3 Best Engineering Journals for High School Students

Tom Gurin headshot

By Tom Gurin

Fulbright Scholar; music composer, historian, and educator

3 minute read

Publishing your engineering research as a high school student is a unique and exciting process. Getting from start to finish with publication can teach you about the world of academic research while connecting you with engineering peers and faculty from around the world. It can also demonstrate to research universities your commitment to discovering and communicating novel findings to the scientific community.

For more resources, don’t miss our article for high schoolers on publishing your research in a journal !

Importance of Engineering Journals

Researchers in engineering fields publish their findings and advancements in peer-reviewed engineering journals. These academic journals tend to be specific to engineering subfields, with the majority of first authors on each article holding a master’s degree and, in many cases, a PhD. Reading and discussing peer-reviewed engineering research papers enables scholars from around the world to stay up-to-date on the latest discoveries and progress in their disciplines of specialization. Here is just a handful of the top English-language journals currently publishing engineering research:

Biotechnology and Bioengineering

The International Journal of Civil Engineering

Acta Mechanica et Automatica

Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering

Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems

Energy & Environment

Although there are no journals specifically seeking engineering articles from high school students, there exist a number of publications that do welcome submissions from high school researchers in engineering and related fields. Here are our picks for the top journals accepting submissions from high school engineers.

Top Engineering Journals for High School Students

1. journal of high school science.

The Journal of High School Science accepts submissions from current high school researchers in the fields of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics. Submitted articles may take the form of a) original research papers describing the researcher’s own experiments, observations, and results; or b) review papers, in which the author identifies and presents a gap in the existing literature or an opportunity for additional research within an academic subject. There is a $45 submission fee per article, and the review process typically lasts between eight and twelve weeks. The Journal of High School Science reports a 30% article acceptance rate.

2. National High School Journal of Science

The National High School Journal of Science frequently publishes engineering articles written by high schoolers . This journal also accepts two types of submissions:

Original research presenting new findings in the form of a traditional scientific paper, including an abstract and a maximum of 40 references. The paper must have the following structure:

Authors and affiliations



In addition, researchers may submit short articles such as reports describing ongoing engineering research or advancements, as well as letters or technical comments responding to recently published original research. It is possible to submit a literature review, but students wishing to do so are advised to contact the editor directly.

Once your article is submitted, it will be reviewed by one or two peers before being forwarded to the journal’s Scientific Advisory Board, which is composed of professional researchers. Each reviewer sends feedback to the author, who then revises the article. The final step before publication is a round of copy editing. There is no fee to submit to the National High School Journal of Science.

3. Journal of Student Research

The Journal of Student Research is another excellent option for high school students wishing to publish engineering research. Note that the journal requires students to have an advisor or mentor who will guide them through the process. The Journal of Student Research accepts a wide range of submissions, and their review process takes between 12 and 24 weeks. There is a $50 submission fee, as well as a $250 charge for accepted articles before entering the editing phase.

Accessing Engineering Journals

Methods of access and subscriptions.

Springe, a global publisher that provides scientific, technical, and medical content to researchers, offers information and access to a variety of its engineering journals online . Some of its articles are open access (i.e., free), while others require a subscription (individual or through an institution) or a one-time purchase to read past the abstract.

Not sure where to start when reading journal articles? Check out Polygence’s guide to reading scientific articles for high schoolers .

Impact Factors and Rankings

Understanding impact factors.

When browsing journals and articles, keep in mind the “impact factor,” which is a measure of the frequency at which a paper or publication is cited by other researchers. In general, higher numbers correlate with more significant findings.

How to Publish in Engineering Journals

Submission guidelines and tips.

Working with an expert mentor is crucial for conducting engineering research at almost any level. Graduate and undergraduate engineering researchers work with advisors and mentors to design their experiments, and the same applies to high school engineers. Receiving frequent constructive feedback from a dedicated mentor throughout the research and writing processes is the key to producing, presenting, and publishing important findings as a high schooler .

Opportunities at Polygence

Enhancing your research and publication prospects.

Publishing your engineering research in a peer-reviewed journal is an exciting opportunity for high schoolers to engage and share their work with other scholars and engineering faculty. To boost your chances of getting your article accepted in an engineering journal, Polygence can connect you with a dedicated one-on-one engineering mentor like Yannick , Emily , or Jai’La . Whether you aspire to be a civil engineer, aerospace engineer, or mechanical engineer, each mentor will guide you through the process of conducting original research while answering any questions you may have along the way. Finally, Polygence offers showcasing support to help you share your research with the world through publications and presentations.

Check out Polygence's Core Program now to get started on your path to engineering publication!

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The Importance of Engineering: Education, Employment, and Innovation

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Author: Marie C. Thursby

Technological innovation has long been the key to US growth and prosperity, and engineering has been an important driver of this innovation. Indeed, the development and institutionalization of the engineering disciplines in US universities provided much of the talent behind US domination of world markets during the 20th century (Rosenberg and Nelson 1994). Engineering disciplines integrate scientific principles with practically oriented research, providing systems and processes that themselves create ways of acquiring new knowledge. This integration makes engineering critical to successful industrial innovation.

It is therefore sobering to see the low percentage of engineering degrees awarded in US universities today: only 4.4 percent of the undergraduate degrees awarded in the United States are in engineering, compared with 13 percent in European countries and 23 percent in key Asian countries (NAE 2014). Furthermore, with ever increasing economic development and growth worldwide, it is not clear that the best engineers will want to work in the United States—or that the best employment opportunities for US-educated engineers will be in this country.

Survey evidence from a large sample of R&D-intensive companies headquartered primarily in the United States and Europe shows that firms do not feel constrained to locate new research facilities at home (Thursby and Thursby 2006a). Only 15 percent of those surveyed located all of their R&D at home, and 20 percent conducted more than half of their R&D outside of their home country. Many of them located facilities in developing countries, and the second most important reason for companies’ choice of location was access to quality research personnel (Thursby and Thursby 2006a,b). 1

Against this backdrop, it is difficult to evaluate the low percentage of engineering degrees being awarded in the United States. Are too few engineering degrees being sought and awarded? The figures cited above compare degrees across countries, but what are the trends in the United States? What are the occupations and employment opportunities for US-trained engineers?

This article presents evidence that, despite the low number of degrees awarded, the US production of engineers at both undergraduate and graduate levels has increased quite dramatically over time.

Engineering Degrees Awarded in the United States

essay on importance of engineering education

Projected Job Opportunities: Beyond Engineering Occupations

Figure 6 shows that of the 12.6 million people whose highest degree was in a science or engineering field, only 3.9 million worked in science and engineering jobs in 2008. Of the 11.2 million people whose job required bachelor’s-level technical skills, only 27 percent actually worked in science and engineering occupations and 40 percent either worked outside of science and engineering or their highest degree was outside of science and engineering. Common examples of the latter are managers or lawyers with MBAs or JDs whose undergraduate degree was in engineering. Note, however, that 7.9 million of those whose job requires bachelor’s-level technical skills work in areas closely related to their field.

Educational Challenge

The employment pattern shown in Figure 6 is not idiosyncratic but rather reflects general trends since the 1990s. This is good news because it suggests that engineers contribute well beyond their technical skills. But it also means that US universities face a major challenge: the need to design curricula to attract and prepare students for the current and future workplace, where the need for multidisciplinary skills is increasingly the norm.

The multinational firm survey mentioned above provides compelling evidence that engineers working in R&D-intensive firms will likely work on globally distributed teams (Thursby and Thursby 2006a,b), and data on the role of teams in innovation show that research teams are becoming ever larger and cross-institutional in nature (Wuchty et al. 2007). Thus engineers managing or working in R&D will need to work across many organizational structures.

The challenge for universities is to design programs that retain the rigor of engineering while broadening the curriculum to address communication across cultures, management within and across organizations, intellectual property and technology transfer issues, financing innovation, knowledge of regulatory environments, and so on.

Many US universities have stepped up to the challenge. At the undergraduate level, some have created “four plus one” programs that introduce cross-disciplinary courses or certificate programs in the fifth year. Others have introduced minors in entrepreneurship or management of technology, and a number of joint degree programs combine engineering with law and/or business. In addition, a number of universities are partnering to meet the challenge. For example, a graduate certificate program at Georgia Institute of Technology and Emory University teams PhD candidates in science and engineering with business and law students to focus on issues involved in commercializing fundamental research.

Concluding Remarks

This article began by recalling the heart of the engineering disciplines—the integration of ideas and techniques that make engineering so essential for industrial innovation. It is fitting, then, to end on a similar note. Engineering holds great potential for continued US innovation in the future. But to realize this potential, it will be necessary for US universities to extend the “integrative” expertise of engineers into areas well beyond the technical core.

NAE [National Academy of Engineering]. 2014. The Importance of Engineering Talent to the Prosperity and Security of the Nation: Summary of a Forum. Washington: National Academies Press.

NSB [National Science Board]. 2012. Science and Engineering Indicators. Washington.

NSB. 2014. Science and Engineering Indicators. Washington.

NSF [National Science Foundation]. 2012. Doctorate Recipients from US Universities: 2011. Special Report NSF 13-301. Arlington, VA. Available at www.nsf.gov/statistics/sed/digest/2011/nsf13301.pdf.

NSF. 2014. Doctorate Recipients from US Universities: 2012. Special Report NSF 14-305. Arlington, VA. Available at www.nsf.gov/statistics/sed/2012/start.cfm .

Rosenberg N, Nelson R. 1994. American universities and technical advance in industry. Research Policy 23:323–348.

Stephan P. 2012. How Economics Shapes Science. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

Stephan P. (forthcoming). The endless frontier: Reaping what Bush sowed? Version of July 18, 2014. In: The Changing Frontier: Rethinking Science and Innovation Policy, eds. Jaffe A, Jones B. Cambridge, MA: National Bureau of Economic Research. Available at www.nber.org/chapters/c13034.pdf .

Thursby J, Thursby M. 2006a. Here or there? A survey on the factors in multinational R&D location. Report to the National Research Council Government-University-Industry Research Roundtable. Washington: National Academies Press.

Thursby J, Thursby M. 2006b. Where is the new science in corporate R&D? Science 314:1547–1548.

Wuchty S, Jones B, Uzzi B. 2007. The increasing dominance of teams in the production of knowledge. Science 316:1036–1039.

Yoder B. 2013. Engineering by the Numbers. Washington: American Society of Engineering Education. Available at www.asee.org/papers-and-publications/publications/11-47. pdf .

This article extends the comments and perspective presented by the author for the panel on “The Importance of Engineering for the Prosperity and Security of the United States,” at the 2013 annual meeting of the National Academy of Engineering. Where possible the data have been updated. The author is grateful to Paula Stephan and Jerry Thursby for insightful discussions, and to Stephan for providing data she compiled from doctoral surveys.

  1 The most important reason for locating in a developing country was growth potential of the market.

Why Engineering Education? - School of Engineering Education - Purdue University

Purdue University

Why Engineering Education?

The field of engineering is constantly changing – influenced by the emergence of new technologies, as well as advancements in practice and methodology. In a field defined by change, engineering educators play an essential role preparing students for the challenges they will face and helping practicing engineers stay current.

Purdue’s online Master of Science in Engineering Education gives professionals who have an engineering background a new way of seeing the field by providing them with the tools they need to become effective and engaging engineering educators. The program covers the theory and practice of engineering education and gives students hands-on experience working with teaching mentors on developing courses.

Transitioning from engineering practice to education is a big jump for many professional engineers, but engineering educators play a crucial role in shaping the future of the field. According to the National Science Foundation , the United States is falling behind in science, technology, engineering and math. On average, American children are scoring lower on science and math tests than children in other countries, and this trend continues all the way to college – where only 40% of first-year STEM majors complete their degree programs.

Engineering educators can help reverse these trends and secure a strong engineering and technology workforce for the future. A good engineering education is linked to better outcomes for students and for the world as a whole. Engineering graduates make significant contributions to health care, national security, resource management, and many other fields. In this way, engineering educators are highly influential.

Who is this degree for?

Audeen Fentiman, professor in engineering education and  in environmental and ecological engineering at Purdue University, describes Purdue’s Master’s in Engineering Education as being designed for three audiences: Engineering professionals who want to teach fellow practitioners about advancements and emergent trends in engineering; current graduate students who want to pursue teaching at the college level and current faculty who want to improve their teaching; and engineering professionals who are considering changing careers to pursue teaching.

The first audience, engineering professionals who want to train employees, may be new to teaching and looking to learn the foundations of being an educator. Purdue’s engineering education master’s, as well as Purdue’s graduate certificate in Teaching and Learning in Engineering , meets these professionals where they are by providing training in the foundations of engineering education, as well as giving students hands-on experience developing educational content, assessments, and other teaching materials.

“Most engineering professionals called upon to teach others will teach as they were taught,” said Fentiman. “I think most of them will tell you that many of their classes weren’t as engaging or effective as they could have been.  The courses in the master’s degree in engineering education cover proven, research-based techniques for developing and delivering instructional materials that hold learners’ interest and result in better retention of the material.”

The second audience, graduate students and university faculty, likely already have some teaching experience, but want to improve their teaching or prepare themselves to teach at the university level in the future. Purdue’s program serves these students by giving them a strong theoretical background in engineering education and allowing them to work closely with experienced engineering education faculty.  

“Doctoral students in engineering are typically focused on their research and almost never receive formal instruction in teaching,” said Fentiman. “But as new faculty members, they are expected to teach on day one. The online master's in engineering education prepares them for teaching duties, reducing stress on the new faculty member and providing better outcomes for their students.”

The third audience, engineering professionals who want to transition to teaching careers, already have knowledge of the engineering field, but they may lack teaching experience. Purdue’s program serves these students by giving them hands-on experience with a teaching mentor who can show them the ropes of managing their own classrooms. The program also offers a course that helps engineers explore alternative career paths in teaching.

“Some engineers with years of practical experience are eager to teach full- or part-time, sharing what they have learned and encouraging newcomers to pursue technical careers,” said Fentiman. “The online master's degree in engineering education allows them to build their teaching skills and learn about current classroom technology while continuing their engineering career.  The degree can also make them more competitive when applying for a teaching position.”

Purdue’s online MS in Engineering Education is a highly customizable degree program that can meet many professional goals. Students design their plan of study based around their career objectives and can complete courses on a flexible schedule while still pursuing a full-time job or other graduate studies. Engineering education graduates have the unique opportunity to shape the future of engineering by inspiring a new generation of engineers to make an impact in their fields and the world.

To learn more about Purdue’s online master’s in engineering education, please visit the program’s website.

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Home » All articles » The Importance of Engineering in Modern Society: Solving Today’s Challenges

The Importance of Engineering in Modern Society: Solving Today’s Challenges

Alright, fam, gather ’round because we’re about to dive deep into a topic that literally shapes our world in ways you might not even realize: engineering. Imagine waking up and all your tech devices, clean water, and transportation just stopped working. Wild, right? That’s the impact of engineering. From the all-nighters pulled by college students to the cutting-edge innovations that save lives, engineering is more than just a field; it’s the backbone of modern society. So, let’s get into it and understand why engineering is so dope! 🌍🚀

Table of Contents

The Backbone of Infrastructure

Engineering is basically the wizard behind the curtain making sure our world runs smoothly. Think bridges, skyscrapers, and highways. These aren’t just random metal and concrete structures; they are masterpieces of civil engineering. Civil engineers plan, design, and oversee construction, turning blueprints into reality. Imagine driving across a bridge and not fearing it collapsing. Yeah, thank a civil engineer for that.

Reshaping Healthcare and Medicine

Next up, let’s talk about biomedical engineering. This isn’t just about creating tools; it’s about saving lives. Think prosthetic limbs, MRI machines, and even robotic surgeries. Biomedical engineers blend medical knowledge with engineering brilliance to innovate equipment that doctors use to diagnose and treat patients. For instance, the COVID-19 pandemic had engineers racing to design ventilators and PPE, while others worked on more efficient ways to produce vaccines. It’s a mind-blowing testament to how engineering can be a direct line to saving lives.

Technology and Gadgets Galore

We all love our gadgets—smartphones, laptops, drones, and gaming consoles. But behind every slick piece of tech is a team of electrical and computer engineers putting in work. They design and develop electronic systems that power our daily lives. Imagine your smartphone without its sleek touchscreen or lightning-fast processor. It’s these engineers who make that magic happen, ensuring that you’re always just a swipe away from the entire world.

Environmental Engineering: Saving the Planet

Then there’s environmental engineering, which is all about going green. 🌱 This sector focuses on developing solutions to protect our planet. With climate change and pollution becoming major issues, environmental engineers are crucial. They work on projects like waste management, recycling programs, and sustainable energy solutions like solar and wind power. These engineers are literally our planet’s superheroes, fighting to keep our environment safe and sustainable for future generations.

The Innovation Powerhouse: R&D Engineering

Imagine working in a lab where you get to invent new stuff that could potentially change the world. That’s what Research and Development (R&D) engineers do. They brainstorm, prototype, and test new ideas, technologies, and materials, constantly pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. Every piece of tech, new drug, or innovative gadget started in an R&D lab. These engineers are not just about solving today’s problems; they’re creating tomorrow’s solutions.

The Power Behind Renewable Energy

We can’t ignore the engineers hustling in the renewable energy sector. Fossil fuels are so old school, and renewable energy is where it’s at. Engineers are developing efficient ways to harness energy from natural resources like wind, solar, and geothermal power. They’re creating technologies that help reduce our carbon footprint and push us towards a more sustainable future. Think about massive wind turbines or sprawling solar farms—thank an engineer for those.

Transport and Mobility Revolution

Ever zoom down the highway in a sleek electric car or hop on a bullet train? Mechanical and automotive engineers make that possible. They’re revolutionizing how we think about travel and transportation. From designing fuel-efficient engines to developing autonomous vehicles, these engineers are crafting the future of mobility. Even companies like Tesla are leading the charge in creating sustainable, high-performance electric vehicles.

Cybersecurity: Guarding the Digital Realm 👾

With all of us glued to our screens, cybersecurity has never been more important. Cybersecurity engineers are the unsung heroes safeguarding our sensitive data from hackers and cyber threats. They’re developing high-tech security protocols and software solutions to protect our digital identities. Every time you log in to a secure site or make an online purchase without worrying about your info being stolen, a cybersecurity engineer has your back.

Manufacturing: The Backbone of Production

Manufacturing engineers play a key role in designing and overseeing the production processes for everything, from cars to consumer electronics. They ensure that manufacturing operations are efficient, cost-effective, and high quality. Think assembly lines and automation; without these engineers, production would be slow, expensive, and fraught with defects. They’re the ones keeping the wheels of commerce turning smoothly.

The Digital World of Software Engineering

Software engineering is like the oxygen of the digital age. These engineers write codes to develop software programs that run everything from your favorite apps to large-scale business solutions. They work in tandem with other engineers to create integrated systems. Whether it’s coding algorithms for AI or developing the latest social media platform, software engineers are at the forefront of the digital revolution.

Aerospace Engineering: Reaching for the Stars 🌌

Lastly, let’s not forget aerospace engineering, because who doesn’t think space is epic? These guys design and develop aircraft and spacecraft. From commercial planes that make global travel possible to rockets that explore the universe, aerospace engineers are pushing the boundaries of where we can go and what we can discover. Companies like SpaceX are working on missions to Mars, and it’s all thanks to the brilliance of aerospace engineers.

List of Modern Engineering Marvels

Alright, squad, time for a listicle. Here are some jaw-dropping engineering marvels that showcase just how sick engineering can be:

Burj Khalifa: The tallest building in the world, towering at 828 meters, located in Dubai. An architectural and engineering masterpiece made possible by advanced construction techniques and materials.

Large Hadron Collider: The world’s largest and most powerful particle collider, located in Switzerland. It’s a massive scientific achievement aimed at unlocking the mysteries of the universe.

Tesla Gigafactory: An enormous production facility for lithium-ion batteries in Nevada, U.S. Scaling up battery production dramatically to fuel electric vehicles and other tech.

Panama Canal Expansion: Engineering feat that doubled the capacity of the Panama Canal. This expansion enables larger ships to pass through, boosting global trade.

The Mars Rovers: Autonomous rovers exploring Mars, sending back invaluable data about the Red Planet. A collaboration of extraordinary aerospace engineering.

The Social Impact of Engineering

Engineering’s impact isn’t just about tech and gadgets; it’s profoundly social. Social engineering (not the hacker kind) involves creating solutions that improve the quality of life. Think about water purification systems in developing countries, infrastructure rebuilding in disaster-hit regions, and accessibility tools for people with disabilities. Engineers are applying their skills to create inclusive solutions that serve diverse populations, making life better for everyone.

Engineering Education: The Genesis of Innovation

It’s safe to say that all this engineering magic starts in the classroom. Schools and universities worldwide offer specialized programs designed to make the next generation of engineers. Institutions are incorporating hands-on learning, internships, and industry collaborations to ensure students are battle-ready for the challenges ahead. From coding bootcamps to advanced degree programs, education in engineering is evolving to meet modern demands, making sure that the field stays fresh and innovative.

Diversity in Engineering: More Voices, More Innovation

Here’s a hot take: diversity fuels innovation. Diverse engineering teams bring different perspectives that lead to groundbreaking solutions. Imagine a team from different backgrounds brainstorming a new product. The mix of experiences can lead to unique ideas that a homogenous team might miss. More voices mean more innovation, more creativity, and, ultimately, more effective solutions. Companies and educational institutions are working towards creating more inclusive environments to nurture this diversity.

Ethical Considerations in Engineering

With great power comes great responsibility. Engineers play a role in ensuring their innovations don’t harm society or the environment. Ethical considerations are paramount. Whether it’s developing AI that respects user privacy or creating sustainable materials, engineers must think critically about the impact of their work. Ethical engineering ensures that progress doesn’t come at the cost of people or the planet.

Engineers as Entrepreneurs: The Startup Culture

Gone are the days when engineers would strictly work for established companies. Today’s engineers are diving into the startup culture, launching their own ventures. From tech startups to biotech firms, engineers are leveraging their skills to create businesses that solve real-world problems. This entrepreneurial trend is driving significant innovation, giving birth to new products, services, and even industries. 🌟

Global Collaboration in Engineering

Engineering isn’t bound by borders. Engineering projects often require global collaboration, pulling together the best minds from around the world. For instance, international collaborations led to the development of the International Space Station (ISS), a marvel of aerospace engineering. Engineers share knowledge and resources to tackle global challenges, ensuring that progress benefits everyone. In a connected world, engineering is truly a global endeavor. 🌐

The Future of Engineering: What’s Next?

So, what’s popping in the future of engineering? We’re talking about AI, quantum computing, and space colonization. Fields like nanotechnology and genetic engineering are opening new frontiers. Imagine custom-built organs or nano-robots fighting cancer cells from within. It’s mind-blowing! Engineers are constantly pushing the limits, and the possibilities are endless. Stay tuned, because the best is yet to come.

Engineering in Popular Culture

Let’s keep it real; engineers are low-key the rock stars of modern pop culture. Shows like MythBusters, How It’s Made, and even The Big Bang Theory showcase engineering’s cool factor. These programs and movies like Iron Man put engineering under the spotlight, inspiring a new generation to appreciate the dazzling world of innovation and creativity it offers. Pop culture has given engineering a glow-up, making it a field that’s not just respected but also celebrated. ✨

The Role of Soft Skills in Engineering

It’s not all about hardcore technical skills; soft skills play a massive role too. Communication, teamwork, and problem-solving abilities are crucial. Engineers often work in teams and need to communicate complex ideas in a way that’s easy to understand. Leadership and project management are also vital. The best engineers are those who can balance technical expertise with strong soft skills.

Engineering Competitions and Hackathons

Yo, have you heard about engineering competitions and hackathons? These events are lit and offer a platform for aspiring engineers to showcase their skills. Think of it as a nerd’s Olympics. Teams collaborate on projects, often under tight deadlines, to develop innovative solutions for given challenges. Hackathons foster creativity, teamwork, and problem-solving—key elements for any budding engineer. Plus, they’re a great way to network and even snag some job offers!

The Intersection of Art and Engineering

The lines between art and engineering are blurring, and it’s beautiful. Products like the iPhone or Tesla’s Cybertruck are prime examples of how engineering meets design. Aesthetics matter, and engineers often collaborate with artists and designers to create functional yet visually stunning products. This fusion results in creations that are not just technologically advanced but also aesthetically pleasing. It’s all about that balance between form and function.

Human-Centered Design

Human-centered design is a big deal in engineering. It’s about designing products and solutions that prioritize the end-users’ needs and experiences. Engineers and designers work closely with users, gathering feedback and iterating designs to better serve them. This approach ensures that the final product is intuitive, functional, and genuinely helpful, making it more likely to succeed in the market.

The Role of AI in Engineering

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is the new frontier in engineering. AI is revolutionizing how engineers approach problem-solving and design. From predictive maintenance in manufacturing to smart algorithms in software development, AI is a game-changer. Engineers are using machine learning models to predict system failures, optimize designs, and even assist in complex decision-making processes. It’s like having a super-smart assistant by your side.

Engineering in Disaster Relief

When disasters strike, engineers are among the first to respond with solutions. Whether it’s designing temporary shelters, restoring power, or purifying water, they bring critical skills to the frontline. For instance, after major earthquakes or hurricanes, structural engineers assess building safety, and environmental engineers work on restoring clean water supplies. Their work can mean the difference between chaos and recovery, making them indispensable heroes during crises.

Agricultural Engineering: Feeding the Future

Agricultural engineers play a crucial role in addressing food security. They develop technologies to improve farming efficiency and yield. Think automated irrigation systems, smart tractors, and drones for crop monitoring. These innovations help farmers maximize resources and boost productivity, ensuring that as the global population grows, we have enough food to go around. 🥦🌽

The Growing Field of Space Engineering

Space engineering isn’t just about rockets and astronauts; it’s a rapidly expanding field exploring new frontiers. Satellites for global communication, space exploration missions, and even concepts like space tourism are on the horizon. Companies like SpaceX and Blue Origin are pushing the envelope, making space more accessible. Engineering advances in this field promise to open up new possibilities for human activities beyond Earth.

The Importance of Mentorship in Engineering

Mentorship can make all the difference for budding engineers. Experienced engineers provide guidance, share knowledge, and help navigate career paths. Mentorship programs in universities and companies help students and junior engineers connect with seasoned professionals. This relationship can inspire, motivate, and shape their careers, ensuring they have the support they need to succeed.

Robotics: The Future is Now

Robotics is one of the most exciting fields in engineering right now. Robots are being designed for everything from manufacturing to healthcare to space exploration. Think surgical robots that perform precise operations or robotic arms in factories assembling products with incredible accuracy. Advances in robotics are paving the way for a future where robots and humans work side by side, making tasks easier and more efficient.

The Impact of Open-Source Engineering

Open-source communities are transforming engineering. Engineers from around the world collaborate on projects, sharing code, designs, and ideas freely. This spirit of collaboration accelerates innovation and makes cutting-edge technologies accessible to more people. From open-source software platforms to hardware projects, this movement is democratizing engineering, allowing anyone with the skills and interest to contribute to global advancements.

Biomechanical Engineering: Enhancing Human lives

Biomechanical engineering focuses on solving problems related to biological systems. This includes designing prosthetics, implants, and wearable technology that improve lives. Imagine a prosthetic limb that moves like a real arm or an exoskeleton that helps people walk. This field combines biology, mechanics, and engineering to create solutions that enhance human abilities and improve quality of life.

The Role of Simulation in Engineering

Simulation technology is a game-changer for engineering. Engineers use simulations to model and test designs before building them. This is particularly useful in fields like aerospace and automotive engineering where prototype testing can be expensive and time-consuming. Simulation allows engineers to identify problems, optimize designs, and ensure safety, saving both time and resources.

Nanotechnology: Engineering at a Tiny Scale

Nanotechnology is engineering on a microscopic scale, and it’s opening up a world of possibilities. Nanotech is used in medicine for targeted drug delivery, in electronics for creating more powerful and efficient devices, and even in materials science for developing stronger and lighter materials. This field is still in its early stages, but its potential is enormous, promising to revolutionize many industries.

Engineering Ethics: A Global Perspective

Ethics in engineering is a global issue. Different countries face different challenges and have different ethical considerations. For instance, what might be considered sustainable in one part of the world might not be feasible in another due to economic or social factors. Global collaboration in engineering requires a nuanced understanding of these ethical issues, ensuring that solutions are not only innovative but also just and equitable.

Challenges Facing Modern Engineering

The field of engineering is not without its challenges. Rapid technological advancements mean that engineers need to continuously update their skills. There’s also the issue of resource scarcity, requiring engineers to find more sustainable ways to design and build. Furthermore, the complexity of modern projects demands collaboration across multiple engineering disciplines, making communication and teamwork more important than ever.

The Role of Governments in Engineering

Policy and regulation play crucial roles in the engineering sector. Governments around the world fund research and development projects, set safety and environmental standards, and create policies that encourage innovation. Engineers often work closely with policymakers to develop standards and regulations that protect the public and the environment while fostering technological advancements.

The Future of Work in Engineering

Work in engineering is evolving with the advent of remote work and digital tools. Virtual collaboration platforms, augmented reality, and cloud computing are making it possible for engineers to work from anywhere and collaborate in real-time. This flexibility is attracting more diverse talent to the field, making it more inclusive and innovative. The traditional office is becoming a thing of the past, and the future of work in engineering looks more dynamic than ever.

Engineering’s Role in Smart Cities

Smart cities are the future of urban living, and engineering is at the heart of this transformation. Engineers design the infrastructure that makes cities smart, from IoT-enabled traffic systems to energy-efficient buildings. These innovations improve the quality of life, reduce environmental impact, and make cities more sustainable. Smart cities are a testament to how engineering can create efficient, livable urban environments.

The Interdisciplinary Nature of Modern Engineering

Modern engineering is increasingly interdisciplinary, requiring knowledge in multiple fields. For example, developing a new medical device might require expertise in mechanical engineering, software development, and medical science. This interdisciplinary approach leads to more comprehensive solutions and innovations. Engineers must be versatile, continuously learning and adapting to new fields and technologies.

The Role of Engineering in Education

Engineering also

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IEEE Potentials Magazine

The magazine for high-tech innovators

The future of engineering education

March 1, 2021 by Dario Schor, Teng Joon Lim, and Witold Kinsner

essay on importance of engineering education

When we think of engineering education, most of us immediately recall the courses, labs, assignments, and examinations we took at a university. As students, we are often so focused on the imminent deadlines that we fail to see the big picture of how all of these pieces are connected and shaping the way we think and tackle problems. Those of us who have completed our degrees look back fondly on inspiring professors, challenging courses, and late nights studying with our colleagues.

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Journal of Engineering Education

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Welcome to the Journal of Engineering Education (JEE),  a peer-reviewed international journal published quarterly by the American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE).

Role: The Journal of Engineering Education is more than a place to publish papers—it is a vital partner in the global community of stakeholders dedicated to advancing research in engineering education from pre-college to post-graduate professional education.

Vision:  The Journal of Engineering Education seeks to help define and shape a body of knowledge derived from scholarly research that leads to timely and significant improvements in engineering education worldwide.

Mission:  The Journal of Engineering Education serves to cultivate, disseminate, and archive scholarly research in engineering education.  

Articles published in JEE are now available to ASEE members at  Wiley Online Library  (login required).

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JEE is listed in the Science Citation Index (categories: Education, Scientific Disciplines; Engineering, Multidisciplinary), and the Social Sciences Citation Index (category: Education, Education Research) by Clarivate and the  Institute of Scientific Information  (ISI) and the tables of contents are reproduced in ISI’s Current Contents/Engineering, Computing and Technology and Current Contents/Social and Behavioral Sciences. JEE is also listed in the EBSCOhost research databases (Education Research Complete™ and Academic Search Complete™) and the Elsevier bibliographic research database, Scopus. JEE is a founding member of the  International Federation of Engineering Education Societies , and the journal is rated A* by the  Australian Research Council .

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About this journal

SEE is an international, open-access, peer reviewed journal that provides a venue for high-quality research conducted in all settings and contexts relevant to engineering education, with an emphasis on contextually rich reflective discussions of issues and approaches important to engineering education researchers and practitioners.

SEE focuses on interpretive research paradigms and invites a wide range of studies that help expand the body of knowledge in engineering education, including ethnographic, anthropological, phenomenological, and other forms of empirical research, as well as literature reviews and theoretical or conceptual articles that seek to frame critical issues in the field. Studies can be conducted in any context relevant to engineering education, including K-12, higher education, classroom settings, and the engineering workplace.

To support an intellectually vibrant vision of the field, SEE encourages rich and thorough descriptions of all aspects of research, including theoretical frameworks, epistemological underpinnings, researcher backgrounds and perspectives, impacts of contextual factors in data collection, research quality, and other appropriate aspects.

To promote dialogue among scholars, the journal also welcomes respectful and productive commentary & response pieces that engage individual articles and authors in deeper discussions of the implications of the work.


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UPDATED: Studies in Engineering Education Looking for a New Co-Editor OR Two Co-Editors

UPDATE: Studies in Engineering Education invites applications for a Co-Editor, or alternatively, a team of two Co-Editors. Applications are due  Friday, April 26th, 2024 . Click "Read More" for more details.

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The future of engineering education

Phil Kaminsky

I recently met with bioengineering alumna Ann Lee-Karlon, senior vice president at Genentech and past president of the Association for Women in Science. We had a conversation about things that had changed on campus since she graduated in 1989. Some things, she told me, were the same at Berkeley — exceptional students, cutting-edge research, and, she was delighted to say, the same commitment to changing the world.

However, she said, the way we educate engineering leaders today has an entirely new look.

She is absolutely correct. To meet the needs of the 21st century, Berkeley Engineering has made critical and meaningful additions to our academic culture. We still provide the best, most rigorous technical education in the world — that will never change. Today, however, that’s not enough. We are working to make sure that Berkeley engineers graduate with a new suite of essential skills and characteristics: leadership skills, an appetite for risk, flexible mindsets, the ability to integrate knowledge and experience working in diverse teams.

The new essentials

To develop these qualities, we immerse our students in design thinking and the entrepreneurial mindset — fresh ways of looking at engineering challenges — and we do this starting on day one.

John DeNero teaching CS 61A: “How is it that he makes such a large class feel personal?” Says student Kevin Lin. “that is what john is fostering here: not just great courses or a new generation of computer scientists, but a society of caring people that together make computing education accessible to everyone.”

Teaching Tech with Tech

When John DeNero first started teaching an introductory computer science course — CS 61A: The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs — in 2011 as a part-time instructor, the class had an enrollment of about 500. Since then, DeNero has joined the electrical engineering and computer sciences faculty and this year was named the inaugural Giancarlo Teaching Fellow. And the course has grown dramatically. After a complete revamp to make the intro to computer programming more accessible without sacrificing rigor, and by fine-tuning how the course is managed, 1,686 students are enrolled this semester. The course is not only popular, but the learning experience also receives rave reviews from the students. To keep pace with the growing demand for computer science education, DeNero uses automated technologies and a small army of student instructors to make the course run. Grading software gives students feedback in real-time, so they don’t have to wait for evaluations and instead can fix coding errors immediately while working through assignments. There are over 400 students involved in teaching the course: 55 teaching assistants are employed to lead course discussion and lab sections, and 48 course tutors are hired to lead small-group mentoring sections, grade assignments and host drop-in office hours. Another 301 academic interns help answer questions during lab and office hours. “One of the secondary goals of the course is to involve undergraduates in the teaching process,” DeNero says. “The world is going to need a lot of computer science educators, and I think students really master the material when they teach it.”

CS 61A by the numbers: 1,686 students enrolled, 349 tutors and academic interns, 55 teaching assistants, ranked #1 instructor by Daily Cal and in top 5 computer science courses nationally by Bloomberg.

Imagine how a design problem engages creative students. In Jacobs Hall, the college’s new design hub, some 3,000 students enrolled in courses last year to grapple with real-world problems and dream up solutions. Examples of these design-centered courses are intriguing. In the course Bringing Biomedical Devices to Market, students bridged the gap between proof-of-concept for a new device and landing an FDA-approved product in the marketplace. In the class Designing Technology to Counter Violent Extremism, students worked with the Department of State and other federal agencies to design and prototype ways to dispel extremism — including technology to enhance civic engagement, identify early signs of radicalization, remedy issues of discrimination and improve relationships with law enforcement. The students in Reimagining Mobility took on issues of how we interact with new modes of transportation, from car sharing to automation.

Today’s Berkeley engineering curriculum also helps students develop an entrepreneurial mindset. Entrepreneurship is already a hallmark of the University of California; since 2010, 536 Berkeley students have launched 468 companies — by far the most of any public university and second among all universities. Although founding a company may not be the goal of every student, all of them will benefit from the ability to think like an entrepreneur: to strive for innovation, take risks, see value, rely on teams, learn from failure and question the status quo.

Our Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology is a nexus for this training. There, students learn the traditional cornerstones of entrepreneurship — case studies, frameworks and tactics to give students a broad toolset to recognize opportunities, design products for market introduction, raise funds, devise business models and understand sales and marketing.

But we go beyond that, through a uniquely Berkeley method of teaching entrepreneurship. Over years of study, we have found that the best entrepreneurs share a set of behaviors — they give and accept help, collaborate, communicate through stories, trust others, seek fairness, are resilient, have diverse personal networks, understand that “good enough” is fine when time and resources are limited and believe that they can change the world. Students develop this mindset at Berkeley through games and exercises that teach trust, risk assessment, effective communication, overcoming social barriers and dealing with rejection and failure.

How does this work? In one exercise, students take to the streets of downtown Berkeley with an assignment: convince random strangers to give you their shoes. This is a sure-fire way to learn how to deal with failure. With a video recorder running, the students make their pitch and, if rejected, they move on, refining their appeal for the next person. One of our teams encountered Berkeley professor and former U.S. Secretary of Labor Robert Reich — he was so impressed with the students that he actually agreed to hand over his shoes.

Teaching, today and tomorrow

Design, entrepreneurship and other teaching innovations are now foundations of a Berkeley engineering education — and we continue to build on that foundation.

Design-focused courses and competitions at Berkeley Engineering

Designing a new narrative

Two years ago, the Jacobs Institute for Design Innovation began offering courses in the new Jacobs Hall, attracting students from across campus interested in the intersection of art, technology, design and engineering. One of the major draws to Jacobs Hall is that students get to work with tools and machines to prototype and build their ideas and projects. “Students like hands-on education,” says mechanical engineering professor Grace O’Connell. “It’s fun to watch students throughout the process. In the traditional lecture style, the instructor gives an assignment, and then students turn it in and they are done. With design education, the process is more iterative. You have to figure out how to improve the assignment and then do it again, which I think is closer to life after college.” This semester O’Connell, who studies the biomechanics of musculoskeletal tissues, taught an undergraduate course at Jacobs that focused on building medical devices. Forty-five students from various engineering disciplines partnered with Bay Area companies and nonprofits such as e-NABLE, a nonprofit that brings together individuals from around the world to create free 3-D printed prosthetic hands for those in need.

Students with tools


Creative teaching

Today, many dominant and innovative big brands — such as Amazon, Tesla and Google — are led by engineers. So it makes sense to teach engineering students how to build and run companies. But for Ken Singer, managing director of Berkeley Engineering’s Sutardja Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology (SCET), the need to educate engineers about entrepreneurship has a more urgent reason. “Recent advancements in technology — AI, autonomous vehicles, blockchain — will change the entire topography of employment,” says Singer. “If we don’t teach students to adapt to the future, then we are training a generation of unemployable engineers.” Traditional education is often about knowledge transfer, with systems designed to reinforce, test and evaluate based on existing knowledge. But for Singer and his SCET colleagues, just transferring information isn’t enough. Instead, they designed the curriculum to foster self-directed learning and creativity. “Students are comfortable being creative if they feel like they won’t be judged for failing,” he says. “We measure the attempt, not the outcome, and we grade them on what they say they learned, not if they can recite back our lecture notes.”

New interdisciplinary courses are emerging, many that make use of the studio and maker spaces in Jacobs Hall. At the Sutardja Center’s new “collider space” at California Memorial Stadium, ideas are born through the “collision” of students, entrepreneurs, venture capitalists and managers — different people from different worlds. In challenge labs, student teams compete to find solutions to big challenges, from alleviating the refugee crisis in Greece to developing the best mobile health app. Undergraduate research opportunities are on the rise; one program in civil and environmental engineering, funded by donors, offers top freshman admits a chance to work alongside faculty and graduate students in a lab — a great experience for a budding engineer and a terrific tool for recruiting the best to Berkeley.

Our journey toward inventing the future of engineering education is far from over. At Berkeley we’re working to answer big questions for tomorrow’s students:

  • How can we integrate engineering with other fields? Technology today is critical in every field. Understanding it and embracing the new essentials needs to be part of the core curriculum for all 21st century students. We’ve begun to explore the idea of “Engineering + X” majors that combine engineering with unexpected disciplines across campus. Our new Management, Entrepreneurship, & Technology (M.E.T.) program is giving us experience with the power of such combinations, allowing exceptional students to earn Berkeley degrees in both business and engineering in four years of (hard) work.
  • California and the world need engineers — how do we meet the demand from students and employers? Today’s students don’t see their instructor as the “sage on the stage” but rather as the “guide on the side.” Some prefer to view lectures online, later exploring the material in depth with instructors in small classroom sections. We’re getting very good at this way of teaching, and it helps us meet the burgeoning student demand in many of our popular courses.  For example, CS 61A, The Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs, enrolls up to 1,700 students a semester, yet it is always top-rated. How is this possible? We deploy one of the campus’s top teachers, innovative technology to give students instant feedback on their work and creative approaches to discussion sections and advising.
  • How do we prepare our students for the changing future of work? Technology being invented today will dramatically and rapidly change the way we work. To prepare for this uncertain future, we must produce lifelong learners with strong, adaptable skills. The people who succeed in this environment will be connected, flexible, creative, smart, entrepreneurial — and will have deep technical competence. Our teaching must help today’s graduates react to technological shifts during their careers. And it’s not just engineers who will face this changing future — we are gearing up to educate not only the finest engineers but to expand our reach across the Berkeley campus and beyond, offering training for non-engineers that will make for more technology-literate and savvy citizens.
  • In a world in flux, how do we continue to educate engineers throughout their careers to use the latest technologies to benefit the public good? At Berkeley, we are committed to deepening our focus on continuous education for working professionals and on offering professional master’s degrees like those we have pioneered in our Fung Institute for Engineering Leadership. Through both professionally-oriented graduate studies and continuing education, we must teach engineers not only to conceptualize new technologies but also about their impacts and consequences; equitable use and availability; legal and ethical implications; and their successful integration into existing or new industries. To be sure, our new directions in teaching design, entrepreneurship and innovation can serve us well in these arenas. Our students must also learn how design systems that incentivize behaviors to benefit society, and to embrace the important legal, ethical and moral responsibilities that come with implementing new technology.

We believe in the transformative power of a Berkeley education, and we’re excited about the new directions we’ve forged for Berkeley engineers. Innovating the future is what Berkeley Engineering does best: with innovations in how we educate engineers, our graduates will have the tools to shape that future.

Design, entrepreneurship and other teaching innovations are now foundations of a Berkeley engineering education — and we continue to build on that foundation

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You’ve probably heard about STEM. The integration of science, technology, engineering and mathematics has been a central focus both within and well outside of education. 

In fact, it’s such a powerful concept that it has been hailed as critical to the future — for children, diversity, the workforce and the economy, among other areas. That’s why STEM education has received hundreds of millions of dollars in support from the U.S. government and remains one of the biggest priorities at all levels of the educational system. UTEP also offers a master's degree and a graduate certificate in STEM Education.

But what actually is STEM education, and why is it so important? Here’s what you need to know and how you can help.

MTeenagers asking for help from the teacher within mathematics class.

What Is STEM Education?

It would be inaccurate to assume that STEM education is merely instruction in the STEM subjects of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Rather, the idea is taken a step further.  

STEM education refers to the integration of the four subjects into a cohesive, interdisciplinary and applied learning approach. This isn’t academic theory—STEM education includes the appropriate real-world application and teaching methods. 

As a result, students in any subject can benefit from STEM education. That’s exactly why some educators and organizations refer to it as STEAM, which adds in arts or other creative subjects. They recognize just how powerful the philosophy behind STEM education can be for students.  

Why Is STEM Education Important?

There are several layers to explore in discovering why STEM education is so important. 

In 2018, the White House released the “Charting a Course for Success” report that illustrated how far the United States was behind other countries in STEM education.  

It found that only 20% of high school grads were ready for the rigors of STEM majors. And how over the previous 15 years, the U.S. had produced only 10% of the world’s science and engineering grads. 

Since the founding of the Nation, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have been a source of inspirational discoveries and transformative technological advances, helping the United States develop the world's most competitive economy and preserving peace through strength. The pace of innovation is accelerating globally, and with it the competition for scientific and technical talent. Now more than ever the innovation capacity of the United States — and its prosperity and securit  — depends on an effective and inclusive STEM education ecosystem. - Charting a Course for Success

 That was one of the most news-worthy developments in recent years. It set the stage for many arguments behind STEM in the context of the global economy and supporting it through education. 

Job Outlook and Salary

One of the most direct and powerful arguments for the importance of STEM education is how relevant STEM is in the workforce. In 2018, the Pew Research Center found that STEM employment had grown 79% since 1990 (computer jobs increased 338%).  

What about now? All occupations are projected to increase 7.7% by 2030, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). Non-STEM occupations will increase 7.5% while STEM occupations will increase 10.5% .  

The findings are even more pronounced in terms of salary. The median annual wage for all occupations is $41, 950. Those in non-STEM occupations earn $40,020 and those in STEM occupations earn $89,780.  

Even areas like entrepreneurship see the same types of results. A report from the Information Technology and Innovation Foundation (ITIF) found that tech-based startups pay more than double the national average wage and nearly three times the average overall startup wage. They only make up 3.8% of businesses but capture a much larger share of business research and development investment (70.1%), research and development jobs (58.7%) and wages (8.1%), among other areas.  

Diversity and Skills

An important detail in the passage from “Charting a Course for Success” comes toward the end of the final sentence: “Now more than ever the innovation capacity of the United States—and its prosperity and security—depends on an effective and inclusive STEM education ecosystem.”  

Being inclusive is incredibly important once you understand how STEM occupations are such high-demand, high-paying positions. Unfortunately, however, diversity is a significant issue here.  

  • The Pew Research Center noted how women account for the majority of healthcare practitioners and technicians but are underrepresented across many other STEM fields, especially in computer jobs and engineering. Black and Hispanic workers are also underrepresented in the STEM workforce.
  • In the International Journal of STEM Education, authors noted how women are significantly underrepresented in STEM occupations. They make up less than a quarter of those working in STEM occupations and for women of color, representation is much lower — Hispanic, Asian and Black women receive less than 5% of STEM bachelor’s degrees in the U.S. Authors also pointed out how people of color overall are underrepresented in U.S.-based STEM leadership positions across industry, academia and the federal workforce.  

These issues are troubling when you consider how it undermines students’ opportunities to pursue high-demand, high-paying roles. Yet, it’s more than that. STEM education is about a teaching philosophy that naturally integrates critical thinking and language skills in a way that enriches any subject. Perhaps you’ve experienced or can imagine an education that integrates problem solving and engineering practices into any subject, where technology is seamlessly integrated throughout. Any subject—art, language, social studies, health—can benefit.  

So when students don’t receive an effective STEM education, they’re not only receiving less instruction in STEM subjects. They miss out on the universal application that high-level skills in STEM subjects can bring.  

How You Can Make a Difference

Take the opportunity to encourage young minds in STEM education. Whether that means volunteering a little bit of your time at a local school or finding age-appropriate STEM literature and activities for your children, you can have an impact.  

You can also consider pursuing a career or enhancing your career as a teacher or leader in STEM education, which represents a major problem right now in education. Researchers in Economic Development Quarterly noted how the current shortage of teachers in the U.S. is “ especially acute ” among STEM educators.  

In just five courses, you can earn an online graduate certificate in STEM education and learn how you can increase STEM literacy through formal and informal learning opportunities across a variety of settings. Or there’s the 100% online M.A. in Education with a Concentration in STEM Education , which helps you to be a leader in STEM education. You’ll be prepared for advancement in roles across public and private schools, community-based organizations, research, nonprofits and nongovernmental organizations.  

UTEP’s programs are focused on preparing today and tomorrow’s educators for working with modern students in multicultural settings who need to find motivation and engagement in their learning. And again, this is especially important. A study in Education Journal found that while students of all races enter into STEM majors at equal rates, minority students leave their major at nearly twice the rate of white students.  

UTEP is one of only 17 Hispanic-Serving Institutions (HSIs) in the country to be designated as an R1 top tier research university. Interested in learning more about how you can engage and inspire students in STEM education? You can discuss that and more with a one-on-one consultation with an enrollment counselor.



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Why Engineers are Becoming Increasingly Important

The history of our species is a testament to the works of countless engineers. as we become more and more dependent on technology, engineers will become increasingly important..

Christopher McFadden

Christopher McFadden

Why Engineers are Becoming Increasingly Important

The importance of engineers to any society has historically been of great importance, and that trend is only likely to increase over time. Engineers and their labors are, in effect, transforming the theoretical to the practical for the betterment of all.

One of the greatest, if not the greatest engineering feat was the introduction of electricity . Its development and deployment have had an incalculable impact on our societies. Just think about how much blood, sweat, and tears have been saved since its introduction. Work has become easier and our general standards of living have risen considerably. 

As our world becomes rapidly more technology dependent, the reliance on good tech will make Engineers increasingly important.

Engineer-free society

Now consider a society that is completely free of engineers. What would it look like? It’s a hard thing to picture because for as long as humans have existed, engineers (in some fashion) have also existed. 

The closest we can probably think about would be a hunter-gatherer one. This society would literally be one of pure survival. There would be no innovation, no technology of any kind. As soon as one or other members of that society created a trap, a spear or improved on a technique for smashing things an engineer will have been “born”.

From a  scientific point of view, the entire goal of life is to survive and reproduce. Our development of tools over our entire history has been a product of those basic “commands”. The conception of and development of tools of any kind has been to help our species overcome our physical limitations as an animal. They have also helped accelerate or amplify our ability to survive and thrive.

Unless we destroy our species in a nuclear armageddon , this is a trend that is highly unlikely to slow down or cease. With this in mind, engineers are going to become ever more important with time.

The importance of engineering

No country or society today would succeed without the adoption of engineering at some level. Engineering and engineers have had an enormous impact on every aspect of our modern lives. 

Let’s take a closer look at a few of these. 

 – Agriculture

 – Education

 – Health sectors


Put simply, without food there would be no society. Our development by early peoples, who were engineers in effect, has enabled us to cultivate and harvest crops and rear animals. Given the importance of this sector, agriculture has a strong link with engineering. Agricultural engineering is a major field of engineering today.

It would a rare event to find a situation where machinery or other technology is not being used on a modern farm. The adoption of technology en masse has led to every increasing yields and efficiency of the production of food. 

The development of fertilizers has further increased the efficiency of agriculture, most of which are the fruits of the labors of chemical engineers. Water supplies for irrigation even in very arid locations have been more or less guaranteed by other engineers. As our global population grows with time, the need for more and more food is self-evident. 

Drive’s for more efficient use of land for farming and more efficient food production will become increasingly more and more important. For this reason, Engineers are increasingly more important to agriculture.

Education is important for all aspects of life and society. Engineering has, in and of itself, made significant contributions to this aspect of society. From the basic teaching of the principles of engineering, the products of engineering are all around students and teachers alike.

In fact, the very building, the seats, and other teaching materials all around them would not exist without engineers and engineering. The physical buildings themselves, air conditioning, lighting and of course computers are vitally important. 

As education will likely become ever more important in the future, though its format will of course change, engineers will be needed to facilitate the classrooms of the future. It is debatable whether actually physically attending a classroom or lecture hall will become extinct in favor of distant learning, but in either case, engineers skills will be needed. The future of education will make engineers increasingly important.

Every aspect of our lives has the fingerprints of engineers and engineering somewhere. Healthcare is another important area. Of course, the drugs and medicines used are more the realms of medical sciences. However, the equipment used certainly wouldn’t exist without engineering.

Modern surgical theatres are jam packed with highly complex pieces of machinery to improve your chances of survival under the surgeon’s knife. That includes the knife itself. With a likely increase in the use of more and more advanced equipment in the future, it is an inevitability that engineers will become ever more important in this field too.

Robotic or automated surgery may not be that far off either. This technologies development will rely more and more on engineers rather than the doctors themselves. Perhaps, in the future, the physical act of surgery will not need the guiding hand of human doctors.

The Final Word

We have hand picked three sectors in our modern world where engineering has had a critical input. Engineering, as a profession, is of incredible importance today and has been since the beginnings of our species. The work of countless engineers over the ages has changed our lives forever. So much so it is unlikely most of could survive “in the wild.”


Our understandable addiction and reliance on technology will only ever grow and as such, the importance of Engineer will follow suit. So why are Engineers increasingly important? Because pretty much everything around us wouldn’t exist without them. This is not going to change anytime soon.

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Christopher McFadden Christopher graduated from Cardiff University in 2004 with a Masters Degree in Geology. Since then, he has worked exclusively within the Built Environment, Occupational Health and Safety and Environmental Consultancy industries. He is a qualified and accredited Energy Consultant, Green Deal Assessor and Practitioner member of IEMA. Chris’s main interests range from Science and Engineering, Military and Ancient History to Politics and Philosophy.


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Engineering, and engineering education, drive innovation, social, cultural and economic development, and are vital in addressing global challenges such as sustainability, climate change and poverty and the other UN Millennium Development Goals.

This chapter examines the urgent need for innovation and transformation amid changing modes of knowledge production, dissemination and application, and to counter declining interest, enrolment and retention in engineering education, the shortage of engineers reported in many countries, brain drain of engineers from developing countries and consequent impact on development. Student-centred, project- and problem-based learning (PBL) plays an important role in this process, together with an emphasis on humanitarian engineering and technology – combining fun and fundamentals, and the need for engineering to be seen as a major factor in development and addressing global issues and challenges. The chapter emphasises the need to develop engineering studies, policy and planning to support and facilitate this process.

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UNESCO Centre for Problem Based Learning in Engineering Science and Sustainability, Department of Development and Planning, Faculty of Engineering and Science, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

Tony Marjoram

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Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark

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Marjoram, T. (2015). Transforming Engineering Education: For Technological Innovation and Social Development. In: Christensen, S., Didier, C., Jamison, A., Meganck, M., Mitcham, C., Newberry, B. (eds) International Perspectives on Engineering Education. Philosophy of Engineering and Technology, vol 20. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16169-3_16

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DOI : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16169-3_16

Publisher Name : Springer, Cham

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Why science and engineering need to remind students of forgotten lessons from history

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HHMI Professor of Biomedical Engineering and International Health, Boston University

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essay on importance of engineering education

Lately, there has been a lot of discussion highlighting the need for incorporating social sciences in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) disciplines in order to foster creativity, increase empathy and create a better understanding of the human condition among scientists.

Unfortunately, however, all this talk hasn’t changed the reality on the ground.

As a researcher and teacher in biomedical engineering, looking at the fundamental functions of the human body, I feel that we in engineering (as well as other sciences) have done a disservice to our students. We have failed to connect them to the history of science through stories of scientists.

Our students, these days, have little knowledge about the giants on whose shoulders we all stand.

And yet there is strong evidence that students are more likely to develop an interest in science and pursue science education when engaged through narratives that tell a story .

Research also shows that such stories enable students in STEM disciplines to better understand and apply their classroom knowledge in real-world settings .

Missing piece in science learning

In one of my engineering classes, I discuss how fluids, such as air and blood, flow in the human body. These processes are critical to our health and well-being.

As I do that, I also discuss the associated discoveries made by many leading scientists. The seminal work of scientists such as Joseph Fourier , Daniel Bernoulli and Isaac Newton has transformed our world and tremendously improved our quality of life.

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However, beyond the most famous anecdote about the falling apple leading to the discovery of gravity, I find that students in my class know little about Newton’s contributions. While students in my class may have a rich understanding of the Fourier transform (a fundamental mathematical relationship that forms the basis of modern electrical engineering), they literally know nothing about who Fourier was.

Research suggests that context and history play a strong role in connecting science and engineering theory with practice.

But despite studies highlighting the importance of storytelling and historical case study approaches , impersonal PowerPoint presentations dominate classrooms. Historical perspectives and rich stories are missing in such presentations.

Why it matters

As educators, we face tremendous pressures to pack technical materials into our courses. So why should we include history in our lesson plans?

First, history provides a compelling perspective on the process of scientific discovery. We have known through research that historical references can help students clear up common misconceptions about scientific topics, ranging from planetary motion to evolution.

Looking at the story of science over centuries enables students to understand that research and discovery are continuous processes. They can then see that the laws and the equations that they use to solve problems were discovered through long and sometimes painful processes .

The findings they arrive at today, in other words, are the fruits of the hard work of real people who lived in real societies and had complex lives, just like the rest of us.

Second, a sense of history teaches students the all-important value of failure in science. It also highlights the persistence of the scientists who continued to push against the odds .

Recent research suggests that by discussing the struggles and failures of scientists, teachers are able to motivate students. Indeed, the discussion of struggles, obstacles, failures and persistence can lead to significant academic improvement of students, particularly for those who may be facing personal or financial difficulties or feeling discouraged by previous instructors and mentors.

Learning from history

This dose of inspiration is particularly valuable for STEM students who face barriers in their academic work, either due to lack of financial resources or due to their gender or race.

The stories of past scientists are a reminder to them that history is an opportunity. Not all great discoveries were made by people who were at the very top of the socioeconomic pyramid.

Connected to the process of discovery and innovation is the fundamental notion of the multidisciplinary approach.

Students need to understand that this approach is not a creation of the 21st century. People have used the multidisciplinary tools of their time for hundreds of years. Johannes Gutenberg , for example, combined the flexibility of a coin punch with the mechanical strength of the wine press to invent the printing press, which created a profound global impact in disseminating knowledge.

essay on importance of engineering education

Finally, a fundamental goal of modern engineering education is to create socially conscious engineering practitioners who have a strong sense of ethics.

Following an engineering education, individuals could go on to develop medical technology for resource-constrained settings, or work on stem cells or genetic engineering. The importance of ethics in any of these areas cannot be underestimated.

Case studies and history could be immensely valuable in teaching ethics. History provides strong evidence of how the environment around scientists was equally important in shaping their lives and discoveries . Lessons from history could provide insights into how to make ethical choices related to technology or engineering principles.

History, heritage and a holistic view of learning

The goal, in the end, is not to compromise on the rigor, or to focus exclusively on history and personalities, but to make the material more accessible through story-telling and connection with our common heritage.

By making students realize that they are part of a grand tradition of learning, success and failure, we might find that the goals of retention, inspiration, access and rich engagement with the material are closer than we realize.

  • Science education
  • History of science
  • STEM education
  • Storytelling
  • Young scientists
  • Engineering education
  • Isaac Newton
  • Printing press

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