Preparing for PT3 English 2021 

18 May 2021

7 minutes to read

pt3 english email essay example

  • 01. PT3 2021 Examination Latest Format 
  • 02. PT3 English Examination Marking Scheme
  • 03. PT3 English Essay Writing Tips and Format
  • 04. PT3 Past Year Papers and References

Whoot whoot ~ How are you guys today? Getting hyped to get one step closer to finishing your secondary school? Well done. 

I know some of you are getting depressed over the Covid-19 pandemic situation. Who won’t?

While some students are cheering that the school has been shut down for so long and some of them have been crying because they miss out on the chances to gain more knowledge to prepare for their future, just remember – Things happen. 

Never cry over spilt milk . What we can do is to learn how to move forward. 

What’s important for the PT3 candidates to know is that PT3 isn’t the only examination that you are going to take. There is one other big examination coming in just about 2 years time!  

For you, the milk hasn't been spilled yet! The time has come for you to seriously think about your future. How important your future is especially in this turbulent time, where more people are becoming jobless and even more people have nothing to eat on their plate. 

As a student, your only job and responsibility is to become a better human being. Learn more to achieve more and you will be able to help a lot of people in the future. Here, we at Superprof are dedicated to help you in your journey. 

In this article, we are going to cover the PT3 latest format, where to find PT3 past year papers, tips on answering essay papers and how PT3 is marked. 


PT3 2021 Examination Latest Format 

The top view of Malaysia examination hall

Do you know, nearly a decade ago, the Form 3 Assessment (PT3) wasn't known as what it is now? Before, the form 3 students sat for the Lower Secondary Examination (PMR). 

Yes, the difference is between ‘Assessment’ and ‘Examination’. It looks the same right? But it isn’t. Assessment is done by the teacher throughout the year and the weightage for the marking is higher in the final PT3 Assessment Test for the overall mark. Besides, Assessment is also school based, meaning that your examination paper will be marked by your school teachers. 

Meanwhile the Examination, just as it sounds, the student will sit for one final examination to mark the end of their lower secondary school journey. All the subject weightage falls in that one examination paper. So PMR was more exam oriented. Nonetheless, the exam paper will be marked externally by external markers just like how SPM is executed. 

The good thing about this type of examination is that the students took the exam very seriously and were willing to go to all lengths to prove themselves worthy to choose any streams they would want to take in the higher secondary form. 

Frankly, I can say that the PT3 assessment test has been taken lightly by the majority of parents and students. Most of the instrument tests haven't been done and it takes a toll on the teachers to search for students who are falling behind. However, that is the best thing about PT3, ‘No students are left behind’. Teachers can recognize weak students early on and will focus more on them. 

Throughout the year of the implementation of PT3 in 2014, MOE has made several revisions on the way the assessment is done. In 2019, another revision has been made and supposedly the 2020 PT3 candidate should be the first to sit for the test. 

The changes made recently is more towards the administration of PT3. This time, schools are responsible to make the instruments instead of it being given by MOE like the years before. This is a good shift as the teacher can tailor the instruments according to their student’s level. 

Check out more in depth on PT3's latest format . 

PT3 English Examination Marking Scheme

Student doing listening test

The interesting part of the latest PT3 assessment test is that MOE has aligned themselves with The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) measuring system. 

If you haven’t heard about CEFR before, this measuring system has been adapted in most of the international English as Second Language standard scores. Therefore, Malaysia has moved one step forward to be on par with all other international English levels. 

Previously, there were only 2 tests to sit for in the English subjects – Written test (Writing & Reading Comprehension) and Oral Test. Today you’ll only be sitting in 1 test but with 4 different papers. 

The papers are as follows:- 

  • Paper 1 – Reading
  • Paper 2- Essay
  • Paper 3 – Speaking
  • Paper 4 – Listening

Quite similar right? The difference is in the weightage of each paper in which the total scores are divided equally to 25%. So, the assessment is more comprehensive than before. Today, we can focus on 4 important types of linguistic properties. 

Previously, PMR students will only focus on their reading and writing. So their speaking and listening skills are rather low. Forward to today, I can see that most of the Generation Z are able to speak up their mind in English!

There are more tips on scoring PT3 papers following the latest PT3 Marking Scheme . 

PT3 English Essay Writing Tips and Format

Practice makes perfect writing

I realized with the latest format in Malaysia English as Second Language, Bahasa Inggeris in PT3, writing isn’t one of the favourite papers to answer. Yes, I admit that even before, writing was the hardest part of the English Examination.

However, with the previous format, we don't have any choice than to score writing as the weightage is 50% of the overall marks. Today, with the division of English subjects into 4 papers with the equal weightage of 25%, students are able to at least focus on their best 3 papers to pass the English subjects. The probability to get at least 75% is high. 

But should we neglect the essay writing? Obviously NOT! Writing is also one of the core principles in English. Without the ability to write, your English skills won’t make it for further studies or for any kind of job which requires fluency in English.

Fret not, compared to before, English writing papers are not as flowery as they used to be. Today, straightforward writing is the best way to score. Why the flowery and why the changes? 

As you may know, the Malay Language is poetic, soft and flowery (not straight to the point). The previous format has assimilated Malay Language into English Language style of writing. Therefore, since MOE has changed and aligned the format to follow the international standard, we should also follow the international style of writing. 

Here Superprof has identified a few tips to follow while answering PT3 Essay Writing . 

  • Every answer and point given should be simple and easy to understand
  • Avoid using excessive jargon and complicated words
  • Speak more English with your peers so you can adapt to use natural words and sentences in your essay
  • Read more books to increase your vocabularies
  • Don't rush when writing and maintain a good and easy to read handwriting
  • Learn from experts

PT3 Past Year Papers and References

Past year papers are mostly sought by students nearing the examination. It is proven to help a lot of them in their answering skills and building up confidence. In contrast to those who never even wonder what the test paper looks like or the structure of the exam, they won’t find it hard or difficult to answer. 

“To succeed, you must first improve, to improve, you must first practice, to practice, you must first learn, to learn, you must first fail!” -Wesley Woo

So here, Superprof will help you out in finding the best PT3 Past Year Papers and References . 

First you should know how to search for it.

  • Check out our Ministry of Education’s website to know any updates relating to the examination. 
  • Do not simply take papers or questions from non-reputable websites as your stepping stone to success. It might backfire on you as they might not use the latest format and not give you the best questions to focus for your test. 
  • Getting a book from a reputable publisher is the best way to get the best model questions. Most of the publishing companies hire experienced teachers and some of them have experience in compiling or making exam papers. 
  • Check out Superprof blog for more downloadable papers and tips. 

It is understandable that more and more of us opt to get free-references on the net. However, one thing you should be aware of is that some of the non-reputable websites contain viruses, excessive marketing pop-up, download our data without consent and many more. 

Therefore, never fall victim to this kind of trap. 

Do you know Superprof is one of the best education platforms globally? We have more than a million teachers available for any online or face-to-face tutoring. You can easily choose your own favourite tutor. 

The rate is also affordable compared to the market price in tuition centres and other private tutoring in Malaysia. Our rate starts as low as RM30 per hour! Yes this is real! Most of our tutors are the best in their field. 

One of the best investments you can make for your future is EDUCATION . Remember, examination is just one way to measure your knowledge and skills in certain subjects. Thus, only by achieving good results can you pave your future easily and you’ll be able to achieve greater things earlier than the rest of your peers. 

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Alia J.

Alia Jamaludin

Alia Jamaludin is known as a passionate environmentalist and animal lover. By being both educator and writer, she can reach out her positive thought to almost every being on this planet.

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thanks about your sharing , maybe some words i don’t understand but i will trans it and i try to remember that.

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Form 3 - English

Pt3 writing - how to write an email.

Sir Kubiey ( Cikgu Muhammad Akmal )

SM Sains Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah (SEMSAS)

For teachers and students, what you need to know about the new pt3 writing paper [2019].

pt3 english email essay example

New format new format new format!

Yes Months ago KPM released the new format and everyone is asking me. HOW?

In this post, we try to answer all your questions. hopefully it helps make teaching easier for you parents and teachers out there.



Old Writing Paper VS New Writing Paper


Choose one and give reasons Choose one and give reasons/advice
Short text (50 words) Short text (80 words)


Text for reference (allow you to lift text) No text for reference (you think of your own content)
Have several formats (Post card/email/note) Seem to only ask for simple note
10 marks 20 marks
1 topic 1 general topic
Longer text  (More than 150 words) Longer text (about 120 words)
Formatted writing

(letter, report, article, speech etc)

Simple essay (no format)
More than 150 words About 120 words
Specific general
30 marks 20 marks


Rule of thumb 1:     understand what is clt (communicative language teaching) approach.

If you are a teacher, you might just need a little bit of flashback , then you will know the idea of it. I am not going to go into how the famous linguists started all this, but if you’re interested, you can go ahead and read more about it. THE NEW FORMATS BASE A LOT ON THE IDEA OF CLT. (please correct me if I’m wrong)

But, if you’re a parent, I’ll give you a simple idea about this approach and how you can help guide your children in their learning.


Every answer should reflect ‘natural English’. This is a very vague idea because what is considered natural and what is not can be subjective. Especially when the situation now is that we still do not have a written guide.

I’ll give you more examples as you read on…

RULE OF THUMB 2:    It’s Okay to Have Some Slips

One thing teachers have to get used to is that, we should be okay with little slips here and there. Not that we want to encourage students to do them, but we should remind ourselves to focus on the ‘communication’

“Did the student successfully convey the message?”

if yes, why punish so bad?

And because I do not want students think it’s okay to make certain mistakes, I shall not give any examples here. Rule of thumb is, give the best form of English you know.


pt3 english email essay example

1. Go Sraight To The Point

Previously, many teachers, even I am guilty of this.

We ask students to start with greetings.

“Hi, how are you? I hope you are fine. I am fine here.”

That is considered BAD in the new format. Why? Because it’s NOT NATURAL.  Think about this,

A:   “What are you going to do this weekends?”

B:   “Hey, how are you? Im good. By the way, I am planning to go to the library this Saturday.”

B:   “I am thinking to go to the library this Saturday.”

Which is more natural in your daily life? There you go. Remember, natural language wins. 

So in the new format we want to take away all the not so natural greetings and go straight to the point.

That’s how we all should respond to part 1.

2. Explain All the Good Things and Some of the Bad Things

One way to help students elaborate is to get them to think about the good things about their choice and the bad things about what they have rejected.

For example, from the question, lets choose cooking.

You already have  62 words – only by listing down all the good things about your choice of hobby.

What if the students don’t have so many ideas?

Then, write some negative things about the others

3. A Short and Sweet Ending 

Again, write as natural as you can.


pt3 english email essay example

1. No more format (Maybe?)

This looks like the new direction but again I can’t tell for sure. Most likely, no format.

2. Use the guide questions. (WH-questions)

This sounds like a cliche, but if you learn to build sentences around WH-questions, you should be able to build a solid form 3 level essay. Just imagine building 3 sentences for each question, how many words can you get from there?

3. A freer topic means more room to focus on the language.

The new question seems to be giving more room for students’ own idea, you can use the opportunity to focus on things that your students can relate to, and get them to write. For example, you no longer ask them to write about Hari Raya, get them to write about the celebration that they celebrate i.e: Christmas, Chinese New Year, Kaamatan, Deepavali, etc. This way, students with all kinds of background can relate and can spend more time on building the language and fixing them.

4. Keep thing Short and Simple

I don’t see why you need to write so looooooongggg, thinking you can get more marks from longer text. If the question asks for about 120 words, I think getting to 150 words is great already.

Always, for weaker students, keep sentences short and simples, but one thing for sure for the A students to the struggling students. Everyone should aim for one thing

Have MEANING in what you write:

  • You’re telling something in response to the questions,
  • Readers get something from the answers

That’s about it. Comment and let me know what you think about the new format! Don’t forget to check out our latest E-package. We write everything based on the latest format. Hit us up on FB if you have more questions!

pt3 english email essay example

23 thoughts on “ What you need to know about the new PT3 WRITING PAPER [2019] ”

Regarding to part 2,do you have to write the essay like telling a story (our feelings,witnessed things and such?) Please do help me

it depends on the questions, if it’s not a story you don’t need to write those. Do you have a sample question that I can take a look at?

i guess not anymore. the question is just like the above

thank you!really helpful and i really apreciated it!

Hai… What about HOTS? How can we tell if the students had applied HOTS in their writing according to the marking scheme? Is there a proper marking c scheme where HOTS can be embedded in it?

While there’s no special mention of HOTs in the scheme given, I believe when a student successfully applies HOTs in their writing, it will show a great difference in their ‘content’ , and that’s where we can award them according. What do you think?

Is it compulsory to write at least 120 words for notes expansion or can the pupils write lesser than 120 words?

Hi Nassernawawi,

if the question asks for around 120, we should at least have around 120 words. 🙂

Hi, good day. Is it possible for you to share the marking scheme ? Kindly explain on it, thx

Should i put at least 2 bombastic words in an essay or more?

I’d say use the words that you feel most suitable with the meaning you want to convey.

What kind of format will be out for part 2? currently, i’m teaching my students about recount, report, speech, article and informal letter.

This is the first time that I come across with your website. Your posts are really helpful, I would comment. My question is, how do teachers mark both the essays, I mean the mark distribution? (e.g. 10m for language and 10m for content….)

Thanks in advance.

Thanks… Pray for me tomorrow.. I hope the english test are going to be easy

Thank you, and now i know how to answer the format of the english paper

thank you for helping and guiding us…

Good now I know how to score with flying colours

I love it. Now I am sure that I am going to get A in English Paper.

terima kasih tinggal membantu kami

thank u very much i really appreciate it now i understand everything hope i got A next exam

Good for me,thank youu

Hi.. what if students exceeded the 120 word count? will they be penalize ?

As far as I know, they will not be penalised for that

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I have received your message regarding starting a new hobby. ➢ How are you? I read your message yesterday and gave it a serious thought. ➢ I hope you are in the pink. I put on my thinking cap about your new hobby. ➢ I’m writing to give you some suggestions for your new hobby. ➢ I received your message yesterday. In your message, you asked me about starting a new hobby. Content – Reasons for cooking (examples) ➢ My suggestion for you is definitely cooking. You can cook dishes for your family, friends, teachers and even people you do not know like homeless people. You told me before that your mother is a great cook so you can always learn from her. ➢ In my opinion, cooking is very useful in life, so cooking is the best hobby. If you learn to cook, you can always make your favourite dishes. Futhermore, it comes in handy when you are living alone in college. ➢ I think you should choose cooking. If you know how to cook, you can always make yourself some food. It is also cheaper to cook at home. You do not have to go out and eat at the café and restaurant all the time. Plus, when you have time, you can cook for your family or you can cook for me! PT3 SAMPLE INSTRUMENT Content – Reasons for cycling (examples) ➢ In my opinion, you can choose cycling as your new hobby. You told me that you have put on a lot of weight. You now weigh 75 kg. All your shirts and trousers are too tight. Your weight gain has made you sluggish and lazy. So, you need to exercise. Take up cycling as it burns calories and builds up muscle. ➢ Cycling is the best hobby for you as you told me that your brother received a bicycle for his birthday. Why don’t you make good use of it? When you exercise, you can keep your body healthy. Riding a bicycle is not a hard activity and you can do it anywhere. Content – Reasons for painting (examples) ➢ In my opinion, you should pick up painting. It can improve your concentration, develop your critical thinking skills, and enhance your fine motor skills. Learning how to paint should be more pleasure than pressure. Painting as a hobby is a great way to relax. In life, you do encounter challenges and various stumbling blocks. You can escape in painting and draw your energy into painting. ➢ My suggestion is painting. Painting provides stress relief. This is great for you as you are sitting for the PT3 examination soon. It strengthens memory too. Painting boots memory recollections skills and works to sharpen the mind. This hobby will certainly help you memorise facts and formulas in your subjects like History and Mathematics. PT3 SAMPLE INSTRUMENT Conclusion (examples) ➢ I hope you will choose cycling. It is guaranteed to help you lose weight. Take care. ➢ That’s all from me. Bye. ➢ Wishing you all the best. ➢ Hopefully, you will agree with my choice. Bye. ➢ Hope to see you soon. ➢ I need to pen off now. I look forward to hearing from you soon. ➢ Do let me know about your choice. ➢ I always look forward to hearing from you. PT3 SAMPLE INSTRUMENT What if you don’t have so many ideas? Then, you can write some NEGAT IVE THINGS about the others hobbies. examples ➢ I think you should choose cooking. If you know how to cook, you can always make yourself some food. It is also cheaper to cook at home. You do not have to go out and eat at the café and restaurant all the time. I think cycling is expensive, because you need to buy a bicycle. And of you start painting, you also need to buy brushes and paint. ➢ Painting is the most affordable as you only need crayons or water colours and a drawing book. Whereas you need to have a bicycle to choose cycling. And mind you, bicycles are not cheap! To opt for cooking too will create some problems for you and you need proper utensils and ingredients. You need to list down all these and also the recipes and steps. Tolong semak ye☺ Tolong buka buku Praktis Topikal PT3 English (CEFR) muka surat 59. Kita dah buat latihan ni semasa kelas bersemuka dulu. Yang dah siap, tahniah! ☺ Kepada yang belum siapkan, sila salin jawapan cikgu sediakan di dalam buku Praktis Topikal PT3 English (CEFR) muka surat 59. Praktis Topikal PT3 English (CEFR) Page 59 Read the message from your cousin, Danny. Hi, I have been thinking of joining a class at the community centre next month. I was thinking of either joining the karate class, guitar class or woodworking class. What do you think? Please help me decide. Thanks! Dnny Hi Danny, I just read your message. After thinking about it, I feel that the best class for you to join is the karate class. You have always been interested in the martial arts, therefore this is your opportunity to learn one. Furthermore, karate will help you to keep fit and also lose weight. You did say the other day that you had put on some weight. Apart from that, karate will teach you how to defend yourself, too. I hope I have been helpful. However, it is up to you to make the final decision. Best of luck! From, Harry Tolong buat ye☺ Page 60 Tolong buka buku Praktis Topikal PT3 English (CEFR) muka surat 60. Untuk hari ini, cikgu minta semua salin jawapan dalam buku latihan. Selepas siap salin jawapan, sila snap dan sent kepada cikgu ye☺ Sambil salin, tolong perhatikan susunan ayat demi ayat. TERIMA KASIH. Soalan ini berkaitan Li Li yang menghantar email kepada rakan (awak) untuk meminta pandangan sama ada dia patut membeli buku cerita horror (seram), adventure (pengembaraan) atau science fiction (fiksyen sains)? Awak sebagai rakan Li Li perlu membalas email dan memberi pandangan. Berdasarkan soalan, jawapan adalah dalam 80 patah perkataan. Page 60 Hi, I will be visiting an online bookshop later. My father said I could buy a storybook. Do you think I should get a horror, adventure or science fiction book? Or perhaps you have other suggestions? Tell me what you think. Li Li From [email protected] To [email protected] Subject Some book suggestions Hi Li Li, It’s great that you plan to buy a book online. After much thought, I think the best choice for you is a science fiction book. I know how much you love science. A science fiction book is usually science-based so you may gain some knowledge. The story usually takes place in another planet, the future, or some alternative universe and you may even meet some aliens! So it’s very interesting and will stretch your imagination. It may even give you an idea of how our future might look like. All the best in choosing a book. Do let me know how it turns out. Your friend, Nina Selepas siap salin, snap dan sent kepada cikgu ye. Terima Kasih. Writing Quotes Writing is easy. All you have to do is cross out the wrong words. ~Mark Twain Good writing is lean and confident. ~William Zinsser Good writing is clear thinking made visisble. ~Bill Wheeler A good essay is 10% inspiration, 15% perspiration, and 75% desperation. Thank you for joining our online class today !


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Saturday 29 July 2017

Informal letter (pt3 & spm).

pt3 english email essay example

Step by step

Taman Melawati, PO Box 221, 99808, Tenom, Sabah.
332, Taman Jutaria 11992, Sarawak. 
Example : 23 July 2017
Examples: Dear Maria, Dear Aunt Alice, Dear Mum
Examples: Yours Sincerely, Yours affectionately( for closer person ), Your loving daughter/son, Your cousin

Tips and Important Notes

FAQ: Can I use the terms ‘wanna’, ‘gonna’, ‘gotta’, and so on in my essay? Answer: NO. Not recommended. 

Example Essays

pt3 english email essay example


pt3 english email essay example

Informal Letter to a Friend is should be prepapred letter.

This is very helpful. Thank you!

pt3 english email essay example

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Pewdiepie and Marzia!! :p I see what u did there haha

Edgar and maya were pewdiepie and marzia pets

Fuck you dickhead i got F for dis bitch

I like the Pewdiepue reference haha

Its really usefull!

Pewdiepie and marzia!!! And their pets hahahha

its pewdiepie lol hahaha

Bah,saya pon org Tenom dri kg jawa..BTW great essay bro!it really helps me a lot in writing

Hahaha you are 9 year old🤣

Taman sutera 4300 Kajang Selangor 1 September 2021 Dear madam, I hope you well

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  1. Fast and Easy ways to write your Email/Note/Postcard: Question 3(J)

    Some students like playing safe. This is SAFE. They write quicker. Once they get used to the pattern, it's faster for them to get it done. Avoid a lot of weird language (grammar and tenses comedy) The negative side of it: You take away students' creativity. They might stick with your samples language.

  2. English Form 3

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  3. Decoding Essay writing for PT3 English 2021

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    Welcome to ENGLISH CLASS WITH SIR KUBIEY This is a learning video on HOW TO WRITE AN EMAIL. Hopefully it can help you to understand the topic better. ENJOY!! #sirkubiey #englishclass #PT3 #writing ...

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  6. A Complete Guide to PT3 English 2021

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  8. What you need to know about the new PT3 WRITING PAPER [2019]

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  9. PT3 Paper 2: Short Communicative Message (Email)

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    INFORMAL LETTER EXAMPLE ESSAYS: 1. Advise your brother to take school seriously. 2. Advise cousin how to cope with stress of studies and exam.

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  12. English Form 3- (PT3) Writing Message #PT3English

    In the the PT3 assessment for writing, there are 2 questions. One is a short essay of 80 words. The format for this essay could be a message, e-mail or postcard. This video is a lesson for pupils ...

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  15. PT3

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  16. Success Model Essays 2022

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    SHORT COMMUNICAT IVE MESSAGE. This format for this essay could be a. message, e-mail or postcard. You needs to. use proper format and paragraphing as. well as ideas and vocabulary. You can write a suggestion. or reason but have to add. ideas or elaborations in.

  18. PonPonProduction: INFORMAL LETTER (PT3 & SPM)

    INFORMAL LETTER (PT3 & SPM) Informal letters are friendly letters that we write to friends and family members on a personal basis. In addition to giving news, they are often used to give information, congratulate, give advice and expressing concern. 1. Write the address of sender on the right hand corner.