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213 Criminology Dissertation Ideas And Thesis Titles

criminology dissertation ideas

Finding criminology topics is not as easy as pulling out an essay idea from any website. It requires students to go the extra mile to investigate a particular problem and derive a professional topic. Does this give you chills already? Well, our expert UK writers have prepared a list that will earn you high grades. Make sure to pick one that will impress your stingy criminology professor to the core!

Criminology Topics: What Do They Entail?

Criminology focuses on examining crime from a social perspective with a close lens at the perpetrator of the crime, their motive, effects, and prevention. As you will note in the list of writing ideas below, criminology also studies human behaviour about crime.

Since criminologists go to the extent of looking at the social roots and impacts of a crime, they also s-encompass other fields of study such as philosophy and anthropology. The combination of all these methods leads to a precise determination of the root cause of criminal behaviour. They will therefore be able to determine effective and practical ways of preventing its occurrence in the future.

For you to have a top-rated criminology paper, ensure that you:

  • First, understand the task at hand
  • Collect relevant details to furnish your paper with
  • Outline your criminology paper
  • Structure your ideas into sections
  • Abide by the formatting requirements of your college or university
  • Maintain originality throughout your paper
  • Reference and cite your sources well

The result of this is a brilliant criminology paper that will earn you a spot on the top of your class leaderboard. Do you want to try out our sample criminology dissertation titles? Here is your unique opportunity now!

Top-Notch Criminology Dissertation Ideas

  • Why are the majority of crimes committed by the youths?
  • Reasons why men are more prone to commit crime than women
  • What to improve in the British criminology curriculum
  • Is it possible to develop a society without crime?
  • How does the environment motivate one towards criminal behaviour?
  • Evaluate the role of music in enhancing crime
  • Are the current laws on criminology effective enough?
  • Why do college and university students engage in cases of arson?
  • Predisposing factors behind the activities of serial killers
  • The role of guardians and societal leaders in preventing crime
  • Possible causes of rape and other indecent sexual behaviour
  • Discuss the relationship between crime and punishment in the past decade
  • Are criminology related laws implemented to the latter?
  • The role of specialized police units in preventing crime
  • Why the internet is a harbour for vigorous criminal activity
  • How to detect domestic violence before it occurs
  • Innovative ways of dealing with social disorders in a community
  • Why serial crimes always present a complex puzzle to solve for investigators

Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health

  • The role of trauma in forcing one to commit a crime
  • Evaluate the association between mental illness and crime
  • Possible mental disorders that make teenagers commit crimes
  • Using community-based treatment centres to help people with mental cases
  • A global perspective on the mental health of sexual offenders
  • How anxiety and depression may cause one to premeditate committing murder
  • Impact of detrimental mental health problems on a person’s conduct
  • The relationship between aggressive behaviour and mental disorders
  • Traumatic experiences that may trigger criminal activities
  • How the media impacts the mental health of a person in committing a crime
  • Ways of promoting a healthy mental state in a society
  • How phobias prevent or trigger people about crime
  • The role of a mental check-up in a criminal investigation
  • Can an illegal fake a mental disorder to evade punishment?
  • Importance of mental therapies for criminals charged with murder

Criminology And Psychology Dissertation Ideas

  • How attitudes and emotions compel people to criminal behaviour
  • Impact of domestic violence on a child’s aggressive behaviour
  • A psychological examination of people who start trouble every time
  • How race is a critical factor in the police’s judgment of criminal activity
  • The role of forensic psychology in criminal investigations
  • A psychological view of the gender-based violence against women
  • Psychological disorders as a result of divorce may lead to crime
  • How parenting styles affect a child’s behaviour: A case of poor parenting
  • Discuss criminal intent based on a psychological disorder
  • How drug abuse contributes to crime as a result of psychological dysfunction
  • How attitudes towards criminal justice shape people’s behaviours
  • Why most employers are reluctant to employ people with past criminal records
  • Discuss criminal psychology with communist states
  • Current trends and practices in crime related to psychology
  • Compare and contrast situation and premeditated child abuse

Custom Criminology Dissertation Topics

  • Do criminals get justice after being sentenced?
  • How to investigate a serial crime in a society
  • Techniques used in monitoring people with suspecting criminal behaviour
  • Evaluate the role of private detectives in solving societal crimes
  • How the neighbourhood topography relates to illegal activities
  • Best approaches to combating crimes committed by gangs
  • The part of the police in keeping society safe and peaceful
  • How the mental health of women relates to aggressive behaviour at a times
  • Predisposing factors behind human traffickers and children abductors
  • Should the government enact more laws to curb domestic violence?
  • The role of modern technologies in complicating criminal investigations
  • How schools can enhance good morals among students at a tender age
  • Do suspensions act as a cause for violence in the future among students?
  • How to deal with protests and violence in a school setting
  • How the use of force only serves to stir up crime

First-Class Dissertation Ideas For Criminology

  • Policing strategies that wage war against smuggling of goods
  • The role of the US-Mexican border in combating criminal activities
  • How marginalization leads to the discrimination of various people
  • An analysis of the genocides in the past decade: What caused them?
  • What motivates young men to join gangs and other criminal groups?
  • How does alcohol catalyze sexual assaults?
  • The relationship between crime and LGBT groups
  • The implication of racial profiling in causing criminal activities
  • A critical review of how the US government responds to mass shootings
  • Gun ownership policies that will make America safe
  • The role of corruption in facilitating illegal underground activity
  • How the economic state of a country can lead to crime
  • Discuss the relationship between oil and civic disorder
  • Historical factors that have necessitated crime in the 21 st century
  • The contribution of propaganda and Yellow Journalism to crime

Criminology Dissertation Ideas On Terrorism

  • Evaluate the response of the US forces towards terrorist activities
  • Implications of the 9/11 attack on the safety of airlines
  • Discuss the relationship between radicalization and terrorism
  • Ways in which ISIS lures young men into joining them
  • How technology has helped advance terrorist activities in the country
  • Assess the impact of terrorism on religious profiling of people
  • Why terrorist activities are most prevalent in urban centres
  • How terrorists instil fear on their victims
  • Has the coronavirus slowed down terrorist activities?
  • Exploring the role of attitude in fueling terrorist activities towards certain countries
  • Reasons why the media can serve as a super-spreader of fear during terrorist attacks
  • Ways of detecting terrorist plans before they come of age
  • Significant strides made in the war against terrorism in Africa
  • The role of intelligence services in combating terrorism
  • A critical analysis of the bombings on the US embassies in Kenya and Tanzania

Criminology Dissertation Ideas About Drugs

  • The role of drug rehabilitation centres in reducing criminal activities
  • A critical evaluation of heroin and cocaine users
  • The impact of legalizing marijuana on criminal behaviour
  • Is there a thin line between drug abuse and violence?
  • How to curb drug and substance abuse among college students
  • The role of the media in sensitizing society against the adverse effects of drugs
  • How the doping technology can help curb drug and substance abuse
  • How drug abuse is a stepping stone to high crime rates in developing nations
  • Explore the different types of crimes resulting from drug abuse
  • What are the possible ways of eradicating corruption caused by criminal behaviour?
  • Why it is difficult for drug addicts to go for guiding and counselling
  • Impacts of excessive drug abuse on one’s mental state
  • Why most gangs are associated with drug and substance abuse
  • Post-traumatic drug disorders that lead to criminal activities
  • Most commonly abused drugs by teens in the United Kingdom

The Best Criminology Dissertation Ideas UK

  • Government policies that are curtailing the spread of criminal behaviour
  • How the UK government is dealing with criminals of any kind
  • Are the court systems in the UK doing enough to curb crime?
  • Describe the application of the social learning theory in reducing crime
  • How a criminal investigator develops a perspective on a particular crime
  • How developed economies are handling corruption-related cases
  • The standards of correctional facilities in the United Kingdom and their effectiveness
  • An investigation of the legal policies against crime in Britain
  • Compare and contrast criminal activity in UK suburbs and those of America
  • A critical review of past illegal activity in Britain over the last five years
  • Perceptions and attitudes towards UK criminal investigators
  • How antisocial behaviour relates to illegal activities
  • Are introverts more prone to crime than extroverts?
  • A study of the UK media and its implication on crime
  • How criminal investigative exposes have led to the arrest of various criminals

Criminology Dissertation Ideas On Domestic Violence

  • Multiple forms of domestic violence in the 21 st century: A case of sexual and verbal abuse
  • Acts that lead to psychological intimidation in domestic violence
  • Economic impacts of domestic violence
  • Does the word ‘abuse’ downplay the severity of domestic violence acts?
  • Are domestic violence acts ‘terroristic’ in nature?
  • Social structures that reinforce the suppression of women
  • The growing cases of male abuse in the recent days
  • An analysis of the various aspects of domestic violence
  • The role of writers in speaking out against domestic violence
  • How to look out for warning signs in the case of domestic violence
  • Do victims of domestic violence find a safe place to talk without judgment?
  • Discuss the implications of the Domestic Abuse Bill in the UK
  • How to address the needs of survivors and their families
  • The role of society in holding perpetrators of domestic violence accountable
  • The role of grants and government funding in supporting anti-domestic violence movements

Criminology Dissertation Ideas About Prisons

  • Do prisons deny inmates their human rights?
  • Investigate reports of sexual abuse in prisons
  • Why murderers should not be in one prison facility with other offenders
  • Are prisons breeding grounds for criminal activity?
  • Compare and contrast crime in female and male prisons
  • The role of prison wardens in shaping the conduct of prisoners
  • Should all offenders be kept in one prison irrespective of their crimes?
  • Is denying prisoners visitations a catalyst for their aggressive behaviour?
  • The role of society in helping criminals change
  • How prison wardens contribute to crime in prisons
  • Should all correctional facilities be outside significant cities?
  • Should convicts of life sentences stay with those of shorter sentences?
  • An analysis of cases of convicts killed in prisons
  • What should determine the suitability of an officer as a prison warden?
  • How should inmates relate with the prison wardens?

Forensic Psychology Dissertation Ideas

  • Technological advances in forensic psychology and its impacts
  • The procedure of investigating a crime using forensic psychology
  • Compare and contrast the use of forensic psychology on men versus women
  • Different approaches to forensic psychology in criminology
  • Do we have enough forensic psychologists?
  • How does genetics affect forensic psychology?
  • Factors affecting eyewitness identification performance
  • A study on male victims of partner violence
  • Investigate the jury decision-making process based on forensic psychology
  • A study of knowledge and attitudes towards conduct disorder
  • How race affects psychotherapeutic performance
  • Examine the association between psychosis and being a migrant
  • Using a measurement scale to assess psychopathic personality traits
  • How personality functioning may predict a person’s engagement in cyberstalking
  • The collateral consequences of money bail

Latest Knife Crime Dissertation Titles

  • What happens when the police become criminals?
  • The impact of cybercrime on international peace and security
  • Unearthing the underworld of hardcore teenage crimes
  • How some police office rob banks and participate in serious crimes
  • Dealing with drug trafficking in the technological era
  • A comparative analysis of European law enforcement agencies
  • Using children as witnesses in a criminal case: Is it ethical?
  • Discuss the role of psychological intervention for criminals
  • Analyze the rise of militia uprisings
  • Impact of political tensions on criminal activities
  • How the media stereotypes young people as criminals
  • Social insecurity and brutality
  • Impact of forced labour on correcting detainees: Does it help?
  • Does the media exaggerate terrorism activities?
  • Cultural values that can shape the morals of a society

Additional Terrorism Dissertation Ideas

  • Is white supremacy terrorism?
  • How domestic terrorism has risen in the US over the past few months
  • The role of the UN Mission in keeping terrorists at bay
  • How to cut off funding for terrorist activities
  • How terrorism has become a threat to human existence
  • How to prevent young men from joining terrorist groups
  • Why terrorists take hostages and threaten to detonate bombs
  • Psychological implications of terrorism activities
  • Can someone who has been a terrorist fit into society again?
  • Discuss the breeding of local terrorism in countries
  • Counter-terrorism measures that work
  • The role of surveillance in countering terrorism activities
  • How terrorism creeps into conflict zones
  • How the rule of law can help eliminate terrorism
  • How to empower minors against terrorism
  • The role of community anti-terrorism awareness programs
  • How terrorists cause insubordination and waywardness

Criminal Law EPQ Questions

  • Proactive policing
  • Pretext stops and charter remedies
  • Working with virtual legal assistants
  • The part of the sedition law
  • Analyze the right to protest
  • Is life imprisonment a myth?
  • State’s role in regulating crimes against women
  • Appeal to the death sentence
  • Laws about custody and maintenance of minors
  • Are Promissory notes and Bills of Exchange the same?
  • What is the difference between fatal and non-fatal offences?
  • Are ideas protected under copyright?
  • What is a crime of passion?

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  • Northeastern University
  • College of Social Sciences and Humanities
  • School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice Theses and Dissertations
  • Criminology and Criminal Justice Dissertations

Criminology and Criminal Justice Dissertations Collection


Affording a meaningful opportunity of release: legal representation of juvenile lifers.

Assessing deterrence in the FBI's Safe Streets gang initiative: a social network approach.

Autistic and at-risk: the public and personal safety of children with autism spectrum disorders.

Background justice: the political context of adolescent legal socialization.

Bureaucracy and law: a study of Chinese criminal courts and social media.

Clearances, cameras, and community violence: police outcomes in an organizational and community context.

College students and the illicit use of prescription drugs: a test of general strain theory.

A comparison of the individual-, county-, and state-level correlates of homicide and mass murder

A comprehensive framework for understanding the contextual, structural, and cultural predictors of police officers' perceptions of organizational justice

Contextualizing the political economy of juvenile court decision-making

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222 Criminal Justice Thesis Topics To Make You Shine

Criminal Justice Thesis Topics

What is criminal justice? Criminal justice deals with delivering justice to people who have committed crimes. The field entails a series of institutions and government agencies that co-work to bring illegal activities to book. Some of the purposes of a criminal justice thesis paper include:

  • Facilitating the rehabilitation of offenders
  • Ensuring that similar crimes do not occur again
  • Providing moral support for victims

Such papers are critical, and this one has to take a professional approach, especially when writing criminal justice paper topics.

How To Write Criminal Justice Thesis Papers

Students in college and university taking criminal justice as a major are supposed to equip themselves with various writing techniques. For instance, there are times when one has to employ the methods used by a lawyer in presenting a case.

Since this is a cross-disciplinary field, you will have to formulate your arguments in a defensible thesis with evidence to support them. The criminal justice thesis statement should be:

Concise, Easy to understand, and Backed up by evidence and research.

You can choose to present the evidence either in qualitative or quantitative data. The former is expressed in texts, observations, and interviews, while the latter is in the form of numbers drawn from statistics.

For a quality criminal justice paper, use these expert writing tips:

  • Use the APA style guide in formatting your paper
  • Present your arguments in a clear language
  • Do not stuff up too many pieces of evidence in one paragraph
  • Avoid using personal opinions when defending a particular argument

With that, let us now look at some of the most brilliant thesis topics for criminal justice:

Criminal Justice Senior Thesis Topics

  • Discuss the history and development of the criminal justice system
  • How the rate of crime varies with different age brackets
  • The impact of aggression in compelling one to commit a crime
  • Why illegal immigrants are primarily associated with crime
  • The role of education level in contributing to crime
  • How does unemployment cause crime in society?
  • Why are teenagers the majority of victims violating the law?
  • The relationship between gender and criminal activity
  • The role of firearms in advancing illegal activities
  • How policies and government laws can lead to crime
  • The role of the media in promoting crime
  • Why is it challenging to manage crime in a society where the rule of law is obscure?
  • The role of political campaigns and elections in contributing to crime
  • Factors that led to the attack at the US Capitol
  • Why drug and substance abuse is a leading cause of crime
  • Programs that can help alleviate crime in any given society

General Criminal Justice Thesis Ideas

  • Contribution of the study of criminology to the society
  • How the study of criminology leads to the formulation of public policies
  • The role of parents in preventing crimes
  • How the education system has helped prevent crime
  • The role of social media in planning and funding criminal behaviour
  • How criminal gangs recruit members
  • The implication of coronavirus on increased criminal behaviour
  • How corrupt leaders can stir up criminal behaviour among citizens
  • Why you should know your neighbours and what they do
  • The role of biometric and facial recognition systems in curbing crime
  • The effectiveness of the police in reducing crime
  • Are penalties related to crimeless punitive?
  • What is the implication of representing a serial killer in a criminal case?
  • How to sensitize society on what constitutes criminal behaviour
  • The impact of racism on criminal behaviour
  • How bullying can be a cause of criminal behaviour in the future

Hot Criminal Justice Research Topics

  • The role of forgeries and fake documents in advancing crime
  • How corrupt police officers are creeping crime
  • Ways of dealing with criminal behaviour at the grassroots level
  • The role of the International Criminal Court in curbing crime
  • Why social media is a significant fuel for crime
  • The role of hate speech in advancing criminal activities
  • How the family background of a person can lead him/her to crime
  • Why students in college are at risk of joining gangs
  • Latest ways in which criminals are smuggling goods into the country
  • The impact of being labelled as a criminal on one’s reputation
  • Is it possible for a criminal to genuinely transform while in prison?
  • Religious ways of preventing crime in communities
  • Why it is necessary to be careful when walking at night
  • The role of the FBI in dismantling criminal groups
  • How school dropouts get into illegal activity
  • The part of peer pressure in leading one to commit a crime

Tip-Top Criminological Research Topics

  • The role of mental health in any criminal behaviour
  • How protests and demonstrations amount to illegal activities
  • The implication of religious beliefs on committing a crime
  • How social class is a critical player in the crime
  • Does weather facilitate criminal behaviour in any way?
  • Does cheating in exams amount to criminal behaviour?
  • Ways of detecting and curtailing criminal activity before it happens
  • How terrorism is facilitating crime in developing nations
  • What amounts to an environmental crime?
  • The implication of prejudice in violence
  • Methods of deception used by human traffickers
  • Forms of identity theft in America
  • Causes and effects of juvenile delinquency
  • How to curb criminal activities related to gambling
  • Is prostitution contributing to crime in societies?
  • Effective ways of prosecuting and punishing rape criminals

Criminology Research Paper Topics On Discrimination

  • How racial profiling leads to crime
  • Are our court systems becoming discriminatory based on race and social class?
  • The impact of systematic bias on criminal justice
  • How targeting minority groups leads to crime
  • The impact of ethnic backgrounds on criminal activities
  • Why the government should implement policies against gender discrimination
  • The role of social movements in preventing discrimination
  • How to deal with people who incite racial discrimination
  • Ways of managing stereotypes as portrayed by the media
  • The role of the clergy in breaking class-based social violence
  • How discriminatory crime affects families
  • The impact of discrimination on the performance of students
  • The effects of corporate crime on the minor businesses
  • How influential people in government contribute to crime
  • Ways of dealing with hate crime and its implication on justice
  • Effective crime preventions programs against marginalized communities

Criminal Law Research Topics

  • The role of corrupt judges in enhancing crime
  • Why tampering with evidence is facilitating the advancement of more criminal activities.
  • How to manage cases of premeditated murder
  • Should court systems use more punitive measures for punishing murderers?
  • How does society view lawyers who defend murderers?
  • Are there loopholes in criminal law that are advancing criminal behaviour?
  • In what ways is the justice system perverted?
  • Discuss the essence of studying criminal law
  • The role of the jury in delivering just sentences to guilty criminals
  • What is the implication of the presidential pardon on criminals?
  • How to protect the privacy of inmates
  • Do convicts on death have rights as any other human being?
  • How technology is advancing the practice of criminal law
  • Compare and contrast the number of men and women pursuing criminal law in the United States
  • What are some of the cultural impediments to the rule of criminal law?
  • The implication of fines and bonds on criminals with money

Criminal Justice Research Questions

  • How does street lighting helps reduce the crime rate?
  • Can security agencies use technology to prevent terrorism?
  • Discuss illegal research techniques in genetics and their dangers
  • What is the impact of smartphones on crime rates?
  • How does the National Guard help in reducing crime?
  • What is the role of psychometric examinations in criminology?
  • Does the court system take too long to administer justice?
  • Is arbitration applicable in the case of a murder charge?
  • What are the fundamental principles of crime prevention?
  • The role of mass media during chaotic elections
  • Is it to keep a registry of sexual offenders?
  • What can institutions do to prevent cases of sexual assault?
  • What is the motive of a ransom in a kidnapping case?
  • When do felony disenfranchisement laws apply?
  • What is the role of forensic science in modern criminology?
  • Discuss the association between substance abuse and crime?

Expert Criminal Law Topics For Research Paper

  • Effects of forging contracts in a work setting
  • Should presidents face criminal proceedings during their tenure?
  • The implication of the president’s immunity to international crimes
  • How can the courts ensure a fair trial for all accused persons?
  • How long should attorneys take to prepare a defence?
  • Implications for substantial injustice for any criminal case
  • Effects of giving self-incriminating evidence
  • How to deal with a crime under the international law
  • Should prosecutors obtain evidence in a manner that violates a person’s rights?
  • The place of torture in obtaining information from a suspect
  • What is the effectiveness of a petition in a murder case?
  • The role of the press in criminal proceedings
  • Discuss the rights and welfare of victims of criminal offences
  • How ballistic experts differentiate between an accidental and intentional shooting
  • The role of the state in upholding law and order
  • How lawyers defend their clients: Is it unethical at times?

Law Enforcement Research Paper Topics

  • Is how police handle suspects justified?
  • Weigh in on the ongoing police brutality claims on a racial basis
  • The role of law enforcers in sensitizing people on peace
  • Why it is necessary to have police stations in every community
  • Causes of corruption and crime among some law enforcers
  • Evaluate the response of law enforcers during the attack at the US Capitol
  • Assess how male and female police officers handle crime
  • What is the effect of police patrols on crime rates?
  • How police involvement with criminal groups fuels up crime
  • Police technologies used to detect and counter crime
  • What improvements should the police have to handle crime effectively?
  • Compare and contrast law enforcement strategies used in the UK and US
  • Comment on the use of biometric data in tracing criminals
  • How effective are informers in assisting the police to curb crime?
  • Evaluate how different law enforcement agencies handle crime
  • How digital footprints have helped law enforcers to arrest criminals

Criminal Justice Research Proposal Topics

  • The role of community policing in preventing crime
  • Does the length of criminal trials affect their outcome?
  • Should courts punish crimes committed on a religious basis?
  • What are some of the challenges to implementing stringent prosecution laws?
  • Does infringement of copyright laws amount to criminal behaviour?
  • Should journalists take photos of suspects on trial and publish them?
  • Assess the different classes of crime systems
  • How to deal with cyber-stalking in the case of couples
  • Discuss the effectiveness of courts dealing with drug-related cases
  • Analyzing the implication of mandatory sentencing
  • What happens in the case of a wrongful conviction in a criminal case?
  • What motivates people to commit crimes?
  • Discuss the psychology behind aggressive criminal behaviour
  • Compare and contrast between murder and homicide
  • Evaluate the different classes of criminal offenders

Criminal Investigation Research Paper Topics

  • Discuss the process of beginning a criminal investigation
  • Interrogation methods that are involved in criminal investigations
  • How does investigative journalism complement criminal investigations?
  • How crime-related movies have created a perception in people’s minds
  • The role of criminal investigations in delivering sentences
  • How technology has made criminal investigations more effective
  • The difference in investigating between civil and criminal cases
  • Discuss the unethical sides of criminal investigations
  • The role of information sharing technologies in criminal investigations
  • Why murder cases take too long to be solved
  • Secretive methods of conducting criminal investigations
  • Discuss the relationship between criminal investigations and the evidence presented in court
  • Why most detectives do not have a specific regalia
  • The implication of conducting criminal investigations in the face of the coronavirus
  • How to handle inquiries for cases beyond a country’s border

Criminal Justice Research Topics For College Students

  • The impact of TV series on crime rates
  • How different countries handle criminal cases
  • Discuss the impact of witness interference in a criminal case
  • How court systems contribute to crime
  • Are the witness protection policies effective enough?
  • The role of CCTVs in promoting justice in criminal cases
  • The impact of criminal courts on advancing good morals in a society
  • Discuss the truth in the statement ‘justice delayed is not justice denied.’
  • Importance of studying criminal justice in the 21 st century
  • Discuss the role of fingerprints in a criminal investigation
  • Should criminal cases be completed in less than a week?
  • What happens when a president commits a national crime during his tenure?
  • How the Director of Public Prosecutions can help in combating corruption
  • The responsibility of court officers in protecting the suspects
  • Do criminal cases caught on camera need any further investigations?
  • How should a state deal with foreigners who are guilty of criminal offences in their country?

Other Criminal Justice Dissertation Topics

  • Areas of the prevalence of wildlife crimes
  • How to deal with cases of shoplifting
  • Evaluate methods used by online predators to lure children
  • Why exposing your location details on social media may be dangerous for you
  • Should parents answer to suicide cases involving their children?
  • Discuss why parents should not leave their children alone at home
  • The role of police hotline numbers in combating crime
  • The impact of living in neighbourhoods known for criminal activity
  • How we can use religion to prevent crime
  • How one can anonymously report a criminal activity
  • Impact of hacking technologies on people’s privacy
  • Latest innovations in tracking criminal behaviour
  • Why investigations concerning a prominent person take too long to complete
  • Who is liable to pay damages in case of a mishap in a criminal case?
  • How to follow the rule of law in any criminal proceeding
  • How to know if you are being trailed at night by criminals

Research Methods In Criminal Justice Topics

  • Use of questionnaires
  • Real-time survey systems in criminal justice
  • Effectiveness of one on one interviews
  • Field research in criminology
  • Observation as a criminology research method
  • How participant observation works
  • Impact of ethnography
  • Use of case study in investigating crime
  • Experiments in criminology
  • Second data analysis methods
  • Deliberate manipulation of social customs
  • Analysis of government data
  • Research of historical documents
  • Studies using the Delphi method
  • Conclusive research methods for criminal justice
  • Descriptive research methods

Your top-rated criminal justice is just a step away from A+ grades with our expert thesis titles. Use our high-tech thesis writing services to improve your paper today!

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Criminology Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2024 2024.

Sociocultural Factors, Definitions, and Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Among Latina and Hispanic Women , Vanessa Centelles

Theses/Dissertations from 2023 2023

Efficacy of Online Social Movements for Sparking Change: The Case of the Missing Murdered and Indigenous Women Movement (#MMIW) , Kacy A. Bleeker

An Examination of Racial Disparities in Arrest Across Florida Counties, 1998-2018: A Test of the Racial Threat and Political Representation Hypotheses , Xavier D. Burch

The Invisible Victims of Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Boys and Their Barriers to Access to Services , Amanda L. Connella

Damned & Damned: Examining Vexatious Litigation and the Vexatious Litigant Statute in Florida Courts , Sarah L. Harper

The Contributions of Mental Health Issues, Traumatic Brain Injury, and Adverse Childhood Experiences to Recidivism Among Rural Jail Incarcerees , Lauren N. Miley

Employing Individuals with a Criminal Record: How Prior Experience and Belief in Redeemability Impact Hiring Decisions , Kiera O'Connor

Assessing the Relationship Between True Crime Documentary and Podcast Consumption, Fear of Crime, and Protective Behaviors , Lauren A. Tremblay

Police Officers’ Perceptions of Gunshot Detection Technology , Courtney L. Weber

Theses/Dissertations from 2022 2022

A Macro Social Examination of the Relationship Between Disabilities and Crime Using Neighborhood and County Level Data , Natasha A. Baloch

Integrating Psychopathy into Prominent Developmental/Life-Course Theories , Eva M. Fontaine

Racial Differences in Perceptions of Sanction Severity , Sarah L. Franklin

Juvenile Homicide Offenders: A Life-Course Perspective , Norair Khachatryan

Testing the Protest Paradigm and Racial Threat: Analyzing Articles of BLM Protests in 2014 and 2020 , Rebecca Angela Ruiz

Exploring the Effectiveness of a Life-Skills Program in a Florida Prison Through a Social Bond and General Strain Theory Perspective , Danielle M. Thomas

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

Clean Water for All: Examining Safe Drinking Water Act Violations of Water Systems and Community Characteristics , Junghwan Bae

Morality and Offender Decision-Making: Testing the Empirical Relationship and Examining Methodological Implications , Jacquelyn Burckley

The Ring of Gyges 2.0: How Anonymity Providing Behaviors Affect Willingness to Participate in Online Deviance , Cassandra E. Dodge

A Macro Analysis of Illegal Hunting and Fishing Across Texas Counties: Using an Economic Structural Approach , Leo J. Genco Jr.

Self-Protection in Cyberspace: Assessing the Processual Relationship Between Thoughtfully Reflective Decision Making, Protection Motivation Theory, Cyber Hygiene, and Victimization , C. Jordan Howell

Racial Threat Theory: A Test of the Economic Threat Hypothesis , Carl L. Reeds

Online Perceptions of Panamanian Prisons and Incarcerated persons: An analysis of YouTube user comments , Mahaleth J. Sotelo

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Toxic Colonialism and Green Victimization of Native Americans: An Examination of the Genocidal Impacts of Uranium Mining , Averi R. Fegadel

Cross-National Incarceration Rates as Behavior of Law , Christopher J. Marier

The Effects of Perceived Motivations and Mental Distress on the Likelihood of Reporting and Engaging in Self-Protective Measures Among Victims of Stalking , Daniela Oramas Mora

Mental Health and In-Prison Experiences: Examining Socioeconomic and Sex Differences in the Effect of Mental Illness on Institutional Misconduct and Disciplinary Segregation , Rachel E. Severson

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

Dating Application Facilitated Victimization: An Examination of Lifestyle-Routine Activities, Self-Control, and Self-Efficacy , Vanessa Centelles

Social Constructionism and Cultivation Theory in Development of the Juvenile “Super-Predator” , Elizabeth R. Jackson-Cruz

Bystander Intervention, Victimization, and Routine Activities Theory: An Examination of Feminist Routine Activities Theory in Cyber Space , Jennifer A. Leili

Sexual Assault and Robbery Disclosure: An Examination of Black’s Theory of the Behavior of Law , Caitlyn N. Muniz

Mass Shootings and Gun Sales: A Study on the Influence of Red and Blue Power , Maria Jose Rozo Osuna

A Multi-dimensional Macrolevel Study of Drug Enforcement Strategies, Heroin Prices, and Heroin Consumption Rates , Alexander G. Toth

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

The Impact of a Religious/Spiritual Turning Point on Desistance: A Lifecourse Assessment of Racial/Ethnic Differences , Rhissa Briones Robinson

Political Decisions on Police Expenditures: Examining the Potential Relationship Between Political Structure, Police Expenditures and the Volume of Crime Across US States , Xavier D. Burch

Identifying the Personal and Perceived Organizational Characteristics Associated with Job Satisfaction Among Juvenile Probation Staff , Julie M. Krupa

The Role of Organizational Justice in Predicting Attitudes Toward Body-Worn Cameras in Police Officers , Nathaniel L. Lawshe

Yet Another Ferguson Effect: An Exploratory Content Analysis of News Stories on Police Brutality and Deadly Force Before and After the Killing of Michael Brown , Carl Root

The Role of Race/Ethnicity and Risk Assessment on Juvenile Case Outcomes , Tayler N. Shreve

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Intimate Partner Violence and the Capacity and Desire for Self-Control , Krista Taralynne Brewer

School Shootings in the United States from 1997 to 2012: A Content Analysis of Media Coverage , Victoria N. Iannuzzi

Chronic Runaway Youth: A Gender-Based Analysis , Michelle N. Jeanis

A Test of Wikström’s Situational Action Theory Using Self-Report Data on Intimate Partner Violence , Lauren Nicole Miley

An Exploratory Study of Macro-Social Correlates of Online Property Crime , Hyojong Song

Female Incarceration and Prison Social Order: An Examination of Gender Differences in Prison Misconduct and In-Prison Punishments , Elisa L. Toman

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Their Role as Mitigators for Youthful and Non-Youthful Offenders in Capital Sentencing Cases , Jessica R. Trapassi

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Disinhibition, Violence Exposure, and Delinquency: A Test of How Self-Control Affects the Impact of Exposure to Violence , Wyatt Brown

The Guilty But Mentally Ill Verdict: Assessing the Impact of Informing Jurors of Verdict Consequences , Erin Elizabeth Cotrone

The Relationship between Psychopathic Personality Traits and Lying , Jason A. Dobrow

Delving into the Heart of Victimization Risk: Examining the Interactive Relationship between Demographic Factors and Context , Amy Sheena Eggers

A Power Conflict Approach to Animal Cruelty: Examining How Economic Power Influences the Creation of Animal Cruelty Laws , Leonard J. Genco

The Role of Gender in Self-Control and Intimate Partner Violence , Laura Marie Gulledge

The Restrictive Deterrent Effect of Warning Banners in a Compromised Computer System , Christian Jordan-Michael Howell

Tactics of Sexual Control and Negative Health Outcomes , Anna Elizabeth Kleppe

The Applicability of Criminology to Terrorism Studies: An Exploratory Study of ISIS Supporters in the United States , Amanda Marie Sharp Parker

The Path to Violent Behavior: The Harmful Aftermath of Childhood Trauma , Nicholas Michael Perez

The Effects of Racial Bias on Perceptions of Intimate Partner Violence Scenarios , Batya Yisraela Rubenstein

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Reel or Reality? The Portrayal of Prostitution in Major Motion Pictures , Raleigh Blasdell

Psychopathy and Perception of Vulnerability , Barbara Joyce Dinkins

Effect of Empathy on Death Penalty Support in Relation to the Racial Divide and Gender Gap , Brian Godcharles

Exploring the Interactive Effects of Social Learning Theory and Psychopathy on Serious Juvenile Delinquency , Brandy Barenna Henderson

Tampa Electric Company's Big Bend Utility Plant in Hillsborough County, Florida: A Case Study , Lynne M. Hodalski-Champagne

Thirty Year Follow-Up of Juvenile Homicide Offenders , Norair Khachatryan

Organized Crime in Insurance Fraud: An Empirical Analysis of Staged Automobile Accident Rings , Chris Longino

The Role of Social Support in the Disclosure and Recovery Process of Rape Victims , Jessica Nicole Mitchell

Evaluating the Social Control of Banking Crimes: An Examination of Anti-Money Laundering Deficiencies and Industry Success , Erin M. Mulligan

Elite Deviance, Organized Crime, and Homicide: A Cross-National Quantitative Analysis , Carol L.s. Trent

An Evaluation of the Utah First District Mental Health Court: Gauging the Efficacy of Diverting Offenders Suffering With Serious Mental Illness , Stephen Guy VanGeem

Rape, Race, and Capital Punishment in North Carolina: A Qualitative Approach to Examining an Enduring Cultural Legacy , Douglas Wholl

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Tattoo: A Mark of Subversion, Deviance, or Mainstream Self-Expression? , Jocelyn Camacho

Juvenile and Adult Involvement in Double Parricide and Familicide in the U.S.: An Empirical Analysis of 20 Years of Data , Averi Rebekah Fegadel

Predicting Successful Drug Court Graduation: Exploring Demographic and Psychosocial Factors among Medication-Assisted Drug Court Treatment Clients , Autumn Michelle Frei

Experimentally Evaluating Statistical Patterns of Offending Typology For Burglary: A Replication Study , Lance Edwin Gilmore

Developmental Trajectories of Physical Aggression and Nonaggressive Rule-Breaking among At-risk Males and Females during Late Childhood and Early Adolescence , Eugena Givens

Predicting Fear of Crime using a Multilevel and Multi-Model Approach: A Study in Hillsborough County , Jonathan Maskaly

Public Knowledge and Sentiments about Elite Deviance , Cedric Michel

The Influence of Community Context on Social Control: A Multi-Level Examination of the Relationship between Race/Ethnicity, Drug Offending, and Juvenile Court Outcomes , Jennifer Peck

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

Assessing the Relationship Between Hotspots of Lead and Hotspots of Crime , Kimberly L. Barrett

A Life-Course Approach to Sexual Offending: Examining the Continuity of Juvenile Sexual Offending into Adulthood and Subsequent Patterns of Recidivism , Maude Beaudry-Cyr

Examining the link between self-control and misconduct in a multi-agency sample of police supervisors: A test of two theories , Christopher Matthew Donner

The Impact of Hyperfemininity on Explicit and Implicit Blame Assignment and Police Reporting of Alcohol Facilitated Rape in a Sample of College Women , Sarah Ehlke

Rurality and Intimate Partner Homicide: Exploring the Relationship between Place, Social Structure, and Femicide in North Carolina , Amelia Kirkland

Self-Control, Attitudinal Beliefs, and White-Collar Crime Intentions , Melissa Anne Lugo

Zero Tolerance for Marginal Populations: Examining Neoliberal Social Controls in American Schools , Brian Gregory Sellers

State-Corporate Crime in the Democratic Republic of Congo , Veronica Jane Winters

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

The Walls Are Closing In: Comparing Property Crime Victimization Risk In Gated And Non-Gated Communities , Nicholas Branic

What Propels Sexual Homicide Offenders? Testing an Integrated Theory of Social Learning and Routine Activities Theories , Heng Choon Chan

A Deadly Way of Doing Business: A Case Study of Corporate Crime in the Coal Mining Industry , Charles Nickolas Stickeler

Deconstructing the "Power and Control Motive": Developing and Assessing the Measurability of Internal Power , Shelly Marie Wagers

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

Assessing racial differences in offending trajectories: A life-course view of the race-crime relationship , Michael S. Caudy

Mental Health Courts Effectiveness in Reducing Recidivism and Improving Clinical Outcomes: A Meta-Analysis , Brittany Cross

General Strain Theory and Juvenile Delinquency: A Cross-Cultural Study , Wen-Hsu Lin

General Strain Theory, Race, and Delinquency , Jennifer Peck

Developmental Trajectories of Self-Control: Assessing the Stability Hypothesis , James Vance Ray

Explaining the "Female Victim Effect" in Capital Sentencing Decisions: A Case for Sex-Specific Models of Capital Sentencing Research , Tara N. Richards

A Multilevel Model of Police Corruption: Anomie, Decoupling, and Moral Disengagement , Ruth Zschoche

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

The Emotional Guardianship of Foreign-Born and Native-Born Hispanic Youth and Its Effect on Violent Victimization , Amy Sheena Eggers

The Influence of Narcissism and Self-Control on Reactive Aggression , Melissa L. Harrison

Is There an "Innocent Female Victim" Effect in Capital Punishment Sentencing? , Amelia Lane Kirkland

An Analysis of the Influence of Sampling Methods on Estimation of Drug Use Prevalence and Patterns Among Arrestees in the United States: Implications for Research and Policy , Janine Kremling

A Pathway to Child Sex Trafficking in Prostitution: The Impact of Strain and Risk-Inflating Responses , Joan A. Reid

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Criminology Dissertation Topics: 20+ Examples for Inspiration

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by  Antony W

June 28, 2024

Criminology Dissertation Topics

Criminology is field that focuses on investigating crimes from a societal viewpoint, with an emphasis on offenders, their motivation, consequences, and prevention. Also, the subject examines human behavior in relation to crime.

Since criminologists investigate the societal foundations and consequences of crime, they also incorporate other subjects such as philosophy and anthropology .

When all of these fields of studies are used, a precise diagnosis of the underlying reason for criminal behavior is likely. Criminologists will then be able to develop effective and realistic strategies for averting criminal activities.

This post includes a list of the best criminology dissertation topics, which are ideas you can improve and investigate further in your assignment. Also, if you need help to work on this type of dissertation, especially if you’re already running out of time, you can get our dissertation writing help here.

Criminology Dissertation Topics Examples

The following is a list of some of the best criminology dissertation topics that you might consider exploring in your writing:

Criminology Dissertation Ideas Mental Health

  • The effect of harmful mental health disorders on an individual’s behavior
  • The role of a psychological examination in a criminal investigation
  • How the media affects a person’s mental health when they commit a crime
  • Utilizing community-based treatment centers to assist individuals with mental illnesses
  • Is it possible for an unlawful to fabricate a mental illness in order to avoid punishment?
  • Traumatic events that may serve as a catalyst for criminal activity
  • Mental treatments are critical for offenders accused with murder.

Also Read: The Complete Guide for Dissertation Defense

Controversial Dissertation Topics in Criminology

  • Was the Black Lives Matter movement tarnished by violence rather than by a desire for justice?
  • How parental estrangement contributes to future violence
  • Regulating prostitution will result in a decrease in crime.
  • Coronavirus has encouraged criminal activity on a scale never seen before.
  • When it comes to domestic abuse against people, the law is subjective.
  • Should the government raise the minimum age for obtaining a national identification card?
  • Is the media the primary catalyst for moral panics in society?
  • Demystifying social media as a crime scene in the technology era
  • Is it appropriate to inform rape perpetrators of their bail conditions?

Argumentative Dissertation Topics in Criminology

  • Is someone responsible for the growth of teenage gangs in a certain society?
  • Is it possible that political tensions are to blame for internal militia uprisings?
  • Are religious beliefs capable of becoming the source of terrorism?
  • Is gun regulation in the United States the first step toward increased crime rates?
  • Is racial abuse directed at international students a contributing factor to crime and violence?
  • Is crime more dangerous than natural catastrophes or infectious diseases?
  • Is parental monitoring effective in lowering teen crime?
  • Is education falling short in its job of instilling sound principles and character?
  • Is the boundary between law enforcement and criminology a fine one?
  • Is domestic violence directed only at women, or do males also suffer?

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Masters and PhD. Criminology Dissertation Topic Ideas

  • Analyzing how marginalization and discrimination on the basis of religion contribute to crime
  • An examination of cybercrime laws and their role in preserving law and order
  • A critical examination of the United States government’s response to terrorism threats
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people and crime: An examination of their role or influence
  • Corruption’s impact on a country’s political, social, economic, and security systems
  • A discourse study of the coronavirus’s influence on criminal behavior
  • Is it true that metropolitan environments foster more crime than rural regions?

General Dissertation Topic Ideas in Criminology

  • Age in criminology research in the context of capital punishment
  • Examining the consequences of police empowerment in high-crime neighborhoods of developing countries
  • An assessment of the major features of police personnel deployed in crime hotspots in the United Kingdom.
  • A study of how the season and topography of a location effect crime.
  • How residential architecture and community structures aid in crime prevention and management
  • How significant is the sociocultural background of a residential community in terms of the volume and quality of crime in the area?
  • An Analysis of Research on the financial and societal costs of crime deterrence in the United Kingdom
  • An assessment of the ramifications of political backing for criminal activity and its influence on the community
  • A phenomenological examination of students’ exposure to drugs and the criminal lifestyle in the United Kingdom
  • A review of pertinent literature on how gender affects crime in the United Kingdom
  • What can quantitative data tell us about the link between crime and unemployment?

Also Check: Custom Dissertation Writing Service

Criminology Dissertation Topics On Prison and Society

Prisons and convicts have long been a source of contention in British society. When selecting dissertation on social criminal offenders, condense your ideas to a single social element.

Here are some topic ideas to get you started: 

  • Should pupils be required to visit jail as part of their curriculum?
  • Is the imposition of jail sentences for economic or political offenses justified?
  • Eliminating negative stigma associated with ex-prisoners and social service.

Criminology Dissertation Topics On Crime and Justice

When someone commits a crime, people frequently consider the current criminal justice system, which has a variety of defects and benefits depending on who analyzes it.

Choosing a justice dissertation subject is not a simple effort, which is why you should explore the following topics:

  • The death penalty’s meaning in History video game violence and serial murderer cases
  • Control and reporting methods for gang activity: proof vs. official accounts
  • Alternative punishment methods: International System Comparisons

Criminology Dissertation Topics On Ethnicity and Race

Many of us are aware that certain crimes committed in the United Kingdom have racial or ethnic overtones. While these offenses have diminished in recent years, they continue to be widely publicized to educate people on how to prevent them and resolve any issues that arise.

Several ethnicity and race dissertation topics include the following:

  • How the media contribute to the emergence of racial hatred
  • Sports and legal ramifications of racial tensions
  • Laws that Could Help Reduce Crimes Against Ethnic Minorities Murders Across English Cities on the Basis of Race & Ethnic Minority
  • Inequality between races in the United Kingdom and South Africa

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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243 Police Research Topics + Examples

If you’re a criminal justice student, you might want to talk about or write a paper on the work of police officers and the hot issues in policing. Luckily, StudyCorgi has compiled an extensive list of police topics for you! On this page, you’ll find law enforcement essay topics, as well as questions and ideas for presentations, research papers, debates, and many more! Outstanding police essay examples are also waiting for you below!

🏆 Best Police Topics to Write About

✍️ police essay topics for college, 👍 good police research topics & essay examples, 📌 easy police essay topics, 🎓 most interesting law enforcement topics, 💡 simple law enforcement research topics, ❓ research questions about police, 🔎 law enforcement research paper topics, 🚔 controversial policing topics.

  • Why I Want to Be a Police Officer
  • What Is the Police Authority?
  • Police Recruitment and Training
  • Conflict and Power: Police and Community Collaboration
  • Enhancing Police Training Program Proposal
  • A Police Officer’s Education and Duties
  • Police Professionalism and Ethics of Policing
  • Police Officers Treatment Towards Civilians Based on Social Class Several investigations proved the various policemen’s performances towards civilians of a different social class.
  • Laptop Computers in Police Cars: Benefits & Drawbacks This paper will investigate these problems and their prevalence with respect to the utilization of laptops in police vehicles.
  • Forensic Psychology for Police Recruitment and Screening The quest for competitive and effective police officers led to the introduction of some measures to help in the recruitment of individuals.
  • Essay on Police Brutality in the United States Police officers are allowed to use “non-negotiable coercive force” to maintain public order and control the behavior of citizens.
  • Improving Police Morale and Community Communication This paper’s purpose is to examine the police department on street patrol, and also to reveal the issue of mass dismissal of police officers.
  • Police Corruption: Understanding and Preventing Police corruption remains one of the leading challenges, affecting law enforcement agencies in the United States and around the world.
  • Sociological Positivism Theory in Police Practice Sociological positivism is primarily concerned with how specific social conditions in a person’s experience might contribute to an increased proclivity for crime.
  • How Police Supervisory Styles Influence Patrol Officer Behavior The field supervisor, also identified as the patrol sergeant, directly oversees officers’ conduct, performance, appearance, and tactical operations assigned under their command.
  • Public Role and Control of Police Citizens of democratic states have a right to exert control over the police. This claim is based on the fact that police are a part of the government.
  • Police Patrol Effectiveness Research Assessment The paper recaps debates that have arisen on the police patrol effectiveness in crime prevention, by investigating research on the said issue.
  • Textual Analysis of the Song “Police” by Suprême Ntm The purpose of this paper is to analyze the song “Police” written and performed by a French hip-hop band Suprême NTM. It is dedicated to the problem of police brutality, racism.
  • Organization Effectiveness of a Police Department The organization is a core and framework of effective performance. The organization allows the police department to ensure effective management and organization of human resources.
  • “The Black Officer Who Detained George Floyd Had Pledged To Fix the Police”: A Story of Alex Kueng “The Black Officer Who Detained George Floyd Had Pledged to Fix the Police” article allows concluding that the police system cannot be reformed from within.
  • “Police Solve Just 2% of All Major Crimes” by S. Baughman Baughman’s article is about the insufficiency of the work that the police do to solve severe crimes since only 2% of cases result in a conviction.
  • The Phenomenon of “Defunding the Police” The work Defunding the Police aims to explore the meaning of “defunding the police” and arguments and counterarguments surrounding this initiative.
  • Police Brutality in the United States The existence of systemic racial bias in law enforcement leads to unequal treatment and a higher likelihood of police brutality when dealing with people of color.
  • Police Misconduct Against the Black Community Police misconduct has escalated against the Black community and other ethnic groups. Mistreatment by police officers is determined by two significant factors: race and sex.
  • Motivating Police Officers to Serve and Protect The proposal focuses on the idea that Heritage PD could significantly benefit from the use of motivating factors when approaching police officer productivity.
  • Collaborative Organizational Changes in Police The paper states that both Future Search and Open Space techniques are applicable and beneficial in military organizations such as the police.
  • Police Sexual Harassment Suit This paper analyzes the case of the ex-Round Lake Height’s policeman, Hossein Isbitan, who filed a Lawsuit against his boss despite other problem-solving measures at his workplace.
  • Report for the Chief of Police The current report contains the definition and description of the Uniform Crime Report, the data-gathering strategy used for the analysis and its rationale, and crime trends.
  • Police Response to High Speed/Hot Pursuits Police officers have the responsibility of defending the lives of citizens by maintaining law and order, however, in attempts to avoid being arrested.
  • The Issue of Police Injustice in the United States In March 2020, a tragic event led to the death of a black emergency medical technician, B. Taylor. According to descriptions, police were investigating a drug case and suspected her.
  • Police Liability Issue and Consequences of Illegal Actions The issue of the liability of police officers and their degree of responsibility for certain actions is the topic that is discussed in the media periodically and causes a great public response.
  • Police Service Transformation: Research Onion The research onion depicts the research strategies and approaches that will be employed in this study. They are discussed in more detail in this paper.
  • Police Detective Career: Information and Issues The police detective career is very dynamic and demanding, especially the sections of criminal investigations such as homicide and theft.
  • Dealing with Stress in Police Training Police officers are trained to handle stressful situations in different ways, and the approach used in their training has been a topic of debate in the recent past.
  • Mental Health and Well-Being of Canadian Police Officers The paper presents the problem of mental health in Canadian police officers. Even before the pandemic, stress and anxiety were common among law enforcement officers.
  • The Six Virtual Police Department The six departmental units include the Chief of Police, Special Operations Division, Patrols, Investigations Division, Civilian Unit, and Support Service Division.
  • Community Policing: Police Officers’ Role Orientations Community policing has shown to have multiple benefits for both local citizens and law enforcement in the activities to both prevent or respond to potential threats or disruptions.
  • Police Officers’ Wellness and Mental Health An increasing number of police officers are facing depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, substance abuse, and even suicide.
  • Police Accountability and Reform The paper states that the police are experiencing a crisis that has made them under scrutiny and pressure from the public to make reforms.
  • An Inside View of Police Officers’ Experience with Domestic Violence “An Inside View of Police Officers’ Experience with Domestic Violence” is an article authored by Horwitz et al., published in 2011.
  • Police Officer Characteristics and Evaluation Most people would prefer their police officers to be capable of making decisions and taking action, especially in tense situations where swift choices are necessary.
  • The Police Sexual Harassment: Case Study This paper reviews a case involving sexual assault by a police officer with the view to discussing its cause, results, and what could have been done to prevent the wrongdoing.
  • Western Australia Police Communications Centre’s Change The WA Police Communications Centre is a vital organ of the regions police force. This essay seeks to analyze the challenges that affect the centre.
  • Police Officers: Qualifications and Responsibilities The police are in charge of upholding law and order, protecting the public, and stopping, spotting and looking into illegal activity, making it a dynamic occupation.
  • The Use of Force in Police: Theoretical Analysis This discussion evaluates force standards and police leadership responsibilities through the prism of deindividuation and contagion.
  • The Impact of Technology on the Police Patrol The use of complex technological systems by police officers to ensure the safety of citizens is a vital step in the development of the infrastructure of security and public order.
  • Police Administration and Key Effectiveness Factors When evaluating the impact of a police force, the best indicator would be to examine repetitive police action in preventing the same types of crimes.
  • Policing From Above: Drone Use by the Police Drones are among the few technologies that law enforcement agencies could use to alleviate many of the challenges they face in their ordinary duties.
  • How Does ‘Police Culture’ Influence Police Practice? Police culture is influenced by a number of social and political factors which determine its main functions and internal structure.
  • Mentoring Programs in Police Departments The given proposal revolves around a one-on-one mentoring program that can be used by police departments to improve officers’ competence.
  • Courtelaney Pass Police Department: Potential Problem Solutions There are four essential problems in the Courtelaney Pass police department: racial tensions, questionable investigative and enforcement practices, poor community reporting, and the lack of diversity.
  • The Wokefield Police Department’s Work in Memphis The Wokefield police department has a law enforcement mandate in Memphis. The region has experienced an upsurge in juvenile offenders, especially in the carjacking.
  • Observation of Protest Against Police Brutality The event was a protest against police brutality in downtown City Hall. The event’s focal point was the ongoing issue of police brutality against Black people in the country.
  • The Houston Police Department’s Services and Challenges The Houston Police Department offers critical services in Texas and assures the people of peace and stability. The police department, however, faces several challenges.
  • A Police Failure in the Uvalde Mass Shooting The mass shooting in Uvalde is a prime example of how neglect of proper policing guidelines and management strategies can cause dire results for the local community.
  • The Police Department’s Ethical Challenges Policemen should not allow immoral behavior to jeopardize their responsibilities. Officers must safeguard their relationships with the local people who depend on them.
  • Police Brutality and Racial Bias Considering the long history of slavery, several generations have inherited racial prejudice towards Afro-American people, who have become the subject of abuse in many fields.
  • Police Management in Killeen, Texas Killeen police station workforce is made up of three different generations, including millennials, boomers, and generation X.
  • Effect of Brooklyn Nine-Nine Show on Perception of Police By connecting eight seasons to various crimes, Brooklyn Nine-Nine positions the police station as an inclusive workplace that saves people’s lives and promotes dedicated workers.
  • Police Brutality During COVID-19 Pandemic In the United States, there has been a perceived and observed police injustice towards minority communities, especially Blacks.
  • Interactions of Local Police and Homeland Security Officials The purpose of this paper is to compare the interactions of the two agencies in lawkeeping and order by examining their structural responsibilities as captured in the state laws.
  • Cultural Influences on Police Decision-Making The paper identifies cultural influences on police decision-making. There has been a deterioration in trust between the police and some social groups.
  • The Royal Canadian Mounted Police Officers The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is the national police force of Canada. They are responsible for policing in provinces, local communities, municipalities, and airports.
  • Servant Leadership in a Police Organization The paper studies servant leadership, explicitly comparing and contrasting its traits with the major traits of a leader as outlined in the Good-to-Great book series.
  • The Dallas Police Department Police Academy and Training Curriculum The paper states that the future of diversity hiring in law enforcement will be driven strongly by organizational structure and leadership going forward.
  • Aspects of Police Culture and Diversity This paper discusses the topic of police culture and diversity. In the American law enforcement system, some police departments do not appreciate diversity.
  • The Secret Police in East Germany The Secret Police in East Germany, also known as the Stasi, was an organization established by military forces and ministers to exercise total control over the population.
  • The Los Angeles Police Department’s Overview The Los Angeles Police Department is headed by the board of police commissioners, which comprises a five-member team appointed to oversee the department’s operation.
  • Police Misconduct: New Rochelle Police Officer Case Study Officer Michael Vaccaro was driven by the desire to punish the criminal Malik Fogg; however, he used too much force.
  • Police Officers’ Excessive Use of Force Although law enforcement officers are allowed to use lethal force, they should exercise that authority only when the suspect possess threat of harming others physically.
  • Discussion Misuse of Lies in the Police The paper discusses situations where police officers may misuse lying when dealing with mentally ill people or people in crisis.
  • The Police in the Modern World The police in the modern world is a body endowed with certain powers and responsibilities. Its mission is to enforce the law, prevent crime, and ensure public safety.
  • The San Diego Police Department’s History and Work This work describes the work of the San Diego Police Department, its brief history, and statistics about working there.
  • Restructuring of Los Angeles Police Department Fiscal Budget The foundation of the paper is a breakdown of the Los Angeles Police Department budget, a proposal to reduce the budget and its effects.
  • Police Standards Should Be Modified There is a certain need for standards modification in the police that should be performed immediately. A particular amount of inequality exists in the departments of the police.
  • The Legality of the Scope of a Police Search The paper discusses the two court cases which demonstrate that the legality of the scope of a police search is a controversial legal question.
  • Police Killing Black People in a Pandemic Police violence as a network of brutal measures is sponsored by the government that gives the police officers permission to treat black people with disdain.
  • The History of Relationships Between Police and African Americans The paper describes the necessity to spread the knowledge of racism’s history and discuss it to ensure the next generations’ tolerance.
  • Police Civil Liability in the Light of Monroe v. Pape People want to know that in trouble, such as, for instance, a robbery or car theft, police will come to their aid and guarantee protection.
  • Police Use-of-Force in Graham v. Connor & Tennessee v. Garner Cases A state police officer shot Garner to death as he fled the crime scene. Even though Garner was unarmed, the police officer felt he had the right to shoot him to prevent his escape.
  • Police Officer With a Juvenile Police officers faced with a juvenile under arrest makes their decisions based on the balance of legal and situational factors relevant to the case.
  • Researching and Analysis of Police Abuse The analysis of high-profile cases of police abuse allows assuming that there would not have been fatal outcomes if the officers had respected the basic rights of their victims.
  • Police Misconduct in Criminal Justice Police misconduct is one of the issues involved in criminal justice, and there are various aspects and events entailing unconstitutional practices in law enforcement.
  • The Influence of Police Bias on Disparity in Juvenile Crime: Methodology The issue of racial disparity in the criminal justice system remains a topical one. 64% of the charged youth are people of color.
  • Benefits and Challenges of Using Drones for the Police Drones are becoming a state-of-the-art trend in policing; however, their implementation may face some difficulties regarding privacy and information security.
  • Internal Problems of Mississippiville’s Police Chief Hiring Process Mississippiville is in a difficult situation, including a tense social environment, in part caused by the ineffective management of the previous chief of police.
  • The Civil Rights Movement: Minorities vs. Police An opposition between minorities and police appears to be a problem that started during the Civil Rights Movement and continues to modern days.
  • Race and Police Brutality in American History Racism and police violence since the time of colonization has had intense effects on Black and Indigenous communities.
  • Factors That Justify the Use of Deadly Force by Police Police shootings and killings of unarmed civilians arguably qualify as violations of the use-of-force standards that warrant the arrest and conviction of the perpetrators.
  • Police Use of Force and Its Limits The paper aims to define what it means to be a police officer, discuss the legal use of nondeadly and deadly force, and determine the limits placed on police power.
  • Police Brutality: The Killing of Daunte Wright Police brutality is defined as the use of unjustified or excessive force by the police, usually against citizens. It refers to the violation of human rights by the police.
  • US Police Brutality and Human Resources Connection Police brutality is one of the most pressing crisis problems in the United States, it requires additional research and immediate solutions.
  • Police Discretion: Criminal Justice While in the academy and for their period of training, police are particularly skilled on how to handle various situations that they will come across.
  • Leadership in the Los Angeles Police Department LAPD continues to develop and implement new and innovative programs in which its officers are trained to become good leaders.
  • Discussion of Police Misconduct The paper discusses criminal justice system has developed various approaches that guarantee that police can be held accountable for their misconduct.
  • Police Brutality on African Americans Police brutality against African Americans has been on the rise even after several constitutional and legal reforms made by the country to control it.
  • Police Brutality Toward Black Community The black community needs help since they suffer due to police brutality, receive various kinds of injuries, and experience traumas.
  • Analysis of Decision-Making Processes in Boston Police Department The paper covers the role of police in homeland and application of these systems to the Boston Police Department.
  • “Learn About Being a Police Officer” by Kane Being a police officer is one of the most challenging professions because it requires dedication, determination, and sacrifice.
  • Measuring Crime: Lynnfield’s Local Police Force Stop & Search Data The study aims to assess any obvious trends that may be associated with disproportionate and/or discriminatory exercise of ‘stop and search’ policy by law enforcement agencies.
  • The Use of Wiretapping in Police Technology The report discusses Chapter 14 of the book “Police Technology” by Raymond E. Foster. Dr. Foster has written extensively on technical tools and gadgets for law enforcement.
  • Police Selection Process: Metropolitan and New York Police Departments The Metropolitan Police Department and the New York Police Department selection process evaluates knowledge, abilities, skills, character and traits.
  • The Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department: Most Pressing Issues This report outlines the main problematic issue with the functioning of the Savannah-Chatham Metropolitan Police Department.
  • Police Reforms Implementation: The Los Angeles Police Department 83% of the LA residents vouching for the good job of the police especially because the LAPD has desisted from using serious force since 2004.
  • Ending Racial Bias and Bureaucracy Within Police Police officials may engage in bureaucratic or administrative corruption for private gain, which facilitates distrust in the efforts of law enforcement.
  • Profiling Procedures in the Los Angeles Police Department The law enforcers and most commonly the police, have profiling procedures that separate certain groups of people from the majority.
  • Police Shooting and Issue of Discrimination The issue of discrimination and police shootings can be resolved by observing both officers and citizens – collecting information by cameras can serve as objective material.
  • Police Force Diversifying Strategies The presence of women officers and officers of color may act as a complementary stimulus, as they have an approach that could be more relatable for future personnel.
  • Human Sex Trafficking and Police Technology: An Issue of the Past or Present? The paper provides an introduction that describes human sex trafficking before taking a specific approach of understanding the vice in Houston, Texas.
  • “How to Fix America’s Police” by Stoughton The authors of the article suggest that the US police’s current situation could be fixed in two ways: either through state intervention or through local one.
  • Police Brutality Against African Americans in America The purpose of this article is to describe the different approaches to researching the problem of police brutality against African Americans.
  • Inequalities and Police Brutality Against the Black This paper aims to research racial inequality and hostile police attitudes towards the black population in the United States.
  • Police Brutality Against African Americans The issue being examined refers to the problem of police brutality on African Americans. The mentioned problem is a burning one and is vividly expressed in modern society.
  • The Significance of Police Discretion to the Criminal Justice System This paper is an investigation into the meaning of police discretion. It highlights the benefits of police discretion to the role of the police department.
  • Management Solution Needed for the Metropolitan Police Service The dangers of getting the balance right between security, easy access, and reduction of risk are to be the main focus of the response to the tasks.
  • Organizational Change in Police Departments: A Theory-Based Analysis When examining the case of implementing Compstat systems in police districts the first to consider is the positive appeals of such as system.
  • Interview With Chief of Police Mr. William Evans I had a rare chance of interviewing the Chief of Police for Hinds Community College Mr. William Evans in his office on Wednesday 19 November, 2014 at 5 p.m.
  • Racist Actions of the American Police Force in “The Black and the Blue” by Matthew Horace In the book “The Black and the Blue,” Matthew Horace gives testimony from behind the blue wall of secrecy and paints a society where police molest citizens.
  • Police Brutality and Impunity for Police Violence The overall purpose of this paper is to explore the topic of police brutality and police impunity as it is discussed in modern studies.
  • Police Brutality Against African Americans and Media Portrayal Police brutality toward the African-American population of the United States is an issue that has received nationwide publicity in recent years.
  • Investigation of the Chicago Police Department This paper will analyze some of the critical issues found in the investigation of the Chicago police department by the United States Department of Justice.
  • Police Violence Against African Americans in the USA The statistic shows that the violence from law enforcement officials causes thousands of deaths of black men in the USA.
  • How the Police Use Facial Recognition? Some law enforcement officers, especially in Florida, do not trust the application of technique as a warrant of arrest.
  • Rodney King’s Police Brutality Case: What Went Wrong Rodney’s case remains a historic example of police brutality. The interplay of several factors might have led to the acquittals of the officers in the first trial.
  • Metropolitan Police Service: Identity Management Solution Within the context of Metropolitan Police Service case study, the research underlines the need for such institution to ensure production of a viable management system.
  • Role of Police Agencies in Law Enforcement The police have hardly had any authority to control the most of the white color crimes. In addition, lack of expertise among the police also contributed to this problem.
  • Police Corruption in California The analysis of the information proves that police corruption in California depends on the work and social environment of police officers.
  • Racial Profiling of Minority Groups by the Police in the United States This research paper will address racial profiling of minority groups by the police in the US through the analysis of background, theories, and concepts.
  • Chesterfield County Police Department: Hiring Process This paper will explore the applicable requirements of the Chesterfield County Police Department for the position of an entry-level law enforcement officer.
  • Beyond “Police Brutality”: Racist State Violence and the University of California – Article Review The article highlights the issues with police attitudes toward the application of seemingly extreme measures to non-violent perpetrators.
  • Police Misconduct and the Misuse of Force Police misconduct is a vital concern as it affects the functioning of society and might cause much harm to individuals.
  • About Police Chaplaincy Program The article argues for launching a police chaplain program to connect the community with the police and provide survivors with the emotional and social support they need.
  • Health Safety in the Police Department It is especially important to provide a healthy working environment for workers of a police department, as they need to continue their service even at the time of a health crisis.
  • American Society Police Brutality Causes and Effects Police brutality in America is visible and accompanied by racial discrimination and creates negative consequences for society because it imposes trust issues.
  • Police Brutality: The Rodney King Case The case of Rodney King is a demonstration of police brutality in the United States. This paper will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the incident, explaining it in detail.
  • Sexual Assault Female Victims Avoid Reporting to Police Among the most under-reported crimes in the United States, one of the leading roles is occupied by sexual assault. Sixty-five percent of female victims avoid reporting to police.
  • Evaluating Budget Documents of Police Department The paper will analyze the budget which was presented by the police department indicating both the estimates and the adjusted figures.
  • Professional Ethics: Police Department The science of ethics attempts to give humanity the answers to the existential question of what is moral and what is not.
  • National Association of Police Organizations This paper focuses on the performance of the National Association of Police Organizations, including its purposes and contribution to the United States’ law enforcement community.
  • Forensic Psychology in the Police Subspecialty Forensic psychological officers have crucial roles in the running of the police departments. This is because law enforcement chores are entitled to many challenges.
  • All Police Officers Should Wear a Body Camera This paper suggests that the use of body cameras positively contributes to the reinforcement of procedural justice, as the prevention of unethical behavior and police brutality.
  • Procedural Justice in Contacts with The Police Analysis The paper examines the relational model of authority that indicates the procedural justice role in the public evaluation of and support for the police.
  • Testing Food Service Employees: Policy Assessment Mary Mallon, or Typhoid Mary as she was called, worked as a cook and was reputed to have caused infections of Typhoid fever in 47 people and caused the death of 3.
  • Motivation & Control: The Police Supervisor’s Dilemma It is universally acknowledged that the effectiveness of the work is toughly connected with a consistent organizational structure and subordinate system.
  • Police Supervisor’s Dilemma: Control and Motivation The level of control needed in a police institution is related to the capability of officers to construct an inspiring environment.
  • Community Policing Assignment: A History of Police Work in the Criminal Justice System Community policing led to the introduction of a system where the police officers and members of the community get a closer relationship.
  • Dismal City Police Department: “Do More With Less” The approach of community policing as well as the strategies used and its implementation vary widely depending on the requirements and the reactions of communities.
  • UK Police Are Changing Their Attitude to Racial Issues The increased number of black and Asian police officers influenced positively the way suspects from minority ethnic groups were handled
  • Police Brutality: Analysis of the Problem Police brutality is directed towards racial minorities and poor immigrants who cannot protect their rights in the courtroom and have no money to file a law case against officers.
  • Criminal Justice Ethics: Police Corruption & Drug Sales The growth of police corruption instances involving drug sales is relatively easy to explain. The financial rewards offered by the sales of illegal drugs are enormous.
  • Police or Custodial Brutality in the United States The aspect of police or custodial brutality is the subject matter of the study. This has become a serious problem in the administration of law, order, and human justice in the USA.
  • US Police Challenges Today: Police Discretion Police discretion is essential to the success of an officer and the public. Discretion means judgment, and for law officers, this can be the difference between life and death.
  • Assessing Role of Technology in Police Crime Mapping The role of technology in police operations has become pivotal because it aids our law enforcement agencies to do their tasks easier and less time-consuming.
  • Police Brutality and Mental Health of African Americas The authors hypothesize that the effect of experiencing blackness has a twofold impact on the young African Americans’ mental health
  • America as a Superpower and the World’s Police The international policing role and strategy of the United States during the Cold War has become even more necessary in this period of terrorism and instability.
  • The Report on the Courtelaney Pass Police Department The situational report on the Courtelaney Pass police department presents a number of important issues that should be addressed by the police administration.
  • Addressing the Gulf Coast Police Department Understaffing Despite the best efforts of recruiters, police departments all over the US are understaffed. The present paper analyzes the reasons for GCPD’s problems and offers measures to address these issues.
  • Police Attitudes and Professionalism: Interview The interviewee chosen for this assignment is a 34-year old white married male, currently working as a full-time police officer in the Miami Police Department.
  • New Orleans Police Department’s Ethics and Leadership Police officers or civil servants who fail to meet the prescribed norms of behavior or commit serious indictable offenses can be punished if no other people are involved.
  • Local Police Response to Terrorism The quality of the work carried out by the police to prevent terrorist acts determines the safety of the population.
  • Police Work: Public Expectations and Myths
  • Are African Americans More Harassed by Police?
  • Undercover Police Investigations in Drug-Related Crimes
  • Age Influence on the Support for Police Action
  • Dallas Tragic Events: The Shooting of Police Officers by a Perpetrator
  • Police Misconduct and Its Affecting Factors
  • Driving and Police Stop in Dramatic Interpretation
  • Police Administrators and Their Ethical Responsibility
  • Police Brutality Increasing: Support for Black Males
  • Police Injustice Towards African-Americans
  • Police Unions’ Development in the US
  • Royal Canadian Mounted Police Sexual Harassment Class Action
  • Police Officer Murder, Trial and Punishment
  • Myths of Policing: Police Work’ Expectation
  • Police’s Brutality Towards African American Males
  • Chesterfield County Police Department Structure
  • Racial Profiling: Trust, Ethics, Police Legitimacy
  • Police Brutality Toward African-American Males
  • Criminal Profiling and Police Corruption
  • Liability Issues for Police Departments
  • Police Work’ Concepts and Operationalization
  • Police Administration: Structures, Processes and Behavior
  • Police Reform in Florida
  • Police Shooting of Richard Cabot in Pittsburgh
  • Police Violence and Subterfuge Cases
  • Police Brutality: Reasons and Countermeasures
  • The Issue of Police Brutality in Community
  • The Rise of Police Brutality against African-American Males
  • Are Illegal Police Quotas Still Affecting American Citizens?
  • What Is the Name of American Police?
  • What Are the Four Types of Police System?
  • Are Women More Effective Police Officers?
  • What Are Young Adults’ Perception of Police?
  • What Are Some Nicknames for the Police?
  • Which Country Has the Best Police System?
  • Which Country Has the Largest Police Force in the World?
  • When Did Police Brutality Start?
  • Can the Police Reduce Crime?
  • Are Police Allowed to Punch You in the UK?
  • Which Countries Have Police Brutality?
  • What Causes Police Corruption?
  • What Is Excessive Force by Police?
  • Which Indian State Has Most Powerful Police?
  • What Is the Highest-Paid Job in the Police?
  • How Does the Los Angeles Police Department Represent the City?
  • How Can We Overcome Police Brutality?
  • What Does Three Stars on a Police Uniform Mean?
  • Should Police Officers Wear Cameras?
  • Should the Police Have More Power?
  • Do Police Officers Salute Military?
  • Why Were the Police Unable to Catch Jack the Ripper?
  • Which Country Has Private Police?
  • How Many Police Are There in the UK?
  • Are Body Cameras Fighting Police Misconduct?
  • When Does Police Discretion Cross Boundaries?
  • What Is the Issue of Police Brutality?
  • How Does Police Brutality Violate Civil Rights?
  • What Human Rights Are Being Violated by Police?
  • Police use of force: trends, policies, and effects on public trust.
  • How do police-worn body cameras affect officer accountability and transparency?
  • Challenges and benefits of technology use in modern police.
  • De-escalation techniques in police and their effects on reducing violent encounters.
  • How does law enforcement address human trafficking?
  • Police corruption and misconduct: causes, consequences, and prevention.
  • Law enforcement challenges in investigating digital offenses.
  • The effects of the militarization of police on civil liberties.
  • The impact between the use of body-worn cameras and police use of force.
  • The influence of implicit bias on police decision-making.
  • Defunding the police: should funds be reallocated from law enforcement to social services?
  • Are “stop-and-frisk” police practices constitutional?
  • Facial recognition technology use by police: balancing public safety and privacy.
  • Should no-knock warrants be banned?
  • Do police unions promote the abuse of power?
  • Is it possible to escape racial bias in predictive policing algorithms?
  • The school-to-prison pipeline: do police officers belong in schools?
  • Should drug testing for police officers be mandatory?
  • Should the use of chokeholds and neck restraints in law enforcement be banned?
  • Is anti-bias training for police officers effective in reducing violent police conduct?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 243 Police Research Topics + Examples. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/police-essay-topics/

"243 Police Research Topics + Examples." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/police-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . (2021) '243 Police Research Topics + Examples'. 9 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "243 Police Research Topics + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/police-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "243 Police Research Topics + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/police-essay-topics/.

StudyCorgi . 2021. "243 Police Research Topics + Examples." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/police-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on June 24, 2024 .

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Top 100 Criminology Dissertation Topics that You can Look Forward to in Modern Times

  • October 28, 2021 October 28, 2021

Crime has been an integral part of human civilization since the time humans came in first contact with one another. Right from the crimes committed to sustain the necessities to the ones committed due to greed and anti-social behaviour, there are no excuses in the eyes of the law. When we speak in terms of the modern context, then an in-depth study on the acts of crime is conducted through criminology. From law enforcement to forensic science, the study of criminology has a lot to offer. A career in the field of criminology is steadily becoming demanding as rate as well as the forms of crimes are changing at a staggering pace day by day in different parts of the world.

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It is the job of a criminologist to develop theories to explain a concerned form of crime as a social phenomenon. A criminologist is expected to conduct the assessment of the data to determine the reason behind committing the crime. Once the reason(s) are derived, it is the time to forecast and contain further outbreak of such an anti-social behaviour.

dissertation ideas police


We frequently prepare the list of recommended topics for our students seeking assignment writing services for different subjects. Our efforts remain to help students save their time and energy, which they occasionally spend over the search and selection of the right topic for their next assignment homework. In the subject of criminology, the students are expected to deliver a pile of assignments on a timely basis. Here, our effort is to help our students with a list of top 100 criminology dissertation topics to refer for the future assignment homework. The list has been prepared by the researchers of our agency after conducting thoughtful brainstorming sessions with the academicians of criminology. It helped us get a better insight about the topics trending in different types of criminology courses.   

The field of criminology is known to offer different types of courses for students to pursue a degree of their choice. Some of the most popular courses shall include Certificate Course in Forensic Science, Diploma Course in Forensic Science and Criminology, Diploma Course in Cyber Crime, Bachelor Degree Course in Forensic Science and Criminology, Diploma in Criminal Law (D. Crin), Diploma in Criminology and Penology, Master’s Degree Course in Forensic Science and Criminology, Master of Science (M. Sci) in Criminology, Master’s Degree Course in Forensic Science and Criminology Research, Master of Arts (M. A.) in Criminology and Criminal Justice, Master of Legislative Law (LLM) in Criminal Law and Criminology, Master of Arts (M. A.) in Anti-Terrorism Law, Master of Legislative Law (LLM) in Crimes and Torts, Post Graduate Diploma Course in Forensic Science and Criminology, Master of Legislative Law (LLM) in Criminal Law, etc.

Does it pain you to lose grade-points for presenting dissertation with incorrect writing structure? Read the below article to learn how you can master the correct dissertation writing structure in a matter of a few minutes.

Must read: the art of mastering the dissertation writing structure for assured success, the job profiles and career scope in criminology.

There are certain reasons why we always encourage our students to take their degree in criminology very seriously. We suggest them to get online assignment help from a reliable criminology assignment writing agency to submit assignments that are worth getting awarded with high grades. The primary reason is the plethora of job opportunities that it can offer to the students in various job profiles. Some of the most prominent ones include being private detectives, crime scene analyst, crime investigators, crime laboratory analyst, forensic surgeon, forensic engineer, F. B. I. agents, crime intelligence analyst, police officers, law reform researcher, community corrections coordinator, regional crime prevention coordinator, drug policy advisor, consumer advocate, environment protection, etc.

The subject offers widespread scope of career opportunities to the students and following are the points that would help you understand the significance of sincerely pursuing this subject –

  • Career scope in the field of criminology: There are major job opportunities in the field of criminology.
  • The field is known to offer scientists, research assistants, forensic scientists, criminologists, as well as in the form of an investigator.
  • Once the students have finished a course in the field, they can choose job in different areas like Forensic Department, Research area, Police, Medical Hospitals, Court, C B I, F B I, Private Hospitals, Colleges, Crime Laboratories, Institutions, Prison Reforms Programs, MNCs (legal matters) and several others.
  • One may be an academician or professor in an institution, college, or the university or as a self-practising professional in the field of legal study or the judiciary.

That is why, we advise you to throw any misconception out of the window that once your pass with a quality degree in the field of criminology, you might struggle with the dearth of career opportunities. The field of criminology has plenty to offer and all you are required to do is excel in your course with concrete practical exposure and solid grades.

Wish to strengthen your assignment writing style with the help of powerful online tools? Reach the below link to know about some of the exciting online assignment writing tools that can redefine your assignment writing style.

Must read: top 4 powerful online tools for meticulous assignment writing, top 100 criminology dissertation topics that can help you with future assignments.

For our students relentlessly pursuing quality criminology dissertation topics, we are bringing in for them the full list of top 100 most advised dissertation assignment topics from our experts of the subject. Our experts have ensured the publication of an all-inclusive list of the assignment topics that comprehensively cover different fields of the subject. It is well anticipated that the given list would achieve all sorts of dissertation help requirements. So now, let us begin –

  • The rights to vote for prisoners: The arguments for and against on the grounds of the legal and ethical aspects of the situation
  • Investigate different cases of domestic violence and conduct a comparative study of victimology
  • The causes and rates of arsons in schools and what are the evident and concealed reasons for such a violent behaviour by juveniles?
  • The serial killers phenomena: How are the predisposing factors like role of peers, family relations and the surrounding environment influence the same?
  • Community policemen and their efficient role in preventing and solving crimes
  • The influence of domestic violence on the mental health of women. Make a comparative study about the situation in Western and Asian countries
  • How the modern Internet technologies are inducing the frequency of suicides?
  • Police brutality and tortures in the developing countries and their present and future ramifications
  • Cyber crimes in the modern world: Effective ways to detect and the approaches to deal with them
  • Is police empowerment the only way to curtail the crime rates in developing nations: Comment
  • What are the measures that can be taken to ensure the safety of minority community in a country? Make an assessment in terms of criminology literature
  • How illegal immigration contributed to crime within a state? Discuss it with the example of a country of your choice
  • What are the implications of the political backing for the smooth running of criminal activities?
  • Discuss the role of community structures and architectural design of the residential buildings in the prevention of crime. Provide a qualitative review
  • Discuss the relevance of the socio-cultural background of a residential community in the quality and quantity of the crimes taking place in the region
  • How the commitment to crime changes in the region with respect to the alteration in the seasons and geography?
  • Conduct a study on the exposure of the students to drugs and how it is adversely affecting the overall population of the youth?
  • ‘The birds of feather flock together’- Conduct an assessment of the criminal social communities in the United Kingdom through literature based evidence
  • Discuss the relationship between crime and unemployment on the grounds of quantitative data. Conduct the study on the grounds of the academic qualification, individual activities and the tenure of employment
  • Who actually benefit out of crime prevention? Make a study on the direct and the indirect benefactors
  • Does alleviation of poverty actually reduces crime? Give a qualitative review
  • What are the social and financial implications of crime deterrence? Provide an extended literature review on any American state of your choice
  • White-collar employees and corporate crime- Assessing the mindset for the ‘cleaner’ sorts of crime
  • The prominent characteristics of the deployment of police personnel at the hot spots of crime in the UK
  • Is there a role of childhood experiences in the engagement of criminal activities in the adolescents? Give a qualitative review
  • The application of biotechnology and the digital environments for the management of crime in the country of your choice
  • Is there a feasibility of crime forecasting? Discuss about the development of a logical rationale
  • Discuss the history of gender related crime in an Asian country of your choice
  • Is it true that all the entrapped people are doomed forever to a life of crime? Write an essay on the basis of mixed methods evidence
  • Is marriage helpful to deter crime? Make an evaluation of the current literature
  • Elaborate the role of the behavioural genetic studies in the field of criminology
  • Women and criminology: A case analysis
  • The academic framework and training necessities of criminologists in the United States
  • An evaluation of the reasons why terrorists a few times turn away from their extremist groups
  • Discuss some of the most successful research methods in the field of criminology
  • What role does the religion plays in the endorsement of global extremism?
  • Provide an analytical justification for a gradual decline in the prison populations across Europe
  • How does the political leanings of the professors in universities influence the students to commit crime due to political ideologies?
  • Bringing concealed weapons to the campus: How does the trend putting the lives of the students in danger across the US?
  • The context of capital punishment with respect to the age of the convict: Prepare a literature on criminology studies
  • How does the forensic psychology helps in the study of criminology?
  • Offer a research review of the legislation passed on stalking and how it impacted the cases of stalking?
  • Mental health of the sex offenders: A global viewpoint
  • How does the neighbourhood topography motivate crimes?
  • A literature review on the kinds of crimes that are specific to each gender
  • The trends and implications of criminology in the era of globalization
  • Street crime- Who actually owns the responsibility?
  • The criminal policies in the UK and the US: A comparative study
  • How modern policing strategies have helped endorse the war against drugs?
  • Sexual violence in the form of a weapon in armed conflict: A case study
  • Marginalization, discrimination and persecution of religious minorities in Pakistan
  • Elaborate the impact of the genocidal acts in community cohesiveness
  • How corruption impacts the social, political, security and economy of a country?
  • What is the motivation for women to join ISIS?
  • A critical assessment of how the US government is responding to the threats posed by cyber criminals
  • What is the relationship between racial stereotyping and crime?
  • How do the consumption of drugs and alcohol influence sexual assaults?
  • LGBT and participation in crime: Understanding the social factors contributing to the same
  • A discourse assessment on how COVID-19 has shaped the context of crime
  • Understanding the role of technology in promoting the rate of crime
  • What essential role does rehabilitation centres play in curbing the vicious circle of crime?
  • How the breeding grounds for crime are different in urban and rural settings?
  • Discuss the significance of cybercrime legislation and its place in successfully maintaining law and order
  • Make a critical assessment of bullying in school v/s crime
  • A critical examination of police force brutality in the United States
  • A detailed examination of the history of crime that passes through generations
  • How religious fanaticism is the root cause of terrorism?
  • Are crimes done during diseases or natural disasters excusable in contrast to normal circumstances? 
  • Men too are the victims of domestic violence: A case study
  • Is immigration does have a connection with the increased rate of crime within the region?
  • What are the contributing factors in the formation of a serial killer? Do genetics play a role in it, the influence of society plays a role in it, or both? 
  • Is it possible to achieve a crime free society? Discuss the possibility or non-possibility of the same
  • Is our education system somehow lagging in its goals of shaping good moral characteristics of our students? Comment
  • How internal militia uprisings are linked with political turmoil within a region or state?
  • Please elaborate the thin line of difference between criminology and law enforcement
  • How important is the role of parental supervision in curtailing the rate of crime committed by the teenagers?
  • What are the contributing factors that result in the formation and rise of the youth gangs in a concerned society of a less developed nation?
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  • How does the racial abuse of international students traduce the reputation of a country in front of global education community?
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  • Is the representation of terrorism by media an exaggeration? 
  • Is the culture a key of shaping the moral standards of citizens and leading to a better society?
  • Can abortion be labelled under the classification of crime? Discuss and elaborate
  • Discuss the cases of honour killings in some of the countries of South-Asia. How stringent laws helped the law enforcement and judicial bodies to keep a check on such cases?
  • How the parental separation results in the future course of violence?
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  • The usage of social media to fuel crimes against children
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  • How justifiable is the media trial? How it can make the life of an accused far worse than actual sentencing?
  • How human trafficking plays a key role in the practice of beggary in the urban states?
  • The rising tide of feminism and increased rate of crime with impunity against males. Comment
  • How the regulation of prostitution can actually help reduce sex related crimes?
  • Discuss how digitization of the public services helping to combat corruption in India?
  • How police reforms are essential to make the law enforcement well equipped to combat criminal activities?
  • Is animal trafficking a prime cause of the outbreak of coronavirus pandemic in China? Provide an elaborative case study
  • Discuss the history of organised crime practised by Russian mafia. Give a comparative context of it with the practices of Italian mafia

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87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples

🏆 best police brutality topics for essays, 📌 most interesting police brutality essay topics, 👍 good research topics about police brutality, ❓ research questions about police brutality.

  • Police Deviance For the sake of this paper, the scope of this paper will only examine the code of conduct in reference to the relationship between the police force and the society.
  • Police Brutality: Internal and External Stakeholders To begin with, internal stakeholders such as police officers and judges have been observed to enforce the law discriminatively. Policymakers can be encouraged to propose and support powerful laws that have the potential to deal […]
  • Police Brutality: Causes and Solutions If the criminal is armed and firing at the police, the use of force is acceptable. However, when the actions of the police are disproportionate to the committed crimes, the necessity of such measures is […]
  • Impact of Police Brutality on the Society in the United States The issue of racism is one that has led to police brutality that has been witnessed in the American society for a long time.
  • Excessive Force and Deviance, Police Brutality The events highlighting racial injustice could positively influence our society, maintaining an appropriate level of awareness regarding the issues encountered by African-Americans and prompting a change in police behaviors.
  • History of Police Brutality: The Murder of George Floyd Police officers strive to maintain order and ensure adherence to the laws of the state. The standards observed the right to democracy and addressed the need for representation.
  • Body-Worn Cameras Against Police Brutality in New York There is often a legal foundation to such a privileged position; the laws control the oppressed class and mitigate threats to the power of the ruling class.
  • Police Brutality: Social Issue This paper explores the issue of police brutality and seeks to shed light on the perceptions of the public, especially the black minority.
  • Social Psychology: Police Brutality The first group of solutions to the problem of police brutality includes technical measures, such as the use of body cameras and dashboard cameras. Finally, another potential solution to police brutality is the diversification of […]
  • Technology Influences on Police Brutality Modern platforms such as Facebook and Twitter can be used to inform and educate more people about the nature of police brutality.
  • Police Brutality: Dissoi Logoi Argumentation Under the influence of societal views, the majority of the representatives of the general public tend to perceive police officers as a safeguarding force that gathers individuals who perform their duties to ensure that the […]
  • Police Brutality in the USA This paper aims to discuss the types of police brutality, the particularities of psychological harm inflicted by the police, and its consequences for the population affected by these forms of violence.
  • Public Administration Issue: Police Brutality The trend is ongoing and is not expected to end any time soon because of the social structure and the culture that does not value the contributions of minorities and people of color.
  • Police Misconduct Actually, prosecutors are always reluctant to try these victims in the court of law for the following reasons; police officers, in most cases, are protected by the prosecutors.
  • Police Misconduct: What Can Be Done? Police officers are the individuals charged with the task of maintaining law and order and ensuring the security of the population.
  • Excessive Force by the Police On the other hand, the media reported on the severity of misconduct by police officers and cited the Blue code of silence as the key setback against the fight against police torture.
  • Police in Law Enforcement Misconduct This creates a rift between the community and the police leading to further misconduct in the process of enforcing the law.
  • The Incidents Involving Police Brutality
  • The Infringement of Natural Human Rights Because of Police Brutality in the United States
  • Police Brutality and Its Effects on the United States
  • The Flaws of Police Officers and the Issue of Police Brutality on an Individual
  • The Suffering and Fight of African-Americans Against Police Brutality
  • The Image Serving as a Reminder of Police Brutality
  • The Negative Effects of Police Brutality
  • The Changing Patterns of Racism and Police Brutality in the United States
  • Police Brutality and the Death of Freddie Gray
  • The Issue of Police Brutality and Injustice in the Story of Kalief Browder
  • The Relation Between Police Brutality and Race in the United States of America
  • Police Brutality and Racism Against African Americans
  • The High Prevalence of Police Brutality Towards African America
  • The US Government Faces Different Challenges with Police Brutality
  • The Truth About Police Brutality Against Minorities
  • The Importance of Body Cameras for Solving the Problem of Police Brutality
  • Protesting Protest Against Police Brutality
  • The Solutions to the Issue of Police Brutality in the United States
  • Racism: Police Brutality and Racial Profiling
  • Prejudice, Police Brutality, Racism: The Three Things We Are Trying to Get Rid Off
  • Problems Caused by Police Brutality
  • Police Misconduct and Police Brutality
  • The Issue of Police Brutality Against People of Color in the United States
  • The Issue of Police Brutality Against the Colored People in the United States
  • The Effects of Violence on Police Brutality
  • The Deaths Caused by Hurricane Katrina and Police Brutality in America
  • Social Media Activism, Centered on Police Brutality
  • The Effects of Police Brutality on the Relationship
  • The Long Problem of Police Brutality in the United States
  • The Police Brutality Against Minorities
  • Race, Police Brutality, Crime, Education and Poverty
  • The Issue of Police Brutality in the United States and the Solutions to Curb Police Misconduct
  • The Influence of the Media and Social Class in Police Brutality
  • The Dangers of Racial Profiling and Police Brutality
  • The Effects of Police Brutality on Minority Communities
  • The Effects of Police Brutality and Racism English
  • The Drug Trade as the Cause of Police Brutality in Brazil
  • Police Brutality and Their Power Caught on Video by Bystanders
  • How to Deal with the Problem of Police Brutality in the United States?
  • What is the Relations Police Brutality and Its Contributors?
  • How Repressive Laws and Police Brutality Against Mexican Americans Stigmatized the Race as a Whole?
  • How Race and Ethnicity Affects Police Brutality Term?
  • Police Brutality Ends Here?
  • What Does the Media Cover up the Police Brutality?
  • How Does Police Brutality on Children Affect How Society?
  • Does Police Brutality Distort the Way People View Law Enforcement?
  • How Can We Help Prevent Police Brutality?
  • How to Stop Police Brutality Against Minority’s?
  • Has Been Police Brutality Alive for Too Many Years?
  • Has Police Brutality Increased Throughout the United?
  • What Is Wrong with Police?
  • How Police Corruption Remains a Tainted Reminder of Police Brutality in the US?
  • Does Police Brutality Affect the Mental Health of Black Youth?
  • Why Isn’t Outrage over Police Brutality Enough?
  • Are the Police Taking Advantage of People by Using Police Brutality?
  • Has Been Police Brutality Around for Decades?
  • Should There Be Direct Laws Against Police Brutality?
  • Can You Trust the Law?
  • What Is the Police Brutality Effect on African American Males?
  • When the Police Duty to Protect Fails Police Brutality?
  • Religious Profiling and Police Brutality: How They Affect Operations?
  • What Are the Effects of Police Brutality?
  • Police Brutality: What’s Really Going on?
  • What is the New York City Police Brutality?
  • How Does the Body Camera Increase Police Brutality?
  • The Causes of Police Brutality in America: Is It Due to Police Behavior?
  • When Excessive Force Becomes Police Brutality Sociology?
  • What is the Link Between Police Brutality and the Law Enforcement Officers?
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IvyPanda. (2023, November 30). 87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-brutality-essay-examples/

"87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples." IvyPanda , 30 Nov. 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/police-brutality-essay-examples/.

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Key themes in qualitative research projects with police forces in England and Wales (accessible version)

Updated 9 January 2023

dissertation ideas police

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This publication is available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/front-line-policing-review/key-themes-in-qualitative-research-projects-with-police-forces-in-england-and-wales

This paper provides a high-level overview of the consistent key themes identified across qualitative research undertaken with police forces across England and Wales, by the Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice since June 2016.

The findings should be used to inform the Front Line Review by focussing attention towards the issues, challenges and opportunities raised by police officers, staff and volunteers delivering frontline policing services. The intention of this paper is to share recent and relevant research findings and to recognise the time and effort that many frontline individuals have put into research and engagement exercises, across topics relevant to this review.

2. Evidence

The key themes outlined in this paper are drawn from the findings of qualitative data collection and analysis across 11 projects completed between June 2016 and January 2019. This includes five projects involving singular forces, two regional projects, two projects involving five forces, one involving three forces and one national project. The geographical spread of the forces involved include large and small forces across both urban and rural areas, span across the north and south of England and include one force in Wales. The project reports are confidential; however, forces have agreed to the findings being used to inform academic, policy and practice improvement, with assurances of anonymity in publicly available documents.

The research included in this review examines a variety of broad themes; perceptions and experiences working in policing; wellbeing, coaching, support and management; ‘frontline’ experiences and opportunities and blockers to change and transformation. The collective data draws upon the perceptions and experiences shared by 415 police officers and staff through one-to-one interviews (216 participants) and in-depth focus group discussions (199 participants). Of those 415 participants, 341 were paid police officers or staff and 74 were Special Constables or police support volunteers. The majority of these qualitative projects also invited participation through online surveys and provided the opportunity for open-text responses which have been coded and themed. This qualitative survey data draws upon a total of 8,843 participants, made up of 5,791 paid police officers or staff, and 3,052 Special Constables or police support volunteers. The majority of the projects used thematic analysis to draw inferences from the data and one project used grounded theory. See Appendix I for more information. This brief report therefore presents a snapshot of current thinking and perceptions amongst frontline police officers, police staff, PSCOs, Special Constables and police support volunteers.

3. Findings

The findings outlined below were evidenced in the majority of the 11 projects included in this review.

3.1 Workload; internal inefficiencies and job satisfaction

Workload is identified as a key driver of satisfaction with job role. Perceptions of ‘workload’ in this context tend to be described in three distinct ways: volume of work or duties directly associated with delivering the core role; ‘internal demand’ - processes and administrative work associated with facilitating the core role; and ‘external demand’ – work created by the failings of external processes, partnerships and services. Volume of work is least likely to be the cause of dissatisfaction in role, or lower motivation or wellbeing, because the majority of this work is directly delivering the core function of the role. This means that whilst volume creates high pressure and sometimes unmanageable workloads, the motivation and energy to do the job remains high enough to support a positive attitude and pride in personal contribution. However, ‘internal demand’ created by inefficiencies and ineffectiveness in policies, processes, systems and communication - often described as ‘failure demand’- generates significant frustration with workload and role. Wider research supports the theory that organisational factors, rather than operational factors – the context of the job, rather than the content of the job, are the leading sources of stress for police officers (Shane, 2010, Hesketh et al., 2014).

Examples of internal inefficiencies include working across multiple IT systems and data reporting tools, double-keying, multiple levels of authorisation and audit and creating activity and output data for internal performance management, reporting and meetings. For many, the distance between these internal demands and the core purpose of frontline policing is too far to maintain the strength of motivation, pride and energy to support job satisfaction. In line with this, the workload created by ‘external demand’ is also perceived to be outside of the scope and purpose of frontline policing, often involving individuals and families requiring social care and health services rather than policing intervention. This can reduce the morale and motivation that is generated through developing and utilising skills and expertise to achieve policing outcomes.

Reducing internal inefficiencies has been consistently highlighted by frontline officers and staff as an opportunity to improve individual and collective outcomes, which could contribute to creating space for ideas and innovation and improving wellbeing for those where workload is a factor.

3.2 Recognition; expertise and discretionary effort

Rather than framing reward and recognition in terms of pay, promotion, awards or other forms of feedback, frontline officers and staff tend to draw a relationship between feeling their skills, expertise and effort leads to positive outcomes for policing, the public and specifically for victims. The ability to do their job well and to demonstrate the connection between their knowledge and experience and what they are able to deliver, is found to impact upon feeling rewarded and recognised and higher discretionary effort. Alternatively, where frontline officers and staff feel ‘interchangeable’, treated as a collar number and a ‘commodity’, this psychological contract between the individual and the force is damaged, leading to a lack of personal investment in delivery and outcomes and reduced discretionary effort. This finding is supported by research by Hesketh et al., (2016) which shows that security in role and feeling a sense of control over the role being delivered, tend to contribute to greater discretionary effort. This is particularly evident for those who have experienced extremely swift movement in roles and areas of responsibility and those who have been moved from specialist areas of policing ‘back to the frontline’. These issues are linked to perceptions of poor transparency in decision-making and rationale for change and a lack of fairness in access to opportunities for personal and professional development.

Our research findings suggest a change in expectations about reward and recognition in policing in recent years, where receiving training and lateral development is perceived as recognition and investment. This appears to be caused by restricted access to even basic training, and the importance of confidence and competence in performing well in role and maintaining positive relationships with peers and management. It is evident across studies that the majority of the frontline do not display confidence that the training they receive effectively equips them for the job roles they perform. Whilst levels of confidence in decision-making and use of professional judgement tend to be high in policing, this appears to be driven by the lack of available support and supervision rather than the growth of competence in role. This was supported by findings that the majority of frontline officers do not feel they would be supported if a mistake was made. The attention of senior leadership is often directed towards specific individuals on the frontline when something has gone wrong, as opposed to identifying and recognising effort and outcomes of good work.

Across the studies examined for this paper it is shown that the majority of frontline officers and staff enjoy their role and feel pride in what they do. Whilst this is not found to be related to feeling recognised by leadership, the role of peer recognition and peer support is evident in descriptions of enjoyment and satisfaction with the work. Wider literature supports the view that it is a behavioural norm in policing to go over and above core responsibilities and that this underpins police organisational identity (Hoggett, et. al., 2014). This is described as ‘organisational citizenship behaviour’, which plays a significant role in self-esteem in identities in policing and the way recognition is weaved into this culture (Hoggett et. al., 2014). However, working extra hours and taking on extra responsibilities can be counter-intuitive for managing wellbeing, reducing an ‘impression management’ culture and optimising discretionary effort (O’Grady, 2018; Organ et al., 2006).

3.3 Performance management and innovation

The pervasive culture around understanding and managing performance through the use of numerical targets in policing continues to be identified by frontline officers and staff as the fundamental blocker to generating a learning culture which fosters innovation and effective problem-solving. Senior leaders are often perceived to be ‘out of touch’ with the realities of frontline policing and middle management tend to hold a reputation which leans towards simplistic assessment of outputs, personal reputation management and lack transparency in effectively communicating between the frontline and senior leaders. A ‘blame culture’ continues to be referenced by frontline officers and staff, which inevitably stifles ideas and innovation and erodes perceptions of support for developing new models or approaches to policing.

Whilst creating a learning culture and notions of evidence-based policing are increasingly evident in frontline narratives about policing, the research findings suggest that projects in these areas are the exception. Change programmes and new initiatives are often associated with the advancement of specific individuals rather than organisational learning and evidence, causing perceptions of bias in related performance analysis and assessment of outcomes.

Approaches to performance management have also been criticised by frontline officers and staff as focussing attention towards specific teams or departments, driving silo working and reducing assessments of resourcing against outcomes at the strategic level. There is widespread understanding of the financial position of policing and keen support to identify and remove waste, however this energy is often lost through perceptions of poor decision-making by senior leaders about resource management. In many examples these perceptions may have been changed through more effective communication about change programmes and resource allocation, particularly in relation to collaborations. Improving communication with the frontline about opportunities to improve practice, where leadership are perceived to be genuinely listening and gathering information to explore ideas, can stimulate teams and individuals to find resources to test new ideas and to remove barriers to change.

3.4 Leadership and management

Whilst there are references to positive, engaging and inspiring supervision and management in policing, which generally appears in teams with lower demand, more predictable demand or with a lower volume of work, descriptions of middle management tend to reflect dissatisfaction or disillusionment. Whilst perceptions and relationships with direct line managers are inconsistent; often positive where they are perceived to be part of the team and therefore ‘part of the struggle’; or negative, often driven by a perceived lack of interest and support for the individual and their personal circumstances and areas of interest and expertise. Wider research suggests that where approaches to supervision frequently reflect positive behaviours and rarely negative behaviours, employees report having better psychological wellbeing, which increases their resilience and ability to perform their roles (Hesketh et al., 2014; Gilbreath & Benson, 2004). These ‘positive behaviours’ include communication, consideration, support, organising work to minimise stressful periods and leadership to demonstrate to employees that they are part of something important and valued. Whereas ‘negative behaviours’ reflect the opposite, creating a focus on performance and productivity at the expense of wellbeing. Our findings suggest this focus on performance plays out as supervisors ‘counting’ the activities and outputs of individuals and teams and creating a culture of punishment for lower ‘productivity’ and competitiveness between teams.

Our research evidence points to a collective sense that overt commitment to management, including identifying areas for professional development, engaging in Personal Development Reviews and capturing evidence of progress, is ‘wasted time’. Those who have disengaged from PDR processes altogether also tend to have more negative perceptions of their direct line manager. The PDR is consistently highly unpopular, which is linked to earlier findings related to a perceived lack of transparency and fairness in access to training and developing specialist skills and experience. Investing in officers as individuals with skills and experience, reduces feelings of being an interchangeable ‘commodity’ and increases feelings of being recognised and valued.

3.5 Summary

In summary, the points made in this paper collectively create an environment in which effective performance management at the individual level becomes very complex. Perceptions or experiences of inadequate training, lack of investment in personal and professional development, swift movement between roles and teams, lack of support and high impact of internal inefficiencies, inevitably leads to individuals being unable or unwilling to deliver their role effectively. The lack of particularly positive or negative outcomes for frontline police officers and staff appears to facilitate inertia, exacerbated by change programmes either lacking in objective evidence and rationale or hindered by ineffective communication. Despite this context, the majority of officers feel proud of their role, enjoy what they do and demonstrate high levels of commitment and energy to support their colleagues and to provide the best possible service to the public.

Dr Laura Knight, Director, Institute for Public Safety, Crime and Justice

5. Contributors

Dr Iain Britton, Kath Cahalin, Dr Matthew Callender, Dr Berni Doran, Dan Moloney and Valentina Lugli.

Contact: Dr Laura Knight

Email: [email protected]

Mobile: 07850260029

6. References

Hesketh, I., Smith, J. and Ivy, J. (2014). ‘Keeping the Peelian Spirit: Resilience and Spirituality in Policing.’ Police Journal: Theory, Practice and Principles, 87 (3): 154-166.

Hesketh, I., Cooper, C.L. and Ivy, J. (2016). ‘Wellbeing and Engagement in Policing: The Key to Unlocking Discretionary Effort?’ Policing, 11 (1): 62-73.

Hoggett, J., Redford, P., Toher, D. and White, P. (2014). Challenge and change: Police identity, morale and goodwill in an age of austerity. Project Report. University of the West of England.

Joyce, S., Shand, F. and Tighe, J. (2018). ‘Road to resilience: a systematic review and meta-analysis of resilience training programmes and interventions’. BMJ Open, (8): e017858. doi:10.1136/ bmjopen-2017-017858.

O’Grady, S. (2018). ‘Organisational citizenship behaviour: Sensitization to an organisational phenomenon’. Journal of Nursing Management, (26): 795-801.

Organ, D. W., Podsakoff, P. M. and MacKenzie, S. B. (2006). Organizational citizenship behavior: Its nature, antecedents, and consequences. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.

Shane, J. M. (2010). ‘Organizational stressors and police performance’. Journal of Criminal Justice, 38 (4): 807-818.

Gilbreath, B. and Benson, P.G. (2004). ‘The contribution of supervisor behaviour to employee psychological well-being’. Work & Stress, 18 (3): 255-266.

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Last modified: 9th Dec 2019

Effect of Urban Violence on Poverty and Inequality

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION  Violence and fear are entwined with processes of social change in contemporary cities (Caldeira, 2000). Violence is now seen as a hindering factor to social change and develo...

Eyewitness Reliability Involving Fires

Eyewitness Reliability involving Fires Introduction Eyewitness testimony is often one of the few pieces of information available to a fire investigator. This information may be useful in determining ...

Issues of Contact Orders in Domestic Violence

Introduction “After the boys died, I did not want to be here anymore. I only stayed on the earth to put right what has been put wrong. So many children are let down by a system that should protect ...

Police Community Relations - A Focus on Tottenham North London: Then and Now

Abstract Since the 1990s, media, the internet and wider literature has identified that there has been brewing friction involving the police and the ethnic minorities within these communities. Let’s...

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  1. Police Dissertation Ideas

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  2. Final police essay

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  3. ⇉Police Discretion Case Study Essay Example

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  4. (PDF) PhD Thesis 'Armed Policing in England'

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  5. Dissertation Final

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  6. Dissertation research on mental health of Police officers. : policeuk

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  1. Developing Your Dissertation Ideas with video

  2. Choosing the Right Focus for Your Dissertation: Sebastián Solís's Tips

  3. Policing and Investigations at the University of Derby

  4. 5 Trending Project / Dissertation Ideas for Bsc & Msc Microbiology Students

  5. ANALYSIS OF University of Hyderabad- MA POLITICAL SCIENCE PAPER- 2021

  6. Tactical, Strategic, and Administrative Crime Analyses


  1. 379 Police Essay Topics to Research & Write about

    In your police essay, you might want to focus on the historical perspective, elaborate on police brutality, touch upon the psychology of a criminal, or discuss the importance of the police as an institution. In this article, we collected a list of excellent law enforcement topics for a research paper, essay, presentation, or other assignment.

  2. 213 Inspiring Criminology Dissertation Ideas In 2023

    Find 213 inspiring criminology topics for your dissertation or thesis on various aspects of crime, such as mental health, psychology, policing, terrorism, and drugs. Learn how to write a criminology paper with tips and examples from experts.


    This dissertation examines how organizational structure affects police output and whether community factors moderate the relationship. It uses data from 357 large police departments in the US and finds no significant impact of structure on crime rate or clearance rate.

  4. 35 Criminal Justice Topics for Students

    Explore 35 criminal justice research topics for your PhD dissertation. Learn about the specializations, courses, and career opportunities in criminal justice at Walden University.

  5. 167 Stunning Criminology Dissertation Ideas for You

    Find inspiration for your criminology dissertation with this list of 167 topics on terrorism, drugs, criminal law, forensic psychology, mental health, and more. Each topic includes a brief description and examples of possible research questions and methods.

  6. Criminology and Criminal Justice Dissertations

    Browse a collection of dissertations on various topics in criminology and criminal justice from Northeastern University. Find abstracts, PDFs, and contact information of the authors.

  7. A Quantitative Approach to Police and Mental Health Training

    Since July 2018, Minnesota police officers are now required to complete 16 hours of mental training every. three years. Because this training is now mandatory, police officers may have a different. outlook on completing these trainings, and potentially on their attitudes toward. individuals with mental illness.

  8. 222 Top-Notch Criminal Justice Thesis Topics in 2023

    Find 222 criminal justice thesis topics for your paper, from history and development of the system to discrimination and crime prevention. Learn how to write a quality criminal justice paper with expert tips and examples.

  9. Criminology Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2016. PDF. Disinhibition, Violence Exposure, and Delinquency: A Test of How Self-Control Affects the Impact of Exposure to Violence, Wyatt Brown. PDF. The Guilty But Mentally Ill Verdict: Assessing the Impact of Informing Jurors of Verdict Consequences, Erin Elizabeth Cotrone. PDF.

  10. Criminal Justice Theses, Projects, and Dissertations

    Browse the list of criminal justice theses, projects, and dissertations from California State University, San Bernardino. Find topics such as human trafficking, police subculture, drug trafficking, gangs, and more.

  11. Criminology Dissertation Topics: 20+ Examples for Inspiration

    Find out how to choose a criminology dissertation topic from various fields of study, such as mental health, controversial issues, argumentative topics, and more. See a list of 20+ examples for each category and get dissertation writing help if you need it.

  12. Police Officer Perception of Wellness Programs

    Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection 2016 Police Officer Perception of Wellness Programs Ellen M. Chism ... Police officer applicants need to be in top physical condition and must pass a physical ability test in order to be accepted into the police academy. However, many police

  13. A Qualitative Study: An Examination of Police Officers' Lived

    In the early months of 2020, the COVID-19 virus impacted the United States and disrupted daily routines in America (Stogner et al., 2020).Most businesses and organizations temporarily shut down operations or moved them online, but police officers had to remain on the job and continue performing many of the physical duties associated with police work.

  14. 243 Police Research Topics + Examples

    243 Police Research Topics + Examples. If you're a criminal justice student, you might want to talk about or write a paper on the work of police officers and the hot issues in policing. Luckily, StudyCorgi has compiled an extensive list of police topics for you! On this page, you'll find law enforcement essay topics, as well as questions ...

  15. Top 100 Criminology Dissertation Topics that You can Look Forward to in

    Top 100 Criminology Dissertation Topics that can Help you with Future Assignments. For our students relentlessly pursuing quality criminology dissertation topics, we are bringing in for them the full list of top 100 most advised dissertation assignment topics from our experts of the subject. ... Police brutality and tortures in the developing ...

  16. Criminal Law Dissertation Topics

    Find 12 dissertation topics and ideas on criminal and evidence law, such as diminished responsibility, rape, omissions, and corporate manslaughter. Compare and critique the English law with other jurisdictions and explore the challenges and controversies in the field.


    John Bernier, B.A. Thesis Advisor: Andrew S. Wise, Ph.D. ABSTRACT. The civil unrest of 2020 culminated in numerous American cities pledging to "defund the. police.". At the behest of civil rights activists, these cities pledged to reallocate funding from. municipal police departments into community outreach programs. This will be done with the.


    of police officers in T&T, this study was aimed at addressing the deficiencies in the literature by providing insights and understanding on the perception of police officers through the following research questions: (I) What are the variables that affect citizens perception of the ... 1.8 Scope of Thesis-----19 Chapter 2 - Literature Review 2 ...

  19. 87 Police Brutality Topics and Essay Examples

    Police Brutality in the USA. This paper aims to discuss the types of police brutality, the particularities of psychological harm inflicted by the police, and its consequences for the population affected by these forms of violence. Public Administration Issue: Police Brutality.

  20. Research projects map

    Research projects. You can share your research if it is: relevant to policing and crime reduction. at Masters degree level or above. carried out in conjunction with a UK university. ongoing and not completed. Projects are removed from the map once they are completed and you will have the opportunity to share your findings with the National ...

  21. Key themes in qualitative research projects with police forces in

    This paper summarises the key themes from 11 qualitative projects with police forces across England and Wales, focusing on perceptions and experiences of frontline officers, staff and volunteers ...

  22. Law Enforcement Dissertations

    Find dissertation examples, proposals, and chapters on various topics related to law enforcement, such as police training, response, use of force, and community relations. Browse the latest and most relevant dissertations for your research or study.

  23. Police Dissertation Ideas

    Police Dissertation Ideas - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. This document discusses the challenges of writing a police dissertation and offers assistance from an expert writing service. It notes that crafting a comprehensive dissertation on law enforcement can be difficult, requiring deep subject knowledge, strong analysis, and clear writing.