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Master of Education

  • Courses Details

Master of Education (M.Ed.)

  • Description
  • eligibility

Fee Structure

Objective of program.

The core objective of M.Ed. programme is to prepare students for productive career in teaching. The 2 year M.Ed. programme is designed to provide opportunities for students to know, understand and extend knowledge of perspective courses such as philosophy, sociology, history, political economy, psychology of education, education studies and curriculum studies. The students also extend as well as deepen their knowledge and understanding of tool courses such as basic and advanced level of research, academic writing, communication skills, ICT skills, self development in specialise in selected areas such as gender and society, inclusive education, yoga education, academic writing. The M.Ed. programme provides focussed exposure and experiences in teacher education through internship. The students also develop research capacities, leading to specialization in either elementary education or secondary education.

Program Outcome

PO1 : Know, understand and apply educational concepts PO2 : Know, understand and apply the perspective courses such as philosophy, sociology, history, political economy, psychology of education and education studies. PO3 : Understand and apply tool courses such as basic and advance level educational research, academic writing, communication skills, educational technology, ICT skills and self development focusing on gender and society, inclusive education and mental and physical well being through yoga. PO4 : Understand, explore and analyze pre-service and in-service teacher education programme through field based internship programme in school and teacher education institutions. PO5 : Understand, apply and synthesize knowledge of curriculum pedagogy and assessment, policy, economics, planning, educational management, educational administration, education for differently abled and educational technology at elementary or secondary level. PO6 : Train students to conduct research, develop research skills and write research thesis. PO7 : Prepare students for profession of teacher education

Grant in Aid (GIA) : 50 + 5(EWS) Self-financed (SFI) : 50 + 5(EWS)

Program Duration

2 years (4 Semesters)

Program Features

Semester - i.

Course Code Course Title Credit
101 PCC

Philosophy of Education

102 PCC

Education studies

103 TECC

Teacher Education-1 Pre-service and In-service teacher education

104 TCC

Introduction to Research Methods

105 TCP

Seminar on current issues in Education

106 TCP

ICT Skills

107 TCP


108 RPD

Dissertation Guidance(Research Proposal Preparation, Draft of First Chapter)


Semester - II

Course Code Course Title Credit
201 PCC Psychology of Learning And Development

202 PCC Curriculum Studies

203 TECC Teacher Education-II : Perspectives, Research and Issues in Teacher Education

204 TCC Advanced Research Methods

205 TCP Library Skills

206 SCCEP/SCCSP Communication Skills

207 RPD Dissertation Guidance (Draft of second and third Chapters )


Semester - III

Course Code Course Title Credit
301 SCCEP/SCCSP Community Services and Reporting

302 PCC Sociology of Education

303 SCCE/SCCS Specialization Core Course – 1 (Select any one of the following) 1) System, Structure, and issues in elementary education (SCCE-1) 2) System, Structure, and issues in secondary education (SCCs-1)

304 SCCE /SCCS Specialization Core Course – 2 (Select any one of the following) 1) Curriculum, Management and Pedagogy in elementary education (SSCS-1) 2) Curriculum, Management and Pedagogy in secondary education (SCCS-2)

305 TE -FE Internship - Teacher Education Institution

306 SCCEP/SCCSP Research Paper Writing Workshop and Presentation

307 SCCEP /SCCSP Preparation of Reflective report of any two educational articles published in newspaper related with specialization

308 RPD Dissertation Guidance: (Draft of Fourth Chapter)


Semester - IV

Course Code Course Title Credit
401 PCC History And Political Economy of Education

402 ESTC Elective Specialization Thematic course -1 (Select any one of the following) 1. Pedagogy and Assessment
2. Educational Management and Leadership
3. Inclusive Education
4. Educational Policy and Policy Research
5. Educational Finance in India
CO1 To explain the concept of Pedagogy.
CO2 To describe the concept of Child Centered pedagogy.
CO3 To Understand the Tools and Techniques of Pedagogy
CO4 To know and understand the history and concept of Assessment.
CO5 To develop an understanding of the concepts of measurement, evaluation and assessment.
CO6 To differentiate between measurement and evaluation.
CO7 To Understand the Tools and Techniques of Assessment.
CO8 To develop desirable skills, attitude and values in implementation of tools and techniques of Pedagogy.
CO9 To develop desirable skills, attitude and values in implementation of tools and techniques of Assessment.

CO1 To explain the meaning, nature, functions and principles of Educational Management.
CO2 To explain the process of Educational Management.
CO3 To develop insight and skills for the improvement the field of Education.
CO4 To explain the meaning and importance of communication in Educational Management.
CO5 To explain the meaning, importance and principles of human relations in education.
CO6 To describe the concept of and need for management of education.
CO7 To develop an understanding of leadership in the context of education.
CO8 To manage performance and information systems in education.
CO9 To develop an understanding of planned change and information management system in education.
CO10 To understand concepts of time management, crisis management and anger management, and to develop time management, crisis management and anger management skills

CO1 Understand concept, meaning and significance of inclusive education
CO2 Appreciate the need for promoting inclusive practice and the roles and responsibilities of the teachers
CO3 Develop critical understanding of the recommendations of various commissions and committees towards teacher preparation for inclusive education,
CO4 Explain the nature of difficulties encountered by children
CO5 Prepare knowledge, values and skills for inclusive schools,
CO6 Analyze special education, integrated education, mainstream and inclusive education practices,
CO7 Identify and utilize existing resources for promoting inclusive practice
CO1 To understand the formulation of educational policy.
CO2 To know the procedure of policy implementation.
CO3 To learn about the monitoring of the issues involved in implementing policies.
CO4 To understand and analyze the policy research.
CO5 To understand the Linkage between education policy and national development policy

CO1 State the objectives of expenditure and source of finance during post independence in India.
CO2 Explain the meaning, concept, importance and principles of educational finance.
CO3 Get acquainted with the meaning and types of Grants- in-aid. CO4 Prepare school budget.
CO5 Analyze the relationship between the financial support of education and quality of education,
CO6 Develop familiarities with various sources of financing in India
CO7 Understand school accounting and developing skill in school budgeting.

403 ESTC Elective Specialization Thematic course -2 (Select any one of the following) 1. ICT in Education
2. Educational Administration and Leadership
3. Guidance and counselling
4. Value Education and Human Rights
5. Planning in Education
CO1: Explain the students the Concept, Need and Importance of ICT in Education.
CO2 : Explain students the understanding of Application of ICT in Teaching-learning, Assessment, Professional Development, School Management and Paradigm Shift due to ICT, Criteria for selecting ICT Resources & Misuse of internet, Legal and ethical issues.
CO3: Explain students To get acquainted with Instructional Design and Communication, Introduction to a personal computer, Internet & concepts related with internet.
CO4 : Explain students to get acquainted with Concept and characteristics of Web Based Instruction, M-Learning, MOOC, CAI and CAL.
CO5 : Explain students to get familiar the Course Management Systems,. Flipped Classroom, Virtual Classroom, Open Educational Resources and Social Media

CO1: Explain the students the Concept, Nature and Scope of Educational Administration.
CO2:Explain students the understanding of process of Educational Administration, Development of modern concept of Educational Administration&Administrative Processes with special reference to Educational Organizations.
CO3:Explain students To get acquainted Leadership and Educational Administration at various level especially leadership styles, elements of Educational Administration& existing problems of Educational Administration.
CO4 : Explain students to get acquainted with Schools of Philosophy means concept and different forms of supervisions & inspection, its methods Evaluation for performance and Accountability & Defects in the present supervision and inspection
CO5 :Explain students to get familiarthe Human Relations Approach to Administration, its principles, Maslow‘s theory and human relations.

CO1: Explain the students the Concept, assumptions and issues and problems of Guidance.
CO2:Explain students the understanding of types of Guidance and role of the teacher in guidance & agencies of guidance.
CO3:Explain students To get acquainted with Educational and Vocational Guidance especially its concept, principles,nature and its relation with curriculum, classroom learning and career development
CO4 : Explain students to get acquainted with concept , nature and principles of Counselling process, its approaches and characteristics.
CO5 :Explain students to get familiar with organization of a guidance programme like various types of services & evaluation of guidance programme.
To enable students to understand the need and importance of Value- . Education and education for Human Rights
 To enable them to understand the nature of values, moral values, moral education and to differentiate such values form religious education, moral training or moral indoctrination.
 To enable them to understand the process of moral development vis-àvis their cognitive and social development.
 To orient the students with various intervention strategies for moral education and conversion of moral learning into moral education.
 Understand correlative nature of citizenship Education and its role in various contemporary issues
 Identify importance of Human Rights awareness in existing social Scenario.

Get acquainted with the meaning and objectives of educational planning.
 Get acquainted with types of educational planning.
 Understand the principles and techniques of educational planning.
 Get acquainted with the process of planning and five year plans in India.
 Identify the need, scope and purpose of educational planning,
 Understand principles and approaches of educational planning.
 Develop the skills in planning and using a variety of administrative strategies.
 Explain the role and contribution of different agencies educational planning.
 Study educational planning system in India with reference to national, state, district and sub-district level structures

404 TE –FE Internship – Related to Specialization

405 RPD Dissertation Guidance , Submission and Viva-voce


Eligibility Criteria

Admission details.

Centerized Admission as per university norms

Reservation Policy

As per state government policy

1st Semester Other Semesters 1st Semester Other Semester
Boys Rs. 2,915/- Rs. 2,365/- Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 20,000/-
Girls Rs. 1,935/- Rs. 1,365/- Rs. 20,000/- Rs. 20,000/-

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  • ahmedabad News

Of state’s varsities, Gujarat University uploads most PhD theses on Shodhganga

Of state’s varsities, Gujarat University uploads most PhD theses on Shodhganga

Visual Stories

m ed thesis in gujaratiMedical

Dr. Mahesh B. Patel

Dr. Pranay Shah


Dr. Dolly Patel

Dr. Nita Bhavsar (GDC)


Dr. Milan Mistry

Dr. Amrut Bharvad


Dr. J.U Nanavati

Dr. Kaushik Raval


Dr. Rajasi Clerk

Dr. Neerja A. Gupta


Dr. Bharti Pathak

Dr. Prateek Kanchan


Dr. Rakesh Rawal

Dr. N. K. Jain

Director General, Forensic Science University

Director, NIPER, Ahmedabad

Director, GNLU

Director, NIOH, Ahmedabad

Prof. (Dr.) R. J. Verma

Prof. (Dr.) Meenu Saraf

Prof. (Dr.) Kamlesh Chokshi

Prof. (Dr.) A. U. Mankad

Dr. Ravi Gor

Prof. (Dr.) Savita Gandhi

The said RRC shall work as per requirement of the inter/multi-disciplinary research. There shall be a committee of five members from the above council members

  • Dean of the faculty
  • Two members from concern senior faculty,
  • One concern external expert.
  • Hon. Vice-Chancellor as Chairperson of the committee) related to the subject / discipline to address such applications. At least three members including one external expert shall constitute the quorum. The appointment of the committee shall be done by Hon. Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad.

Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty Policy

P lagiarism/academic dishonesty policy of gujarat university, ahmedabad.

This ordinance shall become supplementary ordinances and are to be incorporated as M.Phil. / Ph.D. ordinance which come in to force from the year 2009 for the plagiarism and Academic dishonesty policy of the Gujarat University. This ordinance shall become the integral part of the already published ordinance / regulations for M.Phil. / Ph.D. by Gujarat University after adoption of UGC regulations for M.Phil. / Ph.D. in the year 2009 and shall come in to force the date of resolution passed by the Academic Council and Executive Council of Gujarat University, Ahmedabad i. e. 17.06.2015.

O = Ordinance

O. M.Phil. - 18 and O. Ph.D. - 31

Morality, honesty and ethical practices are three extremely pillars for any university system involved in academic activities like teaching, learning and research. The “academicians and associates” involved in the university system called as university community i.e. students / teachers / researchers / scholars / associates / collaborators / managers / etc or any staff members working in the Gujarat University, Ahmedabad who knowingly use, publish, present or perform other’s work as their own will be considered as Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty. It will defiantly disturb the healthy academic atmosphere and harm the research temperament in the university as well as the individuals involved. It is therefore important for Gujarat University to have in place a policy on plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty to avoid such acts and to maintain the academic credibility.

O. M.Phil. - 18.1 and O. Ph.D. - 31.1

Definition / Meaning: Plagiarism is defined as presenting / producing other’s intellectual work as one’s own work. This presentation / reproduction includes coping of ideas, processes, words, phrases, clauses, sentences, paragraphs, longer extracts, infringement of copyright, piracy, theft, stealing, poaching, appropriation, informal cribbing from published or unpublished work including from the internet or e-resources that exceeds the boundaries of the legitimate cooperation / permission without acknowledgement of the reference source. Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty is defined as Intentional Plagiarism / Dishonest Plagiarism and Non-intentional Plagiarism / Negligent Plagiarism.

O. M.Phil. - 18.2 and O. Ph.D. - 31.2

Negligent / Non-intentional Plagiarism: Without appropriate acknowledgment of the reference source, if somebody innocently or carelessly presents other’s work as his / her own work is called negligent plagiarism. This show inadequate knowledge and lack of competency in a particular subject. These careless and negligent efforts results into non-compliance of standard clarification / verification procedures established by the university, where the degree / level of copying is not substantial.

O. M.Phil. - 18.3 and O. Ph.D. - 31.3

Dishonest / intentional Plagiarism: A deliberate attempt of presenting other’s work as his / her own work without appropriate acknowledgement of the reference source is called dishonest plagiarism. This shows knowingly or intentionally a person invoice in substantial appropriation or copying of material of the other’s work without any permission of the reference source, where the degree / level of copying is substantial.

O. M.Phil. - 18.4 and O. Ph.D. - 31.4

Detection of Plagiarism / Academic dishonesty: A committee for each subject comprising of Dean of Concern Faculty, Head of the university department, two faculty members who are recognized guide from the respective university department including one professor and one outside technical expert from Ahmedabad City nominated by Hon. Vice Chancellor, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, will be responsible to distinguish original work from the plagiarized work and the level / degree of plagiarism. Any three members except guiding teacher will constitute the quorum. This committee will detect the plagiarism on receiving the written complain only by the original reference source with required proof / evidence as per prevailing norms by Gujarat University / UGC / National Knowledge Commission or equivalent agency. The final decision on the plagiarism wills the help of variety of tools like personal verification / use of software / e-resources etc. The Gujarat University will use the best available tools / software to detect plagiarism / Academic dishonesty.

O. M.Phil. - 18.5 and O. Ph.D. - 31.5

Procedural fairness and policy compliance to address alleged plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty: The Gujarat University, Ahmedabad is committed to deal with alleged plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty by any section of the University community in accordance with the principles of procedural fairness introduced with this document including the right to:

  • Concerned persons must be informed of the allegations against them with sufficient details which enables them to understand the precise nature of allegations
  • Reasonable time of fifteen to twenty working days should be given to respond to the allegations
  • Total disputed matter should be resolved within one months of the detection of plagiarism
  • Impartial investigation with absence of any bias in the process

O. M.Phil. - 19 and O. Ph.D. - 32

Gujarat University will ensure to educate its students, teaching community and other staff members about what constitutes plagiarism, its detection and the course of action. It is essential for all the section of the university community including researches / workers / students / staff working with the Gujarat University system to submit a statement with signature and declaration certificate that they are aware of the plagiarism policy of the Gujarat University, Ahmedabad where ever applicable and no part of their presentation / research / work / act / performance be it assignment, term paper, project report, dissertation, thesis, short communications etc. is not copied in any form of print or electronic source including internet and it is one’s original efforts and creation. Gujarat University, Ahmedabad will create a record in the university system that indicates that one has committed an act of plagiarism/academic dishonesty.

O. M.Phil. - 19.1 and O. Ph.D. - 32.1

Assessment and action against alleged Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty: If the committee proves the alleged plagiarism, a detailed report with the proof will be discussed and submitted to the Hon. Vice Chancellor, who will confirm the degree / level of plagiarism along with the committee members first, if it is required then, it will be further submitted to The Academic Council of the Gujarat University for confirmation and then the case would be referred to The Executive Council of the Gujarat University which is empowered to take disciplinary actions.

O. M.Phil. - 19.2 and O. Ph.D. - 32.2

Consequences of alleged Plagiarism / Academic Dishonesty Plagiarism and academic dishonesty will have some severe penalties and repercussions. The committee may recommend any or every of the following depending on the severity of the act:

For Non - intentional Plagiarism / Negligent Plagiarism

  • Recommendation for counselling or remediation
  • Fine or warning
  • Redoing / Resubmit in fresh of the assignment / course / project / performance / action
  • Fine or warning to Guiding Teacher

For Intentional Plagiarism / Dishonest Plagiarism

  • Reduced grade / detaining / failing in the assignment / course / project / performance / action
  • Dismissing / rustication of the individual from the course / university for limited period or permanent
  • Withdrawal of the degree
  • Temporary or permanent withdrawal of the Guide ship for teacher

O. M.Phil. - 20 and O. Ph.D. - 33

Mandatory requirement: Gujarat University impacts regular and research degrees in various faculties in more than 100 subjects. The registered candidates are referring many source of information and preparing the relevant document in form of publications / dissertation / project / proposal / thesis / research related document (short communication, paper, review article, performance, presentation etc.) There is possibility that these candidates follow / refer / observe the same literature source as others are using, therefore it is essential to decide / address and restrict such practices. The level of tolerance and acceptability for alleged degree of plagiarism for publications / dissertation / project proposal / thesis / research related documents (short communication, paper, review article, performance, presentation etc.) before the submission of such document is as follows:

Content Tolerance Limit for Plagiarism/ Academic dishonesty up to
Introductory part 25%
Review of Literature and Citation 65%
Rationale and Justification of the Research problem 20%
Material, Methodology Protocol, Approaches etc 55%
Results, Discussion, Observations, Records etc. 17%
Conclusions, General Recommendations, Salient Features etc. 05%

If any document exceeds the above proposed limit would be considered as plagiarism / academic dishonesty and the actions will be taken as mentioned in this document as O. M.Phil. - 19.2 and O.Ph.D. - 32.2

Moreover, Students / Research Scholars (M.Phil. & Ph.D.) shall observe the following Guideline before the submission of Dissertation / Thesis:

  • Students are required to submit at least one review article / paper (M.Phil.) and two review article / papers (Ph.D.) before the submission of Dissertation / Thesis
  • Students are also required to screen their submission for plagiarism and a certificate is mandatory before printing the hard copy of the same.
  • The Dissertation / Thesis should be in spiral or loose binding to be sent to the external Examiners
  • The Printing of hard copy would be allowed only after the necessary corrections and suggestions are being incorporated in the submission.
  • E-resources may be utilized by the University and examiners for communication (via e- mail / soft copy / pen drive) for examination, evaluation and report submission.

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Gujarat University

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Home > M.Ed. Theses

Master of Education Program Theses

The graduate program in education at Dordt College prepares teachers for service in diverse settings, equipping them with God-centered reflective and transformative skills, knowledge, and dispositions for teaching, learning, and leading.

Theses from 2024 2024

Effectiveness of Student-Corrected Pretests to Increase Spelling Test Scores of Students with ADHD and Low Working Memory , Melissa J. Johnson

Factors of Teacher Retention and Attrition in a Post-Trauma Environment , Pamela J. Van Dop

Implementing a Multi-Tiered System of Supports , Hayley Vander Wal

The Benefits of Using Open-Note Assessments , Logan Schaefers

Theses from 2023 2023

Co-Teaching for English Learners , Fabiola Addink

Impact of Audiobooks on Reading Attitudes of Upper Elementary Students , Jessica Grace DeWit

Preschool Instructional and Assessment Practices at Stepping Stones Preschool , Julie Hoogland

School Climate Measurement and Analysis , Adrian J. Vandenberg

Student-Led Conferences in the Early Childhood Classroom , Lizzie Van Wyk

Teacher-Directed Interventions vs. Freckle: A Study in the Efficacy of Tier II Interventions , Kellie Den Hartog

The Effect of Reflection on Retrieval Practice to Self-Regulated Learning , Janean Heyboer

Theses from 2022 2022

Benefits and Barriers of Block Scheduling , Courtney Huebner

Christian School Relationships with Homeschool Families , Karla R. Schwitters

Effective Board Governance in Covenantal Christian Schools , Justin Raap

Exploring the Mental Health and Burnout Among Educators , Kelsey Van't Zelfde

Impact of Career and Technical Education on Student Engagement in Small Suburban Christian Schools , Brad A. Homan

Math Fact Fluency Assessments and their Impact on Math Anxiety , Kathryn De Vries

Teachers' Perceptions of Instructional Coaches , Melanie Sharp

The Effectiveness of Writing Portfolios to Develop Metacognition , Beth Bleeker

The Successful Adoption of Teaching for Transformation: Utilizing Kotter's 8-Stage Process for Leading Change , Marcus Todd

Theses from 2021 2021

Crew as a Tool to Foster Belonging at School , Leendert de Visser

Examining the Relationship Between Teacher Efficacy, Stress, and Email Use , Jonathan Van Santen

Factors Influencing Advanced STEM Course Enrollment for Females , Marissa Erickson

Implications of Mental Health and Educators , Krista Bosman

Journey of Reform: A Phenomenological Study of the Perceived Impacts of Standards-Based Grading on Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction , Melanie K. Cleveringa

Measuring Student Engagement and Student Satisfaction in Online and In-Person High School Classes , Joseph Jasper

School Schedules and Their Impact on Teacher Job Satisfaction , Heidi VanWeelden

Stress Management for Student-Athletes: Stress Levels and Mitigation Strategies for Athletes and Coaches at a Faith-Based University , Caleb Herman

Student Perceptions in Temporary and Cohort Groups , David Miedema

Writing for an Authentic Audience in the Middle Grades , Emily Huffman

Theses from 2020 2020

Academic Stress and Honors Students: A Phenomenological Study of Christian High School Students’ Perceptions and Experiences , James Uitermarkt

Brain Breaks and Engagement , Joe'l Vander Waal

Disordered Eating Behaviors Amongst Student Athletes , Sarah Wensink

Peer Coaching at an Independent School , Lindsay Anderson

Self-Efficacy and Its Effect on Student Achievement in Reading and Math , Morgan Van Hulzen

Technology Use in the Classroom , Danny Mooers

The Classroom Environment: Effects on Learning, Motivation, and Behavior , Angela Pierotti

Theses from 2019 2019

A Case Study for Improving Reading Comprehension in Third Grade Using Literature Circles , Joy Hinds

Amateur Sport Participation and the Development of Athletes , Mycah Hulst

Effect of Formational Learning Experiences on Student Attitudes , Pamela Zuidhof

Growing Motivation and Learning for the Middle School Student through Reassessment Practices , Payton Ponstein

Place-Based Education and Reconciliation , Jonathan Boone

Self-Assessment and the Growth Mindset of Middle School Students , Julie Gross

Smartphones and Schoolwork: Determining the Relationship Between Students’ Beliefs and Habits Regarding Phones , Luke Breems

Technology: Engagement and Motivation in the Elementary Classroom , David Nieuwsma

The Impact of Faith-Based Programs on Christian High School Students in a Rural Christian Independent School , Mike Cumiskey

Understanding Teacher Shortages in Christian Schools , Ralph Medema

Writing Self-Efficacy and Student Ownership: Exploring Middle School Writing Perceptions through Increased Ownership in the Classroom , Ruth Clark

Theses from 2018 2018

Authentic Learning Experiences: Investigating How Teachers Can Lead Their Students to Intrinsic Motivation in Meaningful Work , Rhonda Van Donge

Do Kindergarten Readiness Screenings Predict Academic and Social Success? , Lori Schaap

Feedback and Growth Mindset: Nurturing a Growth Mindset Through Feedback with Middle School Students , Lori Carpenter

Flipped Classrooms and the Video Creator’s Impact on Achievement , Kailee Davelaar

Formative Feedback and Student Attitudes: Investigating the Impact of Teacher Feedback on Student Attitudes in the Classroom , Aaron Vedder

Is a Flipped Classroom in a High School Geometry Class Effective? , Charles Dirks

MAP to Khan Academy Connection: Analyzing the Potential Role of Using Khan Mappers to Boost MAP Scores , Glenda Elgersma

Student Ownership, Engagement, and the Love of Learning: Investigating the Correlation of Student Ownership to Student Engagement , Kevin Koeman

Theses from 2017 2017

Blended Learning and Math Growth: Investigating the Role of IXL Math in the Growth of 5th Grade Students’ Math Fluency Scores , Dan Van Ruler

Childhood Fitness and Academic Achievement: An Exploration into the Effect of Physical Fitness Scores on Academic Assessment Tests , Kevin Vanderwal

Effect of Extra-Curricular Activities on Students' Spiritual Growth , Alexa Groen

Exploration of Mathematics: Investigating the Continuum of Mathematics from the Middle Years Program to the Diploma Program at International Baccalaureate Schools , Stela Irene Tampubolon

Math Anxiety and Assessment Strategies , Ronald Vis

Meaningful Instruction of Basic Multiplication Facts: Applying Constructivist Concepts to Basic Fact Acquisition , Donna Stille

Parent Support Groups and Well-Being: Investigating the Benefits of Parent Support Groups for Families of Children with Special Needs , Rachel Zeutenhorst

Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Mathematics Achievement , Laura Kramer

Revolutionizing Reading: Discovering the Power of a Reading Workshop Model in the High School English Classroom , Kaitlyn De Wild

Social Emotional Learning: The Impacts of an Implemented Plan at a Private Christian School in the Urban Setting , Lindsey Cooper

Teaching Kindergarten Reading Comprehension Using Transactional Strategy Instruction , Heather Schultz

The Effects of Reading Fluency Interventions on Different Populations of Students Repeated Readings vs. Lexia Core 5 , Matt Den Hartog

Visual Formative Assessment and Learning Styles , Julie Pickard

Theses from 2016 2016

Cooperative Groups and Student Engagement: Exploring Cooperative Learning Groups in Mathematics , Trisha Reszel

Importance of Play: Play-Based Instruction Within a Preschool Learning Environment , Sarah Sjoerdsma

Institutional Culture in Christian Schools , Jill Friend

Motivation, Mindset, and Grading Systems , Russell J. Vander Molen

Parent Involvement in the Middle School , Stephanie Walhof

Perceptions of International High School Students Regarding Flipped Classroom Strategies in the Humanities Classroom , Nathanael Gibson

Reading as a Necessity: Best Practices for Incorporating Reading into One English Course , Kristin M. Janssen

Teacher Retention at a Tribal School , Cara Mulder

Teaching for Transformation: A Tool for Christian Teachers , Rachel Vanden Hull

Teaching History: Effective Teaching for Learning History - Chronological vs. Thematic Approaches to Student Historical Comprehension , Shane Williams

Theses from 2015 2015

Case for Improved Reading Achievement Using a Co-Teaching Model , Jill Van Soelen

Comparison of Online Student vs. Public Student Performance on the ACT , Sarah Schultz

Gender Bias in Teacher Interactions with Students , Kaily Stevens

Holistic Versus Dualistic Christian Worldview: A Study of Comparative Impact in a Latin American Community , Jinhi K. Roskamp

Improving Number Sense Using Number Talks , Kelsie Ruter

Physical Activity and Time-on-Task , Lisa Mouw

Recurrent Phenomenon of Divine Intervention in the Recruitment of Teachers at the American Christian Academy: A Narrative Inquiry , Karen Ann Nwulu

Self-Management Program to Handle Social/Emotional Baggage in the Classroom , Lisa N. Hines

Stability Balls and Handwriting Proficiency in a Kindergarten Classroom , Megan Haan

Survey of Students’ Perceptions of Assertive Discipline and Restorative Discipline in American Christian Academy, Ibadan, Nigeria. , Adedayo Oladeji Okunade

Teachers as World-Makers in the Digital Age , Abby De Groot

Technology, Mathematics and the Flourishing of the Elementary Student , Judy de Waal

Theses from 2014 2014

Best Practices in the Foreign Language Classroom , Allison Kleinsasser

Case for Foreign Language in the Elementary School , Mary Beth Pollema

Character Education in Christian Schools , Curtis Van Dam

Cooperative Learning in Today's Bilingual Classrooms , Heath Swanson

Correlation Between Interactive eBooks and Printed Text in Reading Achievement and Student Interest , Kimberly D. Beimers

Effective Transitional Strategies for the First Grade Classroom , Ashley Rose Perrin

Interpersonal Intelligence and Problem-Based Learning , Denise M. deNevers

Kindergarten Phonics Instruction , Erika Hall

Motivating English Language Learners: An Indonesian Case Study , Rebekah Nichols

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M.Ed. Thesis Abstracts & Documents

Welcome to the Moravian University Education Department’s teacher action research collection. More than 175 K-12 teachers to date have researched their professional practice and documented the ways in which they have worked to increase student engagement and achievement within their respective classrooms as part of their requirement to earn the Master of Education degree. The complete collection of abstracts and studies in pdf format from 2003 to the present may be perused and downloaded from this site or you may examine the collection, using the search features of the Reeves Library MOSYS catalog by  clicking here .

Note: If you perform a search on Reeves Library Catalog by Author, entering "Moravian University Masters of Education," entries for all Master of Education thesis documents will be retrieved.


Bennett, Kari (2019). What Are the Effects of a Curricular Emphasis on Gender Equity on Students’ Beliefs and Attitudes About Girls in STEM in a 4th Grade STEM Classroom?

Bennett - Full Document (PDF)


Culligan, Ashely (2019). Incorporating Physical Activity Breaks into the ELA Curriculum.

Culligan - Full Document (PDF)


D'Ippolito, Alyssa L. (2019). Trading Behaviors: De-escalation Techniques and Behavior Modification in a Middle School Emotional Support Classroom.

D'Ippolito - Full Document (PDF)


Emili, Angela E. (2019). The Impact of Social Justice Themes on Student Artwork in an Urban Elementary School Setting.

Emili - Full Document (PDF)


Glase, Elizabeth M. (2019). Implementing Literacy Strategies and Math Talk in the Sixth Grade Mathematics Classroom.

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Hartman, Ariel (2019). Using a Pathway of Reflective Coaching to Build Relationships with Classroom Teachers.

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Hassay, Christopher R. (2019). Curatorial Teaching: Student Directed Inquiry in a First-Year Writing Classroom.

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Hutzayluk, Stephanie (2019). Intergenerational Learning: Building Relationships with Senior Citizens in a First Grade Classroom.

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Jordan, Lindsay M. (2019). Using Multisensory Techniques to Improve Reading Achievement.

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Kieszek, Christopher (2019). What are the Effects on Academic Performance and Engagement when Implementing a Flipped Classroom Model Approach to Teaching in a High School Algebra 2 Classroom?

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Linkert, Jennifer L. (2019). Incorporating Different Cultures into the Curriculum.

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Lutri, Taylor (2019). Let’s Get Our “Hands-On” Learning: Using Multisensory Activities in Student Centers.

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Ramirez, Kelvyn (2019). Teaching in the Target Language Within the 21st Century Classroom.

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Strickler, Samantha (2019). Math Interventions in the First Grade Classroom: Tiered, Tired, and True?

Strickler - Full Document (PDF)


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Sub: TNTEU – M.Ed. Dissertation – Finalisation of titles for Individual Students – Sending the 3 titles with Guide Names – Reg Government College of Education for Women

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Hutchmed Growing Sales By 64% In H1 2024

Tudor Invest Holdings profile picture

  • Share price up nearly 20% since our previous Buy call.
  • Approval of the colon cancer drug FRUZAQLA by the U.S. FDA was a game-changer to their growth in sales.
  • We expect continued growth in sales of oncology products from the approval of FRUZAQLA in the E.U. and Japan.

Wide shot doctor shaking hands with daughter before consulting with mother in hospital

Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision via Getty Images

Hutchmed logo

Hutchmed logo (Hutchmed)

Investment Thesis

In our article on HUTCHMED (China) Limited ( NASDAQ: HCM ) on the 26th of March this year, we continued our Buy stance on the back of our expectations that the company finally is becoming profitable .

The share price is up nearly 20%.

HCM’s colon cancer drug FRUZAQLA’s approval by the U.S. FDA at the end of last year was a game-changer for the company with a reported good uptake from U.S. patients after the launch.

We believe the growth rate of 59% in sales of oncology products in FH 2024 will continue on the back of expected approvals from Japan and the E.U. Sales in China, and potentially India will also add to the growth going forward.

Let us start by looking at their latest financial results, which came out on the 31st of July 2024.

Hutchmed First Half 2024 Financial Results

HCM made a profit of $25.8 million in FH 2024, with revenue from sales of products up 64% to $128 million . Their full-year revenue guidance remains at $300 million to $400 million.

On the cost side, the R&D costs decreased from $144.6 million in FH 2023 to $95 in FH 2024. However, this does not mean that R&D will receive less priority going forward. It is expected to grow going forward.

The net income attributable to HCM’s shareholders in FH 2024 was $0.03 per ordinary share, which equates to $0.15 per ADS, as one ADS consists of 5 ordinary shares.

Analysts on Wall Street are, in our opinion, too conservative in their projections about future earnings.

Wall Street analysts consensus on Hutchmed's forward earning projections

Wall Street analysts consensus on Hutchmed's forward earning projections (SA)

Their negative EPS estimate of $-0.17 per ADS, we assume, must have been made before the positive EPS of $0.15 communicated by management during the FH 2024 presentation.

Tudor Invest Holding's projection of earnings per ADS versus Wall St.

Tudor Invest Holding's projection of earnings per ADS versus Wall St. (Data from SA and TIH)

Our estimate for SH 2024 EPS is $0.25 per ADS. This makes the FY 2024 EPS $0.40. In 2025, we could see a further growth of about 80% to 90%, assuming regulatory approvals in the various European countries, plus Japan come through. This is the catalyst that will boost sales further.

Now to their balance sheet.

As of the end of FH 2024, they held $802.4 million in cash and cash equivalent assets. Bank borrowings were only $82.1 million.

We will be interested to learn more about their capital allocation going forward. Much of the profit will in all likelihood be directed towards the pipeline of new products they have under development.

Hutchmed's pipeline of products under development

Hutchmed's pipeline of products under development (Hutchmed FH 2024 Results Presentation)

Risks to Thesis

There are many areas of risk associated with companies in the pharmaceutical industry.

It is costly to develop and bring medicine to the market.

We have also pointed out in earlier articles on HCM that governments in many countries regulate how much they can charge for the medicine. This can be a risk as it may reduce profitability.

Many industries face challenges from trade barriers. Especially those located in China. However, it is likely if HCM can develop medicine that treats life-threatening illnesses, such as cancers, most countries would not put too many barriers to trade in these.

We do believe in the growth story of HCM. Even if it would not completely cure millions of patients, if it can improve their condition, it seems to me that it should be applauded.

Early investors in HCM must have patience.

It may never become as big as Novo Nordisk ( NVO ), which has a market capitalization of$576 billion, but HCM’s market capitalization is only $3.4 billion.

It has products that the world needs. It is manufacturing in China, which still is the world’s largest manufacturing nation.

Management of HCM has outlined the future growth and their focus on controlling costs. This was also highlighted at the earnings call with analysts by their CEO, Dr. Wei-Guo Su:

Our previous target was to achieve profitability by the end of 2025. We believe, we are well on our way and potentially ahead of the curve. Looking ahead, there are a lot of events on this map, all lined up for 2025 2026, and beyond. These events if achieved, will help fuel the growth for years to come”

We maintain our Buy stance.

This article was written by

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Analyst’s Disclosure: I/we have no stock, option or similar derivative position in any of the companies mentioned, but may initiate a beneficial Long position through a purchase of the stock, or the purchase of call options or similar derivatives in HCM over the next 72 hours. I wrote this article myself, and it expresses my own opinions. I am not receiving compensation for it (other than from Seeking Alpha). I have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article.

Seeking Alpha's Disclosure: Past performance is no guarantee of future results. No recommendation or advice is being given as to whether any investment is suitable for a particular investor. Any views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of Seeking Alpha as a whole. Seeking Alpha is not a licensed securities dealer, broker or US investment adviser or investment bank. Our analysts are third party authors that include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be licensed or certified by any institute or regulatory body.

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  3. PDF Gujarat University

    Ordinance for Education = Edu.O and Regulation for Education = Edu. R Edu.O-1: M.Ed. Program in Education, in Gujarat University shall be of two years (Four Semester) dur ation. For the purpose of admission in M.Ed. Program, minimum eligibility required is the following degree with at least 50% of the marks. 1.

  4. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET: Department of Education

    Shodhganga. The Shodhganga@INFLIBNET Centre provides a platform for research students to deposit their Ph.D. theses and make it available to the entire scholarly community in open access. Shodhganga@INFLIBNET. Manonmaniam Sundaranar University.

  5. Education Department

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    dissertation topics of m.ed students 2019-2021 batch s. n. name title of the study 1. ms. pednekar neeta chandrakant e-learning challenges of post graduate student teachers and teacher educators:a phenomenological study 2. ms. sapreratisharajan self concept in relation with academic achievement among high school students of north goa 3. ms.


    LIST OF M.ED DESSERTATIONS DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION UNIVERSITY OF CALICUT 2021. Sl.No. Call No. Author Title Year 1 M0/1 Venugopal, V.K. Cognitive disparities among the primary school entrance 1980 2 M0/2 Alphonsa Joseph Construction and testing of models for the

  15. M.Ed. Thesis Abstracts & Documents

    M.Ed. Thesis Abstracts & Documents. Welcome to the Moravian University Education Department's teacher action research collection. More than 175 K-12 teachers to date have researched their professional practice and documented the ways in which they have worked to increase student engagement and achievement within their respective classrooms as part of their requirement to earn the Master of ...

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  18. Department of Gujarati

    PhD (Gujarati) A PhD is a postgraduate doctoral degree, awarded to students who complete an original thesis offering a significant new contribution to knowledge in their subject. PhD qualifications are available in Gujarati subjects and are normally the highest level of academic degree a person can achieve. Program Duration: As per U.G.C. Norms.

  19. (DOC) Sub: TNTEU

    ----- The M.Ed. dissertation 3 titles for Individual Students with Guide Names are furnished below for finalisation by the University. Thank You Enclose: M.Ed. Topics List Government College of Education for Women Coimbatore -641001 M.Ed. Dissertation Topics for the Academic Year 2016-2018 SL. NO Roll No Student's Name Titles UNDER THE ...

  20. PDF M Ed (Honours) Thesis

    This thesis is an intrasubjective reflection about my experiences of implementing psychodynamic pedagogy in a school from 1997-1998. Psychodynamic pedagogy was a theory that could not just be read about, it had to be enacted. I had to 'live it' (Arnold, 1994). My research is at the pulsating heart of teaching - in a school, working and

  21. PDF A Study of Stress of M.Ed. Students about Dissertation in M.Ed.

    The present research studies the students of M.Ed. course, thus the method of research is survey method 11. Data Collection In present research researcher used Stress test to measure the stress of M.Ed.students about dissertation for data collection. The researcher first collected the information and list of the all the M.Ed. colleges

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    Thomas Barwick/DigitalVision via Getty Images. Hutchmed logo (Hutchmed). Investment Thesis. In our article on HUTCHMED (China) Limited (NASDAQ:HCM) on the 26th of March this year, we continued our ...