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200+Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers (2024)

200+Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers (2025)

Direct and indirect speech exercises and answers (2025) help learners understand the transformation between direct statements and reported speech, enhancing their comprehension and expression abilities.

We frequently employ direct and indirect speech in our everyday interactions to accurately convey what was said and summarize information efficiently.

Enhance your understanding of Direct and Indirect Speech with our extensive collection of over 200 exercises and corresponding answers.

Through practice in transforming quotations into reported speech, grasp the principles and methods involved, and refine your differentiation between direct and indirect speech.

Elevate your language proficiency and deepen your comprehension of English with our comprehensive set of over 200 Direct and Indirect Speech exercises and answers.

Understanding Direct Speech

Direct speech is when the exact words spoken by a person are quoted within quotation marks. It provides a direct representation of what was said, maintaining the original wording and tone. Direct speech adds authenticity and immediacy to the narrative.

For example,

  • Direct Speech: My aunt said, ‘Every mother loves her child.’
  • Direct Speech: Mon said to me, ‘I shall go, but you will stay.’

Explore Indirect Speech

Indirect speech, also known as reported speech, conveys someone else’s words without quoting them directly. Indirect speech offers a concise summary, enabling effective communication and storytelling.

  • Indirect Speech: My aunt said that every mother loves her child.
  • Indirect Speech: Mon told me that she would go but I should stay.

Before delving into the direct and indirect speech exercises, consider how Tense , Pronouns , Time , and Place change when transitioning from direct to indirect speech and vice versa.

Exercises and Answers for Direct and Indirect Speech (2025)

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and answers, along with examples are given in the following for practice. It’s important for students as well as for competitive Exams. For practice and easy comprehension, Direct and indirect speech Exercises and answers have been arranged according to different rules in the following.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers with Tense Transformations

Exercises and answers with tense alterations facilitate practice and comprehension of verb tense transformations.

Exercise 1:

Change the mode of narration from direct Speech to indirect speech .

(1) He said , ‘I need some money.’ Ans: He said that he needed some money.

(2) She said, ‘I am waiting for him.’ Ans: She said that she was waiting for him.

(3) The boy said , ‘I have done my homework.’ Ans: The boy said that he had done his homework.

(4) You said, ‘The baby has been sleeping .” Ans: You said that the baby had been sleeping .

(5) You say, ‘I am always busy.’ Ans: You say that you are always busy.

(6) The child will say , ‘Mum knows everything.’ Ans: The child will say that Mum knows everything.

(7) He said , ‘I did it.’ Ans: He said that he had done it.

(8) She said, ‘He was talking .’ Ans: She said that he had been talking .

(9) The monk said , ‘Man will die .’ Ans: The monk said that man will die.

(10) He said , ‘The sun gives us light.’ Ans: He said that the sun gives us light.

Exercise 2:

Switch the narrative style from direct speech to indirect speech.

(1) He said to me, “I can’t recall your name.” Ans: He told me that he could not recall my name.

(2) Poulami says , “I am fine.” Ans: Poulomi says that she is fine.

(3) He said, “I did it.” Ans: He said that he had done it.

(4) “I know her address,” said Gopi. Ans: Gopi said that he knew her address.

(5) Ram said, “The earth is round.” Ans: Ram said that the Earth is round.

(6) “We planted it ourselves,” said the grandfather. Ans: The Gran Father said that they had planted it themselves.

(7) Debu said, “I have been playing rugby.” Ans: Debu said that he had been playing rugby.

(8) Purbasha said to me,” I am afraid of ghosts.” Ans: Purbasha told me that she was afraid of ghosts.

People Also Ask

to Change Direct to Indirect Speech

Exercise 3:

Turn the following sentences from direct Speech to indirect speech .

(1) The boys said , “It has been raining since morning. We cannot play today.” Ans: The boys said that it had been raining since morning so they could not play that day.

(2) Anjan’s mother said, “Your father has left for Mumbai.” Ans: Anjan’s mother said that my father had left for Mumbai.

(3) My teacher said , “Practice makes a man perfect.” Ans: My teacher said that practice makes a man perfect.

(4) He says, “I go to the temple every morning.” Ans: He says that he goes to the temple every morning.

(5) He said to me, “I will not get down from the bus.” Ans: He told me that he would not get off the bus.

(6) Rita says to Mita, “I will go with you.” Ans: Rita tells Mita that she w ill go with her.

(7) The boy said to his friend, “I went to school yesterday.” Ans: The boy told his friend that he had gone to school the previous day.

(8) You said, “I was right.” Ans: You said that you had been right.

(9) “I ‘ll go to the top,” said the young lady. Ans: The young lady said that she would go to the top.

(10) I ‘ ve got my rules,” the conductor said to me. Ans: The conductor told me that he had got his rules.

Pronouns in Direct and Indirect Speech: Exercises and Answers

Exercises and answers incorporating pronouns in direct and indirect speech facilitate learners’ understanding and application of pronoun changes in reported speech structures.

Exercise 4:

(1) You said, ‘ I never smoked.” Ans: You said that you never smoked.

(2) I said, ‘ I am always busy.” Ans: I said that I was alway busy

(3) I said to you , ‘ You look tired.” Ans: I said to you that you looked tired.

(4) You said to me , ‘ You are dependable.” Ans: You said to me that I was dependable.

(5) You said, “ He is right.” Ans: You said that he was right.

(6) I said, “ They will be late. Ans: I said that they w ould be late.

(7) He said to (Deep) , ‘ You told it so.” Ans: He said to Deep that he (Deep) had told it so.

(8) Mon said to Moon , “ You are naughty.” Ans: Mon said to Moon that she (Moon) was naughty.

Exercise 5:

Alter the narrative style from direct speech to indirect speech.

(1) He said to me, “ I have done the job.” Ans: He told me that he had done the job.

(2) Rohit said, “ I was absent yesterday.” Ans: Rohit said that he (Rohit) had been absent the previous day.

(3) The boy said, “ My father died two years ago.” Ans: The boy said that his father had died two years before.

(4) He said, “ My goal is to climb Mt Everest. “ Ans: He said that his goal was to climb Mount Everest.

(5) “ I shall certainly do nothing of this kind”, the woman. Ans: The woman said that she would certainly do nothing of that kind.

(6) The man said, “ I am exhausted.” Ans: The man said that he was exhausted.

(7) He said, “ I am washing my hands.” Ans: He said that he was washing his hands.

(8) Mother bird said to her little ones, “Today I will teach you how to fly.” Ans: Mother bird told her little ones that that day, she would teach them how to fly.

(9) Rita’s father says. “ I have done this for you. Ans: Rita’s father says that he had done that for her.

(10) Sumana said to her sister, “ I want to play with you.” Ans: Sumana told her sister that she wanted to play with her.

Time and Place Expressions in Direct and Indirect Speech: Exercises and Answers

Exercises and answers on time and place expressions in direct and indirect speech aid learners in accurately conveying temporal and spatial information while mastering reported speech conventions.

Exercise 6:

Turn the following direct speech into indirect speech

(1) I said to you, “I wish to start business next year. “ Ans: I said to you that I wished to start business the following years.

(2) You said to them, “ Now I shall tell you a nice story.” Ans: You told them that then you would tell them a nice story.

(3) She said to him, “I bought the book yesterday. “ Ans: She told him that she had bought the book the previous day .

(4) He said to me, “I saw your sister two years ago . Ans: He told me that he had seen my sister two years before.

(5) He said to his son, “You may come with me tomorrow. Ans: He told his son that he (his son) might go with him the next day.

(6) He said to her, I’m talking to you now for your good.” Ans: He told her that he was talking to her then for her good.

(7) The girl said to me, My father died two years ago. “ Ans: The girl told me that her father died two years before.

Exception: But if ‘ now ‘, ‘ here ‘, ‘ this ‘ refer to things present before the speaker at the time of reporting, no change is needed.

(8) He said to me, ‘I have no friend here. ‘ Ans: He told me that he had no friend here.

(9) I said, ‘We cannot be happy in this world.’ Ans: I said that we cannot be happy in this world.

(10) She said, “ This is the house where I was born.” Ans: She said that this was the house where she was born.

Exercise 7:

Change the following sentences into indirect speech.

(1) The boy said to his father, “I had my tiffin in school yesterday. “ Ans: The boy told his father that he had had his tiffin in school the previous day .

(2) The captain informed, “The tournament was postponed last year. “ Ans: The captain informed us that the tournament was postponed the previous year .

(3) She said, “We have been living here for two years.” Ans: She said that they had been living there for two years.

(4) Arnab said to Ajit,” I am happy today .” Ans: Arna told Ajit that he was happy that day.

(5) My friend said to me, “We went to the zoo yesterday. “ Ans: My friend told me that they had gone to the zoo the previous day.

(6) The clerk said, “I’ll do the work now. “ Ans: Clark said that he would do the work then.

(7) Hiten said to Mihir, “I received this letter yesterday. “ Ans: Hiten told me that he had received that letter the previous day.

(8) Rajib said to me. “I shall go to the picture today. “ Ans: Rajiv told me that he would go to the picture that day.

(9) He said, “We are very happy here. “ Ans: He said that they were very happy there.

(10) The farmer said, “I’ll sow the seeds now. “ Ans: The farmer said that he will show the seats then.

(12) The man said to me, “I received your gift yesterday. “ Ans: The man told me that he had received my gift the previous day.

(15) I said to my friend, “You were present in the class yesterday. “ Ans: I told my friend that he had been present in the class the previous day.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers of Assertive Sentences

Direct and indirect speech exercises and answers focusing on assertive sentences enable learners to grasp the nuances of reporting statements confidently and accurately.

Exercise 8:

Transform the following direct speech into indirect speech

(1) My aunt said, ‘Every mother loves her child.’ Ans: My aunt said that every mother loves her child.

(2) Mon said to me, ‘I shall go, but you will stay.’ Ans: Mon told me that she would go but I should stay.

(3) He said to his father, ‘I shall always carry out your order.’ Ans: He told his father that he would always carry out his order.

(4) She said, ‘I sang a song at today’s function.’ Ans: She said that she had sung a song at today’s function.

(5) He said to me, ‘You are wicked, so I shall not mix with you.’ Ans: He told me that I was wicked, so he would not mix with me.

Exercise 9:

Change the following sentences converting the direct speeches into indirect speeches.

(1) The teacher said to the boy, “You have forgotten the lesson.” Ans: The teacher told the boy that he had forgotten the lesson.

(2) The boy said, “I shall go out and play.” Ans: The boy said that he would go out and play.

(3) He said, “I am happy to be here today.” Ans: He said that he was happy to be there that day.

(4) They said, “We shall play the game again tomorrow.” Ans: They said that they would play the game again the next day.

(5) The boy said, “Two and two make four.” Ans: The boy said that two and two make four.

Exercise 10:

Change the form of narration from indirect speech into direct speech.

(1) She told them that she had lost her books and theirs too. Ans : “I have lost my books and yours too”, she told them.

(2) The princess says that she has lost her way. Ans: The princess says, “I have lost my way.”

(3) They say that they must keep their locality clean. Ans: They say, “We must keep our locality clean.”

(4) The girl says that those books are theirs, but that one is hers. Ans: The girl says, “These books are theirs, but this one is mine.”

(5) The Happy prince said that he had led the dance in the Great Hall. Ans: The Happy Prince said, “I led the dance in the great hall.”

Interrogative Sentences Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers

Engage with interrogative sentences through direct and indirect speech exercises and answers to sharpen your ability to convey questions effectively within different narrative frameworks.

Exercise 11:

(1) Mother said to her, ‘Are you feeling feverish?’ Ans: Mother inquired of her if she was feeling feverish.

(2) ‘Was it not a piece of luck?’ said Slavator. Ans: Salvtor wanted to know if that was not a piece of luck.

(3) The host said to me, ‘Have all the guests arrived?’ Ans: The host asked me whether all the guests had arrived.

(4) I said, ‘Do you know who will preside over the meeting?’ Ans: I asked whether he knew who would be presiding over the meeting.

(5) I said to the boy, ‘Did you pass the examination?’ Ans: I asked the boy if had passed the examination.

(6) She said to him, ‘Which of the books do you want to buy? Ans: She asked him which of the books he wanted to buy.

(7) The king said, ‘Who is not ready to due for his land, my countryman?’ Ans: The king asked his countrymen who was not ready to due for his land.

(8) He said to her, ‘Whose type writer are you using? Ans: He inquired of her whose type- writer she was using.

(9) The girl said to the strang ‘Whom do you want to see? Ans: The girl asked the stranger whom he wanted to see.

(10) The teacher said to the student, ‘Why are you late regularly? Ans: The teacher asked the student why he was late regularly.

Exercise 12:

Turn the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech.

(1) Bulbuli said to her friend, “Will you come tomorrow?” Ans: Bulbuli asked her friend if she would on the next day.

(2) The policeman said to the stranger, “What are you looking for?” Ans: The police asked the stranger what he was looking for.

(3) Nikhil said to me, “Why do you look sad? Ans: Nikhil asked me why I looked sad.

(4) I said to her, “Did you take tea ?” Ans: I asked her if she had taken tea.

(5) The girl said to her mother, “Will you give me your bangles ?” Ans: The girl asked her mother if she would give her her bangles.

(6) Father said to me, “Why are you so upset?” Ans: Father asked me why I was so upset.

Exercise 13:

Change the following indirect speech into Direct speech.

(1) She asked me if I had called her. Ans: She said to me, “Did you call me ?”

(2) He asked me if I was writing a letter. Ans: He asked me, “Are you writing a letter ?”

(3) The man asked the child how he had got there. Ans: “How did you get here, child ?”, the man said.

(4) The police asked me if I could show my identity card. Ans: The police said to me, “Can you show your identity card ?”

(5) He asked us if we were attending the meeting that day. Ans: He said to us, “Are you attending the meeting today?”

(6) I asked her if she had taken medicine. Ans: I said to her, “Did you take medicine ?”

(7) Raja asked Dipu if he would go to school that day. Ans: Raja said to Dipu, “Will you go to school today?

Imperative Sentences Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers

Master imperative sentences through direct and indirect speech exercises and answers, refining your skill in conveying commands and requests within diverse linguistic contexts.

Exercise 14:

Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech.

(1) The teacher said, ‘Boys, go to your classes.’ Ans: The teacher ordered the boys to go to their classes.

(2) She said to him, ‘Please lend me your pen.’ Ans: She requested him to lend her his pen.

(3) The mother said to her son, ‘Wait here for me.’ Ans: The mother told her son to wait there for her.

(4) He said to me, ‘Go home at once.’ Ans: He advised me to go home at once.

(5) I said to my teacher, ‘Please explain the passage. Ans: I requested my teacher to explain the passage.

(6) The student said to the teacher, “Excuse me, sir.’ Ans: The student begged the teacher to excuse him.

(7) He said, ‘Friends, lend me your ears. Ans: Addressing them as friends, he requested them to lend him their ears.

Exercise 15:

(1) The teacher said to the students, “Keep quiet.” Ans: The teachers ordered the students to keep quiet.

(2) My teacher said to me. “Do not neglect your studies.” Ans: My teacher advised me not to neglect my studies.

(3) The man said to his son, “Always try to be honest.” Ans: The man advised it’s on to always try to be honest.

(4) Mother said to Raju, “Do not run in the sun.” Ans: Mother ordered Raju not to run in the sun.

(5) The man said to me, “Brother, please help me.” Ans: Addressing as a brother, the man requested me to help him.

(6) The students said, “Please allow us to play in the field.” Ans: The students requested to allow them to play on the field.

(7) He said to me, “Please give me some money.” Ans: He requested me to give him some money.

Exercise 16:

Change the following sentences from Indirect speech to Direct Speech of narration.

(1) He advised me not to waste my valuable time. Ans: He said to me, “Don’t waste your valuable time.”

(2) The grandson advised the children not to pluck flowers. Ans: The gardener said to the children, “Do not pluck flowers.”

(3) Tom forbade Sid to shake him. Ans: Tom said to Sid, “Don’t shake me.”

(4) The master ordered the servant to sort the door. Ans: The master said to the servant, “Shut the door.”

(5) The commander ordered the soldiers to stand at ease. Ans: The commander said to the soldiers, “Stand at ease.”

(6) Addressing as sethji, the vendor told him not to rob the poor. Ans: “Sethji, don’t rob the poor”, said the vendor.

(7) The doctor advised the patient to take proper vitamins to stay healthy. Ans: The doctor said to the patient, “Take proper vitamins to stay healthy.”

(8) The teacher ordered the students to do it then. Ans: The teacher said to the students, “Do it now.”

Direct and indirect speech Exercises and Answers with “Let”

Enhance your understanding of direct and indirect speech through exercises and answers featuring the usage of “let,” allowing you to effectively report permissions, suggestions, or proposals in various contexts

Exercise 17:

Change the following sentences from direct speech to indirect speech mode of narration.

(1) He said to her, ‘Let us go out for a walk,’ Ans: He proposed to her that they should go out for a walk.

(2) Mon said to Mohan, ‘Let us dis- cuss the matter,’ Ans: Mon suggested to Mohan that they should discuss the matter.

(3) The chairman said, ‘Let us put the motion to vote. Ans: The chairman proposed that they should put the motion to vote.

(4) I said to her, ‘Let us have some music,’ Ans: I proposed to her that we should have some music.

(5) ‘Let us hurry or we may miss the bus,’ said he, Ans: He urged all to hurry or they might miss the bus.

(6) She said, ‘Let me come in.’ Ans: She requested that she might be allowed to come in.

(7) He said, ‘Let her say whatever she likes.’ Ans: He said that she might say whatever she liked.

(8) He said, ‘Let me have a cup of coffee.’ Ans: He wished that he might have a cup of coffee.

(9) The player said to the captain, ‘Let me have a chance, please.’ Ans: The player requested the captain to let him have a chance.

(10) I said, ‘Let him work ever so hard, he cannot win the prize.’ Ans: He said that the visitor might be allowed to wait outside.

Exercise 18:

(1) Rahim said, “Let us decide the matter together.” Ans: Rahim suggested that they should decide the matter together.

(2) The boy said to me, “Let us play cricket.” Ans: The boy proposed that they should play cricket.

(3) He said, “Let me go home.” Ans: He wished that he might go home.

(4) He said to me, “Let him say whatever he likes.” Ans: He wished me that he might say whatever he liked.

(5) He shouted, “Let me go out. Ans: He shouted at me to go out.

Exercise 19:

Change the following sentences from indirect speech to direct speech mode of narration.

(1) She proposed that they should go to the cinema. Ans: She said, “Let us go to the cinema.”

(2) He suggested that they should drop the matter. Ans: He said, “Let us drop the matter”

(3) They suggested that they should make him give them their fears back. Ans: “Let’s make him give us our fares back,” they said.

(4) Shabnam proposed Chandni that they should go for a walk. Ans: “Let us go for a walk.” said Shabnam to Chandni.

(5) The leader suggested that they should hold a meeting the next day. Ans: The leader said, “Let’s hold a meeting tomorrow.”

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers of Optative Sentences

Practice direct and indirect speech with exercises and answers focusing on optative sentences, enabling you to accurately report wishes, prayers, or blessings while honing your linguistic proficiency.

Exercise 20:

Change the following from Direct Speech to Indirect Speech.

(1) Mother said, ‘May you be happy.’ Ans: Mother wished that I might be happy.

(2) He said to you, ‘May God bless you.’ Ans: He prayed that God might bless you.

(3) She said, ‘Had I been there!’ Ans: She wished that she had been there.

(4) He said to me, ‘May you succeed.’ Ans: He wished that I might succeed.

(5) They said, ‘Long live the leader.’ Ans: They prayed that the leader might live long.

(6) He said to me, ‘May your mother recover soon. Ans: He wished that my mother might recover soon.

(7) The monk said, ‘May peace prevail.’ Ans: The monk hoped that peace would prevail.

(8) The boy siad, ‘Had I the wings of a bird.’ Ans: The boy wished that he could have the wings of a bird.

Exercise 21:

(1) I said to him, “May you be happy.” Ans: I wished that he might be happy.

(2) Mother said to me, “May God bless you.” Ans: Mother prayed that God might bless me.

(3) He said, “May his soul rest in peace.” Ans: He prayed that his soul might rest in peace.

(4) The girl said, “Oh, had I the wings of a dove.” Ans: The girl wished that she could have the wings of a dove.

(5) I said to him, “May you live long.” Ans: I wished him that he might live long.

Exercise 22:

Change the following from Indirect Speech to Direct Speech.

(1) Nilima wished me that I might recover soon. Ans: Nilima said to me, “May you recover soon.”

(2) Mother wished him that God might grant him a long life. Ans : Mother said to him, “May God grant you a long life.”

(3) The holy man wished that peace might prevail. Ans: The holy man said, “May peace prevail.”

(4) She wished that Mother Teresa might recover from illness soon. Ans: She said, “May Mother Teresa recover from illness soon.”

(5) He wished that he could bring his departed friend back to life. Ans: He said, “Oh, if I could bring my departed friend back to life.”

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises of Exclamatory Sentences

Engage in direct and indirect speech exercises focusing on exclamatory sentences to refine your ability in reporting strong emotions or exclamations accurately within different narrative frameworks.

Exercise 23:

(1) The supporters said, ‘Hurrah! we have won?’ Ans: The supporter exclaimed in joy that they had won.

(2) The girl said, ‘How wonderful love is!’ Ans: The girl exclaimed in joy that love is wonderful.

(3) The teacher said, ‘Bravo! Well done!’ Ans: The teacher applauded his students by saying that they had done well.

(4) ‘Alas! I am undone’, said the women. Ans: They women cried out in sorrow that she was undone.

(5) He said, ‘Good bye, my friends !’ Ans: He bade his friends good bye.

(6) The old man said to the youth, ‘Fie! You are such a coward.’ Ans: The old man exclaimed that it was shameful for the youth to be such a coward.

(7) ‘How dirty the house is!’ he observed. Ans: He exclaimed in irritation that the house was very dirty.

(8) ‘Good God! I am saved’, said he. Ans: He exclaimed in the name of merciful God that he was saved.

Exercise 24:

(1) The boys triumphantly said, “Hurrah! We have won the match.” Ans: The boys exclaimed in joy that they had won the match.

(2) The old man said to the girl, “May you be happy !” Ans: The old man wished the girl that she might be happy.

(3) He said, “What good news!” Ans: He exclaimed in joy that it was very good news.

(4) The children said, “How happy we were there!” Ans: The children gloomily said that they had been very happy there.

(5) He said to you. “May God bless you.” Ans: He wished you that God might bless you.

(6) My friend said to me. “What a fool you are!” Ans: My friend exclaimed in despair that she was a big fool.

Exercise 25:

(1) Piyali exclaimed in sorrow that she had lost her phone. Ans: “Alas! I have lost my phone”, said Piyali.

(2) Mother wished Roy that his dreams might come true. Ans: Mother said to Roy, “May your dreams come true.”

(3) The girl exclaimed that she had been very sensible. Ans: How insensible I have been!”, said the girl.

(4) The girl exclaimed in sorrow that she had torn her frock. Ans: The girl said, “Oh dear! I have torn my frock.”

(5) She exclaimed in sorrow that she was undone. Ans: She said, “Alas! I am undone.”

(6) They wished me happy birthday. Ans: They said to me. “Happy birthday!”

(7) The students bade their teacher good morning. Ans: “Good morning, Madam!”, said the students to the teacher.

Practice Worksheet for Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

A . Change the following into reported speech .

1. Rita says, “Kishore sang a song”.

2. The saint said, “Man is mortal”

3. You said, “we are learning our lesson’.

4. He said to me, “My father went to Mumbai last week.

5. I said to her, “Are you leaving tonight?”

6. He said to her, “Can you lend me your umbrella?”

7. She said, “I saw a tiger here’.

8. The principal said, “well done! my boys”.

9. She said, “Let them play.”

10. I said to Harsh, “Please help me.”

B. Change the direct speech into Indirect Speech

1. He asked me, “Where has he gone?”

2. The Prime Minister said, “National Integrity will be preserved at all costs.

3. She said, “My uncle came yesterday.”

4. Sheela said to us, “You must work hard.”

5. They said, “We trust in God.”

6. The officer said to him. “You will be dismissed if you do not attend the office in time.'”

7. He said to me “I am reading a book.”

8. He said, “Thanks for reminding me.’

9. She said,” Keep this room open.’

10. I said to him, “I went there on Tuesday.”

C. Choose the correct option .

1. I advised him ____________ it.

(a) to not do

(b) not to do

2. She told me ____________ careful.

(c) that be

3. She asked me if I ____________ my lunch.

(b) have eaten

(c) had eaten

4. She asked me ____________ going to the movies

(a) that I was

(b) if was I

(c) if I was

5. The dentist suggested ____________  get a new toothbrush.

(b) that I should

(c) me that I should

6. She said that no one ____________ me

(c) had called

7. He asked me ____________  to deserve such a cruel punishment.

(a) what had he done

(b) what he had done

(c) that he had done

8. He promised he ____________  do it by the end of the week.

9. She said that ____________  me before.

(a) she hadn’t met

(b) she did not meet

(c) she will not meet

10. I requested her____________  me.

(b) to help

(c) that help

D. Complete the sentences in the reported speech.

1. The girl said that it ___________ to be there that evening.

(a) gave her great pleasure

(b) gives her great pleasure

(c) gives her great pleasure

2. The man said that he ___________ as soon as possible.

(a) must go

(b) had gone

(c) should be gone

3. She said that she ___________ to se any of them.

(a) does not want

(b) did not want

(c) had not wanted

4. The teacher says that if you work hard you ___________

(a) would pass

(b) will pass

5. He said that he  ___________

(b) has won

(c) had won

6. He proposed that they ___________ for her return.

(a) shall wait

(b) will wait

(c) should wait

7. Alice exclaimed how clever ___________

(a) she was

(b) was she

(c) she has been

8. The young man asked which way she ___________

(a) has gone

(c) would go.

9. He asked me where ___________ going.

10. She requested them to wait there till she ___________

(a) returns

(b) returned

(c) will return

E. Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

1. Ravi said, “I love this place”.

Ravi said _______________ 

2. “Do you like football?” He asked me.

He asked me_______________ 

3. “I can’t drive a lorry”, he said.

He said _______________ 

4. “Be nice to your brother”, he said

He asked me _______________ 

5. “Don’t be nasty, “he said

He urged me _______________ 

6. “Don’t waste your money “she said,

She told the boys _______________ 

7. “What have you decided to do? “she asked

him. She asked him _______________ 

8. “I always wake up early”. he said,

He said_______________ 

9. “You should revise your lessons’, he said,

He advised the students _______________ 

10. “Where have you been? “he asked me

He wanted to know _______________ 

F. Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

1. She said, “I went to cinema yesterday,”

She said _______________ 

2. You said, “I will do this for him.”

You said _______________ 

3. He said, “I am writing a test tomorrow,

4. She said, “I am not hungry now”,

5. They said, “We have never been here before.”

They said _______________ 

6. They said, “We were in London last week.”

7. He said, “They won’t sleep.”

8. “Have you been shopping?” he asked us.

9. She said, “It is very quiet here.

10. “I don’t speak Italian”, she said.

She said_______________ 

G. Read the dialogue and complete the following passage.

Susan: Why have you not brought my party dress? Jenny: I haven’t brought it because I had gone to my uncle’s house with my parents, so I forgot to keep it. Susan: Don’t give me silly excuses. I want to know the truth. Jenny: I am sorry Susan. I was chatting with my friends till late. I forgot that you needed it urgently today.

Susan asked Jenny (a) …………… Jenny said that she (b) …………… . Susan (c) …………… . Jenny said that she was sorry and further added that she was chatting with her friends till late and she had forgotten that Jenny needed it urgently that day.

H. Read the following conversation and complete the passage that follows.

Dilip: I’ve been watching the sea and there hasn’t been any trace of a ship. Ralph: I told you yesterday too that we’ll be rescued, so have patience. Dilip: Why do you ask me to keep quiet whenever I say something? Ralph: Have you ever said anything sensible?

Dilip said (a) ………… . Ralph replied (b) ………… and so asked him to have patience. Dilip angrily asked Ralph (c) ………… to which Ralph wanted to know (d) …………

Direct and Indirect Speech Answers Key

1. Rita says that Kishore sang a song.

2. The saint said that the man is mortal.

3. You said that you were learning your lesson.

4. He hold me that his father had gone to Mumbai the previous week.

5. I asked her if she was leaving that night.

6. He asked her if she could lend him her umbrella.

7. She said that she had seen a tiger there.

8. The principal exclaimed with applause that the boys had done well.

9. She suggested that they should be allowed to play.

10. I requested Harsh to help me.

1. He asked me where he had gone.

2. The Prime Minister declared that the National Integrity would be preserved at all costs.

3. She said that her uncle had come the previous day.

4. Sheela told us that we must work hard.

5. They said that they trusted in God.

6. The officer warned him that he would be dismissed

if he did not attend the office in time.

7. He told me that he was reading a book.

8. He thanked me for reminding him.

9. She ordered to keep that room open.

10. I told him that I had gone there on Tuesday.

1. (b) not to do

2. (b) to be

3. (c) had eaten

4. (c) if I was

5. (b) that I should

6. (c) had called

7. (b) what he had done

8. (b) would

9. (a) she hadn’t met

10. (b) to help

D. Complete the sentences in reported speech.

1. (a) gave her great pleasure.

2. (a) must go

3. (b) did not want

4. (b) will pass

5. (c) had won

6. (c) should wait

7. (a) she was

8. (b) had gone

9. (a) I was

10. (b) returned

E. Complete the sentence in reported speech.

1. that he loved that place

2. whether I liked football

3. that he couldn’t drive a lorry

4. to be nice to my brother

5. not to be nasty

6. not to waste their money

7. what he had decided to do

8. that he always wake up early

9. to revise their lessons

10. where I had been

F. Complete the sentence in reported speech.

1. that she had gone to cinema the previous day.

2. that you would do that for him.

3. that he will be writing a test the next day.

4. that she was not hungry then.

5. that they had never been there before.

6. that they had been in London the previous week.

7. that they wouldn’t sleep.

8. whether we had been shopping.

9. that it was very quiet there.

10. that she didn’t speak Italian.

G. Read the dialogue and complete the following passage

(a) why she had not brought her party dress

(b) hadn’t brought it as she had gone to her uncle’s house with her parents; so she had forgotten to keep it

(c) told her not to give silly excuses and further said that she wanted to know the truth.

(a) that he had been watching the sea and that there had not been any trace of a ship

(b) that he had told him the day before that they would be rescued

(c) why he asked him to keep quiet whenever he said something

(d) if he had ever said anything sensible

FAQs on Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises and Answers

Q: what’s the purpose of the indirect speech.

A: Indirect speech allows us to convey someone else’s words without quoting them verbatim. It’s useful for summarizing and paraphrasing.

Q: Are tense changes mandatory in indirect speech?

A: Yes, tense changes are often necessary to accurately reflect the timing of the original statement.

Q: Can reporting verbs be used interchangeably?

A: While reporting verbs can be interchangeable to some extent, their nuances can impact the meaning of the reported speech.

Q: Is it possible to transform any direct speech into indirect speech?

A: Yes, most direct speech can be converted into indirect speech, although some cases may require adjustments.

Q: How can I identify indirect speech in a sentence?

A: Look for keywords like “said,” “asked,” or other reporting verbs, as well as changes in pronouns, tenses, and time expressions.

Q: Why is mastering direct and indirect speech important?

A: Mastering these skills enhances communication clarity, adds variety to language use, and fosters effective expression.


Direct and indirect speech exercises and answers are invaluable tools for effective communication. By honing this skill, you’ll not only convey information accurately but also showcase your language expertise. Remember that practice makes perfect, and the more you engage in these exercises, the more naturally you’ll incorporate them into your everyday language use.

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Direct and Indirect Speech Exercise

Turn the following sentences into indirect speech.

1.    John said, ‘I am very busy now.’ 2.    He said, ‘The horse has been fed.’ 3.    ‘I know her name and address,’ said John. 4.    ‘German is easy to learn,’ she said. 5.    He said, ‘I am writing letters.’ 6.    ‘It is too late to go out,’ Alice said. 7.    He said to me, ‘I don’t believe you.’ 8.    He says, ‘I am glad to be here this evening.’ 9.    He said to me, ‘What are you doing?’ 10.    ‘Where is the post office?’ asked the stranger. 11.    He said, ‘Will you listen to me?’ 12.    John said to Peter, ‘Go away.’ 13.    She said to me, ‘Please wait here till I return.’ 14.    ‘Call the witness,’ said the judge. 15.    The speaker said, ‘Be quiet and listen to my words.’

1.    John said that he was very busy then. 2.    He said that the horse had been fed. 3.    John said that he knew/knows her name and address. (Note that the tenses may not change if the statement is still relevant or if it is a universal truth.) 4.    She said that German is/was easy to learn. 5.    He said that he was writing letters. 6.    Alice said that it was too late to go out. 7.    He told me that he didn’t believe me. OR He said he didn’t believe me. 8.    He says that he is glad to be here this evening. (When the reporting verb is in the present tense, adverbs of time and place do not normally change in indirect speech.) 9.    He asked me what I was doing. 10.    The stranger asked where the post office is/was. 11.    He asked me if I would listen to him. 12.    John ordered Peter to go away. 13.    She asked me to wait there till she returned. 14.    The judge commanded them to call the first witness. 15.    He urged them to be quiet and listen to them.

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Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

Direct and indirect speech is one topic in English grammar that confuses most language learners. It need not necessarily be so; if you understand how it works, you can easily use it in your writing.

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises with Answers

When converting direct speech to indirect speech or vice-versa, you will have to take care to convert the verb , pronoun and the adverb appropriately. Go through the following exercises and try them out. Answers are given below each exercise; refer to them to see if your answers are right.

direct to indirect speech exercises with answers pdf

Exercise 1: Change into indirect speech

Read the following sentences and convert them into indirect speech.

  • Rahul told to me, “When are you leaving?”
  • “Where do you live?” the stranger asked Aladdin.
  • The teacher said to Shelly, “Why are you laughing?”
  • Dhronacharya said to Arjun, “Shoot the bird’s eye.”
  • “Call the first convict,” said the jury.
  • “Call the ambulance,” said the man.
  • Bruce said to me, “I shall do the work.”
  • My mother said to me, “You were wrong.”
  • Mr Richard said to me, “Please wait here till I return.”
  • The captain said to me, “Bravo! You have played well.”
  • Raj said, “Alas! My pet died.”
  • Ruchi said, “I may go there.”
  • Bucky said to Steve, “Do you hear me?”
  • The boy said, “Let me come in.”
  • Granny said to me, “May God bless you.”

Answers –

  • Rahul asked me when I was leaving.
  • The stranger asked Aladdin where he lived.
  • The teacher asked Shelly why he was laughing.
  • Dhronacharya ordered Arjun to shoot the fish’s eye.
  • The jury ordered to call the first convict.
  • The man urged to call the ambulance.
  • Bruce said to me he would do the work.
  • My mother told me that I was wrong.
  • Mr Richard requested me to wait there till he returned.
  • The captain applauded me, saying that I had played well.
  • Raj exclaimed sadly that his pet died.
  • Ruchi said that she might go there.
  • Bucky asked Steve if he heard him.
  • The boy asked to let him come in.
  • Granny prayed that God might bless me.

Convert the following into Direct Speech

Read the following passage and convert it into direct speech.

One of them told Issac that the latter had forgotten one thing that belonged to a mill. Issac enquired what that was. The friend asked where the miller was. Issac replied that (absence of the miller) was true – and he must look for one.

“But Issac,” said one of them, “you have forgotten one thing that belongs to a mill.”

“What is that?” asked Issac.

“Why, where is the miller?” said his friend.

“That is true – I must look for one,” said Issac.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is direct narration.

When the actual words/sentences as spoken by the speaker are quoted in a speech, it’s called direct speech/narration.

What is indirect speech?

When the quoted speech is reported in the form of a narrative without changing the meaning of the actual quotation/words by the speaker, it’s called indirect speech/narration.

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Direct and Indirect Exercises With Answers

We often convey a message or give information about what someone said, thought, or felt to somebody else. In order to do this, you can use the grammar structure named indirect or reported speech. direct and indirect rules have already talked about, below we have prepared direct and indirect exercises with answers for ESL learners.

Direct and Indirect Exercises

Attempt the exercises below then compare your answers with the correct answers given below.

Turn into reported speech.

1. “It’s hot” Tom said that _______________________________________________________. 2. “I have done my homework.” Tom said that __________________________________________________. 3. “I will give you a book” Tom said that _______________________________________________________. 4. “Do you smoke?” Tom asked me if ____________________________________________________. 5. “Where does Bob live?” Tom asked me where _______________________________________________. 6. “Jane has not arrived yet” Tom told us that________________________________________________________. 7. “I’m so worried,” Tom, told us that_______________________________________________________. 8. “I want to go away”. Tom told us that ____________________________________________________. 9. “You should eat less.” The doctor advised me that _______________________________________. 10. “Don’t shout” The teacher told me________________________________.

Direct And Indirect Speech Complete Rules

Turn into direct speech.

1. Mary said she was very tired. Mary said, “____________________________________________________________.” 2. The teacher told the boys to open their books. The teacher said to the boys, “___________________________________________________________.” 3. Tom’s mother told him not to eat any ice cream. Tom’s mother said to Tom: “_____________________________________________________________.” 4. My friend said that he was going skiing at the weekend. My friend said: “__________________________________________________at the weekend.” 5. Bob’s mates told the teacher that Bob was ill that day. Bob’s mates said: “Teacher,__________________________________________________________ today.” 6. Mary told Jane she would help her. Mary said to Jane,”____________________________________________________.” 7. I said I would have bought a new car if I had had the money. I said,”_______________________________________________________________________________.” 8. My father told me to look for a job if I wanted more money. My father said:”_____________________________________________________________.” 9. Tim wrote to his brother that their cat had died that day. Tim wrote to his brother: “________________________________________________________________.” 10. The teacher informed the students that the break lasted ten minutes. The teacher said to the students,”____________________________________________________________.”

Turn the following questions into reported speech.

1. “Where do you live?” Mary asked Tom, “______________________________________________.” 2. “How are you going to travel to Italy?” Mary asked Tom__________________________________________________. 3. “Why did you buy that book?” Mary asked Tom___________________________________________________. 4. “What’s the time?” Mary asked Tom__________________________________________________. 5. “Who helped you with your work?” Mary asked Tom______________________________________________.

Choose the right option

6. I (said/told) her not to disturb me. 7. My friend never (told/said) me about his plans. 8. The teacher (that/said) that we had to study harder. 9. Don’t (tell/say) me what I have to do. 10. He did not (say/tell) why he was late.

How to Check Your Grammar Mistakes in an Essay – 8 Best Tools

The following sentences use quoted speech. Change the following sentences from quoted speech to reported speech.

1) James said, “I am watching TV.” 2) Professor Jones said, “I worked all day!” 3) The president said, “I will be visiting Italy in December.” 4) The weatherman announced, “It may rain today.” 5) My father screamed, “I have to go to the airport, now!” 6) Then my mother said, “I must take your father.” 7) The psychologist said, “You should calm down.” 8) I responded, “I ought to leave the office.” 9) Mark said, “I love visiting China and Korea.” 10) Martin said, “I can be a great president!” 11) Sung-He said, “Close the windows” 12) Bobby will say, “I have already done direct and indirect speech exercises.

Direct and Indirect Exercises With Answers – The Answers

  • Tom said that it was hot.
  • Tom said that he had done his homework.
  • Tom said that he would give me a book.
  • Tom asked me if I smoked.
  • Tom asked me where Bob lived.
  • Tom told us that Jane had not arrived yet.
  • Tom told us that he was so worried.
  • Tom told us that he wanted to go away.
  • The doctor advised me that I should eat less.
  • The teacher told me not to shout.
  • Mary said, “I am very tired.”
  • The teacher said to the boys, “open your books.”
  • Tom’s mother said to Tom: “Don’t eat any ice cream.”
  • My friend said:” I am going skiing on the weekend.
  • Bob’s mates said: “Teacher, Bob is ill today.”
  • Mary said to Jane, “I will help you.”
  • I said, “I will have bought a new car if I had had the money.”
  • My father said: “look for a job if I want more money.”
  • Tom wrote to his brother:” Our cat died today.”
  • The teacher said to the student, “the break lasts ten minutes.”
  • Mary asked Tom, “Where he lived.”
  • Mary asked Tom how he was going to travel to Italy.
  • Mary asked Tom why he bought that book.
  • Mary asked Tom what was the time.
  • Mary asked Tom who helped him with his work.
  • I told her not to disturb me.
  • My friend never told me about his plans.
  • The teacher said that we had to study harder.
  • Do not tell me what I have to do.
  • He did not say why he was late.
  • James said that he was watching TV.
  • Professor Jones said that he had worked all day.
  • The president said that he would be visiting Italy in December.
  • The weatherman announced that it might rain that day.
  • My father screamed that he had to go to the airport, then.
  • Then my mother said that she had to take my father.
  • The psychologist said that I should calm down.
  • I responded I ought to leave the office.
  • Mark said that he loved visiting China and Korea.
  • Martin said that he could be a great president.
  • Sung-He ordered to close the windows.
  • Bobby will say that he has already done Direct and Indirect Exercises.

I hope the direct and indirect exercises were helpful to you and if you would like to know more about direct or quoted speech, or indirect or reported speech, check out more in the book below.

You can read more about the following topics:

  • Direct and Indirect of Modal Auxiliaries
  • Direct and Indirect of Future Perfect Progressive

Direct and Indirect of Future Perfect Tense

  • Direct and Indirect of Future Progressive Tense
  • Direct and Indirect of Simple Future Tense
  • Direct and Indirect of Past Perfect Progressive
  • Direct and Indirect of Past Perfect Tense

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Direct and Indirect Speech Worksheets

Sentence Swap Worksheet

Sentence Swap

Speech Selector Worksheet

Speech Selector

Indirect Shift Worksheet

Indirect Shift

Quote Conversion Worksheet

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Speech Facts Worksheet

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Punctuation Check Worksheet

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Quote Mastery Worksheet

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Dialogue Rewrite Worksheet

Dialogue Rewrite

Cartoon Quotes Worksheet

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Statement Shifts Worksheet

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Direct Conversion Worksheet

Direct Conversion

Quote Formatter Worksheet

Quote Formatter

Speech Shift Worksheet

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Winter Words Worksheet

Winter Words

Dialogue Craft Worksheet

Dialogue Craft

About these 15 worksheets.

This series of worksheets is an invaluable resource for teachers and homeschooling parents looking to enhance their students’ understanding of reported speech. These worksheets are thoughtfully designed to be both engaging and educational, providing students with a comprehensive approach to mastering the differences between direct and indirect speech. The collection, available in easy-to-access PDF format, offers a variety of activities that cater to different learning styles, making it an excellent tool for reinforcing this essential grammar concept in a fun and interactive way.

One of the standout features of this collection is its clear and simple explanations that guide students through the nuances of direct and indirect speech. For example, one worksheet starts by introducing the basics of direct speech, where the exact words of a speaker are quoted, and indirect speech, where those words are paraphrased without quotation marks. This foundational knowledge is then applied through exercises that ask students to identify whether a sentence uses direct or indirect speech, providing immediate practice that solidifies their understanding.

The collection also includes worksheets that focus on the practical application of these concepts. In one activity, students are asked to convert direct speech into indirect speech. For instance, a sentence like “Let’s go swimming,” George suggested, would be rewritten as “George suggested that they go swimming.” This exercise not only reinforces the rules of changing pronouns, verb tenses, and time expressions but also encourages students to think critically about how to convey the same meaning without using the speaker’s exact words.

Another engaging activity in this collection involves dialogue rewriting. Students are presented with a short conversation and are tasked with transforming it from direct speech into indirect speech. This type of exercise helps students understand the flow of dialogue and how to maintain the original message while adapting it into a different grammatical structure. It also fosters creativity as students must carefully consider how to rephrase each line while preserving its intent.

The worksheets also include true or false questions that challenge students to test their knowledge of the rules governing direct and indirect speech. These questions cover essential points, such as whether direct speech requires quotation marks and whether indirect speech can change the tense of the original statement. This activity is particularly effective for reinforcing the theoretical aspects of the topic, ensuring that students grasp the underlying rules before moving on to more complex tasks.

In addition to these activities, the collection features worksheets that focus on punctuation, an often overlooked but crucial aspect of direct speech. Students are given sentences and asked to determine whether they are punctuated correctly. This exercise sharpens their attention to detail and reinforces the importance of proper punctuation in conveying clear and accurate speech. By mastering these skills, students gain confidence in their writing and communication abilities.

The visual appeal of these worksheets also deserves mention. Each worksheet is accompanied by engaging illustrations that make the learning process more enjoyable for younger students. For instance, a worksheet might feature a cartoon character speaking a line of dialogue, which students must then convert into indirect speech. These visuals not only make the exercises more fun but also help visual learners better understand and remember the concepts being taught.

The worksheets include exercises that encourage students to think about the context in which direct and indirect speech is used. For example, students might be asked to rewrite a statement from a formal speech into indirect speech, considering the tone and formality required. This helps students understand how the context can influence the choice between direct and indirect speech, making them more versatile communicators.

This worksheet collection provides students with a thorough understanding of reported speech. By combining clear explanations with practical exercises, the worksheets help students grasp the rules of direct and indirect speech, apply them in various contexts, and develop strong communication skills. The variety of activities ensures that students remain engaged and challenged, making the learning process both effective and enjoyable. Whether used in the classroom or at home, these worksheets are an excellent resource for any teacher or parent looking to enhance their students’ grammar skills.

What Is Direct and Indirect Speech?

Direct and indirect speech are two ways of conveying what someone has said, with distinct differences and some similarities. Direct speech involves quoting the exact words of the speaker, typically enclosed in quotation marks, and it maintains the original tense, pronouns, and punctuation used by the speaker. For example, “I am going to the store,” she said. In contrast, indirect speech involves paraphrasing the speaker’s words without using quotation marks, often resulting in changes to pronouns, verb tenses, and time expressions to fit the context of the report. For instance, the previous example in indirect speech would be, “She said that she was going to the store.” Both forms of speech aim to convey the original message, but while direct speech preserves the speaker’s exact words, indirect speech focuses on the meaning and adjusts the language to fit the narrative context. Despite these differences, both forms are used to communicate what someone has said, making them essential tools for reporting speech in various contexts.

Reported Speech Exercises (With Printable PDF)

Photo of author

| Candace Osmond

| Grammar , Quizzes

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Candace Osmond

Candace Osmond studied Advanced Writing & Editing Essentials at MHC. She’s been an International and USA TODAY Bestselling Author for over a decade. And she’s worked as an Editor for several mid-sized publications. Candace has a keen eye for content editing and a high degree of expertise in Fiction.

In English grammar, reported speech is used to tell someone what another person said. It takes another person’s words (direct speech) to create a report of what they said (indirect speech.) With the following direct and indirect speech exercises, it will be easier to understand how reported speech works.

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Reported Speech Exercise #1

Complete the sentence in the reported speech.

Reported Speech Exercise #2

Fill in the gaps below with the correct pronouns required in reported speech. Ex. Mary said: “I love my new dress!” Sentence: Mary said ____ love ____ new dress. Answer: she, her

Reported Speech Exercise #3

Choose the correct reported speech phrase to fill in the sentences below.

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Reported Speech Exercises

Perfect english grammar.

direct to indirect speech exercises with answers pdf

Here's a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site:

( Click here to read the explanations about reported speech )

Reported Statements:

  • Present Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Present Continuous Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Past Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Present Perfect Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Future Simple Reported Statement Exercise (quite easy) (in PDF here)
  • Mixed Tense Reported Statement Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • 'Say' and 'Tell' (quite easy) (in PDF here)

Reported Questions:

  • Present Simple Reported Yes/No Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Present Simple Reported Wh Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Mixed Tense Reported Question Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)

Reported Orders and Requests:

  • Reported Requests and Orders Exercise (intermediate) (in PDF here)
  • Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 1 (difficult) (in PDF here)
  • Reported Speech Mixed Exercise 2 (difficult) (in PDF here)

Seonaid Beckwith

Hello! I'm Seonaid! I'm here to help you understand grammar and speak correct, fluent English.

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  • Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises


Understanding Direct and Indirect Speech: Exercises, Examples, and Rules

Direct and indirect speech are ways to report what someone has said. Direct speech quotes the exact words spoken, while indirect speech paraphrases or summarises them. Knowing how to use both helps you accurately convey conversations and dialogue in writing. This guide covers the basics of direct and indirect speech, provides examples, and explains the rules for converting between them.


Some Interesting Facts about Direct and Indirect Speech


Interesting Facts

Direct Speech

1. Historical Use: Direct speech has been used in literature for centuries to bring characters to and make dialogues vivid.

2. Literary Techniques: Authors often use direct speech to reveal character traits and emotions through their exact words.

3. Quotes: Famous quotes are often preserved in direct speech to maintain their original impact and meaning.

Indirect Speech

1. Flexibility: Indirect speech allows for more flexibility in integrating quotes into narratives or discussions without disrupting the flow.

2. Reporting : Indirect speech can vary in how it reports statements, allowing for summarisation and interpretation.

3. Cultural Differences: Different languages and cultures have varying rules for converting direct speech into indirect speech, reflecting diverse approaches to .

What is Direct and Indirect Speech?

The distinction between Direct and Indirect Speech may be confusing for some students. Often when we need to explain an incident or action, it involves quoting what someone said. A social situation, as well as a work email or presentation, are examples of such instances. There are two forms of Speech used to explain what other people say: Direct Speech and Indirect Speech (or reported Speech).

Direct Speech

The same words spoken are quoted in Indirect Speech. If we use Direct Speech in writing, we bring the words spoken between quotation marks (" ") and leave them alone. We may be reporting something that is being said (for example, a phone conversation) or asking someone about a previous conversation later.

Nirmal said, "There's a dog outside the window."

Mahima says, "What time will you be home?"

Supriya said, "I don't know!"

Indirect Speech

When we use reported or Indirect Speech to speak about the past, we generally change the tense of the words we say. We use reporting verbs like 'say,' 'tell,' and 'ask,' and we can introduce the reported words with the word 'that.' There are no inverted commas in this sentence.

For Example,

Mahima said that she had seen him.

Nirmal said he was looking forward to playing in the match on Saturday.

Direct and Indirect Speech

Children often mix up Direct and Indirect Speech. We need a way to say the difference between what someone claimed to have said and what they said when we're writing. What did she say if you asked her? You may respond in one of two ways:

“I don’t like pizza,” Siddi said. (Direct Speech)

Siddi says she doesn’t like pizza. (Indirect Speech)

Note how Speech marks (“...”) are used in Direct Speech to indicate precisely what was said. Speech labels are located at the beginning and end of the actual words spoken. The words 'Siddi said' are not in Speech marks because they were not spoken aloud; rather, they are a way for the writer to express who was speaking to the reader.

The past tense is often used in reported Speech . This is because the words have already been spoken, and the writer is simply reporting on what has already been saying. It's critical to think about what was said and convert it to the past tense.

Direct and Indirect Narration Rules

Following are the steps to convert the Direct/Indirect Speech and also let’s discuss Direct and Indirect Speech tenses rules in detail.

Step 1: Write down the reporting verb that is used to determine the Indirect Speech's tense.

Step 2: Change the position and time to reflect the speaker's actual location and time.

Step 3: For both the object and the subject, use the correct pronoun.

Step 4: Make sure the sentence has the correct structure and word order.

Now we'll go through each of these measures in greater depth.

Step 1: Choosing the Verb's Tense and Conversion

Case 1: Nirmal said, ‘I go to the gym every day.

Case 2: Nirmal says, ‘I go to the gym every day.’

The verb ‘say' is used in both of the instances above to express the action of speaking. In addition, the reporting verb say is used in the past tense in the first case – said. In case 2, however, the reporting verb is in the present tense.

As a consequence, all verbs must be in the relevant past tense here. If the reporting verb is in the past tense, this is often followed. Thus, Nirmal said, ‘I go to the class every day will change to Nirmal said that he went to the gym every day.

The second rule is that the tense is not changed whether the reporting verb is in the future or present tense. So, Nirmal says, ‘I go to the class every day will be changed to Nirmal says that he goes to the class every day.

Step 2: Changes are Made to the Word That Communicates Place, Time, and Connection.

The time or place specified in the sentence should be changed to match the current time or position.

On 21st, May 2015 : ‘I will come tomorrow,’ Sriram said.

On 21st, May 2015 , Sriram said that he would come the next day.

Step 3: The Subject and Object Pronouns are Chosen Separately.

Case 1: Saurav will say to his friends, “I have started learning psychology” will change to Saurav will tell his friends that he has started learning psychology .

In this case, the speaker and the reporter are the same people. As a consequence, the pronoun should be the first person pronoun.

Case 2: Ma’am said to me, “I hope you will bring the geometry to my next class” will change to Ma’am hoped that I would bring the geometry to her next class.

The speaker is ma'am, and the reporter is the student. As a consequence, the ma'am pronoun should be in the third person. The reporter's pronoun should also be in the first person.

Remember that we do not change the tense of the reporting verb within the quotation marks when it is in the present or future tense.

Direct Indirect Speech Exercises with Answers

Here are some exercises on Direct and Indirect Speech along with their answers:

Exercise 1: Convert Direct Speech to Indirect Speech

Direct: She said, "I am going to the market."

Direct: He asked, "Do you want some coffee?"

Direct: "I have finished my assignment," John said.

Direct: The teacher said, "Please submit your homework by tomorrow."

Direct: "Where did you go last weekend?" she asked.

Indirect: She said that she was going to the market.

Indirect: He asked if I wanted some coffee.

Indirect: John said that he had finished his assignment.

Indirect: The teacher requested that we submit our homework by the next day.

Indirect: She asked where I had gone the previous weekend.

Exercise 2: Convert Indirect Speech to Direct Speech

Indirect: He said that he would join us for dinner.

Indirect: She asked if I could help her with the project.

Indirect: They mentioned that they had seen the movie already.

Indirect: The doctor advised that I should take some rest.

Indirect: She inquired where the nearest station was.

Direct : He said, "I will join you for dinner."

Direct : She asked, "Can you help me with the project?"

Direct : They mentioned, "We have seen the movie already."

Direct : The doctor advised, "You should take some rest."

Direct : She inquired, "Where is the nearest station?"

These exercises and answers should help you practice converting between Direct and Indirect Speech effectively.

Narration Exercise with Answers

Here are some narration change exercises from Direct to Indirect Speech and vice versa. Each exercise includes sentences to be converted between the two forms.

Exercise 1: Direct to Indirect Speech

Direct: She said, "I am studying for my exams."

Direct: He said, "I will call you tomorrow."

Direct: "Where have you been?" she asked him.

Direct: They said, "We have finished our homework."

Direct: The teacher asked, "Have you completed your project?"

Indirect : She said that she was studying for her exams.

Indirect : He said that he would call me the next day.

Indirect : She asked him where he had been.

Indirect : They said that they had finished their homework.

Indirect : The teacher asked if I had completed my project.

Exercise 2: Indirect to Direct Speech

Indirect: She said that she was going to the library .

Indirect: He mentioned that he would be late for the meeting.

Indirect: She asked him where he had been.

Indirect: They said that they had already completed their homework.

Indirect: The teacher inquired if the students had finished their project.

Direct : She said, "I am going to the library."

Direct: He said, "I will be late for the meeting."

Direct : She asked, "Where have you been?"

Direct : They said, "We have already completed our homework."

Direct : The teacher asked, "Have you finished your project?"

Some More Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises:

Direct: She said, "I cannot attend the meeting today."

Direct: "Will you be available for a call later?" he asked.

Direct: "I need to finish my report by this evening," Alice said.

Direct: The coach said, "Run five laps around the field."

Direct: "Did you see the new movie?" he asked her.

Direct: Jessica said, "I am excited about the concert next month ."

Direct: "Please remember to lock the door when you leave," he said.

Direct: The manager said, "Submit your expense reports by Friday."

Direct: "What time does the train arrive?" she asked.

Direct: "I will help you with your project," he promised.

Indirect : She said that she could not attend the meeting that day.

Indirect : He asked if I would be available for a call later.

Indirect : Alice said that she needed to finish her report by that evening.

Indirect : The coach instructed us to run five laps around the field.

Indirect : He asked her if she had seen the new movie.

Indirect : Jessica said that she was excited about the concert the following month.

Indirect : He requested that I remember to lock the door when I left.

Indirect : The manager said to submit our expense reports by Friday.

Indirect : She asked what time the train arrived.

Indirect : He promised that he would help me with my project.

Indirect: She mentioned that she was planning a surprise party.

Indirect: He asked whether I had completed the assignment.

Indirect: They said they would visit us during the summer.

Indirect: The professor explained that the test would cover three chapters.

Indirect: She said that she had been studying all night.

Indirect: The waiter asked if we were ready to order.

Indirect: He said that he was feeling much better.

Indirect: They inquired if I wanted to join them for lunch.

Indirect: The child said that he had lost his toy.

Indirect: She suggested that we should meet for coffee next week.

Direct : She said, "I am planning a surprise party."

Direct : He asked, "Have you completed the assignment?"

Direct : They said, "We will visit you during the summer."

Direct : The professor explained, "The test will cover three chapters."

Direct : She said, "I have been studying all night."

Direct : The waiter asked, "Are you ready to order?"

Direct : He said, "I am feeling much better."

Direct : They asked, "Do you want to join us for lunch?"

Direct : The child said, "I have lost my toy."

Direct : She suggested, "We should meet for coffee next week."

These exercises offer further practice in converting between Direct and Indirect Speech.

Check your Knowledge of Direct and Indirect Speech

Direct: "I will finish the project by Friday," he said.

Direct: She asked, "Have you completed your preparations?"

Direct: "You should see a doctor," he advised.

Direct: "Why are you late?" she inquired.

Direct: "We are going to the beach tomorrow," they said.

Direct: "Can you help me with this task?" he asked.

Direct: "I haven't seen that film yet," she said.

Direct: "Please close the window," he requested.

Direct: "Where will you be next week?" she asked.

Direct: "I am taking a break," he said.

Indirect : He said that he would finish the project by Friday.

Indirect : She asked if I had completed my preparations.

Indirect : He advised that I should see a doctor.

Indirect : She inquired why I was late.

Indirect : They said that they were going to the beach the next day.

Indirect : He asked if I could help him with that task.

Indirect : She said that she had not seen that film yet.

Indirect : He requested that I close the window.

Indirect : She asked where I would be the following week.

Indirect : He said that he was taking a break.

Takeaways from the Page

Direct Speech quotes exactly what someone said, using quotation marks around their words. Tenses and punctuation stay the same as in the original speech.

Indirect Speech reports what someone said without quoting their exact words. It doesn’t use quotation marks and often changes pronouns and tenses to fit the context.

Changing Direct to Indirect : Replace the quotation marks with reporting verbs like "said" or "asked," adjust tenses, and modify pronouns.

Changing Indirect to Direct : Use quotation marks and restore the exact wording and punctuation. Adjust pronouns and tenses to reflect the original speech.

When to Use : Use Direct Speech to quote exactly or show dialogue. Use Indirect Speech to summarize or integrate what was said into your text.

Practice : Regularly converting between Direct and Indirect Speech helps you get better at reporting speech accurately.


FAQs on Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

1. What are Direct and Indirect Speech exercises?

Direct and Indirect Speech exercises involve converting sentences from one form to another. These exercises help practice how to report speech accurately by changing the format while preserving the meaning.

2. Why are Direct and Indirect Speech exercises important?

These exercises are important for mastering how to quote someone's words exactly or report what was said without quoting directly. They help in improving clarity and accuracy in communication.

3. How do you convert Direct Speech to Indirect Speech?

To convert Direct Speech to Indirect Speech, replace quotation marks with reporting verbs, adjust tenses and pronouns, and remove the quotation marks.

4. How do you convert Indirect Speech to Direct Speech?

To convert Indirect Speech to Direct Speech, restore the exact wording within quotation marks, adjust pronouns and tenses to match the original context, and include appropriate punctuation.

5. Can you provide an example of a Direct to Indirect Speech exercise?

Direct to Indirect Speech example.

Convert: "I am going to the market," she said. 

Answer: She said that she was going to the market.

6. Can you provide an example of an Indirect to Direct Speech exercise?

Indirect to Direct Speech example.

Convert: She said that she was going to the market. 

Answer: "I am going to the market," she said.

7. What is a narration change exercise?

A narration change exercise involves converting sentences between Direct and Indirect Speech to practice reporting and quoting speech accurately.

8. How can I practice narration exercises effectively?

To practice effectively, regularly complete exercises, check your answers against correct conversions, and understand the rules for changing between Direct and Indirect Speech.

9. What are some common mistakes in narration exercises?

Common mistakes include incorrect tense shifts, wrong pronoun changes, and improper use of punctuation. Make sure to follow the rules for each form to avoid these errors.

10. How do narration exercises improve language skills?

Narration exercises enhance language skills by helping you understand how to report and quote speech accurately, improving both writing and comprehension abilities.

Indirect to direct speech

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  • Past tenses
  • Future tenses
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  • Past perfect
  • Future perfect
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  • Reported speech
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  • Direct | indirect object

Indirect speech to direct speech - exercise 5

Change the following sentences from indirect to direct speech.

Liz said she didn't speak Greek at all. I don't speak Greek at all.

Check test Answer key Clear test

Peter admitted that he had never met us.

They told us they would start the voyage the following day.

We called them that we were walking in the Central Park.

She said she worked in Ford headquarters in Europe.

I replied that I had been trying to mend it since the morning.

Bob said that at one o'clock he had been doing nothing.

"At one o'clock I
They explained that they had closed down the previous year.

Neil said he wished he could be an independent accountant.

"I wish I
She told us we had better accept it as soon as possible.

He claimed that someone had screamed in the garden.

Moira admitted that she would rather stay at home.


Related pages:

Direct and indirect speech exercises and grammar rules with examples.

From indirect to direct speech

If we want to tell someone what another person said or thought, we can use indirect or direct speech.

Indirect speech: Samantha said that she had stayed there the year before. Direct speech: "I stayed here last year," said Samantha.

Moreover, we use different punctuation (commas at the end of statements) and quotation marks in the direct speech.

They told me they didn't want to move to Bristol. "We don't want to move to Bristol," they told me.

Our grandma thought that Timothy would be the best student in his class. "Timothy will be the best student in his class," our grandma thought.

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  • Reported Speech /

Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises With Answers for Class 12

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  • Updated on  
  • Dec 26, 2023

direct to indirect speech exercises with answers pdf

With all due honesty, grasping a hold over the rules of Reported Speech can be a handful at times for anyone. They are part and parcel of the English Grammar syllabi of class 12th, alongside tenses and active and passive voices . So, if you are lacking the confidence of a grammar nazi while throat learning the reported speech, do not hesitate and practice the following Direct and Indirect Speech exercises with answers for class 12 via this blog article. 

This Blog Includes:

Direct and indirect speech exercise for class 12 – with answer, direct and indirect speech exercise for class 12 – without answer.

MUST READ! Reported Speech: Definition, Rules, Usage with Examples, Tips, Exercises for Students

Since you are already familiar with the importance of practising exercises in the realm of English grammar, go ahead confidently with Direct and Indirect Speech exercises with answers for class 12, mentioned henceforth while preparing for your CBSE, ICSE, UP, or any other board exam. 

Question: Rewrite the following Direct Speech into Indirect Speech Sentences: 

  • “I will visit the museum tomorrow,” said Sarah.
  • “We have been studying French for two years,” Mark said.
  • “I am working on my thesis,” she said.
  • “We will win the competition,” they said confidently.
  • “I have completed the assignment,” he said.
  • “The train departs at 9 AM,” the station master said.
  • “The meeting starts at 11:30 AM,” announced the secretary.
  • “Please keep the noise down,” the librarian said.
  • “I will help you with your homework,” Tom said to Lucy.
  • “The concert begins at 7 PM,” the organizer said.
  • “We are going to the beach tomorrow,” she said.
  • “I have never been to Europe,” he mentioned.
  • “She will arrive by noon,” they said.
  • “The play starts at 8 PM,” announced the director.
  • “We have completed the project,” they exclaimed.

Check Your Answers

  • Sarah said that she would visit the museum the next day.
  • Mark mentioned that they had been studying French for two years.
  • She stated that she was working on her thesis.
  • They expressed confidently that they would win the competition.
  • He mentioned that he had completed the assignment.
  • The station master mentioned that the train departed at 9 AM.
  • The secretary announced that the meeting started at 11:30 AM.
  • The librarian requested to keep the noise down.
  • Tom assured Lucy that he would help her with her homework.
  • The organizer informed us that the concert began at 7 PM.
  • She said that they were going to the beach the next day.
  • He mentioned that he had never been to Europe.
  • They said that she would arrive by noon.
  • The director announced that the play started at 8 PM.
  • They exclaimed that they had completed the project.

Question: Fill in the blanks with the appropriate reporting verbs and correct tense forms:

  • The teacher _______ the students if they had finished their homework.
  • He _______ to know if I could lend him my bike.
  • She _______ if I had seen the latest movie.
  • They _______ whether we were planning to go to the party.
  • He _______ me if I could help him with his computer problem.

Question: Convert the following reported speech sentences into direct speech:

  • The doctor asked me if I had any allergies.
  • She wondered if I would like to join her for lunch.
  • He inquired if I could help him carry the groceries.
  • They asked if we knew the way to the nearest park.
  • She asked if I could open the window for her.
  • “Do you have any allergies?” the doctor asked me.
  • “Would you like to join me for lunch?” she asked.
  • “Could you help me carry the groceries?” he inquired.
  • “Do you know the way to the nearest park?” they asked.
  • “Could you open the window for me?” she requested.

Now if you are confident with your knowledge of the Direct and Indirect Speech rules, try to solve this worksheet without answers and analyse your progress.

Convert the following questions from direct speech to indirect speech:

a) “I haven’t eaten all day,” he said.

b) “I wish I could win the lottery,” he sighed.

c) “Is this seat taken?” she inquired.

d) “Do you mind if I open the window?” she asked.

You can also explore exciting reads on Tenses here!

This was all about the Direct and Indirect Speech exercises with answers for Class 12. Hope you understand the concept and where it’s used. You can also follow Leverage Edu for more exciting and informative blogs.

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Harshita is a creative writer cum literature enthusiast in pursuit to extend her learnings of overseas and Indian education sectors to the masses, through her well-curated articles. You may also find her emerging in prose writing or reading Toni Morrison when not writing stuff related to education.

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    Answers: Exercise 1: Direct to Indirect Speech. Indirect: She said that she was studying for her exams. Indirect: He said that he would call me the next day. Indirect: She asked him where he had been. Indirect: They said that they had finished their homework. Indirect: The teacher asked if I had completed my project. Exercise 2: Indirect to ...

  21. Direct Indirect Speech English Worksheet 01

    Free printable English worksheets focusing on changing direct speech to indirect speech. 2 grammar exercises with full answers. Download as printable pdf. Suitable for KS2 children in Year 5 and Year 6. Ideal for SATs exams preparation in 2020. Also suitable for children in Grade 4 and Grade 5 as well as older SEN, EFL and ESOL students. More ...

  22. Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises

    The document provides 12 examples of direct speech and asks to change them to indirect speech. It gives the direct speech quotes and asks the reader to rewrite them in indirect speech format by removing the quotation marks and changing pronouns and verbs as needed. The answers provide the 12 examples rewritten in indirect speech format.

  23. Indirect to direct speech

    Indirect speech to direct speech - exercise 5. Change the following sentences from indirect to direct speech. Liz said she didn't speak Greek at all. I don't speak Greek at all. Peter admitted that he had never met us. "I ," admitted Peter. They told us they would start the voyage the following day. "We the voyage tomorrow," they told us.

  24. Direct and Indirect Speech Exercises With Answers for Class 12

    Exercise 1. Question: Rewrite the following Direct Speech into Indirect Speech Sentences: "I will visit the museum tomorrow," said Sarah. "We have been studying French for two years," Mark said. "I am working on my thesis," she said. "We will win the competition," they said confidently.