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No Homework Day 2023

Last Updated on March 25, 2023

No Homework Day is a day celebrated by students to give them a break from their daily routine of a lot of homework, assignments, and studying. The day is observed annually on May 6th and has been celebrated for many years, and students look forward to this day enthusiastically. No Homework Day is believed to have originated in the United States, and it is often celebrated with fun activities such as going out with friends or doing something fun that doesn’t require homework.

History of No Homework Day

The origin of No Homework Day is unknown, but it has been celebrated for many years to give students a much-needed break from their daily routine of assignments and studying. It reminds teachers and parents that students need time to rest and recharge and that education is not just about completing assignments but also about having fun and enjoying life. Therefore, life  lessons are more important than working on regular homework only. 

Related: Teachers appreciation week

Why celebrate No Homework Day ?

No school homework day is celebrated by giving students a break from their usual routine of huge assignments and continuous studying. The day is meant to be a fun and lighthearted way to promote a healthy work-life balance and encourage students to take time to rest , learn new things, and spend quality time with friends . Additionally, the day aims to raise awareness about the importance of relaxation and the negative effects of overworking. The day is about focusing on yourself and prioritizing good mental health. 

How to celebrate No Homework Day ?

If you’re interested in celebrating No Homework Day, here are a few tips:

  • Take a break: On this day, you should take a break from your usual activities and enjoy quality time with something which you like the most. Today, you can also try new things like reading a book, watching a movie, or spending time with friends.
  • Plan a fun activity:   On No Homework Day, you can have fun with your friends or family by doing something like going to the park, having a picnic, or going on a hike.
  • Get some rest: Take some time to relax and recharge. Ensure you sleep enough and take breaks throughout the day to avoid becoming overwhelmed.
  • Reflect on your learning: Take some time to think about what you’ve learned so far this year. Think about what you’ve enjoyed and struggled with, and plan to improve in areas where you need more help. Make the most of this day by building yourself. 

Related: National Teacher Day

Fun facts about No Homework Day:

  • No Homework Day is celebrated in many countries worldwide, including the United States, Canada, Australia, and the United Kingdom.
  • The day is not an official holiday but is observed by students and teachers alike.
  • Some schools have embraced the concept of No Homework Day and have implemented it as an official day off for students.
  • The day has inspired a variety of merchandise, including t-shirts, hats, and stickers.

In conclusion, May 6th is all about having a fun and relaxing day. This is a wonderful day to stay healthy and balanced in your work life and give utmost importance to mental health. Whether you’re a student or a teacher, use this day to work on your learning and make a plan to improve in areas where you need more support. Have a happy No Homework Day!

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When Is National No Homework Day

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When Is National No Homework Day


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When Is National No Homework Day: National No Homework Day is always on the first Saturday in May, and students all over the country look forward to it. The students really enjoyed this happy party because it took their minds off of the stress of schoolwork and gave them a break from the normal routine of doing homework and studying.

On National No Homework Day, students of all ages are encouraged to take part. This day is free of the worry of homework, tests, and other school obligations. This day shows how important mental health is and how much kids, like everyone else, need some downtime.

National No Homework Day is not meant to make education less important; instead, it’s meant to stress how important it is to learn in a variety of ways. It’s a good reminder that school is more than just homework, and it shows how important it is to take a broad view of improving kids’ health.

national no homework day 2023

Table of Contents

History of National No Homework Day

As worries about school stress and the desire for a break from doing homework every day grew, National No Homework Day was created as a fun and educational holiday for students. Today’s roots can be traced back to a community movement that tried to teach parents, teachers, and students the value of a well-rounded and balanced education.

National No Homework Day is celebrated every year on a certain date as a way to show how important free time, family time, and relaxation are. It tells teachers that they should care about their student’s health and that they should take breaks from their teaching duties every so often.

National No Homework Day not only gives kids a break but also starts conversations about how to teach better and what part homework plays in the overall learning process. The goal of celebrating this day is to encourage a more complete way of teaching that considers not only students’ academic success but also their general health and happiness.

Date of National No Homework Day

Every year on National No Homework Day, kids all over the country don’t have to do their homework, which makes them happy. For students who are often too busy with schoolwork, projects, and papers, this annual break, which starts on May 6, is a nice break.

It needs to be clarified where National No Homework Day came from, but it has become more famous over time. It’s a funny way to remind parents, teachers, and students how important it is to find a balance between schoolwork, fun, and relaxation. Students can take a short break from all the hard work they have to do during the school year on this day.

National No Homework Day gives students a chance to spend the evening without thinking about the work they have to do tomorrow. Allowing students to put down their textbooks and do something else for a while gives them a sense of relief and pushes them to study in a good way. The purpose of the day is to stress how important it is to have a well-rounded education that includes time for personal hobbies and extracurricular activities. This should be considered the importance of homework, though.

Benefits of National No Homework Day

National No Homework Day can be good for families, teachers, and kids in many ways. This day gives students a great chance to take a break from their homework, which is good for their work-life balance. It gives people a chance to unwind, recover, and do things that improve their health, creativity, and relationships with others.

On National No Homework Day, they think about how they teach and look for new ways to test their students’ skills. It tells teachers to think about using hands-on and engaging methods of teaching that might help students learn in ways other than giving them homework.

Today is National No Homework Day, a time to bring attention to the importance of a well-rounded education by focusing on skills like creativity, critical thought, and social skills, along with academic success. It supports a complete way of teaching that puts brain growth as well as mental and emotional health first. 

Significance of National No Homework Day

It’s important to have National No Homework Day because it gives teachers and students a break from the usual school schedule. This day, which is celebrated in schools all over the country, is meant to ease the stress and worry that comes with schoolwork. It’s a good reminder of how important it is to have a well-rounded approach to education, keeping in mind that kids need rest, hobbies outside of school, and involvement from their parents.

National No Homework Day also pushes parents, teachers, and students to think about how homework affects kids’ lives in general. It starts a conversation about the number and quality of tasks, which leads to a group effort to make learning better. Lastly, National No Homework Day is important because it encourages a well-rounded approach to education and shows how important it is for students to grow intellectually and personally.

Teachers all over the country are recognizing that kids might benefit from doing things outside of school that help them think critically, be creative, and get along with others today, which is National No Homework Day.

national no homework day 2023

Purpose of National No Homework Day

Today is National No Homework Day, a day set aside to give teachers and students a break from their normal schoolwork and to bring attention to how important it is to have a balanced education. This annual event brings attention to how complicated education can be by stressing the importance of self-care, family time, and hobbies outside of school.

National No Schoolwork Day is more than just a day off from schoolwork. It supports a whole way of teaching that cares about kids’ health and happiness. It asks teachers to look at how much and what kind of homework they give so that students can have discussions about the pros and cons of having a lot to do.

National No Homework Day promotes a good view of school by promoting a love of learning and discovering.

Who invented homework in which year?

Roberto Nevelis of Venice, Italy, is often credited with having invented homework in 1095—or 1905, depending on your sources.

It is thought that Italian teacher Roberto Nevilis came up with the idea of homework in the early 1900s. Reports from the past say that Nevilis started giving homework outside of school in 1905, but the exact year is still being determined.

Many people think of Roberto Nevilis, a tough teacher from Venice, as the “father of homework” because he made it official. The reason for giving tasks was to give students more chances to learn more about the subject and continue their education when they weren’t in class. Students were given work to do at home by Nevilis so that they would learn responsibility and order.

The idea of homework has spread over time and is now a normal practice in schools all over the world. Even though Nevilis started it all, homework became popular thanks to the work of many school reformers and better ways to teach. There is a lot of research that supports the idea that kids might benefit from continuing to work on schoolwork outside of school.

Is it home work or homework?

“Whether he do homework? Or “He does home work” is also not correct to describe someone doing schoolwork, because “homework” is one word. “He does his homework” is correct, for simple present tense: meaning, he does homework habitually.

As a follow-up to what students have learned in class, homework helps them remember and use what they have learned. The purpose of this extra exercise is to help students understand better, build their skills, and learn how to manage their time better and be responsible.

In response to changing ideas and methods in education, the idea of homework has changed over time. The term “homework” doesn’t change, but the types of assignments and why they are given can depend on how they are taught, on community norms, and the teacher.

As long as it comes in the form of practice questions, reading assignments, or study projects, homework is still an important part of learning. People are for and against it, and people are still talking about how effective it is, how it will affect students’ health, and how important it is to have a good work-life balance.

What is the value of homework?

Yes, homework can have a positive effect. It can help students develop organisational and time management skills, reinforce what has been learned in class, and prepare for upcoming tests and assignments. Homework also encourages independent learning, which is critical to success in school and beyond.

There are many opinions on how important homework is for education. Parents, students, and teachers all have different points of view. Supporters of homework say it is an important way to help students remember what they learn in class and give them more practice to help them understand ideas. It lets you solve problems on your own, think critically, and learn how to control yourself and handle your time.

On top of that, chores can connect home and school, getting parents more involved in their child’s education. Helping with their kids’ homework makes it easier for everyone to learn, builds stronger bonds between parents and kids, and helps kids understand the material better.

Kids learn to take ownership of and be responsible for their education through homework, which prepares them for future academic and professional duties. It helps people build good study habits, the ability to bounce back from setbacks, and the determination to see projects through to the end.

What is a famous quote about homework?

One of life’s most painful moments comes when we must admit that we didn’t do our homework, that we are not prepared.

George Carlin, an American comedian and actor, is known for coming up with the catchy phrase “homework”: “The word ‘homework’ is very interesting.” It’s interesting because “work” is what we do when we’re not at home, but “home” is where you have to be accepted no matter what you did before. Carlin’s funny take on homework shows how dual the word is by cleverly mixing the ideas of work and home.

Carlin’s answer goes into more general problems of keeping a balance between personal places and commitments to other people. It makes you think about what education is, what you expect from it, and how to find the right mix between ease and work in the learning process. This famous saying about homework has stood the test of time because it’s true and funny at the same time about how home and work affect school.

Who found homework in India?

Roberto Nevilis is the inventor of homework. The idea for homework came to him as he was watching his son struggle with his schoolwork. He wanted to find a way to help him, and that’s when he came up with the idea for homework.

In India, homework as it is used in current schools can’t be traced back to a single person. Homework has been a big part of school for a long time. It comes from the way people used to be taught.

An old Indian teacher-student tradition called the Guru-Shishya parampara needed a strict and thorough way of teaching. In addition to learning from their teachers during set class times, students were also expected to exercise and study on their own time outside of class. It was meant to teach students responsibility, discipline, and how to learn better through a process similar to what we now call homework.

Over time, homework has changed to reflect how people teach in other countries. The focus on studying alone, finishing tasks, and always learning comes from a group effort between teachers, lawmakers, and the wider educational community.

national no homework day 2023

It’s nice to have a break from the often stressful world of school on National No Homework Day. This day, which is celebrated on [insert specific day], gives kids, parents, and teachers a much-needed break from school. On this day, we honor the value of balance in education and remember that kids’ health and happiness are more than just their schoolwork and studies.

Today is National No Homework Day, and its goal is to make schoolwork less stressful. It’s a reminder that learning doesn’t have to happen in a classroom. It can happen through connections, experiences, and following your hobbies. Schools show that they value the different ways that kids learn by letting them take a day off from chores.

National No Homework Day is not a way to downplay the value of school; it’s a celebration of balance, well-being, and the different ways people learn. Educators and students can use this day to remember how important it is to have a pleasant learning environment that helps everyone grow.

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12 Facts About No Homework Day (May 6th)

Alyssa Lucia

Written by Alyssa Lucia

Modified & Updated: 01 Jun 2024


Ever wondered why kids across the globe suddenly seem a bit more cheerful around early May? Well, there's a good reason for it, and it's called No Homework Day, celebrated on May 6th. This day has students tossing their textbooks aside and enjoying a brief respite from equations, essays, and experiments. But what's the story behind this day of academic freedom? No Homework Day is all about giving students a break from their daily grind, emphasizing the importance of downtime and mental health. It's a day when both teachers and students can step back, relax, and remember that there's more to life than just homework. So, grab your favorite snack, find a cozy spot, and let's dive into the fascinating world of No Homework Day. Ready to learn some cool facts without the pressure of a pop quiz?

Key Takeaways:

  • No Homework Day on May 6th is a special day for students to take a break from homework and enjoy fun activities. It's a reminder to balance work and play for a healthier school life.
  • Taking breaks from homework is important for students' mental health and creativity. No Homework Day encourages discussions about finding the right balance between schoolwork and free time.

What is No Homework Day?

No Homework Day, celebrated on May 6th, is a day dedicated to giving students a break from their daily homework routines. This day encourages relaxation and free time, allowing students to engage in activities they enjoy outside of their academic responsibilities. It's a day for students, teachers, and parents to acknowledge the importance of balance between work and leisure in education.

Origins of No Homework Day

  • No Homework Day was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays, with the aim of reducing stress among students and promoting a healthier work-life balance. This day serves as a reminder that students need time to relax and recharge away from their studies.

How to Celebrate No Homework Day

Celebrating No Homework Day can involve various activities that do not relate to school work. Students might choose to read for pleasure, spend time outdoors, play sports , or explore a new hobby. Teachers can support this day by not assigning homework due on or immediately after May 6th .

Families can also participate by planning special outings or activities that everyone can enjoy together, emphasizing the value of quality time over schoolwork for this one day.

The Importance of Taking Breaks

Research shows that taking regular breaks from academic work can improve students' mental health , increase productivity, and enhance creativity. No Homework Day highlights the significance of these breaks in a student's life.

It's also a day for educators and parents to reflect on the amount of homework assigned to students and consider the impact it has on their well-being and family time.

Global Recognition of No Homework Day

  • While No Homework Day is not officially recognized by all educational institutions worldwide, it has gained popularity on social media and among various educational communities. This day offers an opportunity to raise awareness about the need for a balanced approach to education.

The Debate Around Homework

There is ongoing debate about the effectiveness of homework. Some argue that it reinforces learning and helps students develop time management skills, while others believe it contributes to unnecessary stress and limits students' leisure time.

No Homework Day serves as a catalyst for discussions among educators, parents, and policymakers about how to achieve the right balance between homework and free time in students' lives.

Impact on Students' Lives

For many students, No Homework Day provides a much-needed respite from the pressures of school, allowing them to unwind and engage in activities that they might not have time for otherwise.

This day can also help students develop a more positive attitude towards learning by showing them that education isn't just about assignments and grades, but also about personal growth and enjoyment.

Looking Forward

As awareness of No Homework Day grows, it's possible that more schools and educators will begin to embrace this day, incorporating it into their annual calendars as a way to support students' mental health and well-being.

Ultimately, No Homework Day is about recognizing that while education is important, taking time for oneself is equally vital for a balanced and fulfilling life.

A Final Nod to No Homework Day

No Homework Day on May 6th stands as a reminder to students and educators about the importance of balance between work and relaxation. This day encourages everyone to take a step back , breathe, and enjoy life beyond the classroom walls. It's not just about giving students a break but also about rethinking how we approach education and the value we place on free time. Celebrating this day can lead to healthier, happier students who are more engaged and ready to learn when it's time to hit the books again. So, let's embrace this opportunity to recharge and remember that sometimes, taking a break is just as important as pushing forward. Here's to finding that perfect balance and making the most of every moment, homework-free or otherwise!

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No Homework Day

No Homework Day

Get ready to put away those textbooks and take a break from assignments, because March 6 is No Homework Day! This day was first established in the early 1970s as a way for students to have a much-needed break from their academic responsibilities. It's a great opportunity to relax, recharge, and do something fun instead of studying or completing assignments. So make sure to mark your calendars and enjoy this well-deserved day off from homework!

History of No Homework Day

No homework day timeline.

<div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1970s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>No Homework Day Origins</div><div class='timeline-text'>In the early 1970s, No Homework Day was established to give students a necessary break from academic responsibilities.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1980s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Growing Popularity</div><div class='timeline-text'>Throughout the 1980s, No Homework Day became more popular among students and awareness grew in school communities.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>1996</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>First Official Record</div><div class='timeline-text'>The first official record of No Homework Day celebration was documented.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2000s</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Teachers Start Participating</div><div class='timeline-text'>In the early 2000s, teachers began recognizing No Homework Day and it started gaining traction as an institutionalized tradition in some schools.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2013</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Global Recognition</div><div class='timeline-text'>In 2013, No Homework Day was recognized globally, and schools around the world started participating in the celebration.</div></div></div><div class='timeline-item'><div class='timeline-left'><div class='timeline-date-text'>2021</div></div><div class='timeline-center'></div><div class='timeline-right'><div class='timeline-text timeline-text-title'>Virtual Celebrations</div><div class='timeline-text'>Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, No Homework Day was celebrated virtually, emphasizing leisure activities away from screens and books at home.</div></div></div>

How to Celebrate No Homework Day

<div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>1</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Plan a fun outing</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Take advantage of the free time and plan a fun outing with friends or family. This could be a trip to the park, a picnic, or even a day at an amusement park.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>2</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Host a game night</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Gather some friends together and have a game night! This is a great way to relax and have some fun without worrying about homework.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>3</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Take a day trip</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>If you have the means, take a day trip to a nearby city or attraction. This is a great opportunity to explore and have new experiences without the stress of homework looming over you.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>4</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Have a movie marathon</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Gather some friends and have a movie marathon! This is a great way to relax and unwind without any homework distractions.</p></div></div><div id='' class='facts-item'><div id='' class='facts-header'><h3 id='' class='facts-number'>5</h3></div><div id='' class='facts-text-wrapper'><h3 id='' class='facts-title'>Treat yourself to a spa day</h3><p id='' class='facts-text'>Take this opportunity to pamper yourself with a spa day. Get a massage, facial, or your nails done to de-stress and enjoy the day without any homework responsibilities.</p></div></div>

Why We Love No Homework Day

<div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>A</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>It's a day off from school stress</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>No Homework Day provides a much-needed break from the daily grind of schoolwork. Students and teachers alike can enjoy a day without deadlines, assignments, and exams - giving everyone a chance to relax and recharge.</p></div></div><div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>B</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>Freedom to have fun and be creative</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>Without the pressure of homework, students are free to explore their interests and passions. It's a chance to engage in activities like painting, playing music, or reading for pleasure - all of which contribute to a well-rounded education.</p></div></div><div id='' class='whywelove-item'><div id='' class='whywelove-letter-cont'><div class='whywelove-letter'>C</div></div><div id='why-we-love-main-cont'><h3 id='' class='whywelove-title'>Quality time with family and friends</h3><p id='' class='whywelove-text'>With no homework to worry about, students are able to spend more time with their families and friends. This promotes healthy relationships outside of school and allows for important bonding time that may not always be possible on regular school days.</p></div></div>

5 Intriguing Facts About No Homework Day

No homework day faqs.

No Homework Day is celebrated on March 6th every year. In 2024 No Homework Day will occur on a Wednesday.

No Homework Day Dates

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March 6 Information from the Holidays and Observances Website

 Holidays and Observances (Alphabetical Order)

2025 Daily Holidays that fall on March 6, include:

  • Day of the Dude
  • Dentist Day 
  • European Day of the Righteous 
  • Nametag Day - March 6, 2025 (Thursday of First Full Week in March which is Celebrate Your Name Week)
  • National Brian Day - (People Name Brian)
  • National Damien Day - (People Named Damien)
  • National Dress Day 
  • National Ford Day - (People Named Ford)
  • National Hospitalist Day - March 6, 2025 (First Thursday in March)
  • National Oreo Cookie Day 
  • National Report General Service Administration (GSA) Fraud Day - March 6
  • National Shirley Day - (People Named Shirley)
  • National White Chocolate Cheesecake Day 
  • No Homework Day - March 6, 2025 (also on May 6)
  • World Book Day - March 6, 2025  - First Thursday in March (Primarily in United Kingdom and Ireland - most other Countries observe this day on April 23rd)

2025 Weekly Holidays that include March 6, are:

  • Info. to Come!

2025 Monthly Holidays that include March 6, are:

There are too  many monthly holidays to include here, so please check out our  March Holidays  page to see all of the holidays that are celebrated the entire month of March.

  • A page on each holiday will be coming soon and linked above.
  • If a date is a movable holiday, that is different every year, I'll include the year as well as the date rule above. Otherwise, the holiday falls on the same date each year.

World Festivals and Events (Date Order)

Astrological sign.

The Astrological Sign for March 6 is Pisces.

Birth Flower of the Month

The Birth Flower(s) for the Month for March are:

  • The Jonquil, better known as Daffodil or Narcissus
  • The meaning of the Daffodil is friendship and domestic happiness

The Birthstone(s) for March is the aquamarine and the bloodstone.

Famous Birthdays

  • 1475 – Michelangelo, Italian artist and sculptor (d. 1564)
  • 1619 – Cyrano de Bergerac, French soldier, poet (d. 1655)
  • 1906 – Lou Costello, American actor and comedian (d. 1959)
  • 1923 – Ed McMahon, American television personality (Star Search, The Johnny Carson Show) (d. 2009)
  • 1924 – William H. Webster, American lawyer, former FBI and CIA director
  • 1926 – Alan Greenspan, American economist who served as Chairman of the Federal Reserve of the US from 1987 to 2006
  • 1944 – Mary Wilson, American singer (The Supremes)
  • 1947 – Kiki Dee, British singer (I loved the Duet she did in 1976 with Elton John, Don't Go Breaking My Heart - it went to #1 in both the US and the UK)
  • 1947 – Rob Reiner, American actor, comedian, and film producer
  • 1963 – Suzanne Crough, American actress (Partridge Family)
  • 1972 – Shaquille O'Neal, American basketball player

Famous Deaths

  • 1836 - Davy Crockett, American frontiersman who died at the Battle of the Alamo (b. 1786)
  • 1888 – Louisa May Alcott, American novelist of Little Women, Little Men, and Jo's Boys  (I LOVED her books!!) (b. 1832)
  • 1932 - John Philip Sousa, US composer (Stars & Stripes Forever)
  • 2006 – Dana Reeve, American actress and activist for disability causes, widow of Christopher Reeve (Superman) (b. 1961)
  • 2007 – Ernest Gallo, American winemaker who with his brother Julio, founded the E.& J. Gallo Winery in 1933 (b. 1909)
  • 2016 - Nancy Reagan, American actress and wife of the 42nd President of the United States, Ronald Reagan from 1981-1989

Famous Weddings and Divorces

  • 1964 - Eddie Fisher and Elizabeth Taylor divorce (Her 4th divorce)

Quote of the Day

Will Social Security Benefits be available to you when you retire?   That is a big question! Per an article written in 2010 by Steven C. Goss, Chief Actuary of the US Social Security Administration. "As a result of changes to Social Security enacted in 1983, benefits are now expected to be payable in full on a timely basis until 2037, when the trust fund reserves are projected to become exhausted.  At the point where the reserves are used up, continuing taxes are expected to be enough to pay 76 percent of scheduled benefits. Thus, the Congress will need to make changes to the scheduled benefits and revenue sources for the program in the future."  You can read the entire article for more information.

Healthy Diet Habit Tip of the Day  or a Recipe of the Day

Frozen Vegetables - Healthy Shopping Tips

On March 6, instead of a Recipe of the Day, we are having a Food Tip of the Day!  Today is National Frozen Food Day , and Kerry, from Healthy Diet Habits has lots of tips on Frozen Vegetables and Tips to Shop for them, or make your own.

This Day in History

  • 1521 - Magellan discovers Guam
  • 1788 – The First Fleet (11 ships leaving Britain for Australia), arrives at Norfolk Island in order to found a convict settlement
  • 1808 - 1st college orchestra in the US is founded at Harvard
  • 1836 - 3,000 Mexicans beat 182 Texans (including Davy Crockett)  at the Alamo, after a 13 day fight
  • 1857 – The Supreme Court of the United States rules in the Dred Scott v. Sandford case that slaves cannot be citizens
  • 1886 - 1st US nurses' magazine, The Nightingale , debuts in New York City
  • 1899 – Bayer registers "Aspirin" as a trademark
  • 1912 – The Oreo cookie is introduced by Nabisco
  • 1918 - US naval boat, Cyclops , disappears in the Bermuda Triangle
  • 1944 - The US Air Force begins daylight bombing of Berlin
  • 1950 - Silly Putty invented
  • 1967 – Joseph Stalin's daughter Svetlana Alliluyeva defects to the United States from Russia
  • 1981 – Walter Cronkite signs off for the last time on the CBS Evening News after 19 years
  • 1992 – The Michelangelo computer virus begins to affect computers.

This Day in Music

  • 1975 - Led Zeppelin's Physical Graffiti is certified gold
  • 1975 - Average White Band's Pick Up The Pieces is certified gold
  • 1993 - Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle went to #1 with A Whole New World , the theme song of Disney's Aladdin
  • 2000 - Eric Clapton is inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, making him the first person inducted three times. He was inducted in as a member of the groups, The Yardbirds and Cream.

Above is Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle singing their duet, A Whole New World , the theme song of Disney's Aladdin that went to #1 on this day in 1993.

Below is Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, singing the same song together.  I think they did a great job with the song! 

This Day in Sports

  • 1922 - Babe Ruth signs a contract with the New York Yankees for  $52,000 a year, for 3 years
  • 1972 - Jack Nicklaus, passes Arnold Palmer as golf's all time highest money maker
  • 1976 - Worlds Ladies Figure Skating Champ in Gothenburg won by Dorothy Hamill
  • 1983 – The first United States Football League game is played
  • 1985 - Mike Tyson KOs Hector Mercedes in 1 round in his 1st pro fight

Word of the Day from Wiktionary

Begorra int, 1. (ireland) a mild minced oath; a euphemism for "by god"., wishing you a great day today.

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No Homework Day

The last friday in march, annually on may 6th, march 25th, 2022, may 6th, 2022, march 31st, 2023, may 6th, 2023, march 29th, 2024, may 6th, 2024, march 28th, 2025, may 6th, 2025, march 27th, 2026, may 6th, 2026, school & education, #nohomeworkday,,,

No Homework Day is as self-explanatory as it sounds. It is a day when students—whether they are in elementary school, middle school, high school, or college—are not to be given any homework for the day. The holiday takes place twice during the school year, both times in Spring. It first takes place on the last Friday in March. It is unknown who placed the holiday at this time. The second time it takes place is on May 6. The holiday on that date was created by Thomas and Ruth Roy of Wellcat Holidays, who said, "Give 'em a break, teachers! These young folks are working harder than Mom 'n' Dad."

How to Observe No Homework Day

If you are a student, the first thing you should do is let your teachers know that today is No Homework Day. Once you convince them that this an important holiday, you should have lots of extra free time tonight. The next question you must ask yourself is, "What will I do with all this extra time?" Will you go out and exercise or explore nature? Will you go to a movie, or perhaps just sit around and watch television? How about taking out your guitar or another instrument you play? If you are an adult with children who usually have homework, you can rest easy knowing that you won't have to spend the day trying to motivate your children to do their work.

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"No Homework" Calendar for Next Year

  • Posted June 15, 2023

June 15, 2023

Dear Shrewsbury Families,

Last evening, the School Committee approved the "no homework" calendar for the 2023-2024 school year.  The establishment of dates when no homework is due and no assessments requiring studying will be given is part of the  updated Homework Policy  that was approved in late April, with the goal of establishing "a shared responsibility between home and school to ensure that students have balance in their lives while pursuing educational excellence."  

Please see the list of “no homework” dates  HERE . For a calendar view of the “no homework” dates, click  HERE .

Please note the following information regarding the “no homework” calendar:

• The “no homework” calendar applies to grades 1-12; there is no homework required in PreK or K

• Homework on weekends is only for grades 5-12, so very few “no homework” dates in this calendar apply to grades 1-4

• Some of the “no homework” dates correspond with major religious holidays where many students will have religious obligations, but it is important to note that  all  students will not be assigned homework on the dates listed as “no homework." 

• In addition to these dates, whenever a student is not available due to participating in a religious obligation in the evening or causing them to be absent from school on  any  date, the student will be provided with the opportunity to make up missed homework and classwork without penalty, per School Committee policy and state law.  We ask that families and older students communicate with teachers when such accommodations are needed.

• There are 15 dates specified where no homework will be due and no assessments requiring studying will be given. This represents 8% of the 180 total school days. Only two of these dates fall during the middle of a week; 13 of them are the day following a weekend, including long weekends and school vacation periods.

• Because of the way dates fall next year, there will be 15 “no homework weekends” out of 45 weekends during the school year, or 33%.

School leaders and teachers will provide additional detailed information about homework expectations when the new school year begins.  I am confident that with the support of educators and families, our students will strengthen their academic skills and build strong independent work habits through meeting expectations for regular homework completion, with "no homework" dates providing balance for family time and other pursuits, especially during vacations and long weekends.


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No Homework Day

Table of Contents

No Homework Day Observed the last Friday of March and annually on May 6th.

When is no homework day , no homework day 2017 is observed on saturday, may may 6th, 2017 no homework day 2018 is observed on sunday, may 6, 2018 no homework day 2019 is observed on monday, may may 6th, 2019 no homework day 2020 is observed on wednesday, may may 6th, 2020.

Wondering where we find all of these Days, or if they’re even real? or if you have any information about No Homework Day , or maybe you want to create your own! If we’ve missed something useful, or if you still have questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

You might like the Special Days in May

  • Bike To School Day has always been observed annually on Wednesday of the first full week of May.
  • Donate a Day’s Wages to Charity Day has always been observed annually on the second Wednesday of May.
  • National Root Canal Appreciation Day has always been observed annually on the second Wednesday of May.
  • National Receptionists’ Day has always been observed annually on the second Wednesday of May.

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National No Housework Day

National No Housework   Day

Give yourself a break. Eat off paper plates, order in, and ignore that vacuum. Do whatever you want on National No Housework Day—just so long as it’s not chores.

My idea of housework is to sweep the room with a glance. Erma Bombeck

Envision it, you’ve been working long and hard all day and are absolutely exhausted to the core. The road hasn’t been kind and every traffic light seems to have been conspiring to turn red. You’re already running late since you had to stay after work, and your “short-cut” ended up having a detour that diverted you 15 minutes out of the way. You get to the door, swing it open, and walk-in. Home Sweet Home, and finally time to rela…

That’s when reality sets in and the realization occur that there has been no opportunity to clean up the messy house after the weekend. Plus, then the memory returns that you have been putting off doing the dishes all week.

But then, an even sweeter realization occurs in the back of your mind: it’s National No Housework Day! National No Housework Day is the perfect chance to let it all slide–and let tomorrow’s dishes worry about themselves.

History of National No Housework Day

Alright, it’s time to listen up! If there’s anything that almost anyone can relate to (and house spouses throughout history especially) it is the painful and unfortunate drudgery of housework. Sure, there might be a few people out there who actually enjoy housework, but certainly, they are in the minority–and they probably shouldn’t be trusted.

Admittedly, since modern conveniences came about, much of the world has come a long way from what it used to be like. Think about it, the floors of homes in certain regions didn’t have carpet or rugs, they were simply made of dirt. This meant that piles of rushes were thrown down to help mitigate the mess and dust of day-to-day life.

Even then, proper brooms didn’t really exist, so sweeping was a pain. Some were originally made out of ash handles with birch twigs tied on one end with stripped willow bark. Sure it worked, but even making the broom was work!

How about when there weren’t vacuum cleaners, and folks found themselves forced to literally take their rugs out, hang them in the sun (when there WAS sun) and beat them with a stick to ‘clean’ them?

Today, a great many people have tons of neat appliances to help them clean the house. Most people don’t have to haul water in to do dishes anymore. And yet, housework is easily still one of the most drugeriest drudgeries the modern world has to offer!

So it is important to remember that if people get sick of it today, then people have been getting sick of it forever.

It is with this in mind that National No Housework Day was created: to remind everyone that each person deserves a chance to let it all go every once in a while and relax in their (probably comfortably) cluttered but happy home.

How to Celebrate National No Housework Day

A day that is made for No Housework is certainly a day that is worth celebrating! Try out these ideas for enjoying the day and give a little rest to the regular hustle-bustle of taking care of a house:

Take Some Time to Enjoy Nature 

One great way to keep the pending housework from becoming bothersome is to get away from it! Spend some time outside, enjoying nature. Kick-off those shoes and take time to walk barefoot in the grass, all the while soaking up some of those positive electrical charges.

Or go for a hike. Listen to the birds singing and then sing or whistle back at them. Or just lie down in a hammock or on the grass and simply stare at the sky. Make shapes from the clouds. Do anything that keeps the mind away from the housework and chores that are waiting at home. They’ll be there later.

Do Something Frivolous 

Go Bowling. Drop by the arcade. Get a massage. Or do some delightfully unnecessary shopping. Take a nap. Play a board game. Do a crossword puzzle. Eat out at a restaurant (where someone else will clean up!). Do something silly or whimsical or completely frivolous. Whatever is done, it needs to be fun, relaxing and completely avoiding any mess that is at home!

Watch a Housework-Themed Film 

Since this day should yield a bit of free time, and the weather might not be conducive for going outside, consider watching a film that depicts the comedy (or tragedy!) of housework and domestic goddesses:

  • The Help (2011). A period piece about the relationship between a young white woman who is an aspiring writer (played by Emma Stone) and the group of black domestic workers whose story she tells.
  • Cinderella (2015). In this live version patterned after the original Disney animated film from 1950, Lily James depicts “Ella” who dreams of going to the ball to reunite with a handsome stranger.
  • Mr. Mom (1983). This American comedy starring Michael Keaton depicts a dad who switches roles and takes over the running of the household when his wife goes to work.
  • Housekeeping (1987). Starring Christine Lahti, this comedy depicts two teenagers who are left by their mother and sent to live with an eccentric aunt.

Do Anything But Housework! 

Do whatever you want that DOESN’T involve housework! No washing dishes, no folding laundry–not even putting laundry away! Just let it all go and don’t get all flustered. Instead, pour up a glass of wine (or just drink from the bottle if none are clean because…NO HOUSEWORK). Simply give into a day, or at least an evening, of leisure.

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National No Housework Day – April 7, 2025

April 7 is a chance  to revel in National No Housework Day.  Put down the laundry and toss out the to-do list. For this one day, we can give ourselves a break and do what we want around the house. Maintaining a clean and liveable home can sometimes feel like a never-ending chore. As soon as you have finished the washing and the cleaning, it all needs doing again, and again, and again. Well, that’s why National No Housework Day is here, to allow yourself a break, meaning that  for one day at least, you don’t need to worry about the housework.

History of National No Housework Day

The history of housework and its perception as a largely female job dates back to the nineteenth century. As men began to specialize in paid work, housework became increasingly linked to women. The home was viewed as a pure, serene, and secure place, as opposed to the impure, unsympathetic, and uncertain world of work. Nowadays of course society tends to have a much more open mind to gender roles and the duty of upkeep in most households is seen as a shared responsibility. 

Innovation in household appliance technology has increased the efficiency with which work is carried out but also prompted higher standards of cleanliness. The self-contained electric or gas-powered appliances are a uniquely American innovation that began emerging a hundred years ago. During this time the washing machine, the refrigerator, the kettle, the iron, and the sewing machine were all invented as families sought ways of creating more free time in their lives. 

Housework has become so ingrained in our lives that Thomas and Ruth Roy felt it necessary to create a holiday where we don’t do any chores. They chose April 7 as National No Housework Day and encouraged people to “leave it all for tomorrow.”

National No Housework Day timeline

Thomas Roy started to create and patent his quirky holiday, one of which is National No Housework Day.

Thomas Roy, the creator of National No Housework Day, is born

More men began leaving the home for paid work. This often results in women remaining at home and being expected to do the housework.

Most workers and staff are dedicated to the upkeep of their own homes as they are the main sources of income and education.

National No Housework Day FAQ s

When is national no housework day.

April 7. 

Where is National No Housework Day observed?

The United States.

What can I do on National No Housework Day?

Anything you’d like. Take this chance to tick something off your personal to-do-list that you’ve been meaning to do but haven’t gotten around to.

National No Housework Day Activities

Give yourself a break.

Do what it says on the tin. It’s National No Housework Day and so you ignore any dusting or vacuuming and enjoy your day.

Binge that show you wanted to watch

If ignoring any household duties frees up some extra time for you then why not spend it catching up on your favorite flicks or series? Relax and tune into what you may have been putting off.

Use your kitchen

If you ever wanted to use your time to experiment in the kitchen without any worries, the day is now. Practice preparing that dish you always wanted or go crazy and create that snack of your dreams.

5 Facts About Housework

It used to be harder.

Thanks to the cleaners and appliances of today, housework has been made less strenuous over the years. We can particularly thank those around in the early 20th century for a spate of innovation.

Clutter doesn’t help

By getting rid of the unnecessary clutter in your home the average time spent doing housework can be cut in half.

A lot of cleaning

We spend an average of 13,000 hours of our lifetimes cleaning

Women still do more than men

A recent survey revealed that although the gap has shortened significantly, women still do around 40% more housework than men.

Toy-cleaning tip

Instead of cleaning your children’s toys one by one, check if they are dishwasher safe and tackle the whole chore at once.

Why we love National No Housework Day

It gives us a pause.

Life can get hectic and out of control. Sometimes putting the tools and appliances down and relaxing is the healthiest option. Some responsibilities can wait until tomorrow, including housework.

The freedom

Knowing that you can ignore all household chores for a day is a freeing feeling. Soak up that feeling and enjoy focussing your efforts and energy and the things that matter to you.

Housework is boring

Whilst there will be some who disagree with us, most people will be on our side. Housework is boring and a day where we don’t have to do any is a big win.

National No Housework Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 7 Monday
2026 April 7 Tuesday
2027 April 7 Wednesday
2028 April 7 Friday
2029 April 7 Saturday

National No Housework Day related holidays

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National Lazy Day

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National Leave Work Early Day

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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Title image for No Homework Day

No Homework Day is an annual event in which students are given a much-needed break from their schoolwork and are encouraged to engage in other fun and creative activities instead of doing homework.


No Homework Day is celebrated annually on May 6th.

Year Date Day
2022 May 6 Friday
2023 May 6 Saturday
2024 May 6 Monday
2025 May 6 Tuesday
2026 May 6 Wednesday
2027 May 6 Thursday
2028 May 6 Saturday
2029 May 6 Sunday
2030 May 6 Monday
2031 May 6 Tuesday
2032 May 6 Thursday
2033 May 6 Friday
2034 May 6 Saturday
2035 May 6 Sunday

' src=

Author: Nat Days

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love ...” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations View all posts by Nat Days

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A Back to School Calendar Packed with Celebrations

national no homework day 2023

If you’ve ever checked out National Today (or worked in a school), then you know there is more than one reason to celebrate each and every day. As I was thinking about the start of the year, I thought to myself, “Wouldn’t it be great to have a calendar for 2023-2024 with all the special weeks, months, and days marked with celebrations that might apply to school life?” So, I tried to create just that. But, it’s likely that I missed a few celebrations (there are thousands!), so I made this calendar an editable template for you to rework to your heart’s content. Here’s what you’ll get today:

  • An editable, printable 2023-2024 calendar with celebratory dates marked throughout (download at the end of this post)
  • A list of celebrations for each month of the year with linked resources

I wish everyone a wonderful back to school season. Have fun celebrating!

August 2023

August 2023 Calendar

  • August 2: National Coloring Book Day
  • August 6: National Friendship Day
  • August 9: National Book Lover’s Day and National Women’s Day
  • August 16: National Tell a Joke Day
  • August 23: National Park Day
  • August 27: World Rock Paper Scissors Day

September 2023

September 2023 Calendar

  • National Hispanic Heritage Month (September 15-October 15)
  • Attendance Awareness Month
  • Classical Music Month
  • September 1: American Chess Day and World Letter Writing Day
  • September 3: National Pet Rock Day
  • September 4: Labor Day
  • September 8: International Literacy Day
  • September 14-20: National Coding Week
  • September 15: International Dot Day
  • September 16: National Trail of Tears Commemoration Day
  • September 18: Read an Ebook Day
  • September 22: Native American Day
  • September 23: Education Technology Day and First Day of Fall
  • September 25: Math Storytelling Day
  • September 30: International Podcast Day

October 2023

October 2023 Calendar

  • International School Libraries Month
  • National Indigenous Peoples Month
  • National Cybersecurity Month
  • National Arts and Humanities Month
  • National Bullying Prevention Month
  • National Book Month
  • October 2: National Custodian Day
  • October 4-10: World Space Week
  • October 5: World Teachers’ Day
  • October 6: Kids Music Day
  • October 9: Indigenous Peoples’ Day
  • October 11: National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day
  • October 16: Dictionary Day
  • October 16-20: School Principals’ Week
  • October 16-20: National Health Education Week
  • October 20: National Day on Writing
  • October 24-31: Global Media and Information Literacy Week
  • October 25: National Fine Arts Appreciation Day
  • October 31: Halloween

November 2023

November 2023 Calendar

  • National Native American Heritage Month
  • Library and Information Services Month
  • National Family Literacy Month
  • National Gratitude Month
  • National Children’s Month
  • November 1: National Authors Day
  • November 2: Día de los Muertos
  • November 8: STEAM/STEM Day
  • November 9: Go to an Art Museum Day
  • November 11: Veterans Day
  • November 13-17: Anti-Bullying Week
  • November 13-17: National Young Readers Week
  • November 13-17: National Education Week
  • November 15: Education Support Professionals Day
  • November 17: International Students Day
  • November 20-24: National Book Week
  • November 23: Thanksgiving
  • November 24: Native American Heritage Day

December 2023

December 2023 Calendar

  • December 2: Special Education Day
  • December 6-12: Computer Science Education Week
  • December 10: Dewey Decimal Day
  • December 21: First Day of Winter

January 2024

January 2024 Calendar

  • International Brain Teaser Month
  • International Creativity Month
  • January 4: National Trivia Day
  • January 8: National Clean Your Desk Day
  • January 15: Elementary School Teacher Day and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
  • January 24: International Day of Education and National Compliment Day
  • January 26: International Environmental Education Day
  • January 29: National Puzzle Day

February 2024

February 2024 Calendar

  • International Friendship Month
  • National Library Lovers Month
  • National Haiku Writing Month
  • National Black History Month
  • February 1: National Freedom Day
  • February 2: Groundhog Day
  • February 5-9: Student Volunteering Week
  • February 5-9: National School Counseling Week
  • February 7: World Read Aloud Day and National Periodic Table Day
  • February 9: National Pizza Day
  • February 14: Valentine’s Day and Library Lovers’ Day
  • February 17: Random Acts of Kindness Day
  • February 19: Presidents’ Day
  • February 21: Language Day

national no homework day 2023

  • National Music in Our Schools Month
  • National Women’s History Month
  • National March Into Literacy Month
  • National Reading Month
  • Youth Art Month
  • March 1: National Speech and Debate Education Day
  • March 2-6: Read Across America Week
  • March 4: National Grammar Day
  • March 6: No Homework Day
  • March 8: International Women’s Day
  • March 14: Pi Day
  • March 15: National Preschool Teacher Appreciation Day
  • March 17-25: School Library Media Center Week
  • March 19: International Read to Me Day and First Day of Spring
  • March 21: World Poetry Day
  • March 22: World Water Day

April 2024 Calendar

  • National Arab American Heritage Month
  • National Autism Awareness Month
  • National Literature Month
  • National Poetry Month
  • School Library Month
  • Volunteer Month
  • April 1-5: National Assistant Principals’ Week
  • April 1: April Fool’s Day
  • April 2: National Picture Book Day and International Fact-Checking Day
  • April 3: Paraprofessional Appreciation Day
  • April 4: National School Librarian Day
  • April 6-13: National Robotics Week
  • April 7-13: National Library Week
  • April 12: D.E.A.R. Day
  • April 14: National Donate a Book Day
  • April 16: National Librarian Day
  • April 20-27: National Park Week
  • April 22: Earth Day
  • April 23: School Bus Drivers’ Day and World Book Day
  • April 24: Administrative Professionals Day

May 2024 Calendar

  • Jewish American Heritage Month
  • Asia Pacific American Heritage Month
  • Mental Health Awareness Month
  • National Share a Story Month
  • May 1-7: National PE and Sport Week
  • May 1: School Principals’ Day
  • May 2: World Password Day
  • May 3: School Lunch Hero Day
  • May 4: May the 4th
  • May 5-11: Teacher Appreciation Week
  • May 7: National Teachers’ Day
  • May 8: National School Nurse Day
  • May 9: Make a Book Day and Alphabet Magnet Day
  • May 24: International Day of Forests
  • May 27: Memorial Day

June 2024 Calendar

  • Caribbean American Heritage Month
  • June 14: Flag Day
  • June 19: Juneteenth
  • June 20: National Day of Indigenous People
  • June 21: First Day of Summer
  • June 27: National Bingo Day

July 2024 Calendar

  • July 1: Independence Day
  • July 20: International Chess Day and National Moon Day
  • July 26: System Administrator Appreciation Day

2023-2024 Back to School Editable Calendar Template

national no homework day 2023

Emily has been in education since 2008. Prior to joining TCEA in 2021, she worked as a preK-8 grade principal for four years. Additionally, she taught middle school music, preschool, prekindergarten, and second grade in a trilingual school setting. Before that, she was a K-8 technology integrator and taught second through fifth grade enrichment classes and kindergarten, fifth, and sixth grade technology classes. She has a master’s degree in teaching, specializing in elementary education, and her Certificate of School Management and Leadership (CSML) from Harvard Graduate School of Education. Outside of work, she enjoys seeing movies, attending concerts, going camping and hiking, and spending time with her two cats.

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THANK YOU! I absolutely love this and will use it starting today.

You just made my day, Kimberly! I’m so glad you find it useful. Thank you for reading!

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Love this and will absolutely be using it! Question…how were you able to share your work through Canva with a force copy?

Super glad to hear it, Kelsie! Great question. When you hit “Share”, under the purple “Copy Link” button, you should see an option for “Template Link.” If you copy and share that link, it will force a copy of your design that becomes editable to whoever makes the copy! Thank you so much for reading.

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Love it and thanks for sharing how to “force copy a Canva template! Can you add National Apprenticeship week!?! November 13-19!

Hi Amanda, It’s been added. Thanks for reading!

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Hi! I love this and would love to use it but the download button doesn’t work. Help!

Hi Erika! I’m so sorry! I just tried it, and it does work for me in multiple browsers. To you have popups disabled? Email me at [email protected] if you still have an issue with it!

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national no homework day 2023

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National Homework Day

A student sitting at a desk, with books and a pencil, surrounded by a cozy library setting, ready to tackle some brain-teasing assignments..

Happy National Homework Day! It's time to dust off those textbooks, sharpen those pencils, and get ready to tackle some brain-teasing assignments. Whether you love it or loathe it, homework has become an integral part of the educational journey. So, let's dive into the history and significance of this oh-so-beloved day!

When is Homework Day?

It's national homework day on the 2nd April.

The Internet History of National Homework Day

Once upon a time, in a land far, far away, students were burdened with endless hours of homework with no celebrations in sight. But fear not, the internet came to the rescue. National Homework Day first made its virtual appearance when weary students decided to band together and celebrate the completion of their mind-numbing tasks.

Since its inception, National Homework Day has gained recognition across various social media platforms. Students from all corners of the globe unite online, sharing tips and tricks, commiserating over challenging assignments, and occasionally unleashing their frustration through hilarious memes and funny homework-related tweets. It's a day where virtual study groups flourish and late-night cramming sessions receive a sense of camaraderie.

So, what exactly happens on National Homework Day? Well, it's a chance for students to take a break from their homework grind and appreciate the effort they put into their studies. It's a day to celebrate small victories, like finally understanding that complex math equation or constructing a beautifully written essay.

Did You Know?

Did you know that National Homework Day holds a special place in the hearts of pets? While students may view homework as a burden, pets often see it as an opportunity for quality snuggle time with their favorite humans. So, next time you sit down to tackle your assignments, don't be surprised if your furry friend decides to curl up beside you for some extra motivation!

History behind the term 'Homework'

The birth of 'homework'.

In 1095, a monk named Roberto de Lille in the Benedictine Abbey of Bec, France, introduced the term 'homework.' The word 'homework' originated from the combination of two Old English words: 'ham,' which means 'home,' and 'weorc,' meaning 'work.' This early conception of homework referred to religious duties that were assigned to monks before they could retire to their dwellings.

Origins in Medieval Europe

In the year 1095, the term 'homework' found its roots in medieval Europe. During this time, scholars and students were required to study and complete their assignments at home. As a result, tasks and assignments that needed to be done at home became known as 'homework.' This marked the beginning of a significant academic practice that continues to this day.

Expanding the Meaning of 'Homework'

During the 1600s, the definition of homework began to evolve. It no longer solely encompassed religious duties, but also tasks designated to be completed outside of regular school hours. As education became more structured, students were given assignments to reinforce their learning and provide additional practice. This expansion of the term laid the foundation for the modern understanding of homework as educational tasks performed at home.

Public Education and Formalization

By 1843, the concept of homework became more widespread and formalized with the growth of public education systems. As educational institutions started to expand, teachers began assigning specific tasks for students to complete outside of school hours. These assignments were designed to reinforce the lessons taught in the classroom and promote independent learning. The term 'homework' became widely recognized as an integral part of education, emphasizing the importance of continued learning beyond the confines of school buildings.

Homework in American Schools

In 1901, homework became an integral part of the American education system. The idea behind assigning homework was to strengthen knowledge retention, promote discipline, and enhance student learning. This practice became increasingly widespread as the Progressive Era prioritized education and sought ways to improve students' academic performance. Homework was seen as a way to extend learning beyond the classroom walls.

Recorded Use of the Term

In the early 20th century, the term 'homework' gained recognition and became a commonly used term. Its usage was recorded in the English language, solidifying its place in educational discourse. With the increasing importance of education and more standardized curricula, the term 'homework' became ingrained in the vocabulary of students, teachers, and parents as a regular part of academic life.

Evolution of Homework Practices

In the 1970s, the nature of homework began to evolve. Traditional assignments, such as writing essays or completing math problems, started to incorporate more creative and interactive elements. Projects and research-based tasks became common, encouraging students to delve deeper into topics and develop critical thinking skills. This shift aimed to make homework more engaging and relevant to real-world applications, fostering holistic development alongside academic knowledge.

The Homework Debate

The 1950s sparked a significant debate about the effectiveness and necessity of homework. Critics argued that excessive homework caused stress, hindered family time, and limited children's opportunities for play and recreation. As a result, schools and educational institutions began reevaluating their homework policies, with some advocating for reduced homework loads or alternative forms of learning outside of school hours.

21st Century

Digital age and homework.

In the 21st century, with the advent of digital technology and the internet, homework has taken on new dimensions. Online platforms and educational software now allow students to access assignments, submit work, and receive feedback electronically. This digital transformation has opened up new possibilities for personalized learning and remote education, especially during times of crisis, such as the COVID-19 pandemic.

Present Day

Digital revolution and online homework.

With the advent of the digital age, homework practices have undergone further transformation. The accessibility of the internet and technological advancements has facilitated the integration of online resources and platforms into homework assignments. Students now have access to a wealth of information, interactive learning tools, and online collaboration, bringing a new dimension to the term 'homework.' The digital revolution has not only expanded learning possibilities but has also made it easier for teachers to assign, monitor, and provide feedback on homework in a more efficient manner.

Did you know?

First identified, most mentioned on, total mentions.


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national no homework day 2023


News release, the national park service announces entrance fee-free days for 2023.

A visitor to Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks stands on the edge of a mountain looking over a vast landscape that includes water below and more mountains in the distance.

Share the Experience/Karla Rivera

Contact: [email protected]

En Español WASHINGTON – The National Park Service will have five  entrance fee-free days  in 2023 that provide free admittance to all national parks for everyone. On these significant days of commemoration or celebration, and throughout the year, the National Park Service is committed to increasing access to national parks and promoting the advantages of outdoor recreation for public benefit and enjoyment.    The free entrance dates for 2023 are:  

January 16 –  Martin Luther King, Jr. Day   

April 22 – First Day of  National Park Week   

August 4 – Great American Outdoors Day   

September 23 –  National Public Lands Day   

November 11 –  Veterans Day   

“National parks are really amazing places and we want everyone to experience them,” said National Park Service Director Chuck Sams. “The entrance fee-free days encourage people to discover the beauty, history and inspiration awaiting them in more than 400 national parks throughout the country.” 

Detailed information about what there is to see and do at each park is available on  or the  NPS app . It is important for people to know before they go what is open and available, especially if interested in overnight accommodations. 

In 2021, 297 million people visited national parks and spent $20.5 billion in local communities. This supported 322,600 jobs across the country and had a $42.5 billion benefit to the U.S. economy.  

Most national parks are always free to enter. Only about 100 of the 400+ national parks have an entrance fee. For parks with an entrance fee, the cost ranges from $5 to $35 and the money remains in the National Park Service, with 80-100% staying in the park where collected. The funds are used to enhance the visitor experience by providing programs and services, habitat restoration, and infrastructure maintenance and repair.  

The fee waiver for the fee-free days applies only to National Park Service entrance fees and does not cover amenity or user fees for camping, boat launches, transportation, special tours, or other activities.    The annual $80  America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass  allows unlimited access to more than 2,000 federal recreation areas, including all national parks, for the passholder and companions accompanying them. There are also free or discounted passes available for currently serving members of the U.S. military and their dependents, military veterans, Gold Star Families , fourth grade students , disabled citizens , and senior citizens .   

Other federal land management agencies offering their own fee-free days in 2023 are the  U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service ,  Bureau of Land Management ,  Bureau of Reclamation ,  U.S. Forest Service , and  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers .  

About the National Park Service. More than 20,000 National Park Service employees care for America's 423 national parks and work with communities across the nation to help preserve local history and create close-to-home recreational opportunities. Learn more at , and on  Facebook ,  Instagram ,  Twitter , and  YouTube .



    national no homework day 2023

  2. National No Housework Day 2023: Date, History, Activities, Significance

    national no homework day 2023

  3. National No Housework Day 2023

    national no homework day 2023

  4. No Homework Day

    national no homework day 2023

  5. No Homework Day (March 6), Activities and How to Celebrate No Homework

    national no homework day 2023

  6. No Homework Day in 2024/2025

    national no homework day 2023


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  2. 8 July 2023

  3. Norway National Day 2023 Oslo

  4. 8 July 2023

  5. I tried

  6. POV you forgot to feed your cat



    March 6, 2025. No Homework Day, celebrated on March 6, is a holiday that seeks to give students a break from homework assignments. Homework refers to a set of tasks assigned to students by their teachers to be completed outside the classroom. Common homework could include any of a variety of required reading, mathematical exercises to be ...

  2. No Homework Day 2023

    No Homework Day 2023. Last Updated on March 25, 2023. No Homework Day is a day celebrated by students to give them a break from their daily routine of a lot of homework, assignments, and studying. The day is observed annually on May 6th and has been celebrated for many years, and students look forward to this day enthusiastically.

  3. National No Homework Day

    These complaints sparked a lighthearted movement that eventually led to the creation of National No Homework Day. On May 6, 2015, this glorious day reached its peak as it garnered a whopping 341 online mentions. Students and educators alike took to the internet to express their gratitude for having a day free from the clutches of assignments.

  4. No Homework Day

    Year Date Day; 2023: March 6: Monday: 2024: March 6: Wednesday: 2025: March 6: Thursday: 2026: March 6: Friday: 2027: March 6: Saturday: 2028: March 6: Monday: 2029 ...

  5. No Homework Day

    Teachers would often pile up homework for the evenings and weekends, seriously cutting into our spare time with our friends. And that's a problem still faced by far too many kids across the United States. There is just too much homework and not enough time for school-age children to get it done. That's why May 6th was turned into No ...

  6. When Is National No Homework Day

    When Is National No Homework Day-National No Homework Day celebration, a welcome break from academic tasks, fostering relaxation.

  7. 12 Facts About No Homework Day (May 6th)

    02. Celebrating No Homework Day can involve various activities that do not relate to school work. Students might choose to read for pleasure, spend time outdoors, play sports, or explore a new hobby. Teachers can support this day by not assigning homework due on or immediately after May 6th. 03.

  8. No Homework Day (May 6th)

    No Homework Day is all about giving children a break to do whatever they like. No Homework Day encourages parents and students to take a break from homework for a day to do whatever they like. Whether that means sleeping, reading a good novel, creating art, playing a sport, or any other hobby/activity. This is the perfect excuse to do what you ...

  9. No Homework Day

    Get ready to put away those textbooks and take a break from assignments, because March 6 is No Homework Day! This day was first established in the early 1970s as a way for students to have a much-needed break from their academic responsibilities.

  10. March 6 Holidays and Observances, Events, History, Recipe & More!

    No Homework Day - March 6, 2025 (also on May 6) World Book Day - March 6, 2025 - First Thursday in March (Primarily in United Kingdom and Ireland - most other Countries observe this day on April 23rd) ... Today is National Frozen Food Day, and Kerry, from Healthy Diet Habits has lots of tips on Frozen Vegetables and Tips to Shop for them, or ...

  11. No Homework Day

    It is a day when students—whether they are in elementary school, middle school, high school, or college—are not to be given any homework for the day. The holiday takes place twice during the school year, both times in Spring. It first takes place on the last Friday in March. It is unknown who placed the holiday at this time.

  12. AI and mental health crisis fuel renewed anti-homework movement

    37% of 13-year-old students said they had "no homework assigned" on the day before a National Center for Education Statistics survey in 2023. In 2020, that figure was 29%. In 2012, it was 21%. Case in point: Butterfield Canyon Elementary School in Herriman, Utah, has had a no-homework policy since 2020.

  13. "No Homework" Calendar for Next Year

    June 15, 2023. Dear Shrewsbury Families, Last evening, the School Committee approved the "no homework" calendar for the 2023-2024 school year. The establishment of dates when no homework is due and no assessments requiring studying will be given is part of the updated Homework Policy that was approved in late April, with the goal of establishing "a shared responsibility between home and school ...

  14. National Day Calendar

    Address: 712 W Main St., Mandan, ND 58554. Office: 701-204-6674. National Day Calendar - There's more than one day for everyone to celebrate.

  15. No Homework Day

    When is No Homework Day? No Homework Day 2017 is observed on Saturday, May May 6th, 2017 No Homework Day 2018 is observed on Sunday, May 6, 2018 No Homework Day 2019 is observed on Monday, May May 6th, 2019 No Homework Day 2020 is observed on Wednesday, May May 6th, 2020. You might like the Special Days in May.

  16. National No Housework Day (April 7th)

    Mr. Mom (1983). This American comedy starring Michael Keaton depicts a dad who switches roles and takes over the running of the household when his wife goes to work. Housekeeping (1987). Starring Christine Lahti, this comedy depicts two teenagers who are left by their mother and sent to live with an eccentric aunt.

  17. National No Housework Day

    April 7, 2025. April 7 is a chance to revel in National No Housework Day. Put down the laundry and toss out the to-do list. For this one day, we can give ourselves a break and do what we want around the house. Maintaining a clean and liveable home can sometimes feel like a never-ending chore. As soon as you have finished the washing and the ...

  18. No Homework Day

    Learn how to celebrate No Homework Day. is your best resource for national days, observances and holidays. ... 2023 September 13, 2023 Categories MAY. Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Your email address will not be published. Required fields are marked * Comment *

  19. A Back to School Calendar Packed with Celebrations

    October 4-10: World Space Week. October 5: World Teachers' Day. October 6: Kids Music Day. October 9: Indigenous Peoples' Day. October 11: National Bring Your Teddy Bear to School Day. October 16: Dictionary Day. October 16-20: School Principals' Week. October 16-20: National Health Education Week.

  20. Celebrate in 2023 with these strange and silly holidays

    By Christina Barron. January 1, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. EST. Calendars usually mark official holidays. That's fine, but honestly, there just aren't enough of them. We at KidsPost dig deep every year ...

  21. National Homework Day

    National Homework Day. Happy National Homework Day! It's time to dust off those textbooks, sharpen those pencils, and get ready to tackle some brain-teasing assignments. Whether you love it or loathe it, homework has become an integral part of the educational journey. So, let's dive into the history and significance of this oh-so-beloved day!

  22. No Homework Day in United States in 2024

    Find out on what day the No Homework Day will be in 2024 in United States. Calendar for the whole year, calendar for any month, lunar calendar, printable calendar. ... 2023 May 6, Saturday 2025 May 6, Tuesday May 5 African World Heritage Day. All holidays in May. May 7 World AIDS Orphans Day. Calendar ...


    Q. I live in an apartment. Is it still called housework? A. Yes. April 7th Celebrated History 1933 . President Franklin Roosevelt took the first step toward ending Prohibition and signed a law that allowed people to brew and sell beer, in the United States, as long as it remained below 4.0% alcohol by volume (ABV).

  24. The National Park Service announces entrance fee-free days for 2023

    News Release Date: December 8, 2022 Contact: [email protected] En Español WASHINGTON - The National Park Service will have five entrance fee-free days in 2023 that provide free admittance to all national parks for everyone. On these significant days of commemoration or celebration, and throughout the year, the National Park Service is committed to increasing access to national parks and ...