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What’s the Deadline for Submitting your TOK Essay?

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The Theory of Knowledge essay is an important part of any International Baccalaureate curriculum. It is a written assignment that tests a student’s ability to think critically about a given topic and form an argument based on research. The TOK essay is unique in that it has a specific structure and focuses on different ways of knowing, thinking, and learning.

The purpose of the TOK essay is to demonstrate how well a student can interpret, evaluate, and communicate different types of knowledge. It also allows students to engage with philosophical concepts and explore their own creativity. By writing a TOK essay, students gain insight into their own world views, as well as those of their peers.

When it comes to writing a TOK essay , there are three key concepts to keep in mind – the focus of the essay (the target search terms), the argument that the essay makes, and the evidence that supports the argument. The target search terms are the keywords used when researching the essay topic. These terms will guide the student as they look for evidence in books, articles, lectures, and other sources. The student must then use this evidence to form an argument and structure their essay. Finally, the essay must be formatted according to the guidelines provided by the IB program.

Writing a TOK essay can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. By following the steps outlined in this guide, students can feel confident that they are on the right track to submitting a top-notch TOK essay on time.

What’s the Deadline for Submitting your TOK Essay?​

Step 1: Doing Your Research

Doing your research is the most important step in writing a successful TOK essay. To make sure you score top marks and get the best possible result, it is essential that you have a good understanding of the topic and have done your research properly.

Start by reading up on the subject and familiarising yourself with all the key concepts. If you are struggling to understand any of the terms, try looking them up online or talking to someone who has more experience with the subject.

Next, you need to find some reliable sources for your essay. Make sure you are using reputable websites and don’t use any unreliable sources as this could lead to weaker arguments and even poorer grades.

You should also make sure to look at different perspectives, so that you can build a more detailed argument. Read multiple books and articles to ensure you have a thorough understanding of the topic.

Finally, make sure to write down any quotes or ideas you find while researching. This will help you to think of new ways to approach the topic and may provide inspiration for later drafts of your essay.

By following these tips and doing your research properly, you will be well on your way to writing an outstanding TOK essay.

Brainstorming and Structuring Your TOK Essay

The process of brainstorming and structuring your TOK essay is an important part of the writing process. Brainstorming involves collecting your thoughts and ideas about the topic and taking the time to consider a range of approaches. This allows you to develop a clear understanding of the question and gain some perspective on the various ways you can respond to it.

Structuring your essay is almost as important as the research and writing itself. It’s much easier to plan and structure your ideas before starting to write, rather than trying to fit your ideas into a structure afterwards. In order to create an effective structure for your essay, it can be helpful to start by creating a mind map or diagram. This will help you to visualise the points that you need to cover in your essay, as well as the connections between them.

When developing the structure for your essay, it’s important to keep in mind the following elements:

  • Introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of your essay and explain why the topic is important.
  • Body: This is where you will present your argument and evidence, as well as any counter-arguments or opposing views.
  • Conclusion: Sum up your argument and tie together any loose ends in your essay.

It is also important to keep the flow of your essay in mind, and make sure that each paragraph logically follows on from the last. You can also use transitions and signposting to guide readers through your argument. Finally, don’t forget to include page numbers and a clear table of contents at the beginning of your essay.

Having a well-structured essay will help you to present your ideas in a coherent way and ensure that your argument is clear to your reader. It is also a great way to avoid rambling or getting off track with your point. By taking the time to brainstorm and structure your essay, you can ensure that you are presenting the best possible version of your work.

Step 3: Writing Drafts

Writing a TOK essay can be daunting, but by breaking down the process into smaller steps it can be easier to manage. The third step of the process is Writing Drafts. When starting to write your essay, it’s important to begin with draft versions, as this gives you the opportunity to refine and improve your ideas before submitting the final version.

How To Write A Draft

  • Create an outline: Break your essay into sections and subsections that support your main argument. This can help keep your writing focused, clear and organized.
  • Write the first draft: Don’t worry too much about making mistakes in this initial version; this is the point at which you can get your ideas down on paper and see how they fit together.
  • Evaluate your work: Once you’ve written the first draft, read through it carefully and make notes on any areas that you feel could be improved. Are there any gaps in your argument that need to be filled? Is the structure cohesive? What could be made clearer?
  • Revise and edit: Use your notes to make changes in the second draft. If possible, have someone else look through it for you to catch mistakes you might have missed.

The Importance Of Revision

Revising is essential for producing a high-quality TOK essay. It allows you to evaluate the structure and content of your work, ensuring that it meets the standards required by your institution. Furthermore, revision helps to ensure that your essay is coherent, conveying your ideas clearly and effectively.

In conclusion, Writing Drafts is an important step when writing a TOK essay. By taking your time to create an effective outline and then writing multiple drafts, you will be able to produce a well-structured essay that meets all the criteria for success.

Step 4: Final Touches

The fourth and final step in submitting a successful TOK essay is to give it the finishing touches. Writing multiple drafts of your essay is important, but these drafts may still not be up to submission standards. This is why it’s essential to do an extensive edit and proofread of your essay before handing it in.

Editing is the process of refining your essay by adjusting sentences, paragraphs, and ideas so they flow in a logical order. When editing, consider whether there are better ways to communicate your argument, or if any part of the essay can be restructured. You should also look out for any typos or spelling mistakes in the text.

Proofreading is the last step of the writing process and involves meticulously going through each word and punctuation mark to make sure the sentence structure and punctuation is correct. You should double-check that all the references you used in the essay are formatted correctly, and any additional sources you may have added are cited properly.

It’s also important to add any further references or links that support your argument. This step is essential for making your work more reliable. Try to find sources from reputable organizations or institutions, and make sure that the information you’re adding is up to date and relevant.

By taking the time to edit and proofread your TOK essay, you can ensure that your work is of the highest quality and meets the criteria for submission.

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What is the deadline.

It is absolutely essential that you meet the deadline for submitting your TOK essay. The timeline for submitting your essay will depend on you or your school’s individual circumstances, but it is important to be aware of the deadlines and ensure that your essay is submitted in good time.

In general, students and schools should  aim to submit the TOK  essay at least two weeks before the start of the exam. This means that if your exam starts on June 1st, your essay should be submitted no later than May 15th. It is important to note that some schools and universities may have slightly different timelines, so you should always check with your school or university to find out their specific deadlines.

It is also important to be aware of the consequences of missing the deadline. If you are a student, you may not be allowed to sit for the exam. If you are a school, you may be penalized for late submission. Therefore, it is important to make sure that you are aware of the relevant deadlines and remain vigilant to ensure that your essay is submitted on time.

In conclusion, it is essential that you understand and adhere to the timeline for submitting your TOK essay. Make sure to familiarize yourself with the relevant deadlines and ensure that you submit the essay in good time. By taking these simple steps, you can ensure that you do not miss the deadline and avoid any potential penalties.

Finishing Up

We hope this guide has been helpful in preparing you for the TOK essay. Writing a great essay can be a challenge, but by doing your research, getting organized, and staying on top of your deadlines, you’ll have a greater chance of success.

Don’t forget to proofread your essay several times before submitting it. This will help you to check for any mistakes and make sure that your essay is free from grammatical and spelling errors.

Finally, if you’re having difficulty meeting the deadline, don’t panic. Talk to your teacher or your parents, as they can offer you advice and support. Also, take advantage of all the available resources, such as websites and books, to help you write a successful TOK essay.

We wish you the best of luck with your TOK essay!

International Context

For international students, it is important to be aware of the regulations and guidelines for submitting a TOK essay. While all students must adhere to the wider frameworks set out by the International Baccalaureate (IB) for the essay, there can be important differences between countries.

For example, in some countries the grading system may be different or the format of the final essay can have specific requirements. As such, it is important to check this information with your local school or institution before starting the writing process.

It is also important to note that the deadline for submission of the essay may vary from country to country. Some countries may require the essay to be completed in one academic year while others may adopt a more relaxed approach and allow students more time to submit their essays.

In addition, some international schools may apply specific rules regarding how to structure the essay and what topics students are permitted to write about. For instance, some countries may require the inclusion of certain cultural references in the essay or may even require students to use particular software.

To ensure you meet the requirements of your institution, read the guidelines closely and make sure you research thoroughly.

By understanding the regulations and guidelines for international students, it is possible to make sure that the TOK essay is up to the highest standard and is submitted on time.

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Tips and Resources for Submitting Your TOK Essay on Time

Submitting your TOK essay can be a daunting task. Writing quality, argumentative essays requires lots of research, organization, structure and editing. The tight timeline prescribed by the International Baccalaureate (IB) program may seem intimidating, but there are tips and resources that you can use to make sure your essay is submitted on time.

Start by setting up a timeline. Make sure to give yourself plenty of cushion time so you don’t have to rush your essay at the last minute. Plan out when you will do your research, brainstorm your topic, write drafts, edit, and submit. Utilise free online tools like Google Calendar or a Plain Text editor to help track your progress and deadlines.

Set aside regular times each week to work on your essay. Aim to make progress everyday, even if that progress is small. Break the process into manageable chunks and focus on one element at a time instead of trying to tackle everything all at once.

Finally, take advantage of the wealth of online resources available. Look up trusted scientific sources, websites, and blogs. Ask teachers and fellow students for help with understanding the material. Utilise online proofreading tools to help edit and refine your writing. Take advantage of online essay writing services to get feedback from professional editors.

These tips and resources can help you make sure your TOK essay is great and submitted on time. Remember, it is much easier to make steady progress toward your goal than it is to scramble at the last minute. So take the time to set up a timeline, break the process into manageable chunks, and utilise the wealth of online resources available.

Writing a good TOK essay can be a daunting task – especially when it comes to meeting the deadline. We hope that this guide has been helpful in giving you an insight into writing a TOK essay, from researching to formatting and submitting the final copy.

It’s important to remember that by using the available resources, you can ensure that you meet the deadline for your TOK essay. Take some time to explore all the options available – from online tutors to sample essays and useful tips – so that you can submit a top-quality essay on time.

We also encourage you to stay up to date with your local examinations board or school guidelines when submitting a TOK essay. This will help ensure that you meet the correct deadline and don’t incur any penalties.

By following these simple steps and utilising the available resources, you can easily submit your TOK essay on time and get one step closer to achieving your educational goals.

Citing Sources

When writing an essay, it is essential to include references to the sources that you have used. This allows readers to verify the accuracy of your statements, as well as being able to investigate further. Therefore, at the end of your TOK essay, you should include a comprehensive list of all sources that you have used throughout the article.

Including references will also help to boost the overall credibility of your essay. By citing authoritative sources, you can show the reader that you have done your research and provide evidence to back up any claims that you make.

When citing sources, it is important to use the correct format. There are different formats for different types of source material, such as books, journals or websites. It is best to check with your teacher to ensure that you are using the correct style.

In addition to providing a comprehensive list of all the sources used in your essay, it is also useful to add any further links or resources that readers may find useful. This could include additional information on the topic or related articles that discuss similar issues.

By adding these extra resources, you can provide your readers with a wealth of information to explore further. Remember to include these references as part of your list of sources as this will help to keep your citations accurate.

So, when submitting your TOK essay, it is important to include a list of all the sources used. This should be accurately formatted and include any additional resources that the reader may wish to explore.

  • Last Edit 15 AUG 2023

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky

Nick Radlinsky is a devoted educator, marketing specialist, and management expert with more than 15 years of experience in the education sector. After obtaining his business degree in 2016, Nick embarked on a quest to achieve his PhD, driven by his commitment to enhancing education for students worldwide. His vast experience, starting in 2008, has established him as a reputable authority in the field.

Nick's article, featured in Routledge's " Entrepreneurship in Central and Eastern Europe: Development through Internationalization ," highlights his sharp insights and unwavering dedication to advancing the educational landscape. Inspired by his personal motto, "Make education better," Nick's mission is to streamline students' lives and foster efficient learning. His inventive ideas and leadership have contributed to the transformation of numerous educational experiences, distinguishing him as a true innovator in his field.

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Guide to the TOK Essay

What’s covered:.

  • What is Theory of Knowledge (TOK)?
  • What is the Theory of Knowledge Essay?

How is the Theory of Knowledge Essay Scored?

How to structure your theory of knowledge essay.

The International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB/IBDP) is a rigorous and rewarding internationally based educational program that offers courses in numerous studies, from humanities to chemistry. Students take part in a two-year curriculum that includes external examinations, internal assessments, research papers and community service hours. Essentially, students will have to do a bit of everything, especially with IB’s core, which is CAS, TOK, and the extended essay (EE). Understanding how TOK, IB’s flagship class, is assessed with its essay is important to success in the course overall. 

What is Theory Of Knowledge (TOK)?

Theory of Knowledge is IB’s way of introducing a more intuitive way of thinking into classrooms. TOK is at its surface as simple as it sounds: you essentially learn the “what” and “why” of how we learn and understand knowledge. In order to assess students of their skills in TOK, IB uses an essay and a presentation. The essay makes up 67% of your total TOK score, making it the most important task to focus on for getting a high score. 

What is the Theory Of Knowledge Essay?

The TOK essay is a 1600 word essay written about topics usually given to students from their teachers from a list of numerous options. It is an essay that promotes arguments and counterarguments for the topic at hand. Understanding your ways of knowing (WOKs) and areas of knowledge (AOKs) is extremely crucial before you even start choosing a topic to write on, as your essay will revolve around and structure itself based on these two concepts. Being able to demonstrate higher-level thinking and using examples to solidify the points you make in your essay is also important. Additionally, you’ll need to reference every source of information that you use, since that is something examiners look for as well.

As said earlier, 67% of your grade is from the essay, and your overall TOK score receives a letter grade using a calculated score out of thirty. Your essay score and presentation score are each out of ten. The grades for your TOK presentation and essay are determined by sending material to the board of IB, from which they designate a grader/examiner to read your essay and grade based on a rubric that determines the level of knowledge you exhibit in your writing.

The following formula should better explain how to find your TOK grade. 

(presentation score) + (essay score * 2) = overall score out of 30

The grade boundaries out of 30 that determine your letter grade can vary each year so checking in with your school for the most recent ones is the best course of action, but an example set would be like this:

Once you have a letter grade for IB, your extended essay, which is another part of the core, is also included into a larger grading schema to calculate your core score, which is three additional points required to complete and earn the diploma. The following table details this grade further:



Excellent (A)

Good (B)

Satisfactory (C)



Elementary (E)

Not Submitted

Excellent (A)





1 + Failing Condition


Good (B)





Failing Condition


Satisfactory (C)





Failing Condition


Mediocre (D)





Failing Condition


Elementary (E)

1 + Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition

Failing Condition


Not Submitted







Doing well in the core is important to passing IB and getting three points out of the total 45 attainable points. 

There’s a trick that most IB students use in writing the TOK essay, and it boils down to understanding four key components of learning:

  • Content : Understanding knowledge issues
  • Clarity : Structuring your essay in a legible and clear/easy to read manner
  • Creativity : Using your personal ways of thinking and applications of knowledge specific to your understanding of the knowledge issue
  • Critical Thinking : Using a counter argument for every argument you have to analyze your own claims constantly 

Dividing your actual essay into three main chunks helps, starting with an introduction. Your introduction should be where you state your knowledge question, the central point of your essay, and you should make use of jargon specific to the concept. As the basis of your essay, the introduction should be where you form claims and counterclaims that either support or challenge the knowledge question through heavy analysis and evaluation. 

The body of the essay follows the introduction, and it is where most of the conceptual analysis of your knowledge question takes place. Every argument and its counterargument should have a dedicated paragraph of its own, and make sure to not jump back and forth too much throughout the essay. to avoid creating messy transitions for the reader and potentially harming your score. Understanding the essay from the reader’s point of view is important, as it will help you better understand how to structure the body of your essay.

A conclusion in the TOK essay is mainly for finding closure among the numerous arguments that have been taking place thus far in the essay. Make sure to summarize but not repeat previous information entirely to refresh the reader. A conclusion should essentially loop back to the beginning of the essay, the knowledge question. The knowledge question’s answer should be the conclusion and the stopping point of the essay, and by now the answer you provide should be backed by paragraphs of supporting claims and counterclaims. If done right, concluding the essay can be how you earn most of your points. 

Start Early

Starting early is an obvious and effective advantage to students. Aside from TOK, let alone the presentation, IB has substantial work that requires focus and allocated time dedicated to it, such as external examinations and the extended essay. These tasks are equally as important as the TOK essay, so starting your outlining, drafting or even just planning early will set you up for success.

Send Your Drafts to Your Teacher

Your TOK teacher is a great resource for drafting essays and making edits to perfect your final product. Making use of time outside of the classroom to catch your teacher for a quick review of your essay could be a bigger advantage than you realize. Making use of an outside perspective is essential to forming a great essay. 

While your final IB grade isn’t as important as you’d think regarding college admissions, understanding how to pass TOK and using the lifelong practices you’ll learn in the class is even more important. TOK creates students who think outside conventional methods, making them excellent candidates in the eyes of college admissions offices. Taking TOK and showing proof of understanding it as well as capability of academic rigor is what colleges are looking for. For more information on how your chances of college admissions might look, use CollegeVine’s admissions calculator !

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tok essay ib deadline

Unpacking the 2024 November TOK Titles: A Comprehensive IB Solved Guide

Two human heads with a question mark between them

The November 2024 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay Titles are out!

Let's be honest – tackling the TOK essay can be a daunting task. With so many ideas, concepts and topics at our disposal and a myriad of ideas swirling around, it's easy to feel overwhelmed at the outset.

That's where we come in.

In this article, we'll delve into each title and offer some strategic advice on how to approach them.

General Tips to Unpacking a Title

When we first encounter a prompt, we want to think in terms of perspectives and counter-perspectives (formerly known as claims and counterclaims). This framework allows for a structured essay, exploring the title through the lens of two chosen Areas of Knowledge (AOKs) and weaving in different arguments. While the ultimate conclusion you draw may often reside somewhere between these extremes or on a conditional basis (e.g. perspective 1 is correct in certain circumstances, while perspective 2 is a better approach in other), starting with opposing arguments can facilitate the development of a more nuanced exploration and argument.

So let's get to it – here is everything you need to know about the November 2024 TOK Essay titles:

Title 1:  Does our responsibility to acquire knowledge vary according to the area of knowledge? Discuss with reference to history and one other area of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: History (Mandatory) and Natural Sciences/The Arts/Human Sciences

This title prompts an assessment of whether we have different levels of responsibility to acquire knowledge across different AOKs. While you are open to argue against the title directly, suggesting that the responsibility is the same across AOKs, this would be unwise. It would be better to reflect on each AOK and perhaps present one perspective in support of the responsibility and one perspective against it, drawing a conclusion on which argument is stronger in each AOK.

Also consider the difference between the acquisition and production of knowledge – perhaps we have a broader responsibility to produce new knowledge in some areas of knowledge but not necessarily to acquire it as individual knowers.

Some perspectives you may consider:

Perspective: We have a responsibility to acquire knowledge to ensure that we construct an accurate record of the past. It is our responsibility to know our History and learn from the past.

Counter-Perspective: Historical knowledge is limited by subjectivity and collective memory, hence it is not essential to acquire knowledge of our past to build a successful future.

Perspective: We have a responsibility to acquire artistic knowledge to understand cultures and societies.

Counter-Perspective: The acquisition of knowledge in the Arts is for aesthetic purposes and enjoyment, not the fulfilment of a responsibility.

Natural Sciences/Human Sciences

Perspective: We have a responsibility to acquire new scientific knowledge for the continual development of mankind.

Counter-Perspective: Understanding how the world/humans work is not necessary knowledge for knowers to acquire.

Title 2:  In the production of knowledge, is ingenuity always needed but never enough? Discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: Mathematics (Mandatory) and Natural Sciences/The Arts/Human Sciences

This is a super interesting title – ensure you define 'ingenuity' from the outset. The essay almost structures itself – your first paragraph in each AOK can consider how/whether ingenuity is 'always needed', exploring how this plays out in each AOK, while the second paragraph can explore whether or not it is 'never enough'.

Some ideas you may consider:

Paradigm Shifts – To revolutionise an AOK, often ingenuity is needed to enact a paradigm shift (a new way of thinking which changes the entire knowledge structure of an AOK) and to ensure progress.

Creativity – Creative thinking is important not only for AOKs such as the Arts, but even in Mathematics and the Sciences. Discovering innovative ways of devising experiments or utilising clever analogies to explain incredibly complex concepts is integral to these AOKs.

Structure – Ingenuity is only valuable within a framework for knowledge production, whether this be an artistic process or the scientific method.

Title 3:  How might it benefit an area of knowledge to sever ties with its past? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: History, Natural Sciences, The Arts and Human Sciences

The 'How' of this title restricts the scope to discussing different 'benefits' rather than a standard 'perspective-counter' analysis. It will also be important to define exactly what 'severing ties' involves – does this mean completely ignoring all past knowledge or simply becoming less attached to existing ways of thinking?

Some ideas for this title:

Fresh Ideas and Paradigm Shifts – By severing ties, you open up the possibility of acquiring knowledge which can overhaul an entire AOK, drastically accelerating progress.

Bias – By severing past ties, knowers can free themselves of the biases of their predecessors.

Innovation – Since existing frameworks of thinking often lead to similar conclusions, you can expand the possibilities of new knowledge by severing past ties.

However, you may interestingly conclude that these benefits are only reaped when ties to the past are severed to an extent, as it may be detrimental to an AOK to entirely negate past knowledge.

Title 4:  To what extent do you agree that there is no significant difference between hypothesis and speculation? Discuss with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: Human Sciences and History/Natural Sciences

This prompt is very focused on your definitions. I would suggest defining these terms distinctly and precisely from the outset. The primary question which this title is asking is whether hypotheses are mere "speculation" or "guesses", or if there is a significant difference.

Also, if selecting the Human and Natural Sciences, please ensure that your perspectives aren't repetitious and highlight the differences between these AOKs.

Development – Speculation and hypothesis differ in the fact that the development of a hypothesis generally requires significant prior research and an understanding of existing knowledge

Experimentation – Hypotheses are developed purposefully and then empirical experimentation are conducted to provide evidence either in support or against them

Emotion – Speculation tends to come from 'feelings' or 'impressions', whereas the development of a hypothesis is far more methodical

Title 5:  In the production of knowledge, are we too quick to dismiss anomalies? Discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge.

Recommended AOKs: Human Sciences/History/Natural Sciences

This title allows you to reflect on whether or not we dismiss 'anomalies' (a key term to be defined) too quickly when producing knowledge.

Paradigm Shift – Anomalies are often the prompt for a paradigm shift in the sciences, causing us to challenge existing beliefs and ideas

Exceptions – Often rather than investigating anomalies further and considering an overhaul of existing knowledge, anomalies are dismissed as 'exceptions' to the rule, rather than a justification to question the rule itself

Generalisation – There is often a focus on generating 'general' rules and theories which can lead anomalies to be dismissed (think of the Human Sciences – how often do we produce a rule about human behaviour but ignore those who behave contrary to the rule)

Title 6:  In the pursuit of knowledge, what is gained by the artist adopting the lens of the scientist and the scientist adopting the lens of the artist? Discuss with reference to the arts and the natural sciences.

Recommended AOKs: The Arts and the Natural Sciences

This title requires you to define the 'lens' of each of these AOKs from the outset. It will be better to define them quite opposingly – the scientist is more methodical, experimental and structured, whilst the artist is more free-flowing and creative. You will then be able to take these attributes and argue which elements would be better across the two disciplines.

Creativity – Scientists can benefit from the creativity of artists when developing innovative ways of experimenting, presenting results and constructing abstract theories

Structure – Artists can often benefit from a methodical approach to constructing art, particularly when aiming to convey a specific message or purpose through their art

Flexibility – Artists are often quite flexible when constructing an artwork, always willing to change and adapt to their free-flowing thoughts, an attribute which is highly beneficial for scientists who at times may become rigid in their thinking and fixed to pre-existing scientific beliefs.

And that's it - our comprehensive guide to the 2024 November TOK Titles! If you're still racking your brain as to how to begin the writing process for your TOK essay, why not check out our post on The Complete IB TOK Essay Guide . Or check out one of our Grade A Exemplar TOK Essays ! Or better yet, if you are looking for some more personal assistance with your IB TOK Essay, click below to reach out to us and we can work with you through the entire writing process, from title selection to the best structure for success!

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Unpacking the 2023 November TOK Titles: A Comprehensive IB Solved Guide

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You write your TOK essay on your choice of six prescribed titles, which are released at the beginning of DP2, and you have approximately 6 months to complete it.

Learn about the basic details of the TOK essay on this page. After you’ve grasped these, move onto our four-step guide to the essay: 1 Understanding the rubric , 2 Choosing a title , 3 Planning and structuring , 4 Writing and uploading .

10 TOK essay starting points

  • 1 The TOK essay is an individual task
  • 2 It represents two thirds of the overall mark for TOK
  • 3 It is externally marked
  • 4 You choose your title from a list of six prescribed titles, which change every exam session
  • 5 The word count for the essay is 1600 words
  • 6 You’ll meet your teacher for 3 interactions to discuss your essay
  • 7 Key areas that are assessed include the clarity of arguments, level of effectiveness of examples, and the focus on the title
  • 8 You’ll fill in a Planning and Progress Form (PPF), which you submit with your essay (although this is not assessed)
  • 9 The context of the essay is explicitly about the five  areas of knowledge
  • 10 There is a single criterion for marking, and four characteristics of an excellent essay (insightful, convincing, accomplished, and lucid)

A four-step guide to the TOK essay

Click on the buttons below to take you to the four steps of creating a great TOK essay. Don’t forget that we have plenty of videos on this and other aspects of the course, and members of the site have access to a huge amount of other resources to help you master the course and assessment tasks.

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Check out our three-minute explainer video on the TOK essay here . The video goes over the basics of the TOK essay, such as how it’s assessed, the word count and other practical details, terms such as ‘perspectives’ and ‘implications’, and the role of real-world examples in justifying claims and arguments.

You’ll find more videos on this and other aspects of TOK here , and you can dive into much more depth via our free and premium webinars, here .

Watch our essay & exhibition webinars

Click on the images below to access these premium webinars on how to create the essay and exhibition. Access more webinars here , and watch our videos on the assessment tasks on this page .

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FAQs about the TOK essay

How do i choose my tok essay title.

You choose your essay from six prescribed essay titles, that are released at the beginning of your second DP year. We give a few tips on how to choose a PT that will work for you here . But briefly, choose one that links to your pre-existing knowledge, and that you find personally engaging.

What will I be writing about in my TOK essay?

You’ll be answering your prescribed title, within the context of two areas of knowledge, considering how different perspectives might affect our response to the question, and what the implications of your arguments are.

Can I use ChatGPT to write my essay?

You can use ChatGPT to help you gather materials for your essay, but you should definitely not be using it to write the essay. Be very careful with ChatGPT. It bases its answers on online material, and much of this is inaccurate or out-of-date. For example, depending on what you ask it, it may tell you that you have to explore multiple areas of knowledge (rather than the two stipulated by the titles), and that you have to identify a separate knowledge question to the title (which is absolutely not the case).

How much help should I expect from my teacher?

Your teacher should run through the PTs when they are first released, and then meet you for three interactions, during which you’ll discuss your progress. They are allowed to give you one set of written feedback. But you can consult them at other times with specific questions.

Do I need to use real-world examples in my TOK essay?

Yes, real-life examples help illustrate your points and make your arguments more tangible. They can be drawn from personal experiences, historical events, scientific discoveries, etc.

Should I include my personal opinion in the TOK essay?

While the TOK essay is not about your personal opinion per se, it’s important to reflect on your perspective and how it shapes the way you understand the title. However, you should avoid using the essay as a platform for rants or unsubstantiated claims.

Is it necessary to include counter-arguments in my TOK essay?

Yes, including counter-arguments shows a deeper understanding of the complexity of the topic and demonstrates your critical thinking skills. It also enables you to consider different perspectives, and evaluate the implications of arguments.

Should I include the 12 key concepts in my essay?

Yes, as much as you can, draw on the key concepts such as justification, evidence, perspective, bias, certainty, and objectivity within your arguments linking them to the title, and to the real-world examples you draw on.

How do I ensure that my TOK essay reflects my own original thinking, and avoids plagiarism?

Clearly attribute ideas and sources that are not your own, and strive to present original insights and interpretations supported by evidence and reasoning. See our point above on using ChatGPT – never view this as more than a tool to help you gather material for your essay, rather than a tool to write it for you.

What are some common pitfalls to avoid when writing a TOK essay?

Avoid oversimplifying complex issues, relying solely on personal opinion without justification, neglecting counter-arguments, veering off the question, and failing to include a consideration of different perspectives.

How long do I have to write my essay?

You’ll have 6 months from the time the prescribed titles are released, to the deadline date for uploading your essay to the IB. However, most schools will set their own deadline for completing the essay, so that everyone has plenty of time to complete your PPF, and upload it on time. Follow what your school tells you about this.

How important is the TOK essay PPF?

The PPF (‘Planning and Progress Form’) is the document that you fill in to outline your discussions during the three essay. Although this is not directly assessed, it is an important part of demonstrating that you have approached the TOK essay in an ethical way, which is now particularly important in the era of ChatGPT.

What are some effective strategies for revising and editing my TOK essay to improve clarity and coherence?

Take breaks between revisions, seek feedback from peers or teachers, and carefully proofread for grammar, punctuation, and coherence.

Should I include references or a bibliography in my TOK essay?

While not required, referencing sources appropriately adds credibility to your essay; use footnotes or endnotes for citations.

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IB TOK Essay examples

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Filter exemplars, is replicability necessary in the production of knowledge discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge., are visual representations always helpful in the communication of knowledge discuss with reference to the human sciences and mathematics., want to get full marks for your tok essay allow us to review it for you 🎯, for artists and natural scientists, which is more important: what can be explained or what cannot be explained discuss with reference to the arts and the natural sciences., does it matter if our acquisition of knowledge happens in "bubbles" where some information and voices are excluded discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge., fast track your coursework with mark schemes moderated by ib examiners. upgrade now 🚀, to what extent is the knowledge we produce determined by the methodologies we use discuss with reference to history and one area of knowledge., tok essay: 5. “how can we distinguish between good and bad interpretations discuss with reference to the arts and one other area of knowledge”, nothing is more exciting than fresh ideas, so why are areas of knowledge often so slow to adopt them, do we need custodians of knowledge discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge., how can we reconcile the opposing demands for specialization and generalization in the production of knowledge discuss with reference to mathematics and one other area of knowledge., do we need custodians of knowledge discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge, nothing is more exciting than fresh ideas, so why are areas of knowledge often so slow to adopt them discuss with reference to the human sciences and one other area of knowledge., is subjectivity overly celebrated in the arts but unfairly condemned in history discuss with reference to the arts and history., are we too quick to assume that the most recent evidence is inevitably the strongest discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge., is subjectivity overly celebrated in the arts but unfairly condemned in history, do we underestimate the challenges of taking knowledge out of its original context and transferring it to a different context discuss with reference to two areas of knowledge., is subjectivity overly celebrated in the arts but unfairly condemned in history discuss with reference to the arts and history, nothing is more exciting than fresh ideas, so why are areas of knowledge often so slow to adopt them discuss with reference to the human sciences and the natural sciences..

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Comprehensive TOK Essay Guide for 2025 Titles

Comprehensive TOK Essay Guide for 2025 Titles

Subject: Philosophy and ethics

Age range: 16+

Resource type: Other


Last updated

3 September 2024

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This document offers an in-depth analysis of the 2025 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) essay titles. Ideal for students aiming for a high pass grade, it breaks down each title thoroughly, providing:

Detailed Unpacking of Key Concepts: Clear explanations of each title, ensuring you understand exactly what’s being asked.

Expert Analysis of Areas of Knowledge (AOKs): Insightful connections between the essay titles and various AOKs, such as History, Natural Sciences, Mathematics, and the Arts.

Real-World Examples: Concrete examples tailored to each essay question, which can be directly used or adapted in your writing.

Critical Argumentation Tips: Guidance on how to craft balanced, coherent arguments, including how to integrate counterarguments.

Conclusion Strategies: Learn how to effectively conclude your essay with clarity and depth.

This guide provides everything you need to confidently tackle the TOK essay titles for 2025, making it a valuable resource for IB students looking to maximize their scores.

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Tok essay title 6, to what extent is the knowledge we produce determined by the methodologies we use discuss with reference to history and one other area of knowledge..

Title 6 of the May 2023 TOK essay prompt draws attention to the methods and tools used in the TOK knowledge framework.

The essay explores the extent to which the observations collected and evaluated through the use of methodologies impact the nature of newly produced knowledge. The focus lies on examining the influence of different methodologies on the contestability and accuracy of the knowledge produced.

In the field of history, primary sources may provide evidence for interpreting the past, raising questions about the reliability and biases associated with different historical methodologies.

Similarly, in the natural sciences, it is intriguing to investigate the nature of knowledge produced through empirical approaches, considering the role of experimentation, data collection, and analysis.

To excel in the May 2023 TOK essay and achieve a perfect score, it is advisable to start early and seek guidance from TOK experts throughout the essay writing process.

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This is the unofficial subreddit for all things concerning the International Baccalaureate, an academic credential accorded to secondary students from around the world after two vigorous years of study, culminating in challenging exams. This subreddit encourages questions, constructive feedback, and the sharing of knowledge and resources among IB students, alumni, and teachers. Note that the subreddit is not run by the International Baccalaureate.

Official Extended Essay deadline

Does anyone know the official IB deadline for the EE?

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  1. Deadline

    Upload deadline. Last updated: 06 June 2023. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) sets a submission date for the different components of theory of knowledge (TOK) assessment, which is communicated with schools. It is each school's responsibility to ensure that all candidate work is received by the IB, with the required paperwork received by ...

  2. Theory of knowledge

    Theory of knowledge (TOK) is assessed through an exhibition and a 1,600 word essay. It asks students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know. TOK is part of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, and is mandatory for all students. Learn more about theory of knowledge.

  3. TOK Essay Deadlines Guide

    The Natural Sciences AOK and Its Significance in TOK; Official IB Deadlines for the TOK Essay. Typically, your school will set internal deadlines before the IB's official submission dates. These usually fall in January or April, depending on whether you are in the May or November examination session. Remember, these deadlines vary slightly ...

  4. What's the Deadline for Submitting your TOK Essay?

    The timeline for submitting your essay will depend on you or your school's individual circumstances, but it is important to be aware of the deadlines and ensure that your essay is submitted in good time. In general, students and schools should aim to submit the TOK essay at least two weeks before the start of the exam.

  5. The May 2025 TOK Essay Titles

    Below are the Theory of Knowledge Essay prescribed titles for the May 2025 session.. The video analysis of these titles will be ready for you soon in the member's area--which you can watch using a free trial.(Just click the "subscribe" tab at the top of this page).Our updated TOK Essay Video Course (11 helpful videos) is ready for you as well.. The May 2025 TOK Essay Prescribed Titles

  6. How to Structure a Theory of Knowledge Essay

    Making sure your evidence actually supports your claims and counterclaims is one of the toughest aspects of the essay. The TOK Essay Structure. Our structure for the TOK essay has 4 sections (6 paragraphs) overall. First, write your introduction. (100-150 words) Paragraph 1-Say one or two interesting things about the prescribed title question ...

  7. Example essays

    Example essays. Last updated: 06 June 2023. As part of theory of knowledge (TOK), each student chooses one essay title from six issued by International Baccalaureate® (IB). The titles change in each examination session. Upcoming and past questions include:

  8. Planning and structuring the TOK essay

    The three TOK essay interactions are a key part of planning and writing your TOK essay. Find out more about making the most of them here. ... to the deadline date for uploading your essay to the IB. However, most schools will set their own deadline for completing the essay, so that everyone has plenty of time to complete your PPF, and upload it ...

  9. PDF IB Assessment Timeline 2023-2024 (Internal and External Assessment Due

    NEASE HIGH SCHOOL | IB IA/EA Timeline IB Assessment Timeline 2023-2024 ... • Nov 13/14: TOK Essay Prompt Choice Mindmap & Essay Interaction # 1 • Nov 7: French Reading Assessment ... CAS Portfolio Review Deadline • Dec 12-21: EE Mentor Meeting 1 • Dec 4/5: Spanish Oral Practice Assessment ...

  10. Guide to the TOK Essay

    In order to assess students of their skills in TOK, IB uses an essay and a presentation. The essay makes up 67% of your total TOK score, making it the most important task to focus on for getting a high score. ... making them excellent candidates in the eyes of college admissions offices. Taking TOK and showing proof of understanding it as well ...

  11. The May 2024 TOK Essay Titles

    Below are the Theory of Knowledge Essay prescribed titles for the May 2024 session. The video analysis of these titles is available in the member's area --which you can watch using a free trial. (Just click the "subscribe" tab at the top of this page). Click here to watch it now (just login first). Our just updated TOK Essay Video Course (11 ...

  12. Unpacking the 2024 November TOK Titles: A Comprehensive IB ...

    Unpacking the 2024 November TOK Titles: A Comprehensive IB Solved Guide. The November 2024 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) Essay Titles are out! Let's be honest - tackling the TOK essay can be a daunting task. With so many ideas, concepts and topics at our disposal and a myriad of ideas swirling around, it's easy to feel overwhelmed at the outset.

  13. What is the Theory of Knowledge

    Upload deadline Example essays Extended essay ... (IB) Diploma Programme (DP), by providing an opportunity for students to reflect on the nature of knowledge, and on how we know what we claim to know. ... The essay focuses on a conceptual issue in TOK. For example, it may ask students to discuss the claim that the methodologies used to produce ...

  14. When is the IB deadline for TOK? : r/IBO

    The IB deadline applies only to the schools, who have to submit the scripts by that date. IB's deadline is March 15, but that doesn't mean you can submit that late. As others have mentioned, your school sets an internal deadline and you must adhere to it. For me, TOK essays were due in December.

  15. TOK essay guidance

    1 The TOK essay is an individual task. 2 It represents two thirds of the overall mark for TOK. 3 It is externally marked. 4 You choose your title from a list of six prescribed titles, which change every exam session. 5 The word count for the essay is 1600 words. 6 You'll meet your teacher for 3 interactions to discuss your essay.

  16. TOK Essay Official Deadline? : r/IBO

    I think the EE and TOK essays are officially due in mid March. Just FYI, I believe your coordinator can find out if you haven't submitted the EE/TOK essay; I didn't submit my EE by my school's internal deadline and I got fucked after my coordinator found out. So just be a bit careful and have an excuse ready for the worst case scenario! 2.

  17. IB TOK Essay examples

    Discuss with reference to the natural sciences and one other area of knowledge. TOK Essay B. High scoring IB Theory of Knowledge Essay examples. See what past students did and make your TOK Essay perfect by learning from examiner commented examples!

  18. TOK essay deadline : r/IBO

    For the M20 session it was in March or April. At least that's what my DPC told us. But it might be different for M21. Also, schools prefer to upload it as much in advance as possible because the IB server starts to slow down with the huge influx of submissions closer to the deadlines. 1.

  19. Comprehensive TOK Essay Guide for 2025 Titles

    This document offers an in-depth analysis of the 2025 IB Theory of Knowledge (TOK) essay titles. Ideal for students aiming for a high pass grade, it breaks down each title thoroughly, providing: ... This guide provides everything you need to confidently tackle the TOK essay titles for 2025, making it a valuable resource for IB students looking ...

  20. Deadline

    Submission deadline. Last updated: 06 June 2023. The International Baccalaureate® (IB) sets a submission date for the extended essay, which is communicated to schools. It is each school's responsibility to ensure that all candidate work is received by the IB, with the required paperwork received by the submission date set.

  21. What's the deadline for uploading TOK essay? : r/IBO

    The right answer: whenever your school says it is. The other answer: The final deadline from the IB to the school is around Mid-march, but your school has to verify your essay which takes a few days. And if they don't do it, it won't be counted. You can't really make an end-run around your school without their cooperation.

  22. Extended essay

    The extended essay is an independent, self-directed piece of research, finishing with a 4,000-word paper. One component of the International Baccalaureate® (IB) Diploma Programme (DP) core, the extended essay is mandatory for all students. Read about the extended essay in greater detail. You can also read about how the IB sets deadlines for ...

  23. Tok Essay Title 6

    Discuss with reference to history and one other area of knowledge. Title 6 of the May 2023 TOK essay prompt draws attention to the methods and tools used in the TOK knowledge framework. The essay explores the extent to which the observations collected and evaluated through the use of methodologies impact the nature of newly produced knowledge.

  24. Official Extended Essay deadline : r/IBO

    Official Extended Essay deadline. Hi there, Does anyone know the official IB deadline for the EE? It should be April 20th 2022 for M22, but it is no excuse to ignore the school's internal deadlines, as they are free to penalise you and potentially deny you sitting the exams. Btw, I sit the actual exam in May 2022.