9 Festive Holiday-Themed Writing Activities For Middle School ELA

festive writing activities for middle school

Looking to fill the last weeks of December with holiday-themed writing activities? You’ve come to the right place! Channel your holiday spirit while engaging students in fun yet meaningful learning opportunities.

Many teachers feel like getting anything meaningful done in these last weeks of December is impossible. And, yes, as winter break inches closer, it becomes more challenging to keep students on task. However, if you find creative ways to bring festive fun into your classroom, you can channel the holiday spirit into meaningful learning opportunities. 

I’m here to help you leverage that festive (and sometimes chaotic) energy to engage students in writing activities that align with educational standards and bring the holiday magic into your classroom. The best part? It doesn’t have to involve hours of planning and prep work. (That’s a gift in itself.)

Read on to discover my favorite low-prep writing activities designed to keep students engaged in learning while having a holly jolly time in the weeks leading up to the holiday break.

9 Fun & Festive Writing Activities

Stop battling the “pre-winter break” struggle with your students. Instead, make the most of the holiday spirit by assigning these festive and fun writing activities perfect for December!

1. Character Ugly Sweater Contest

Like an ugly sweater contest, but make it literary.

Hosting a character ugly sweater contest is the perfect way to combine characterization with a little holiday fun. This activity seamlessly blends creative artwork with analytical writing, challenging students to design a Christmas sweater for a literary character. Start with a blank ugly sweater template . Then, let students have fun decorating an “ugly” sweater that represents their chosen character, including quotes, images, symbols, adjectives, and more. Have each student write a paragraph analysis explaining their choices, turning a classic festive sweater into an opportunity for character exploration and analysis.

Alternatively, you can have your students create symbolic sweaters representing a theme or an entire novel!

2. Winter-Themed Poetry

A perfect writing activity for December and beyond.

If you’re looking to steer clear of specific holidays, winter-themed poetry is the perfect option. Encourage your students to explore the beauty of winter through the lens of poetry. This is a perfect opportunity for students to showcase their knowledge of figurative language and poetic devices. Students will have a blast bringing winter to life through symbolism, metaphors, personification, symbolism, onomatopoeia, and more! To add an extra layer of creativity, have students exchange and illustrate each other’s poems, putting their descriptive writing to the ultimate test. Then, they can go around matching the illustrations to the poems.

If you want to kick up the holiday spirit, have your students write magically descriptive poems about abstract concepts, like holiday cheer, or concrete images, like a Christmas tree.

3. “Paint” a Picture with Sensory Details

Oh, what fun it is to write with sensory details!

Looking for a quick yet effective writing activity this December? This is it. Challenge students to describe the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and textures associated with the holidays. Whether it’s the scent of gingerbread, a twinkling Christmas tree, or the soft crunch of snow under your boots, students bring classic holiday settings or items to life with this fun writing challenge. Encourage them to create a description by combining descriptive writing and as many of the five senses as possible.

Want to add a little twist? Have students share their descriptions, and their peers guess the holiday element based on the vivid sensory details.

4. Holiday Memories

Practice narrative writing with a holiday twist.

Teaching narrative writing is a must in the secondary classroom, and it certainly comes with its challenges. Luckily, December is the perfect time to inspire and engage students in narrative writing prompts. Rather than the dreaded “I have nothing to write about” roadblock, students tend to have more to say regarding their favorite holiday memories and traditions. Challenge them to delve into their most cherished holiday memories, describing them with great detail through sensory language and imagery. Remind students that their pieces should make the reader feel like they were also experiencing the moment.

This reflective exercise sharpens narrative writing skills while tapping into the magic of the holidays.

5. “Roll Out” a Holiday Story

Another festive activity to help students surpass writer’s block.

Break through the “what do I write about” roadblock with the “Roll Out” A Holiday Story activity. Select six holiday-related options for classic story elements such as character, setting, conflict, and theme. Assign each option a number 1-6 so when students roll the dice for each component, it will determine a brainstorm for their narrative. Not only does this spark creativity, it also gives each student something more specific to write about while leaving plenty of room for creative fun. These unique plots often turn out festive and sweet or ridiculously funny, making them a joy to read.

This engaging exercise transforms the (often dreaded) writing process into a fun and festive game, making it both entertaining and intellectually stimulating.

6. A Festive Argument

Teenagers love to argue, right? So, why not make it festive?

While this activity has the main elements of a classic argumentative writing activity, it has a festive twist. Rather than choosing from traditional argumentative prompts regarding social media or school uniforms, provide students with a list of holiday-themed topics to take a stance on. This writing activity requires them to employ persuasive and argumentative writing techniques, incorporating ethos, pathos, and logos, to make their case. Despite the holiday twist, students must articulate their opinions in a structured and convincing manner.

Some favorite topics include arguing for the best Christmas tradition, holiday movie, or winter activity. Feel free to steal these for your classroom!

7. A Children’s Christmas Book

Who doesn’t love a good Christmas story?

This activity is a great way to review plot structure and get into the Christmas spirit. Invite students to gather around as you read a few of your favorite Christmas stories before encouraging them to write (and illustrate) one of their own. Students will craft holiday tales, bringing the magic of storytelling to life through words and illustrations. It’s also a perfect opportunity for students to exercise their knowledge of theme and descriptive writing. Spread the cheer by teaming up with a local elementary classroom and having your students read their stories to the younger kids.

Remember, it’s possible that some of your students don’t celebrate Christmas. Adjust this activity to best reflect your students’ winter holidays and traditions.

8. A Recipe for the Perfect Holiday

Talk about a recipe for festive fun!

Writing about abstract concepts can be challenging for students. That’s where this activity comes into play. Rather than the pressure of diving into an abstract concept in an analytical essay, students will transform holiday-related abstract ideas into concrete creations with this fun and creative writing activity. Instead of writing a recipe for holiday food, students will write their recipe for the perfect holiday. Students must create a list of “ingredients” before bringing it all together with a step-by-step process. Since holidays mean something different to each person based on their experiences and traditions, this is a personalized activity packed with meaning.

Have students bring in their favorite holiday recipe (for an actual food or beverage) to share with the class and serve as inspiration for the elements of a recipe.

9. Gingerbread House Listing

Get ready for a tasty treat of persuasive writing!

In this writing activity, students aren’t necessarily decorating gingerbread houses, but they are trying to sell them. Have students put on their realtor hats and use persuasive writing to “sell” their very own gingerbread house. Students will draw a gingerbread house before creating a compelling real-estate listing, attempting to convince you to make a purchase. I recommend having students review actual house listings first to get inspiration and build a stronger understanding of what to include. This hands-on approach combines real-life writing with creativity and holiday fun.

You can take this a step further by letting your students actually build their gingerbread houses for a delicious extension activity!

Even More Holiday Writing Activities

Ho, ho, ho no it doesn’t end there! Here are a few more holiday writing activities to sprinkle into your plans over the next few weeks.

  • Assign festive bell ringers
  • Write a Christmas dialogue
  • Provide holiday story starters
  • Create Christmas movie character diary entries
  • Write creative holiday-themed news articles
  • Take a stance on the great real vs. fake tree debate
  • Correct grammar in holiday-themed sentences

So Much Holiday Writing Fun to Have, So Little Time

If you’re like me, you may want to do all of the things. But trying to do that (in the weeks leading up to the holiday break, no less) is enough to drive any teacher insane. And I’m all for supporting teachers in maintaining their sanity during these next few weeks. In fact, if you need some tips to help you do so, check out my teacher’s guide to surviving the holiday season .

If you’re torn between choosing from multiple writing activities in this post, consider doing a Holiday writing choice board. Your middle school students will love the freedom to select a writing activity that resonates with their interests. The element of choice promotes a sense of ownership over their writing while keeping students engaged and focused on festive yet meaningful activities leading up to winter break.

It’s Time to Get Festive!

Rather than fighting to get your students to pay attention, channel their festive spirit into meaningful classroom experiences. Trust me, it works wonders. So, if your students normally moan and groan when you assign writing, get ready for a change! Middle school students always eat these festive writing activities up.

What other fun and festive writing activities do you have to add to the list? Let me know in a comment below!

Looking to incorporate even more holiday fun in your classroom? Here are 8 more festive ELA activities to try !

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  • > How to Design Holiday Homework- 5 Tips

How to Design Holiday Homework- 5 Tips

Divyansh Bordia

World-renowned clinical child psychologist and best-selling author, Dr. Ross Greene said that No kid should be getting three or four hours of homework a night. There's no breathing time, there's no family time, there are just extracurriculars and homework, and then, going to bed.

Holiday homework is intended to make students independent and enhance their skills and capabilities. Holiday homework helps to keep students on track and keep their brains ticking. While holiday homework ensures that the students don’t lose touch with what they have learned, it is important to give them enough space to enjoy the holidays. To ensure the same, you have got to analyze the feasibility of the work that you are assigning them and the gravity. Without further ado, let us take a look at five important things that teachers should keep in mind while assigning holiday homework to their students.

1. Understand Your Students

The first and most important thing that you have to take into consideration is your students. Understanding your students is the first step. The holiday homework should be on par with their capacity and ability. Of course, there’s no harm in making it challenging and pushing their limits a little but make sure to strike a balance. There’s no point in talking Latin when your students don’t understand the language. Assigning holiday homework that is way beyond their intellectual capacity or way below their capacity will not do them any good and that’s why you have got to understand them. There might be students who like challenges and to address this population of the classroom you can create an additional section on the assignment sheet and make it optional. Make sure not to discriminate against your students based on this optional section.

2. Define the Objectives

What do you want your students to accomplish through the holiday homework? For example, if the holiday homework is to write a poem, what are the learning objectives? That the students should understand the structure of the poetry, poetic figures, and poetic justice? The teacher must have a clear sense of the same. In addition to this, the teacher must be able to articulate the learning objectives to the students so that they can do complete justice to the holiday homework.

3. Make it Interesting

More often than not, students find holiday homework boring and drab. While designing the holiday work, teachers should put in the effort to make it challenging and interesting. If it is a simple coloring exercise, you can give tiny riddles about the colors and they have to figure out what the color is. Similarly, you can make all the work interesting so that the students would ill feel like doing it.

4. Keep Parent Involvement to a Minimum

Let’s face it. More than 90% of homework is done by parents. If you ask second graders to make the model of the Taj Mahal, of course, the parents would do it. This is why we mentioned in the first step that the teachers should understand the students and give them a mountain that they can climb. As mentioned, articulate the learning objectives and while interacting with the parents, let them know that you are expecting minimum involvement from them. If you are assigning holiday homework to high school students and students in higher grades, this step can be skipped.

5. Clarify the Criteria

On what basis are you going to grade the holiday homework? The criteria and the grading pattern must be transparent so that the students have a clear understanding of what to focus on. When you are designing the holiday homework, create a proper framework that you want to stick by and share with your students.

Holiday homework is an amazing way to let your students stand close to what they have learned. As mentioned, it is important to strike a balance and help your students have a good holiday while learning new skills and polishing the existing ones. It is up to the teacher to make homework dull or interesting and the tips that we have discussed are sure to make it the latter. Go ahead and create homework that the students would enjoy doing!

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Holiday Homework

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6 Creative Assignment Ideas to Make Your Students’ Holiday Homework Fun

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The term ‘holiday homework’ raises a collective groan when you mention it in class. The last thing your students want to do during their holidays is spending more time with their noses buried in textbooks. But who said homework had to be a dull and dreary activity? There’s plenty of time and then some to learn concepts at school; holiday homework can focus on skill-building and be a lot more fun! Here’s a list of top creative assignment or homework ideas to help students take the ‘work’ out of homework, and replace it with a whole lot of fun! 

“Assignment 1: For the Filmy Fans”

As a life coach who holds film therapy workshops in Bengaluru, Rohit Sasvehalli believes that movies can have a deep impact on the psyche when approached consciously. “Pick a specific concept the child wants to learn about, say Apartheid. Ask them to watch a movie like Invictus to understand the tensions in South Africa. It will invoke an explorative mindset,” says Sasvehalli. Give your students a choice of topics and movies to watch, review and write an essay or make a presentation on what it got them thinking about. Surely your students aren’t about to complain about watching a movie or two!

Netflix screen

Do you see any budding filmmakers in your class? Mentoria’s holistic  career assessment test  could help them discover their calling by uniquely combining their interests and abilities! Find out more about the test here:

“Assignment 2: For the Wanderlusters”

Families often set out on trips during the holiday season. A trip is often a great platform to learn about new places and new cultures. Ask your students to document every bit of their travel, discover fascinating aspects about the place they’re visiting and turn their findings into a fantastic travel presentation for the class! It could cover a long vacation or even a day trip to the museum, beach or a nearby park.

Toy bus

“Assignment 3: For the Bookworms”

This creative assignment may not appeal to all your students, but the voracious readers in your class will surely welcome some binge-reading over the holidays! For this set of students, assign a list of books they can review over the holidays. Encourage them to get a library membership or even a Kindle, if they’re more accustomed to reading digitally. Give them a mix of fiction and non-fiction titles that will broaden their knowledge and urge them to think. It doesn’t have to strictly follow the curriculum; books on current events will also help them get a better perspective of what’s going on in the world.

Book, coffee and specs

Assignment 4: For the Crafty Ones

Do you see your students stumbling over certain difficult topics in class? Ask them to bring out their ‘crafty’ sides over the holidays and turn those concepts into flashcards!  Flashcards make learning easier , and making them will help your students hone their artistic skills!

Sticky notes on wall

Budding artists need guidance, and that’s exactly what we provide here at  Mentoria !  Speak to our expert career counsellors  about your future career path, or listen to the experiences of industry professionals in your field. Here Commercial Artist Mrs Krupa Patil shares what a day in her life looks like:

Assignment 5: For the Volunteer Wonders

A school in New Zealand recently got its students involved in building an outdoor classroom and won an award for creativity! Volunteering as a homework idea will help them understand the kind of problems the world is facing, put things in perspective and also help them learn how to work in a team! You could give them a list of places they could visit over the holidays or plan a class trip yourself. Let them volunteer at an animal shelter, old-age home or orphanage, where they can perform different activities like maintaining the gardens, teaching other children, reading to the elderly, or even organising a performance for the underprivileged.


Assignment 6. For the Budding Philosophers

If your students are at a stage in life where they have critical future decisions to make, ask them to ‘introspect’ over the holidays. What makes them happiest? Which activities do they most look forward to? What piques their interest and what fails to grab their attention? Give them a homework idea and ask them to write a detailed summary of their interests and how they could translate into a career option a few years down the line. If they’re confused, ask them to opt for professional guidance that will help them discover who they really are and what they should pursue in the future. We can help with that.  Students with clarity on their future are likely to be less stressed in class and focus better on their academics!

Man looking at the wall

Holidays are perhaps the only time when students can study at their own pace without the looming burden of a jam-packed schedule. The holidays give students enough time to explore their interests and  use them to enhance their studying technique . Don’t overburden them with lesson plans and tough projects; instead, let them focus on building skills, exploring interests and making the most of the holiday season both in terms of education and entertainment!

We at  Mentoria  know that holidays can be crucial during high school, and students are busy figuring out what stream they want to enter. We try to make it easier for you. Our 4-step career guidance solution, helps us find the right career fit for you from 3 streams, 850+ courses & 12,000+ careers. Discover yourself during the holidays with Mentoria.


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  • 10 Tips for Teachers: Creative Summer Holiday Homework

Imaginative activities and projects to pack your students' summer holidays with creativity

13 July 2022

Bonus: Homework for teachers. Take some time over the summer to look after your own wellbeing (although maybe wait until just before the new term starts!) with these Dreamachine Teacher Wellbeing CPD videos and creative activities .

1. Dreamachine Resources At Home Pack

Print off the entire pack or just one or two from this collection of activities from the Dreamachine Schools resources, specially picked out for families at home. They include science, global citizenship and wellbeing activities suitable for all ages, but will need adults to support the delivery as they are written in a lesson plan style. The activities include an interactive science survey into the senses: Life’s Big Questions – with videos to watch presented by Newsround’s Martin Dougan and fun illusions to try out.

2. British Science Week Activity Packs

For child-facing activities that are print off and go try this year’s British Science Week activity packs , which include a Dreamachine optical illusion challenge.

3. Summer Reading Challenge 2022

This year’s summer reading challenge is online and even if your school didn’t sign—up, children can still register to join in online and get books form the library: www.summerreadingchallenge.org.uk/

You could print out this resource from StoryTrails and Unboxed Learning , with lots of ideas for storytelling.

4. The Poetry Society and Stemettes About Us Competition

About Us is all about exploring the many ways life across the universe is connected. Young people aged 4-18 can enter their poems and/ or Scratch projects on the theme of ‘connectivity and the universe‘, to win books and tech goodies, talent development opportunities, and free workshops for their school. All entrants will receive an e-certificate for participating and the competition closes on 31 August 2022. www.aboutus.earth/about-the-competition

5. Teaching for Creativity Taster Cards

Our Teaching for Creativity Taster Card activities are short and simple so could easily be facilitated by a parent or carer!

6. Keep an alternative journal

Document your summer break in a diary, but try to do it without writing a word! Create a scrapbook (or box!) of your summer, to remind you of what you did and how you felt. Try to include something for every week, but you can include as many entries as you like. How many different types of entries can you do? Some ideas are:

  • Draw or paint a picture of what you did
  • Draw the weather that day
  • Close your eyes and draw how you feel
  • Take a photo
  • Collect a memento e.g. a ticket, a receipt, a food packet, newspaper, a leaf, a stone
  • Draw a list of the music you listened to / books you read / games you played
  • Make a collage of something you are looking forward to
  • Make a picture of the tastiest food you ate – try using something unusual in a collage like pasta, lentils or cut up food packaging
  • Listen to the noises outside and draw what you think you can hear

7. Design a new invention

Invent something to solve the problem of ____________.

Draw your invention and label it or make a model of it and a short video explaining how it will work. Think about: How does it work? What size will it be if you made it for real? What material is it made of? Where does it get power or energy from to work? What will you call it?

Check out Little Inventors for inspiration: www.littleinventors.org/ideas

Insert a problem to solve that you think your students will know about / connects to your learning this year or look on www.littleinventors.org/mini-challenges/

Some ideas are: plastic food packaging, ocean pollution, keeping cool in the heatwave, keeping house plants alive, how to stay dry when camping, learning times tables, getting to school on time.

8. Put on an art exhibition

Visit Tate Kids and choose some of the activities to create your own artwork: www.tate.org.uk/kids/make

Once you have enough pieces, stage an art exhibition in your home or garden and invite families and friends. Think about how you want them to feel when they are in the exhibition. Do you want them to feel excited/calm/intrigued or think about issues you care about? How can you display your work to try and achieve this? Take photos and collect some quotes of how they found the experience!

9. Learn some origami

Learn to make something out of origami, the art of paper folding. Maths on Toast have some how-to-videos: www.mathsontoast.org.uk/activity-category/videos/

All you need is some squares of paper – even newspaper will do (an easy way to make a square of paper is to fold one corner over to the bottom edge and then cut along ).

10. Write a cultural review

Write a review of a film/book/computer game/album/podcast /play/day out/experience – anything cultural that interests you! How did it make you feel? What were the best bits? What could improve? What surprised you?

You could provide them with a quick list of family days out (preferably free and local) to spark ideas. If your students are London based, here is a list of some free goings on in the capital to get you started:

Greenwich + Docklands - International Festival 2022 (FREE) 26 August – 11 September / Festival - free theatre, art, dance and circus.

Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster: Alienarium 5 at Serpentine South Gallery (FREE) until 4 September / Art exhibition - a speculative environment that invites us to imagine possible encounters with extraterrestrials.

Covent Garden Cool Down – August Bank Holiday weekend / Experience - an annual ice cream festival on the streets of Covent Garden.

Take One Picture 2022 at the National Gallery (FREE) until 11 September / Art exhibition - primary schools from across the UK have responded creatively to 'The Finding of Moses' by Orazio Gentileschi.

Hew Locke: The Procession at Tate Britain (FREE) until January 2023 / Art exhibition – an installation of sculptures of people gathering and moving together to and ‘to celebrate, worship, protest, mourn, escape or even to better themselves’.

Kids Week – throughout August / Theatre - children 17 and under can go to theatre shows for free when accompanied by a full price paying adult.

Brent Biennial 2022: In The House Of My Love (FREE) until 11 September / Art exhibition - artists and community groups whose works explore the many meanings of homemaking.

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MS Word Cover Page Templates

Download, personalize & print, cover page designs for summer holiday homework.

Posted By: admin 29/06/2022

Schools are the institutes that transform pebbles into ornaments and shape raw minds to think about creativity and wonders. Children seek primary knowledge at nearby schools and are guided in a particular direction for choosing a career or field of choice. Every school follows a set of curricula that helps them stay on track.

Every school gives summer holidays of 2 to 3 months every year so that children can stay at home and avoid the heat. Students are responsible for completing assigned holiday homework so that they do not forget their course during vacations. Summer holiday homework is assigned to every student and is collected by the school when students return after the holidays. Homework is prepared by the school administration and is based on the course of upcoming classes for every student.

The cover page, also known as the title page, is the first page of any document. It provides details about the writer and the topic of the document. It is generally a part of every document and greatly influences the chances of reading that document. Summer holiday homework cover pages are bright and full of colors to draw the attention of kids and make it a fun activity for them. Homework does not only include coursework; it also includes puzzles and other fun activities for the kids.

The design of cover pages changes from grade to grade because lower-grade kids are not burdened with a lot of homework, so their task is mostly enjoyable and basic. Cover pages are designed by art teachers who take inspiration from the internet and incorporate several pieces of art to form a cover design. Many art teachers are creative and try to include designs related to homework to develop the interest of the children.

Some of the tricks for designing cover pages are given below:

  • Different designs of cover pages may include colorful images of books, pencils, and other study material to focus on studies.
  • Students in lower grades enjoy easy homework with relaxing exercises, while students in higher grades are assigned tough work.
  • As compared to the homework, cover pages are full of colors and images that attract kids.
  • Images on the cover design signify the contents of homework and allow children to enjoy it.
  • Many designs include black-and-white images and ask children to color these images with the colors of their choice, thus giving them the freedom to design them themselves.
  • Cover pages provide details about the grade and contents of the homework within the document.

Every part of an official document is crucial and should be designed with the utmost care. Cover pages are unusually designed to provide basic details about the document without opening it. Furthermore, the significance of homework cover page designs can be evaluated from the following points:

  • Diverse cover pages attract students to also remember their school tasks while enjoying vacations.
  • It helps parents engage their children with homework.
  • Creative designs of cover pages allow students to be creative and act as inspiration
  • The contents mentioned on the cover pages allow parents to decide if their children need extra help completing homework.

Summer holiday homework cover page

Various templates

  • Political Conference Paper Cover Pages
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  • Economic Conference Paper Cover Pages
  • Political Analysis Report Cover Pages
  • Government Report Cover Pages
  • Political Campaign Proposal Cover Pages
  • Economic Impact Study Cover Pages
  • Grant Proposal Cover Pages
  • Lesson Plan Cover Pages
  • Healthcare Policy/Procedure Manual Cover Pages
  • Economic Research Paper Cover Pages
  • Clinical Trial Report Cover Pages
  • Medical Articles Journal Cover Pages
  • Company Profile Cover Pages
  • Medical Case Study Cover Pages

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Computer Holiday Homework For Classes 5 to 8

design of writing holiday homework

  • Updated on  
  • May 1, 2024

Computer Holiday Homework

In addition to being a time for enjoyment and relaxation, summer vacation is an excellent opportunity for young children to continue learning and being busy. Eliminate tiresome spreadsheets! This blog article contains a plethora of creative ideas for computer holiday homework for kids in classes 5 through 8. We’ll cover topics including multiple-choice questions (MCQ), fill-in-the-blank questions, short questions, lengthy questions, and exercises to make summer learning engaging for kids, teachers, and parents. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 Computer Holiday Homework for Class 5
  • 2 Computer Holiday Homework for Class 6
  • 3 Computer Holiday Homework for Class 7
  • 4 Computer Holiday Homework for Class 8

Computer Holiday Homework for Class 5

  • Multiple questions (MCQs)
1.1 Which of the following is an input device?
a) Monitor
b) Keyboard
c) Printer
d) Speaker

1.2. What is the function of the CPU?
a) To display information
b) To process data
c) To print documents
d) To connect to the internet
  • Fill in the Blanks
1. The _____ allows us to see information on the computer. (Monitor)
2. We use the _____ to type information into the computer. (keyboard)
3. We can save our work using a/an _____. (folder)

3. Short Answer

design of writing holiday homework

4. Long Answer

1. Describe the steps involved in creating a new document using word processing software.
2. Explain the importance of using strong passwords and keeping them secure.

5. Exercises

1. Practice using different formatting options in a word processing program (e.g., changing font size, bolding text).
2. Create a simple presentation using presentation software (e.g., including slides with text and images).
3. Research a specific topic on the internet and write a summary of what you learned.

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Computer Holiday Homework for Class 6

1.1. Which of the following is an operating system?
a) Browser
b) Word processor
c) Operating System
d) Paint programme

1.2. What is the shortcut key to copy text?
a) Ctrl + V
b) Ctrl + C
c) Ctrl + X
d) Ctrl + P
1. We use a/an _____ to search for information on the internet. (search engine)
2. A collection of web pages stored on a server is called a _____. (website)
3. You can save your work on a computer using a/an _____. (storage device)

design of writing holiday homework

  • Long Answer
1. Describe the steps involved in creating a presentation using presentation software.
2. Explain the importance of using ethical practices when using the internet, including citing sources when using information online.
1. Practice creating a presentation with different slide layouts, transitions, and animations.
2. Use a paint programme to create a drawing with various shapes, colors, and text tools.
3. Research a famous computer scientist and write a short report about their contributions to the field.

Computer Holiday Homework for Class 7

1.1. Which of the following is an output device?
a) Keyboard
b) Monitor
c) Scanner
d) Mouse

1.2. What is the function of a web browser?
a) To store data
b) To process information
c) To access websites
d) To create presentations

1.3. In MS Word, what does “Ctrl + B” do?
a) Change font size
b) Bold the selected text
c) Italicise the selected text
d) Underline the selected text
1. The central processing unit (CPU) is also called the computer’s _____. (brain)
2. We use a/an _____ to format text in a document, like changing font size or style. (formatting toolbar)
3. A collection of interconnected computers around the world is called the _____. (internet)

Also Read: 5 Best Social-Emotional Learning Activities  

design of writing holiday homework

1. Describe the different types of computer software and give examples of each. (System software – manages computer hardware (e.g., Operating System). Application software – performs specific tasks for users (e.g., Word processor, Paint program).)

2. Explain the importance of online safety and discuss some tips for staying safe while browsing the internet. (Importance: protecting personal information, avoiding malware, etc. Tips: using strong passwords, being cautious about clicking on links, etc.)
1. Practice creating a document in MS Word with different formatting styles, like bold, italics, and font changes.
2. Use a search engine to research a specific topic (e.g., famous scientists) and create a short presentation using presentation software.
3. Create a flowchart illustrating the steps involved in searching for information online using a search engine.

Computer Holiday Homework for Class 8

1.1. What is the purpose of a database?
a) To browse the internet
b) To organize and store information
c) To create presentations
d) To write computer programmes

1.2. In a spreadsheet, what is a cell where a formula is entered called?
a) Row
b) Column
c) Formula bar
d) Cell reference

1.3. What is the basic building block of a computer program?
a) Hardware components
b) Data
c) Instruction
d) User interface
1. A collection of interrelated tables storing data is called a/an _____. (database)
2. In spreadsheets, we use _____ to perform calculations on data. (formulas)
3. The process of writing instructions for a computer to follow is called _____. (programming)
1. Describe the different data types commonly used in databases and give examples of each. (Data types: text, number, date, etc.). Examples: Name (Text), Age (Number), Birth Date (Date).)

2. Explain the concept of an algorithm and its importance in programming. (An algorithm is a step-by-step process to solve a problem. (It’s crucial for creating clear and efficient computer programs.)
1. Create a simple database in database management software (DBMS) to store information about books in a library (e.g., title, author, ISBN).
2. Design a spreadsheet in a spreadsheet program to calculate the average marks of students in a class for different subjects.
3. Write a simple computer programme (using a programming language like Scratch or Python) to display a message on the screen or perform a basic calculation.

Ans: Here are some ways to finish holiday homework on time. -Set study schedule -Get rid of online distractions -Take short break -Check your work -Prepare your material

Ans: Make a plan that accommodates your vacation schedule and try your best to follow it. 

Ans: Schedule everything out carefully in advance. Maintain your study space tidy and orderly, and keep your study aids close at hand. 

Explore interesting ideas for school children here : 

To engage children in other school education activities, follow Leverage Edu now!! 

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Aayushi Vardhan

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