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Hi there how can i help you, mba marketing project topics ( latest updated), speak to our expert.

major research project for mba marketing

  • Nov 2, 2023

The landscape of business and commerce is changing rapidly. And that is probably one of the very reasons why students nowadays are opting for higher education. People looking for jobs in desired companies and industries are continually trying to enrich their knowledge to get a competitive edge amongst others. In such a search for the best avenue for excellence Master of Business Administration (MBA) is emerging as a ray of hope since an MBA degree is believed to offer a plethora of job options to choose from.  

Though there are many subjects to pursue an MBA with, marketing stands out as a rewarding and dynamic choice as it promises a prosperous future in any industry and company. Marketing teaches students a versatile skill set that is in high demand across the globe and industries making them valuable resources for any organization.  

However, the journey of a successful completion of that MBA degree is not as easy a task as it sounds. One has to go through many ups and downs and challenges to complete the MBA degree. One of the most prominent hurdles one might encounter during the MBA journey is numerous assignments given to complete and choosing the project topics for the assignments.

  If you are an MBA student and right now feeling perplexed about topic selection to complete your assignment, worry not. We are writing this blog for a reason. From selecting your topic to completing your assignment without you being investing your time we are your ally at every stage.

  Let's Explore The Latest MBA Marketing Project Topics In 2023

  As mentioned earlier, choosing the right topic for your MBA project is a crucial decision. It can significantly impact your learning as well as your professional journey. However, since the field of marketing is dynamic and evolving, you get to choose from a myriad of topics that come with in-depth learning opportunities.

Marketing right now is not limited to traditional forms like offline marketing and traditional advertising or sales strategies. Since we are in the digital age, you get to explore a wide range of topics that involve digital marketing, brand management, social media marketing, sustainable marketing practices, and more. Now we are going to talk about some of the most trending MBA marketing project topics and what kind of learnings those topics offer.  

Digital Marketing Strategies In The Post-Pandemic Era

What is covered: We all know that the COVID-19 pandemic has created a great impact on people's minds and behaviors. And since marketing is all about people and consumer behavior, the topic delves into the transformative impact of the pandemic on consumer behavior. It also includes the rise of e-commerce and the effective use of digital marketing channels and strategies to thrive for businesses from all industries.

  Who should choose : Anyone who is trying to specialize in digital marketing and wants to pursue a career as a marketing professional navigating the digital landscape or someone who wants to become an entrepreneur and looking to establish a strong online presence can opt for this topic.

  What you learn : This topic will help you learn how the world is changing rapidly and why digital marketing is I sustainable solution for the ever-changing global market. It will also teach you how to build your strategies for unforeseen situations and make data-driven decisions.  

Sustainability In Marketing: Ethical Branding And Green Marketing

What is covered : This topic helps you explore the intersection of marketing and sustainability. It takes you deeper into ethical branding and the development of eco-friendly products that can impact your corporate social responsibility on consumer choices.  

Who should choose : People who want to become marketing leaders by incorporating sustainability into their marketing strategies and businesses to enhance their ethical reputation. Also, students who are passionate about social causes and the environment can choose that topic.  

What you learn : This topic gives you a broad insight into responsible marketing practices and also helps you understand the eco-consciousness of consumer mindsets to foster brand loyalty through ethical initiatives.

Watch All ABout MBA Projects: How Projects.MBA Help You 

  AI And Marketing Automation: Optimizing Strategies

What is covered : Artificial Intelligence or AI is now everywhere. Though it sounds like a replacement for the human mind, in reality, it is a great tool that can revolutionize any industry when used as a marketing tool. This topic covers the application of artificial intelligence as a marketing tool and how you can include AI to personalize your marketing campaigns. It also covers the right use of chatbots and predictive analytics in your marketing strategies.

  Who should choose : MBA students who are aiming to leverage artificial intelligence to bring better ROI can opt for this topic. This topic helps you understand the intersection of technology and marketing and can help you learn to enhance the efficiency of your marketing strategies using artificial intelligence.

  What you learn : Using the power of artificial intelligence to make data-driven decisions, automate your marketing processes, and stay ahead of the competitive era using machine learning and artificial intelligence.

  Cross-Border Marketing: Navigating Global Markets

What is covered : The world is globalizing rapidly and this topic helps you learn the marketing challenges and opportunities companies might face on a global scale. It helps you understand the cultural considerations of each market that you want to enter, the strategies you must follow for market entry, and international consumer behavior.

  Who should choose : MBA students who aspire to become market leaders in the international market and businesses who are planning to expand in foreign markets can opt for this topic for a great learning experience.  

What you learn : This topic helps understand the complexities of the global markets, helps you adapt new strategies for different cultures, and identifies lucrative international markets.  

Social Media Marketing Trends: Beyond Facebook And Twitter

What is covered : This topic helps you understand the latest trends in social media marketing while focusing on emerging platforms like Instagram, and LinkedIn and their features. It also takes you deeper into influencer marketing and user-generated content to develop your social media strategies more effectively.  

Who should choose : MBA students who are passionate about social media marketing, marketing professionals who want to stay ahead of the trends, and businesses who want to engage with younger audiences can opt for this topic.  

What you learn : Since social media is here to stay, mastering the ever-changing world of social media can be helpful. This topic helps you learn to craft engaging content and build brand loyalty through effective strategies.  

E-Commerce And Online Retail

What is covered : This topic explores the exponential growth of e-commerce, strategies used by successful online retailers, and consumer preferences. It also helps you understand the challenges faced in the highly competitive digital environment.

  Who should choose : MBA students who are interested in consumer psychology, businesses who want to adapt to changing consumer demands, and marketing professionals who want data-driven insights can choose this topic.  

What you learn : This topic helps you develop different consumer-centric strategies and teaches you how to use market research effectively to align your marketing efforts with the changing consumer needs.  

Sustainable Marketing Practices

What is covered : Sustainability is always a concern in the marketing field. This topic helps you focus on green marketing, ethical branding, and corporate social responsibility as important parts of marketing. It helps you explore how you can use sustainable marketing practices to influence your consumer choices.  

Who should choose : If you are an MBA student passionate about sustainable marketing practices, a marketing professional who wants to work in socially responsible industries or an entrepreneur who wants to align your business with sustainability goals, you can opt for this topic.  

What you learn : You can learn to integrate sustainability into your marketing strategies, you can build eco-conscious brands and also can understand the ethical dimensions of marketing while researching this topic.  

Want To Get Help In The Completion Of Your MBA Marketing Projects? We Are Here To Help  

For many years we have been supporting many MBA students to complete their marketing projects across different MBA colleges and universities in India. With a team of trained and knowledgeable people, we have worked with students from some of the top MBA colleges in India including:

·        Indian Institute Of Management-Ahmedabad

·        Indian Institute Of Management-Bangalore

·        Indian Institute Of Management-Calcutta

·        Indian School Of Business-Hyderabad And Mohali

·        Xavier School Of Management-Jamshedpur

·        SP Jan Institute Of Management And Research-Mumbai

·        National Institute Of Industrial Engineering-Mumbai

·        Indian Institute Of Foreign Trade-Delhi And Kolkata

If you are an MBA student looking for professional support in choosing topics or completing your MBA marketing project , we are here to help. Feel free to call us today to discuss your concerns with us.

major research project for mba marketing

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major research project for mba marketing

Research Topics & Ideas: Business

50+ Management Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Business/management/MBA research topics

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a business/management-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of  research ideas and topic thought-starters for management-related research degrees (MBAs/DBAs, etc.). These research topics span management strategy, HR, finance, operations, international business and leadership.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the management domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: Business Research Topics

  • Business /management strategy
  • Human resources (HR) and industrial psychology
  • Finance and accounting
  • Operations management
  • International business
  • Actual business dissertations & theses

Strategy-Related Research Topics

  • An analysis of the impact of digital transformation on business strategy in consulting firms
  • The role of innovation in transportation practices for creating a competitive advantage within the agricultural sector
  • Exploring the effect of globalisation on strategic decision-making practices for multinational Fashion brands.
  • An evaluation of corporate social responsibility in shaping business strategy, a case study of power utilities in Nigeria
  • Analysing the relationship between corporate culture and business strategy in the new digital era, exploring the role of remote working.
  • Assessing the impact of sustainability practices on business strategy and performance in the motor vehicle manufacturing industry
  • An analysis of the effect of social media on strategic partnerships and alliances development in the insurance industry
  • Exploring the role of data-driven decision-making in business strategy developments following supply-chain disruptions in the agricultural sector
  • Developing a conceptual framework for assessing the influence of market orientation on business strategy and performance in the video game publishing industry
  • A review of strategic cost management best practices in the healthcare sector of Indonesia
  • Identification of key strategic considerations required for the effective implementation of Industry 4.0 to develop a circular economy
  • Reviewing how Globalisation has affected business model innovation strategies in the education sector
  • A comparison of merger and acquisition strategies’ effects on novel product development in the Pharmaceutical industry
  • An analysis of market strategy performance during recessions, a retrospective review of the luxury goods market in the US
  • Comparing the performance of digital stakeholder engagement strategies and their contribution towards meeting SDGs in the mining sector

Research topic idea mega list

Topics & Ideas: Human Resources (HR)

  • Exploring the impact of digital employee engagement practices on organizational performance in SMEs
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in the workplace
  • An evaluation of remote employee training and development programs efficacy in the e-commerce sector
  • Comparing the effect of flexible work arrangements on employee satisfaction and productivity across generational divides
  • Assessing the relationship between gender-focused employee empowerment programs and job satisfaction in the UAE
  • A review of the impact of technology and digitisation on human resource management practices in the construction industry
  • An analysis of the role of human resource management in talent acquisition and retention in response to globalisation and crisis, a case study of the South African power utility
  • The influence of leadership style on remote working employee motivation and performance in the education sector.
  • A comparison of performance appraisal systems for managing employee performance in the luxury retail fashion industry
  • An examination of the relationship between work-life balance and job satisfaction in blue-collar workplaces, A systematic review
  • Exploring HR personnel’s experiences managing digital workplace bullying in multinational corporations
  • Assessing the success of HR team integration following merger and acquisition on employee engagement and performance
  • Exploring HR green practices and their effects on retention of millennial talent in the fintech industry
  • Assessing the impact of human resources analytics in successfully navigating digital transformation within the healthcare sector
  • Exploring the role of HR staff in the development and maintenance of ethical business practices in fintech SMEs
  • An analysis of employee perceptions of current HRM practices in a fully remote IT workspace

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Finance & Accounting

  • An analysis of the effect of employee financial literacy on decision-making in manufacturing start-ups in Ghana
  • Assessing the impact of corporate green innovation on financial performance in listed companies in Estonia
  • Assessing the effect of corporate governance on financial performance in the mining industry in Papua New Guinea
  • An evaluation of financial risk management practices in the construction industry of Saudi Arabia
  • Exploring the role of leadership financial literacy in the transition from start-up to scale-up in the retail e-commerce industry.
  • A review of influential macroeconomic factors on the adoption of cryptocurrencies as legal tender
  • An examination of the use of financial derivatives in risk management
  • Exploring the impact of the cryptocurrency disruption on stock trading practices in the EU
  • An analysis of the relationship between corporate social responsibility and financial performance in academic publishing houses
  • A comparison of financial ratios performance in evaluating E-commerce startups in South Korea.
  • An evaluation of the role of government policies in facilitating manufacturing companies’ successful transitioning from start-up to scale-ups in Denmark
  • Assessing the financial value associated with industry 4.0 transitions in the Indian pharmaceutical industry
  • Exploring the role of effective e-leadership on financial performance in the Nigerian fintech industry
  • A review of digital disruptions in CRM practices and their associated financial impact on listed companies during the Covid-19 pandemic
  • Exploring the importance of Sharia-based business practices on SME financial performance in multicultural countries

Free Webinar: How To Find A Dissertation Research Topic

Ideas: Operations Management

  • An assessment of the impact of blockchain technology on operations management practices in the transport industry of Estonia
  • An evaluation of supply chain disruption management strategies and their impact on business performance in Lithuania
  • Exploring the role of lean manufacturing in the automotive industry of Malaysia and its effects on improving operational efficiency
  • A critical review of optimal operations management strategies in luxury goods manufacturing for ensuring supply chain resilience
  • Exploring the role of globalization on Supply chain diversification, a pre/post analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • An analysis of the relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription-based business models
  • Assessing the cost of sustainable sourcing practices on operations management and supply chain resilience in the Cocao industry.
  • An examination of the adoption of behavioural predictive analytics in operations management practices, a case study of the
  • Italian automotive industry
  • Exploring the effect of operational complexity on business performance following digital transformation
  • An evaluation of barriers to the implementation of agile methods in project management within governmental institutions
  • Assessing how the relationship between operational processes and business strategy change as companies transition from start-ups to scale-ups
  • Exploring the relationship between operational management and innovative business models, lessons from the fintech industry
  • A review of best practices for operations management facilitating the transition towards a circular economy in the fast food industry
  • Exploring the viability of lean manufacturing practices in Vietnam’s plastics industry
  • Assessing engagement in cybersecurity considerations associated with operations management practices in industry 4.0 manufacturing

Research Topic Kickstarter - Need Help Finding A Research Topic?

Topics & Ideas: International Business

  • The impact of cultural differences in communication on international business relationships
  • An evaluation of the role of government import and export policies in shaping international business practices
  • The effect of global shipping conditions on international business strategies
  • An analysis of the challenges of managing multinational corporations: branch management
  • The influence of social media marketing on international business operations
  • The role of international trade agreements on business activities in developing countries
  • An examination of the impact of currency fluctuations on international business and cost competitiveness
  • The relationship between international business and sustainable development: perspectives and benefits
  • An evaluation of the challenges and opportunities of doing business in emerging markets such as the renewable energy industry
  • An analysis of the role of internationalisation via strategic alliances in international business
  • The impact of cross-cultural management on international business performance
  • The effect of political instability on international business operations: A case study of Russia
  • An analysis of the role of intellectual property rights in an international technology company’s business strategies
  • The relationship between corporate social responsibility and international business strategy: a comparative study of different industries
  • The impact of technology on international business in the fashion industry

Topics & Ideas: Leadership

  • A comparative study of the impact of different leadership styles on organizational performance
  • An evaluation of transformational leadership in today’s non-profit organizations
  • The role of emotional intelligence in effective leadership and productivity
  • An analysis of the relationship between leadership style and employee motivation
  • The influence of diversity and inclusion on leadership practices in South Africa
  • The impact of Artificial Intelligence technology on leadership in the digital age
  • An examination of the challenges of leadership in a rapidly changing business environment: examples from the finance industry
  • The relationship between leadership and corporate culture and job satisfaction
  • An evaluation of the role of transformational leadership in strategic decision-making
  • The use of leadership development programs in enhancing leadership effectiveness in multinational organisations
  • The impact of ethical leadership on organizational trust and reputation: an empirical study
  • An analysis of the relationship between various leadership styles and employee well-being in healthcare organizations
  • The role of leadership in promoting good work-life balance and job satisfaction in the age of remote work
  • The influence of leadership on knowledge sharing and innovation in the technology industry
  • An investigation of the impact of cultural intelligence on cross-cultural leadership effectiveness in global organizations

Business/Management Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a business-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various management-related degree programs (e.g., MBAs, DBAs, etc.) to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Sustaining Microbreweries Beyond 5 Years (Yanez, 2022)
  • Perceived Stakeholder and Stockholder Views: A Comparison Among Accounting Students, Non-Accounting Business Students And Non-Business Students (Shajan, 2020)
  • Attitudes Toward Corporate Social Responsibility and the New Ecological Paradigm among Business Students in Southern California (Barullas, 2020)
  • Entrepreneurial opportunity alertness in small business: a narrative research study exploring established small business founders’ experience with opportunity alertness in an evolving economic landscape in the Southeastern United States (Hughes, 2019)
  • Work-Integrated Learning in Closing Skills Gap in Public Procurement: A Qualitative Phenomenological Study (Culver, 2021)
  • Analyzing the Drivers and Barriers to Green Business Practices for Small and Medium Enterprises in Ohio (Purwandani, 2020)
  • The Role of Executive Business Travel in a Virtual World (Gale, 2022)
  • Outsourcing Security and International Corporate Responsibility: A Critical Analysis of Private Military Companies (PMCs) and Human Rights Violations (Hawkins, 2022)
  • Lean-excellence business management for small and medium-sized manufacturing companies in Kurdistan region of Iraq (Mohammad, 2021)
  • Science Data Sharing: Applying a Disruptive Technology Platform Business Model (Edwards, 2022)
  • Impact of Hurricanes on Small Construction Business and Their Recovery (Sahu, 2022)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

Fast-Track Your Topic Ideation

If you’d like hands-on help to speed up your topic ideation process and ensure that you develop a rock-solid research topic, check our our Topic Kickstarter service below.


Rotimi Uju Angela

Great help. thanks


Hi, Your work is very educative, it has widened my knowledge. Thank you so much.


Thank you so much for helping me understand how to craft a research topic. I’m pursuing a PGDE. Thank you


a feasibility study for the establishment of rice processing system in (_____)


Effect of Leadership, computerized accounting systems, risk management and monitoring on the quality of financial Reports among listed banks

Denford Chimboza

May you assist on a possible PhD topic on analyzing economic behaviours within environmental, climate and energy domains, from a gender perspective. I seek to further investigate if/to which extent policies in these domains can be deemed economically unfair from a gender perspective, and whether the effectiveness of the policies can be increased while striving for inequalities not being perpetuated.

Negessa Abdisa

healthy work environment and employee diversity, technological innovations and their role in management practices, cultural difference affecting advertising, honesty as a company policy, an analysis of the relationships between quality management and customer satisfaction in subscription based business model,business corruption cases. That I was selected from the above topics.

Ngam Leke

Research topic accounting

Suke Phewa

Kindly assist me with a research topic on low income?

Kindly assist me with a research topic on low income? PHD/ Doctoral thesis

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Top 100 MBA Project Topics [Updated 2024]

MBA Project Topics

Are you an MBA student looking to make your mark with an impactful project? Choosing the right MBA project topic can be the key to unlocking doors to career success. Whether you’re focusing on finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or entrepreneurship, there’s a wealth of possibilities to explore. In this blog, we’ll dive into some compelling MBA project topics across these areas, helping you find inspiration for your next big endeavor.

How to Choose the Right MBA Project Topics

Table of Contents

Now that we’ve explored some exciting project topics, how do you choose the one that’s right for you? Here are some tips:

  • Consider Your Interests and Career Goals: Choose a topic that aligns with your passions and future career aspirations.
  • Evaluate Feasibility and Data Availability: Ensure you have access to the necessary data and resources to complete your project successfully.
  • Consult with Faculty or Industry Professionals: Seek guidance from your professors or industry experts to refine your topic and approach.
  • Importance of Originality: Aim for a topic that contributes new insights or approaches to the field, showcasing your creativity and analytical skills.

Top 100 MBA Project Topics: Category Wise

  • Financial Analysis of XYZ Company: Conduct an in-depth analysis of the financial performance, ratios, and trends of a specific company.
  • Investment Strategies in Emerging Markets: Explore the opportunities and risks associated with investing in emerging markets, providing insights for investors.
  • Analyzing the Impact of Interest Rate Changes on Investment Portfolios: Investigate how fluctuations in interest rates affect investment portfolios, offering strategies for risk management.
  • Financial Risk Management in the Banking Sector: Study the methods and practices used by banks to manage financial risks, with a focus on risk mitigation strategies.
  • Evaluating Capital Budgeting Techniques in Manufacturing Industry: Compare and evaluate different capital budgeting techniques used by manufacturing firms to make investment decisions.
  • Mergers and Acquisitions: A Comparative Study: Compare the impact and outcomes of different mergers and acquisitions in various industries, analyzing their success factors.
  • IPO Valuation and Investment Strategies: Explore the valuation methods of Initial Public Offerings (IPOs) and develop investment strategies for IPO investors.
  • Impact of Corporate Governance on Firm Performance: Analyze how corporate governance practices influence the performance and value of companies.
  • Behavioral Finance: Understanding Investor Behavior: Study the psychological factors influencing investor decisions and their impact on financial markets.
  • Analysis of Credit Risk Management in Banks: Investigate the credit risk management practices of banks, focusing on loan portfolio analysis and risk mitigation techniques.
  • Consumer Behavior Analysis in E-commerce: Examine the behavior patterns and preferences of online consumers in the e-commerce sector.
  • Social Media Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses: Develop effective social media marketing strategies tailored for small businesses to enhance their online presence.
  • Brand Loyalty: Factors Influencing Customer Retention: Identify and analyze the factors that contribute to brand loyalty and customer retention in various industries.
  • Impact of Celebrity Endorsements on Consumer Buying Behavior: Investigate how celebrity endorsements influence consumer perceptions and purchasing decisions.
  • Online vs. Offline Retail: Consumer Preferences and Trends: Compare the preferences and trends of consumers in online and offline retail environments, identifying key differences.
  • Market Entry Strategies for International Markets: Develop market entry strategies for businesses looking to expand into international markets, considering cultural and regulatory factors.
  • Digital Marketing Trends: A Comparative Analysis: Analyze the latest trends in digital marketing channels and their effectiveness in reaching target audiences.
  • Customer Satisfaction and Service Quality in Hospitality Industry: Evaluate the relationship between customer satisfaction, service quality, and loyalty in the hospitality sector.
  • Product Placement Effectiveness in Films and TV Shows: Study the effectiveness of product placement as a marketing strategy in films and television shows, measuring brand recall and impact.
  • Green Marketing: Sustainable Practices and Consumer Perception: Investigate consumer perceptions and behaviors towards green products and sustainable marketing practices.

Human Resources

  • Employee Engagement Strategies for Remote Teams: Develop effective strategies to enhance employee engagement and motivation in remote work settings.
  • Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Multinational Corporations: Analyze diversity and inclusion programs in multinational companies, assessing their impact on organizational culture and performance.
  • Talent Management Practices in the IT Industry: Study talent management strategies and practices in the Information Technology sector, focusing on recruitment and retention.
  • Performance Appraisal Systems: A Comparative Study: Compare different performance appraisal systems used by organizations and their impact on employee performance and satisfaction.
  • Work-Life Balance Programs and Employee Wellbeing: Evaluate the effectiveness of work-life balance programs in improving employee wellbeing and productivity.
  • Leadership Styles and Organizational Culture: Analyze how different leadership styles contribute to shaping organizational culture and employee engagement.
  • Training and Development Programs: Impact on Employee Performance: Investigate the effectiveness of training and development programs in enhancing employee skills and performance.
  • Workplace Stress Management Strategies: Develop strategies to manage workplace stress and promote employee mental health and wellbeing.
  • Employee Retention Strategies in High-Tech Industries: Identify and analyze effective strategies for retaining talent in high-tech industries with high turnover rates.
  • Gender Pay Gap Analysis and Equal Pay Policies: Study the gender pay gap in various industries and evaluate the effectiveness of equal pay policies in reducing disparities.

Operations Management

  • Supply Chain Optimization in Manufacturing Sector: Optimize supply chain processes and logistics in the manufacturing industry to reduce costs and improve efficiency.
  • Lean Management Implementation in Service Sector: Implement Lean management principles in service-oriented organizations to eliminate waste and improve operational efficiency.
  • Inventory Management Strategies for Retail Chains: Develop inventory management strategies to minimize stockouts and excess inventory in retail chains.
  • Six Sigma Implementation in Healthcare: Quality Improvement: Implement Six Sigma methodologies in healthcare organizations to improve quality of care and patient outcomes.
  • Logistics and Distribution Network Optimization: Optimize logistics and distribution networks to improve delivery times and reduce transportation costs.
  • Operations Planning and Control in the Food Industry: Develop efficient operations planning and control strategies for food processing and distribution companies.
  • Total Quality Management (TQM) Practices: Case Studies: Study successful case studies of Total Quality Management implementation in various industries.
  • Process Automation and Robotics in Manufacturing: Explore the use of automation and robotics in manufacturing processes to improve productivity and efficiency.
  • Service Quality Measurement and Improvement in Hospitality: Develop tools and techniques to measure and improve service quality in the hospitality industry.
  • Green Operations: Sustainability Practices in Manufacturing: Implement sustainable and eco-friendly practices in manufacturing operations to reduce environmental impact.


  • Feasibility Study for a Tech Startup: Conduct a feasibility study for a tech startup, analyzing market demand, competition, and financial projections.
  • Business Plan Development for a Social Enterprise: Develop a comprehensive business plan for a social enterprise focusing on social impact and sustainability.
  • Crowdfunding as a Financing Option for Startups: Explore the use of crowdfunding platforms as a viable financing option for early-stage startups.
  • Franchise Business Model: Analysis and Case Studies: Analyze the franchise business model and study successful case studies of franchise operations.
  • E-commerce Market Entry Strategy for Small Businesses: Develop an e-commerce market entry strategy for small businesses to expand their online presence.
  • Innovation Management in Startups: Best Practices: Study best practices for managing innovation and creativity in startup environments.
  • Angel Investing: Strategies and Risk Management: Explore angel investing strategies and risk management practices for investors in early-stage startups.
  • Entrepreneurial Leadership: Traits and Success Factors: Analyze the traits and characteristics of successful entrepreneurial leaders in various industries.
  • International Expansion Strategies for SMEs: Develop strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to expand into international markets.
  • Business Model Innovation: Disruptive Strategies: Explore disruptive business model innovation strategies used by successful startups to gain a competitive edge.

General Management

  • Change Management Strategies in Organizations: Develop change management strategies to facilitate organizational transitions and transformations.
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Programs: Impact Assessment: Evaluate the impact of CSR programs on brand reputation and stakeholder perceptions.
  • Strategic Alliances and Joint Ventures: Case Studies: Study successful case studies of strategic alliances and joint ventures in various industries.
  • Crisis Management and Communication Strategies: Develop crisis management plans and effective communication strategies for organizations facing crises.
  • Market Research and Analysis for New Product Launch: Conduct market research and analysis to guide the launch of a new product or service.
  • Project Management Best Practices: Implementation: Study and implement project management best practices for successful project execution.
  • Knowledge Management Systems: Implementation and Benefits: Implement knowledge management systems in organizations to capture and share valuable knowledge.
  • Business Process Reengineering (BPR) for Organizational Efficiency: Redesign and optimize business processes using Business Process Reengineering methodologies.
  • Strategic HR Planning for Organizational Growth: Develop strategic HR plans to align human resources with organizational goals and growth objectives.
  • Technology Adoption and Integration Strategies: Develop strategies for the adoption and integration of new technologies to drive business growth.

International Business

  • Global Market Entry Strategies for Multinational Corporations: Develop market entry strategies for multinational corporations expanding into new global markets.
  • Cultural Intelligence in International Business Negotiations: Study the role of cultural intelligence in successful international business negotiations.
  • International Trade Policies and Impact on Global Business: Analyze international trade policies and their implications for global businesses.
  • Cross-Cultural Leadership: Challenges and Strategies: Explore challenges and strategies for effective cross-cultural leadership in multinational organizations.
  • Export Marketing Strategies for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs): Develop export marketing strategies for SMEs looking to enter international markets.
  • Global Supply Chain Management: Best Practices: Study best practices in global supply chain management to optimize international operations.
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) Trends and Analysis: Analyze trends in Foreign Direct Investment and their impact on global economies.
  • Political Risk Analysis for International Business: Assess political risks and their impact on international business operations and investments.
  • Global Branding and Positioning Strategies: Develop global branding and positioning strategies for products and services in diverse markets.
  • International Business Negotiation Strategies: Study negotiation strategies and tactics for successful international business deals.

Information Technology Management

  • Cybersecurity Threats and Risk Management: Analyze cybersecurity threats and develop risk management strategies for organizations.
  • Big Data Analytics for Business Intelligence: Implement Big Data analytics to derive business insights and improve decision-making.
  • Cloud Computing Adoption: Challenges and Opportunities: Study the challenges and opportunities of adopting cloud computing in organizations.
  • Digital Transformation Strategies for Traditional Businesses: Develop strategies for traditional businesses to undergo digital transformation.
  • Blockchain Technology Applications in Supply Chain: Explore the applications of blockchain technology in optimizing supply chain processes.
  • AI and Machine Learning for Predictive Analytics: Implement AI and machine learning algorithms for predictive analytics in business.
  • IT Governance and Compliance Frameworks: Develop IT governance frameworks to ensure compliance and data security.
  • Mobile App Development for Business Solutions: Design and develop mobile applications to address business challenges and enhance customer experience.
  • IT Infrastructure Optimization and Cost Reduction: Optimize IT infrastructure to reduce costs and improve efficiency in organizations.
  • ERP Implementation and Business Process Integration: Implement Enterprise Resource Planning systems for seamless business process integration.

Healthcare Management

  • Healthcare Quality Improvement Initiatives: Develop quality improvement initiatives to enhance patient care and safety in healthcare settings.
  • Healthcare Innovation: Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: Explore the use of telemedicine and remote monitoring technologies to improve healthcare delivery.
  • Health Information Systems: Implementation and Benefits: Implement Health Information Systems to improve patient data management and healthcare efficiency.
  • Healthcare Cost Analysis and Optimization: Analyze healthcare costs and develop strategies to optimize spending and improve financial performance.
  • Patient Satisfaction and Service Quality in Hospitals: Evaluate patient satisfaction levels and service quality in hospitals, identifying areas for improvement.
  • Healthcare Policy Analysis and Impact Assessment: Analyze healthcare policies and assess their impact on healthcare organizations and patient care.
  • Healthcare Marketing Strategies for Hospitals: Develop marketing strategies to promote hospitals and healthcare services to the community.
  • Electronic Health Records (EHR) Implementation: Implement Electronic Health Record systems to enhance patient data accessibility and accuracy.
  • Healthcare Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: Ensure healthcare organizations comply with regulatory requirements and standards.
  • Healthcare Supply Chain Management Optimization: Optimize healthcare supply chain processes to ensure timely and cost-effective delivery of medical supplies.

Sustainability and Green Business

  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting and Transparency: Develop sustainability reporting frameworks to enhance corporate transparency and accountability.
  • Green Supply Chain Management Practices: Implement green supply chain management practices to reduce environmental impact.
  • Circular Economy Strategies for Waste Reduction: Develop strategies for implementing a circular economy model to minimize waste.
  • Renewable Energy Investment Analysis: Analyze the feasibility and returns of investments in renewable energy projects.
  • Sustainable Packaging Solutions for Consumer Goods: Develop sustainable packaging solutions to reduce environmental impact in the consumer goods industry.
  • Carbon Footprint Analysis and Reduction Strategies: Analyze carbon footprints of organizations and develop strategies to reduce emissions.
  • Water Management and Conservation in Industries: Implement water management practices to conserve water resources in industrial operations.
  • Biodiversity Conservation Strategies for Businesses: Develop strategies for businesses to contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts.
  • Green Building Design and Certification: Design green buildings and obtain certifications for sustainable construction practices.
  • Eco-Tourism Development and Sustainability: Develop eco-tourism initiatives that promote environmental conservation and community engagement.

Embarking on an MBA project is an exciting opportunity to apply your knowledge and make a tangible impact. Whether you’re delving into finance, marketing, human resources, operations, or entrepreneurship, there’s a vast landscape of topics to explore.

Remember, the right project topic can be the launching pad for your career, so choose wisely. Dive into MBA project topics that ignite your curiosity, challenge your intellect, and leave a lasting impression on your audience. Good luck on your MBA journey!

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71+ Research Paper Topics & Ideas for Marketing Students  

major research project for mba marketing

As a marketing student, you probably have access to a plethora of resources such as your college library and of course, the internet, to come up with great research paper topics.

However, the thought of writing your research paper can be daunting, especially if you’re still brainstorming and don’t know what to write about.

Just like any other piece of writing, start by keeping your audience in mind. Then, make a list of research paper topics that are more relevant to your interests, or a new under-developed field (for example; augmented reality, or people sentiments towards Artificial Intelligence), or a unique research topic that intrigues your audience.

But if you’re still struggling to pin down one out of the many research paper topics for your program, we’ll suggest a number of them for you to either choose from; or for you to take inspiration from and come up with your own.

Table of Contents

How to Choose the Best Research Paper Topics

Before we dive into the details, you’ll have to familiarize yourself with the basics. For starters, pick up a pen and paper and brainstorm different topics that you’d like to write about.

While personal interest is definitely important, we also suggest you opt for a topic that will intrigue your readers.  Here are a couple of factors you ought to keep in mind while selecting a topic:

Keeping your personal interest in mind

You probably won’t be able to write a stellar research paper if you’re not interested in the topic. Sit down with your peers and advisors to discuss possible ideas. It will be easier for you to discuss different themes once you’ve written down all your ideas in one place. If you’ve decided on a specific keyword for instance “consumer behaviour”, you can look for similar research papers on the internet.

A research paper isn’t a descriptive essay which you can drag aimlessly. Your research paper needs to be based on factual data and that’s only possible if you’ve conducted thorough research. While jotting down points for your first draft, ensure your statements are supported with references or examples citing credible academicals and research work.

Don’t leave it till the last day

A lot of students tend to undermine the writing process and leave for the last few days. Bear in mind that you can’t possibly write your entire research paper overnight. In order to succeed, you’ll have to devote sufficient amount of time to research.

Also, be prepared to schedule meetings with your advisor on a regular basis as you’re bound to require help along the way. At this point, make sure you only rely on credible sources that will support your dissertation.

Examples & List of Research Paper Topics

If you’re still unable to decide a topic of your interest, here is a list of 70 unique marketing research topics that you can use as marketing project topics for your MBA, or any other marketing course:

  • How do organizations use CSR ( corporate social responsibility ) to reinforce brand equity?
  • What manipulation tactics do brands use to get more customers?
  • How can brand image be communicated via social media marketing?
  • How can social media impact the buying choices of shoppers?
  • Are consumers equipped to shield themselves from direct marketing strategies?
  • Determine and analyze consumer buying behavior for [product name]
  • How does advertising impact consumer behaviour?
  • How does family orientation impact marketing communications?
  • What characteristics do buyers look for when purchasing a product online?
  • How does global marketing incorporate standardization?
  • What attributes do consumers look for when comparing products online?
  • How do financial institutions differentiate their goods and services on the basis of social class?
  • Is direct marketing really the most effective form of marketing?
  • What internet marketing trends can be expected for the future?
  • How to marketing strategies differ across different cultures?
  • Can brand advertising impact political campaigns?
  • How do brands exploit impulsive buying?
  • How does loyalty cards encourage sales and boost customer loyalty?
  • Can well-marketed brands get away with selling substandard quality products?
  • How is globalization having on impact on consumer behaviour?
  • Impact of brand image on customer loyalty
  • Brand attributes that lead to an increase in customer loyalty
  • Successful marketing approaches that helped break through strong market monopoly
  • Impact of cause marketing on brand affinity with young mothers
  • Effect of consumer promotions and discount offerings on brand equity
  • The outcomes of advertising in a recession
  • Influence on Social Media advertising on consumer behaviour
  • Effect of TV advertising on top of mind awareness
  • Understanding customer perceptions around event sponsorships
  • Does corporate social responsibility translate into sales?
  • Canadians perspective on being targeted with mobile ads based on their browser history
  • Is direct marketing welcomed by people?
  • Are customers able to differentiate between various mortgage offering by competing banks?
  • Does social media influence buying behaviour
  • Do people like being click baited into sponsored posts?
  • Understanding the impact of celebrity endorsements on ROI for CPG brands
  • Women’s sentiments around comparison advertising
  • How effective is comparison advertising to build brand equity?
  • Do consumers prefer purchasing routine grocery products online?
  • Is earned media perceived to be as important as it appears to be?
  • What makes people want to share content to their friends?
  • Understanding why content goes viral
  • Marketing challenges around the evolving family structures
  • Are we losing the emotional value and significance of money being in a cashless society?
  • Is centralized global marketing a good idea for brand health in local markets?
  • How is augmented reality going to enhance marketing experiences?
  • How will artificial intelligence support in making better marketing decisions?
  • Is immersion marketing through virtual reality technology going to be accepted?
  • What does the luxury auto buyer look for in a car?
  • How to instill a desire to purchase for customers in the luxury category
  • Harmful effects of advertising to kids
  • Impact of in-store branding on brand salience
  • Effect marketing strategies for restaurant businesses
  • Habit formation and ways to integrate new products in consumer lifestyles
  • Is display advertising going to die?
  • Can Snapchat help small business grow?
  • How do customers perceive the brand who advertise on Instagram?
  • The impact of humour in advertising
  • Do customers pay attention to nutrition labels?
  • What triggers impulse buying behaviour
  • Essentials to sky rocket a new brand to heights of awareness
  • The factors that lead to customer satisfaction in young adults
  • Elements that help build an emotional connection with your audience
  • How do males and females differ in their buying behaviour of mobile phones
  • Does language targeting help in ethnic advertising?
  • Customer Perceptions: Are well known brands good in quality?
  • Is radio still an effective method of advertising?
  • Rural vs Urban marketing challenges to be mindful of
  • Impact of internal branding on employee retention and turnover
  • An in-depth analysis of political marketing in Canada

More Categories of Research Topics

Still in need of some inspiration? Here are a few research paper areas that you can explore:

  • Distribution
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Relationship Marketing
  • Brand Management
  • Nonprofit Marketing
  • Market Segmentation & Targeting
  • Internet Marketing
  • Marketing Planning & Forecasting
  • Product Design & Positioning
  • Direct Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Purchasing & Materials Management

Hopefully, these marketing thesis topics will help you come up with a few topics of your own. If you’re still confused about which area, you’d like to work with, we suggest you consult your advisor for some additional help. Good luck!

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major research project for mba marketing

33 Exciting MBA Project Topics for Marketing

The project work during your MBA in Marketing is the perfect opportunity to apply the knowledge that you have gained during the course. Not only does it help you strengthen your stronghold over the subject matter but also serves as a magnificent opportunity to acquire the relevant skill set required to enter the field.

Therefore, it becomes important that you pick a project topic that will help you broaden your horizons. But you must also ensure that the topic is relevant to the domain during recent times. Thus, before you go on to pick a project topic, you must ask yourself, “What are the top trends to look out for in the domain in 2023?”

Here, we have compiled a list of 33 exciting topics for your MBA Marketing project that you can go for during the course.

Topics for MBA Marketing Project

Marketing is a dynamic field and thus, offers many interesting topics for you to work upon. These topics range from Market Research to Branding to Advertising to Analysing Global Market Trends. In addition to these, there are also many case studies and marketing strategies that you can take up as your project topics. Let us discuss each of these project categories in detail.

● Project Topics in Branding

Branding is a vast domain and witnesses many new transformations every day. Its dynamic nature makes it a lucrative career field for students as it offers many high-paying job opportunities . If you are thinking of making a career in this domain, then it only makes sense that you work on a project on Branding to gain some hands-on experience in the field. Here are a few project topics that you can pick:

Brand Positioning Strategies of Coca Cola

A Detailed Study on the Changing Consumer Behaviour in a Company

Study of Consumer Behaviour at Different Stages of the Lifecycle of a Product

Comparative Study of Consumer Perception Towards International and Local Brands

A Study on How the Packaging of a Product Impacts Consumers

A Detailed Analysis of Impact of Various Brand Promotion Strategies on Product Sales

Recent Trends in the B2B Marketing

● Project Topics in Advertising

If you have a creative mind and a knack for selling, then the advertising industry is the ideal career choice for you. It not only provides you with the freedom to bring your innovative ideas to life but also helps you develop an analytical mindset as you need to continuously track consumer behaviours and changing market scenarios. A project in Advertising, therefore, serves as a wonderful opportunity to acquaint yourself with the field and gain some valuable insights. Here are a few project topics from Advertising that you can pick during your MBA in Marketing:

A Study of the Ethic Codes Involved in Advertising

A Study of the Various Appeals Used in Advertising

A Case Study of Reliance Communication, Their Advertising Strategies and Effectiveness of Campaigns

A Detailed Analysis of Advertising Strategies and Sales Promotions

Evolution of the Portrayal of Women in Indian Advertisements

Design an Ad Campaign for any Brand of Your Choice

● Project Topics in Market Research

Market Research involves the study of changing consumer behaviours and newly emerging economic trends in order to identify the areas of improvement to enhance business performance. It makes for a magnificent career as most companies are in a constant endeavour to improve their marketing models. Here are a few topics that you can pick for your project work that will help you gather valuable information about the field:

A Detailed Analysis of Changing Trends in the 21st Century Customer Purchase Behaviour

Comparative Analysis of Various Customer Acquisition Strategies

Study of the Effectiveness of Personal Selling for Acquiring New Customers

Case Study of CRM Implementation in Business Organisations

A Comparative Case Study on the Marketing Strategies of Google Pay and PayTM

Comparison of Customer Satisfaction in Offline and Online Modes of Shopping

A Detailed Analysis of Various Strategies that Lead to Brand Loyalty

● Project Topics in Global Market

The 21st Century is the age of globalisation. Today, every business is looking for opportunities to expand its roots overseas and cater to the needs of the larger global market. Thus, more and more companies are looking to hire people who can conduct valuable analysis of the international market and identify suitable opportunities for expansion. Opting for a project in the Global Market is, therefore, a great way to learn how to tackle the challenges in this industry. Here is a list of a few topics that you can go for:

A Study on the Expansion Strategies of H&M

Comparative Analysis of the Logistics Infrastructure of UK and Canada

A Case Study of Mayo Clinic Marketing Research

A Study on Why Big Companies Fail to Innovate

A Case Study on the Marketing Operations of New Balance: Past, Present and Future

A Study on How Apple Captured the Indian Mobile Phone Market

A Case of McDonald’s: How They Became a Global Household Brand

● Other Project Topics

In addition to the above-mentioned topics, there are many other topics that you can choose from. However, you must take care of one thing. Your project topic is a great way to widen your knowledge domain and gain relevant experience. Therefore, you must ensure that the topic that you choose to work on is in alignment with your interests and ambitions. Mentioned below are a few more topics that you can choose from:

A Case Study on Enhancing the Marketing Share of Ikea in Delhi NCR

A Detailed Study on Customer Retention Policies of Zomato

A Detailed Report on the 4P’s of Marketing

How Mascots Can Be a Game-Changer for Brands

A Case Study on the PR Process of Reebok

A Study on the Industry Analysis of Real Estate


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Best Topics For MBA Marketing Projects to Stand Out


19 May, 2023

Best Topics For MBA Marketing Projects to Stand Out

Table of Contents

Project work is an important part of an MBA curriculum. Every student is required to submit one on a topic of relevancy pertaining to the specialisation that they have chosen. MBA in marketing boasts of a robust curriculum which helps students get a thorough understanding of marketing-related topics and concepts.

At the end of the course, students are required to submit a project that serves as a great opportunity for them to demonstrate what they have learned during the programme. Depending on how well-conceptualised and researched your project is it can help you increase your employability.

Top 10 MBA Project Topics for Marketing

If you are looking to zero in on a topic but don’t know where to start here is a list of some of the best project topics for MBA marketing.

1. Use Of Artificial Intelligence In Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has entered almost all facets of our lives. In the business world as well it has revolutionised how things are being done. As a project topic, the impact of artificial intelligence on marketing is highly promising as it provides you with the chance to study its many advantages and disadvantages and how it is changing the face of digital marketing

2. Developing Effective Online Customer Acquisition Strategies for a New-Age Furniture and Appliance Rental Startup

It is clear from the topic that this project will be all about developing clever strategies for attracting more customers for a furniture and appliance startup. Startup businesses usually don’t have a really big budget to invest in advertising. This project will study the many ways startups can come up with marketing strategies to sell their products including digital advertising through social media.

3. Impact of Customer Service on Customers in the Telecom Industry in the Last 10 Years

The telecom sector has had a significant change in the last few years as a result of the use of newer technology for providing better customer service to their clients. This project topic will lay emphasis on the evolution of customer service in the telecom sector in the past decade along with how it has impacted its customers. In addition, you will collect data on certain analytics and metrics that lead to those changes and how that impacted customer loyalty.

4. An Analysis of the Evolution of the Automobile Industry in India

This is another important project topic for MBA marketing students. The automobile industry in India has been in a constant state of transformation. From being a closed and protected sector it has now become a less regulated one which has led to more competition. This project will focus on what led to foreign companies taking an interest in being part of this and how this has brought a big change in the preferences of the consumers.

5. A Study On The Impact Of Google On E-Commerce

Whenever we buy something, it has become like second nature for us to do a Google search first. This helps us know more about the product and whether we need it. In recent years Google has heavily influenced how we buy things off the internet. In this project, the emphasis will be on studying the impact of Google’s algorithms on how consumers discover e-commerce websites. In addition, it will also focus on important strategies that e-commerce sites can adopt to increase their online presence.

6. Gamification as a Customer Retention and Growth Hacking Strategy for Technology Products

Gamification  is a great way to increase user retention and engagement. This marketing technique incorporates the use of game-like features such as the use of creating a reward system as seen in many fitness apps where users gain a coin or badge when they enter the next level. Gamification considerably helps to grow user retention which can potentially lead to enhanced customer loyalty and increased revenue. This project will study the various gamification techniques and their impact on users with the help of case studies and analytics.

7. Study on the impact of customer satisfaction and word-of-mouth marketing on the success of Maruti Suzuki

Word-of-mouth advertising is very different from traditional forms of marketing including television, radio and print media. Word-of-mouth advertising works on the principle of spreading positive news about a product or a service by people who have used them. This can include reviews, referrals, recommendations and so on. This project will study the word-of-mouth marketing strategies  used by Maruti Suzuki  and their impact on customer satisfaction and the company’s growth and overall success.

8. Analysing the Effectiveness of Customer Loyalty Programmes Implemented by Retail Brands in India

Customer Loyalty Programmes  fall under the category of marketing strategies used by brands to attract customers to repeat purchase their goods and services. This project will shed light on the different loyalty programmes implemented by various retail brands and their subsequent impact on customer retention, engagement and whether they boost repeat purchases or not.

9. Analysis And Study On Consumer Satisfaction With E-Commerce Online Shopping Portals

There are many ways that can help gauge whether an eCommerce site is doing better than others and that includes customer satisfaction metrics. This project will focus on the factors that help enhance customer satisfaction and how it translates to a company’s success. This will be done by conducting surveys and research on customer behaviour in terms of product quality, delivery experience, customer service, the flexibility of returns and so on.

10. Various Factors That Influence Brand Loyalty

This is another relevant project topic for MBA marketing students. Brand loyalty is the tendency and the preference of consumers towards a particular brand’s products and services even when other similar alternatives are available. Brand loyalty is gained in various ways including the quality of goods, pricing, customer service, brand reputation etc. All these affect the psyche of the buyer which creates a sense of loyalty towards the brand. This project topic aims to identify all the important factors that impact brand loyalty and how these factors are different from one another. This could help students gain important insights and draw patterns or trends that could help brands develop important strategies that could improve their brand loyalty.

Creating an insightful MBA project can depend on many things such as the amount of hard work you put in, your research methods and how captivating the topic is. Choosing a topic for an MBA marketing project can be highly overwhelming especially if you don’t know what truly interests you. There are several things you need to consider when you are on the lookout for a good topic. For instance, you need to consider your interests and pick a topic that you are most confident about. This can help you be more at ease when you are doing research and conducting surveys.

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Project work is an important part of an MBA curriculum. Every student is required to submit one on a topic of relevancy pertaining to the specialisation that they have chosen. MBA in marketing boasts of a robust curriculum which helps students get a thorough understanding of marketing-related topics and concepts. At the end of the

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Two students collaborating over laptop

MBA in Marketing: Marketing Analytics and Insights

Learn research methods to discover consumer behavior insights and guide business decisions.

Drive Strategy With Insight

Capture, analyze and apply consumer insights to shape future business strategy. Hear from Jessica Viesselman (MBA ’07), consumer insights manager at American Family Insurance, on how the skills and experience you gain through this specialization will empower you to add value to your workplace from day one.

Why Marketing Analytics & Insights Is Important | Marketing MBA | Wisconsin School of Business

Connect With Top Employers

Connect with employers through classroom visits, networking events, and applied learning projects. Frequent recruiters:

Pepsico logo

Marketing Analytics and Insights Careers

Make an immediate impact as a data-driven leader. Be empowered to lead and turn your interest in human behavior into a career.

Common career paths

  • Strategic application of consumer insights into marketing strategy
  • Consumer insights
  • Shopper insights
  • Digital marketing analytics

Common job titles

  • Associate Global Insights Manager
  • Consumer Insight Strategist
  • Consumer and Market Knowledge Manager
  • Global Consumer Insight Associate
  • Senior Associate of Design Research
  • Senior Research Analyst
  • User Experience Analyst

Gain Marketing Breadth + Deep Expertise to Stand Out

Build a career advantage with the curriculum, industry experiences, and connections of a top-ranked marketing MBA, plus added expertise in marketing analytics and insights.

MBA student speaking during a class

Company visits & current topic seminars

SC Johnson. Focus: How to make advertising more effective through marketing analytics and insights techniques such as the use of neuroscience.

Microsoft. Focus: Product marketing strategy and use of competitive response modeling to attract new users to their mobile devices.

Kimberly-Clark. Focus: Behavioral economic approaches to understanding consumer decisions and the keys to using consumer data to measure brand equity.

FTMBA students tour the headquarters of Fiskars in Middleton, WI

More applied learning activities

  • Interviewing consumers in their homes for product innovation ideation
  • Discussion on data sources, privacy and ethics of today’s personalized marketing
  • Turning data insights into corporate storytelling
  • Evaluating consumer behavior in niche consumer groups

The Wisconsin Full-Time MBA curriculum integrates a strong foundation in general management with highly focused preparation in marketing. With marketing analytics and insights-specific courses, electives, and applied learning opportunities that begin as soon as your first semester, the MBA in Business: Marketing: Marketing Analytics and Insights gives you a competitive edge in your career.

First Semester

  • Marketing Research
  • Current Topics in Marketing

Second Semester

  • Marketing Analytics
  • Qualitative Insights or New Product Innovation
  • Data Technology
  • Data Visualization
  • Experiments & Causal Methods
  • Marketing Consulting Practicum
  • Marketing in the Digital Age

Learn more about the marketing MBA core curriculum .

This is a representation of the course of study. Specifics may vary.

Marketing Leadership Institute

A speaker addressing attendees at an advisory board meeting

With industry experience and support, Wisconsin goes deeper. A dedicated knowledge center, the Marketing Leadership Institute , is backed by industry professionals and is a unique pillar of the Wisconsin MBA in marketing analytics and insights. You gain a strong network in the field and close ties to alumni working in your ideal career path.

Participating marketing industry experts and alumni:

  • Guide curriculum
  • Host applied learning
  • Contribute to the classroom
  • Mentor students
  • Assist with recruiting and placement

Members of the Marketing Leadership Institute’s advisory board have deep ties to industry and consult on curriculum, projects, and networking. See our advisory board members .

Microsoft logo

Get To Know Our MBAs

Hear about students’ experiences in the program.

Alison “Ali” Heimert

Solve Business Problems With Data

Alison “Ali” Heimert, MBA ’19

Lindsey Rasie

Apply Market Research to Business Strategy

Lindsey Rasie, MBA ’18

Camille Clark

Apply Real‑World Strategies

Camille Clark, MBA ’17

Your MBA. Your Career Success.

High staff-to-student ratio means you get unlimited support—and exceptional connections—as you step into your ideal career.

Check out the other marketing pathways

  • Brand and Marketing Management
  • Technology Product Marketing

Connect with us.

Sign up to learn more about the Wisconsin Full-Time MBA.

Schedule a 30-minute admissions consultation, attend an upcoming event.


Best Digital Marketing Topics for an MBA Project in 2022

Digital marketing for MBA has become pivotal. Especially for those majoring in marketing and IT. Educational institutions and online institutes have been curating the best digital marketing courses in recent years.

Since firms have had to adapt, it is only natural for the curriculum to keep up with global trends. Digital marketing has also become a much-favored topic for MBA students . Here’s why.

Why Is Digital Marketing a Popular Topic for MBA?

Digital Darwinism is forcing businesses to reconsider digital marketing as the most viable option. The fast-paced field has shifting dynamics, which compels firms to adapt faster than their capabilities. From social media marketing to cool SEO tactics, the digital marketing industry has taken over the traditional marketing industry by storm.

The need for digital marketing catapulted in 2020. With the coronavirus shutting down the economy, several industries resorted to online businesses. This catalyzed the evolution that was a long time coming. The lockdown forced people into isolation, and they resorted to the internet for escape, and the advertising industry lapped up the profits.

There are 1.5 billion active users of social media globally, which allows digital marketing to get to a larger base. Consider this: a small thrift shop in your locality wasn’t getting enough leads. They decided to model the dresses themselves and resorted to free, valuable content on TikTok. They launch their brand globally without having to pay anything.

This is the best-case scenario in terms of organic growth. But this is also the reality of several small businesses in remote corners of the world, forcing even Instagram to launch its video feature: reels.

The choice of digital marketing for MBA project topics is obvious. Since digital marketing is an umbrella term that encompasses a vast range of services, it presents a lot of possibilities for research. The Covid-19 pandemic has only increased the importance of digital marketing topics for MBAs.

Top Digital Marketing Topics for an MBA Project in 2022

Here’s a list of the Best Digital Marketing Topics for an MBA Project in 2022:

Influencer Endorsement in Digital Marketing

How does influencer marketing affect customer acquisition? One of the best digital marketing topics for MBA projects in 2022 is influencer endorsement. You could research the brands that benefit most from this strategy and present a comparative analysis of celebrity endorsements versus influencer endorsements.


How Do SEO Tools Affect Client Satisfaction?

SEO can make or break a website which is why search engine optimization is a priority in digital marketing. But does spending more on SEO tools guarantee client satisfaction? A key concern in judging the parameters of digital marketing is the search engine optimization of websites. You can collect data from two companies: one that focuses more on SEO and the other not so much.

Lead Generation in a Digital Landscape

Cold calling may not be a thing of the past, but it is still archaic. Lead generation through funnels and targeted ads are the new norm. An interesting topic based on digital marketing for MBA projects is how it has affected lead generation for a business. Does it differ for B2B and B2C companies?

Pre-pandemic Digital Marketing vs. Post-pandemic Digital Marketing: A Case Study

Trace the changes in digital marketing before 2020 and after 2020. Perform a SWOT analysis of companies that adhere to both and analyze the changes in lead generation. For this, you can head to local shops or restaurants to get relevant and accurate statistics. It’s obvious that the impact of digital marketing on small businesse s is increasing. So, you can analyze the details and it can be a great MBA project topic.

Digital Marketing for B2B Companies

B2B companies need the help of other businesses to propel their profits. How does digital marketing affect these companies? You can do a case study of a B2B company, for instance, from the automobile industry. How is it different from B2C companies? This would be a good point to discuss the differences that digital marketing brings to B2B and B2C companies.

The Impact of Social Media on Customer Preferences

Social media is a vast marketing gimmick, but to what extent can it change the preferences of the consumer? Trace the changes amongst your friends, and chart out their trajectories as customers. Also, find out what people without social media are accustomed to and how much their interests are their own.

How Has Digital Marketing Affected the Publishing Industry?

The publishing industry has been in a dilemma since the reading of physical books declined in the digital revolution. How are they using social media like Instagram and digital marketing for their purposes? How is it affecting the opinions of readers? Which digital marketing skills are in demand in the publishing industry? Give a detailed analysis.


Comparative Analysis of Digital Marketing Tools

Digital marketing tools are all the rage now. These tools perform analytics without manual input. One of the best digital marketing topics for an MBA includes the accuracy of various programs. Work on competitors for SEO tools and underline what features each has, and then compare it to the demand of the market. If you don’t know which tools to choose or how to use them, you can get help from the digital marketing courses for beginners

Digital Marketing and Business in the Lockdown: A Case Study

Find proofs and file a report on business in the lockdown. How has a business with digital marketing campaigns fared in the pandemic? How has a business with zero or mediocre digital marketing campaigns fared in the pandemic? You can collect either primary or secondary data for this. Assess the damage done by the pandemic and the part that digital marketing could salvage. It will be best if you can create this case study for the industries that benefit most from digital marketing .

Research on Local Businesses: A Case Study

Local businesses were hit the hardest by the pandemic. To gauge the effect of digital marketing, you can interview the local grocer or dressmakers and compare how digital marketing has affected essential and non-essential businesses. You could outline the changes that digital marketing has made to the reach of both and the scope of digital marketing for small business owners after the pandemic.


The Rise of Digital Marketing After COVID-19 Outbreak

As economic activities have slowed, COVID-19 has led to an acceleration in e-commerce and digital transformation.

When lockdowns became normal, companies and customers progressively used “digital technology” to supply and purchase more goods and products online, boosting their worldwide retail share from 14% in 2019 to approximately 17% in 2020.

The new COVID-19 and e-Commerce study – a Worldwide Review, by UNCTAD and eTrade for all partners – highlights these and other results, commenting on the tremendous shifts in the global and regional industry until 2020. You can research these examples by finding and interviewing the companies.

Return On Investment in Digital Marketing

You can find a list of organizations in this project concept, discover their budget for digital marketing and analyze the return they expect. The future value, net present value, and internal return rate are a few metrics that you can collect. This might help your project look much more interesting than others by including your digital marketing efforts.

Customer Experience and Digital Marketing

In today’s multivocal world, customer experience became the key concept when it comes to company strategy. People not only search for cost-effective and high-performance products, but they also look for a good experience. It would be smart to find companies that follow this strategy and speak to their CX managers. The effect of Google Search Engine Marketing

Search engine marketing is the use of the SEO approach to rank the customer’s first website on Google search for the phrase. This leads bio-search traffic to the website of the customer, some of which eventually becomes a sale. You can speak to Digital Marketing Managers about the effects of campaigns to assess and compare different SEO tactics.

Artificial Intelligence in Digital Marketing

The increase in digital marketing automation is currently one of the most widely discussed topics in the usage of AI (Artificial Intelligence). A great analysis of how the digital marketing sector can be changed by artificial intelligence, the benefits, and the cons. Will man-made intelligence lead to employment losses? If so, what should all digital marketers do to remain in the industry of internet marketing? Speaking to specialists in that field and writing their opinions along with data would help.

The Rise of Mobile Apps Using Digital Marketing

Many experts have identified the introduction of app development into marketing plans as one of the most significant elements in current marketing efforts. It works on several levels. It provides initial consumer access, simplifies the purchase process, shares special deals and coupons, and even provides a source of client data for mining. It’s the greatest strategy to boost your business growth by investing in basic costs. Explore examples that use the power of mobile apps.

The Effect of Google on Online Shopping

68% of online buyers are looking for a product on Google before buying You first need to understand the journey of the buyer before you can optimize your website for a better buying experience.

Even if no two visitors are the same, these recent statistics reveal that internet buyers have a pattern. And 68% of people go to Google for information while shopping for a particular product.

In this situation, the customers should be looking for your products—Shopping Google. It is worth researching this subject and doing a case study.

Digital Transformation Case Studies


Digital Marketing Institute offers you many digital transformation case studies for free. Click here and find out more.

This is an extensive list of digital marketing topics for an MBA. Some of these require you to call other companies and collect data while some can be done by yourself. You can also use them to adapt and develop your project subjects or concepts. Choose the ideal one for you and enjoy exploring it. You need practical experience with such digital marketing tasks if you want excellence in digital marketing.

You can only learn in practical ways how search engines work, how we can use the tools available on the market, and how to apply various methods in our daily work by working with digital marketing initiatives.

Digital Marketing for MBA projects acts as a precursor for any digital marketing campaign that you run in the future. It determines your ability to perform market research when necessary and deal with digital Darwinism.

Remember that the digital marketing field is dynamic. The changing patterns require being alert to market trends and demands and tapping into the extensive reach provided by this service.

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Tumay Ulutaş Ertuğrul

Written by: Tumay Ulutaş Ertuğrul

16 Mar 2021

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MBA Project Guru

MBA Marketing Project | Final Year Marketing Projects Topics for MBA

Mba marketing project topics for final year.

MBA Project Guru is No.1 MBA Marketing Project Topics for final year providers in all India universities. MBA Marketing Project Report and Synopsis in reasonable price. We provide complete solutions regarding your mba project. We provide readymade synopsis and report data with unique topic. We provide MBA Marketing Project report for all India regular and distance universities.

MBA Marketing Project - MBA Project Guru

Are you looking for a ready-made MBA marketing project topics for final year project report your college? We are here to understand your need and have experienced experts who would help you with the same.

MBA Marketing Project

MBA Marketing involves branding, advertising, market research across global markets, and other topics. When creating an MBA marketing project, the task might become a little daunting for some students and scholars. At MBA Project Guru, we prepare and deliver impeccable MBA marketing projects. These are guided by the most immediate requirements and specifications of the industry.

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Complete Projects - Soft-copy in your email-id (online)
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MBA Marketing Projects Topics

  • To analyze the marketing of ABC Company
  • Corporate selling and feedback for ABC Company
  • Study Of Study Of Customers Preferences And Satisfaction Towards Raymond Fabric (MBA Marketing Project)
  • A study on how CBD will be a potential channel in bridging the geographical barrier in insurance sale for icici prudential (MBA Marketing)
  • Bunker Market In India And Its Global Perspective Of Iocl (MBA Marketing Project)
  • A Study on Purchase Behaviour of Mobile phone among women segment (MBA Marketing)
  • Building Brands With Special Reference To FMCG Sector Effectiveness Of Celebrity Endorsement In Building Brands With Special Reference To FMCG Sector
  • A study on customer experience management - CEM in personal loan (MBA Marketing)
  • Budget Hotels Branding As A Marketing Tool For Budget Hotels (MBA Marketing)
  • A study on awareness and expectations of industrial entities with respect to mortgage programmes offered by Citi Financial (MBA Marketing)
  • B-Segment Cars In India Study Of Consumer Behaviour Among B-Segment Cars In India (MBA Marketing Project)
  • A study to evaluate the banking services provided to SME customers (MBA Marketing)
  • Brokerage Industry Competitors Analysis in Brokerage Industry (MBA Marketing)
  • A study on existing customers perception towards tax saving & ULIP products of ICICI Prudential Life Insurance (MBA Marketing)
  • Britannia Milk Marketing Strategies of Britannia Milk Products
  • A study on customer feedback about Centurion Bank of Punjab services (MBA Marketing)
  • Britannia Dairy Products to Identify The Reasons For Inconsistent Sales Of Britannia Dairy Products.
  • A study on trading behavior of investors at Reliance Money (MBA Marketing)
  • Brief Study of Indian Cosmetic Industry with Special Reference to Lakme and Revlon.
  • Expansion of Blackberry in retail market through retail auditing, marketing, research and survey (MBA Marketing)
  • Branding Strategies of Sony Ericsson. (MBA Marketing)
  • Brand awareness of Spencers & its comparative analysis with Big Bazaar & other retail organizations (MBA Marketing)
  • Branding & Promotion Strategy of See-Saw Media Pvt Ltd (MBA Marketing)
  • A project report on Apollo tyres brand image. (MBA Marketing)
  • Project report on consumer behaviour of HMT - Hindustan Machine Tools (MBA Marketing)
  • A study on retailers satisfaction with special reference to Suguna poultry farm (MBA Marketing)
  • Internet Marketing Strategies - approaches and challenges : an overview (MBA marketing)
  • Service Quality and Consumer satisfaction of Maruti Service Centers (MBA Marketing)
  • Brand Positioning Customers Are Fools Brand Positioning In Fmcg Sector
  • Brand Preference and Buying A Study On Behavior For Compact. (MBA Marketing)
  • Brand Strategy of Reputed Companies. (MBA Marketing)
  • Brand Equity How Merchandising Helps In Building (MBA Marketing)
  • A study on customer satisfaction towards Ventura Pumps (MBA Marketing)
  • A study on distribution channel adopted by the Times of India to its existing customers (MBA Marketing)
  • Emergence of Internet Marketing -Origins, Needs, Challenges and Opportunities (MBA Marketing)
  • Measurement of Brand awareness and brand perception of Mobile Phone Company (MBA - Marketing)
  • Factors influencing Customer Buying Decisions - a Case Study - (MBA Marketing)
  • Marketing through social media and bookmarking sites (MBA - Marketing)
  • Excellence In Marketing Application – Success Of Hospitality Sector (MBA Marketing)
  • To Find The Level of Deployment of it in Automobile and Textile Industry In India
  • Marketing Strategy Of Berger Paints (MBA Marketing Project)
  • MBA marketing project on Bokaro Steel Plan Marketing & Job Satisfaction in BPO E-Enabled Services In India The BPO Industry.
  • Blue Star Ltd. An Analaysis Of Marketing Strategy Of Blue Star Ltd. (MBA Marketing Project)
  • Studying the influence of factors affecting purchase behaviour of customers towards Life Insurance products (MBA Marketing)
  • A study on dealers perception in ABCD Apparels (MBA Marketing)
  • Radio as a promotional tool an exploratory study (MBA Marketing)
  • A study on identification of non performing dealers and measures to be taken to convert them into performing dealers (MBA HR /Marketing)
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  • Emergence of E-Commerce - A brief history - Indian scenario (MBA Marketing)
  • Customers First, Employees Later Service Marketing Overview - (MBA Marketing)
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  • Customer satisfaction of Kent waterpurifier (MBA - Marketing)
  • MBA Marketing Project Brand Equity or Retailer Equity
  • Event Marketing Through facebook In District of Rohtas, Bihar (MBA Marketing Project)
  • MBA Marketing Project in BHARTI TELECOM Beetel Marketing Research of Bharti Telecom1 (MBA Marketing Project)
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  • Marketing Strategy for A Brand From An Artisanal Cluster The N.I.F.T Cluster Development Initiatives
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  • Brand Differentiation Strategies Adopted By IBM India (MBA Marketing)
  • Effectiveness of Online Classifieds Website (MBA Marketing)
  • MBA Marketing Project in Psu Bank Improving Customer Service In PSU Banks In Delhi Executive Summary PSU (MBA Marketing)
  • Real Fruti Jouice Advertisement & Sales Promotion Real Fruit Juice
  • Product Promotion & Customer Behaviour For Hcl Laptops.
  • Effectiveness of Retailing Mix in Big Bazaar (MBA Marketing)
  • A study on the consumer perception of HYUNDAI [Car Model] Cars (MBA Marketing)
  • What The Role Of Advertising In Converting Low Involvement Products Is Into Big Brands Examine 5 Indian Brands In This Regard.
  • Value Chain Perspective On The Economic Drivers Of Competition In The Wireless Telecommunications Industry.
  • Telecom Study Of Mobile Marketing And Its Trends In Global And Indian Scenario Value Added Services (Vas) One97 Is A Full Range.
  • Trading Policies Deficiency In Indian Commodity Market Trading Policies Trends In Indian Carbon Market. (MBA Marketing)
  • Vegetables Fruits And Vegetables And Its Efficiency In India” An Empirical Study Covering Wholesale Markets Of Delhi And Ghaziabad (U.P). (MBA Marketing)
  • Study of consumer behavior in Automotive industry (MBA Marketing)
  • MBA Marketing Project in a study on factors affecting customers preference towards life insurance policies
  • B2C Marketing strategies on Social Media (MBA Marketing)
  • Wipro Decision Making Strategies In Wipro New Delhi Institute of Management.
  • Planning for Internet Marketing - broad guidelines : A case study (MBA Marketing)
  • MBA Marketing Project in Brand extension of automobile in Indian market
  • Brand Positioning- In Soft Drink Industry (MBA Marketing)
  • MBA Marketing Project in Hero Honda Marketing Strategy of Hero Honda Final

Our projects are well-catered and cover broader aspects of MBA marketing as per the requirements of the students. These include marketing communication, market research, social media, sales and distribution, branding and positioning, etc. Moreover, we also provide you with project reports that include a synopsis, graphical representations, and a summary. 

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MBA Marketing Project Report

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Many companies are providing you with MBA marketing projects. But we ensure that we provide you with absolutely unique projects. We also ensure that our projects help you to score good marks. So, get in touch with us soon to complete the MBA marketing project.

MBA Project Report for all MBA Branches

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Finance Project

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Category: MBA Marketing Projects

MBA Marketing Projects available for free to use.

A Study of Consumer’s Online and Offline Shopping Behavior Project Report

An Analysis of Consumer’s Online and Offline Shopping Behavior is an MBA Marketing-related final-year project. The main aim of this project is to study online shopping customer’s behavior and offline shopping customers behavior. The duration of the project is 60 days.


1. Analysis of consumer behavior on online and offline purchases. 2. Conduct a comparative study of online and offline purchases. 3. Find out what people think about online shopping.


  • Therefore, this study “A Study of Consumer’s Online and Offline Shopping Behavior” will be useful for the online seller in creating a strategy to meet their needs by knowing the attitude and satisfaction level of the customers.
  • Determine what factors affect the consumer’s online purchases.
  • Find out which website features will motivate the user to buy the product from the online shopping website.


  • The results of the survey are based on the assumption that respondents have accurate information.
  • Research is limited in time and cost.
  • Respondents filled out the questionnaire by accident because they did not want to provide any information, which may affect the conclusion.


  • Use a debit card instead of another payment method.
  • Don’t buy from spam or phishing emails.
  • Buy from a mobile device, not a computer.
  • Compare product prices through price comparison sites.
  • Buy electronic equipment and valuables from offline trading.
  • Read the refund policy.
  • Buy from trusted websites.
  • The survey also showed a positive attitude and behavior of consumers who prefer traditional stores to online shopping.
  • Online shopping has made consumers more efficient and effective in their purchasing behavior, taking business to a new level and forcing many to make the necessary adjustments and changes to reach new markets for informed consumers.
  • Technology has made significant progress over the years to provide consumers with a better online shopping experience and will continue to do so for many years to come.
  • With the rapid growth of products and brands, people thought that online stores would overtake in-store purchases.
  • Research shows that changes in online shopping behavior are positive for reasons such as cash on delivery, discounts, schemes, and the quality of the products offered.
  • Internet use, successful online shopping, rising living standards, the influence of friends, and attractive offers have influenced the decision to buy.
  • The “Y” generation, aged 18-35, was mainly interested in purchasing electronic products online via smartphones.
  • Consumer e-decision-making is primarily influenced by marketing influences, such as price, television, newspaper, and magazine ads, free samples, product quality, and brand image, which have the greatest impact on consumers’ desire to shop online.
  • Electronic purchases of electronic products were less in demand, but more in demand by clothing consumers.
  • several goods in the preferential zone are not delivered by trade sites, and with the development of technology, the preference for online shopping has increased.

Download the complete MBA marketing project report on AN ANALYSIS OF CONSUMER’S ONLINE AND OFFLINE SHOPPING BEHAVIOUR

Design Solution for Effective Public Toilets in Cities Project Report

Objectives of the study:.

  • Estimate public awareness and perception of public restrooms.
  • Know the rate of use of public restrooms.
  • Know the problems that people face to access a public bathroom.
  • Know the level of satisfaction with the cleanliness of public restrooms.
  • Study that public restrooms are designed and maintained to meet community expectations and that they are safe and attractive to use.
  • Understand how the lack of toilets in public spaces affects people in India and also people who travel to India.
  • Know if it is worth using public restrooms or not.

Scope of the study:

The purpose of our study is to understand the public’s perception of public restrooms and how satisfied the public is with the cleanliness of public restrooms. We also focus on whether long-term improvement programs like the Swachh Bharat Mission lead to the installation of enough public toilets in India and how the lack of toilets affects people in India. We have collected responses across India during the period June to July 2020, where our sample size is 140 respondents. Safe sanitation is an important parameter for a clean environment as well as for ensuring public health and hygiene. It also plays a vital role in the economic development of society. Access to essential basic facilities, such as toilets for all, is a minimum requirement for safe sanitation. To eliminate open defecation by 2019, the national flagship program, Swachh Bharat Mission (SBM-Urban), launched by the Government of India in urban areas, has made remarkable progress.

In the process of achieving the overall goal of SBM, several innovative concepts have evolved and emerged to increase access to toilets. In this project, we discuss the methodologies used to maintain the cleanliness of open restrooms and the proposed facilities for specially disabled people. One of the best possible methods to prevent open defecation is to first provide infrastructure facilities where needed. Mainly in the north side of India, open defecation is considered no different. They are mostly men who prefer open defecation. The next thing is to maintain the infrastructure so that visitors can use it efficiently and effectively.

Many issues need to be addressed to keep restrooms open properly. First and foremost is proper and frequent cleaning of open restrooms. Although the municipality has taken many steps to improve the maintenance of open restrooms, it is still not maintained as expected. Now, they have even started using the latest technologies to achieve this. While workers are available or trying to perform their duties properly, the most significant difficulty they face in many places is the availability of sufficient water to clean toilets.


  • The availability of public latrines can be increased and the government should ensure that latrines are located every 5-6 km.
  • Effective campaigns to stigmatize public toilets.
  • Explain the consequences of human use, sanitation, and unsanitary conditions.
  • We believe that if the government provides more public toilets, people who are constantly unable to go to work and beg will be employed.
  • Public toilets, especially if poorly maintained, can lead to the spread of certain diseases.
  • In 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, COVID-19 became known to spread not only through respiratory droplets but also through aerosol particles that would remain dormant for some time.
  • Public toilets have several access points: door locks, washbasins, and faucets, which need to be cleaned periodically. PHLUSH, a non-governmental organization, has published guidelines for the safe opening of public toilets. This includes, for example, “Installing hand hygiene stations in the bathrooms at the entrance and asking them to clean their hands before entering to prevent surface contamination.”
  • We also recommend eliminating forced ventilation that spreads viruses and bacteria into the room.

Limitations of the study:

No one in this world is perfect. This is a tendency to make mistakes. During the study of the subject, special care was taken to gather the best information, but some things went out of control. Below are some of the limitations of the study:

  • The survey should not be considered complex, as it is possible to contact a limited number of respondents due to time constraints.
  • The goals and objectives of the study, as well as the questions to be explained to the respondents, and their answers, may be one-sided.
  • Some respondents were reluctant to respond.
  • Only a limited sample size is considered for the study, and the conclusions drawn from it may not reflect the general population.
  • Research is limited by the COVID-19 pandemic.


The study was conducted to design solutions for effective public toilets in cities. The study achieved its goal by fully analyzing and determining the course of the use of public toilets and user satisfaction and how the lack of toilets in public places affects people. The results of the study show that urban markets, highways, tourist attractions, etc. Also, toilets should be clean and hygienic and placed every 5-6 km distance. The report concludes that the government can take several steps based on the recommendations. The government should adopt some recommendations to ensure that public toilets operate as instructed.

Download the complete DESIGN SOLUTION FOR EFFECTIVE PUBLIC TOILETS IN CITIES MBA Project Report. This Analysis of the Public Toilet Facilities in India Project can be useful for students to make their Final project report.

Consumer Attitude towards Electric Vehicles as an Alternative for Mobility Project Report

This project will be implemented to understand the consumer’s attitude to Electric Vehicles as an alternative to mobility. Electric cars run entirely on battery power and there is no other source. Battery-powered cars are known as electric cars, often referred to as Electric Vehicles. This MBA Marketing project study is based on the details involved through a questionnaire and additional information. The research methodology is such that it is conducted through descriptive research, data collection questionnaires, and various articles, journals, literature reviews, and websites.

Data are collected through primary and secondary sources. Data collection is done through Google Forms and Consumer Surveys. Respondents include current car owners, potential car buyers, and the primitive economy class.

Secondary data: in the form of finished products, as they are statistically considered in one way or another. The secondary data consists mainly of articles published by various academics and corporate authors, data collected from company websites, and research. And also review the literature.

Data were collected from two different sources: primary and secondary. Basic information was collected by distributing the questionnaire in the form of Google documents to drivers, potential buyers, primitive class, and current owners.

Secondary information is obtained from various websites, research websites, research articles, and literature reviews.

Selection methods are descriptive statistics and persuasive selection. Sample size 150.

Project name – Consumer Attitude towards Electric Vehicles as an Alternative for Mobility.

And the objectives are

  • Know the consumer’s attitude and perception of electric vehicles for mobility.
  • Study current consumer expectations regarding electric vehicles.
  • This project is designed to meet the stated objectives.

Findings of the research are

  • Cost can be an important factor, as most consumers are willing to pay between Rs 5,000 and Rs 15,000, while only a few are willing to pay more.
  • Battery charging time is the biggest concern. Consumers are willing to wait 2-6 hours for a full charge and fewer consumers can wait 8 hours.
  • Many people still think that the technology to build electric cars will be available in the next five years.
  • Electric Vehicles companies need to advertise their cars, so everyone knows about the product.
  • Most respondents are ready to buy as soon as possible and will be ready to do so in the next five years.
  • Many people still do not worry about the environment

can be concluded by

  • If the price of Electric Vehicles is between Rs 5,000 and Rs 15,000, we will see more sales, so a cheaper price will be offered.
  • More battery autonomy is required, so companies need to improve car battery autonomy.
  • Power stations will be installed at each gas station.
  • Companies should focus on advertising and publicizing electric vehicles.
  • Consumers have a positive attitude towards Electric Vehicles.
  • Mid-priced cars attract more.

Finally, the analysis of the available data, both primary and secondary data, meets the objectives we set.

Data Analysis:

How much are you willing to spend on an electric car


  • If the Electric Vehicles price is between Rs 5-15 lakhs, we can see more sales, so a lower price is recommended.
  • Battery life is longer, so companies need to improve car battery life.
  • Consumers have a positive attitude towards electric cars.
  • Cars need more power and comfort, and manufacturers need to think about this.
  • The company should conduct a campaign to promote electric vehicles.

Today, the automotive industry is growing day by day and everyone in the world wants to get a vehicle for their mobility. Trends in the automotive industry change from time to time to new sources of vehicles, such as gasoline, diesel, gas, hybrid vehicles, or solar vehicles. But the most surprising trend is the innovation of electric cars. We have seen electric trains before, but now we can see buses and cars. Therefore, this study is conducted to gain knowledge and understand consumer attitudes. The survey depends on the questionnaire, which includes basic information and additional information. The analysis of the research answers is completed.

  • Electric Vehicles will be a new trend in the automotive industry.
  • Over the last 10 years, we have seen many Electric Vehicles on the road.
  • People are ready to experience.
  • Cost, battery life and power plants can be key factors.
  • Consumers have a positive view of Electric Vehicles.

Download the complete MBA Marketing project report on Consumer Attitude towards Electric Vehicles as an Alternative for Mobility

Consumer Preference towards Pricing Strategies of Washing Powder MBA Marketing Project

The present study aims to find out the “Consumer preference towards pricing strategies of washing Powder”. It emphasizes gauging the strength level of the perception in the retailer’s mind. This MBA Marketing project mainly deals with ascertaining the perception of  Vanish Washing Powder and suggestions to improve the market share.

The alternate title of this project is Pricing Strategies adopted by brand vanish around Hyderabad.

The Pricing Strategies study is based on both primary and secondary data. The data collected in the research is primary data through the mode of structured direct personal interviews. The data was collected from secondary sources such as journals, magazines, reports, previous reports, and the company web.                                             

It is found that most people prefer to Vanish washing powder for the quality and cleanliness and maximum numbers feeling good. They suggested that the company needs to develop low-cost variants and provide better pricing options to consumers. It is also suggested to the company bring more awareness which can gain from the ordinal utilization of promotional tools. This can help in grabbing the market share.


Null  Hypotheses:   There is no difference between Consumer preference & Pricing offers provided by Vanish Powder.

Alternative Hypotheses:  There is a difference between consumer preference and Pricing offers provided by Vanish Washing Powder.


  • To study the consumer preference towards Vanish washing powder
  • To understand the pricing strategies of Vanish washing powder.
  • To know the factors that influence buying Vanish washing powder
  • To come out with suitable measures that help in improving Brand loyalty and satisfaction towards Vanish washing powder


The scope of this study is to find out the student’s preferences and opinions regarding the pricing of Vanish Powder. The present study will keep the companies informed about the  Buying Behaviour towards Vanish Powder and try to come up with solutions to the problems faced during purchasing and post-purchasing of Vanish Washing Powder. The main aim of this study is to measure the usage of Vanish Powder in Hyderabad city and the  Consumer’s choice of choosing a brand based on quality and benefits.  


Sampling Procedure:

 The Sampling Procedure used is Area Sampling.

Sampling Unit:

All the users of Vanish washing powder form part of the Sampling units.

Sampling Frame:

The population for the study consists of consumers buying Vanish washing powder.

Sampling Size:

The Sample Size is limited to 100 respondents.


  • Primary Data:

The primary data was used collected by Conducting a Survey about the Vanish washing powder with the help of a well-designed Questionnaire.

  • Secondary Data:

The data was used collected from the various website of Vanish washing powder, company literature, Journals on Marketing, and Business newspapers.


The Data analysis was used by using various tools such as cross-tables, Charts, Graphs, Percentages, etc.


  • The Study is limited to vanish Washing Powder only.
  • The Study is limited to Hyderabad City
  • The study is limited to 100 respondents.
  • The views and opinions of the respondents may change later.

Role of digital strategy in the globalization of Medium-scale Indian Pharmaceutical Industries

How digital strategy is going to help medium and small pharmaceutical companies to grow as global players and the opportunities for them in international markets. How digitalization helps to improve their operational efficiency, Brand promotion, and increase in quality, to make the company competitive, grow in terms of productivity, revenues, and profitability.

Main Objective of this Research

  • To develop a framework to exploit the new technologies in marketing and globalization for medium-size firms in the pharmaceutical industry.
  • To highlight to the top and senior management how to benefit from new technology.
  • To disseminate the view that the use of traditional brick and mortar models with new technologies can create better results in terms of globalization.
  • To establish the need for HCM to achieve a competitive advantage in marketing.
  • To highlight the various tools and technologies available for marketing. the products of medium-scale firms in the pharmaceutical industry in India.

  Other Objectives of the Research

  • To evaluate and design a suitable framework of digital marketing for the globalization of Indian pharmaceutical companies
  • To establish and highlight why the integration of traditional models and digital marketing is important for the success of the company
  • Evaluate the various digital marketing tools such as the use of smartphones, social media, blogs, and websites with traditional marketing tools how they have to be integrated to maximize the performance of the company’s marketing efforts.
  • To evaluate and understand the importance of a balance in the use of traditional and digital marketing to achieve a competitive advantage for the firm
  • To establish the need for a globalization strategy for the survival and growth of the small firms

  Scope and Limitations of the Research

Each and every research work has its own scopes and limitations that are ethical, genuine, and validity of the information. And hence this research as well as its own limitations and scope. The research work will focus on the digital marketing of Indian small and medium-sized pharmacy companies competing in the highly competitive global market.

The Indian pharmacy market has grown tremendously in the past few decades, further there are plenty of medium-sized companies operating in other foreign countries. This research will focus on the methods that these medium-sized companies use the technologies available to them. The reason why the researcher has selected quantitative analysis is due to the huge market in India and the numerous operating medium-sized businesses.

Hence the researcher is looking to collect most information from most of the companies across the nation and their wide range of customers in order to get a clear picture of the research at hand. Hence this research will follow an interpretative pattern and an interpretative paradigm as well. 

Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising – To be or Not to be Project

Objectives of the Study:

  • To identify whether advertising on Tobacco and Alcohol to be or not be.
  • How advertising of Alcohol and Tobacco tending youth to get addicted.
  • Regulations and guide lines from government side and Income generation perspective.
  • How Alcohol and tobacco directly or indirectly effecting the health of the public especially youth and impact on society.
  • Contribution of advertising in increasing the contribution of consumption of alcohol and tobacco products.

Need of the Study:

There are many Impacts which are cursing the youth and children and the the role which is being played by Advertsing is also key and the Impact on society, youth, children etc.., Governments may put guide lines, rules and regulations to control the adverse effects but the fact is that the governments could sustain only if they encourage alcohol and tobacco sales and the revenue generated by them as tax directly and indirectly. The bribings to government officials, vulgar advertisements on Hordings etc.., has tend me to know and understand whether the advertising is to be or not to be on Alhocol and Tobacco Products.

Scope of the Study:

The scope of the Study is varied but confined to Chennai city and the study is carried out in questionnaire model and it was an Interview based model. The respondents are from different age groups, Income levels, educational backgrounds. The scope here is confined to advertising, Pros and cons of Alcohol, Pros and Cons of Tobacco and the role of advertising Tobacco and Alcohol Products and the effects etc were discussed breifly. Statement Problem

Limitations of the Study:

  • The respondents Includes different age groups, Agencies, educational backgrounds, economic levels which gives different opininons of few questions.
  • Sample size is limited to 200 respondents of Chennai Region.
  • The research is confined to a certain part of Chennai City.
  • Time is one more constraint and the energy levels pertaining to temperature of Chennai city.

Difenetely the advertising on Alcohol and tobacco Products is not to be case in India in current Scenario. The central and state governments has to cordinate with all concerned departments in controlling the adverse effects of drinking and smoking. Every one have to think and it is the responsibility of every one mainly the celebrities who are giving ads to alcohol and the tobacco based products. The parents who have to monitor their children and their friends and their activities as it is been observed the youth is getting attracted to these and spoiling their lifes and careers. The domestic issues and work issues need to be handled in balance, smoking or the drinking may give temperory relaxation but it is not the permanenet solution moreover it kills.


  • Reducing or controlling the adverse effects of alochol or the tobacco is the collective of all the individuals of society, it may be with in the family, Parents, NGOs, Media, Governments etc.,
  • The Governments has to work transperantly and honestly on controls.
  • The celebrities have to work on Promotion of effects ofAlcohol or Tobacco rathet than promoting their consumption.
  • The existing regulations and guidelines are enough only to some extent but they are not enough.
  • Few States like Gujarath could manage to develop even after having Ban on surrogative products and it had happened only because of Industrialization etc.,
  • The other States and the central governments have to work on strategies on generating revenues apart from tobacco and alcohol related products.

Download the Complete MBA Marketing Project Report on Alcohol and Tobacco Advertising – To be or Not to be. This Project for PG in Advertising and Public Relations.

A Study on Application of Advertising through Mobile Phone Framework among Various Types of Goods and Services

The study was conducted to analyze the use of mobile advertising in consumer behavior when purchasing goods and services. The study aims to analyze the impact of various factors affecting the satisfaction of mobile users’ SMS and to understand the importance of SMS as an advertising channel/tool. It is designed to study how companies treat their customers through advertising on mobile phones and to study consumer behavior towards advertising on mobile phones.

The study examines whether mobile advertising can be an effective means of advertising to customers in Dubai. A key ingredient in this study is consumer perception of mobile advertising. Emerging applications and dynamic developments in social networks provide great opportunities for future research.

The main purpose of this study was to find out the interest of Dubai mobile customers in mobile advertising. Research helps companies understand how to reach their customers and sell their products and services through mobile advertising. It helps you take care of sending SMS, and covers all aspects with good content, as well as product features, ease of use, and benefits.

This study is of an exploratory and descriptive nature. The sample size was 100 consumers, including young students, businessmen, and professionals who use mobile phones. The questionnaire was used as the primary source for collecting the initial data. Preliminary data and interviews were conducted. Additional information was collected from journals and reference articles as a secondary source of information. The convenient selection method is used as a tool to collect the necessary information from the population. International and national articles, publications, and books were obtained as additional sources to gain conceptual knowledge identify gaps in research, and deepen understanding. The data were analyzed using tables and graphs and statistical tools such as Chi squares.

The results show that SMS Marketing has been around for several years and has recently become one of the most sought-after marketing tools. Like the rapid change in advertising media, the use of mobile phones for marketing has increased. Companies are looking for services that need to be economical and economical.

Companies doing business in Dubai need to use digital marketing services to promote their business and increase sales, so you need to think about it and start today. If companies do not invent new advertising methods, sooner or later companies will stop working. Businesses have to choose mobile advertising in Dubai today. There are many advertising options to make a profit, but the quality has deteriorated due to a large number of advertising agencies, so if a business is looking for a reputable company to conduct a marketing campaign, it will help reach the right customer at the right time.

  • To study the application of Mobile advertising in the marketing of goods and services.
  • To study the Cost-effectiveness of sending Bulk SMS
  • To study the impact of mobile advertising on consumer behavior focused on purchasing activity.
  • To understand the significance of mobile phone advertising as a Promotional Channel/Tool.
  • To analyze the impact of various factors influencing SMS on mobile user satisfaction.


The present study was undertaken with the objective of analyzing the impact of Mobile advertising on consumers. The study aims to analyze the impact of various factors influencing SMS on mobile user satisfaction and to understand the significance of SMS as a promotional channel/Tool. It is intended to study how companies are approaching their customer through Mobile advertisements and to study consumer behavior towards the Mobile advertisement.

The study is done in Dubai. The data were collected through personal interviews as well as the schedules of the respondents. The Hypothesis of the study was framed based on the factors like the creation of awareness, and interest, informing or persuading the customers, sharing communication, updating of offers, and brand recall. Chi-square analysis is used to analyze the data given by respondents and also to test the hypothesis.

From the study, it is found that most of the respondents are subscribed to the services like job alerts, education tips, examination alerts, and current affairs. Also, it is found that Mobile ads are not able to create interest and persuade customers and do not suit personal needs. Further, few respondents use Mobile advertisements as a reference to buy the products and most of the respondents do not believe in Mobile advertisements.

It is suggested to the company make Mobile ads more creative and attractive to draw the attention of the receivers and the message should contain useful information instead of junk information. Further, promotional messages should be sent to the target customers and innovative measures should be adopted to increase the conservation ratio of the receivers. These suggestions will definitely help the companies to fill the gap that is created between customers and companies.

Download MBA Project on A  Study on Application of Advertising through Mobile Phone Framework among Various Types of Goods and Services

A  Study on Social Media for Innovative Marketing Strategies

This MBA marketing project was done to study the impact of social networks on the marketing process. The study aims to study the activities of consumers interested in the use of social networks and the purpose of using social networks. Its purpose is to analyze the impact of advertising on social networks on consumer purchasing behavior and to study the future potential of social networks.

The training will be held in Hyderabad. Data were collected through interviews and schedules of respondents. The research hypothesis is based on factors such as commenting on photos, commenting on the status of others, chatting, uploading photos, playing games, watching videos, making friends, sending invitations, organizing events, using different apps/tools, and creating groups. upload videos, write messages, read alerts, comment, and support blogs and offers, as well as gambling and consumer marketing on social media.

The survey found that respondents were interested in organizing events, using various applications, creating groups, reading notes and commenting, bidding and competitions, and blogging. In addition, most respondents prefer social networking to chat, have fun and spend time, and so on. use to.

It is recommended that social networks be a useful tool for potential consumers to purchase products and services. Companies should try to use more of the right candidate to get the right position.


  • To study the purpose of using social media networks
  • To study the interested activities of people in using social media networks
  • To find out the application of social media as a marketing tool.
  • To analyze the impact of social media on the purchasing behavior of consumers.
  • The majority of respondents have social media accounts and have been using them for more than three years.
  • Popular social networks are Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram and most of the respondents use more than one.
  • Most respondents prefer it for communication, entertainment, etc. use. and spend more than half an hour a day.
  • Many of them are interested in commenting on photos, writing messages, the status of others, chatting, uploading photos, and making friends on social networks.
  • Some of them are interested in playing games, uploading videos, watching videos, and sending invitations.
  • The minimum number of respondents showed interest in organizing events, using various guides/tools, creating groups, reading and commenting on notes, bidding and competitions, and blogging.
  • The maximum number of respondents are not interested in advertising on social networks, and only 12% of them bought goods/services through social networks.
  • In general, it is noted that the impact of social networks on respondents is high.


  • Popular networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Google Plus share photos, share videos, chat with friends, etc. has a greater impact on people such features. They connect, share ideas, share messages, and so on. With friends. Therefore, social networking sites need to improve the quality of these opportunities so that more customers can take advantage of this opportunity.
  • Social networking sites should strengthen their privacy monitoring functions.
  • Recently, there was a complaint on Facebook that the privacy and security settings are changed every time. Such allegations and gossip violate personal interests. Therefore, you need to take maximum care to get customer satisfaction.
  • Advertising on social networks should be attractive.

Download A  Study on Social Media for Innovative Marketing Strategies MBA Marketing Project.

A Study on Facebook Audience Insights MBA Digital Marketing Project

Title: A Study on Facebook Audience Insights MBA Digital Marketing Project

  • Learn how to use Facebook Audience Insights for market research.
  • Identify the experiences of people using Facebook Insights for their business or Pages.


This study focuses on Facebook Audience Insights in social networks. Due to the limited time of the investigation, the researcher was unable to conduct the investigation on other social networks such as YouTube and Instagram. When it comes to research, one limitation that cannot be ignored is the research population. The sample size is limited for the research, so we cannot say that the result can be accurately applied to others.

Research Methodology

Basic information is collected by sending out an online questionnaire and contacting users from any Facebook audience who use it to promote your business or Page. Secondary research is carried out using articles and books that can be found on web resources. The theoretical part explains the main theories and opinions of various authors about Facebook ads. Sample size – 70


Valuable feedback from respondents

  • Create a FB plan and do your research before you start advertising. It may seem easy and straightforward, but there are many ways to optimize it and get better results. Also, do a split test to see what works best for the results you’re trying to get.
  • Don’t worry about where the posts are, just understand that you will reach your customers and it doesn’t matter where they are, but if they see your ads.
  • Create and store multiple custom audiences through Facebook Audience Insights. Some of them prefer to do this than use the local audience tool inside the builder.
  • Experiment a bit before starting any major campaign. You can see how useful this can be if you have a larger organization, but that’s generally not a good thing. This can be useful if your goal is to learn about just one brand, but in most cases, it’s a pain for the user.
  • If you’re using Facebook Business Manager and Ads Manager, Facebook Audience Network is the only way to go. This saves all audiences and there is no other way to create ads without using this program.
  • Creating local or targeted ads using the Facebook Audience Network is great. This will allow you to create targeted content that will target your audience and increase your visibility, ultimately ensuring that your money is spent efficiently.
  • Take the time to research your network and observe the location. If your audience is very small, your ads may only show on third-party websites.
  • Try it on a limited budget. Do not use website clicks with this post; you will get more clicks. Don’t put too many actions on the average cost per click, because an apple cannot be compared to an apple.

Facebook Audience Insights provides access to valuable demographic and behavioral information that allows you to learn more about your audience and potential audience using the information they provide to Facebook. Using this information to not only target your advertising campaigns more effectively but also to build personas and communicate content marketing ideas, should be an important part of ensuring your strategy is informative. As a result, we can show our products or services to more relevant people and make them easier to lead and sell. While there is no single way to conduct market research and determine if there is a real need for your product, Facebook Audience Insights, and Ads Manager are useful for their unique demographics or user behavior focus.

Download A Study on Facebook Audience Insights MBA Digital Marketing Project

A Study on Pricing Strategies and Its Impact on Customer Purchase

Customer preference is an important element for all businesses in most industries. The retail industry has several types of preferences depending on the product. This study was conducted to get a better understanding of the preferences and satisfaction levels of Chennai silks. Chennai Silks branch gives a variety of collections, varieties, brands, etc., people only predict the success or failure of my project. After a thorough review of the related literature, a questionnaire was developed to determine customer preferences and satisfaction levels. The questionnaire was distributed to customers inside the showroom and around the Hosur area. Statistical tools, including percentages, chi-squares, and ANOVA analysis, are used to identify customer preferences and satisfaction levels. Based on the analysis and interpretation, conclusions for this research are formulated.

Primary objectives :

Analyze pricing strategies and factors that affect customer preferences when buying.

Secondary objectives:

  • Determine customer buying behavior.
  • Define customer expectations.
  • Analyze advertising and promotional activities.
  • Monitor overall customer satisfaction.


  • To calculate the proposed objectives, the questionnaire is designed for people
  • The scope of this project is up to the customer’s preferred study of Chennai silks, such as varieties, collections, quality, brands, services.
  • The scope of research is limited in Hosur and surroundings.


  • Many respondents are not willing to fill out the questionnaire and few are in a hurry.
  • Another problem that I faced is that people are hesitant to give information about their views freely.
  • Surveys are conducted only in Hosur, so results may vary in other parts of the city.
  • Sample size is limited to 300.

A survey of people has been conducted to find out the preferences of Chennai silks. It is observed that all the people prefer to buy Chennai silk than others. It is concluded that most people prefer Chennai silks for its quality, service, and atmosphere. Some people tend to like to shop with varieties, brands, etc. Therefore, it can be concluded from the collected facts that most people refer to buying large packages of clothing of their choice, and sometimes some opt for small packages with the family.

Download the A Study on Pricing Strategies and Its Impact on Customer Purchase MBA Marketing project report

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Top Digital Marketing Projects for MBA Students (Experts Guide)

Top Digital Marketing Projects for MBA Students (Experts Guide)

Table of Contents

Are you an aspiring Digital marketer who is driven to become a pro at honing your craft and leaving a lasting impression? It may be incorrect to believe that all it takes to begin a successful career in digital marketing is the completion of a certificate program in the field.

What exactly are projects in digital marketing, then? What kind of digital marketing project will you make? Which digital marketing initiatives do you think are the best? We can assist you if you’re trying to find the answers to any of these queries. To help you turn your skills into actual job, we’ve put together a list of the best projects in the field of digital marketing.

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Any marketing campaign that makes use of the Internet is considered digital marketing. These comprise digital platforms that can be used to communicate with both present and potential clients, such as search engines, email, websites, social media, etc.

Making the proper connections with the target audience at the correct time and place has always been essential to successful marketing. The ideal location to meet consumers these days, when screen time is at an all-time high, is online.

Imagine being able to understand digital marketing topics theoretically but being unable to apply that knowledge to practical tactics. Here’s where practical tasks come in handy. Digital marketing projects provide you the chance to put your knowledge to the test, try out various strategies, and see the results directly. They operate as a link between theory and actual implementation. They also give you the opportunity to polish and showcase your talents in an eye-catching portfolio, preparing you for the challenges of a real-world career.

Benefist of Digital Marketing Projects in MBA

Practical experience.

  • Practical Experience: Digital marketing initiatives give MBA students the chance to put their theoretical knowledge to use in real-world situations.
  • Development of Skills: Students gain valuable experience in digital marketing projects by working on topics including content generation, social media marketing, SEO, and data analytics.

Industry Relevance

  • Data-Driven Decisions: Students develop their analytical and problem-solving skills by learning how to analyze data to create well-informed marketing decisions.
  • Performance Metrics: Students can assess the efficacy of marketing initiatives by having a solid understanding of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics.

Analytical Thinking

  • Data-Driven Decisions: By using data analysis to inform marketing decisions, students develop their analytical and problem-solving abilities.
  • Performance Metrics: By comprehending metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs), students may assess how successful marketing initiatives are.

Creativity and Innovation

  • Creative Skills: When creating campaigns and content, digital marketing initiatives promote creativity.
  • Innovation: Students can test out creative methods of reaching and interacting with target audiences by working on digital marketing tactics.

Networking Opportunities

  • Industry Connections: Working on projects frequently entails partnering with companies, which opens up networking possibilities with experts in the field.
  • Professional Development: By working on actual projects and clients, students develop a professional network that may prove beneficial for their future employment prospects.

Comprehensive Understanding

  • Holistic Perspective: Digital marketing initiatives provide a thorough grasp of the entire marketing ecosystem, encompassing email marketing, paid advertising, and organic search.
  • Integration: To develop coherent and successful marketing plans, students learn how to integrate different digital marketing platforms.

Personal Branding

  • Portfolio Development: Employers can view the abilities and accomplishments you have by looking through your portfolio, which is built up through successful initiatives.
  • Online Presence: By designing and overseeing their own digital marketing efforts, students can develop their personal brands.

Top Digital Marketing Projects for MBA Students

Earning a degree or certificate in digital marketing could be a terrific way to learn more about the most in-demand industry right now, but the possibilities don’t stop there. Gaining nice clients, doing better work, and developing superior talents all depend on working on excellent digital marketing projects.

Continue reading to discover how to work on these fantastic digital marketing initiatives, what abilities you will acquire from them, and how completing them will benefit you.

1. Detailed SEO Audit of a Website

A significant component of digital marketing is the SEO, or search engine optimization. The largest sources of organic traffic and marketing are blogs and websites. The digital marketers can enhance a website with SEO to make it more attracting and welcoming for their visitors, whether they are already  the customers or not.

You will have the opportunity to use and put your SEO knowledge to use with this project by doing a thorough SEO analysis. You’ll then employ a thorough process to evaluate a website’s functionality, spot areas for optimization, and raise its search engine presence and developing the website’s entire SEO strategy as a result.

Skills Used:

  • Studying and evaluating the terms related to the product, enterprise, or the area of expertise.
  • The tactics for on-page SEO, such as header optimization, internal linking, and the content development.
  • The off-page SEO strategies were include the backlinks and branded search.
  • Skills related to the technical SEO, like approved, indexing, UI/UX, URLs, page speed, and the code issues, etc.
  • The SEO tools including the Google Analytics and the Search Console as well as the keyword research tools.

How to Complete the Project “Detailed SEO Analysis of a Website”

  • Choosing a Website for Examination: Should choose a website that is associated with your area of expertise or according to your passions.
  • Do a thorough investigation of keywords: Should search for the terms and keywords that are relevant to your considered viewers and then take a note of any gaps in your website’s keyword list.
  • Evaluate the On-Page Elements: Keep an eye out for the opportunities for the optimization in the website’s headers, content, title tags, and the meta descriptions.
  • Analyze the backlink profile and domain authority: Examine the website’s backlinks for the relevancy and quality. Then examine the domain authority to learn more about the legitimacy of their website from the search engines.
  • Also identify the technical SEO Issues: Look for the technical issues with the website, such as broken links, quiet  loading speeds, crawling issues, and the mobile friendliness.
  • Create a possible plan for SEO Improvement: Outline an exact plan to improve the website’s search engine optimization performance using the data gathered from your enquiry.
  • Implement On-Page Improvements: Put into practice that the changes you recommended as including the improving meta tags and adding the relevant keywords.
  • Build High-Grade Backlinks: Discuss the potential backlink exchange that could increase the authority of trustworthy websites with them.
  • Pay attention to search engine results: Should use Google Search Console to track the website’s position for targeted keywords on the search engine results pages.
  • Evaluate and Present Improvements: Should use SEO performance metrics to showcase your achievements, such as more natural traffic and the higher search engine ranks.

2. Content Marketing Project

Nothing matters more than the content. This is a common word among the digital marketers because the content is the milestone of the marketing. With the  material, you’ll be able to reach the right audience. Incorporating this feature would enhance the attraction and prominence of the landing pages, emails, blogs, social media posts, and advertising. The content marketing is one of the most important aspects of the digital marketing strategies.

Creating a content marketing project will help you understand how you can improve your brand’s exposure and build relationships with the customers, aslo they promote meaningful engagements with your target audience with the use of successful content strategies.

  • Creating the content strategies that support the audience’s and the company’s objectives.
  • Information production and handling that will generates valuable, engaging, and important content for a range of channels.
  • Also using the audience engagement and relationship-building techniques to use the content to establish the deep connections with your audience.

How to Finish the Task:

  • Set Your Content Marketing Goals: Be sure that you are aware of the goals of content marketing strategy will be pursuing, such as thought leadership, brand visibility, lead generation, and the customer support.
  • Choose the Identity of Your Target Market: Learn about your target audience’s online behavior, preferences, and enumeration in order to modify your content appropriately.
  • Make a Content Calendar: Create a careful content schedule that outlines the topics, formats, and due dates for every piece of material that you produce.
  • Produce Outstanding, Value-Driven Content: Whether you’re creating podcasts, films, profile, or blog posts, make sure the content you create that should meets the needs of your audience.
  • Make Use of a Range of Content Sources: Should distribute your content using email newsletters, social media, industry forums, your website, and the email newsletters.
  • Encourage the Audience Engagement: Use interactive elements like surveys, questions, and comment sections to start a dialogue with your audience.
  • Monitor the Content Performance Metrics: Keep an eye on key indicators like page views, social media shares, comments, and time spent on the page to assess the effectiveness of your content.
  • Analyze the Feedback and Audience Behavior: Shoul observe what your audience is saying, look at how they are participating, and then adjust your content approach accordingly.
  • Optimize and Iterate: Make an iterative changes to your content strategy based on thr insights from data analysis to improve the commitment and conversions.

3. Google Analytics Project

Analytics is one of the key components of digital marketing. For all the digital marketers, understanding Google Analytics is very essential. Creating a Google Analytics project will provide you a thorough understanding of online analytics and also allow you to track, analyze, and draw conclusions from the website traffic data.

  • Interpreting and analyzing the data to give users insights.
  • Good reporting and visualization techniques for communicating awareness.
  • Learn how to set up and track the conversions in order to assess the success of your marketing strategy.
  • Sign up with the Google Analytics: Create a new Google Analytics account or sign in with your existing Google account.
  • Create a Property: Under “property,” enter the name of the app and the website. Choose the reporting time zone, choose whether it is a mobile or online property, fill in the data. Adjust the settings, and then hit “create.”
  • Acquire a tracking number: To start collecting data, add the tracking ID/code (a JavaScript code) to your property’s code as they mentioned. Make sure it works after fix.
  • The definition of Key Performance Indicators, or KPIs: Should choose the metrics that are most important to the goals of your website, including sessions, the bounce rate, the conversion rate, and more.
  • Build a Custom Reports and a Dashboards: Build dashboards that are specifically customize to display the metrics you want to regularly monitor.
  • Analyze the User Behavior and Flow: Explore the user flow data to find out how people are using your website.
  • Implement the Conversion monitoring: Set the goals or an e-commerce monitoring to measure certain user actions, such as completing a purchase or subscribing to a newsletter.
  • Identify High-Performing Pages and Traffic Sources: Find out which pages on your website are the most popular and which sources send the traffic to them.
  • Monitor and Analyze Audience enumeration and Interests: Look into the enumeration information and those interests of your audience to enhance the targeted strategies.

4. Youtube Analytics Project

YouTube has become an important lead generation tool for digital marketers due to its efficiency and cheap cost as per lead. Because of this, many businesses are currently looking for talented individuals to help them expand their YouTube channels and improve their commitments.

The YouTube Analytics project might help you gain the important awareness into the field of video marketing. You will be search into YouTube metrics to enhance your video content and the commitment strategies. When you finish this project, the portfolio will be more prepared for managing a range of marketing platforms and the video marketing.

  • Creating a video marketing plan that would be appeal to the audience that you want to reach.
  • Utilizing the engagement metrics like shares, likes, comments, and views, an analysis of audience involvement is conducted.
  • YouTube SEO includes optimizing video names, descriptions, and the tags.

How to Finish the Project:

  • Select a Channel on YouTube for Analysis: Select a channel that is important to your area of interest or the selected field.
  • Analyze the video performance metrics: Analyze the data like views, likes, comments, and shares to find out which of your videos are most well-liked by the visitors.
  • Peak Moments of Engagement: Should need to determine which times of day your target audience uses the site most frequently and then actively.
  • Evaluate the audience’s desire and enumerations: To appropriately lay your video content, then consider the enumeration and the area of interest of your target audience.
  • Analyze the Video Performance Against competitors: Perform some research and evaluate your video performance against that of the competitors in your industry.
  • Enhance the Video Tags, Descriptions, and Titles: Attach to recommended video SEO strategies to improve your videos’ discoverability on YouTube.
  • Employ cards or annotations with calls to action: To increase user participation and inspire action, including interactive elements in your films.
  • Compile an Analytical Content Calendar: Develop a content calendar that influence the learnings from your research to create the powerful videos.
  • Keep an eye on the rise in subscribers and engagement: To assess the effectiveness of your efforts, should monitor your subscriber count and the commitments metrics over time.

5. Social Media Ad Campaigns

Social media is one of the best channels for branding initiatives. Many digital marketing campaigns center on social media with the goals of promoting brands, gathering leads, increasing brand awareness, and expanding enterprises. Therefore, while running social media ads, the perfect combination of strategy, content, and graphics will be required. If they use social media correctly, any digital marketer can benefit from it.

By starting a social media ad campaign project, you can learn more about the field of paid social media advertising. It will be your duty to plan, develop, and carry out targeted advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. These platforms have separate sections dedicated to analytics that could help you dig further into the campaign’s effectiveness.

  • Formulating an Advertising Campaign Strategy to execute campaigns in line with goals.
  • Using Design and Copywriting in Ads to Attract Viewers
  • Targeting groups based on their behaviors, interests, and demographics.
  • Analytics and reports to measure KPIs and ROIs
  • Select a Social Media Platform: Select a platform that aligns with your target demographic and marketing goals.
  • Decide on Campaign Goals:Decide whether lead generation, brand awareness, or website traffic is the campaign’s main objective.
  • Choose the Identity of Your Target Market:Determine your target audience’s demographics, interests, and pain points to ensure the effectiveness of your adverts.
  • Create Powerful Ad Copy and Enthralling Ad Creatives:Make compelling language and visually arresting ads to compel visitors to take action.
  • Allocate Resources and Create a Budget: Establish your advertising budget and divide it among various campaigns and target audiences.
  • Ad Performance Tracking in Real-Time: Monitor the performance metrics of your advertising campaigns, such as impressions, clicks, and conversions.
  • Campaign optimization ought to be done with conversions and click-through rates (CTR) in mind:Modify ad creatives or campaigns that aren’t performing effectively in order to boost CTR and conversions.
  • A/B Testing Different Iterations of Ads: Experiment with different call-to-actions, wording, and ad pictures to determine what combinations perform best.
  • Analyze the Impact of the Campaign on the Select Metric: To ascertain the campaign’s efficacy, examine its impact on the chosen indicator (e.g., lead generation or brand awareness).

6. PPC Marketing Strategies

PPC, or pay-per-click, is mostly influenced by the amount of people who visit your website. To make money from pay-per-click advertising, digital marketers must ensure that their websites are fully optimized and employ aggressive marketing techniques to boost traffic.

You will gain an introduction to the world of PPC advertising by creating a PPC project, where you will manage and build campaigns using platforms like Google Ads.

  • Researching and choosing keywords based on advertising goals for the intended audience.
  • Positioning and bidding advertisements to get a good spot in search results.
  • The use of Ad Rank Optimization to raise the quality score and ad rank of the advertisement.

How to Complete the Task:

  • Choose a PPC Platform: Whether it’s Bing Ads, Google Ads, or another platform, pick the one that best suits your campaign’s objectives.
  • Investigate Keywords in-depth:Compile a comprehensive list of every phrase that members of your target audience are likely to search for.
  • Write Attractive Ad Copy with Use of Relevant Keywords:Make user-friendly ad copy that is appealing and incorporates the keywords you have chosen.
  • Select Your Bidding Techniques. Taking Your Budget and Goals into Account:Select your method of bidding, if you want to use both human and automated bidding.
  • Track Click-Through and Conversion Rates: Keep an eye on crucial metrics such as click-through and conversion rates to assess a campaign’s efficacy.
  • Optimal Ad Rank: To get the right ad positions and increase your ad’s visibility, maximize your bidding strategy. Adapt bids and the locations of ads.
  • Use Ad Extensions to Get More Visibility:To provide viewers with additional information and boost the visibility of your advertisement, use ad extensions.
  • Increase Ad Targeting by Utilizing Data AnalysisBy examining user behavior data, you can target your ads more effectively and connect with the most relevant audience.
  • Examine the Return on Investment of Your PPC Campaign: You can ascertain the campaign’s return on investment (ROI) by comparing the advertising expenses to the earnings.

7. Email Campaign

One of the best ways for digital marketers to target leads is through emails. A faithful consumer base is guaranteed by an efficient email campaign, and this pays off over the long draw. Without collect significant expenses or efforts, emails are utilized to generate leads, increase traffic, turn prospects into customers, and nurture them. Emails can be then sent in a variety of formats and for a number of purposes, including the forms, notifications, invites, newsletters, announcements, and then feedback.

Creating an email campaign will introduce aspiring digital marketers to the world of email marketing. You will be learn how to combine well-thought-out strategy and commiting the content to create and then implement an effective email campaign for a specific audience.

  • The Email design and the copywriting is to increase open rates.
  • Email segmentation and personalization for the optimal effect.
  • Also, Email automation is used to make your marketing efforts more efficient.

Methods for Finishing the Project:

  • Segment Your Email List: Utilizing variables such as enumeration, historical interactions, and then habits for segment your email list.
  • Create Engaging Subject Lines and the Content for Emails: Craft attention-grabbing subject lines and then produce email content that will speaks to the interests of your recipient.
  • Create Email Templates That Are Both Stylish and Responsive to Design: Make an aesthetically pleasing and responsive email templates that will work well on a variety of devices.
  • Establish Automatic Email Sequences: Establish automatic email sequences that will nurture the subscribers and then direct them through the customer journey by sending them a series of messages over a fixed time sequences.
  • Track the important email data like Open Rates, Click Rates, and the Conversions to evaluate the success of your campaign and pinpoint the areas for development.
  • A/B Testing Various Components to Optimize: Try a variety of call to action that is CTAs, content, and subject lines to see what works will best together.
  • Examine the rates of commitments, opens, and the conversions: Should analyze the conversion rates of your calls-to-action to see how the subscribers are involved with your email campaign.
  • Adjust the Upcoming Email Campaigns in Light of Information: Utilize the promote information to better future email marketing strategies and campaign outcomes.

8. Remarketing Campaign

We are frequently successful in generating the leads but unsuccessful in getting them to convert or buy. Digital marketers would then have to launch a remarketing campaign to reach the leads again and convince them to act by offering something of value or advantage. This remarketing campaign can be started with the goal of reducing cart rejection, by regaining users who were lost to service problems. And enhancing the campaign to increase the consumer adoption, etc.

Remarketing the campaigns will allow you to re-engage the potential clients who have already interacted with your brand by teaching you how to implement an important plan.

  • Spliting up the audience to send them communications that are relevant to their interests.
  • Ad redirecting tactics that will successfully lead and then remind visitors to visit your website again and again.
  • Use CRO to maximize the effectiveness of your landing pages and the call to action (CTAs).

Method for Complete the Project:

  • Choose the Audience Segment to the Target: Choose an effective audience segment that your remarketing campaign will be focused on.
  • Configure the Web Tracking Pixels: Put the tracking pixels on your website so that you can monitor the user activity and their conversations.
  • Make Eye-Catching Ads: Create satisfying advertisements that push consumers memories of their prior contacts with your company and then motivate them to act.
  • Determine the Remarketing Duration: Decide how long after a consumer interacts with your brand for them to be retargeted.
  • Track the effectiveness of ads: Pay a particular attention to the impressions, clicks, and the conversions of your remarketing advertising.
  • Modify Ad Frequency: Reduce ad drain by making the most number of times taht the users view your remarketing and advertising.
  • Test Various Ad Messages and Formats: Try out the different ad forms and then messaging to see which ones connect with your audience the most.
  • Examine the Effect on Rates of Conversion: Analyze the effects of your remarketing campaign on the conversion rates and the user behavior.
  • Adapt Your Campaign to the Outcomes: Improve the effectiveness of your remarketing approach by incorporating the campaign information.

9. Video Marketing Campaign

If utilized properly, reels, shorts, and other video material on various social media platforms are the newest trend and generate a ton of interaction. There is a growing need for digital marketers who can use the video to increase their brand visibility and revenue as companies and brands are eager to enguire the potential of this medium.

In order to engage your target audience on many platforms by providing them with the relevant video content. You will need to develop and implement a planned video strategy. Also starting a video marketing project will assist you in this process.

  • Producing and editing the videos to create an interesting video content that is refined and edited.
  • Narrative through engaging and impactful videos that will fascinate the viewers.
  • Video optimization for the SEO to improve their visibility in search results.

How to Complete the Project:

  • Pick a Video Platform: Go with a platform that will attract to your target audience, such as social media channels, YouTube or the Vimeo.
  • Create an Engaging Script and Concept for a Video: Develop a script that will directs the story of the film and a video concept and supports your marketing goals.
  • Film and Edit the Video: To produce a visually intersted and reasonable end product, then record and edit the video footage.
  • Improve the tags, descriptions, and titles for the videos: To increase discoverability and optimize your videos tags, titles, and then descriptions using the video SEO approaches.
  • Distribute the Video via suitable Channels: To boost your video’s visibility and then interaction, also promote it on a variety of platforms.
  • Keep an eye on the commitment metrics: To evaluate the performance of the video, keep track of commitment indicators like views, likes, shares, and the comments.

10. All-Inclusive Marketing Initiative for a Test Product

Once you have established and achieved success with other digital marketing projects. Then it’s time to combine all of your expertise into one important marketing plan for a specific good or service. This project will help you use all the digital marketing abilities you have obtained from the aforementioned projects,also making it a significant turning point in your digital marketing career.

This is a project tha will absolutely need to have in your portfolio if you want to work as a high-paying freelance digital marketing specialist or if you want to land your first job in the field.

  • An integrated marketing strategy that will combines several marketing channels in a smooth way for the optimal effect.
  • Executing multichannel campaigns via email, social media, and then content marketing, among the other channels.
  • Also Performance Analysis and Optimization will driven by awareness from the real-time data.
  • Developing and implementing an SEO plan to enfourage the website traffic.
  • Choose a Demo Product: Pick a product that will compliments the goals and the target market of your campaign.
  • Determine the Preferences and Enumeration of the Target Audience: To properly design your email marketing campaign, then identify the enumerations, interests, and the areas of your target audience.
  • Make an Integrated Marketing Plan: Construct a thorough marketing strategy that will covers a range of media, such as email, social media, content, and more.
  • Create Engaging Content for Every Channel: Create an interesting content that relates to your campaign theme for emails, videos, social media postings, and the blogs.
  • Conduct the Campaign on Various Platforms: Make sure that your message is clear and reasonable by putting your marketing plans into practice across a variety of media.

Entri App – Best Online Digital Marketing Course

The Entri Elevate Digital Marketing Course provides the knowledge and abilities needed to succeed in the digital age. The training is designed for people who are interested in jobs in performance marketing but are new to digital marketing. You will discover diverse digital marketing channels, develop successful campaigns, and acquire a variety of tools and tactics to draw in and keep clients. These courses are both flexible and reasonably priced, and they give you the skills you need to be successful in jobs related to digital marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are mba students able to benefit from digital marketing.

Ultimately, one of the most critical competencies for each and every MBA graduate is digital marketing. This ability can help you advance your career and get the job of your dreams. The rapidly expanding sector of digital marketing is altering not only how people conduct company but also how they communicate with their client.

Does digital marketing provide more potential for MBA students?

The most cost-effective way to market your products is through digital marketing. Since the previous ten years have seen a rise in digitalization, digital marketing is now crucial for all firms to maintain growth.

How can I select the best project for my ability level?

Begin with assignments that suit your present level of expertise and work your way up to more challenging ones. Finding the right mix between difficulty and reachability will help you learn as much as possible.

Beginner-level digital marketing initiatives could involve creating content, putting up platforms, running simple ad campaigns, etc. More complex digital marketing initiatives could include thorough plans for promoting and establishing a brand across several media.

Which MBA is currently in style? Master of Business Administration in Finance

The most sought-after specialization is an MBA in finance due to the enormous development potential in this industry. The planning and administration of an industry’s financial resources is the main emphasis of the study of financial management.

major research project for mba marketing

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MBA Marketing Projects

Greetings, esteemed seeker of the wondrous world of MBA Marketing! Prepare to embark on a journey that is nothing short of a thrilling escapade, where the adrenaline-pumping concepts of branding, advertising, market research, and navigating the global marketplace await your eager exploration. But fret not, my friend, as crafting an MBA marketing project may seem like a formidable mountain to climb at first, but with the right guidance, it can transform into a breathtaking adventure that you’ll cherish forever. And that’s precisely where our team of experts comes in. We specialize in delivering nothing short of impeccable MBA marketing projects that are bespoke to your specific requirements and informed by the cutting-edge industry trends of the moment. So, what are you waiting for? Let us be your trusted guide on this marvelous expedition of marketing mastery!

Hey there, fellow marketing students! Are you on the hunt for top-notch BBA & MBA Marketing Projects and Reports? Look no further! Our comprehensive collection has got you covered. From research projects to insightful reports, we’ve got it all. And the best part? You won’t have to wait long to get your hands on these gems. Simply place your order, and within a lightning-fast 24 hours, the project report will be sitting pretty in your inbox. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get your marketing journey started!

MBA Marketing Project Topics

  • Comprehensive Brand Analysis of the Telecommunications Industry in Delhi
  • Consumer Behavior of Rural consumers with regard to Aircel Thesis.
  • Coca-Cola Brand Positioning Analysis
  • CRM Implementation in a Company
  • Examination of the Company’s Client Acquisition Strategy
  • Consumer Knowledge And Attitudes Towards Recycled Packaging
  • Product packaging research and its impact on customers (MBA Marketing Project)
  • Customer satisfaction with online shopping research
  • Consumer Awareness And Attitudes Toward Recycled Packaging
  • Client Approach Analysis for HPLC Columns and SPE Cartridges (MBA Marketing)
  • An investigation into the impact of service quality on customers in the telecommunications industry
  • Adoption of Technology and Its Role in Improving Customer Satisfaction for an Electricity Distribution Company
  • An investigation into the effectiveness of employees’ roles in service delivery (MBA Marketing)
  • J&K Bank’s Online Services in Relation to Customer Awareness and Satisfaction
  • Customer Purchasing Behavior Research
  • Sales Promotion and Advertising Strategy Evaluation
  • Customer Satisfaction Study of Parachute Hair Oil and Dabur Amla
  • A study to assess Cipla’s marketing strategies in order to help it achieve its vision statement.
  • Research on Advertising Creativity
  • Citibank Measuring Customer Satisfaction and Using CRM As A Tool To Improve Service Levels
  • In the FMCG sector, a competitive analysis of celebrity endorsement is conducted (MBA Marketing)
  • A comparison of celebrity endorsements from Nike and Reebok versus Indian brands.
  • Case Study on Consumer Electronics Industry India (MBA Marketing)
  • Dabur Vatika Hair Oil & Dabur Chyawanprash Marketing Strategy
  • Consumer Behaviour in Relation to Samsung (MBA Marketing)
  • Urban Customers’ Perceptions and Attitudes Toward Digital Payment
  • The Influence of Media and Advertising on Consumer Purchasing
  • Case Study On Consumer Awareness (MBA Marketing)
  • An Examination Of Viewers’ Perceptions And Satisfaction With Mahuaa Channel In NCR Delhi
  • A Case Study of Blue Star India Limited’s Comparative Analysis of Various Brands in the Packaged AIR Conditioning Segment
  • A Comprehensive Examination Of The Effects Of Marketing Communication On Consumers
  • MBA Brand Presentation Marketing Project (Bagpiper)
  • Marketing’s Influence on Auto-Ancillary SME’s in Delhi
  • In the home water purifier segment, consumers are aware of Zero – B.
  • Yamaha Consumer Perception of Entry-Level Motorcycles (MBA Marketing)
  • Critical Analysis Of Mydala.Marketing Com’s Strategies And Evaluation Of Its Business Model In The Indian Business Scenario
  • India’s Modern Retail Evolution (MBA Marketing)
  • Case Study on Customer Satisfaction – Toyota
  • At PNB, the effectiveness of customer relationship management tools and techniques
  • Feasibility Study For Xerox Global Services (XGS) In Hyderabad’s Major Corporate Accounts.
  • Case Study on Indian Wooden Products in Global Market.
  • HDFC Standard Life Insurance’s Direct Marketing Strategy
  • Study on Consumer Satisfaction In Mahindra Two Wheelers.
  • Customer Attitudes Toward Tata Nano (MBA Marketing)
  • Preferences in Consumer Behavior When Purchasing Mid-Size Automobiles
  • Marketing Research on Cream Fairness (MBA Marketing)
  • Case Study on Comparison between Different Online Shopping Portals (MBA Marketing)
  • Easy Bill’s Marketing and Retailing Strategies
  • Case Study For The Launch Of A Kidswear Brand
  • ERP Market Analysis in Delhi and NCR
  • Sales Promotion and Advertising Strategy Evaluation
  • Case Study on Branding & Promotion Strategy Of See-Saw Media Pvt Ltd
  • CRM Planning and Implementation in a Business
  • Case Study Brand Strategies Of Maruti Suzuki
  • Competitiveness and Technology in the Indian Automobile Sector
  • Analyze Product Consumer Behavior – Karbonn Mobiles
  • Case Study on Online shopping habits of working Professionals
  • Case Study on Effect of Electronic Advertisement
  • Analytical Case Study Of The Branding Exercise At Nestle India
  • Case Study Of Safexpress And GATI (MBA Marketing)
  • Brand extension of automobile in Indian market
  • Comparative Analysis between Trade India With India Mart
  • Consumer Buying Behavior Reebok
  • Managing the Client Service Division for Nokia
  • Growth Prospects for Hindware
  • Study on Customer Satisfaction in Nepal Investment Bank Ltd.
  • Indian Handicrafts Exports.
  • Problem Of Distribution Network For Kotak Life Insurance
  • Case Study on Consumer Buying Behavior In Airtel And Vodafone
  • Marketing report on DTH Marketing
  • Retail Banking In The Indian Market
  • Brand Equity of Woodland (Case Study)
  • Case Study Brand Promotion Strategy Zomato & Swiggy
  • Case Study Of CRM Implementation In Industrial Sector
  • Paytm and Google Pay Marketing Strategies (Marketing Report)
  • Case Study The Importance Of Branding & Advertising
  • Case Study on Future of Mobile Advertising
  • Case Study on Banking Industry In India
  • Case Study on Wipro’s Decision Making Strategies
  • Impact & Effect Of FMCG Sector On Stock Market (MBA Marketing)
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM) In ICICI Prudential (MBA-Marketing)
  • Fair & Lovely’s Marketing Strategy
  • Handicraft Interim Marketing Report
  • Case Study of Brand Promotion Strategy of Indian Company

At our establishment, we’ve procured the finest pen wielders in the land to amplify your marketing endeavors. Our team of elite wordsmiths has mastered the art of melding imagination with fact, resulting in unparalleled compositions. Allow us to aid you in crafting polished projects in record time, catapulting your scholastic standing and esteem. And lo, the scope of our MBA Marketing project subjects spans the gamut of all that is necessary to thrive in both academic and occupational spheres.

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Readymade Projects

Marketing Projects

Mba marketing projects | mba project topics for marketing.

Are You Struggling with Your MBA Marketing Project? As an MBA student, you are likely familiar with the pressures of academic deadlines, the challenge of conducting thorough research, and the complexity of crafting a high-quality marketing project. If you’re struggling with these demands, Readymade Project is here to help. We are the leading provider of readymade, 100% original MBA marketing projects in India, catering to both distance and regular university students. We offer a wide range of MBA marketing topics for final year projects to ensure you find the perfect match for your academic needs.

At Readymade Projects, we are known for offering the best quality project reports in different formats. Whether you want a soft copy, a PPT presentation, or a thesis format, we will deliver everything at its best. Contact us today for your final year project requirement, and we will create a special one for you. Go through the list of topics for your MBA in marketing and get the best project at unbelievable prices. We prepare and deliver impeccable MBA marketing projects, guided by immediate requirement and industry arrangements.

In this category we include all type of Projects & reports for BBA & MBA Marketing Projects. You will get the project report through mail from side within 24 Hrs of your order.

MBA Marketing Projects Title

  • Brand Equity of Woodland an Evaluation
  • 4P’S of Marketing a Study in Relation to Narayana Overseas (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Brand Management in Company
  • Study on creativity in Advertising
  • Study on the Effect of Branding in Real Estate Sector on Consumer Purchase Decision Talos Construction
  • Marketing Strategy of ACC Limited
  • Analysis of Sales Promotion & Advertising Strategy
  • Study of Customer Buying Behaviour (MBA Marketing)
  • Advertising Strategy and Effectiveness towards company
  • Study of Branding Strategy of Company (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Consumer Awareness (MBA Marketing)
  • Study of Client Acquisition Strategy of Company
  • Study of Brand Positioning of Coca Cola
  • Study of CRM Implementation in Company (MBA Marketing)
  • Study of Brand Promotion Strategy Zomato & Swiggy
  • Approach Analysis for HPLC Columns and SPE Cartridge Clients
  • Various Factors that Influence Brand Loyalty (MBA Marketing)
  • Marketing Analysis on Product Segmentation in Kyocera Document Solutions
  • Study of Consumer Awareness and Attitude Towards the Recycled Packaging
  • Market Research for Launch of Me Kong Bowl in Hyderabad
  • An Analysis of Effectiveness of Digital Marketing Strategies
  • Impact of Information technology in E-commerce with special reference of Amazon
  • Comparative Study of Marketing Analysis of Urban Clap vs Looks
  • Online Services Viz-a-viz Customer Awareness and Satisfaction in J&K Bank
  • Role of product development in gaining of market share in B2B of construction equipment (Tata Hitachi)
  • Study on Online shopping habits of working Professionals (MBA Marketing)
  • Comparative study on branding strategy of online ordering and delivery platforms of food Industry with reference of Zomato & Swiggy
  • Marketing Research on Recent B2B Healthcare Marketing Trends
  • Factors Affecting the Authenticity in an Ethnic Themed Restaurant on Customer Satisfaction
  • Study on Effectiveness of Employees role in Service Delivery
  • Study of implementing digital marketing strategies for Ed vista consulting to grow the brand.
  • Study of Relationship Marketing KHIVRAJ MOTORS, MARATHALI, BANGALORE
  • Study on Effect of Electronic Advertisement (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Comparative Analysis of Traditional Media to Digital Media News Channel Coverage
  • Study the sales trend and customer satisfaction towards Maruti Suzuki
  • Effectiveness of Social Media as a Marketing Tool in India (MBA Marketing)
  • To study the role of rural women as a partner in development in development process
  • Study on how brand image can be communicated via social media marketing
  •  Customer Satisfaction and Behavior towards Indian Railway
  • Study on Consumer Buying Behavioyr towards Online Food Services
  • An Analysis of Consumer Satisfaction for Snacks of Bingo
  • Marketing Research on Challenges faced by companies in Shifting from Traditional Marketing to Digital Marketing
  • Analytical Comparison of Traditional Marketing and Digital Marketing in India
  • Study on M- Commerce (MBA Marketing)
  •  To study the role of rural women as a partner in development process
  • Analyzing Consumer Behavior and Understanding Perception of Different Services
  • To Study the effectiveness of Personal Selling
  • Role of product development in gaining market share (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Comparative Analysis of Pepsi and Coke
  • Study on Consumer Perception towards Entry Level Motorcycle with reference to Honda.
  • A Study on Impact of Social Media Advertisements on Online Purchase Decisions of Consumers
  • Impact of Chinese Products in Indian Market
  • Facebook Advertising, Increase in Customer Acquisition Cost with Increase in Marketing Budget for e-commerce clothing Startups (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Marketing Analysis of Wrist Watches with special reference to Titan
  • Study on consumer preferences towards Parsvnath Developers
  • Study on Marketing and Operations in Nike (MBA Marketing)
  • Analyzing consumer behavior of mobile phone Industry
  • Study on consumer behavior towards mobile phone insurance company
  • Business Development at Future Generali India Insurance Company
  • Analyzing Consumer Behavior regarding two wheelers Industry with reference of Hero Motocorp (MBA Marketing)
  • Marketing Research on Impact of Digitalization on MSME in India
  • Marketing Strategy and Technique Before and After Covid in Healthcare
  • Study on Consumer Preferences towards Internet Lease Line for Market Intelligence & Consulting
  • Study on Market Opportunities for Energy Storage Business for Delta Electronics in India
  • Impact of Covid 19 on offline marketing (MBA Marketing)
  • Consumer Response to Cab Hailing Apps a Perceptual Study with Respect to the Situation in Kolkata
  • Study on Role of Social Media In Marketing with Reference of Voco Dental
  • Marketing Research on Economic Volatility in Indian Airlines Industry
  • Marketing Project on Consumer Perception Towards Electric Cars
  • Perception And Attitude on Digital Payment Among Urban Customers (MBA Marketing)
  • Competition Analysis Between Redbull and Monster Energy Drink
  • A Study to Evaluate Cipla’s Marketing Strategies to Help Achieve Its Vision Statement
  • A Study of Consmer Preferences In Purchase Of Two Wheelers (MBA Marketing)
  • A Study on Role Of Govt. N Controlling The Harmful Effects Of Plastic
  • Comparative Study Of Consumer Awareness Towards Amazon Prime And Netflix
  • Analysis Of the Role Of Outdoor Advertising And Establishing Strategies For Managing Space
  • Study The Effectiveness Of Personal Selling In B2b Industry With Reference Of Pharmaceutical Industry (MBA Marketing)
  • A Study Of Growth In Fmcg Sector With Emphasis On Dabur And Mario
  • A Study On Impact Of Advertisement (Print Ads And Online) On Sales
  • Study On Influence Of Green Marketing On Brand Image For A Business
  • Innovations In Marketing In Electronics And Its Companies (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Market Research on Ayurvedic Toothpaste Brands
  • Study on Revenue of Investment by Lead Generation on Linkedin
  • Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Vmart
  • Marketing Research on Impact of Visual Merchandising on Impulse Buying at Vmart (MBA Marketing)
  • Comparative Analysis of Retail Marketing & Tracking System of DHL and Fedex
  • Study on Complaint Handling of V-Mart (MBA Marketing)
  • Customer Perception towards Online Retailing – An Empirical Study of V-Mart
  • Marketing 4.0 and Role in Ecommerce Growth for Direct to Customer (D2C) brand
  • Impact of Packaging on Retailers and Consumers (MBA Marketing)
  • Marketing Research on Online Grocery Delivery Services
  • Study on the Relationship Between Strategic Planning and Crisis Management (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Effect of Promotional Tools in Marketing New Products in Food and Beverage Industry
  • Study on Future of Plastic Product and Marketing Strategic
  • Impact of Social Media Marketing on Sales
  • Customer Relationship Management in Marketing Management (MBA Marketing)
  • Perception of Educational Institutions towards Educian School Management Software
  • Study on Sales of Ather Electric Scooter What’s the Sales Now and Analysis of Future Sales 
  • Analysis of Branding a Trend for Today and Tomorrow with reference of Hindustan Unilever Limited
  • Advertising Management and Media Efficiency – A Comparative Analysis of Nike, Bata and Puma
  • Impact of Social Media Marketing on Brand Loyalty in Smartphones Industry in India (MBA Marketing)
  • Impact of Smart Wearable Devices among College Going Students
  • Customer Satisfaction and Marketing Effectiveness of Crompton Greaves fans
  • Network Marketing of Tupperware Products and With Reference To Women Empowerment (MBA Marketing)
  • Study to Identify the Major Online Promotional Tool Influencing the Consumer Behavior for FMCD Goods in India
  • Impact of Technology on Consumer Buying Behaviour of Electronic Goods in Bengaluru (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on effects of pricing strategies on consumer behavior and brand image in the construction equipment industry
  • Study on Impact of Advertising on Consumer Brand Preferences Towards Carbonated Drinks A Study of Tricity
  • Understanding the Adoption of Bike Sharing System in India (MBA Marketing)
  • Study On Consumer Behaviour and Perception towards Fast Food Industry
  • Role of CRM Software in the Improvement of Lead Management System in Healthcare Industry
  • Study on Impact of social media on Teenagers buying Behaviour in Women Fashion Industry, Hyderabad (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Effectiveness of Sales Promotion Techniques on Purchase Decision
  • SEO analysis of select universities websites in Bangalore
  • Behavioural Finance and Investment Decision during Covid-19 – Evidence from India
  • A Study on Virat Kohli and Anushka As A Couple Celebrity Endorsement And Its Impact On Consumer Buying Behavior In Mumbai City(MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Safety Products in India(MBA Marketing)
  • Study on After Sale Services of Automobile Industry
  • Effect of Social Media on Consumer Buying Behaviour in Guwahati City
  • B2B Marketing & sales strategies for a technology software company offering chatboats 
  • Study on Impact of Customer Review on Online Purchase Decision
  • Study on Impact of Customer Relationship Management in Retail Industry (MBA Marketing)
  • Study of Consumer awareness towards DOL Motor Starter & its impact on buying behavior with reference of L&T
  • Study of Factor Influencing Customer Purchase Decision of TATA Hatchback Cars
  • Study of Consumer Preferences in Purchase of Two Wheelers, with reference of Bajaj Automobile
  • How to increase sales force in a start up organization (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Tea Packaging and Influence on Customers
  • Study about Creating a team and its benefits with special reference to Vodafone
  • Study on impact of social media and content marketing on social media users
  • Comparative Analysis of Consumer Perception towards Ola and Uber
  • Consumer Preference Towards Job Portal Services (MBA Marketing)
  • Comparative Analysis of Colgate and Pepsodent
  • Study on The Consumer Online Buying Behaviour towards Groceries During Covid-19
  • Study On Impact Of Advertising On Consumer Buying Behaviour Towards Amazon In Delhi City
  • Study on Consumer Awareness and Preferences towards Soya Chaap with reference of Vezley Foods (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Brand Preference at Karnataka Hardware and Paints, Bangalore
  • Study on Impact of Brand Promotion on Market Performance with reference of Zomato
  • Study on Impact of Covid-19 on Various Sectors of Indian Economy
  • Impact Of Covid-19 On Business Of E-Commerce With Reference To Amazon
  • Project Role of Promotional Mix in Consumer Buying Behaviour towards Mobile
  • Unavailability Of Technology In Home Based Business
  • Comparative Study on Consumer Perception & Satisfaction Between Big Basket and Grofers.
  • An exploratory Study of Customers and Pharmacists Attitude towards Acceptance of Jan Aushadhi
  • Importance Of Feedback from Customers (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on Adaptation of Green Building using Theory of Planned Behaviour to Consumers in India (MBA Marketing)
  • Study Of Customer Satisfaction Towards Yamaha Motors
  • Study on Analysing the Success Story of Maruti Alto 800 in Bangalore City
  • Study on Marketing Segmentation, Positioning and Value Proposition
  • General Study on Customer Satisfaction Towards After Sales Service with Special reference to Shubh Honda, Raipur (MBA Marketing)
  • Marketing Research For New Product Launch Cisatracurium
  • A Comprehensive Study of Marketing Communication effect on Consumers
  • Study On Impact Of Digital Boom On Consumer (MBA Marketing)
  • Study on How Digital Boom has changed the business’ perspective about Marketing
  • Comparative Study on Consumer Behaviour Towards Colgate And Pepsodent
  • Study Of Customer Perception Towards Solar Rooftop
  • Customer Satisfaction on Mobile Postpaid Connection at Bharti Airtel Limited
  • Study of Business Development Strategy with reference to Byjus (MBA Marketing)
  • Issues And Challenges In Digital Marketing Post Covid 19 In Jw Marriott Hotel Bangalore
  •  Wipro Decision Making Strategies in Wipro New Delhi Institute of Management.
  • Women In Relation to Cosmetics Buying Behavior of Indian Women in Relation to Cosmetics

Our Process: How We Deliver Excellence

Our streamlined process ensures that you receive a high-quality MBA marketing project that meets all your academic needs:

  • Requirement Analysis : We start by understanding your specific project This includes details about your university guidelines, project scope, and any special instructions you may have.
  • Topic Selection : If you haven’t chosen a topic yet, our experts can help you select one that is both relevant and We provide a list of potential topics based on current marketing trends and issues.
  • Research and Writing : Once the topic is finalized, our team of writers and researchers gets to They delve into extensive research, gathering relevant data and insights to create a robust project framework. The writing process focuses on clarity, coherence, and academic rigor.
  • Quality Assurance : After completing the initial draft, our quality assurance team thoroughly reviews This step ensures that the project is free from errors and adheres to all specified guidelines. We also run plagiarism checks to guarantee originality.
  • Final Delivery : We deliver the completed project to you well before the We provide it in a format that is ready for submission, saving you time and effort.
  • Revisions and Support: We offer a revision policy to address any modifications you may Our support team is available to assist you with any questions or concerns throughout the process.

Final Year MBA Marketing Projec ts at Reasonable Prices

At Readymade Project, we believe that quality education should be affordable. That’s why we offer Final Year MBA marketing projects at reasonable prices, making top-notch academic assistance accessible to every student without financial strain. Our commitment to pricing does not affect the standard of our readymade HR projects. Instead, it strengthens our dedication to providing exceptional service to all students.

We have a team of the best faculties in MBA marketing, bringing years of academic and industry experience to help you succeed. These experts stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends, theories, and practical applications. They ensure your project is not only academically strong but also highly relevant in today’s competitive market.

By choosing our services, you benefit from working with professionals who have guided many MBA students to success. Our faculty members put in the effort to create projects that meet your university’s specific requirements. This helps you achieve excellent grades and gain a deeper understanding of marketing concepts.

Why C hoose Our Readymade MBA Ma rketing Projects?

Quality and Originality : We thoroughly research and uniquely write each project to meet the highest academic standards. We guarantee plagiarism-free content, giving you the confidence to submit your project without any concerns.

Comprehensive Research : Our team conducts exhaustive research to provide you with insightful and data-driven projects. We utilize the latest marketing theories, models, and real-world case studies to enhance the relevance and credibility of your work.

Customized Solutions : We understand that each university and course has its own set of requirements. We customize our projects to align with the specific guidelines and expectations of your institution, ensuring a perfect fit every time.

Timely Delivery : We respect your deadlines and commit to delivering your projects on time. With our efficient project management system, you can be assured of prompt delivery without compromising on quality.

Affordable Pricing : As the leading readymade MBA marketing project provider in India, we offer our services at competitive prices. We believe that top-notch academic assistance should be accessible to all students, and our pricing reflects that commitment.

Get Started Tod ay!

Achieving academic success has never been easier. Partner with Readymade Projects , the best MBA marketing project writing service at reasonable prices and take the first step towards your academic excellence. Whether you’re a distance learner or attending a regular university, our readymade MBA marketing projects are designed to meet your needs and help you excel in your studies.

Contact us today to learn more about our services and how we can assist you in achieving your MBA goals.

+91 9873002834

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MBA Marketing Internship 2025

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JOB DESCRIPTION: MBA Marketing Internship 2025

What we do:

For 100 years, we have protected people and the resources vital to life by helping millions of customers around the world to advance food safety, maintain clean and safe environments, and optimize water and energy use.

How we do it:

We deliver science-based solutions, data-driven insights and world-class service to improve operational efficiencies and sustainability for customers in the food, healthcare, life sciences, hospitality and industrial markets

What’s in it For You:

The Ecolab MBA Marketing Internship Program allows students the opportunity to make an impact through a challenging, 10-week project in one of our main locations: St, Paul, MN, Naperville, IL, Houston, TX . Throughout the summer, interns will gain exposure to senior leaders, network across the organization and understand Ecolab’s businesses, career paths and culture though a variety of opportunities. Concluding your 10-week internship, interns provide senior management, project stakeholders, work teams and alumni with a final presentation sharing the project overview, strategic tactics, overall findings, and recommendations. Interns can expect to finish the summer with a realistic job preview of what the ‘day-in-the-life’ of an Ecolab associate looks like. As a marketing function, we are committed to driving growth while providing individuals with a range of developmental career opportunities.  The members of our marketing team have an opportunity to help our customers meet their goals, differentiate Ecolab from our competition, and impact the achievement of our aggressive growth targets. 

What You Will Do:

Your project as an intern is an internal or customer business need where you can make an impact and drive change and growth during your 10 weeks. Past internship projects include topics such as: GTM Strategy for Division, Market Competitive Deep Dive and New Entrant Analysis, Sustainability Strategy for Division, and Division Customer Value for Growth & Retention.

Successful interns will be awarded a full-time offer at the end of their internship as an Assistant Marketing Manager at Ecolab. As a new MBA hire, you will experience rewarding work experience, networking opportunities, training, and interactions with organizational leaders to help acclimate you to Ecolab. Your professional development will also be supported by Marketing Momentum. Marketing Momentum is a vehicle for career growth consisting of learning paths that give you a unique opportunity to reach your full potential through blended development modes.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Identify and capture customer problems and opportunities. Leverage those to develop short-term and long-term new product development strategies and innovative solutions that respond to customer needs, competitive offerings, and changes in market and business priorities.
  • Develop segment and business reviews; work closely with stakeholders to ensure broad alignment of strategies and execution plans.
  • Support sales growth, retention and profitability through strategic planning and execution of marketing programs.
  • Lead new product launches including target customer selection, value proposition development, and pricing.
  • Support marketing strategy including creating and implementing strategies and plans for products and programs. This includes on-going market research, program development and positioning, pricing strategies and budgeting / forecasting.
  • Collaborate with other departments to produce world-class marketing collateral materials and manage the development of marketing and sales aid/promotional materials to effectively promote and sell our products.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • An anticipated MBA graduation date of May/June 2026.
  • A concentration in Marketing, General Management, or similar.
  • Two years professional experience pre-MBA.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Leadership and influencing skills with the ability to drive self, influence others and provide recommendations to senior leadership.
  • Project management skills with strong analytical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to manage competing priorities.
  • Ability to collaborate in diverse, cross-functional teams and environment.
  • Ability to cultivate relationships with internal and external customers.
  • Strong communication, organization and presentation skills

Ecolab strives to provide comprehensive and market-competitive benefits to meet the needs of our associates and their families. Click here to see our benefits.

If you are viewing this posting on a site other than our Ecolab Career website, view our benefits at

Covid-19 Vaccine Notice

Due to local mandates and customer requirements, applicants for certain customer-facing positions must be fully vaccinated (which in some situations requires a booster if eligible), unless a religious or medical accommodation is requested by the applicant and approved by Ecolab.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Ecolab will provide reasonable accommodation (such as a qualified sign language interpreter or other personal assistance) with our application process upon request as required to comply with applicable laws. If you have a disability and require accommodation assistance in this application process, please visit the Recruiting Support link in the footer of each page of our career website.

May 2024 Graduates - Complete this survey to share your post-graduate plans. August 2024 Graduates - Complete this survey to share your post-graduate plans.

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MBA Marketing Internship 2025

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JOB DESCRIPTION: MBA Marketing Internship 2025

What we do:

For 100 years, we have protected people and the resources vital to life by helping millions of customers around the world to advance food safety, maintain clean and safe environments, and optimize water and energy use.

How we do it:

We deliver science-based solutions, data-driven insights and world-class service to improve operational efficiencies and sustainability for customers in the food, healthcare, life sciences, hospitality and industrial markets

What’s in it For You:

The Ecolab MBA Marketing Internship Program allows students the opportunity to make an impact through a challenging, 10-week project in one of our main locations: St, Paul, MN, Naperville, IL, Houston, TX . Throughout the summer, interns will gain exposure to senior leaders, network across the organization and understand Ecolab’s businesses, career paths and culture though a variety of opportunities. Concluding your 10-week internship, interns provide senior management, project stakeholders, work teams and alumni with a final presentation sharing the project overview, strategic tactics, overall findings, and recommendations. Interns can expect to finish the summer with a realistic job preview of what the ‘day-in-the-life’ of an Ecolab associate looks like. As a marketing function, we are committed to driving growth while providing individuals with a range of developmental career opportunities.  The members of our marketing team have an opportunity to help our customers meet their goals, differentiate Ecolab from our competition, and impact the achievement of our aggressive growth targets. 

What You Will Do:

Your project as an intern is an internal or customer business need where you can make an impact and drive change and growth during your 10 weeks. Past internship projects include topics such as: GTM Strategy for Division, Market Competitive Deep Dive and New Entrant Analysis, Sustainability Strategy for Division, and Division Customer Value for Growth & Retention.

Successful interns will be awarded a full-time offer at the end of their internship as an Assistant Marketing Manager at Ecolab. As a new MBA hire, you will experience rewarding work experience, networking opportunities, training, and interactions with organizational leaders to help acclimate you to Ecolab. Your professional development will also be supported by Marketing Momentum. Marketing Momentum is a vehicle for career growth consisting of learning paths that give you a unique opportunity to reach your full potential through blended development modes.

Responsibilities Include:

  • Identify and capture customer problems and opportunities. Leverage those to develop short-term and long-term new product development strategies and innovative solutions that respond to customer needs, competitive offerings, and changes in market and business priorities.
  • Develop segment and business reviews; work closely with stakeholders to ensure broad alignment of strategies and execution plans.
  • Support sales growth, retention and profitability through strategic planning and execution of marketing programs.
  • Lead new product launches including target customer selection, value proposition development, and pricing.
  • Support marketing strategy including creating and implementing strategies and plans for products and programs. This includes on-going market research, program development and positioning, pricing strategies and budgeting / forecasting.
  • Collaborate with other departments to produce world-class marketing collateral materials and manage the development of marketing and sales aid/promotional materials to effectively promote and sell our products.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • An anticipated MBA graduation date of May/June 2026.
  • A concentration in Marketing, General Management, or similar.
  • Two years professional experience pre-MBA.

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Leadership and influencing skills with the ability to drive self, influence others and provide recommendations to senior leadership.
  • Project management skills with strong analytical, critical thinking and problem-solving skills.
  • Ability to manage competing priorities.
  • Ability to collaborate in diverse, cross-functional teams and environment.
  • Ability to cultivate relationships with internal and external customers.
  • Strong communication, organization and presentation skills

Ecolab strives to provide comprehensive and market-competitive benefits to meet the needs of our associates and their families. Click here to see our benefits.

If you are viewing this posting on a site other than our Ecolab Career website, view our benefits at

Covid-19 Vaccine Notice

Due to local mandates and customer requirements, applicants for certain customer-facing positions must be fully vaccinated (which in some situations requires a booster if eligible), unless a religious or medical accommodation is requested by the applicant and approved by Ecolab.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Ecolab will provide reasonable accommodation (such as a qualified sign language interpreter or other personal assistance) with our application process upon request as required to comply with applicable laws. If you have a disability and require accommodation assistance in this application process, please visit the Recruiting Support link in the footer of each page of our career website.


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  23. MBA Marketing Internship 2025

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