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Past Years O-Level Essay Questions (English) with Essay Outlines

Past Years O-Level Essay Questions (English) with Essay Outlines

In this blog post, we have compiled the past years’ O-Level English Essay Questions.  However, looking at these questions is not enough for your child’s revision.  Hence, we have included essay outlines to accompany the essay questions from year 2022 to 2018. 

These essay outlines, (almost 2100 words long), are written by the English curriculum team at Writing Samurai and Grade Solution Learning Centre.  When you download the pdf of these essay outlines, you get to learn how to…

  • Breakdown and analyse a question
  • Generate main points and examples
  • How to formulate counter-arguments
  • Come up with ideas for personal recount and reflective essays

Use it as a study resource for your child!

Here’s a video preview of our Past Year’s O-level essay outlines:

So before you go on reading… You might want to download a pdf copy of our Essay Outlines from Year 2018 – 2022! 

Click the blue download button, enter your email, and the pdf file will be delivered to your inbox! (Remember to check spam!) 

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  • Some people enjoy being in a crowded place, while others prefer somewhere quieter with fewer people. Describe your perfect place when you want to relax.
  • “I realised that I was much stronger than I had previously thought.” Write about a time when you felt like this.
  • “Young people spend so much time thinking about the future that they forget to enjoy the present.” How far do you agree?
  • “People today are far too easily persuaded to spend money on things they don’t need.” Do you agree that advertising has made us wasteful? 
  • Describe the sights and sounds of a shopping mall. Remember to describe the people too.
  • “I felt I was on top of the world.” Write about a time when you felt like this.
  • “Young people are making the world a better place.” What is your opinion.
  • “A happy person is a healthy person.” How far do you agree?
  • Describe ways to relax after you have been busy. Explain why it is enjoyable for you.
  • Write about a time when you did something to impress someone and regretted it.
  • Learning how to respond to mistakes is essential for success. What is your opinion?
  • “There is no place like home.” Is it true to you?
  • Which person has the most positive impact on your life? Describe the individual’s personality and in what ways he or she influenced you. 
  • “It was the proudest moment.” Write about a time when you felt like this.
  • Most young people today are obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities. What are your views?
  • “People can only be happy if they feel they are treated fairly.” Do you agree?
  • Describe an event that you looked forward to which turned out to be disappointing. Explain why you were excited about it and why it didn’t live up to your expectations.
  • “I had never seen my friend laugh so much!” Write about a time when this happened.
  • Some people like to stand out from the crowd; others just want to be part of it. Which do you prefer and why?
  • Which modern invention is essential for you and your family and which one could you and your family live without? Explain your views.
  • Describe a place that means a great deal to you. Why is it so important?
  • Write about a time when you caused great disappointment to a person. What did you do about the situation?
  • It is often said that people are too concerned with getting things and spending money. What is your opinion?
  • People should always tell the truth.’ Do you think there are any situations in which this might not be the best thing to do? Explain your views.
  • Describe a childhood toy, or a game you played, which still means a great deal to you. Why is it so important?
  • Do you agree that we can learn from the mistakes of others or do we need to learn from our own experiences?
  • What are your ambitions for the future? Explain how you plan to achieve them, including any possible difficulties.
  • To what extent do you agree with the idea that some teenagers lead an unhealthy lifestyle? Give reasons for your views.
  • Describe the possession that matters most to you and explain why you would never be prepared to part with it.
  • The world would be a very dull place without music’ What are your views?
  • Shoppers have too much choice, from chocolate bars to jeans’ What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of having many things to choose from?
  • Do electronic devices, such as tablets or smart phones, help or hinder students in their studies?
  • Describe how you celebrated an important family occasion. Why will this event always remain in your memory?
  • Which features of Singapore and its citizens make it a major tourist attraction for people from all over the world?
  • Which person has the greatest influence on your life at the present time, and why?
  • The best things in life are free’ Write about some of the occasions when you have found this to be true.
  • Parents often believe that it is better to be safe than sorry. Do you consider young people to be too protected?
  • Describe some of your experiences in food courts and hawker centers. How important are these places in your life as a teenager in Singapore?
  • The way we dress reveals who we are’ What are your views?
  • What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Why does it mean so much to you?
  • Write about an incident you still remember from your early childhood. Why do you think it has remained in your mind so clearly?
  • People all over the world are living longer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of their increased life expectancy?
  • Describe an annual event which you enjoy and explain why it is so important to you.
  • The use of motorcars is the greatest threat to the environment’ Do you agree?
  • “It is better never to borrow or lend money” What are your views on this advice?
  • Write about an amusing incident on a day out with your family, which still makes you laugh whenever you remember it.
  • Should boys and girls be given exactly the same type of education?
  • Describe how a religious or national event is celebrated in your country.
  • What important lessons in life are learned away from school?
  • Write about an occasion when it was necessary to tell the truth whatever the consequences.
  • Some people say that the internet does more harm than good. What is your view?
  • Describe the location and the main features of your ideal home and explain why you think it would be an ideal place to live.
  • In the 21st century, how important is it to be able to read, write and speak English in Singapore?
  • I’m bored’ is so often the cry of teenagers today. What could be done about this?
  • Write about an occasion when an attempt to help led to unexpected consequences for the helper.
  • Write about some of your worries and hopes for the future.
  • The delights and frustrations of being a teenager
  • Write about an occasion when you just could not stop laughing at an inappropriate moment.
  • Television, newspapers and the Internet – which of these do young people prefer as a source of information, and why?
  • In your opinion, what kind of voluntary work is worth doing, and why?
  • If you were drawing up a set of school rules for a new school, what would they be? Explain which of these you think are the most important
  • Nowadays, people live longer than ever before. What problems does this present and how can these problems be dealt with?
  • Write about someone who failed to live up to his or her reputation.
  • Write about some of the things in your country you value the most and would miss greatly, if you had to live in another country
  • Write about a time when your late arrival for a particular meeting or event led to serious trouble.
  • What do you think secondary schools can do to ensure the health, well-being and safety of their students?
  • Given the limited land available in Singapore, is it wise to set aside some areas as nature reserves?
  • Do you feel that you need the long school vacation? How do you occupy your time during the December break, when schools are closed?

See more related articles and information on Writing Samurai:

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  • Past O-Level Essays and Questions For Secondary English
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Before you leave this page… You might want to download a pdf copy of our Essay Outlines from Year 2018 – 2022! 

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7 Essay Types at the O Level

  • Posted By Randall Chew

Hello everyone! I’m Mr Ng Guo Liang, an English Language Curriculum Specialist and Teacher at Lil’ but Mighty.

When I was still teaching in a secondary school, I often had to address many questions — from both parents and students alike — about the different composition or essay types being tested in the O Level examinations; chief amongst which were:

– What composition or essay types will appear in the O Level examinations? – What is the difference between a discursive essay and an argumentative essay? – What is the difference between a recount and narrative essay? – What is the difference between a descriptive and reflective essay?

There were (and are) of course, many other questions pertaining to composition writing for the O Level. The ones above however — those concerned with conceptualising the types of compositions — are the ones I have had to address the most. In this blog post therefore, I will list the various types of compositions that could be tested in the O Level English Language Paper 1, and attempt to very briefly describe each of them.

Before I continue, I must make a disclaimer. This post is not meant to be a comprehensive set of notes or guide detailing and explaining each individual essay type, their features, and nuances. I must make it very clear to my readers that what I write and elaborate on in this post should not be taken as the absolute and definitive word on the various essay types; we should note that different teachers, authors, publishers, and reference materials describe, explain, and conceptualise the various essay types differently (and very possibly with different terminology). That being said, the descriptions I’ll make in this post are meant only as a very brief explanation of the various types of essays so that you can better understand what they generally require students to address in the examination.

Should you wish to enquire about and discuss the individual essay types at a more comprehensive and deeper level than that provided in this post, you can do so with your English teacher in school, or contact us and we shall endeavour to address your queries!

In the O Level examination, the following essay types could be tested:

1. Narrative 2. Personal Recount 3. Descriptive 4. Reflective 5. Discursive 6. Argumentative 7. Two-Part Essays

1. Narrative Essays

7 Essay Types at the O Level

Narrative essays, as the name suggests, are essays that narrate a story. Most students reading this post should, by the end of primary school, be familiar with narrative essays as this is perhaps the essay type that they see the most in primary school and in creative writing classes. These essays are generally fictional in nature, and adhere to how narrative stories are developed in terms of their plots (beginning —> build up —> climax —> events that lead to a resolution —> a resolution —> and a coda/conclusion). Although these essays are generally fictional, that is not to say that students cannot use their own experiences to address the question. As long as the experience is relevant to the question, and features a rising plot which leads to a resolution, students are free to use their own experiences to inspire the narrative essay.

Sample questions:

– Freedom. – A challenge. – Write a story about kindness. – ‘It was my proudest moment.’ Write a story based on this.

2. Personal Recount Essays

7 Essay Types at the O Level

Similar to a narrative essay, a personal recount essay retells a series of events that should be written in a linear and sequential manner. A personal recount essay is not to be confused with a narrative one. Narratives are often fictional in nature, and generally adhere to a rising plot development structure (most often with a climax and resolution). Personal recounts however, are not fictional in nature, and often relate to an event or experience which is meaningful or memorable to you (in other words, you should have personally experienced or witnessed this event or experience taking place.) Depending on the question asked, it can, of course, include a plot structure with elements similar to a narrative. However, unlike narrative essay writing, it does not require students to adhere strictly to a rising plot structure.

Personal recount essays, by nature of the questions given, typically require students to include an element of reflection. This usually focuses on the impact and significance that an event or experience have on them, and their thoughts, feelings, changing beliefs and attitudes as the series of events unfold. Such reflections should be interspersed and woven in and between the paragraphs of the essay. This is different for narratives, where reflections typically appear in the coda.

– Write about an interesting day out with your family. – Write about a mistake you regret making. – Write about how you conquered one of your fears. – Write about a task which turned out to be more difficult than you initially thought. – Write about a time a great act of kindness took place.

3. Descriptive Essays

7 Essay Types at the O Level

Descriptive essays contain and emphasise descriptive elements. That is to say, such essays are written to appeal to the five senses, and should create vivid mental images for the reader when it is being read. This genre goes beyond describing physical attributes, but abstract ones as well (e.g. feelings, ideas, or a situation), and often involves reflecting on why something or someone is special or important. Unlike narrative essays, descriptive essays do not require a plot structure or storyline. This essay type most typically require students to write about and describe in detail one of the following topics:

1. An object 2. A person 3. A place 4. An event or incident 5. An experience

– Describe an individual who has had a great influence on you. – Describe a memorable celebration. – Describe your typical day in school. – Describe an object which you hold dear.

4. Reflective Essays

Reflective Essays

Essays of this genre require the students to reflect on themselves. Despite the reflective element, this is not to be confused with a personal recount. Personal recounts require students to recount and reflect on an event or experience which actually took place. Reflective essays however, are not about an event or experience, but are more about the students themselves.

Reflective essays typically require students to reflect on and make observations about their own personality and character. As such, it is more philosophical and insightful in nature.

Sample Questions:

– What would you consider to be your best and worst qualities? – What is your idea of a perfect day? – What are the type of books you enjoy reading? – Write about some of the things you value most in life.

Expository Essays: Argumentative and Discursive Essays

The next two essay types fall under the category we call ‘expositions’. An expository essay is one that explores and considers in depth the different aspects and perspectives to a particular topic or subject matter. We typically see two types of expository essays appearing in the O Level examination: argumentative and discursive essays.

5. Argumentative Essays

Argumentative Essays

In an argumentative essay, students are typically given an issue, topic, or subject matter on which they are supposed to take a clear stand, and argue for that stand they have taken. This essay type is ‘biased’ in that regard, and the aim of the essay is to persuade the reader, with the strength of their points and arguments, that the stand taken in the essay is the right one.

1. The key features of an effective argumentative essay are: 2. There must be a very clear stand taken on the topic/subject matter given in the question. 3. Points/arguments given are supported by facts, statistics, observations or examples. 4. Points/arguments appeal to logic and emotion. 5. Using a persuasive tone and register. 6. Considering the opposing views and being able to rebut or refute them – this makes an argumentative essay the most persuasive and effective.

–  ‘People can only be happy if they feel they are treated fairly.’ Do you agree (2019 O Level 1) –  Do you agree with the view that students should never engage in part-time work? –  ‘Social media has destroyed communication.’ What is your opinion? –  Who has more problems to deal with — adults or youths?

6. Discursive Essays

7 Essay Types at the O Level

Like argumentative essays, a discursive essay focuses on and concerns itself with one particular topic or subject matter. Unlike the argumentative essay however, one is not required to take a stand on the subject matter. Rather than pushing for and validating only one particular perspective, students are required instead to discuss and explore the multiple perspectives regarding the subject matter in an unbiased manner.

What is important to note is that students can state a preference for a particular perspective or viewpoint at the end of the essay, but the tone and register of the essay should not be a persuasive one (i.e. the way the essay is written should not dominantly favour one particular perspective or viewpoint over others). It should be written in a manner which reflects that all the perspectives and viewpoints you discuss in the essay are equally valid (even if you do eventually state a preference for one at the end) — in essence, an effective discursive essay is one that achieves balance .

–  What are the advantages and disadvantages of social media? –  What are the qualities a good leader should have? –  Discuss the implications of making home-based learning a permanent mode of education. –  Discuss your views on discipline.

7. Two-Part Essays

7 Essay Types at the O Level

As the name suggests, two-part essays are essays which could comprise features and elements of two different essay types. What you will typically see is a question which explicitly has two distinct and separate parts students would have to address. For instance, the question would not only require students to describe something or someone, but also require them to reflect on that particular thing they are describing in the essay; such that the essay becomes a ‘mixed-genre’ essay.

For two-part essays, students need to ensure that they address both parts of the question, and do not make the common mistake of devoting too much time and too many words to the first half of the question and neglecting the second half of the question.

– Write about a mistake you regret making. What lessons did you learn from it? – Describe an individual who has had a great influence on you. Why is this person so special to you? – Describe an object which you hold dear. Why is this object so important to you? – Write about a time you were misunderstood by others. How did you feel?

This brings us to the end of this blog post. Although there is much more to the respective essay types regarding their features and styles, I hope that I have managed to provide you with brief but lucid explanations that will make it a little easier for you to understand the various essay types that could be tested in the O Level.

Until my next post, and on behalf of the Lil’ but Mighty family, stay happy, stay safe, and stay healthy!

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Mr Ng firmly believes that there is a strong correlation between effort and eventual success, and that finding success in English is something that is attainable by all of his students regardless of their background and starting point. He has a strong love and passion for the language and hopes to inspire that same passion in his students through his lessons. That being said, he looks forward to bringing out the best in his students and guiding them to fulfil the potential they all have.

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GCE O-Level English 50 Model Essays

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Ace the GCE O-Level English with 50 Model Essays: Your Ultimate Guide to Essay Writing Success

Unlock your full potential in English essay writing with GCE O-Level English – 50 Model Essays, a comprehensive collection of model essays designed to prepare you for success in the O-Levels. Gain valuable insights into commonly tested topics, including science, technology, the arts, and social issues, and develop the skills necessary to excel at secondary school level essay writing.

Key features of this indispensable book:

  • Expertly crafted model essays: Learn from 50 model essays, meticulously written to provide you with a clear understanding of what’s expected in a high-scoring O-Level essay.
  • Diverse topics: Engage with a wide array of questions, ensuring that you’re well-prepared to tackle essays on science, technology, the arts, and social issues with confidence.
  • Effective learning approach: Challenge yourself to attempt the essay questions before referring to the respective model essays, fostering a valuable feedback loop for continuous improvement.
  • Targeted preparation: This book is specifically tailored to prepare you for the GCE O-Level English examination, offering ample examples of essay questions and answers that you can learn from.

Don’t let essay writing challenges hold you back from achieving your academic goals. Invest in the GCE O-Level English – 50 Model Essays and unlock the door to essay writing mastery.

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Publisher: CPD Singapore Education Services Pte Ltd

Author: Andrew Smith

ISBN: 9789811413100

Price: SGD 12.90

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In our ‘O’ Level English Enrichment Programme, we ensure that our graduating students are ready to ace the English Language examination. It is a race against time to prepare for the ‘O’ Levels, hence our programme focuses on teaching and reinforcing our students’ essay writing skills, comprehension answer precision, summary writing and oral examination techniques. All W@W secondary teachers spare no effort in coaching our students how to tackle popular examination essay topics.

1 What is your idea of a perfect afternoon? Describe what you like to do and how it makes you feel.
2 “As I looked back, I realised I had made the right decision.” Write about a time when you felt like this.
3 “Schools should teach practical skills such as cooking and managing our finances.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
4 “All you need to succeed in life is a positive attitude.” How far would you agree?
1 Some people enjoy being in a crowded place, while others prefer somewhere quieter with fewer people. Describe your perfect place when you want to relax.
2 “I realised that I was much stronger than I had previously thought.” Write about a time when you felt like this.
3 “Young people spend so much time thinking about the future that they forget to enjoy the present.” How far do you agree?
4 “People today are far too easily persuaded to spend money on things they don’t need.” Do you agree that advertising has made us wasteful?
1 Describe the sights and sounds of a shopping mall. Remember to describe the people too.
2 “I felt as though I was on top of the world.” Write about a time when you felt like this.
3 “Young people are making the world a better place.” What is your opinion?
4 “A happy person is a healthy person.” How far do you agree?
1 Describe ways to relax after you have been busy. Explain why it is enjoyable for you.
2 Write about a time when you did something to impress someone and regretted it.
3 Learning how to respond to mistakes is essential for success. What is your opinion?
4 ‘There’s no place like home.’ Is it true to you?
1 Which person has the most positive impact on your life? Describe the individual’s personality and in what ways he or she has influenced you.
2 “It was the proudest moment.” Write about a time when you felt like this.
3 Most young people today are obsessed with fame and imitating celebrities. What are your views?
4 ‘People can only be happy if they feel they are treated fairly.’ Do you agree?
1 Describe an event that you looked forward to which turned out to be disappointing. Explain why you were excited about it and why it didn’t live up to your expectations
2 I had never seen my friend laugh so much!’ Write about a time when this happened.
3 Some people like to stand out from the crowd; others just want to be part of it. Which do you prefer and why?
4 Which modern invention is essential for you and your family and which one could you and your family live without? Explain your views.
1 Describe a place that means a great deal to you. Why is it so important?
2 Write about a time when you caused great disappointment to a person. What did you do about the situation?
3 It is often said that people are too concerned with getting things and spending money. What is your opinion?
4 People should always tell the truth.’ Do you think there are any situations in which this might not be the best thing to do? Explain your views
1 Describe a childhood toy, or a game you played, which still means a great deal to you. Why is it so important?
2 Do you agree that we can learn from the mistakes of others or do we need to learn from our own experiences?
3 What are your ambitions for the future? Explain how you plan to achieve them, including any possible difficulties.
4 To what extent do you agree with the idea that some teenagers lead an unhealthy lifestyle? Give reasons for your views.
1 Describe the possession that matters most to you and explain why you would never be prepared to part with it.
2 The world would be a very dull place without music’ What are your views?
3 Shoppers have too much choice, from chocolate bars to jeans’ What, in your opinion, are the advantages and disadvantages of having many things to choose from?
4 Do electronic devices, such as tablets or smart phones, help or hinder students in their studies?
1 Describe how you celebrated an important family occasion. Why will this event always remain in your memory?
2 Which features of Singapore and its citizens make it a major tourist attraction for people from all over the world?
3 Which person has the greatest influence on your life at the present time, and why?
4 The best things in life are free’ Write about some of the occasions when you have found this to be true.
1 Parents often believe that it is better to be safe than sorry. Do you consider young people to be too protected?
2 Describe some of your experiences in food courts and hawker centers. How important are these places in your life as a teenager in Singapore?
3 The way we dress reveals who we are’ What are your views?
4 What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Why does it mean so much to you?
1 Write about an incident you still remember from your early childhood. Why do you think it has remained in your mind so clearly?
2 People all over the world are living longer. What are the advantages and disadvantages of their increased life expectancy?
3 Describe an annual event which you enjoy and explain why it is so important to you.
4 The use of motorcars is the greatest threat to the environment’ Do you agree?
5 Fame
1 “It is better never to borrow or lend money” What are your views on this advice?
2 Write about an amusing incident on a day out with your family, which still makes you laugh whenever you remember it.
3 Should boys and girls be given exactly the same type of education?
4 Describe how a religious or national event is celebrated in your country
5 Freedom
1 What important lessons in life are learned away from school?
2 Write about an occasion when it was necessary to tell the truth whatever the consequences
3 Some people say that the internet does more harm than good. What is your view?
4 Describe the location and the main features of your ideal home and explain why you think it would be an ideal place to live
5 Leadership
1 In the 21st century, how important is it to be able to read, write and speak English in Singapore?
2 I’m bored’ is so often the cry of teenagers today. What could be done about this?
3 Write about an occasion when an attempt to help led to unexpected consequences for the helper.
4 Power
5 Write about some of your worries and hopes for the future
1 The delights and frustrations of being a teenager
2 Greed
3 Write about an occasion when you just could not stop laughing at an inappropriate moment
4 Television, newspapers and the Internet – which of these do young people prefer as a source of information, and why?
5 In your opinion, what kind of voluntary work is worth doing, and why?
1 If you were drawing up a set of school rules for a new school, what would they be? Explain which of these you think are the most important
2 Nowadays, people live longer than ever before. What problems does this present and how can these problems be dealt with?
3 Write about someone who failed to live up to his or her reputation.
4 Write about some of the things in your country you value the most and would miss greatly, if you had to live in another country
5 Heroes
1 Write about a time when your late arrival for a particular meeting or event led to serious trouble.
2 Dreams
3 What do you think secondary schools can do to ensure the health, well-being and safety of their students?
4 Given the limited land available in Singapore, is it wise to set aside some areas as nature reserves?
5 Do you feel that you need the long school vacation? How do you occupy your time during the December break, when schools are closed?


Janice glanced worriedly at her wrist watch. The time was already ten past seven. She had twenty minutes to make it to school on time. The sky was overcast. A slight drizzle rained down like a mist. It started raining cats and dogs as Janice reached the bus stop. She had ignored her mother’s advice to take an umbrella with her. She wondered how she was going to make itto school in the rain.

Jovan Ang, Primary 2

Rulang Primary School

It was an idyllic Saturday morning. Fluffy white clouds hung in the clear cerulean sky. Granny Lucy was tottering to the market. Her heart was filled with light-hearted cheer and her mouth curled into a smile. She was looking forward to preparing a feast for her grandchildren, who were coming for dinner that night.

Kew Ling Wei, Primary 3

Raffles Girls’ Primary School


I am amazed at the depth of vocabulary my child has amassed since attending W@W. She has become a much more confident writer and can now write a full story with ease. She loves coming to lessons

Mr Calvin Tang

Parent of our Primary 3 student



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Call us: 6250 1906 / 8600 3815 WhatsApp us: 8404 9281

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Call us: 6243 3236 / 8600 3420 WhatsApp us: 8404 9281

300 Tampines Ave 5 #05-08 Tampines Junction Singapore 529653 (See Map )

Monday – Wednesday and Friday: 11.00am to 7.00pm Saturday – Sunday: 9.00am to 6.00pm Thursday : CLOSED

Call us: 6223 0125 / 8668 1924 WhatsApp us: 8404 9281

Ci Yuan Community Centre 51 Hougang Ave 9 #03-02 Singapore 538776 (See Map )

Monday – Friday : 11.00am to 7.00pm Saturday : 9.00am to 6.00pm Sunday : CLOSED

Call us: 6214 9359 / 8600 0498 WhatsApp us: 8404 9281

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Monday, Wednesday – Friday: 11.00am to 7.00pm Saturday: 9.00am to 6.00pm Tuesday and Sunday: Closed

Call us: 8600 5534 WhatsApp us: 8404 9281

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Monday – Friday: 11.00am to 7.00pm Saturday – Sunday: 9.00am to 6.00pm

Call us: 8600 0737 WhatsApp us: 8404 9281

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Call us: 8600 9441 WhatsApp us: 8404 9281

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  • O level English Essay Topics

essays for ol students

FET SYSTEM is also providing essays for these topics. So just write your e-mail addresss on the comment box below and we will send the essays on you e-mail address for free.

Describe the activities of religious people in your country

Act of selfishness that caused unhappiness

A food store in your country suddenly closed and caused great trouble

A rich man unexpectedly lost all his wealth

What do you think people of your age can do to improve life in your country?

The ideal school

Someone had a great disappointment that turned out to be a blessing in disguise

A servant or a worker was badly treated by an employer

Time seems to stand still or go much too quickly

Advertising exerts too great an influence on our daily lives

Keeping fit

Describe an old couple outside your family who live an interesting and happy life

Is it more important to enjoy your job than to earn a great deal of money?

Describe the first hour of a day at school

The owner of a local business takes strong action when threatened by outside competition

You just have one more chance to prove you can do it

Waiting for the results

Keeping cool

Write about occasions when you felt extremely bored

How important is it that people should marry and remain living together permanently

An unfair punishment

He had been dirty, hungry and completely without help. Now there was a chance of a new life

You were called upon to take someone else’s place at the last minute. Describe what happened

Is war ever justified?

Describe a time when efforts to please someone ended in failure

It’s probably too late, but at least we can try

That was the first time and I hope that it will be the last time

What are your strengths and weaknesses?

To whom would you turn for help in an emergency?

Write about a time when the illness of someone you know caused great problems

Some of the difficulties parents experience when they have to divide their time between working and bringing up a family

A new-born baby was found abandoned at a bus stop

A friend asked you to keep a small parcel safe for a while. Later you discovered that it was stolen property

Wasted opportunities


Secret hopes and ambitions

It was obvious that she had never intended to keep her promise

The time when I was given some bad advice

The computer is more of a menace than a blessing. What do you think?

Describe a journey that you particularly enjoyed

Rush hour in the city

A busy eating place

Is population control necessary?

You were on a journey with someone who was suddenly taken ill

We were amazed when we heard how lucky John had been

Write about some of the things that make you proud of your country

How much of your progress at school is the result of your own ability, good luck or good teaching?

After the accident she seemed to be a completely different person

Is it important that young people should know about the history of their country?

Describe an event which took place in a public park. It can be a real or imaginary event

Whatever happened to him…..

All young people, both male and female, should undertake a period of military or community service

Some people like being alone, others are happiest when they are with a crowd of people.

Describe the suspense of waiting for something or someone to arrive , or of waiting for some event to happen

“After school” Write about this topic interpreting the title in any way you choose

Are rich children always happier than those who come from poorer families?

A crowded shopping centre

How do you entertain yourself in you free time

A telephone call which changed your life

A disappointing holiday

What are the effects of the increased use of motor vehicles?

Television has too great an influence on life today. What are your view?

Celebrating the millennium

Which household tasks are you prepared to do and which do you try to avoid?

They did not see the danger until it was too late

The time when you failed to remember a friend’s birthday

Many students choose to travel overseas to study. Write about the advantages and disadvantages of it

“Saying Goodbye”. Write about this subject in any way you choose

Natural disasters

Grandparents are the most important people in society

An unsuccessful shopping trip

A visit to an amusement park

Describe the scene outside a sports stadium immediately before an important match

Fire- Friend or enemy?

Winners and losers

Describe how a family discussion brought about a happy outcome

Repaying a kindness

Crowds are increasingly difficult to manage. What suggestions do you have for controlling the behavior of large group of people

Running away

I made a mistake in telling him or her about my secret

Bright ideas

We had to carry my friend for the last mile of the expedition

A small child who made an important discovery

Write about something you did recently that helped poor, old person in your neighborhood

Space is the only place left to explore

A talent or skill that you wish to possess and how would you use it

Write about some of the things that make you happy and relaxed at the end of a school day

A person who was injured but kept it a secret and caused her friends great trouble

The new bus driver

Important public building in your area

Challenges of life bring out the best in young people

Describe the sights and sounds during the mid-day break in your school

Write about the disappointments you have felt in your life

A story about a person who entered a competition and surprised everyone by winning it

Caring for a sick person at home

Should entertainers and sports stars be paid such large sums of money? What are you view?

Describe the sights and sounds as students gather on the first morning of a new school term

‘Mother knows best’ what sort of problems do you discuss with your mothers

When a family moved to a new house and found that the keys did not unlock the front door

When an accident in a restaurant led to a very embarrassing situation

Which aspects of your education do you think will be most useful in your adult life?

Animals and birds should never be kept in cages. What is your opinion?

Write about an unexpected partnership that proved to be a success

As soon as I heard the news of the special offer, I knew that I must go

The day your neighbor asked you to look after her young baby while she went in to town

How far do you think young people are influenced by what they see on television and in films?

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement? Why does it mean so much to you?

Write about a teacher who made an unfortunate mistake as a result of which student suffered

There is no point in preserving the past. We should be looking to the future

Imagine a reunion with three friends from your schooldays in 10 years time. How will your lives have changed?

A time when you were unable to find a passport for your visit to a foreign country

What a wonderful sound! Write about some of the sounds you like the best and why?

Describe a great celebration that you part in

An occasion when a special meal produced unexpected results

One day you made a bad mistake which upset other people

Should we worry so much about endangered species?

Rivalry between two elderly people

It is said that school uniform gives pupils a sense of identity and encourages good discipline

Write about an occasion when a furious argument took place, based on a case of mistaken identity

Should both parents go out to work when their children are very young?

Describe one of the large shopping malls in Singapore. Why does it attract so many customers?

Describe the busy day of someone who works in your area

Advertising has become too great an influence on young people

An incident which made the customers laugh.

Parents and teachers are partners in education of children.

Serious accident that caused a lot of problem for everyone

Choosing a career is the most important decision in a person’s life

Related Posts:

  • O level English Essay: A food store in your country suddenly closed and caused great trouble
  • IELTS Speaking Part 1: 99 Questions
  • IELTS Speaking Part 3: Influences on the young (Sample Questions and Answers)
  • O level English Essay: Describe an old couple outside your family who live an interesting and happy life
  • O level English Essay: Describe the first hour of a day at school
  • IELTS Speaking part 2 (All topics with answers)
  • O level English Essay: Is it more important to enjoy your job than to earn a great deal of money?
  • Most Important IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay Topics for 2020
  • O level English Essay: Describe the activities of religious people in your country
  • O level English Essay: Advertising exerts too great an influence on our daily lives
  • IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions and Answers (Top 50)
  • IELTS Speaking Topic Part 2:Describe a school you attended
  • IELTS Speaking Part 3: Favorite person in the family
  • IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your neighborhood
  • O level English Essay: The ideal school

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please sent me the essays please

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Please send me following essay. “Secret hopes and ambition”

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Please send me the essays. Thanks! 😀

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Please send me !

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Hello, may I please have all the essays send to my email, please? This website is very helpful and intriguing. Thank you so much. Regards.

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Essays please…

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Please email me the essays:) In desperate need! Thanks a ton!!

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Hi, Please email the essays.

Thanks a ton for this help !!

regards Bhanu

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I’d like to have the essays:) thank you!

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hey, please mail me the essays.. Thank you, they would be a great help.. God bless

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Please mail me essays

' src=

Please send me an essay on act of selfishness that caused unhappiness

Plz send me an essay on act of selfishness that caused unhappiness

' src=

this a wonderful website plz send me essays on this email adress

' src=

Essay please

' src=

Topic: Advertising exerts too great an influence on our daily lives

Sir, The site is very helpful for students.Thanks a lot. Please send me an essay on this topic.

' src=

Please send me those essay.Thank you!

' src=

Please kindly, send the topics to my e-mail.

plz mail me these essays on my email: [email protected]

This is a wonderful website and I need these essays as soon as possible

' src=

Topic:We were amazed when we heard how lucky John had been Please send me an essay on this topic. Thank u

' src=

EEEssays Plz thanks alot

' src=

I would like to receive the essays.

' src=

excellent site! pleasee send me the essays!

' src=

Plz send me essays in those topics

' src=

hey, I would really like these essays as soon as possible. thanks

' src=

it will really help if you send these essays.thanks

' src=

wow.. this gr8. please send me those essays

' src=


' src=

Please send me the essays written for GCE O Level

' src=

essays please 🙁

' src=

Please in desperate need of essays

' src=

I want all the eassys plz…

' src=

Sir, this website is very helpful to a student like me.. thanks ! I need an essay on this topic : describe an old couple outside your family that live an interesting and happy life 🙂 thank u so much !

' src=

Please send me the essays written for GCE o Level. Thanks.

' src=

fantastic ideas for essay topics

interesting topics

' src=

Please send me GCE / O level english essay.

' src=

Please send me O level essays Thank you this website is very helpful

' src=

please send me the essays. thanks in advance.

' src=

This is indeed a great idea to help students improve in essay writings. Thank you very much. Much appreciated. God bless you (:

' src=

i want an essay on the time when i was given some bad advice!thanku!!

' src=

Its very interesting and as well as helpfull

' src=

please send me essays!!!!!!!

' src=

Topic: after the accident she seemed to be a completely different person.

Plz send me this essay 🙂

' src=

Please send me the essays

' src=

please mail me these essays

' src=

Pls send me all these essays THANK YOU !

[email protected]

' src=

send, it is probably too late but at least we can try .but now .

' src=

Please do send me some good examples. Thanks!

' src=

Please email me the essays:) In desperate need! Thanks a lot!!!!!

' src=

I really need these essays . Please email me the essay to this email address !! Thanks and may god bless u !!

Pls send me these essays to this email address ..thanks a lot

Please e-mail me all the essays . Need the essays urgently.Thank you !!

' src=

Please send the essays ASAP.

' src=

Essays plz!

' src=

“An unfair punishment”

please send me this essay.

' src=

Please send me essays!!!

Come on…plz send me..hurry up!

' src=

plx send da first 60 essay’s

' src=

Hi, please email me the essays asap 🙂 If you have the 2013 topic too, can you send it to me too? Thanks so much!!!

' src=

plz mail me English essays

' src=

Wow…jxt awsme

' src=

Pls email me all the essays

' src=

Kindly email me all the essays as soon as possible. Thank you!

' src=

Kindly email me all essays On [email protected]

' src=

Kindly email me the essays. Thank You

' src=

please send me 10 essays which are latest for cambridge o/l exams. tks

' src=

Please send me the essay of “An unfair punishment”. Thank you!

' src=

Please send me the essay :the day your neighbour asked you to look after her young baby while she went in town

' src=

I really want a positive essays to enhance my charm

' src=

[email protected]

Please send

' src=

Please Send i really need them

' src=

Please send me essays. Thankyou

' src=

Thank you for having this beneficial website. Can I get yhe essays of the topics for o level writing. Thank you

' src=

hy i like your offer i will be pleased if i receive your help

' src=

i will be great ful to u if u will help me out

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this site would surely gonna help me out

' src=

Send me the essay topics please

' src=

please send me some essays…

' src=

Please mail top 10 GCE.O. Level for 2014 essay.Thanks.I will pray 4U2.

' src=

Send me the essays, please

Helpful website,a must visit.

' src=

Please send all the essays. ASAP

' src=

plz send me your essays on this email [email protected]

' src=

Pls send me essays on every possible topic above

Pls send me 12 essays on every possible topic above

' src=


' src=

Nice thanks 😀

' src=


MY E-MAIL ADDRESS: [email protected]

' src=

Please email me the essays. Thank You

' src=

Very good essay topics .send me on my email.

' src=

Hello! I would like to read up on all those essays too! Thankyou and sorry for the troubles

' src=

Hi, did you get those essays?

' src=

I want essays of topics you have mentioned above. Regards.

' src=

Hi, please send me the model essays for these questions to my e-mail thank you very much I find these questions really intriguing and I would love to read up on the content 🙂 Efforts are greatly appreciated and sorry for the inconvenience

' src=

i want these essays please email them to me . Regards.

' src=

plz send me the essay asap

' src=

Please send me the essays of parents as soon as possible. Thank you

' src=

Can i have complete essays for any 20

Hi, I would like essays of the topics you have mentioned above. Thank you!

' src=

Fantastic titles. Grateful if you can send me some. Many thanks!

' src=

please send me those incredible essays above thank you

' src=

Please email me the essays quickly. Thankyou.

' src=

I want essays right now please email them quickly. Thankyou.

' src=

Please send me the essays. Tq so much.

' src=

Hi, please send me essays of topics you’ve mentioned above. Thanks! 🙂

' src=

Hello, would love to have these essays mailed to me fresh! 🙂 (I wouldnt mind a dash of salt and pepper :p)

' src=

i want this essay asap please (A friend asked you to keep a small parcel safe for a while. Later you discovered that it was stolen property)

' src=

plz, send me the above listed essays. I will be highly privileged. thanks.

' src=

pls send me the essay ASAP plss thankyou 🙂

' src=

I got my essay thanks

' src=

Pls send me the essays

By when can I get the email Really its urgent

can u plz send me the essay on if you were given one more chance to prove you can do it on the address [email protected]

' src=

Hello! Please send me the model essays they are in desperate need 🙁 Thank you so much! 🙂

' src=

describe the busy day of someone who works in your area. email me this essay please.

' src=

I would really like the list. My exams are nearing. You help will be appreciated :).

' src=


' src=

plz send me all the essays.

' src=

send me your essay ASAP…

' src=

pls send me the essay. tq

' src=

kindly email essays please

' src=

Please kindly send me the essays

' src=

Please kindly send me the essays.Thanks!

' src=

Pls send essays for all the topics you have :,) in need of serious help 🙁

' src=

Please send me the essays for all the topics you have! 🙂 thank you, in need of serious help 🙂

' src=

Please send me the essays. Thanks.

' src=

Thanks so much

Email essays please thanks!!

' src=

Please send me all the essays!

' src=

pls send me the essay, thanks

' src=

All expository and argumentative essay!

' src=

Essays o levels

' src=

I would like to see the essays. Your help is really needed 🙂 Thank you very much 🙂

' src=

Please send me the essays!

' src=

Kindly sent me the essay please

' src=

Greatly appreciate the kind offer. Thanks you for thr essays!

' src=

Email me at [email protected]

' src=

send me an essay on When I was left behind,I was distressed to [email protected]

' src=

please send me essays………………..<3

plz send me essays 🙂

plz send me essays

' src=

Hey, i need all the essays please send me asap

' src=

please kindly send me the essays , thanks

' src=

kindly send me these essays

kindly send me a copy of these essays

Send me an essay asap

' src=

Kindly send me some descriptive essay samples. Thank you.

' src=

please email me essays. thank you

' src=

Please kindly send me essays

' src=

Plz send me the essays. thanxs

' src=

please send me these essays

by when can i get the email. i just need the essay “one day you made a bad mistake and upset others”. please send me this essay. its urgent

' src=

Plzz sir send me essays illl be really grateful

' src=

The topic is what is the importance of disipline in our life?

' src=

Want Essays please … and how could i improve my english for O-Level Exam ???

' src=

Plz send me essays.

' src=

plz in your most urgency send me the essay hoping for yuor soon response

' src=

Hi, please email the essays to me at [email protected] , thank you 🙂

' src=

Please send me the essays Thanks

' src=

Send these essays

' src=

Send me an essay. 🙂

Please send me an essay. Thankyou!

' src=

After the accident she seemed to be a completely different person sent me an essay

' src=

Please send me the essays aswell. Really Need it. 🙂 Thank you

Please send me the essays as well. Will really appreciate it. 🙂 Thank you

' src=

Essay plssssssssssssss!

Hello could you send essay to my email?Thanks a lot! 😉

' src=

Hi,pls send essay to my email.thanks

pls send all essays to my email!thanks

' src=

Please send me essays. Thanks

' src=

My email is Noorhazara01@gmailcom Plz send me

Plz send the essays as soon as possible

' src=

plz send me this essay

' src=

essay on: describe a busy day of someone who works in your area plzzzzzzzzz send me today only ………….i really need it!!!!!!!!!!!have pity on me

' src=

This website is really helpful for olevel students, like me, so can u mail.me the essays?

' src=

Plz send as soon as possible.

' src=

Please send me two essays ranging in 500 words on: (i) A time when efforts efforts to please someone ended in failure; (ii) How much of your progress at school is the result of your own ability, good luck or good teaching?

Regards, Mahbub

' src=

plz..i need the essays…thanks.

' src=

[email protected]

please can you send it quickly very good website

' src=

PLZ can i hv the essay too. It wuld be really helpful. Thank you 🙂

Plz do senddd

' src=

Please send me the essays, thank you very much!

' src=

please mail me essays at my E mail.

' src=

send them urgently!

' src=

Please send me the essays. Thank you very much 🙂

' src=

Please send essays

' src=

enas please send me the esssays [email protected]

' src=

Kindly send me Essays only narrative thanks

' src=

Please send as soon as possible.

' src=

Hello admin, this is my request that i want to be perfect in essay question so please sent me these essays on this email i am eagerly waiting for your response and thanks a lot for your cooperation. [email protected]

' src=

Hi, can you send the essays to my email? Thank you 🙂

' src=

i need essay

' src=

I want this all essays urgently please send me at my email which is: [email protected]

' src=

Hi please email it to me at [email protected]

Thanks and lots of love, Lola

' src=

i want the essay . exam is just around the corner

' src=

pls do send me the essays ASAP…it’s quite urgent..sorry n oso thank u…

' src=

pls help and send all the essays to me. i sincerely thank your generosity. Thank you so Much. It will truely help me out.

' src=

please send me mail of these essays thanks

[email protected]

' src=

i need these essay very much..plz send me as quickly as possible

' src=

Can you email it to me on [email protected]

' src=

Please send me the essays asap

' src=

Plz send me all the essays.thx

' src=

Send me the essays please

' src=

E-mail me the essays asap! pretty please.I have my examinations tomorrow!

' src=

Challenges of life bring out the best in young people “Saying Goodbye”. Write about this subject in any way you choose

A visit to an amusement park A crowded shopping centre

How do you entertain yourself in you free time Television has too great an influence on life today. What are your view?

Celebrating the millennium The computer is more of a menace than a blessing. What do you think?

Describe a journey that you particularly enjoyed Write about some of the things that make you proud of your country..

please send me the essays on these topics

' src=

Please send the email… Thanks in advance

' src=

plz send the essays

' src=

Please send the essays to

[email protected]

Thanks Abdul Razzak

' src=

Plz send the essays to me. =) Thanks with appreciation.

' src=

Please send the essays

' src=

Thank u soo much in advance for sending email

' src=

Challenges of life bring out the best in young people Should entertainers and sports stars be paid such large sums of money? What are you view?

' src=

I would appreciate if you could send the essays to me 🙂 Thanks a lot.

' src=

Please send me the essays 🙂 God bless.

' src=

please send me the essays as soon as possible

' src=

send me the essays on [email protected]

' src=

Please send me the essays. Thank you so much!

' src=


' src=

hey.. so i found this site really helpful and i will be very glad if you guys send me the essay on”advertising has become too great an influence on young people” by the next one hour. thank you!!

' src=

Please send & Thank You!

' src=

Send the essays for o-level as soon as possible

' src=

Please send me the essays 😀 [email protected]

' src=

Plz mail me the essay as soon as possible

' src=

Please send me essays

' src=

Send the essay please!!

' src=

I would like the essays to be sent 9n my email address. Thankyou. 🙂

' src=

Please send me the essays as soon as possible.

' src=

kindly send me essays, and Thanks for all your efforts

' src=


send me essays

' src=

Plzz send me these essayss all. Plzzz

' src=

Could you please email me this essay ASAP ? Topic: You were on a journey with someone who was suddenly taken ill

' src=

I need an essay for 200 to 300 words. “After a bus journey you arrived at your relatives home to stay for a few days. You find that you have picked the wrong bag…… Write an account of what happened.” Please. Its urgent!

' src=

Hi,can you please send me the essays?

Thanks a lot!

' src=

i need essay regardng the topic” he had been dirty ,hungry and completely hopless”

EMAIL:[email protected]

' src=

Please send the essays to my mail id! Thanks in advance!

' src=

hello sir/madam may i have your topic? [email protected] thank you

' src=

thank you. really interesting essays.

' src=

Please send me the essays. Thanks!

' src=

plz mail me soOn

' src=

Please send the essays to my email id! Thank you so much! 🙂

plz mail me sOOon

' src=

[email protected]

Hi, kindly send me the essays?

' src=

i want essays plz.

' src=

please send the above academic essay for writing

' src=

Do send me the essays please.

' src=

Could you send me the essays? Thanks!

' src=

Hi I want the above essays as soon as possible .I need these all essays urgently.thanks a lot.

' src=

Can you please send me the essays ? Thanks a lot.

[email protected]

' src=

Please send me all the essays as soon as possible.

' src=

an essay on running away and i made a mistake by telling him ir her my secret

' src=

tnxs in advance

' src=

Please send me sample essays. Thank you.

' src=

please email these. [email protected]

' src=

please send me an essay of “Someone had a great disappointment that turned out to be a blessing in disguise” please thanks

' src=

please send me all the essays as soon as possible thank you!

' src=

perfect for o level students

' src=

[email protected] .. and what do we have to write in website option.

' src=

Please email the essays to me

' src=

Plz send me every type of essay descriptive narrative argumantive etc

' src=

Hi I need all the essays above urgently Please send it to me fast

' src=

need more essays

' src=

Please help me with this essay topics to study before the exam2016

' src=

Pls send me an essay. It’ll help alot. Thanks a million!!

' src=

I want essay on the following topics. 1. Grandparents 2. Secret hopes and ambition

' src=

Pse send the essays very urgently to my e mail address above Thanks indeed

' src=

Hi please send me essay topics

' src=

Please send the essays as soon as possible

' src=

[email protected] I need those essays. Thanks! :))

' src=

[email protected] is the correct one

Please send me all the essays tq.

' src=

Please send me essays about 1.travel & 2.gadget technology

[email protected]

' src=

plz send me eassays

' src=

Please send me essay on [email protected]

' src=

Please send me all the essays, tq.

' src=

kindly send me essays

' src=

it would be helpful a lot,if you sent me this material!!!!!thank you!!!!

' src=

pls send essay on my favorite food biriyani.

essays are very useful. please send essay on my favorite food biriyani.

' src=

Please send me the essay!!

' src=

Please email me these essays.

' src=

Please send me all the essays. Thankyou.

' src=

[email protected]

' src=

I want some topics on argumentative essay

' src=

Pls send me all the essays tq.

' src=

Could you send me the essays, plz. Umasankar

' src=

Pls send me essays I think it’s helpful for improving my skills

And it’s helpful for ielts exam

' src=

email me the narrative essays and directed writing essays

' src=

Please send me the easays. this would be very helpful

' src=

please email me the essays [email protected]

' src=

Can you send me all those essay

' src=

[email protected]

' src=

Plz email me all essays

' src=

plz email me all the essays asblf.

' src=

Please email me the essays for all the above. Thank you.

' src=

plz email me asap

' src=

PLease send . THanks a lot

' src=

[email protected]

' src=

email me plz

' src=

hey~ 🙂 please send to this email [email protected] thank you so much!

' src=

Send me essays Urgently needed Email:[email protected] I will be very thankful to you if u Send me urgently.

' src=

Please mail me essays of last 15 years “O” level exam.

' src=

[email protected]

pls email me the essays ASAP, thanks.

' src=

plz send me the essays i really need them send them on the mail from which i posted the comment thank you very much

' src=

please send me essays.

' src=

send me essays please.

' src=

plz send essays [email protected]

' src=

Pls email me all these essays

I made a mistake in telling him or her about my secret… words 200-300 Pls send me on my email, I my very thankful to u

' src=

Please send me the essays..

' src=

please i need the essays very much… it would be really helpful if u guys could e-mail me the essays

' src=

Please send me the essays [email protected]

' src=

Plz send me essays

' src=

Plz send essay on these topics : waiting for results , secret hopes & ambitions . ASAP

' src=

pls email me the essay topics

' src=

This website is really very helpful


' src=

essays please

' src=

Need those essay samples:)

' src=

Pls email me all the essays ASAP, thanks

' src=

Hello please provide me the essays at [email protected]

' src=

Thanks so much for your generosity. Please send the essays to the email address given. Thanks again.

' src=

we can get knowledge

' src=

woah could i send me the essays 🙂 thank u !!

' src=

please send me if you can thanks. [email protected]

' src=

please send it to me too thanks!

[email protected]

' src=

These topics are good. Kindly email the essays to me at [email protected]

' src=

please send me essays of last 5 years O level exam

' src=

can you sent me all the essays sir..

' src=

Please send me first

' src=

Please mail me an essay on the following topic. It’s urgent…

' src=

Please email me all the essays as soon as possible,thanks

[email protected]

' src=

Could you please send me the essays for all the past year papers ? Thank you very much.

' src=

Can you send me the essays. The topics are interesting.

' src=

Please email me essay

' src=

Please send me the essays. Thanks in advance

' src=

Hi could you send me the essays? thank you so much

' src=

Email Asap Thank You

' src=

please send me essays it will be appreciated

' src=

[email protected]

' src=

Plz send the essays, thx!

[email protected]

' src=

Hi.i want an essay on the topic that we have to carry my friend for the last mile of expedition.how can I get it plx tell..

' src=

Pls email me the essays

' src=

please send me the essays at [email protected]

' src=

Plz send essay “we had to carry my friend to the last mile of expedition”

' src=

want the essay

' src=

Pls send me the essays. Thx

' src=

Please e-mail me the essay. Thank you

' src=

I would appreciate it alot if u send to me the essays, ty 🙂

' src=

email me the essays ASAP, thanks.

' src=

sent me plz

' src=

[email protected] please email me the essays… Thank you

' src=

[email protected] pls email me the essay, thanks

' src=

Please send me topics about descriptive essay

' src=

Pls mail me all the essays . Thanks

' src=

please send me the essays @ [email protected]

' src=

Send me asap

' src=

Hi pls email the essays pls Ty [email protected]

' src=

Pls send to me

' src=

Plse send me model essays for the above topics

' src=

I am a teacher and teaching o Level please snd me these essays completed… And plz snd me more data

Plz snd these things

' src=

Please email me all the essays

Pls email all the essays

Pls email the essays

' src=

Please send me the essays. Thank you.

' src=

Topic: that was the first time and i hope that it will be the last Please send me the essay on this email: [email protected]

' src=

[email protected]


' src=

Please send me the essays. Tqvm.

' src=

pls send me the essays on: [email protected]

' src=

Please send me essay

' src=

I need the essay “when I was at last alone, I felt surprisingly happy”

' src=

Plz. Send me for Write a story based on following ” HERE is a chance to start a new life,after few months indeed life was blissful And A person entered competition and surprised everyone

Plz send me I need it urgent great website though

' src=

Was helpfull

' src=

Kindly email the essays Thanks a lot

Plz mail me all the essays on [email protected]

' src=

Sir, can you please email me the essays of the above topic? “[email protected]

' src=

Please email me the essays. I would be much obliged. Thanks

' src=

please send me the essays

' src=

Please send these topics

' src=

Please mail me these essays

' src=

Pls send essay on the time when I was given a bad advice.thank you.

' src=

Plzzz send me essays through email

' src=

Hi… please send me the topics.

' src=

Send me o level essays please

' src=

plz send me essaysss

' src=

Will you please send me complete essays to these topics Thanks in advance. [email protected]

' src=

Plz send my essays

' src=

Please mail me the essays

' src=

This website is helpful for students. I will give CIE GCE O Level English Language Exam on May/June 2017. Please send me the some English essays to practise for my exam. Thanking you Abrar zahin

' src=

I need essay on ” How much of your progress at school is the result of your own ability,good luck or good teaching?

' src=

[email protected] Please send me the essays

' src=

please send me those essays

please send me those essays……..

sir/mam please send it as early as you can…Need those essays..

i would love to receive those essays thanks. my email:[email protected]

' src=

Hey Essays essays please!!

' src=

please send me sample of emails for topics mentioned above.thks for your help

' src=

please mail me the essay!!!

' src=

Plz email me this eassy for my english pratice thankyou !!

Plz send me email thankyou!!

' src=

Hi! Please email me the essays. Thanks.

Email: [email protected]

' src=

Kindly email me the eassays

' src=

Kindly send me the descriptive essays with word limit of 300 to 350 words.

' src=

kindly send me essays.

essaays plz

' src=

Please give me the essay

Please mail me the essay thanks

' src=

Kindly send me the essays, please.

' src=

[email protected]

' src=

Plse mail me the essays on the topics mentioned above. Thks

If possible send me an essay on “How dumping affect our village” Thanks in advance

' src=

plz send me [email protected]

plz email me essay of last year only

' src=

Please send me the essays. Thank you

' src=

Send me essays regularly if possible. 🙂

Please send me essays as much as possible

' src=

I would really appreciate if i gets all the essay. I will also like to have all the essays of olevel past papers

please send me the essays. Thanks

' src=

Hi , I am looking forward to your reply .Please,message me the esaays on [email protected]

' src=

Please email me essay on what are your strengths and weaknesses” . thanks

' src=

Pls mail me the essays. thanks

' src=

pls email me the essays ASAP. if possible, before the olevel may june 2017 starts which is a month from now on. Thank you! 🙂

' src=

sorry wrong email address haha, this is the one

' src=

Every essay if possible, i failed my eng and i really need some guidance

' src=

Plz send me essays 🙂

' src=

I need a couple of essays for ordinary levels Provide that plz

' src=

please e-mail me

' src=

“A friend asked you to keep a small parcel safe for a while. Later you discovered that it was stolen property”

' src=

[email protected] Plz email me the essays

' src=

Please email me ASPA,Thanks.

' src=

Pls send essays

' src=

please email me the essays as soon as possible -Thank you.

' src=

Plzz send me all the topics

' src=

Pls email me asap.tnx

' src=

Please send me the essays as soon as possible as I am having my O levels in five days. Thanks in advance.

' src=

Please do sent me essays.thank you

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please send me the following essays Parents

Please send me the essays about 1) an occasion when a special meal produced unexpected results 2) when a family moved to their new house and found the keys didn’t unlock the front door and 3) a small child who made an important discovery

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I want an essay of repaying a kindness and narrate your secrets and hopes

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Its very helpful for pakistani students who are trying to improe and test their language skill for o level

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Essays! thank you 🙂

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Describe the sights and sounds during the mid-day break in your school? plz send essay for the above toic

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Email me all these essays and stories please – and this one too

Describe some of the ways in which you have changed since you started your present school and some of the ways in which your personality remains the same

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an essay on topic a dangerous experience

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A bunch of effective resources for the students and the facilitators.

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  • IELTS Speaking Part 2 40 Most Important Topics with answers
  • Mixed Economy and its advantages/disadvantages
  • IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your hometown
  • IELTS Speaking Part 2:Favorite room in the house

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Model Essays And Paragrphs

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O/L English Support Materials by RCF: Essay on the Pros and cons of the Internet

The Internet is a marvelous invention. Because of its introduction into education and its availability to just about anyone, the world will probably never be the same.

 For children, the internet provides a vast library of knowledge.  Students literally have the world at their fingertips.  Any topic can be researched at any time, day or night.  The internet also makes learning the textbook content more interesting by offering games and short videos that students may watch and interact with.

  For adults, it is still a wonderful resource for information about diseases, world news, parenting tips, and many other things.  Again, adults, like children, can research any topic at any time.  There are also games on the internet, as well as forums and groups, that cater to the interests of individuals.  People can choose to shop online instead of going to the shop or to the supermarket.

The internet, however, can be harmful to children and adults in quite a few ways.  Online predators are always out preying on children who will willing give away their personal information.  Children may also "stumble" across sites that are inappropriate for them.  Some problems for adults that are caused by the internet are pornography, lack of real-life relationships, laziness, and gambling.

      O/L English support materials by RCF: Essay on the Importance of English Language

English is an international language .lt is spoken all over the world. The people of the world communicate with each other by this language .This language is used in everyday life-at home, in the market, in the office, at school, in college ,etc.lt is also the medium of communication through email and internet.

Moreover, English has been the medium of education in all parts of the world. Many important subjects like English, science, economics, history, geography, medicine, engineering, etc. are taught in English. Without understanding English the international student cannot get scholarships in America, Britain, Japan, china or other rich countries. 

English language is also important to understand literature like poems, stories, essays, dramas or films. The most important world literature is written in English. The politicians should also understand English. lf they cannot speak English, they cannot know world politics, and they cannot communicate their ideas to the foreigners. Also, English is used in industries, factories and commerce. 

Therefore, the value and importance of English language is increasing day by day.lt is used in different aspects of life in our country.  Those who do not speak, write or understand English language seem to be backward. Thus, this language has become the language of human progress and prosperity.

O/L English Support Materials by RCF: Model essays.  Here is another possible essay for you friends... Our Animal Friends

Man is a social animal. This fact itself proves our nearness to the animal kingdom or the animal world.

Animals are very faithful and helpful. Right from the very early stages a dog is perhaps the only animal who has helped mankind the most. Cow comes next. She provides us milk and bullocks for the agriculture work. Horse or the mule is yet another animal who helps mankind in more than one way. 

A cat is also known to be the best pet. Children specially the younger ones like her very much. They carry her in their arms like a puppy, as she is lighter and softer to handle. 

Among the animals we can include goats, lambs, hares or rabbits also. The presence of an animal in a house is considered to be a good omen in villages. Farmers own cows, buffaloes, bullocks, horses, mules, ponies and even asses, for milk, framework and over and above that, as a status symbol. The animals are our best friends.

                  O/L English Support Materials by RCF: An essay on "Let's Save  Water"

Water is a precious gift to our life on the earth from the nature. According to the availability of the water on earth we can understand the importance of water in our lives. Everything on the earth need water like human beings, animals, trees, plants, insects, and other living things etc. Balance of water on the earth is maintained through the process known as water cycle. Three-fourth of the surface of the earth is surrounded by the water. However, the earth contains very less percentage of the clean water suitable for human use. So, the problem is the scarcity of clean water might lead to the end the life here.

Clean water is very essential for our life, So we need to conserve water for the future safety. If we save water; we save life and every living organism on the earth. Water is called the universal solvent as it is the key component which ensures quality of lives. ,Therefore, we should join our hands together and take a pledge to use water according to need only without contaminating it. We should save our water from the water pollution by preventing the release of industrial wastes and other wastes into the water. There should be proper waste management system which must be followed by everyone.

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A Collection of Essays for the O/L English by RCF

Let’s give up the use of polythene

The environment is a gift given by Mother Nature. The environment consists of many things such as the atmosphere, land, plants, animals and water bodies. There are many ways which pollute the environment. Destruction of forests is a main thing. Polythene too is a main thing which pollutes the environment.

A large amount of polythene is added to the environment in one day. It takes around more than 20 – 30 years for polythene to decay. Polythene is used everywhere. When we go to a shop to buy goods they are given in polythene bags. Many people who work, take their meal in a lunch-sheet and after that they throw it in the bin. Finally all this polythene adds to the environment.

One day when I dug a small pit to put my dead fish, I saw a packet of tea. The manufacture date on the tea packet was in 2003. It has been 13 years but still the packet hadn’t decayed.

We have an environment like this today as our ancestors have protected the environment with much care. It is our duty to protect the environment for our future generations.

When you go to a store, take a cloth bag to put in all the goods. Use a good lunchbox to take your meals. Then we can keep a good environment for our future generations. So everyone should get together and give up the use of polythene!

The Vesak Festival

Vesak Poya is the most auspicious day for Buddhists. The Birth of Buddha as Prince Siddhartha, his Enlightenment at the age of 25 and Parinibbaba at the age of 80, happened on a Vesak Poya Day in the month of May. We call these three events ‘Themagula’, the three festivals.

Lord Buddha has taught that Buddhists should follow Dana, Sila and Bhavana. People practice these at home in small scale. On Vesak Poya Day the entire country engages in the above acts. Devotees assemble in temples dressed in white and observe ‘Atasil’ and listen to the Dharma sermons, discussions, bhavana and Buddha Pooja. They spend the whole day with ‘Shraddha’ minds.

Another way of celebrating Vesak is decorating houses with light bulbs, hanging lanterns and hoisting Buddhist flags. Streets are decorated with big, beautiful Vesak lanterns and pandals. These pandals contain Lord Buddha’s life stories and jathaka stories. Nowadays we can see digital pandals too. In many places we can see Vesak zones and temples hold expositions of sacred relics. People who don’t observe sil, go to temples and engage in other religious activities. TV channels conduct various Buddhist programmes so people can watch and listen to them.

Some people give free food and drinks to the devotees and others. Such places are called Dansals. This year our president has required that all materials used for dansals and money used for decorations, be given to people affected by floods and landslides.

Lord Buddha has said that helping the distressed, deprived, sick and infirm people is a great meritorious act. By engaging in the above ‘Prathipaththi’ and ‘Amisa’ pooja we can collect more merit. With this merit, we can have solace, peace and happiness in our present lives and also our future lives. Lord Buddha has taught the existence of the rebirth, ‘Sansara’.

Keeping our water sources clean

Water is very important for all human beings, animals and plants. Chemicals and other harmful substances pollute water. This would result in the pollution of streams, lakes, rivers and seas, Severe water pollution can kill large numbers of fish and other animals. People who use this polluted water can fall ill.

Humans pollute water in many ways. Insecticides, weedicides and fertilizers used in large quantities in farming are some examples of ways of polluting water. When it rains, these chemicals flow into streams, lakes and rivers. Harmful chemicals, gases and waste materials are also sometimes released from industrial factories into waterways.

We should control ways of water pollution. We can do this by helping to keep our sources of water clean. In agriculture we should not overuse chemicals. Another way of preventing water pollution is to build cleaning treatment plants in factories.

If we stop throwing waste into lakes, rivers and seas they will be clean and beautiful forever.

Instant Food Instant food or convenience food are the foods that are usually ready to eat without further preparation. Though they are easy to eat, they are not suitable for our health. Because of their busy lifestyles, people have got used to going to shops and buying these instant foods. Various food additives, preservatives and colouring are added to foods like instant noodles, meatballs, sausages and short-eats etc. in some hotels and restaurants, previously made mixtures are used to make food.

There are many harmful effects of eating this kind of food. Day by day, people in our country get non communicable diseases like Diabetes, Cholesterol, High Blood Pressure, Cancer and many more. The life expectancy of these people is gradually decreasing. Though these foods give a pleasant smell and taste, it can cause long term diseases.

Considering the past, people were very healthy because they only ate healthy food which did not contain harmful things, but now nearly everybody in the world has these diseases.

So what should we do to prevent this? We have the ability to cook healthy food instead of eating instant food. Then we will be able to protect ourselves and save the money we spend on instant food. So let us eat healthy and be healthy!

Let’s go green

‘Happy is the man who acquires the habit of loving the environment.’ Showing love and affection to the beauty of the environment is called eco-friendliness.

Today Earth is commonly known as the ‘Green Planet’ due to its illustration with many forests of trees. The trees provide a hub of activities for man as well as animals around him. Trees help to maintain the water cycle and also maintain the balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen in the atmosphere. Trees provide timber, fruits, vegetables, medicines, shade and many other useful things. Deforestation of trees would create a drought like living place. Today man, in order to construct new factories, houses, farms cut down trees.

If trees are cut down the oxygen we breathe will decrease resulting in an imbalance of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Deforestation also leads to global warming. Carbon dioxide harms the Ozone Layer so that ultra violet rays might enter the Earth and this results in skin cancer. This will also melt down the icebergs due to excess heat and resulting in land areas sunken by water. If people acknowledged the adverse effects of cutting trees, water crisis would be minimized. So let’s spread this green umbrella all over Sri Lanka and practice the saying ‘if you cut one tree plant ten more’.

An unforgettable trip The trip we made to Kataragama during my school holidays was an unforgettable one. We left home early in the morning and reached Kataragama by evening. Everybody got out and began to unload the baggage. My father got on to the roof of the van and unloaded the pots and pans. We took our bags into the room to unpack our clothes. My mother and aunt went to the kitchen to prepare dinner. After a few minutes I heard them laughing loudly. They seemed to be enjoying the cooking. As we were sleepy and tired we had our dinner and went to bed early.

The following morning, we woke up early and had a bath in the beautiful Menik Ganga. Next, we went to Kiri Vehera and the Kataragama Kovil. We waited patiently in line at the kovil to offer a basket of fruits to the Kataragama Deity. We spent the rest of the day walking around the historic city of Kataragama.

I was very unhappy to see a lot of garbage left carelessly all around the city. I wish that people were more thoughtful of the environment and were more careful when they throw garbage. We all came back to the guest house later in the evening and packed our bags to go back home.

Caring for elders Who are elders? Where do they come from? Were they born as elders? All the elders were once like us… children. They too had a playful childhood. They too had ambitions, as you and I have now. Over time they have grown old but most of them have done an immense service to the society.

An elderly person we see on the street could be a retired teacher who has opened the eyes of thousands of children; or a retired doctor who has cured thousands of sick people. He could be a farmer, a clerk, a soldier, an engineer, a driver, a nurse, a factory worker and so forth. The list is endless. He or she may have grandchildren like us.

Sometimes we treat elders in not so nice ways. We tend to ignore them, ridicule them and even treat them cruelly. When we do that, they feel sad. They feel helpless. At such times they remember their youthful age. Most of them have nobody to discuss their plight. So they can only shed tears. On the other hand, when they realize that we care for them, they feel very happy and content. Can we buy this happiness? No it is priceless.

There are numerous ways we can make them happy. Be helpful, be respectful and above all be kind. They need our love and care. They need a feeling of security. They just need to be a part of the stream of social life that is flowing on and on around them. Remember that you and I too will grow old and we too will feel the same. It is inevitable.

The value of sports and games A sport or a game is a physical activity we engage mostly during our leisure time. These sports are divided into two groups as indoor sports and outdoor sports. Sports like cricket, badminton, volleyball, tennis etc., belong to the outdoor games. Games like chess, table-tennis, carom etc., belong to the indoor sports.

Outdoor sports are very important for our physical well-being while indoor sports mostly help in the intellectual development. When we engage in an outdoor sport like athletics, our body muscles burn extra fat using oxygen which helps us to keep trim and fit. We can also avoid diseases such as heart attacks, diabetes, high blood pressure etc., by doing these types of sports. Indoor sports mostly help us to improve our thinking ability and decision making skills. They are very important for young children as they develop memory skills. Sports also teach us the values such as working towards a goal, working as a team, accepting winning and losing equally etc. They are important for developing a well balanced child by character formation at the early stages of their life.

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O/L English Support Materials by RCF – Paragraph Writing - Sample Paragraphs

My family is a small Family. There is my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father is a businessman. He is a hard-working and a somewhat strict person. However, he loves us very much. My mother is a house wife. She looks after us very well. My sister is in grade 6. She likes playing chess and watching TV series.  I am in grade 11.We live in Kandy. My sister and I are the heart of our home. We all live in harmony, loving and caring for each other and sharing everything. We are safe in the arms of family. When any one of our family members has a problem all of us get together to help solve it. When anyone of us falls ill, we take good care of the person and help him/her get better. We share secrets, laugh and cry together, as a family. We are a happy family.

The value of trees

Trees are a gift of nature. They keep the environmental balance of the earth. The trees release oxygen to the environment and absorb Co2. This process helps to clean the air around us. So they help every living being in their existence. The trees also provide the animals and humans with natural food. The trees stop soil erosion and make the soil fertile. So it is impossible for the living beings to exist without trees.

The city Life

A city life is a busy life that the people spend. There is not much space in their gardens. Their houses are built very close to each other but they are separated with parapet walls. The people who live in cities have many facilities such as hospitals, supermarkets, transportation, schools etc. Everything that they need should be bought from shops and markets. Also the environment of these areas is fully man-made. However, the people who spend city life expect super facilities for their lives. That is why most of the people have been attracted to this life style.

My school holiday started in July. From the day it started I enjoyed a lot. In July we went to Hatton for a trip for two days. We went to visit a tea factory, Highland Milk Factory and Horton Plains.All my cousins came to my house to play. We played the whole day. We went to their houses and enjoyed with my sister. I got invited for my friend’s birthday party and it was fun. I played with my friends. Twice I went to watch movies with my family. I played cricket on weekends with my father. I watched kids’ movies and Olympic Games, read books, went for swimming in the holiday season. This is the best holiday I ever had, as I enjoyed it till the end.

My hobby is reading interesting and knowledgeable books in my free time. Whenever I go home from my school, I like to read such books after completing my homework. I am 15 years old and read in Class 10. Now I know very well that reading is a very good habit which can make me complete. Reading books keeps one always happy and busy. It is a good source of enjoyment, knowledge, inspiration and instruction. It makes us disciplined, loyal, punctual and most importantly a successful person in this life. The habit of reading books can be acquired at a young age by anyone.

My best friend

I have many friends but my best friend is Hiruni Marasinghe. She is the best I like more than my other friends. She came to our school in Grade 6. We were good friends but we are mostly together now. I am happy to be with her. She is a tall and fair girl. Hiruni has a kind heart and helps others a lot. Her ambition is to be a doctor. She has very different, good qualities that I like in her more than others. As she is a good friend I always enjoy her company. I wish Hiruni a successful life.

My ambition

Each and everyone in the world has an ambition. My ambition is to be a doctor; who is a man always ready to cure a man’s sickness. I will be very sincere in my ambition. As a doctor, I will love each and everyone who comes to me in curing their ailments. I will love the patients whoever they are. I will do my best for them. I am sure my ambition will never go waste. I will be always ready to treat the sick people whether it is day or night, rainy or sunny. I’ll always be ready to answer if anyone calls me from anywhere. I hope my ambition will give me a successful life in the future.

Today we live among modern technology. We use technology for our day-to-day activities. Radio, phones and computers are some of them. Television also is an important technology for human beings. Nowadays, many people watch television. Watching television is a popular hobby among children and adults. We get many advantages and a few disadvantages by watching television. Sometimes, children and some adults always watch television without doing any work. Also our eyes can become weak and we may have to wear spectacles. So we must watch television at least 15 feet away. Television is a good technology for this society but we shouldn’t use it in an improper manner.

A rainy day

A rainy day is wet, cool, noisy and dark. The sun hides behind the clouds and the sky becomes dark. The wind blows hard. The trees start to shake and the leaves fall down. Sometimes their branches break and fall. Sometimes birds’ nests fall off. Animals run for shelter.We can see the lightning and hear the thunder. Raindrops fall one by one and then it starts to rain a lot. Then it makes the ground muddy and soggy. It leaves puddles. When the rain stops and the sun shines, a lovely rainbow appears.

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Thanks you sooooooo much sir. Best.

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Thank you sir.Great work.

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great job sir. thank you..

Thank you sir.great work sir

sir this note/notice many usefull and important ol students

this is very useful to teach the students . we are really greatful to you. god bless you for your hard work

Thank you sir...

Thanks a lot❤️❤️

Thank you sir

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Great work sir.thanks.

essays for ol students

Writing notice in bullet form and small paragraph, which is suitable

essays for ol students

Both formats are accepted. However, since the bullet form contains less words or less than the required number OF words it is most likely receive under 3 marks.

Thank you so much sir!

Write a note to your friend asking her to meet you to visit your class teacher in the hospital. Use about 50 words

This is marvellous sir This is very useful for us Thank you Thank you thank you soooooooooo much sir 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏👌👌👌👌👌👌👌👌

Thank you sir great job

Thankyou sir

Great work sir.Thank you so much for your support

Anee thank u so much Sir

Thanks a lot, Sir!

Thanks sir Very useful for me

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essays for ol students


  1. Student Essay

    essays for ol students

  2. Essay

    essays for ol students

  3. O-Level English Essays 3

    essays for ol students

  4. English Model Activities O/ L : O L 2016 ENGLISH PAPER NEW SYLLABUS

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  5. Student Essay

    essays for ol students

  6. Student Essay

    essays for ol students


  1. (PART 2) season 2 episode 4 of INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE won me back

  2. Intro to College App

  3. An Arkansas Legend Inspires a Story with Becky Marietta

  4. 🕉😀 When You Can't Love Your Parents


  6. The Albion Band The Gardener's Bonny Daughter (live)


  1. O/L English Essays Pdfs

    Download O/L English Essays PDF and O/L Exam English model Essay topics for students. We have Uploaded several pdf files that include Model essays and previous O/L exam essays for practice.

  2. PDF O-level English Essays O-level

    O-LEVEL ENGLISH ESSAYS O-LEVELO-LEVEL ENGLISH ESSAYS provides a wide range of essays on various topics to enable students to learn how skilful writers develop ideas and prese. t them logically and fluently. This 3-volume set of a collection of essays prompts discussion of contemporary issues and.


    Model English Essays for OL

  4. GCE O/L English

    GCE O/L English. by guruwaraya.lk on December 03, 2020 in Book , Students. Here we brings you a resource book for GCE O/L Students which was released by education Ministry. This English Self Learning Book consists of a series of Easy Activities in Four Categories as follows. Vocabulary.

  5. 6 types of composition essays for O-level English

    Here's an overview of the 6 types of composition essays you'll encounter - as well as tips to make your writing shine - when sitting for the O-level English exam. Narrative essay. Personal recount essay. Descriptive essay.

  6. English Model Activities For O/ L And Other: MODEL ENGLISH ...

    Model English activities for OL students with free sample papers to improve their English language skills.

  7. 2021 O/L English Model Papers with Answers

    You can download English medium 2021 OL English model papers with marking as a PDF File. We Include the last three years model question papers developed by the Ministry of Education, Sri Lanka

  8. Past Years O-Level Essay Questions (English) with Essay Outlines

    These essay outlines, (almost 2100 words long), are written by the English curriculum team at Writing Samurai and Grade Solution Learning Centre. When you download the pdf of these essay outlines, you get to learn how to…. Use it as a study resource for your child! Here's a video preview of our Past Year's O-level essay outlines: So ...


    Paragraphs for OL. Well written model paragraphs will help both the teacher and the student.

  10. 7 Essay Types at the O Level

    Here is a brief explanation of the 7 Essay Types at the O Level and generally what is required to be addressed in the examinations.

  11. GCE O-Level English 50 Model Essays

    GCE O-Level English - 50 Model Essays is a collection of 50 model essays designed to present students with insights on commonly tested topics, including science, technology, the arts and science. This wide array of questions will equip students with the necessary skills to tackle essay writing at the secondary school level.This book aims to prepare students for the O-Levels by providing ...

  12. O-Level English Essays

    O-Level English Essays. O-Level English Essays provides a wide range of essays on various topics that showcase how skillful writers organize and structure essays.

  13. O-level Past Years Essay Questions

    O-LEVEL PAST YEARS COMPOSITION QUESTIONS In our 'O' Level English Enrichment Programme, we ensure that our graduating students are ready to ace the English Language examination. It is a race against time to prepare for the 'O' Levels, hence our programme focuses on teaching and reinforcing our students' essay writing skills, comprehension answer precision, summary writing and oral ...

  14. O/L Essay in English| O/L Essay| O/L English essay writing| ol English

    This video explains the most important techniques to pass O/L examination. O/L examination is one of controversial thing is Sri Lanka. Most of the students h...

  15. O level English Essay Topics

    O level English Essay Topics. O level English Essay Topics. FET SYSTEM is also providing essays for these topics. So just write your e-mail addresss on the comment box below and we will send the essays on you e-mail address for free. Parents. Describe the activities of religious people in your country. Act of selfishness that caused unhappiness.

  16. Welcome to the Purdue Online Writing Lab

    The Online Writing Lab (the Purdue OWL) at Purdue University houses writing resources and instructional material, and we provide these as a free service at Purdue. Students, members of the community, and users worldwide will find information to assist with many writing projects. Teachers and trainers may use this material for in-class and out ...

  17. English Model Activities For O/ L And Other: DESCRIBING GRAPHS

    I am writing this note with regard to the ambiguities that the 'bar chart test' of the OL English paper 2023 (24) carries for the students. First, ' a survey' is usually conducted to find out the cause or the causes for some issue in general.


    Read example essays and write your personal statement for college and university admission using our free and low-cost video courses and step-by-step guides.

  19. olenglish

    Without understanding English the international student cannot get scholarships in America, Britain, Japan, china or other rich countries. English language is also important to understand literature like poems, stories, essays, dramas or films.

  20. 27 Outstanding College Essay Examples From Top Universities 2024

    Check out these outstanding college essay examples. Learn how to write your personal statement and supplemental essays for college applications.

  21. English Model Activities For O/ L And Other

    Model Paragraphs for OL and Grade 10. Paragraph writing is usually an integral part of a language paper. It is a testing tool a teacher uses to assess a learner's ability to express an idea briefly using correct language. Paragraph writing is the 8th Question on the OL first paper.

  22. Essay for O/L English #Model_Essay_OL_English_2021, #English_essays_for

    Topic- Let's protect our environment.words - 290time- 35 mins.සිංහල පැහැදිලි කිරීම සහිතව.


    The above 👆 module contains all types of test activities for Question - 6 of the OL English paper. It can easily be used as a handbook for classroom teaching or as a self-study guide.