online education in sri lanka essay

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Impact of COVID-19 in the Sri Lanka education system

 Education is the most important weapon

In that respect, the government of Sri Lanka has long played a major role in improving the quality of education in Sri Lanka. Also, Sri Lanka is one of the leading countries in providing free education from villages to cities. Through this education system, many students have built their careers on the path of progress. In addition, it is very useful for every student from preschool to university. Classroom activities, direct lessons, dedicated teachers, and government regulations are the main reasons for this achievement in Sri Lanka.


Effects of the new normal situation

The COVID-19 which has been plaguing the world, since last year is also having many repercussions in Sri Lanka as well. Everything has positive and negative sides as if there are two sides to the coin. However, this COVID-19 causes many negative impacts on the Sri Lanka education system. This new normal encourages mainly online learning.

Limitations of the online learning in the Sri Lanka education system

The impact of COVID-19 has created an opportunity for students to study online. Although this online education allows students to learn about new technology, it is less effective than direct education because students will not be under the direct supervision of the teacher. The furthermore main issue during taking online classes or lectures is poor networking due to this so many students and teachers are affected. Many poor students are unable to get education properly due to the absence of smartphone, laptop facilities in their homes during this pandemic situation. Thus, education reaches only a few students.


Online learning process

As well as this pandemic is provoking child employment. It directly affects the children ‘s life. This COVID-19 has a negative influence on university students’ careers. It has increased the time taken for university students to receive a degree. Students or learners are prone to many health problems like visual impairment, laziness, and spinal pain as they engage in online learning mostly. and it stimulates some mental issues among students, teachers, and parents as well. In this pandemic situation, students interacting with their society become very poor. Also, students’ writing and reading skills and habits are declining these days. Relationship bonds are weakening because there is a situation where it is not possible to spend time with families despite being with them. The adage is that “setting up a school is more massive than setting up a thousand prisons ”, this well illustrates the need for schooling.

The school direct education system teaches students good habits, cultures, and extracurricular activities along with their studies, but online learning can’t encourage these chapters properly among people.

 The positive effects of online education in Sri Lanka

However, Online learning is the best solution to face the challenges of COVID-19. And it is enhancing student education in this COVID -19 pandemic Because there are no other substitutes. Also, This virtual learning help to make a good relationship between students -teachers during the lockdown. And E-learning is an efficient way to deliver lessons via tools like PDF, Video recording, podcasts. And it provides accessibility to time and place. Also, its affordability means the reduced financial cost like traveling and food, etc.

As well as many teachers  volunteering to teach students online for free. Hence, we need to understand the situation and adapt ourselves accordingly. All Sri Lankans must make proper use of available resources and, contribute to the development of Sri Lanka.

Therefore, it is best to take full advantage of the benefits of online education. It makes effective use of this pandemic.

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online education in sri lanka essay

A good read.

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nice explain

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This is some GREAT words!!!!👏❤️

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It’s very useful in our education Thank you so much.

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very good document

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A good article on online learning .

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Distance Education during and after COVID-19: Long Road Ahead for Sri Lanka

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In what has been recognised as the world’s largest educational crisis, the spread of COVID-19 has resulted in a record number of students being forced to stay away from schools and universities. According to data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics , at the peak of the pandemic’s first wave in mid-April 2020, over 190 countries had implemented nationwide closures, affecting more than 90% of the world’s student population.

Interruptions to education can have long-term implications, beyond mere losses in learning, including increased dropout rates, loss of nutrition, and reductions in future earnings – the effects of which are disproportionately experienced by the more vulnerable. Deepening inequalities is particularly concerning at a time when economies are embarking on the decade of action to meet the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with the overall aim of leaving no one behind. Providing equitable access, however, is not enough; the SDG focusing on education also stresses the importance of ensuring “quality education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes.” Achieving such goals becomes all the more challenging in a distance learning environment.

Sri Lanka is no exception to these realities; the country shut down schools and universities nationwide on 12 March 2020, with alternative means of education being carried out in various capacities. Although a gradual reopening of schools was initiated in early-July, this week has seen a temporary closure again, amidst concerns of a possible second wave. This blog examines the effectiveness of distance education in Sri Lanka, from the perspectives of inclusion and quality, and explores policy measures that can deliver and sustain more equitable and effective learning outcomes, beyond COVID-19.

Inclusiveness of Distance Education

In many Sri Lankan public schools, learning during the pandemic has mostly occurred via online channels, with teachers sending large volumes of material as PDF documents to students via WhatsApp and Viber. However, recent survey data indicate that in 2018, only 52% of Sri Lankan households with school-aged children owned a smartphone or computer – essential for online learning – and only 40% had an internet connection, primarily via mobile phones (Figure 1). This means that less than half of all households in Sri Lanka can benefit from e-learning opportunities.

There has also been limited use of other distance education channels, such as television and radio, to which students in rural areas have relatively more access (Figure 2).

Quality of Distance Education

Teaching online requires specialised skills such as knowing how to conduct classes in a virtual environment, the training for which is currently lacking in Sri Lanka. Distance teaching also necessitates equipping students with tools to learn independently – as opposed to note-dictating methods – in the absence of face-to-face interaction. Apart from problems with the bulk transfer of material and difficulties associated with reading and absorbing content from a phone screen, the current practice of sending large volumes of material via WhatsApp and Viber is problematic, as it reinforces teacher-centred education, where students merely absorb what is spoon-fed to them. In such a setting, achieving effective and relevant learning outcomes is difficult.

Way Forward

Given uncertainties surrounding the complete eradication of the COVID-19 pandemic and the possible occurrence of future crises, distance education might be here to stay. Sri Lanka, therefore, needs to take rapid and decisive action in improving the delivery of equitable and quality remote learning opportunities. Below are some policy measures that Sri Lanka’s Ministry of Education can consider, drawing from international examples where relevant.

Safeguarding Education Equity

The eventuality of continuing with online education in the future calls for increased accessibility to online platforms by lowering associated costs and building infrastructure. However, a more dedicated effort to expand other forms of distance learning is also crucial to reach the poorest students. Efforts taken by the Kerala State Education Department to ensure that all children are engaged in learning, provides a good example. Online classes are made available on a government-run education channel and YouTube, while a microfinance scheme has been set up to provide 120,000 laptops to those who lack them. Online lessons are also broadcasted on a dedicated television channel to cater to students without access to the internet and devices. Additionally, to reach students’ households where no televisions are available, the State plans to set up 50,000 ‘Neighbourhood Study Centres’ in selected localities resourced with a television, through which educational programmes can be aired. These efforts are also supplemented by textbooks and printed material delivered to students’ homes.

Improving Education Quality

An optimistic view argues that COVID-19 has disrupted an education system that was already losing its relevance, thereby presenting an apt opportunity to bring about critically-needed education system transformations, particularly in the context of the emerging technology-driven Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR). Online education can take the lead in creating more effective methods of teaching and learning, including avenues for teachers to engage in collaboration and professional development, and fostering independent student learning and a wider range of cognitive, social, and emotional skills which the 4IR demands. This is an important opportunity for change in Sri Lanka’s content-heavy examination-focused education system.

Such a transformation calls for substantial revisions to teacher training programmes to include content on best practices in online and other distance teaching methods, based on well-researched evidence. Public-private partnerships are also key in providing technical guidance. The Chilean Education Ministry, for example , collaborated with Google and Fundación Chile – a technology company focusing on technology innovation and implementation – to provide access and technical support to assist teachers in organising course content, grading assignments, and communicating with students.

Leveraging the Dividend in Innovation

Moreover, to capitalise on opportunities presented by COVID-19 to build-back-better, factors contributing to past successful innovations need to be examined, looking at how such capacity can be sustained going forward. For example, Sri Lanka’s positive experiences with virtual and blended learning in smart classrooms need to be promoted and further expanded. Doing so calls for a substantial boost in education-research budgets from existing meagre levels, while mobilising support for innovation requires strong communication – by all education stakeholders – of the need for change, via policy forums, awareness campaigns, and media outlets.

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Transition to online education in Sri Lanka during COVID-19: A descriptive phenomenological study

  • S.P. Kalpana Jeewanthi Subasinghe Department of Nursing, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya
  • A.M.S. Deepanie Pathiranage Department of Nursing, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences, University of Peradeniya

The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) that originated in China was declared a global pandemic by the World Health Organization in March 2020. To limit the spread of the disease, the Sri Lankan government announced the closure of all educational institutes. The school closure encouraged the use of home-based learning, and this transition was a critical period for both teachers and students. Because most Sri Lankan children reside in rural areas, our study examined how teachers in rural schools experienced the lockdown in relation to their teaching role during the pandemic.  We used a descriptive phenomenological study design with purposive sampling until we achieved the saturation point. In-depth interviews were conducted via the Zoom platform, using a validated guideline that was piloted before the study and analyzed based on the thematic analysis approach. We identified five major themes: (1) adjustment to the online teaching/learning process; (2) experience of challenges; (3) experience of new opportunities; (4) impact of parental involvement; and (5) impact of teachers’ and children’s physical, psycho-social well-being. The study identified lack of access to technology and lack of proper guidance from the family as challenges during home-based learning. Parental involvement during teaching sessions decreased teachers’ autonomy. Inadequate and inaccurate evaluation of the students disrupts the learning process. Teachers perceived that children’s distance from classroom learning and their peer groups will affect the children’s development.

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Copyright (c) 2022 S.P. Kalpana Jeewanthi Subasinghe, A.M.S. Deepanie Pathiranage

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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License .

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Factors Influencing Online Education during COVID-19 Pandemic: Sri Lankan Students’ Perspective

11 Pages Posted: 27 Aug 2021

M.A.K. Sriyalatha

University of Sri Jayewardenepura

P. J. Kumarasinghe

Date Written: August 26, 2021

This study examines the factors influencing online education for selected Sri Lankan universities during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also analyses the moderate effect of gender and type of the university on online education. Primary data were collected using a questionnaire via google form from Management students in Sri Lankan selected universities. Data analysis was done through structural equations using analysis of moment structures (AMOS) version 22.0. Attitude, internet and related facilities, curriculum, and self-motivation were found to have a significant positive impact on online education, while workload & time have no significant effect on online education. Among four factors, the strongest influence was derived from self-motivation followed by the curriculum. We have not found significant differences among male and female students’ views on online education, while the impact from the type of university is different among the two categories. This study effectively guides policy makers and university administrators across the educational institutes to decide on continuing online education. It reveals some insights to the teachers, students, and parents to understand the significance of the modern online learning environment and its positive impact on the new learning mode. There is no study related to the factors associated with the impact of online education during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Sri Lankan context.

Keywords: COVID-19 Pandemic, Online Education, Self-Motivation, Curriculum, Sri Lankan Universities

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M.A.K. Sriyalatha (Contact Author)

University of sri jayewardenepura ( email ).

Nugegoda Gandodawila Gangodawila, Nugegoda 10250 Sri Lanka

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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) | Volume VI, Issue VIII, August 2022 | ISSN 2454–6186

Traditional Learning Vs Online Learning on Education in Sri Lanka: A Study based on the Pre and Prior Academic Knowledge of Secondary Students Covid-19 Pandemic Online Learning.

Mathale Jayani Wimalika Ellapola Bachelor of Education (Hons) Degree Program, Horizon Campus Malabe, Sri Lanka

IJRISS Call for paper

Abstract: Purpose – The purpose of this research is to determine what impact does online learning strategies have on students’ academic knowledge and teachers’ professional development and how the teacher-student relationship is affected by the implementation of online learning and finally to understand how does the implementation of online learning affect student’s academic skills and knowledge. Methodology – This study covers 315 participations (students) including 15 secondary school classes and 41 teachers in Vidyaraja Maha Vidyalaya at Hokandara. Qualitative data would be used for the research to collect for this case study. This case study focuses on the secondary classes to help teachers analyse their strategies for engaging students and increasing student academic knowledge with the online learning instructional method. Key Findings – The key findings include access to technology, online learning, E-Learning in the Context of Sri Lankan Education, E-Learning as a Self-Learning Mechanism, Teacher and Student Knowledge on E-Learning Systems, Teacher- Student Relationship and COVID-19 are other concerning factors that highlighted most after the seven independent variables. Implications – The findings of this research are projected to give a practical contribution to students, teachers and other educators as well as the government of Sri Lanka to understand the ways online learning strategies have an impact on the academic knowledge of the students as well as teachers’ professional development and to advance the learning systems in the secondary education children that is suitable the forthcoming generation.


1.1. Background of the Study

The Covid-19 Pandemic has been and still is a severe challenge to the world. An outbreak of a novel Coronavirus (Covid-19) was reported in Wuhan province, China. In December 2019 (Huang C.-, 2020), they were causing numerous deaths and complications such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress syndrome. The infection rapidly spread to all parts of the globe and was declared a pandemic on 11th March 2020 by the World Health Organization

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Online Learning in Sri Lanka’s Higher Education Institutions during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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The OUSL Journal is a peer-reviewed open access journal published by the Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL). It is the first scholarly journal in Sri Lanka focusing on research in the field of Open and Distance Learning (ODL), and is being published since 1997. The journal provides a platform to publish research and pedagogy relating to teaching and learning at the University level, and in particular to Open and Distance Learning (ODL). It also provides a forum for research and review articles related in the areas of Agriculture, Natural Sciences, Education, Engineering, Humanities and Social Sciences and Health Sciences.  

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Online Learning in Sri Lanka’s Higher Education Institutions during the COVID-19 Pandemic

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Sri Lanka: Progress and Remaining Challenges in Online Higher Education during the COVID-19 Pandemic

B.Sc Degree Programme Academic Year 2021/2022 - Open University of Sri Lanka

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Online Education & E-Learning growing in Sri Lanka. 70% of students faced connection issues

Posted by admin | May 23, 2021 | News | 0 |

Online Education & E-Learning growing in Sri Lanka. 70% of students faced connection issues

Following sri lanka’s government requests, several media organisation have started online, electronic media and distant education programmes for students, who are engaging in a long vacation following the Coronavirus outbreak to continue their studies.

At a recent meeting Education Minister requested from media to assist the education activities of students by telecasting and broadcasting educational programmes. Sri Lanka Rupavahini SLRC launched  two educational channels  (Channel Eye and Nethra Tv). The Education Ministry will guide and monitor the programme.

Following the Coronavirus outbreak, which has become a threat to the entire world, the entire student community from kindergarten to university is at home as no education institute is functioning.

The global online education market is projected to witness a 9.23% annual growth during the forecast period to reach a total market size of USD 319.16 billion in 2025.

Increasing penetration of the internet in many regions across the globe is a major factor driving the market growth. Growing adoption of cloud-based solutions coupled with huge investments by major market players towards enhancing the security and reliability of cloud based education platforms, are further increasing its adoption among the end users.

What are the best “Online Education” / “E-Learning” websites in Sri Lanka ?


2.  e-thaksalawa

3. Nenasa App – available on the Google Play Store

4. Dialog ViU App – available on the Google Play store and App Store

In a time when Information Technology is the lifeblood of the global economy, the sector which is keeping alive those businesses which are able to adapt to remote function during the COVID-19 lockdown, it seems fitting to recognise those which have shown themselves to be the Best among the best in Sri Lanka. 

The ICT Industry in Sri Lanka has seen a rapid expansion in the last 5 years, rising to become the country’s fourth largest export earner with a goal of becoming a $ 5 billion industry by 2022.

According to an Asian Development Bank report last year, Sri Lanka made a remarkable transition to online tertiary education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nearly 90% of student respondents were able to access online education, according to students surveyed.

However, the report said lack of laptops and consistently stable, high-speed internet access were the most significant challenges for students. More than 70% of students faced connection issues during online teaching and learning. The government has not addressed the issue, students says.

Several private universities already started online classes for their students.

Sri Lanka Technological Campus ( SLTC ) has taken an initiative to minimize interruptions to academic engagements and student life in general, of its university students. SLTC has made arrangements to conduct all its academic activities on virtual platforms and request the students to stay away from the university premises until further notice. The online activities will include the delivery of lectures and tutorials as per original schedule, practicals on stimulated platforms, submission of assignments , continuous assessments, and other academic support activities scheduled on the academic calendar.

The Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology ( SLIIT ) opened the doors for all their students from all five faculties of the university, to attend a virtual campus on the 18th of March this year, creating a milestone in the history of higher education in Sri Lanka. SLIIT has joined top universities of the world in moving to online delivery of their lectures. Harvard, MIT, Princeton, Columbia, the University of Rochester and the State University of New York are some institutions that have already moved their campuses to the web.

The Education Ministry urges students to continue their studies by logging on to “e-thaksalawa”, the educational website of the Education Ministry during the school vacation. Students can utilise the time by continuing their studies with the assistance of e-thaksalawa by logging on to  website. Lessons from Grade one to thirteen are available in all three languages within the website.

According to the Minister, lessons, exercises, examination papers and activities are available for Grade One to Five. Besides, lessons, exercises and examination papers are available for secondary students while lessons, exercises and past and model papers relating to many subjects are available for the Advanced Level students. Several other online teaching and learning programmes are also available from various companies who have stated the children can access the programmes free of charge, while telecom companies have no announced zero data charges for such access. The authorities hope to expand these e-learning programmes in the future.

According to a news article published on dailymirror based on a study, it has found that digital consumers have rised during this outbreak.  43% consumers have engaged in a new digital activity for the first time in this period. Emerging opportunities are expected in online education, entertainment, online shopping, health services and bill payments space.

The same article says that TV viewership has increased by 56% during the COVID-19 lockdown period. In terms of the time spent, it has increased from an average of 130 minutes to over 200 minutes a day.

“Education and its challenges in the face of Covid-19.”

Though experts suggest an online education, practical problems and difficulties are arising from the online education. 

As the global pandemic crisis intensifies, Dialog Axiata PLC, Sri Lanka’s premier connectivity provider, remains committed to keeping Sri Lanka connected during these challenging times. Dialog is fully prepared and dedicated to maintaining business continuity of its telecommunication infrastructure and digital services for all its stakeholders, be it consumers, enterprises, business partners, or the Government.

With the prevailing situation turning online conveniences into daily necessities, Dialog has gone the extra mile to help Sri Lankans follow through with their social distancing efforts. In addition to keeping its customers connected during these turbulent times, Dialog has extended its support with the following special services for all Dialog Customers.

e-Learning – Free Content with No Data Charges on and Government Education Platforms.

In its efforts to minimise the disruption to the education system due to the early closure of schools, Dialog in partnership with the Ministry of Education and Headstart Pvt Ltd deployed a suite of free educational content and applications without any data charges for our children to continue learning from home. Dialog together with its partners have extended free content and online access to the following educational and content platforms:

2. e-thaksalawa

In addition to the above platforms, Dialog in partnership with the University Grants Commission and the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka are set to provide free access with no Data charges to all official e-Learning platforms of State Universities for a short period.

About The Author


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Education System of Sri Lanka: Strengths and Weaknesses

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Sri Lanka to introduce AI education in 100 schools as pilot project

Friday, 23 August 2024 00:02 -     - {{hitsCtrl.values.hits}}

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Cabinet Spokesman and Highways Minister  Bandula Gunawardena 

By Charumini de Silva The Government announced a ground-breaking initiative to introduce artificial intelligence (AI) education in schools as part of its broader efforts to prepare students for future global trends and enhance their contribution to economic development. The Cabinet of Ministers on Wednesday approved launching ‘Artificial Intelligence Related Student Societies’ in 100 selected schools across the country. “This pilot project is expected to roll out in selected schools, beginning with students from grades 6 to 9 to provide them with the opportunity to engage in studies relevant to AI,” Cabinet Spokesman and Minister Bandula Gunawardena said yesterday. Speaking at the post-Cabinet meeting media briefing he noted that the initiative will be step towards equipping the next generation with the skills necessary to navigate and thrive in an increasingly technology-driven world. Gunawardena also said that the success of this pilot project would determine the program’s expansion to other schools in the coming years. “By encouraging early interest in AI among students, the initiative aims to cultivate a generation of tech-savvy individuals who can contribute effectively to the economic development,” he added. In an era where technology has reached its peak, Gunawardena said through parting knowledge at the school level, students will be better prepared for advanced studies and careers in technology fields and ultimately boosting country’s economy. The joint proposal to this effect presented by President Ranil Wickremesinghe in his capacity as the Technology Minister and Education Minister Susil Premajayantha was approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

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Sri lanka: from debt default to transformative growth.

Book/book chapter

Written by Ganeshan Wignaraja, Dirk Willem te Velde, Ashanthi Abayasekara, Sirimal Abeyratne, Derrick Abudu, Chandranath Amarasekara, Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha, Yohannes Ayele, Yunnan Chen, Indrajit Coomaraswamy, Frederique Dahan, Shantayanan Devarajan, M. Ganeshamoorthy, Hazel Granger, Tom Hart, Michael Iveson, Murtaza Jafferjee, Sujeetha Jegajeevan, Maximiliano Mendez-Parra, P. Nandalal Weerasinghe, Phyllis Papadavid, Roshan Perera, Sherillyn Raga, Gregory Smith

An essay series examining Sri Lanka’s path to economic recovery and sustainable growth

In 2022, Sri Lanka faced its worst economic crisis since independence, culminating in a sovereign debt default. This essay series, edited by Ganeshan Wignaraja and Dirk Willem te Velde , explores Sri Lanka's remarkable economic stabilisation in mid-2024 and the way forward.

Featuring insights from 24 prominent Sri Lankan and international experts, the collection of 14 essays offers 27 concrete policy proposals to propel the nation towards a future of transformative growth.

Download the full collection of essays below to delve deeper into these critical topics and discover actionable strategies to help Sri Lanka achieve its economic potential.

Ganeshan Wignaraja

Visiting Senior Fellow

Portrait of Ganeshan Wignaraja

Dirk Willem te Velde

Director, International Economic Development Group, Principal Research Fellow

Portrait of Dirk Willem te Velde

Ashanthi Abayasekara

Research Analyst, Advocata Institute

Portrait of Ashanthi Abayasekara

Sirimal Abeyratne

Emeritus Professor of Economics at the University of Colombo, Sri Lanka

Portrait of Sirimal Abeyratne

Derrick Abudu

Senior Research Officer

Portrait of Derrick Abudu

Chandranath Amarasekara

Assistant Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Portrait of Chandranath Amarasekara

Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha

Executive Director, Lakshman Kadirgamar Institute for International Relations and Strategic Studies

Portrait of Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha

Yohannes Ayele

Portrait of Yohannes Ayele

Yunnan Chen

Research Fellow

Portrait of Yunnan Chen

Indrajit Coomaraswamy

Portrait of Indrajit Coomaraswamy

Frederique Dahan

Director, Development and Public Finance programme

Portrait of Frederique Dahan

Shantayanan Devarajan

Professor of the Practice of International Development, Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service

Portrait of Shantayanan Devarajan

M. Ganeshamoorthy

Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics, University of Colombo

Portrait of M. Ganeshamoorthy

Hazel Granger

Senior Research Fellow

Portrait of Hazel Granger

Michael Iveson

ODI Fellow, Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka

Portrait of Michael Iveson

Murtaza Jafferjee

CEO of JB’s Securities and Chairperson of Advocata Institute

Portrait of Murtaza Jafferjee

Sujeetha Jegajeevan

Director of Economic Research, Central Bank of Sri Lanka

Portrait of Sujeetha Jegajeevan

Maximiliano Mendez-Parra

Principal Research Fellow

Portrait of Maximiliano Mendez-Parra

P. Nandalal Weerasinghe

Governor, Central Bank of Sri Lanka

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Phyllis Papadavid

Senior Research Associate

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