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The silhouette of a tree in the middle of the desert at sunset

Our land. Our future.

All over the world, ecosystems are threatened. From forests and drylands to farmlands and lakes, natural spaces on which humanity’s existence depends are reaching a tipping point.

According to the  UN Convention to Combat Desertification , up to 40 per cent of the planet’s land is degraded, directly affecting half of the world’s population. The number and duration of  droughts  has increased by 29 per cent since 2000 – without urgent action, droughts may affect over three-quarters of the world's population by 2050.

Land restoration is a key pillar of the  UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration  (2021-2030), a rallying call for the protection and revival of ecosystems all around the world, which is critical to achieve the  Sustainable Development Goals .

This is why  World Environment Day  2024 focuses on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resilience under the slogan “Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration.”  We cannot turn back time, but we can grow forests, revive water sources, and bring back soils. We are the generation that can make peace with land.

2024 will mark the 30th anniversary of the UN Convention to Combat Desertification. The sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 16) to the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) will be held in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, from 2 to 13 December 2024.

Cover of a practical guide for Environment Day 2022

#OnlyOneEarth Practical Guide

UNEP has published a practical guide outlining some of the collective, transformative actions that governments, cities, businesses, organizations and individuals can take to protect and restore our planet.

What is World Environment Day?

Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and held annually on 5 June since 1973, World Environment Day is the largest global platform for environmental public outreach and is celebrated by millions of people across the world. In 2024, it is hosted by Saudi Arabia.

Why take part?

Time is running out, and nature is in emergency mode. To keep global warming below 1.5°C this century, we must halve annual greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. Without action, exposure to air pollution beyond safe guidelines will increase by 50 per cent within the decade and plastic waste flowing into aquatic ecosystems will nearly triple by 2040.

We need urgent action to address these pressing issues.

2020 has been referred to as a "Nature Super Year" and must be the year where we turn the tide on deforestation and forestry loss. Secretary-General's Message

A moment of truth for climate action

SG banner for World Environment Day

As climate records are shattered, and emissions continue to rise, the UN Secretary-General will set out some hard-hitting truths about the state of the climate, the grotesque risks leaders are taking, and what companies and countries – particularly the G7 and the G20 – need to do over the next eighteen months to salvage humanity’s chances of a livable future.

Follow  here  on World Environment Day (5 June), at 10 AM EDT.

Did you know?

  • Every five seconds, the equivalent of one football pitch of soil is eroded. Yet, it takes 1,000 years to generate 3 centimeters of topsoil.
  • Trees in urban areas can cool the air by up to 5°C, reducing air conditioning needs by 25 per cent.
  • Lakes, rivers and wetlands hold 20–30 per cent of global carbon despite occupying only 5–8 per cent of its land surface.

Source: UNEP 2024

Live updates of hundreds of global activities

Tune in to the live updates of activities taking place around the world, featuring stories, events with high level speakers, report launches, social and videos.

Planet Earth with location pins

Quiz: How much do you know about degraded land, deserts and droughts?

A man is planting mangrove trees in a river

Faith in a global agreement to combat plastic pollution by 2024

Find out how much you know about the biggest crises facing our ecosystems. Test your knowledge here.

Related links

  • UN Environment Programme
  • Act now speak up
  • Beat plastic pollution
  • Breathe life challenge
  • UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration
  • One Planet Network
  • Cities with nature
  • Sustainable finance
  • Measuring progress on the SDGS

Women planting a tree


Join the #GenerationRestoration movement through the official website of World Environment Day 2024. You can access more interesting information, the actions you can carry out to contribute, as well as a large number of materials to promote the movement through social media. Every performance, no matter how small, matters.

Before and after comparison of a desolate desert versus a lush green landscape

A practical guide to healing the planet

The UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration focuses on eight major types of ecosystems that we have dangerously degraded. Each can be restored by reducing the pressures they face and with on-the-ground action to speed their recovery. Read all about the challenges and opportunities for each ecosystem in the scientific flagship report and the  Ecosystem Restoration Playbook.

Close-up of hands planting a small tree

How does land degradation impact climate change?

Land  plays a key role in the climate system  as an essential carbon sink because its surfaces, such as forests, regulate the planet’s temperature and help to store carbon. But our land is under increasing pressure from deforestation, urbanization, industrial development, agricultural expansion and unsustainable farming practices. The good news is that there are ways to improve land degradation.  Read more about climate change .

Monarch butterflies on a branch

World Environment Day

The United Nations designated 5 June as World Environment Day to highlight that the protection and health of the environment is a major issue, which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world. The celebration of this day provides us with an opportunity to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion and responsible conduct by individuals, enterprises and communities in preserving and enhancing the environment. 

The theme of the 2024 World Environment Day is “ land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience .”


As we mark World Environment Day and World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought, UNESCO is calling for a renewed commitment to life in all its forms. Our Organization's commitment can be summed up in three verbs: alert, promote and restore.

UNESCO Director-General

Press for the Planet: debrief from World Press Freedom Day 2024 28 June 2024

Connecting people and planet through education

What UNESCO does for Environmental Protection

presentation about world environment day

Conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity: UNESCO designated sites

Unesco masterclasses.

Master Class_Eduquer à l'océan

"Attacks on nature are contributing to the health crisis."

On the occasion of the International Day for Biological Diversity, Friday 22 May 2020, Audrey Azoulay, Director-General of UNESCO, Jane Goodall, a primatologist famous for her studies on chimpanzees and ambassador for the Great Apes Survival Partnership launched by the United Nations, reminded us that the global COVID-19 crisis must not make us forget to defend our planet's flora and fauna.

  • Article on the Figaro website
  • Read the full article
  • Great apes in danger (COVID19)

presentation about world environment day

Designation of this Day

The year 1972 marked a turning point in the development of international environmental politics, with the first major conference on environmental issues, known as the  Conference on the Human Environment , or the Stockholm Conference. Later that year, on 15 December, the General Assembly adopted a resolution ( A/RES/2994 (XXVII) ) designating June 5 as World Environment Day and urging "Governments and the organizations in the United Nations system to undertake on that day every year world-wide activities reaffirming their concern for the preservation and enhancement of the environment, with a view to deepening environmental awareness."


UN Environment

World Environment Day, held annually on 5 June, brings together millions of people from across the globe, engaging them in the effort to protect and restore the Earth.

The community.

World Environment Day is a global platform for inspiring positive change. People from more than 150 countries participate in this United Nations international day, which celebrates environmental action and the power of governments, businesses and individuals to create a more sustainable world.

The event has been led by the United Nations Environment Programme ( UNEP ) since its inception in 1973.

World Environment Day puts a global spotlight on the pressing environmental challenges of our times. This UN international day has become the largest global platform for environmental outreach, with millions of people from across the world engaging to protect the planet.

2024, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia | Our land. Our future. We are #GenerationRestoration

World Environment Day 2024 put a spotlight on land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience . On 5 June, the host country, Saudi Arabia, celebrated its land restoration efforts and announced greater support and funding for private and philanthropic organisations working on environmental issues.

2023, Côte d’Ivoire | Solutions to Plastic Pollution #BeatPlasticPollution 

In 2023 , World Environment Day focused on showcasing solutions to plastic pollution, underscoring the need for a comprehensive “whole-of-society approach” to combatting the plastic pollution crisis. Following the unanimous passing of the  historic resolution  to establish an  Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC)  to develop a legally binding global instrument to end plastic pollution, this World Environment Day served as a reminder that  solutions are available , but we need stronger and more concerted action to rethink how humanity designs, produces, consumes, and disposes of plastics, products, and packaging to  #BeatPlasticPollution . 

2022, Sweden | Only One Earth #OnlyOneEarth

World Environment Day paid homage to the 50th anniversary of what is considered the world’s first environmental summit, the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment . Like that gathering, it adopted the slogan “Only One Earth”, casting a spotlight on the pressing need to protect and restore humanity’s lone home. 

At the 2022 official event, host country Sweden pledged to stop issuing licenses for new coal, oil and natural gas extraction. More than 65 million people celebrated World Environment Day online.

2021, Pakistan | Ecosystem Restoration #GenerationRestoration

The focus was Ecosystem Restoration celebrated under the theme “ Reimagine. Recreate. Restore ”. Hosted by Pakistan, it cast a spotlight on how humanity has been exploiting the planet's ecosystems and called for a concerted global effort to repair the damage that has been done. Every three seconds, the world loses enough forest to cover a football pitch and, over the last century, half of all wetlands have been destroyed. 

2020, Colombia | Time for Nature #TimeForNature

In 2020 , the World Environment Day theme focused on biodiversity – a concern both urgent and existential. Against the backdrop of the COVID-19 crisis – caused by the rapid destruction of habitats – President of Colombia, Iván Duque Márquez, said “the time to act is now if we want to assure our present and our future.” Fourteen world leaders – including those from Colombia, Costa Rica, Finland, France and Seychelles – released a statement calling on governments worldwide to support a new global goal to protect at least 30 per cent of the planet’s land and ocean by 2030.

2019, People's Republic of China | Beat Air Pollution #BeatAirPollution

The theme was air pollution, a global emergency that causes around 7 million premature deaths every year. Hosted by China, President Xi Jinping stressed his country’s willingness to share its experience combating air pollution with other nations. China also launched its Air Quality Improvement Report (2013-2018) to showcase successful policies and reflect on lessons learned.

2018, India | Beat Plastic Pollution #BeatPlasticPollution

The 45th celebration of World Environment Day was under the theme “Beat Plastic Pollution.” Over 6,000 people gathered at Versova Beach in Mumbai to join UN Environment Champion of the Earth Afroz Shah in a beach clean-up, where they collected over 90,000 kg of plastic. The Indian government made a bold commitment to ban all single-use plastics—which makes up 70 per cent of marine litter—by 2022 and European Union lawmakers agreed on a ban by 2025.

2017, Canada | Connecting People to Nature – in the city and on the land, from the poles to the equator #ImWithNature

“I’m with nature” was the theme of World Environment Day 2017, which inspired more than 1,800 events, from tree-planting in Mumbai to ivory burning in Angola to a running race through Brazil’s Iguaçu National Park. In host country Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined UNEP’s Erik Solheim to connect with nature by paddling kayaks along the Niagara River.

2016, Angola | Zero Tolerance for the Illegal Wildlife Trade #WildForLife

The day was a springboard for #WildforLife, at the time UNEP’s biggest-ever digital campaign and a major push to counter international wildlife crime. Host country Angola promised to curb the trading of elephant ivory. China, a key destination for illegal wildlife products, subsequently pledged to close down its domestic ivory market.

2015, Italy | Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care. #ConsumeWithCare

World Environment Day went viral. Celebrated under the theme “Seven Billion People. One Planet. Consume with Care,” it was the most popular subject on Twitter in more than 20 countries. 

2014, Barbados | Raise Your Voice, Not the Sea Level #ClimateChange

The theme “Raise Your Voice Not the Sea Level!” built awareness of the dangers facing island nations from climate change. The next year, small island states secured an agreement at the Paris climate talks to pursue the ambitious goal of limiting the increase in average global temperature to 1.5°C.

2013, Mongolia | Think.Eat.Save. Reduce Your Foodprint  #ThinkEatSave

The year’s theme was “Think.Eat.Save.” The campaign highlighted the environmental toll of food waste, empowering people to make informed choices to reduce the ecological impact of food production.

2012, Brazil | Green Economy: Does it Include You? #DoesItIncludeYou?

Twenty years after the Earth Summit, World Environment Day returned to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. The theme “Green Economy: Does it Include You?” amplified UNEP’s efforts to create a more sustainable global financial order. The World Environment Day website posted more than 4.25 million visits, a new record at the time.

2011, India | Forests: Nature at Your Service

World Environment Day featured a friendly contest between actor Don Cheadle and entrepreneur Gisele Bündchen to see who can attract more social media followers. As part of the contest, Bündchen planted the first of 50,000 trees in Rio de Janeiro’s Grumari Municipal Park. People around the world registered more than 4,000 activities related to World Environment Day.

2010, Rwanda | Many Species. One Planet. One Future

World Environment Day’s Legacy Initiative raised more than US$85,000 for gorilla conservation and solar lighting in villages across host country, Rwanda. Voters in a global online competition chose names for several baby gorillas, spotlighting their threatened status during the International Year of Biodiversity.

2009, Mexico | Your Planet Needs You: Unite to Combat Climate Change

2008, new zealand | kick the habit towards a low carbon economy, 2007, norway | melting ice - a hot topic.

The theme “Melting Ice? – A Hot Topic”, marked the first of three consecutive years in which the day drew attention to climate change. It came just as the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s  Fourth Assessment Report stated that warming of the climate was unequivocal.

2006, Algeria | Deserts and Desertification – Don’t Desert Drylands!

A decade after the UN Convention to Combat Desertification entered into force, World Environment Day delivered a reminder of the pressures on drylands when Algeria hosted the celebrations under the slogan “Deserts and Desertification – Don’t Desert Drylands!”

2005, United States of America | Green Cities: Plan for the Planet!

World Environment Day was held in North America for the first time, with San Francisco hosting hundreds of events around the theme “Green Cities: Plan for the Planet.” Held in the year the Kyoto Protocol came into force, the event included the participation of former United States of America Vice-President Al Gore and former Mayor of San Francisco Gavin Newsom.

2004, Spain | Wanted! Seas and Oceans - Dead or Alive?

2003, lebanon | water - two billion people are dying for it.

The main celebrations took place in Beirut, Lebanon, a first for West Asia. The theme of “Water – Two Billion People are Dying for It!” was chosen in support of the International Year of Fresh Water.


2002, People's Republic of China | Give Earth a Chance

2001, italy and cuba | connect with the world wide web of life.

UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan chose World Environment Day to launch the Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, an unprecedented effort to map the health of the planet. Reflecting the theme “Connect with the World Wide Web of Life,” the international festivities took place across several cities: Torino, Italy; Havana, Cuba; Hue, Viet Nam; and Nairobi, Kenya.

2000, Australia | The Environment Millennium - Time to Act

UNEP launched a World Environment Day website, making it easy for people around the world to register their activities and build a sense of global community. The main events took place in Adelaide, Australia under the theme “The Environment Millennium – Time to Act,” ahead of the international summit that set out the Millennium Development Goals.

1999, Japan | Our Earth – Our Future – Just Save It!

1998, russian federation | for life on earth – save our seas.

World Environment Day highlighted threats to marine ecosystems for the first time, using the theme of “For Life on Earth – Save our Seas” in support of the International Year of the Ocean.

1997, Republic of Korea | For Life on Earth

1996, türkiye | our earth, our habitat, our home.

Nigerian activist Ken Saro-Wiwa received a posthumous Global 500 award during World Environment Day celebrations in Ankara, Türkiye. With the award, World Environment Day threw a spotlight on the link between human and environmental rights.

1995, South Africa | We the Peoples: United for the Global Environment

South Africa played host a year after Nelson Mandela became president. Mandela attended the celebrations, drawing huge international attention to environmental themes. A year earlier, the anti-apartheid leader used the day to declare Cape Town’s Table Mountain a “gift to the Earth” and proof of South Africa's commitment to protect biodiversity.

1994, United Kingdom | One Earth One Family

1993, people's republic of china | poverty and the environment – breaking the vicious circle.

China hosted World Environment Day in Beijing, raising environmental awareness in the world’s most populous nation, under the theme “Poverty and the Environment - Breaking the Vicious Circle.” The event returned to China in 2002, hosted by the city of Shenzhen.

1992, Brazil | Only One Earth, Care and Share

World Environment Day was held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, during the UN Conference on Environment and Development, better known as the Earth Summit. Nations negotiated landmark treaties on climate change, desertification and biodiversity, and set the course for contemporary sustainable development.

1991, Sweden | Climate Change. Need for Global Partnership

1990, mexico | children and the environment, 1989, belgium | global warming; global warning.

A year after the establishment of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, celebrations hosted in Brussels, Belgium echoed mounting concern about global warming. The theme was revisited more than any other in subsequent World Environment Day campaigns.

1988, Thailand | When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last

The main celebrations began to rotate around the globe, starting in Bangkok, Thailand. The theme of “When People Put the Environment First, Development Will Last” came a year after the Brundtland Report laid out its influential blueprint for sustainability.

1987, Kenya | Environment and Shelter: More Than A Roof

UNEP marked the day at its headquarters in Nairobi, Kenya, by presenting the first of its Global 500 awards to environmental champions including Wangari Maathai. The awards became a mainstay of World Environment Day celebrations through 2003.

1986, Canada | A Tree for Peace

The theme “A Tree for Peace” coincided with the International Year of Peace. Reflecting World Environment Day’s growing profile, political and religious leaders, including French President François Mitterrand, Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi and Uganda’s President Yoweri Museveni, took part in a global ceremony by planting a tree and stressing the links between conflict and environmental destruction.

A tree for peace

1985, Pakistan | Youth: Population and the Environment

1984, bangladesh | desertification, 1983, bangladesh | managing and disposing hazardous waste: acid rain and energy, 1982, bangladesh | ten years after stockholm (renewal of environmental concerns), 1981, bangladesh | ground water; toxic chemicals in human food chains.

The campaign drew attention to toxic chemicals in groundwater and food chains. The next year, UNEP’s Governing Council adopted the Montevideo Programme, setting priorities for global lawmaking that led to major international agreements restricting or eliminating an array of hazardous chemicals and pollutants.

1980, Bangladesh | A New Challenge for the New Decade: Development Without Destruction

1979, bangladesh | only one future for our children – development without destruction.

The theme “Only One Future for Our Children” coincided with the International Year of the Child. For the first time, World Environment Day echoed a UN-designated international year, a trend that grew as environmental problems rose up on the global agenda.

1978, Bangladesh | Development Without Destruction

1977, bangladesh | ozone layer environmental concern; lands loss and soil degradation.

UNEP used the day to highlight concern about the ozone layer, setting a trend for World Environment Day to generate vital early momentum on critical environmental issues. It took another 10 years to seal the landmark Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer.

1976, Canada | Water: Vital Resource for Life

1975, bangladesh | human settlements, 1974, united states of america | only one earth, 1973, switzerland | only one earth.

World Environment Day was celebrated for the first time with the slogan “Only One Earth.”

1972, Sweden | Stockholm Conference on Human Environment

The UN General Assembly designated 5 June as World Environment Day, marking the first day of the Stockholm Conference on the Human Environment. Another resolution, adopted by the General Assembly the same day, led to the creation of UNEP.


Jun 5, 1973 ce: world environment day.

On June 5, 1973, the world first celebrated World Environment Day.

Experiential Learning, Geography, Physical Geography

Queen Butterfly

A close up of a queen butterfly on a flower.

Photograph by Joelle Herman, My Shot

A close up of a queen butterfly on a flower.

On June 5, 1973, the world first celebrated World Environment Day. The date was chosen by the United Nations to honor the 1972 UN Conference on the Human Environment , a landmark summit in conservation and environmental awareness.

The UN calls World Environment Day “the biggest day for positive environmental action.” It is a day for public outreach as well as personal responsibility—an “opportunity to care for the Earth and become agents of change.”

Every year, World Environment Day is hosted by a different city or region , with a different theme. Kigali, Rwanda, hosted the 2010 World Environment Day, with the theme “Many Species. One Planet. One Future.” In 2018, India hosted World Environment Day, with the theme "Beat Plastic Pollution."

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PPT World Environment Day for Presentation and Google Slides

Graphic for World Environment Day with a smiling globe held by hands, surrounded by plants and eco-friendly icons.

World Environment Day Presentation Slide

Join us in celebrating World Environment Day with our new presentation design! Observed annually on June 5th, World Environment Day aims to raise awareness and promote action for the protection of our planet. Established by the United Nations General Assembly in 1972, this global event is celebrated by individuals and organizations across 100+ countries. We recognize the significance of environmental awareness and are excited to help spread the message through our visually stunning and user-friendly template. Our design features customizable slides that allow you to showcase your ideas and initiatives using text, images, and graphs.

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  • This template's clear layout will help you design a professional-looking presentation.
  • Drag and drop image placeholder.
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  • Celebrate World Environment Day
  • Environment Day June 5th
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World Environment Day Presentation - Free Download

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World Earth Day Presentation - Free Download

On June 5, World Environment Day is celebrated annually to raise awareness about environmental issues and encourage eco-friendly actions. The celebration of this day provides an opportunity to highlight the significance of environmental conservation for the well-being of people and economic development. NGOs and environmentalists host various events to make people aware of how human activities contribute to major environmental challenges, such as climate change, water scarcity, etc. These events also highlight the actions individuals, organizations, and governments must undertake to overcome these challenges.

Our World Environment Day template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides is available for instant download! Get it now to make your presentations about environment conservation more impactful and engaging. The eye-pleasing graphics and coherent designs enable presenters to convey their message and ensure maximum understanding and retention.

Let’s Look at PPT’s Overview

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  • A concise description of this day is portrayed through an appealing illustration.
  • The infographics of two, three, four, five, and six steps are perfect for displaying the significant environmental challenges and measures to overcome them.
  • One of the slides describes why plastics should not be used.
  • The importance of the three Rs (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) to combat environmental challenges is highlighted comprehensively.
  • A pie-chart infographic depicts the areas and sectors that primarily affect the environment.  
  • A striking slide design illustrates the dos and don’ts concerning environmental conservation.
  • Some great words about environmental protection are showcased in one of the slides.
  • An eye-pleasing layout depicts the changes required at individual levels to protect the planet.

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World Environment Day 05 PowerPoint Template

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Use this World Environment Day 05 PowerPoint template to create visually appealing presentations in any professional setting. Its minimalistic design and ready-to-use features enhance your presentation slides ten folds.

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Students for Justice in Palestine plans 'day of action,' vows 'intifada' will continue

by JACKSON WALKER | The National Desk

Protesters demonstrate against the war in Gaza outside the entrance to the campus of Columbia University, Tuesday, April 30, 2024, in New York.  (AP Photo/Mary Altaffer)

WASHINGTON (TND) — Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is calling for a national “day of action” to take place on U.S. college campuses on Thursday.

Organizers wrote via Instagram last week the day is designed to send a “back to school” message to campus leaders. The group promised in the post "the student intifada" will continue until divestment demands are met.

SJP called for students to show “resounding courage, unfettered determination, and resurgence in the political demands that continue to guide our organization.”

“Our universities have done everything in their power to ignore and redirect our demands for divestment, dodging accountability by suspending and surveilling students,” the group wrote. “Administrators far and wide have chosen to unleash police violence on students rather than end complicity in the Zionist occupation."

"However, our admins repression will not succeed — we, the student movement for Palestinian freedom, will continue to organize our campuses, building with our student body, our faculty, and our staff, to construct a mass movement sustained by people power, to actually push our universities to divest," it concluded.

A highlights tab on the group’s Instagram profile title “Sept 12” includes a fire emoji. The tab shows different SJP chapters promoting the "day of action" and includes Arabic rap and pop music playing in the background.

SJP has continuously called for action on U.S. college campuses amid the Israel-Hamas war, with one chapter openly condoning an “armed rebellion” at the University of North Carolina ahead of the school’s first day of classes.

READ MORE | Anti-Israel group at Univ. of Maryland reserves quad for anniversary of Hamas invasion

“It is violently oppressive to passively observe violence, whether in Palestine, here, or anywhere in the world,” an Instagram post by the group read. “We condone all forms of principled action, including armed rebellion, necessary to stop Israel’s genocide and apartheid and to dismantle imperialism and capitalism more broadly.”

Columbia University in 2023 suspended its campus chapter of SJP and Jewish Voices for Peace (JVP) for repeated violations of university policies. Under the suspension, the two groups were cut off from university funding and not allowed to hold campus events.

Follow Jackson Walker on X at @_jlwalker_ for the latest trending national news. Have a news tip? Send it to [email protected].

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Record-breaking World Environment Day spotlights land restoration, desertification and drought resilience

Riyadh, 05 June 2024 – With a focus on restoring degraded lands, combatting desertification and building drought resilience, countries around the world came together today to mark World Environment Day 2024, under the rallying call ‘Our Land. Our Future. We are #Generation Restoration’.  

On the biggest calendar moment for environmental action, the official celebrations hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia marked the second time in more than 50 years that World Environment Day has been hosted in the West Asia region. Faced with more severe and prolonged droughts, sandstorms and rising temperatures, the region is seeing deserts expand, fresh water sources evaporate, and fertile soils erode.      World Environment Day 2024 registered a record-breaking number of events – 3657 and counting at the time of launch – held by governments, cities, civil society, universities and schools, and businesses spanning the globe. Activities ranged from high-level events in Riyadh to week-long festivities in South America, from zoo celebrations in Europe and Asia to soil restoration labs for children in Africa, from posters dotting transport hubs to the largest mural in North America, and from film screenings to video messages from celebrities and space agency NASA . Tens of millions of people joined the online global conversation, with #WorldEnvironmentDay trending above blockbuster movies and global politics on social media, amplifying the global rally to restore the land that humanity and countless other species depend on for survival.  

“Today, we’re pushing planetary boundaries to the brink – shattering global temperature records and reaping the whirlwind”, said António Guterres the UN Secretary-General in a special address on climate action at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. “And it’s a travesty of climate justice that those least responsible for the crisis are hardest hit: the poorest people; the most vulnerable countries; Indigenous Peoples; women and girls,” he added. 

Up to 40 per cent of the world’s land is already degraded, directly affecting half of humanity, and an estimated 3.2 billion people worldwide are negatively impacted by desertification. By 2050, more than three-quarters of the world’s population is expected to be affected by droughts.   

This World Environment Day aims to support accelerated progress on global commitments, which include protecting 30 per cent of land and sea for nature and restoring 30 percent of the planet’s degraded ecosystems. While countries have promised to restore one billion hectares of land by 2030, current trends suggest 1.5 billion hectares would need to be restored to meet the 2030 land degradation neutrality goals.      Saudi Arabia has announced environmental sustainability goals to help tackle the challenges of drought, desertification and land degradation, including a pledge to plant 50 billion trees across the region through the  Saudi Green Initiative and Middle East Green Initiative . On World Environment Day, the government celebrated its land restoration efforts and announced greater support and funding for private and philanthropic organisations working on environmental issues. Further, Saudi Arabia confirmed the country is on track to meet the global land degradation neutrality target by 2030.

“In the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, great efforts have been made to restore lands and limit degradation, including with the Saudi Green Initiative and the Middle East Initiative, but also to promote regional cooperation to reduce land degradation, conserve vegetation, enhance biodiversity and food security,” said Abdulrahman Abdulmohsen Al-Fadley, Saudi Minister for Environment, Water and Agriculture. 

“The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s efforts to improve vegetation cover and combat desertification through the Saudi Green Initiative and national strategy will enable the country to reach its land degradation neutrality goal by 2030,” he added.

Addressing government officials and industry leaders at the Riyadh event, UNEP Executive Director Inger Andersen stressed the need for urgent action to make the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration goals a reality by 2030. 

“Billions across the world are facing food insecurity, crippling droughts, and livelihoods are under threat. That is why on World Environment Day we’re asking the world to join the global movement to restore our lands, increase drought resilience and combat desertification,” said Executive Director Andersen. “Restoration is the natural solution to help address the triple planetary crisis, deliver new jobs, lower poverty and build resilience to extreme weather. Land is life – and we must protect it,” she added.  

On World Environment Day, six new cities stretching from Africa to Latin America joined UNEP’s Generation Restoration Cities . Collectively, these urban areas – representing 45 million inhabitants, 2.1 million hectares of land and 600 kilometres of waterways – are now seeking to replicate and scale up ecosystem restoration initiatives using nature-based solutions .  

Championing the 2030 Agenda to move the world onto a sustainable and resilient path and joining forces to protect people and planet, World Environment Day 2024 builds momentum for climate action by rallying support for vital ecosystems restoration work.    

Saudi Arabia has partnered with the Group of 20 nations and United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) on the G20 Global Land Initiative , which aims to cut degradation by 50 per cent by 2040. In December, the country will the sixteenth session of the Conference of the Parties ( COP16 ) of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD). This will be the first time the region has hosted this meeting, which is widely seen as a pivotal moment in the global effort to end land degradation.   

Some World Environment Day announcements and commitments   

  • The President of the Maldives, Mohamed Muizzu, launched a 5 Million Tree Project. 
  • Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau reaffirmed the government’s commitment to conserve 30 per cent of land and ocean by 2030, and to boost clean energy industries. 
  • Brazil President Lula da Silva attended a presentation by the Minister of the Environment, Marina Silva, summarizing the actions of the ministry in nearly a year and a half of government. The minister also announced new environmental protection measures, including decrees signed.
  • Oman plants over 16 million seeds under initiative to plant 10mn indigenous trees  
  • Bangladesh to expand tree cover to 25 per cent of land area by 2030  
  • Swedish Prime Minister Ulf Kristersson and his ministers announced the government’s intention to ban bottom trawling in marine protected areas (MPAs) and all Swedish territorial waters (up to 12 nautical miles). 
  • New observatory to track progress of Africa's Great Green Wall unveiled .
  • Largest exterior mural in North America unveiled in celebration of World Environment Day. 
  • Rainforest Trust announced a massive milestone—50 million acres of habitat protected to date, an area 40 times the size of Grand Canyon National Park 
  • Przewalski’s horses land in Kazakhstan marking a new chapter in biodiversity conservation.
  •  Prince Talal International Prize for Human Development announced the winners of $1,000,000 dedicated for Life on Land.
  • Liberia president Joseph Boakai proclaimed World Environment Day to be observed throughout the country as a Working Holiday.   


About World Environment Day   World Environment Day on 5 June is one of the biggest international days for the environment. Led by UNEP and held annually since 1973, the event has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental outreach, with millions of people from across the world engaging to protect the planet.  About the UN Environment Programme (UNEP)    UNEP is the leading global voice on the environment. It provides leadership and encourages partnership in caring for the environment by inspiring, informing and enabling nations and peoples to improve their quality of life without compromising that of future generations.    For more information, please contact: News and Media Unit , UN Environment Programme 

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  • World Environment Day 2024
  • UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration

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  5. World Environment Day

    5 June. The United Nations designated 5 June as World Environment Day to highlight that the protection and health of the environment is a major issue, which affects the well-being of peoples and economic development throughout the world. The celebration of this day provides us with an opportunity to broaden the basis for an enlightened opinion ...

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    NT DAY 5 JUNE 2024 Key MessagesAll over the. world, ecosystems are threatened. From forests and drylands to farmlands and lakes, natural spaces on which humanity's existence dep. nds are reaching a tipping point. This is why World Environment Day 2024 focuses on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resili.

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  14. World Environment Day Presentation

    Our World Environment Day template for MS PowerPoint and Google Slides is available for instant download! Get it now to make your presentations about environment conservation more impactful and engaging. The eye-pleasing graphics and coherent designs enable presenters to convey their message and ensure maximum understanding and retention.

  15. World Environment Day 2024 Report

    Hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the record-breaking WED 2024 focused on restoring land, halting desertification and building drought resilience under the theme "Our Land. Our Future. We are #GenerationRestoration." The theme of this year's WED was particularly significant because healthy land is a critical enabler of of the success all three Rio Conventions: on biological ...

  16. World Environment Day PowerPoint Templates & Slides

    A World Environment Day PowerPoint template is a ready-made presentation template that provides a structured framework for creating professional World Environment Day presentations. The World Environment Day PPT presentation template includes design elements, layouts, and fonts that you can customize to fit your content and brand.

  17. Messages from United Nations Officials for World Environment Day

    UN Secretary-General António Guterres . The theme of this year's World Environment Day is "land restoration, desertification, and drought resilience.". Humanity depends on land. Yet, all over the world, a toxic cocktail of pollution, climate chaos, and biodiversity decimation are turning healthy lands into deserts, and thriving ecosystems into dead zones.

  18. Key Messages

    Description. All over the world, ecosystems are threatened. From forests and drylands to farmlands and lakes, natural spaces on which humanity's existence depends are reaching a tipping point. This is why World Environment Day 2024 focuses on land restoration, halting desertification and building drought resilience under the slogan "Our Land.

  19. World Environment Day 05 PowerPoint Template

    The World Environment Day 05 PPT template is professionally designed with the principles of vision sciences to capture your audience's attention. Convey your message clearly with our unique set of editable infographics, icons, images, fonts, and presentation backgrounds. Download now and stand out in your next presentation with World ...

  20. Presentation: World Environment Day 5 June 2023

    Presentation: World Environment Day 5 June 2023: en_US: dc.type: Presentations and Webinars: en_US: wd.identifier.mettingsession: Committee of Permanent Representatives Subcommittee meeting 27 April 2023: en_US  Files in this item. Name: WED_2023_UNEP_CPR_Presentation.pdf Size: 4.105Mb Format: PDF

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    This informative PowerPoint will help you better understand the origins and significance of this special day. The idea for World Environment Day was born in 1972 at the United Nations Conference on the Human Environment in Stockholm, Sweden, which helped put the issue of environmental protection on the map. It wasn't until 1974 that the first official World Environment Day was hosted in Sweden ...

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    When: 5 June 2024 Theme: Land restoration, desertification and drought resilience Host: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Visit the official campaign website. World Environment Day is the biggest international day for the environment. Led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and held annually since 1973, it has grown to be the largest global platform for environmental outreach. It is ...

  23. Students for Justice in Palestine plans 'day of action,' vows 'intifada

    WASHINGTON (TND) — Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) is calling for a national "day of action" to take place on U.S. college campuses on Thursday. Organizers wrote via Instagram last week the day is designed to send a "back to school" message to campus leaders. The group promised in the post "the student intifada" will continue until divestment demands are met.

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    Riyadh, 05 June 2024 - With a focus on restoring degraded lands, combatting desertification and building drought resilience, countries around the world came together today to mark World Environment Day 2024, under the rallying call 'Our Land. Our Future. We are #Generation Restoration'. On the biggest calendar moment for environmental action, the official celebrations hosted by the ...