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Essay 9: Urban Overpopulation- Causes and Solutions

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Overpopulation in many major urban cities around the world is a major problem. What are the causes of this? How this problem can be solved?

Over the past decades, metropolitans have seen a massive increase in population. This is attributable to people migrating from small towns and cities to urban centers in search of better earning and education opportunities. Providing the same amenities in those areas, therefore, offer an effective solution.

The foremost reason for people migrating from less developed areas to developed cities is the quest for better-earning opportunities. Multinational companies, banks, and offices are usually located in big cities and attract labor force towards urban areas. For instance, in India’s villages, the only source of income is farming and cattle breeding; and income is usually not enough to meet both ends meet, leading an increasing number of villagers to cities in search of better job opportunities. Another reason is the provision of better higher education institutions. The smaller towns and even cities lack such universities and colleges. In order to get their children equipped with a high-quality education, families usually migrate to better and bigger cities, overburdening the already crowded cities.

One such solution to curb this increasing growth of population in big cities is to plan the development of new industries in less developed towns. This can provide livelihood opportunities to the local people near their homes, omitting the need to migrate to cities for similar opportunities. Similarly, more and more vocational and technical knowledge awarding institutes need to be established in villages, small towns, and cities. This would also curtail the incessant spike in population in major cities as there wouldn’t be any need for many families to migrate to big cities as a whole for education purposes.

To conclude, the non-availability of suitable jobs and lack of specialized educational facilities in rural areas has led to an excessive population in big cities. This problematic situation can be resolved by the development of other cities and towns both economically and educationally.

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IELTS Student Essay: Overpopulation

by Rahul (New Delhi, India)

IELTS Buddy Feedback: Content and Organization

People from villages and smaller towns are migrating to urban areas in search of employment and better standard s of living. As a consequence, urban areas are becoming overpopulated and are facing a lot of problems, the major ones being a shortage of housing space and overcrowd ed transport systems. With increasing population s in urban areas, there is a huge demand for housing in order to accommodate these migrat ing population s . We have often seen Government s not being able to provide sufficient housing to its people.
Produces frequent error-free sentences
As a consequence, urban areas are becoming overpopulated and are facing a lot of problems, the major ones being a shortage of housing space and overcrowded transport system. However, there are ways to combat these problems.

Statistics shows that the number of people in developed cities and areas continue to set an increasing propensity. This worrying trend can affect the entire populace in terms of maintaining health and living a decent life. However, I strongly believe that, the state, together with its people, can do tangible ways of countering this grave concern.

In reality, overcrowding has been a problem of almost all nations worldwide. Although it is true that a great number of people serve as a wealth of nation in terms of perpetuation of its race and tribe, it could pose negative impacts on the people’s health. For instance, diseases can spread rapidly and foods can ran out of supply shortly. Additionally, not all citizens will be having equal opportunity to settle a family and build houses of their own, due to lack of available lots in the cities.

Despite of this, the government and its citizens, still have the power to find solutions to the abovementioned concerns. For one, the state can open opportunities such as job deployment in rural areas, to aid in population decongestion. Secondly, the government can allot residential lots available for the people, and limit those being occupied by industries and business establishments. Similarly, the people can contribute to solving the problem through active participation and proper education. They must learn to be more health conscious and participate in the prevention of disease occurrence. With this, detrimental threats brought about by overcrowding could at least be neutralized, if not totally eradicate them.

Summing it up, the surging populace can bring threat to the health and lives of the people, nevertheless, the state in cooperation with the public, can implement simple yet effective strategies as solutions to the effects of overpopulation.
Jan 19, 2014

There is a mistake: Despite of this => Despite this
May 15, 2016

You have done a good job. So still you need to improve your introduction. Make sure you make general introduction, such as:

So don't repeat the words that are given for the question. Make sure to use synonyms, like 'overpopulation', use instead 'overcrowded' and 'urban' use instead of 'cities' words that you will get better mark, keep on improving your skills.

Thank you.
Jan 11, 2017

Due to various factors, urban areas are experiencing serious problems concerning overcrowding. In my opinion, there are several measures which governments and individuals can and must be taken so as to improve this situation.
Jan 18, 2017

hey guys,

could u please check out my essay? i am not too good at writing.

The high increase in the population of urban areas is becoming a worrying situation leading to the growth of many issues like housing troubles, illiteracy, unemployment, health and security troubles also.

Many people especially young generation are moving to urban areas to have better life in terms of education, jobs and other facilities available more easily in the towns. However, the government is not able to cope up properly with this change. The places in the colleges and universities are limited due to which many people end up with no education, which further gives rise to unemployment. Due to unemployment it becomes difficult to fulfill the basic needs of life that in turn gives rise to crimes like beggary and robbery in order to have some money to find something to eat for themselves and their families. Many people also end up with suicide for not able to cope up with the stressful life. In addition to it, there are also obstacles to find living due to high rents unaffordable by the young generation.

The government and every individual should take this seriously and provide and follow effective methods to deal with such situations. I feel that the government should open up more schools and colleges for higher education in rural areas and encourage the companies for creating job opportunities in the underdeveloped areas. In addition, the government can give some tax relaxation to the population renting at lower price.

To summarize, the extreme rise of people in the developed cities is posing problems but if proper measures are taken in time, the unwanted situations could be handled.

(275 words)

Thank you
Jan 28, 2017

250 words total
Thanks in advance

Hi could you please rate my essay.
250 words total

With ever increasing migration rates and raising resident populations, many cities around the world are tackling overpopulation and its numerous ill –effects. The major ones being

1. Lack of housing space and basic amenities and
2. Burden on natural resources.

History is filled with examples of great cities with huge populations destroyed by overpopulation. Lack of basic amenities and housing space leads to development of slums which is a serious health hazard. The burden on natural resources and consequent over exploitation may lead to irreparable damage to the environment rendering the cities uninhabitable.

Governments can alleviate the pressure on overpopulated cities by providing alternates for the urban populace, like development of infrastructure and amenities away from the cities and providing easy access to them. Investing on transportation would also lessen the load on overpopulated cities. Individuals can also contribute by making efficient use of amenities and housing space. For example tenants could rent unused rooms in their houses. Decision to not migrate to busy cities in search of greener pastures would also significantly reduce crowding in cities.

To reduce the burden on natural resourses, governments should encourage usage of alternate or renewable sources. Providing tax concessions to organisations which are self-reliant for their needs would be a good step in this regard. As individuals all of us could contribute by sensible usage of resources and by avoiding any wastage.

In conclusion, the menace of overpopulation and it’s challenges can only be combated by the joint efforts of governments and individuals.
Feb 20, 2017

Your introduction is not too good. Please do not use numbering there as 1 and 2.
Jul 06, 2017


May i know what is the correct word limit (upper and lower limit) for Task 1 and Task 2.

Jul 07, 2017

There are no upper limits but the lower limits are 250 for Task 2 and 150 for Task 1.
Jul 18, 2017

May i upload my essay to assess?

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Overpopulation in Many Major Urban Centres Around the World is a Major Problem- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

Updated On Dec 27, 2023


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Overpopulation in Many Major Urban Centres Around the World is a Major Problem- IELTS Writing Task 2

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Below you will find a sample essay for the IELTS Essay type: Cause and Solution Essay. By studying this Essay, you can prepare for the IELTS Essay Writing task. This sample essay is written on the topic of Overpopulation.

Overpopulation in many major urban centres around the world is a major problem. What are the causes of this? How can this problem be solved?

Cause and Solution Essay


Para 1 : ( Causes )  Overpopulation is rising at an alarming rate in major cities around the world.

Body Paragraphs

Paragraph 1: ( reasons on the issue ) To begin with, although there are plenty of schools and colleges in rural cities, there are very few universities.

Paragraph 2: ( what can be done to reduce the issues ). Secondly, the state authorities and the government should promote multinational companies to open their branches in undeveloped areas.

Summarize your answers

Overpopulation is rising at an alarming rate in major cities around the world. It is caused by the migration of rural people into urban areas due to the lack of educational or employment opportunities in villages and small towns. Building educational institutions and industries in villages is the most viable solution to this problem.

To begin with, although there are plenty of schools and colleges in rural cities, there are very few universities. It forces many aspiring students to migrate to cities in order to pursue their higher education. Secondly, in urban areas, there is a plethora of industries and companies which provide astronomical employment opportunities to the aspirants. For example, in India, in the last few decades, numerous multinational companies have recruited a major portion of the graduates to work in their firms located in various countries. This, in turn, inspires more and more people to move towards urban centres and better career prospects.

These issues can be tackled by the government by building schools and colleges in villages. This move will make higher education easily accessible to rural people and thus mitigate migration. Secondly, the state authorities and the government should promote multinational companies to open their branches in undeveloped areas. By doing so, the locals may get an employment opportunity in their hometowns . The government can also look to provide incentives to the local farmers, and help supply irrigation facilities to increase the production rate of crops. Hence, people can obtain enough money to survive in less developed areas.

In conclusion, if the government takes necessary steps to build universities and encourage companies to set-up their operations in rural cities, the problem of overpopulation in developed cities can be tackled.

Overpopulation is one of the most severe threats to the planet, producing economic, social, and environmental problems in recent years. It’s been growing at an alarming rate, and it’s a worldwide phenomenon. It is critical for people to become more aware of overpopulation as soon as possible, as awareness is the only way to address this developing catastrophe. Thus, the following essay will elucidate the causes and solutions for this pressing issue.

To begin with, the apparent reason for cities’ overcrowding is that they entice young people with abundant educational, medical, and employment options. Individuals are drawn to metropolitan centres because they offer a variety of opportunities such as better paying professions and better work-life balance. Also, many firms and corporate industries are concentrated in metropolitan regions, causing many young adults from rural and urban areas to relocate to cities in quest of better work prospects and a higher standard of living. Another significant reason for urbanization is the increased availability and accessibility of high-quality education and world-class medical facilities, which benefit everyone’s health and future prospects.

There are, however, viable methods that can be implemented to address these challenges and prevent overpopulation. To begin with, the government can employ the media to project the horrors of overpopulation. Second, the government can offer financial aid and incentives to those who live in smaller towns to start their own businesses. Finally, the government can also provide housing subsidies to encourage individuals to stay in or relocate to rural areas. Furthermore, greater infrastructure and facilities for rural residents should be provided to deter migration from the countryside to cities. Overcrowding in urban areas can be alleviated by improving hospitals, educational institutions, and job prospects in rural areas.

To sum up, overpopulation is a huge problem in the current global scenario, which requires immediate solutions as it has reached alarming rates. Although there are no easy solutions to the complex problem of urban migration, the government and the private sectors can address it by coordinating and taking appropriate steps such as constructing 24/7 medical hospitals colleges and setting up businesses in rural areas to improve the livelihood of the rural population.

Definition : a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something. Eg. It is essential to give farmers an incentive to improve their land.

  • Tackled 

Definition : make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task). Eg.  The police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crime.

  • Irrigation 

Definition : the supply of water to land or crops to help growth, typically by means of channels. Eg. The government can irrigate the  supply of water for agricultural crops

  • Viable 

Definition : capable of working successfully; feasible. Eg. The proposed investment was viable for the benefits of the company

  • Aspiring 

Definition : directing one’s hopes or ambitions towards becoming a specified type of person. Eg . He is aspiring to create a masterpiece one day.

  • Migrate / Migration

Definition : move to a new area or country in order to find work or better living conditions. Eg. The rural populations have migrated to urban areas for better livelihood.

  • Plethora 

Definition : a large or excessive amount of something. Eg. There were a plethora of subcommittees to join.

  • Astronomical 

Definition : extremely large. Eg. He wanted to be compensated with an astronomical fee for his losses.

  • Prospects 

Definition : the possibility or likelihood of some future event occurring. Eg. There was no prospect of reconciling with his friends and family at the event.

Definition : less severe, serious, or painful. Eg . Various government schemes have helped to mitigate unemployment issues in the country.

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions Essay

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Causes of overpopulation, effects of overpopulation, solutions to overpopulation, works cited.

The concept of overpopulation of the planet is not new. There is a finite amount of space and resources that the planet can offer, and technological advances can only mitigate the situation so much. The first scholar to consider the idea of overpopulation was Thomas Malthusian, who brought it up in a work called “An Essay on the Principle of Population.” He managed to outline the reasons for population growth such as the improvement of standards of living, an abundance of food, and advanced medicine (Barbier 4).

When Malthusian made his predictions, however, he did not consider technological progress. The apocalypse he predicted was averted through innovations in technology and agriculture. Today, in 2016, humanity faces the problem of overpopulation once more. Despite many who dismiss the threat of overpopulation, it is much more real now than it was in 1796, as natural resources are now much fewer than they used to be and the population – much larger.

Although different scholars point to different factors that influence population growth, the core ones remain the same. These factors include the following:

  • Advances in food production and agriculture;
  • Advances in industry and production;
  • Advances in medicine; and
  • Poor family planning (Barbier 92).

It is obvious that these four factors are the ones that affect population growth the most. Advances in food production and agriculture create a surplus of food, which allows for population growth without famine as a natural barrier to curb it. Advances in industry and production provide clothes and items for the growing population to use, thus creating and maintaining a higher standard of living. Modern medicine curbs child mortality and effectively prolongs peoples’ lives.

Lastly, poor family planning means families become large and produce many children, with no regard for how it affects the environment. Together, these factors have contributed greatly to the incredible population growth rates today.

Many scholars have identified the disastrous effects overpopulation has on the environment. There are main three points of concern to which overpopulation will inevitably lead:

  • Depletion of natural resources;
  • Degradation of the environment; and
  • Resource wars (Barbier 75).

With consumer culture on the rise, the population requires increasingly more materials to maintain their high standards of living. Everybody wants to have an iPhone, and everybody feels the need to have a personal vehicle. While certain resources, such as wood and energy, are renewable, the rest are not. Eventually, Earth will face a resource crisis, which is only sped up by the ever-increasing population (Toth and Szigeti 284).

More people mean a quicker degradation of the environment. Humanity, in general, has a negative influence on nature. Therefore, the more humans there are, the worse the impact is. This fact is especially true for developing countries, where advances in medicine and agriculture promote population growth, but eco-technologies and recycling are not yet implemented (Cafaro and Crist 75).

As natural resources become more and more depleted, resource wars will follow. Covert resource wars are already being waged, as major powers confront one another over the oil basins located in the Middle East. This competition will become even fiercer in the future as non-renewable resources become less and less common.

There are two popular paths to take when trying to solve the overpopulation problem. The first deals with the roots of overpopulation itself and are aimed at lowering the number of births through state programs, family planning, sex education, and other such initiatives. Such a strategy is already implemented in China, where the government imposes severe financial penalties for having more than one child. The country was forced to face the overpopulation problem earlier than most due to the unprecedented population growth it experienced in the decades prior.

The second route is not aimed at lowering the population but rather at providing for them. This approach involves recycling, using renewable energy, developing eco-clean technologies, and implementing other ideas that slow down and reduce the damage caused by the excess population. Looking for materials and resources outside the planet is futuristic, but it represents a viable strategy nonetheless. Eventually, humanity will have to look for resources in space, as it is impossible to create a completely self-sustaining resource model – some resources will inevitably be lost in the recycling process.

Combining both of these paths into one all-consuming strategy seems like the most reasonable and effective approach to mitigating the problem of overpopulation. Introducing statewide policies on birth control – in addition to popularizing recycling, using renewable energy, and minimizing the damage to the environment – would severely reduce the dangers presented by overpopulation and would buy humanity more time to find a permanent solution (Barbier 184).

As it stands, the effort to combat overpopulation is in its infancy. Outside of a couple of concerned governments who have to deal with overpopulation at home, nobody seems to give the issue the proper attention it deserves. If humanity is to overcome this problem, a united stance and a complex approach are required. This effort would require cooperation between different nations on all levels, as well as a vast informative campaign to make sure the general populace understands the need for such initiatives. Without such a joint effort, any local attempt to deal with the situation at home would have a limited effect.

Barbier, Edward. Economics, Natural-Resource Scarcity and Development, New York: Routledge, 2013. Print.

Cafaro, Phillip, and Eileen Crist. Life on the Brink, Environmentalists Confront Overpopulation, London: The University of Georgia Press, 2012. Print.

Toth, Gergery, and Cecilia Szigeti. “The Historical Ecological Footprint: From Over-Population to Over-Consumption.” Ecological Indicators 60 (2016): 283-291. Print.

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IvyPanda. (2020, October 3). Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions.

"Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions." IvyPanda , 3 Oct. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions'. 3 October.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions." October 3, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions." October 3, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions." October 3, 2020.

Fresno skyline beneath a haze of smog

A cloak of smog gives Fresno, California, a hazy look. Smog, a hybrid of the words "smoke" and "fog," is caused when sunlight reacts with airborne pollution, including ash, dust, and ground-level ozone.

Urban Threats

Urbanization spurs a unique set of issues to both humans and animals.

The promise of jobs and prosperity, among other factors, pulls people to cities. Half of the global population already lives in cities, and by 2050 two-thirds of the world's people are expected to live in urban areas. But in cities two of the most pressing problems facing the world today also come together: poverty and environmental degradation.

Poor air and water quality, insufficient water availability, waste-disposal problems, and high energy consumption are exacerbated by the increasing population density and demands of urban environments. Strong city planning will be essential in managing these and other difficulties as the world's urban areas swell.

  • Intensive urban growth can lead to greater poverty, with local governments unable to provide services for all people.
  • Concentrated energy use leads to greater air pollution with significant impact on human health.
  • Automobile exhaust produces elevated lead levels in urban air.
  • Large volumes of uncollected waste create multiple health hazards.
  • Urban development can magnify the risk of environmental hazards such as flash flooding .
  • Pollution and physical barriers to root growth promote loss of urban tree cover.
  • Animal populations are inhibited by toxic substances, vehicles, and the loss of habitat and food sources.
  • Combat poverty by promoting economic development and job creation.
  • Involve local community in local government.
  • Reduce air pollution by upgrading energy use and alternative transport systems.
  • Create private-public partnerships to provide services such as waste disposal and housing.
  • Plant trees and incorporate the care of city green spaces as a key element in urban planning.

Travelers rushing through New York's busy Grand Central Station

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Model Answer: Discussion about the overpopulation of urban areas that leads to numerous problems.

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IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic

Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer :

All over the world, cities are choked by the numbers of people that they attract. The industrialization of agriculture has led to more and more people fleeing the countryside and looking for work cities. As a result, the population of urban areas is growing but the respective infrastructure is not always up to the challenge. One of the main problems arising from this trend, in my opinion, is the level of pollution , especially air pollution from motorized traffic. 

overpopulation of urban areas problems and solutions essay

Smog has become a ubiquitous problem in cities. Cars, lorries, vespas - they all spew pollutants into the air that are not easily contained or cleaned up. The more people arrive in an urban area, the more there is a need for transport, both of goods and of people. 

While smog in itself is unpleasant, there is a flow-on effect in public health , as smog can cause serious respiratory illness and even death. This means that urban air pollution is not simply an aesthetic issue, but is indeed a severe health problem that drains public health systems.

It is thus in the best interest of governments to tackle this issue. One obvious solution to the problem is an investment in rail-based infrastructure, which provides a means of transport that doesn't produce smog. Such an investment should include both public transport, for example, light-rail or train, and rail-based transport of goods. Furthermore, governments could initiate public health campaigns, including advertising, to better educate the public about the risks of smog.

Individuals, on the other hand, also have a role to play. They can make an effort to chose public transport over the car - even if it isn't always as convenient - and they can even choose the bike as a means of getting around. In addition, a lot of traffic can be avoided if one simply chooses to live near the workplace.

In conclusion, it is unlikely that the influx of people into urban centres is coming to a halt anytime soon. Among the many problems this development causes, urban air pollution is one of the most pressing ones, but it can be tackled if governments and individuals realize the urgency of this public health crisis and act accordingly.

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Overpopulation: Cause and Effect

A large group of people walking in a city

Conversations about overpopulation can quickly become controversial because they beg the question: Who exactly is the cause of the problem and what, if anything, should be done about it? Many population experts worry discussions around overpopulation will be abused by small-minded people to suggest some are the “right people” to be on the planet (like themselves), and some people are “the wrong people” (usually people in poverty, people of color, foreigners, and so on—you get the drift). But there are no “right” or “wrong” people on the planet, and discussing the problems of global overpopulation can never be an excuse, or in any way provide a platform, for having that type of conversation.

Each human being has a legitimate claim on a sufficient and fair amount of Earth’s resources. But with a population approaching 8 billion, even if everyone adopted a relatively low material standard of living like the one currently found in Papua New Guinea , it would still push Earth to its ecological breaking point. Unfortunately, the “average person” on Earth consumes at a rate over 50% above a sustainable level. Incredibly, the average person in the United States uses almost five times more than the sustainable yield of the planet.

When we use the term “overpopulation,” we specifically mean a situation in which the Earth cannot regenerate the resources used by the world’s population each year. Experts say this has been the case every year since 1970, with each successive year becoming more and more damaging. To help temper this wildly unsustainable situation, we need to understand what’s contributing to overpopulation and overconsumption and how these trends are affecting everything from climate change to sociopolitical unrest.

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The causes of overpopulation.

Today the Earth is home to over 8 billion people. By 2100 the population is on track to hit 10.8 billion , according to the United Nations — and that’s assuming steady fertility declines in many countries. Interestingly, if extra progress is made in women’s reproductive self-determination, and fertility falls more than the United Nations assumes is likely, the population in 2100 might be a relatively smaller 7.3 billion.

For now, the world’s population is still increasing in huge annual increments (about 80 million per year), and our supply of vital non-renewable resources are being exhausted. Many factors contribute to these unsustainable trends , including falling mortality rates, underutilized contraception, and a lack of education for girls.

Falling Mortality Rate

The primary (and perhaps most obvious) cause of population growth is an imbalance between births and deaths. The infant mortality rate has decreased globally, with 4.1 million infant deaths in 2017 compared to 8.8 million in 1990, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). This is welcome public health news, of course.

At the same time, lifespans are increasing around the world. Those of us who are alive today will likely live much longer than most of our ancestors. Global average life expectancy has more than doubled since 1900 , thanks to advancements in medicine, technology, and general hygiene. Falling mortality rates are certainly nothing to complain about either, but widespread longevity does contribute to the mathematics of increasing population numbers.

Underutilized Contraception 

The global fertility rate has fallen steadily over the years, down from an average of 5 children per woman in 1950 to 2.4 children per woman today, according to the UN Population Division . Along with that promising trend, contraceptive use has slowly but steadily increased globally, rising from 54% in 1990 to 57.4% in 2015. Yet, on the whole, contraceptive use is still underutilized. For example, according to the WHO, an estimated 214 million women in developing countries who want to avoid pregnancy are not using modern contraceptives.

These women aren’t using contraceptives for a variety of reasons, including social norms or religious beliefs that discourage birth control, misconceptions about adverse side effects, and a lack of agency for women to make decisions around sex and family planning. An estimated 44% of pregnancies were unintended worldwide between 2010-2014. Getting more women the access and agency to utilize family planning methods could go a long way in flattening the population curve.

Lack of Female Education    

Although female access to education has increased over the years, the gender gap remains. Roughly 130 million girls worldwide are out of school currently, and an estimated 15 million girls of primary school age will never   learn to read and write, compared with 10 million boys.

Increasing and encouraging education among women and girls can have a number of positive ripple effects, including delayed childbearing , healthier children, and an increase in workforce participation. Plenty of evidence suggests a negative correlation between female education and fertility rates.

If increased female education can delay or decrease fertility and provide girls with opportunities beyond an early marriage, it could also help to mitigate current population trends. 

The Effects of Overpopulation

It is only logical that an increase in the world’s population will cause additional strains on resources. More people means an increased demand for food, water, housing, energy, healthcare, transportation, and more. And all that consumption contributes to ecological degradation, increased conflicts, and a higher risk of large-scale disasters like pandemics.  

Ecological Degradation 

An increase in population will inevitably create pressures leading to more deforestation, decreased biodiversity, and spikes in pollution and emissions, which will exacerbate climate change . Ultimately, unless we take action to help minimize further population growth heading into the remainder of this century, many scientists believe the additional stress on the planet will lead to ecological disruption and collapse so severe it threatens the viability of life on Earth as we know it. 

Each spike in the global population has a measurable impact on the planet’s health. According to estimates in a study by Wynes and Nicholas (2017) , a family having one fewer child could reduce emissions by 58.6 tonnes CO2-equivalent per year in developed countries.

Increased Conflicts 

The scarcity brought about by environmental disruption and overpopulation has the potential to trigger an increase in violence and political unrest. We’re already seeing wars fought over water, land, and energy resources in the Middle East and other regions, and the turmoil is likely to increase as the global population grows even larger.

Higher Risk of Disasters and Pandemics 

Many of the recent novel pathogens that have devastated humans around the world, including COVID-19, Zika virus, Ebola, and West Nile virus, originated in animals or insects before passing to humans. Part of the reason the world is entering “ a period of increased outbreak activity ” is because humans are destroying wildlife habitats and coming into contact with wild animals on a more regular basis. Now that we’re in the midst of a pandemic, it has become clear how difficult it is to social distance in a world occupied by nearly 8 billion people.   

Discover the real causes and effects of overpopulation

What can be done about overpopulation.

When addressing overpopulation, it’s crucial to take an approach of providing empowerment while mobilizing against anybody advocating for the use of coercion or violence to solve our problems. The combined efforts of spreading knowledge about family planning, increasing agency among women , and debunking widely held myths about contraception will measurably change the trajectory of the world’s population.

As we carry out our work at Population Media Center (PMC), we see first-hand that spreading awareness about family planning methods and the ecological and economic benefits of having smaller families can change reproductive behavior. For example, listeners of our Burundian radio show Agashi (“Hey! Look Again!”) were 1.7 times more likely than non-listeners to confirm that they were willing to negotiate condom use with a sexual partner and 1.8 times more likely than non-listeners to say that they generally approve of family planning for limiting the number of children.


In the spirit of Earth Day, it’s crucial to approach discussions about overpopulation with sensitivity and inclusivity. Overpopulation conversations should focus on the collective responsibility to steward Earth’s resources sustainably, rather than assigning blame or dividing communities. By fostering understanding and promoting access to education and reproductive health services, we can work towards a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

At PMC we harness the power of storytelling to empower listeners to live healthier and more prosperous lives, which in turn contributes to stabilizing the global population so that people can live sustainably with the world’s renewable resources. Discover how PMC is taking action against overpopulation today!

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Global sustainability.

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How do overpopulation and overconsumption damage the environment what you need to know.

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What lies ahead after the world’s population reaches 8 billion , how does overpopulation affect the economy, join us in promoting the equitable, sustainable world we’re all fighting for, one action at a time..

Home — Essay Samples — Social Issues — Overpopulation — The Causes, Effects, and Consequences of Overpopulation


The Causes, Effects, and Consequences of Overpopulation

  • Categories: Overpopulation Population Growth

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Words: 683 |

Published: Jan 29, 2024

Words: 683 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Causes of overpopulation, effects of overpopulation, consequences of overpopulation, potential solutions, references:.

  • Cohen, J. E. (1995). How many people can the earth support?. Norton & Company.
  • Daniels, R. J. (2008). The effects of overpopulation on environment and society. Journal of the Bombay Natural History Society, 105(2), 212-218.
  • Ehrlich, P. R. (1968). The population bomb. Sierra Club/Ballantine Books.
  • Mazur, L. A. (1998). A concise guide to the world population. ABC-CLIO.
  • World Population Prospects 2019: Highlights. (2019). United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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overpopulation of urban areas problems and solutions essay

Model Answer to Score Band 8 in IELTS Writing Task 2.

Model Answer to Score Band 8 in IELTS Writing Task 2.

Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems.

Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words.

Overpopulation of urban areas is one of the most pressing issues that we are facing today, which has led to severe problems, environmentally and economically. The effects of overpopulation are accelerating alarmingly and thus, it has become crucial to identify these problems and determine ways to tackle them.

Firstly, overpopulation leads to overcrowding and thus, demand exceeds supply. As human population keeps on rising, exhaustible natural resources like arable land, fossil fuels etc. continue to drop sharply. This results in depletion of natural resources, for example, the reckless cutting of trees to facilitate the housing needs of a large population. It also becomes difficult to cater to the ever-growing requirements of an overpopulated nation and thus, one has to compromise on the quality of life in terms of infrastructure, health and hygiene facilities, education and employment opportunities.

It has become necessary to stabilize the rampant population growth. It is high time the government and individuals took responsibility to control the rate of population. In order to reduce its adverse impacts, government must implement measures such as spreading awareness among people and introducing suitable policies to curb the growth rate of population. For example, introduction of family planning programs and easy access to safe and effective contraceptive options. As fertility depends on the age of marriage, minimum age of marriage should be fixed and firmly implemented by law.

Individuals too must take responsibility to educate themselves and those around them about the adverse effects of overpopulation. They must also make effective use of birth control methods and co-operate with the government to control overpopulation.

The need of the hour is to focus on changing the mind set of people because the threat presented by the problem of overpopulation to the economic progress and our environment is inevitable.

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Ielts writing task 2 sample 470 - over population of urban areas has led to numerous problems, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, over population of urban areas has led to numerous problems. identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems., you should write at least  250  words..

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Overpopulation

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IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Overpopulation

This is a real question from the IELTS test about overpopulation in Asia in June 2018. I am a real (former) IELTS examiner. You are reading this.

Those are all the facts, let’s get into my opinions now, read below for my sample answer, analysis, practice activities, notes, links, and more, check out my other samples answers here., here is a task 1 sample answer about populations., if you need some help brainstorming ideas for this topic:…/, be sure to avoid the mistakes that most students make on writing by signing up for my exclusive ielts ebooks here on patreon., the recent questions from the ielts writing task 2 exam are here , task 1 is here and the speaking questions and topics are here ..

Traffic and housing problems in major cities could be solved by moving companies, factories and their employees to the countryside. Do you agree or disagree?

Many people claim that moving companies, factories and their employees from cities to the countryside might ameliorate some of the worst traffic and housing issues. I strongly believe that this is a suitable solution for those two particular city problems.

Moving the facilities of major corporations to the countryside will reduce traffic problems by encouraging more people to live in the countryside for their work. it is widely known that more people live in cities today than ever before and this has caused terrible traffic. for example, in beijing it is not uncommon for gridlocked motorways to delay motorists for hours. travelers depend on getting in to beijing for their livelihood but if their jobs were in the countryside, or a nearby suburb, they could live outside the city and reduce traffic. this would have a major impact on overcrowded cities like beijing that lose billions of dollars a year because of time wasted in traffic jams, according to recent research., moving factories and employees to the countryside will also help to mitigate housing issues in cities. in many developing countries, the rush of people from the country to the city has necessitated the construction of massive skyscrapers. a lot of these underdeveloped cities such as mexico city and lagos do not have the sophisticated infrastructure including efficient plumbing, clean water and trash collection that is needed to service a concentrated population. by moving jobs and people to the countryside, developing countries will have more time to improve their infrastructure to deal with surging urban populations., in conclusion, moving people to the countryside will help to reduce traffic and housing problems, especially in developing countries. if more governments studied this closely and enacted laws to encourage people to move, it would greatly improve the quality of life for everyone living in the city., ielts sample answer analysis, 1. many people claim that moving companies, factories and their employees from cities to the countryside might ameliorate some of the worst traffic and housing issues. 2. i strongly believe that this is a suitable solution for those two particular city problems., 1. in the first sentence, i simply paraphrase the topic. don’t waste time on this sentence, write it as quickly as possible., 2. in the second sentence, i state my opinion. it is essential to do this or you will be limited to a 5 for task achievement (you can wait until the conclusion to include your opinion if you want)., 1. moving the facilities of major corporations to the countryside will reduce traffic problems by encouraging more people to live in the countryside for their work. 2. it is widely known that more people live in cities today than ever before and this has caused terrible traffic. 3. for example, in beijing it is not uncommon for gridlocked motorways to delay motorists for hours. 4. travelers depend on getting in to beijing for their livelihood but if their jobs were in the countryside, or a nearby suburb, they could live outside the city and reduce traffic. 5. this would have a major impact on overcrowded cities like beijing that lose billions of dollars a year because of time wasted in traffic jams, according to recent research., 1. in the first sentence, i write a topic sentence about how people leaving the city will help reduce traffic., 2. in my second sentence, i explain that people in cities now cause traffic., 3. in my third sentence, i give the example of beijing where the traffic is really bad., 4. in my fourth sentence, i claim that the traffic would be better if people in cities like that lived and worked outside the city., 5. in my fifth sentence, i describe how reducing traffic will also help cities to save money and cite (fake) research., 1. moving factories and employees to the countryside will also help to mitigate housing issues in cities. 2. in many developing countries, the rush of people from the country to the city has necessitated the construction of massive skyscrapers. 3. a lot of these underdeveloped cities such as mexico city and lagos do not have the sophisticated infrastructure including efficient plumbing, clean water and trash collection that is needed to service a concentrated population. 4. by moving jobs and people to the countryside, developing countries will have more time to improve their infrastructure to deal with surging urban populations., 1. in my first sentence, i write a topic sentence saying that moving out of cities will help solve housing problems., 2. in my second sentence, i claim that developing countries have to deal with rushes of people., 3. in my third sentence, i detail how this can be a problem because developing countries aren’t ready for increased populations., 4. in my fourth sentence, i add that if there were more people in the countryside, cities would have more time to deal with those problems., 1. in conclusion, moving people to the countryside will help to reduce traffic and housing problems, especially in developing countries. 2. if more governments studied this closely and enacted laws to encourage people to move, it would greatly improve the quality of life for everyone living in the city., 1. in my first sentence, i summarise my opinion and main ideas., 2. in my second sentence, i suggest that governments should look closely at this issue in order to improve the quality of life for everyone living in a city., ielts sample answer vocabulary, take some notes on the following vocabulary. write down what you think each word means and a sample sentence and then check your answers below., moving the facilities of major corporations to the countryside will reduce traffic problems by encouraging more people to live in the countryside for their work. it is widely known that more people live in cities today than ever before and this has caused terrible traffic. for example, in beijing it is not uncommon for gridlocked motorways to delay motorists for hours. travelers depend on getting in to beijing for their livelihood but if their jobs were in the countryside, or a nearby suburb , they could live outside the city and reduce traffic. this would have a major impact on overcrowded cities like beijing that lose billions of dollars a year because of time wasted in traffic jams, according to recent research ., moving factories and employees to the countryside will also help to mitigate housing issues in cities. in many developing countries, the rush of people from the country to the city has necessitated  the construction of massive skyscrapers . a lot of these underdeveloped cities such as mexico city and lagos do not have the sophisticated infrastructure including efficient plumbing, clean water and trash collection that is needed to service a concentrated population . by moving jobs and people to the countryside, developing countries will have more time to improve their infrastructure to deal with surging urban populations ., ameliorate: to make better (there’s no way to ameliorate this situation), a very formal/academic word – not used when speaking, it is widely known: many people know or are aware of something, it is not uncommon: another way to say something is common, gridlocked motorways: streets so full of traffic that they can’t move, depend: relies on, livelihood: the money that you make/your job, major impact: big influence/effect, overcrowded: lots of people (too many), according to recent research: studies have shown, mitigate: help to balance out or stop, the rush of people: lots of people doing something at once, skyscrapers: very, very tall buildings in big cities, sophisticated infrastructure: complex roads, water systems, plumbing, etc., efficient plumbing: the system of toilets, waste and sewage in a town or city, clean water: water that is not dirty, trash collection: picking up trash by sending trash trucks around, concentrated population: lots of people in a small area of land, surging urban populations: rapidly increasing numbers of people in the city, enacted laws: pass/make laws, quality of life: how good/bad your life is, links to videos and articles about overpopulation.

Cause, Effects and Solutions for Overpopulation

How many people can our planet really support, overpopulation (kids britannica), the biggest threat to the earth is kids, watch the video above and comment below – should we be worried about overpopulation or not, comment below: is your city/town overcrowded.

Yes it is, there’s way too many… Not really. In my city… It’s tough to say, there are …

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Overpopulation of urban areas - problems and solutions

lalodhi 3 / 1   Dec 26, 2016   #1 Hi, would anyone help me to tune my essay writing, Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems. Introduction Over the decades, there has been significant increase in the population of cities. Some analysts believe that, governments should take notice and handle the situation; while on the other hand some believe that individuals and governments need to tackle overpopulation problems. In this essay, I would assert on problems and solutions of urban areas due to overcrowding before delivering an appropriate conclusion.

overpopulation of urban areas problems and solutions essay

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    Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words. Task 2 Essay - Problems and Solutions

  7. Overpopulation in Many Major Urban Centres Around the World is a Major

    Sample Essay. Overpopulation is rising at an alarming rate in major cities around the world. It is caused by the migration of rural people into urban areas due to the lack of educational or employment opportunities in villages and small towns. Building educational institutions and industries in villages is the most viable solution to this problem.

  8. Overpopulation: Causes, Effects, and Solutions Essay

    Causes of Overpopulation. Although different scholars point to different factors that influence population growth, the core ones remain the same. These factors include the following: Advances in food production and agriculture; Advances in industry and production; Advances in medicine; and. Poor family planning (Barbier 92).

  9. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems

    This. essay will discuss the problems associated with the urbanization of cities and propose some possible solutions to avoid them. The main problems caused by overpopulation are traffic congestion and deforestation. A large number of the population migrating to cities led to an overcrowding problem in urban areas. For example.

  10. Overpopulation in urban areas has led to numerous problems

    In these days, the growing number of populations in urban areas causes the social some negative issues. In. this. essay, I will discuss the reasons and propose some solutions. The primary trouble of overpopulation is that the environment can be affected seriously. In detail, more private vehicles will be used, which leads to air pollution or ...

  11. Urbanization causes and impacts

    Half of the global population already lives in cities, and by 2050 two-thirds of the world's people are expected to live in urban areas. But in cities two of the most pressing problems facing the ...

  12. IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer

    IELTS Writing Task 2 essay with model answer. You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. Write about the following topic. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems.

  13. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems

    Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems. trend creat various major problems for individuals and society. argue that self-employed and personal development skills are the more viable solutions.

  14. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 607

    In conclusion, the unmanaged booming population in urban areas is creating huge pollution and problems to city dwellers. To resolve this problem private sectors and the government should coordinate to open up new companies in villages, to provide employment, and develop infrastructures to improve the livelihood of the rural population.

  15. What is Overpopulation? Causes, Effects, and Solutions

    The Causes of Overpopulation. Today the Earth is home to over 8 billion people. By 2100 the population is on track to hit 10.8 billion, according to the United Nations — and that's assuming steady fertility declines in many countries.Interestingly, if extra progress is made in women's reproductive self-determination, and fertility falls more than the United Nations assumes is likely, the ...

  16. The Causes, Effects, and Consequences of Overpopulation

    Overpopulation is a phenomenon whereby the population of a certain region or area exceeds the carrying capacity of the environment. The term is often used in reference to human populations, and it can have far-reaching impacts on ecosystems, natural resources, and social and economic systems.

  17. Over population of urban areas has led to numerous problems

    This essay will discuss what problems will arise because of that and provide solutions to them. Overpopulation is the root cause of many problems such as illiteracy, poverty, and unemployment in the metropolitan cities. This essay first analyses the problems caused due to overpopulation in urban areas and then the solutions to curb them | Band ...

  18. Model Answer to Score Band 8 in IELTS Writing Task 2

    Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Write at least 250 words. Overpopulation of urban areas is one of the most pressing issues that we are facing today, which has led to severe problems, environmentally and economically. The effects of overpopulation are accelerating alarmingly ...

  19. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 470

    Essay Topic: Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems. Sample Answer 2: Overpopulation and negative effects of it are major concerns in cities all around the globe. There are many negative outcomes that the growing ...

  20. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample Answer: Overpopulation

    IELTS Sample Answer Analysis. 1. Many people claim that moving companies, factories and their employees from cities to the countryside might ameliorate some of the worst traffic and housing issues. 2. I strongly believe that this is a suitable solution for those two particular city problems. 1.

  21. Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems

    Overpopulation of urban areas has led to numerous problems. Identify one or two serious ones and suggest ways that governments and individuals can tackle these problems. are discussed these days. It is true that crowded. in the city. Both. essay. On the one hand, there are a number of.

  22. Overpopulation of urban areas

    Why urban areas has led to overpopulation and which are possible solutions for these problems. [4] ~ 2018 - Writing Feedback; Overpopulation in urban areas has led to some serious problems. Identify some problems and solutions [3] ~ 2020 - Writing Feedback; Overpopulation of urban areas has lead to numerous problems.

  23. Overpopulation in many major urban centers around the world ...

    The high increase in population has become a major problem in urban areas globally. This drawback is caused by elevated birth rates, immigration, and deficient infrastructure | Band: 7.5 ... The essay addresses the task reasonably well, identifying some causes and providing a few solutions to the problem of overpopulation. To enhance the score ...