Bridging the Research to Practice Gap: A Case Study Approach to Understanding EIBI Supports and Barriers in Swedish Preschools

  • December 2016
  • lnternational Electronic Journal of Elementary Education 9((2)):317- 336
  • 9((2)):317- 336

Lise Roll-Pettersson at Stockholm University

  • Stockholm University

Ingrid Olsson at Uppsala University

  • Uppsala University
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  • S Ala'i-Rosales
  • L Roll-Petterson
  • S Pinkelman
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  • C Nikopolous
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case study approach in swedish

Vol. 9 No. 2 (2016) IEJEE Special Issue Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD): Approaches to Training, Teaching, and Treatment

Bridging the research to practice gap: A case study approach to understanding eıbı supports and barriers in Swedish preschools

  • Lise Roll-Petterson
  • Ingrid Olsson
  • Shahla Ala'i Rosales


The present study examined proximal and distal barriers and supports within the Swedish service system that may affect implementation of early and intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) for children with autism. A case study approach with roots in ethnography was chosen to explore this issue. Two preschools exemplifying ‘high quality practice’ were studied and information was collected through multiple sources during a 12 month period, this included participant observations, direct observations, semi-structured interviews with key informants; paraprofessionals, parents, special educators, habilitation specialists and a focus group interview. Interview transcripts and field notes were combined and analyzed using an abductive grounded theory approach. Findings highlight the relevance of researchers understanding and taking into consideration the effect that distal variables have on implementation within proximal settings. A theoretical model of factors affecting implementation was conceptualised to include: staff entry knowledge and competence, development through supervision, the role of the preschool administrator, as well as distal influences and inter-organizational tensions, values, and bridges. Findings are discussed within the context of implementation science. Implications for future research are discussed as well as areas in need of further development to bridge the gap between research and practice.

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(Rev. ed.). Lund: Sveriges Habiliteringschefer. Brookman-Frazee, L., Baker-Ericzén, M., Stadnick, N., & Taylor, R. (2012). Parent perspectives on community mental health services for children with autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 21, 533-544. Brookman-Frazee, L., Drahota, A., Stadnick, N., & Palinkas, L. A. (2012). Therapist perspectives on community mental health services for children with autism spectrum disorders. Administration and Policy in Mental Health and Mental Health Services Research, 39, 365-373. Bölte, S. (2014). Is autism curable? Developmental Medicine and Child Neurology, 56, 927-931. Callahan, K., Hughes, H., Mehta, S., Toussaint, K.A., Nichols, S, M., Ma, P. S., ... Wang, H.-T. (2016). Social validity of evidence-based practices and emerging interventions in autism. Focus in Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 1-10. http://dx.doi:10.1177/1088357616632446. Centers of Disease Control (2014, January 21). Data and Statistics. Retrieved from Chasson, G. S., Harris, G. E., & Neely, W. J. (2007). Cost comparison of early intensive behavioral intervention and special education for children with autism. Journal of Child and Family Studies, 16, 401–413. Cook, B. G., & Odom, S. L. (2013). Evidence-based practice and implementation science in special education. Exceptional Children, 79(2), 135-144. Daniels, A. M., & Mandell, D. S. (2014). Explaining differences in age at autism spectrum disorder diagnosis: a critical review. Autism, 18(5), 583-97. Denne, L. D., Hastings, R. P., Hughes, C. J., Bovellc, V., & Redford, L. (2011) Developing a competence framework for ABA and autism: What can we learn from others? European Journal of Behavior Analysis, 12, 217-230. Dey, I. (2012). Grounded Theory. In C. Seale, G. Gobo, J. Gubrium, & D. Silverman (Eds.), Qualitative Research Practice. Thousand Oakes, California: Sage Publications. Dillenburger, K., Röttger, H.-R., Dounavi, K., Sparkman, C., Keenan, M., Thyer, B., & Nikopolous, C. (2014). Multidisciplinary teamwork in autism: Can one size fit all? The Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, 31, 97-112. Dunst, C. J. (2015). Improving the design and implementation of in-service professional development in early childhood intervention. Infants and Young Children, 28(3), 210-219. Eikeseth, S., Klintwall, L., Jahr, E., & Karlsson, P. (2012). Outcome for children with autism receiving early and intensive behavioral intervention in mainstream preschool and kindergarten settings. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 6, 829-835. Fawcett, S. B. (1991). Some values guiding community research and action. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 24(4), 621-636. Fernell, E., Hedvall, Å., Westerlund, J., Höglund Carlsson, L., Eriksson, M., Barnevik Olsson, … Gillberg, C. (2011). Early intervention in 208 Swedish preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder. A prospective naturalistic study. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 32, 2092–2101. Fixsen, D. L., Naoom, S.F., Blase, K. A., Friedman, R. M., & Wallace, F. (2005). Implementation Reseach: A synthesis of the literature. Tampa, FL: University of South Florida. Howard, J. S., Sparkman, C. R., Cohen, H. G., Green, G., & Stanislaw, H. (2005). A comparison of intensive behavior analytic and eclectic treatments for young children with autism. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 26, 359–383. Howard, J. S., Stanislaw, H., Green, G., Sparkman, C. R., & Cohen, H. G. (2014). Comparison of behavior analytic and eclectic early interventions for young children with autism after three years. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 35(12), 3326–3344. Jang, J., Matson, J. L., Williams, L. W., Tureck, K., Goldin, R. L., & Cervantes, P. E. (2013). Rates of comorbid symptoms of children with ASD, ADHD and comorbid ASD and ADHD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 34(8), 2369-2378. Keenan, M., Dillenburger, K., Röttgers, H.-R., Dounavi, K., Jónsdóttir, S. L., Moderato, P., … Martin, N. (2014). Autism and ABA: The gulf between North America and Europe. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 2(2), 167-183. Kelly, A., & Tincani, M. (2013). Collaborative training and practice among applied behavior analysts who support individuals with autism spectrum disorder. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 48, 120-131. Kucharczyk, S., Shaw. E., Smith Myles, B., Sullivan, L., Szidon, K., & Tuchman-Ginsberg, L. (2012). Guidance and Coaching on Evidence-Based Practices for Learners with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina, Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute, National Professional Development Center on Autism Spectrum Disorders. Leaf, J. B., McEachin, J., Taubman, M., Ala’i-Rosales, S., Ross, R. K., Smith, T., & Weiss, M. J. (2016). 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Autism , Case-study , Distal , EIBI , Implementation science


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Case study: Kingfisher Group takes DIY approach to AI roll-out across e-commerce sites

International home improvement retailer kingfisher group opens up about the evolution of its ai strategy, and the rewards it is reaping.

Caroline Donnelly

  • Caroline Donnelly, Senior Editor, UK

Several months into the start of the global Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, international home improvement retail group Kingfisher debuted a revamped company strategy focused on repositioning the organisation as a digital and service-oriented entity.

Kingfisher, which owns the B&Q, Screwfix and brands in the UK, had seen several of its brands suffer sales declines as a result of what it termed in its 2020 financial results  as “the company’s operating model becoming overly complex”.

“While some of our banners [brands] have delivered growth over the past four years … our performance has been disappointing. Group sales and retail profit need to improve,” its financial report, published in June 2020, stated.

In the wake of this realisation, the Powered by Kingfisher strategy was created, with an emphasis on ensuring each of the company’s brands was meeting the diverse and distinct needs of their respective customer bases, while also drawing on the businesses “core strengths and commercial assets”.    

“To serve customers effectively today, we also need to be digital and service-orientated, while leveraging our strong store assets,” the report added.

A month after going public with its plans for a strategic shift in how the company operates, Kingfisher announced the creation of a new role within its customer team with the appointment of Tom Betts as group data director.

Fast forward several years, and these two events have led to Kingfisher having its own in-house data and artificial intelligence (AI) team whose efforts have seen it centrally develop and roll out various digital tools that have boosted sales across its brands.

On this point, the company’s 2024 financial report stated: “Our [brands] are leveraging data and artificial intelligence to build customer-centric tools and solutions, support better commercial decision-making and higher productivity, thereby unlocking significant new sources of revenue, profit and cash.”

Speaking to Computer Weekly, Mohsen Ghasempour, group AI director at Kingfisher, said the appointment of Betts led to the creation of a team that has steadily grown in size and whose work has led to a notable uptick in sale across the group.

“We started with almost zero people on AI, and today we have around 28 – a mixture of machine learning engineers, data scientists, and engineers – so we [have the internal capabilities] to develop our own AI solutions,” he said,

“If you look at our portfolio of AI offerings today, we have 30-plus different initiatives on the go … and it might surprise people to know how much AI technology is impacting the way the DIY industry is operating.”

The company is using AI in its supply chain management and logistics function to deliver a demand forecasting model that can predict how demand for certain products will change over a 12-month period, as well as to pick up on patterns within the reviews customers leave about its products.

“We have services that sit on top of our customer reviews to extract actionable insights. Our AI algorithm can detect that 200 reviews are about product quality, and what specifically they are complaining about,” said Ghasempour.  

The company is also working on some “very cool technology” that will help the group’s in-store customers find the products they are looking for more efficiently, he added. “There is a lot happening with AI here at the moment.”

AI at the beginning

However, when Ghasempour first joined the company three years ago, Kingfisher knew it wanted to use AI to help achieve its strategic goals, but was still figuring out what role the technology would play in its business.

“When we started, there was no plan in terms of ‘This is how we’re going to use AI’,” he said. “So, the question became ‘How are we going to use it?’”

The answer to that came through trying to address what Ghasempour describes as one of the businesses’ biggest problems: a customer wanting to buy a product online that is no longer in stock.

“It wasn’t an AI problem, it was a product availability issue [that needed solving] that was affecting customer experience,” he said. “At that time, the challenge was ‘How are we going to solve it?’, but we did not necessarily think the answer was in using AI.”

While addressing this challenge, the idea of creating an “alternative product” recommendation algorithm emerged, which Ghasempour said gave way to an exploration of what role AI could play in the process.

“We started investigating how we can use AI when customers are at the point of buying a product that is not available, and how you can recommend a product which is very similar to the product that they’re looking for as an alternative,” he said. “That was the first recommendation service we developed, it went live in early 2023 on [B&Q’s online site]”

This service has now been rolled out, in one form or another, across all of Kingfisher’s brands, and since B&Q became the early adopter of the technology, the brand has seen more than 10% of its e-commerce sales originate from product recommendations, according to the company’s own stats.

“From the basic algorithm to solve one problem, today we have 10 different recommendation algorithms that try to help the customer journey in different ways by offering [serving customers information about] frequently bought together products and personalised recommendations,” said Ghasempour.

And the early success achieved from its first forays into building AI-powered recommendation engines allowed the company to take the concept of Powered by Kingfisher even further by providing it with the proof points needed to ditch some of its legacy tech providers, he added.

“We had some legacy recommendation providers on [our]  e-commerce platform, and we started running tests A-B tests against those providers to demonstrate that we can achieve better performance, which justified building [out] this in-house [data and AI] capability even more,” he said.

“We completely replaced all the third-party providers we used for recommendation engines, so all of that, across all of our e-commerce platforms, is now powered by internal capabilities.”

These capabilities have also been created using Google Cloud’s portfolio of AI tools , with Ghasempour revealing that Kingfisher has partnerships in place with Microsoft and Amazon Web Services (AWS) too.

“Anybody wanting to build any kind of AI capability needs some infrastructure and at Kingfisher we have a partnership with all three cloud providers, but when it comes to AI and data science capability, Google has a bit more of a mature platform, from our point of view,” he said. “It was more intuitive and easier to use, so we started building that capability in Google’s infrastructure.”

Attuned to AI with Athena

Google Cloud’s fully managed development platform, Vertex AI, is playing a foundational role in the delivery of Kingfisher’s AI and data strategy, as it forms the basis of the company’s AI orchestration framework Athena.

Before the introduction of Athena, Kingfisher was effectively setting about addressing individual customer pain points, such as lack of product availability, by creating the AI microservices needed to address these problems from scratch each time.

In Kingfisher’s own words , this way of working resulted in lengthy development times for each microservice, which in turn slowed down the release time for them and caused scalability issues.

What Athena does is allow the Kingfisher team to automatically select the correct, ready-made Microsoft needed to answer a specific user issue or query, which it claims has cut the development time for new AI services from months to weeks.

“This is a fairly new technology for us, and is probably about a year old,” said Ghasempour. “And the idea behind Athena was, ‘How can we actually build a framework that means we can start to utilise the services in a in a safe and secure way, but also move fast because whoever is using this technology fastest is going to get the competitive advantage?’”

Athena acts as a “wrapper” around existing large language models, such as Google Gemini and Chat GPT, that allows Kingfisher to tap into the respective capabilities of these competing tools at once.   

“Athena can wrap around all of those large language models, and provide a stronger and more powerful service because it can utilise all of those language models at the same time, plus build the security model around them. So, we can we can track all the conversation and we can make sure there is nothing inappropriate happening,” said Ghasempour.

This means Kingfisher can essentially take a “build once, apply everywhere” approach to rolling out AI services across its retail brands.

“You can just do the development once but you can scale it up to more banners [brands] while you’re still secure in the safe environment,” said Ghasempour.

Presently, Kingfisher is using Athena to create services that will make it even easier for the company’s customers to find products using AI-based conversational, image and text searches.

For instance, if a customer does not know the name of the piece of equipment they need to replace on a household item or what the name of a certain tool is, Athena makes it possible for the customer to search the product catalogue for what they need using an image and get a result in seconds.

“All they have to do is upload a photo of the part and we’ll show them exactly what they need,” said Ghasempour.

It is also experimenting with using Athena to moderate the content of the listings published on the marketplace section of, which allows third-party sellers to sell their home improvement wares online through its website.

“Athena assesses the description of the product to check for any racism or sexism, for example, and offers visual moderation of all the product images,” said Ghasempour.  

Furthermore, the technology is being put to use internally at Kingfisher, to assist its 82,000-strong workforce with finding information about the group’s employment policies and guidelines that are contained within hundreds of internal staff documents.

“In any organisation you have a lot of documentation, from the legal team or HR, that tell staff what the rules of working there are, but people don’t go read the documents. So, at the moment, we’re putting [Athena] on top of those documents, so staff can ask an [internal chatbot] about the maternity leave policy, for example, and get the information they need,” said Ghasempour.

“Over the next couple of months, we’ve got a few more services going live internally to empower our colleagues using this technology to do their day-to-day jobs more efficiently.”

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In this chapter we focus on what it means to act professionally in a particular early childhood education context in Sweden. We highlight the macro-level structure of early childhood policy and administration in Swedish society and explore the micro-level reality of one pre-school teacher working with 3- to 5-year-olds in a pre-school on the outskirts of a town in central Sweden. Using data from video observations of the teacher’s day and a follow-up interview, we offer insights into how the teacher thinks and acts in professional ways. The study shows that for this Swedish teacher, to act professionally in pre-school meant to interact and actively communicate with children, staff members and parents. These interactions made visible the ethical approach of the teacher, as well as a focus on the curriculum content areas of reading and mathematical skills. The study also throws light on some discrepancies between the thoughts and the actions of the pre-school teacher.

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Kuisma, M., Sandberg, A. (2012). Working with a Democratic Curriculum: The Swedish Case Study. In: Miller, L., Dalli, C., Urban, M. (eds) Early Childhood Grows Up. International perspectives on early childhood education and development, vol 6. Springer, Dordrecht.

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Published : 10 October 2011

Publisher Name : Springer, Dordrecht

Print ISBN : 978-94-007-2717-5

Online ISBN : 978-94-007-2718-2

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66ccf61ec5336e6e9dba3fb2 Exam With Male Patient

Case study: Pyogenic granuloma localized on lingual palatal mucosa of nos. 14-15 in a 72-year-old male

This case report describes an unusual presentation of a pyogenic granuloma in a 72-year-old male. Pyogenic granulomas, while common benign vascular lesions, are typically found in younger individuals and pregnant women. Their occurrence in older males underscores the importance of considering a broad differential diagnosis when encountering oral lesions.

Pyogenic granuloma: An overview

Pyogenic granuloma, though the name suggests an infectious process, is a benign vascular tumor characterized by excessive growth of capillaries and fibroblasts. While its exact etiology remains elusive, the pathogenesis is often linked to a combination of factors, including local irritation, trauma, hormonal fluctuations, and certain medications. The interaction of these factors triggers a cascade of events that leads to the characteristic clinical presentation of this lesion. 1

Local irritation or trauma, such as chronic inflammation from poor oral hygiene or accidental injury, can initiate an inflammatory response that stimulates the release of growth factors and cytokines, promoting angiogenesis (new blood vessel formation) and fibroblast proliferation. 2

Hormonal changes, particularly during pregnancy or puberty, can also influence the development of pyogenic granulomas due to their effects on vascular reactivity and tissue growth. Certain medications, such as oral contraceptives and retinoids, have been implicated in some cases, though the exact mechanism is unclear.

The rapid proliferation of capillaries and fibroblasts results in a highly vascularized, friable lesion that bleeds easily. This explains its clinical presentation of a solitary, red-to-purple nodule, often pedunculated or sessile, and prone to bleeding upon even slight manipulation.

These lesions can vary significantly in size, ranging from a few millimeters to several centimeters, and they typically occur on the gingiva, lips, tongue, and buccal mucosa. 3 However, they can also manifest in extraoral locations, such as the skin and nasal septum.

Understanding the pathogenesis of pyogenic granuloma is crucial for accurate diagnosis and appropriate management. 4 Recognizing the potential triggers and the resulting cellular changes allows clinicians to differentiate this lesion from other conditions with similar clinical presentations, such as peripheral giant cell granuloma, peripheral ossifying fibroma, hemangioma, and oral squamous cell carcinoma. 4  

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Intuitive patient care: Humans helping humans

Figure 1

Case presentation

During a routine hygiene appointment, a 72-year-old man reported a "growth" on the roof of his mouth behind his upper left molar. He noted its presence for about two weeks with occasional bleeding. An oral examination revealed a solitary, reddish nodule measuring 7 mm in diameter in the gingival mucosa between teeth nos. 14 and 15.

The lesion was soft, tender to the touch, asymptomatic, and bled slightly when examined. Additionally, a defective crown on tooth no. 14 was observed. The patient indicated that the only recent change in his oral hygiene routine was using a different size of interdental brush in that area.

Diagnosis and management

An excisional biopsy was performed, and a histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma. The patient was given oral hygiene instructions that focused on gentle brushing and flossing, and advised to use a smaller interdental brush in the affected area.

Discussion and conclusion

This case underscores a crucial point in clinical practice: even seemingly straightforward oral lesions can present in atypical ways. Although uncommon, the occurrence of pyogenic granuloma in an older male patient highlights the necessity of maintaining a broad differential diagnosis. While the clinical presentation was suggestive, the patient's age and the lesion's location prompted a biopsy to exclude other possibilities, such as oral squamous cell carcinoma.

This case highlights how important it is for dental professionals to take a comprehensive approach when evaluating oral lesions. Always remember to gather a detailed patient history and conduct a thorough clinical examination, even when a lesion seems familiar and inoffensive. This will ensure we can accurately identify any potential issues and intervene promptly. Early detection and proper management can truly make a difference in preventing complications and improving our patient’s overall health. Dental hygienists play a vital role in this process!

By carefully observing and raising concerns about any unusual oral findings, we actively contribute to early diagnosis and improved patient care. We have the power to make a real impact!

1.Lomeli Martinez SM, Carrillo Contreras NG, Gómez Sandoval JR, et al.  Oral pyogenic granuloma: a narrative review. Int J Molecular Sci. 2023;4 (23):16885. doi:10.3390/ijms242316885

2. Ribeiro JL, Moraes RM, Carvalho BFC, Nascimento AO, Milhan NVM, Anbinder AL. Oral pyogenic granuloma: an 18-year retrospective clinicopathological and immunohistochemical study. J Cutaneous Path .  2021; 48 (7):863-869. doi:10.1111/cup.13970

3. Sonar PR, Panchbhai AS. Pyogenic granuloma in the mandibular anterior gingiva: a case study. Cureus.  2024; 16 (1):e52273. doi:10.7759/cureus.52273

4. Ramón Ramirez J, Seoane J, Montero J, Esparza Gómez GC, Cerero R. Isolated gingival metastasis from hepatocellular carcinoma mimicking a pyogenic granuloma.  J Clin Perio. 2003; 30 (10):926-929. doi:10.1034/j.1600-051x.2003.00391.x

case study approach in swedish

Andreina Sucre, MSc, RDH

Andreina Sucre, MSc, RDH, is an international dentist, oral pathology, and oral surgery specialist practicing dental hygiene in Miami, Florida. A passionate advocate for early pathological diagnosis, she empowers colleagues through lectures focused on oral pathologies. Andreina spoke on this topic at the 2024 ADHA Annual Conference, 2023 RDH Under One Roof, and she writes about oral pathology for  RDH magazine. Committed to community outreach, she educates non-native English-speaking children on oral health and actively volunteers in dental initiatives.

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Please note you do not have access to teaching notes, crisis management at the government offices: a swedish case study.

Disaster Prevention and Management

ISSN : 0965-3562

Article publication date: 2 November 2015

The purpose of this paper is to gain a deeper understanding of crisis management at the Swedish Government office level in an international crisis by using a multiperspective approach, and paying particular attention to factors contributing favorably to the management process.


The Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruption on Iceland in 2010 was accompanied by an ash cloud that caused serious air traffic problems in large parts of Europe. Interviews were conducted with seven high-level informants at the Swedish Government offices and two informants at the Swedish Aviation Authority. An interview guide inspired by governance, command and control, and leadership perspectives was used.

A Crisis Coordination Secretariat, organizationally placed directly under the prime minister, coordinated the operation. A combination of mandate (hard power) and social smoothness (soft power) on part of the Crisis Coordination Secretariat contributed to confidence building and a collaboration norm between the ministries, and between the ministries and their underlying agencies. Preparatory training, exercises and a high level of system knowledge on part of the Crisis Coordination Secretariat – contextual intelligence – also contributed to a favorable crisis management.

Research limitations/implications

The study relies on retrospective self-report data only from a limited group of informants making generalizations difficult.

Practical implications

The organizational positioning of the Crisis Coordination Secretariat directly under the prime minister gave its members formal authority. These members in turn skillfully used social flexibility to build confidence and a will to collaborate. This combination of hard and soft power is recommended.


The multiperspective approach used when designing the interview guide and when interpreting the responses was new as well as the focus on factors contributing to crisis management success.

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This research was supported by the Swedish Defence University.

Larsson, G. , Bynander, F. , Ohlsson, A. , Schyberg, E. and Holmberg, M. (2015), "Crisis management at the government offices: a Swedish case study", Disaster Prevention and Management , Vol. 24 No. 5, pp. 542-552.

Emerald Group Publishing Limited

Copyright © 2015, Emerald Group Publishing Limited

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Reimagining insurance with a comprehensive approach to gen AI

Despite forging ahead with generative AI (gen AI) use cases and capabilities, many insurance companies are finding themselves stuck in the pilot phase, unable to scale or extract value. Jörg Mußhoff  sat down with Cameron Talischi and Khaled Rifai to discuss how organizations can escape “pilot purgatory” by leveraging traditional AI and robotic process automation in addition to gen AI; the importance of reimagining domains such as claims, underwriting, and distribution; and how to address data privacy and security concerns regarding intellectual property (IP) and other issues early on. This transcript has been edited for clarity.

Jörg Mußhoff: To us, gen AI is not just hype. McKinsey has estimated that the total gen AI potential for the global economy is $4.4 trillion. 1 The economic potential of generative AI: The next productivity frontier , McKinsey, June 14, 2024. Many insurance leaders are asking, “How do we get the benefits from first use cases, and how do we scale and make it real across geographies and business models?” Cam, could you start us off by telling us what you see in the overarching trends in gen AI and what applications and domains have the greatest potential impact for clients?

Cameron Talischi: We’ve seen a lot of interest and activity in the insurance sector on this topic, which is not surprising given that the insurance industry is knowledge-based and involves processing unstructured types of data. That is precisely what gen AI models are very good for.

In terms of promising applications and domains, three categories of use cases are gaining traction. First, and most common, is that carriers are exploring the use of gen AI models to extract insights and information from unstructured sources. In the context of claims, for example, this could be synthesizing medical records or pulling information from demand packages. In the context of underwriting for a commercial P&C [property and casualty insurance carrier], this could look like pulling information from submissions that come from brokers or allowing underwriters to more seamlessly search and query risk appetite and underwriting guidelines.

The second category is the generation of content—namely, creative content. Think about it in the context of marketing or personalization. Again, in the context of claims, it’s communicating the status of a claim to a claimant by capturing some of the details and nuances specific to that claim or for supporting underwriters, and it’s communicating or negotiating with brokers. Use cases for coding and software development make up the last category. These are notable given the imperative for tech modernization and digitalization and that many insurance companies are still dealing with legacy systems.

Khaled Rifai: I would add one more in the context of client engagement and self-service. Think about the insured wanting to know whether they’re covered, what the statuses of their claims are, or whether they need to update their addresses or names. Many insurers are still employing people to handle these requests. With the help of gen AI, those tasks can be automated or designed for self-service. I think the long-term effects of gen AI are underrated, and the short-term effects are overrated. And that’s the dilemma many insurance companies and other corporations find themselves in. They want fast results from the benefits of gen AI applications but hesitate to invest in data management, technology modernization, organizational change, and budgetary allocations.

While we believe in the potential of gen AI, it will take a lot of engagement, investment, and commitment from top management teams and organizations to make it real. To make gen AI truly successful, you must combine gen AI with more-traditional AI and traditional robotic process automation. These technologies combined make the secret sauce that helps you rethink your customer journeys and processes with the right ROI.

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Jörg Mußhoff: That’s exactly what we’re seeing many players do. But we are still in that pilot phase. Why do organizations get stuck in this phase, and how can they successfully scale up from there?

Cameron Talischi: We are seeing a lot of organizations getting stuck in what we call “pilot purgatory” for several reasons. One is misplaced focus on technology versus what matters from a business perspective. Many organizations have identified several use cases and have development teams building these assets. But a lot of time is being spent on testing, analyzing, and benchmarking different tools such as LLMs [language learning models] even though the choice of the language model may be dictated by other factors and, ultimately, has a marginal impact on performance.

While there’s value in learning and experimenting with use cases, these need to be properly planned so they don’t become a distraction. Conversely, leading organizations that are thinking about scaling are shifting their focus to identifying the common code components behind applications. Earlier, we talked about extracting information from unstructured sources. Typically, these applications have similar architecture operating in the background. So, it’s possible to create reusable modules that can accelerate building similar use cases while also making it easier to manage them on the back end.

Another area where organizations get stuck is how they think about impact. We’ve seen many organizations source ideas from various parts of the business and prioritize them. But many of the use cases are very isolated and don’t generate much value, so the organization prolongs the pilot. If you’re not seeing value from a use case, even in isolation, you may want to move on. The better approach to driving business value is to reimagine domains and explore all the potential actions within each domain that can collectively drive meaningful change in the way work is accomplished. So that includes looking at all the levers at your disposal, not just gen AI. That approach better lends itself to scaling versus piloting an isolated use case.

Khaled Rifai: I fully agree. Reimaging domains is key because you can very quickly get to the restrictions connected to isolated use cases because of the dependencies with other systems and processes. We are at a point in time with gen AI where we should take a step back and really reimagine claims, underwriting, and distribution. By combining these technologies and thinking about how to design processes that capture the right data at the right point, we can drive meaningful change. This approach requires investments in more than just tech; it also takes quite some commitment, quite some investment, and quite some change to do so.

About QuantumBlack, AI by McKinsey

QuantumBlack, McKinsey’s AI arm, helps companies transform using the power of technology, technical expertise, and industry experts. With thousands of practitioners at QuantumBlack (data engineers, data scientists, product managers, designers, and software engineers) and McKinsey (industry and domain experts), we are working to solve the world’s most important AI challenges. QuantumBlack Labs is our center of technology development and client innovation, which has been driving cutting-edge advancements and developments in AI through locations across the globe.

Jörg Mußhoff: Do you have any pragmatic advice for our clients about what they should do to set this up and develop these capabilities over time?

Cameron Talischi: Everything must be anchored in a strategic vision and a road map, but in terms of capabilities, the data setup is critically important, especially as you think about gaining scale. You need to make sure that the data underpinning the possible use cases are in usable condition. We talked about the technology stack and this notion of creating infrastructure that can build and deliver use cases at an accelerated pace. You are touching on talent and operating models, which are equally important. One of the failures of some operating models is when the effort is solely tech-led versus business-led with the technology function as an enabler. It’s important to assess how much of the development is done centrally versus within the business.

You shouldn’t wait it out, because you need to build that muscle to understand what solutions you should buy. Khaled Rifai

On the talent side, organizations will most likely pursue a combination of building and buying: purchasing some of the capabilities and use cases from external vendors and building some internally, such as use cases that tie to your IP and ways of working. To build internally, you’ll need the requisite talent to create those capabilities. For example, new roles such as prompt engineers address how we interact with models and get the right behavior out of them. You need to build that muscle and some of those capabilities through a combination of tech and business to deploy them as part of the right operating model.

Khaled Rifai: Some companies wonder what to do about data management now that gen AI is being implemented at large vendors. Should they just wait it out? Our answer is no—you shouldn’t wait it out, because, as Cam said, you need to build that muscle to understand not only how to keep your organization safe but also what solutions you should buy that will fit your needs.

Jörg Mußhoff: Besides data privacy and security, there’s also a big regulatory question. Gen AI can be biased, which raises ethical questions. In the mid- to long-term use of these technologies, what should insurance carriers focus on to avoid risk?

Cameron Talischi: First and foremost, it’s important for insurance carriers to have a comprehensive framework in place that covers major AI-related risks such as data privacy issues or issues and concerns about accuracy and hallucinations. Incidentally, insurance carriers need to account for risks that they’re exposed to via the use of gen AI by customers or other parties they interact with. The use of image generation is a good example of this because it could lead to fraudulent claims.

Regarding data privacy, it is possible to have automated routines to identify PII [personal identifiable information] and strip that data—if it’s not needed—to ensure that it doesn’t leave a secure environment. With accuracy, it’s important to, in tandem with the business, have objective measures and targets for performance. Test these in advance of the application or use case going into production, but also implement routine audits postproduction to make sure that the performance reached expected levels.

Khaled Rifai: In terms of regulation in Europe, the EU Artificial Intelligence Act has recently been passed. With room for national regulations, national regulators of the insurance industry will look at certain cases to determine standards. In my experience, the regulations are good enough for clients to work with. I wouldn’t start with high-risk cases concerning decisions that impact the life and health of the insured, but instead begin with other use cases that we’re certain we can implement in a secure, customer-friendly way. The thing to remember is that nothing is static, and the ongoing process of shaping regulations means taking things one step at a time.

Cameron Talischi is a partner in McKinsey’s Chicago office, and Jörg Mußhoff is a senior partner in the Berlin office, where Khaled Rifai is a partner.

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Click here to enlarge figure

ParametersSi (µg/L)WiMACi (µg/L)
Total 1
HPI ValuesHPI Classification
<15Low water pollution
15 < HPI < 30Medium water pollution
>30High water pollution
MI ValuesMI Classification
<0.3Very pure
0.3 < MI < 1Pure
1 < MI < 2Slightly affected
2 < MI < 4Moderately affected
4 < MI < 6Strongly affected
>6Seriously affected
C ValuesC Classification
1 < C < 3Medium
ERI ValuesERI Classification
<150Low ecological risk
150 < ERI < 300Moderate ecological risk
300 < ERI < 600Considerable ecological risk
>600Very high ecological risk
PI ValuesPI Classification
<1No effect
1 < PI < 2Slightly affected
2 < PI <3Moderately affected
3 < PI <5Strongly affected
>5Seriously affected
ParametersUnitMinimumMaximumWHO (2017)MeanSt. Dev.CVSkewnessKurtosis
Variability (%)66.47510.232
Cumulative (%)66.47576.707
P176.24High water pollution7.39Seriously affected6.95High52.48Low ecological risk
P269.97High water pollution6.65Seriously affected6.21High49.18Low ecological risk
P369.70High water pollution6.93Seriously affected6.49High48.84Low ecological risk
P4100.02High water pollution8.91Seriously affected8.47High67.09Low ecological risk
P5100.32High water pollution9.27Seriously affected8.83High66.89Low ecological risk
P670.85High water pollution7.23Seriously affected6.79High48.95Low ecological risk
P763.49High water pollution5.88Strongly affected5.44High44.67Low ecological risk
P837.93High water pollution4.75Strongly affected4.31High26.37Low ecological risk
P948.36High water pollution4.24Strongly affected3.80High34.61Low ecological risk
P1028.62Medium water pollution3.91Moderately affected3.47High22.69Low ecological risk
P1132.06High water pollution3.92Moderately affected3.48High25.31Low ecological risk
P1242.60High water pollution4.12Strongly affected3.68High32.51Low ecological risk
P1324.43Medium water pollution3.44Moderately affected3.00High19.93Low ecological risk
P1429.73Medium water pollution3.88Moderately affected3.44High23.08Low ecological risk
P1524.08Medium water pollution3.63Moderately affected3.19High18.79Low ecological risk
P1625.74Medium water pollution3.70Moderately affected3.26High19.85Low ecological risk
P1722.74Medium water pollution3.53Moderately affected3.09High18.31Low ecological risk
P1824.93Medium water pollution3.52Moderately affected3.08High19.32Low ecological risk
P1927.80Medium water pollution4.19Strongly affected3.74High21.53Low ecological risk
P2022.08Medium water pollution3.78Moderately affected3.34High17.69Low ecological risk
P2122.72Medium water pollution3.34Moderately affected2.90Medium17.30Low ecological risk
P2236.56High water pollution4.35Strongly affected3.91High26.61Low ecological risk
P2320.23Medium water pollution3.62Moderately affected3.18High16.91Low ecological risk
P2429.00Medium water pollution3.62Moderately affected3.18High23.68Low ecological risk
P2525.65Medium water pollution3.44Moderately affected3.00High20.09Low ecological risk
P2626.16Medium water pollution3.54Moderately affected3.10High20.82Low ecological risk
P2728.74Medium water pollution3.42Moderately affected2.98Medium23.48Low ecological risk
P2823.66Medium water pollution3.70Moderately affected3.26High19.79Low ecological risk
P29128.60High water pollution12.17Seriously affected1173High88.28Low ecological risk
P30117.74High water pollution11.11Seriously affected10.67High81.57Low ecological risk
PI values0.580.830.690.611.220.531.140.580.940.93
Slightly affectedNo
Slightly affectedNo
The statements, opinions and data contained in all publications are solely those of the individual author(s) and contributor(s) and not of MDPI and/or the editor(s). MDPI and/or the editor(s) disclaim responsibility for any injury to people or property resulting from any ideas, methods, instructions or products referred to in the content.

Share and Cite

Sanad, H.; Moussadek, R.; Dakak, H.; Zouahri, A.; Oueld Lhaj, M.; Mouhir, L. Ecological and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Groundwater within an Agricultural Ecosystem Using GIS and Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA): A Case Study of the Mnasra Region, Gharb Plain, Morocco. Water 2024 , 16 , 2417.

Sanad H, Moussadek R, Dakak H, Zouahri A, Oueld Lhaj M, Mouhir L. Ecological and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Groundwater within an Agricultural Ecosystem Using GIS and Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA): A Case Study of the Mnasra Region, Gharb Plain, Morocco. Water . 2024; 16(17):2417.

Sanad, Hatim, Rachid Moussadek, Houria Dakak, Abdelmjid Zouahri, Majda Oueld Lhaj, and Latifa Mouhir. 2024. "Ecological and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Groundwater within an Agricultural Ecosystem Using GIS and Multivariate Statistical Analysis (MSA): A Case Study of the Mnasra Region, Gharb Plain, Morocco" Water 16, no. 17: 2417.

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Published on 26.8.2024 in Vol 26 (2024)

Evaluation of a Natural Language Processing Approach to Identify Diagnostic Errors and Analysis of Safety Learning System Case Review Data: Retrospective Cohort Study

Authors of this article:

Author Orcid Image

Original Paper

  • Azade Tabaie 1, 2 , PhD   ; 
  • Alberta Tran 3 , RN, CCRN, PhD   ; 
  • Tony Calabria 3 , MA, CPHQ, CSSBB   ; 
  • Sonita S Bennett 1 , MSc   ; 
  • Arianna Milicia 4 , BSc   ; 
  • William Weintraub 5, 6 , MACC, MD   ; 
  • William James Gallagher 6, 7 , MD   ; 
  • John Yosaitis 6, 8 , MD   ; 
  • Laura C Schubel 4 , MPH   ; 
  • Mary A Hill 9, 10 , MS   ; 
  • Kelly Michelle Smith 9, 10 , PhD   ; 
  • Kristen Miller 4, 6 , MSPH, MSL, CPPS, DrPH  

1 Center for Biostatistics, Informatics, and Data Science, MedStar Health Research Institute, Washington, DC, United States

2 Department of Emergency Medicine, Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, United States

3 Department of Quality and Safety, MedStar Health Research Institute, Washington, DC, United States

4 National Center for Human Factors in Healthcare, MedStar Health Research Institute, Washington, DC, United States

5 Population Health, MedStar Health Research Institute, Washington, DC, United States

6 Georgetown University School of Medicine, Washington, DC, United States

7 Family Medicine Residency Program, MedStar Health Georgetown-Washington Hospital Center, Washington, DC, United States

8 MedStar Simulation Training & Education Lab (SiTEL), MedStar Institute for Innovation, Washington, DC, United States

9 Institute of Health Policy, Management & Evaluation, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada

10 Michael Garron Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada

Corresponding Author:

Azade Tabaie, PhD

Center for Biostatistics, Informatics, and Data Science

MedStar Health Research Institute

3007 Tilden Street NW

Washington, DC, 20008

United States

Phone: 1 202 244 9810

Email: [email protected]

Background: Diagnostic errors are an underappreciated cause of preventable mortality in hospitals and pose a risk for severe patient harm and increase hospital length of stay.

Objective: This study aims to explore the potential of machine learning and natural language processing techniques in improving diagnostic safety surveillance. We conducted a rigorous evaluation of the feasibility and potential to use electronic health records clinical notes and existing case review data.

Methods: Safety Learning System case review data from 1 large health system composed of 10 hospitals in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States from February 2016 to September 2021 were analyzed. The case review outcome included opportunities for improvement including diagnostic opportunities for improvement. To supplement case review data, electronic health record clinical notes were extracted and analyzed. A simple logistic regression model along with 3 forms of logistic regression models (ie, Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator, Ridge, and Elastic Net) with regularization functions was trained on this data to compare classification performances in classifying patients who experienced diagnostic errors during hospitalization. Further, statistical tests were conducted to find significant differences between female and male patients who experienced diagnostic errors.

Results: In total, 126 (7.4%) patients (of 1704) had been identified by case reviewers as having experienced at least 1 diagnostic error. Patients who had experienced diagnostic error were grouped by sex: 59 (7.1%) of the 830 women and 67 (7.7%) of the 874 men. Among the patients who experienced a diagnostic error, female patients were older (median 72, IQR 66-80 vs median 67, IQR 57-76; P =.02), had higher rates of being admitted through general or internal medicine (69.5% vs 47.8%; P =.01), lower rates of cardiovascular-related admitted diagnosis (11.9% vs 28.4%; P =.02), and lower rates of being admitted through neurology department (2.3% vs 13.4%; P =.04). The Ridge model achieved the highest area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (0.885), specificity (0.797), positive predictive value (PPV; 0.24), and F 1 -score (0.369) in classifying patients who were at higher risk of diagnostic errors among hospitalized patients.

Conclusions: Our findings demonstrate that natural language processing can be a potential solution to more effectively identifying and selecting potential diagnostic error cases for review and therefore reducing the case review burden.


Diagnostic errors are an underappreciated cause of preventable mortality in hospitals, estimated to affect a quarter million hospital inpatients, and account for an estimated 40,000-80,000 deaths annually in the United States [ 1 ]. These errors pose a risk for severe patient harm [ 2 , 3 ], increase hospital length of stay [ 4 ], and made up 22% and accounted for US $5.7 billion of paid malpractice claims in hospitalized patients throughout a nearly 13-year period [ 5 ]. In their analysis of malpractice claims occurring in the US National Practitioner Database from 1999 to 2011, Gupta et al [ 5 ] found that diagnosis-related paid claims were most likely to be associated with death and cost (following surgery); among diagnosis-related paid claims, failure to diagnose was the most common subtype and was more likely than other types to be associated with mortality. Several factors have been proposed as contributors to inpatient diagnostic errors including time constraints related to the concurrent care of multiple patients, unpredictable workflows, distractions, and competing priorities for trainees. From their systematic review and meta-analysis, Gunderson et al [ 2 ] estimate that 250,000 diagnostic adverse events occur annually among hospitalized patients in the United States, and this is likely an underestimation of the problem due to several challenges in diagnostic error measurement [ 6 ].

Challenges in identifying and measuring diagnostic errors occur due to the evolving and iterative nature of the diagnostic process, making it difficult to determine when, if at all, a correct or more specific diagnosis could have been established by clinicians to start the appropriate treatment [ 6 ]. Since its landmark report, Improving Diagnosis in Health Care , the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine (NASEM) has produced a common understanding of diagnostic error that includes accuracy, timeliness, and communication of the explanation to the patient or patient’s family member [ 3 ]. Diagnostic errors often involve missed opportunities related to various aspects of the diagnostic process [ 7 - 9 ] and diagnostic adverse events resulting in harm [ 10 ]. However, many hospitals currently do not capture or include surveillance for diagnostic errors, despite having robust systems in place to report and analyze patient safety issues [ 6 , 11 , 12 ].

A crucial first step to improving diagnosis in hospitals is the creation of programs to identify, analyze, and learn from diagnostic errors. Ongoing efforts by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality have supported pragmatic measurement approaches for health organizations to build a diagnostic safety program and identify and learn from diagnostic errors such as those described in the Measure Dx resource [ 9 ]. One proposed and promising solution for hospitals to improve diagnostic surveillance is to build on existing efforts to collect patient safety data, root cause analyses, or other forms of case reviews for quality improvement purposes. Cases that have already been reviewed or investigated in the organization for general patient safety and quality purposes may be able to inform or be rereviewed for information and learning opportunities specific to diagnostic safety. Widely used case-based learning methodologies in particular, such as the “Learning From Every Death” initiative developed at Mayo Clinic [ 13 ] used both nationally and worldwide, offer an excellent opportunity for hospitals to augment their existing quality and safety efforts and support diagnostic safety.

Clinical notes in electronic health records (EHRs) written by health providers in free-text format are rich sources of a patient’s diagnoses and care trajectory through hospitalization time. Approaches to processing free text, such as through natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), have demonstrated significant opportunities to improve quality and safety within health care organizations in diverse applications [ 14 - 16 ] such as cancer research [ 17 , 18 ] and infection prediction [ 19 ] to sleep issues [ 20 ] and neurological outcome prediction [ 21 ]. Besides its use in the diagnostic process, ML models proved to have added benefits when used in diagnostic error identification [ 22 , 23 ]. However, despite significant progress and evidence about the use of these ML and NLP approaches to improve patient safety, the use of ML and NLP approaches to diagnostic safety and surveillance has largely remained untapped. A 2022 study demonstrates how an academic medical center’s implementation of an NLP-based algorithm to flag safety event reports for manual review enabled early detection of emerging diagnostic risks from large volumes of safety reports, and was among the first to apply an NLP approach to safety event reports to facilitate identification of COVID-19 related diagnostic errors [ 24 ]. Meanwhile, progress in the use of data mining approaches to develop electronic trigger tools offers promising methods to detect potential diagnostic events, promote organizational learning, and support the monitoring of data prospectively to identify patients at high risk for future adverse events [ 25 ]. To our knowledge, however, NLP has not yet been applied to case review data to facilitate the identification of diagnostic errors and understand its features and sources.

While free-text formatted clinical notes provide unique opportunities to incorporate ML models, the lack of reliable labels to represent diagnostic errors often limits the use of clinical notes for diagnostic safety surveillance efforts. The opportunity to train ML and NLP algorithms to identify diagnostic errors and opportunities depends on the collation of EHR data with existing efforts to identify diagnostic errors such as through case review findings from the Safety Learning System (SLS). To further explore the potential for this approach to be used to improve diagnostic safety surveillance, a rigorous evaluation of the feasibility and potential of using EHR and existing case review data is needed.

We hypothesized that ML and NLP methods can be applied to train models based on available case review data to examine content potentially related to diagnostic errors within EHR clinical notes. These approaches automatically identify features or information from free text using controlled vocabularies, rule sets, reference dictionaries, or lexicons.

Data Sets and Case Review Approach

We analyzed SLS data from 1 large health system comprised of 10 hospitals in the mid-Atlantic region of the United States. The SLS is one example of a holistic case review methodology delivered by health care organizations in the United States and globally. Established in 2015, the SLS builds upon the Mayo Clinic Mortality Review System of Huddleston et al [ 13 ] to review and analyze EHR data from patient mortality cases to find safety issues that could be found and mitigated. This approach was designed to enhance current quality improvement projects done within health organizations, providing a perspective and strategy based on the Safety II lens and rooted in the belief that every death provides an opportunity to improve care. With a Safety II lens, participating organizations use a holistic case review methodology designed to identify vulnerabilities in systems and processes of care delivery. Reviewers identify and translate these into different categories and labels to (1) define and quantify types of process of care and system failures contributing to adverse outcomes (errors) and (2) identify the components of the process of care and system failures that when fixed will improve performance (opportunities for improvement [OFIs]).

To ensure a sufficient cross-sampling of patients across different specialties and areas, patients are selected for case reviews at this health system based on their primary provider service line category (eg, medicine, surgery, etc) and hospital length of stay; patients in primary and ambulatory care settings are not included for case review selection. The case review process occurs according to the standardized SLS methodology and recommendations [ 13 , 26 ], and between at least 1 physician and 1 nurse within the health system who have both received training in the SLS approach. The case review outcome and identification of OFIs, including diagnostic OFIs, relies on the reviewer’s consensus of any findings and through multiple multidisciplinary and multispecialty meetings that may involve a committee Chair member, clinical department leader, or escalation to other leadership.

We obtained SLS data from February 2016 to September 2021; data in later years were available but not included because of key changes to the case selection process made during and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. All hospitalized adult patients older than 18 years were included for analysis, regardless of their hospitalization outcome (eg, mortality or discharge location). Pediatric and neonatal patients were excluded.

Ethical Considerations

The original data collection and study protocol was approved by the institutional review board (00001245) at MedStar Health Research Institute on August 26, 2019.

Data Extraction

Medical record number, encounter number, length of stay, age, date of birth, sex, diagnosis at the time of admission (ie, ICD-10 [ International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision ] diagnosis codes), mortality, OFI categories (eg, delayed or missed diagnosis and diagnostic opportunities), number of identified OFIs and diagnosis issues (eg, the accuracy of diagnosis and confirmation or fixation bias) were the features and patient identifiers which were extracted from SLS data [ 13 , 26 ].

Because chart reviews generally occur at a single point in time within the patient’s care trajectory, they often do not contain information or details of the patient’s full hospital course. However, clinical notes written by health care providers are rich sources of patient’s health status throughout their hospitalization period [ 27 - 29 ]. Therefore, to supplement these chart review data, we additionally extracted and included all clinical notes from the EHR for patients who could be matched by patient identifiers (eg, encounter number and date of birth).

Coding Diagnostic Errors

Case reviewers can select any number of labels to describe a diagnosis issue or an OFI identified and agreed upon by consensus. For this study, diagnostic errors were defined by the available features from chart review pertaining to diagnosis and impacting the timeliness, accuracy, or communication of a diagnosis. Our definition of diagnostic errors was limited to the categories identified during chart reviews and recorded within the SLS data set; therefore, our diagnostic error definition does not include all aspects of the definition developed by the NASEM report [ 3 ]. Table 1 describes the SLS categories and values that were labeled as diagnostic errors and used to train our classification models. Patients were coded as having experienced a diagnostic error if one or more of the conditions listed in Table 1 were identified in their SLS case review.

Feature from chart reviewsValue to indicate diagnostic error
OFI categoryDelayed or missed diagnosis
OFI categoryDiagnostic opportunities
Diagnosis issuesaccuracy of diagnosis
Diagnosis issuesAccuracy of interpretation of laboratory or test results
Diagnosis issuesSquirrel (red herring lab or test results)
Diagnosis issuesConfirmation or fixation bias
Diagnosis issuesAppropriateness of chosen tests or equipment given the patient’s differential diagnosis

a OFI: opportunity for improvement.

NLP Approach

We used an NLP approach on critical incident reporting system data to explore the features and risk of diagnostic error among hospitalized patients.

Features From Free-Text Data

Descriptive statistical analyses were performed to identify any differences among age, length of stay, and mortality between the female and male patients who had experienced diagnostic errors.

All EHR clinical notes were transformed to lowercase. Extra white spaces, numbers, punctuations, and stop words were removed and words were stemmed. The term frequency-inverse document frequency (TF-IDF) matrix was calculated for each clinical note using the bag-of-words from the preprocessed EHR clinical notes [ 30 ]. TF-IDF is a statistical measure that evaluates how relevant a word is to a document in a collection of documents and is a popular method to translate free text to numerical features in training ML models. The TF-IDF of a word in a document is calculated by multiplying 2 metrics: the number of times a word appeared in a document and the inverse document frequency of the word across a set of documents. TF-IDF is computationally efficient and easy to interpret. We excluded the most frequent words that had appeared in more than 95% of the EHR clinical notes, as these frequent words do not provide information to help with the classification. Moreover, we excluded the rare words that appeared in less than 5% of the EHR clinical notes [ 31 ].

In a TF-IDF matrix, the number of rows corresponds to the unique patients, and the number of columns represents the unique words found in EHR clinical notes. There are numerous unique words used in EHR clinical notes; therefore, the TF-IDF approach provides a high-dimensional input matrix for the classification task. The high-dimensional input matrix can lead to training inaccurate classifiers. To overcome that issue, we used the chi-square statistical test to select the most relevant words to identify diagnostic errors; therefore, if P values associated with a word (also called a feature) are less than .05, that word is selected and included in the feature matrix to train ML classification models.

Classification Models

In lieu of an existing model with the same objective in the literature, a simple logistic regression model was trained as the baseline classifier to identify patients within SLS data who were at higher risk of diagnostic error. Moreover, 3 forms of logistic regression models with regularization functions were trained on this data to compare classification performances and identify the best-performing model [ 32 ]: Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator (LASSO), Ridge, and Elastic Net.

  • LASSO: for a more accurate prediction, LASSO regularization is used with a logistic regression model. The LASSO procedure encourages simple, sparse models which has fewer parameters in a way that the estimated coefficient of features with less effect will be set to zero. This characteristic makes LASSO well-suited for models showing high levels of multicollinearity or variable selection and parameter elimination is needed. LASSO is also called L1 regularization.
  • Ridge: also called L2 regularization, Ridge is a regularization method used for models suffering from multicollinearity or high-dimensional feature space. Ridge regularization keeps all the features regardless of their effect on the model. However, it pushes the estimated coefficient of features with less effect toward zero to minimize their effect on the classification outcome. This characteristic of Ridge makes it well-suited when most features impact the outcome variable.
  • Elastic Net: a logistic regression model with Elastic Net regularization is a weighted combination of LASSO (L1) and Ridge (L2) regularizations [ 33 ]. Elastic Net can remove the effect of the insignificant features by setting their estimated coefficient to zero and lower the effect of the less significant features by pushing their estimated coefficient toward zero while adding more weights to the more important features. From implementation and interpretation aspects, the Elastic Net model is simple to use. Such characteristics make this model an accepted baseline in ML-based studies [ 34 ].

The hyperparameters of the 3 classification models were optimized through cross-validation. All the analyses were conducted using Python 3 (Python Software Foundation).

Classification Performance Metrics

We calculated 7 common performance metrics reported for binary classifiers to compare the performance of the 4 classification models: area under receiver operating characteristics curve (AUROC), sensitivity or recall or true positive rate, specificity or true negative rate, positive predictive value (PPV) or precision, negative predictive value (NPV), F 1 -score, and area under precision-recall curve (AUPRC). The 7 metrics take values between 0 and 1. Values closer to 1 indicate a well-performing classifier. Multimedia Appendix 1 presents the definition of the performance metrics used in this study. Figure 1 presents the summary of the methods used in this analysis.

case study approach in swedish

Descriptive Summary

In total, there were 2184 unique patient records within SLS data from February 2016 to September 2021. EHR clinical notes were cross-matched, extracted, and included in analyses for 1704 (78%) of these SLS patient records. Of those patients with cross-matched EHR data, 126 (7.4%) patients had been identified by case reviewers as having experienced at least 1 diagnostic error. A total number of 20,848 EHR clinical notes associated with the 1704 unique patients were used in this study.

Patients who had experienced diagnostic errors were grouped by sex: 59 (7.1%) of the 830 women and 67 (7.7%) of the 874 men in the larger cross-matched sample had been found to have a diagnostic error. Table 2 presents the descriptive statistics between female and male patient groups. We applied the Wilcoxon rank sum test for numerical features (ie, age and length of stay), and the chi-square test for mortality rate, admission diagnosis, and admission department or specialty. Patients in the female group were older than the male group by a median of 72 (IQR 66-80) versus a median of 67 (IQR 57-76; P =.02). Compared to the male group, female patients who experienced diagnostic error had higher rates of being admitted through general or internal medicine (69.5% vs 47.8%; P =.01), lower rates of cardiovascular-related admitted diagnosis (11.9% vs 28.4%; P =.02), and lower rates of being admitted through neurology department (2.3% vs 13.4%; P =.04). We observed no differences between groups in mortality rates and length of stay.

Patients who experienced diagnostic errorAll patients

Female group (n=59)Male group (n=67)Female group (n=830)Male group (n=874)
Age (in years), median (IQR)72 (66-80)67 (57-76)72 (62-83)69 (59-79)

African American38 (64)42 (62)429 (51.7)429 (51.7)

Asian0 (0)0 (0)12 (1.4)12 (1.4)

Multiple0 (0)0 (0)2 (0.2)2 (0.2)

Not recorded4 (6)2 (2.9)30 (3.6)30 (3.6)

White11 (18)21 (31.3)310 (37.3)310 (37.3)

Other6 (10)2 (2.9)47 (5.7)47 (5.7)
Length of stay in days, median (IQR)4 (6-10)4 (8-14)7 (4-12)8 (4-12)

Count25 (42)29 (43)456 (54.9)459 (52.5)

General or internal medicine or hospitalist41 (69)32 (47)427 (51.4)389 (44.5)

Cardiology5 (8)12 (17)99 (11.9)131 (14.9)

Critical care6 (10)6 (8)117 (14.1)142 (16.2)

Neurology2 (3)9 (13)75 (9)90 (10.3)

Pulmonary1 (1)1 (1)22 (2.6)31 (3.5)

Other4 (6)7 (10)90 (10.8)91 (10.4)

Cardiovascular7 (11)19 (28)154 (18.6)167 (19.1)

Respiratory7 (11)5 (7)88 (10.6)69 (7.9)

Sepsis7 (11)4 (5)65 (7.8)63 (7.2)

Altered mental status1 (1)2 (2)36 (4.3)28 (3.2)

Diabetes1 (1)1 (1)6 (0.7)3 (0.3)

Other23 (38)21 (31)244 (29.4)270 (30.9)

General care54 (91)60 (89)144 (17.3)179 (20.5)

Critical care5 (8.5)7 (10)686 (82.7)695 (79.5)
categories, n (%)

Delayed or missed diagnosis43 (72)46 (68)43 (5.2)46 (5.3)

Diagnostic opportunities15 (25)16 (23)15 (1.8)16 (1.8)

Accuracy of diagnosis1 (1)4 (6)1 (0.1)4 (0.5)

Accuracy of interpretation of laboratory or test results0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)

Squirrel (red herring lab or test results)0 (0)1 (1)0 (0)1 (0.1)

Confirmation or fixation bias0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)

Appropriateness of chosen tests or equipment given patient’s differential diagnosis1 (1)0 (0)1 (0.1)0 (0)

Critical care15 (25)22 (32)273 (32.9)318 (36.4)

Emergency department17 (28)18 (26)81 (9.8)76 (8.7)

General care27 (45)27 (40)290 (34.9)285 (32.6)

Classification Models’ Performance

Clinical notes were preprocessed for TF-IDF feature calculation. The bag-of-words included 2227 words, and each word was considered a feature (see Table S1 in Multimedia Appendix 2 for the top 100 words). We found that abscess, ascend, abnormality, scant, pair, and prefer were the top 5 features with the highest positive estimated coefficient (0.42 to 0.28); post, select, gave, muscl, hours, and unrespons were the top 5 features with the highest negative coefficients (–0.35 to –0.26). After applying the chi-square test, 250 features with a P value less than .05 were selected for the modeling process. All 4 ML classifiers were trained using the 250 selected features.

Table 3 presents the performances of the simple logistic regression and 3 regularized logistic regression models (LASSO, Ridge, and Elastic Net). The Ridge model achieved the highest AUROC (0.885), specificity (0.797), PPV (0.24), NPV (0.981), and F 1 -score (0.369) in classifying patients who were at higher risk of diagnostic errors among hospitalized patients in SLS system. The simple logistic regression model obtained the highest AUPRC (0.537). The simple logistic regression model classified all patients as the ones with diagnostic errors; therefore, it achieved a sensitivity of 1, and specificity and NPV of 0.

Figures 2 and 3 present the receiver operating characteristics curves and precision-recall curves for the 4 classifiers in this study. Models that give ROC curves closer to the top-left corner indicate a better performance. The AUROC values represent the probability that a patient who experienced a diagnostic error, chosen at random, is ranked higher by the Ridge model than a randomly chosen patient who did not experience a diagnostic error. The higher value of AUPRC indicates that the Ridge model can identify patients who experienced diagnostic errors more precisely with fewer false positives compared to LASSO and Elastic Net models.

Simple logistic regressionLASSO RidgeElastic Net
AUROC 0.50.8460.8850.859
Positive predictive value0.0740.1930.240.199
Negative predictive value00.9790.9810.979
AUPRC 0.5370.3610.4910.411

a LASSO: Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator.

b AUROC: area under receiver operating characteristics curve.

c AUPRC: area under precision-recall curve.

case study approach in swedish

Principal Findings

Our contribution is 2-fold; first, we integrated 2 data sources that are currently used by and available to many organizations across the United States, SLS and EHR data, to explore the use of ML and NLP algorithms to help identify diagnostic errors among hospitalized patients. Although case review methodologies offer rich insights into systems errors and OFIs, the predefined pull-down menus and structured data labels typically do not capture all the necessary clinical and contextual details that are considered by reviewers. Therefore, a large portion of these case review data are stored in free-text narratives that typically record key information and judgments decided upon by the multidisciplinary reviewers. However, given persistent issues of staff shortage and lack of time in health care settings, it is becoming increasingly important to lower the burden of systematic EHR data reviews for health care providers while maintaining the review systems in place. Second, any developed ML and NLP approaches can potentially be incorporated to generate a diagnostic error risk score for each patient. The predicted risk score can be used in identifying and prioritizing patients for focused chart reviews, thus lowering the burden of systematic EHR data reviews for health care providers while maintaining the review systems in place.

To our knowledge, this study is the first attempt to apply and test several different ML classification models to identify diagnostic errors within routinely collected organizational case review data. Despite a substantial body of literature about the prevalence of diagnostic errors in hospital settings, current efforts to identify diagnostic errors generally rely on reviews of patient cases and data by clinical or quality teams that often are resource-intensive. ML classification models and NLP techniques offer an opportunity to generate diagnostic error risk scores to sort through large data sets and identify signals of potential diagnostic errors that can be flagged for further review. However, these classification models require a high number of observations (and identified diagnostic errors) to perform well, which might not be feasible for health organizations that are just beginning to identify diagnostic errors or may have limited personnel and efforts to perform high numbers of case reviews. In this study, we accessed nearly 2000 patient records (and of those, only 126 cases of diagnostic errors), which is considered to be a limited data sample size in the field of ML. However, techniques, such as feature selection and n-fold cross-validations, can potentially be approaches to address small sample size challenges [ 35 ].

Using the results of the simple logistic regression model as the baseline performance, we found that 3 regularization functions, namely LASSO, Ridge, and Elastic Net, boosted the performance of the baseline model. The Ridge model outperformed the rest of the models in terms of multiple performance metrics: AUROC of 0.885, specificity of 0.797, PPV of 0.24, NPV of 0.981, and F 1 -score of 0.369. The Ridge algorithm tries to keep all features in the model even the features with a slight effect on the classification outcome. Since the patterns pointing at a diagnostic error were subtle in the clinical notes, even a small effect of a feature on the model’s classification outcome could be important for the classification model to learn. On the other hand, the LASSO algorithm rigorously removes features that have a small effect on the classification outcome. The Elastic Net model is a weighted combination of LASSO and Ridge. The performance results presented in Table 3 show that the values achieved by the Elastic Net model lie between those of the LASSO and Ridge models.

Insights From Diagnostic Errors Within Free-Text Clinical Notes

We did not find the free text formatted clinical notes in the EHR to reflect any sort of direct language around diagnostic errors. Our analysis identified no use of the terms misdiagnosis, missed diagnosis, or diagnostic error within clinical notes, finding instead more subtle signals pointing at diagnostic errors such as “there may be a chance of misreading the test,” or “insufficient data to make a diagnosis.” Our findings demonstrate that NLP algorithms can be used to identify such patterns and find the associations between diagnostic errors and the subtle signals in the clinical notes. A natural extension of this work can focus on using other feature extraction methods, such as Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers contextualized word embeddings, and explore the use of the pretrained language models for this objective.

We found that the presence of terms, such as abscess, abnormality, “cp” (chest pain) , and dialysis in a patient’s EHR clinical note were associated with reviewer-identified diagnostic errors ( Multimedia Appendix 2 ). Misinterpretation of chest pain, specifically among female patients, has the potential to cause a cardiovascular-related diagnosis error [ 36 ]. Patients with chronic kidney disease are at higher risk of cardiovascular complications [ 37 ]. Missing such risk for a patient who is on dialysis, adds to the risk of diagnostic error.

Clinical and System Implications Around Diagnostic Inequity

Diagnostic inequity is defined as “the presence of preventable unwarranted variations in diagnostic process among population groups that are socially, economically, demographically, or geographically disadvantaged” [ 38 ]. Despite persistent and well-documented disparities in health care access and outcomes across different population groups, few studies have examined the association between diagnostic errors and health care disparities [ 39 ]. Recent evidence supports the notion that variation in diagnostic error rates across demographic groups may exist, particularly across sex. A systematic review of diagnostic errors in the emergency department, for example, found that female sex and non-White race were often associated with increased risk for diagnostic errors across several clinical conditions in emergency settings [ 40 ]. In cardiovascular medicine, a national cohort study of acute myocardial infarctions found that women were nearly twice as likely as men to receive the wrong initial diagnosis following signs of a heart attack [ 41 ]. Despite efforts to understand and reduce disparities in diagnosis and treatment, women not only continue to be understudied, underdiagnosed, and undertreated in cardiovascular medicine [ 42 ] but also may experience longer lengths of time to diagnosis than men in most patterns of disease diagnosis [ 43 ].

The analysis of case review data and other system-based data (eg, patient safety events or incident reporting) by subsets offer an opportunity to identify events in vulnerable patient populations and help sensitize clinicians to potential biases within the diagnostic process. To explore sex differences in diagnostic errors within our case review data, we statistically compared demographic and clinical differences between female and male patients who had been identified in case reviews as having experienced diagnostic error or errors. We found that of those patients who had experienced diagnostic error or errors, the female group of patients were older, had higher rates of being admitted through general or internal medicine or hospitalist (vs specialty) departments, and had lower rates of having a cardiovascular diagnosis on admission. These preliminary results of this study revealed unexpected differences between male and female diagnostic error groups, offering novel insights that warrant further investigation to fully understand the mechanisms underlying these relationships and their implications for clinical decision-making and practice. Future uses of NLP can potentially support clinical and system-based approaches to capture and increase the evidence around structural biases or disparities in diagnoses. Individual cases from these types of data sources could be used as example narratives to engage clinicians and improve clinician learning, contributing to the development of tailored clinician and systemic interventions that can improve quality and equity throughout the diagnostic process.


This study has several limitations. Our definition of diagnostic errors was limited to the categories and labels used within the SLS data set, reviewer interpretations of cases (subject to reviewer bias), and does not include all aspects of the definition developed by the NASEM report [ 3 ]. Despite several continued differences in definitions of diagnostic error in the peer-reviewed literature [ 8 ], we recommend that quality and safety teams within health systems use the NASEM definition for diagnostic error—including errors in communicating the diagnosis to the patient—to develop any definitions, categories, or labels used in their case review and surveillance initiatives. Although a time-consuming task, future studies could consider EHR data chart reviews to have the ground truth for the diagnostic error cases and add to the accuracy of the data set used for training the ML classifiers. Additionally, due to staffing challenges and shifting organizational priorities, case review selection varies by hospital and has changed over time, resulting in a relatively small sample size and also introducing the potential for bias. Our data came from a single health system and may reflect the specific language, culture, and practices occurring within the system and therefore may not be similar to that of other health systems. To enhance the external validity and generalizability of results, future efforts and research studies should consider the random selection of cases to evaluate both diagnostic and general quality issues within the organization; studies with larger sample sizes can build on our preliminary findings and test differences between clinical subgroups. Finally, our classification models were developed and evaluated based on a retrospective cohort from EHR; therefore, the performance may deteriorate when the method is applied to real-time data. Further work or future studies should be conducted to prospectively validate the models.


We performed an NLP approach and compared 4 techniques to classify patients who were at a higher risk of experiencing diagnostic error during hospitalization. Our findings demonstrate that NLP can be a potential solution to more effectively identifying and selecting potential diagnostic error cases for review, and therefore, reducing the case review burden.


This work was supported by the Agency for Health Care Research and Quality (grant 5R18HS027280-02).

Conflicts of Interest

None declared.

Binary classification performance metrics.

The Estimated Coefficient from the Ridge Model.

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area under precision-recall curve
area under receiver operating characteristic curve
electronic health record
International Statistical Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision
Least Absolute Shrinkage and Selection Operator
machine learning
National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine
natural language processing
negative predictive value
opportunity for improvement
positive predictive value
Safety Learning System
term frequency-inverse document frequency

Edited by S Ma, T Leung; submitted 17.07.23; peer-reviewed by D Chrimes, M Elbattah; comments to author 18.01.24; revised version received 21.03.24; accepted 20.06.24; published 26.08.24.

©Azade Tabaie, Alberta Tran, Tony Calabria, Sonita S Bennett, Arianna Milicia, William Weintraub, William James Gallagher, John Yosaitis, Laura C Schubel, Mary A Hill, Kelly Michelle Smith, Kristen Miller. Originally published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (, 26.08.2024.

This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in the Journal of Medical Internet Research (ISSN 1438-8871), is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.


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    The present study examined proximal and distal barriers and supports within the Swedish service system that may affect implementation of early and intensive behavioral intervention (EIBI) for children with autism. A case study approach with roots in ethnography was chosen to explore this issue. Two preschools exemplifying 'high quality practice' were studied and information was collected ...

  13. Pedagogical approaches in quality improvement coaching in healthcare: a

    In the present case study, the coaches used the team-coaching model that previous research has proven to be useful (Godfrey, Citation 2013). To solve specific problems within the change process, one also needs to use tools such as questionnaires, checklists and other measurement tools. This study investigates an approach in coaching as defined ...

  14. Strategic management, management control practices and triangle in the

    To address the stated research question, this paper turns to a Swedish case: Region Stockholm (RS) and its Culture unit. This case provides an enhanced understanding of strategic management and management control practices and their relationship to public value. The Culture unit in RS is interesting to study as it has been the subject of several

  15. Kolkata doctor's rape case: Parents remember daughter who was ...

    The parents said their daughter's death had brought back memories of a 2012 case when a 22-year-old physiotherapy intern was gang-raped on a moving bus in capital Delhi. Her injuries were fatal

  16. Case study: Kingfisher Group takes DIY approach to AI roll-out across e

    Several months into the start of the global Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic, international home improvement retail group Kingfisher debuted a revamped company strategy focused on repositioning the ...

  17. A comparative case study on metadata schemes at Swedish governmental

    Design/methodology/approach - The study is based on two case studies. The data have been collected through qualitative interviews, e‐mail correspondence and analysis of documentary sources, and analysed with help of the records continuum model and the conceptual framework presented in the international standard for metadata, ISO/TS 23081.

  18. CASE STUDY in Swedish

    CASE STUDY translate: fallstudie. Learn more in the Cambridge Swedish-English Dictionary.

  19. Working with a Democratic Curriculum: The Swedish Case Study

    The study shows that for this Swedish teacher, to act professionally in pre-school meant to interact and actively communicate with children, staff members and parents. These interactions made visible the ethical approach of the teacher, as well as a focus on the curriculum content areas of reading and mathematical skills.

  20. A life cycle approach to the management of household food waste

    @article{osti_21578456, title = {A life cycle approach to the management of household food waste - A Swedish full-scale case study}, author = {Bernstad, A and Cour Jansen, J la}, abstractNote = {Research Highlights: > The comparison of three different methods for management of household food waste show that anaerobic digestion provides greater environmental benefits in relation to global ...

  21. A Case Study of Swedish Scholars' Experiences With and Perceptions of

    This empirical study surveyed academic staff at a Swedish university about their experiences and perceptions of the use of English in their academic fields. The objective was to examine how the influence of English in disciplinary domains might affect the viability of Swedish in the academic sphere and to investigate how it might disadvantage ...

  22. Case study: Pyogenic granuloma localized on lingual palatal mucosa of

    This case highlights how important it is for dental professionals to take a comprehensive approach when evaluating oral lesions. Always remember to gather a detailed patient history and conduct a thorough clinical examination, even when a lesion seems familiar and inoffensive.

  23. Crisis management at the government offices: a Swedish case study

    Design/methodology/approach. The Eyjafjallajökull volcano eruption on Iceland in 2010 was accompanied by an ash cloud that caused serious air traffic problems in large parts of Europe. Interviews were conducted with seven high-level informants at the Swedish Government offices and two informants at the Swedish Aviation Authority.

  24. Data-Centric Approach to Constrained Machine Learning: A Case Study on

    View PDF HTML (experimental) Abstract: This paper focuses on a data-centric approach to machine learning applications in the context of Conway's Game of Life. Specifically, we consider the task of training a minimal architecture network to learn the transition rules of Game of Life for a given number of steps ahead, which is known to be challenging due to restrictions on the allowed number of ...

  25. Gen AI insurance use cases: A comprehensive approach

    Despite forging ahead with generative AI (gen AI) use cases and capabilities, many insurance companies are finding themselves stuck in the pilot phase, unable to scale or extract value.Jörg Mußhoff sat down with Cameron Talischi and Khaled Rifai to discuss how organizations can escape "pilot purgatory" by leveraging traditional AI and robotic process automation in addition to gen AI; the ...

  26. PDF The Swedish Case Study Report

    The Swedish case study description took partly these changes into account and ambitions were set to a realistic level. The Swedish business case was implemented in close collaboration with ... approach can emerge, across organisations and companies in Storuman Municipality. Making it Work: The Swedish Case Study Report 7

  27. The mediatization of work? Gig workers and gig apps in Sweden

    In this article, we investigate if and how gig workers experience a mediatization of work. Specifically, we use a set of qualitative interviews with Swedish gig work app users (N = 28) to distinguish media-related experiences from experiences rooted in other factors, as well as to empirically assess and critique some of the extensive claims of mediatization research.

  28. Water

    Assessing groundwater quality is essential for ensuring the sustainability of agriculture and ecosystems. This study evaluates groundwater contamination by heavy metals (HMs) using GIS approaches, multivariate statistical analysis (MSA), pollution indices (heavy metal pollution index (HPI), metal index (MI), degree of contamination (Cd), ecological risk index (ERI), and pollution index (PI ...

  29. Evaluation of a Natural Language Processing Approach to Identify

    Background: Diagnostic errors are an underappreciated cause of preventable mortality in hospitals and pose a risk for severe patient harm and increase hospital length of stay. Objective: This study aims to explore the potential of machine learning and natural language processing techniques in improving diagnostic safety surveillance. We conducted a rigorous evaluation of the feasibility and ...

  30. Adobe Workfront

    ADOBE WORKFRONT Plan, assign, and execute work from one place. Build a marketing system of record by centralizing and integrating work across teams and applications with the industry-leading enterprise marketing work management application.