Mother Daughter Relationship Essay

This sample of an academic paper on Mother Daughter Relationship Essay reveals arguments and important aspects of this topic. Read this essay’s introduction, body paragraphs and the conclusion below.

MOTHER-DAUGHTER RELATIONSHIPS In my opinion a woman is never complete until the birth of her first child. The moment she holds her baby for the first time, she thinks of all the things she’ll teach the baby. Many mothers dream of having a baby girl, to share the secrets of “woman-hood”.

A mother-daughter relationship is a special bond between mother and daughter; their bonding can start at a very early age. As children we idolized our mothers and that’s the way it’s always been, until we’ve reached our early teens.

Now our best friend becomes our enemy and we can’t stand a word she says. A mother-daughter relationship should in my opinion should be were the two have a special bond and respects each other. Firstly a mother-daughter relationship should be one where they both find a joy in spending quality time with each other and the daughter idolizes her mother .

In the novel Selections from Annie John Jamaica Kincaid explains how important she felt to be with her mother. Kincaid had a very close bond with her mother.

They did almost everything together . This form of affection is very normal at this stage between a mother and her daughter. Kincaid admires her mother “when my eyes rested on my father, I didn’t think very much about the way he looked.

essay on mother and daughter relationship

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But when my eyes rested on my mother, I found her beautiful”. When I was a child my mother and I would always fuss about me getting into her make-up kit and playing dress up in her clothing and high heels, I wanted to be just like “mommy” she was my hero in my eyes she did nothing wrong.

Who Am I As A Daughter Essay

My father was never around he always worked late nights giving me and my mother sometime alone to bond, sometimes I wished my father would never come home because I didn’t want it end. I hated sharing my mother I wanted her all to myself! Having a mother’s affection is the greatest gift one can ever have. Infants can sense when their loved, the minute it loses the attention of its mother the baby begins to fuss until the attention is brought back upon it. A mother’s love is the most important ingredient in raising a child. The worst thing a mother can ever do is to announce that she no longer loves you.

For a child to hear these words are like the whole world as you knew it has now come to an end. Secondly a mother-daughter relationship should be bases on good communication skills, were if there is a problem the two can both talk it over without it becoming a huge argument . The one person you knew to be there for you is now letting you venture into the world alone , that’s just how Kincaid must of felt when her mother told her “ oh , no your getting too old for that” , “you cannot go around the rest of your life looking like a little me” .

Kincaid grow hatred for her mother because she can no longer be like her “mommy” she’s forced to find herself and her image some were else. For some mother-daughter relationships it’s the daughter that no longer wants to me like “mommy”. When I started my early teens I no longer wanted to be seen with my mother , or allowed her to drop me in front of the gate at school or be picked up there . I stopped talking to her about my problems because I now had a new best friend. My mother and I relationship now became lost because I felt that I was too grown to hang out with “mommy”.

Mother –daughter relationships are like roller coasters, one minute everything is going smooth and then the course changes and the ride gets a little bumpy and you’re agreeing again. In some homes the only time and way mothers and daughters speak is if their screaming down each other’s throats, this is never healthy for any relationships. Furthermore a mother-daughter relationship should also be bases out love and respect, There’s a saying “how can you respect someone if you can’t even respect yourself”.

Every human being wants the same thing they would like to be respected and loved. Kincaid’s mother spent years “drumming her”, teaching her how to behave around young men, but how could she train Kincaid into something she’s not. Even though Kincaid has hatred for her mother she’s still was watching and catching the bad habits of her mother. A mother will never gain respect from her daughter if she doesn’t learn how to speak with her. How can a mother refer to her daughter as a “slut”! When she’s acting the very same way.

Kincaid mother said “just to see me had caused her to feel shame”, has it ever acquired to her that maybe her daughter may feel the very same way as she conducts herself in a shameful manner? A mother shouldn’t be instructing her daughter to do things that she’s not willing to do or change, sometimes as mothers we have to admit to our wrong doings and make thing right to set an example for our kids. “Like father like son, like mother like daughter”, children are watching everything their parents does even through sometimes we don’t admit to it.

Even though Kincaid didn’t really call her mother a “slut” in words she simply said “like mother like daughter. In my opinion a mother should always know how to respectfully approach her daughter about any situation because if there is no respect why bother talking. In conclusion the one thing that can end bond between mother-daughter relationships is lack of communication and respect for each other. Most mothers and sometimes daughters believe that their relationship can never improve, but in my option with a little effort the bond can be mended again.

It doesn’t matter whether they fight physically or mentally, what matters is that they begin working toward a healthier and more loving mother-daughter relationship. “I wanted to go over and put my arms around her and beg forgiveness for the thing I had just said ant to explain that I didn’t really mean it” if only Kincaid had apologized to her mother. Maybe they could of rebuild their relationship or at least build up respect for one another. After an argument nothing starts a healthier convocation than saying am sorry.

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Mother Daughter Relationship Essay

Daily Plate of Crazy

Mother-Daughter Relationships: Personal Essays

The Mother-Daughter Series is a collection of personal essays by women writers, reflecting on their relationships with their mothers.

1950s mother and daughter

The writers participating in this exercise range in age from thirty-something to sixty-something. Some have daughters (and even granddaughters) of their own, some have sons, and others do not have children.

My thanks to the many fine writers contributing to this ongoing collection of essays. Their honesty and insights are greatly appreciated.

  • 1:  Mothers and Daughters (Introduction)
  • 2:  Sapphires in the Sand (Andrea Santiago)
  • 3:  An Enduring Relationship (Judith A. Ross)
  • 4:  Homesick for the Holidays (C. Troubadour)
  • 5:  Ah que Linda (Heather Robinson)
  • 6:  She Climbed Out of His Secret (Rudri Patel)
  • 7:  The Mother Daughter Dance (Barbara Albright)
  • 8:  A Day With My Mother (Dana Talusani)
  • 9:  The Dutiful Daughter (Cecilia)
  • 10:  Little Girl in the Corner (Cathy Meyer)


[…] the same sex. I was pleased about both facts, happy to have given birth to boys, especially with a difficult mother-daughter relationship of my […]

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Why Are Mother-Daughter Relationships So Complex?

Mother-daughter relationships are known for being fraught with complications, therapist holli rubin , who offers specialist mother-daughter 'couples' therapy, explores why this is.

Oh you can still remember those words and that feeling.... it’s a girl!!! A girl, how lucky! How exciting, how special, how important, how hopeful! We will be so close! Best friends! Tell each other things, secrets, share hopes, dreams, fears in a way that only mother and daughter could really do....

But we don’t think of the other side of this relationship .... how complicated, challenging and sometimes downright impossible it can be.

Mother-daughter relationships are complex – eliciting a special set of emotions reserved only for the mother-daughter couple. Even the healthiest of relationships can be at times fraught with real challenges.

So, what goes into making a ‘healthy’ mother-daughter relationship when your daughter grows up?

A ‘healthy’ mother-daughter relationship is one that allows for closeness and togetherness – but simultaneously – for independence and space. It’s caring and loving and fun and silly. This changes at every age and stage from childhood to adulthood. A mother daughter relationship is whatever you choose to make it!

A good place to start is by establishing boundaries for the relationship.

What does that mean?

Making sure both mother and daughter feel safe, comfortable and satisfied within the relationship.

Guilt is a useless emotion

Guilt is an emotion that often exists in close and complicated familial relationships. It is a difficult and strong emotion that, when understood better, appears to serve very little purpose. It can sometimes be used to convince people to do or feel or act in ways they themselves do not want to and it is not a healthy tool in any relationship, no matter what the dynamic may be.

When it comes to mothers and daughters, guilt can manifest itself when one, or both, are overly critical of the other.

When one feels hurt, they may need to bring up past events that are known to make the other feel upset and guilty. This is done to express unresolved hurt – perhaps in an unconscious way – perhaps more directly. Either way, it is not a good or healthy tactic and will only strain the current relationship.

Mothers and daughters can become trapped in this type of relationship struggle. The most effective way to get past the hurt is to be able to talk about it from both sides – with an aim to forgive each other and move on from the past – in order to establish a healthier relationship.

Once forgiven, you must move on and try not to bring back old issues from your conversations. Be open to having difficult conversations with an aim towards forgiveness.

Be yourself 

In healthy mother-daughter relationships, both parties need to take the other for who they are, and not engage with trying to change them.

The most common form of this is when the mother would like her daughter to be more like her. This may be in personality, values, choices, opinions. The mother may try to make the daughter feel guilty for being different and may consistently try to change her. This can lead the daughter to feel that they are often disappointing their mother and often trying to please without success. This can lead to arguments, resentment and overall an unhealthy relationship.

Being in the company of someone that’s trying to change you isn’t fun!

The key to this is acceptance. The mother needs to accept the perceived differences or faults and focus on the daughter’s positive attributes and not those that are perceived as negative.

Be open to conflict 

There will always be conflict in the world and conflict in relationships. That is normal. Conflict isn’t something that can be ignored. If conflict is ignored, then there will always be tension and unresolved issues.

The first step is to identify the conflict and the reasons for it. Take some time out to do this.

Once you’ve identified the conflict, you need to talk about it.

It is best for both to engage in a conversation around this conflict – regardless of how difficult it might be to begin. Trying to do so in a positive and respectful way will help keep both sides engaged and not exacerbate the situation further:

  • Allow both sides to present their side of the argument without interruption. It’s important that each person has their say and that the other party listens.
  • Try not to bring up unrelated negative events. Try to think of positive experiences that you would like to build on rather than focusing on the negative.
  • Try to end on a positive and agree on ways that you can move forward. Tell each other how much you love each other and what you like about each other.

You may need to accept that this may take time but keep revisiting regularly and don’t avoid having the conversation again if it’s needed.

You may have to agree to disagree. This can be acceptable so long as it’s not constantly used as a guilt tool and both parties genuinely accept the differences.

Spending time together

Some mothers and daughters enjoy spending a lot of time together, some don’t. One may want more time and one may want less. The party wanting more may make the other feel guilty for not wanting to spend a lot of time together.

The ideal situation is that time together should be happy, positive and uplifting. If spending less time together achieves that, then overall the relationship will be healthier. Just because you’re related doesn’t mean that you need to spend all your time together.

The key is to be mindful of your behaviour towards each other and notice how time together impacts on your mood.

Don’t feel guilty about reducing the amount of time together if it makes the relationship work better.

Allow each other to make mistakes 

It can be hard for a mother to stand back and let the daughter make, what they perceive as, mistakes. Only when you’re a mother can you really understand how hard it is.

In childhood it is important to guide, lead and mentor your daughter as they have no foundations to work on. They need to be guided and protected. But part of becoming a grown up is needing to learn to navigate life’s challenges independently. The mother must step back to allow her daughter to develop her independence and most importantly, allow her to make her own mistakes. As humans, we only learn from mistakes that we make.

Learning to strike a balance between offering helpful guidance, and intervening at every struggle, is the challenge. But getting that balance to establish the perfect recipe for a happy and healthy mother daughter relationship is the goal!

Holli Rubin is a verified therapist in SW London

Further reading

Lady bird: my mother my self revisited, i'm a mother, but mother's day isn't for me, maternal isolation: it takes a village to support a mother, the dilemma of the difficult mother, find welldoing therapists near you, related articles, recent posts.


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essay on mother and daughter relationship

Mother-Daughter Relationships: Everything You Need To Know

Mother-daughter relationships are one of the most complex and dynamic relationships out there. When a daughter is born, a unique connection starts to develop between her and her parents, especially her mother. As time passes, this bond grows stronger and becomes an unbreakable bond. 

However, as much as this bond can be incredibly nurturing and fulfilling, it can also be fraught with challenges, misunderstandings, and conflicts. That’s why in this article, we’ll be delving into everything you need to know about mother-daughter relationships. 

So, whether you’re looking to strengthen your bond with your mother or daughter or simply seeking some insights into this unique relationship, keep reading to discover all you need to know.

Explore Loveable’s collection of birthday gifts for daughters .

  • Why Is A Mother Important In A Daughter’s Life?

Why Is A Mother Important In A Daughter's Life?

A mother is the main caregiver who offers the necessary love, support, and direction for a child to flourish. From teaching life skills to offering emotional support, a mother is essential to a daughter’s life. A mother’s influence is far-reaching and long-lasting, as she impacts her daughter’s personality, values, and beliefs. 

A mother’s love is unconditional, and she is always there to celebrate her daughter’s triumphs and console her during her failures. A mom represents a role model for her daughter, and her actions shape her daughter’s perception of herself and the world around her. 

The presence in her daughter’s life helps her build a strong sense of self and confidence, which is crucial for success in all aspects of life. In short, a mother is important in a daughter’s life because she provides the foundation for her daughter’s growth and development, and her influence is felt for a lifetime.

Why Are Some Mother-Daughter Relationships Difficult?

What are the common causes of conflict between mothers and daughters, and why is this relationship more challenging for some individuals?

  • Emotional Dependence

Emotional Dependence

In situations where a spouse is absent, some mothers may turn to their daughters for emotional or practical assistance. However, this heavy reliance on their daughters as a crutch or primary confidante can leave them feeling overwhelmed, uneasy, and burdened. 

In some cases, the mother may even unintentionally force her daughter into a caretaking role, which can create feelings of responsibility or cause the daughter to withdraw emotionally to avoid stress.

  • Intervening Deeply In Daughter’s Decisions

As daughters grow into adulthood, some mothers may struggle with trusting their decisions and choices. This can lead to unintentional or intentional behaviors such as criticism, interference, or undermining. 

Such behavior may stem from the mother’s own insecurities and the desire to protect and rescue her daughter. While a parent’s actions may be motivated by love and concern, they can have a negative impact on their daughter. These actions can make the daughter feel disempowered and doubt her abilities, leading to frustration and anger.


In dysfunctional families, siblings are assigned specific roles during childhood to manage issues such as drug or alcohol abuse. These roles, such as the Golden Child or Scapegoat, may persist into adulthood and can cause resentment and anger between siblings and also between mothers and daughters. It’s possible for adult daughters to only realize the imbalance later in life, which can lead to strained relationships with their mothers.

Historically, daughters were expected to follow in their mother’s footsteps, but this is no longer the case. Mothers may feel a sense of loss or anger when they see their daughters living different and more fulfilling lives. This can ultimately lead to sadness and tension in the mother-daughter relationships.

Today, women have more opportunities to work in professional roles, where they can express their opinions and contribute to society. As they balance their work and motherhood responsibilities, societal expectations of them are evolving. However, this shift in women’s roles may lead to conflict in the relationships between mothers and daughters.

  • Interfere Daughter In Choosing Partner

Interfere Daughter In Choosing Partner

At times, mothers may not approve of their daughter’s choice of a partner or spouse. However, it’s crucial to understand that mothers cannot dictate who their daughters should love or select as their life partners. 

This may stem from a fear of losing their daughter or being left behind. It could also stem from jealousy in some cases. It’s essential to respect your daughter’s adult choices and decisions.

  • Emotionally disconnect

When daughters experience emotional disturbances, they typically turn to their mothers for support. However, if the mother is unavailable, the daughter may experience feelings of loneliness or seek comfort from another family member, such as a grandparent, father, uncle, or aunt. 

When a mother distances herself from her daughter, it can lead to a breakdown in their relationship and cause emotional scars. This type of mother-daughter dynamic is often referred to as dysfunctional. Additionally, some relationships may lack physical and emotional connection, resulting in a ghost relationship.

  • Trophy child

Trophy child

When it comes to this type of dynamic, the mother tends to utilize her daughter solely to flaunt her own positive attributes and accomplishments without taking into account her daughter’s individual preferences and tastes. 

This often results in the daughter feeling discontented, as her mother’s agenda takes precedence over her own desires and needs, leaving her feeling as though her life is being utilized solely for the purpose of garnering attention from others.

Sometimes, in mother-daughter relationships, the mother may resort to different forms of communication, like physical aggression or verbal insults. On the other hand, the daughter may yearn for her mother’s affection and support despite her mother’s unrealistic expectations. When such a dynamic exists between a mother and her daughter, it is a completely unhealthy and toxic relationship.

  • Too Indulgent

A popular type of bond between mothers and daughters is referred to as an enmeshed relationship. This relationship is identified by a strong and affectionate bond, where the mother frequently considers her daughter as her most trusted confidante. The two share many common interests, feelings, and other aspects of their lives.

When adopting such a parenting style, the mother may unintentionally neglect the important task of instilling the concept of healthy boundaries in her daughter. This could ultimately hinder the daughter’s growth and her ability to form meaningful relationships and pursue her interests.

7 Ways to Strengthen the Mother-Daughter Relationship

The following suggestions can assist you in enhancing the relationship between you and your daughter. It is important to consider these options to cultivate a stronger bond.

  • Express your feelings directly

Express your feelings directly

It is important to express your love and affection openly to your daughter. Expressing your admiration and appreciation is important when she achieves something commendable. This will strengthen your bond with her and show her how much you care. 

You can nurture your mother-daughter relationships further by sharing hugs, cuddles, and kisses. For instance, you can make cuddling a part of your bedtime routine. These displays of physical affection can help your daughter learn to express and receive love comfortably.

Related : Mother’s Day Quotes From Daughter

  • Always by your daughter’s side

As your daughter enters adolescence, she may encounter challenges as she navigates the physical and emotional changes that come with this phase of life. It’s important to be there for her, providing guidance and support while also listening to her concerns. 

It’s important to avoid being too commanding, as this can lead to rebellion. Instead, try to channel her stress or anger in a positive direction by truly hearing her out and finding ways to help her cope.

  • Efficiently Communicate

Efficiently Communicate

Engage your daughter in conversations about a range of global topics. You could take advantage of shopping trips or cooking meals together to share valuable insights. During her teenage years, she may struggle with body insecurity, so it’s important to encourage her to accept and feel proud of her body. 

Discuss relationships and important character traits such as faith, integrity, perseverance, and courage. Let her know that these values will be crucial to her success in life. Share your life experiences and wisdom with her to empower and prepare her for the future.

  • Realistic Expectations

As parents, it’s natural to have expectations for your children, but it’s essential to be reasonable and considerate. Remember that your daughter is a unique individual with her own aspirations and goals. Provide her the space, support, and love to flourish and grow. 

A mother plays a crucial role in educating her daughter about the world and how to interact with different people. A mother serves as her daughter’s first friend and lifelong guide. If you have a daughter, being there for her and supporting her throughout her life’s journey is crucial.

  • 20-Second Rule

When facing a conflict, share your viewpoint within 20 seconds and then give the other party a chance to express their experience within the same timeframe. This approach helps you remain focused on the issue and avoid veering off-topic. It’s an effective way to engage in conflict resolution.

  • Set Up Mother-Daughter Traditions

Set Up Mother-Daughter Traditions

These are the moments that strengthen your bond. It’s important to commit to preserving your shared rituals every year. These traditions could be as simple as taking leisurely strolls, dining at a beloved eatery, indulging in a joint manicure, embarking on an annual trip, or going out for lunch and shopping together. 

Whatever you choose to do and enjoy as a pair can become a cherished tradition. Anticipating these occasions will bring you both great joy.

  • Accept The Downside 

It’s important for mothers and daughters to emphasize the good things about their bond and put effort into nurturing it. Let’s make sure we invest our time and energy into strengthening this special relationship.

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7 Best Gifts for Mothers That Strengthen Mother-Daughter Relationships

You can check out the complete collection of unique mother daughter gifts by Loveable here.

  • Personalized Photo Clip Frame

Personalized Photo Clip Frame

If you’re searching for a unique present for your cherished mother or daughter, or just want to indulge yourself with a delightful treat, then frames are an excellent option to consider. We’re more than happy to customize and personalize each frame to your exact specifications, so you can be sure you’re getting a truly unique piece.

Each and every frame is handmade with love and care, ensuring that the special moments in your mother-daughter relationships are displayed in the best possible way. 

  • Matching Heart Mother Daughter Bracelets

2PCs Matching Heart Mother Daughter Bracelets

These stunning bracelets are designed to symbolize special mother-daughter relationships and are the perfect way to show off your love and affection for one another.

Crafted from high-quality materials, these awesome bracelets are perfect for wearing on your wrist, and feature a beautiful matching heart design that is sure to turn heads wherever you go. With one bracelet for mom and one for daughter, you’ll always have a reminder of the special bond you share, whether you’re together or apart.

  • 3D Moon Lamp

3D Moon Lamp

Crafted from high-quality PLA using professional 3D printing technology, this stunning lamp is sure to light up any room with its ethereal glow. And best of all, it won’t fade or scratch, ensuring it will remain a cherished family heirloom for years.

Our 3D Moon Lamp is ideal if you want to express your affection to your mom or daughter or commemorate a remarkable event.

  • Ring Dish Decorative Jewelry Tray

Ceramic Ring Dish Decorative Jewelry Tray

This tray is the ideal decorative piece for any home or office made from premium-quality ceramic. It’s the perfect choice for a daughter’s birthday gift, a girl’s graduation gift from mom, or even just a special surprise to show your appreciation.

With its sleek design and well-packed styrofoam and white box, this Ceramic Ring Dish is a true standout when it comes to both style and presentation.

  • Personalized Heart Silver Necklace

Personalized Heart Silver Necklace

Crafted with high-quality surgical steel and a shatterproof liquid glass coating, this necklace is as durable as it is beautiful. Plus, with the option to choose an 18K gold finish, it’s sure to match any style. 

This Personalized Heart Silver Necklace is the best gift for family and friends alike. It’s a thoughtful and unique way to show how much you care about your relationships. 

  • Candle Holder Statue

Candle Holder Statue

If you want to convey your affection more impactfully, consider gifting this unique candle holder figurine, an exceptional way to express love and attachment. This gift is extremely special and will hold great significance for any mother or daughter, as it conveys emotions that cannot be expressed through mere words. 

The artificial light shines through the heart-shaped holes in the dresses of the Mom and Daughter figures, creating a beautiful and tranquil atmosphere.

  • Personalized Upload Photo Poster/Canvas

Personalized Upload Photo Poster/Canvas

Made from high-quality 10 mils, 260 gsm resin-coated poster paper, this poster or canvas is perfect for displaying your favorite photos in stunning clarity and detail.

Hang it up with tape or tacks, or attach it with clamps – whatever your preference, this poster or canvas is sure to make a statement in any room. And with its impressive longevity, you can enjoy your personalized artwork for years to come – up to 200 years in full color and 400 years in black and white!

Bottom Line  

The mother-daughter relationships are important not only because they influence each other’s lives but also because they can serve as a model for other relationships. Women who grow up in supportive, healthy families with mothers who love and provide for them are more likely to feel confident and successful as adults. 

They are also more likely to have better relationships with men, find success in their careers, and have a closer connection with their children. The relationship between women who grow up in similar households can provide a good example for girls and women who feel they need more love and support from their parents.

  • Bottom Line 

Hi, I’m Rose! I love animals and spending time with kids. At Loveable, I help people find unique gifts for special occasions like Valentine’s Day, housewarmings, and graduations. I enjoy finding gifts for kids, teens, and animal lovers that match their interests and personalities. Making gift-giving a pleasant experience is my priority. Let me assist you in finding the perfect gift!

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5 Things a Daughter Needs From Her Mother

5 important insights..

Posted February 28, 2021 | Reviewed by Kaja Perina

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  • A positive early relationship with her mother, research suggests, may be a strong predictor of higher self-esteem and healthier body image.
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  • Other research argues for mothers establishing high, but realistic, expectations, which appear to predict academic achievement and self-control.

This is the third entry of a four-part series of blogs focused on empirical evidence related to parent-child relationships as stratified by gender . Let me begin by clearly stating that I recognize not all children are raised in traditional, heterosexual, two-parent homes, and it is not my intention to imply that these children are at a disadvantage. However, interesting research has been done on parent-child relationships by gender, and I would like to outline some of those findings in this series of articles. With that in mind, let's explore the evidence related to what a daughter needs from her mom while growing up. (Also see What a Son Needs From His Mom , What a Son Needs From His Dad , and What a Daughter Needs From Her Dad )

A sense of warmth, support, and closeness

It's not surprising that daughters who feel that their relationship with their mother is characterized by these traits tend to report that the relationship as a whole is positive. However, daughters' reports of their relationship quality actually correlates with their self-esteem and healthy body image . In other words, daughters who experienced conflictual, painful relationships are more likely to report low self-esteem and more physical appearance insecurities. I hope this goes without saying, but let me be clear: neither I nor this study are implying that mother-daughter relationship quality is the only component of self-esteem or body image development – a construct that is impacted by numerous socio-cultural factors.

Furthermore, authors caution not to draw causative conclusion from these correlations, but a logical mechanistic connection exists – especially given the mean age of daughters surveyed in this study: 10 years old [6, 1]. One interesting question moving forward is the extent to which daughters' low self-esteem and poor body image inhibits their ability to form close, nurturing relationships such as with their mother compared to the extent to which maternal factors inhibiting relational functioning predisposes daughters to have those traits.

Self-confidence and body acceptance

Similarly, research on adult mother-daughter dyads suggests that a mother's sense of shame and rejection of her own body was closely connected to her daughter's lack of confidence in her own body. And, mothers who performed frequent surveillance of their own body (checking in the mirror, examining flaws, etc.) were likely to have daughters who did the same – although these behaviors only linked to feelings of shame for mothers (not daughters), which may relate to the developmentally normative decline in socially-deemed attractive features across the lifespan. The author makes meaning of these findings by encouraging mothers to demonstrate to their daughter that "an adult woman's body is acceptable" and that body-image related behaviors may be mirrored particularly closely compared to other types of modeled behaviors due to the genetically-influenced similarity in physical appearance shared between mothers and daughters [5]. For example, if mother and daughter share a distinct trait about which mom is insecure, it's all the more likely that her daughter will pick up that insecurity.

For more information on helping kids build a healthy relationship with eating, read this article .

Emotional burden-sharing and physical comfort

In an interesting study that measured stress levels using galvanic skin response, teenage girls were instructed to make a 3-minute impromptu educational speech (to simulate social stress and elicit anxiety ). Meanwhile, the girls' mothers were either instructed to hold their daughter's hand while she spoke or to sit silently next to her. Evidence from galvanic skin response data suggested that when a mother held her daughter's hand, the daughter did not experience as much anxiety during her speech as daughters whose mothers sat silently next to them. However, in mother-daughter pairs with high relationship quality, similar emotional burden-sharing was felt even when physical contact was not present. Authors conclude that a solid mother-daughter relationship may protect against emotional threats to a similar extent that actual physical touch does [4]. Practically speaking, this means that anxious teens (and adults presumably) may be comforted by confidence in their mother-daughter relationship in the same way as the felt comfort from a loved one's physical touch.

Authoritative parenting

As you may have read before, parenting strategies are frequently organized into Baumrind's four categories: authoritarian, authoritative, permissive, and uninvolved. For more information on the four types of parenting, see this article . In a study of adult daughters, reports of authoritative parenting during childhood were linked with the development of positive cognitive schemas, a term which refers to someone's way of thinking about themselves and the world. For example, daughters who reported being raised by authoritative mothers were significantly less likely to possess cognitive schemas related to shame/defectiveness, social isolation , dependence on others, and external locus of control (the idea that one has minimal control over one's experience in the world) [3]. Given the known links between problematic thinking strategies and the future development of mental and behavioral health problems, moms should be motivated to pursue authoritative parenting with their daughters (and sons!) to help protect them from down-the-line complications.

High (but not impossible) expectations

Using longitudinal data (information collected from the same group of people across time) is a great way to help draw conclusions about causal direction when experimental manipulation cannot be ethically employed. In other words, instructing a randomly selected group of mothers to not support their daughters wouldn't pass any ethics review board.

Using a dataset that followed a group of daughters for over 20 years, researchers found that mothers' simple belief in their (at the time) 10-year-old daughter's ability to finish schooling on time predicted that daughter's self-reported sense of control over her own life when she was 30 years old. This effect remained significant even after the researchers statistically controlled for ethnicity , career choice, intellectual ability, mental health problems, socio-economic status, and parental family structure, among other variables [2]. In the social sciences, findings from well-constructed longitudinal data that measures and controls for numerous relevant intrinsic and extrinsic variables with a large sample size (over 3,000) is about as close as we can get to complete confidence.

What's great about this finding is how simple it is for current and future moms to incorporate into their parenting. Believe in your daughters! Hold them to high standards! They'll thank you when they're 30, apparently.

For those of you who've taken the time to read these posts, hope you've learned as much as I have. If you'd like to read the rest of the series, please see below:

essay on mother and daughter relationship

  • What a Son Needs From His Mom
  • What a Son Needs From His Dad
  • What a Daughter Needs From Her Dad

Facebook image: Evgeny Atamanenko/Shutterstock

Bracken, B. A., & Newman, V. L. (1995). Child and adolescent interpersonal relations with parents, peers, and teachers: A factor analytic investigation. Canadian Journal of School Psychology , 10(2), 108-122.

Flouri, E., & Hawkes, D. (2008). Ambitious mothers – successful daughters: Mothers' early expectations for children's education and children's earnings and sense of control in adult life. British Journal of Educational Psychology , 78(3), 411-433.

Gibson, M., & Francis, A. J. P. (2019). Intergenerational transfer of early maladaptive schemas in Mother–Daughter dyads, and the role of parenting. Cognitive Therapy and Research , 43(4), 737-747.

Lougheed, J. P., Koval, P., & Hollenstein, T. (2016). Sharing the burden: The interpersonal regulation of emotional arousal in Mother−Daughter dyads. Emotion (Washington, D.C.), 16(1), 83-93.

McKinley, N. M. (1999). Women and objectified body consciousness: Mothers' and daughters' body experience in cultural, developmental, and familial context. Developmental Psychology , 35(3), 760-769.

Smith, J. E., Erickson, S. J., Austin, J. L., Winn, J. L., Lash, D. N., & Amrhein, P. C. (2016). Mother–Daughter relationship quality and body image in preadolescent girls. Journal of Child and Family Studies , 25(9), 2683-2694.

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Daniel Flint, Ph.D. , is an assistant professor at Baylor College of Medicine and a pediatric psychologist at Texas Children's Hospital, where he specializes in the treatment of child and adolescent eating disorders.

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Home Essay Samples Sociology Family Relationships

"The Joy Luck Club": Exploring Mother-Daughter Relationships

Table of contents, cultural identity and dissonance, the weight of expectations, interpreting language and communication, the legacy of shared experiences, reconciliation and transformation.

  • Tan, Amy. "The Joy Luck Club." Penguin Books, 1989.
  • Chen, Leng. "Negotiating the Mother-Daughter Paradigm: A Cultural Interpretation of Amy Tan's 'The Joy Luck Club.'" MELUS, vol. 19, no. 3, 1994, pp. 75-88.
  • Lee, Rachel. "Negotiating the Divides: The Generation Gap in Amy Tan's 'The Joy Luck Club.'" MELUS, vol. 17, no. 3, 1991, pp. 79-93.
  • Ling, Amy. "Cultural Translation and the Writing of 'The Joy Luck Club.'" The Oxford Handbook of Multicultural Identity, edited by Veronica Benet-Martínez and Ying-yi Hong, Oxford University Press, 2014, pp. 495-510.
  • Wong, Sau-Ling Cynthia. "Cultural Displacements and the Creation of Asian American Women's Voices in 'The Joy Luck Club.'" MELUS, vol. 19, no. 3, 1994, pp. 5-19.

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Speech on Mother Daughter Relationship for School Students 

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  • Jan 30, 2024

speech on mother daughter relationship

Mother-Daughter Relationship is an unconditional love and sometimes a little complicated. Girls, there’s a tenderness born in the inherent similarities you share. The unconditional bond between your mother and you is both complicated and inspiring. In the words of a popular American poetess, Sharon Olds “The older I get, the more I see the power of that young woman, my mother.” 

A mother can be a mentor to her daughter, sharing her experiences and invaluable childhood lessons, her achievements, and stories to deal with real-life problems. These help her daughter grow with real-time experiences, discipline, and practical wisdom. All these mentoring sessions help to grow the daughter as an individual with a heart that is full of compassion. Here is a speech on mother daughter relationships for school students.

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Also Read: Essay on Mother’s Day

Easy Speech on Mother-Daughter Relationship

Ladies and gentlemen, respected faculty, and dear friends, As part of my speech on mother-daughter relationships, I’m here today to share my thoughts with you on this wonderful bond.

The relationship between mother and daughter is a mixture of emotions as well as complications. The life transitions of the mother-daughter relationship have always stood the test of time. Studies have shown that a positive mother-daughter relationship contributes significantly to the development of a child´s emotions and intellectual development. According to research conducted by the American Psychological Association, children who experience a safe and secure attachment to their mothers have higher levels of self-esteem, better performance in academics, and improved social skills.

Apart from the safety, security, and emotional areas, mothers help their daughters by imparting practical life skills. Whether it is about the professional world of complexities or managing the difficulty of personal relationships, the guidance of a mother to her daughter helps in making decisions relating to morals and beliefs. To support the work ethics of female professionals, we can analyze the data from the Bureau of Labour Statistics, which reflects that the majority of working professionals from the public and private sectors mentioned significant influences on their career choices and development.

Also the strong bond of partnership between mother and daughter where on the one hand helps in the sharing of wisdom so on the other hand the clear and deep understanding of the complicated problem or situation of mothers guides the daughters in finding solutions to the challenges of life. The shared relationship between the mother and daughter contributes to each other’s growth and development. 

Realizing the importance of mothers in daughter´s life, we can say that daughters can just not learn from the successes of mothers but also from their hardships. From the shared stories and lessons learned, the strengths of the mother are passed on to another generation. With this, the mother-daughter relationship becomes a source of strength as well as of purpose. 

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10-Line Speech on Mother-Daughter Relationship

Let us understand the mother-daughter relationship shortly and simply:

1. The mother-daughter relationship is the mix of emotions that is shared between the two.

2. Mothers are the inspiring role models for the daughters in solving any problems.

3. Many studies have shown that mothers create a positive impact on children as role models.

4. Though there can be many contradictions in the point of view of mother and daughter, they share a constant support system.

5. Sharing experiences between a mother and daughter makes the bond more strong.

6. Many successful daughters who are successful in their professional careers have their mothers as role models.

7. The legacy of experience passes from mother to daughter.

8. Attachment to the mother helps the daughter with higher self-esteem, excellent academics and enhanced social skills. 

9. Mothers are the architects of daughters’ personal as well as professional life. 

10. No matter how struggling the circumstances might be, the bond between mothers will grow with good as well as with hard times.

Also Read: Celebrate Mother’s Day with These 10+ Mothers Day Quotes from Daughter 

The relationship between mother and daughter is like a mentor and a student. As a mentor, she guides as well as inspires her with real-life experiences. 

The relationship between a mother and a daughter is special because of the mutual understanding that they share. 

We can get inspiration from the quote of Sharon Olds, an American poetess, also a winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Poetry “The older I get, the more I see the power of that young woman, my mother.” 

In research of Pennsylvania State University, it is found that despite all the conflicts and emotions, the relationship shared between mothers is 80 to 90 per cent. 

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Deepika Joshi is an experienced content writer with educational and informative content expertise. She has hands-on experience in Education, Study Abroad and EdTech SaaS. Her strengths lie in conducting thorough research and analysis to provide accurate and up-to-date information to readers. She enjoys staying updated on new skills and knowledge, particularly in the education domain. In her free time, she loves to read articles, and blogs related to her field to expand her expertise further. In her personal life, she loves creative writing and aspires to connect with innovative people who have fresh ideas to offer.

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The Mother and Daughter Relationship in "Breath, Eyes, Memory"

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Updated: 29 March, 2024

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Introduction, tradition and cultural expectations, trauma and generational burdens, identity and self-discovery, communication and healing.

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