• Announcements
  • Research funding

PhD admission

If you wish to obtain a PhD at Leiden University, you first have to be admitted to one of the Graduate Schools. This means that you have to meet specific requirements, including a prior education requirement.

The admission procedures for the Graduate Schools are given on the various websites . Although each Graduate School has its own admission procedure, you must in any case:

  • have been awarded a master’s degree or an equivalent master’s degree from another institution, or who have passed the ‘old style’ doctoral (doctoraal) examination of a government-funded or appointed Dutch university.
  • give the name of a professor (or associate  professor with ius promovendi*) at Leiden University who is willing to be your supervisor. 
  • have a second supervisor. This can be either another professor (supervisor) or a co-supervisor with a PhD, in either the same or a different faculty. If you have not already found a second supervisor, the dean will appoint a co-supervisor, to ensure that you are supervised by at least two individuals.

PhD regulations

The admission requirements are specified in the PhD regulations, together with options if you do not meet all the requirements.

Non-Dutch degree

If you have a degree from a non-Dutch university, your certificate will first have to be verified. After this, the dean will decide whether you can be admitted to the PhD track.

*Ius promovendi

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Universiteit Leiden

leiden arthistory blog

Throughout the ages, art has always had a large impact, from the first cave drawings until modern art forms. In the Dutch-taught Bachelor's programme Art History at Leiden University you will not just get to know art from the Netherlands and Europe, but also from North-America, Asia and Africa. Study art from the past and present, in all it's beautiful forms, at high academic level.

The Leiden Art History Blog is part of the Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University. The blog aims to provide an insight into the activities and research conducted by the undergraduate and graduate students and faculty at the Department of Art History.

Shutterstock 2163944253 (1)

September - February 

This is a unique programme in terms of its diverse and interdisciplinary range of subjects. The programme offers you the choice of two specialisations, each of which explores different themes from a comparative and global perspective. You will learn from internationally-respected researchers at the Leiden University Centre for the Arts in Society (LUCAS) as well as eminent scholars and practitioners from our network of academic and cultural institutions.


  • Art History
  • Museum Studies

Positions at museums, art galleries, cultural institutions, (art) libraries and archives, as well as positions in the publishing and general media sectors, art trade, journalism or public relations.

Best preparatory bachelor’s

A bachelor’s degree in art history.

English proficiency**

IELTS: 6.5 / TOEFL internet-based: 90

leiden art history phd

Faculty of Humanities

year master’s programmes

master's students

International master's students


EU/EEA student tuition fee*

Non-EU/EEA student tuition fee

* This tuition fee is per year and only applies if this is your first master’s programme in The Netherlands ** English language proficiency requirements are subject to change. Please check our website for the updated English language proficiency requirements. You can find the exact language requirements and more detailed language requirements per programme under each programme description. Also check our website for detailed information on the types of English tests accepted and the equivalent scores for IELTS, TOEFL and Cambridge English tests. NOTE: Tuition fees are subject to change. Please check online our updated tuition fees.

  • Opleidingen beeldende kunst en...

PhDArts, a collaboration between Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) and the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK), is a high-level international doctorate programme in visual art and design. PhDArts functions as a platform for artists who regard theoretical reflection and artistic practice as intrinsically related and complementary.

A unique programme in the Netherlands, PhDArts creates new possibilities for art and its practitioners through questioning and breaking down existing boundaries between art theory and art practice.

PhD candidates follow individual research trajectories, guided by a team of supervisors. Besides this, the PhD candidates participate in a doctoral study programme, which consists of lectures, seminars, trainings and workshops. Together with supervisors, staff members and guest teachers, the doctoral candidates form an inspiring and challenging research environment.


  • Applicants must have a Master’s of Arts degree or proof of study at a comparable level.
  • The first condition for acceptance into the programme is a high level of artistry.
  • Secondly, each applicant should present a clear research theme, as well as a research plan. In addition, the discursive context of the research should be clearly described.
  • The PhDArts doctorate is a long- term research commitment that generally encompasses four years.
  • Researchers are expected to be in the vanguard of their fields of research.
  • The research should contribute to knowledge about art/design, as well as to the international discourse in the field of research.

For the full set of requirements, please see the PhDArts website .

Application deadlines

The yearly application deadline for PhDArts is 1 March. Accepted applicants can join the programme in September of each year.

Application procedure

Past public defense events

Openbare Verdediging Suzan Tunca


  • Deel dit item

Vragen of opmerkingen?

For more information or questions you can contact Suzanne Knip-Mooij , PhDArts coordinator.

Laatste evenementen en nieuws


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  • About PhDArts
  • The PhDArts Doctorate
  • PhDArts Doctorate Programme

leiden art history phd

VIII Art of Research Conference

PhDArts candidates will attend and present their research at the eighth Art of Research conference from 30th November - 1st December 2023 at Aalto University,…

leiden art history phd

Public Defense Spiritual Corporeality: Towards Embodied Gnosis through a Dancing Language

Dancer and choreographer Suzan Tunca publicly defends the research project entitled 'Spiritual Corporeality: Towards Embodied Gnosis through a Dancing Language'. On 31 October…

There are no current events.


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  • Royal Academy of Art (KABK)
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Subject guide

Bachelor and Master theses of Leiden Universtity

As a rule, printed BA and MA theses were not included in the library collection. Starting 2010, BA and MA theses of the Faculties of Archaeology, Humanities, and Social and Behavioural Sciences are included in the Student Repository of Scholarly Publications. These theses are not included in the catalogue, but the titles can be found in Google Scholar.

If you are looking for an unpublished thesis it is advised to contact the secretariat of the department where the author of the thesis concerned has graduated.

At the Wijnhaven library you can find theses of Public Administration that were handed in between 2010 and 2011. The theses are available for loan.

Bachelor and Master theses of other Dutch universities

Erasmus University Thesis Repository

Radboud Educational Repository

TU Delft Education Repository

University of Groningen Thesis Research Portal

Utrecht University Student Theses Repository

UvA Scripties Online

VU Online Scriptiedatabase

Leiden PhD theses

Digitized Recent PhD theses (from approximately 2005 on) by Leiden PhD students are available digitally through Scholarly Publications . The site offers free access to these PhD theses. However, in some cases a thesis may be under embargo temporarily and access to its full-text version will only be granted later. Printed All Leiden PhD theses are included in the Catalogue , file tab Leiden Collections. Narrow down your question by typing dissertation  in a second search field.

Dutch PhD theses

Recent PhD theses (from approximately 2005 on) from all universities in the Netherlands are available digitally through OpenAire , a database with free access. However, in some cases also here a thesis may be under embargo temporarily and access to the full-text version of the thesis may only be granted at a later date.

For paper versions of Dutch PhD theses that cannot be found in the Catalogue  refer to WorldCat . This database contains the holdings of all Dutch university libraries and the Koninklijke Bibliotheek. 

International PhD theses

Many recent scientific publications, including PhD theses, are offered full-text in repositories on the internet, free of charge. The websites mentioned below offer access to collections of repositories:

The British site OpenDOAR (The Directory of Open Access Repositories)  offers access to more than 1500 repositories world-wide. All included repositories have been reviewed and approved by OpenDOAR staff members. The site maintains a user-friendly interface.

OATD (Open Access Theses and Dissertations) is a resource maintained by several US University Libraries, for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. OATD tries to index only graduate-level theses and dissertations that are freely available to download, they leave out closed-access and embargoed ETDs.

The British site ROAR (Registry of Open Access Repositories) also offers access to repositories world-wide, but, contrary to OpenDOAR, is filled automatically.

OpenAIRE (Open Access Infrastructure for Research in Europe) gives an overview of, and offers access to more than 8.000.000 of Open Access publications from 460+ data providers, with links to funding, datasets and more.

OIAster (originally a project by Michigan University, USA) offers access to scientific publications world-wide. Since December 2009 this database has been integrated in WorldCat .

DART-Europe   is a webportal that provides access to more then 360.000 scientific dissertations from more then 500 European universities. DART stands for Digital Archive of Research Theses

EBSCO Open Dissertations : a free database containing hundreds of thousands digital dissertations and theses. Its contents are harvested from repositories of research universities from around the world.

Through the Catalogue (tab Database Search) you are offered access to the following databases of PhD theses:

China Dissertations : contains full-text PhD theses from 1999 on. Access only with a ULCN account and matching password.

Proquest Dissertations & Theses Global  database with data (not full-text, but abstracts) of mainly North American PhD theses beginn https://opendissertations.org/ ing in 1637.  It is possible to order the full-text on payment. Access only available with a ULCN account and matching password.

  • Announcements
  • Scholarships
  • Thesis and papers

When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic.

One of the most important things you will learn during an academic study programme is how to write an interesting piece of work that meets the criteria of scientific quality, whilst also being accesible to the broader public.

Refer to our Study skills pages for more information on academic writing skills.  

Your study programme

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Support and well-being

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  • Printing and copying
  • Other facilities

Extra study activities

  • Studying abroad
  • Honours education
  • Summer & winter schools
  • Extra online courses
  • Double degree

Internships & careers

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  • Internships and research
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  • Job vacancies

Alongside your studies

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Art History

This bachelor’s programme is taught in Dutch only, please visit the Dutch website by switching languages at the top right corner of this page.

An updated list of staff can be found on the Dutch version of this page:

Universiteit Leiden

Art History

This master’s programme offers the following specialisations:.


Art and Material Culture of Asia

Art of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

Decorative Arts, Industrial Design and the Domestic Interior

Modern and Contemporary Art, and World Art Studies

Museums and Collections

MA-students starting in the autumn semester follow the regular Art History programme. MA-students starting in the spring semester have several options to compose a programme. They can choose from the courses and workshops on offer in the spring semester within the MA Art History and Reseach MA Study in Art and Literature. The practical component can be filled in and the literature exam as part of your thesis. This means that in the autumn semester you will need to follow the compulsory ‘Practices and Debates’, one additional course and finish your thesis.

Spring semester (February-August)

Literature exam (5 ects)

Practical component/ internship/ choice seminar (5 or 10 ects)

First draft of the MA-thesis (10 ects)

Course/ workshop/ seminar (10 ects)

Autumn semester (September-January)

Practices and debates (10 ects)

Elective course in the discipline of specialization (10 ects)

Final version of the MA thesis (20 ects in total)

Starting in February 2010? Check the programme overview and a list of courses to choose from in the spring semester of 2010.

Course EC Semester 1 Semester 2

MA in Art History Specializations Program Aims and objectives


The program is taught in English. In addition to offering training in one of the areas of specialisation, the programme introduces students to current theories and methodologies of scholarly practice. The following specialisations are offered:

History and Theory of Modern and Contemporary Art / World Art Studies

History of Art and Visual Culture of the Late Middle Ages and Early Modern Period

History and Theory of Architecture

History of Decorative Arts, Industrial Design, and the Domestic Interior

Affiliated fields of expertise

History and Theory of Collections

History of Art and Material Culture of East Asia, and of South and Southeast Asia.

Throughout the programme students will have the advantage of Leiden University’s proximity to a number of major museums, collections, libraries and research schools, accessing a range of unique texts and works of art. These include:

The National Museum for Ethnology (Museum voor Volkenkunde)

Municipal Museum de Lakenhal/Scheltema, loca¬tion for contemporary art

Museum for the History of Science (Museum Boerhaave)

National Museum of Antiquities (Museum voor Oudheden)

Leiden University Library with its special collections of prints, drawings and photogra¬phy.

Aims and objectives

The aim of the Master program in Art History is to educate critical, self-reflexive and enthusiastic art historians who are ready to pursue a career in the field of art history, the art world, or beyond. In the course of the programme, students develop a thorough knowledge of the concepts, methods and techniques for studying art objects, design, and architecture within their chosen specialisation, whilst also gaining insight into the development and social relevance of the field in general. Up to 40-50 ects of the total programme of 60 ects can be devoted to the field of specialisation.

Graduates of the programme will be able to independently identify and collect specialist literature using both traditional and modern techniques (heuristic skills). They can analyse such literature and assess its quality and reliability, under professional supervision. They can formulate clear and well-argued research questions and subdivide them into orderly and manageable sub-questions. They can present research results in a clear and well argued manner, both orally and in writing. They will be able to plan and carry out a research project under professional supervision.

Upon completion of this programme, students will have the knowledge and competences required for positions outside the university that require an academic level of thinking, for an upper secondary teaching qualification or for a PhD candidature.

3 art-history-phd positions at Leiden University in Netherlands

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  • Netherlands
  • Leiden University
  • art-history-phd

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  • Research Job 1
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Lectureship in the Political Economy of Japan (1,0 fte)

in the Humanities. Our organisation The Faculty of Humanities is rich in expertise in fields such as philosophy, religious studies, history , art history , literature, linguistics and area studies

Assistant Professor in Computational Biodiversity

teamwork. Next to LIACS, you will also be embedded in Naturalis Biodiversity Center, collaboration with leading researchers in biodiversity and providing access to state-of-the- art biodiversity data

Postdoctoral Researcher in the project "Do we owe anything to ourselves?"

position is a good fit for you if you recognize yourself in the following: You hold a PhD , awarded by the time of appointment, ideally on a topic related to the theme of the research project; You have a

Searches related to art history phd

  • history of art
  • history of art phd
  • master of fine art
  • master of history of art
  • painting master of art
  • phd history of art
  • All categories

leiden art history phd

History (MA)

At Leiden University, we have one of the world's leading centres for the study of European and non-European history. The master’s in History is your opportunity to access this world-class expertise.


  • Ancient History (MA)
  • Cities, Migration and Global Interdependence (MA)
  • Colonial and Global History (MA)
  • Europaeum Programme European History and Civilisation (MA)
  • Europe 1000-1800 (MA)
  • Politics, Culture and National Identities, 1789 to the Present (MA)

You may also be interested in:

Global order in historical perspective ma, a top-ranked programme.

According to the QS World University Rankings 2023 , History at Leiden University is rated 1st in continental Europe and 17th in the world.

Why study History at Leiden University?

The Master's programme in History enables you to learn from some of the leading scholars in the field. With a broad curriculum and flexible design, the programme allows you to tailor your degree to suit your career goals. You will be able to specialise in niche subject areas that aren't offered anywhere else, including European and non-European history spanning from Classical Antiquity to the present.

The programme is unique in its international orientation. This approach allows you to gain a broader and critical understanding of history and how it relates to the latest global events. This will help you become a well-rounded professional who is highly sought after by employer today.

Learn more about the study programme

Research Master History

Do you want to get more out of your studies? Are you particularly interested in doing research? Do you want to pursue a career in academia after your studies? Consider the History Research MA !

What are your career prospects?

This Master's prepares you for a wide range of roles in almost every sector of the job market. Our graduates work at different types of organisations, such as research institutes, international organisations, government bodies, NGOs and academia. Jobs include policy officer, consultant, history teacher and PhD candidate.

Find out more about your career prospects

Is History the programme for you?

Are you interested in the past and how it continues to influence today's world? Do you want to specialise in subject areas not offered anywhere else? Then History at Leiden University is the right Master's programme for you. Find out if you are eligible for this Master's programme by checking the admission requirements.

Check the admission requirements

Leading scholars and an individualised approach

At Leiden University, you learn from some of the leading scholars in the field. We have a specialised faculty 'chair' in almost every area of European and non-European history, while covering almost all periods form Classical Antiquity to the present. Small-scale classes and intensive mentoring ensure you benefit from their expertise both in and outside of the classroom.

Admission and Application

Do you want to find out if you are eligible for this Master's programme?

Check the entry requirements

Global and comparative approach

All subjects in the master’s in History have a strong international orientation. Whichever your focus area, you will acquire a broad, comparative dimension to your knowledge and connect this to the latest global events. This approach to learning is not only unique to this programme but brings you a far broader understanding and an aptitude for critical thinking both of which are highly valued by employers today.

In which sector do students find jobs?

  • 22 Government and semi government organisations
  • 14 Education
  • 12 Research
  • 8 Information management
  • 5 Financial institutions
  • 5 Communication and marketing
  • 5 Culture, sports and recreation
  • 4 Business services
  • 3 Welfare and health

The graph above is based on alumni data from the MA History 2016-2020

Find out more about the career prospects

History degree

History at Leiden University is an accredited degree programme. After successful completion of this programme, you will receive a legally accredited master’s degree in History and the title Master of Arts (MA).

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  1. Art History (MA)

    leiden art history phd

  2. Museum Talks at the Leiden Department of Art History

    leiden art history phd

  3. A Picture of a 1721 PhD Ceremony at Leiden University

    leiden art history phd

  4. Rembrandt & His Contemporaries: History Paintings from The Leiden

    leiden art history phd

  5. PhD Programme of the Institute for History

    leiden art history phd

  6. Art and history museum "De Lakenhal" in the historic centre of Leiden

    leiden art history phd


  1. Art History (MA)

    Art History (MA) The master's programme in Arts and Culture at Leiden University is uniquely positioned at the intersection of Art History and Museum Studies. Informed by leading interdisciplinary research, this degree provides you with a strong academic foundation for a variety of careers in museums, galleries and heritage institutions.

  2. PhD programmes

    PhD programmes. A PhD track consists of original scientific research under the supervision of a professor, which takes on average 4 years. Every year, around 400 PhD candidates defend their dissertation at Leiden University, spread across all the University's different disciplines.

  3. PhD Programme of the Institute for History

    PhD Programme The PhD programme at the Leiden University Institute for History is characterised by a strong international orientation, a broad variety of disciplinary perspectives and methodological approaches, and a focus on the use of primary sources. The institute welcomes employed, contract and external PhD candidates.

  4. Arts and Culture: Art History

    The specialisation "Art History" is part of the Master Arts and Culture. This specialisation is uniquely positioned at the intersection of Art History and Museum Studies. Informed by leading interdisciplinary research, this degree provides you with a strong academic foundation for a variety of careers in museums, galleries and heritage institutions.

  5. PhD admission

    PhD admission. If you wish to obtain a PhD at Leiden University, you first have to be admitted to one of the Graduate Schools. This means that you have to meet specific requirements, including a prior education requirement. The admission procedures for the Graduate Schools are given on the various websites. Although each Graduate School has its ...

  6. About

    Study art from the past and present, in all it's beautiful forms, at high academic level. The Leiden Art History Blog is part of the Faculty of Humanities, Leiden University. The blog aims to provide an insight into the activities and research conducted by the undergraduate and graduate students and faculty at the Department of Art History.

  7. Art History: Arts, Media and Society

    Becoming an authority starts in Leiden! The English-taught full-time Bachelor's programme in Arts, Media and Society takes three years, and you will graduate with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art History, specialisation Arts, Media and Society. In principle, you will be studying for 40 hours a week - a full working week.

  8. Art History and Museum Studies

    Career Positions at museums, art galleries, cultural institutions, (art) libraries and archives, as well as positions in the publishing and general media sectors, art trade, journalism or public relations.

  9. Art & Art History

    Overview of databases, reference works and websites for research in Art & Art History. Subjects. Traditional genres, such as architecture, crafts, photography and printmaking; additionally world art, philosophy and theory of art, heritage, art in relation to society, and history of collecting.

  10. PhDArts

    PhDArts. Research in and through art is an inseparable part of the artistic or design practice of the researcher. Consequently, research-in-art (as opposed to research-about-art, such as art history) does not have a set goal or expected result, nor are there predetermined general procedures. The outcome of the research is open.

  11. PhDArts, international doctorate programme

    PhDArts, a collaboration between Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts (ACPA) and the Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK), is a high-level international doctorate programme in visual art and design. PhDArts functions as a platform for artists who regard theoretical reflection and artistic practice as intrinsically related and complementary.

  12. Art History and Museum Studies, M.A.

    The MA in programme in Art History and Museum Studies at Leiden University is a unique programme upholding a critical approach to the visual arts, decorative arts and architecture, as well as diverse cultures of collecting and presenting art. The programme is taught by a research-active staff and (former) curators from the Rijksmuseum Amsterdam ...

  13. PhDArts

    PhDArts, international doctorate programme in art and design, is a collaboration between Leiden University Academy of Creative and Performing Arts and the Royal Academy of Art (KABK) in The Hague.

  14. Theses

    The theses are available for loan. Recent PhD theses (from approximately 2005 on) by Leiden PhD students are available digitally through . The site offers free access to these PhD theses. However, in some cases a thesis may be under embargo temporarily and access to its full-text version will only be granted later. , file tab Leiden Collections.

  15. Art History (Master 2011-2012)

    This master's programme offers the following specialisations: Architecture Early Modern and Medieval Art Design and Decorative Art Studies Art in the Contemporary World Museums and Collections

  16. Admission and Application

    Admission and Application Find out how to apply for Art History at Leiden University by following our step-by step guide.

  17. Thesis and papers

    Thesis and papers. When writing a thesis or paper you must make good use of the insights you have gained during your lectures and studies so far. You should also refer to relevant literature and carry out your own research on the topic. One of the most important things you will learn during an academic study programme is how to write an ...

  18. Arts and Culture: Museum Studies

    The specialisation "Museum Studies" is part of the Master Arts and Culture. This specialisation is uniquely positioned at the intersection of Art History and Museum Studies. Informed by leading interdisciplinary research, this degree provides you with a strong academic foundation for a variety of careers in museums, galleries and heritage institutions.

  19. Art History

    An updated list of staff can be found on the Dutch version of this page: Docenten Kunstgeschiedenis. Lotte PetStudieadviseur. Pascalle SebusOnderwijscoördinator. This bachelor's programme is taught in Dutch only, please visit the Dutch website by switching languages at the top right corner of this page.

  20. Art History (Master 2009-2010)

    Art History. MA-students starting in the autumn semester follow the regular Art History programme. MA-students starting in the spring semester have several options to compose a programme. They can choose from the courses and workshops on offer in the spring semester within the MA Art History and Reseach MA Study in Art and Literature.

  21. Art History (BA)

    Art History (BA) Throughout the ages, art has always had a large impact, from the first cave drawings until modern art forms. In the Dutch-taught Bachelor's programme Art History at Leiden University you will not just get to know art from the Netherlands and Europe, but also from North-America, Asia and Africa. Study art from the past and present, in all it's beautiful forms, at high academic ...

  22. 13 art-history-phd positions at Leiden University in Netherlands

    13 scholarship, research, uni job positions available art-history-phd positions, positions at Leiden University available on scholarshipdb.net, Netherlands ... / History of Slavery PhD candidate in South Asian History/ History of Slavery Published Deadline Location today 3 Oct Leiden Job description The PhD candidate. Assistant Professor ...

  23. History (MA)

    History degree. History at Leiden University is an accredited degree programme. After successful completion of this programme, you will receive a legally accredited master's degree in History and the title Master of Arts (MA). The History Master at Leiden University has a strong international orientation.