phd consultant agency

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The Versatile PhD mission is to help graduate students, ABDs and PhDs identify, prepare for and excel in professional careers. We currently serve many of the leading North American research universities, including their PhD students, post-docs and alumni, by providing unique and instructive content, networks, job analytics and readiness tools.

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The value of a PhD in terms of transferable skills, domain knowledge, professional acumen, persistence and raw intelligence is recognized far beyond academia.  In fact, there are increasingly more PhDs making an impact across industry, government, research, multilateral organizations and start-up ventures than those on the tenure track.  Recognizing these critical contributions, we are committed to assisting and supporting PhDs as they transition from academia to their career of choice.  Let us help you get there.


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The PhD Consultants provides prompt support and ongoing feedback to emerging scholars who want to maintain their unique voices and perfect their ideas while in the doctoral process and early career phases of life. Our consultants utilize a comprehensive consultation system that includes courses, coaching, community and connection.  At each phase of your journey, we provide an initial assessment, develop a strategic plan, utilize a variety of templates and provide additional resources.  That’s how we ensure your success.

We also believe that time is the most precious commodity that you have, and we value it!  That is why we offer the first 30-minutes of our consultation services FOR FREE.  We utilize that time to get to know you, learn about your goals, and help you develop a realistic time frame for accomplishing these goals.  

So, what specific services do we provide? We provide doctoral applicants, doctoral students, doctoral candidates and early-career scholars with courses, coaching, community and connection geared toward completion. Some of the areas that we assist in are listed below:

*Admissions Application Submission

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*Manuscript Generation

*Article Construction

*Presentation Preparation

*Post-degree Career Planning

Our system is designed to empower you by providing tools that you will need to succeed in your doctoral program and beyond. Talk to us today about how we can support your goals, reduce your stumbling blocks, and put you on a solid track to doctoral and career success.

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About dr. kesslyn.

A company is only as strong as its executive leadership. Dr. Kesslyn Brade Stennis is an award-winning educator and international speaker who knows first-hand about the hills and valleys of the "doctoral journey".  Having spent a number of years in academia prior to and after receiving her PhD, she is keenly aware of the need for support that emerging scholars desire.  Thus, she has made a commitment to provide individualized, detailed, prompt and balanced aid to those who want to maintain their unique voices and perfect their ideas while in the developmental process.

Dr. Kesslyn and a team of highly regarded professionals at The PhD Consultants deliver unparalleled guidance through the doctoral journey.  They give face-to-face and technologically-enhanced feedback as well as prompt assistance for those in need of a jump start.  Specifically, they offer doctoral preparation programs, doctoral course success programs, dissertation completion programs, and a host of other concierge services.   They also offer mentoring for post-doctoral, early career professionals.  Let The PhD Consultants provide you with "support from concept to completion". 

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  • Graduate School

PhD Application Agency: Do You Need One?

PhD Application Agency

If you need guidance when preparing for your doctorate degree, a PhD application agency can be the solution. Doing a PhD is a very big milestone that can have a positive impact on your future. Properly learning how to get into grad school or how to find a postdoc is key because you do not want to risk not getting into the program of your dreams. Luckily, there are options for you should you need the extra support throughout this next chapter of your education.

This article delves into why students would potentially take advantage of a PhD application agency and what professional services are offered to help those applying to doctoral programs. We also cover the benefits of grad school application review consulting that PhD application agencies can offer and where to look to find the most suitable guidance for all of your needs. 

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Why would you need a phd application agency.

At this point in your academic career, you have dealt with applications before and have likely completed both an undergraduate and master’s degree, so you may not feel like a PhD application agency is necessary. The reality is: while it’s true that getting grad school application help may not be necessary for you depending on your situation, it is usually better for your chances than not receiving any assistance at all. A PhD application is not something to take lightly. Therefore, partnering with an agency that employs trained consultants can be a viable course of action for those who have even the slightest of doubts about their application. Here are some of the main reasons why some students would consider a PhD application agency:

1.    Applications Are Competitive

PhD programs can be very small in number (much smaller than undergraduate and master’s programs) with only a few accepted applicants from a much larger pool, which means the competition is very tough. Doctoral programs can also have qualified applicants from all over the world competing for a small number of spots, which can further narrow your chances. The slightest difference in GPA or quality of application documents can result in rejection rather than acceptance.

That being said, it is difficult to fully assess how competitive PhD programs are as a whole because they can range across a wide variety of disciplines and are not as well-specified as medical school admission rates , for example. The general takeaway is that many post-graduate programs are competitive, but depending on the discipline or the institution, PhD admissions can have some of the lowest acceptance rates. For instance, the University of Toronto admits about 22.6% of applicants to its post-graduate program. Meanwhile, Ivy League schools such as Brown University could have even lower rates, accepting only about 10% of their total PhD program applicants. Regardless of where you apply, you want your application to stand out against the competition to give yourself the best shot at getting in.

2.    Applications Are Complicated

Not only are PhD programs competitive, but they also have many components that can be difficult to keep track of. Each university could have a list of requirements you need to complete just to apply that may or may not be the same as another school. Requirements for a PhD program can include, but are not limited to, admission exams, standardized testing, GPA requirements, transcripts, written documents such as a resume, a graduate school statement of purpose or research interest statement , grad school letters of recommendation , and interviews. PhD programs aim to accept the most qualified applicants based on a variety of factors. If you are an international student, there can be additional requirements for you as well, such as English proficiency tests, certificates, and more. None of this also considers finding a place to live if you get accepted and are moving for your PhD program and settling any other additional matters.

Needless to say, there is a lot to think about and prepare for when going into a PhD application and you will have a lot on your plate. You will need to be organized and know exactly what is needed for every part of your PhD application timeline. Part of the reason you may choose to enlist the services of a PhD application agency is simply to help you parse through everything you must accomplish as part of your application, while still submitting a successful package. It takes a lot of time, money, and energy to apply for advanced graduate programs such as PhDs, so having a helping hand can be a saving grace for many applicants.

PhD application agencies are essentially businesses or companies that are meant to help students succeed. At the base, they do this by helping you get into a program that will advance your academic and professional career. The PhD consultants that work in these agencies are experts in admissions for a variety of disciplines. Ideally, they will have useful advice and strategies to give you as you navigate any part of the process. In private sessions, they can review an application that is already basically complete and just provide tips for how to improve it or be with you from A to Z. There are no guarantees, but a PhD application agency can significantly improve your chances of getting accepted. Here are some of the standard ways a prep company can have a positive impact on your application:

1.    Preparation Stage

Applications are all about how much effort and thought you put into them in advance. You will often be told to research and get everything ready as soon as you can before the deadline, which is pretty good advice. The quicker you have a game plan, the more likely you are to plan for it and execute it effectively. What that plan consists of can shift depending on the goals you have for your PhD and what you want to get out of it. It can be tough to know what programs are looking for and what research or work experiences are best for your intended field. It is easy to simply look online for information and base your plan off of that. This method can work for some applicants, but you are not getting any personalized help. This is where PhD application agencies can help, by sorting all this out for you and setting you up nicely to achieve an acceptance.

Information online can provide advice on a topic in general to appeal to as many students as possible, but only a PhD consultant or graduate school advisor can truly provide tailored feedback that is relevant to your situation. For example, a consultant can further expose you to different options you may not be aware of, such as MD-PhD programs , or research schools with the best funding options to help you save money on your degree. Moreover, reading a blog post can advise you regarding which references to ask for a graduate school letter of recommendation , but a PhD consultant can help you pinpoint who in your network will be able to provide the strongest letter based on your current position. A PhD application agency can be an essential component of your planning phase before turning your focus to the actual application.

2.    Application Stage

A PhD application agency and its consultants can review every part of your application to make sure the documents you submit speak to one another and create a cohesive story. They can help put your distinctive motivations into words by editing your statement of intent . Written documents are some of the most crucial when program directors must distinguish applicants beyond GPA or test scores. Your grammar and syntax need to be flawless, so it is okay to ask for help from a professional if you struggle in this area. It’s important to note that consultants will not write these for you but can provide feedback based on their expertise while also improving your writing skills. This way, your writing will come from you, but still receive the necessary edits and polish that it deserves. Advisors can also teach you how to write a CV for grad school to make sure you highlight the most relevant life experiences that justify your candidacy.

In addition to the submission of written documents, situational judgment tests (SJTs) are becoming more and more prevalent for medical school admissions, residency applications, and general graduate school applications, such as for a master’s degree or PhD. If your program requires the completion of CASPer or any other test of this nature, a PhD application agency can provide a mock SJT such as a free sample CASPer SIM practice test that will closely replicate the conditions of the actual test. Consultants can then provide custom feedback on your responses and how to improve them for the real thing. When it comes time to apply for your doctorate degree, PhD application agencies exist to serve your individual needs as a student, so their objective is to give you every opportunity to succeed.

3.    Interview Stage

The interview is usually one of the last steps before receiving the final decision, where you are evaluated on your communication and interpersonal skills. It is also the moment when graduate program directors or department chairs meet you in person and get a first impression of your personality. It is a common misconception that you cannot prepare for an interview, but there are concrete measures you can take to receive a better interview score. On your own, you can read up on some graduate school interview questions to get to know what you may be asked, but you can never receive unbiased feedback on your responses unless you are close to someone who is very familiar with graduate school interviews.

This is where PhD application agencies come in. A PhD application agency can offer graduate school interview preparation that is meant to best prepare you when you walk into the interview room. A consultant can conduct mock interviews using the most common questions until you are ready to go. They can help you practice identifying various question types and learn strategies for how to answer each one. Regardless of the interview format, this framework can be applied to any question you face. Even general questions such as “tell me about yourself” will become much less daunting once you work them through with a trusted advisor. Working with a consultant to adjust your strategy to interviews will help you get accepted. Interviewing is a skill that can be useful to you for the rest of your life. Your eventual proficiency at interviews when you enter the professional world can start with a PhD application agency.

Now that you have discovered what a PhD application agency can do for your chances of getting into a doctoral program, the issue is where to find one that is suitable for your needs. For instance, if you’re wondering, “do I need a graduate degree to gain admission to medical school?" , there are companies that specialize in medical school admissions that will be able to perfectly address any of your concerns. When researching consulting companies such as BeMo Academic Consulting , you can determine whether the services provided are of interest to you.

Word of mouth is also always a great option. If you know anyone who has been accepted into a PhD program in your field, you could always ask them to inform you of any advising they have used. Student forums and reviews can be useful if you need to hear other opinions about any agency or advisor before you fully commit. In addition, your current university might have in-house advising for PhD applications or offer services to help with other academic matters, such as how to find a PhD topic . There may be just what you need within the halls of your school. Always make sure to see what options you have at your disposal.

Applying for a PhD program can be rather overwhelming, but what is important to remember is that you do not have to go through the process alone. A graduate school admissions consultant from a PhD application agency or elsewhere can be just the push you need to put your best put forward and get into your program. The goal is to get accepted in as few attempts as possible to not waste any extra time, money, or energy. Rejection can result in delaying your career by a year or having to settle for another option as you figure out how to transition from academia to industry . Partnering with a consulting company such as BeMo can definitely be one way to put the necessary effort into getting into a great PhD program and expanding your horizons. You are more likely to succeed if you give yourself the opportunity to do so. A PhD application agency will allow you to do just that.

It truly depends on what field you are in, but generally PhD programs do not have many available spots or only accept less than 20% of their applicants. No matter what, you want a strong application that will make you stand out.

Of course you can. There are many students who do not use agencies or consultants to get into their ideal PhD program. However, there are also students who get rejection letters for simple mistakes that a consultant could coach them on. It is up to the individual student to determine whether or not a PhD application agency is right for them.

In the US and Canada, doctorate programs typically last around five to six years, but some students may take less or more time depending on the program.

Some of the most common requirements include admissions tests, such as the GMAT; a personal statement; a research proposal; a grad school career goals statement ; letters of recommendation; and situational judgment tests.

It is definitely challenging, but not impossible. You would need to apply strategically to schools that have lenient GPA requirements. In the US, there are PhD programs that could accept you straight from an undergrad program. If it is your undergrad GPA that is low, you could complete a master’s degree to boost your overall GPA. 

Having high GPA or test scores, strong letters of recommendation, relevant research and work experience, as well as perfectly written application documents could be really appealing to admissions committees. Getting started on your applications early will be your ticket to success.

A PhD application agency is a company where students go for assistance with graduate school applications. They employ trained consultants who are dedicated to student success and can guide clients through any part of the complex application process.

Agencies can help students in multiple ways, regardless of what part of the process they are currently struggling with. An expert consultant can assist with finding schools and programs that will appeal to the student’s individual situation, editing written application documents, CASPer prep , interview prep for both in-person and video interviews , exam prep, and more.

Some companies could also provide thesis writing services for those who are eventually accepted to a PhD program. Application agencies are a practical and valuable option for students needing extra support as they prepare for this next step in their lives as academics.

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Hi, I have completed MSc Finance and I am planning to pursue PhD in Finance in Canada or New Zealand. But I don't have clear idea about the universities and the research interest. Can you help me finding universities and get into one. Thank you.

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Here you can find university formats, guidelines, samples, PPT’s, Guides, e-books, tools and free downloadable resources to get started with PhD research.

Read out the detailed story behind completing your PHD. May be this will engage you & help you with the complete knowledge about PHD.

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  • A full-time bachelor's degree.
  • A full-time master's degree with at least 55% marks.
  • The cut-off for SC/ST and OBCs is 50%.
  • University/College mandated or national-level entrance examination.
  • For a part-time Ph.D., a NOC (No Objection Certificate) is obtained from the educational institute or organization of employment.
  • Some colleges/universities require relevant job experience.

Prior to Enrolment:

  • Document Verification
  • Entrance Exam and Interview
  • Issuance of a Selection Letter

Enrolment via the website and the issuance of an Enrolment Letter. For your initial research plan, you will receive a Guide.

Exams for course work and approval of the synopsis

Initial Progress Evaluation

Review of Progress (Second)

Third Progress Review

PhD Thesis Presentation and Provisional Certificate Issuance

The Certificate of Ph.D. Issuance

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The PhD can take three to six years to complete. The time limit can differ as per the institute, hence the candidate should inquire about it with the desired university before applying.

A master’s degree or M.phill from any recognised Indian university in the relevant field is required for admission to the PhD programme. To be eligible for admission, you must have at least 55% of the marks or corresponding grades.

If you are pursuing a self-funded PhD or have professional experience in the industry, you can apply with lower grades.

Not all bachelor’s students are eligible for a PhD, but according to the new UGC guidelines, students who obtain a four-year degree in UG can apply for admission to PhD programmes in their desired fields.

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PhD Centre


PhD Centre are a specialist PhD consulting service offering an extensive range of services to assist with PhD and thesis writing. With over 20+ years’ experience in the essay writing industry, PhD centre understand the high level of work required to succeed in your PhD studies.

As PhD consultants , we recognise your needs and know what is required of our services. We understand how important your doctorate qualification is for your future. We have the knowledge to help support your studies and take your writing to the highest level. The extensive knowledge and experience of our team of writers means we can guarantee our results and provide you with the best service.

Sign up today with the best PhD consultancy services available

Our phd writers.

PhD Centre are especially selective about the writers we choose to work with. We only work with writers with a minimum of PhD level qualification for not only their knowledge and expertise but also for their experience of the full PhD process. All writers for PhD Centre have graduated from top universities and have at least 10 years’ experience in academic writing and PhD supervising.

We know how challenging a thesis can be, our writer’s experience of this makes us better able to serve you and provide the right service for each of our clients. Each writer specialises in their own subject and their considerable experience means they are specialists with expansive knowledge of their field. As a result, they can assist and provide solutions effectively and efficiently for almost anything. They are also consistently up-to-date with new studies, research, and emerging trends in their subject. The resulting work produced is of exceptionally high quality and in line with current research and discoveries.

PhD Centre aims to create an environment where you can trust your thesis to the PhD supervisor assigned to your order. If you have any questions regarding particular writers or subjects we can assist with, contact us straight away for help.


We offer a wide range of services for the whole of your PhD journey from the application to the final thesis draft. As a result of our tough writer requirements, we are equipped with the best knowledge and skills to help you with any hurdle you might face during your PhD.

The application might seem like one of the first hurdles to overcome for you. Our PhD agency can help with choosing the right PhD program, selecting the appropriate supervisor for your topic, and completing application requirements or forms. The first of many important steps throughout your PhD.

Our most popular PhD service is assistance with PhD level topics and a full thesis proposal. Our experienced writers are able to thoroughly research and compose PhD appropriate topics based on your research interests. From there, thorough and comprehensive proposals can be written for your supervisor’s approval or for your PhD application.

PhD Centre’s custom writing service is the most comprehensive service we offer that can range from writing single chapters to writing your full thesis. Not only this, but our writers are proficient in other PhD requirements like data collection and data analysis so you can outsource all of your needs to us.

We also understand that sometimes, you may only require help to finalise your thesis. We offer editing and proofreading of drafts, proposals and full theses. Helping to address supervisor comments, boost the quality of your writing, and formulate your thesis for better flow.

Whatever your needs, PhD centre are well equipped to assist. Contact us today regarding all of the services we have to offer.


As you know by now, our experienced business and team of writers make PhD centre the best choice for you. The vast range of services we offer are unrivalled by our competition but quality writing is not all you receive for us. We aim to always complete work on time and have a number of guarantees meaning you receive the top-quality service you expect.

Our service allows you to work closely with your assigned PhD supervisor through our email service. As a result, you can keep up with the progress of your order, ask questions of the writer, and send information quickly. Our customer service team members are also always on hand to answer any questions before and after placing your order. Ensuring you choose and receive the most appropriate and best service that we can provide.

Our PhD agency specialises in a number of different subjects including marketing, management, nursing, micro and macroeconomics, maths, and politics. Enabling us to serve thousands of academic clients and PhD students and expand our writer’s knowledge of their field.

Even if you have a skeleton idea for your PhD topic or a PhD assignment but you’re not sure where to start, PhD Centre can help. Our expert writers can offer recommendations and have the specialist experience for all types of assignments and topics. Despite any problem or challenge you face during your PhD program, our PhD consulting can resolve them quickly.

Contact us today for a free quote for PhD Writing Help!

What we guarantee.

We are confident in the quality of the work we provide which is why we have a number of guarantees with every order. Most importantly, we guarantee plagiarism free work. All orders are original and written from scratch (apart from editing orders using your previous work) so there is no chance of plagiarism in the order. In addition, all orders are checked using our in-house plagiarism checking software to ensure the work we deliver is completely original.

Here at PhD Centre, we understand that a first draft is unlikely to be perfect. Which is why we offer a 1-month free amendment period with every order. Giving you the time to read over everything in detail, receive feedback from your supervisor in plenty of time, and have the feedback implemented easily. We guarantee this because we know revisions are crucial for the success of a PhD.

PhD Centre guarantee complete confidentiality of your personal information. We would never disclose your information to our writers or outside of PhD Centre so your identity is always protected with us. We also guarantee that your work and any documents you share with us are completely confidential and will never be shared outside of our business. Not only are these important security measures we take but are also in place to protect your PhD study.

Furthermore, we guarantee the highest qualified writers for your work. We select only the best academic writers for our PhD agency that hold a minimum of 10 years’ experience and a PhD level qualification. This means we are able to provide not only the highest quality PhD work but also a professional and painless experience when using our services.

Read more about our guarantees .


Because we offer so many different services, we are able to help thousands of PhD students in a variety of ways. However, this is not the only benefit of using PhD Centre services.

We understand that a PhD program is a huge undertaking with the thesis alone being up to if not more than 80,000 words. The time it takes to complete PhD level work can be lengthy so we make sure you’re happy before the work starts and can monitor the progress of your order. We happily accept emails to check in with the writer for updates on how you order is progressing or if you have any questions.

PhD Centre also guarantee to meet all of your requirements. If you think we haven’t met your expectations, contact us straight away and we will change the work to meet your expectations. This is all part of our 1-month amendment period guarantee!

Our priority is you and your work which means our writers are meticulous about following your instructions. The more information you are able to send us, the better we are able to serve you. You can trust our PhD consultants to complete an expert piece of work so all you have to do is sit back and relax.

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Navigating the Leap from Academia to Elite Consulting: A Guide for PhDs

the image shows a phd student that moved from academia to consulting

Last Updated on February 28, 2024

From Classroom to Boardroom

Imagine standing at the crossroads of a significant career transition: you’re a PhD or a PhD student, deeply entrenched in academia’s world of research and theories. Now, picture yourself stepping into the high-paced, dynamic realm of top-tier consulting firms like McKinsey , BCG , and Bain . This isn’t just a fantasy. For many PhDs, it’s a transformative reality.

But what does this shift entail, and how can you navigate it successfully?

Is It a Good Career Move?

Transitioning to a consulting role at a prestigious firm indeed marks a significant lifestyle shift for PhDs.

While the fast-paced, problem-solving nature of consulting can be challenging for those used to deep, methodical research, it also brings several benefits. PhDs are trained to delve into complex problems, making them adept at handling the intricate issues often encountered in consulting. Their ability to assimilate vast amounts of information quickly is a valuable asset in a field where understanding a client’s needs and industry specifics in a short time is crucial.

Moreover, PhDs often possess excellent communication skills, honed through presenting complex ideas in an understandable manner . This skill is invaluable in consulting, where explaining and convincing clients of certain strategies is a daily task. Also, their rigorous academic training ensures a high level of discipline and dedication, traits that are beneficial in managing the demanding workload and tight deadlines in consulting.

However, there are drawbacks as well. The transition from academia to consulting can be jarring due to the differences in work culture. The collaborative, team-based approach in consulting may contrast with the more solitary nature of academic research. PhDs might find the client-oriented focus of consulting to be a stark departure from the freedom and independence they enjoyed in research. Furthermore, the emphasis on quick results in consulting can be at odds with the in-depth, thorough approach PhDs are used to in academia.

The shift in work-life balance is another potential downside. Consulting often involves long hours and extensive travel, which can be a significant adjustment for those used to the more flexible schedule of academic research. This can lead to stress and burnout if not managed properly.

In conclusion, while the transition to consulting offers PhDs the opportunity to apply their skills in a new and dynamic environment, it requires adaptation to a different pace, work style, and potentially demanding lifestyle. The key to a successful transition lies in leveraging their unique skills while being open to the new experiences and challenges that consulting offers.

Salary comparison

The salary trajectory in academia and top-tier consulting firms presents a stark contrast, reflective of the differing priorities and structures of these sectors. In academia, salaries typically start lower and grow gradually over time, tied closely to academic ranks such as assistant professor, associate professor, and full professor. This progression, often governed by rigid pay scales and dependent on tenure, can span many years, with significant salary increases usually linked to promotions or tenure achievement.

In contrast, top-tier consulting firms generally offer substantially higher starting salaries, reflecting the high demand for and profitability of consulting services. Salary growth in these firms can be rapid, with the potential for significant increases as one moves from junior to senior roles. This is often accompanied by performance-based bonuses and other incentives, which can further widen the income gap compared to academia. However, it’s important to note that these higher salaries in consulting often come with expectations of longer work hours and more intensive workloads, as opposed to the more flexible and research-focused lifestyle in academia.

The Art of the Possible: Breaking into Top Consulting Firms

Is it possible for someone with a deep academic background to break into a top consulting firm?

Indeed, someone with a deep academic background has a strong potential to break into a top consulting firm. Major consulting firms such as McKinsey, BCG, and Bain value the deep analytical skills, specialized knowledge, and rigorous critical thinking abilities that PhDs possess. According to a BCG report, the influx of PhDs into these firms is not just a trend but a strategic hiring practice, as nearly 10% of their new hires in recent years have been PhDs. These firms recognize that individuals with advanced academic training can bring fresh perspectives and a diverse range of problem-solving skills to the table, which are invaluable in addressing complex client challenges.

To facilitate this transition, these firms often offer ‘bridge’ programs, which are essentially tailored training programs designed to help PhDs adapt their academic expertise to the practical, fast-paced world of consulting. These programs typically focus on developing business acumen, understanding client relations, and honing the art of delivering actionable insights in a business context. Furthermore, such programs often include mentorship opportunities, where new hires are paired with experienced consultants. This mentorship is crucial in helping PhDs navigate the cultural shift from academia to a corporate environment.

Additionally, consulting firms often provide a supportive environment for continuous learning and professional development, which can be very appealing to those coming from an academic background. This is not only through on-the-job learning but also through formal training sessions and workshops aimed at enhancing various skills, including project management, leadership, and communication.

It’s important to note that while PhDs are highly valued for their specialized knowledge, breaking into top consulting firms also requires them to demonstrate adaptability, the ability to work in teams, and strong interpersonal skills. The ability to translate complex concepts into actionable business strategies is also key. Therefore, while the transition from academia to consulting is indeed feasible and increasingly common, it requires PhDs to leverage their academic strengths while also acquiring new skills relevant to the consulting world.

Case Study: From PhD to McKinsey

In this article , McKinsey highlights how Yvonne, working as an associate in Shanghai, discovered that her academic background as a PhD researcher in medical devices was highly applicable to consulting. In this field, she realized she could have a more significant impact by addressing a wider range of topics.

Yvonne transitioned from a PhD in medical device research to consulting, shifting her focus from specialized research on cochlear implants to the broader healthcare industry. She realized that successful healthcare innovations required not just research, but also clinical trials, regulatory approvals, and effective marketing strategies. Curious about a career that encompassed all aspects of healthcare, Yvonne explored consulting and was drawn to McKinsey after attending webinars and speaking with alumni. At McKinsey, her first project involved developing a five-year strategy for a medical device company in China, where she applied her PhD skills to analyze and categorize a wide range of products.

Yvonne became an expert in product analysis within her team, mirroring the intellectual rigor and problem-solving skills she honed during her PhD. Her projects at McKinsey have varied, including enhancing hospital services, supporting MedTech production localization, and analyzing the impact of COVID-19 on the healthcare sector.

She reflects on her consulting journey as an extension of her PhD work, applying her academic skills to a wider range of healthcare issues. Yvonne’s experience highlights the value of PhD skills in consulting, particularly in problem-solving and targeted learning. Her story illustrates how consulting can offer a fulfilling career path for those seeking to impact the healthcare industry beyond the confines of the lab. Yvonne’s transition to consulting at McKinsey demonstrates a successful blend of academic expertise and industry application, leading to meaningful contributions in healthcare.

There are many such stories prevalent in all top consulting firms. If you are interested in learning more, you could do your research on LinkedIn to identify similar individuals who made the move. More on networking below.

Similarities and Differences: Academia vs. Consulting

The similarities and differences between academia and consulting are indeed nuanced and significant. Both realms highly value analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to delve into complex subjects. However, the contexts in which these skills are applied and the expected outcomes vary considerably.

In academia, the focus is often on contributing to the body of knowledge in a specific field through detailed research. This work is characterized by its depth, theoretical underpinnings, and long-term focus. Academics may spend years exploring a single topic, with the primary output being publications in scholarly journals. The pace is generally more measured, allowing for a thorough exploration of subjects. Additionally, academia offers a certain degree of autonomy and intellectual freedom, enabling scholars to choose their research topics and delve deeply into areas of personal interest.

In contrast, consulting is driven by the immediate needs of clients. Consultants must apply their analytical skills to provide practical, actionable solutions to business problems, often within tight deadlines. The pace of consulting is much faster, and the work is inherently more collaborative and client-focused. Consultants are expected to quickly understand a client’s industry, business model, and specific challenges, and then work as part of a team to develop strategic recommendations. This often requires synthesizing large amounts of information and distilling it into insights that are both insightful and immediately applicable.

The typical project span in top-tier strategy consulting is just 8 to 12 weeks, in which, your team is often tasked to completely overhaul the strategy of a Fortune 500 company with 20,000 employees and 5 business divisions, operating across 100+ countries.

Moreover, the nature of feedback and rewards in these two worlds differs. In academia, success is often measured by peer recognition, publications, and grants. In consulting, success is more directly tied to client satisfaction, the impact of solutions provided, and business outcomes. This difference in reward systems signifies a shift from an emphasis on theoretical and methodological rigor to a focus on practical results and client relations.

Adjusting to these differences in pace, focus, and evaluation metrics can be a significant challenge for PhDs transitioning to consulting. The change from an environment where one is an expert in a narrow field to one where adaptability and breadth of knowledge are required can be substantial. It necessitates not only a shift in mindset but also the development of new skills, such as client management, business acumen, and the ability to work effectively in diverse teams. However, those who can adapt successfully may find that consulting offers a dynamic and rewarding career path that leverages their analytical strengths while providing new challenges and learning opportunities.

Making the Move and Preparing for the Applications

Transitioning from academia to top-tier consulting requires strategic preparation, focusing on demonstrating transferable skills, building a network in the consulting industry, and mastering the unique aspects of the consulting interview process.

Networking: Networking plays a crucial role in the transition to consulting. Start by connecting with alumni from your institution who now work in consulting. Attend industry events, webinars, and workshops to meet professionals in the field. LinkedIn can be a valuable tool for building these connections. Engaging with consultants and industry professionals can provide insights into the consulting lifestyle and culture, as well as advice on navigating the recruitment process. You might even score a referral . Informational interviews can be particularly beneficial; they not only expand your network but also give you an insider’s view of what consulting firms look for in candidates.

Resume Preparation: When preparing a resume for a consulting role , it’s essential to translate academic experiences into terms that resonate with consulting firms. Highlight transferable skills such as data analysis, project management, problem-solving, and the ability to synthesize complex information. Emphasize any leadership or management experience, even if it was in an academic setting, such as leading a research team or managing a lab. Tailor your resume to show how your academic achievements can translate into consulting success, focusing on results and impact rather than just listing responsibilities.

Case Interview Preparation: The case interview is a unique and critical component of the consulting interview process. It assesses your ability to solve business problems on the spot. Preparation should involve practicing numerous case studies, ideally with someone who has experience in consulting. There are many resources available, including books, online tutorials, and practice case studies from top consulting firms. Joining or forming a case interview study group can also be beneficial. The key is to get comfortable with a structured approach to problem-solving, breaking down complex problems into manageable parts, and articulating your thought process clearly.

Fit Interview Preparation: Alongside case interviews, fit interviews are an essential part of the recruitment process, assessing whether you are a good match for the firm’s culture and values. Prepare for this by understanding the firm’s ethos, values, and the type of candidates they typically hire. Reflect on your experiences and how they align with these values, preparing to discuss your background, motivations, and why you are interested in transitioning to consulting. Be ready to articulate your story coherently, focusing on how your journey in academia has prepared you for a career in consulting. Practice answering common behavioral questions and remember to incorporate the SCORE technique to structure your responses effectively.

Transitioning from academia to consulting is not just about showcasing your technical and analytical abilities, but also about demonstrating your adaptability, teamwork, and communication skills. It’s a journey that requires preparation, self-awareness, and a willingness to learn and grow beyond the academic realm.

The Edge

At, we understand this transition intimately. Our coaching products and personal services have helped numerous PhDs bridge the gap between academia and top-tier consulting. We provide tailored guidance, from resume crafting to interview preparation, ensuring that your unique academic expertise is translated into the language of consulting.

Contact us for a free consultation if you want to learn more about our products and services.

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Conclusion: A Question for Reflection

As you ponder this potential career pivot, ask yourself: How can your academic expertise not just fit into the consulting world but actively enrich it? In answering this, you may find not only a new career path but a renewed sense of purpose.

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Florian spent 5 years with McKinsey as a senior consultant. He is an experienced consulting interviewer and problem-solving coach, having interviewed 100s of candidates in real and mock interviews. He started to make top-tier consulting firms more accessible for top talent, using tailored and up-to-date know-how about their recruiting. He ranks as the most successful consulting case and fit interview coach, generating more than 500 offers with MBB, tier-2 firms, Big 4 consulting divisions, in-house consultancies, and boutique firms through direct coaching of his clients over the last 3.5 years. His books “The 1%: Conquer Your Consulting Case Interview” and “Consulting Career Secrets” are available via Amazon.

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**This pricing is for graduate school applicants not including MBA or medical school applicants. For MBA services, please see the MBA Admissions Consulting Page . For medical school applicants, please see the Medical School Admissions Consulting Page . *These prices apply to one application cycle. Financial aid and essays associated with financial aid are not included. For any other services not included in the package, we charge our standard a-la-carte fee.

For typical graduate school admissions clients, we suggest applying to at least seven schools (divided between safety,  mid-range, and reach schools) to maximize the chances of gaining admission to at least one school. Your admissions consultant will provide greater detail about which schools fit into which category for you.

To maximize the chances of gaining admission to a competitive university, we suggest applying to at least ten schools (divided between safety,  mid-range, and reach schools).

*** Our experience shows that without a waitlist appeal letter or letter of continued interest, the applicant has a 12% chance of getting off a waitlist at a competitive school. With a good waitlist appeal letter and waitlist campaign, that moves up to 45%. A waitlist campaign involves contacting the school on multiple occasions every few months to remind them of clients’ accomplishments and continued interest.

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How to Transition from a Ph.D. to Consulting

  • Last Updated March, 2024

Former BCG Consultant

Why Become a Consultant?

What challenges do ph.d. & advanced degree candidates face in the consulting recruiting process, what do consulting firms look for in ph.d. & advanced degree candidates, what do you need to know to ace your consulting job application & interviews, which management consulting firms want to hire ph.d. candidates, resources for applying to consulting jobs..

What Do Consulting Firms Look for in PhD & Advanced Degree Candidates?

Which Management Consulting Firms Want to Hire PhD Candidates?

What Challenges Do PhD & Advanced Degree Candidates Face in the Consulting Recruiting Process?

Are you in your 3rd or 4th year of a Ph.D. or other advanced degree program and rethinking your future career in academia? Considering the transition from Ph.D. to consulting?

So here you are. Maybe you’re supposed to be writing your dissertation, but you’re dreading that upcoming job market and wondering about alternative career paths instead. Or you’re a postdoc and your principal investigator just asked you to stay in the lab the entire weekend for something that you deem ridiculous. 

Like me, you probably entered your Ph.D. program with plans to be a researcher or an academic, and for whatever reason, this does not feel appealing anymore. 

Luckily for you, the skills you’ve been building in your Ph.D. program can be extremely in management consulting. Furthermore, consulting firms, especially the MBBs (McKinsey, BCG, Bain) are very keen on us. 

In this article, we’ll discuss:

  • Why become a consultant?
  • What do consulting firms look for in Ph.D. and advanced degree candidates?
  • Which management consulting firms hire Ph.D. candidates?
  • What challenges do Ph.D. and advanced degree candidates face in the consulting recruiting process?
  • What do you need to know to ace your consulting job application and interviews?
  • Resources for applying to consulting jobs. 

Let’s get started!

1. It’s an Attractive Job & Great Entry Point into the Private Sector

First, all the usual arguments on why consulting is a great career apply. Consulting is an amazing ramp to launch you toward any other career in the private sector. This is even more true for academics with no business experience: it’s like getting a stamp of approval from the private sector. 

It’s also a way for you to figure out what you like over the long run as you will get rapid exposure to many different industries, problems, and actors. You’ll also learn skills that are transferable to literally any other job. The pay is good, of course, and may represent an upgrade in lifestyle compared to your student stipend. 

2. It Might Be Refreshing After Academia

In a Ph.D. program, you pick your one or two advisers, and then you spend a (very) long time on a precise question, make sure you go as deep as anyone else on it, and then a little bit deeper. 

In consulting, you will change your client, case (the client problem you’re solving), and the team every few weeks to months. Each case delivers an answer to a (sometimes initially vague) question that the client has, and that answer is “good enough” to support the decisions they have to make: going any further would be a waste of resources that could be better spent. 

That does not mean getting lazy either though: the bar consulting firms set for this “good enough” is high and that’s what justify the fees they charge their clients (and the hours you’ll be working). 

Consulting is also extremely fast-paced: you might have a check-in with your immediate manager every few hours during the day with output to deliver each time. That’s a whole other story from taking a few months to revise an article or presenting your progress in a seminar twice a semester, which can be a refreshing change if you work better under pressure.

Nail the case & fit interview with strategies from former MBB Interviewers that have helped 89.6% of our clients pass the case interview.

3. Consulting and Academia Have a Lot in Common

Structured thinking. Both consulting and academia require a taste for rigorous analysis and structured thinking. In both worlds, you have to like solving problems and presenting your answers to others to succeed.

Teamwork. Consulting is really the place for teamwork, both with the rest of your case team and with your clients. This might be something you are more or less used to depending on your own field. Personally, collaborations were my favorite part during my Ph.D. 

Impact. Consulting and academia are also similar in that successful people tend to care deeply about the impact that they have, which I believe is the case of most people who produce top research. 

Continuous learning. Finally, they are both places of continuous learning which is quite precious in itself. This can’t be taken for granted in the rest of the labor force (you often hear people searching for a new job when they are not learning anything anymore in their current one).

4. You Might Be Very Good at It

No matter what your field is, the skills you spent 5 years or more honing are going to be helpful on the job: being analytical, structured, and independent (in consulting, this last one is called “ability to drive”). 

When I say no matter what your field is, I mean it. My Ph.D. was in Economics, but my two best friends in my entry class at BCG wrote their respective dissertations in Philosophy and Biomedical Engineering.

Consulting firms got curious about hiring Ph.D.’s, postdocs, and the like because they kept growing faster than the MBA programs in top universities. They needed to look for other pools of talents that would allow them to target many great candidates easily. 

They started hiring the occasional Ph.D., J.D., or M.D. to try it out — at BCG we used to be called “exotic candidates” a few years back. As these hires consistently performed well, top consulting firms started to systematically hire this candidate profile (and BCG went for the more sober “advanced degree candidates”).

During my recruiting process, a senior partner at BCG who was himself a Ph.D. told me that Ph.D.’s transitioning to consulting tend to have a steeper learning curve than their MBA counterparts, but that they end up performing better over the long run.

This might be a bit underwhelming to read (or if you’re very early in your application process, scary?), but the answer is simply: pretty much exactly the same as in any other candidate.

I’m no expert on the  consulting resume / cover letter side of things, but make sure that your CV has some items that are not from academia so that they can tell from reading it that you are a well-rounded human being with a life outside of academia (whether or not you feel like it’s the case at the moment). 

To show that you can make the transition from Ph.D. to consulting, you’ll need to show in your interview that you:

  • Are a structured thinker.
  • Know how to identify what the client’s problem is.
  • Can solve it fast.
  • Can communicate clearly. 
  • And are a driven individual who influences others and cares about impact.

Your Pool of Reference Is MBAs

One thing to note is that as a Ph.D., postdoc, M.D., or J.D., you are typically entering these firms as a second-level analyst (the name of that position changes for each firm). This means that the rest of your entry class will likely be all MBAs, in addition to a few first-level analysts getting promoted internally. 

This also means that you are only about 2 years or so away from your first manager position if you get hired, so the soft skills and the independence matter more for you than they would for an undergrad who would be applying to enter as a first-level analyst. 

Of course, your interviewer will expect you to be a little less polished than the average MBA candidate as they know that you didn’t spend the last 2 years preparing only for this one day of interviews (in between some heavy partying and an internship in an NGO). 

However, they still want you to be someone they’d feel confident putting in front of a client. On top of your analytical skills, that means communicating clearly, understanding basic business terms, and showing the right set of soft skills such as presence, confidence, and personability.

The MBBs (McKinsey, Bain, & BCG)

Advanced degree candidates make up a larger share of the incoming classes at McKinsey, Bain, and BCG each year. These firms are the leaders of the industry and are generalist firms, meaning that you will be able to see many different industries while working there (but you don’t have to if you already know you want to specialize).  

McKinsey, Bain, and BCG even have special immersive recruiting workshops called respectively “ McKinsey Insight ,” “ Bain ADvantage ,” and “ Bridge to BCG .” Links to both programs are included in our resource list below.

I went through Bridge myself, and these 3 days convinced me this was the firm where I wanted to work. Friends of mine who went through Insight shared similar things about it. My own experience at BCG showed me that my background in academia was really valued there

Other Generalist Firms

T hen you have all the other generalist firms. Each one has its own recruiting policy for advanced degree candidates, and you should get familiar with the recruiting process of any that you are interested in. (You can find a  list of over 200 management consulting firms here ). 

You can also use that recruiting process to get a sense of each firm’s familiarity with advanced degree candidates and whether you think you’d thrive there.

Specialized Arms of the Big Consulting Firms

Most big generalist firms also now have specific entities within them that focus on some particular industry. Examples include BCG Gamma for data science or Deloitte Federal Consulting for public sector and non-profit. 

These entities typically have a separate recruiting process from their parent company and can be very interested in the expertise of certain academic profiles.

Boutique Firms

Finally, many specialized consulting firms look to hire Ph.D., M.D., and other postdoc candidates who work in related fields. 

This is especially the case for life science consulting firms such as IQVIA or Putnam Associates , where the business problems their clients face cannot be fully separated from the technical side. 

Moreover, when everybody in the client’s company has a Ph.D., it helps these consulting firms to build trust and credibility when the analysts they send speak the same language and have the same credentials.

Understanding What the Interview (and the Job) Are About

As a Ph.D. candidate, you’ve learned the jargon and the code of your academic field. You know how people think and talk, what they see as important. Consulting is just another world to discover, with a new set of codes that you have to learn and show that you know. 

A consulting firm is hired by their clients to help them solve their business problems and help them make decisions based on what matters to them . The case interview is just a role play of that. 

For that reason, it is not a differential equation to solve in your corner or a literature essay to write in full before publishing it: it is really about solving a business problem in real-time while taking the interviewer by the hand as you do so. 

In practice, that means that you want to constantly (but succinctly) explain to your interviewer what you are doing before you do it, explain the logic in your steps, get their approval (we say “buy-in”) on any assumption that you have to make by justifying it, etc. Your job is to drive toward the answer while bringing your interviewer along with you each step of the way.

Being Efficient

The rhythm of the interview is a reflection of the intense rhythm on the job. Whether you’re laying out your structure for solving the problem, doing the math to support a recommendation, or answering a brainstorming question, you want to show that you know how to be efficient. 

It’s not so much about speed (as long as you move fast enough to finish the case in ~25-30 minutes of course) as it is about your ease and steadiness. Strong candidates know exactly where they are going at all times, get their interviewer on board, and are just unrolling the steps to get there without getting stuck. They understand what matters for the answer and what does not as much and allocate their time accordingly. 

In practice, that means getting enough practice so that you can:

  • Lay out a MECE structure in under 2 minutes.
  • Do not get stuck on the math and can go through calculations with ease.
  • Know how to brainstorm a list of potential solutions.

Being at Ease with Business Concepts

I’m not saying you need to know every business concept. You just need to not be afraid of them. Ph.D. candidates and postdocs transitioning into consulting are often convinced that they will fail a case if a business concept they do not know shows up. 

There are some extremely basic ones that for sure you should understand, but those you probably already know: 

  • costs (fixed and variable)
  • market trends
  • competitors

Sure, you need to understand what these words mean but you cannot go through the first 2 or 3 cases in your preparation without seeing them all. 

There are also a few concepts that are slightly more complex and appear slightly less often but are as important. You’ll either need them to understand the question or because they basically are the answer to the case. These are: 

  • breakeven point
  • product mix (and the related concept of cannibalization)
  • turnover rate

Check out  Case Interview Formulas You Need to Know for a primer on these important concepts.

Even for those though, you should realize that business concepts are just fancy words describing common-sense quantities of interest. If one that you do not know shows up, it’s completely fair game to ask your interviewer to clarify its meaning, and then use it as if you always knew it. 

Again, business is not rocket science so if you spent x many years pushing the bounds of human knowledge forward, you can probably pull that one-off. The more you familiarize yourself with the basics through the casing and maybe listening to business podcasts or reading the business section of your favorite newspaper, the easier it will be for you. The point is not to know them all, simply to feel at ease and confident if a new one shows up.

Not Being Obsessed with Details

Solving the case is not the same as trying to think of any point and sub-point a reviewer might ask you to cover in order for your paper to be published. Remember that the answer you’re trying to get at has to be “good enough” for the client to make a decision, according to their criteria. 

Of course, consultants like to go a little bit over the top and deliver some extra (such as an analysis of the risks to consider), but they do not try to get exhaustive the way an academic would. This has no point in the business world where we constantly bathe in massive uncertainty.

If there is a moment in the case when you realize that the data you’re given or the way the interviewer wants you to do the math is making an implicit assumption or is ignoring potential nitty-gritty cases, don’t feel like you have to hammer that nail and lose time. 

At most, if it’s already going well you can just acknowledge that out loud. And if taking this into account wouldn’t change the answer, it’s not worth wasting time on.

Doing the Math the Consulting Way

Your current level of confidence around the math might depend on whether you are in an analytical field, but know this: consulting math is high school math, and you probably did ok in high school. 

It’s all simple arithmetic. The trick is that you have to be at ease doing it under pressure, ideally without mistakes and without getting stuck. You should also be extremely structured in the way you approach it and detail to your interviewer everything you are going to do before you do it. 

As you build more ease, you will also start seeing which shortcuts you can take to get to the right answer even faster. 

Displaying the Right Soft Skills

Finally, you have to understand that consulting is a client services business and as such, the opinions of their clients matter. Therefore, consulting firms care about how their employees appear and the image they project, and you’ll have to conform to that to get the job. Moreover, the intensity of the job, its feedback culture, and the omnipresent teamwork also matter.

That means being a great communicator, displaying confidence, being present and making eye contact, and being personable is important. It also applies to something as simple as how you dress on interview day: make sure you come with a suit or other business formal wear that is well-tailored to you. Again, your interviewer has to feel confident you could represent their firm in front of a client.

As an academic, it’s not that you are naturally less gifted at any of these, it’s that so far you might have gotten a pass as long as your research was good. Now you are entering a world where those things matter as much as the content of your brain, and the people who have been in that world for longer simply had to work on it already. Now it’s your turn. 

1. Do Your Research

Ph.D. candidates looking to transition to consulting need to identify the companies they’re interested in and learn the specifics of each. Reach out to alumni from your schools, friends, or friends of friends who work for these firms. You can also network with consultants who present at on-campus or virtual information sessions (or even cold message consultants on LinkedIn. The best people to reach out to are those who share your academic background).

The more exposure you get to this world, the easier it will be for you to figure out whether you like it and to show that you do if that’s the case.

2. Be Strategic in Your Application Process

Once you know where you want to apply, get familiar with their application process. Go to their recruiting events. Don’t miss deadlines. 

When applying, don’t neglect polishing your Resume and Cover Letter so that they fit the mold of consulting. That means that if you are a postdoc, do not send an academic CV that is just the 17-page list of all your academic talks in bullet points. 

3. Prepare for the Interview

As a Ph.D. student, this is maybe the scariest for you at this point. You probably have more to learn than an MBA who spent the entire year thinking about it, but the good news is that casing is not rocket science: you do not need a Ph.D. in it to excel. 

It’s only about methodically planning your preparation so that you hone all the skills you’ll be tested on. The preparation is also a great way for you to see whether you’d like the job. 

If you don’t know where to start, have a look at our Ultimate Guide to Case Interview Prep .

Good luck on your transition from Ph.D. to consulting! 

  • Bridge to BCG: What It Is & How to Get Accepted
  • McKinsey Insight
  • Bain ADvantage
  • What Is Consulting?
  • Consulting Resumes
  • Consulting Cover Letters
  • The Ultimate Guide to Case Interview Prep

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In this article, we’ve covered:

  • What makes Consulting attractive after pursuing a Ph.D.?
  • What are consulting firms looking for in advanced degree candidates?
  • Which consulting firms should you apply to as a Ph.D. or postdoc?
  • What challenges you might face as Ph.D. applying to consulting?
  • How can you ace your recruiting process and case interview coming from academia?

Still have questions?

If you have more questions about transitioning from a Ph.D. to consulting, leave them in the comments below. One of My Consulting Offer’s case coaches will answer them.

Help with Your Consulting Application

T hanks for turning to My Consulting Offer for advice on transitioning from a Ph.D. to consulting. My Consulting Offer has helped almost 89.6% of the people we’ve worked with to get a job in management consulting. We want you to be successful in your consulting interviews too. For example, here is how Ellen was able to get her offer from BCG.


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PhD Thesis Writing Services

Need help writing a flawless thesis unleash the true potential of your research through our expert guidance.

We are dedicated to helping PhD scholars achieve their academic goals by offering comprehensive support in crafting exceptional theses. Our expert assistance ensures meticulous research, precise structuring, and impactful writing. With our professional guidance, you can streamline your efforts, enhance the quality of your work, and confidently present your research findings to the academic community.

Avail the Expertise of a PhD Statistician

Deliverables Include Output Files and Interpretation

Rigorous Hypothesis Testing to Validate Research Findings

Guaranteed 100% Confidentiality of Your Valuable Data.

24/6 Email Support for Prompt Assistance Throughout the Process

Query Clarification Post Completion of Work for 30 Days

The Perfect Blend of Features to an Exceptional PhD Thesis Writing Service

Logical Flow

Logical Flow

We meticulously maintain a systematic approach to ensure logical flow and consistency in tone throughout your academic document. Your concepts, ideas, and citations will be expressed coherently.

Format Adherence

Format Adherence

Our writers are professionally trained to comply with all formatting guidelines and requirements specified by your style guide or university. Whether it's APA, MLA, CMS, Turabian, Harvard, or any other format, we ensure strict adherence.

Authentic References

Authentic References

Our subject-matter expert writers diligently check, trace, and incorporate all relevant references to acknowledge the authentic sources used in your thesis. Upon request, we can provide references as PDFs or URLs.

Zero Plagiarism Tolerance

Zero Plagiarism Tolerance

We adhere to a strict zero plagiarism policy, guaranteeing that the final version of your thesis will be free from plagiarism (less than 15% on Turnitin or Urkund). Additionally, we can provide a plagiarism report at an additional cost if needed.

Frequently Asked Questions for PhD Thesis Writing Services

Once i place an order, how soon will you begin writing my thesis, will you develop my thesis statement as part of the thesis writing service, how will you deliver the completed thesis to me, what documents do i need to share with you.

  • Research topic
  • Format of the thesis
  • Collected data and transcripts
  • Data analysis and interpretation report/results section
  • All relevant notes and references
  • University guidelines specific to your program

I am pursuing a doctorate from Warwick University (or any UK university). Can you write a thesis that aligns with UK standards?

I am pursuing a doctorate from amity university (or any indian university). can you write a thesis that aligns with my university standards, our packages.

  • Topic and Proposal Plan
  • Questionnaire Plan
  • Thesis Review Plan
  • Journal Manuscript Plan
  • UK Dissertation Plan
  • PhD Proposal Plan
  • Statistical Data Analysis Prices
  • Research Design Plan
  • Dissertation Editing Plan
  • Topics Consultation Plan
  • PhD Literature Review Writing Plan

Let's Chat About Your Academic Goals

Want to learn more about how our consultancy services can help you achieve academic success? Book a meeting with our sales consultant today! Our expert team is ready to answer your questions and guide you through the process, so you can make an informed decision about your academic journey.

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~Fair Use Policy: The papers provided by serve as model papers for research candidates and are not to be submitted 'as is'.These papers are intended to be used for reference purposes only. only offers consultation and research support and assistance in research design, editing and statistics~.

Journal Paper Development

  • Our Promise
  • Our Achievements
  • Our Mission
  • Proposal Writing
  • System Development
  • Paper Writing
  • Paper Publish
  • Synopsis Writing
  • Thesis Writing
  • Assignments
  • Survey Paper
  • Conference Paper
  • Journal Paper
  • Empirical Paper
  • Journal Support
  • PhD Consultancy Services
  • Confirm your registration
  • Topic selection & synopsis
  • Find valuable topics
  • Pick interesting topic
  • Write your synopsis
  • Completed within 15 days
  • Validate your research
  • Implementation work
  • Share your anticipants
  • Execute your research
  • Get source code
  • Completed within 10 days

PhD consultancy services are making for you where we meet all your demands. Have you decided to do your PhD? Great, we will value it. If you have no idea, then no problem, we will do the needful for you. In this service, you will get expert knowledge for your PhD degree.    Learn with us to grab your success rapidly…

In truth, PhD degree is different from other UG/PG courses because it is a high-level course finished after the research. Although your supervisor will guide you, you have to take your stairs in yourself.

However, self-learning is not suiting for PhD, so it must want expert help. Our all PhD consultancy services consist of 150+ doyens who will in charge of your learning progress.

Key Features of PhD Consultancy Services

  • Career Path Planning is given with Time Schedule
  • Proper and Timely Communication
  • Immediate Query Resolving Team Support
  • No Hidden or Extra Charges
  • World’s Class Lecturer Support
  • Additional Resources are given


  • In the first place: Begin your PhD
  • Confirm your PhD registration with the university
  • Get our TOPIC SELECTION and SYNOPSIS Writing services
  • Get your valuable topics based on your interests
  • Tutor regarding every topic in all the aspects
  • Description
  • Research Possibilities
  • Influence Level
  • On your topic, we garnish your synopsis with a new approach
  • All works will complete within 15 days
  • Overall, validate your work with proper PROPOSAL
  • Afterward, elect simulation tool and language
  • Accordingly, share your anticipations (Scenario, Simulation Setting, Dataset)
  • Then, execute your research as it is in the synopsis
  • Finally, your code will deliver within ‘10 working days’

In the same way, we will give our elite support in third place (Journal Issue) and fourth (Thesis Writing). The duration of PhD depends upon the period that you have spent on the research works.

 Do not pull out your PhD due to research issues as our experts are waiting to equip your research on-time . We will always aid you 24/7/365 until your Viva-Voce without any hidden charges with our PhD consultancy services . Whenever you need our help, we will appear within your locality.

The STABLE PHD BATTLE you met along with our research often will lead to SWEETENED SUCCESS from it!!!!!

MILESTONE 1: Research Proposal

Finalize journal (indexing).

Before sit down to research proposal writing, we need to decide exact journals. For e.g. SCI, SCI-E, ISI, SCOPUS.

Research Subject Selection

As a doctoral student, subject selection is a big problem. has the team of world class experts who experience in assisting all subjects. When you decide to work in networking, we assign our experts in your specific area for assistance.

Research Topic Selection

We helping you with right and perfect topic selection, which sound interesting to the other fellows of your committee. For e.g. if your interest in networking, the research topic is VANET / MANET / any other

Literature Survey Writing

To ensure the novelty of research, we find research gaps in 50+ latest benchmark papers (IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, MDPI, Hindawi, etc.)

Case Study Writing

After literature survey, we get the main issue/problem that your research topic will aim to resolve and elegant writing support to identify relevance of the issue.

Problem Statement

Based on the research gaps finding and importance of your research, we conclude the appropriate and specific problem statement.

Writing Research Proposal

Writing a good research proposal has need of lot of time. We only span a few to cover all major aspects (reference papers collection, deficiency finding, drawing system architecture, highlights novelty)

MILESTONE 2: System Development

Fix implementation plan.

We prepare a clear project implementation plan that narrates your proposal in step-by step and it contains Software and OS specification. We recommend you very suitable tools/software that fit for your concept.

Tools/Plan Approval

We get the approval for implementation tool, software, programing language and finally implementation plan to start development process.

Pseudocode Description

Our source code is original since we write the code after pseudocodes, algorithm writing and mathematical equation derivations.

Develop Proposal Idea

We implement our novel idea in step-by-step process that given in implementation plan. We can help scholars in implementation.


We perform the comparison between proposed and existing schemes in both quantitative and qualitative manner since it is most crucial part of any journal paper.

Graphs, Results, Analysis Table

We evaluate and analyze the project results by plotting graphs, numerical results computation, and broader discussion of quantitative results in table.

Project Deliverables

For every project order, we deliver the following: reference papers, source codes screenshots, project video, installation and running procedures.

MILESTONE 3: Paper Writing

Choosing right format.

We intend to write a paper in customized layout. If you are interesting in any specific journal, we ready to support you. Otherwise we prepare in IEEE transaction level.

Collecting Reliable Resources

Before paper writing, we collect reliable resources such as 50+ journal papers, magazines, news, encyclopedia (books), benchmark datasets, and online resources.

Writing Rough Draft

We create an outline of a paper at first and then writing under each heading and sub-headings. It consists of novel idea and resources

Proofreading & Formatting

We must proofread and formatting a paper to fix typesetting errors, and avoiding misspelled words, misplaced punctuation marks, and so on

Native English Writing

We check the communication of a paper by rewriting with native English writers who accomplish their English literature in University of Oxford.

Scrutinizing Paper Quality

We examine the paper quality by top-experts who can easily fix the issues in journal paper writing and also confirm the level of journal paper (SCI, Scopus or Normal).

Plagiarism Checking

We at is 100% guarantee for original journal paper writing. We never use previously published works.

MILESTONE 4: Paper Publication

Finding apt journal.

We play crucial role in this step since this is very important for scholar’s future. Our experts will help you in choosing high Impact Factor (SJR) journals for publishing.

Lay Paper to Submit

We organize your paper for journal submission, which covers the preparation of Authors Biography, Cover Letter, Highlights of Novelty, and Suggested Reviewers.

Paper Submission

We upload paper with submit all prerequisites that are required in journal. We completely remove frustration in paper publishing.

Paper Status Tracking

We track your paper status and answering the questions raise before review process and also we giving you frequent updates for your paper received from journal.

Revising Paper Precisely

When we receive decision for revising paper, we get ready to prepare the point-point response to address all reviewers query and resubmit it to catch final acceptance.

Get Accept & e-Proofing

We receive final mail for acceptance confirmation letter and editors send e-proofing and licensing to ensure the originality.

Publishing Paper

Paper published in online and we inform you with paper title, authors information, journal name volume, issue number, page number, and DOI link

MILESTONE 5: Thesis Writing

Identifying university format.

We pay special attention for your thesis writing and our 100+ thesis writers are proficient and clear in writing thesis for all university formats.

Gathering Adequate Resources

We collect primary and adequate resources for writing well-structured thesis using published research articles, 150+ reputed reference papers, writing plan, and so on.

Writing Thesis (Preliminary)

We write thesis in chapter-by-chapter without any empirical mistakes and we completely provide plagiarism-free thesis.

Skimming & Reading

Skimming involve reading the thesis and looking abstract, conclusions, sections, & sub-sections, paragraphs, sentences & words and writing thesis chorological order of papers.

Fixing Crosscutting Issues

This step is tricky when write thesis by amateurs. Proofreading and formatting is made by our world class thesis writers who avoid verbose, and brainstorming for significant writing.

Organize Thesis Chapters

We organize thesis chapters by completing the following: elaborate chapter, structuring chapters, flow of writing, citations correction, etc.

Writing Thesis (Final Version)

We attention to details of importance of thesis contribution, well-illustrated literature review, sharp and broad results and discussion and relevant applications study.

How deal with significant issues ?

1. novel ideas.

Novelty is essential for a PhD degree. Our experts are bringing quality of being novel ideas in the particular research area. It can be only determined by after thorough literature search (state-of-the-art works published in IEEE, Springer, Elsevier, ACM, ScienceDirect, Inderscience, and so on). SCI and SCOPUS journals reviewers and editors will always demand “Novelty” for each publishing work. Our experts have in-depth knowledge in all major and sub-research fields to introduce New Methods and Ideas. MAKING NOVEL IDEAS IS THE ONLY WAY OF WINNING PHD.

2. Plagiarism-Free

To improve the quality and originality of works, we are strictly avoiding plagiarism since plagiarism is not allowed and acceptable for any type journals (SCI, SCI-E, or Scopus) in editorial and reviewer point of view. We have software named as “Anti-Plagiarism Software” that examines the similarity score for documents with good accuracy. We consist of various plagiarism tools like Viper, Turnitin, Students and scholars can get your work in Zero Tolerance to Plagiarism. DONT WORRY ABOUT PHD, WE WILL TAKE CARE OF EVERYTHING.

3. Confidential Info

We intended to keep your personal and technical information in secret and it is a basic worry for all scholars.

  • Technical Info: We never share your technical details to any other scholar since we know the importance of time and resources that are giving us by scholars.
  • Personal Info: We restricted to access scholars personal details by our experts. Our organization leading team will have your basic and necessary info for scholars.


4. Publication

Most of the PhD consultancy services will end their services in Paper Writing, but our is different from others by giving guarantee for both paper writing and publication in reputed journals. With our 18+ year of experience in delivering PhD services, we meet all requirements of journals (reviewers, editors, and editor-in-chief) for rapid publications. From the beginning of paper writing, we lay our smart works. PUBLICATION IS A ROOT FOR PHD DEGREE. WE LIKE A FRUIT FOR GIVING SWEET FEELING FOR ALL SCHOLARS.

5. No Duplication

After completion of your work, it does not available in our library i.e. we erased after completion of your PhD work so we avoid of giving duplicate contents for scholars. This step makes our experts to bringing new ideas, applications, methodologies and algorithms. Our work is more standard, quality and universal. Everything we make it as a new for all scholars. INNOVATION IS THE ABILITY TO SEE THE ORIGINALITY. EXPLORATION IS OUR ENGINE THAT DRIVES INNOVATION SO LET’S ALL GO EXPLORING.

Client Reviews

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I was at the edge of my doctorate graduation since my thesis is totally unconnected chapters. You people did a magic and I get my complete thesis!!!

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I had not provided any specific requirements for my proposal work, but you guys are very awesome because I’m received proper proposal. Thank you!

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I had found this as a wonderful platform for scholars so I highly recommend this service to all. I ordered thesis proposal and they covered everything. Thank you so much!!!

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Ph.D Consultants

  • Research Work Guidance
  • Full time PhD
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  • Our Services

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Ph.D Admission July 2024 session Started

Central/State/State Private/Deemed Universities For PHD Admission: - +91 8304834211 For Journal Publications +91 8304870411

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“Journal Publication Support”

Scopus/web of science/ugc care listed /double peer-reviewed journal contact:- +91 8304870411.

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Ph.D Consultation Services

News of the day.

  • PhD Admission July 2024 Session Started Applications are invited for admission to Full-time/Part-time Ph.D. Programme in the disciplines of English , Education, Sciences, Humanities, Physics,Maths,Management, Law, Medical, Civil and Mechanical Engineering, Linguistics, Commerce, Computer Science, IT, Finance and other areas relevant to master Degree from UGC recognized University. Hurry to Register .

Doctoral Degree Admissions

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Application Requirements for All Doctoral Programs (Ph.D)

A doctoral degree requires the satisfactory completion of an approved program of advanced study and original research of high quality. The Ph.D and ScD degrees are awarded interchangeably by all departments in the School of Engineering and the School of Science except in the fields of biology, cognitive science, neuroscience, medical engineering, and medical physics.

Some departments require a doctoral candidate to take a “minor” program outside of the principal field.

Research Work Assistance

Only the greatest mind’s, 1. research consultation by phd experts.

Our Ph.D consultant team comprises of expert retired scholars in various disciplines with vast experience in research and implementation of results. They will provide you continuous guidance, support and supervision throughout your Ph.D research period. We assist you to obtain Ph D with all the related services from admission to Viva Voce in all the universities with a wide range of top doctoral programs in health, psychology, education, management studies, political science and Law, engineering, biological sciences and biomedical sciences. Give a call to us to get free consultation to choose your field and university.

2. Wide Categorization of Research Services

  • Ph.D Research Proposal Preparation Assistance
  • Ph.D Synopsis Writing Help
  • Ph.D Article /Journal Paper Writing Assistance
  • Ph.D Conference /Journal Paper Publication Help
  • Ph.D Editing Services
  • Ph.D Course Work Assignments Help
  • Ph.D Thesis Writing Assistance
  • Ph.D Plagiarism Check Service
  • Ph.D Grammar Correction Service
  • Ph.D Vivo Voce Assistance Service
  • Ph.D Proof Reading Service

3. Focused Mentoring Technique

Successful mentoring involves preparation, negotiation, increasing growth and closure of the problems or work successfully.

PhD Consultants team will give you valuable guidance which helps you to decide on taking the related services. They assist you once you are ready to take our services. Our support team will communicate with you and the writer regarding any questions, concerns or additional instructions related to your research work. So it will be totally the work as per your request.

4. Popular Services for PhD Scholars

  • Ph.D Grammar Correction Service         Read more

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Hurry up! Contact us today and get

Free first consultation, our specialities, as part of our high quality phd consultancy services, we offer, all major phd research subjects.

We are specialized in all services for the PhD research with experienced experts in the field of study you select. We assist you to obtain PhD with all the related services from admission to Viva Voce in all the universities with a wide range of top doctoral programs in health, psychology, education, management studies, political science and Law, engineering, biological sciences and biomedical sciences. Read more

Professional Communications

As we are a team of retired Professors (Guides), Subject Experts, Research Writers, and Industrial analysts who collaboratively provide a comprehensive suite of first-class academic services, our team communication is always professional. Once your enquiry is passed on to the technical team, depending on the availability of scholars, your work will be processed in time and communicated periodically by the member of our team assigned then and there. Read more

Complete Personalization

PhD Consultants team will write PhD research thesis for you once you are ready to take our services. Our support team will communicate with you and the writer regarding any questions, concerns or additional instructions related to your research work.  So it will be totally the work as per your request. Read more

100% Confidential

Our specialty is 100% privacy and confidentiality, both the customer and the writer will not be able to know each other. When we are transferring the materials required for writing thesis work, we hide all personal information. Our support team will communicate with you and the writer regarding any questions, concerns or additional instructions related to your research work.  So, all your details and documents will be confidential. Read more

Provide You With World-Class PhD Assistance

We are a team of retired Professors (Guides), Subject Experts, Research Writers, and Industrial analysts who collaboratively provide a comprehensive suite of first-class academic services. Our teams are proven writers and editors who have helped hundreds of scholars through the research work assistance process. our team will guide the researchers to complete the research with the dedicated and standard way. Read more

100% Intellectually Yours

Once the work is delivered to us by the writer, he has no claim over that content. Similarly when the work is delivered to you and after the revisions, we will not save all the details related to your work. Thereby the writings become yours intellectually. Read more

100% Plagiarism Free

We assign your work to the subject expert and so it would be original writing. Next the writing is proofread by our technical team and then checked for plagiarism with anti- plagiarism software before delivery. We offer complimentary plagiarism report along with every content submission. In this way we guarantee 100% original work. Read more

How We Work

Our process – 100% confidentiality, some scholars may think that they do not need academic writing services from experts but when you contact us for consultation, you come to know how quality writing services will enhance your thesis to be approved., free consultation, research writing, speak with our experts, delivering of the work, register with us, request alterations, pay advance to start the work, project complete, selection of writer, deleting your details from data bank, testimonials, what our client says.

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Meet The World’s Best Management Consulting Firms 2024

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Accenture consultants work in the Chicago office overlooking the city's skyline

It’s often been said that the only constant in life—and in business—is change. And while this can be unsettling for companies, change has consistently led to growth for the management consulting industry. Whether companies are seeking to downsize, expand, rebrand or enhance AI capabilities, businesses often need help from external advisors, particularly those with highly technical skills or niche expertise. As a result, consultants have never been busier.

Alicia Pittman, managing director, senior partner and global people chair at Boston Consulting Group (BCG), says that many businesses coming out of turbulent times post pandemic are seeking large-scale change. “A lot of clients are looking soup to nuts, and asking, ‘How do we accelerate this company to the next chapter?’”

The answer, according to Pittman, is to join forces with the right consulting team. In the case of BCG, when their consultants take on a project, they don’t just drop in, make some fixes and leave. Rather, the consultants take time listening to the needs of their clients, customizing strategies together, and guiding executives and staff on how to implement them. BCG’s philosophy, says Pittman: “We don’t work on clients, we work with clients.”

This approach has apparently served BCG well; for the third straight year it ranked as one of the most recommended firms in our list of the World’s Best Management Consulting Firms . The ranking, created in partnership with market research firm Statista , is based on three national surveys of consultants (partners and managers at consulting firms) and clients (executives) in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany; as well as a global survey of 8,500 consultants and clients in 29 countries across all continents.

Survey respondents were asked which consulting firms they would recommend within 13 industries (such as construction and healthcare) and 14 functional areas (such as digital transformation and organization management), for a total of 27 categories; those with the most recommendations were included in our list and awarded a star rating. Firms in the top 10% (very frequently recommended) received 5 stars, firms between the top 10% and 40% (frequently recommended) received 4 stars, and all others with a sufficient number of recommendations received 3 stars.

In addition to the consulting firms, survey respondents were also able to recommend consulting networks, which aggregate large numbers of independent consultants and facilitate their connection with potential clients. Consulting networks were rated using the same method used to rate consulting firms.

Ultimately, a total of 224 management consulting firms and nine consulting networks made this third annual list. (For more on the methodology, see below.)

Eight firms on our list earned stars in all 27 categories, and they were the same top performers as last year. But this year, Accenture led that pack—bumping McKinsey & Company from the head of the list—with Accenture receiving 26 5-star ratings and one 4-star rating, while McKinsey received 24 5-star ratings and three 4-star ratings. For the second year in a row, Deloitte earned 25 5-star ratings and two 4-star ratings. The other five firms that received stars in all 27 categories (specifically, 4- and 5-star ratings) were Boston Consulting Group (BCG) , Bain & Company , KPMG , PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and EY .

One of the top priorities for clients across every industry this year, says Muqsit Ashraf, group chief executive of Accenture Strategy, is to reinvent their organization’s generative AI, “impacting everyone from the C-suite to frontline workers.” To do this, Accenture teams advise companies on “building a digital core, transforming processes end to end, rethinking talent strategies, embedding responsible AI principles, and developing change management capabilities,” he says.

Deloitte's global headquarters in London, England

Another major focus for businesses around the world is sustainability, says Tamzen Isacsson, CEO of the Management Consultancies Association , a trade organization in the UK. Thus, consulting firms are not only guiding clients on sustainable strategies for their businesses, the consultants themselves are also walking the (carbon-free) walk. “The consulting industry previously had a big carbon footprint in terms of travel,” says Isacsson. Post pandemic, however, consultants have radically revamped the way they work with clients, often traveling much less and instead offering a blend of remote time and face-to-face time.

New norms for remote and digital work arrangements have also made it easier for businesses to work with expert consultants in any country—and there are a growing number of consulting networks facilitating these connections. One such network, Malt —which received high marks in our rankings—has built an online community of more than 500,000 freelance consultants and more than 70,000 clients. The AI-powered platform serves as a matchmaker of sorts, allowing consultants to find projects that suit their skills and interests while offering clients the ability to find consultants with the specific expertise needed.

Malt , which operates in eight countries in Europe and the United Arab Emirates, vets the freelancers, makes sure they are compliant with tax regulations and certified to work where the client is located, and provides tools that help both consultants and clients find matches. Pascal Schäfer, Malt’s head of freelance community and project partnering, says that clients usually come to the platform knowing exactly what they are looking for, and it’s often a consultant with very specific expertise that most companies would not employ on staff. “We can help them to find someone with exactly that skillset or that combination of experience in the country they need,” he says.

“The platform suggests potential candidates based on their experience and hard skills but then we add the human touch,” says Schäfer, noting that Malt proposes three to five candidates to the client—also considering interpersonal skills and price—and the client can choose which candidates they’d like to meet. Malt arranges a call for both parties to talk on their own or with a Malt advisor. When a match is made, clients then hire and pay the consultant through the platform, providing security and stability for all involved.

For executives in search of their own great match—whether through a consulting network, a boutique consulting company or a multinational firm— click here for the full list of the World’s Best Consulting Firms .


The World’s Best Consulting Firms 2024, created in partnership with market research firm Statista , is based on three national surveys of consultants (partners and managers at consulting firms) and clients (executives) in the United States, the United Kingdom, and Germany; as well as a global survey of 8,500 consultants and clients in 29 countries across all continents. Survey respondents were asked which consulting firms they would recommend; firms were eligible if they had active offices in at least three of the following regions: Africa, Asia, Australia and Oceania, Europe, the Middle East, North America and South America.

The firms were recommended within 13 industries (such as technology, financial services and healthcare) and 14 functional areas (such as M&A, marketing and sustainability); those with the most recommendations were included in our list and awarded a star rating. Firms in the top 10% (very frequently recommended) received 5 stars, firms between the top 10% and 40% (frequently recommended) received 4 stars, and all others with a sufficient number of recommendations received 3 stars.

In addition to the consulting firms, survey respondents were also able to recommend consulting networks, which aggregate large numbers of independent consultants and facilitate their connection with potential clients. The networks enable consultants to match with projects that suit their skills and interests, while affording clients the ability to match with consultants offering the specific expertise needed. For this list, the method used to rate consulting firms was also used to rate consulting networks.

Ultimately, a total of 224 management consulting firms and nine consulting networks made the list.

As with all Forbes lists, companies pay no fee to participate or be selected. To read more about how we make these lists , click here. For questions about this list, please email listdesk [at]


Rachel Rabkin Peachman

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Ukraine missiles hit oil terminal at Kavkaz port in Russia's Krasnodar region, Kyiv says

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Turkey and Iraq have signed a memorandum of understanding on military, security and counter-terrorism cooperation, Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said on Thursday, after two days of high-level security talks in Ankara.

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  3. The PhD Consultants

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  4. The Science Careers guide to consulting careers for Ph.D. scientists

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  10. About Us

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  14. The PhD to Consulting Transition: Should You Take the Leap?

    3. Prepare for the Interview. As a Ph.D. student, this is maybe the scariest for you at this point. You probably have more to learn than an MBA who spent the entire year thinking about it, but the good news is that casing is not rocket science: you do not need a Ph.D. in it to excel.

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  16. Consulting With a PhD

    Consulting With a PhD - 8 VITAL Steps (2023) Updated May 15, 2023. Six months into my post-PhD career, I left a job at a think tank to do consulting with a PhD. I was watching the money the think tank was taking in to do these research projects. It was a lot of money. And they'd pay me by the hour. And when I sold a $50k project that took ...

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    In fact, moving from a PhD or Advanced Degree to consulting is a very well-respected career path in the world of top-tier management consulting. Bain, McKinsey, and BCG are looking for the best and the brightest. They want to build a talent pool of sharp problem-solving critical thinkers. In this article, we'll first explore why consulting ...

  19. My Career Transition from PhD to Consultant

    Ukjin Kwon, a Seoul based consultant, describes his career journey from obtaining a Computer Science & Electrical Engineering PhD at MIT to consulting at BCG.

  20. Home

    1. Research Consultation by PhD Experts. Our Ph.D consultant team comprises of expert retired scholars in various disciplines with vast experience in research and implementation of results. They will provide you continuous guidance, support and supervision throughout your Ph.D research period. 2.

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