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  • Module 7: Human Resource Management
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  • Module 10: Leadership
  • Module 11: Motivation
  • Module 12: The Individual and the Organization
  • Module 13: Ethics in Business
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  • Module 15: Control
  • Module 16: Globalization and Business
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How to Give a Presentation to Senior Management & Executives (+ Expert Tips)

Sharon Hurley Hall

Do you have a big presentation to the C-Suite coming up? Use these executive presentation tips to deliver an attention-getting presentation. Keeps top execs engaged and interested.

Executive presentations PowerPoint template

It happens. You prep all night for an executive presentation, then it doesn't go as smoothly as it did in your head. It's not flowing, and you feel like your audience is kind of bored. 

To prevent your audience from saying " thank you; next ," you'll need to  up your presentation game.

This tutorial will show you how to present a presentation to senior management so you can keep their attention. You'll also see some of the best executive presentation formats and management presentation samples from Envato Elements and GraphicRiver. 

Best PowerPoint Executive Presentation Templates (With Unlimited Use)

A good place to find  executive PowerPoint presentation templates is Envato Elements. They've got a great offer to take advantage of today. Download as many management presentation templates as you want for one low price.  

 download as many executive presentation templates as you want for one low price

For a head start with designing your slides, check out the  executive presentation templates  on Envato Elements. 

Get unlimited business PowerPoint templates with Envato Elements

For well-designed executive slide decks that grab and hold your audience's attention, turn to Envato Elements. 

Here are some of the PowerPoint templates for executive presentations:

powerpoint presentation on management

Envato Elements is great if you need a range of template designs for several executive presentations. But,  if you need a single template for one-off use, then check out the affordable  business PowerPoint templates  on GraphicRiver.  These popular templates for executive presentations will help you create eye-catching management presentations. And at a price that suits your budget.

If you're preparing an executive presentation in PPT, you want it to be the best it can be. Read on for tips on presenting to senior management and other executives.

15+ Tips for Better Executive Presentations (+ Expert Advice)

PowerPoint executive presentation template

Are you planning on presenting recommendations to senior management? Use the following tips to create more effective executive presentations:  

1. Research Your Audience

When preparing for a presentation to senior management, a little research goes a long way. A good place to start is LinkedIn. Because it's business-oriented, LinkedIn can help you find the interests and background of the executives you'll be presenting to . You may be presenting to a group, but they're all individuals with different roles and focuses. 

executive presentation format

For example, when presenting recommendations to senior management, know that the data you'll present to the CFO might not interest the CMO, and vice versa. Some people might be passionate about a particular topic or turned off by it. And some of your recommendations may have bigger implications for some departments than others.  Researching your audience as individuals helps you tailor your executive presentation to them.

Author and public speaker Pamela Hilliard Owens suggests:

"After you have been awarded the presentation opportunity, take the time to visit the company’s website and research the bios of each person who will be in your audience. Pay particular attention to the person’s title and position in the company as well as to what is important to them. If possible, try to get to know the person by name and title so that you can address them and/or their top issues or concerns as you prepare and present your topic."
"There’s no excuse to skip audience research.  It only takes one or two targeted examples to turn your presentation into a personal experience. Leverage the hobbies and interests of your audience to select examples which support your message."

2. Research the Niche

Sometimes it's as important to understand the niche you're presenting in as the audience. Mitch Mitchell, President and CEO of T.T. Mitchell Consulting , says:

"Audience research is important if you're addressing people with certain skills that might be out of the norm. For instance, if you're addressing an audience of nurses and medical people, it helps to know something in regards to how they work and what they deal with. The same goes for teachers. Depending on the presentation, I might not do audience research for most industries, but I might do market research on the topic so the presentation would be pertinent."

3. Prime the Audience

Andy Crestodina, Co-founder and Chief Marketing Officer of Orbit Media Studios , who gives 100+ presentations a year, says prepping your audience in advance is a good way to ensure your presentation is well-received:

"The key to a great presentation is to prime the audience. Make sure everyone knows the point of the presentation. State the goal of the meeting up front, in the meeting invite and on the first slide.  Make sure each point is concise. If you’re using a deck, limit it to only one idea per slide.  Never read slides. They’re there to support you, not replace you.  If there are deeper details, keep them in your back pocket (often at the end of a deck) and be ready to show them if necessary.  If there are likely dissenters, discuss things with them prior to the presentation. If you get surprising, negative feedback during a presentation, you likely didn’t prep that person well enough in advance!"

4. Tailor Your Presentation to Your Audience

Research your audience and niche. Then use that information to create a stellar presentation that meets their needs. Author, speaker and trainer Amma Marfo says:

"The key for clear communication with senior management is speaking in a language that they understand. So, as an expert on the topic at hand, consider filtering it through their lens. Are they primed to be moved by strong statistics? Make sure that you have quantitative proof of impact. If they’re convinced a given issue doesn’t exist? Come prepared with testimonials from impacted parties. Take note of not just what you want to share, but how they want to hear it."
"When I prepare to present to a company or organization, I make sure to spend time with organizers going over the context in which I’ll be speaking. What organizational issues might impact how people hear me when I arrive? How might people feel about this topic, and will it be an uphill climb for me to educate them on this? Without that context, I may be successful in delivering a talk, but I’ll have no idea if I can be impactful."

5. Project Confidence

When presenting data to executives, how you appear is almost as important as the data itself. That's why it's good to project the right body language . If you slouch, seem stressed, and don't look at your audience, then you'll wind up alienating them. Your presentation will seem boring, even if it really isn't.

management presentation sample

But, when you look confident, have a relaxed demeanor, and make eye contact, it makes your audience more interested in what you've got to say. Check out our article on the importance of body language in presentations for more tips on using body language to win over your audience.

Nicole Fende has two unusual, but attention-getting, tips for projecting confidence as a presenter, by using lightsabers (yes, really!) and improv:

"I own 8 (yes 8!) movie replica lightsabers and often ask my clients to hold one.  Even people who’ve never seen Star Wars will stand straighter and carry themselves with more confidence.  Find your touchstone and hold it while you rehearse or right before your presentation. Please note, I do not recommend taking the lightsaber into your presentation unless George Lucas will be there. When things go wrong the key is riding out the moment calmly.  Improv teaches you how to handle even the craziest of scenarios and keep going. Improv has improved my presentation skills exponentially."

6. Lead With the Summary

The term "executive summary" exists for a reason. It's a good way to think of the starting point for executive presentations. 

The ideal executive presentation format is to lead with a summary of the key facts they need to know on the first slide. This helps focus their attention and create interest. When you get straight to the point, they'll know they're not wasting their time—and you're not wasting it, either. Here's a high level executive summary PowerPoint example using the Business PowerPoint template from Envato Elements:

high level presentation example

It's ideal for busy execs who've dashed into your presentation at the last minute. This approach tells them why they're there and why they need to pay attention. Andy Crestodina agrees with this advice, but says it's useful for all presentations:

"The “executive summary” is important for the C-suite audience and anyone else. The reason is simple: people are not good listeners until they know that they are being listened to. If you do too much talking up front, the listener will gradually grow uncomfortable as they wait to give their input.  If you begin with a summary and then sit back and listen, you’ll quickly learn if there is support or objections. Then you can focus on those points as you continue the presentation.  With this approach, the presentation adapted for the audience as you go. It isn’t a monolog, it’s a dialog. That is the goal. It should feel more like a conversation. Most people would rather have a conversation than sit through a presentation."

Mitch Mitchell suggests that whether you need a summary for an executive presentation depends on the audience's knowledge:

"I think it depends on what the audience may or may not know about the presentation up front. For instance, if they're unsure of the topic of the presentation, a summary would be prudent to hopefully get their attention. If they know what the topic is going to be then a summary might not be needed in a normal sense; an outline will do."

After the summary, expand on your key points . Even busy execs who can't stick around for the whole presentation will get the most important information. Once you're past the summary slide, then keep it simple. Explain the situation, offer a solution, and explain the benefits of that solution, with relevant supporting information and data.

how to present a presentation to senior management

7. Make Your Presentation Flow

One of the best executive presentation tips I can share is to make your presentation flow by arranging information in a logical order . Once you've done your executive summary, then the slides that follow should outline the context. Cover those main points in order. 

While you're presenting, guide your audience to the key parts of your slides they should look at. Remember, while you're presenting, you're in charge.

8. Keep Your Executive Presentation on Topic

For an executive presentation, you may have to talk about business goals and values, business risks and opportunities. Do a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats) analysis. Learn more about creating and SWOT analysis slides here:

powerpoint presentation on management

Whatever your subject, the key thing when creating presentations for executives is to stay on topic. If you don't, your audience will lose interest fast. Use your presentation speaker notes to help you keep your presentation relevant.

9. Have a Single End Goal

When presenting recommendations to senior management, it's important to have a goal. Before you start, know what key recommendation you're leading to. Mention this in the executive summary. Then present the evidence to make a compelling rationale for your key takeaway.

10. Include Relevant Statistics

presenting recommendations to senior management

If you want to grab—and hold—the attention of the C-Suite, wow them with data. Using the right stats will make your executive presentations more compelling. Stats can also support the recommendations you make. One tip: check and double check your stats before you make your executive presentation.  A single error could undermine the validity of your whole pitch. 

Andy Crestodina advises:

"People want to believe we are rational decision makers, even when it’s not the case. Statistics and data appeal to that rational part of the mind, letting decision makers feel like they are using data to make a good decision. But mostly, they help people rationalize the choices they have already mostly made. They are visual triggers for the confirmation bias. To make them more effective in this role, make the analysis and conclusion obvious. Don’t show a spreadsheet. Show a simple chart with the analysis added so the point is 100% obvious.  For example, if I was looking for support to create more long form content, I would show the trend data, but highlight the conclusion."

Example stats presentation from Andy Crestodina

11. Present Data So It Gets Attention

When presenting data, it's important to remember that the figures tell a story. You want that story to be as clear as possible. Here are some tips to help you achieve that:

  • Decide on the right chart type for the data you're presenting. Whether you use bar graphs, line graphs, pie charts, Venn diagrams or another chart type will depend on the data you've got to present.
  • Avoid clutter as this can make data hard to read.
  • Use color wisely to help viewers distinguish among data points.
  • Ensure chart labeling is clear and helpful.

Nicole Fende recommends adding an interactive element to data presentation:

"Turn dry into compelling with an interactive presentation.  I will have people take out a coin, pick heads or tails, and flip it. If you chose correctly – congrats you’ve picked a successful company to copy. If your choice didn’t land – too bad, you’re following someone else right into failure. I use this to illustrate the risk in blindly copying another company’s pricing, policies, product offerings, strategy, etc.  It evokes emotion and involves three senses – visual, auditory, and touch."

Using executive presentation templates can also make your data stand out. Here's a high level presentation example, using the Sigma PowerPoint template , of how a small design tweak can make a big difference. In the first slide, all the bars are the same color. The audience is forced to check each line to figure out the percentages.

how to create a good report for senior management

Look at the difference below! In the second chart, the addition of percentage labeling, and color contrast makes the data much easier to understand.

presenting data to executives

12. Pay Attention to Slide Design

An important part of making your management presentation appealing is having well-designed slides with a coherent visual identity. Unless you're confident about your graphic design skills, consider getting a premade management presentation sample or template. This will save time on the design elements of your presentation. You can have the confidence that it'll look great. Pamela Hilliard Owens advises:

"If you think people are getting tired of Zoom calls, they are really tired of PowerPoint slides! When designing your slides, ensure that you, and not your slides, are the star of the show. Add only 2 or 3 bullet points to each slide, and use them only as an outline for your presentation. Remind your audience that they will receive a printout of the slides, so they won’t need to take notes. That way they can focus primarily on you and what you are saying, instead of focusing on reading the slides and writing while you are speaking." 

13. Watch Your Language

When preparing your presentation slides, pay attention to the words you use, and how you use them. Avoid unnecessary jargon —when people don't understand it, that's a major turnoff. And keep slide text short and focused on the essentials. That gives people time to read it and avoids an off-putting wall of text.

Here's an example, using the Sepi business PowerPoint theme . On the first slide, there's a chunk of text, which most people will find hard to read.

creating presentations for executives

The second slide is better, extracting the key points and putting them in bullet point form.

executive presentation ppt

14. Get Your Timing Right

It's worth repeating that it pays to keep executive presentations short and focused. Don't make the mistake of creating a presentation that fills your whole time slot. If there's one thing you can count on, it's interruptions from your audience.

Allow for that in advance by making your presentation shorter than the allotted time. Plan for questions and interruptions. For time-crunched execs, a presentation that finishes early while still providing value is a bonus.

That said, you don't want to finish so early they feel short-changed. Amma Marfo recalls learning a lesson about presentation timing:

"Sometimes this is awkward for people, but practice, practice, practice. I made this mistake early in my speaking career - assuming there’d be longer periods for engagement and question, I finished what I thought would be an hourlong presentation…in twelve minutes. Now, when I put together a session on a new topic, I test it out - you can do this alone with a timer, or with a small group of trusted colleagues to simulate any interactive parts of the presentation for you."

executive presentation tips

15. Expect the Unexpected

Speaking of questions, there's no telling what those execs might ask. It's wise to prepare for the unexpected and do some research around your presentation topic . That'll help you be ready for any questions that come out of left field. 

That also goes for any data you include. Identify areas where people are likely to ask questions and have extra supporting data to help answer them.

how to present a presentation to senior management

Every now and then, you'll get a completely unexpected question. Don't panic. If you don't know the answer immediately, don't be afraid to say so. Just promise to check your facts and get back to the questioner with the answer in a short time. 

16. Practice in Advance

When it comes to delivering the perfect executive presentation, practice makes perfect. Run through your executive slide deck as many times as it takes to know your material inside out. Have a mental picture of where the supporting information is for each of your main points. That'll help you find it quickly if someone asks a specific question. Mitch Mitchell comments:

"I've always over-prepared. I put together an outline, I make sure I know all the answers to everything I want to talk about, then I rehearse upwards of 5-7 times to get the timing correct. The worst thing is to come across as unprepared or unprofessional; no one likes being rambled at." 

Pamela Hilliard Owens agrees:

"Practice, practice, practice, and be yourself. You were hired for your experience, your expertise, your personality, and your ability to relate to your audience. As you prepare your presentation, put yourself in the shoes and minds of your audience. Ask yourself: What are my goals for this presentation? Do my goals match the goals of the person/group to whom I am presenting? What are the specific “takeaways” I want for my audience? Am I speaking so that the people in my audience actually want to hear what I am saying?"

17. Step Away From the Podium

Don't be afraid to move away from the PowerPoint presentation and use a whiteboard to illustrate a key point. Switching up maintains interest and shows you know your stuff. It makes for an appealing presentation.

Grab Some Professional Presentation Templates

Find more high-level presentation examples in the articles below:

powerpoint presentation on management

Learn More About Presentations

Want some more help with creating presentations for executives? Check out the tutorials below for more guidance:

powerpoint presentation on management

Don't Miss Our New Free Online Presentation Guide

Now that you've been through our tutorial, do you want to learn even more about public speaking? We've got the resource for you! We'll take you through the complete process to get you ready for your next executive presentation in PPT—from start to finish.

The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations in 2019

Don't miss our new free online presentation guide,  The Complete Guide to Making Great Business Presentations . It's chock full of powerful business presentation advice to help you make your next business presentation your best yet.

Get a Unique Executive Presentation Template Today!

Now, it's over to you. Choose one of the PowerPoint templates we've shared in this tutorial. Or go to Envato Elements for a stunning executive PowerPoint presentation template that'll make your audience take notice. Look at GraphicRiver's best PowerPoint templates or business PowerPoint templates for even more choice. 

Download your favorite executive presentation template today.

Editorial Note : This article was original published on November 4th, 2019. It's been updated to include new information by Sharon Hurley Hall .

Sharon Hurley Hall

Analyst Answers

Data & Finance for Work & Life

powerpoint presentation on management

Management Presentation: 8 Tips, Examples & a Template

In a corporate context, presenting works wonders for a career. Most professionals get exposure to presenting to informed colleagues and department managers. It’s an ideal way to get visibility and show value. But a management presentation to senior executives who aren’t familiar department nuances is a different ballgame.

A management presentation is a high-level summary to senior executive that optimizes reports to include only the details relevant to directorial decisions . They are notoriously difficult to navigate for two reasons: 1. most executives do not have working knowledge of the nuances in each department , 2. presenters rarely have time to understand executives’ preferences .

More than anything else, good management presenters learn how to strike a balance in the degree of detail: they provide enough detail so executives make informed decisions, but not so much detail that they cause confusion.

This article explores how to make a good management presentations in PowerPoint using 4 management presenting best practices , 4 management presenting techniques , providing examples for each, and finishing with a management presentation template you can apply in real life. You can use it as a jumping off point for deeper communication curriculum .

5 management presenting best practices are:

  • Ask what managers prefer ahead of time.
  • Have 1 message, and 1 message Only.
  • The only words should be “Thought Starters.”
  • Keep it short.
  • Practice 7 times in advance.

4 management presenting techniques are:

  • Use a CSP model – Challenge, Solution, Progress.
  • Begin with a summary of exactly 3 points.
  • Use only these 3 chart types: bar, line, scatter.
  • Design slides with the company logo.

I will use a financial analyst perspective in this article, but everything here applies to data and business analysts as well.

Ask Executives Their Preference Ahead of Time

If you’ve ever taken a class on presentation techniques, you’ve heard the old adage “know your audience.” It’s true, the best way to deliver a great presentation is to align your message with what your audience already understands. The same applies to a management presentation.

The challenge is that, more often than not, executives are too busy for you to get to know them well. This means you hardly get the chance to understand how they like presentations. So what can you do? Well, ask them! There’s no harm in sending an email to understand better. And what’s more, once you know, you can always defer to their preferences in the future.

For a financial management presentation, common questions to ask include the following:

  • Do you prefer to see raw data, or only visualizations?
  • Do you prefer charts or table summaries?
  • Would you like a written explanation on paper for each slide?
  • Do you like averages alone, or do you prefer means, or standard deviation?
  • What interests you most in a presentation?

If you gather some helpful insights, then your presentation will be that much better. That said, you may not get a response, or it may be quick and not insightful. But most senior executives will appreciate you asking .

The best part is you will be able to surprise them. Using the best practices and techniques below, in additional to any insights gathered form your email, will work wonders for you.

Have 1 Message, and 1 Message Only

The easiest mistake to make on a management presentation is trying to deliver multiple messages. Senior executives go through loads of meetings every day, and each meeting they have includes a wave of information. Your mission should be to deliver 1 essential message so they can easily understand and compartmentalize it.

This is no easy task. When I try to narrow down the focus of my management presentation message, it seems like I leave out critical information along the way. The key is to tell a story to incorporate critical information as part of a story towards the essential message.

For example, imagine you work for a wholesale watch company called Batch Watch . You want to explain a financing operation in which the company has the option of two loans to fund the initial costs of 10,000 watches. These loans have different interest rates and maturity dates. Loan A is better if the company expects to sell the watches within 3 months, while Loan B is better if the company expects to sell over more than 3 months. Each has cancellation fees and cash flow impacts.

Instead of showing the cancellation fees and cash flow impact of the each loan, all you need to say is “ we expect the company to sell them within 3 months, and we recommend loan A for that reason.” If the executives disagree on the sale timeline, they will ask for more information.

This is how you keep senior executives engaged, by integrating them in the story you tell. Ultimately, the essential message of your presentation should be how much profit the company will make from the watch funding operation. Senior executives should leave feeling like the project is in good hands with you, and they only feel that way when you tell a story around the essential message .

Whatever the Message, Use Data

Whatever message you want to send, it needs to be backed up by data. In the example above the data was financial, but it’s not always that simple. Context may require you to provide KPIs and perform extensive data analysis that culminates in a small output that your viewers can easily digest.

You need to be strong with data to deliver a good management presentation. To get started or refresh your memory, you can read AnalystAnswers’ free Intro to Data Analysis eBook .

The Only Words Should be “Thought Starters”

As a general presentation principle, you should not write many thoughts down on presentation slides. Words have two negative impacts on the audience: they demand energy from the reader, and they make the reader feel compelled to read, lest they misunderstand.

If you can avoid putting text blocks altogether, do. If you don’t need any writing at all, don’t. However, if you need guidance as you speak or want to provide reminders for a later data, use “Thought Starters.”

Thought starters are phrases of 3 words maximum that contain ideas leading to the essential message. People often call them “bullet points,” which is common for list-style thought starters. Personally, I prefer to place thought starters at different places on a slide. When I use a chart, for example, I put thought starters at relevant places on the slide.

Keep it Short

Your presentation should never consume more than 80% of the allotted timeframe. This means that if you plan a 5 minutes meeting, deliver the presentation in 4 minutes. If you’re given 30 minutes, do it in 25 minutes. If you have 1 hour, do it in 45 minutes.

By keeping the presentation short, you relieve the audience and you allow for some question buffer. Have you ever sat in a meeting planned for 1 hour, and at 45m it ends early? It’s a pleasure for everyone. Most of us feel like we’re running behind — when you put us ahead of schedule, we love you!

At the same time, senior executives may bombard you with questions throughout the presentation. If you planned to fill the whole timeframe, you won’t finish. But if you planned to finish early, you still have a chance.

And if you use the rest of these best practices and techniques, those senior executives shouldn’t need to ask too many questions!

Practice 7 Times in Advance

There’s a mix of opinions on the number of times you should rehearse a presentation before doing it live, but most people agree that it’s somewhere between 5 and 10 times. If you take nothing else from this article, take this. To deliver a good presentation, prepare excellent slides; to deliver a great presentation, practice presenting them 7 times.

To deliver a good presentation, prepare excellent slides; to deliver a great presentation, practice presenting them 7 times.

But just practicing isn’t enough, there are a few criteria you must meet:

  • Practice in the room you will present in. There’s something about envisioning yourself live that really makes a difference. When you practice in a space other that where you’ll present, it’s good. But when you practice in the “live” room, you’re able to sensitize yourself to the environment, which calms nerves so you can focus on the message.
  • Have an audience. We all behave differently when there’s stimulus of other people around. Whenever possible, get one or two people to whom you can present. In addition to getting used to having an audience, you’ll also get some feedback.
  • Use the same volume of voice. When we’re not “live,” we have a tendency to hold back on our voice. This is detrimental to the presentation because you feel taken off guard by your own voice. Make sure to envision yourself in front of the senior execs when you practice.

Best Practices Recap

We’ve addressed 5 best practices — now let’s turn our attention to 4 specific techniques you can easily implement. And when you do, that work wonders for management presenting.

Use a CSP Model (Challenge, Solution, Progress)

Every presentation needs structure, but it’s easy to forget that we need to guide our audience. A great way to structure management reports is using the CSP model. CSP stands for Challenge, Solution, Progress, and it’s exactly what it sounds like.

You need to explain the challenge or goal, explain what the solution to the challenge is (or how to achieve the goal), and show where you are in the steps to completing that goal.

For example, let’s look at our Batch Watch case. Imagine you need to find funding for a new product launch — $100,000 to be exact. A sample CSP model for this would be a slide that shows:

powerpoint presentation on management

By using the CSP model, you guide the audience. However, it’s important to note that the CSP model is not a summary . It’s an overview of the process, but a summary should always come before. Let’s talk about it now.

Begin with a Summary of Exactly 3 Points

Any good presentation begins with a summary. And a good summary communicates the essential message simply in 3 points. However, the summary is not the same thing as the CSP model. Instead, it provides an alternative view on the challenge and and solution.

For example, using our Batch Watch case of funding a new product, you could address a summary in the following way:

  • Challenge, Solution, Progress
  • Funding acquisition
  • Project Timeline

This provides additional details that are most relevant to the project and carry added value to the CSP model.

Use only Bar Charts (aka Column Charts), Line Graphs, and Scatter Plots

Whether it’s for data, financial, and business analyst topics , management presentations should only ever have bar charts, line graphs, and scatter plots. They are common, rich in information, and well understood. Any other kind of graph is distracting more than anything else.

A bar graph is useful when you want to compare like variables. For example, if you want to show the average size of Canadian trout versus American trout. A common mistake, though, is to use bar graphs to show change over time. While it’s not incorrect to do so, line graphs are better for this purpose.

A line graph is useful when you want to show change in one variable over time (we call this time series data). For example, if you want to show the progression of revenues over time, line graphs are the perfect way to do so.

A scatter plot is best when you want to compare a set of observations of one variable to a set of observations of another. It’s the ideal way to quickly visualize the relationship between two variables. For example, if you want to see how company revenues compare to GDP, you could use a scatter plot like this:

For example, let’s look at our Batch Watch case. If we want to see how our company is performing compared to the economy as a whole, we could use this scatter plot. As you can see, we have a positive (bottom left to top right) relationship, but a weak one (points not clustered closely).

powerpoint presentation on management

Design Slides Using the Company Logo

When you’re presenting to senior executives, you want your slides to look professional. The best way to do that is by putting your company logo on them, including any corporate design standards (colors, fonts, etc). Show through your presentation that you belong to the same company, and that you’re in it in spirit. For example, let’s add the logo to our CSP slide:

powerpoint presentation on management

Techniques Recap

Here’s a sample management presentation template below. I hope you understand after reading this article that management presentation is more about your delivery than it is about the slides you prepare.

Download Management Presentation Template for Free

While the techniques we’ve discussed will help you build a good presentation, your success really depends on how well you deliver the ideas needed to help senior executives make decisions. At the end of the day, it’s all about balance.

If you only remember two things from this article, remember that great management presenters give enough detail to inform senior executive but not too much that they cause confusion, and great management presenters make sure they do so by practicing 7 times in advance. You’ll have to practice, practice, practice.

About the Author

Noah is the founder & Editor-in-Chief at AnalystAnswers. He is a transatlantic professional and entrepreneur with 5+ years of corporate finance and data analytics experience, as well as 3+ years in consumer financial products and business software. He started AnalystAnswers to provide aspiring professionals with accessible explanations of otherwise dense finance and data concepts. Noah believes everyone can benefit from an analytical mindset in growing digital world. When he's not busy at work, Noah likes to explore new European cities, exercise, and spend time with friends and family.

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Introduction to management

Published by Bethanie Bishop Modified over 6 years ago

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Tips for creating and delivering an effective presentation

In this article.

Creating an effective presentation

Delivering an effective presentation

Tips for creating an effective presentation

Choose a font style that your audience can read from a distance.

Choosing a simple font style, such as Arial or Calibri, helps to get your message across. Avoid very thin or decorative fonts that might impair readability, especially at small sizes.

Choose a font size that your audience can read from a distance.

Try to avoid using font sizes smaller than 18 pt, and you may need to go larger for a large room where the audience is far away.

Keep your text simple and minimize the amount of text on your slides

Use bullets or short sentences, and try to keep each to one line; that is, without text wrapping.

You want your audience to listen to you present your information, rather than read the screen.

Some projectors crop slides at the edges, so long sentences may be cropped.

You can remove articles such as "a" and "the" to help reduce the word count on a line.

Use art to help convey your message.

Use graphics to help tell your story. Don't overwhelm your audience by adding too many graphics to a slide, however.

Make labels for charts and graphs understandable.

Use only enough text to make label elements in a chart or graph comprehensible.

Make slide backgrounds subtle and keep them consistent.

Choose an appealing, consistent template or theme that is not too eye-catching. You don't want the background or design to detract from your message.

See .

For information about using themes, see .

Use high contrast between background color and text color.

Themes automatically set the contrast between a light background with dark colored text or dark background with light colored text.

See .

Check the spelling and grammar.

To earn and maintain the respect of your audience, always check the spelling and grammar in your presentation.

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Tips for delivering an effective presentation

Show up early and verify that your equipment works properly.

Make sure that all equipment is connected and running.

Don't assume that your presentation will work fine on another computer.

Disk failures, software version mismatches, lack of disk space, low memory, and many other factors can ruin a presentation.

Turn off screen savers, and ensure you have the appropriate files and versions of software that you need, including PowerPoint.

To ensure all files are accounted for when you copy them to a USB drive and carry them to your presentation location, see 

Consider storing your presentation on OneDrive so it can be accessible to you from any device with an internet connection.

Verify that the projector's resolution is the same as the computer on which you created your presentation.

If the resolutions don't match, your slides may be cropped, or other display problems can occur.

Turn your screen saver off.

Keep your audience focused on the content of your presentation.

Check all colors on a projection screen before giving the actual presentation.

The colors may project differently than what appears on your monitor.

Ask your audience to hold questions until the end.

Questions are an excellent indicator that people are engaged by your subject matter and presentation skills. But if you save questions until the end of the presentation, you will get through your material uninterrupted. Also, early questions are often answered by ensuing slides and commentary.

Avoid moving the pointer unconsciously.

When you are not using the pointer, remove your hand from the mouse. This helps to stop you from moving the pointer unconsciously, which can be distracting.

Don't read the presentation.

Practice the presentation so that you can speak from bullet points. The text should be a cue for the presenter rather than the full message for the audience.

Stay on time.

If you plan a certain amount of time for your presentation, do not go over. If there is no time limit, take less time rather than more to ensure that people stay engaged.

Monitor your audience's behavior.

Each time that you deliver a presentation, monitor your audience's behavior. If you observe people focusing on your slides, the slides may contain too much data or be confusing or distracting in some other way. Use the information you learn each time to improve your future presentations.

Practice makes perfect.

Consider rehearsing your presentation with .


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principles of management

Principles of Management

Jan 07, 2020

4.1k likes | 11.34k Views

Principles of Management. By Sapna Suri. Define Management. “ Management is the process of designing & maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.”. Contd>>>>>>>.

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Presentation Transcript

Principles of Management By Sapna Suri

Define Management “ Management is the process of designing & maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.”

Contd>>>>>>> • As managers, people carry out the managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, leading, & controlling. • Management applies to any kind of organization. • It applies to managers at all organizational levels. • The aim of all managers is the same: to create a surplus. • Managing is concerned with productivity, this implies effectiveness & efficiency.

Define Organizations : “Organizations which can be defined as group of people working together to create a surplus.” • In business organizations, this surplus is profit. • In nonprofit organizations, such as charitable organizations, it may be the satisfaction of needs.

Features of Management : • Organized activities • Existence of objectives • Relationship among resources • Working with & Through people • Decision- Making

Management & Administration : • Administration is above management • Administration is part of management • Management & administration are same

Administration is above management : • “administration is that phase of business enterprise that concerns itself with the overall determination of institutional objectives & the policies necessary to be followed in achieving those objectives.” • “Management on the other hand, is an executive function which is primarily concerned with carrying out broad policies laid down by the administration.”

Difference between administration & management :

Administration is a part of management : • Management is a generic name for the total process of executive control in industry or commerce. • It is a social process entailing responsibility for the executive & economic planning & regulation of the operation of an enterprise, in the fulfillment of a given purpose or task. • Administration is that part of management which is concerned with the installation & carrying out the procedures by which it is laid down & communicated, & the process of activities regulated & checked against plans.

Management & Administration are same • Management & administration are synonymous; the difference between the two terms lies mostly in their usage in different countries or different fields of human organizations. • The distinction between the two terms may be drawn by analyzing the origin of the word “administration”. • The government often uses the word administrator, instead of manager, to handle & manage its affairs

The functions of management : • Management can be break down into 5 managerial functions : planning, organizing, staffing, leading & controlling • Management as an essential for any organization

Managerial functions as at different organizational levels .

Functions of Top Management : • To analyze, evaluate & deal with the external environmental forces • To establish overall long-term goals strategy & policies of the company including the master budget to allocate resources. • To create an organizational framework consisting of authority responsibility relationships. • To appoint departmental & other key executives. • To provide overall leadership to the company.

Contd >>>>>>> • To represent the company to the outside world, e.g. ; trade associations, government, trade unions, etc. • To exercise overall review & control on the company’s operations & • To coordinate the activities & efforts of different departments.

Functions of Middle Management : • To interpret & explain the policies framed by top management . • To compile & issue detailed instructions regarding operations. • To maintain close contacts with operating results so as to evaluate performance. • To participate in operating decisions • To cooperate among themselves so as to integrate or coordinate various parts of a division or a department

Functions of Supervisory Management : • To plan day-to-day production within the goals laid down by higher authorities. • To assign jobs to workers to make arrangements for their training & development. • To supervise & control workers & maintain personal contact with charge hands. • To arrange materials & tools & to maintain machinery. • To advise & assist workers by explaining work procedures, solving their problems, etc

Importance of Management : • Effective Utilization of Resources • Development of Resources • To Incorporate Innovations • Integrating Various Interest Groups • Stability in the Society

Skills of Management : • Technical skills • Human skills • Conceptual skills • Design skills

Nature of Management : • Management as an activity (or a process ) • Planning • Organizing • Staffing • Directing & • Controlling

Contd >>>>>>> • Management as a discipline • Management education is gaining popularity in the present –day-times. • Scholars are interested in study of management discipline, for purposes of conducting research studies & making new & valuable contributions to this discipline • Practitioners of management are much interested in a study of management discipline • Management discipline is growing into specialized branches of management like production, marketing, personnel, finance & several others

Contd >>>>>.. • Management as a group ( class or team or society) • Micro-level : the economic results, in terms of the attainment of common objectives, of the group-endeavor • Macro-level : the survival, growth & prosperity of the economy would be determined by the integrity, competence & efforts of the total management class • Management as an economic resource (or a factor of production) . The economist has been all the time been speaking of 4 factors viz , land, labour, capital & enterprise.

Management science or Art : Management science or art differ in the following ways : • Commonsense is vague as compared to scientific knowledge • Flagrant inconsistency often appears in commonsense whereas logical consistency is the basic of science • Science systematically seeks to explain the events with which it deals, commonsense ignores the need for explanation • The scientific method deliberately exposes claims to the critical evaluation of experimental analysis, commonsense method fails to test conclusions in any scientific fashion

Management as profession : “Profession is an occupation for which specialized knowledge, skills & training are required & the use of these skills is not meant for self-satisfaction but these are used for larger interests of the society & the success of the use of these skills is measured not in terms of money alone.”

Characteristics of profession : • Existence of knowledge • Acquisition of knowledge • Professional association • Ethical codes • Service motive

Objectives/ Advantages OR Significance of Management : • Micro level • Macro level

Micro level Enterprise level • Maximum results with minimum inputs • Securing results in terms of production, sales, employee satisfaction • Maintaining a balance between the internal environment of the enterprise & the external environment

Contd >>>>>>> • Ensuring maximum prosperity for both employers & employees • Stability of employement • Satisfactory working conditions • Fair remuneration • Job-satisfaction • Justice & human treatment • Ensuring survival, growth & prestige of the enterprise

Macro level • To further the process of economic growth • To ensure social welfare • Generation of employment opportunities • Helping maintain healthy industrial relations • Conversion of challenges into opportunities

Role of Management Principles : • To increase efficiency • To crystallize the nature of Management • To carry on Researches • To attain social objectives

Evolution of Management Thought : • Many different contributors of writers & practitioners have resulted in different approaches to management, & these make up a “management theory jungle”

Taylor & scientific management : • The concept of scientific management was introduced by Frederick Taylor in USA in the beginning of 20th century. • Scientific management was concerned essentially with improving the operational efficiency at the shop floor level

Contd >>>>>>>> • “scientific management is concerned with knowing exactly what you want men to do & then see in that they do in the best & cheapest way”

Elements & Tools of scientific Management : • Separation of planning & doing • Functional Foremanship • Job analysis • Time study involves the determination of time a movement takes to complete • Motion study involves the study of movements in parts which are involved in doing a job & thereby eliminating the wasteful movements & performing only necessary movements

Contd >>>>>>> 3. Fatigue study shows the amount & frequency of rest required in completing the work. • Standardization • Scientific selection & training of workers • Financial Incentives • Economy • Mental Revolution

Principles of scientific management : • Replacing rule of Thumb with science • Harmony in Group Action • Co-operation • Maximum output • Development of workers • A more equal division of responsibility between management & workers

Contd >>>>>>>>>>>. • Mental revolution on the part of management & workers

Merits of scientific Management : • More production & higher profits • Job-satisfaction • Personality development • Higher standard of living

Fayol’s Administrative management : • Henry Fayol was a french mining engineer who turned a leading industrialist & a successful manager • Perhaps the real father of modern operational management theory is the French industrialist Henry Fayol.

Contd >>>>>>> Fayol found that activities of an industrial organization could be divided into 6 groups such as : • Technical (relating to production) • Commercial (buying, selling & exchange) • Financial (search for capital & its optimum use ) • Security (protection of property & person) • Accounting (including statistics ) & • Managerial (planning, organization, command, coordination, & control )

Managerial qualities & training : • Physical (health, vigour , & address ) • Mental (ability to understand & learn, judgment, mental vigour, & capability) • Moral (energy, firmness, initiative, loyalty, tact, & dignity) • Educational (general acquaintance with matters not belonging exclusively to the function performed) • Technical (peculiar to the function being performed) & • Experience (arising from the work )

General Principles of Management : • Division of work • Authority & Responsibility • Discipline • Unity of Command • Unity of Direction • Subordination of Individual to General Interest • Remuneration of Personnel

Contd >>>>>. • Centralization • Scalar chain • Order • Equity • Stability of Tenure • Initiative • Esprit de corps

Role & Functions of a manager & activities of management

Functions of Manager : • Planning • Organizing • Staffing • Directing • Controlling

Nature Management Functions : • Management functions are universal • Management functions have interactive quality • Although management process suggests a sequential arrangement of functions its not always possible in the performance of managerial functions strictly in a sequence • Since there are many managerial functions often a question arises which management function is more important so that managers devote more time to that

Roles Of Manager : • Interpersonal Role • Informational Role • Decisional Role

Management Role :

Functions at Various Levels of Management :

Top Management : • Top management of an organization consists of board of directors, chairman & chief executive officer

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Content of this Powerpoint Presentation

Have you ever wondered about how an organization works so smoothly? How does it achieve goals, manage employees and foster an environment that also promotes growth which, as you well know, is not an easy job? The answer is with General Management . Management is often misunderstood as bossing around, but it is nothing like that. An organization can only manage to achieve success in its endeavors if it has a system of General management in place. With its help, the organization will be guided toward success by making the right and strategic decisions.

Explore our PPT Slide on the IT infrastructure practices used in General Management!!

SlideTeam is well aware of the importance of general management in an organization. Whether big or small, we have prepared a deck of ready-to-use PPT Slides to implement and amplify general management. These presentation slides will help in the easy navigation of projects, solutions, and online communications. At the same time, you’ll be able to demonstrate how to build a productive team.

Download our PPT Slide to navigate the progress of the projects through charts along with demonstrations of major dates!!

Template 1: GDS Project Management Lifecycle

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Use this specific template to demonstrate the project management cycle for GDS project management with a chart. This PPT Slide provides you the opportunity to show the whole lifecycle of a project, from planning to review with other processes involved. It demonstrates the whole process, from project planning to project closure, in a single presentation slide.

Template 2: Customer Life Cycle

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Any organization’s success depends on its clients. Just like the saying, The More, The Merrier; the more the customers, the more successful the business.. This particular PPT Slide showcases the whole journey from reaching out to a customer to retaining them. This PPT Template uses an attractive flowchart to show the process of reaching, acquiring, developing, and retaining customers. You can customize this presentation template according to your company by adding your logo to it.

Template 3 : Online Communications

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Communication is really important in an organization to work collaboratively and ensure that everyone is on the same page. There are a great number of online communication methods, such as instant messages, Email, RSS, social networks, mobile phones, online games, websites, and forums. This presentation template perfectly demonstrates the online communication methods for transparency, effective decision-making, security, diversity, and inclusion.

Template 4: MPMM

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If you want to provide a structured approach to managing projects from their very beginning to the finish, then this PPT Template will help you serve the purpose. You can improve the project planning with the help of this specific template. All the processes from telecom, manufacturing, and retail can be easily demonstrated and help you pave the path for the project's success.

Template 5: Team Building

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Team building is an essential yet tricky process. For a successful execution of a project, there is a strong team behind it. Demonstrating the critical elements for team building is essential, and this slide fulfills this purpose. Grab this PPT Layout if you want to describe the major components of a team-building enjoyable workplace: motivation, cooperation, identifying strengths, shared goal setting, productivity, and communication.

Template 6: Integration

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An organization can work smoothly if all the subsequent departments work seamlessly. Use this PPT Design to demonstrate the initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing of projects. This presentation design will ensure the alignment of different departments (Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations) to ensure their activities support each other's goals.

Template 7: Project Management

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Managing a project is a complicated process. For a process to be successful, resources, tasks, quality, change and team must be managed. As project management helps in achieving strategic objectives, resource optimization, and effective decision-making, it is essential to demonstrate all these components to outline the process of project management.

Template 8: OTS Optimized Shipyard

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Optimizing the shipyard is another major factor that will help you unveil the efficiency. Strategically planned processes and allocation of resources can only be possible through the optimized shipyard. Use this presentation design to showcase the various elements of the optimized shipyard, such as cost optimization, workforce optimization, project visualization, and capacity optimization through innovative visuals.

Template 9: Project Management

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Large numbers of processes are involved in the successful completion of a project. Grab this presentation design to navigate the different processes from planning to post-implementation review in a single slide. Grab the PPT Layout to have an overview of the various steps involved in project management. The impressive visuals and colors are surely captivating.

Template 10: Business General Management

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An overview of overall business management will help in effective decision-making and will surely benefit the overall business. In a project, different kinds of inputs from management and customers need to be adhered to, followed by the implementation of plans and then tasks, schedules, and resources. This PPT Preset will help you demonstrate the overview of overall business management.

The Key to Success and Efficiency

In conclusion, the general management system plays an important role in an organization's success. Ready-to-use PPT Designs will really be beneficial if you want to demonstrate the different aspects of general management. Get your hands on this powerful PPT Deck if you want to make effective decisions and take your company on the path to success.

P.S. Get our customizable slides on Project Management Playbook PowerPoint Presentation Slides.

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Business Project Management Infographics presentation template

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powerpoint presentation on management

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Business project management infographics.

Present your business project management endeavors with unwavering confidence using this formal Google Slides and PowerPoint template of captivating infographics, showcasing mission statements, project timelines, revenue overviews, and more. Designed to perfectly match the visually clear and professional "Business Project Management" template, they seamlessly harmonize with the soft earth tones...

Project Management Infographics presentation template

Project Management Infographics

Do you want to present your business or company data in an effective way? Go ahead and use these Project Management Infographics. They contain a lot of different designs: circular, arrows, paths… We have created them using yellow, orange, pink and purple hues and plenty of icons that you can...

Project Integration Management for Marketing presentation template

Project Integration Management for Marketing

Feeling like teamwork in your company is a bit all over the place and needs improving? Get everyone working together seamlessly with a thorough introduction to project integration management supported by this modern Google Slides and PowerPoint template! Explain how processes, systems and methodologies come together cohesively to make workflows...

Project Timeline Infographics presentation template

Project Timeline Infographics

Download the Project Timeline Infographics presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides and start impressing your audience with a creative and original design. Slidesgo templates like this one here offer the possibility to convey a concept, idea or topic in a clear, concise and visual way, by using different graphic resources....

Agile Project Management Infographics presentation template

Agile Project Management Infographics

We lead a fast-paced life and business management goes along with it. That's why agile project management is a very popular methodology these days in business. Download this template with 31 infographics and use it to present your agile project management strategies in a concise and effective way. Use graphs,...

Project Management Infographics presentation template

Download the "Project Management Infographics" template for PowerPoint or Google Slides to get the most out of infographics. Whether you want to organize your business budget in a table or schematically analyze your sales over the past year, this set of infographic resources will be of great help. Start using...

Business Project Management presentation template

Business Project Management

Our new template has got a modern look and has been designed to meet the needs of any user who wants to talk about project management in business. That's because, apart from photos and lots of shapes, we've added many slides for key data, such as roadmaps, services offered, project...

Project Manager's Dream Monthly Report Infographics presentation template

Project Manager's Dream Monthly Report Infographics

As a manager in your company, sometimes you must prepare a report in which various aspects and performance metrics are gauged and displayed. For this reason, we want to help you by releasing this set of infographics. Need to show percentages? A progress? Statistics? These are the designs you're looking...

Financial Management Project Proposal presentation template

Financial Management Project Proposal

In today's world, financial management is amongst the most essential aspects of running any business. This is precisely why project proposals concerning financial management are becoming increasingly crucial. Are you ready to provide solutions and identify potential risks that your (or other's) business may face? The market is filled with...

Project Integration Management for Business presentation template

Project Integration Management for Business

As businesses continue to grow, project integration management becomes crucial in ensuring that all aspects of the project are integrated and working together seamlessly. Therefore, it's important to have a well-designed and organized presentation when discussing this topic. That's where this Google Slides and PPT template comes in handy, providing...

Business Project Presentation presentation template

Create your presentation Create personalized presentation content

Writing tone, number of slides, business project presentation.

Download the "Business Project Presentation" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. The world of business encompasses a lot of things! From reports to customer profiles, from brainstorming sessions to sales—there's always something to do or something to analyze. This customizable design, available for Google Slides and PowerPoint, is what you...

Project Status Update Meeting presentation template

Project Status Update Meeting

Download the Project Status Update Meeting presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. Gone are the days of dreary, unproductive meetings. Check out this sophisticated solution that offers you an innovative approach to planning and implementing meetings! Detailed yet simplified, this template ensures everyone is on the same page, contributing to...

Project Management Infographics presentation template

Download the Project Management Infographics template for PowerPoint or Google Slides and discover the power of infographics. An infographic resource gives you the ability to showcase your content in a more visual way, which will make it easier for your audience to understand your topic. Slidesgo infographics like this set...

Project Presentation Workshop presentation template

Project Presentation Workshop

Download the Project Presentation Workshop presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. If you are planning your next workshop and looking for ways to make it memorable for your audience, don’t go anywhere. Because this creative template is just what you need! With its visually stunning design, you can provide your...

Projects of the Year Business Proposal presentation template

Projects of the Year Business Proposal

Download the Projects of the Year Business Proposal presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A well-crafted proposal can be the key factor in determining the success of your project. It's an opportunity to showcase your ideas, objectives, and plans in a clear and concise manner, and to convince others to...

Property Management Project Proposal presentation template

Property Management Project Proposal

Download the Property Management Project Proposal presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. A well-crafted proposal can be the key factor in determining the success of your project. It's an opportunity to showcase your ideas, objectives, and plans in a clear and concise manner, and to convince others to invest their...

Vintage Patterns Project Management Business Plan presentation template

Vintage Patterns Project Management Business Plan

Did you carry out a market analysis? Do you know what are the current trends and what is your competition? And do you have an operating plan ready too? That's great management, so now you just need this vintage-looking template in order to create a slideshow that details all of...

Project Review Meeting presentation template

Project Review Meeting

Download the "Project Review Meeting" presentation for PowerPoint or Google Slides. When it comes to outlining roles and expectations, a meticulously crafted job description can be an invaluable tool. With this comprehensive and finely detailed template, creating job descriptions becomes a simple and straightforward task. The template guides you through...

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Student Organization Risk Management

Risk management requirement.

In accordance with Texas Education Code, Section 51.9361, all registered student organizations are required to watch the Risk Management training in the Student Org Leader Orientation. The training will go over the risk management topics as it relates to individuals, organization functions, and/or activities. A minimum of the president should watch the training offered. If the president is not available, another officer can watch the training, but they will be responsible for educating the officers and members on the information learned. 

Once organizations have watched the risk management training they will be required to complete the required assessment that they can find on TechConnect under FORMS on the main page. This assessment cannot be completed by someone that has not watched the training.

Social fraternities and sororities are also required to attend the Clay R. Warren Memorial Risk Management Programming annually.

Training Dates

Student Organization Risk Management Training - This training complies with the Texas Education Code 51.9361 as stated above, and organizations will be in jeopardy of being disabled if not completed by the start of the fall semester. All student organizations must watch the risk management training in the Student Org Leadr Orientation.

Student Organization Advisor Risk Management Training - Student Involvement is pleased to offer student organization advisor trainings. This training is only required for advisors once, and it complies with the Texas Education Code 51.9361 and the 2017-2018 Texas Tech Student Handbook Provision (Part V, E. Faculty or Staff Advisor, 7).

Spring 2024 ADVISORS ONLY Training Dates:

  • January 25th: 12pm-1pm (zoom)
  • February 6th: 12pm-1pm (zoom)
  • March 26th: 12pm-1pm (zoom)
  • April 18th: 12pm-1pm (zoom)

For additional questions regarding risk management training, please contact Sadhvika Nelavelli or at 806-742-5433 .

Risk Management Topic Specific Presentations & One-on-One Advising Meetings

Request a Presentation

Request a One-on-One Meeting

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  3. INSANE PowerPoint TRICK🤯🔥 #powerpoint #tutorial #college #presentation #ronaldo

  4. Principles of Management

  5. Introduction To Risk Management PowerPoint Presentation Slides

  6. BEST PowerPoint Shortcut 🔥


  1. Free Templates for Google Slides and PPT about Management

    Management Presentation templates

  2. PowerPoints

    This course includes PowerPoint slide decks organized by chapter and aligned to course content. Since the slides are openly licensed, you are welcome to retain, reuse, revise, remix, and redistribute them.

  3. Give a Presentation to Senior Management (Expert Tips)

    Learn how to create and deliver an effective executive presentation with tips and examples from experts. Find the best PowerPoint templates for executive presentations on Envato Elements and GraphicRiver.

  4. Management Presentation: 8 Tips, Examples & a Template

    Learn how to make a good management presentation in PowerPoint using best practices and techniques. See examples of how to tell a story, use data, and design slides for senior executives.

  5. Management Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Take your presentations to the next level with a management PowerPoint template. Whether you're a business executive, project manager, or student, these templates will help you convey your ideas with professionalism and impact. With a range of customizable slides, you can easily organize your information and captivate your audience.

  6. Leadership And Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides

    The topic-specific leadership in management PowerPoint presentation is helpful to describe skills and traits that a leader possesses like problem-solving skills, team-building techniques, understanding goal setting, and building great work relationships, etc. You can also use the PPT slides to list down the management styles required in an ...

  7. Introduction to management

    8 Four Management Functions. Planning Defining the organizational purpose and ways to achieve it Organizing Arranging and structuring work to accomplish organizational goals Leading Directing the work activities of others Controlling Monitoring, comparing, and correcting work performance. 9 Meaning and Definition of Business.

  8. Management PowerPoint Slides and Templates

    Slide 1 of 6. Kpi for executive directors remuneration cost per director board of directors presentation slide. Slide 1 of 6. Kpi for male and female director remuneration last change on board of directors ppt slide. Slide 1 of 6. Kpi for new board members independent directors company board seats powerpoint slide.

  9. Free Project Management PowerPoint and Google Slides

    Streamline project planning and presentation with our 100% editable Project Management PowerPoint templates and Google Slides Themes. From Gantt charts to task timelines, our designs simplify complex concepts. Choose from a variety of designs, ace your project presentations, and impress your stakeholders today with our free slides!

  10. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. MANAGEMENT • Management is the attainment of organizational goals in an effective and efficient manner through planning, organizing, staffing, directing and controlling organizational resources. • Organizational resources include men (human beings), money, machines and materials. Definitions • Louis E Boone ...

  11. Management PowerPoint Templates

    Download Management PowerPoint Templates for making presentations about project management, business management, risk management, financial management and other topics. With these dynamic PowerPoint templates you can make presentations on a range of management related topics. The slides in each template are highly customizable and you can easily edit everything from the given diagrams and ...

  12. Management PowerPoint Templates |Presentation PPT Mgmt| PPT Templates

    Presenting change management PowerPoint presentation slides. Deck of 59 high resolution PPT designs for change manager or change management consultants. Adequate space for user to write titles or text. These templates are completely customizable. You can edit the colour, text or icon as per your requirement.

  13. Tips for creating and delivering an effective presentation

    Tips for delivering an effective presentation. Tip. Details. Show up early and verify that your equipment works properly. Make sure that all equipment is connected and running. Don't assume that your presentation will work fine on another computer. Disk failures, software version mismatches, lack of disk space, low memory, and many other ...

  14. PPT

    Introduction to Management (Chapter 2) General Administrative Theory • Max Weber • Developed a theory of authority based on an ideal type of organization (bureaucracy) • The exercise of control on the basis of knowledge, expertise, or experience. • Emphasized rationality, predictability, impersonality, technical competence, and ...

  15. PPT

    Presentation Transcript. Principles of Management By Sapna Suri. Define Management " Management is the process of designing & maintaining an environment in which individuals, working together in groups, efficiently accomplish selected aims.". Contd>>>>>>> • As managers, people carry out the managerial functions of planning, organizing ...

  16. Project Management Powerpoint Templates and Google Slides Themes

    Project management is the process of leading a team through the steps of a project. Primary constraints to worth with during a project are scope, time, and budget. The 5 basic stages are usually initiation, planning, execution, monitoring, and completion. Project managers work with various stakeholders to ensure success of the project.

  17. General management powerpoint presentation slides

    P.S. Get our customizable slides on Project Management Playbook PowerPoint Presentation Slides. General management powerpoint presentation slides with all 33 slides: The perfect pitch is all about the presentation. Make sure your next presentation is a hit with thousands of General Management Powerpoint Presentation Slides to make your pitch a ...

  18. PowerPoint Presentation Management Software

    Read more about our features. Slidebank's rich feature set, global reach and "always on" cloud infrastructure allow us to keep our presentations up-to-date, always available and customizable. It is a valuable tool in providing effective and consistent presentations across the organization on-demand.

  19. Free Google Slides & PPT templates for project management

    Project Management Infographics. Download the "Project Management Infographics" template for PowerPoint or Google Slides to get the most out of infographics. Whether you want to organize your business budget in a table or schematically analyze your sales over the past year, this set of infographic resources will be of great help.

  20. Student Organization Risk Management

    Student Organization Advisor Risk Management Training - Student Involvement is pleased to offer student organization advisor trainings. This training is only required for advisors once, and it complies with the Texas Education Code 51.9361 and the 2017-2018 Texas Tech Student Handbook Provision (Part V, E. Faculty or Staff Advisor, 7).