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zeitgeist the movie review

What's Wrong With The Zeitgeist Movie?

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by Guest | Aug 14, 2011 | 4. Is the NT True? | 0 comments

The  Zeitgeist  movie  has been circulating on the internet since 2007. In the video its director, Peter Joseph, seeks to persuade viewers that the authors of the New Testament essentially plagiarized the concept of the virgin birth, December 25 as Christ’s birth date, the twelve disciples, the miracles, the crucifixion, and the resurrection from astrological sources and pagan mythology.

The focus of this article is to address the allegation that Jesus is a mythological amalgamation of pagan deities invented by various ancient cultures. I will deal primarily with Horus, as he is the first major mythological figure presented as a forerunner of Jesus. I will subsequently deal with the other allegations in brief.

False claims about Horus The  Zeitgeist  movie makes the following claims:

Claim:  “This is Horus. He is the Sun God of Egypt of around 3000 BC.”

Response:  Horus is not just the sun god. He was also the falcon god whose name means ‘the far-off one’. Ra was the sun god who came to be identified with the mid-day sun. In addition, Horus was also the sky god, whose good or sound eye was the sun, and injured eye the moon.

Claim:  “He is the sun, anthropomorphized, and his life is a series of allegorical myths involving the sun’s movement in the sky.”

Response:  This is inaccurate. Horus was not the sun, but came to be identified with the  position  of the rising sun. Later, he was associated with the sun-god Ra. Atum was the god of the setting sun.

Claim:  “From the ancient hieroglyphics in Egypt, we know much about this solar messiah. For instance, Horus, being the sun, or the light, had an enemy known as Set and Set was the personification of the darkness or night.”

Response:  Seth — Horus’ brother — was Horus’ rival (and usurper of the throne of Egypt). There is debate as to whether the struggle between Horus and Seth was primarily geo-political or symbolic in nature. When the full Osiris complex becomes visible, Seth appears as the murderer of Osiris and would-be killer of the child Horus.

Claim:  “And, metaphorically speaking, every morning Horus would win the battle against Set — while in the evening, Set would conquer Horus and send him into the underworld. It is important to note that ‘dark vs. light’ or ‘good vs. evil’ is one of the most ubiquitous mythological dualities ever known and is still expressed on many levels to this day.”

Response:  The movie’s claim is dead wrong. Horus was never sent to the underworld. It was Osiris who was killed and became Lord of the underworld, while Horus was king of the living.

Claim:  “Broadly speaking, the story of Horus is as follows: Horus was born on December 25…”

Response:  This simply isn’t the case. At any rate, neither the Bible nor Christianity claim Jesus was born on December 25, so any parallels with ancient legends are completely inconsequential. The December 25 date only came into prominence under Emperor Aurelian in the third century A.D. But when was the date of Horus? It was during the Egyptian month of Khoiak (which corresponds to November on our calendar).

Claim:  “…of the virgin Isis-Meri.”

Response:  Again, the claim is simply in error. Horus was born of Isis. And there is absolutely no mention in any Egyptian literature of the trailing name ‘Mary’ as the movie would have us believe. Moreover, Isis was certainly not a virgin, but the widow of Osiris, the father of Horus.

Claim:  “His birth was accompanied by a star in the east.”

Response:  The video continues to make stuff up as it goes along. There is simply no mention of any stars pertaining to the birth of Horus.

Claim:  “…which in turn, three kings followed to locate and adorn the new-born Savior.”

Response:  First up, there are no ‘three kings’ mentioned in the birth account of Horus, nor is there a mention there ‘three kings’ in the New Testament account. Rather, it is wise-men, with the number not being specified.

Claim:  “At the age of 12, he was a prodigal child teacher.”

Response:  Wrong again. Horus was never a child prodigal teacher. In fact, he was kept hidden away by his mother in the papyrus marshes, until he was ready to be ruler of Egypt.

Claim:  “…and at the age of 30 he was baptized by a figure known as Anup and thus began his ministry.”

Response:  Again, there is no evidence of any such baptism concerning Horus, nor are there any facts which suggest any form of ‘ministry’ of Horus.

Claim:  “Horus had 12 disciples he travelled around with.”

Response:  Horus did not have 12 disciples he travelled around with. It really is as simple as that.

Claim:  “…performing miracles such as healing the sick and walking on water.”

Response:  While it is true that some healing ‘miracles’ are associated with Horus, this is with Horus the Child as opposed to Horus the elder or his adult forms.

Claim:  “Horus was known by many gestural names such as The Truth, The Light, God’s Anointed Son, The Good Shepherd, The Lamb of God, and many others.”

Response:  Again, this is simply false. The only forms of the Horus-god are (1) Horus the Child; (2) Horus as son of Isis and Osiris (“pillar of his mother”; “savior of his father”); and (3) Horus as a sun-god (“lord of the sky; “god of the east”; “Horus of the horizon”).

Claim:  “After being betrayed by Typhon, Horus was crucified, buried for 3 days, and thus, resurrected.”

Response:  Wrong again. There exists no accounts of Horus being betrayed, nor a death by crucifixion. There is an incident described in one account whereby Horus is torn to pieces, with Isis requesting that the crocodile god pull him out of the water — not quite crucifixion. Moreover, seeing how the movie puts the account of Horus at around 3000 B.C., this predates the invention and practice of crucifixion by thousands of years!

Other Claims The  Zeitgeist  movie continues in the same vein as above with all the other mythological pagan gods. The Zeitgeist movie makes the claim that Hindu’s Krishna was also crucified and resurrected. However, again, the Zeitgeist is in error. Hinduism very clearly teaches that Krishna was killed by a wound inflicted from an arrow shot from a hunter who mistakenly hit him in his heal. Following his death, he ascended to be with Brahman. This can hardly be compared to the Christian concept of Christ’s resurrection.

The  Zeitgeist  movie claims, for example, that Mithras was born of a virgin. But this is in error. Rather, he emerged from a rock. It is also claimed that Mithras rose from the dead, but there is no textual evidence of his death, so there could be no resurrection. Mithras was not a teacher, and was not followed by twelve disciples, as Zeitgeist claims.

Neither is there any evidence of a bodily resurrection of Attis, the Phrygian god of vegetation, nor the virgin birth of Dionysus or Krishna (the latter of whom was his mother’s eighth son, so a virgin birth is not likely).

Conclusion Sadly, the  Zeitgeist  movie has become widely circulated on the Internet, deceiving many people with misinformation. As Peter writes in his first epistle, “But there were also false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them — bringing swift destruction on themselves.”

According to their own testimony, the New Testament writers “did not follow cleverly invented stories when we told you about the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty,” (2 Peter 1:16). They were testifying not to myths, but to ‘sober truth’ about events that had ‘not been done in a corner’ (Acts 26:25-26).

This article was originally published on .

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An Honest Review Of Zeitgeist: The Movie

Present Tense: Davin O’Dwyer Who doesn’t adore a decent paranoid fear? The majority of us, obviously, incline toward our tricks to be completely anecdotal. An early scene in The Bourne Ultimatum, for example, sees the CIA dispatch a professional killer to discard an intrusive Guardian columnist in Waterloo Station.

While this misrepresents the dangers of our calling fairly (I think I represent the greater part of my associates in saying that we can stroll through Heuston Station, and even Connolly, with neither dread nor anxiety ), it makes for radiantly tense film making.

Yet, have we gotten so acclimated to seeing the fictionalized CIA doing detestable things, for example, killing unfamiliar pioneers and tuning in to telephone discussions that catching wind of versions and unlawful wiretapping appears to be practically common? At this stage, we most likely anticipate a lot more terrible than that. During a time where the fact of the matter is an adaptable ware, paranoid notions spring forward like oil in the Middle East.

So move over Oliver Stone, since fear inspired notions have grown out of you. The web is currently home to a plenty of US-based guerrilla movie producers making PC agitprop about the schemes of the day. And keeping in mind that the 1960s and 1970s gave a prolific area to US paranoiacs - normal deaths, grainy moon arrivals, the Gulf of Tonkin, Watergate (what do you mean, the Gulf of Tonkin and Watergate truly were government schemes?) - 9⁄11 has been a boon for the dubious and the incredulous. A whole industry, the 9⁄11 Truth Movement, has jumped up to expose the authority line on the assaults.

The most recent web film to step this ground is the forebodingly named Zeitgeist: The Movie, which has pulled in enormous interest since it debuted in June. For a DIY exertion, Zeitgeist sure doesn’t need for desire - it “uncovered” the three extraordinary fakes executed on humankind to monitor us: Christianity ; 9⁄11; and the worldwide financial framework. Or maybe unrealistically, it starts with a statement from the Egyptologist, Gerald Massey: “They should think that it’s troublesome, the individuals who have accepted authority as truth, as opposed to truth as the position.”

It’s not difficult to see where this is all coming from . President Eisenhower, everything being equal, cautioned the American individuals about the perils of the military-modern complex in his goodbye address, and from that point forward Americans have persevered through a rich progression of official duplicity, so one can’t be too astounded when they don’t naturally acknowledge what they are being told. (We are somewhat less conspiratorially disapproved here, however I could conceivably theorize that our careless arranging guidelines and helpless public vehicle are the brainchild of the car business, resolved to transform us into the most vehicle subordinate country in Europe by constraining us to go through hours driving from our rambling rural areas, yet I wouldn’t have any desire to hazard getting taken shots at a Luas stop.)

Zeitgeist’s hypothesis that Jesus is a scholarly and celestial half breed is a genuinely old one , considering it is by all accounts dependent on a statement from Thomas Paine, and its 9⁄11 speculations - that the assaults were coordinated by the US government as a reason to start an extremist force snatch - are straightforwardly lifted from Dylan Avery’s Loose Change, a prior suspicious web doc that piled up 100 million perspectives and showed a sub-Michael Moore affection for realities. It is the last succession, in any case, that most unequivocally shows Zeitgeist’s image of unhinged libertarianism. The world’s money related framework has been planned by a secrecy of “global brokers” - initially the Rockefellers and JP Morgan, don’t you know - to subjugate humankind and make a one-government world request. Also, the end is deserving of Philip K Dick: we are for the most part going to be microchipped and for all time seen by a “checked control matrix”. Set out to contradict and your chip is “deactivated”.

Presently I’ll be the first to stand up and concede that Zeitgeist had its finger on the beat in the event that we as a whole wind up getting “Intel Inside” (and if the chip permits me to stand up), however this is clearly adding two in addition to two and getting Pi. These are strange corruptions of real issues and discussions, and they discolor all analysis of confidence, the Bush organization and globalization - there are a sizable amount of real treacheries in this world to be going around without concocting anecdotal ones.

One truly wishes Zeitgeist was an unbelievable pastiche of 21st-century distrustfulness, a diverting mockumentary to match Spinal Tap. Yet, it’s simply misled, deceitful and manipulative babble. It gives the final word to that celebrated rationalist, Jimi Hendrix: “When the force of adoration conquers the affection for power, the world will know harmony.” Between Massey and Hendrix, neither precisely apropos to the current contentions, clearly the unknown producers of Zeitgeist are inclined toward chiastic phrases, those wonderfully even expository gadgets that cause the speaker to seem a zenlike wellspring of intelligence. So here’s my very own zenlike chiasmus, for all the conspiratorial DIY moviemakers setting out to foist more hogwash on an unsophisticated people: “On the off chance that you claim to know just truth, in truth you know just misrepresentation.”

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Skeptoid Podcast #196
March 9, 2010
Podcast transcript |

a freely downloadable documentary movie. It purports to critically examine Christianity, the cause of 9/11, and the world economy. Instead, it paints them all with a single wide stroke of the conspiracy paintbrush. "Zeitgeist" is a German word meaning the spirit of the times, thus the movie purports to pull aside the curtain and reveal the true nature of the world in which we live. The problem with the film, as has been roundly pointed out by academics worldwide, is that many of the conspiratorial claims and historical references are outright fictional inventions. does have a message that's not necessarily invalid, but it's lost underneath the unequivocal dishonesty.

For a long time, people have been asking me to do a Skeptoid episode about I've resisted, mainly because it's so poorly researched that I didn't feel it deserved any response from legitimate science journalism. But people have kept asking. And, obviously, a lot of viewers have been swayed by it. I've even had people who innocently bought into it write me and quote as an authority, suggesting I do some episode promoting one of its claims. and the 9/11 conspiracy movie are largely what motivated me to produce , my free 40-minute video giving a general introduction to applied critical thinking, which I felt was a more appropriate response than publicly acknowledging either film. But I spent some time learning more about its sequels and related events, and its creator, and concluded that the mainstream criticism of the film doesn't tell the whole story, and its worldwide impact does make it deserving of a more critical examination.

Understanding means understanding its creator, Peter Joseph Merola, a young musician, artist, and freelance film editor living in New York City, at last account. I've found no reference to any educational or professional experience pertaining to any of the subjects covered in the movie. He moved to New York in order to attend art school. That appears to be the extent of his qualifications to teach history and political science, but of course it doesn't make him wrong. It may, however, explain why many of his factual claims contradict what anyone can learn from any textbook on religious history or political science.

Merola made a second film, which offers much better insight into the man and his motivations for creating He's basically a postmodern utopian, who spends most of his effort speaking out against money-based economics. He advocates the rejection of government, profit, banking, and civil infrastructure: basically, the "establishment". Once you understand where he's coming from, it makes it a lot easier to understand why he made and tried so hard to point out the corruption and evils of the establishment. The problem is that he simply made up a bunch of crap to drive his point, and that's where he crossed the line between philosophical advocacy and unethical propaganda.

Much of what makes popular is that the sustainable utopia he describes is very compelling. It's probably not very realistic, but it's alluring at an organic level. Mistrust of the establishment has been a popular theme ever since a caveman first raised a club, so the two combine to make the message of appealing, at some level, to nearly everyone. For example, in his sequel, Merola profiles futurist Jacque Fresco who envisions what he calls a "resource-based economy", a world without money where the Earth's natural resources are freely available to all and responsibly managed through public virtue and high technology. This is a fine idea, and while its practicality and workability can certainly be debated, it's perfectly valid as a philosophy. And so, it was from this utopian perspective that the young idealist Peter Joseph Merola set out to first convince us that our current system is fundamentally broken.

He began in the first of three chapters with an assault on Christianity. The film draws many parallels between the Nativity story and pagan sun worship and astrology, suggesting that their origins are all the same. This is followed by an impressive set of similarities between the life of Jesus and the life of Horus, the Egyptian god — similarities far too extensive to be simple coincidences. And then, taking key points from the life of Jesus (the virgin birth, December 25th, a resurrection after three days, and so on), we find that the same elements are found in the stories of many other gods from diverse cultures, namely the Phrygian Attis, the Indian Krishna, the Greek Dionysus, and the Persian Mithra. Merola's presentation is compelling, and constitutes a convincing argument that Christianity is just one of many branches of mythology stemming from the same ancient stories going all the way back to prehistoric sun worship.

Where this compelling presentation breaks down is, well, almost everywhere. , as if he had begun with a conclusion, and worked backwards making up facts that would get him there. He gave no sources, but it turns out that most of these same claims about other gods having the same details as the Jesus stories come from a 1999 book called have been highly critical of Merola's unresearched and wrong assertions, which is understandable given that they are probably the best authorities on religious histories.

Part II of the movie depicts the 9/11 attacks as having been perpetrated by the American government, essentially repeating the same basic charges found throughout the 9/11 "truth" community. These charges fall into two basic categories: innuendo and misinformation. Innuendo like the Bushes knew the bin Ladens, the alleged hijackers have since been found to be alive and well, the inexperienced pilot couldn't have hit the building; and misinformation like straw man arguments mischaracterizing what we all watched that day. These, and many other tactics claimed by the "truthers" to be evidence that the attack was an inside job, and I'm not going to go into them here. In short, searching for alternative possible motivations, and finding and making extraneous connections between various people and events, does not prove or serve as evidence of anything. Raising the specter of doubts or alternate possibilities is very effective in distracting people away from the facts, as we saw so dramatically in O. J. Simpson's murder acquittal, and as we see throughout the 9/11 "truth" movement.

According to with Peter Joseph Merola in which he was asked about the 9/11 conspiracy claims made in he says he has since "moved away from" these beliefs. While it's great that he was willing to come out publicly and say that he's abandoned one line of irrational thinking, to me it says more that he leaves it in the movie anyway has gone through a number of revisions, and he's had ample opportunity to edit out sections he no longer believes). This is only speculation on my part, of course, but I'd guess he leaves it in because it so dramatically illustrates the evils of the establishment, which is a pillar of his philosophy. If true, it would show that the content of Merola's films are driven more by ideology than by fact.

That this is Merola's ideology is most impactfully illustrated in part III of This asserts the existence of what Merola believes is a worldwide conspiracy of international bankers, who are directly responsible for causing all wars in the past century as a way to earn profits. From his student art studio, Merola purports to have uncovered plans, known only to a select few of these hypothesized bankers, to combine the currencies of Canada, the United States, and Mexico into a single denomination called the Amero, as a next step toward an eventual one world government. In fact, the Amero was proposed in a couple of books: in 1999 by Canadian economist Herb Grubel in and in 2001 by political science professor Robert Pastor in The number of economists proposing an Amero is much larger. This chapter of goes into great detail, most annoyingly in the way it quote-mines everyone from Thomas Jefferson to Carl Sagan (from letters both real and counterfeit) to suggest that leaders in government and science have always known about this. People knowledgeable in this subject have gone through Zeitgeist point-by-point and refuted each and every one of its dishonest claims, none more effectively than on his website, which I highly recommend if you want to discuss any of the nitty gritty details in any section of

I can empathize with Peter Joseph Merola on one level. When I first started the Skeptoid podcast, I didn't really yet know what it was going to be about or where it was going to lead. I didn't keep references either. Having done it a few years, I now have my focus dialed in much better. I can see the same evolution from the conspiracy theories in the original film to the utopian and philosophical topics Merola now talks about. He described inception as a personal project and a "public awareness expression", a context in which it was unnecessary to keep references or even to be historically accurate. I suspect that if he'd known where he was going to be today, he wouldn't have made and would have instead gone straight to the sequel which almost completely omits the conspiracy theories and untrue history.

If he had, the franchise would probably not be nearly so successful. Nothing commands attention and feeds our native desire for power like a good conspiracy theory. If you know about the conspiracy, you're in on the secret information, and you are more powerful than the conspirators. For better or for worse, we all have a deep craving to have the upper hand. This is perhaps the main reason for the unending popularity of Alex Jones, Richard Hoagland, and other conspiracy theory machines. It also explains the passion shown by those who defend them: All that matters is "being the one who knows more than you," and the facts are a distant second.



Cite this article: Dunning, B. "Zeitgeist: The Movie, Myths, and Motivations." Skeptoid Podcast. Skeptoid Media, 9 Mar 2010. Web. 4 Sep 2024. <>

References & Further Reading Callahan, T. "The Greatest Story Ever Garbled." Skeptic. The Skeptics Society, 25 Feb. 2009. Web. 2 Mar. 2010. <> Dunbar, D., Reagan, B. Debunking 9/11 Myths: Why Conspiracy Theories Can't Stand Up to the Facts. New York: Hearst Books, 2006. Feuer, A. "They’ve Seen the Future and Dislike the Present." New York Times. 16 Mar. 2009, N/A: A24. Lippard, J. "Zeitgeist: The Movie." The Lippard Blog. Jim Lippard, 11 Jun. 2008. Web. 2 Mar. 2010. <> Meigs, J. "Debunking the 9/11 Myths: Special Report." Popular Mechanics, March 2005 Issue. 1 Mar. 2005, Year 103, Number 3. Pastor, Robert A. Toward a North American Community: Lessons from the Old World for the New. Washington: Institute for International Economics, 2001. 111-115. Siegel, Jon. "Income Tax: Voluntary or Mandatory?" Jon Siegel's Income Tax Protestors Page. Jon Siegel, 31 Jan. 2007. Web. 3 Mar. 2010. <> Winston, E. "Zeitgeist, the Movie Debunked." Conspiracy Science. Edward L Winston, 1 Jan. 2008. Web. 2 Mar. 2010. <>

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Zeitgeist: the Movie | a review and discussion


  • January 25, 2014
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On the very rarely found opportunity to kick back and lay on the couch on a  Friday night, like many, I’ll watch a movie. While browsing Netflix for some time, the independent film ‘Zeitgeist’ kept maneuvering to the top of my various lists, so I gave it a go.

Zeitgeist is a film by Peter Joseph which has sparked much controversy, as it takes head-on issues of religion, conspiracy theory , corruption, and each of their influences on today’s society, bringing forward that we – the individual – are very much not in control and are subject to a much larger machine run at the hands of those that are power hungry. While I am always fascinated with films that expose these types of thought processes, what I did find unusual with Zeitgeist is that, while ‘dark’, was a call for action and enlightenment.

In today’s fast paced world, here in the US anyway, we rarely find time to kick back and watch a movie, let alone really reflect on the meaning of life. That is at the root of this film’s message, and in that we have been distracted to the point where we are not in tune with what is really going on within the world around us – and that is hugely problematic.

From my perspective, I believe that we are all empowered to do what is just and right, and contribute in some unique and meaningful way to make the world a better place – that ultimately means finding balance amidst the chaos. That is no easy task, and certainly not the duty or responsibility of just one person. That balance, or Gaia , if you will, will take major social change since we have screwed it all up since the very beginning. Without that balance, we’re doomed. That cannot be argued – it is simple laws of physics of the natural world at work. There is a finite amount of matter and energy here on Earth, and it went from birds and bees and trees to the big concrete and steel nightmare, where bigger and more is better. I ask – to what end? The scales are tipping, as is distinctly evident with the global crises we are seeing in recent years – constant war, climate change, violent storms, and coastal destruction and displacement like we’ve never seen before. Eventually, the scale will tip and then we will have serious problems – VERY SERIOUS.

One thing that is for certain is that time is ticking by and we are literally at the eve of the astrological ‘ Aquarian Age ‘ (interestingly enough). These new epochs of time have proven to well define civilization historically, so there is no doubt that they will continue to do so. The world is ever turning with or without us. This Aquarian Age may well be our saving grace, where with water we’ll find a renewed balance, and a new unity between and amongst those of us who manage to survive the scales tipping.

While I am certainly not a doomsday propagandist, it doesn’t take much clarity to see that the world around us is not sustainable, and needs to change. Each of us are empowered to do so, but it will take some radical movement to shift world views to peaceful ones that will meaningfully enhance our experience here on Earth, and create a future that we [humans] can ensure we will be participating in.

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  • 2 hr 3 mins
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Zeitgeist: Requiem

Zeitgeist: Requiem (2024)

Director Peter Joseph explorers the fundamental incompatibility of our economy and the culture it has created with our future survival as a species, while posing solutions based on system's ... Read all Director Peter Joseph explorers the fundamental incompatibility of our economy and the culture it has created with our future survival as a species, while posing solutions based on system's science and cybernetics. Director Peter Joseph explorers the fundamental incompatibility of our economy and the culture it has created with our future survival as a species, while posing solutions based on system's science and cybernetics.

  • Peter Joseph
  • Martin Luther King

Zeitgeist: Requiem (2024)

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Are the conspiracy theories presented in Zeitgeist, the movie true? Not really.

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Zeitgeist - Introduction

Author: Edward L Winston Added: November 29th, 2007

Peter Joseph (creator of Zeitgeist) believes that I'm mentally ill because I disagree with him. You can read all about it on his forums (linked from this forum post ), with a blog-based rebuttal here . You better not disagree with him, or you'll be labeled insane next. Perhaps I'm crazy for pointing out his forum post?

Zeitgeist, The Movie is a film that was released on Google Video in the spring of 2007 and was created by Peter Joseph. Essentially the video covers three areas of Interest: Part I, entitled "The Greatest Story Ever Told" evaluates Christian beliefs and asserts that it was all taken from pre-existing myths, primarily Egyptian mythology. In Part II, entitled "All The World's a Stage" it goes on to talk about how the US Government knew about the attacks on September 11th, 2001 before hand and that it was a large conspiracy and cover up -- essentially an it was an inside job. Lastly we are told in Part III, entitled "Don't Mind The Men Behind The Curtain", that powerful bankers and world leaders are conspiring for world domination and consolidation of power.

<- On the left side you can navigate each part (put here because some people did not notice)

A little back story

This video has recently (early 2008 now) spread through the Internet like wild fire. I cannot go to a forum on the Internet without someone mentioning how this is the "truth" and it has "opened [their] eyes". Nearly always, they also claim that they know these things are true because of their "own research". The interesting part of all this is, you rarely see any engineers, scientists, or anyone else making such claims.

I decided to sit down and watch the film, I honestly began watching it thinking it may have some interesting information. When it was all over, I realized that many things were completely wrong, misquoted, or had already been disproven by many other people long ago. The problem was that when I tried to Google more information about it, nobody had made a complete guide discussing all the inaccuracies of the film. So, here I am. If you don't want to read the whole site, you can read my conclusion page for a general overview -- be sure to read the actual analysis for sourced information.

The movie rarely cites sources, and when it does, it fails to provide page numbers, dates, and other information. Sourced information listed on their web site is primarily from books which are sometimes hard to obtain -- trust me, I tried -- making fact checking near impossible. So, in my work, I am going to source all my claims and exactly where I find them. If it is in a book, I will do my best to find an online version of the book, and if I cannot, I will link to where the book can be purchased. For the most part, however, I wanted to use web sites and online information so it is easier for everyone to read -- I have received several complaints about this, somehow a book is more authoritative than a web site, I'm not sure where that logic comes from considering the crazy books that are in circulation these days.

Question the Conspiracy Theorists

I am not naïve, and you should not be either; the information here will be considered controversial to many of those who see Zeitgeist, the movie as the truth. That said, do not be surprised if they refuse to believe anything written in these pages. I personally have tried to show people before, generally they reply "you shouldn't believe everything you read on the Internet" (ironic, isn't it?) and/or that they "just have an open mind". Note that these are not answers to the skeptics' questions, these are just ways to avoid facing something that disproves what they believe. Readers have also reported that conspiracy theorists who read my site, if they have one problem with anything on it, they automatically throw out the whole thing without reading the site in its entirety.

One of the biggest rebuttals I receive is that the film "isn't meant to be true, just to open your mind to other possibilities." The problem with this logic is that there are better ways to show someone alternative view points other than blatantly lying to them. Most importantly, most people that like this movie do believe it, they don't see it as just some metaphorical mind-opening experience. My question to these people who refute me this way is this: if I am wrong and/or lying on my web site, then why aren't I also just trying to open peoples minds? Why am I the liar? Is it because I don't make outrageous and impossible claims about the world and believe you to be an idiot?

They say I have "missed the entire point of the film", but have I really? If the film is lying to me about everything, then what is the point? It can't be to open my mind, that really doesn't make sense, because if that is the case, all liars are really just trying to open your mind. The film's web site makes a big deal that if you find anything incorrect, then it wasn't supposed to be correct -- however, I imagine if you do believe something in it, they'll tell you that it's true as well.

Good luck to anyone using this information to try to talk sense into someone.


The movie talks about things such as "the sun was worshipped by the ancients" and I do not dispute this. Information that has been widely known for countless years I will not mention. My goal is to only debate the new ideas they put forth that challenge older ones.

That said, a lot of people claim that "I do not believe everything in the movie, but this thing seems true to me, so you should watch it." Just because something of substance might be found, does not make it a good / factual movie. For example, if I have a pie, and I fill it with dirt and put a slice of apple in it, it does not make it an apple pie -- though some would claim so. If I can't find any information in the film to be true, I will say so, however sometimes people who criticize me say that if I "can't prove it isn't true, then it must be true". I'm sorry, that isn't how science works.

In these pages I will state their claim intended and in a slightly different color, and below it I will have a sourced rebuttal. I may also separate them into sections to make it easier to find things, these will be noted by larger headers. I also want to avoid explaining things more than once, so a large section may not have every problem brought forth, but these problems are instead addressed later.

All content © Skeptic Project and/or the original authors.

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Zeitgeist: The Movie

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Zeitgeist: The Movie

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Additional DVD options Edition Discs New from Used from

July 1, 2007
Watch Instantly with Rent Buy
Format NTSC
Contributor Peter Joseph, none
Runtime 2 hours
Number Of Discs 1
Manufacturer Gentle Machine Productions LLC

Product Description

Zeitgeist: The Movie, by Peter Joseph.

Product details

  • Package Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 7.48 x 5.39 x 0.71 inches; 2.4 ounces
  • Director ‏ : ‎ Peter Joseph
  • Media Format ‏ : ‎ NTSC
  • Run time ‏ : ‎ 2 hours
  • Release date ‏ : ‎ July 1, 2007
  • Actors ‏ : ‎ none
  • Studio ‏ : ‎ Gentle Machine Productions LLC
  • ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0042PPTAA
  • Number of discs ‏ : ‎ 1
  • #1,289 in Documentary (Movies & TV)

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Directed by Peter Joseph

A documentary examining possible historical and modern conspiracies surrounding Christianity, the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and the Federal Reserve bank.

Chögyam Trungpa Jordan Maxwell George Carlin Bill Hicks David Ray Griffin Joe Casaliggi Joseph Casaliggi

Director Director

Peter Joseph

Producer Producer

Original writer original writer.

Gentle Machine Productions LLC

Releases by Date

01 jun 2007, 05 may 2008, releases by country.

118 mins   More at IMDb TMDb Report this page

Popular reviews


Review by Jay ½ 22

Directed, written and narrated by - Peter Joseph

It takes a special kind of moron to make a film this bad. Zeitgeist is a “documentary” (in the loosest sense of the word) that is split into three distinct parts; an attack on organised religion (specifically Christianity), an attack on the “9/11 myth” and an attack on the global financial system.

Let’s begin with the first part of the film, in which Joseph suggests that Jesus never existed and that all religions are based on the same basic myth. For anyone with even the remotest interest in religion and the debunking of superstition this is a point that simply does not need to be made, let alone laboured. The virgin birth,…


Review by Jack ★ 5

TIP: When your Dad says he has a really interesting documentary to show you, DON'T WATCH IT.


Review by Bethany ★★ 3

we live in a society


Review by MattLovesMovies 4

Me at 15: “god isn’t real. You’re all a bunch of sheeple. I’m wildly insecure and need to feel like I’m the smartest guy in the room!” 

Me at 19, high 24/7: “this is it. This is the pot of gold at the end of the conspiracy rainbow. This is what it all stems from. 9/11. The moon landing. JFK maybe, idk. You’re all a bunch of sheeple. I’m wildly insecure and need to feel like I’m the smartest guy in the room!” 

Me at almost 27: “besides some  of the sun deity stuff most of this is borderline InfoWars level conspiracy nonsense…but the editing was kind of fire for 2007.”

Tentin Quarantino ☭

Review by Tentin Quarantino ☭ 4

Whether you believe any of this or not, it's best to exist as far outside of the system as you possibly can. The big businesses and corporations don't need your money, but the local band trying to make a name for themselves does. The local coffee shop could use that money you're throwing away on garbage at Starbucks. The local artists can use some recognition for their work. Fuck the people who already have money. Support those trying to make a living on their own, outside of the system. And dammit, find a way to do that for yourself. Life will improve immediately.


Review by essie ½ 1

Reminiscing about the time my first ever boyfriend thought it was a good idea to show this film to my parents.

Mike Apps🍿

Review by Mike Apps🍿 ★★ 6

Who wrote the bible? Was jesus a fictional character? Was religion a great scam to control the masses? Was 9/11 an inside job? What happened to tower 7 and the Pentagon? How is money made? Is there a secret plot to insert microchips in all of us? Peter Joseph felt like the guy with all the answers to modern life's questions with his Zeitgeist documentary!

Of course you can only think these things when you're a confused impressionable teenager searching for validation in your angst.......which was me in the 2000s. I thought Zeitgeist was the most profound scoop I had ever heard at the time. I wouldn't shut up about the doc or Joseph's movement back then. I would shove…

Jared "Mid-Sized Sedan" Dennis

Review by Jared "Mid-Sized Sedan" Dennis ½ 7

I unironically used to think this was the most brilliant piece of documentary filmmaking I'd ever seen. The "facts" presented in this movie are shocking and interesting as long as you don't do a modicum of research yourself or look into any of the claims that Zeitgeist makes.

This film is a dark reminder that my friends and I were one step away from being full blown Alex Jones-adjacent anti-Semites back in our conspiracy theory days. Thank god I started smoking weed and having sex or I might still be trapped in this "2 smart 4 u" edgelord mentality.

Mike Hricik

Review by Mike Hricik ½ 4

Just one poorly-sourced conspiracy theory after another. If anything, director Peter Joseph is an auteur of liberal-leaning troll cinema, incorporating weirdly trippy geometric graphics into the mise en scène.

Gavin Charles

Review by Gavin Charles ★★★★ 1

Whether or not you can appreciate Zeitgeist: The Movie depends hugely on your political and religious standings, as well as your tolerance for conspiracy-theories. This documentary’s thesis is essentially that the American government has conned and lied to its people since the gaining of independence. Religion, 9/11 and other national disasters, the federal system, as well as many other facets of the inner workings of America are explored and deconstructed here in an angry attempt to expose corruption and free viewers’ minds.

Based on this premise alone, it would be easy to write off this movie as merely the work of inflamed new-age conspiracy theorists, but as it turns out, there’s a lot of fascinating material to be found in…


Review by sophia!!!

reading reviews on this just makes me wonder if anyone ever heard of ✨critical thinking✨


Review by SorryBabyy ★★½

watched it drunk i have no idea what the fuck was that

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Zeitgeist, The Movie

Zeitgeist, The Movie Movie Poster

1h 58m | Documentary, Drama

Zeitgeist was created as a nonprofit filmiac expression to inspire people to start looking at the world from a more critical perspective and to understand that very often things are not what the population at large think they are.

Studio: Zeitgeist Films
Writer(s): Peter Joseph
Official Site:

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Zeitgeist: IV Trailer Released

Tickets now available for the March 15th Screening in Los Angeles

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Inside ‘Pavements’: How Alex Ross Perry Made an Unprecedented Music Film as Ironic — and Sincere — as the Band Itself

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When Alex Ross Perry set out to make a film about Pavement , he wanted it to be as absurd as some of the ’90s slacker band’s lyrics. For the indie director, known for “Listen Up Philip” and “Her Smell,” that meant pushing the very boundaries of what a film could be.

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Greene adds that the goal was to deliver a project that felt like flipping on one of Pavement’s five records, released over a short seven-year span between 1992 and the band’s 1999 breakup.

“The band uses all these super self-aware references to other bands and other kinds of music and is super ironic in that way and also deeply sincere at the same time,” Greene says. “And when Alex brought the idea, it was like, that’s exactly what we could do here. We could be ironic and sincere, exactly like what it feels like to listen to a Pavement record.”

Once Perry came on board, the band had been tapped for two 2020 reunion shows at Primavera Sound to mark its 30th anniversary — but then the pandemic happened, and plans were pushed. But it was during what Perry describes as the “COVID vacuum” when the magic really happened and he was able to fully develop his unique approach to the film. Pavement also strangely blew up on TikTok with the “Brighten the Corners” B-side “Harness Your Hopes,” bringing newfound recognition from Gen Z and reigniting love from older listeners. By the time Pavement played its reunion tour in 2022, the band meant something totally different in the cultural zeitgeist.

“When we started talking, these guys hadn’t seen each other in 10 years and they were going to do two shows. And by the time we were filming, there were 40 shows booked and indisputably the biggest tangible success of their career, in a weird way,” Perry says. “Some of these gimmicks that I thought of in 2020 — what if Pavement had a museum, what if Pavement had a musical — were 75% more probable by the time we did them because Pavement meant something so different by 2022.”

One of the most entertaining gimmicks in the film is the biopic of the band, which is presented in meta fashion as the audience sees Keery method-acting as Malkmus and scenes are presented with “for your consideration” pasted over top of them. In addition to Wolff as Spiral Stairs, Fred Hechinger plays all-purpose member Bob Nastanovich, Logan Miller is bassist Mark Ibold and Griffin Newman takes on drummer Steve West.

Perry thought a “treacly, cliché, paint-by-numbers, cookie-cutter Pavement biopic was a funny thing to explore,” and immediately had Keery as Malkmus in mind. Without him involved, Perry says he would have scrapped the concept entirely.

“It just wouldn’t have been worth doing because he’s exactly the guy in the real world, in Hollywood, who would be getting an offer — like when we were doing this, New York Magazine’s website ran fan-casting for a Sublime biopic, and they put Joe in it,” Perry says. “He has too much integrity as an actor to take an offer like that seriously, but he has exactly the right amount of creative curiosity to play that part in quotation marks.”

In fact, Perry says “all these guys are up for these roles for real,” revealing that Wolff was “supposed to be” in James Mangold’s Bob Dylan movie “A Complete Unknown.”

“The whole time we were shooting, every one of them had to at some point duck out to audition for the ‘SNL’ movie, which none of them got,” Perry adds with a laugh. “It just all made perfect sense.”

“What’s a great musical but great melodies and great lyrics? And those are there,” he says. “You can’t see those as clearly in a concert hall because you’re there for a rock show, but when you take these elements apart and you put them back together, it’s like, ‘Oh, these are perfect melodies and perfect lyrics.'”

Kannberg, who attended the musical’s premiere with the rest of the band, says seeing his music translated to the stage gave him a fresh perspective on the songs, even after all these years.

“It had been so long since I listened to Steve’s lyrics and they really stood out, how great they were, and the musical performances made that happen. So I concentrated more on that then, ‘Oh, this is ridiculous,'” he says. “It kind of made sense to me that, yeah, there should be a musical of these songs because they’re great songs. It’s like, why not? Why shouldn’t there be a Pavement musical?”

Now, as the film prepares to premiere at Venice, Pavement is still riding the high of its second act — “Harness Your Hopes” went viral on TikTok once again earlier this year, and the band is playing a headlining slot at Chicago’s Riot Fest next month. Oh, and last year, Malkmus was also name-dropped in a little movie called “Barbie,” which is mentioned in “Pavements” with a sweet scene of the band meeting director Greta Gerwig and co-writer Noah Baumbach.

“I would have never in my wildest dreams been like, ‘We’ll get a Malkmus joke in a billion-dollar Hollywood movie,'” Perry laughs. “Like, I never would have even gone that far, but we got that before we finished, so it really helped us out a lot.”

Reflecting on the entire filmmaking process, Perry says: “We said, what if we made a movie where Pavement were so iconic and important to culture at large that they not only get a doc about their reunion, but they get a museum, a musical and a biopic? And by the time we finished this thing, five days ago, they are that, and they’ve been that for two years. And it’s a joke without a punchline now, because that exactly happened in tandem with us making this movie.”

Perry, Greene and the band will be in attendance at Venice, with Greene and Kannberg both bringing their teenage daughters (who are huge Pavement fans).

“I mean, it’s pretty surreal. I knew watching it people would dig it and I don’t know the film world at all,” Kannberg says. “But yeah, I guess when they show the movie in the theater there, I’ll start crying.”

For Perry, premiering at Venice has given him confidence that he accomplished his intention of making a “cinematic film” as opposed to just another rock doc.

Greene adds that premiering at Venice is “just a perfect, unpredictable thing for this film.”

“Everything about this started out as, ‘I don’t know, who the hell knows if that will work but let’s do it, why not?’ And then it becomes this other thing,” he says. “I think going to Venice is just the final step of that.”

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Ben Rolph

The highly anticipated sequel to Joker (2019) is as deranged and exciting as you would have hoped. By incorporating song and dance in the vein of a jukebox musical , filmmaker Todd Philips (also known for The Hangover trilogy) gives Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker a different kind of strut, one that’s more meditative and less violent than what would be expected from the sequel to one of the highest-grossing R-rated movies of all time . Nothing will compare to the original 2019 phenomenon, but Joker: Folie à Deux does an exceptional job at following up with an imaginative comic book film unlike any other.

Joker: Folie à Deux picks the story up with Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix) incarcerated at Arkham State Hospital. He lives a repetitive life as he struggles with his infamous dual identity as “The Joker,” constantly being teased by fellow patients to make them laugh. Everything changes for Arthur when he meets his true love, Harleen “Lee” Quinzel (Lady Gaga). The two become infatuated with each other after meeting in a singing class at Arkham. Music and singing become a huge part of their love language as Arthur goes on trial for the murders he committed (as seen in the first film), which is put on a live television broadcast for the whole world to see.

While on trial, Arthur is reunited with familiar faces like Gary Puddles (Leigh Gill), who testifies to what he was like before he became the Joker. The overall testimony is persuasive and sincere to Arthur’s previous pathetic life, which ironically paints him in a terrible light that will almost certainly lead to him being sentenced for murder. As the “Trial of the century” continues, Joker’s supporters gather in the thousands outside the Gotham City courthouse. Whatever happens, it’s made clear that Joker’s influence will live on, having impacted so many everyday Gotham citizens who are disillusioned by society. What ensues is a musical misadventure that walks the line between reality and fantasy.

The silhouette of Lady Gaga and Joaquin Phoenix's faces as they come in for a kiss in front of sunset orange lighting during one of the Joker and Harley Quinn musical numbers in the sequel Joker Folie à Deux.

Opening with a classic Looney Tunes -inspired animated sequence, Arthur faces off with his shadow, an alternate personality that takes center stage as he sings Tom Jones ‘ “What the World Needs Now Is Love” on his own Murray Franklin-type show. It’s a fantastic opening that foreshadows the plot’s main focus on Joker’s split personality. Writer-director Todd Phillips doesn’t try to one-up the first Joker but rather tries to expand the audience’s understanding of Arthur’s mental state, offering a closer, more personal look at the protagonist. It sidelines the thrills of the first movie for musical numbers that express Joker and Harley’s emotions beyond what words would have been able to communicate. It’s a much-welcomed surprise to see a studio franchise film, based on DC Comics so less, care so little for genre conventions.

Apart from focusing on a singular hefty theme, the musical numbers in Joker: Folie à Deux are well-performed and incredibly entertaining. Most of them fit into the narrative structure of Todd Phillips’ script, which is once again co-written by Scott Silver ( The Fighter , 8 Mile ). Everything moves along at a smooth pace, and the two-plus hour runtime is rarely felt. Seeing Joker and Harley Quinn belting out their hearts is not something that DC fans would have ever expected to see in an adaptation like this. However, it’s a joy to watch this absurd take on the iconic DC villains, especially when the story takes a break from their cruel reality. Whether it’s the two lovers dancing on a Gotham rooftop under the moonlight or a dream-like fantasy of them getting married, Joker and Harley’s shared delusion and infatuation for each other is chaotically charming.

Joaquin Phoenix’s return as Joker feels like no time has passed, delivering another Oscar-worthy performance. This time, Phoenix is asked to do much more with the addition of singing and dancing, yet he still embodies the character’s disturbed personality to perfection. Phoenix wears Joker’s skin, embracing the struggles and moments of madness once again. Created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini for Batman: The Animated Series , Harley Quinn returns to the big screen with popstar-turned-actress Lady Gaga filling the shoes. Gaga is an understated, less psychotic version of Harley that aptly fits this film’s tone. Naturally, Gaga shines in the sequel’s musical sequences, which will leave many viewers obsessed with the selected songs. Not including any original music (apart from the score) in the vein of a jukebox musical was the right choice, as the duo pulls these tunes from their own twisted realities living in Gotham City.

The Joker and Harley Quinn share a regal dance on a Gotham City rooftop with a huge neon blue sign behind them that reads "Hotel Arkham" in one of the fantastical musical numbers from the sequel Joker: Folie à Deux.

Returning cinematographer Lawrence Sher beautifully lights and lenses Joker: Folie a Deux , capturing the fantastical numbers and Gotham’s griminess to great effect. Sher utilizes deep focus to isolate Phoenix’s Joker as he wrestles with his tragic existence while lighting most scenes with contrasting teals and oranges. The world of Joker: Folie à Deux is just as visually rich as the original, aided by Oscar-winner Hildur Guðnadóttir ‘s haunting orchestral score that breathes new life into the titular character. As aforementioned, the screenplay is more restrained and less sensationalist than its predecessor, which works well with the themes at hand. Despite how controversial the musical elements may be and how less “thrilling” it is compared to 2019’s Joker , it’s better that the filmmakers chose to take a creative swing rather than be safe. Otherwise, this would’ve just been another sequel. Instead, Joker: Folie a Deux is an entirely unique anti-hero film.

Joker: Folie à Deux is an enchanting follow-up that boasts some bold risks and surprise twists that will leave fans speculating for days. It ends in a satisfying way that teases a potential future while highlighting the effect that Joker had on society in the original film. There will undoubtedly be a lot of awards chatter as Joker: Folie à Deux is superbly made by a range of top creatives with two excellent performances from Joaquin Phoenix and Lady Gaga. Love it or hate it, it’s looking like this one-of-a-kind interpretation of Joker and Harley Quinn’s romance will have a tight grip on the public zeitgeist for the foreseeable future.

Joker: Folie à Deux premiered at the 2024 Venice Film Festival. The film hits theaters on October 4!

Release Date: October 4, 2024. Directed by Todd Phillips. Written by Scott Silver & Todd Phillips. Based on characters by Bob Kane, Bill Finger, Jerry Robinson, Bruce Timm, & Paul Dini. Produced by Todd Phillips, Emma Tillinger Koskoff, & Joseph Garner. Executive Producers: Scott Silver, Jason Ruder, Mark Friedberg, Georgia Kacandes, & Michael E. Uslan. Main Cast: Joaquin Phoenix, Lady Gaga, Brendan Gleeson, Catherine Keener, Zazie Beetz, Harry Lawtey, Steve Coogan, Leigh Gill, Sharon Washington, Jacob Lofland, & Ken Leung. Cinematographer: Lawrence Sher. Composer: Hildur Guðnadóttir. Production Companies: Warner Bros. Pictures, DC Studios, & Joint Effort. Distributor: Warner Bros. Pictures. Runtime: 138 minutes. Rated R.

zeitgeist the movie review

DiscussingFilm's Senior Film Critic, Ben Rolph, loves to review films, ranging from indies to blockbusters. He loves musicals, horror, and indies among a broad range of other genres. Also, Ben is the Chairman and Founder of the DiscussingFilm Critic Awards. In his spare time, Ben’s watching DCTV shows and going on about Melissa Benoist, Chris Wood, and Grant Gustin. Follow him here: @thedctvshow

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