Production écrite DELF B1 (writing): our advice to succeed!

Production écrite DELF B1

Last updated on June 25th, 2023 at 02:52 pm

The writing part (or production écrite ) corresponds to 25% of the DELF B1 total mark. You have 45 min to complete an assignment of about 180 words around general themes (essay, letter, article, etc.). You will be able to get practical information about where you can take the exam and how to register on the DELF official website .

Today, we’ll see how is your DELF B1 writing assignment evaluated, then you will find some sample exams to get a better idea of what kind of assignment we’re talking about, finally we’ll give you some practical tips to succeed.

DELF B1 production écrite (writing): the criteria

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Production écrite DELF B1 Writing: samples

Sujet n°1: Essai: A votre avis, quels ont été les changements les plus importants des vingt dernière années dans votre pays. Quels sont ceux qui ont été positifs ou ceux qui ont été négatifs selon vous? Vous écrirez un texte construit et cohérent sur ce sujet (160 à 180 mots).

Sujet n°2: Vous recevez ce mail de Louisa, une amie française :

Salut, Mon entreprise me propose de quitter Brest pour aller travailler à New York. C’est une bonne nouvelle, mais comment je vais faire dans une si grande ville alors que j’adore la nature ! Il y a aussi les problèmes de la langue, du logement, des amis… Je me sens un peu perdue. Tu en penses quoi ? A très vite ! Louisa

Vous répondez à Louisa. Vous lui donnez votre opinion en lui donnant des exemples d’expériences diverses. (160 mots minimum)

Production écrite DELF B1 Writing: Our tips to get a good mark

1. Don’t write straight away : think about the subject, write down all your ideas on paper. 2. Get the right structure : what is your logical plan? Think how you’re going to deal with every part of your essay from the introduction to the conclusion before you start writing. 3. Show you understood the format of the assignment : if you need to write a letter, make sure you use the right words usually written in a letter. 4. Use what you know : for the real exam, it’s not time to take risks. Use the sentence structures you know. It’s better to write simple sentences correctly than to try complex structures full of mistakes. 5. Read over your work to make sure you haven’t missed a lot of mistakes! You should particularly pay attention to mistakes you are used to doing but that you can easily avoid. For example, s in plural, check that every sentence has a verb, etc.

The writing part (as well as the oral exam) is very hard to prepare by yourself as opposed to the listening comprehension and the written comprehension where a good book is probably enough to help you. At, you can prepare the DELF B1 writing part with one of our online French teachers in order to:

  • help you reach the B1 level before the exam so that you know the grammar points you are supposed to be confident with (tenses, structures, vocabulary, etc.).
  • rehearse on sample test that will help you undertand what is expected from you and to improve while you practice,
  • get personalized advice on what you need to pass the exam.

Feel free to register for a free trial lesson , discuss your needs with our team of teachers and get a free evaluation.

Related articles:

  • How my students have passed the DELF B2 exam
  • DELF exam preparation

Free French trial lesson

DELF B1 : l’essai

DELF B1 - essai production écrite

Production écrite DELF B1 : l’essai

L’essai est un type d’écrit argumenté très présent dans les exercices de production écrite du DELF et du DALF où il faut prendre position et donner son opinion personnelle. L’essai n’a pas de destinataire particulier et on utilise un registre de langue plutôt formel (mais pas trop quand même). Sa forme est proche de l’article de journal .

Essai DELF B1

Exemple de sujet

L’époque actuelle offre de nombreux moyens de communiquer : téléphone portable, courrier, Internet… Est-ce une mode ou sont-ils devenus indispensables ? Donnez votre point de vue. Appuyez-le par des exemples. Vous écrirez un texte construit et cohérent sur ce sujet (160 mots minimum).

Exemple de production écrite

▶︎ À lire également pour la production écrite du DELF B1 :

  • L’article de journal
  • Le courrier amical

Nous recommandons : Le DELF B1 100 % réussite – nouvelle édition

DELF B1 100% réussite - 2021

Ca devrait aussi vous intéresser :

Connecteurs logiques B1

Connecteurs logiques niveau B1

DELF B1 production orale expression d'un point de vue DELF B1

DELF B1 : expression d’un point de vue

PO exercice en interaction DELF B1

DELF B1 : exercice en interaction

DELF B1 PRODUCTION ORAL entretien dirigé

DELF B1 : l’entretien dirigé

essay delf b1

Que recherchez-vous ?

  • Reconnaissance de diplômes
  • Assistants de langue française

Les sujets les plus recherchés :

DELF TCF Reconnaissance de diplômes Assistants de langue française

Exemples de sujets - niveau B1

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À lire sur cette page

  • Exemples de sujets d'examen
  • Audio pour les exercices de compréhension de l'oral
  • Grilles et critères d'évaluation

Deux formats des épreuves de compréhension de l'oral et des écrits du DELF sont diffusés dans les sessions officielles.

Le nombre d’exercices et de questions, la longueur des documents et la forme des questions sont différents d’un format à l’autre.

Aucun format n’avantage ni ne désavantage la réussite des épreuves.

Retrouvez sur cette page deux exemples d’épreuves collectives (chaque exemple illustre un format des épreuves de compréhension de l'oral et des écrits) et un exemple d'épreuve individuelle.

Exemples de sujets d'examen

Exemple 1 - documents épreuves collectives.

Document candidat (épreuves collectives)

Document correcteur (épreuves collectives)

Document surveillant (transcription de la compréhension de l'oral)

Exemple 2 - Documents épreuves collectives

Épreuve individuelle.

Document candidat (production orale)

Document examinateur (production orale)

Audio pour les exercices de compréhension de l'oral

Exercice 1 MP3

Exercice 2 MP3

Exercice 3 MP3

Intégralité MP3

Grilles et critères d'évaluation

Vous trouverez ci-dessous les grilles d'évaluation utilisées par les examinateurs-correcteurs, pour les productions écrite et orale, et les explications pour chaque critère d'évaluation.

Grilles d'évaluation

Grille d'évaluation de la production écrite.

Grille de production écrite du DELF B1

Descripteurs de performance du DELF B1 pour la production écrite

Grille d'évaluation de la production orale

Grille de production orale du DELF B1

Descripteurs de performance du DELF B1 pour la production orale

Explication des critères d'évaluation pour la production écrite

Réalisation de la tâche.

Le type de texte demandé dans la consigne peut être une carte postale ou un courrier électronique. Le type de texte que j’écris correspond à la consigne.

Le thème demandé dans la consigne peut être le travail, l’école etc.

Le thème de mon texte correspond à la consigne.

J’écris 160 mots minimum, je peux écrire plus, mais je ne dois pas écrire moins.

Je peux décrire des faits.

Je peux décrire des évènements passés.

Je peux décrire des expériences personnelles.

Je peux donner des exemples précis pour illustrer ce que je dis.

Je peux donner mes impressions sur quelqu’un ou quelque chose.

Je peux présenter mes idées et mes sentiments.

Je peux donner mon opinion et la justifier avec des exemples.

Cohérence et cohésion

Je peux écrire un texte cohérent, il y a un début et une fin.

Mes phrases sont dans un ordre logique et s’enchaînent comme une suite de points avec des adverbes comme « premièrement, deuxièmement… ».

Adéquation sociolinguistique

Je peux m’exprimer en utilisant les expressions et les actes de parole les plus courants, dans un registre adapté à la situation et au destinataire.

J’utilise des mots de niveau B1 adaptés à la situation.

J’évite les répétitions, j’utilise des synonymes, d’autres mots qui veulent dire la même chose.

Je peux choisir des mots appropriés à la situation.

Mes erreurs dans le choix des mots ne gênent pas la compréhension.

La ponctuation et la mise en page sont plutôt correctes, et facilitent la lecture de la production.

L’orthographe des mots est plutôt correcte et ne gêne pas la compréhension.

Morphosyntaxe (grammaire)

Degré d’élaboration des phrases 

Je peux écrire des phrases simples avec un seul verbe conjugué.

Je peux écrire des phrases complexes, c’est-à-dire avec au moins 2 verbes conjugués dans une même phrase.

Choix des temps et des modes

J’utilise les temps du passé pour raconter un évènement passé ou une expérience : passé composé, imparfait, plus que parfait, passé récent.

J’utilise le conditionnel pour faire des hypothèses, donner des conseils, faire des propositions.

Morphosyntaxe – orthographe grammaticale 

J’accorde les noms et les adjectifs en genre (féminin/masculin) et en nombre (singulier/pluriel) ;

J’utilise correctement les pronoms.

Explication des critères d'évaluation pour la production orale

Réalisation de la tâche : entretien dirigé.

Parler de soi et expliquer 

Je peux me présenter et parler de moi, de ma famille, de mes activités etc.

Je peux parler de mes loisirs, de mes projets et donner des explications.

Parler sans préparation et avec assurance 

Je peux parler sans préparation et répondre aux questions de l’examinateur.

Réalisation de la tâche : exercice en interaction

Utiliser les règles de politesse et respect de la situation 

Je peux utiliser les règles de politesse adaptées à la situation, « bonjour/salut », « s’il-vous-plait », « merci », « au revoir ».

Adapter les actes de parole à la situation

Je peux proposer des solutions pour résoudre la situation.

Je peux insister.

Répondre aux questions de l’examinateur 

Je peux répondre aux questions et réactions de l’examinateur.

Je peux commenter le point de vue de l’examinateur, vérifier et confirmer ou non ses informations.

Réalisation de la tâche : expression d'un point de vue

Présenter le sujet à développer 

Je peux présenter le sujet à développer.

Présenter les points principaux de la réflexion personnelle 

Je peux présenter et expliquer les éléments importants de ma réflexion.

Je peux donner des exemples précis et des arguments pertinents.

Je peux structurer mon discours.

Relier les idées avec des connecteurs 

Je peux utiliser des connecteurs pour relier mes idées.

Pour l'ensemble des 3 parties

Lexique (étendue et maîtrise) 

Je peux utiliser des mots de niveau B1 adapté au thème et au contexte de l’exercice.


Je peux faire des phrases simples et utiliser des expressions simples de niveau B1.

Je peux faire des phrases complexes de niveau B1, c’est-à-dire des phrases longues avec plusieurs verbes conjugués.

Maîtrise du système phonologique 

Mon discours est plutôt fluide et facile à suivre : j’ai un bon débit de parole (ni trop rapide, ni trop lent), je fais les liaisons etc.

Ma prononciation est correcte. Mon accent ne gêne pas la compréhension.

  • French in France
  • DALF C1 & C2
  • TCF for Quebec
  • Online Exercises
  • DELF Scolaire/Junior

DELF B1 Exam Free preparation resources. Including free DELF B1 preparation guides for the 4 sections of DELF B1 exam: Comprehension Orale, Ecrite and Production Orale, Ecrite. french B1 vocabulary and grammar checklist. Check your comprehension with free DELF B1 practice exercise and mock DELF B1 mock exams.

7 must-have French podcast for TCF, TEF or DELF/DALF exams

Free interactive online french course for level b1, défidelf, a free online course for delf b2, free online intermediate french course for level b1-b2 ( delf/ tcf), delf b1 exam practice: exercise 7 (2015), delf a2 production ecrite: letter congratulating someone in french, delf a2-b1 production ecrite: letter of complaint in french about a faulty product, watch online 8 free animated films in french with english subtitles just for you, french delf b1 exam practice: test 6 (2015), free french video exercises to improve comprehension orale all levels.


DELF B1 corresponds to the lower intermediate level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). DELF B1 is an official diploma offered by the French Ministry of Education. DELF (Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française) diplomas have a lifetime validity; they do not expire.

The DELF B1 exam has 4 components: Comprehension Orale, Comprehension Ecrite, Production Orale and Production Ecrite. Overall Pass mark: 50/100. Pass mark per test: 5/25

Comprehension Orale

Listening (Comprehension Orale) 25 min (25 points)

Comprehension Ecrite

Reading (Comprehension Ecrite) 35 min (25 points)

Production Orale

Speaking (Production Orale) 10 min (25 points)

Production Ecrite

Writing (Production Ecrite) 45 min (25 points)

Click on the icon below to check out our resources for DELF B1 exam preparation.

Exam Format

Past papers, model answers.

Click to check out our Model Answers for the DELF B1 exam.

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  • French »
  • Test Your French Level »
  • The Ultimate Guide to French Tests and Diplomas »
  • DILF, DELF & DALF: What are they and which one is right for you? »

The DELF B1 Exam

What to expect.

DELF B1 tests whether you're competent enough to communicate independently. You'll be asked to show you can maintain interaction: that you can understand a conversation, have a discussion and give your opinion. You'll need to show you're capable of dealing with situations, likely to arise in daily life.

Exam duration (not counting the oral) : 1 hour 55 minutes

* Total mark out of 100 * Overall pass mark: 50/100 * Pass mark per test: 5/25

We can help you practise your DELF B1 French grammar to perfection -  sign up for a free account to get your personalized study program based on your French level test. 

Listen to  sample recordings for DELF B1 listening section  to get an idea of the difficulty of each level and the sort of situations presented.

You can  download a sample paper for DELF B1 here , and be sure to read over our detailed DELF B1 tips .

In this section

  • How to get ready for the DELF B1 exam

essay delf b1

DELF B1 Exam

essay delf b1

May, 23 2024

Registration period:

March 15 – April 15, 2024

June, 6 2024

April 5 – May 6, 2024

October, 3 2024

August 15 – Sept. 14, 2024

December, 5 2024

Oct. 10 – Nov. 12, 2024

Home » Exam center » DELF/DALF Exams » DELF B1 Exam The Cours de civilization française de la Sorbonne (CCFS) is an approved exam center for the DELF and DALF. The DELF ( Diplôme d’études en langue française, French language study diploma) and the DALF (Diplome avancé en langue française, Advanced French language diploma) are official diplomas issued by the Ministry of National Education that certify the level of international students. They are placed under the authority of France Education International (formerly CIEP).

essay delf b1

General presentation of DELF

The DELF, Diplôme d’Etudes en Langue Française, is a wordly recognized diploma which assesses candidates’ French language skills. Valid for life, it is an official diploma issued by the Ministry of National Education, harmonized on the levels of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). The DELF allows its holders to attest to a mastery of French ranging from A1 (beginner) to B2 (advanced independent user). It is widely used by non-French speakers who wish to enhance their CV to join a French company, or pursue higher education in France

The DELF B1 – independent user “threshold” level – is necessary to obtain French nationality.

essay delf b1

Audiences concerned

The DELF “Tout public” (all audiences) addresses adults and older adolescents who intend to highlight their linguistic skills in french, whether for personal or professional reasons. This version of the DELF, described as “tout public”, involves the possibility of exploring a variety of subjects in the assessment exercises, whether they relate to the public, personal, professional or educational domain.

Regarding universities, the DELF is often required by French and foreign higher education establishments as proof of language proficiency for admission. Additionally, many candidates take the DELF with the aim of strengthening their CV and professional opportunities, as it is recognized by many international companies and organizations.

Younger audiences, children and adolescents, attending secondary school can be directed towards so-called “Prim” or “junior/school” versions. In these versions, only themes that might interest the youngest are included in the exercises. The DELF tests measure the communication skills of candidates. In the “Prim” or “junior/school” versions, a young learner will be immersed in a context which will further encourage their reactivity, thus allowing candidates to demonstrate all of their linguistic skills A decree from the Rectorate indicates each year the dates of the DELF-DALF sessions at the CCFS as well as the jury composition.

essay delf b1

The 4 tests of the DELF B1 exam

Oral comprehension.

The listening comprehension phase of the exam is used to assess the candidate’s abilities as a language user to receive and interpret oral speech. During this test, the candidate is required to listen to different types of content such as public announcements, radio broadcasts, conversations, etc. The format of the audio resources differs depending on the level assessed.

CEFR scale for general listening comprehension

The candidate can capture immediate factual information regarding everyday or work-related topics by identifying overall messages and details, provided the pronunciation is distinct and the accent fluent. Can also understand the essential elements of communication on familiar subjects encountered daily at work, at school or in leisure time, including succinct stories.

writing comprehension

Writing comprehension is a test that will check the candidate’s skills as a reader. He must be able to read documents to orient himself, obtain information, follow instructions, etc. The texts are short or very long, depending on the assessed CEFR level .

CEFR scale for general reading comprehension

Can read straightforward factual texts on topics relating to his or her field of interests with a satisfactory level of comprehension.

Written production

The evaluation of written production in the DELF will test the candidate’s ability to write in French. The exams vary depending on the level, and can consist of writing an article, a letter or a summary. In addition, this test also assesses written interaction skills, such as completing a form, writing an email in response to someone or creating a text intended to be published on a forum.

CEFR scale for general written production

For written production, the CEFR scale assesses the candidate’s ability to write simple, coherent texts on various topics, connecting distinct elements in a linear sequence

CEFR scale for general written interaction

Regarding written interaction, the candidate can provide information on abstract or concrete topics, ask questions or present information in a precise manner, as well as write personal notes and letters to request or provide information of immediate interest, and make important points.

Oral production

Regarding oral production, the test consists of monologue or presentation activities, while also evaluating oral interaction with the jury. Oral interaction activities vary by level and include routine exchanges, role plays, debates, etc.

CEFR scale for general oral production

The CEFR scale for oral production assesses the candidate’s ability to describe a variety of subjects in a direct and non-complex way, by presenting them in a linear manner.

CEFR scale for general oral interaction

The candidate must be able to interact with a confidence on familiar subjects, whether related to their interests or their professional field. He must also be able to exchange, verify and confirm information, and to deal with more or less unexpected situations while explaining any difficulties he may encounter. He can also express his opinions on abstract or cultural topics such as films, books or music. The candidate must have enough flexibility to use simple and appropriate vocabulary when dealing with most situations encountered while traveling. He is able to spontaneously start a conversation on familiar topics without prior preparation, expressing personal opinions and exchanging information on daily life topics or personal interest, such as family, hobbies, work , travel and news.

Each year, a decree from the Rectorat indicates the dates of the DELF-DALF sessions of the Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne and the composition of the jury.

Next sessions

More info , these courses might interest you, dalf c1 exam, delf b2 exam.

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  • +33 1 44 10 77 00
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  • Secretariat opening hours: Monday to Friday from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM and 1:30 PM to 4:30 PM.

Cours de civilisation française de la Sorbonne – Établissement d’enseignement supérieur privé – SAS société à mission Déclaration d’activité : 117562 776 75 auprès de la préfecture d’IdF – ne vaut pas agrément

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Le secrétariat sera exceptionnellement fermé le mercredi 17 janvier.

The secretariat will be exceptionally closed on Wednesday, January 17th. 

Information sur la session de printemps 2024

L’inscription à la session de printemps (rentrée du 5 février 2024) est encore possible jusqu’au 2 février , sous réserve de places disponibles.

Les étudiants souhaitant s’inscrire sont invités à se rendre directement au bureau des admissions de l’institution , ouvert du lundi au vendredi de 9h30 à 16h30. Ils doivent s’assurer de disposer d’un visa valide.

L’inscription en ligne pour cette session n’est plus possible sur ce site.

Information regarding the 2024 spring session

Registration for the spring session (starting on February 5, 2024) is still possible until February 2 , subject to availability.

Students wishing to register are invited to go directly to the institution’s admission office , open Monday to Friday from 9.30am to 4.30pm. They must ensure they have a valid visa.

Online registration for this session is no longer available on this website.

Dates des prochains examens TCF

Les prochaines sessions d’examen TCF auront lieu dans les locaux de l’institution aux dates suivantes :

Le 30 janvier et le 27 février :

Le 31 janvier et le 28 février :

Polyglot Life

Become bilingual – Deviens bilingue

DELF writing exam: how to prepare (DELF, DALF, TEF, TCF)

Summary – French exams: what you are really tested on – How to write a French essay – Why it’s important to structure your texts and use logical connectors – How having structure lowers the stress level – Why work with a coach to prepare an exam – 4 typical outlines to write a French essay

The DELF writing exam and the oral presentation can seem like daunting tasks but with good preparation, you can succeed!

There’s one thing to keep in mind when you’re taking a French test like DELF, DALF, TCF or TEF . You’re evaluated both on the “mechanical” quality of your language (grammar, spelling, pronunciation) AND your ability to express your point of view . The following advice work both for the writing and oral tasks.

As you move further up the levels (B2, C1, C2), the language becomes a tool to express convincing thoughts . You need to showcase a wide range of vocabulary and grammatical structures. You also need to organise your production to showcase your analytical skills and your opinion.

This is “French culture 101”: the French have an opinion about everything and they looooove exchanging views and arguing. In the 17th century the French aristocracy popularized the concept of “ salons ” or discussion circles. There, aristocrats, poets and well-educated guests would gather to talk about anything (grammar, philosophy, current affairs, etc). It’s at that time that French became the language of choice of most European courts (including Russia).

French essays and exposes, like French conversations, are “something like an English garden. It’s highly cultivated to look and feel natural.” The Bonjour Effect, Julie Barlow – Jean-Benoît Nadeau (2016)

And that’s why you should know the rules of the “game” and practice, practice, practice before taking the DELF writing exam.

Watch the video or keep reading

How a French essay differs from an English essay

Many things have changed since then but the education system has perpetuated this tradition for reasoning . As early as middle school, French kids learn how to write formal essays with an introduction, a conclusion and well-organized paragraphs about just about anything (litterature, philosophy, history…). As you enter secondary and post-secondary schools, you’ve acquired the structure so well that, when facing a “ problématique ” (a complex question), you immediately start to envision a 2 or 3-parts essay (see at the end of this post for the detailed breakdown).

In a French essay, you’re supposed to pick a side and clearly state your personal answer to the problematique but not before you’ve examined the pros and cons and explained why we should value some aspects over others.

When I went to Ireland to study for a year, I had to “re-learn” how to write an essay. Over there, I was supposed to pick a side at the beginning and defend my choice. Two or three supporting arguments explained why why my choice was the best option. Although you include some cons or limitations, it wouldn’t take up as much space as in a French essay. It’s possible to use the same patterns to write essays in English and in French. However I think the most common patterns differ from one country to another. I’m not an expert in writing English essays so I could be mistaken…

The importance of signposting in your DELF writing exam

Once aspect that’s common to all good essays is the importance of structuring your thoughts .

The French essay will mix a lot of contradicting ideas and include nuances. In order not to lose your audience, you need to have a very clear structure. You need to take them by the hand at the beginning and constantly let them know where you are , how you got there and where you’re going next .

Think of this as driving… When you’re going from point A  to point B , you use a map and sign posts . You also use your signals (turn, headlights, stop) to communicate your intentions to other drivers…

Well it’s exactly what you need to do to get a great score at your test . Be very clear about your map and constantly share your “directions” . That way the reader/audience can understand where you are and the logic of your thoughts. 

“Articulateurs logiques”: logical connectors are essentials in your DELF writing exam

To signpost, you’ll need what we call “articulateurs logiques”. They can be adverbs, conjunctions, expressions… So, make sure you learn a few connecting words for each concept (opposition, concession, addition, sequencing…) so that you’re not always using the same ones.

The higher level the exam, the more variety you’ll need . Learn 2-3 connecting words for each concept at B1 level, 4-5 at B2 level . For C1 and C2 try to learn some fancy connectors you’ll only see in the newspapers. Make sure you work with your coach or a qualified tutor to understand all the nuances between these words. Linking words are not always interchangeable.

How signposting keeps the brain calm

Especially in the oral exam , this will have a beneficial effect both on your brain and on the examiner’s . On one hand, you’ll be calmer as you won’t get confused about what to say next. On the other hand, the examiners will follow your train of thoughts clearly. They will be more relaxed as they don’t need to figure out where the heck you’re going with this.

You will provide context and direction . Even though your sentences may not be 100% correct, it will be easier for them to understand . If they don’t, they may ask for clarification after so you’ll get a second chance to get it right.

In the writing exam, you won’t waste precious time while writing the essay. You’ll know what you want to say, your thoughts will flow faster.

And you’ll score points for your ability to organize your thoughts and be convincing. Honestly, these are easy extra points to get if you practice complying with the format .

An exam is already a stressful process. T he last thing you want is to go through it with your brain in “panic mode” .

You might also like to read this post: 3 ways to calm your brain

How to prepare for your French exam

Don’t think you can “wing it” on the day of the exam. It’s not something you can improvise on the day of the exam, you do need to practice .

Some strategies will help and make your training a lot more efficient in the long run. 

The principles of the best strategies are: 

  • Acquire knowledge (read, listen…) about the most frequent exam topics
  • Take notes and organize your knowledge into your brain: for example with mindmaps, flashcards, memory palace…
  • Practice finding a “ problématique ” (a complex question) on a topic and brainstorm to draft an outline . You can invent one and/or use past exams samples .

If you do that, you’ll accumulate efficient hours of practice thinking about these topics and organizing your thoughts. You’ll already have arguments and examples, therefore you’ll feel more confident on the day of the exam.

Once that’s done, you can focus on the form and produce the best French you can. 

A convincing expose or essay for a French proficiency test is roughly 1/3 knowledge, 1/3 methodology and 1/3 language skills* * grammar, vocabulary + enunciation if oral

The benefits of working with a Neurolanguage coach

We understand the necessity of keeping the brain calm and strive to remain in this state during the sessions . We provide tools for you to achieve this state when you study independantly and then when you’re taking the exam.

I find it can be useful to mix working with a tutor or teacher and with a language coach.

With the first one, learn specific aspects of the language, correct some exercises and get extra speaking practice.

When you meet with your coach , you can work on 3 aspects . First, you can fine tune your understanding of a concept. Neurolanguage coaches constantly focus on making grammar “digestible” for your brain. We have in-depth knowledge of the mechanics of the language. We will encourage you to create connections with concepts you already know. Then, we work on your fluency by practicing focused conversation. Finally we’ll draft up together a customized plan to improve.

Your coach will steer the conversation to practice what you need to and facilitate the creation of the connections in your brain . The end goal is that you learn how to think in French naturally.

Instead of lecturing about French essays, we’ll make sure you can embrace the exercise with your own style and your own words .

Types of French outlines (called plans )

Now that you know why it’s important, here are some concrete resources to help you. These are 3 examples of typical French essay or expose outlines.

PATTERN A: it unfolds like a Moliere play – Part 1: Exposition / Facts – Part 2: The action , what problems are we facing because of Part 1 facts – Part 3: The resolution

PATTERN B: everything in life is relative, a philosopher’s reflection – Part 1: “Yes/White” (thèse = thesis, which reflects the direction you’re leaning toward to answer the question) – Part 2: “No/Black” (antithèse = antithesis) – Part 3: “Yes but,/Grey” (synthèse = synthesis, from the arguments in part 1 and 2, find a middle ground or opening to an answer that’s neither of the extremes)

PATTERN C: “YES, BUT…” It’s also acceptable to do 2 parts only: – Part 1: 2 or 3 arguments in favour of your point of view (YES) – Part 2: Limitations of Part 1’s arguments (BUT, why it’s not ideal) Your conclusion would emphasize the upsides of your arguments and how we could overcome the limitations.

PATTERN D: Chronological – Part 1: Phase 1 or Before /The past – Part 2: Phase 2 or Now /The present – Part 3: Phase 3 or After /The future

Which outline should you choose for the DELF writing exam?

There is no “right” pattern, it will depend on what you have to say . The content needs to be divided into balanced parts .

  • Pattern A is efficient because there’s tension , your audience wants to know the end of the play.
  • On the other hand, pattern B might be the most difficult . You may end up not being convincing enough in conveying your opinion to your audience.
  • Pattern C is maybe the most accessible if you’re used to writing English-style essays.
  • Pattern D is a rather obvious choice when you’re dealing with a topic spread across a period of time with distinct phases. Make sure you include argumentation, not just facts !

Troubleshooting: If you’ve decided to do 3 parts but end up with 2 long ones and a short one, it means you should do 2 parts only or find more material for your 3rd part. If you were going for a 2-parts outline but have a lot of sub-parts (paragaphs within each section), you should probably divide them up in 3 parts. That’s why it’s important to think and plan before you start writing your DELF exam.

Keep in mind the word count range you’re allowed at the test you’re taking and practice the format.

Watch this video explaining the process leading to writing a good outline

About Cathy

Related post, best resources to immerse yourself in the french language, gifts for learners of french who are afraid of speaking, french conjugation rules: the big picture.

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Prepare for delf b1 exam: proven strategies to success.

This article provides a comprehensive guide to preparing for the DELF B1 exam. It also covers the exam structure, scoring grid, common topics, and tips for effective preparation.

Additionally, we have included information on how to overcome exam anxiety and find the best resources for studying for the DELF B1 exam. So, are you ready to dive in?

how to prepare for the DELF b1 exam

The Diplôme d’Études en Langue Française (DELF) B1 exam is an internationally recognized French language exam designed for intermediate-level learners. This examination assesses your ability to communicate effectively in various real-life situations.

The advantages of achieving the DELF B1 exam are aplenty.

Not only does it validate your French language skills, but it also opens doors to education and employment opportunities in Francophone countries .

Whether you’re planning to study at a French university, work abroad, or simply enhance your linguistic prowess, B1-level French is a valuable asset.

Particularly noteworthy is that obtaining DELF B1 is a requirement for acquiring citizenship in France and Switzerland , making it an essential step for those aspiring to call these countries home.

Table of contents

Delf b1 exam structure, delf b1 exam scoring grid, delf b1 topics asked, how do you prepare for the delf b1 exam, how much time do you need to prepare for the delf b1 exam, what resources do i follow, how to overcome exam anxiety for delf b1.

The DELF B1 exam assesses your French language skills in four main parts:

  • Comprehension de l’Oral (Listening), 
  • Compréhension des Écrits (Reading), 
  • Production Écrite (Writing), and 
  • Production Orale (Speaking). 

Each of these parts have further subparts and each part has a specific time allotted as well.

Compréhension de l’Orale (Listening):

The French B1 listening comprehension test consists of 3 parts total.

Each part is an audio document , following which questions are to be answered.

The documents are played two times each.

The first audio document is always a daily conversation. It is usually 30 seconds to 1 minute long. You get 30 seconds to read the questions before the audio is played. The pausing time between two plays is 30 seconds. Then, you get 1 minute to complete the remaining questions after the second play.

This tests your global comprehension of the French language.

The questions can be MCQ (Multiple Choice Questions) or/and open-ended questions (requiring short answers in a few words).

The second and the third audio documents are a bit longer than the first and are radio broadcasts (for example, interviews).

This tests your detailed comprehension of the French language. The questions are also more detailed in number.

The second audio is usually 2 to 3 minutes long. You get 30 seconds to read the questions. The pausing time between two plays is 30 seconds. You get 1 minute to complete after the second play.

The third audio document is usually 2 to 3 minutes long. You get 1 minute to read the questions.The pausing time between two plays is 3 minutes. You get 2 minutes to complete after the second play. 

Compréhension des Écrits (Reading):

The B1 French reading comprehension includes 2 parts in total. The total time is 35 mins.

The first exercise tests your capacity to locate and select information that serves the task given. It consists of 4 to 5 texts of about 60 to 80 words with a table to complete.

The texts are in the personal or professional domain, like leisure, family, work, and more. You should be completing this exercise within 10 minutes.

The second exercise tests your capacity to understand the information, ideas, and opinions in an original text. The text is generally about 400 to 500 texts, and the questions asked are of different levels of understanding.

You should be completing this exercise within the remaining 25 minutes.

Production Écrite (Writing):

In the Delf B1 writing test, you will be asked about your opinion on a relevant topic in the education or professional realm. You have to produce one single, coherent text of about 180 words. The total time is 45 minutes.

This tests your capacity to describe and present facts, express your feelings, and describe your emotions. The task given could be an essay, a letter, or an article.

Production Orale (Speaking):

In this French B1 level test, there are 3 parts in total.

Personal Interview (2-3 minutes): The examiner aims to understand you better by asking about your preferences, habits, hobbies, and the people or things in your life. Expect questions that delve into your likes, dislikes, and personal experiences.

Roleplay/Dialogue (3-4 minutes): Engage in a conversation with the examiner based on a given daily life scenario, either formal or informal. This task requires you to discuss, problem-solve, or persuade without any prior preparation. The situation presented will test your ability to communicate spontaneously. 

Expressing a Point of View (5-7 minutes): This task involves delivering a monologue where you express your perspective on a given topic. You will have 10 minutes to prepare before presenting your views. After concluding your monologue, the examiner may pose 2-3 questions related to the discussion. It’s advisable to limit the examiner’s input during the monologue, as it primarily focuses on your ability to express your thoughts.

Comprehension de l’Oral (Listening): 

  • 1st part: 6 points
  • 2nd part: 8 points
  • 3rd point: 11 points
  • 1st exercise: 10 points
  • 2nd exercise: 15 points
  • Cohesion and Coherence: 13 points
  • Vocabulary skills and spellings: 6 points
  • Grammatical skills and spellings: 6 points
  • Personal Interview: 3 points
  • Roleplay/Dialogue: 5 points
  • Monologue: 5 points
  • Vocabulary: 4 points
  • Morphosyntax: 5 points
  • Phonetics: 3 points
  • Agreement of Past Participles
  • Past Perfect Tense (Le Plus-que-parfait)
  •  Indirect Speech (Present and Past Tense) 
  • Sequence of Tenses (La Concordance des Temps) 
  • The Subjunctive (Possibility & Obligation)
  • The Passive and Active Voice 
  • The Gerund (Le Gérondif)
  • Double Pronouns 
  • Possessive Pronouns
  • Demonstrative Pronouns 
  • Prepositions and Adverbs of Time
  • Prepositions and Adverbs of Place
  • Logical Connectors for Chronology
  • Logical Connectors for Consequence
  • Conjunction “POUR QUE” + Subjunctive


  • Everyday Life Vocabulary: transportation, travel, leisure activities
  • Describing Physical Appearance
  • Clothing Terminology
  • Expressing Emotions
  • Events: Meeting Someone, Unplanned Occurrences
  • Work Environment: Companies, Jobs, Colleagues
  • Media: Newspapers, Simple Articles on Daily Life

Communication skills

  • Descriptive Skill: People, Places, Objects, Facts
  • Temporal References: Locating in Time
  • Spatial References: Locating in Space
  • Expressing Feelings and Opinions (Positive or Negative)
  • Discussing the Past
  • Exploring the Future
  • Argumentation Techniques: Supporting and Proving a Point

Focus on weak skills:

Identify and concentrate on areas where you face challenges. If, for instance, listening comprehension proves difficult, allocate extra study time to this skill. Improving consistently in your weaker sections significantly contributes to your overall success.

Immersion in the language:

Immerse yourself in the French language by engaging with movies, shows, songs, and language-learning apps. This not only enhances language skills but also exposes you to colloquial expressions and cultural nuances, making your language usage more authentic.

For more information on language-learning apps, you can explore the details provided here: The 5 Best Apps for Learning French .

Solving Sample Papers:

Familiarize yourself with the exam environment by solving DELF B1 sample papers. This practice not only builds your confidence but also helps identify areas that may require additional attention. It provides a simulated experience, preparing you for the actual examination conditions.

Joining Classes:

Consider enrolling in French language classes for structured guidance. Experienced instructors offer valuable insights, provide personalized feedback, and create a supportive learning environment. Joining classes can provide a systematic and comprehensive approach to mastering the language, helping you navigate the challenges effectively.

Join us for classes:

The estimated preparation time of 80-85 hours for the DELF B1 exam is a general guideline and can vary depending on individual factors such as prior language proficiency, familiarity with French, and personal study habits.

Tailor your study plan to your specific needs and adapt as you progress through your preparation.

  • Réussir DELF B1 Book: The Réussir DELF B1 book is a dedicated resource designed specifically for success in the DELF B1 exam. This book likely provides comprehensive coverage of the exam content, including practice exercises, sample papers, and detailed explanations of grammar and vocabulary relevant to the B1 level.
  • Cosmopolite 3 Textbook: Cosmopolite 3 is a French language textbook that could be used to reinforce language skills necessary for the DELF B1 exam. This series often covers a range of topics, grammar structures, and vocabulary that align with the B1 level, making it a valuable resource for overall language development.
  • Online Resources: Explore various online tools for efficient DELF B1 preparation. Access the official sample papers to familiarize yourself with the exam format. Stay updated on current events through French news websites, enhancing your reading skills. Engage with online forums for shared insights and additional resources, creating a well-rounded study approach.
  • Practice Relaxation Techniques:

Incorporate relaxation techniques into your study routine to manage exam anxiety. Techniques such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, or mindfulness can help calm your nerves. Practice these regularly to build a sense of control over stress and create a focused mindset for the DELF B1 exam.

  • Positive Self-Talk:

Challenge negative thoughts and replace them with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your preparation efforts and past achievements. Positive self-talk can boost confidence and shift your mindset from anxiety to a more optimistic and empowered state, fostering a positive attitude towards the exam.

  • Warm-up Your Brain:

Prior to the exam, engage in activities that stimulate your brain and enhance focus. Solve a few language-related puzzles, review vocabulary, or do a quick language exercise. This warm-up routine helps activate your cognitive functions and builds mental readiness for the challenges of the DELF B1 test, reducing pre-exam jitters.

I hope all of you are ready with your stopwatch in your hand 🙂

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The DELF B1 is an internationally recognised French language exam that tests your ability to communicate effectively in French. It is a mid-level exam that requires a certain level of language proficiency. Passing the DELF B1 is a common language goal for intermediate French learners. As a French teacher, I have helped several students pass their exam and over the years, I have gathered tips and tricks on how to succeed. 

Are you aiming to pass the DELF B1 soon? Here’s exactly how to get there!

Read until the end to read my number one advice to ALL MY STUDENTS!

Understand The Exam Format

The exam consists of four parts: listening comprehension, reading comprehension, writing, and speaking.  

The listening and reading comprehension sections are multiple-choice questions. 

The writing section requires candidates to write a letter or an essay. 

The speaking section is an individual oral test, where candidates are asked to talk about a given topic, and also engage in a dialogue with the examiner.

For multiple-choice questions , there is one solution: practice, practice, practice. Find as many DELF B1 Past papers as you can, and do them all. With time, you will understand how the questions are asked and how to answer them. 

Also, make sure to take the time to READ THE QUESTIONS . Everything is in French. If you don’t learn the words that come up the most often in DELF questions, you will struggle on the day of the exam. 

Each section is scored out of 25, and the total score required to pass the exam is 50 out of 100. The duration of the exam is around 3 hours, and it is conducted under the supervision of a qualified examiner. 

Overall, the DELF B1 exam is a comprehensive test that assesses the candidate’s ability to communicate effectively in French, both in written and oral form.

Don’t ignore any part. 

Even if your writing is stronger than your listening, it doesn’t mean you should ignore the former and solely practise the latter. All parts of the exam are equally important and you should practice ALL OF THEM . 

For the writing:

* Write answering different questions and DO NOT CHECK ANY WORD. If you don’t know it, write it in English or with other words.

* Proofread

* Check and correct what you can

* Rewrite it / Type it out

* Post it on an app like Hello Talk or send it to your tutor to have the perspective of a native

For the reading:

* Read for long periods of time, without checking words

* Try to sum up what you’ve read after a few paragraphs or pages

For the listening:

* Do dictations (listen and write what you hear) 

* Practice Mirroring and Shadowing (listen to natives and repeat what they say as closely to what you hear as possible)

* PASSIVE LISTENING ALL THE WAY (Live as if you were in France and surround yourself by French when you are cooking, cleaning, at the gym etc )

For the speaking:

* Record yourself answering different questions

* Relisten (I know, it’s not the most pleasant)

* Re-record

* Post it on an app like Hello Talk or send it to your tutor to have the perspective of a native.

Write down your mistakes

Learning a language comes with making mistakes, that’s part of the game. It can be frustrating but accepting mistakes is essential to learn a language. 

When preparing an exam like the DELF B1, it’s key to keep track of your mistakes to avoid repeating them. 

Get a notebook that’s solely for your previous mistakes and review them once every week or so to keep the information fresh. You can also get my extensive vocabulary list (it comes in 5 colours!) that you can use in digital form or print it. 

Get The Most COMPLETE Vocabulary List for FREE

Ask for help. .

There is nothing wrong in asking for help. The DELF B1 is much more challenging than the A2 and it’s okay for you to feel like you can’t do it alone. 

Hire a tutor or teacher who has knowledge on the topic and will help you achieve your goal. 

You can book a trial class with me and get $10 off (meaning your trial class will be FREE!!! And you will get a discount off your 20-class-course). Or you can choose any another French tutor from Amazing Talker, the trial class is still on me!

As full-time teachers, we know the DELF B1 syllabus, its structure, and have access to resources that you probably don’t. Investing in a short course and passing the DELF on the first try will end up being cheaper than having to take it again, right? 😉

DELF B1 Common Topics

Do one topic at once but know which topics come back often. 

Divide your studies into those topics. Each week (depending on how long you have before), go through of the topics and practice writing, speaking, reading, and listening. Add a bit of grammar practice as well into that, and that’s your plan ready! No need to do anything else. 

Once you’ve gone through all the topics once, you can start reviewing by yourself or with a tutor.  You can also find a language partner or using great translation tools for self-study . 

If you read the  DELF B1 syllabus , you will see it is divided into various topics.

Common topics in the DELF B1 exam in recent years: 

* Technology and media (since 2020: remote work and digital nomadism are on the rise!)

* Climate Change and the Environmen t

* Your country vs France (French culture and yours, similarities and differences)

Keep It Simple.

This is my number one advice for any learn of any language: Keep it simple and correct rather than complex and wrong.

What I have noticed among many of my students is that they tend to use every grammar point, every linking word, and every complex vocabulary they have learned in one single sentence. There’s no point in doing so. B1 is still a lower-intermediate level. You are not asked to create complex sentences, especially if you don’t master them. FRENCH GRAMMAR IS HARD! Don’t bite off more than you can chew. Keep it simple.

In the writing part, always start with simple SVO sentences, and build it as you go by adding additional information. 

Let’s take an example. You want to talk about recent changes in your country. 

Start with a simple sentence: 

Add elements of frequency, time, and place. , 3. add any extra information. , 4. make it more precise and improve your vocabulary. , use past papers .

To prepare for the DELF B1 exam, it is important to take practice exams. Practice exams will give you an idea of the exam format and help you identify areas where you need to improve. You can find practice exams online or buy practice exam books . Here are the two books I use with my students who are preparing the exam. Of course, this goes after going through the individual topics, as stated in point 5. 

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  • The DELF Prim
  • DELF Prim A1.1
  • DELF Prim A1
  • DELF Prim A2
  • DELF junior version
  • DELF A1 junior version
  • DELF A2 junior version
  • DELF B1 junior version
  • DELF B2 junior version
  • DELF for schools
  • DELF A1 for schools
  • DELF A2 for schools
  • DELF B1 for schools
  • DELF B2 for schools
  • The DELF Pro
  • DELF Pro A1
  • DELF Pro A2
  • DELF Pro B1
  • DELF Pro B2
  • DILF DELF DALF sample papers
  • DELF sample papers
  • DALF sample papers
  • DELF Prim sample papers
  • DELF Junior version sample papers
  • DELF for schools sample papers
  • DELF Pro sample papers
  • DILF sample papers

Books to prepare for DELF B1

There are many preparation manuals for DELF B1. Below, we offer you a short and relevant selection of the best books to prepare for the DELF B1. Thus, we offer you three books to prepare for the DELF B1 exam. These manuals can be used by teachers as part of the facilitation of a DELF B1 preparation course or in addition to a French general course of level B1. They can also be studied independently by the candidates. These three books cover the four skills of the DELF B1 exam: listening, reading, writing and speaking. ​

The first two DELF B1 preparation manuals presented below are new editions (2021 edition). They have been updated to match the new exam format in effect since 2020. As a reminder, this new examination format has led to slight modifications for the listening and the writing tests (no change for the writing test, nor for the speaking test). Until 2023, the DELF B1 exams will be either in the old format or in the new format. Although not incorporating the changes to the new format, the last book presented below remains useful for preparing for the DELF B1.

DELF B1 100 % réussite - 2021 edition

This DELF B1 preparation manual takes into account the new exam format in force since 2020. It offers activities, tips and strategies for passing the DELF B1 exam. It also provides methodological sheets for memorizing the essentials: vocabulary, grammar, communication, etc. It also contains four mock exams for the DELF B1 in the new format. That is, four sample papers in the new format. It is available in paperback (paper format) with access to audio documents on the Internet via the link below:

DELF B1 100 % réussite - 2021 edition paperback

If you are living in the UK, please use the link below:

DELF B1 100 % réussite - 2021 edition paperback for UK

ABC DELF B1 - 2021 edition

ABC DELF B1 (2021 edition) is a manual that offers complete and efficient preparation for the DELF B2 tests. It allows you to prepare for the new exam format, but also for the old exam format. It offers 50 activities per skill, mock exams, reminders of essential grammar and lexicon points for DELF B1. It also offers a web app for training and assessing online. It is available in paperback (paper format) with mp3 audio CD via the link below:

ABC DELF B1 - 2021 edition paperback edition with audio CD

Réussir le DELF B1

Although a bit old, dating from 2010 and therefore based on the old exam format, “Réussir le DELF B1” is an interesting manual for preparing for the DELF B1. In this book, you will find a presentation of the tests, methodological advice and various activities to train for DELF B1. It also contains a mock exam. It is available in paperback (paper format) with audio CD via the link below: ​ ​

Réussir le DELF B1 paperback with audio CD

Réussir le DELF B1 paperback with audio CD for UK

  • Tiếng việt


  1. DELF B1 Practice Exam With Answers. How to Prepare for DELF B1| French

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  2. DELF B1 Production Orale Préparation

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  4. 380, Delf B1-B2 production orale épreuve 2021 c)

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  5. DELF B1 Production écrite

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  2. DELF B1 Lecon 2

  3. DELF B1

  4. DELF B1 comprehension ecrite DElf b1 #learnfrench #delfb1 #frenchreading #frenchforbeginners

  5. Französisch DELF B1. Production Orale, Teil 3, Monologue suivi. Einen Text präsentieren, Teil 1

  6. Exprimez votre point de vue


  1. DELF B1: Sample Papers with Answer Keys

    Click to find the papers with answer keys and audio clips. Practice exam 1. Practice exam 2. Practice exam 3. Practice exam 4. Practice exam 5. Disclaimer: DELF is officially administrated by France Éducation International (CIEP) and all the sample exams are properties belong to them.

  2. DELF B1 sample papers

    The PDF document below, is a second complete DELF B1 sample paper. It contains: DELF B1 sample papers 2. DELF B1 sample papers 2 audio document 3. DELF B1 sample papers 3. This third DELF B1 past exam papers still matches the old exam format but is more recent than the two sample papers presented above.

  3. Production écrite DELF B1 (writing): our advice to succeed!

    By November 26, 2017. Last updated on June 25th, 2023 at 02:52 pm. The writing part (or production écrite) corresponds to 25% of the DELF B1 total mark. You have 45 min to complete an assignment of about 180 words around general themes (essay, letter, article, etc.). You will be able to get practical information about where you ...

  4. DELF B1 : l'essai

    Préparez-vous aux nouvelles épreuves du DELF B1 en 4 étapes. Cette nouvelle édition comprend des activités, des conseils et des stratégies pour progresser avec des fiches méthodologiques pour mémoriser l'essentiel ainsi que 4 épreuves complètes. Accédez directement aux audios avec votre smartphone ou tablette. (📖 voir un extrait)

  5. Exemples de sujets

    Exemples de sujets - niveau B1. Deux formats des épreuves de compréhension de l'oral et des écrits du DELF sont diffusés dans les sessions officielles. Le nombre d'exercices et de questions, la longueur des documents et la forme des questions sont différents d'un format à l'autre. Aucun format n'avantage ni ne désavantage la ...

  6. DELF Exam Writing Section: Sample Tests And Examples

    Level B1 - Targets applicants who can interact and converse about broad subjects without too much difficulty and give an opinion. You will be asked to write a 160 word essay about everyday life with personal point of view: For instance, you are back from Canada. You were there on a business trip for a few weeks and stayed on a foster family.

  7. DELF B1: Preparation and Grammar Lists

    DELF B1 is the "intermediate" level of French. You should be able to communicate independently and express your thoughts in most situations, for example, workplace, school, travelling, negotiation, and discussion in general topics. ... You will write an essay, a letter, or a forum entry to express your opinions on general topics. The ...

  8. DELF B1 writing test

    The DELF B1 written production test lasts 45 minutes and is marked out of 25 points. The candidate will have to express a personal attitude on a general topic in the form of an essay, a letter, an article, an email, a contribution to an Internet forum, etc. Here is an example of subject and instructions for the written production of DELF B1 ...

  9. How to Ace The DELF B1 Writing Test

    Preparation Plan for DELF B1 Writing Test. Understand the Format: Know the specifics of each task type you'll encounter, such as writing emails, filling out forms, or crafting essays. Look at past exam papers to understand the expectations for each task and how they're scored. Practice, Practice, Practice: Write about the range of subjects ...

  10. DELF B1: French studies diploma level B1

    At level B1, the user becomes independent. He/she can maintain interaction: he/she can understand and maintain a discussion and give his/her opinion. He/she is capable of dealing with situations likely to arise in daily life. Please note that DELF B1 is required to obtain the French nationality. It is also necessary to validate some diplomas.

  11. DELF B1 free Preparation Resources and Sample Papers

    DELF B1 Exam Free preparation resources. Including free DELF B1 preparation guides for the 4 sections of DELF B1 exam: Comprehension Orale, Ecrite and Production Orale, Ecrite. french B1 vocabulary and grammar checklist. Check your comprehension with free DELF B1 practice exercise and mock DELF B1 mock exams. DELF A1.

  12. Delf B1

    DELF B1 corresponds to the lower intermediate level of the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages). DELF B1 is an official diploma offered by the French Ministry of Education. ... Past papers. model answers. Click to check out our Model Answers for the DELF B1 exam.

  13. How to get ready for the DELF B1 exam

    The DELF B1 will test you on the four language skills: reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Find out what you can expect and what you can do to prepare for this French proficiency test. Reading comprehension  45 minutes / 25 points You'll be given two texts, one of general interest, and the other related to a specific task, as well as some questions to test your comprehension. Tips ...

  14. DELF sample papers

    On this page, you can download DELF past exam papers for the four levels of the DELF. Therefore, you can discover sample papers for DELF A1, DELF A2, DELF B1 and DELF B2. . Download DELF sample papers. To get DELF sample papers, according to the level that interest you, you can follow the links below: DELF A1 sample papers.

  15. DELF B1 Practice Exam With Answers. How to Prepare for DELF B1| French

    🇫🇷 Preparing for the DELF B1 French Exam? This is a MUST-WATCH Video! 📝Are you gearing up for the DELF B1 French Exam? Look no further! In this comprehens...

  16. DELF B1: Practice Exam 5

    DELF B1 : Practice Exam 5. Click on the links below to download the .pdf and .MP3 files for practice exams, audio clips, audio transcripts, speaking exam topics, writing evaluation criteria, and answer keys. Disclaimer: DELF is officially administrated by France Éducation International (CIEP) and all the sample exams are properties belong to them.

  17. DELF B1 Exam

    Exam duration (not counting the oral) : 1 hour 55 minutes * Total mark out of 100 * Overall pass mark: 50/100 * Pass mark per test: 5/25. We can help you practise your DELF B1 French grammar to perfection - sign up for a free account to get your personalized study program based on your French level test. Listen to sample recordings for DELF B1 listening section to get an idea of the difficulty ...

  18. DELF B1 Exam

    The DELF allows its holders to attest to a mastery of French ranging from A1 (beginner) to B2 (advanced independent user). It is widely used by non-French speakers who wish to enhance their CV to join a French company, or pursue higher education in France. The DELF B1 - independent user "threshold" level - is necessary to obtain French ...

  19. DELF writing exam: how to prepare (DELF, DALF, TEF, TCF)

    The DELF writing exam and the oral presentation can seem like daunting tasks but with good preparation, you can succeed! There's one thing to keep in mind when you're taking a French test like DELF, DALF, TCF or TEF. You're evaluated both on the "mechanical" quality of your language (grammar, spelling, pronunciation) AND your ability ...

  20. Prepare for DELF B1 Exam: Proven Strategies to Success

    Réussir DELF B1 Book: The Réussir DELF B1 book is a dedicated resource designed specifically for success in the DELF B1 exam. This book likely provides comprehensive coverage of the exam content, including practice exercises, sample papers, and detailed explanations of grammar and vocabulary relevant to the B1 level.


    DELF B1 DOCUMENT RÉSERVÉ AU CANDIDAT - ÉPREUVES COLLECTIVES DELF B1 2 Vous êtes en vacances en France. Vous vous intéressez aux curiosités de la région. - Vous êtes libre vendredi après-midi de 14 h à 17 h. - Vous voulez dépenser 10 € au maximum. - Comme il pleut, vous ne voulez pas faire de visite à l'extérieur.

  22. 5 Tips and Tricks to Pass the DELF B1 (that actually work)

    Use past papers ; To prepare for the DELF B1 exam, it is important to take practice exams. Practice exams will give you an idea of the exam format and help you identify areas where you need to improve. You can find practice exams online or buy practice exam books. Here are the two books I use with my students who are preparing the exam.

  23. Books to prepare for DELF B1

    Until 2023, the DELF B1 exams will be either in the old format or in the new format. Although not incorporating the changes to the new format, the last book presented below remains useful for preparing for the DELF B1. DELF B1 100 % réussite - 2021 edition. This DELF B1 preparation manual takes into account the new exam format in force since 2020.