
Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat. The Review.

The all in all of everything there has been, is there and ever will be in Indian Bubblegum literature has released his latest piece de resistance . Chetan Bhagat (CB) is <insert whatever you want here> because more than he merits has been said about him already. I did like his Five Point Someone and 2 States to an extent. Let me just cut to the chase and start looking at his latest work to see what the man has unleashed upon us this time.

Introduction and First Views on the Book.

(I did not pre-order, but picked up a copy from Axis Books, Domlur, Bangalore , on the day of the launch)

Chetan Bhagat returns with another offering of angst, love, masala and engineering courses, but thankfully keeps away from IIT/IIMs this time and decides to focus on the most important question plaguing the youth of the nation today. No, it is not about how to get laid, but more importantly, how to become a B. Tech Victim ! The first part of the book is about the struggle the average Indian Joe goes through to get through to an engineering college so that he can change the world and get all the chicks. The second part focuses on all the corruption that plagues the private education sector and how even though you might make it large and get laid, it will still not get you away from your conscience. Though he tries hard,  the attempt falls flat on it’s face as so much as I am concerned. The book fails to make any impact, though it tells a pretty good story.

The writing is juvenile, as expected, almost of Mills & Boon standards. Yes, it makes for easy reading and you might like it if you are content with such material. But is devoid of wit, has no insights and is mostly made up of a procession of bland uninspired dialogue, GMail chat sessions, missed calls and descriptions. Totally predictable after the first half, it leaves you bewildered and mildly depressed by the time you get to the end. He also speaks about the despair, frustration and angst that one might not make the cut in life. He must be speaking from experience, because I know I have gone through all this. If only he had focused on writing instead of marketing and kept away from the subject of cheesy corruption, this could have been much much better.

book review of revolution 2020

  The Story, Characters, Buildup and Such. (Some Spoilers)

Revolution 2020 is put across as the story of life and times of three friends, as narrated to Chetan Bhagat  by Gopal Mishra, the 26-year-old director of GangaTech Institute of Technology, Varanasi, chief protagonist of he story. Gopal, Aarti and Raghav grew up together is Varanasi. Raghav is the topper: smart, intelligent and multi talented, considered a shoo-in for IITs and most likely to make it big in life. Aarti Pradhan is the cliched uber-pretty girl, not particularly interested in studies and like any other small town girl dreams of becoming an air-hostess and wants to find a safe nest in life. Gopal Mishra is the strictly average guy with average skills and average grades. He wants to make it big in life and marry Aarti by becoming an engineer (of all things), but can’t even crack AIEEE and/or JEE. Hailing from a lower middle class family, he gets the short end of life’s stick with a dead mother, perennially sick father, no income and swindling relatives. And he takes his travails to heart and develops a major inferiority complex. Yes, the typical loser.

Gopal fails to clear any entrance exam, but Raghav makes it by a mile and joins IT-BHU. Aarti sees Raghav as safe boyfriend/husband material, and chooses him over the loser Gopal. Gopal tries to make the cut the second time squandering away his father’s life savings over a year at an entrance coaching centre. Failing which he decides to join ranks with corrupt politicians who help him get back his disputed ancestral property and help him build an engineering college. Meanwhile, Raghav gets a massive kick of righteousness and decides to change the country. He chucks an offer he gets from Infosys and takes up journalism, interning with a newspaper. Later he starts up his own paper named “Revolution 2020” . Gopal achieves everything he dreamed of in life, but remains miserable. He still tries to woo Aarti with his riches and tries to get her away from Raghav, who is busy changing the world and has little time for her anyway.

Who will get the girl? The miserable but successful and corrupt loser or the failed but upright nerd? And who will make out with whom? #ImportantQuestions

The Book, The Writing, The Review and Such.

The story is a narrative in first person as all of his books are. But this time, instead of a character or CB narrating the story to the reader, the protagonist tells his story to Chetan Bhagat directly. The book begins with a self-narrated prologue with CB playing himself. He gives us a glimpse into his new-found stardom by throwing around not so subtle hints about his greatness. He addresses himself as the Chetan Bhagat , talks about security cordons being arranged for him, throws around humble references about his past accomplishments, hints about how someone had to write to him twenty times before he agreed to go for an inauguration and so on.

The book is almost tailor-made for the millions in the Chetan Bhagat market demographic, peppered with narratives many people of the age group might directly connect with. He tells a good story but CB looks like he forgot that he was writing a novel, and not narrating a script. Almost the entirety of the novel is filled with the endless dialogue parade of “ He said this, She said that, He then said this…. “, mainly between Aarti and Gopal, which almost reminded me of the “Aur kya?” “Tum batao” conversations that take up hours but never reach anywhere. At one point I felt like saying: “ Dude, Gopal, move on. There are other things to get ahead in life than an engineerign degree and there are other girls besides Aarti. Let go. ” The second half is more intense, but there too he does not succeed in describing the growth of the characters other than Gopal still gunning after Aarti, he even fails to evoke any anger towards the corrupt MLA. I would rather think the MLA helped Gopal by pulling strings to get his ancestral property back and helping him reach somewhere in life. His manipulative relatives probably deserved it for making him go through all that he and his father had endured.

The book almost totally talks about the question of love. As it always is, the girl chooses the successful guy who might make it big in life over the loser with the 50-thousand something AIEEE rank. The protagonist becomes a OMR-drinking Devdas, perplexed about why the girl ditched him though they were childhood friends and he had professed his love towards her many times. And that follows questions and quotes on love scattered throughout the book such as: “Love is a bitch”, “Sometimes your heart can lead you to a dead end” and so on, directly aimed to be picked up by readers, almost like strategically placed keywords in an article for easy indexing by Googlebots.

The book feels hurriedly written, there are no satirical cliches or situational analogies that are stock features of a CB book. Even the general humor is missing. There is no character engagement and development. Other than what they talk, we know precious little about the characters. Little is explained about Gopal other than the over-emphasis on how big a loser he is and how miserable his existence is, CB has gone overboard romanticizing the “loser” theme. Aarti is put across as a confused girl who really can’t make up her mind on anything, but nothing is said about her magical characters that make Gopal attracted towards her. Well, it is also not even told if Raghav really loves her except for a kiss behind a tree!. What made her choose Raghav over Gopal and what endeared him to her? And we know nothing about Raghav other than he is a painfully upright and typical cliched “topper”. There is a pall of gloom almost permanently hanging over the story. Many characters appear suddenly and disappear without a trace, the reason for their presence in the story left unexplained. The characters do not linger on my mind, as does Krish of 2 States or Ryan of FPS.

Verdict and Final Views

If you are a Chetan Bhagat fan, and like millions of others who don’t read anything else, you will love this. If you are not, I still recommend you read this, you might learn something. CB tries to combine a triangular love story which does not really build up on one side and politics and corruption on the other hand, but falls short by a mile and ends up delivering another piece of chicklit bubblegum fare with more “ love ” rather than corruption or ambition present. The climax was well executed, but is bewildering. However, I agree with some of his viewpoints: Private education should be allowed to be run for profit. That is the only way to eradicate corruption from the field, and taxes for profit so obtained should be high. You cannot expect the state to provide top-quality education for everyone!

On the book, it was a well thought out story but poorly executed. Maybe it was all deliberate, the man knows his marketing. Or maybe he was in a hurry or he got complacent. Or maybe he wanted to directly connect with his target audience. Though I am sure there are millions who loved the book because it connected with them, I found it uninspiring though I am familiar with many situations in the book. Maybe because I grew up reading a lot of “heavy literature” which was prescribed to me though I preferred Hardy Boys and Archie.

Or maybe I have become too old for this.

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Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat

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B- : zips along, with a lot going on, but rides roughshod over too much

See our review for fuller assessment.

Source Rating Date Reviewer
. 22/10/2011 Pritish Nandy
. 21/11/2011 Shashi Tharoor
   From the Reviews : "You will learn nothing from this book. For it is not meant to teach you anything. Neither English nor literature. And certainly not anything about life as it ought to be lived. (...) R2020 is a delightful read. I read it in one shot. Bhagat has made it impossible not to like his books." - Pritish Nandy, India Today " Revolution 2020 bears all the Bhagat hallmarks (.....) Chetan Bhagat�s style is, as always, simple, unpretentious and unadorned: critics may call the prose pedestrian, but it serves its purpose admirably." - Shashi Tharoor, Outlook India Please note that these ratings solely represent the complete review 's biased interpretation and subjective opinion of the actual reviews and do not claim to accurately reflect or represent the views of the reviewers. Similarly the illustrative quotes chosen here are merely those the complete review subjectively believes represent the tenor and judgment of the review as a whole. We acknowledge (and remind and warn you) that they may, in fact, be entirely unrepresentative of the actual reviews by any other measure.

The complete review 's Review :

If we had a straightforward and clean system, these professors would open their own colleges. Blue-chip companies and software firms could open colleges. The system is twisted, they don't want to touch it. That is where we come in.

- M.A.Orthofer , 22 October 2016

About the Author :

       Immensely popular Indian author Chetan Bhagat was born in 1974.

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Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat

As a young Indian in the first world, I realize that I am often unaware of much of India's reality: the education system -- which I have noticed is often more exam-based and focused in the academic direction, as opposed to the emphasis placed on extracurricular activities and athletics in the US, the corruption -- which inevitably lies beneath a few government and business ventures, the historic culture and religious value of old Indian cities such as Varanasi, and the family structure -- the pride with which a child makes the choices and follows the path laid out for his life by his parents, whether it be marriage or career, and the respect with which Indian adults place their complete trust in their family. Needless to say, I've been privy to very little of India's true culture first-hand, and besides the brief vacations I take to my mother country every year or two, novels are my greatest window into the lives and culture of my fellow Indians. Chetan Bhagat's Revolution 2020 took me on an in-depth journey into one of the most sacred cities of India, and the lives of three young Indians -- Gopal, Raghav, and Aarti -- through whose lives I was able to understand some of the wants and needs, hardships and obstacles faced by contemporary India's young middle class. I accompanied the three while they labored over IIT admissions exams as students, fell in love, and faced the choice of whether or not to join the country's widespread corruption -- realizing the consequences of attempting to change the system. As I read about the bias of the system towards those willing to bend their morals, the consequences of India's tightly-knit family structure, and the desire to make a name for one's self in a country of over a billion people, I saw the India that I live across the world from, through the eyes of a local -- and I am confident that you will too.

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Gopal is an ordinary, a bit frustrated guy who wants to make more and more money in his life..!

Raghav is a scholar guy who wants to become a journalist and has sparks of revolution in him..! Aarti is a pretty dumb gal who gets confused in every aspects of her life.. from her goals to the person she actually loves..!

     This story is about three friends who grow up in the holy city of Varanasi. Two of the boys, both love the same girl, their third friend and girl is completely confused about both of them. Both the boys also have strong ambition. One wants to bring in a revolution and the other wants to become rich. What happens in the end is a very messy affair between all of them and you left wondering about the aim of the book. The ending of this book contains a little surprise..!!      This book is ideal to read(*if u want to*) on the weekdays when you have to squeeze your time in between work, since this book doesn't require brain-storming as it is written in easy language..!

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Revolution 2020 : Love. corruption. ambition

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Chetan Bhagat

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book review of revolution 2020

Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boys. One wanted to use his intelligence to make money. One wanted to use his intelligence to create a revolution. The problem was, they both loved the same girl.

Welcome to Revolution 2020. A story about childhood friends Gopal, Raghav and Aarti who struggle to find success and love in Varanasi. However, it isn’t easy to achieve this in an unfair society that rewards the corrupt. As Gopal gives in to the system, and Raghav fights it, who will win?

From the bestselling author of Five Point Someone, one night @ the call center, The Three Mistakes of My Life and 2 States, comes another gripping tale from the heartland of India.  Are you ready for the revolution?

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Revolution 2020

Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat Book Review , Buy Online

Book Review : Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat

Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat is a clever combination of dreams, ambitions, and love. Chetan brings all these things to the platter that young Indian reader enjoys. This book, Revolution 2020, is Chetan Bhagat’s fifth bestselling novel, It was published in 2011.

The story of Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat revolves around the lives of three friends – Gopal, Raghav and Arti – who live in the holy city of Varanasi. Gopal comes from a middle-class family fighting over land dispute while Raghav’s parents are well off. Both the boys are ambitious and intelligent. But, there’s a difference between the two. Gopal wants to use his intelligence to bag riches while Raghav aims to revolutionise the political scene of the country. The only female lead character of the novel Revolution 2020 is Arti – the common friend who becomes a common love interest of both the boys. Also, she is the daughter of a District Magistrate and granddaughter of an MLA.

Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat mixes up all these characters in a clever web of corruption and revolution. As the novel proceeds, Gopal gives in to the corrupt politics and becomes the director of a college and Raghav fights against the malicious politicians by exposing them through honest journalism. Arti is torn between her love for defiant Raghav and ambitious Gopal. Towards the end of Revi

Towards the end of Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat, there could have been a dramatic social change in the lives of the characters but it does not come at par. Revolution 2020 is a novel that will not take you long to complete.

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Vowelor Review

Revolution 2020 is something any Indian student can relate with. Enjoyable read.

About the Author : Chetan Bhagat

Chetan Bhagat is the most selling English-language novelist in India’s history. Time magazine named him amongst the ‘100 most influential people in the world’. The Fast Company, USA, also listed him as one of the world’s ‘100 most creative people in business’.

Chetan Bhagat married Anusha his classmate from IIM-A and now he lives in Mumbai with his wife and his twin boys, Shyam and Ishaan. He also writes columns on Youth, Career, and Social issues in major English & Hindi newspapers.

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'Revolution 2020' by Chetan Bhagat: A critical review

'Revolution 2020' has been the most talked about book in the recent past.Though Chetan Bhagat is not at his best in this book yet the novel is a must read since the subject of the novel is something that demands a self contemplation by the main stream of the society. Here is a critical review of the novel.

Chetan Bhagat is once again the talk of the town with his new novel ' Revolution 2020 '. This was so eagerly awaited by the readers that it became the best seller on pre-order even before its release. The huge following on Twitter that Chetan enjoys, was already sniffing the release and those who have had a taste of his earlier novels were in no mood to let the occasion pass by. Everybody wanted to read it first and that made the pre-order volume swell like anything. Everybody was trying to guess what would be the topic and where would it be set? Chetan surprised everyone with 'where'. His tale takes form in Varanasi and visits Kota too. But his selection of the cities is very apt. Even though small, they are very important towns nonetheless. One is the oldest and the holiest city and the other is the Mecca of those who aspire to crack JEE, AIEEE, PMT etc. Chetan's strength lies in his connection with the youth. His 'straight from the heart' style reaches straight to the hearts of the adolescents. They have enthroned Chetan on the pinnacle of glory and so they were on the tenter hooks as to what would be served by Chetan this time. Let us have a quick look at the story. Story line: Revolution 2020 is set up in Varanasi, the oldest city and one of the biggest cultural hubs of India. Three friends Gopal, Aarti and Raghav who are the lead characters of the novel provide the readers the necessary spice required for a twisting tale to cook. All colours of life show up in their true perspective as the story progresses. Aarti comes from elite class, Raghav is a brilliant student and Gopal is neither affluent nor a good student. But his character gives the story the real punch and it is Gopal who connects most to the common youth. Whereas Raghav makes it to IT, BHU after clearing the coveted JEE , Gopal fails miserably in both JEE and AIEEE, the two most prestigious engineering admission tests in India. Even after completing the ' Kota trip' he cannot get through the grueling tests. Thereafter the story takes a turn and what follows is a love triangle. Both Raghav and Gopal love Aarti. Aarti likes Gopal more and even though she feels for Raghav as her fiancée, she always finds Gopal a better friend than Raghav. She can open her heart out to Gopal and Gopal always comes up with a solution. Gopal, a miserable failure on all fronts, now takes on to practical aspects of life and considers earning money as his religion. There comes Shuklaji, the corrupt local MLA, into picture. Allying with Shuklaji , Gopal makes a huge fortune and engulfs himself throat deep into corruption. Aarti comes closer to him and agrees to tie wedding knots with him. In the climax, Gopal observes how his childhood friend Raghav has entered into a mission to root out corruption, to help the poor and bring about a revolution to build the India of our dreams. The frustrated Gopal , in the end, transforms and gives away everything including the love of his life, Aarti to help Raghav win, since the harbinger of the revolution must not be defeated and since, as Raghav says, we must all add our own contributions to this revolution. Gopal gives away everything with only one hope. Someday people will know him as a good person, a person who sacrificed everything for the sake of a far off hope known as 'Revolution 2020'. Characters: Gopal- Gopal represents the grass root man, the man who fails, the man who feels and the man who heals. He comes from a family which cannot support him on any front and still his father takes loan to send him to Kota in order that his ward may get a good rank in JEE or AIEEE . But poor Gopal disappoints and his father cannot bear the shock and breathes his last. Gopal, left alone, fights his way to success, in the process joins the corrupt system, wins her fiancée and defeats his arch rival Raghav and yet loses everything again. But this time he loses with intention and will. He is willing to add whatever little contribution he can to the wave that will come, that will change everything. We call that 'Revolution 2020'. Raghav- Raghav, the brilliant student who clears JEE to join IT BHU, is a man of principle. He would not join a top class IIT institute since he has to live in his city Varanasi and wipe out the rampant corruption, he would not accept lucrative job offers from multinational companies but would rather join a newspaper to fight the war against malpractices of the society. Aarti- The golden heart girl is being played by Aarti, DM's daughter, who finds it hard to decide who will be her life partner. She, like Raghav, agrees that one should follow the passion one has. She dreams to be an air hostess but ends up becoming the customer service manager of a five star hotel. In the end she is intentionally ditched by Gopal so that she and Raghav could happily get married. Shukla ji- Shuklaji is the corruption personified. He is the local MLA who would accept any amount of money to fix up any damn thing. He can purchase Varanasi Nagar Nigam's officers and even flick the whole amount sanctioned for cleaning the holy Ganges. But ultimately he meets his fate and ends up getting imprisoned. Backdrop: The story is set against the backdrop of a corrupt social system where anything and everything can be bought and sold. The story amply depicts an illicit relationship between the mafia and political system which has the might to eat up all our development processes and all our just thoughts too. It eats into the consciences of the people, everything that is right and anything called justice. Gopal, Raghav and Aarti, all have to fight this evil system at every step they take. The story also shows the sharp teeth of the admission gates where an average student bleeds to misery. It really pains when Gopal's father says that it is no use securing a 52,000 rank in AIEEE. Gopal's reply is remarkable, "Baba I have obtained better marks than almost nine and a half lac students to secure this rank." And still this rank is not good enough! What a troublesome situation is prevailing here? Have we ever noticed? We all must thank Chetan for thinking the way he does. What is the use of making hue and cry about some out standing students? Where is our system? Or better, is there a system at all? The real question is whether there is a just system to turn an average student into an outstanding one, or to provide him a good enough placement? Comparison with Chetan's previous novels: As soon as you start reading the novel, a comparison starts building up in your mind. Chetan has his competitors in the form of his own previous novels. The reader starts thinking whether it is the same writer who brought hope for the losers in 'Five Point Someone'and who told the youth that there is something called divinity in 'One Night @ the Call Centre'? Sadly, it is not. Where is the Chetan who trickled down reader's cheeks as tear drops in 'Three Mistakes of My Life' and where is the IITian of 'Five Point Someone' who connected so closely to the juvenile class? 'Two States: Story of My Marriage' took us to Chennai and back to Delhi to tell us that the right thing must be done and in the process everything will automatically go right. But the same is not the case with'Revolution 2020'. Even though the characters have an appeal, illustrations are not enough and details are inadequate. The reader continues reading with the hope that best of Chetan will come in the next page and unfortunately it never comes. Verdict: With 'Revolution 2020' we dreamt of reaching a dream destination and Chetan seemed to promise it in the beginning of the book. Readers must have thought of the novel as a work that would show them the way to a revolution of sorts, a revolution that would change every damn thing and would usher us in a new era. But Gopal says," Nothing will happen here. This is India. No revolution will take place in 2020 and no revolution would take place in 2120."This was a difference of opinion between the pessimist and the optimist enough to set the novel in full pace but the novel ended on an abrupt note. Chetan could have done well to add a few more pages and give a justified end to his work. He could have illustrated more on the 'Revolution'. But sure, a message is conveyed. If India has to change we all must contribute our bit to the great revolution. Everybody must part with a part of life to build the India of our dreams. The revolution has begun and we ought not let this fire extinguish. Gopals have done their dues, Raghavs have started the march and Aartis have sacrificed what was required. Far behind the horizon laden with black clouds lies our goal. We shall be the flag marchers of 'Revolution 2020'. We, the youth, shall be the architects of new India. The book is worth reading if you are plainly reading for the sake of enjoying. But if you are an ardent follower of Chetan and going to compare it with his earlier works , you are going to be disappointed.

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Chetan Bhagat

Revolution 2020 Paperback – January 1, 2014

  • Print length 248 pages
  • Language Gujarati
  • Publisher R. R. Sheth & Co. Pvt. Ltd.
  • Publication date January 1, 2014
  • Dimensions 7.87 x 5.51 x 1.57 inches
  • ISBN-10 9351222942
  • ISBN-13 978-9351222941
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Product details

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ R. R. Sheth & Co. Pvt. Ltd. (January 1, 2014)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ Gujarati
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 248 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 9351222942
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9351222941
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 3.88 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.87 x 5.51 x 1.57 inches

About the author

Chetan bhagat.

Chetan Bhagat is the author of nine blockbuster books. These include seven novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014) and One Indian Girl (2016) and two non-fiction titles— What Young India Wants (2012) and Making India Awesome(2015). His upcoming book 400 Days is now available to preorder and will release on 17th September 2021. Chetan’s books have remained bestsellers since their release. Four out his five novels have been already adapted into successful Bollywood films and the others are in process of being adapted as well. The New York Times called him the ‘the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history’. Time magazine named him amongst the ‘100 most influential people in the world’ and Fast Company, USA, listed him as one of the world’s ‘100 most creative people in business’. Chetan writes columns for leading English and Hindi newspapers, focusing on youth and national development issues. He is also a motivational speaker and screenplay writer. Chetan quit his international investment banking career in 2009 to devote his entire time to writing and make change happen in the country. He lives in Mumbai with his wife, Anusha, an ex-classmate from IIM-A, and his twin boys, Shyam and Ishaan. You can email him at [email protected] or fill in the Guestbook with your feedback. You can also follow him on twitter (@chetan_bhagat) or like his Facebook fanpage (

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Chetan Bhagat

REVOLUTION 2020 Paperback – 1 January 2014

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  • Print length 296 pages
  • Language English
  • Publisher Rupa Publications India
  • Publication date 1 January 2014
  • Reading age 16 years and up
  • Dimensions 20.32 x 12.7 x 1.62 cm
  • ISBN-10 8129135531
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In Conversation with Chetan Bhagat

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An excerpt:

‘Lazy parents, bread-butter again,’ I grumbled, shutting a blue plastic tiffin in the second row. Raghav and I moved to the next desk. ‘Forget it, Gopal. The class will be back any time,’ Raghav said. ‘Shh …’ ‘I’ve brought puri-aloo, we can share that. It’s wrong to steal from others.’ I battled a small, round steel tiffin box. ‘How does one open this?’ Neither of us had the sharp nails required to open the thin steel lid of the stubborn box. We had skipped the morning assembly for our weekly tiffin raid. We had ten more minutes till the national anthem began outside. After that class 5 C would be back. We had to find, eat and keep the tiffins back within that time. ‘It’s pickle and parathas,’ Raghav said, having opened the lid. ‘You want it?’

‘Forget it,’ I said as I returned the steel box to the student’s bag. My eyes darted from one bag to another. ‘This one,’ I said, pointing to a pink imported rucksack in the first row. ‘

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We rushed to the target’s seat. I grabbed the Barbie bag, unzipped the front flap and found a red, shiny, rectangular tiffin. The cover had a spoon compartment. ‘Fancy box!’ I said, clicking the lid open. Idlis, a little box of chutney and a large piece of chocolate cake. We’d hit the jackpot.

‘I only want the cake,’ I said as I lifted the huge slice.

‘Don’t take the whole thing. It’s not fair,’ Raghav said.

‘If I eat only a bit, she will get to know,’ I scowled.

‘Cut it into two. Take one, leave the other,’ Raghav said.

‘Cut with what?’

‘Use a ruler,’ he suggested.

I ran to my desk. I brought back a ruler and made a clean cut. ‘Fine?’

I said. ‘Happy now?’

‘It’s her cake.’ Raghav shrugged.

Contemporary Fiction (Books)

‘But you are my friend,’ I said.

I offered a bite. He refused. I had not had any breakfast at home. I gorged on the cake, my fingers smeared with icing. ‘Why don’t you get your own tiffin?’ Raghav said. I spoke with my mouth stuffed. ‘It will mean extra work for Baba. He makes lunch and dinner anyway.’

‘So?’ ‘I tell him I don’t feel hungry.’ My father taught in a government school. He left home at six, even earlier than me. I licked the chocolate cream off my fingers. We could hear the national anthem.

‘I can bring tiffin for you,’ Raghav said and made me stand up along with him for the anthem.

‘Forget it, your mom cooks boring stuff. Puri every day,’ I said.

We heard students chatter on their way back to class. I stuffed the remaining cake into my mouth.

‘Hurry, hurry,’ Raghav said.

I shut the red tiffin box and placed it back in the Barbie bag.

‘Who sits here anyway?’ Raghav asked.

I fumbled through the pink rucksack and found a brown-paper-covered notebook. I read out the label on the cover, ‘Aarti Pratap Pradhan, Subject: Maths, Class 5, Section C, Age 10, Roll number 1, Sunbeam School.’ ‘Whatever. Are we done?’ Raghav said. I hung the bag back on Aarti’s chair, in its original place.

‘Let’s go,’ I said. We ran to our back-row seats, sat and put our heads down on the desk. We closed our eyes and pretended to be sick, the reason for skipping the morning assembly. The entire 5 C entered the room, filling the class with the simultaneous cacophony of four dozen ten-year-olds. Simran Gill madam, our class teacher, arrived a minute later and the noise died down. ‘Multiplication,’ she wrote on the board, even as the children were still settling down. I sat up straight and craned my neck to see Aarti Pratap Pradhan, roll . She wore a white skirt, white shirt, red cardigan and had ribbons in her plaits, and she faced the teacher most seriously as she sat down.

Product description

About the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Rupa Publications India; 2nd edition (1 January 2014)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 296 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 8129135531
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 16 years and up
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 310 g
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 20.32 x 12.7 x 1.62 cm
  • Net Quantity ‏ : ‎ 1.00 count
  • #35 in Religious & Spiritual Fiction
  • #75 in Indian Writing (Books)
  • #265 in Contemporary Fiction (Books)

About the author

Chetan bhagat.

Chetan Bhagat is the author of nine blockbuster books. These include seven novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014) and One Indian Girl (2016) and two non-fiction titles— What Young India Wants (2012) and Making India Awesome(2015). His upcoming book 400 Days is now available to preorder and will release on 17th September 2021. Chetan’s books have remained bestsellers since their release. Four out his five novels have been already adapted into successful Bollywood films and the others are in process of being adapted as well. The New York Times called him the ‘the biggest selling English language novelist in India’s history’. Time magazine named him amongst the ‘100 most influential people in the world’ and Fast Company, USA, listed him as one of the world’s ‘100 most creative people in business’. Chetan writes columns for leading English and Hindi newspapers, focusing on youth and national development issues. He is also a motivational speaker and screenplay writer. Chetan quit his international investment banking career in 2009 to devote his entire time to writing and make change happen in the country. He lives in Mumbai with his wife, Anusha, an ex-classmate from IIM-A, and his twin boys, Shyam and Ishaan. You can email him at [email protected] or fill in the Guestbook with your feedback. You can also follow him on twitter (@chetan_bhagat) or like his Facebook fanpage (

Jail Diary Of Bhagat Singh

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Customers find the writing quality very well written and detailed. They also describe the literary merit as amazing, mind blowing, and truly beautiful. Customers find it entertaining and heart touching. They describe the emotional tone as catchy and good.

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Customers find the book amazing, engaging, and well written. They also say the book has unexpected twists and turns that they can relate to. Customers also say it's truly beautiful as it develops.

"Nice story. Very interesting and keeps you captive." Read more

" I love the story . It's too good. If you're a die heart fan of Mr. Chetan Bhagat, I request you to kindly read it once...." Read more

"Yes its very interesting to read ...i never read any book this kind of speed...your words make that...congrats💐💐💐 not a critic to analyse your..." Read more

"It's very good book . I loves Chetan Bhagat sir's writing. I loved what gopal did for there friend. When I was on the gopal place I can't do it...." Read more

Customers find the emotional tone of the book heart-touching, fantastic, and real. They also say the plot is simple and real, featuring friendship, love, passion, betrayal, and sacrifice. Customers also mention that the book keeps them hooked to it and demands sympathy at all situations.

" Must read for love story . Must read for sacrifices. Must read for Varanasi. Unpredictable end yet again. Simple but challenging plot" Read more

" Plot is good . There is so much difference of situation , morality in different characters . Choosing bad vs good for success vs unemployment...." Read more

"...Really the students want to read. It will show them lots of really world reality . I think it will help them to handle better in there life journey." Read more

"Hello, I would like to recommend this book because the story is based upon all our emotions ...." Read more

Customers find the writing quality of the book very well written, beautiful, and good. They also appreciate the dialogues, great visualization, and details. Readers also mention the book has fabulous quotes and is a light read with simple story and relatable characters.

"The writing is simple, signature to Chetan Bhagat, a well written piece with some unexpected twists and turns, some might actually relate to Gopal,..." Read more

"I really liked it chaitan bhagat is a very talented writer ,this is the first ever book which I've finished just in 2 days and if you get bored too..." Read more

"A light read . Simple story and relatable characters. Though a bit weak compared to Chetan Bhagat's other books. Still it is quite enjoyable." Read more

" Nice book with great visualization and details " Read more

Customers find the book entertaining, captivating, and a good companion in free time. They also mention that the fast pace is a typical Chetan Bhagat book.

"It's a great message greatly narrated ..... Starting with catchy and heart touching storyline and more than that climax which is just superb and..." Read more

"...This one of the starting ones. Interesting and entertaining." Read more

"An amazing book which amused me in every chapter ... Chetan Bhagat outdid himself this time.....Superb delivery by amazon thanks a lot...." Read more

"The way Chetan Bhagat writes is magnificent. It is addictive . I would recommend this book to all teenagers. This book deserves a 5 star rating." Read more

Customers find the plot brilliant, interesting, and keeps them captive. They also say the book is awesome, with betrayals, success, politics, and no duplicity or cheating. Customers also say it's gripping and feels real.

"Nice story. Very interesting and keeps you captive ." Read more

"...Twenty 20 is an awesome book about friendship, love, passion, betrayal , sacrifice and so much more... Really lovedbit.. Thank you Chetanji.. 😘😘..." Read more

"...spreading goodness to the society and the world.. But the story did not seem very real .. Ive liked other pieces by chetan bhagat better than this." Read more

" Revolution 2020 is really awesome ...I had the book nearly for 1 month in my bag without looking itt...but when I started reading it..I had completed..." Read more

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Helter Skelter Magazine

Book Review: Revolution 2020

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He’s a household name; every third person on the metro is clutching his new book; his Twitter has 550,000-odd followers and they’ve begun selling his books in box sets. Even I’ve read four out of his five books—mostly out of curiosity.

His books have a formula to them: young people have ‘scenes’ (for those of you who don’t know, that’s Bhagat’s favourite synonym for a relationship) and chase success in a modern world where their language is filled with phrases Bhagat believes are cool. And of course, there is not a speck of proper grammar. Anywhere.

Revolution 2020 ( click here to purchase) is about three childhood friends: Gopal, Raghav, and Aarti. Gopal and Aarti are close growing up, and while she just sees him as a friend, he falls in love with her. He hopes and almost expects Aarti to come around at some point, and she in turn encourages him with a casual remark here and there that suggests she isn’t completely indifferent. But Aarti pulls the ground out from under his feet when she discloses that she is having a ‘scene’ with Raghav.

From this point on, the three will be tangled in a constant fight for power, love, and the chance to chase their individual dreams. When Chetan Bhagat’s characters are in love (and especially when it’s triangular) they will stop eating, working, thinking. In his words, they don’t just love each other, they own each other. Of course. The book also makes a half-hearted attempt to take a jab at corruption and whether life is driven by passion or money. Raghav has his own newspaper called ‘Revolution 2020’, while Gopal builds a college through fraud and brute force.

The book is clichéd at every turn. The characters are all mash-ups of Bollywood archetypes. The dialogue is uninspired and hyperbolic. Bhagat’s brand of realism is about replicating superficially his idea of the average Indian. The book is insultingly easy to read, the plot has been written about a few thousand times before, and it’s depressing to think about how most Indian readers want this book by their pillow. Even the ‘Praise for previous work’ section in the book quotes magazines raving about Bhagat’s marketability, not his writing. He’s acknowledged as the man who brought Bollywood to the masses in paperback.

He’s a household name in India and I can’t think of a single positive thing to say about his book.

Forgetting by Devashish Makhija

Butterflies on Strings


Click here to purchase Revolution 2020 online.

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Urvashi is a writer and a feminist. She trips over her own feet a lot.

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Book Review: The Perks of Being a Wallflower

I don’t hate Bhagat so much for his mediocre writing, but the revolution he has given birth to: a whole generation of mediocre and bad writers who are selling their books in thousands.

Now, THAT is sad.

Does he actually use the word “scene” :| Now, I need to vomit.

I do not read him as a thumb rule.

Amen! I realized this on my second Chetan Bhagat book….it’s nothing but schtik. I find Chetan Bhagat’s “Well, i write for the average indian” defense to be extremely patronizing as well; as if reading poorly written poor novels is what the ‘average indian’ deserves!

And unrelatedly, who made him “youth spokesman”? These days everything is decided by “page rank” …and judging by the moves i see Mr. Bhagat making these days, achieving a steady stream of media-consumable output is decidedly more worthy of Chetan Bhagat’s efforts than coming up with something befitting his  ‘earned’ title. 

It shouldn’t be like that! IMHO, if  the ‘commercial writer’ hat he dons fits so well… he should doff the hat of the intellectual.

Actually, it’s the publishing houses who realised the goldmine that was the 99-rupee book market and encouraged more crap like this.

I beg to differ.  I think we tend to dismiss the importance of readability and relatability as  criteria for evaluating the worth of a work. Do you prefer to go to the Opera or listen to indie band? Bhagat is mainstream but he challenges the mainstream- a pattern you see repeated in every one of his novels.  Not to say that fabulous articulation and the ability to connect with an audience are mutually exclusive but if I had to choose between Bhagat and an author high on linguistic precision/artistic splendour who is tedious to read, I just might choose Bhagat. 

I find him Chetan Bhagat’s books devoid of any new story line. This having said, all that his books really do is to bring Bollywood home. If you think Bollywood is brilliant cinema, you should find Chetan Bhagat’s books brilliant too! – is the way to shop locally- awesome model

I just came across – it is really different way to purchase online..

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In Revolution Twenty20, Chetan Bhagat explores the lives of three close friends from Varanasi, set against the backdrop of India's corrupt political system. Gopal and Raghav are the best of friends. Although they hail from completely different family backgrounds they share a common passion for success and realizing their dreams in life. Gopal's family has been caught up in a never-ending property dispute and he aspires to come out the mess and amass a lot of wealth, Raghav, on the other hand, desires to bring about a revolution in the system and do something significant for the society. Their lives take a surprising turn when both of them fall in love with their mutual friend, Aarti. Gopal gives in to the corrupt system but Raghav tries to set things right. This situation turns the friends against each other. Will Raghav be successful in bringing about a social change or will he succumb to his desires like Gopal? Who will Aarti choose to spend the rest of her life with? Revolution Twenty20 will make for a riveting read for all Chetan Bhagat fans.

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  • Created April 6, 2014
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  1. Book Review

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  2. Revolution 2020

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  3. Revolution 2020: Love, Corruption, Ambition by Chetan Bhagat

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  1. Palestine revolution 2020 for May 20th Sunday

  2. РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ 1917. Эпоха великих перемен. ЧЁРНАЯ ГВАРДИЯ. 23 Выпуск. Исторический Проект

  3. РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ 1917. Эпоха великих перемен. ГЛАШАТАИ РЕВОЛЮЦИИ. 11 Выпуск. Исторический Проект

  4. РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ 1917. Эпоха великих перемен. ПОСЛЕДНИЕ ДНИ РОМАНОВЫХ. 10 Выпуск. Исторический Проект

  5. РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ 1917. Эпоха великих перемен. ТАЙНЫ КОМИНТЕРНА. 22 Выпуск. Исторический Проект

  6. РЕВОЛЮЦИЯ 1917. Эпоха великих перемен. КЕРЕНСКИЙ. 2 Выпуск. Исторический Проект


  1. Book Review: Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat

    Book Review "Revolution 2020" by Chetan Bhagat is a thought-provoking novel that sheds light on relevant social issues in India. The book follows the lives of three characters, Gopal, Aarti, and Raghav, who grew up together in Varanasi, and explores their struggles with corruption, social inequality, and the education system. ...

  2. Revolution 2020: Love, Corruption, Ambition

    Chetan Bhagat. 3.11. 64,228 ratings2,421 reviews. Book Summary of Revolution 2020 Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boys. One wanted to use his intelligence to make money. One wanted to use his intelligence to create a revolution. The problem was, they both loved the same girl.

  3. Revolution 2020

    Revolution 2020: Love, Corruption, Ambition is a 2011 novel by Chetan Bhagat.Its story is concerned with a love triangle, corruption and a journey of self-discovery.R2020 has addressed the issue of how private coaching institutions exploit aspiring engineering students and how parents put their lifetime's earnings on stake for these classes so that their children can crack engineering exams ...

  4. Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat. The Review.

    The Story, Characters, Buildup and Such. (Some Spoilers) Revolution 2020 is put across as the story of life and times of three friends, as narrated to Chetan Bhagat by Gopal Mishra, the 26-year-old director of GangaTech Institute of Technology, Varanasi, chief protagonist of he story. Gopal, Aarti and Raghav grew up together is Varanasi.

  5. Revolution 2020

    The complete review's Review: . Revolution 2020 is bookended with a Prologue and an Epilogue in which Chetan Bhagat speaks with Gopal Mishra, "the young director of GangaTech College" -- a typical set-up for a Bhagat novel, framing the main story itself, Gopal's story. Sub-titled Love.Corruption. Ambition, it revolves around a trio of friends from Varanasi (formerly Benares): Gopal, Aarti, and ...

  6. Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat

    Chetan Bhagat's Revolution 2020 took me on an in-depth journey into one of the most sacred cities of India, and the lives of three young Indians -- Gopal, Raghav, and Aarti -- through whose lives ...

  7. Book review: 'Revolution 2020'

    Book review: 'Revolution 2020' Chetan Bhagat's latest novel is not, as the title suggests, about a revolution. It's the story of a love triangle, set in the time of engineering entrance exams in Varanasi. ... Revolution 2020 offers a glimpse into the entrance exam coaching-classes racket, how money is made off gullible hopefuls, and how so ...

  8. Revolution 2020: LOVE.CORRUPTION.AMBITION

    Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat Yet Another Grasping Work By The Bestselling Author Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boys. One wanted to use his intelligence to make money. Another wanted to use his intelligence to create a revolution. The problem was, they both loved the same girl! Welcome to Revolution 2020, an exciting story about childhood friends Gopal ...

  9. Revolution 2020

    Book Summary of Revolution 2020 Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boys. One wanted to use his intelligence to make money. One wanted to use his intelligence to create a revolution. The problem was, they both loved the same girl. Welcome to Revolution 2020. A story about childhood friends Gopal, Raghav and Aarti who struggle to find success and love in Varanasi.

  10. REVOLUTION 2020

    REVOLUTION 2020. The story is set in Varanasi, one of holiest places in India, considered as a place to cleanse oneself from sins. It's a tale of three childhood friends, Gopal, Aarti and Raghav, who struggle to find their place in Varanasi. Gopal is an ordinary, a bit frustrated guy who wants to make more and more money in his life..!

  11. Revolution 2020 : Love. corruption. ambition : Bhagat, Chetan : Free

    One wanted to use his intelligence to start a revolution. Both of them loved the same girl. Revolution 2020 is the story of three childhood friends, Gopal, Raghav and Aarti, who struggle to find love, happiness and success in Varanasi, none of which is easily attainable in a society that favours unfairness and corruption.

  12. Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat

    Chetan Bhagat's novel Revolution 2020 was supposed to be a novel which should not have followed the popular template on which his usual novels race. However, it did not only disappoint but further deep-dropped the idea of a novel at the hands of Chetan Bhagat, a genuine novel I mean. Here is my review for this well-begun but a badly-finished ...

  13. Revolution 2020: 9788129118806: Chetan Bhagat: Books

    Chetan Bhagat is the author of nine blockbuster books. These include seven novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014) and One Indian Girl (2016) and two non-fiction titles— What Young India Wants (2012) and Making ...

  14. Revolution 2020 eBook : Bhagat, Chetan: Kindle Store

    Chetan Bhagat is the author of seven blockbuster books. These include six novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014)—and the non-fiction title What Young India Wants (2012). Chetan's books have remained bestsellers ...

  15. Revolution 2020

    Synopsis. Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boys. One wanted to use his intelligence to make money. One wanted to use his intelligence to create a revolution. The problem was, they both loved the same girl. Welcome to Revolution 2020. A story about childhood friends Gopal, Raghav and Aarti who struggle to find ...

  16. Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat

    Book Review : Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat. Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat is a clever combination of dreams, ambitions, and love. Chetan brings all these things to the platter that young Indian reader enjoys. This book, Revolution 2020, is Chetan Bhagat's fifth bestselling novel, It was published in 2011.

  17. Revolution 2020: Love, Corruption, Ambition

    Revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat Yet Another Grasping Work By The Bestselling Author Once upon a time, in small-town India, there lived two intelligent boys. One wanted to use his intelligence to make money. Another wanted to use his intelligence to create a revolution. The problem was, they both loved the same girl! Welcome to Revolution 2020, an exciting story about childhood friends Gopal ...

  18. 'Revolution 2020' by Chetan Bhagat: A critical review

    Here is a critical review of the novel. Chetan Bhagat is once again the talk of the town with his new novel 'Revolution 2020'. This was so eagerly awaited by the readers that it became the best seller on pre-order even before its release. The huge following on Twitter that Chetan enjoys, was already sniffing the release and those who have had a ...

  19. The Book Review: Revolution 2020

    Another of Chetan Bhagat's novel was recently launched, his fifth in the league of books which in its own way has tried to revolutionalise the reading habits of people. The last three though being a a bestseller could not match his debut novel Five Point Someone- what not to do at IIT. So the question … Continue reading "The Book Review: Revolution 2020"

  20. Revolution 2020: Chetan Bhagat: 9789351222941: Books

    Chetan Bhagat is the author of nine blockbuster books. These include seven novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014) and One Indian Girl (2016) and two non-fiction titles— What Young India Wants (2012) and Making India Awesome(2015).

  21. REVOLUTION 2020 : Chetan Bhagat: Books

    Chetan Bhagat is the author of nine blockbuster books. These include seven novels—Five Point Someone (2004), One Night @ the Call Center (2005), The 3 Mistakes of My Life (2008), 2 States (2009), Revolution 2020 (2011), Half Girlfriend (2014) and One Indian Girl (2016) and two non-fiction titles— What Young India Wants (2012) and Making ...

  22. Book Review: Revolution 2020

    Of course. The book also makes a half-hearted attempt to take a jab at corruption and whether life is driven by passion or money. Raghav has his own newspaper called 'Revolution 2020', while Gopal builds a college through fraud and brute force. The book is clichéd at every turn. The characters are all mash-ups of Bollywood archetypes.

  23. revolution 2020 by Chetan Bhagat

    33 Have read. In Revolution Twenty20, Chetan Bhagat explores the lives of three close friends from Varanasi, set against the backdrop of India's corrupt political system. Gopal and Raghav are the best of friends. Although they hail from completely different family backgrounds they share a common passion for success and realizing their dreams in ...