IB ToK Essay Titles and Topics: May 2021

Here are links to ideas and suggestions relating to the the six May 2021 IB ToK Essay topics:

  • Topic 1. "Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • Topic 2. Within areas of knowledge, how can we differentiate between change and progress? Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • Topic 3. "Labels are a necessity in the organization of knowledge, but they also constrain our understanding." Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • Topic 4. "Statistics conceal as much as they reveal." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • Topic 5. "Areas of knowledge are most useful in combination with each other." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • Topic 6. " Avoiding bias seems a commendable goal, but this fails to recognize the positive role that bias can play in the pursuit of knowledge." Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.

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Title 1: "Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 1 include:

  • is trust simply the same as the WOK faith?
  • what is the difference between trusting oneself and trusting others?
  • are self-evident truths taken on trust?

Title 2: Within areas of knowledge, how can we differentiate between change and progress? Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 2 include:

  • the role of truth in distinguishing change and progress
  • the functions or uses of knowledge
  • the role of rational justification in defending knowledge claims

Title 3: "Labels are a necessity in the organization of knowledge, but they also constrain our understanding." Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 3 include:

  • are mental concepts labels?
  • the role of the imagination in pushing the boundaries of unconstrained knowledge
  • the difference between analysing something and labelling it

Title 4: "Statistics conceal as much as they reveal." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 4 include:

  • the difference between descriptive and inferential statistics
  • the difference between subjective and objective probability
  • what is the difference between appearance and reality?

Title 5: "Areas of knowledge are most useful in combination with each other." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 5 include:

  • the way different questions are asked in different AOKs
  • the different methods that each AOK uses to answer its distinctive questions
  • how can AOKs combine without merging and losing their identity?

Title 6: " Avoiding bias seems a commendable goal, but this fails to recognize the positive role that bias can play in the pursuit of knowledge." Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Thoughts to consider with essay 6 include:

  • can we ever see the world, as it is, without using concepts?
  • do we need bias to form hypotheses in the imagination?
  • what is the difference between an objective and a subjective judgement?
  • 1. "Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • 2. Within areas of knowledge, how can we differentiate between change and progress? Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • 3. "Labels are a necessity in the organization of knowledge, but they also constrain our understanding." Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • 4. "Statistics conceal as much as they reveal." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • 5. "Areas of knowledge are most useful in combination with each other." Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.
  • 6. " Avoiding bias seems a commendable goal, but this fails to recognize the positive role that bias can play in the pursuit of knowledge." Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.
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Overview of the TOK essay (first assessment 2022)

There have been some important changes to the TOK with the new curriculum (first assessment 2022). Overall, the “heart” of the essay remains the same but there are some key differences. When searching for resources online about the TOK essay, pay careful attention to whether or not they are geared towards the new essay. While many older resources are still somewhat relevant you need to be aware that some of has been written about the older curriculum may not apply anymore.

Additionally, there are a large number of sample essays available online but the vast majority of them are written for an older TOK curriculum. Older TOK curricula have some different requirements and different assessment criteria. Looking at older TOK essays can be beneficial as the basic core of the new essay has not changed dramatically. Be careful though.

The first place to look when trying understand the TOK essay is the assessment instrument. Page 48 of the TOK subject guide states a basic question that underlines the marking of all TOK essays:

“ Does the student provide a clear, coherent and critical exploration of the essay title?”

Each of the three “c” key terms needs further investigation:

  • Is the essay as a whole clearly linked to the essay title?
  • Are all of the key terms in the essay title clearly addressed in the essay?
  • Are the arguments clearly linked to the essay title?
  • Do the specific examples have a clear connection to the prescribed title?
  • Is the writing clear? Writing clarity is itself not assessed by TOK markers but markers can only give you credit for your arguments if they are written clearly enough to be fully understood.
  • Does the essay overall have sufficient coherence?
  • Do the arguments flow logically from one to another?
  • Do the AOKs flow logically from one to another? You do not have to separate your essay into two distinct AOK sections but there needs to be a logical reason for the order of your body paragraphs.
  • Are the specific examples organized in a logical way?
  • Are the different points of view discussed in an effective and logical sequence?
  • Does the essay use transitions words and phrases effectively to improve the coherence of the essay?

Note: To be able to create a coherent TOK essay you first need to be able to create a coherent essay. You need to develop your general essay writing skills before your start working on your TOK essay.

  • Do the arguments in the essay have sufficient depth of critical analysis in its approach to the prescribed title? Does the essay overall have sufficient depth of critical analysis?
  • How are the specific examples used to support the arguments? Are the specific examples examined in sufficient depth?
  • Do the different points of view in the essay have sufficient depth? If a different point of view in the essay is fairly superficial it make it more difficult for the essay to be successful.
  • Does the evaluation of the different points of view in the essay have sufficient depth? Is this evaluation linked directly to the arguments and the prescribed title?
  • Are the implications in the essay critically considered ? Just mentioning a couple of implication may not quite be enough.

Most of the points above are drawn directly from the TOK essay assessment instrument. It is extremely important that very early on you take some time to closely examine the TOK essay assessment instrument. All parts of your essay must directly connect to both the essay title and to the TOK essay assessment instrument.

  • During the TOK essay writing process make sure you examine and re-examine whether or not your essay fully addresses the prescribed title .
  • If there is some part of the essay title that you are not covering sufficiently in your essay, make sure you make the necessary changes as soon as possible
  • If there are parts of your essay that have weak links to the prescribed title strongly considering cutting them out. Save space in your essay for in-depth critical analysis that is directly linked to the prescribed title.
  • During the TOK essay writing process make sure you examine and re-examine whether or not your essay fully addresses the TOK assessment instrument .
  • If there is some part of the TOK assessment instrument that you are not covering sufficiently in your essay, make sure you make changes before you hand in your final draft.
  • If there are parts of your essay that have indirect / weak links to the TOK assessment instrument strongly considering cutting them out. Use the space in your essay for in-depth critical analysis that is directly linked to the prescribed title and the TOK assessment instrument.

Essay requirements

Beyond the basics (making sure you address the essay title as well as the TOK assessment instrument), there are additional requirements for the TOK essay. Check the TOK subject guide for details.

  • Academic honesty / authenticity: Page 44 of the TOK subject guide is quite clear: “The TOK essay must be the student’s own work.”
  • You must submit both your essay and the TOK essay Planning and Progress Form (TK/PPF) for marking. The form is not taken into consideration in the marking of your essay but it may be important if questions are raised about the authenticity of your work.
  • Maximum 1600 words (make sure you are clear about what is and is not included in the word count).
  • 12 point, double spaced, standard font. This is now the standard for most if not all IB EAs and IAs. If you do not follow these simple basic requirements you are indicating to the marker right from the start that you are not careful and do not follow basic instructions. That is not the frame of mind you want the marker to be in when they start reading your essay.

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Planning and structuring the TOK essay

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Once you’ve grasped the essay rubric , and chosen your title , you can start planning and structuring your TOK essay. You base this around the 3 interactions with your teacher, which are one-on-one meetings discussing your progress, and receiving feedback.

As well as the interactions, you can also ask your teacher specific questions about your essay, for example, the suitability of arguments and examples.

STEP 3: Plan and structure your TOK essay

Interaction 1.

In your first interaction, you’ll discuss the title that you have chosen and why, your interpretation of its general meaning, and the key words from the title that you’ve identified and will be focusing on.

You should also have a good idea about the areas of knowledge you’ll be using as the context of your essay (these may be specified in the title), the key concepts that could be included, and have a rough idea about the arguments and counterarguments that could be offered.

By the end of the first interaction, you should be clear about your choice (ideally, the meeting will have confirmed you made the right decision, rather than making you rethink it, but that’s still not a problem at this early stage of the essay-writing process), know the context you’ll be using, and be ready to write your introduction.

Interaction 2

During your second interaction, you’ll explain how you have moved your ideas forward, and the arguments and counterarguments that you’re developing. Ideally, you should be able to show your teacher your introduction, and a rough plan of the rest of your essay.

Be ready to discuss personal experiences and real-world examples that you will use to support points, key thinkers, and different points of view. It’s also useful to discuss any challenges and problems that you’ve encountered. Your teacher should then give you plenty of advice on how to turn all of this into a draft essay, which takes you to the final interaction.

Interaction 3

The third interaction is arguably the most important one, as it is when you will discuss your draft essay, and receive written feedback on how to turn this into your final version.

The first thing to ensure is that your draft is as complete as it possibly can be. The reason for this is that your teacher can only give you one set of written feedback, so if you’ve given them something that doesn’t have much detail, they won’t be able to give you any meaningful advice.

Make sure your teacher has had enough time to go over your essay, and has provided you with clear and detailed feedback on the strength and clarity of your arguments, the suitability of your examples, how successfully you’ve considered perspectives and implications, and how effectively your essay answers the questions. You should now feel ready to write the final version of the essay.

A four-step guide to the TOK essay

Click on the buttons below to take you to the four steps of creating a great TOK essay. Don’t forget that we have plenty of videos on this and other aspects of the course, and members of the site have access to a huge amount of other resources to help you master the course and assessment tasks.

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Check out our three-minute explainer video on the TOK essay here . The video goes over the basics of the TOK essay, such as how it’s assessed, the word count and other practical details, terms such as ‘perspectives’ and ‘implications’, and the role of real-world examples in justifying claims and arguments.

You’ll find more videos on this and other aspects of TOK here , and you can dive into much more depth via our free and premium webinars, here .

Watch our essay & exhibition webinars

Click on the images below to access these premium webinars on how to create the essay and exhibition. Access more webinars here , and watch our videos on the assessment tasks on this page .

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FAQs about the TOK essay

How do i choose my tok essay title.

You choose your essay from six prescribed essay titles, that are released at the beginning of your second DP year. We give a few tips on how to choose a PT that will work for you here . But briefly, choose one that links to your pre-existing knowledge, and that you find personally engaging.

What will I be writing about in my TOK essay?

You’ll be answering your prescribed title, within the context of two areas of knowledge, considering how different perspectives might affect our response to the question, and what the implications of your arguments are.

Can I use ChatGPT to write my essay?

You can use ChatGPT to help you gather materials for your essay, but you should definitely not be using it to write the essay. Be very careful with ChatGPT. It bases its answers on online material, and much of this is inaccurate or out-of-date. For example, depending on what you ask it, it may tell you that you have to explore multiple areas of knowledge (rather than the two stipulated by the titles), and that you have to identify a separate knowledge question to the title (which is absolutely not the case).

How much help should I expect from my teacher?

Your teacher should run through the PTs when they are first released, and then meet you for three interactions, during which you’ll discuss your progress. They are allowed to give you one set of written feedback. But you can consult them at other times with specific questions.

Do I need to use real-world examples in my TOK essay?

Yes, real-life examples help illustrate your points and make your arguments more tangible. They can be drawn from personal experiences, historical events, scientific discoveries, etc.

Should I include my personal opinion in the TOK essay?

While the TOK essay is not about your personal opinion per se, it’s important to reflect on your perspective and how it shapes the way you understand the title. However, you should avoid using the essay as a platform for rants or unsubstantiated claims.

Is it necessary to include counter-arguments in my TOK essay?

Yes, including counter-arguments shows a deeper understanding of the complexity of the topic and demonstrates your critical thinking skills. It also enables you to consider different perspectives, and evaluate the implications of arguments.

Should I include the 12 key concepts in my essay?

Yes, as much as you can, draw on the key concepts such as justification, evidence, perspective, bias, certainty, and objectivity within your arguments linking them to the title, and to the real-world examples you draw on.

How do I ensure that my TOK essay reflects my own original thinking, and avoids plagiarism?

Clearly attribute ideas and sources that are not your own, and strive to present original insights and interpretations supported by evidence and reasoning. See our point above on using ChatGPT – never view this as more than a tool to help you gather material for your essay, rather than a tool to write it for you.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when writing a TOK essay?

Avoid oversimplifying complex issues, relying solely on personal opinion without justification, neglecting counter-arguments, veering off the question, and failing to include a consideration of different perspectives.

How long do I have to write my essay?

You’ll have 6 months from the time the prescribed titles are released, to the deadline date for uploading your essay to the IB. However, most schools will set their own deadline for completing the essay, so that everyone has plenty of time to complete your PPF, and upload it on time. Follow what your school tells you about this.

How important is the TOK essay PPF?

The PPF (‘Planning and Progress Form’) is the document that you fill in to outline your discussions during the three essay. Although this is not directly assessed, it is an important part of demonstrating that you have approached the TOK essay in an ethical way, which is now particularly important in the era of ChatGPT.

What are some effective strategies for revising and editing my TOK essay to improve clarity and coherence?

Take breaks between revisions, seek feedback from peers or teachers, and carefully proofread for grammar, punctuation, and coherence.

Should I include references or a bibliography in my TOK essay?

While not required, referencing sources appropriately adds credibility to your essay; use footnotes or endnotes for citations.

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Subscribe to our free newsletter, and collect fantastic examples that will help you to understand the key ideas of TOK, support your essay and exhibition discussions, and help you to become an authentic critical thinker .

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The Complete IB TOK Exhibition Guide

An image of a person travelling into the human mind

The Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Exhibition task is one of the most unique IB assessment tasks you will complete, worth 1/3 of your final TOK grade. It is a truly complex challenge – you need to find a way to integrate TOK concepts, your selected objects and your selected theme, all while remaining focused on addressing the prompt.

In this guide, we will unpack everything you need to achieve a Grade A in your TOK Exhibition, from object selection to a structure designed around the marking criteria, setting you up for success!

Selecting a Prompt and Objects

It can be daunting to select a prompt with 35 different options. Our recommendation is to shortlist them – narrow the 35 prompts down to 5-6 which really stand out to you. When finalising your prompt, there are a few important things to keep in mind:

Ensure you understand the prompt and can connect it to a theme

Select a prompt which allows you to discuss a range of perspectives and ideas

Start thinking about potential objects for each of your shortlisted prompts and select the prompt which allows you to integrate the best objects and analysis

But how do you even choose an object? Could I choose my living room couch? Or a football jersey?...Where do you even start?!

The TOK guide outlines some criteria to help narrow the scope of your selection process:

1. The object can be a digital or physical object

2. The object should be of personal interest and should have a personal context for you. It does not necessarily have to be something you own, but you must establish a personal connection to the object in some way.

Some interesting examples which we have seen from our students include personal training splits, novels studied in class, tweets from their social feed, photographs from overseas travels and childhood toys.

3. The object must have an identifiable, real-world specific context . It must not be a hypothetical or vague object. For example...

"World War 2 historiography" would NOT be a specific object...

Whereas, "Trevor-Roper's historical text, The Wartime Journals" would be an object with a specific real-world context.

And to that we'd add one more component that is almost essential to succeed:

4. The object has to be connectable to the prompt and be illustrative of the point you are trying to make!

Structuring the TOK Exhibition

With so many different components to cover and a marking criteria with such depth, it can be daunting to even start writing this task. Our recommended structure provides a framework for you to get started, while also ensuring that you integrate the characteristics of a top-band essay using the TOK Exhibition marking criteria.

To Intro or not to Intro

There has been some disagreement as to whether or not an introduction is necessary for this task. With only 950 words available to cover three objects, integrating TOK concepts, the prompt and the theme, every word is vital .

At IB Solved, we pride ourselves on providing specialist advice which aligns with EXACTLY what the IB wants to see. So we went digging through the feedback on some IB-released exemplars and found the following excerpt from a top-scoring TOK exhibition:

"This student has included an introduction to their work. It should be noted that this is not required, but students are free to include a short introduction if they wish to do so"

So from a strategic perspective, we recommend NOT including an introduction and instead focusing on using the full 300-320 words for each of their three objects.

Part 1: Introduce the Object and its Specific Real-World Context

The very first thing to do is to introduce your object . You need to establish the object's specific real-world context and also a personal connection ; explain what it is with relation to its real-world context, where and when YOU first encountered it, the impact it had on YOU and finally, its connection to the prompt.

This should be around 60-80 words and is vital to reaching the top band of the marking criteria, by 'clearly identifying' the specific real-world context of the object, as well as providing a strong justification for the object's inclusion within the exhibition.

Part 2: Object + Prompt + TOK Concepts = Top Band Analysis

This section is the bulk of your writing for each object and you have A LOT to cover. To reach the top band, you need to do 3 things:

Establish a clear and well-explained link between the object and the prompt

Provide a strong justification of the particular contribution of the object (this is why it is important to select objects which each allow you to discuss a distinct perspective on the prompt)

Construct points which are well-supported by appropriate evidence, making explicit references to the prompt

And we'd like to add one bonus factor, which is inspired by the overarching question of the TOK exhibition marking criteria – "Does the exhibition successfully show how TOK manifests in the world around us?":

4.  Integrate TOK concepts, theories and language within your arguments

So what does this look like in practice? How can you possibly do this within the constraints of this section, which should be between 220-250 words?

The trick is to do many of these things at once (yes, that is incredibly vague, but the structure below will add much needed clarity):

Topic Sentence: Connect the object (which you have just introduced) to the prompt and state your argument, implementing the words of the prompt in your statement

Make Your Argument: Explain your point, implementing the TOK concepts and making explicit references to the prompt

Relate back to Your Object: Use your object as a clear exemplification of the point you are making, providing specific and detailed analysis to demonstrate how the object proves your point, justifying its inclusion in the exhibition

Concluding Sentence: Reiterate the point you are making, using the words of the prompt to show how you have developed an effective argument which is connected to the prompt

Now depending on how much analysis and discussion is required to truly expand on your point, you may have one or two different points to make. Ensure that regardless of the number of points, you always relate each point back to both the object and the prompt .

So whether you decide to do 2 short points or one longer point, you are always making explicit references back to both the object (to justify its inclusion) and the prompt (to meet that third criterion noted earlier).

Part 3: Strong Closing Link Statement

You thought we were done earlier?

Think again, because we really want to show these IB markers that we understand the requirements of the task and remind them that we have met all the expectations of the top criterion . And we want to do it all in ideally one, maximum two, final, magical sentences …

OPP (yes, I know you IB students are sick of acronyms but too bad because this is important), which stands for Object , Point , Prompt .

But to really demonstrate this, let's use an example from one of our exemplar TOK Exhibitions . This exhibition discusses the prompt:

"What is the relationship between personal experience and knowledge?"

The candidate uses her mother's diary as the object, and secures her top mark with the following statement:

"Therefore, this object reveals how personal experiences can contribute to historical knowledge by providing unique individualised insights. Whilst often historians will exercise caution and insist upon corroboration between experiences, a strong relationship between personal experiences and historical knowledge exists." 

Object. Point. Prompt.

How to Start?

And that's it! Still unsure how to start? Need some help putting the pieces together for this complex yet important task? Make sure to check out some of our Grade 7 TOK Exhibition Exemplars , especially our perfect 10/10 IB TOK Exhibition Example !

Or even better, click below to work with one of our many expert IB Theory of Knowledge tutors  who can guide you personally through the complete process of achieving top marks in your own TOK Exhibition!

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Breaking Down TOK Essay Titles 2021 | Part 1

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 The TOK Essay is something many of us dread… Many of us feel like we’ve learned nothing in TOK up until this point and now we’re expected to write an essay!? What makes matters worse is that the Titles are sometimes ridiculously confusing as well – so you might feel like you have no idea which way to tackle the question. We’re here to help you out. Today we’re breaking down the first 3 2021 TOK Essay titles to get your creative juices flowing! 

Note: Following these suggestions will not guarantee you a good score on your TOK Essay! These are our thoughts on the best ways to consider the questions, but ultimately it’s the quality of your arguments that will make or break your essay!


Want to know how to get an A in TOK?

Joao (left) is one of more than 300 IB graduates working with Lanterna who smashed the IB. He knows exactly how to get an A in your TOK Essay and can give you tips on how to do the same. What are you waiting for? Meet him today!

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“Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

We deem this to be a relatively difficult question to answer, specifically because the element of ‘trust’ is crucial to this question. A natural first step will be to define what an element of trust really is in this context. Who needs to trust whom, and what degree of trust can represent an ‘element’ of trust. Only when that is established, or at least explored, can we dive further into the question. 

The prompt also asks you to discuss the claim with reference to 2 specific areas of knowledge. Typically establishing the areas of knowledge that you wish to explore will give you much more guidance into how to craft your core arguments. It would, for example, be interesting to compare and contrast the areas of knowledge of mathematics and history, or perhaps contrasting natural sciences and religious knowledge systems .

If we choose mathematics and history as our two areas of knowledge, one could make an argument that ‘trust’ does not play a part in the acceptance of mathematical knowledge claims as the knowledge can be considered verifiable. Meanwhile, within history we must believe the words of those who documented the historical events – our whole understanding of history is shaped by the words of others. Naturally, then, in order to accept historical knowledge we need a greater element of trust. 

The quote states that “accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust”, thus with our approach this claim appears not to be true! But perhaps you reach a different conclusion based on your arguments and examples.

A potential structure for this essay could be:

  • Examine the wording of the claim, defining ‘knowledge claims’, ‘accepting’, and ‘an element of trust’. Be sure to specifically consider the importance of ‘trust’ in this context.
  • Discuss the importance, or lack thereof, of ‘trust’ within AoK #1
  • Discuss the importance, or lack thereof, of ‘trust’ within AoK #2
  • Explain the differences in the role of trust within the two AoK’s and why they lead to us accepting knowledge claims differently.
  • Circle back to the original claim, verifying or denying the validity of it!

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Within areas of knowledge, how can we differentiate between change and progress? Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.

If prompt 1 was difficult, this one might be the most difficult of them all! It’s a very nuanced question, asking students to aptly compare and contrast the concepts of ‘change’ and ‘progress’ as it relates to knowledge. Naturally, this question can be spun a multitude of ways, but this is how you could approach this 2021 TOK essay title! 

Progress could be defined as change that leads you closer to the verifiable truth, while change is simply moving from some personal/shared knowledge to some other personal/shared knowledge. According to this definition, progress would be seen when a mathematical proof is discovered allowing mathematicians to come closer to understanding and accepting the ‘truth’. However, when a religious system , such as Pope Francis modernizing the Catholic Church, that may only be seen as ‘change’ and not progress, as the development is not necessarily bringing knowledge closer to some verifiable truth. Be aware, this is a difficult approach to take as the line between change and progress is very thin, so be sure that the RLEs (real life examples) you choose clearly demonstrate the difference between your definitions of change and progress.

Another approach you could take would be to define change as being a radical, larger transformation of personal or shared knowledge while progress may only be incremental. For example, one could consider the Industrial Revolution as being not progress, but change, as it so fundamentally changed the way that we live our lives today. Meanwhile, a new software update on your phone, though ‘changing’ something, might be considered to be progress rather than change. You might want to consider the AoK’s of History – allowing you to look at historical events and describe them as progress/change depending on the context, as well as Natural Sciences – considering the impact that discoveries had on the progression of knowledge and whether they would thus be considered a ‘change’ or simply ‘progress’ of scientific knowledge.

Last, you may define the difference between change and progress according to the following – change in knowledge implies that previous knowledge is now falsified or rejected in favour of new knowledge, whilst progress implies that the previous knowledge is still intact, just improved. With this approach you could quite clearly focus on the development of theories within the Natural or Human sciences and how, historically, we have had changes in theories or progression of theories leading us to the shared knowledge today.


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“Labels are a necessity in the organization of knowledge, but they also constrain our understanding.” Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.

This might be our favourite 2021 TOK essay prompt! Although not an easy one, it’s one that I think a lot of people have thought about even outside of TOK class. We as humans are constantly labelling, judging, and assigning personal beliefs/ideals when attempting to understand or absorb new knowledge. To what extent does assigning these labels help us in our day-to-day and to what extent does it distort the world that we live in? It’s an interesting thought!

When looking at this question, our minds go directly to the area of knowledge of Art . Take music as an example. We are very quick to place musicians and music in boxes “Bach was a baroque musician”, “ Miles Davis was a jazz musician”, “Taylor Swift’s latest album was pop” – and thus our perception of the music is skewed accordingly. Although it may be true that largely Miles Davis was a jazz musician, and there is nothing wrong with categorizing him as such, we might become blind to understanding the true depth of his art when looking at it in this 2D way. Miles Davis’ music was influenced by Jazz, Blues, Bebop, elements of Bossa Nova, and much more! Similarly, taking visual art as an example, all artwork made by Picasso are instantly labelled as masterpieces, whether they were actually that or not! By labelling his works as such, it may dissuade people from actually questioning the true intent of the artist, and whether they achieved their goal! Labels, although useful, can largely skew how we would otherwise perceive the art.

Another AoK to consider with this prompt would be with regards to history . When considering historical claims, we are always acutely aware of the potential biases associated with their knowledge. We might blindly disregard knowledge from a seemingly biased source because we label it as ‘false facts’ automatically! Although labelling certain knowledge as biased may help us to quickly make decisions as to the truth of the facts stated, it may also lead us to incorrectly judge other knowledge. It might be that some of the knowledge we classify as incorrect due to bias is in fact correct, but by labelling we hampered our understanding!

This is just one approach to take with regards to this question – we think there is massive scope for discussing this prompt within all 8 AoK’s! Just pick the one you think you have the strongest RLEs for. 

So there we have it, three of the 2021 TOK essay titles broken down! Still feeling unsure? We’ve got elite IB tutors ready and able to help you put your best foot forward…

Check out Part 2 Here

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Image shows a library with statues on the left hand side that are reminiscent of philosophers and TOK

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Breaking Down TOK Essay Titles 2022

The TOK Essay can be a daunting task, and many of us struggle to even begin out of fear of doing something wrong. Not only are you expected to learn the philosophy of all the areas of knowledge, but now you have to write an essay about it too!? TOK Essay Titles in Human Sciences […]

TOK Essay Examples

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22 Tok Essays Examples

Exemplary TOK essays. Master your writing.

13 Tok Exhibition Examples

Top TOK exhibitions. Impress in assessments.

Is Replicability Necessary In The Production Of Knowledge? Discuss With Reference To Two Areas Of Knowledge.

Discover The Secrets Of Knowledge With This Sample IB Theory Of Knowledge Essay Discussing Two Areas Of Knowledge. Enhance Your Understanding And Critical Thinking Skills.

Theory of Knowledge

To What Extent Is The Knowledge We Produce Determined By The Methodologies We Use Discuss With Reference Tohistory And One Other Area Of Knowledge.

Unlock Insightful Perspectives In Our Sample Theory Of Knowledge Essay - Discover How Methodologies Shape Knowledge Through Compelling Analysis Of History And More.


The Impact Of Knowledge Bubbles Exclusion & Influence In History & Human Sciences

Discover How Knowledge Bubbles Shape History And Human Sciences, Exploring Exclusion And Influence In This Insightful IB Theory Of Knowledge Essay Sample.


Labels Are A Necessity In The Organization Of Knowledge, But They Also Constrain Our Understanding. Discuss This Statement With Refer- Ence To Two Areas Of Knowledge.

Explore how labels organize and limit knowledge in this insightful IB essay. Delve into two areas of knowledge to uncover their impact on understanding. Engage deeply with this thought-provoking discussion


Is Replicability Necessary In The Production Of Knowledge? Discuss With Reference To Two Areas Of Knowledge

Unlock The Secrets Of Replicability In Knowledge: How Natural Sciences And The Arts Differ In Their Approach.


¿Es Problemático Que Muy A Menudo El Conocimiento Este Conformado Por Los Valores De Quienes Lo Producen? Discuta Esta Pregunta Haciendo Referencia A Dos Áreas De Conocimiento.

Explore the Essay: ¿Es Problemático Que Muy a Menudo El Conocimiento Este Conformado Por Los Valores De Quienes Lo Producen? Delve into two areas of knowledge in this thought-provoking discussion."


¿Por Qué Buscamos Pruebas Irrefutables Cuando Tan A Menudo Son Inalcanzables? Discuta Esta Pregunta Haciendo Referencia A Dos Áreas De Conocimiento.

Discover Why We Seek Irrefutable Proofs Despite Their Elusiveness. Explore This IB Theory Of Knowledge Essay Referencing Two Areas Of Knowledge. Dive In Now.


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Discuss This Statement With Reference To Two Areas Of Knowledge

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ToK Exhibition Objects Generator

Generating ToK exhibition objects was hard. QBIX AI makes it easy.


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  • TOK Exhibition

TOK exhibition Sample 3

Alexey Popov March 10, 2021 Assessment , TOK Exhibition

tok essay samples 2021

This is our THIRD TOK exhibition sample: the written commentary itself as well as a video that gives a step-by-step explanation of the full creation process.

TOK exhibition Sample 3 uses the following approach:

  • Start with a particular topic or concept
  • Find an interesting object related to this topic or concept
  • Find a suitable prompt
  • Find the other two objects to “develop the message”

The IA prompt that was selected here is “How important are material tools in the production or acquisition of knowledge?”. The three objects are:

  • Screenshot from Botpoet.com (a Turing test for IA-generated poetry)
  • The Large Hadron Collider
  • The article “Nasal distortion in short-distance photographs” from the online journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery

Why we are doing this

tok essay samples 2021

ThemEd’s TOK textbook for the new syllabus

We at Themantic Education think that the best way to support students in making their TOK exhibition is to demonstrate some specific examples – not only the final product, but the full thinking process that went into it. This way students will understand not only where they need to go, but also how to get there.

For this reason we have created several sample TOK exhibitions each using a slightly diff erent approach to selecting the objects.

Each of our sample exhibitions includes the fully written TOK exhibition commentary and a YouTube video that gives a step-by-step explanation of how the exhibition was created. Together they will help your students understand the process thor oughly.

Don’t forget to check out our other TOK exhibition samples! See Thematic Education’s IB TOK playlist on YouTube

(And buy our textbook , it’s awesome and different from all other textbooks)

EXPLAINER VIDEO: The process of creation

WRITTEN COMMENTARY: How important are material tools in the production or acquisition of knowledge?

My first object is a screenshot from the website botpoet.com – it’s a website dedicated to the competition called “Bot or Not?”. This unusual competition is between humans and machines in writing poetry. Essentially it is a Turing test. Users are asked to read 10 poems and guess if they were written by a human or a machine. If they can’t, we assume that machines have passed the test by producing poetry that is indistinguishable from human creation. This particular poem was written by a computer algorithm, but I mistakenly thought that it was written by a human. The poem looked “human” to me, so the machine managed to fool me. 

Poetry is a special kind of non-propositional knowledge that serves as a map to the world of our own experiences. Artificial intelligence is a material tool that we have created to perform certain tasks. But artificial intelligence has evolved to the point where it can be a creator itself. Therefore the object links to the prompt because it is a case of a material tool (artificial intelligence) involved in the production of knowledge (poetry). Moreover, it is a case where the material tool actually produces knowledge all by itself, with no involvement of the original creator.

I have included this object in the exhibition because poetry is one form of knowledge that is often argued to be inherently human. It is commonly believed that the only tool involved in the production of poetry is the human soul. If a machine can produce knowledge that is “inherently human”, then of course material tools are very important in the production of knowledge. In fact, they are so important that they are taking over the human territory, replacing their original creators.


My second object is the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The LHC is the largest particle accelerator in the world, and it is also the largest machine in the world. It took 10 years to build and more than 100 countries collaborated. It lies in a tunnel 27 kilometers in circumference, 175 meters beneath the ground near Geneva. Its purpose is to accelerate particles and make them collide at a very high speed, so that an analysis of their debris could help understand what these particles consist of (Mann, 2019). One particle in particular was of special interest – the Higgs Boson, a hypothetical particle that, according to the so-called Standard Model in particle physics, explains why all other particles have mass. The existence of the boson was predicted in 1964. If the boson does not exist, the Standard Model is false. In 2012, 48 years after the prediction, the particle was finally found in the Large Hadron Collider. This discovery was a big deal in science (Greene, 2013). 

This object links to the prompt because the Large Hadron Collider is without a doubt a material tool that we have built to produce knowledge about elementary particles. The only way to understand what small particles consist of is to break them into pieces, and the only way to do that is to accelerate them to a speed close to the speed of light and carefully register the trajectory of the debris resulting from the collision. Such knowledge is impossible without a material tool. 

However, the reason this object was included in the exhibition is that it demonstrates that we are reaching the limit of what material tools are capable of. Material tools are useful, but there seems to be a point after which, no matter how sophisticated our material tools are, no new knowledge will be obtained. The LHC has been a tremendous effort – 48 years of work and billions of dollars to test one hypothesis. Beyond a certain point, it would no longer be practically possible to test theories. This example shows that material tools have their limitations. There are thresholds they cannot cross.

, 333-335.

My third object is an article about “the selfie effect” published in the journal JAMA Facial Plastic Surgery . This is a screenshot of the article on the journal’s website. This article argues that selfies distort the proportions of our face, making our nose appear 30 % larger than it really is. Note that the article is published in a journal about facial plastic surgery! The thing is, plastic surgeons have been reporting a sharp increase in the number of patients who want to go through nose reduction surgery because they don’t like the way they look in selfies. Most of these patients don’t realize that selfies distort their face. Psychologists have invented a term – snapchat dysmorphia (Ramphul & Mejias, 2018). Ward’s article which is the object of my exhibition was the first step towards understanding this condition.

This links to the IA prompt because photography is a material tool that we use in our everyday lives to understand how we look. Acquisition of knowledge in this case refers to my knowledge about my own body appearance, or my body image. Now that smartphones are ubiquitous and selfies are a trend, we may rely on selfies to acquire knowledge about our own appearance. We don’t realize that we are getting a distorted picture, and this results in biased perceptions. 

I have included this object in the exhibition because, unlike the first two objects, it shows that the role of material tools in the acquisition of knowledge is not always positive. In fact, material tools can actually do harm and result in distorted knowledge, for which reason it is essential that we are aware of their limitations. This is probably true for the daily knowledge that we acquire in everyday personal lives, but this can also be taken as a lesson for bodies of knowledge that we share as communities. 

Word count: 950 words


  • Greene, Brian (July 2013). How the Higgs Boson was found. Smithsonian Magazine. Retrieved from: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/how-the-higgs-boson-was-found-4723520/
  • Mann, Adam (2019, January 29). What is the Large Hadron Collider? LiveScience. Retrieved from: https://www.livescience.com/64623-large-hadron-collider.html
  • Ramphul, K., & Mejias, S. G. (2018). Is “Snapchat Dysmorphia” a Real Issue?. Cureus, 10(3), e2263. https://doi.org/10.7759/cureus.2263

Alexey Popov

Alexey Popov is a teacher of IB Psychology and Theory of Knowledge. He is an IB author, examiner and workshop leader. He also authored Oxford IB Psychology books. He currently lives in Hong Kong.

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Prescribed May 2021 IB ToK Essay Titles


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When it comes to the ToK essay, it allows the students to engage themselves in a topic that entices reflection and thinking. And just like every year, this year begins with the prescribed topics for 2021 May ToK essays.


Nevertheless, if you are looking for assistance in writing a ToK essay, you are

always free to follow this link .

You can also find a list of titles for other years:

  • November 2023 TOK essay prescribed titles
  • May TOK essay prompts 2023
  • Prescribed TOK essay titles for May 2022
  • Topics for TOK essay in November 2022

In case you have strongly decided to work on the paper, first of all, make sure to check the article that describes in detail how to write a TOK essay . Secondly, below you will find a list of topics for the IB Tok Essay in the year 2021.

In this article, we will talk about the six ToK titles that were recently released and discuss the possible questions, responses, suggestions and strategies on how to construct the essay.

IB ToK Essay Titles 2021

Title 1: “Accepting knowledge claims always involves an element of trust.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge. + SAMPLE

With this title, one needs to clarify and reflect the words: element of trust, involves, always, knowledge claims and acceptance. For this topic for the ToK essay, we need to start by pondering ‘at’ and ‘to’ ourselves and then attempt a proposition which address ‘what’ and ‘who’.

Title 2: Within the areas of knowledge, how can we differentiate between change and progress? Answer with reference to two areas of knowledge.

For this title, the main concepts that one needs to keep in mind is to understand the difference between ‘progress’ and ‘change’. One needs to keep in mind that when talking about change, it is a motion which is linked with time. And when it comes to progress, it is when you progress towards something.

Title 3: “Labels are a necessity in the organization of knowledge, but they also constrain our understanding.” Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge.

In this topic, you need to begin with understanding what a label is. To begin with, labels are a language which are attached to a certain property or an object which gives out information regarding the item. When you label something, you make an assertion that the thing is classified in a certain manner.

Title 4: “Statistics conceal as much as they reveal.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge.

You might have heard, “There are lies, damned lies and statistics”. This phrase signifies the power which numbers hold, especially in the study of Human Sciences and how statistics is applied during weak arguments or to ensure that the truth is being revealed.

Title 5: “Areas of knowledge are most useful in combination with each other.” Discuss this claim with reference to two areas of knowledge. + SAMPLE

Taking its literal meaning, the word ‘technology’ is made from ‘techne’ and ‘logos’, two Greek words. The fusion of these two terms goes back to the 17 th century and literally, the word stands for, ‘knowing and making’. And thus, combining different things results in powerful elements.

Title 6: “Avoiding bias seems a commendable goal, but this fails to recognize the positive role that bias can play in the pursuit of knowledge.” Discuss this statement with reference to two areas of knowledge. + SAMPLE

The title holds the word ‘bias’ and then positively sheds light to its ‘pursuit of knowledge’. This topic reflects on the slanted view of how we look into things and how we tend to look on the other side.

Ready to handle any of the ToK essay May prescribed titles?

These are just a brief explanation of this year’s ToK essay titles. Of course, to succeed, you need to dig way deeper or ask for expert writing or editing assistance from a reliable company like Writing Metier. Our company has a separate team of professional IB ToK essay writers .

I have also written an article that explains the main advantages and disadvantages of International Baccalaureate that will be interesting for everyone who is searching for a good educational option.

Need a Dope Paper Written? We've Got Your Back!

Have a great one and I wish you all the best with your IB studies.

Free topic suggestions

Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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