Sample Snail Farming Business Plan Template PDF

Snail farming business plan sample.

Snailery is one of the most neglected and yet one of the post profitable animal rearing business anywhere in the country. It provides one of the finest opportunity to make good money at a very short time. But why are some people not yet fully engaged in snail farming?

The reason is ignorance.

Most people still have the believe that snail can only be picked in the bush. The culture of going to the bush to pick snails in the villages during raining time has been there for generations. So, it has been difficult for people to come to term that snail can actually be kept and grown at home.

Just like in many other aspects of farming in the country, Africans are yet to discover the great money making potential in snail rearing business and that is why we suffer in hunger and poverty. We neglect where the money is and keep pursuing it where it is not, going from one city to the other looking for one petty trading after another to trade on.

The good new: After reading this article, you will be on your way to starting your own snail business in easy and simple steps.

Guide: Starting a Worm Farm Business Plan

What is Snail: Land snails we wants to talk about belongs to the class of Molluscan, Gastropod. The one popularly known as ‘Congo Meat’ in many parts of Nigeria – Eju, Igbin, etc.. There are so many species of snails but the ones we are looking at here are the ones that are suitable for Snail Farming.

The process of raring snails for commercial purposes is called heliculture. But in this context, we will limit our use of words to snail farming, which is one of the easiest small businesses an individual can engage in to make great profits in a very short period of time.

Snail farming entails just a minimum capital to start with and the profit margin is so high in that the snails, which are egg-laying animals lay a lot of eggs, which if adequate precautions are taken, will transform into more profits. It will even be important to note that snails could be exported to other countries just like some other commodities, as it is a well cherished delicacy in most part of the world.


1. SNAILS ARE HIGHLY NUTRITIOUS: Snails have become a very much cherished delicacy among a lot of people across the world. This is due to its high nutritional value. The meat is rich in calcium, phosphorous, selenium and other essential minerals plus vitamins.

2. SNAILS ARE A GOOD SOURCE OF PROTEIN: The calories content of snails is quite low as well as low fat content. This has made it more revered among weight watchers and diabetic patients. Its body mass is also made of flesh, which account for the high protein contents.

3. AVAILABILTY OF MARKETS: With the population of Nigeria estimated to the tune of about 180 million people. The market for snails is every much large and will not be so difficult for a farmers to dispose of his produce

4. LOW CAPITAL REQUIREMENT: The capital required to start off a snail farming business is quite low, especially when compared to other agricultural businesses.


1. Achatina fulica: This specie of snail is called the East African Land snail or giant African Land snail. Though it is of considerable size, but the smallest of the commercial species of snails.

It has a narrow, pointed shell, which can be twice as long as the width of the snail itself. The snail can grow up to 7 to 9 whorls at full maturity. It has reddish-brown shell with yellowish vertical markings. The colouration varies with the environment anyway.

2. Achatina achatina: The common name for this specie of snail is the Giant Ghana Snail. It is a specie of very large, air-breathing land snail. They are hermaphrodites as with other mollusks i.e. they produce both male and female reproductive organs and they are a very prolific breed of snails.

3. Achatina marginata: The common name for this specie of snail is the Giant West African Land snail. They can live to about 10 year and grow to a maximum size of about 20cm.

Of all these species of snails, the Achatina achatina is the most desirable among commercial snail farmers just for the big giant size. Its origin is from Nigeria to Ghana and then Liberia.

Among these three species, Achatina Achatina is the most desirable for farmers because it grows so big to become the biggest snail species in the world. Achatina Achaina has it’s origin from Nigeria, get to Liberia from Nigeria and then Ghana

Another reason is due to it’s high yield capacity. The other species are very good too but I will focus on Achatina Achatina and Archachatina Marginata in this blog post because, they are easy to find in Nigeria .

Achatina-Achatina is very good for commercialization as well, because of its profitability. This is because of the volume of eggs it lays at once. Each achatina lays 300 to 500 eggs at a time in clutches, three times a year. Therefore, if you start a farm with about 1000 snails, in one year you would be getting about 1.5 million snails going by the number of eggs they produces.


Having decided on the specie, let’s take you through the step by step how to setup your snail farm in a small scale level and starts rearing your snail towards harvest.1. Snail Farming Environment – Snails are easily dehydrated, and wind increase the rate of moisture loose in snail which in turn, leads to the dryness of the animal.

To prevent snails from losing water so quickly, your snailery (the snail pen construction) must be located in environment that is protected from wind.

A low plain, downhill site surrounded with enough trees is perfect for snail farming. You may plant plantains and bananas around your snail farm to prevent the impact of wind.2. Type of Soil For Snail Farm – Snail’s major habitat is the soil, and soil contains some of the components and chemical substances that it needed to survive.

However, not all soils are suitable for snail rearing. The shell of the snail is mainly calcium and it derive most of them from the soil. Snail also lay it’s eggs on the soil and drink water out of the soil.

Hence, the suitable soil for snail farming must contain these elements.  Must be balanced, not waterlogged, not too dry, and must not be acidic. The most desirable soil for snail is sandy-loamy soil with low water holding capacity.

Clayey soil and acidic soil must be avoided.3. Getting The Sails For Farming – To start up a snail farm, it is advisable to get snails directly from the forest instead of buying from the market after they have been exposed to sunlight and have dehydrated. This is because snails drink a lot of water, so are easily dehydrated and this stresses them out, and reduce their fertility capacity.

The intending snail farmer could pick the snails from the bush with a very simple technique; clear a little portion of land during rainy season and sprinkle spicy fruits like pineapple, pawpaw, plantain, banana etc at about 5o’clock in the evening, when you go back there about 7pm or 8pm, you will pick up snails suitable for rearing. Repeat the procedure until you get enough quantity.

Another way could be to pick up snail eggs littered in the market place where it is sold and through a technique, check the fertility of the eggs, because some of them must have lost fertility due to the exposure to sunlight. The eggs are later put inside a container containing wet sand and covered with cocoyam leaf. Between 21 to 28 days, the eggs would hatch into baby snails. You start feeding them and gradually you raise a snail farm.”4. The Snail House (Snailery) – Snaileries can vary from a patch of fence-protected ground, sheltered from the wind to a covered box if you are breeding in small scale.

For larger population of snails, you can dug a trench or make a concrete pen with soil deep of about 10 inches, and cover it with screen or wire all around to prevent the snails from escaping. Remember that snails can reproduce fast and become pests when their breeding is uncontrolled.

Snails love dark and cold places, but make sure the humidity does not drop to levels harmful to the snails. You can use fresh leaves and cloth that is regularly wet to regulate the temperature.

Also, the wire is useful in keeping away rats and snakes or other predators from eating the snails in your snail farm.

But aside from these bigger predators, you should be wary about smaller ones like ants and termites. Your construction must have these predators in mind.5. Snails Foods and Feeding – Snails especially Achatina mainly feeds on green leaves and fruits though they can utilize other ranges of foods. Feed your snails leaves, fruits, or even formula from the feed store.

Aside from food to grow tissues, snails need calcium to grow shells.Leaves: Cocoyam leaves, pawpaw leaves, okra leaves, cassava leaves, eggplant leaves, cabbage and lettuce leaves.Fruits: Mango, eggplant, pawpaw, banana, tomatoes, oil palm fruits, pears. and cucumber.

Once they start growing, separate the big ones from the small ones. It take more than a year for the Achatina type to grow to harvest size. Others mature in two years.

1. GETTING A SUITABLE ENVIRONMENT: The most suitable environment for snail rearing is a moisture filled environment. Snails are easily dehydrated, so they need a so much wet environment to keep cool and hydrated.

2. SOIL: The best soil for snail production is the sandy-loamy soil which is devoid of laterite or mud, which might lead to a water logged snail environment. The soil used should also be rich in some minerals, most especially calcium, which is a major component of the snail shells.

3. SNAIL PROCUREMENT:  The best way to source for snails is in the wild. This is much more preferable to buying in the markets just for the fact that the gene pool of the wild snails are still full and will make them a very good specimens for breeding.

4. THE SNAIL HOUSE: Concrete pens can be constructed for snails with soils up to about 10 inches in depth. The pens could be covered with wire meshes to prevent escape of the snails.

5. FEEDING: Snails most feed on green leaves and fruits though they can choose from a variety of different foods. It also best to feed them with concentrate feeds specially formulated to meet their nutrients requirements.

6. MARKETING:  A commercial value snail will grow to full maturity in less than a year. It can even be harvested for marketing after 8 months if adequate feeding is applied. A matured snail will sell for close to N500 depending on the size and the cost of breeding a snail from hatching to maturity will not be more than N150, giving a profit margin of close to N350/snail which if multiplied by the large number of snails harvested, will yield a very wide profit margin for the farmer.

One million snails after a year or two sold at the rate of N50 each (highly reduced price) will give about N50 million! Isn’t that a good investment?

Apart from only selling your snails,snails are of high demand in the international market. There a people making millions every month exporting snails. Countries like France,America,Italy ,China etc are importers of snails because they really cherish the nutrient content of the animal.

So starting a snail farming business today will be very good,because if you do it well you will be sure of reaping your millions in the near future and it will be consistent.

Remember the bigger the snail farm,the larger the Income.


Here is a sample business plan for starting a snail farm.

The snail farming business is one that does not require a huge startup capital. Basically, the business is concerned with the rearing of snails, and sometimes includes the selling of packaged snail products.

Well, we have below a snail farming business plan sample.

BUSINESS NAME: Louis Johnson & Family Farms Ltd.

  • Executive Summary
  • Our Products and Services
  • Vision Statement
  • Mission Statement
  • Business Structure
  • Sales and Marketing Strategy
  • Market Analysis
  • Financial Plan
  • Sales Forecast


Louis Johnson & Family Farms Ltd is a business that is fully registered and has been given license to operate in the inner-city Alabama, United States. The business will be owned by the Johnsons, and it will be concerned with the rearing and selling of live snails, and the selling of packaged snail products. The main aim of the business is to make profits. Our vision is to become the outright trendsetters in the industry.

To start up, we will require a total of $220,000; which we will raise from our huge investments and savings, and from contributions from supportive friends.


Our business, Louis Johnson & Family Farms Ltd, is a snail farming business in the agricultural livestock industry that will be fully concerned with making profits in the industry. In light of this, we will focus on snail rearing and the processing and packaging of snail meat for consumption in the United States, Africa, and Asia.

Our snail farming business will not be restricted to the United States alone; we will go global and reach far countries in Africa. All of our business dealings will not be carried out outside the laws of Alabama, and the United States.


Our major business vision at Louis Johnson & Family Farms Ltd is simply to be the outright leader and trendsetter in the snail farming subset industry. We will not only be the outright leaders and trendsetters in Alabama, United States; but equally the outright leaders and pacesetters in the industry in all of the North American region and even beyond. We will make sure to achieve this business vision within our first five (5) years of doing business.


Our mission is simple and clear cut. At Louis Johnson & Family Farms Ltd, we will be so concerned with satisfying our local and international customers by providing healthy, quality and nutritious snails and snail products in large quantities. Our snail farming business will become the trendsetter in the industry in the North American region.


In the course of shooting our business among the leading snail farming businesses in North American region, we have devised several strategies to market and advertise our business and its products. Here are some of the strategies:

  • We will start off by encouraging our employees and customers to spread the word out to others.
  • We will make use of flyers, and place our business on business magazines, and newspapers.
  • We will also advertise our business and products on radio and television stations.
  • Our technical experts will establish a functional website that will be very user-friendly to allow our customers access to our business and products.
  • We will utilize the social media platforms such as Facebook, linkedIn, and Instatgram.
  • We will install our business billboards on various catchy locations.


We are well aware that the success of a business lies on the shoulders of a great business structure. Having this in mind, we will make sure we not only employ the required number of employees to fill in the various positions, but we will make sure quality, competent, honest, hardworking, and motivated candidates only are employed to fill these positions.

Also, because we want to shoot our business straight to the top of the industry in no distant time, we will make sure prospective employees or candidates who possess quality years of experience in their respective positions are selected. The following key positions will be filled:

  • Snail Farm Manager
  • Sales and Marketing officers
  • Field Employees


The common trend you will observe in the United States is that Americans do not eat snail meat. The only people you will find in the United States who eat meat are the people from African countries.  This is why people who are into the snail farming business majorly target the intercontinental hotels, especially the ones that have snail meat in their cuisine.

Another trend in the industry is the fact that people who are in the snail farming business ensure they particularly utilize the health benefits of snail meat as an advantage in marketing the snail meat and products. Some of the health benefits of snails include fight against cardiovascular diseases, and cancer. It is also suitable for people who are trying to lose weight because of its low fat and calorific value.

Target Market

We will especially target the following groups:

  • African and Asian communities in the United States
  • People who are trying to lose weight.
  • People who are on recovery from critical illnesses and injuries; cancer and cardiovascular diseases.
  • Hotels that serve intercontinental dishes, having snail meat in their cuisine.

FINANCIAL PLAN Source of startup capital

We will require a mean sum of $250,000 for us to be able to successfully launch our business. We will raise this sum from our savings, and investments, and the other part from our very close and supportive friends.

We have already raised at least $150,000; which we hope to increase to $220,000. The last part of the startup capital which makes up $30,000 will be borrowed from our very close friends, the Joneses and the Petersons.


The sales projection below is the sales forecast of Louis Johnson & Family Farms Ltd for the following three years after start up:

Year One                    $250,500 Year Two                   $520,000 Year Three                 $670,000

However, several factors could positively or negatively affect this sales projection.

Here is a free snail farming business plan download pdf.

This snail farming business, “Louis Johnson & Family Farms Ltd”, will be located in the inner-city of Alabama, United States. It will be owned and run by Louis Johnson and his wife and two sons. The business will be focused entirely on snail rearing and production of snail products for consumer consumption.

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How To Write a Business Plan for Snail Farm in 9 Steps: Checklist

By alex ryzhkov, get full bundle.


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Are you interested in starting a snail farm business? Great idea! According to Grand View Research , the global snail farming market size was valued at USD 13.7 million in 2020 and is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of 4.8% from 2021 to 2028. This means that the demand for quality snail products, such as fresh and organic snails, is increasing globally.

If you are looking to start a snail farm business , here is a checklist to help guide you through the process. From conducting market research to determining the staffing needs and job responsibilities, this nine-step checklist will assist you in writing a thorough business plan.

The first step in starting a snail farm business is to conduct market research . This involves analyzing the demand for snail products, current market trends, and identifying potential customers. You'll also want to analyze your competitors and their pricing strategies to determine your own pricing strategy.

Once you have completed your market research, you can begin to determine the startup costs and choose a farm location. Developing a farm management plan is crucial to ensure the success of your business. Investigating legal and regulatory requirements is also essential before launching your business.

Next, formulate a marketing and sales strategy that will attract potential customers. You can consider offering educational tours and workshops to visitors to provide an informative experience about snails and the production process.

Finally, determine the staffing needs and job responsibilities to ensure your farm runs smoothly. By following this nine-step checklist, you will be able to write a comprehensive business plan for a snail farm that produces high-quality, fresh, and gourmet snails for local restaurants and grocery stores.

  • Conduct market research
  • Identify potential customers
  • Analyze competitors
  • Determine startup costs
  • Choose farm location
  • Develop a farm management plan
  • Investigate legal and regulatory requirements
  • Formulate a marketing and sales strategy
  • Determine staffing needs and job responsibilities

Conduct Market Research

The first step in starting a snail farm is conducting market research to determine the viability of your business idea. This involves gathering information on the potential demand for snails in your target market, understanding the preferences and habits of your potential customers, and identifying any potential roadblocks that may affect the success of your business.

Here are some tips to help you conduct effective market research:

1. Identify your target market

  • Snail farming is a niche market, so it's important to identify who your potential customers are. Consider local restaurants, specialty food stores, and gourmet grocers as potential clients.

2. Understand your competition

  • Research other snail farms in your area and how they operate. This will help you determine what sets your business apart and how you can differentiate yourself from the competition.

3. Determine the demand for snails

  • Assess the potential demand for snails in your target market. This can be done by conducting surveys or interviews with potential customers, examining market trends and data, and analyzing current sales data of similar products in your area.

4. Identify pricing and marketing strategies

  • Consider what price points your potential customers are willing to pay and what marketing strategies will be most effective in reaching them.

5. Make informed decisions

  • Use the data from your market research to make informed decisions about your business plan, including how much to produce, how to price and market your product, and how to best allocate your resources.

By conducting thorough market research, you'll be able to make informed decisions about your business and increase your chances of success. Once you have gathered all the necessary information, you can move on to the next step in developing your snail farm business plan.

Snail Farm Financial Model Get Template

Identify Potential Customers

Identifying potential customers is a crucial step in creating a successful business plan for your snail farm. The customers you choose to target will determine the marketing and sales strategies you will use to promote your products. Here’s what you should consider:

  • Research the demand: Start by understanding the current demand for snails in your local area. Analyze the market to see if there is a need for organic or gourmet snails. The key is to provide a new and unique product that is not widely available but in demand.
  • Know your target audience: Identify the potential customers that would be interested in your products. This may include restaurants, hotels, local specialty stores, and foodies who enjoy trying new, organic, and gourmet foods. Determine which group has the largest potential for growth and profitability, and focus your marketing strategy on them.
  • Find out what they want: Once you have identified your target audience, determine what they are looking for when purchasing snails. Organic and gourmet snails are likely to be in demand, so make sure your product caters to this market. Research to determine what characteristics the snails should have, including texture, flavor, and size.
  • Develop a unique selling proposition (USP): A unique selling proposition is the factor that sets your snail farm apart from the others. Your USP should be based on what the customer wants, combined with what you can provide. Make sure to communicate this in your marketing strategy.
  • Network and build relationships: Attend relevant events and seminars in your community. Build relationships with potential customers and market influencers. This can include chefs, hotel managers, and owners of specialty stores, who can help you establish your farm and build your brand.

Here are some tips:

  • Use social media platforms to engage with your target audience and provide relevant info
  • Consider reaching out to food bloggers and influencers who are interested in food production processes such as farming
  • Create a customer feedback survey to understand your customers' needs and preferences, and incorporate these insights into your marketing approach.

Analyze Competitors

As with any business venture, it's important to conduct a comprehensive analysis of your competitors in the snail farming industry. By understanding what other snail farms are offering and how they operate, you will be better equipped to differentiate your business and develop strategies to attract and retain customers.

When analyzing your competitors, consider the following:

  • Product offerings: Take note of the types of snails that your competitors produce and any unique or specialty items they offer.
  • Pricing: Examine the prices that competitors are charging for their snails and any potential discounts or promotions they are running.
  • Target market: Identify the customers that your competitors are targeting, such as local restaurants, grocery stores, or individual consumers.
  • Marketing and branding: Evaluate how your competitors are positioning their brand and marketing their products, including their website, social media presence, and advertising campaigns.
  • Operations: Learn about your competitors' processes, such as how they breed and raise their snails, how they store and transport their products, and any environmental or sustainability practices they have in place.
  • Visit your competitors' websites and social media pages to get a sense of how they are branding and marketing their business.
  • Attend farmers' markets or other local events where your competitors may be selling their products to learn more about their offerings and prices.
  • Consider conducting a survey of potential customers, asking them what factors are most important to them when purchasing snails, and how they perceive your competitors' businesses.

Keep in mind that while it's important to understand what your competitors are doing, you don't want to simply replicate their strategies. Instead, use this information to differentiate your business and identify areas where you can improve and excel. By doing so, you will be better positioned to succeed in the snail farming industry.

Determine Startup Costs

One of the most important steps in starting a snail farm is to determine your startup costs. This will give you a clear idea of how much money you need to get your business up and running. You should factor in all the costs associated with starting and running a snail farm, including infrastructure, equipment, labor, marketing, and legal fees. Here are some key expenses to consider:

  • Infrastructure: Building and outfitting your snail farm with the necessary facilities, such as housing, fencing, and water supply systems, will likely be your biggest startup expense.
  • Equipment: To successfully raise snails, you'll need a range of equipment, such as incubators, egg hatcheries, feeding and watering systems, and harvesting tools.
  • Labor: Depending on the size of your farm and the level of automation you choose, you may need to hire one or more employees to manage day-to-day operations.
  • Marketing: Before you can sell your snails, you'll need to let potential customers know about your products through marketing and advertising campaigns. These can range from creating a website and social media accounts to attending trade shows and events.
  • Legal Fees: Depending on your location, you may need to apply for permits or licenses to run your snail farm. You may also want to hire a lawyer to help you navigate any legal or regulatory issues that arise.
  • Do your research: Make sure you have a realistic idea of what each of these expenses will cost, and build a buffer into your budget to account for unexpected expenses.
  • Look for second-hand equipment: To save money, consider buying used equipment rather than brand new, or leasing equipment to start with until you can afford to buy outright.
  • Be mindful of ongoing costs: Don't forget to factor in ongoing expenses like feed, supplies, and labor when calculating your startup costs, as these can add up over time.

Once you have a clear idea of your startup costs, you can begin to explore funding options, such as loans, grants, or crowdfunding campaigns. By being thorough and realistic about your expenses, you'll be better positioned to make your snail farming business a success.

Choose Farm Location

When it comes to starting a snail farm , choosing the right location is critical. The location you choose will impact the cost of startup, available resources, and access to potential customers. Therefore, this step requires careful research and consideration. Here are some important factors to consider when choosing a farm location:

  • Climate and Environment: Snails thrive in moderate moisture and temperature conditions. Therefore, you should choose a location that has a humid and mild climate. Additionally, snails require a pesticide-free environment, so areas with high pesticide use should be avoided.
  • Availability of Resources: You need to select a farm location that provides access to key resources, such as soil, water, and electricity. Ensure that the soil is rich in nutrients and has low acidity levels, which are essential for snail growth.
  • Distance to Potential Markets: Depending on your target market, you should locate the farm as close as possible to customers. This will minimize transportation costs and ensure the delivery of fresh snails to the market.
  • Accessibility: Access roads should be considered as a means of easy transportation of goods. Moreover, the distance to the nearest major cities will influence the reach of your market.
  • Price of the Property: You should factor in the cost of purchasing or leasing the property. It should be located in an area with affordable real estate prices, taking into account the size of the farm you want to establish.
  • Ensure you consider local zoning regulations, as it may have an impact on the system you want to build.
  • It is crucial to conduct soil tests to determine suitability for snail farming.
  • Look for farmlands that were not previously used for farming activities and avoid polluted locations.
  • Take advantage of existing infrastructure such as power lines, water supply systems, and drainage systems to reduce initial start-up costs.

Develop A Farm Management Plan

Developing a farm management plan is crucial in the success of a snail farming business. This plan serves as a guide for the daily operations, resource allocation, and future development of the farm. A well-designed management plan helps to ensure the quality and consistency of the products and services offered, which are important factors in building a good reputation in the industry.

The following are the key elements that should be included in a farm management plan:

  • Production Plan: This plan outlines the snail production process, including the quantity, type, and timing of snail production. The plan should cover all aspects of production, from procurement of raw materials to packaging and delivery.
  • Marketing Plan: This plan outlines the marketing and sales strategies that will be adopted to promote the farm’s products and services. It should include information on target market, pricing strategy, and promotion channels such as social media and advertising.
  • Financial Plan: A financial plan is crucial to the success of the farm. It should include projections of expected revenue and expenses, cash flow, and potential risks and contingencies.
  • Human Resource Plan: This plan outlines the staffing needs, job responsibilities, and training requirements of the farm. It should also cover compensation and benefits policies and procedures.
  • Logistics Plan: This plan outlines the transportation, storage, and delivery processes for the farm’s products. It should cover the equipment and facilities required for these processes, and the procedures for managing inventory and quality control.
  • Regularly review and update the farm management plan to reflect changes in the business environment and to ensure that the plan remains relevant and effective.
  • Involve key stakeholders in the development of the farm management plan to ensure that it reflects the interests and perspectives of all parties involved.
  • Get advice and guidance from industry experts and consultants to help ensure that the farm management plan is comprehensive and effective.

Developing a comprehensive farm management plan requires time and effort, but it is an essential process that can help ensure the success of a snail farming business.

Investigate Legal And Regulatory Requirements

Before starting a snail farm, it is important to know and comply with legal and regulatory requirements. This ensures that your business operates legally and avoids any potential legal issues.

1. Know the laws and regulations

  • Check laws and regulations on farming in your country or state
  • Find out the permits and licenses needed to start and operate the business
  • Know the requirements for food safety and handling
  • Consult with local government agencies for information on agriculture-related laws and regulations
  • Research industry associations for specific information on snail farming regulations and requirements in your area

2. Follow food safety requirements

  • Ensure that the snail farm complies with food safety requirements for animal production
  • Implement safety measures to prevent contamination in the production process
  • Know the proper handling and storage of snails
  • Conduct regular testing and analysis of the snails to ensure their quality and safety
  • Invest in proper equipment and facilities for the storage and handling of the snails

3. Comply with environmental regulations

  • Be aware of environmental laws and regulations related to farming
  • Implement measures to minimize the negative impact of snail production on the environment
  • Obtain necessary permits and approvals for any environmental impacts of the business
  • Be mindful of water and soil contamination during snail production and implement best practices to reduce environmental risks
  • Implement waste management practices that comply with environmental regulations to avoid pollution

4. Get insurance and liability coverage

  • Find out the necessary insurance coverage and liability protection for the business
  • Identify risks and liabilities related to snail farming and take measures to minimize or eliminate them
  • Work with a reputable insurance provider to ensure adequate coverage
  • Do not start the business without sufficient insurance protection
  • Consult with an attorney to ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements related to liability coverage

Ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is necessary for running a successful and legal snail farm business. Be sure to consult government agencies, industry associations, and legal experts for guidance on regulations and requirements related to snail farming.

Formulate A Marketing And Sales Strategy

After identifying your target customers and analyzing your competitors, it is time to formulate a marketing and sales strategy for your snail farm. Your marketing plan should be designed to raise awareness of your product, attract customers, and ultimately drive sales. Here are some important steps you should consider:

  • Create a brand: Develop a logo, brand message, and a tone of voice that represents your snail farm. Be consistent with your branding message across all your marketing channels.
  • Develop promotional materials: Create flyers, brochures, business cards, and other marketing materials to distribute to potential customers. Make sure your materials are visually appealing, informative, and highlight the benefits of your products.
  • Build a website: Your farm will need a website where customers can learn about your products, the production process, and where they can purchase your products. Ensure your website is user-friendly and visually appealing.
  • Explore online marketing opportunities: Utilize social media marketing and other online platforms to raise awareness of your snail farm. You can also run online advertisements to target customers in your local area.
  • Engage in community activities: Participate in trade shows, food festivals, and other community activities where you can showcase your products and gain exposure.
  • Establish business partnerships: Partner with local restaurants, grocery stores, and other businesses to introduce your products to their customer base. Establishing partnerships can be a great way to increase your visibility and sales.
  • Offer discounts to first-time customers to encourage repeat business.
  • Partner with food bloggers or foodies on social media to raise awareness of your snail farm.
  • Develop a referral program to reward existing customers who refer new customers to your business.

In conclusion, by formulating a marketing and sales strategy for your snail farm, you will be able to attract customers, raise awareness of your products, and drive sales. By utilizing a combination of traditional and online marketing channels, building partnerships, and engaging with your community, you can grow your snail farming business into a successful enterprise.

Determine Staffing Needs And Job Responsibilities

As your snail farm business grows, you will eventually need to hire employees to help you run the business. How many employees you need, and what their job responsibilities will be, will depend on the size and scope of your business. Here are some tips on determining your staffing needs and developing job responsibilities:

  • Start by identifying the key areas of your business that will require staffing, such as harvesting, processing, sales, marketing, and administration.
  • Create job descriptions for each position, outlining the duties and responsibilities of each role.
  • Determine the qualifications and experience required for each role, as well as the expected salary range.
  • Consider offering training and development opportunities for your employees, to help them grow and enhance their skills.

When it comes to staffing your snail farm business, it's important to think about the specific skills and expertise that each role will require. For example:

  • Harvesting and processing: You will need employees who are skilled in handling and caring for snails, as well as processing them for sale.
  • Sales and marketing: You will need employees who are knowledgeable about the snail farming industry and can help you promote your products effectively.
  • Administration: You will need employees who can handle the day-to-day operations of your business, such as managing finances and inventory.

As you develop your job descriptions and determine your staffing needs, be sure to also consider the culture of your organization and the values that you want to promote. As your business grows and evolves, your staffing needs may change, so be prepared to adjust your staffing plan accordingly.

Ultimately, the success of your snail farm business will depend in large part on the quality and commitment of your staff. Take the time to carefully consider your staffing needs and develop a plan that will help your business thrive.

Starting a snail farm business requires careful planning and execution. By following these 9 essential steps, you can ensure that your business plan is comprehensive and covers all the necessary elements to make your snail farm a success.

With this checklist in mind, you can create a solid business plan that will help you start your snail farm and achieve success in this unique and exciting industry.

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A business plan to implement procedures and operations of snail farming for higher ground farm, downloadable content.

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Sponsored by Mr. John Stoddard, owner of Higher Ground Farm (HGF) in Boston, this project aims to increase profitability by expanding the current organic vegetable farm into a snail farm. To achieve this goal, we developed a business plan on how to implement strategies for a snail farm business. Based on interviews with locally sourcing restaurants, secondary research, and analytical tools, we assessed the market for snails in the Boston and Worcester areas.

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Snail Farming Business Plan Template

Explore Options to Get a Business Plan.

Snail Farming business plan template

Are you interested in starting your own Snail Farming Business?

business plan for snail farming pdf


Global market size, target market, business model, competitive landscape, legal and regulatory requirements, financing options, marketing and sales strategies, operations and logistics, human resources & management, why write a business plan.

Why write a business plan? A business plan is a critical tool for businesses and startups for a number of reasons: - Articulate and flesh out goals and objectives: A business plan helps to clearly define the goals and objectives of the business. This is not only beneficial for the business owner, but also for potential investors or partners who need to understand the purpose and direction of the business. - Serve as a roadmap: A business plan acts as a roadmap for the business, providing a clear path to follow and helping to keep the business on track and on target. This is especially important for businesses that are growing and evolving, as it can be easy to get sidetracked without a clear plan in place. - Communicate the business's vision: A business plan can be a valuable tool for communicating the business's vision to employees, customers, and other key stakeholders. It provides a comprehensive overview of the business's values, mission, and purpose, helping to align everyone on the same page. - Ensure success: Business plans are one of the most affordable and straightforward ways of ensuring a business's success. By carefully planning and strategizing, businesses can anticipate potential challenges and have a plan in place to overcome them. - Understand competition and differentiate: A business plan allows for a thorough analysis of the competition, helping to identify the unique selling points and differentiators of the business. This information is crucial for standing out in a crowded market and attracting customers. - Understand customers: Conducting a customer analysis is essential for creating better products and services and marketing more effectively. A business plan helps to understand the target audience and their needs and preferences, allowing the business to tailor its offerings accordingly. - Determine financial needs: A business plan helps to determine the financial needs of the business, including how much capital is needed to start the business and how much fundraising may be required. This information is crucial for making informed financial decisions and securing funding. - Analyze and improve business model: By putting the business model into words, a business plan allows for a critical analysis of its strengths and weaknesses. This can lead to improvements in revenue generation and identifying potential gaps in the strategy. - Attract investors and partners: A well-written business plan can help attract investors and partners by providing a comprehensive overview of the business and its potential for success. It demonstrates a clear understanding of the market and the business's goals and objectives, making it an attractive opportunity for potential investors. - Position the brand: A business plan helps to position the brand in the marketplace by clearly defining its role and unique selling points. This can help to create a strong brand identity and differentiate the business from competitors. - Uncover new opportunities: The process of brainstorming and drafting a business plan can lead to new ideas and opportunities for the business. It allows for a fresh perspective and can spark new ideas for products, services, and marketing strategies. - Measure growth and success: A business plan serves as a benchmark for measuring the growth and success of the business. By comparing actual results to the forecasts and assumptions in the plan, businesses can make necessary adjustments and updates to ensure long-term success and sustainability.

Business plan content

  • Executive Summary: This section provides an overview of the entire business plan, highlighting the key points and objectives of the Snail Farming business. 2. Company Overview: This section provides information about the company, its mission and vision, legal structure, and location. 3. Industry Analysis: This section analyzes the current state of the snail farming industry, including market trends, growth potential, and any challenges or opportunities. 4. Consumer Analysis: This section identifies the target market for the snail farm, including their demographics, preferences, and buying habits. 5. Competitor Analysis & Advantages: This section identifies the main competitors in the snail farming industry and highlights the unique advantages and differentiators of the business. 6. Marketing Strategies & Plan: This section outlines the marketing strategies and tactics that will be used to promote and sell the snail products, including pricing, distribution, and advertising. 7. Plan of Action: This section outlines the step-by-step plan for setting up and running the snail farm, including operational processes, staffing, and production schedule. 8. Management Team: This section introduces the key members of the management team, their roles and responsibilities, and their relevant experience and qualifications. 9. Financial Plan: This section provides a comprehensive analysis of the financial aspects of the snail farming business, including start-up costs, projected income statement, cash flow statement, balance sheet, and financial projections for the first 5 years. 10. Appendix: This section includes any additional supporting documents, such as market research data, permits and licenses, and resumes of key team members. 11. Financial Forecast Template: As mentioned in the example, this template is an extensive Microsoft Excel sheet that includes all the necessary financial statements and projections for the business. It is important to have a detailed and accurate financial forecast to support the viability and potential success of the snail farming business. 12. Contact Information: At the end of the business plan, it is important to include the contact information for the business, including address, phone number, email, and website. This makes it easy for potential investors or partners to reach out with any questions or inquiries. Overall, a well-written and comprehensive business plan for a Snail Farming business should include all of these key components to effectively communicate the business idea, strategies, and potential for success.

Instructions for the business plan template

Instructions for the Business Plan Template: 1. Download the Snail Farming business plan template. It is a word document that can be edited to include information about your specific business. 2. The template contains instructions in red font and tips in blue font. Please read these carefully as they will guide you through each section of the business plan. 3. Start by filling out the basic information about your business, such as the name, location, and mission statement. 4. Next, move on to the market analysis section. This will require research on the snail farming industry, target market, and competitors. 5. The template also includes a section for your marketing and sales strategies. This is where you will outline how you plan to promote and sell your snails. 6. In the operations and management section, describe the day-to-day operations of your snail farm and the roles and responsibilities of each team member. 7. The financial plan section is crucial for any business plan. It includes a balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement. If you need assistance with this section, you can schedule a consultation with one of our consultants. 8. Finally, review and edit your completed business plan. Make sure all information is accurate and well-written. 9. Once you have completed all sections, save the document and use it as a guide for your snail farming business. 10. Remember to update your business plan regularly as your business grows and evolves. This will help you stay on track and make necessary adjustments. If you have any questions or need additional help with the business plan template, please don't hesitate to contact us for a complimentary 30-minute consultation with one of our consultants. Good luck with your snail farming business!

Ongoing business planning

Ongoing business planning is crucial for the success and growth of a Snail Farming business. It involves regularly evaluating and updating the business plan to adapt to changing market conditions, industry trends, and the business's own performance. This continuous process of planning is essential for several reasons: 1. Adaptability: As the snail farming industry is constantly evolving, it is important to have an ongoing business plan that can adapt to changes in the market. This allows the business to stay relevant and competitive, and to take advantage of new opportunities as they arise. 2. Identifying Strengths and Weaknesses: Regularly reviewing and updating the business plan allows the business owner to identify any strengths and weaknesses in the business. This information can then be used to make necessary changes and improvements to the business's operations, products, and services. 3. Setting Goals and Targets: Ongoing business planning helps to set realistic and achievable goals for the business. These goals can be used to track the business's performance and progress, and to make necessary adjustments to ensure that the business is on track to meet its targets. 4. Financial Stability: A well-developed business plan includes financial projections and budgeting. By regularly updating these projections and comparing them to the actual financial performance of the business, the owner can identify any discrepancies and make necessary adjustments to ensure the financial stability and sustainability of the business. 5. Risk Management: Ongoing business planning also involves regularly evaluating potential risks and creating contingency plans to mitigate them. This allows the business to be prepared for any unforeseen events or challenges that may arise. 6. Facilitating Decision Making: As the business grows and evolves, there will be many decisions to be made. An up-to-date business plan provides a clear framework for decision making, making it easier for the business owner to make informed and strategic choices. In conclusion, ongoing business planning is essential for the success and growth of a Snail Farming business. It allows the business to adapt to changes, identify strengths and weaknesses, set goals and targets, maintain financial stability, manage risks, and facilitate decision making. Without ongoing business planning, the business may struggle to keep up with the ever-changing market and may miss out on opportunities for growth and success.

Bespoke business plan services

Looking for a Customized Business Plan for your Snail Farming Business? Are you an aspiring snail farmer or a current business owner looking to expand your snail farming operations? Our team of experienced business professionals can help you create a bespoke business plan tailored to your specific needs and goals. With our bespoke business plan services, we offer a personalized approach to help you achieve success in the snail farming industry. We understand that every business is unique and requires a customized plan to succeed. That's why our team will work closely with you to understand your business, market, and competition to create a comprehensive and effective business plan. Our bespoke business plan services include: - In-depth market analysis: We will conduct thorough research on the snail farming industry, including market trends, competition, and customer demographics, to help you identify potential opportunities and challenges. - Tailored financial projections: Our team will work with you to create realistic financial projections that take into account your unique business model, operations, and growth goals. - Comprehensive marketing strategies: We will develop a customized marketing plan that suits your business, including strategies for branding, advertising, and customer acquisition. - Detailed operations plan: We will help you outline your snail farming operations, including production processes, supply chain management, and human resource needs. - Professional design and presentation: Our team will ensure that your business plan is professionally designed and presented, making it visually appealing and easy to understand for potential investors and lenders. Don't settle for a generic business plan that doesn't meet your specific needs. Let us help you create a bespoke business plan that sets your snail farming business up for success. Contact us today to learn more about our bespoke business plan services.

Welcome to Avvale Consulting, a leading startup business consulting firm based in London, United Kingdom. Our team has extensive experience working with companies in various sectors, including the Snail Farming industry. We offer a range of services to help entrepreneurs and businesses succeed, including business plan templates. Our Expertise: Our team at Avvale Consulting has worked with over 300 startups from all around the world, helping them raise over $100 million in funding. We have a deep understanding of the startup ecosystem and have years of experience in creating business plans, pitch decks, and other investment documents. With our expertise, we can provide valuable insights and guidance to help you create a successful business plan for your Snail Farming business. Free 30-Minute Business Consultation: We understand that starting a new business can be overwhelming, which is why we offer a free 30-minute business consultation. During this consultation, you can ask any questions you have about starting your Snail Farming business and get expert advice from our consultants. We can also provide customized solutions tailored to your specific business needs. Bespoke Business Plan and Financial Forecast: Our business plan templates are designed to cater to the needs of startups at any stage. We can create a bespoke Snail Farming business plan for your business that includes a 5-year financial forecast. This will help you secure funding from investors and ensure the success of your Snail Farming business. Our team will work closely with you to understand your business goals and create a comprehensive plan that will set you up for success. Value-Added Products: In addition to business plan templates, we also offer a range of value-added products to support your business growth. These include investor lists and Angel Investor introductions, which can help you connect with potential investors and secure funding for your Snail Farming business. About Us: Avvale Consulting is dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and businesses succeed. Our team is composed of experienced consultants who are passionate about helping startups thrive. We are committed to providing high-quality services and resources to support your business growth journey. Whether you are a budding entrepreneur or a veteran businessman, our business plan templates are designed to be user-friendly and suitable for all levels of expertise. Download our business plan template today and take the first step towards turning your Snail Farming business idea into a successful venture. We look forward to working with you and supporting your business goals.

Business plan template FAQ

Q: What is a snail farming business plan? A: A snail farming business plan is a document that outlines the goals, strategies, and financial projections for a snail farming business. It serves as a roadmap for the business owner and helps them to plan and manage their operations effectively. Q: Is the snail farming business profitable? A: Yes, snail farming can be a profitable business if done correctly. The demand for snail products, such as meat and slime, is increasing, and snails have a high reproductive rate, making it a potentially lucrative venture. Q: Do I need any special skills or experience to start a snail farming business? A: No, you do not need any specific skills or experience to start a snail farming business. However, having a basic understanding of snail care and management will be helpful. You can also seek guidance from experienced snail farmers or attend training programs to learn the necessary skills. Q: What are the startup costs for a snail farming business? A: The startup costs for a snail farming business can vary depending on the scale of the operation and location. However, on average, you may need to budget for land, snail stock, housing and equipment, feed, and labor costs. Our business plan template provides a detailed breakdown of the estimated startup costs. Q: Do I need a special license or permit to start a snail farming business? A: Regulations for snail farming vary by country and state. It is essential to research and comply with all necessary permits and licenses required in your location. Our business plan template includes a section on legal requirements to help guide you. Q: How long does it take for snails to reach maturity? A: Snails can take anywhere from six months to two years to reach maturity, depending on the species and environmental conditions. Our business plan template outlines the estimated timeline for each stage of snail growth and production. Q: What are the common challenges of snail farming? A: Some common challenges of snail farming include disease outbreaks, predators, and market fluctuations. However, with proper management and preventive measures, these challenges can be minimized. Our business plan template also includes a risk management section to help you prepare for potential challenges. Q: Can I start a snail farming business on a small scale? A: Yes, snail farming can be started on a small scale with a few snails and minimal equipment. You can gradually expand your operation as your business grows. Our business plan template includes a section on scaling up your business. Q: Are there any marketing strategies included in the business plan template? A: Yes, our business plan template includes a marketing strategy section that outlines different methods for promoting your snail products, such as online marketing, networking, and partnerships with local restaurants and markets. Q: Can I customize the business plan template to fit my specific business needs? A: Yes, our business plan template is fully customizable, and you can make changes to fit your specific business model and goals. However, we recommend keeping the essential sections and information to ensure a comprehensive and professional business plan.

business plan for snail farming pdf

Snail Farming Business Plan

There is a thousand years old history of people eating snails due to their nutritious value. They are rich in proteins, iron, and water and low in Fats. Their consumption is evident in a number of countries across the world. Countries known for eating and cultivating snails are France, the U.S., Turkey, China, Indonesia, Italy, Spain, and a few African countries. French use Snails for cooking and is a part of a delicate tradition.

Humans eat snails for the reason of them being delicious and as a main course or for a starter.

Commercial Snail Farming has emerged from Globalization and through the French tradition of eating snails. Snail farming is constantly growing. The escargot business is a very lucrative venture for the practitioner’s snail farmers. The business can encompass the rearing, wholesaling, or retailing of snails to customers and end-users.

How to set up a snail farm?

Well, the most important part is to have agri land (purchase or rented) to create sheds and buy the snails and then breed them. The equipment needed to farm snails includes outdoor pens or indoor plastic tunnels for breeding.  Ireland has the right weather conditions to start this business.

Contact us to get the best Business Plan for your Snail Business. We already develop many business plans for Snail farming.

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Snail farming: making good use of a small space

Stanley and heather micallef began by growing snails in an open-air paddock. earlier this year, they changed to a climate-controlled set-up, which has enabled them to increase production significantly. snail farming can be a profitable enterprise for smallholders, they told gerhard uys..

Snail farming: making good use of a small space

Stanley Micallef and his wife, Heather, of Benoni in Gauteng, use a temperature- controlled environment to speed up the snail-breeding process in their enterprise, Stanley’s Snails.

This system ensures that snails can be harvested at the age of seven months, instead of nine to 12 months, and can be harvested all year round.

With its minimal space requirements, snail breeding is a worthwhile profit-generating option for smallholders, according to the Micallefs.

The couple became interested in snail farming when a friend, who is a chef, complained that it was difficult to source snails for the restaurant market in South Africa, as suppliers were unreliable and tinned snails were unpalatable.

They now breed the Helix aspersa Müller (brown garden snail) species specifically for the consumer market and have imported breeding stock from Greece.

Edible snails are usually procured from three sources: vineyards, where they are regarded as pests; controlled systems, such as an outdoor growing system where snails are harvested from paddocks annually as part of a natural cycle; or in an indoor environment.

Snails hibernate in winter, burying themselves about 7cm underground, below frost level. When the rains arrive, the water seeps through the soil, melting the protective layer over the snails’ shells and they emerge from hibernation to feed and breed.

The pros & cons of paddock production At one stage, Stanley and Heather produced snails in a paddock enclosed with corrugated iron sheeting to prevent rats from entering, and shade netting to keep snails from escaping.

Snails grown outdoors can, however, be preyed on by centipedes, millipedes, crickets, lizards, rats, mice and praying mantises. Fortunately, they reproduce at an exceptionally fast rate, says Stanley, and growing these molluscs is certainly viable in rural areas. In Australia, snails are grown in paddocks that have stepping stones for cover, while the vegetation provides the necessary feed.

Although vegetables can be grown for feed, the quantity in a land is not normally sufficient, so additional dry feed has to be provided as the snail population increases.

Heather advises against feeding kitchen waste such as vegetable scraps as these spoil quickly, and the snails will not eat it.

With the paddock method, a producer can grow up to 2t of snails a year on 1 000m2 (0,1ha). However, Stanley cautions that one needs a sizeable number of breeder snails to begin with to achieve this figure, and the size of the operation will ultimately determine yield.

Climate control In March last year, the Micallefs switched from a paddock to a climate-controlled environment, and business is booming.

“In 2015, around October there were no eggs or hatchlings. The snails were waiting for rain,” Stanley says.

In the new climate-controlled area, the snails have produced 3kg of eggs since March. At 11 eggs/g, this amounts to 33 000 eggs.


A single snail is sold to restaurants for over R3 each, and directly to consumers at more than R8 each, which translates to a potential profit of between R99 000 and R264 000 per cycle, depending on the market, Stanley explains.

Life cycle and feeding regimen Snails are hermaphrodites, which means they have both male and female sex organs. They mate when mature and can store sperm for egg fertilisation. In an indoor environment, the snails are provided with containers that contain soil or compost soft enough for them to bury their eggs.

Once the eggs are laid in the containers, they are harvested and separated into smaller, closed containers filled with moist soil, where they grow. The snails do not hatch from the eggs; rather, the eggs morph into snails.

“A keen observer can literally see the spirals of the shells grow on the eggs,” Heather says.

Depending on the temperature level, this process is completed within seven to 14 days. If the conditions are favourable, snails will lay between 100 and 200 eggs at a time, two to three times per year.

Once morphing is completed, the hatchlings are placed in boxes in a humidified room. Here they are fed a high protein and mineral feed made locally, according to a recipe sourced in the UK, and remain here until their shells harden. As snails mature at different rates, they are separated according to size when they leave the hatchery.

After this, they are given finely milled, maize-based adult feed with added calcium and phosphate. Once breeding snails are past their prime, they start producing smaller or fewer eggs, and are then sold for consumption.

Climate control The temperature in the climate- controlled room is kept between 18˚C and 22˚C. A misting system, which is turned on every few minutes, keeps the room’s humidity at an optimal level.

Snails are housed on wooden platforms, and a screen underneath and battery-charged metal strips that send out electrical pulses prevent the snails from escaping. The entire area is hosed down every day to remove droppings and mucus.

The snails are fed in the late afternoon after the area has been cleaned, and they immediately emerge from darker areas on the platforms when feed is distributed by hand.

To keep production numbers manageable, the Micallefs place snails older than 26 weeks in refrigeration to induce hibernation. This cannot be done earlier, as the shells are not thick enough to protect the snails from the cold and they can die. Snails can be kept in this induced hibernation state for up to six months, according to Stanley.

There are several markets for snail-derived products, based on the various growth stages and sizes of the molluscs. Eggs that have not grown into snails are sold as white caviar, which is regarded as a luxury item in many countries around the world.

A secondary market exists for smaller snails, which are sold as food for pets such as bearded dragons and hedgehogs. However, snails produced for the pet trade must be grown in a sterile, closed indoor system to ensure that they do not contain pathogens that may harm the animals consuming them.

Medium-sized snails, used for Portuguese and Italian-style cooking are sold live, but are purged and cleaned, and sold in a refrigerated hibernating state. According to Stanley, consumers prefer snails that have been in hibernation, as they retreat into their shells, giving them a rounded shape when cooked, rather than a long, slug-like appearance.

According to Stanley, snails have a higher protein content per kilogram than beef.

He explains that snails for the pet industry are grown out in four months, while snails to be used in cooking take six months to grow out.

Those sold at markets take seven to eight months to reach a marketable age. Breeder snails are grown out until the age of 18 months.

The Micallefs currently supply fully cooked, spiced and vacuum-packed snails to weekend food markets.

All the couple’s snail products have undergone rigorous testing in a laboratory and Stanley’s Snails has also been endorsed by the South African Chefs Association.

Plans for expansion Stanley’s and Heather’s plans for the future include establishing a fully HACCP- compliant breeding, growing, and snail storage facility. Although such a facility would require a large capital investment, current high production levels make expansion critical, and plans are underway to form a consortium to facilitate the process.

The Micallefs’ business plan includes expansion up to 26t/ year, while a programme to establish satellite snail farms, in which growers will sell snails that they have raised back to Stanley’s Snails, is also envisaged.

Phone Stanley Micallef on 082 457 2951 or email him at [email protected] .


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How to Start Snail Farming Business in 7 Steps

Do you want to start snail farming on a small scale? If so, find here a detailed business plan guide on the basic steps you need to follow while starting and running a snail farming business.

Here are the 7 Steps to Start a Snail Farming Business

1. why snail farming is it profitable.

The profit margin is extremely high in commercial snail farming. The demand for snails both in the domestic and export markets is higher than supplies. Every part of the snail is useful. Apart from food, there is a usage of snails in the pharmaceutical industry and fishing industries. Modern upgraded technology is available for snail farming and one can generate more profit in a year.

2. Do Market Research

3. write a business plan, 4. select location.

When you are selecting a location for your snail farming business, the most important factor to consider is the land. It should be plain land containing 20-40% organic matter and suitable for plants to grow. It is advisable that soil should be friable soil with a PH balance of 5.8 to 7.5 and containing calcium.

5. Learn the Process of Snail Farming

In countries like Nigeria, the United States, and India there are agriculture associations and universities providing training on snail farming. Attend those workshops or you can go to some government farm to get practical knowledge.

6. What You Need to Have to Start a Snail Farm

Concentrate on the species of snail that you are going to cultivate. The most recommended snail species is Achatina Achatina. It has a high production capacity and it can lay eggs up to 500 pieces at once and also it laid eggs three times a year. You will need to source snail eggs from reliable and certified suppliers.

7. Market Your Snail Farming Produce

You can sell mature snails in the local market. You can also contact local food retailers, hotels, restaurants, stores, supermarkets, and institutions and supply them. There is a very good export market for snails. Europe, France, the US, Japan, and Korea are the biggest importer of snails.


How to Start Snail Farm – Sample Business Plan Template

By: Author Tony Martins Ajaero

Home » Business ideas » Agriculture Industry » Livestock Farming

Are you interested in starting a snail farming business in Nigeria? Do you need a sample snail farming business plan template? If you answered YES to the above question, then I want you to read every word on this page .

If you are looking for a business that you can start with very little capital and would have you raking in millions within a short time, then you should really start looking into Snail farming. Do you know you can even export snail both in large and small scale?

Well, you are going to learn everything you need to know in this article. Even though this article is using Nigeria as case study, the techniques, methods and ideas shared here can be implemented in any country of the globe; whether Ghana , United States, Canada, U.K, etc.

Why You Should Start a Snail Farming Business Today

a. Due to its high nutritional value, snails have become a very popular delicacy. Snail meat is very rich in calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin E as well as vitamin C.

b. Snails are also a good source of protein . Snails are very popular among weight watchers because they are extremely low in calories and fat. Snail meat is also very beneficial to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases, cancer and people trying to recover from an injury.

c. With a population of over 160million people, and restaurants scattered all over the country; then starting a snail farming business in Nigeria is really a smart move as the demand cannot even be met by the existing local farmers.

d. Snail farming is not capital and management intensive, especially when compared to poultry and catfish farming. The feeds are readily available and you can even produce it yourself as snails feed on waste. You can start small from your backyard and grow from there.

Starting Snail Farm – Sample Business Plan Template

In the past, the only way to get snails was to go into the bush and gardens to hunt them after a rainfall or at night.  This was because most people did not know that snails could be reared domestically just like poultry and animals like chickens and goat. Snail farming is a very interesting business not just because it’s a highly profitable business, but because it is easy and fun.

If you are thinking of how to start a snail farming business, then you have come to the right place. The first thing you should consider is the location and environment of your snail farm.

1. Location and environment of your snail farm

The best environment to situate your snail farm is a low plain, downhill site.  The farm should not be exposed to excessive wind because too much wind would dry out and dehydrate your snails. It is best to have trees like banana or plantain planted around your snail farm.

Snails cannot be reared on concrete floors. The floor of your snailery must be made up of balanced soil, Soil that is not too dry and not waterlogged either. You should also make sure the soil of your snail farm is not acidic or clayey as this may be harmful to the snails.

The best soil for rearing snails is a sandy-loamy soil that has low water retention.  The soil of your snail farm is highly critical to the growth and survival of the snails because snails derive calcium used for forming its shell from the soil. It also gets its water from the soil and lays its eggs on soil.

Depending on the scale of snail farming you want to go into, your snails can be reared in a large covered box if you are considering small scale snail farming, or in a concrete pen with soil flooring if you want to rear snails on a large scale.

The soil should be about 10 inches deep and you should use fresh leaves or wet clothes to control the temperature of your snailery. To protect your snails from predators and pests like snakes, rats and termites, you should make a barbed wire fence around your snail’s pen.

2. Learn everything you can about snails

Knowledge is an important requisite for success in business, whether it is snail farming of any other business. To become a successful snail farmer, you need to know the best conditions to breed snails, how they reproduce (snails are hermaphrodites), how they feed and factors that militate against their growth. In fact, you must know everything about snails.

3. Conduct feasibility study

After obtaining the needed knowledge about snails, you will to conduct market feasibility for your snail farm project. Some few questions a feasibility report will help you answer include:

  • What are the factors militating against snail farming in Nigeria?
  • How much capital is needed to setup a snail farm, stock it with snails and run it effectively?
  • Where is the best place to site your farm and how close is it to the market?
  • How much is a bag or basket of snail sold in your area?
  • How long (months or years) will it take you to make your money back?

4. Prepare a business plan

After conducting feasibility study and writing a report about your findings, you will need to convert your feasibility report into a business plan. A business plan is important especially when it comes to seeking external funding from banks or investors. You will also need it to access government grants and loans. A business plan will also help you plan and execute your future growth strategy.

5. Sourcing for snails

You would need some snails to start up your snail farm and you must ensure that they are fertile and in perfect condition. The best place to source for your initial stock is in the bushes. Snails gotten directly from their natural habitat are in the best condition because they have not been exposed to too much sunlight which would dehydrate them and make them less fertile.

If you feel getting snails from the bush would be too much of a stress for you, then you can buy snail eggs from the market and cover them up with cocoyam leaves in a plastic bowl with wet sand in it and leave them to hatch.

The hatching process would take about 21-28 days then you can start feeding and taking care of your baby snails and watch your snails multiply in numbers because snails reproduce fast and in large numbers. Before you rush off to the market to get your snail eggs, you should know about the different species of snails and which ones are best for rearing.

The most suitable snail species for rearing are the Achatina Fulica, Achatina Achatina and the Archachatina Marginata but the Achatina Achatina is the most recommended for snail farming because of its high reproductive capacities. It can lay up to 500 eggs at once and lays eggs three times a year. The Achatina Achatina is also easy to find.

6. Snail feeding

Snails are very versatile feeders. They can feed on anything from leaves to fruits. Snails can feed on cocoyam leaves, cassava and okra leaves, cabbage, lettuce, pawpaw as well as eggplant leaves. Snails can also feed on fruits like mangoes, banana, pawpaw, tomatoes and pears.

It is important that you feed your snails with the right food that would support tissue growth and supply calcium needed to grow their shells. There are specially formulated snail feed in the market that you can use to feed your snails for improved growth and productivity.

7. Harvesting your snails

When harvesting your snails, it is important to handle them carefully. You can harvest them into clean plastic containers, baskets, bowls, or in a box to be carried to the point of sale. Do not overload the containers. 10 kg in each container is just okay so that the snails don’t get hurt or stressed.

8. Marketing your snails

There are different marketing opportunities for snail farmers. You can sell them to restaurants and hotels that have snail meat on their menu or sell to market men or women who will buy them in wholesale quantity from you. You can also process your snails for export to other countries.

Challenges of Starting Snail Farming in Nigeria

The opportunities in snail farming far outweigh its challenges / problems. Aside the challenges of raising capital, getting a good place to rear the snails, getting their feeds and marketing your snails; the only headache you may face is the issue of pests such as ants, termites, hawks, etc. Once your environment is properly fumigated, fenced and the top covered with wire mesh; you will have no problems at all. Snails rarely fall sick.

In conclusion, I want you to know that snail farming is a highly lucrative business guaranteed to bring you a huge source of income within a short period! Venture into it. I bet you won’t regret it!

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