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A systematic literature review for personnel scheduling problems.

  • Emir Hüseyin Özder , 
  • Evrencan Özcan , and 

Department of Management Information Systems, Faculty of Commercial Sciences, Başkent University, 06790, Ankara, Turkey

E-mail Address: [email protected]

Search for more papers by this author

Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kırıkkale University, 71450, Kırıkkale, Turkey

Corresponding author.

Organizations need to focus on many parameters to reach their goals such as personnel satisfaction at the top level, profit maximization, increasing system efficiency and minimizing costs. By carefully examining the significant effect of personnel scheduling on the production of goods and services, achieving a fair distribution of work among the employees paves the way for higher motivation and performance of the employees, particularly, in production and service industries. In this paper, a systematic literature review (SLR) approach is used to demonstrate the necessity of scheduling studies in order to overcome the deficiencies in auxiliary activity groups. It sheds light on a new and very important areas such as examining the model structures of sector differences, and guiding researchers. New trends and approaches are presented for the personnel scheduling problems. Different classification perspectives are displayed.

  • Personnel scheduling
  • staff scheduling
  • systematic literature review
  • comprehensive review
  • scheduling classification
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Published: 17 October 2020



( ), ( ) and
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Emir Hüseyin Özder: Department of Management Information Systems, Faculty of Commercial Sciences, Başkent University, 06790, Ankara, Turkey
Evrencan Özcan: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kırıkkale University, 71450, Kırıkkale, Turkey
Tamer Eren: Department of Industrial Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kırıkkale University, 71450, Kırıkkale, Turkey

, 2020, vol. 19, issue 06, 1695-1735

Organizations need to focus on many parameters to reach their goals such as personnel satisfaction at the top level, profit maximization, increasing system efficiency and minimizing costs. By carefully examining the significant effect of personnel scheduling on the production of goods and services, achieving a fair distribution of work among the employees paves the way for higher motivation and performance of the employees, particularly, in production and service industries. In this paper, a systematic literature review (SLR) approach is used to demonstrate the necessity of scheduling studies in order to overcome the deficiencies in auxiliary activity groups. It sheds light on a new and very important areas such as examining the model structures of sector differences, and guiding researchers. New trends and approaches are presented for the personnel scheduling problems. Different classification perspectives are displayed.

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  • U. Pawar , D. Hanchate
  • Published 2013

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Genetic scheduling to optimize resource utilization for hospitals, software project contracts and scheduling by grga and evm, crew management within south african freight rail.

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31 References

Scheduling and staffing multiple projects with a multi-skilled workforce, survey, categorization, and comparison of recent tour scheduling literature, an implicit goal programming model for the tour scheduling problem considering the employee work preferences, operator staffing and scheduling for an it-help call centre, staff scheduling and rostering: a review of applications, methods and models, a comparative evaluation of labor tour scheduling methods, workforce allocation in cyclical scheduling problems: a survey, contingent manpower planning in a high clock speed industry, a grasp-knapsack hybrid for a nurse-scheduling problem, a neural network application in personnel scheduling, related papers.

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Profile image of Dinesh B Hanchate

The problem of personnel or employee scheduling has become increasingly important for both public sectors and private companies. It is an extension to the standard shift scheduling problem with some key limitations. But today, the increased generality of this problem has lead to more complex model due to its size and pure integer nature. So it has proven very difficult to solve optimally. Numerous approaches for modeling and solving this problem have been proposed. Here, we reviewed and classified the literature on personnel scheduling problem. The objective is to identify broad classification, compare different methods and identify the future research directions.

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    Organizations need to focus on many parameters to reach their goals such as personnel satisfaction at the top level, profit maximization, increasing system efficiency and minimizing costs. By carefully examining the significant effect of personnel scheduling on the production of goods and services, achieving a fair distribution of work among the employees paves the way for higher motivation ...


    Abstract. The problem of personnel or employee scheduling has become increasingly important for both public sectors and private companies. It is an extension to the standard shift scheduling ...


    LITERATURE REVIEW ON PERSONNEL SCHEDULING. U. Pawar, D. Hanchate. Published 2013. Business. The problem of personnel or employee scheduling has become increasingly important for both public sectors and private companies. It is an extension to the standard shift scheduling problem with some key limitations. But today, the increased generality of ...

  13. Personnel scheduling: A literature review

    This paper presents a review of the literature on personnel scheduling problems. Firstly, we discuss the classification methods in former review papers. Secondly, we evaluate the literature in the ...

  14. Personnel scheduling: A literature review

    This paper presents a review of the literature on personnel scheduling problems. Firstly, we discuss the classification methods in former review papers. Secondly, we evaluate the literature in the many fields that are related to either the problem setting or the technical features. Each perspective is presented as a table in which the ...

  15. Sci-Hub

    Ozder, E. H., Ozcan, E., & Eren, T. (2020). A Systematic Literature Review for Personnel Scheduling Problems. International Journal of Information Technology ...


    LITERATURE REVIEW ON PERSONNEL SCHEDULING. The problem of personnel or employee scheduling has become increasingly important for both public sectors and private companies. It is an extension to the standard shift scheduling problem with some key limitations. But today, the increased generality of this problem has lead to more complex model due ...

  17. Guidance on Conducting a Systematic Literature Review

    Literature reviews establish the foundation of academic inquires. However, in the planning field, we lack rigorous systematic reviews. In this article, through a systematic search on the methodology of literature review, we categorize a typology of literature reviews, discuss steps in conducting a systematic literature review, and provide suggestions on how to enhance rigor in literature ...

  18. Machine scheduling problems in production: A tertiary study

    This paper presents the results of a comprehensive and systematic review of 129 literature reviews on machine scheduling problems in production (MSPP). The paper first proposes a conceptual framework that considers the main attributes of MSPP in seven categories and 75 sub-categories. After a descriptive analysis of the sampled papers that give ...

  19. Research Review on Pain and Traumatic Brain Injury

    Scheduling, high out-of- ... Holtkamp MD, Grimes J, Ling G. Concussion in the Military: An evidence-base review of mTBI in US military personnel focused on posttraumatic headache. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2016;20(6):37. 31. Kumar RG, Ketchum JM, Hammond FM, et al. Health and cognition among adults with and without ... A systematic literature ...

  20. A Systematic Literature review for the rig scheduling problem

    The literature reviews with asterisk did not count how many papers were being revised, but the total number was bigger than 100. As none of them did a systematic literature review and many classes of the RSP were not considered, the number of RSPs revised by them is considerably smaller than the number of publications found using our methodology.

  21. Systematic literature review of integrated project scheduling and

    The fourth step was to identify the main components of each article and summarize their findings. The findings of the selected articles are presented according to a classification scheme based on five aspects, including project scheduling problem type, material ordering aspects, uncertainty conditions, objective function, and solution method, in the fifth step and presenting the results of the ...