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Move Constructors and Move Assignment Operators (C++)

  • 9 contributors

This topic describes how to write a move constructor and a move assignment operator for a C++ class. A move constructor enables the resources owned by an rvalue object to be moved into an lvalue without copying. For more information about move semantics, see Rvalue Reference Declarator: && .

This topic builds upon the following C++ class, MemoryBlock , which manages a memory buffer.

The following procedures describe how to write a move constructor and a move assignment operator for the example C++ class.

To create a move constructor for a C++ class

Define an empty constructor method that takes an rvalue reference to the class type as its parameter, as demonstrated in the following example:

In the move constructor, assign the class data members from the source object to the object that is being constructed:

Assign the data members of the source object to default values. This prevents the destructor from freeing resources (such as memory) multiple times:

To create a move assignment operator for a C++ class

Define an empty assignment operator that takes an rvalue reference to the class type as its parameter and returns a reference to the class type, as demonstrated in the following example:

In the move assignment operator, add a conditional statement that performs no operation if you try to assign the object to itself.

In the conditional statement, free any resources (such as memory) from the object that is being assigned to.

The following example frees the _data member from the object that is being assigned to:

Follow steps 2 and 3 in the first procedure to transfer the data members from the source object to the object that is being constructed:

Return a reference to the current object, as shown in the following example:

Example: Complete move constructor and assignment operator

The following example shows the complete move constructor and move assignment operator for the MemoryBlock class:

Example Use move semantics to improve performance

The following example shows how move semantics can improve the performance of your applications. The example adds two elements to a vector object and then inserts a new element between the two existing elements. The vector class uses move semantics to perform the insertion operation efficiently by moving the elements of the vector instead of copying them.

This example produces the following output:

Before Visual Studio 2010, this example produced the following output:

The version of this example that uses move semantics is more efficient than the version that does not use move semantics because it performs fewer copy, memory allocation, and memory deallocation operations.

Robust Programming

To prevent resource leaks, always free resources (such as memory, file handles, and sockets) in the move assignment operator.

To prevent the unrecoverable destruction of resources, properly handle self-assignment in the move assignment operator.

If you provide both a move constructor and a move assignment operator for your class, you can eliminate redundant code by writing the move constructor to call the move assignment operator. The following example shows a revised version of the move constructor that calls the move assignment operator:

The std::move function converts the lvalue other to an rvalue.

Rvalue Reference Declarator: && std::move

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Friendly reminder to mark your move constructors noexcept -- AndyG

By andyg | Sep 1, 2020 07:15 AM | Tags: None

AndyG warns us that if you're upgrading to Visual Studio 2017, you might be incurring some unexpected performance overhead thanks to better noexcept support.

Friendly reminder to mark your move constructors noexcept by AndyG

From the article:

Since C++11 we have had the noexcept keyword, which is a promise that the function will not throw an exception (and if it does, go straight to std::terminate , do not pass go). noexcept is nice for two reasons: The compiler can optimize a little better because it doesn’t need to emit any code for unwinding a call stack in case of an exception, and It leads to incredible performance differences at runtime for std::vector (and other containers, too)

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27.10 — std::move_if_noexcept

It gets interesting in the third line. We created moved_pair by copy constructing its CopyClass subobject (it doesn’t have a move constructor), but that copy construction threw an exception since we changed the Boolean flag. Construction of moved_pair was aborted by the exception, and its already-constructed members were destroyed. In this case, the MoveClass member was destroyed, printing destroying MoveClass(13) variable . Next we see the Error found: abort! message printed by main() .

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Move Assignment Operator in C++ 11

In C++ programming, we have a feature called the move assignment operator, which was introduced in C++11. It helps us handle objects more efficiently, especially when it comes to managing resources like memory. In this article, we will discuss move assignment operators, when they are useful and called, and how to create user-defined move assignment operators.

Move Assignment Operator

The move assignment operator was added in C++ 11 to further strengthen the move semantics in C++. It is like a copy assignment operator but instead of copying the data, this moves the ownership of the given data to the destination object without making any additional copies. The source object is left in a valid but unspecified state.

User-Defined Move Assignment Operator

The programmer can define the move assignment operator using the syntax given below:

As you may have noticed, the move assignment operator function uses a special && reference qualifier. It represents the r-value references (generally literals or temporary values).

Usually, it returns a reference to the object (in this case, *this) so you can chain assignments together.

The move constructor is called by the compiler when the argument is an rvalue reference which can be done by std::move() function. 

Example of Move Assignment Operator

In this program, we will create a dynamic array class and create a user-defined move assignment operator.



The move assignment operator (operator=) is used to transfer resources from one DynamicArray object to another. It releases the current resources of the destination object, takes the resources from the source object, and leaves the source object in a valid but unspecified state.

In the main function:

  • We create two DynamicArray objects, arr1 with 5 elements and arr2 with 10 elements. We print their initial states.
  • We use the move assignment operator to transfer the resources from arr1 to arr2 by calling arr2 = std::move(arr1).
  • After the move, we print the states of both arr1 and arr2. arr1 is now in a valid but unspecified state, and arr2 contains the resources of arr1.
Note: We can also define a move constructor with a move assignment operator and reduce the code redundancy by calling the move assignment operator from the move constructor. To know about move constructor, refer to the article – Move Constructors in C++

Implicit Definition of Move Assignment Operator

The compiler also defines a default move assignment operator implicitly when the following conditions are satisfied:

  • No user-defined copy constructor is present.
  • No user-defined destructor is present.
  • No user-defined move constructor is present.

Need of Move Assignment Operator

In C++, objects can manage resources like memory. When we copy an object, it can be quite slow, especially if the object holds a lot of resources. Traditional copy operations create new copies, which can lead to unnecessary memory usage and slow down your program.

This is where move assignment operators come to the rescue. They let one object take over the resources of another, without making extra copies. This can significantly boost performance in scenarios like resizing arrays or returning objects from functions.

In contrast to the copy assignment operator, the end result of the move assignment operator will be a single copy of the source object.

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C++中为什么move construct需要加noexcept

C++ 11中增加了名为 移动构造函数 的构造函数类型。通过使用移动构造函数,我们可以在进行对象复制时直接“窃取”拷贝对象所保有的一些资源,比如已经在原对象中分配的 堆内存 , 文件描述符 , IO流 等。通常我们在声明移动构造函数时,都会使用 noexcept 关键字来修饰,这样做是为什么,有什么好处呢?



这样这个函数就会被标记为不会抛出异常。 第二种方式是为noexcept提供一个常量表达式作为参数,如果这个常量表达式的值为true,那么函数就会被标记为不会抛出异常。


不仅如此,在C++ 11中类结构隐式自动声明的或者是由程序员主动声明的不带有任何修饰符的析构函数,都会被编译器默认带上noexcept (true)标记,以表示这个析构函数不会抛出异常。这样做是由于,我们希望析构函数的执行只有两种结果,一种是成功的将类对象的资源释放,一种是由于某些原因,导致类资源无法被释放从而直接中断程序的运行。


另一方面要注意的是,如果一个类的父类析构函数或者它的成员函数被标记为了可抛出异常,那么这个类的析构函数就会 默认被标记为可抛出异常 ,也就我们所说的受到了污染。

接下来看一下 noexcept 关键字与 移动构造函数 之间的关系,移动构造函数在对象进行复制时通过直接移动原对象已经分配好的资源,可省去分配内存再拷贝的过程。在STL中大多数容器类型都会在调整容器大小(resize)时调用容器元素的移动构造函数来移动资源,但STL为了保证容器类型的内存安全,在大多数情况下只会调用被标记为不会抛出异常的移动构造函数,否则会调用其拷贝构造函数来作为替代。这是因为在资源的移动过程中如果抛出了异常,那么那些正在被处理的原始对象数据可能因为异常而丢失,而在拷贝构造函数中,由于进行的是资源拷贝操作,原始数据不会被更改,因此即使抛出异常也不会影响数据最终的正确性。

类似的,我们也可以通过给移动构造函数添加 noexcept 关键字的方式来将它标记为不会抛出异常,使用方式与类成员函数类似,如:

除此之外,C++ 11还为我们提供了很多标准库方法,可以用于检测类的各种构造函数状态,看下面的例子:

  • is_move_constructible 用于检测类型是否可以被移动构造,如果对应的类的移动构造函数被声明为delete,那么这个函数的实例值便为false
  • is_trivially_move_constructible 用于检测类型是否具有普通的移动构造函数,为了满足普通这一特点,我们需要保证这个类型符合多项约束条件,比如类型没有虚函数,没有虚基类,没有任何不稳定的静态成员
  • is_move_constructible 用于检测类是否具有不会抛出异常的移动构造函数

合理使用移动构造函数能够使我们开发的应用程序享受到资源移动代替资源拷贝所带来的高性能,但是不合理的使用方式就会导致应用程序的中断,甚至是会在带有诸如内存泄漏数据丢失等潜在风险的情况下继续运行,因为需要在设计类结构时提前考虑到类的各种使用场景,数据在各对象间流动方向,以及对应的处理方式。除此之外,还可以通过设置规范,也就是convention的方式来主动规避可能带来的数据和代码问题。比如说,严格禁止在代码中使用拷贝构造函数以及拷贝赋值函数,使用placement new来初始化堆对象,进而避免数据的拷贝和移动等等。

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Noexcept specifier (since c++11).

General topics



specifier (C++11)
specifier (C++11)

Exception specification
     specification (C++11)
     (until C++17*)
operator (C++11)

Specifies whether a function could throw exceptions.

Syntax Explanation Notes Deprecates Keywords Example Defect reports See also

[ edit ] Syntax

expression (2)
(3) (deprecated in C++17)
(removed in C++20)
expression -

[ edit ] Explanation

The noexcept-specification is not a part of the function type (just like ) and can only appear as a part of a or a top-level when declaring functions, variables, non-static data members of type function, pointer to function, reference to function, or pointer to member function, and also when declaring a parameter or a return type in one of those declarations that in turn happens to be a pointer or reference to function. It cannot appear in a or declaration.

f() noexcept; // the function f() does not throw void (*fp)() noexcept(false); // fp points to a function that may throw void g(void pfa() noexcept); // g takes a pointer to function that doesn't throw // typedef int (*pf)() noexcept; // error
(until C++17)

The noexcept-specification is a part of the function type and may appear as part of any .

(since C++17)

Every function in C++ is either non-throwing or potentially throwing :

  • potentially-throwing functions are:
(until C++17)
  • functions declared with noexcept specifier whose expression evaluates to false
  • functions declared without noexcept specifier except for
  • destructors unless the destructor of any potentially-constructed base or member is potentially-throwing (see below)
  • default constructors , copy constructors , move constructors that are implicitly-declared or defaulted on their first declaration unless
  • a constructor for a base or member that the implicit definition of the constructor would call is potentially-throwing (see below)
  • a subexpression of such an initialization, such as a default argument expression, is potentially-throwing (see below)
  • a default member initializer (for default constructor only) is potentially-throwing (see below)
  • copy assignment operators, move assignment operators that are implicitly-declared or defaulted on their first declaration unless the invocation of any assignment operator in the implicit definition is potentially-throwing (see below)
that are defaulted on their first declaration unless the invocation of any comparison operator in the implicit definition is (see below) (since C++20)
  • deallocation functions
  • non-throwing functions are all others (those with noexcept specifier whose expression evaluates to true as well as destructors, defaulted special member functions, and deallocation functions)

Explicit instantiations may use the noexcept specifier, but it is not required. If used, the exception specification must be the same as for all other declarations. A diagnostic is required only if the exception specifications are not the same within a single translation unit.

Functions differing only in their exception specification cannot be overloaded (just like the return type, exception specification is part of function type, but not part of the function signature) (since C++17) .

Pointers (including pointers to member function) to non-throwing functions can be assigned to or used to initialize (until C++17) are implicitly convertible to (since C++17) pointers to potentially-throwing functions, but not the other way around.

If a virtual function is non-throwing, all declarations, including the definition, of every overrider must be non-throwing as well, unless the overrider is defined as deleted:

Non-throwing functions are permitted to call potentially-throwing functions. Whenever an exception is thrown and the search for a handler encounters the outermost block of a non-throwing function, the function std::terminate is called:

The exception specification of a function template specialization is not instantiated along with the function declaration; it is instantiated only when needed (as defined below).

The exception-specification of an implicitly-declared special member function is also evaluated only when needed (in particular, implicit declaration of a member function of a derived class does not require the exception-specification of a base member function to be instantiated).

When the noexcept-specification of a function template specialization is needed , but hasn't yet been instantiated, the dependent names are looked up and any templates used in the expression are instantiated as if for the declaration of the specialization.

A noexcept-specification of a function is considered to be needed in the following contexts:

  • in an expression, where the function is selected by overload resolution
  • the function is odr-used
  • the function would be odr-used but appears in an unevaluated operand
  • the specification is needed to compare to another function declaration (e.g. on a virtual function overrider or on an explicit specialization of a function template)
  • in a function definition
  • the specification is needed because a defaulted special member function needs to check it in order to decide its own exception specification (this takes place only when the specification of the defaulted special member function is, itself, needed).

Formal definition of potentially-throwing expression (used to determine the default exception specification of destructors, constructors, and assignment operators as described above):

An expression e is potentially-throwing if:

  • e is a function call to a function, pointer to function, or pointer to member function which is potentially-throwing , unless e is a core constant expression (until C++17)
  • e makes an implicit call to a potentially-throwing function (such as an overloaded operator, an allocation function in a new -expression, a constructor for a function argument, or a destructor if e is a full-expression)
  • e is a throw -expression
  • e is a dynamic_cast that casts a polymorphic reference type
  • e is a typeid expression applied to a dereferenced pointer to a polymorphic type
  • e has an immediate subexpression that is potentially-throwing

[ edit ] Notes

One of the uses of the constant expression is (along with the noexcept operator ) to define function templates that declare noexcept for some types but not others.

Note that a noexcept specification on a function is not a compile-time check; it is merely a method for a programmer to inform the compiler whether or not a function should throw exceptions. The compiler can use this information to enable certain optimizations on non-throwing functions as well as enable the noexcept operator , which can check at compile time if a particular expression is declared to throw any exceptions. For example, containers such as std::vector will move their elements if the elements' move constructor is noexcept , and copy otherwise (unless the copy constructor is not accessible, but a potentially throwing move constructor is, in which case the strong exception guarantee is waived).

[ edit ] Deprecates

noexcept is an improved version of throw ( ) , which is deprecated in C++11. Unlike pre-C++17 throw ( ) , noexcept will not call std::unexpected , may or may not unwind the stack, and will call std::terminate , which potentially allows the compiler to implement noexcept without the runtime overhead of throw ( ) . As of C++17, throw ( ) is redefined to be an exact equivalent of noexcept ( true ) .

Feature-test macro Value Std Feature
201510L (C++17) Make exception specifications be part of the type system

[ edit ] Keywords

noexcept , throw (since C++17) (until C++20)

[ edit ] Example

[ edit ] defect reports.

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DR Applied to Behavior as published Correct behavior
C++11 an exception specification might be eagerly instantiated it is only instantiated only if needed
C++11 a ( following noexcept might start an initializer it can only be a part of
noexcept specification
C++11 only the expression before conversion is required to be constant the conversion must also be
valid in a constant expression

[ edit ] See also

operator(C++11) determines if an expression throws any exceptions
(until C++17) specifies what exceptions are thrown by a function (deprecated in C++11)
expression signals an error and transfers control to error handler
obtains an rvalue reference if the move constructor does not throw
(function template)
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The check flags user-defined move constructors and assignment operators not marked with noexcept or marked with noexcept(expr) where expr evaluates to false (but is not a false literal itself).

Move constructors of all the types used with STL containers, for example, need to be declared noexcept . Otherwise STL will choose copy constructors instead. The same is valid for move assignment operations.

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Move constructors and assignment operators should be marked as noexcept #24


tsdgeos commented Sep 30, 2019

According to

I think this is particularly important for Variant itself that sometimes is a vector of Variant


muflub commented Oct 29, 2019

This should land in the next release. Thanks for the feature request.

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Should std::function's move assignment operation be noexcept?

A situation came up recently where we realised that the move assignment operator for std::function is not noexcept , despite the fact that the move constructor is (further above on that link). The std::swap for std::function is noexcept too.

I managed to find proposal P0771 that looks to change this but I'm not sure how to find the status of the proposal. That proposal suggests changing both the move construct and the move assignment operator, so presumably the move constructor was not initially noexcept .

So, I guess the question is, is this done for a reason? It seems unusual that there would be a discrepancy between the constructor and assignment operator.

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C++ Core Guidelines: The noexcept Specifier and Operator

If you skim the remaining rules to error handling, you often read the word  noexcept . Before I write about the rules for error handling, I will write about the noexcept specifier and the noexcept operator in this post. 

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noexcept exists in two forms since C++11: as a specifier and as an operator. The C++ core guidelines use the specifier.

noexcept as specifier

By declaring a function, a method, or a lambda function as noexcept , you specify that these do not throw an exception, and if they throw, you do not care and let the program crash. For simplicity reasons, I will write about function but also mean methods and function templates. There are various ways to express your intention:

The noexcept specification is equivalent to the noexcept(true) specification. throw( ) is equivalent to noexcept(tru e) but was deprecated with C++11 and will be removed with C++20. In contrast, noexcept(false) means that the function may throw an exception. The noexcept specification is part of the function type but can not be used for function overloading. 

There are two good reasons for using noexcept : First, an exception specifier documents the function’s behavior. If a function is specified as noexcept , it can be safely used in a non-throwing function. Second, it is an optimization opportunity for the compiler. noexcept may not call std::unexpected and may not unwind the stack. The initialization of a container may cheaply move the elements into the container if the move constructor is declared as noexcept. If not declared as noexcept, the elements may be expensive copied into the container.

Each function in C++ is either non-throwing or potentially throwing. Potentially throwing means:

  • The function may use a function that may throw.
  • The function is declared without a  noexcept specification.
  • The function uses a dynamic_cast to a reference type.

There is an exception to rule 2, that functions are potentially throwing if they have no noexcept specification. These exceptions include the following six special member functions. They are implicitly non-throwing.

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  • Default constructor and destructor
  • Move and copy constructor
  • Move and copy assignment operator

This special six member such as the destructor, can only be non-throwing if all destructors of the attributes and the bases-classes are non-throwing. Of course, the corresponding statement will hold for the five other special member functions.

What happens when you throw an exception in a function declared non-throwing? In this case, std::terminate is called. std::terminate calls the currently installed std::terminate_handler which calls std::abort  by default.The result is an abnormal program termination.

For completeness, is want to present  noexcept as operator.

noexcept as operator

The noexcept operator checks at compile-time if an expression does not throw an exception. The noexcept operator does not evaluate the expression. It can be used in a noexcept specifier of a function template to declare that the function may throw exceptions depending on the current type.

To make my description clear, here is a simple example of a function template that copies its return value.

Of course, the most exciting line in this example is line (1). In particular, the expression noexcept(noexcept(T(src)). The inner noexcept ist the noexcept operator, and the outer is the noexcept specifier. The expression noexcept(T(src)) checks if the copy constructor is non-throwing . This is the case for the class Noexcept (2) but not for the class NonNoexcept (3) b ecause of the copy constructor of  std::vector  that may throw . Consequently, expression (4) returns true , and expression (5) returns false.


Maybe you know about it. You can check at compile time with the help of the type traits library if a type T has a non-throwing copy constructor: std::is_nothrow_copy_constructible::value . Based on this predicate, you can use instead of the noexcept operator the predicate from the type traits library:

I don’t know which version of copy do you prefer. I prefer the type traits version because it is more expressive.

The following rule is about the noexcept specifier.

E.12: Use noexcept when exiting a function because of a throw is impossible or unacceptable

The title of this rule may be a little bit confusing. It says that you should declare a function as noexcept, if

  • it does not throw or
  • you don’t care in case of an exception. You are willing to crash the program because you can not handle an exception such as std::bad_alloc due to memory exhaustion.

 It’s not a good idea to throw an exception if you are the direct owner of an object.

E.13: Never throw while being the direct owner of an object

Here is an example to direct ownership from the guidelines:

If the throw is fired, the memory is lost, and you leak. The simple solution is to remove the ownership and make the C++ runtime to the direct owner of the object. Just create a local object or at least a guard as a local object. And you know the C++ runtime takes care of local objects. Here are three variations of this idea.

p1 is locally created, but p2 and p3 are kinds of guards for the objects. The std::vector uses the heap to manage its data. Additionally, with all three variations, you eliminate the delete call.

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move assignment operators should be marked noexcept

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Does noexcept matter with explicitly defaulted move constructor/assignment operator?

As far as I know, if move constructor/assignment operator are either implicitly generated or explicitly defaulted by user (1) , the compiler will decide whether these special member functions should be noexcept or not depending on whether all the members of a class provide noexcept guarantees for move operations. But what if I want to use default move special members and force them to be noexcept regardless of the underlying members exception guarantees for move operations? Is there any difference for the compiler between (1) and (2) declarations?

  • move-semantics

Alexey104's user avatar

  • 2 Yes it matters... moving with noexcept can be optimized by the compiler (specialy true when moving in containers like in std::sort) –  Pepijn Kramer Commented Jan 15 at 6:32

Ok, I found the answer in Nico's Josuttis book "C++ Move Semantics - The Complete Guide":

When you have a defaulted special member function you can explicitly specify a different noexcept guarantee than the generated one. For example: class C { ... public: C(const C&) noexcept = default; // guarantees not to throw (OK since C++20) C(C&&) noexcept(false) = default; // specifies that it might throw (OK since C++20) ... }; Before C++20, if the generated and specified noexcept condition contradict, the defined function was deleted.

I asked this question because I want STL algorithms to always apply move semantics to my classes regardless of their members' exception guarantees, and I am ready to deal with std::abort if something goes wrong. But it seems that prior to C++ 20 the only way to force noexcept guarantees on move special member functions was to explicitly define them, even if you don't need your own implementation. It turns out C++20 solved this by allowing us to specify noexcept guarantees for defaulted special member functions. Of course, as in case with any other noexcept function, if any of the members of a class throws during a move operation, std::abort will be called if move constructor/assignment operator are declared noexcept for that class, as it was kindly pointed out by @MichaëlRoy in the comments section.

Mark Rotteveel's user avatar

  • 2 @Alexey104. This means that for a move constructor, the default noexcept condition is equal to noexcept(noexcept(X::X(X&&)...); where X... are the types of the members of your class. So, if you specify noexcept, and one of you data members' constructor throws, your program will perform a hard exit. This definitely is worth mentioning in your answer, since before c++20, this kind of behavior was not possible. –  Michaël Roy Commented Jan 15 at 11:00
  • 3 I meant noexcept(noexcept(X::X(X&&) && ...) sorry for the typo. –  Michaël Roy Commented Jan 15 at 11:04
  • 2 @MichaëlRoy > "So, if you specify noexcept, and one of you data members' constructor throws, your program will perform a hard exit." Yes, I understand that, and I intentionally want this behavior. I want STL algorithms to always apply move semantics to my classes regardless of of their members' exception guarantees, and I accept std::abort if something goes wrong. Thank you for the clarification. –  Alexey104 Commented Jan 15 at 11:17
  • 5 Perhaps mention this behavior in the answer for others reading this Q&A. –  Sebastian Commented Jan 15 at 11:19
  • 1 @Alexey104 Cool. I pointed it out because I also think it's worth mentioning in your answer. –  Michaël Roy Commented Jan 15 at 16:43

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move assignment operators should be marked noexcept


  1. c++11

    @Klaus, for the OP's examples the compiler can already see that those operations don't throw, adding noexcept tells it nothing. In general, if the function definition is visible and suitable for inlining then the compiler has all the information it needs to make that decision anyway, without noexcept.Any advantages in codegen (such as not needing to generate unwinding info) applies to all ...

  2. Are move constructors required to be noexcept?

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  3. 22.3

    Move constructors and move assignment should be marked as noexcept. This tells the compiler that these functions will not throw exceptions. We introduce noexcept in lesson 27.9 -- Exception specifications and noexcept and discuss why move constructors and move assignment are marked as noexcept in lesson 27.10 -- std::move_if_noexcept.

  4. Move assignment operator

    The move assignment operator is called whenever it is selected by overload resolution, e.g. when an object appears on the left-hand side of an assignment expression, where the right-hand side is an rvalue of the same or implicitly convertible type.. Move assignment operators typically "steal" the resources held by the argument (e.g. pointers to dynamically-allocated objects, file descriptors ...

  5. Move Constructors and Move Assignment Operators (C++)

    This topic describes how to write a move constructor and a move assignment operator for a C++ class. A move constructor enables the resources owned by an rvalue object to be moved into an lvalue without copying. For more information about move semantics, see Rvalue Reference Declarator: &&. This topic builds upon the following C++ class ...

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    Triviality of eligible move constructors determines whether the class is an implicit-lifetime type, and whether the class is a trivially copyable type. [] NoteTo make the strong exception guarantee possible, user-defined move constructors should not throw exceptions. For example, std::vector relies on std::move_if_noexcept to choose between move and copy when the elements need to be relocated.

  7. Friendly reminder to mark your move constructors noexcept -- AndyG

    Friendly reminder to mark your move constructors noexcept. by AndyG. From the article: Since C++11 we have had the noexcept keyword, which is a promise that the function will not throw an exception (and if it does, go straight to std::terminate, do not pass go). noexcept is nice for two reasons: The compiler can optimize a little better because ...

  8. 27.10

    Warning. If a type has both potentially throwing move semantics and deleted copy semantics (the copy constructor and copy assignment operator are unavailable), then std::move_if_noexcept will waive the strong guarantee and invoke move semantics. This conditional waiving of the strong guarantee is ubiquitous in the standard library container classes, since they use std::move_if_noexcept often.

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  11. C++中为什么move construct需要加noexcept

    C++中为什么move construct需要加noexcept. C++ 11中增加了名为移动构造函数的构造函数类型。通过使用移动构造函数,我们可以在进行对象复制时直接"窃取"拷贝对象所保有的一些资源,比如已经在原对象中分配的堆内存,文件描述符,IO流等。通常我们在声明移动构造函数时,都会使用 noexcept 关键字来 ...

  12. noexcept specifier (since C++11)

    The noexcept-specification is a part of the function type and may appear as part of any function declarator . (since C++17) Every function in C++ is either non-throwing or potentially throwing : potentially-throwing functions are: functions declared with a non-empty dynamic exception specification. (until C++17)

  13. performance-noexcept-move-constructor

    Move constructors of all the types used with STL containers, for example, need to be declared noexcept. Otherwise STL will choose copy constructors instead. The same is valid for move assignment operations. «

  14. Any best-practice guidelines on move-assignment operator & self

    Just use the move-and-swap idiom. T& operator=(T t) noexcept { //swap each member with t return *this; } Pros: Serves both as move-assignment and copy-assignment, if there is a copy constructor. Reuse the code from the move-constructor Can be marked noexcept (provided that the swap is noexcept, that is in 99% of the cases).

  15. Move constructors and assignment operators should be marked as noexcept

    Move constructors and assignment operators should be marked as noexcept #24. Closed tsdgeos opened this issue Sep 30, 2019 · 1 comment ... need to be declared noexcept. Otherwise STL will choose copy constructors instead. The same is valid for move assignment operations. I think this is particularly important for Variant itself that sometimes ...

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    operator behaves as a copy assignment under certain conditions, making the noexcept guarantee impossible. In general, algorithmic efficiency can be improved if the move constructor and swap functions are noexcept, as they would be with this proposal. A much smaller set of algorithms benefit from a noexcept move-assignment operator.

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    The std::swap for std::function is noexcept too. I managed to find proposal P0771 that looks to change this but I'm not sure how to find the status of the proposal. That proposal suggests changing both the move construct and the move assignment operator, so presumably the move constructor was not initially noexcept.

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  19. C++ Core Guidelines: The noexcept Specifier and Operator

    In particular, the expression noexcept (noexcept (T (src)). The inner noexcept ist the noexcept operator, and the outer is the noexcept specifier. The expression noexcept (T (src)) checks if the copy constructor is non-throwing. This is the case for the class Noexcept (2) but not for the class NonNoexcept (3) b ecause of the copy constructor of ...

  20. Does noexcept matter with explicitly defaulted move constructor

    Ok, I found the answer in Nico's Josuttis book "C++ Move Semantics - The Complete Guide": When you have a defaulted special member function you can explicitly specify a different noexcept guarantee than the generated one.