performs and .

The persistence layer contains all the and translates business objects from and to database rows.

In the database layer, (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations are performed.

and classes in Spring boot.


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Know how Spring MVC works at  How Spring MVC Works Internally

Three Tier (Three Layer) Architecture

presentation layer spring boot

Spring Boot Flow Architecture ( Example)

presentation layer spring boot

How to use Three-layer architecture in Spring Boot MVC web applications.

presentation layer spring boot

  • Controller classes  as the presentation layer. Keep this layer as thin as possible and limited to the mechanics of the MVC operations, e.g., receiving and validating the inputs, manipulating the model object, returning the appropriate  ModelAndView  object, and so on. All the business-related operations should be done in the service classes. Controller classes are usually put in a  controller  package.
  • Service classes  as the business logic layer. Calculations, data transformations, data processes, and cross-record validations (business rules) are usually done at this layer. They get called by the controller classes and might call repositories or other services. Service classes are usually put in a service package.
  • Repository classes  as data access layer. This layer’s responsibility is limited to Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete (CRUD) operations on a data source, which is usually a relational or non-relational database. Repository classes are usually put in a repository package.
  • Presentation Layer - controller package
  • Business Logic Layer - service package
  • Data Access Layer - repository package 

presentation layer spring boot

Learn how to Spring MVC works at  How Spring MVC Works Internally

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Spring Boot Architecture

Spring Boot Architecture

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Table of contents

What is the difference between spring and spring boot, presentation layer, business layer, persistence layer, database layer, spring boot workflow, key takeaways.

This article will explain how the Spring Boot architecture operates.

Let's start.

What Is Spring Boot?

Spring Boot is built on top of the Spring Framework. It's a more automated and simplified version of Spring.

Spring Boot reduces manual configuration, and through Maven (or Gradle), it makes it easier to resolve dependency conflicts. In addition, Spring Boot has a built-in HTTP server that helps engineers start the application quickly.

Spring Boot makes it easy to create an up-and-running application in a few minutes. You can go to Spring Initializr :


And the website will generate the application for you in an instant.

If you're undecided on whether to learn Spring or Spring Boot, I'd say to at least know the basics of the Spring Framework and then jump onto Spring Boot.

If you've ever tried to write a Java application a time ago, you would have noticed how much work you had to do to perform database operations. It's a tiring process!

The Spring Framework simplifies these operations, thanks to the Spring JDBC module.

Spring is the combination of multiple sub-frameworks. It has many modules, for example, Spring MVC, Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Spring ORM, and Spring Test. The core feature of the Spring Framework is Dependency Injection .

Even though Spring has made the development of Java applications easier, I think it is vast and complicated to master.

In the past, I tried to learn the Spring Framework from scratch, and I found it a long experience. This is where Spring Boot comes in handy, though. 😁

Now, let's talk about Spring Boot Architecture.

Spring Boot Architecture has four layers:

Spring Boot Architecture.png

This layer is at the top of the architecture. This tier is responsible for:

Performing authentication.

Converting JSON data into an object (and vice versa).

Handling HTTP requests .

Transferring authentication to the business layer.

The presentation layer is the equivalent of the Controller class. The Controller class handles all the incoming REST API requests (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, PATCH) from the Client.

The business layer is responsible for:

Performing validation.

Performing authorization.

Handling the business logic and rules.

This layer is the equivalent of the Service class. It's where you handle the business logic.

The business logic in software engineering is where you decide what the software needs to do. An example of this is validation. If you are ever requested to validate something, this needs to happen inside the Service class.

The Business layer communicates with both the Presentation layer and the Persistence Layer.

This layer is responsible for the following:

Containing storage logic.

Fetching objects and translating them into database rows (and vice versa).

This layer is the equivalent of the Repository interface. You write database queries inside this interface.

The Persistence layer is the only layer communicating with the Business and Database layers.

This layer is responsible for performing database operations (mainly CRUD operations).

This layer is simply the actual database that you decide to use to build your application.

Spring Boot workflow.png

Spring Boot workflow acts like this:

The Client makes an HTTP request.

The Controller class receives the HTTP request.

The Controller understands what type of request will be processed, and then it deals with it.

If it is needed, it calls the service class.

The Service Class is going to handle the business logic. It does this on the data from the database.

If everything goes well, you return a JSP page.

After reading this article, you'll learn about Spring Boot architecture and how it works.

Now learn how to create a Spring Boot Rest API .

Until next time! đŸ‘‹đŸŸ


Spring Boot Documentation

Baeldung: A Comparison between Spring and Spring Boot

IBM: Java Spring Boot

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  • Architecture

Spring Boot Architecture – Detailed Explanation

What is spring boot, features of spring boot, spring initializr, autoconfiguration, externalized configuration.

  • Spring Boot Architecture

Spring Boot Workflow Architecture

Advantages and disadvantages of spring boot architecture, disadvantage, additional resources.

Spring publishing is a sophisticated variant or job from the Spring framework. It is made up of third-party libraries and Embedded HTTP servers, in addition to the Spring framework. It produces high-quality, more time-consuming, and standalone apps that depend on the Spring framework. Spring Hack is working to eliminate the use of XML-based and annotation-based settings in software by default.

We will learn how this Spring Boot framework was designed in this tutorial. The above diagram illustrates that every layer of this structure is connected to the layer immediately above or below it because of the workflow. Every layer, therefore, only requires access to its proximate neighbours, so if we alter the API of a single layer, for example, we only need to upgrade the layers alongside it.

Spring Boot is an automated version of the traditional spring framework, simplifying and automating the process. Spring Boot is built on top of the Spring framework and is a layered structure in which every layer communicates with each other layer(from top to bottom in hierarchical order). The Spring Boot framework documentation provides the following definition.

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Spring Boot makes it possible to create high-quality, production-grade Spring applications that are simple to deploy and run.

Spring boot is designed to remove XML and annotations-based configuration settings from the application. Spring boot provides the following advantages, including opinionated(options to later change the configuration), convention over configuration, stand-alone, and production-ready: It provides stand-alone, production-ready, and convention over configuration options.

Spring Boot is a Java framework. It is built on the Spring framework and takes an apertures, opinionated, boilerplate-free approach to Spring applications. Spring Boot, however, does not require you to write excessive boilerplate code. The majority of Spring Boot applications, however, require minimal Spring configuration.

A Java developer who uses the auto-configuration feature can automatically configure his or her Spring application using jar dependencies, thereby making it very convenient for them to develop applications.

Spring Boot features that Java developers should be aware of are listed below:

Spring Boot projects are created through cURL, multiple IDEs, and the Spring CLI using Spring Initializr. Spring Boot is a Spring feature that enables project creation using cURL. Spring CLI, Spring IDEs, and the Spring CLI all support the Spring Boot feature. It doesn’t generate any application code but provides a basic project structure. All you need to do is write the application code.

Spring Initializr enables you to select a project, the programming language of your choice, and add dependencies such as development tools, actuators, web pages, and so on. To create a project, you must just click the Generate button after selecting the options on the Spring Initializr screen.

The project includes the Gradle build specification or pom.xml, depending on which Gradle or Maven project you chose to build, respectively. In addition to that, it includes a class with a main () method that boots up the application. Spring Boot is used to auto-configure the application context and set empty properties.

The Spring Boot CLI is a command line tool that you can use to create Spring applications quickly. By using Spring CLI, you can code Java-based applications by using your Java knowledge, even if you don’t write reusable code repeatedly. The starter component resolves dependencies when you start a new project.

To use the Initializr to kick-start development on a Java project on a more traditional project, you must first use this Spring Boot feature. The init command is, for instance, a way to use the Initializr to create a baseline project. The resulting zip file has the project structure, which you can then add or remove as you please. If not, you can modify the code as well.

The autoconfiguration feature provided by Spring Boot can help you develop and integrate your code but you still need to manually configure a lot of things. Now imagine you want to create a new library that you will use at different locations in your application. You can develop and integrate the code, but you may still be required to manually configure a lot of things.

It is possible to choose dependencies for a new Spring Boot project. These dependencies, based on which the autoconfiguration feature loads specific default configurations, are evaluated by Spring Boot during application startup. The AutoConfiguration class is fortified with @Conditional annotations that activate beans in particular circumstances, and the @Conditional annotation is used to activate beans in certain circumstances.

To use Spring’s conditional annotations, we must refer to the reference documentation. If our usage scenario does not require these conditions, you may create your own custom ones.

You must use @EnableAutoConfiguration or @SpringBootApplication annotations to use autoconfiguration.

All Spring Boot properties are read from the application properties or application YAML in Spring Boot applications. However, there may be circumstances where you wish to move your configuration from one environment to another. This is where you may need to configure these properties. You must rebuild and retest your application in all environments whenever you modify these variables. Furthermore, every time a change is made, you must also restart your application in production.

Spring Boot allows you to externalize your configuration by coding your application code as if it were used in one environment and then in another environment. You can reuse your application code in diverse environments by externalizing your configuration. You can externalize your configuration to use the code you created in one environment as a starting point. You can export your configuration as follows:

  • Properties files
  • Environment variables, etc.

You may need to understand what is happening inside an application in order to debug it or log it. For example, how many times a specific service was contacted, or how often a specific service failed. The Actuator framework is an easy-to-use framework you can use without installing another application or tool to inspect your application health-check endpoints. Spring Actuator is a lightweight means to track health, metrics, information, and so on.

You can interact with Actuator endpoints in Spring Boot, as well as those provided by Spring. Spring Boot includes a variety of built-in actuator endpoints and actuator implementations, so you can either add your own actuators or use the ones provided.

Spring Boot is a specialised part of the Spring Framework. It is utilised to create high-quality, production-grade Spring Based Applications with minimal effort. Spring Framework code is used to create Spring Boot.

Spring Boot uses a hierarchical architecture in which each layer communicates with the layer immediately below or above it ( hierarchical structure).

Before getting to the Spring Boot Architecture, we must first understand what each of those layers and classes means. The four layers in Spring Boot are as follows:

  • Presentation Layer
  • Business Layer
  • Persistence Layer
  • Database Layer

The following information is provided about these layers:

Presentation Layer: A JSON structure is made up of viewpoints. A front layer is what is seen from the outside and a back layer is where the structure is built from viewpoints. It interprets JSON and handles authentication and HTTP requests. After authentication, it enters the business layer for further processing.

Business Layer: As part of business logic, it manages all of the business decisions and performs the business validation and consent. For example, only admins may modify the customer’s account.

Persistence Layer: All of the storage logic in this program, including database questions, is accounted for in this portion of code. It also translates between database rows and company items.

Database Layer: The structure is constructed in this way: The HTTP request or internet requests are handled by the Controllers from the demonstration layer, the providers control the company logic, as well as also the repositories preserve persistence (storage logic). Each provider, service, and repository may be controlled by a single Controller. There are many repositories, which may be managed by many repositories, and databases may be managed by many databases.

Spring Boot relies heavily on the Spring framework, which means that it integrates almost all of the features and modules of Spring-like Spring MVC, Spring Core, and so on, but there is no demand for your DAO and DAOImpl classes.


  • Validator classes, view classes, and utility classes have been defined.
  • Spring Boot employs the same modules as Spring-like Spring MVC, Spring Data, and so on, but it has a different architecture. Spring Boot is the same as Spring MVC, but the one difference is that no DAO and DAOImpl classes are required.
  • Temporarily blocks an operation in order to create a data access layer and perform CRUD operations.
  • The client handles the HTTP requests (PUT or GET).
  • The controller receives the request, and it handles it. Then, it passes the request to the service logic if necessary.
  • All business logic is implemented in the service layer. It performs the logic on the data that is mapped to JPA using model classes.
  • An error is not reported to the user when a JSP page is returned to the application.

The following are the benefits and limitations listed:

  • Spring Boot allows for quick and easy development of spring-based applications in Java or Groovy.
  • Spring Boot optimizes for reduced time. It reduces the time spent developing and increasing productivity.
  • By reducing all the manual labour involved in writing annotations, boilerplate codes and XML configurations, it also helps in reducing the risk of errors.
  • The Spring Boot Application with Spring Ecosystem, which includes Spring Security, Spring Data, Spring JDBC and Spring ORM, is now easy to integrate with Spring.
  • It would also be easier for developers to follow the ‘Opinionated Defaults Configuration’
  • Development Web apps can be tested using Embedded HTTP servers such as Jetty, Tomcat, and also conveniently rely on them.
  • The Spring Boot CLI is accessible through the Command Line Interface, which has been and is being developed and tested in Spring Boot applications written in Java or Groovy.
  • Spring Boot can be built with the aid of tools like Gradle and Maven, as well as the jBOSS. Alongside, it provides a lot of plugins that make effortless development and testing of Spring Boot applications possible.
  • Working with embedded and memory databases is extremely convenient and easily accomplished with the plugin.
  • There is no problem with converting legacy or existing Spring Framework projects to Spring Boot applications, however, the time involved in the process is critical.
  • The size of the application deployment file is increased because of the high number of unused dependencies caused by Spring Boot.
  • Becoming a Spring Boot application requires the time-consuming and complicated process of converting a legacy Spring project to a Spring Boot one.
  • Many developers argue that Spring Boot is not suitable for building large-scale applications because it is unsuitable for working with microservices.
  • Spring Boot works well with small applications, as it can be deployed directly into Docker containers. In a large and complex application, I’d rather not use Spring Boot.

Spring Boot is a development framework that is built on top of the Spring framework. We also learnt about the different layers in the Spring Boot architecture in this article. We also learnt about the flow in Spring Boot Architecture.

  • Free Spring Boot Online Course
  • Spring Boot Interview Questions
  • Spring vs Spring Boot
  • Difference Between Spring MVC and Spring Boot

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Architecture & Workflow of Spring Boot

Spring Boot is the submodule of the Spring Framework which is used to produce a production-ready application with no XML configuration and annotation-based configuration. So, let us understand the Architecture of Spring Boot.

Spring Boot Architecture

The Spring Boot Architecture consists of a layered architecture where each layer only depends on the adjoining layer. As it is a layered architecture, each layer communicates with the layer directly below or above it.

Now, let us understand the workflow of Spring Boot Architecture.

Spring Boot Flow Architecture

It consists of Client, Controller, Service Layer, Model, and Database.

Spring Boot Architecture

In this tutorial we are going to learn about Spring Boot Architecture in detail.

Spring Boot is a module of the Spring Framework. It is used to create stand-alone, production-grade Spring Based Applications with minimum efforts. It is developed on top of the core Spring Framework.

Spring Boot follows a layered architecture in which each layer communicates with the layer directly below or above (hierarchical structure) it.

Before understanding the Spring Boot Architecture , we must know the different layers and classes present in it. There are four layers in Spring Boot are as follows:

  • Presentation Layer
  • Business Layer
  • Persistence Layer
  • Database Layer


Presentation Layer: The presentation layer handles the HTTP requests, translates the JSON parameter to object, and authenticates the request and transfer it to the business layer. In short, it consists of views i.e., frontend part.

Business Layer: The business layer handles all the business logic. It consists of service classes and uses services provided by data access layers. It also performs authorization and validation.

Persistence Layer: The persistence layer contains all the storage logic and translates business objects from and to database rows.

Database Layer: In the database layer, CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations are performed.

Spring Boot Flow Architecture


  • Now we have validator classes, view classes, and utility classes.
  • Spring Boot uses all the modules of Spring-like Spring MVC, Spring Data, etc. The architecture of Spring Boot is the same as the architecture of Spring MVC, except one thing: there is no need for DAO and DAOImpl classes in Spring boot.
  • Creates a data access layer and performs CRUD operation.
  • The client makes the HTTP requests (PUT or GET).
  • The request goes to the controller, and the controller maps that request and handles it. After that, it calls the service logic if required.
  • In the service layer, all the business logic performs. It performs the logic on the data that is mapped to JPA with model classes.
  • A JSP page is returned to the user if no error occurred.


Spring Boot follows a layered architecture in which each layer communicates with the layer directly below or above (hierarchical structure) it. There are four layers in Spring Boot are as follows:

  • Presentation Layer : handles the HTTP requests, translates the JSON parameter to object, and authenticates the request and transfer it to the business layer.
  • Business Layer : The business layer handles all the business logic. It consists of service classes and uses services provided by data access layers. It also performs authorization and validation.
  • Persistence Layer : The persistence layer contains all the storage logic and translates business objects from and to database rows.
  • Database Layer : In the database layer, CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations are performed.

For more information, visit the following links:

  • @article@Spring Boot Architecture
  • @article@Spring Boot Architecture – Detailed Explanation
  • @feed@Explore top posts about Architecture



Java Tutorial, Frameworks and Programs

Spring Boot Architecture

Spring boot architecture: spring boot work flow.

Spring Boot architecture is four-tiered architecture. It is a well-designed architecture that allows us to develop applications with minimal programming efforts. These applications are production-grade and stand-alone applications.

The Spring Boot architecture is designed in a way that completely avoids the use of XML-based and annotation-based configuration from the applications. Spring Boot reduces the effort of the developer as it provides production-ready applications in less time.

Spring Boot architecture is made of the following four layers:

  • Presentation Layer
  • Business Layer
  • Persistence Layer
  • Database Layer

presentation layer spring boot

Presentation Layer: It is the frontend layer of Spring Boot architecture, which is responsible for managing the HTTP requests, translates the JSON parameter to object and vice-versa, and also authenticates the request and forward it to the business layer. In a nutshell, It consists of views.

Business Layer: It manages all the business logic with the help of service classes and uses services provided by data access layers. It performs validation and authorization, for example, admin verifications.

Persistence Layer: The persistence layer is responsible for translating the business objects from and to database rows. It contains all the storage logic.

Database Layer: The database layer handles the database, such as MySQL, MongoDB, and more. All the DB operations, such as CRUD, are performed in this layer.

Spring Boot Work Flow

Spring Boot is a Spring Framework, so it mostly supports all the features and modules of Spring-based frameworks such as Spring Core, Spring MVC, and more. The only difference is that there is no need for the DAO and DAOImpl classes.

The workflow of Spring Boot is as following:

presentation layer spring boot

How does it work?

Step1: Creates a data access layer for database operations that needs a repository class extending CRUD services.

Step2: Makes the http request (PUT or GET) by the client.

Step3: Controller mapped it with the specific route of request and called the service logic.

Step4: The service layer performs the business logic on data, mapped through JPA with model/entity class.

Step5: The response is returned by the model in the form of a JSP page.

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Introduction to Spring Boot - part 1

Spring Boot is a very big and complex framework and for the next few weeks we are going to spend a great deal of time focusing on the core of the framework and all its parts. There will be a lot of content to go through so please go through it diligently as it will set a solid foundation for you.

The Difference Between Spring and Spring boot

Spring is one of the most extensively used Java EE Frameworks for building applications. For the Java platform, the Spring framework provides a detailed programming and configuration model. It aims to simplify the Java EE development and helps developers be more productive at work. It can be used at any kind of deployment platform. It tries to cater for todays needs in business to make it quick an easy to develop applications.

Spring Boot

While the Spring framework focuses on providing flexibility to you, Spring Boot aims to shorten the code length and provide you with the easiest way to develop a web application. With annotation configuration and default codes, Spring Boot shortens the time involved in developing an application. It helps create a stand-alone application with less or almost zero-configuration. IT is a module of the spring framework and built on top of it.


Spring Boot follows a layered architecture in which each layer communicates with the layer directly below or above it (hierarchical structure).

Presentation Layer: The presentation layer handles the HTTP requests (your Restful api), translates the JSON parameter to object, and authenticates the request and transfer it to the business layer. In short, it consists of views i.e., frontend part.

Business Layer: The business layer handles all the business logic. It consists of service classes and uses services provided by data access layers. It also performs authorization and validation.

Persistence Layer: The persistence layer contains all the storage logic and translates business objects from and to database rows using different tools such JDBC and Repository.

Database Layer: In the database layer, CRUD (create, retrieve, update, delete) operations are performed. The actual scripts which get/insert information to and from the database

Spring boot flow architecture looks like this


Spring Boot Annotation

Spring Boot is easier to work with because it auto configures objects and resources for us using annotation, and annotations are big on Spring so its probably a good idea to look over some of the core annotations to get an application started.

@Autowired We can use the @Autowired to mark a dependency which Spring is going to resolve and inject. We can use this annotation with a constructor, setter, or field injection.

Checkout Spring Core Annotations Here

@SpringBootApplication We use this annotation to mark the main class of a Spring Boot application, it encapsulates @Configuration, @EnableAutoConfiguration, and @ComponentScan annotations with their default attributes.

Checkout Spring Boot Annotations Here

and many others

Dependency Injection

Before we can understand dependencies inject we have to first understand what inversion of control(Ioc) is and why we care about it

What Is Inversion of Control?

Inversion of Control is a principle in software engineering by which the control of objects or portions of a program is transferred to a container or framework. It’s most often used in the context of object-oriented programming.

By contrast with traditional programming, in which our custom code makes calls to a library, IoC enables a framework to take control of the flow of a program and make calls to our custom code.

The advantages of this architecture are:

  • decoupling the execution of a task from its implementation
  • making it easier to switch between different implementations
  • greater modularity of a program
  • greater ease in testing a program by isolating a component or mocking its dependencies and allowing components to communicate through contracts

What Is Dependency Injection?

Dependency injection is a pattern through which to implement IoC, where the control being inverted is the setting of object’s dependencies. The act of connecting objects with other objects, or “injecting” objects into other objects, is done by an assembler rather than by the objects themselves

Simply put, this allows for loose coupling of components and moves the responsibility of managing components onto the container.

There are 3 overall types of injection

  • Constructor Injection
  • Setter Injection
  • Field Injection

Interface - (Not officially a type)

Spring Actuator

This feature provides a lot of insights of a running Spring boot application. For example, you can use Actuator to find out which beans are created in Spring’s application context and which request path are mapped to controllers.










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Controller belongs to the Presentation layer?

I heard that controller belongs to the presentation layer. How is it possible?

I thought that :

  • view is for presentation
  • model is for business logic
  • controller is for controlling logic

Is there good link to prove that controller belongs to the presentation layer?

"Spring MVC is used for presentation layer": how can we use MVC only in the presentation layer?

  • model-view-controller
  • design-patterns

Jerome Dalbert's user avatar

4 Answers 4

The presentation layer contains views and controllers. You must not mistake an MVC architecture for a multitier/layer architecture (especially a 3-tier architecture). Most of the time Model/View/Controller is not the primary design of a web application, it is just a subset of a multitier/layer architecture.

Take a look at this oversimplified scheme (you could have the DAOs in a dedicated Data Access Layer, but this is not important in this post) :

Simplified layers

Spring MVC is a presentation framework : it deals with controllers and views. But why the "M" in Spring MVC ? Just because, as many other presentation framework, it naturally deals with a representation of a model/entity ("M"). This representation is the one used in your controllers, displayed in your views, submitted in your forms, etc. That's why the framework is called Spring MVC, even if the model/entity is not part of the prensentation layer.

I think it is a good name for this Framework, because it is really "MVC" oriented. Indeed the representation of a model/entity can be :

  • direct : the framework directly handles the model/entity object
  • indirect : the framework handles a form object or DTO, that contains information related to one or multiple entities

Spring's recommendation is to directly use the model/entity ("M") object :

Reusable business code, no need for duplication. Use existing business objects as command or form objects instead of mirroring them to extend a particular framework base class.

That's why I say the framework is very "MVC" oriented, compared to others, like Struts, where you have to use different form objects.

Some interesting links :

  • Comparison between Multitier and MVC architecture , from Wikipedia
  • This blog post about 3-tier architecture in ASP.NET
  • This blog image of a 3-tier architecture
  • DispatcherServlet chapter from Spring's documentation
  • great help! I want to know how do Presentation Layer and Business Layer communicate? I know that UI and Controller interact through REST. Since Presentation and Business both the layers are in different machines (n -tier arc), does Service layer also accept REST calls? I have no real time experience so you may find this question lame, but it would be very nice of you if you educate me about it. Thanks in advance. –  Arun Raaj Commented May 6, 2018 at 23:12
  • A model is not, and has never been, an entity. –  Jimbo Commented Jun 25, 2020 at 17:29

The controller controls the presentation layer logic. For all the business code, transactional use cases, persistence, etc., it typically delegates to a service layer.

A typical way of doing that is to implement transactional services as spring beans and inject those spring beans in controllers. Typical use case: create a new product:

  • The controller receives a command bean from the browser
  • It validates that all the required data is present, and if not, redisplays the product creation page with error messages
  • It calls a service bean to create the product
  • The service bean runs in a transaction. It gets the product category from the database, attaches the product to its category, computes the price for the product based on current pricing strategies, sends a JMS message to an external application, and returns the ID of the created product
  • The controller redirects to the product detail page, using the ID of the created product as a URL parameter.

John Allison's user avatar

  • so controller will be in between UI and service layer right? then how it will be in Presentation Layer? –  Ramesh Kotha Commented Sep 14, 2012 at 18:55
  • UI and presentation are the same thing. The controller is part of the UI, or presentation, layer. –  JB Nizet Commented Sep 14, 2012 at 21:23

It largely depends on what flavor of MVC you're using, and what environment you're using it in.

For example, ASP.NET MVC is entirely a UI pattern, so all three parts are part of presentation.

However, in most implementations of MVC, the Controller interacts with the user, and thus is part of the UI layer. It may handle button presses, and keyboard input... but in many cases, the controller is also responsible for connecting the Model and the View together.

The one universal truth is that you should NOT be doing business logic in the controller if you cannot help it. Where the business logic exists depends on many factors. It might be part of the model in some implementations, or it may be it's own separate layer outside of MVC

Erik Funkenbusch's user avatar

Where do you get your quote Spring MVC is used for presentation layer from?

I think firstly its important to understand the meaning of MVC in context of Spring Boot.

In Sprint Boot the model represents the data. And therefor you handle any business operations there and not in the controller. The view represents the user interface!

The controller acts as an intermediary between the model and view . The controller receives input from the user, interacts with the necessary services or business logic to retrieve or manipulate data, and then prepares the response to be displayed by the view. Since that you can already say here, that it does not belong to the business layer since it should not do any operations on the data.

And why the controller belongs then to the presentation layer becomes even more clear since it

  • handles requests & responses
  • routes the requests based on their URL/HTTP Methods
  • does input validation and transformation

Anna Klein's user avatar

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presentation layer spring boot

A Basic Spring Boot Application

  • First Online: 24 November 2023

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  • MoisĂ©s Macero GarcĂ­a 3 &
  • Tarun Telang 4  

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You could start writing code directly, but that, even while being pragmatic, would be far from a real case. Instead, you’ll see how to define a product you want to build and split it into small chunks. This requirements-oriented approach is used throughout the book to make it more practical. In real life, you’ll always have these business requirements.

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About this chapter

Macero GarcĂ­a, M., Telang, T. (2023). A Basic Spring Boot Application. In: Learn Microservices with Spring Boot 3. Apress, Berkeley, CA. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9757-5_3

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-9757-5_3

Published : 24 November 2023

Publisher Name : Apress, Berkeley, CA

Print ISBN : 978-1-4842-9756-8

Online ISBN : 978-1-4842-9757-5

eBook Packages : Professional and Applied Computing Apress Access Books Professional and Applied Computing (R0)

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presentation layer spring boot

does visa works in rostov ATMs? Or do I need a mastercard?

Is there a ATM at the aiport?

Many thanks in advance!

Best regards

' class=

In Russia both VISA and Mastercard are standart by default . Other payment systems like Amex or UnionPay can be problematic, but VISA and Mastercard work in almost every ATM in Russia.

//Is there a ATM at the aiport?

thank you very for much the information. I have another question off topic. How much costs the transportation with taxi from the aiport to the centre of rostov about? Do you can recommend a taxi app which works in rostov?

// How much does the cost of transportation with a taxi from the aiport to the center of rostov about?

300-500 rub. Price of official taxi "Aeroservis" to the center - 400 rub (has the desk in airport building ).

// Do you can recommend a taxi app which works in rostov?

Yandex-taxi works in Rostov for sure, do not know about others. For security reasons and to avoid rip-off I recommend use Yandex-taxi or official desk of "Aeroservis". Also public transport (bus and trolley) is available, airport is located near the city.

As always make sure you bank knows you will be in Russia - especially if it is not a european bank

presentation layer spring boot

>Also public transport (bus and trolley) is available, airport is located near the city.

That's gonna change soon, the new Platov Airport is constantly bemoaned for how inconveniently it's placed, if we're speaking of Rostov-on-Don, of cource, not Rostov the Great.

thank you for the informations! You have helped me a lot!

I suppose Yandex-taxi in rostov on don is working 24 hours? I have found something in Azov, I guess with Yandex-taxi it should be not a problem with transportation, 24 hours?

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Standard time: UTC/GMT +3 hours
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Sunrise Time: 5:06:44 AM 05:06:44 5:05:27 AM 05:05:27 5:08:01 AM 05:08:01
Sunset Time: 7:47:13 PM 19:47:13 7:48:43 PM 19:48:43 7:45:41 PM 19:45:41
Length of day: 14 h 40 m 29 s 14 h 43 m 16 s 14 h 37 m 40 s
Solar Noon: 12:26:58 PM 12:26:58 12:27:05 PM 12:27:05 12:26:51 PM 12:26:51
Astronomical Twilight Starts: 2:56:22 AM 02:56:22 2:54:04 AM 02:54:04 2:58:39 AM 02:58:39
Astronomical Twilight Ends: 9:57:34 PM 21:57:34 10:00:06 PM 22:00:06 9:55:02 PM 21:55:02

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Latitude: 47° 13â€Č 53″ North
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Rostov oblast for Spin Tires

Rostov oblast for Spin Tires

Map "Rostov oblast" for Spintires. Description: - 1 garage - 2 refills - 1 logging - 2 point loading - 8 sawmills - 9 points of intelligence Tested in game version from 03.03.16 Download the map of "Rostov region" for Spintires, you can click on the links below on the page.

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