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Question Are all OS assignment drops all at once? ( self.AirForce )

submitted 1 year ago by tornoles24

I saw post that some people already know they got assignment using the EFMP trick. Just wondering if all thE OS assignments drops all at once or they have until the public release date to match everything? Thank you.


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[–] lethalnd12345 Retired 3 points 4 points 5 points 1 year ago   (1 child)

Each AFSC/AFSC family has their own assignment team... the publically posted release dates are general guidelines that AFPC follows, but some assignment teams might release earlier than the published date. All should teams should have their work complete and matches made by the public release date

[–] tornoles24 [ S ] -1 points 0 points 1 point 1 year ago   (0 children)

Thank you! This is my first time applying for OS listing.

[–] nobody19877 2 points 3 points 4 points 1 year ago   (0 children)

Yeah I’ve accepted that fact. Can’t win em all. Here’s to staying at the same base for the rest of my career!

[–] BugginOnBoost 1 point 2 points 3 points 1 year ago   (4 children)

What is this efpm trick people keep mentioning?

[–] loose_pizza Secret Squirrel 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago *   (3 children)

You go to vmpf, assignments, apply for efmp, if it let's you open it you have an assignment and if you read the first paragraph it tells you where. Just delete the application once you read it, cause you don't want to actually defer/cancel your assignment

[–] tornoles24 [ S ] 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago   (0 children)

Does it matter if you use defer/reassign? I only tried reassign but nothing comes up.

[–] BugginOnBoost 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago   (1 child)

Is it Apply for reassignment or deferment, establish or continue efmp or apply to change or cancel assignment, travel of efmp family member non recommended?

[–] loose_pizza Secret Squirrel 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago   (0 children)

I think it's change or cancel, tbh I always forget lol

[–] [deleted] 1 year ago   (1 child)

[–] loose_pizza Secret Squirrel 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago   (2 children)

Assignments teams have a deadline all the assignments need to be loaded. However it depends how fast your assignments team can load them. They load the assignments in batches, so some people can get the efmp trick to work a week or two before that hard date. Sometimes if the careerfields the assignments team are responsible for are smaller or don't have as many OCONUS assignments then all the assignments 'drop' the same time, but normally it's spread out.

Understood! I know for sure for my rank there are 9 openings and some more for the higher ranks. Hoping for the best for these last couple of days til deadline.🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

[–] nobody19877 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago   (3 children)

So basically if you haven’t gotten an assignment by now you didn’t make the cut?

[–] tornoles24 [ S ] 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago   (2 children)

I’m not sure but there’s still 1 week til deadline

[–] notmyrealname86 No one really knows what my job is. 0 points 1 point 2 points 1 year ago   (1 child)

If other people in your AFSC have gotten assignments, then you didn’t get one. The exception is if someone ends up dropping the assignment.

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EFMP trick / Summer 2023 VML Officers (Anyone find out their assignment?)

Posted on january 18, 2023.

It's getting closer to the 27 Jan official release date...or the 20 Jan release-to-CCs date (unless I misunderstood the note about CCs being notified 7 days earlier). Any O's get notified or find out via the EFMP trick?

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Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC

This site hosts Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) examples for all Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC). If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your AFSC or additional duty, use the form at the bottom of this page to request it and a page will be made for it as soon as possible.

1A0X1 In-flight Refueling

1A1X1 Flight Engineer

1A2X1 Aircraft Loadmaster

1A3X1 Airborne Mission Systems

1A4X1 Airborne Operations

1A6X1 Flight Attendant

1A7X1 Aerial Gunner

1A8X1 Airborne Cryptologic Language Analyst

1B4X1 Cyber Warfare Operations

1C0X2 Aviation Resource Management

1C1X1 Air Traffic Control

1C3X1 Command Post

1C4X1 Tactical Air Command & Control

1C5X1 C2 Battle Management Ops

1C6X1 Space Systems Operations

1C7X1 Airfield Management

1C8X1 Radar Maintenance

1C8X2 Airfield Systems

1C8X3 Radar, Airfield, & Wx Systems

1D7XX Cyber Defense Operations

1N0X1 All Source Intelligence Analyst

1N1X1 Geospatial Intelligence (GEOINT)

1N2X1 Signals Intelligence

1N3X1 Cryptologic Language Analyst

1N4X1 Cyber Intelligence

1N4X2 Cryptologic Analyst

1N5X1 Signals Intel Exploitation

1N7X1 Human Intelligence Specialist

1N8X1 Targeting Analyst

1P0X1 Aircrew Flight Equipment

1S0X1 Safety

1T0X1 SERE School

1T2X1 Pararescue

1U0X1 RPA Sensor Operator

1U1X1 RPA Pilot

1W0X1 Weather

1Z1X1 Pararescue (PJ)

1Z2X1 Combat Controller (CCT)

1Z3X1 Tactical Air Control Party (TACP)

1Z4X1 Special Reconnaissance (SR)

2A0X1 Avionics Test Station

2A2X1 SOF/PR Integrated Communications

2A3X3 Tactical Aircraft Maint

2A3X5 Integrated Avionics

2A3X7 Tactical Aircraft Maint

2A3X8 Remotely Piloted Aircraft Maint

2A5X1 Aerospace Maintenance

2A5X2 Helicopter/Tiltrotor Aircraft Mx

2A5X3 Integrated Avionics Systems

2A5X4 Refuel & Bomber Aircraft Maint

2A6X1 Aerospace Propulsion

2A6X2 Aerospace Ground Equipment

2A6X3 Aircrew Egress Systems

2A6X4 Aircraft Fuel Systems

2A6X5 Aircraft Hydraulic Systems

2A6X6 Aircraft Elec & Environ Sys

2A7X1 Aircraft Metals Technology

2A7X2 Nondestructive Inspection (NDI)

2A7X3 Aircraft Structural Maintenance

2A7X4 Survival Equipment

2A7X5 Low Observable ASM

2A8X1 MAF Comm/Nav/Mission Sys

2A8X2 MAF Instruments & Flt Control

2F0X1 Fuels

2G0X1 Logistics Plans

2M0X1 Missile & Space Sys Elec Mx

2M0X2 Missile & Space Maintenance

2M0X3 Missile and Space Facilities

2R0X1 Maint Management Analysis

2R1X1 Maint Management Production

2S0X1 Supply Management

2T0X1 Traffic Management

2T1X1 Vehicle Operations

2T2X1 Air Transportation

2T3X1 Vehicle Maintenance

2T3X2 Special Vehicle Maintenance

2T3X7 Vehicle Management & Analysis

2W0X1 Munitions Systems

2W1X1 Aircraft Armament Systems

3A0X1 Information Management

3A1X1 Administration

3C0X1 Comm-Computer Sys Operations

3C2X1 Comm-Computer Sys Control

3D0X1 Knowledge Operations Mgt

3D0X2 Cyber Systems Operations

3D0X3 Cyber Surety

3D0X4 Computer Sys Programming

3D1X1 Client Systems

3D1X2 Cyber Transport

3D1X3 Radio Freq Transmissions Sys

3D1X4 Spectrum Operations

3D1X5 Ground Radar Systems

3D1X6 Airfield Management

3D1X7 Cable and Antenna Systems

3E0X1 Electrical Systems

3E0X2 Electrical Power Production

3E1X1 HVAC and Refrigeration

3E2X1 Pavements & Construction Equip

3E3X1 Structural

3E4X1 Utilities Systems

3E4X3 Pest Management

3E5X1 Engineering

3E6X1 Operations Management

3E7X1 Fire Protection

3E8X1 Explosive Ordnance Disposal

3E9X1 Emergency Management/Readiness

3F0X1 Personnel

3F1X1 Services

3F2X1 Education and Training

3F3X1 Manpower

3F4X1 Equal Opportunity

3F5X1 Administration

3H0X1 Historian

3M0X1 Services

3N0X1 Public Affairs

3N0X2 Radio and Television Broadcasting

3N0X5 PhotoJournalist

3P0X1 Security Forces

3P0X1B Combat Arms Training (CATM)

3S0X1 Personnel

3S1X1 Military Equal Opportunity

3S2X1 Education and Training

3S3X3 Manpower & Organization

4A0X1 Health Services Management

4A1X1 Medical Materiel Specialist

4A2X1 Biomedical Equip Tech

4B0X1 Bioenvironmental Engineering

4C0X1 Mental Health Service

4D0X1 Diet Therapy

4E0X1 Public Health

4H0X1 Cardiopulmonary Lab Tech

4J0X2 Physical Medicine

4M0X1 Aerospace Physiology

4N0X1 Aerospace Medical Service

4N0X1C Independent Duty Med Tech

4N1X1 Surgical Service

4P0X1 Pharmacy

4R0X1 Diagnostic Imaging

4T0X1 Medical Laboratory Tech

4V0 Optometry/Ophthalmology Asst

4Y0X1 Dental Assistant

4Y0X1H Dental Hygienist

4Y0X2 Dental Laboratory Technician

41A Healthcare Administrator

43H Public Health

46NX Clinical Nurse

46FX Flight Nurse

5J0X1 Paralegal

5R0X1 Chaplain Assistant

6C0X1 Contracting

6F0X1 Financial Management

7S0X1 Special Investigations

8A100 Career Assistance Advisor

8B000 Military Training Instructor

8B100 Military Training Leader

8B200 Academy Military Trainer

8C000 Airman & Family Readiness NCO

8F000 First Sergeant

8G000 Honor Guard

8H000 Airman Dorm Leader

8I000 Wing Inspections Sup

8M000 Postal Specialist

8R000 Recruiter

8S000 Missile Alert Facility Mgr

8U000 Unit Deployment Manager

9S100 Scientific Applications Specialist

9U100 AFSC Not Assigned

AADD EPR Bullets

Adverse Actions EPR Bullets

Aircraft Battle Damage Repair (ABDR)

Adopt a Highway Program

ADPE Monitor

Advisory Council

Airshow bullets

Booster Club

BTZ Examples

Building Custodian

Career Assistance Advisor (CAA)

CCAF Examples


Coined for Performance

Controlled Area


Change of Command/Parade

Chaplain's Assistant

Command Chief Executive Assistant

Community Service

COMSEC Custodian


Dining Facility

Drug Demand Reduction Program Manager

DTS/Defense Travel System

Engine Manager

First Sergeant

Flightline Expeditor

Followership/ Leadership

Force Protection


Green Dot Training

Habitat for Humanity

Honor Guard

Human Resource Management

Hurricane/Storm Prep

Haz Waste Accumulation Point Manager

Inspector General/IG

Maintenance Operations Center (MOC)

Meals on Wheels

Prisoner Escort/SP Augmentee

Professional Development

Promotion Statements

Quality Assurance

Readiness/Mobility Training

Referral EPR

Resource Advisor

Retreat/Change of Command

Self-Aid & Buddy Care

Security/Force Protection

Security Manager

Senior Enlisted Joint PME (SEJPME)

Sexual Assault Prevention and Response (SAPR)

Supply Management

T.O. Monitor/TODA

Team Growth/ Development

Unit Control Center (UCC)

Unit Compliance Inspection/UCI

Unit Deployment Manager

Unit Fitness Program Manager (UFPM)

Unit Health Monitor

Unit Training Manager (UTM)

Unit Voting Assistance Officer

Urinalysis Observer

Vehicle Control Officer

Whole Airman Concept

Wing Inspection Team

air force assignment trick

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PCS INFO and other efmp personnel actions

This page provides helpful information for PCSing into and out of MacDill AFB as an EFMP family. This page provides an overview of PCS processes and other personnel/assignment options (deferments, reassignments, dependency determination) as an EFMP family. You’ll work with each agency for personalized assistance.


[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

[email protected]

Phone: (813) 827-8999 or DSN: 651-8999

EFMP Medical conducts the Family Member Travel Screening (FMTS) process. Families PCSing out will work with EFMP-M on mandatory requirements to verify that the potential gaining base and/or its local area have the services that Exceptional Families Members need. Families who receive an assignment notification TO MacDill AFB must work with their losing base EFMP-M office for coordination.

Air Force updates on the Family Member Travel Screening process can be found here: daffamilyvector.us.af.mil


EMAIL: [email protected]

Phone: (813) 828-2005

EFMP Assignments considers the medical and educational needs of the family (as documented and cleared with EFMP Medical) and coordinates assignments to locations that have resources to meet those needs.


EMAIL: [email protected]

Phone: (813) 828-0122

It is crucial that families PCSing IN contact the EFMP FS office to receive targeted information and support on local resources and supports. If needed, we can also set up a needs assessment appointment.

EFMP enrolled Air Force and Space Force members PCSing OUT will have mandatory Virtual MPF tasks to complete through the EFMP Family Support Office. Keep scrolling for a step-by-step guide.


EFMP Medical and Family Support Office can assist you and/or refer to your Service's contacts as needed. Contacts are also listed on the Sister Services page. For personnel actions (EFMP Assignments) you will work directly with your service.


The Department of the Air Force (DAF) EFMP Office now offers comprehensive information and resources to Air and Space Force families! DAF Family Vector .

Wondering if services are likely to be available at your projected base? Use the Medical Trends Dashboard to see travel recommendation trends (for the past 2 years) to various Air Force bases.

If you're planning for a move to MacDill AFB and are an EFMP family, check out the resources below!

  • Read the PCS Into MacDill: A Step by Step Guide
  • Contact MacDill AFB EFMP Family Support Coordinator any time for assistance!
  • Join the  MacDill AFB EFMP Facebook Group and ask to be added to our EFMP Distribution list by emailing  [email protected] .
  • Visit the EFMP Special Education Page for IEP and 504 Plan information and reach out to our School Liaison for additional education resources.
  • Check out the EFMP PCS Planning Checklist to prep for your move.

The PCS process has changed for all Airmen and Guardians and is now completed through MyVector which requires a Common Access Card (CAC) and is available to service members only at this time. For this process, families will work with both EFMP Medical and EFMP Assignments (MPF) at different times. Those enrolled in EFMP will also have additional mandatory requirements with EFMP Family Support.

Process Overview:


EFMP sponsors will work with EFMP Family Support Coordinators to complete mandatory items on their vMPF checklist. These items are required prior to receiving orders. The purpose is to ensure we assess areas of need, address them, and provide a warm handover to the gaining base. 


EFMP Assignments can assist in understanding the process of applying for an EFMP Deferment or Reassignment as needed.

The Exceptional Family Member Program provides an initial 12-month deferment for a newly diagnosed condition when the Airman’s presence is essential in establishing and/or participating in the treatment program. Deferment from reassignment may also be appropriate if a treatment program is at a critical juncture and the Airman’s continued presence is absolutely essential to continuing the treatment program. The Exceptional Family Member Program also provides reassignment when an Airman is assigned to an area and a new medical, special education, related service, or early intervention need arises for which the needed services are not available within the assignment locale. Once a treatment program is established, whether formally through the Exceptional Family Member Program or on the Airman’s own initiative, the Airman is then considered worldwide assignable.

Guidance on the process and requirements can be found in AFI 36-2110 - Total Force Assignments (Jul 2020) , beginning on page 32.


Incapacitated children of active duty or retired Service members may be eligible for TRICARE health benefits and base privileges after age 21 if they meet the following criteria:

  • Incapable of providing his or her own support
  • Dependent on the sponsor for over 50 percent of his or her support (if the sponsor is deceased, the child must have received over 50 percent of his or her support from the sponsor at the time of death)
  • Incapacitation must have occurred prior to age 21 (or age 23 if enrolled as a full-time student)
  • Unmarried—if the child marries and subsequently becomes unmarried due to divorce, annulment, or the death of the spouse, the sponsor may apply for reinstatement of the child’s benefits and entitlements as long as he or she meets all other requirements.

Once the dependency determination is approved, the incapacitated child of active duty Service member can receive an ID card every four years (incapacitated status must be re-determined every four years). Indefinite military ID cards are authorized for family members of retired Service members entitled to Medicare due to a disability. Eligibility for an indefinite ID card does not waive the requirement to complete a dependency determination through the appropriate office for the sponsor’s Service (see the last page for “Contact Information”) every four years for permanently incapacitated adult children.

Contact the MPF office to receive assistance with completing and understanding the process. Additional resources are:

  • dfas.mil (see all branches of service)
  • milconnect.dmdc.osd.mil
  • Attend EFMP Orientation Class where MPF briefs how to complete and submit the forms. Email [email protected] to register.


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Air Force Resurrects Assignment Swap Program for Enlisted Ranks

Airman 1st Class Zachary Dawson Maintainers from the 20th Aircraft Maintenance Unit, 2nd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron perform a serviceability check on a B-52 Stratofortress bomb rack during a weapons load competition at Barksdale Air Force Base, La.

Enlisted airmen will be able to swap assignments under a new program launching next month, offering some service members flexibility on where they're stationed across the country and what roles they're given.

The Air Force Enlisted Swap Assignment Program, which becomes available June 1 for airmen, will allow senior master sergeants and below to discuss and search for roles that may be available to trade.

It's the latest quality-of-life issue the service has tackled as it reworks numerous policies amid a historic recruiting crisis. Earlier this month, the Air Force announced another policy that would give airmen who just joined the military a chance to retrain into another job as a way to keep them from leaving the service.

Read Next: A Soldier Attempted Suicide in Poland. Left to Roam at Fort Riley, He Killed Himself.

"Just like our recent policy change authorizing retraining, this is one of the many initiatives we are rolling out to ensure we are able to retrain the talent we need on the bench," Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force JoAnne Bass said in a press release. "Building the force of the future requires us to look at our personnel policies and balance them with an integrated approach to ensure we maintain the highest standards of readiness."

The new swap program starting next month was first pitched by Bass, the service's senior enlisted leader, at the Air and Space Force Association's Air, Space and Cyber conference in September.

Details of the program were vague when first pitched last year, and specifics have now been ironed out ahead of the launch next month.

The Air Force Enlisted Swap Assignment Program is available to senior master sergeants and below who can find a match for the same career field with the same Control Air Force Specialty Code; skill level; grade or projected grade; special experience identifier, as required; vector, as required; and security clearance, as required.

Airmen must start the swaps within 90 days from their assignment selection date. They can't have adverse quality force indicators and "must possess the same permanent change-of-station eligibility, such as time on station, tour length and retainability," a press release detailing the June 1 start date said .

The service had a similar version of an assignment swap program in the past.

An Air Force press release from 2007 first informed service members they would need to look for fellow qualified airmen in the continental U.S. whom they could switch with. The switch would, ultimately, have to be approved by commanders.

But a decade later, the program was shut down, according to a 2017 Facebook post from the Air Force Personnel Center . Officials said the program was being underutilized and favored airmen with larger paychecks.

"It was found that less than 5% of airmen were taking advantage of this program, and it was ultimately deemed unfair," the 2017 post from the Air Force Personnel Center announcing the change read. "With the burden of expenses for moving locations falling on the airman, some airmen of higher rank could afford the move, while some younger airmen could not."

To make swapping assignments more financially equitable, the new policy "will not require airmen to pay for their relocations," according to a memo detailing the guidelines .

When the previous program was in place, airmen used blogs and even newspaper ads to market career swaps.

In the press release announcing the new program start date, officials told airmen they "are reminded not to use open online spaces to post assignment information, personal contact and other sensitive confidential information to maintain operational security."

The Air Force is using its internal MyVector discussion forum to post about potential assignment swaps, though the service admitted in its press release that the system has frequent issues.

"The program application on MyVector isn't perfect, but it will evolve throughout the year," Alex Wagner, the assistant secretary of the Air Force for Manpower and Reserve Affairs, said in the press release.

Airmen can apply for swaps through the "My Application link" on MyVector, according to the release.

"We aren't waiting for the perfect system to be built, and I'm glad to see this program come to fruition," Bass said.

The release of the new swap program comes after the Air Force barely met its active-duty recruiting goals last year and has pivoted to fixing numerous quality-of-life issues and barriers to serving in the military through policy changes.

This past March, the service was projecting a 10% shortfall for this year -- the equivalent of around 5,000 people, nearly the total of all the airmen at the 366th Fighter Wing stationed at Mountain Home Air Force Base , Idaho.

The Air Force Recruiting Service has pointed to numerous headwinds that have made it hard to bring in new members, such as low unemployment. Additionally, the Pentagon has released recent studies showing that only 23% of U.S. youth are eligible to serve right now, due to obesity and other issues.

-- Thomas Novelly can be reached at [email protected] . Follow him on Twitter @TomNovelly.

Related: Some Airmen Will Be Allowed to Swap Base Assignments Again

Thomas Novelly

Thomas Novelly Military.com

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Sharing my journey through Air Force Officer Training School (OTS) and beyond.

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Officer Assignments

Officer Assignment Process

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Air Force Decorations Part 1 of 2

Although newly commissioned second lieutenants don’t need to worry about the assignment process for the first few years, it has always been my method to understand the next step of every process.  This has been extremely helpful to me while enlisted, but from what I understand of the commissioned side it is crucial.  One of my mentors told me that opportunities in the officer corps may come and go without your knowledge if you are aren’t paying attention, and I believe playing your part in your second assignment is one of these opportunities.  I have heard more than once that the first 4-6 years of an officer’s career lays the foundation and establishes the overall direction of the career.

On the enlisted side there are sometimes ‘blocks’ you have to check in order to promote to the next grade.  One example is the requirement of having a CCAF degree to promote to SMSgt.  On the officer side there are not only blocks, but you compete for different opportunities within each block.  For example, officers compete for the most prestigious DO or commander positions which may play into how quickly they promote to the appropriate grade.  The competition aspect still plays a role in officer PME, but I will expand on this in later posts.

The 13S career field is much different than other career fields in many ways, but I believe the general assignment process is the same for all AFSCs.  As of now new 13S officers are generally expected to do two “ops tours” which means you will be an operator at two different assignments.  At each assignment you may have the opportunity to work as an evaluator or instructor after you are an operator, but you will generally learn a new “weapon system” at your next assignment as an operator.  I have my own opinion on what types of ops tours are most beneficial for my situation but I will save that for another post as well.  This is related to the “depth vs. breadth” discussion you may hear about in the 13S career field.

air force assignment trick

Assignment Timeline Example

In reference to the table above, there are three general cycles every officer falls into for assignments.  If your first RNLTD is in May you will be on the spring cycle (look at the RNLTD months category on the right).  Once you know your cycle you can walk the process all the way to the left to see when you have to start thinking about your next assignment.  I will walk through and describe the entire process as I understand it from left to right.

I will use the spring cycle in my example.  On 19 July an initial Vulnerable Mover List (VML) will be released identifying all individuals who may be due to PCS in the spring cycle.  This is a list released by AFPC of the majority of officers who are due to PCS.  Once this list is released, commander’s have the opportunity of adding or removing officers from this list during the “Field Reclama VML.”  If your commander is going to alter the list for an officer, there has to be a valid reason.  An example of this would be if he wants to keep you another year so you can be a Flight Commander.  Due to the somewhat short period of this window this is a conversation I recommend you have with your commander well in advance of actually entering the window.

Once the reclama window closes AFPC will release a final VML.  This is the final list of all officers who are vulnerable to move, and from what I understand it doesn’t change.  Imagine if you were to pop up on this list and you didn’t know it, and your commander didn’t catch it.  You would have missed your opportunity to fight it!

The next step in the process is the Personnel Requirements Display (PRD) Visibility Window.  The PRD is the list of all assignments available, and it is separated by grade and AFSC.  This is essentially the list of where the officers on the VML can PCS to.  It would be in your best interest to only apply to slots on this list, which leads me to the Airman Development Plan (ADP).

The ADP is how you tell AFPC what your assignment preference is for the cycle.  This is the first and main input you have on the assignment process.  This is someone similar to the enlisted dream sheet, but I don’t want to use that terminology because it is still much different.  The main difference is how your preferences are prioritized as an officer, which I will talk about in later paragraphs.  Your ADP is due in the system NLT than the ADP due date.

The ‘AFPC matches assignments’ window is the two month period where the assignment team for your AFSC actually matches your assignment.  The 13S assignment team told me they use the entire window because there is always tweaking and fine tuning involved with the process.  At some point after this window, assignments will be pushed through the vMPF system.  We were told once you get your assignment there is little that can be done because your chance at input was your ADP.  The assignment team cannot talk to you about your assignment until you accept it.  Once you accept it again there is little they can do, but they can provide insight into why it was selected for you.

Assignment Priorities

This is the part which surprises me about the officer assignment process.  While enlisted I would estimate your input at around 10%.  Once the assignment list comes out for that cycle you rush to update your dream sheet, but it is strictly a numbers game.  The computer matches the available slots to those who volunteered, and if you high enough on the list (among a number of factors), you may get an assignment you didn’t despise.  On the officer side there is much more emphasis on placing you in an assignment which is good for your career.  The proportional amount of input you have (I would quantify this at 40%) tells a lot about how important each assignment is to your career.  Each officer assignment is hand selected by the assignment team.  The paraphrased priorities from my notes are as follows.  I am sure this is in the AFI but I am too lazy to look it up right now.

  • Air Force Mission Needs
  • Officer Professional Development
  • Career Field Functional Priorities
  • Individual Priorities.

OPD being number two is what shocked me, I would have expected it to be number three.  What this means is the AF is not going to put you in an assignment which will be terrible for your career.  For example if you were a squadron DO as a Capt, the Air Force is not going to make you a flight commander at your next assignment.  This can get murky depending on your AFSC and special circumstances, but it is important to know that your assignment team has the best interest of your career in mind.

Year Group Milestones

Any time people are discussing anything related to an officer career, you will hear the term “year group.”  Your year group is the year you commissioned.  Here are the general milestones I was given as a 2015.  I know I talked about how your first 4-6 years plays a large role in vectoring your career, but we are talking about a small percentage of a long timeline.  Similar to applying to OTS, don’t get caught up in the small details of your career.  Always be thinking about the big picture and how each piece fits into the puzzle.  I share this to show you I have long-term Situational Awareness on my future so I can better gauge the meaning if something changes (e.g., First look Squadron Commander pushed up to 2029).  As a disclaimer I will say this is all info based on my own personal notes from the information I was given; it is not official information.

2015 Year Group (YG) for 13S Space Operations

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  1. EFMP assignment trick? : r/AirForce

    In VMPF, click on "Assignments" and then Exceptional Family Member Program Application. Then select "Apply to Change or Cancel Assignment, Travel of EFMP Family Member Non-Recommended". Click through the pages without actually submitting the request. One of the pages should show you if you have a pending assignment. 2.

  2. EFMP Trick works! : r/AirForce

    I can attest all of these work. My CDB is showing 1st assignment is permanent party and record status is blank. Although my RNLTD has not been uploaded into myPers. AFVEC has no change, but then again I can't use TA due to a UIF. I would kill for EFMP to work for me.... instead everything besides EFMP is working.

  3. FYI, EFMP trick for May-July stateside assignments works

    Go to self service actions/assignments/EFMP application. Pick the one to cancel your assignment. On the second page of the application it says "you are requesting to cancel your assignment to..." and it says where it's to. You can do this the moment AFPC loads it in the system. Don't have to wait the 7 days.

  4. Assignment

    The Assignment Management System (AMS) is a web application that houses multiple applications in support of officer assignments, enlisted assignments, commander responsibilities, and individual Air Force members. Users have access to a portion of their own personnel data and the ability to use manning tools, volunteer for available assignments, and review career field information using AMS.

  5. Are all OS assignment drops all at once? : AirForce

    Question Are all OS assignment drops all at once? (self.AirForce) submitted 1 year ago by tornoles24. I saw post that some people already know they got assignment using the EFMP trick. Just wondering if all thE OS assignments drops all at once or they have until the public release date to match everything?

  6. EFMP trick / Summer 2023 VML Officers (Anyone find out their assignment?)

    EFMP trick / Summer 2023 VML Officers (Anyone find out their assignment?) Posted on January 18, 2023. It's getting closer to the 27 Jan official release date...or the 20 Jan release-to-CCs date (unless I misunderstood the note about CCs being notified 7 days earlier). Any O's get notified or find out via the EFMP trick? submitted by /u/stupify_19.

  7. PDF By Order of The Department of The Air Force Secretary of The Air ...

    SECRETARY OF THE AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT OF THE AIR FORCE INSTRUCTION 36-2110 9 AUGUST 2024 Personnel TOTAL FORCE ASSIGNMENTS COMPLIANCE WITH THIS PUBLICATION IS MANDATORY ACCESSIBILITY: Publications and forms are available on the e-Publishing website at www.e-Publishing.af.mil for downloading or ordering.

  8. EPR Bullets by AFSC

    Air Force EPR Bullets by AFSC. This site hosts Enlisted Performance Report (EPR) examples for all Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC). If you'd like to contribute but don't see a page for your AFSC or additional duty, use the form at the bottom of this page to request it and a page will be made for it as soon as possible. 1A0X1 In-flight Refueling.

  9. PDF Special Duty Assignment Category (SPECAT) Guide

    • AFPC/DP3AM, Military Assignments Programs Branch, Email: AFPC/DP3AM SPECAT STG Workflow 3. TARGET AUDIENCE: • Regular Air Force (RegAF) Airmen 4. REFERENCES (click on the hyperlink below for referenced documents): • DAFI 36-2110, Total Force Assignments • AFPC myPers Air Force Enlisted Classification Directory (AFECD) NOTES: a.

  10. New Projected Assignment Loophole : r/AirForce

    Click on Open if prompted to access the app, then click Files on the left hand menu bar. Click on the Data Catalog tab along the top. Click on A3X - Personnel and Readiness. Two files should populate - click on the Airmen (airmen_rv) file. It will take a few seconds to load, but eventually a single line entry of that dataset opens up, which is ...

  11. Advance assignment notification enhancement prompts ...

    JOINT BASE SAN ANTONIO-RANDOLPH, Texas (AFNS) -- Commanders will now receive seven-day advance notification of assignments for their Airmen as the Air Force's Personnel Center takes steps toward a more transparent and interactive assignment system.This change supports Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David Goldfein's "Revitalizing Squadrons" effort, ensuring commanders are aware of ...

  12. EFMP process updates create standardization across branches > Air Force

    AFPC assignment counselors now stand ready to help guide service members if their applications are declined." Hogue explained the changes were made to the EFMP program because the local Military Treatment Facilities had differing policies. Consequently, the changes focused on standardizing Military Treatment Facility policies Air Force wide.

  13. Air Force Exceptional Family Member Program

    Summary. The Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) is a mandatory enrollment program that works with other military and civilian agencies to provide comprehensive and coordinated community support, housing, educational, medical, and personnel services to families with special needs. Airmen and Guardians on active duty enroll in the program ...


    The EFMP Central Cell provides a one-stop resource for all EFMP families on a 24/7 basis. DoD ID cardholders and their families may obtain assistance and additional information by: Phone: 1-800-525-0102, Option 8. Email: [email protected]. CONTACT US.

  15. Assignment notification trick : r/AirForce

    HartOfHearts. •. Supposedly you can see if you got an assignment before the official notification by going to AFVEC and clicking on Personal Data. If you have an assignment it should lock you out from seeing your personal data due to pending assignment or something like that. The other trick is to go on vMPF and navigate to the assignments ...

  16. EFMP PCS

    Phone: (813) 828-0122. It is crucial that families PCSing IN contact the EFMP FS office to receive targeted information and support on local resources and supports. If needed, we can also set up a needs assessment appointment. EFMP enrolled Air Force and Space Force members PCSing OUT will have mandatory Virtual MPF tasks to complete through ...

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    The Air Force Enlisted Swap Assignment Program, which becomes available June 1 for airmen, will allow senior master sergeants and below to discuss and search for roles that may be available to trade.

  18. Officer Assignment Process

    You would have missed your opportunity to fight it! The next step in the process is the Personnel Requirements Display (PRD) Visibility Window. The PRD is the list of all assignments available, and it is separated by grade and AFSC. This is essentially the list of where the officers on the VML can PCS to.

  19. EFMP trick just worked for me : r/AirForce

    United States Air Force Reddit. Community for current and past members of the US Air Force. 233K Members. 243 Online. r/AirForce. First time this week! 1.3K upvotes · 75 comments. r/AirForce.

  20. EFMP Enrollment, Assignment & Support

    In fact, EFMP is three interrelated components across the Department of Defense that work together on behalf of military families with special needs - Identification and Enrollment, Assignment Coordination and EFMP Family Support. As a service provider or military leader, you are in a unique position to clear up misconceptions that can cause ...