Download: Sample letters for requesting evaluations and reports

letter to request speech evaluation

By Amanda Morin

Expert reviewed by Kristen L. Hodnett, MS

Download: Sample letters for requesting evaluations and reports, woman writing a letter

What you’ll learn

Letter template: request an evaluation, letter template: accept the evaluation plan with conditions, letter template: reject the evaluation plan, letter template: request the evaluation report, letter template: request an independent educational evaluation at public expense.

Putting your evaluation requests in writing can help protect your rights. Choose from the templates below based on where you are in the evaluation process. Copy and paste the text into an email or letter. Then use the notes in the template to add details about your child.

The sample letters were adapted from  The Everything Parent’s Guide to Special Education  (Adams Media, 2014). 

Once you’ve decided to ask the school to evaluate your child for special education , it’s time to write your request. Use this letter template to help you include key details:

Describe your concerns about your child.

Mention what you and the school have done to try to help.

Include the date that you are making this request. (By law, the school district must respond to your request within a certain number of days. This time frame varies from state to state.)

Request to begin the evaluation process PDF - 32.6 KB

6 steps to request a free school evaluation

Evaluation rights: What you need to know

After you request an evaluation, the next step is for your child’s school to approve or deny the request. If it’s approved, you’ll receive an evaluation plan. The school team can’t move forward until you give your consent.

If you like the plan, sign it. If you think the plan doesn’t cover all of your concerns, use this letter template to ask the school team to add more testing.

Accept the Evaluation Plan With Conditions PDF - 29.4 KB

The school evaluation process: What to expect

Informed consent: What you need to know

By law, the school evaluation has to be comprehensive. It also has to be multidisciplinary. This means it must look at more than one aspect of your child, and it must include a variety of tests and data.

Use this letter template if you want to reject the school evaluation plan. This template can help you raise concerns about key areas, like types of testing or an evaluator’s credentials.

Reject the Evaluation Plan PDF - 29.0 KB

Different types of evaluations

After the evaluation, the school team will meet to decide if your child is eligible for special education. You have the right to receive your child’s evaluation report before this meeting.

Use this letter template to ask for a copy of the evaluation report at least a few days before the meeting. Reading the report in advance can give you time to process the information and think about what you want to ask.

Request the Evaluation Report PDF - 26.6 KB

What evaluation testing results mean

What to expect at an IEP eligibility meeting

Do you disagree with the result of your child’s school evaluation? Or are you worried that it wasn’t thorough enough? You have the right to pay for a private evaluation, and the school must consider those results. But you also have the right to ask the school district to pay for an independent educational evaluation (IEE).

Use this letter to request an IEE at public expense. The school district can approve or deny your request. If your request is denied, the school district has to explain why.

Request an Independent Educational Evaluation at Public Expense PDF - 32.8 KB

Independent educational evaluations (IEEs): What you need to know

I disagree with the school evaluation results. Now what?

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Sample Letter of Referral for First Time Evaluation Requests

(Replace blue, bolded type with your information)

School Special Education Coordinator/Principal or Committee on Special Education Office (CSE)*

Address of CPSE/CSE Office

Child’s name, date of birth, name of school, ID, or OSIS#

Dear Chairperson ,

I am referring my child, name , for a full evaluation because I believe that my child may require special education programs or services. I would like the following evaluations to be conducted: psychological, psychoeducational, occupational therapy, physical therapy, speech and language pathology , functional behavioral assessment (include all evaluation requests, delete those not requested) .

I am available to sign the consent to evaluate as soon as it’s available, and I look forward to hearing from you.

Your address

Your telephone number

  • Keep a copy of the letter for your records.
  • If you haven’t heard from the school or received the consent to evaluate within 10-14 days, contact them to follow up.
  • Children who attend public school are evaluated by their school’s IEP Team. Children who attend private, charter, parochial, state-approved non-public schools, or are not in school are evaluated by the CPSE or CSE Office according to the district in which your child lives. Contact information for the CSE Offices can be found on the NYCDOE website.
  • Evaluations are free of charge.
  • Evaluations must be conducted in all areas of suspected disability and in the child’s native language.
  • It may be helpful to attach a doctor’s note requesting specific evaluations.
  • For more information about the referral and evaluation process, read INCLUDEnyc’s Special Education Timeline tip sheet .

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Disability systems, early childhood, special education, evaluations from birth to 21.

Evaluations are conducted to determine eligibility for special education programs and services.

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Independent education evaluation.

If the school district fails to evaluate your child, or if you disagree with the results, you have the right to request an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE).

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Sample letter for independent education evaluation.

Use this form letter to request an independent education evaluation for your child.

Special Education

Types of evaluations in special education.

Evaluations determine at what level a student is performing, as well as in physical, social, and behavioral development.

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IEP Request Letter

When you have a kid who requires special education services, you understand the value of an IEP. An Individualized Education Program (IEP) details the measures taken and services offered for your child to help them succeed in school. But what do you do if you need to make adjustments to your child’s Individualized Education Program (IEP)? This is where an IEP Request Letter comes in. 

This article aims to help you craft a letter requesting an Individualized Education Program (IEP) that gets results. We’ll discuss the importance of being direct, specific, and persistent in your IEP request letter and provide you with some guidelines and sample letters to work from. Let’s get started, so get yourself a cup of coffee.

What Is an IEP Request Letter?

A letter requesting an evaluation to evaluate a student’s eligibility for special education services and an Individualized Education Program (IEP). The IEP is a document that defines the student’s unique requirements, goals, and the benefits and adjustments that the school will provide to assist the student’s education.

A parent or guardian typically prepares the IEP Request Letter. However, a teacher or other educational professional with concerns about a student’s academic or behavioral performance can also write it. The letter should be clear and short and include precise details regarding the student’s needs and the reasons for requesting an evaluation.

Here are some of the most critical components that should be included in an IEP Request Letter:

  • Introduction: Please introduce yourself and the student, including their name, age, and current grade level, in the introduction.
  • Explanation of concerns: Clarify the reasons for requesting an evaluation and provide specific examples of the student’s academic challenges. This may involve academic difficulties, behavioral issues, or problems with attention, memory, or social skills.
  • Request for evaluation: State clearly that you are requesting an assessment to establish the student’s eligibility for special education services and an Individualized Education Program (IEP).
  • Supporting documentation: Include any pertinent evaluations or reports from healthcare professionals, psychologists, or other educational specialists to help your request for an assessment.
  • Signature: Sign the letter and include your contact information, such as your phone number and email address.

It is essential to highlight that the tone of the IEP Request Letter must be respectful and professional. The objective is to properly communicate the student’s needs and the reasons for requesting an evaluation while exhibiting a willingness to collaborate with the school to promote the student’s education. There is a sample IEP request letter for ADHD and a sample letter requesting a psychoeducational evaluation.

How To Write an IEP Request Letter

When a parent or guardian wants their kid with special needs to get the help they need in school, a letter requesting an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is a crucial step. Instructions for creating a winning IEP Request Letter are provided below:

  • Gather information: Please inquire about the student’s needs and your concerns about their academic performance before writing the letter. A request for an evaluation can be backed up by evidence, such as grades, instructor comments, doctor’s notes, and other assessments.
  • Address the letter to the appropriate person: Don’t just send it to anyone; make sure it gets to the district administrator in charge of special education. It could be the Superintendent, the Director of Special Education, or another administrative figure in the school. Understanding the due process for special education can help you in this aspect.
  • Start with a clear introduction: At the outset of the letter, provide basic information about the student and yourself, such as your names, ages, and current grades. Use resources like the Understood website for additional guidance.
  • Clearly state your concerns: Explain in detail why you feel an evaluation is necessary for the next portion of your letter. Give concrete examples of students’ struggles and discuss how they affect their academic performance.
  • Request an evaluation: Spell out that you need an assessment to establish whether or not the pupil qualifies for special education and an individualized education program (IEP). Specify the specific supports you think the student would benefit from.
  • Provide supporting documentation: Add any pertinent medical, psychological, or educational reports as enclosures or attachments to the letter for further consideration.
  • Be professional and respectful: The point is to prove you’re willing to cooperate with the institution teaching your child.
  • End with your contact information: If the recipient has any queries or concerns, provide them with your contact information (phone number and email address). Thank the reader for taking the time to read your letter and for their consideration.
  • Proofread and edit: Before hitting “send,” give that letter a good once over to ensure it reads smoothly, clearly, and succinctly. Verify for typos and grammatical problems, then make any required changes.

If you follow these guidelines, you can draft an IEP Request Letter that effectively explains the student’s requirements and shows your willingness to collaborate with the school to help them succeed. You need to see an IEP letter request sample. Now you know how to request an IEP assessment and a letter to request an IEP.

Sample IEP Request Letter

Here is a sample IEP Request Letter that you can use as a guide:

[Your Name] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code] [Phone Number] [Email Address] [Date]

[Director of Special Education] [School District] [Address] [City, State ZIP Code]

Dear [Director of Special Education],

I am requesting an evaluation to determine if my child, [Student’s Name], is eligible for special education services and an Individualized Education Program (IEP). [Student Name] is in [Grade Level] at [School Name] and has academic and behavioral difficulties at school.

I have seen that [Student’s Name] struggles with [particular academic or behavioral challenges, such as reading comprehension, completing homework, or following classroom rules]. These obstacles affect [their] education and make it challenging for [them] to excel in school.

I feel [Student’s Name] would benefit from an examination to establish eligibility for special education services and an Individualized Education Program (IEP). I request an evaluation for [services or accommodations, such as speech therapy, counseling , or a customized classroom].

Attached to this letter are [any pertinent reports or evaluations from medical professionals, psychologists, or educational specialists]. These materials give additional information regarding [Student’s Name]’s requirements and support my evaluation request.

I would value your speedy consideration on this matter. If you have any queries or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at [phone number] or [email address].

We appreciate your time and consideration.

[Your Signature] [Your Name]

The Importance of an IEP Request Letter

If your kid has special education requirements, you should write a letter requesting an Individualized Education Program (IEP). By sending this letter, you formally request that the school evaluate your child to determine whether or not they are eligible for special education services under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA).

The goal of the letter requesting an Individualized Education Program (IEP) is to alert the school about the child’s learning issues and to ask for an evaluation to evaluate the child’s eligibility for special education services. All of the following details belong in the letter:

  • Name, age, and school where the child is enrolled
  • There are worries regarding the kid’s grades and behavior in school.
  • If there have been any past assessments or evaluations of the child’s learning issues, please provide those as well.
  • Detailed inquiry into the IEP assessment
  • Certification by a legal guardian

The letter requesting an Individualized Education Program (IEP) should be as thorough as possible because it will be used to establish the child’s eligibility for special education services. The child’s letter should be brief, precise, and careful in conveying their worries and requirements.

A duplicate letter requesting an Individualized Education Program should be kept for the kid’s files. In case of a future disagreement or issue, this proof of the request for an evaluation will be helpful.

Finally, the IEP request letter is a crucial tool for parents and guardians to use in the unique education process and to help ensure their child receives the education and assistance they need. The IEP request letter confirms that the child’s rights are upheld and that they receive the necessary assistance and services to succeed in school by providing thorough information about the child’s requirements and formally requesting an examination. There are sample letters and forms.

Jennifer Hanson is a dedicated and seasoned writer specializing in the field of special education. With a passion for advocating for the rights and needs of children with diverse learning abilities, Jennifer uses her pen to educate, inspire, and empower both educators and parents alike.

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    This page presents a model letter or email you might write the school to ask that your child be evaluated to see if he or she has a disability and is eligible to receive special education and related services. Discussion (Keep scrolling) General letter-writing tips. Model letter. _______________.

  2. Download: Sample letters for requesting evaluations and reports

    Here are sample letters to help with the special education evaluation process. Use them to request an IEP evaluation and to accept or reject evaluation plans.

  3. Sample Letter of Referral for First Time Evaluation Requests

    Evaluations must be conducted in all areas of suspected disability and in the child’s native language. It may be helpful to attach a doctor’s note requesting specific evaluations. For more information about the referral and evaluation process, read INCLUDEnyc’s Special Education Timeline tip sheet.


    I am requesting that the school district agree to pay for an independent evaluation of my child. I request an independent evaluation by the following specialists: (for example, School Psychologist, School Social Worker, Learning Disabilities Teacher-Consultant, Psychiatrist, Neurologist, Speech/Language Specialist, Physical Therapist.)


    This sample is provided for the purpose of serving as a guide to you in composing your own letter and was originally developed by the Education Law Center in Newark,NJ.

  6. Requesting an Initial Evaluation for Special Education Services

    Under the IDEA (the nation’s special education law), you also have the right to ask the school to evaluate your child. The purpose of the evaluation is to see if he or she has a disability and needs special education services. This evaluation is free of charge.

  7. IEP Request Letter: How to Advocate for Your Child

    I request an evaluation for [services or accommodations, such as speech therapy, counseling, or a customized classroom]. Attached to this letter are [any pertinent reports or evaluations from medical professionals, psychologists, or educational specialists].


    This letter serves as my request and consent for an evaluation of my child. Please provide me the name and telephone number of the person who will be forwarded this letter and who will be coordinating the evaluation. Thank you for your prompt attention to my request. I look forward to your response. Sincerely,


    I would like to request a special education evaluation of my child, _____________ D.O.B. __/__/__ (child’s name and date of birth). Based on my child’s academic and/or behavioral performance, I believe that he/she may be a child in need of special education services.

  10. EXAMPLE - Texas Children’s

    I am requesting a full individual evaluation of my child. I believe testing is needed in the area(s) of: (list areas of suspected disability needing testing). I understand that the evaluation must be completed within 60 calendar days from the date the school district receives signed consent for evaluation.