Aaltodoc is the institutional repository of Aalto University.

Aaltodoc has a new updated appearance. Instructions for searching and more information is available here .

Otakaari 1 grandhall. Photo: Esa Kapila

Communities in Aaltodoc

Select a community to browse its collections.

  • 01. Kandidaatin tutkinnon opinnäytteet / Bachelor’s theses   19135
  • 02. Maisterin tutkinnon opinnäytteet / Master’s theses   76086
  • 03. Lisensiaatin tutkinnon opinnäytteet / Licentiate theses   3554
  • 04. Väitöskirjat / Doctoral theses   4853
  • 05. Harjoitustyöt ja kurssitutkielmat / Coursework and Term papers, Final projects   352 Yliopistossa suoritettujen opintojen harjoitus- ja lopputöitä / Coursework, term papers and final projects completed at the university
  • 06. Oppimateriaalit / Educational resources   45 Avoimia oppimateriaaleja / Open educational resources
  • 07. Vuosikertomukset / Annual reports   733 Yliopiston yksiköiden vuosikertomuksia / Annual reports of the university's units
  • 08. Raportit ja kirjat / Reports and Books   730 Yliopiston yksiköissä toteutettujen hankkeiden väli- ja loppuraportteja sekä tieteellisiä kirjoja / Interim and final reports from projects carried out within the university's units, also scientific books
  • 09. Konferenssit, seminaarit ja kokoomateokset / Conferences, Seminars and Compiled works   253 Yliopiston järjestämien konferenssien kokoomateoksia / Conference proceedings of the university's events
  • 10. Työpaperit / Working papers   224
  • 11. Lehdet / Journals   83 Yliopiston yksiköiden julkaisemia avoimia tieteellisiä verkkojulkaisuja / Open access journals published by the university’s units
  • 12. Artikkelit / Articles   1239 Rinnakkaistallennettuja artikkeleita / Green open access articles
  • 13. Tutkimustietoportaalin artikkelit / Articles in the Research information portal   20771 Yliopiston tutkimustietojärjestelmään tallennetut avoimet julkaisut sekä EU-rahoitteisten projektien tutkimustuotokset / Open access publications deposited in the university’s research information system, as well as research outputs from EU-funded projects

Recent Submissions

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Doctoral Dissertations, Licentiate's Theses and Master's Theses

261 . . PhD thesis, , December 2012.
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Thesis collection: By subject

  • Aalto Thesis Database
  • For students: Publicity of a thesis and publishing your thesis
  • Theses from other universities

Theses and dissertations by subjects

since autumn 2016 | Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions | 



Availability of full-texts depends on authors' permissions remaining printed theses are stored in the archive of Learning Centre |

| for home loan | (1937-2013)

| for home loan

| for home loan

Searching documents in Aaltodoc

Basic search.

Basic search searches the word(s) from Aaltodoc’s metadata fields, abstract texts and full-text files available in Aaltodoc.

You can browse the archive by Issue Date, Author, Title, Subject, Degree programme / Major subject and Department. You can browse either all archived documents or documents in a specific collection.

Building your search query

Combine, expand, or limit your search with Boolen operators AND , OR , NOT . Write the operators with capital letters.  

  • Searching sustainable AND fashion will return search results with both these words in them.
  • Searching sustainable OR environmental will return search results with either of these words in them.
  • Searching architecture NOT computer will return search results with "architecture" but not including "computer”.
  • Use (...) parenthesis to group query words, for instance technology AND (sustainable OR environmental) .

Use * as a wildcard character to search for variants of a word, for instance sustainab* (sustainable, sustainability). Use ? as a wildcard to replace a single letter, for instance wom?n for woman and women. Use "..." quotation marks, if you want to search for a compound term, for instance "global warming" .

How to get printed theses from the archive?

Printed theses are stored in the archive of Harald Herlin Learning Centre. Theses in the archive cannot be borrowed but they can be ordered to be read in the Learning Centre premises during customer service opening hours. Please send your orders to us by email oppimiskeskus [at] aalto.fi. Mention the name of the author and the name of the thesis in your email.

Ordered items are available for reading on the next business day after 12 am if not otherwise agreed.

How to access the electronic theses not available on Aaltodoc?

All customers can read the electronic theses locally at the Aalto University Harald Herlin Learning Centre's workstations. Find our contact information and service hours from our web page. I Learning Centre

Master’s , licentiate , and doctoral theses with restricted access

  • Use the Aalto Thesis Database remote desktop connection to Aaltodoc. I Aalto Thesis Database instructions
  • Aalto students, faculty and staff can use the Aalto Thesis Database also outside the Learning Centre premises.

Locked bachelor's theses

  • Log in to Learning Centre's workstations and open the thesis file from Aaltodoc.
  • Aalto faculty and staff can access the full texts of bachelor's theses by logging in to Aaltodoc with personal Aalto ID.

Requesting the thesis file from the Learning Centre

You can also request the electronic theses not available in the open network by sending an email to the Learning Centre. Our email address is oppimiskeskus [at] aalto.fi. Please note that only private customers can make requests. Please mention the author’s name, title of the thesis and year of publication in your request.

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  • Last Updated: Jun 25, 2024 12:16 PM
  • URL: https://libguides.aalto.fi/theses

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Design and Media, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts (Art and Design)

Design thinking female

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The Bachelor's programme in Design and Media fosters a multidisciplinary approach, encouraging students to explore intersections of art, media, and technology while building their identity as upcoming creative professional and providing a comprehensive foundation.

Students explore various facets of design, including graphic design, industrial design, and digital design, enhancing their creative and technical skills. The curriculum emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving, preparing students to address complex challenges through innovative design solutions as well as art and media expressions.

Through hands-on, collaborative and process-oriented course work, students gain practical experience and develop a deep understanding of art, media, and design fundamentals. Graduates emerge with the ability to conceptualize and execute impactful Art, Media and Design projects that respond to the contemporary challenges of society.

Upon graduating from the programme, students will be able to:

  • identify and generate interactive and speculative responses to future phenomena in society from a reflective design practitioner perspective.
  • recognize and apply emerging tools and practices for design, as well as participate in the construction of new ones.
  • create commercial, public and self-initiated proposals in relation to personal and societal values and evaluate and discuss the broader impact of their work.
  • plan, execute and organize their own professional practice within transdisciplinary conditions with a variety of stakeholders.
  • document their own work processes and results in both visual and textual form and contextualize it in relation to existing information sources and research.

After completing their bachelor studies, students are also granted the right to continue their studies in one of the five majors or programmes on the master’s level offered by the Department of Design and by the Department of Art and Media.

Programme Description

The Aalto School of Arts, Design and Architecture is one of the most prestigious design schools in the world and the leading design school in Northern Europe. The Bachelor’s Programme in Design builds on the ethos of Finnish and Scandinavian design: developing solutions that are human-centred, societally relevant and environmentally conscious. Drawing from this Nordic approach to design and media education, students are encouraged to find their own identities, ways of working and professional niche as designers. Graduates have:

  • A professional worldview. Graduates are highly context-sensitive, asking what, how, and particularly why, as they propose new directions for how to shape the world around them.
  • Unique and personal professional identities. Graduates carve out their own identities and creative ways of working as designers and media professionals.
  • Comprehensive design and media toolboxes. Graduates are trained to use contemporary tools, methods and processes for design as well as conduct research in design and media.
  • Ideation and prototyping skills. Graduates generate strong ideas, are able to bring them into life and materialise their solutions regardless if they are approaching or embracing business, cultural or societal problems or opportunities.
  • Expertise and knowledge of design in different areas. Graduates are trained to work with the design of creative products, services, systems and the synthesis of all three.
  • Teamwork, co-creation and facilitation skills. Graduates thrive in working with different people, cultures and world views, enabling them to pursue a variety of professional careers.
  • Impact consciousness. Graduates are informed about their responsibility to respect sustainability, the environment and social values in their design.

Upon graduation from the Bachelor’s Programme in Design and Media, graduates will have a strong foundation to reflect the world and shape it for the better: figuring out what could be, proposing how it could be, and explaining why it should be.

Language of instruction

In the programme, the language of instruction is English.

Tuition fees and scholarships

Aalto University’s tuition fee for bachelor’s programmes taught in English is 12 000 euros per academic year. Tuition fees apply to citizens of countries other than those of the European Union (EU), the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland.

Aalto University has a scholarship programme to support non-EU/EEA citizens who study in a fee-charging degree programme. The scholarship may cover 100% or 50% of the tuition fee.

More information on tuition fees and scholarships at Aalto University is available at the Scholarships and Tuition Fees webpage.

Structure of studies

The Bachelor’s Programme in Design and Media is organised by the School of Arts, Design and Architecture and comprises a total of 180 ECTS credits. The three-year programme consists of:

  • Major studies (111 ECTS)
  • Common general studies (26 ECTS)
  • Minor studies (min 18 ECTS)
  • Elective studies (max 25 ECTS)

The first two years follow a streamlined fast-paced curriculum. During the third year, students profile themselves and dive in to complete their bachelor’s thesis and minor studies.

The student-centred curriculum embraces the expanding nature of design and media and their role in society. Specifically, students are trained to analyse and explicate the meaning of design for users, business, society and the environment. The programme embodies a holistic and thematic perspective on design: starting from a larger societal theme, investigating what it could be, and exploring what could be through the design of a product, service and system that would improve the status quo.

Theory, skill development and practice inform and strengthen each other throughout the curriculum, building on the world-class research in design and media at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Consequently, courses and studios are grounded in a combination of hands-on design work, artistic experimentation, lectures, seminars, workshops, group projects, self-studies and critiques. Topics covered vary from strategic and sustainable design to product design and digital development and manufacturing. Examples of the course selection include:

  • Introductory Design Project (9 ECTS)
  • Digital Service Design Project (9 ECTS)
  • Design Futures (6 ECTS)
  • Design and media cultures (3 ECTS)
  • Strategic Identity and Design (6 ECTS)
  • Sustainable Design (6 ECTS)
  • Thematic Studio I & II (12 ECTS)

At the School of Arts, Design and Architecture, students have access to world-class facilities, including brand new studios and workshops for physical (printing, metal, wood, etc.) and digital (3D printing, electronics, web, etc.) projects. The studio and workshop supervisors and masters are experts in their fields, ready to support students when needed. Further, students work closely with teacher teams, who facilitate a thriving mode for learning in the classroom, including constructive feedback, critique, comments and open discussions during courses.

For further details on the education content, see the Study guide (Curriculum).

4 student ambassafors taking a selfie

Chat with Aalto students

Are you wondering what it is like to study at Aalto? Come chat with our students about all things Aalto on Unibuddy chat platform.

Bachelor's in Design Powerpoint slide

Student webinar | Bachelor's studies in Design (external link)

Learn more about our student's experiences in studying design at Aalto University.


Right to study in a Master’s Programme at Aalto

After completing the Bachelor’s Programme in Design and Media, students are entitled to continue for master studies in one of the following programmes or majors:

  • Master's Programme in Design, Collaborative & Industrial Design
  • Master's Programme in Creative Sustainability
  • Master's Programme in International Design Business Management
  • Master's Programme in Art and Media, New Media
  • Master's Programme in Art and Media, Visual Communication Design


Upon joining the programme, students are welcomed to an international community of competent, creative and responsible individuals. Students and faculty come from across the world, bridging students with the global design network. Students are encouraged to apply for exchange studies and internships to further enrich their journey towards a designer. To ensure an extensive selection of opportunities, the School of Arts, Design and Architecture has strong connections to other leading design schools and universities across the globe.

Aalto University is international by nature, welcoming thousands of degree and exchange students from abroad each year. These students join the diverse Aalto community not only through studies, but multiple free time events, activities and celebrations around the campus. Programme administrators, active student tutors and student support services work rigorously to help international students integrate into Nordic culture and welcome them at home in Finland.

Further study opportunities

Aalto University provides a rich environment for higher education which students can tap into by pursuing elective and minor studies for their degree at other schools and programmes. Through the Finnish Flexible Study Rights Agreements, they also have the opportunity to expand on the scope of their studies by pursuing elective and minor studies at other universities in Finland.

Career opportunities

A degree from the Bachelor’s Programme in Design and Media gives graduates a foundation for pursuing a professional career in the private, public, cultural and academic sectors and to explore problems and opportunities with other design professionals in the fields such as:

  • Communication design
  • Digital and media design
  • Industrial design
  • Interaction design
  • Product design
  • Service design
  • Strategic design
  • Sustainable design

Additionally, as future-oriented designers, graduates are expected to be entrepreneurial and self-directed in their endeavours and explore opportunities in new and emergent areas of design. This can entail working with clients independently as a design consultant, an entrepreneur or as a member of a team within a larger organisation.

Aalto University has well-established career services that help you find employment in Finland and abroad. Aalto students tend to find interesting positions with ease upon graduation.

Research focus

Research at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture is at the international forefront in design and media. The strong research environment of the School in many ways informs what is happening in the programme and proides a foundation for how students are trained to take on 21st century design challenges. The faculty teaching in the programme is in many instances also active researchers and recognized as international experts in their field. If an academic career is of interest, the bachelor’s programme in design prepares for master’s studies that serve as a strong basis for doctoral programmes.

Co-operation with other parties

The School of Arts, Design and Architecture has a long tradition of successfully collaborating with external partners in projects and courses and nurture close relationships with a number of companies and public sector organisations. Companies, nonprofits and public organisations frequently reach out to Aalto University as the leading design school in the Nordic region to work with students on real-world societal problems and business opportunities.

Contact information

Aalto University Admission Services

For enquiries regarding the application process please contact Admissions Services.

[email protected]

Learning Services at the School of Arts, Design and Architecture

For enquiries regarding programme-specific application documents or studies in the programme, please contact Aalto ARTS Learning Services.

  • Published: 27.9.2018
  • Updated: 28.8.2024


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  1. Doctoral thesis at Aalto University

    Finalising and publishing doctoral thesis. Doctoral students at Aalto University publish their thesis through the Aalto Publication Platform. Doctoral theses are public documents by law and available at Aalto University's open access repository Aaltodoc. Doctoral thesis: preparation for pre-examination and publication.

  2. Publishing your doctoral thesis

    An Aaltodoc version is made for publishing the doctoral thesis in Aalto University's publication archive Aaltodoc with the permission of the doctoral student. The Aaltodoc version includes the entire monograph or the compiling (summary) part of an article or essay thesis. ... Make a right size abstract on the Aalto series LaTeX template (link ...

  3. PDF Publishing and printing doctoral thesis in Aalto University

    The book size of the thesis Printed doctoral theses are B5 size: 250 x 176 mm or 9.8 x 6.9 in. Cover and title pages in the publication platform are in B5 size. ... In the Aalto template at the end of the first chapter ( 1. Introduction text, the one with the 1. First level

  4. Aalto Doctoral Dissertation Template

    Aalto University template for Doctoral Dissertations. An online LaTeX editor that's easy to use. No installation, real-time collaboration, version control, hundreds of LaTeX templates, and more. ... , % move class and related files down into this directory. % %% Select the dissertation mode on % % See the documentation for more information ...

  5. Design Guide: Theses and dissertations

    All printed master's theses by Aalto University School of Art, Design and Architecture are in the closed archive of the Learning Centre. You can request any theses by sending a message to [email protected]. Mention the title of the thesis, author's name and publication year in the request. The material is available at the Learning ...

  6. Aaltodoc Repository :: Home

    Aaltodoc. Aaltodoc is the institutional repository of Aalto University. Aaltodoc has a new updated appearance. Instructions for searching and more information is available here. Search. Communities in Aaltodoc. Select a community to browse its collections. Now showing 1 - 13 of 13. 01.

  7. Computer science: Theses and dissertations

    Doctoral dissertations of the schools of technology are published mainly in the Aalto University DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS series. Publications are put together on the publication platform webservice, and the process is finished with placing an order to the printing house.. It is preferable to publish the electronic version of the dissertation in Aaltodoc publication archive.

  8. Business Guide: Theses and dissertations

    Since autumn 2016 information about bachelor's theses at the School of Business will be displayed at the Aaltodoc publication archive. Also the full-text of thesis will be available in pdf-file if the author has given her/his permission. In Aaltodoc, the records of the bachelor's theses include links to the pdf-files of the theses.

  9. SCI Master's Thesis Guide 2023-: Templates for thesis, contracts

    However, there are several templates available that you can use. LaTeX template files; Word template; Check approved master's theses on Aaltodoc to guide your work. Contract template . for cases when the thesis is done with an organization external to Aalto University. To see the content, you must be logged in to aalto.fi-pages: in English here.

  10. Aalto University

    Aalto Doctoral Dissertation Template. Aalto University template for Doctoral Dissertations. Jussi Pekonen and Martin Vermeer (uploaded by Juho Andelmin) Basic Academic Journal Article Template. This is a basic journal article template which includes metadata fields for multiple authors, affiliations and keywords. It is also set up to use the ...

  11. Thesis

    Aalto University School of Science awards annually doctoral thesis awards for exceptionally distinguished theses. Decisions on the thesis awards are made by the Dean based on the proposals from Doctoral Programme Committee and the departments. Value of the doctoral thesis award is 3000 euros. Past recipients of the thesis awards (aalto.fi)

  12. Templates

    This is a letter template for the Aalto University School of Business. Artturi Björk. Aalto University bachelor's, master's and licentiate thesis template, as retrieved on 30 May 2017 with minor modifications to the English latex file for compilation. Select either Finnish or English `.tex' file as main file and add in your content.

  13. Home

    Briefly about theses in Aalto University. Information of all registered theses (printed and electronic) can be found in Aalto-Primo | Aalto-Primo. From year 2020 we have archived theses only in electronic format. Most of the printed archive copies of older technology and business and economics theses have been scanned into electronic format.

  14. PDF General format requirements

    lly between 60-100 pages. The general requirements regarding the typography of the thesis include clarity and. ndisturbed general outlook. Typography should make reading easy; the layout and design are good when. othing disturbs the reader. In academic writing such highlighting tools as italics, underlining.

  15. Aalto University Thesis Template

    Aalto University Thesis. Approved by publishing and review experts on SciSpace, this template is built as per for Aalto University Thesis formatting guidelines as mentioned in Aalto University author instructions. The current version was created on and has been used by 313 authors to write and format their manuscripts to this journal.

  16. Doctoral Dissertations, Licentiate's Theses and Master's Theses

    Doctoral Dissertations, Licentiate's Theses and Master's Theses. 2012: 261: ... Master's thesis, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 2012. Info: 2011: 259: Jussi Gillberg. Targeted learning by imposing asymmetric sparsity. Master's thesis, Aalto University, Department of Information and Computer Science, June 2011.

  17. Thesis

    The master's thesis is graded according to common criteria at the School of Business. Read the grading rubric when you are planning and writing your thesis. The rubrics are renewed as of August 1, 2024. All bachelor's and master's theses whose preparation begins on August 1, 2024, or later are evaluated using the renewed rubrics.

  18. LibGuides: Thesis collection: Aalto Thesis Database

    Aalto Thesis Database is a remote desktop connection to Aaltodoc publication archive. Via Aalto Thesis Database you can read documents with restricted access: master's theses. licentiate theses. doctoral theses. Please note, that you cannot open locked bachelor's theses files via Aalto Thesis Database. You can access the locked bachelor's ...

  19. Aalto Doctoral Thesis Template

    Aalto Doctoral Thesis Template - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. Scribd is the world's largest social reading and publishing site.

  20. Thesis

    The supervisor of the thesis must be a professor or a university lecturer working in Aalto University. The supervisor's responsibility is to provide guidance on the scientific validity and format of the thesis and the thesis as a whole. You must also have one or two advisors for your thesis. A master's thesis advisor must have completed at ...

  21. By subject

    All customers can read the electronic theses locally at the Aalto University Harald Herlin Learning Centre's workstations. Find our contact information and service hours from our web page. I Learning Centre. Master's, licentiate, and doctoral theses with restricted access. Use the Aalto Thesis Database remote desktop connection to Aaltodoc.

  22. Gallery

    This is a letter template for the Aalto University School of Business. Artturi Björk. Aalto University bachelor's, master's and licentiate thesis template, as retrieved on 30 May 2017 with minor modifications to the English latex file for compilation. Select either Finnish or English `.tex' file as main file and add in your content.

  23. Thesis

    Thesis template and file instructions. Use a Calibri or Calibri-equivalent font for writing your maturity essay. Use font size 11, 1.15 line-spacing and set all margins at 2 cm. You may use these guidelines as a template in English or in Finnish. Remember to include your name and student number in the file.

  24. Design and Media, Bachelor of Arts, Master of Arts (Art and ...

    Aalto University has a scholarship programme to support non-EU/EEA citizens who study in a fee-charging degree programme. The scholarship may cover 100% or 50% of the tuition fee. More information on tuition fees and scholarships at Aalto University is available at the Scholarships and Tuition Fees webpage.