How to Write a Business Essay for Impactful Communication and Analysis

how to start a business studies essay

So, you've got a business essay coming up, and you're feeling a mix of excitement and a tad bit overwhelmed, right? Totally get it. Writing a business essay might sound boring, but trust me, it's a skill that's gonna come in handy when you're out there in the real world.

In this article, we're dishing out some awesome tips just for you if you have question on how to start a business essay. Think of it as your secret weapon to tackle those business essays like a pro. We'll keep it real, easy, and super practical – no fancy jargon or complicated theories. Let's dive into the world of business essay writing, where your words can make a big impact. In case you lack time or motivation to finish your assignment, use our business essay writing service to streamline the process.

What Is a Business Essay

Business essays are written pieces that explore and analyze various aspects of business-related topics, often focusing on management, marketing, finance, or entrepreneurship. They provide a platform for students and professionals to articulate their understanding of business concepts, theories, and real-world applications. Typically written in a formal and structured manner, a business essay requires critical thinking, research skills, and the ability to communicate ideas effectively. Whether delving into case studies, discussing industry trends, or evaluating business strategies, the essay aims to provide insights, draw conclusions, and contribute to a deeper understanding of the dynamic world of business.

What Is a Business Essay

How to Write an Introduction for a Business Essay

A business essay introduction sets the tone for the entire paper and captures the reader's attention. Here are some steps and tips to help you write an effective introduction for a business essay:

  • Understand the Purpose of the Introduction

Clearly understand the purpose of your essay. Are you providing an overview of a business concept, analyzing a case study, or arguing a specific point? Tailor your introduction accordingly.

  • Start with a Hook

Grab the reader's attention with a compelling hook. This could be a relevant quote, a surprising fact, a rhetorical question, or a thought-provoking statement. The goal is to make the reader want to continue reading.

  • Provide Context

After the hook, provide some background or context related to the topic of your essay. Help the reader understand the significance and relevance of the subject matter in the business world.

  • Thesis Statement

Clearly state your thesis or the main argument of your essay. This should be a concise and focused statement that outlines what the reader can expect from the rest of the essay. Make sure it is specific and reflects the purpose of your writing.

  • Outline the Scope

Briefly outline the main points or areas that your essay will cover. This gives the reader a roadmap of what to expect and helps them understand the structure of your essay.

  • Use Clear and Concise Language

Keep your introduction clear and concise. Avoid unnecessary jargon or complex language that might confuse the reader. Aim for clarity and precision.

  • Be Relevant

Ensure that every sentence in your introduction is directly related to the topic of your essay. Avoid going off on tangents or providing excessive information that doesn't contribute to the main points.

  • Consider the Tone

Choose a tone that is appropriate for your audience and the nature of your essay. Business essays can vary in tone, from formal and academic to more conversational, depending on the context.

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Business Essay Introduction Example

Here’s an example of an introduction for an essay titled “The Rise of E-commerce: Shaping the Future of Retail”:

The retail landscape is undergoing a seismic shift as e-commerce continues to redefine the way consumers shop. In this essay, we explore the profound implications of this digital transformation on traditional retail models and analyze the key strategies businesses are employing to thrive in this dynamic environment. From changing consumer behaviors to the strategic use of technology, the impact of e-commerce on the retail sector is undeniable, prompting businesses to adapt or face the risk of obsolescence.

How to Write a Business Essay

Working on a business essay might seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. In this guide, we'll break down the process into simple steps to help you navigate through it smoothly. In this next section. We’ll be breaking down the essentials of drawing up a business essay from start to finish. From defining your main argument to structuring your points effectively, let's explore the key strategies that will set you on the path to success. 

How to Write a Business Essay

Analyze the Prompt

Start by carefully reading and understanding the essay prompt. This involves breaking down the question to grasp what it's asking for, identifying the main topics, and recognizing any specific tasks or points to cover. This step helps you set the stage for a focused and relevant essay by ensuring you address all aspects mentioned in the prompt. You can hire a business essay writer to expedite the process if you want.

Think of a Thesis Statement

When writing a business essay, think of the thesis statement as the essay's compass. It should be a concise, strong sentence that lays out your main argument or viewpoint on the topic. Your thesis guides the entire essay, so make sure it's specific, debatable, and gives readers a clear idea of what to expect in your writing.

Create an Outline

We’ve already shared tips on how to write an introduction for a business essay, so let’s move on to the next stages. Organize your thoughts by outlining the main points and structure of your essay. This doesn't have to be too detailed; just a roadmap that helps you see how different ideas connect. An outline ensures a logical flow in your writing and prevents you from going off track. By the way, have you already picked business essay topics ? If not, here’s a list of great ideas you can use!

Provide Topic Background

Before diving into your main points, the business essay writing format implies giving your reader some context about the topic. Briefly introduce the key concepts, relevant facts, or historical background that will help readers understand the importance and relevance of your essay.

Write the Main Body

Start developing your essay by expanding on the main points outlined in your thesis. Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or argument supported by evidence or examples. Be clear and concise, ensuring a smooth transition between paragraphs. It’s the most difficult part of the assignment, meaning you can use our college essay service to simplify it.

Write a Conclusion

Summarize your key points and conclusively restate your thesis. The conclusion should tie up the loose ends and leave a lasting impression on the reader. Avoid introducing new information but rather reinforce your main argument. For more details about how to write a conclusion for an essay , please refer to our guide.

Add a Bibliography

List all the sources you used in your research. Be meticulous about citing your references properly, following the chosen format (APA, MLA, etc.). This adds credibility to your essay and avoids plagiarism issues.

Edit and Proofread

As you’ve learned how to write a business essay, it’s time to master the art of self-revising. Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and grammatical errors. Editing ensures that your ideas flow smoothly, and proofreading catches any overlooked mistakes. It's a crucial step to polish your essay and present a professional piece of writing. Do you have another assignment on business management ? This guide will help you!

Choose the Writing Format

Reiterate the importance of selecting and adhering to the chosen writing format throughout the essay. Consistency in formatting, citations, and other style elements contributes to the overall professionalism of your work.

Business Essay Example

Business essay examples offer practical assistance to students tackling assignments by showcasing the application of essential writing principles in a real-world context. As a tangible reference, it demonstrates an effective essay structure and how to formulate a clear thesis statement and provide coherent arguments. By examining examples, students can glean insights into research techniques, proper citation practices, and overall essay organization, empowering them to approach their business assignments with increased confidence and proficiency.

Example 1: “The Impact of Technological Advancements on Modern Business Operations”

This essay explores the multifaceted impact of technology on operational efficiency, innovation, customer relations, and global connectivity. From integrating automation and artificial intelligence for streamlined processes to facilitating global expansion through digital platforms, technology emerges as a driving force shaping the success and sustainability of contemporary enterprises. While acknowledging the numerous benefits, the essay also highlights the challenges and ethical considerations inherent in adopting these technologies, emphasizing the need for businesses to navigate these complexities responsibly for long-term growth and competitiveness.

Example 2: “Sustainable Business Practices: A Strategic Imperative for Corporate Success”

This essay explores the pivotal role of sustainable business practices as a strategic imperative for corporate success in the contemporary entrepreneurship scene. Addressing environmental concerns, social consciousness, and economic viability, the essay delves into the multifaceted benefits of adopting sustainable approaches. It discusses how businesses can align profitability with responsible practices, emphasizing environmental stewardship, social impact, and community engagement. The essay underscores the importance of regulatory compliance and risk mitigation in business by examining the economic advantages and innovation opportunities arising from sustainable initiatives.

Final Considerations

Students engage in writing business essays to develop essential skills and knowledge crucial for success in the professional world. These essays serve as a platform for honing critical thinking, analytical, and communication skills, allowing students to articulate and analyze complex business concepts. Through the process of researching, organizing thoughts, and constructing coherent arguments, students gain a deeper understanding of business principles and practices. Business essays also cultivate the ability to synthesize information, evaluate various perspectives, and present well-reasoned conclusions. If you find with task troublesome, you can always tell us, ‘ write my research paper ,’ and one of our wordsmiths will fulfill the assignment quickly.

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How Many Paragraphs Does a Business Essay Have?

What is the most important part of a business essay, how do you start off a business essay.

Annie Lambert

Annie Lambert

specializes in creating authoritative content on marketing, business, and finance, with a versatile ability to handle any essay type and dissertations. With a Master’s degree in Business Administration and a passion for social issues, her writing not only educates but also inspires action. On EssayPro blog, Annie delivers detailed guides and thought-provoking discussions on pressing economic and social topics. When not writing, she’s a guest speaker at various business seminars.

how to start a business studies essay

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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How To Ace Your Business Studies Essay

8 minute read


Business Studies students, this one’s for you ! By now, you’ve probably recognised that Business Studies is a rewarding subject, providing you with a greater understanding of how the economy functions and gaining base-level business knowledge. As part of your Business Studies exam, you will be asked to write an essay. Your Business Studies essay is an opportunity to contextualise your business knowledge in the real world. Your examiner will want you to demonstrate your knowledge about contemporary business theories, as well as analytical skills, critical thinking and problem-solving abilities. 

Today we will share with you how to ace your Business Studies essay. We will provide practical essay-writing tips and specific keywords to look out for when reading the essay question. By following our guidelines, you will be able to write a Business Studies essay that is well-structured, compelling and insightful. 

Before we begin, we highly recommend practicing! As part of your exam preparation, practice writing essays. Use the example essay questions provided at the end of this post, follow the prompts, so you understand the requirements. You will begin to feel more comfortable and confident, and ultimately set yourself up for success before you even begin writing your Business Studies exams!

Understand the question

The first step to writing a captivating Business Studies essay is to pause, carefully read the question and take time to understand what you are being asked. We recommend underlining the verbs in the question to fully grasp how to proceed. Examine the exact wording so you can work out the approach you need to take.  

Here are some verbs to look out for:

There are two types of essay questions you could be asked:

  • Case study - This is where you are asked to write an essay on a business or situation. 
  • Discussion - This is where you will be required to discuss a specific topic. You will need to review key arguments and provide reasons for and against each one. 

Make an essay outline

An essay outline will enable you to create a more organised essay, include a range of points and avoid repetition. You will also be able to evaluate the question more thoroughly and provide a well-thought-out argument. 

Begin by listing, brainstorming or mind-mapping all your thoughts. This is called a ‘brain dump’ and will allow you to clear your mind of all the essay-related thoughts whirling around in your brain. By getting all your thoughts on paper, you will be able to start crafting a compelling Business Studies essay in a more structured manner.

Create your essay plan

The next step to writing an engaging Business Studies essay is to construct your essay plan. This will help you to organise your main arguments and ideas so you can present them in a logical sequence when you begin writing. Glance at your list, brainstorm or mind-map and select the points you wish to include in your essay. Write out your key points that you wish to include in your introduction, main body and conclusion. During this process, you will spark off new ideas and begin to digest and analyse the information you have gathered. 

Write your essay


Begin your Business Studies essay by outlining your understanding of the essay question and commenting on how you plan to address it. This is where you present your thesis statement of claim which will determine the contents and direction of your essay. Define the objectives of the essay and set out exactly what you are reaching a conclusion for. This is a good place to include definitions of business terms if you wish to do so. 

Main body and discussion

Use the main body of your essay to provide a detailed analysis of the topic. Make sure you have critically examined different viewpoints to provide a robust debate, covering reasons for and against the presented argument. In case study essays, this is where you provide evidence to support the arguments or main points you raise. 

A well-written essay includes a conclusion that has been reached by logical reasoning. Use this space to concisely pull together the main points in your discussion, explicitly stating your viewpoint as the final result. You should not mention any new arguments in your conclusion, as this is the space where your existing thoughts culminate. 

Essay writing tips

There are two key elements to standing out when writing an essay: paragraphs and connective phrases. 

Here’s how to use both:

  • Paragraphs are useful because they signal to your examiner that you are moving onto a new point. This will also encourage you to avoid repetition! Each paragraph forms a building block, which forms part of your entire essay. 
  • Connective phrases will keep you focused on the question. Phrases like “this means that” or “this will impact the business” introduce your analysis, and phrases like “this is of crucial importance because” or “other factors to consider are” introduce the evaluation. 

Bonus: Don’t focus solely on knowledge at the expense of your evaluation and analysis. Your examiner is looking for proof that you understand the topic at hand and are able to expertly evaluate and analyse the content, not just what you know. 

Edit and proofread

Always check your essay for spelling, stylistic errors, grammar and punctuation mistakes before completing the task. 

Here are some questions to ask yourself as you edit and proofread your essay:

  • Have I answered the essay question?
  • Is my essay presented in a logical order?
  • Is the content accurate and relevant?
  • Have I supported my main points with arguments and examples?
  • Is my language clear and concise?
  • Is my spelling and punctuation correct?

Example questions

Here are five essay questions extracted from actual Business Studies exams. You can use these to practice writing Business Studies essays as you prepare for your exams. 

Describe the principles of ethical and professional behaviours. Evaluate the issues that pose challenges to the business environment in terms of ethical and professional behaviour and comment on its application in the business enterprise.

The human resources manager is responsible for compiling the job description and job specification. Suitable candidates can be recruited internally using various recruitment sources. The interviewees should be familiar with their role during the interview. Businesses must ensure that the employment contract complies with the legal requirements of the employment. 

Write an essay on the human resources function in which you include the following human resources activities:

  • Outline the differences between job description and job specification. 
  • Discuss the impact of internal recruitment on a business. 
  • E xplain the role of the interviewee during the interview. 
  • Advise businesses on the legal requirements of the employment contract. 

The National Credit Act (NCA), 2005 (Act 34 of 2005) provides a framework to regulate the credit market. It protects the rights of consumers and provides guidelines on how businesses should comply with this Act. Businesses may face penalties for not complying with the National Credit Act. 

Write an essay on the National Credit Act in which you include the following aspects:

  • Outline the rights of consumers in terms of the National Credit Act. 
  • Discuss the impact of the NCA on businesses. 
  • Explain ways in which businesses could comply with the NCA. 
  • Advise businesses on the penalties they may face for non-compliance to the Act. 

Investing in fixed deposit provides investors the opportunity to decide whether they want to receive simple interest or compound interest. Investors must also consider various types of shares before making investment decisions. Some invest in companies that are listed on the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE).

Write an essay on investment securities in which you include the following aspects:

  • Outline the differences between simple interest and compound interest. 
  • Explain the advantage of a fixed deposit as a form of investment. 
  • Discuss any three types of shares. 
  • Advise businesses on the functions of the Johannesburg Securities Exchange (JSE). 

Jake wants to target a new BEco Bottle at sports people and needs to increase production. He is considering two options to achieve this:

  • Outsource production of the sports bottle to India. 
  • Use hire purchase to buy the new equipment to manufacture the sports bottle in his existing factory. 

Analyse the effect of each of these two options for the business. 

Evaluate which of these two options will have the bigger impact on the future success of the sports bottle.

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How to Write a Business Essay: an Ultimate Guide

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Table of Contents

Writing an essay can be boring. A lot of essays are basically the same thing over and over again. You write an introduction, then you write your supporting paragraphs, and then you create a conclusion. Overall, the process is not a lot of fun, and you can often feel as though you are simply going through the motions for the sake of churning out extra work. But since you have to write an essay, it’s worth considering the many ways that you can make the process faster and easier. In this ultimate guide, we’ll discuss the best way to write a business essay so you can get through the process faster and with relatively little trouble.

A graphic of a man sitting behind a desk, writing, with the title text: "Business Essay Writing Guide"

It might seem obvious, but the first thing you need to do when you write an essay is to read the essay question. You need to be sure you understand each part of the essay question and how the parts of the question work together. You would be surprised how many students only glance at the question and then write a paper that only partially addresses the assignment. You don’t want to lose points because part of your paper isn’t on topic. If you find any parts of the paper that you don’t understand or that require explanation, be sure to contact your instructor for clarification before you start writing.

Read the essay rubric

These days, most essays have a grading rubric included with the question. A grading rubric is like a cheat sheet for writing your essay. When you review the essay rubric, you’ll see exactly how your instructor will grade your paper and what your instructor will be looking for. When you write your paper, you will therefore know exactly what to include and how to write about it in order to maximize your points—and you’ll also see what you can spend less time on because it won’t contribute to your overall grade.

Make friends with your library

Many students automatically turn to search engines like Google in order to research their papers, but this is not the most effective way to find high-quality business sources for your paper. Instead, take advantage of your library’s databases. Your college or university library will likely have dedicated business databases that collect high-quality academic articles on business topics. Using these resources in your paper will make your essay stronger and more effective, and it will put your paper on a solid academic footing.

Compile your sources before you write

Many students use the start-and-stop method to write their papers, composing a sentence or two and then stopping to look up more information in order to keep going. This, however, is an inefficient way to work. A better way is to read through your research sources before you start and copy into a separate file a series of quotations and facts that you might use in your paper, creating in-text citations and reference list entries for each before you start. Doing so will make sure that you don’t have to stop for research and have a ready bank of pre-cited material to work with as you write.

Outline before you write

Outlining is an important skill that will both save you time and improve the quality of your essay. Take time before you write to lay out your paper from beginning to end. Start with your thesis statement and carefully lay out the body paragraphs with a topic sentence, supporting details (including research, quotes, and citations ), and a closing paragraph . Plan your transitions to link paragraphs together. Any amount of outlining can be helpful, but the more effort that you put into outlining at this stage, the easier it will be to write your paper, and the less likely it will be that you get stuck in a tangent that goes nowhere or meander into a point that requires you to change your thesis and revise you whole essay.

Remember to revise and proofread

When you finish the draft of your paper, you aren’t done yet. The first draft is rarely the finished product. You should always set aside time to read your work back and to make revisions to make it clearer. You also need to carefully proofread for mechanical grammar, punctuation, and syntax issues to ensure that your paper is as close to perfect as possible. You don’t want to leave points on the table because your paper had easy to fix minor spelling or grammar errors.

Consider professional writing help

Another great way to get your paper done quickly is to seek out custom professional help from an essay writing service with academic experts. An online writing company such as this can create business papers for college students and deliver them fast. When you utilize professional writing assistance, you can receive a custom-written essay that can serve as a great model to help you understand how a professional would approach your business topic and organize and develop an essay to address your assignment. Using a model such as this can save you time and effort as you work on your own paper, allowing you to focus on the learning process more than the mechanics of academic essay writing.

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How to Write a Business Essay?

how to start a business studies essay

Studies show that recent graduates with effective writing skills earn an average of 15% more than their peers within five years.

If you're looking to climb the corporate ladder, a strong foundation in business essay writing is an essential first step. This guide will demystify the process, from understanding the prompt to creating a compelling argument showcasing your analytical and communication abilities.

What Is a Business Essay?

A business essay is a formal piece of writing that dives deep into a specific topic within the vast world of commerce. These essays analyze and explore management, marketing, finance, or entrepreneurship concepts.

B-school essays provide a platform to critically examine business theories, present research findings, and propose solutions or strategies while adhering to clear and concise communication for maximum impact.

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how to start a business studies essay

The business essay is a powerful tool that allows you to delve into specific business topics, analyze them critically, and present your findings persuasively. Here are nine easy-to-follow steps to produce a winning business essay that showcases your understanding and analytical prowess. If you’re in a hurry, simply drop us a line saying, ‘ help me with my essay ,’ and our experts will handle your request.

How to Write a Business Essay

Decipher the Prompt

Before diving in, thoroughly understand the essay question. Identify the key terms, analyze the expected response (analysis, argument, etc.), and ensure your essay stays focused on the prompt.

Don't just skim the essay question. Dive deeper! Underline key terms to understand the response type expected (analysis, argument, etc.). Consider your audience - professor, employer, or wider business audience - and tailor your writing accordingly.

If the prompt is complex, deconstruct it into smaller, answerable questions to clarify the points you need to address.

Craft a Thesis Statement

This is your roadmap! A clear thesis statement summarizes your main argument or central idea. It should be concise and directly address the prompt.

Avoid vague statements! Instead of saying, "Social media marketing is important," aim for something like "Strategic use of social media platforms can significantly increase brand awareness among millennials in the tech industry."

Make a claim, not just present facts. Argue a point and provide evidence to back it up. Your thesis should hint at the main arguments you'll discuss later.

Outline for Success

Create an outline to structure your essay. This helps organize your thoughts, ensures logical flow, and prevents going off on tangents.

Before writing an essay outline , brainstorm all your ideas about the topic. This helps visualize the bigger picture and identify potential arguments. A strong outline should have a clear introduction, body paragraphs with topic sentences, and a conclusion.

Use headings as guides to break down complex topics into smaller sections for better organization.

Section Description Content
Introduction Grab the reader's attention and introduce the topic. * Briefly introduce the essay topic.
* State the essay question or prompt being addressed.
* Briefly preview the main points that will be covered in the essay body.
Body Paragraphs Develop and support your main arguments. * Each paragraph should focus on a single main point that relates back to the thesis statement.
* Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states the main point.
* Use evidence from credible sources (data, statistics, case studies) to support your claims.
* Explain how the evidence connects to your main point and strengthens your argument.
* Consider including counterarguments and explain why your argument holds more weight.
* Use transition words and phrases to connect paragraphs and ideas smoothly.
Conclusion Summarize your main points and leave a lasting impression. * Briefly restate your thesis statement.
* Summarize the key arguments you presented in the body paragraphs.
* End with a concluding statement that leaves a lasting impression. This could be a thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or a final implication related to the topic.
* Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion.

Research and Evidence

Business essay writing benefits from credible sources. Gather data, statistics, or examples from academic journals, business publications, or reputable websites to support your arguments.

Don't rely solely on textbooks. Utilize academic journals, business publications, industry reports, and reputable news websites to find data, statistics, and case studies.  

Always check the author's credentials, publication date, and website reputation before citing sources to avoid plagiarism . Don't just dump facts into your essay. Explain how the evidence supports your arguments and connects back to your thesis.

Drafting Time

Now, flesh out your outline! Write a clear and concise first draft, focusing on getting your ideas down first. You can always refine the language later.

Don't feel pressured to begin with the introduction. If a specific body paragraph comes to mind first, write that down!  Aim for clear, professional language that effectively communicates your ideas.

Avoid overly complex sentences or jargon. The first draft is for getting your thoughts down. You can refine the language and sentence structure later.

Sharpen Your Arguments

Edit and revise your essay. Strengthen your arguments with evidence and ensure logical flow between ideas. Transition words and phrases can improve readability.

Ensure each claim you make is supported by credible sources. Read your essay critically to ensure a smooth transition between ideas. Use transition words and phrases to connect paragraphs and arguments.

Briefly acknowledge opposing viewpoints and explain why your argument holds more weight.

Proofread Like a Pro

Once you learn how to write a business essay, meticulously proofread your essay for grammatical errors, typos, and formatting inconsistencies.

Double-check for typos, subject-verb agreement, and correct punctuation . Re-read sentences to ensure they are clear and can't be misinterpreted. Look for opportunities to tighten your language.

Ensure all in-text citations and references follow the required style guide (APA, MLA, Chicago).

Conclusion Counts

Write a concluding paragraph summarizing your main points and reiterating your thesis statement. You can also leave the reader with a final thought or implication.

Briefly remind the reader of your main arguments and the significance of your thesis. End with a thought-provoking statement, a call to action, or a final implication related to your topic. The conclusion should summarize, not introduce new ideas.

Formatting Finesse

Ensure your essay adheres to the required formatting style, be it APA, MLA, or Chicago. Double-check margins, font size, and citation format.

Make sure your essay adheres to the required style guide in terms of margins, font size, spacing, and title page format. Headings can improve readability. Use them strategically to break up long chunks of text.

Maintain a professional appearance using a professional font and consistent formatting throughout the essay.

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how to start a business studies essay

Writing business essays equips students with valuable skills for the professional world. Students refine their critical thinking, persuasion, and analytical abilities by shaping arguments, organizing data, communicating clearly in a formal setting, and submitting a business letter essay .

These sharpened skills not only boost their confidence for future business courses and careers but also make them more attractive candidates in a job market that highly values effective communication.

How Do You Start a Business Essay?

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Home » Others » Business Communication » Top 5 Tips for Writing a Successful Business Essay

Top 5 Tips for Writing a Successful Business Essay

Essay Writing can be a daunting task for many, but it doesn’t have to be! Writing a successful Business Essay can be made much easier with the right set of tips and tricks.

In this post, we’ll be discussing the top 5 tips for writing an effective and well-crafted Business Essay.

Whether you’re just starting in the world of business or have been in the industry for years, these tips will help you write an essay that stands out among the rest.

See Also: How to Write a Business Report

So, get ready, as we dive into the top 5 tips for writing a successful Business Essay.

Table of Contents

What is Essay Writing?

Essay writing is the process of creating an essay that addresses a specific topic or idea. An essay typically has three components:

  • Introduction

The introduction provides an overview of the essay topic and is often followed by a thesis statement, which is the main argument of the essay.

The body of the essay expands on the thesis statement, providing evidence and supporting points.

The conclusion wraps up the essay, summarizing the main points and reinforcing the thesis statement.

Essay writing is important in many academic settings, particularly when it comes to Business Essays.

Understanding what is essay writing, how to write a business essay, and how to create a successful business essay can help you achieve better results in your educational pursuits.

Tips for Writing a Successful Business Essay

Writing a business essay can seem like a daunting task. While there are no hard-and-fast rules when it comes to essay writing.

There are some best practices and tips that can help you write an effective and persuasive essay. Here are five top tips for writing a successful business essay.

Brainstorm Your Topic

When it comes to writing a business essay, one of the most important steps is to brainstorm your topic.

This is because you need to ensure that your essay is relevant to the prompt and that it answers the question that was posed in the assignment.

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When brainstorming, think of the most important points you want to make and write them down. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What is the goal of my essay?
  • What information do I need to include?
  • What angle can I take on this topic?

Make sure that you research all available resources to come up with an informed opinion and create an argument for your paper.

Once you have narrowed down your topic, you can begin outlining your essay.

Do Your Research

Before you start writing your business essay, it’s important to do your research. This means gathering information on the topic and familiarizing yourself with the content that is already out there.

Start by researching the fundamentals of essay writing, such as what is Essay Writing and How to Write a Business Essay.

Learning the basics will help you develop your essay’s structure and organization.

Next, dive deeper into the topic of your essay and look for relevant information and data that can be used in your paper.

A few places you can look for credible sources are scholarly journals, business magazines, and industry reports.

Additionally, take the time to understand your target audience and what their expectations are for an essay about this particular topic.

Finally, make sure you are up-to-date on any recent developments or changes related to the subject of your essay.

The best way to do this is to subscribe to newsletters and stay tuned in to news sources related to the topic.

Having a thorough understanding of the subject matter can help you create a better-informed argument and make more informed decisions when writing your essay.

Outline Your Essay

When writing a business essay, it is essential to structure your thoughts and ideas in an organized way.

An outline will help you keep your essay on track and make sure you include all the relevant points that you want to discuss.

A business essay should be divided into several sections, each of which discusses one point in detail.

To create an effective outline for your essay, start by brainstorming ideas related to your topic. Make a list of these points and then group them into categories.

See Also: Parts of a Short & Long Business Reports

Once you have your main topics, make a note of the main points within each one that you wish to cover in your essay.

Next, arrange your ideas in a logical sequence. Consider which order will make the most sense for the flow of your essay and which points need to be discussed first before the others.

This will help you create a clear argument with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion.

Finally, use this outline as the basis for your essay. When writing, refer back to this document to make sure you don’t leave any important points out and that you include all relevant evidence to back up your argument.

This outline will also ensure that you stay on track throughout the writing process and avoid any unnecessary digressions or tangents.

By following these steps and outlining your essay beforehand, you can ensure that your essay is well-structured and conveys your message.

Creating an effective outline for your business essay can help you write a successful essay that meets the criteria of the assignment.

Write Your Essay

Once you have done your research, outlined your essay, and brainstormed your topic, it’s time to write your essay.

When writing your business essay, remember to focus on the purpose of the essay and the audience that you are writing for.

Start by introducing your topic and giving a brief overview of the main points you will be making in the essay.

This should help the reader to understand the main idea that you are trying to convey.

Be sure to include enough information for the reader to gain an understanding of the topic and to be able to form their own opinion about it.

When it comes to the body of your essay, begin each paragraph with a clear and concise statement of your argument.

Be sure to back up each argument with evidence from reliable sources and facts.

Make sure to stay focused on one point per paragraph and provide adequate evidence to support your claims.

Finally, conclude your essay by summarizing the key points you have made in the essay and offer any potential solutions or conclusions that you have drawn from your research.

You may also want to suggest areas for further research and offer any recommendations.

By following these steps, you can ensure that you are writing a successful business essay. Just remember to be clear, concise, and organized when writing your essay.

Also, make sure that you are using reliable sources and facts to support your arguments. By doing this, you can ensure that your essay is both well-researched and well-written.

Edit and Proofread Your Essay

After all the hard work of researching, outlining, and writing your business essay, it’s time to perfect it by editing and proofreading it.

Editing your essay means checking for errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation, as well as ensuring that your essay is logically organized and flows well.

See Also: What are the Qualities of a Good Business Report

Make sure you read your essay several times to ensure there are no typos or other mistakes.

Proofreading your essay comes after editing and requires you to look out for smaller mistakes such as typos and misspelled words.

To make sure you don’t overlook anything, read your essay out loud or have someone else read it for you. Don’t forget to check for proper formatting, too!

By taking the time to edit and proofread your business essay, you can ensure that it’s free from any mistakes and is as professional and polished as possible.

When you are happy with the result, you can be confident that you have crafted a successful essay that will impress readers.

So don’t skimp on the editing and proofreading process – it can make all the difference when it comes to achieving the best results.

Writing a business essay can be daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. By following these simple steps and putting in the necessary effort, you can easily master the craft of essay writing and write an effective and engaging business essay.

When done properly, a well-written business essay can be a powerful tool to share your ideas and communicate your message.

So, take the time to research, plan and write your essay with care, and you will surely be rewarded for your efforts.

Zahid Khan

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by Laura Jones

Updated on January 5, 2024

7 tips for writing business essays

how to start a business studies essay

If you’re looking for business essay writing tips, we’ve got you covered. Creating an interesting, well-structured, and readable business essay isn’t easy, but there are a few simple steps to follow to take the stress out of it and make sure you get it right every time. Read on to learn what to write in a business essay introduction and conclusion and how to structure a body paragraph perfectly. Here are our tips on how to write an English business essay. 

  • Analyze the topic and make a plan
  • Use formal language
  • Write the introduction
  • Write the body paragraphs
  • Put in some research
  • Write the conclusion
  • Proofread and edit to create your final draft

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1. analyze the topic and make a plan.

The first thing to do when you’re writing a business essay is to analyze the topic and the essay question closely. If there’s a word in the question like ‘explain’ or ‘compare’ this will affect how you write your answer. Decide what your position is; do you need to agree or disagree with something, or come up with a solution? When you’re clear about what the question is asking and how you want to answer it, do some reading on the topic,find some sources that you want to use in your essay, and make an outline with the headings and paragraphs that you want to cover

2. Use formal language

Writing any type of essay requires you to use formal language , but this is even more true of a business essay. Get into the business essay mindset and avoid using contractions, slang, and other colloquial language in your writing. 

Bad: It’s going to be bomb.

Good: It is going to be excellent.

3. Write the introduction 

Wondering how to start a business essay? Like any other essay, you start with an introduction. A business essay format isn’t very different from any other type of essay. In your introduction, you should explain why the question (and therefore your essay) is important. This will hook your reader and make them interested in what you’re going to say next. Set out the order in which you’ll address the points in your body paragraphs – this is usually called a signpost introduction. And, very importantly, keep it short. 

4. Write the body paragraphs

Your body paragraphs should take up between 60 and 80% of your business essay. Most essays should have at least three paragraphs, and you should focus on one point per paragraph. Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence that tells the reader what the paragraph is about, and then have a supporting sentence to develop your point. After this, you can provide some evidence to support your argument. 

You should also use transition words , like ‘however’ and ‘although’ in your paragraphs to help link ideas together. Using transition words at the start of paragraphs is also a good idea and helps the reader follow your argument. For example, you might start one paragraph with ‘On the one hand,…’ and the next with ‘On the other hand,…’. 

5. Put in some research

We just mentioned that you should put some supporting evidence into your paragraphs in a business essay. This is the time to use the sources that you found before you started writing. You might have a quotation to add, some statistics, a graph, or a summary of an expert’s point of view. Whatever you do, make sure you cite the source correctly. 

When you’ve put your research in, interpret the evidence so it supports your idea. Throwing a graph into an essay is meaningless if you don’t have a sentence saying, ‘As the graph shows, public parks are increasingly…’

6. Write the conclusion

Finally, you reach the conclusion. Use your conclusion to briefly summarize your answer, and make sure you don’t introduce any new points or arguments. You might want to mirror the introduction in your conclusion. This doesn’t mean rewriting the introduction or using the same words. 

Introduction: This essay will discuss the benefits to public health of having green spaces in towns. 

Conclusion: In summary, outdoor spaces in cities can contribute positively to public well-being. 

You might also want to include ideas for further research or a call to action in your conclusion, like in the following example: 

Local councils should allocate a greater part of their budget to improving and expanding public parks.

7. Proofread and edit to create your final draft

The first draft of your essay is for your eyes only. Once you’ve finished writing, step away for at least a few hours and then go back and read it through again. Check that your argument is clear in the essay and that you’ve answered the question. Ensure that it makes sense not only to you but to anyone who might read it. An online tool like Grammarly can help pick up spelling and punctuation errors, but it’s not a replacement for careful proofreading. 

Are you ready to write your business essay?

Starting with a thorough understanding of the question, formulating your answer, and finding unbiased research to back up your argument are your first steps. Follow the format of a business essay – introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion – and then edit ruthlessly to create your perfect business essay. 

Laura Jones

Laura is a freelance writer and was an ESL teacher for eight years. She was born in the UK and has lived in Australia and Poland, where she writes blogs for Lingoda about everything from grammar to dating English speakers. She’s definitely better at the first one. She loves travelling and that’s the other major topic that she writes on. Laura likes pilates and cycling, but when she’s feeling lazy she can be found curled up watching Netflix. She’s currently learning Polish, and her battle with that mystifying language has given her huge empathy for anyone struggling to learn English. Find out more about her work in her portfolio .


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how to start a business studies essay

How to Write a Business Essay


Table of Contents

What is a Business Essay?

A business essay is a written analysis or interpretation of a particular business-related question or problem. Its main purpose is to present a compelling argument, supported by evidence, to persuade or inform its readers about a specific aspect of business, whether it be management, marketing, finance, ethics, or any other business-related topic.

Overview of Different Types of Business Essays:

  • Analytical Essays : These essays dissect a business scenario or problem, analyze the components, and present the findings in a structured manner.
  • Persuasive Essays : Aimed at convincing the reader about a particular point of view or business strategy. These require strong arguments and supporting evidence.
  • Case Studies : These essays involve a detailed examination of a particular company or event. The writer explores the subject’s background, present conditions, and potential future implications.
  • Comparative Essays : These contrast two or more items, such as different leadership styles, market strategies, or economic theories, to understand their distinctions and implications.
  • Problem-Solution Essays : Identify a problem within a business context and propose a feasible solution, backing it up with factual evidence and analysis.

Understanding the Assignment:

Tips for comprehending essay prompts and instructions:.

  • Read Carefully : Take time to read through the essay prompt several times to understand precisely what is being asked.
  • Highlight Keywords : Identify action words such as “analyze”, “compare”, “critique”, or “discuss” to grasp the type of response required.
  • Clarify Doubts : If anything is unclear, do not hesitate to seek clarification from the instructor or peers.

Importance of Identifying the Essay’s Objectives and Audience:

  • Objectives : Understanding the purpose of your essay is crucial. Is it to inform, persuade, or analyze a business concept or strategy? Knowing this guides your research and writing process.
  • Audience : Knowing who will read your essay (e.g., academics, business professionals, peers) helps tailor the language, complexity, and tone of the content to suit their level of understanding and interest.

Research and Analysis:

How to conduct thorough research using credible sources:.

  • Library and Online Databases : Utilize academic libraries and online databases for reputable sources such as journals, books, and authoritative articles.
  • Government and Industry Reports : These can provide reliable statistics and insights.
  • Case Studies and Company Records : Great for specific insights and real-world evidence.

Methods for Analyzing Information Relevant to the Essay Topic:

  • Create an Outline : This helps organize thoughts and data logically.
  • SWOT Analysis : Evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats related to the essay topic.
  • Comparative Analysis : If applicable, compare different theories, case studies, or data sets to draw informed conclusions.
  • Critical Thinking : Challenge assumptions and explore alternative viewpoints. This deepens the analysis and strengthens arguments.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into how to structure your essay effectively, develop a robust argument, and polish your work through careful editing and proofreading.

Planning and Outline:

Creating a robust business essay outline:.

A well-structured outline serves as the backbone of your essay. It can be detailed or brief, but it should clearly map out the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

  • Thematic Organization : Group your research findings into themes or categories that will become the basis for your paragraphs or sections.
  • Sequential Flow : Ensure that there is a logical progression of ideas from one paragraph to the next.
  • Balance : Allocate a proportional amount of content for each section according to its importance in supporting your thesis.

Strategies for Organizing Thoughts and Research Findings:

  • Mind Mapping : Use this to visually organize your thoughts around the central topic.
  • Bullet Lists : Make simple bullet lists to arrange facts and arguments in order of impact or relevance.
  • Post-it Notes : These can be rearranged easily to help you decide on the best structure for your essay.

Writing the Business Essay Introduction:

Crafting a compelling opening statement:.

  • Hook : Begin with a strong hook that captures the reader’s attention, such as a striking statistic, a rhetorical question, or a relevant anecdote.
  • Relevance : Briefly relate the opening to the wider business context to show the significance of your essay topic.

Establishing Context and Stating the Thesis:

  • Background Information : Provide a concise overview of the topic’s background necessary for understanding the ensuing discussion.
  • Thesis Statement : Clearly articulate your thesis, presenting your central argument or stance, which the rest of your essay will support.

Body Paragraphs:

Structuring arguments logically:.

  • Topic Sentences : Start each paragraph with a topic sentence that presents the main idea of the paragraph.
  • Coherence : Make sure that each sentence flows logically from one to the next, maintaining coherence within and between paragraphs.

Use of Evidence and Examples to Support Points:

  • Credible Evidence : Support your arguments with data and evidence from credible sources.
  • Real-World Examples : Incorporate examples from actual business practices to illustrate your points more vividly.
  • Explanation : Don’t just present evidence, but also explain how it supports your argument or relates to your thesis.

Concluding the Business Essay:

Techniques for summarizing the main points effectively:.

  • Restate the Thesis : Reinforce the thesis statement, putting it in the context of the provided evidence and arguments.
  • Summarize Key Arguments : Recap the key points made in the body, highlighting how they collectively support your thesis.

Discussing Implications, Recommendations, or a Call to Action:

  • Implications : Discuss the broader implications of your findings or argument for the business world or a specific sector.
  • Recommendations : If appropriate, offer well-grounded recommendations for action or further investigation.
  • Final Thought : Leave the reader with a provocative final thought or question to underscore the essay’s significance and encourage further reflection.

The conclusion of your essay is not merely an endpoint but a decisive component that ties together your analysis, reinforcing the significance of your argument and its implications in the business field.

Referencing and Citation:

Guide to proper referencing styles commonly used in business essays:.

  • APA (American Psychological Association) : Often used for business, psychology, and social sciences, it focuses on the author-date method of in-text citation.
  • Harvard : A common author-date reference style where the citations are parenthetical, with a reference list at the end.
  • Chicago : Known for its footnote or endnote style, but also has an author-date system; prevalent in history and some business publications.
  • MLA (Modern Language Association) : Utilizes parenthetical citation; less common in strict business fields but sometimes used in business humanities.

To correctly format citations and references, refer to the specific style guide or use citation tools like Zotero, EndNote, or Mendeley.

Importance of Avoiding Plagiarism:

  • Ethical Writing : Presenting others’ words or ideas as your own is unethical and can lead to severe academic and professional consequences.
  • Originality : Original work is valued and demonstrates your own understanding and analysis of the topic.
  • Credibility : Proper citation builds credibility and allows readers to verify sources, fostering trust in your analysis.

Editing and Proofreading the Business Essay:

Best practices for revising the essay:.

  • Multiple Rounds : Go through several rounds of editing, focusing on different aspects each time—structure, argument flow, evidence, and then language.
  • Peer Review : If possible, have a peer review your essay for fresh perspectives on content and clarity.
  • Distanced Review : After writing, take a break before editing to review your work with fresh eyes.

Grammar, Punctuation, and Style Considerations:

  • Consistency : Ensure consistent use of tense, voice, and person throughout your essay.
  • Clarity and Brevity : Use clear and concise language; avoid jargon unless your audience is familiar with it.
  • Punctuation and Grammar : Use tools like Grammarly or Hemingway Editor to catch common mistakes, or consult grammar guides for complex issues.

Business Essay Writing Tips:

  • Understand the Business Lingo : Familiarize yourself with business terminology to make your essay more authoritative.
  • Active Voice : Prefer active voice over passive for clarity and dynamism.
  • Real-Life Application : Always consider how theoretical concepts apply in real-world business scenarios for more impactful writing.
  • Critical Analysis : Go beyond describing concepts; analyze and critique them to add depth to your essay.
  • Stay Updated : Use current examples and case studies, as the business world is continually evolving.

Additional Resources:

  • Books : “The Elements of Style” by Strunk and White for style, “On Writing Well” by William Zinsser for nonfiction writing.
  • Online Guides : Purdue OWL for comprehensive writing resources, Harvard Business Review for real-world business insights.
  • Tools : Google Scholar for research, Grammarly for grammar checks, Turnitin for plagiarism detection.
  • Databases : Business Source Complete, JSTOR, and SSRN for scholarly articles and publications.

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How to Write a Business Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

By: Tasha Kolesnikova

Reviewed: Angelina Grin

How to Write a Business Essay: Step-by-Step Guide

Business is one of the most popular fields of study in high school and college. Given how broad a subject it is and the fact it can be widely applied to a variety of different careers, that comes as no surprise.

What Is a Business Essay?

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One of the biggest academic challenges a student in this area must face is writing business essays. These papers provide learners with the opportunity to apply themselves and come up with a great piece of writing. In this article, we’ll explain how to write an essay about business, from the opening lines of your introduction to your bibliography. If you can't find the strength to write the paper yourself, contact our business essay writing service .

A business essay is a paper on some aspect of business, whether it’s about a broad concept or a report on a specific company. Such pieces can range between analyses of just a few paragraphs and full-length dissertations for university. Business essay writing encourages the writer to closely examine the nature of the field and to analyze it from their unique point of view using business terms.

As is the case with any scholarly piece of writing, business research papers require the author to put in a great deal of research and planning. The rest of this article will describe how to write business essays in greater detail.

How to Write an Introduction for a Business Essay

To write a good business essay introduction, there are a few key steps you must follow. In this section, we’ll walk you through each of those steps before providing you with an example of a well-written business essay introduction.

If you are unsure how to write a business essay introduction, follow these steps:

  • Research your chosen topic thoroughly. Before you begin writing a business essay, you should make sure that you’ve thoroughly researched your chosen topic. During this stage, you should consult a variety of different sources to make sure you have a well-rounded view.
  • Draft an outline of your paper. Plan out what the rest of your paper will look like. What is the main argument of your essay? How will you structure your argument? What will each body paragraph cover? Questions like this will help you draft a solid outline.
  • Come up with a thesis statement. Once you’ve solidified your main argument, distill it into a thesis statement . This should be a single sentence that summarizes the point you’re trying to make and gives readers a sample of what to expect. Be sure to include your thesis statement in your introductory paragraph.
  • Write your first draft. Finally, it’s time to start writing. Don’t expect your first draft to be perfect — that’s what editing is for. Make sure to frequently reference your outline to ensure you’re staying on topic.
  • Redraft your introduction. Once the first draft of your paper is complete, take another look at your business essay introduction. In all likelihood, it may need to be fleshed out a bit more and may even require some revisions.

In 2020, the whole world saw the rise of the COVID-19 pandemic; now, almost three years later, we still feel its impact. During this time, the business sector has undergone dramatic change, with companies across all industries evolving and changing to survive. While this disease has certainly caused untold damage to countless firms across the globe, it has also forced innovation and transformation. This essay will explore how the coronavirus pandemic has shaped the commercial landscape — more specifically, through creating the need for process automation.

How to Write a Good Business Essay

When it comes to writing a business essay, there are a few steps you can follow to ensure you produce an outstanding piece of work. In this section, we’ll explain the approach you should take for writing two different kinds of essays: discussion-type essays and case studies .

Whether you want to know how to write an essay on your business or how to write a report for class, following the advice in this section will be of great benefit to you.

In a discussion-type paper, you will be given the task of discussing two points of view on a given topic. It is your job to carefully analyze both and present your own opinion on the subject at hand. In your introduction, you should introduce the topic and the contrasting opinions you will be comparing, and you should also summarize your view.

As the name suggests, a case study is all about providing an in-depth examination of a particular case. In the context of business studies, this involves writing up a detailed report on a company. You may choose to write on anything from a product or service they offer to their management style.

This section of your paper should give a detailed history of your chosen subject. When writing a discussion paper , you will be expected to detail the background of your topic question. You will also have to explain the history of the two viewpoints you are comparing — how they arose, how they were popularized, and so on.

When writing a case study, your background section should simply focus on the history of the company you are writing about, including information on its finances. If you are writing about a particular product or service the company offers, you should include a section on it.

Your body paragraphs should form the bulk of your paper. In a discussion essay, you should use this section to elaborate upon the contrasting viewpoints you are comparing, making sure that you back up your points with concrete evidence. Ensure that you also include an explanation of your thoughts and ideas on the subject matter, founded on logical reasoning.

In a study of a case, you will use this section to provide the reader with further information about your chosen company. Be as detailed and accurate as possible, again being sure you back up your claims with references to credible sources.

The conclusion of your paper is where you bring everything together. In a discursive essay, you should summarize the main points from either side of your argument. You should also give a definitive answer about where you stand on the topic.

In a study of a case, you will use your conclusion to summarize the content of your report. If you have been asked to provide an analysis of your case, you should also use this section to briefly sum up your critical opinion of the company.

Finally, your bibliography is a record of all the sources you used when writing your piece. This includes not only sources you cited but also any texts you may not have directly referenced but are still relevant to your research.

When talking about how to write an essay for business class, it’s important to think about the format of your paper as well. In academia, format refers to the style guide you should follow when writing your papers. This affects everything from line spacing and margin size to citations and whether you use numerals or letters when writing out numbers.

The format used for business essay is APA (American Psychological Association) style. If you are unsure of what this entails, then we recommend checking the style manual for yourself and searching for business essay format example.

As students well know, the work doesn’t stop after you’ve finished writing your essay. Next up, it’s time to proofread and edit your piece.

Here are a few tips to help you in this process:

  • Give yourself plenty of time. Don’t fall into the trap of leaving proofreading and editing for the hours before submission. Rather, allow yourself as much time as possible to ensure that you do a thorough job.
  • Don’t start editing immediately after you finish writing your piece. When you’ve been working on a paper for a while, you can sometimes miss glaring spelling mistakes and punctuation errors. Give yourself a break and approach your work with a fresh pair of eyes.
  • If possible, get someone else to read it for you. A friend might be able to provide you with a more objective opinion and may also be able to catch mistakes that you missed, even if they’re not acquainted with academic language.

The number of paragraphs your piece should have depends on the type of paper it is and the context in which you are writing it. For example, a high school analysis will be significantly shorter than a university research paper.

Before beginning to write it, make sure you have researched your chosen topic in detail and know what arguments you will be presenting in your paper. Be sure that somewhere within your introduction you include a thesis statement declaring this argument.

When writing a conclusion for your paper, reiterate your central argument and summarize your main points. Also, be sure to include a brief explanation of why your findings matter.

The most important part of any business plan is the executive summary. This should provide the reader with an outline of the rest of your report—your market analysis, marketing strategies, financial predictions, and so on — so that they know what to expect.

The preferred business essay writing format is APA (American Psychological Association) style , most commonly associated with education and the social sciences. That being said, your college may have different formal requirements, so check with your department before you start writing.

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Despite my relatively young age, I am a professional writer with more than 14 years of experience. I studied journalism at the university, worked for media and digital agencies, and organized several events for ed-tech companies. Yet for the last 6 years, I've worked mainly in marketing. Here, at Studybay, my objective is to make sure all our texts are clear, informative, and engaging.

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Basham Polope

When it comes to business articles, I tend to have a counterargument. However I really enjoyed the presentation and conclusion of this write-up. Informative, concise and a truly pleasant read.

I enjoyed reading this piece. Now I know it’s necessary to get someone to edit grammatical errors and maybe include certain business terms in my work.

This is such a detailed analysis of business essays! As a business major, I know for the essays, research and proofreading are important. However, I never considered an outline plan. It makes things so much easier.

Never knew that my normal business essay assignments needed an outline and keywords. Who would have thought. Lol. I guess I’ve been doing it all wrong. Thanks for making this simple, the tone and language use are right up my alley.

I’ve been an avid reader of the authors of this blog. One thing I’m extra sure of is that the articles are always so well structured and extremely relevant for the academic community. From the headings to the words, everything was helpful and I feel like I’ve been well enlightened.

I am currently carrying out a study and dissertation on different types of businesses and their modus operandi. I got stuck at the discussion part, so I took a small break. I’ve gotten enough info and I’ll be sure to include this in my references 😁.

I just got into college and in our first class we were given a business essay due for the next class. I asked my roommate how do I even write a business essay. She sent this link and now I have an idea of what to put in each paragraph and structure the body. Thanks!

It’s a nice piece you’ve got here. I like how it has been able to explain how to present arguments, structure the main body, discuss findings and include resources where relevant. I’m not even a business student and I feel like I know everything that is necessary to write one. The concluding part was straight to the point.

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How to Write a Business Essay Step-by-Step

how to write a business essay

Ever felt stuck trying to explain your next big start a business essay idea? We've all been there. But stop the essay panic – this guide will turn you from a confused entrepreneur to a writing whiz. We'll break down everything you need to know about business essay writing, so get ready to write essays that win like a real brass.

What Is a Business Essay?

A business essay is a formal analysis of a topic within the world of commerce. It explores concepts like marketing, finance, or management, using research and examples to support an argument or explain a complex idea. Equipped with expert business essay writing service , such an assignment won’t be a problem for you.

business essay

How to Write Business Essay Introduction?

A strong introduction is crucial for grabbing your reader's attention and setting the stage for your business essay. It should provide context, introduce the key topic, and clearly state your thesis. Here's a table outlining the key elements of a business essay introduction:

Element Description
Grab the reader's attention with a relevant statistic, interesting anecdote, or thought-provoking question.
Briefly explain the context of your topic and its importance in the business world.
Clearly state your central argument or claim about the topic. This is the roadmap for your essay.
Briefly outline the main points you'll discuss in the body paragraphs to guide the reader.

How to Write a Business Essay in 9 Simple Steps

A business essay can feel like having a complex negotiation. With a strategic approach, you can produce a persuasive and insightful essay that impresses your instructor. Here's a breakdown of the process in nine easy-to-follow steps:

Deciphering the Assignment

Before putting pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard), take time to truly understand the essay prompt. Identify the specific business issue or topic you need to address. Is it an analysis, an evaluation, or an argument? Understanding the professor's expectations will guide your research and writing.

Building Your Evidence Arsenal

Solid business essays are backed by credible sources. Don't just rely on opinions – delve into academic journals, reputable business publications, and industry reports to gather evidence that supports your arguments. Think quality over quantity – a few well-chosen sources are more impactful than a plethora of unreliable ones.

Recommended for reading: Business dissertation topics , how to cite sources .

Forging Your Thesis Statement

The thesis statement is the cornerstone of your essay. It's a concise sentence that summarizes your central argument or position on the business topic. This roadmap will guide your entire essay, so ensure it's clear, specific, and debatable. For example, instead of a generic statement like "Social media marketing is important," a stronger thesis could be: "Despite its widespread use, social media marketing requires a strategic approach to be truly effective for small businesses."

Constructing Your Essay's Blueprint

A solid outline is the cornerstone of business essay writing. It helps organize your thoughts and ensures your arguments flow logically. Identify the main points you want to make in each body paragraph and how they connect to your thesis. A well-structured outline will streamline your writing process and save you time in the long run. In case you need help with b-school coursework, request our economics essay writing service .

Business Esssay Outline

Section Description Key Elements
Captures reader's attention and introduces the topic. * Attention-grabbing hook (statistic, quote, question)
* Background information on the business issue
* Thesis statement outlining your central argument *
Develops your arguments and supports the thesis. * Topic sentence introducing the main point
* Evidence (quotes, statistics, examples) supporting the main point
* Analysis explaining the significance of the evidence
* Connection back to the thesis *
Summarizes key points and leaves a lasting impression. * Restatement of the thesis in a new way
* Summary of main arguments
* Concluding thought or takeaway for the reader *
Provides proper credit for all sources used. * Formatted according to chosen citation style (APA, MLA, etc.)
* Complete information for all sources used in the essay (author, title, publication date, etc.) *

Crafting a Captivating Introduction

First impressions matter! Hook your reader with a compelling introduction that grabs their attention. Briefly introduce the topic, provide relevant background information, and then unveil your thesis statement. Consider using an interesting statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a relevant anecdote to set the stage for your essay. If this isn’t your strongest suit, you can simple ask, ‘ write my paper for me online .’ Expert writers will take care of the assignment.

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If you need help with this challenging paper, our experts are online 24/7.

Developing Persuasive Body Paragraphs

Think of each body paragraph as a mini-argument supporting your thesis. Each paragraph should focus on a single main point and use evidence and business essay examples to back it up. Integrate quotes, statistics, or case studies from your research to strengthen your claims. Ensure smooth transitions between paragraphs to maintain a clear flow of ideas.

Writing a Convincing Conclusion

Don't just abruptly end your essay! The conclusion should summarize the key takeaways from your discussion, reiterate your thesis in a fresh way, and leave the reader with a final thought or impactful statement. Think of it as the last impression you make on your reader – make it count!

Polishing Your Work: Proofreading and Editing

After you learn how to write a business essay, this next step is also crucial. Carefully revise your essay for grammar errors, typos, and clarity. Ensure your writing style is consistent and professional. Read your essay aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or inconsistencies. Don't underestimate the power of a well-proofread essay!

Recommended for reading: Reflective essay ideas .

Citing Your Sources with Accuracy

Plagiarism is a serious offense. Use a proper business essay format (APA, MLA, etc.) to credit your sources and avoid plagiarism. Make sure all in-text citations and your reference list are formatted correctly. This demonstrates your professionalism and respect for the work of others.

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how to start a business studies essay

Final Considerations

Writing business essays in college equips you with a powerful toolkit for success. You'll gain the ability to research complex business issues, analyze data and evidence, and deliver persuasive arguments – all essential skills for the professional world. This process also hones your writing and communication skills, making you a more confident and clear communicator, no matter your chosen career path. And if you use our paper writing service , you will definitely succeed.

How to Start a Business Essay?

Begin by thoroughly understanding the prompt. Identify the specific business issue and what the professor expects (analysis, evaluation, business essay example etc.) Then, brainstorm a clear thesis statement that summarizes your central argument.

What is the Length of a Business Essay?

Length can vary depending on the professor's instructions, but typically falls within the 5-10 page range for college courses.

What Does a Business Essay Look Like?

Think of a well-structured pyramid. The introduction grabs attention and presents your thesis. Body paragraphs, each with a main point, use evidence like quotes and statistics to support your arguments. Finally, the conclusion summarizes key points and leaves a lasting impression.

  • How to Write a Professional Essay for a Business. (2023, January 10). Small Business -
  • ‍ Top 5 Tips for Writing a Business Essay for Business Class | The Enterprise World. (2023, March 9). The Enterprise World.

Article Review

How to write Business Studies Essays

how to start a business studies essay

A business studies essay is worth 40 marks in your exam. It is a compulsory section for you to answer. Knowing how to structure your essay and understanding what is expected of you is crucial to gaining maximum marks.

how to start a business studies essay

In this guide:

Your essay needs to have an introduction, body and conclusion. You are also awarded marks for LASO.


The following elements need to be included in your introduction to gain marks.

You need to start with the word ‘introduction’ as a heading.

Your opening statements must be linked to the bulleted questions. It is always a good idea to use your introduction to write definitions of points you will be speaking about in your essay.

Give two meaningful facts to get maximum marks: (2 × 1) = (2).

Do not use any words/statements within the preamble. You will not get marks for repeating.

Body of your essay

The body comes directly after your introduction

Don’t write the word ‘body’ as a heading. Instead, use the information in the questions below the scenario as headings within the body.

Break up the information into logical parts, making use of headings and subheadings.

The maximum mark obtained for the body is 32 marks.

Don’t repeat facts, get to the point.

Write your responses in full sentences that are bulleted.

Wrap up your essay with a conclusion:

Write the word ‘conclusion’ as a heading.

End your essay with one meaningful fact and make sure not to repeat what was said within the introduction/body: (1 × 2) = (2).

how to start a business studies essay

LASO is the marking criteria that teachers use to award you marks for structure and originality. LASO is worth 8 marks and the following aspects are awarded:

L (Layout): write the words 'introduction' and 'conclusion' (2 marks).

A (Analysis): write sub-headings that appear within the question paper (1 mark) and ensure that you write at least 16 marks within the body (1 mark).

S (Synthesis): ensure that you only provide relevant content as answers (2 marks).

O (Originality): provide at least two current examples linked to the business world to support the facts in your body (2 marks).

how to start a business studies essay

Tips to help you write a good essay

You should make use of the 10 minutes of reading time and decide which essay you will write. Once you have made your decision stick with it, don't waste time when the clock is ticking to change your choice. The more time you have the more you can write, leading to potentially getting more marks.

You need to pre-learn your examples. Each example needs to be recent, relevant and real (newsworthy examples), therefore, for each topic you need to learn 2 examples as this is not something you can make up in the exam.

Layout is important. You want to make it as easy as possible for your marker to find your answers.

  • Each sentence should be bullet-pointed.
  • Add subheadings to your headings.
  • Leave a line open between each heading.

There is no mark breakdown for each question in the essay but the two middle bullet points will count the most marks - usually around 14/16 marks.

There is no word limit so write as much as possible. Even if you get a whole section wrong you still have the potential to get full marks for your facts. An essay has almost 50 marks available of which the marker is looking for 32 marks.

Practice, practice, practice - the more you practice how to write an essay the easier it will be in an exam. Go through past papers.

how to start a business studies essay

Have any other essay tips, share them on our community page!

how to start a business studies essay

Currently a teacher at Parklands College, Candrine is also an NSC marker for Business Studies and is completing a Master in Education from the University of Cape Town. Her mantra is: "Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can."

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How To Write An Excellent Business Studies Essay

At university level, despite a common seam which unites essay structure, every subject has its own specific requirements that students must meet. Business studies is no different, presenting its own distinct challenges for students trying to write a killer essay. In this post we’ll take a look at a few of the components you should include to bag a top mark.

Make relevant and supported arguments

The good news for all you business studies undergraduates out there is the formulaic approach you can take to your essays, which gives you a very precise framework to follow. Whether it’s marketing, HR, economics or management you’re trying to tackle, your most important consideration should always be the presentation of relevant content you can support with strong references and examples . So, for every point you make, back it up with a theoretical reference or direct quotation from a text book, journal, case study or other academically accepted source.

Reference cases studies

If you’re writing a business studies essay at undergraduate level then you’ll already know just how important case studies are to the construction of your essay. A case study is simply a real world example of a piece of theory or a model put into practice. As the essay writer, there’s no better way of strengthening your argument than referencing a real world example. Case studies provide an insight into the context within which business works . Exploring what can be difficult concepts through real world examples is also a highly effective method of demonstrating a comprehensive understanding of the subject area.

Answer the question

This point is not merely applicable to business studies essays, but the whole spectrum of subjects at university level. At GCSE or A Level, you might have gotten away with a well written piece of work that skirting around the edges of a question without ever answering it directly. At university, you won’t. We’re often asked how to write a business studies essay, and our answer is always the same: “make sure you answer the question!”

This is actually a very common mistake and one we’re probably all guilty of at one time or another. When you’re writing a business essay, there’s a good chance you glance at the title initially, form an idea of what you think the question is asking for, then shoot off to the library in search of the right books. Often, it’s not until a couple of thousand words in that you take another look and realise, to your horror, that you haven’t answered the question.

The lesson is that it’s absolutely essential to keep referring back to the question. Once you have a good understanding of the question you can think about the end goal of your essay. Then it’s a simple case of filling in the gaps. Spend time forming an answer and full analysis up front, paying close attention to the question.

Help is at hand

If you’re really struggling to get to grips with writing a business studies essay, the professional essay writer at Oxbridge Essays are always happy to provide the advice and assistance you need. So please get in touch if you need help crafting that excellent business studies essay, or for any other topics or subjects that you want to excel at.

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business essay

How to Start a Business Essay: Full Explanation with an Example

how to start a business studies essay

Starting a business is like setting off on a wild adventure. It's thrilling, full of ups and downs, and it's up to you where you want to go. But let's face it: it's also confusing! With so much to think about, it's easy to feel lost. That's where this essay comes in. We're here to break it all down for you, giving you the lowdown on turning your business dreams into a solid action plan. So, grab a cup of coffee and get ready to dive in!

What Is a Business Essay?

An essay on business is a written composition that explores various aspects of the business world, ranging from theoretical concepts to practical applications. Typically, it analyzes specific topics within the realm of business, such as management practices, marketing strategies, financial analysis, or entrepreneurship. Business essays often provide insights, arguments, and recommendations supported by research, data, and real-world examples. They aim to inform, persuade, or educate readers about key issues, trends, or challenges in the business environment, fostering a deeper understanding of the subject matter and stimulating critical thinking. Our business essay writing service supports such types of assignments, so if you need help – feel free to request a quote.

What Is a Startup Business Concept?

A startup business concept is essentially the seed from which an entire venture grows. The initial spark of inspiration sets the foundation for everything that follows. This concept typically arises from identifying a gap or inefficiency in the market or recognizing an unmet need or problem potential customers face. Entrepreneurs then conceptualize innovative solutions to address these challenges, whether a new product, service, or approach.

The concept defines the startup's unique value proposition, outlining what makes it stand out in a crowded marketplace. For example, a startup concept might involve developing a mobile app to streamline a tedious process, creating a sustainable alternative to an existing product, or offering a niche service tailored to a specific audience.

Once a startup concept is formulated, it undergoes refinement and validation through market research, feasibility studies, and prototyping. This stage involves gathering feedback from potential customers, testing assumptions, and assessing the concept's viability in the real world. Entrepreneurs analyze market trends, competitive landscape, and consumer preferences to fine-tune their concept and ensure it aligns with market demand.

Additionally, they evaluate the concept's scalability and potential for growth, considering factors such as market size, revenue potential, and scalability. Through this iterative process, the startup concept evolves into a robust business model that serves as the blueprint for the startup's operations, guiding decisions related to product development, marketing strategy, and resource allocation.

how to start a business studies essay

How to Start a Business Essay?

Starting a business involves several key steps. Firstly, it's essential to identify a viable business idea that aligns with your passion, expertise, and market demand. Research your target market, competitors, and industry trends to refine your concept. Once you have a solid idea, develop a comprehensive business plan outlining your goals, strategies, and financial projections. This plan will serve as a roadmap for your venture and help secure funding or investment.

Next, you'll need to choose a legal structure for your business, such as a sole proprietorship, partnership, corporation, or LLC. Register your business name and obtain any necessary licenses or permits. Set up your business finances, including opening a business bank account and obtaining any required insurance. Finally, develop a marketing strategy to promote your products or services and attract customers. Building a strong online presence, networking with other businesses, and utilizing social media can all be effective marketing tactics. With careful planning and execution, you'll be well on your way to launching a successful business. Now, let’s review a basic business essay outline:

how to start a business studies essay


  • Grab the reader's attention with an interesting fact, quote, or anecdote related to the topic.
  • Provide context and background information on the topic.
  • State the main argument or purpose of the essay.

Body Paragraphs

  • Paragraph 1: Describe the current business landscape, including trends, challenges, and opportunities.
  • Paragraph 2: Discuss the significance of developing a comprehensive business plan for startups and established businesses.
  • Paragraph 3: Outline the essential components of a business plan, such as market analysis, competitive analysis, marketing strategy, operations plan, and financial projections.
  • Paragraph 4: Explore different sources of funding available to entrepreneurs, including bootstrapping, loans, venture capital, and crowdfunding.
  • Paragraph 5: Discuss effective marketing strategies for promoting products or services, building brand awareness, and attracting customers.
  • Paragraph 6: Highlight the significance of delivering exceptional customer service and building strong relationships with customers.
  • Paragraph 7: Emphasize the importance of adaptability and innovation in responding to market changes and staying competitive.
  • Summarize the main argument or purpose of the essay.
  • Review the main points discussed in the body paragraphs.
  • Leave the reader with a thought-provoking idea, question, or call to action related to the topic.

Business Paper Format

The business essay format typically follows a structured outline, including the following sections:

Business Paper Format

  • This page includes the paper's title, your name, the name of your institution (if applicable), and the date.
  • A brief summary of the paper's main points, usually around 150-250 words, providing an overview of the topic, purpose, methodology (if applicable), and key findings or conclusions.
  • This section introduces the paper's topic, provides background information, and states the purpose or objective of the study.

Literature Review

  • A review of relevant literature and research on the topic, highlighting existing theories, studies, and findings related to your research question or problem statement.


  • If applicable, this section outlines the research methods and techniques used to collect and analyze data, including any tools, procedures, or sampling techniques.
  • Presentation of the findings or results of your study, often including tables, charts, or graphs to illustrate data and statistics.
  • Interpretation and analysis of the results, discussing their significance, implications, limitations, and relevance to the research question or problem statement.
  • A summary of the paper's main findings and key points, restating the purpose and significance of the study, and offering recommendations for future research or practical applications.
  • A list of sources cited in the paper, formatted according to a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).
  • Optional supplementary materials include additional data tables, survey instruments, or detailed methodology descriptions.

How to Write an Introduction for a Business Essay?

Writing an introduction for a business essay requires capturing the reader's interest while setting the stage for the topic you'll be discussing. Here's a guide to crafting an effective introduction:

Start with a Hook

  • Begin with an attention-grabbing opening sentence to pique the reader's curiosity.
  • This could be a surprising fact, a compelling statistic, a thought-provoking question, or a relevant quote from a business leader or expert.

Provide Context

  • After the hook, provide a brief overview of the topic you'll address in the essay.
  • Give the reader some background information to understand the significance and relevance of the subject matter.
  • Explain why the topic is important and matters in the business world.

State Your Thesis

  • End the introduction with a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines your essay's main argument or purpose.
  • This statement should provide a roadmap for what the reader can expect to learn or discover in the essay.
  • Make sure your thesis is specific, debatable, and supported by evidence you'll present in the body paragraphs.

Transition to the Body

  • Use the end of the introduction to transition smoothly into the essay's main body.
  • Briefly preview the key points or arguments you'll discuss in the subsequent paragraphs to give the reader an idea of what's to come.

How to Write a Business Essay?

Let's kick things off with a solid step-by-step guide that sets the stage. We're about to dish out some awesome business essay writing tips to make your essay shine like a beacon in a sea of words. So, buckle up, grab your pen (or keyboard), and let's get started on crafting an introduction that'll hook your reader from the get-go!

Understand the Business Assignment

Take the time to carefully read and understand the assignment prompt or guidelines provided by your instructor. Pay attention to any specific requirements, such as the length of the essay, formatting style, or particular topics to address. If you have any questions or uncertainties about starting a business essay, don't hesitate to seek clarification from your instructor to ensure you're on the right track before you begin researching and writing.

Research and Gather Information

Start your research by consulting various credible sources relevant to your topic. Utilize academic journals, books, reputable websites, and industry reports to gather information and evidence to support your arguments. Take detailed notes while conducting your research, recording key ideas, quotes, statistics, and their corresponding sources. Keep track of your sources to facilitate proper citation later on. Consider how you will engage readers in the business essay introduction – an anecdote, interesting quote, or relevant statistics.

Outline Your Essay

Create an outline for your how to start a business essay to organize your thoughts and structure your essay. Begin by outlining the main sections of your essay, such as the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Within each section, outline the main points you want to cover and the supporting evidence you'll use to support your arguments. Consider the logical flow of information and how each section relates to the overall thesis of your essay. Your outline serves as a roadmap for writing your essay and helps maintain coherence and clarity.

Write the Essay

With your outline in hand, start drafting your essay. Begin with a strong introduction that provides context for your topic, grabs the reader's attention, and clearly states your thesis or main argument. In the body paragraphs, develop each main point outlined in your outline, providing evidence, examples, and analysis to support your arguments. Ensure you cite your sources accurately and consistently throughout the essay according to the chosen citation style. Conclude your essay by summarizing the main points discussed in the body paragraphs and reinforcing the significance of your thesis. Leave the reader with a memorable closing thought or call to action related to the topic.

Revise and Edit

After writing a business essay, take the time to revise and edit it thoroughly. Review your essay for clarity, coherence, and logical flow of ideas. Check for grammar, punctuation, spelling errors, and any inconsistencies or gaps in your argumentation. Consider your essay's overall structure and organization, making adjustments as needed to improve readability and coherence. Seek feedback from peers, tutors, or instructors to gain fresh perspectives and identify areas for improvement. Make revisions based on the feedback received, and refine your essay until you are satisfied with the final draft. Finally, proofread your essay one last time to ensure it meets all the requirements and is ready to be submitted.

Startup Business Ideas

  • A meal prep delivery service.
  • An online marketplace for handmade goods.
  • Mobile car wash and detailing.
  • Virtual tutoring platform.
  • Dog walking app.
  • Farm-to-table food delivery.
  • Outdoor gear rental.
  • Virtual event planning.
  • Home repair matchmaking.
  • Maternity wear rental.
  • On-site beauty services.
  • Freelance photography booking.
  • DIY crafting workshops.
  • Mobile bike repair.
  • Sustainable flower delivery.
  • Virtual fitness training.
  • Plant-based meal kits.
  • Urban parking rental.
  • Houseplant subscription.
  • Fresh produce delivery.
  • Mobile car maintenance.
  • Gift concierge service.
  • Virtual cooking classes.
  • Errand running assistance.

Business Essay Topics

  • Social media marketing's impact on small businesses.
  • Improving employee engagement strategies.
  • E-commerce: Challenges and opportunities.
  • Customer relationship management success.
  • Sustainable business practices and benefits.
  • The gig economy: Pros versus cons.
  • Workplace diversity and inclusion.
  • Technology's influence on operations.
  • Managing remote teams effectively.
  • Corporate social responsibility in ethics.
  • Entrepreneurship: Challenges and successes.
  • Globalization's impact on SMEs.
  • Leadership in organizational change.
  • Workplace wellness programs.
  • Business ethics in the digital age.
  • The power of branding: Identity creation.
  • Crisis management strategies for resilience.
  • Efficient and sustainable supply chain management.
  • Future of work: Trends and implications.
  • Business innovation: Creativity and adaptation.
  • Financial management for small businesses.
  • Data privacy and security.
  • Effective time management strategies.
  • Emotional intelligence in leadership.
  • Company culture: Retention and satisfaction.

Do’s and Don’ts of Business Essay Writing

There are certain rules for writing a business essay that you must follow and particular don’t-do-this issues that you should avoid.

  • Clearly understand the essay prompt and adhere to any guidelines provided.
  • Conduct thorough research using credible sources to support your arguments.
  • Create a well-organized outline to structure your essay effectively.
  • Craft a strong introduction that grabs the reader's attention and states your thesis clearly.
  • Provide evidence and examples to support your arguments, using proper citations.
  • Maintain a formal and professional tone throughout the essay.
  • Use clear and concise language, avoiding jargon or overly complex terminology.
  • Proofread your essay carefully to eliminate errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.
  • Conclude your essay by summarizing key points and restating your thesis.


  • Don't plagiarize or use someone else's work without proper attribution.
  • Avoid going off-topic or including irrelevant information in your essay.
  • Don't rely solely on personal opinion; support your arguments with evidence and analysis.
  • Avoid using informal language or slang in your writing.
  • Don't rush through the writing process; take the time to revise and edit your essay thoroughly.
  • Avoid making unsupported claims or assertions without evidence to back them up.
  • Don't forget to cite your sources properly according to the chosen citation style.
  • Avoid overloading your essay with too much information; focus on quality over quantity.
  • Don't neglect the importance of formatting and presentation; ensure your essay is well-structured and visually appealing.

Business Essay Example

Here’s an example of a business essay that will be an excellent source of inspiration and formatting hints. If you want a new paper of similar quality, feel free to leave a quote.

Business essays serve as invaluable learning tools for students, providing them with a platform to apply theoretical concepts to real-world scenarios and develop essential skills for success in the business world. Students hone their critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication abilities by learning how to set up an essay , research topics, analyze facts, and write eloquently about various business topics. Business essays also encourage students to stay updated on current trends and developments in the business landscape, fostering a deeper understanding of industry dynamics and challenges. Moreover, writing business essays cultivates students' ability to formulate well-reasoned arguments, articulate their ideas effectively, and present information in a structured and persuasive manner, all of which are crucial competencies in professional settings.

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How many paragraphs does a business essay have.

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Business Essay Format: 5 steps How to write a Business Essay

How to Write a Business Essay

How to Write a Business Essay

Writing a business essay requires a structured approach to address complex topics effectively. This guide will outline the five essential steps to craft a successful business essay. 

We will provide you with a comprehensive roadmap to ensure your essay is well-researched, logically organized, and persuasively written.

As you follow these steps, you will be equipped to confidently tackle business essays, presenting your ideas clearly and concisely to engage and inform your readers effectively.

how to start a business studies essay

What is a Business Essay?

 A business essay is a written academic or professional composition that explores and analyzes various aspects of the business world.

business paper

It serves as a platform for individuals, whether students or professionals, to express their insights, perspectives, and findings on business-related topics.

Business essays cover various subjects, including management, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, economics, etc.

These essays aim to inform, persuade, or argue by presenting well-researched information, data, and evidence in a structured and coherent manner.

They often require critical thinking, analysis, and the application of relevant theories and concepts to real-world business scenarios.

Depending on the specific assignment or purpose, business essays may be reports, case studies, argumentative essays, or research papers.

Whether addressing issues in corporate strategy, market trends, ethical dilemmas, or financial analysis, business essays provide a valuable platform for individuals to engage with and contribute to the ever-evolving business world.

How to Format a Business Essay

Formatting a business essay is essential to presenting your ideas logically and professionally.

Proper formatting enhances readability, organizes thoughts, and adheres to academic or professional standards. Here are the critical steps to formatting a business essay effectively:

1. Title Page

Begin with a title page that includes the essay’s title, your name, the course name, the instructor’s name, and the submission date. Follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by your institution.

2. Introduction

Start with a clear and concise introduction that presents the essay’s topic and purpose. Provide background information and context to orient readers. Include a thesis statement that outlines the central argument or research question.

3. Body Paragraphs

Organize your essay into well-structured paragraphs, each addressing a single point or aspect of your argument. Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea.

Support your arguments with evidence, data, examples, and citations from credible sources.

Ensure a logical flow by using transitional phrases and explicit connections between paragraphs.

4. Headings and Subheadings

Use headings and subheadings to break down the content into sections. This aids in clarity and helps readers navigate your essay. Follow a consistent formatting style (e.g., APA, MLA, and Chicago) for headings.

5. Citations and References

Properly cite all sources used in your essay. Follow a specific citation style (e.g., APA, MLA, or Harvard) as required. Create a reference or bibliography page that lists all the sources you cited in the appropriate format.

6. Charts, Graphs, and Tables

If you include visual aids like charts, graphs, or tables, ensure they are labeled, numbered, and referred to in the text. Explain the significance of these visuals in the body of your essay.

7. Conclusion

Summarize the key points made in your essay without introducing new information.

Reiterate the thesis statement and the main arguments. Offer insights, implications, or recommendations based on your analysis.

8. References Page

a reference page

List all the sources you cited in your essay in a separate references page. Format the references according to the chosen citation style.

9. Formatting Style

Adhere to the formatting style specified by your instructor or publication guidelines (e.g., APA, MLA, Chicago).

Attention to font size, margins, line spacing, and page numbering.

10. Proofreading and Editing

Carefully proofread and edit your essay for grammar, spelling, punctuation, and clarity.

Check for consistency in formatting, citation style, and headings.

Appendices (if necessary): Include appendices for supplementary material that don’t fit within the main body of the essay, such as detailed data, calculations, or additional information.

Word Count: Keep your essay within the specified word count limit. Avoid unnecessary repetition or verbosity.

11. Title and Page Numbers

Provide a descriptive title for your essay. Include page numbers, typically in the header or footer, for easy reference.

By following these steps and adhering to the required formatting style, you can create a well-organized and professionally presented business essay that effectively communicates your ideas and analysis to your intended audience.

 5 Steps to Write a Good Business Essay

Writing a sound business essay requires careful planning, research, and organization. Whether you’re a student or a professional writer or even an MBA writer , these five steps will guide you in crafting an effective and persuasive business essay:

Understanding the Assignment

Understanding the assignment is the foundational step in writing a successful business essay. To begin, carefully read and dissect the assignment prompt or guidelines your instructor or organization provided.

Pay close attention to the specific requirements, such as the essay’s purpose, scope, and any formatting styles or citation guidelines that must be followed.

Next, identify key elements within the assignment, including the main topic or subject matter, the intended audience, and the expected outcome or goal of the essay. This step is crucial because it sets the direction for your research and writing process.

If you have any uncertainties or require clarification, don’t hesitate to seek guidance from your instructor.

When you understand the assignment clearly, you can tailor your research, structure, and content to meet the defined objectives, ensuring that your business essay addresses the specific requirements and resonates effectively with your target audience.

Research and Gathering Information

Once you’ve grasped the assignment’s requirements, the next critical step in crafting a compelling business essay is conducting thorough research and gathering information.

doing research

Again, this phase is the backbone of your paper, as it forms the basis for your arguments, insights, and analysis.

Start by exploring a variety of reputable sources, such as academic databases, books, scholarly journals, reports, and credible websites related to your chosen business topic.

Take meticulous notes, capturing essential data, key concepts, relevant quotes, and the sources’ publication details.

During the research process, maintain a critical eye, assessing the quality and reliability of the information you encounter—cross-reference information from multiple sources to ensure accuracy and objectivity.

Keep a detailed record of your sources; you’ll need this information for citations and references later.

Comprehensive research provides the insights and evidence necessary to support your arguments effectively, making your business essay well-informed and persuasive.

Planning and Outlining

Planning and outlining are pivotal in creating a well-structured and coherent business essay. Once you’ve gathered your research materials, it’s time to organize your thoughts and ideas systematically.

Begin by developing a clear and logical outline for your essay. This outline serves as a roadmap that guides your writing process and ensures that your essay flows smoothly. It typically consists of:

  • Introduction:  Outline the purpose and context of your essay, and include your thesis statement—a concise summary of your main argument or research question.
  • Body Paragraphs:  Break down your essay into multiple body paragraphs, each focusing on your argument’s critical point or aspect. Ensure logical order and precise transitions between paragraphs.
  • Supporting Details:  Under each body paragraph, outline the supporting evidence, data, or examples you will use to substantiate your argument.
  • Conclusion:  Summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis, offering insights or recommendations based on your analysis.

A well-structured outline helps you maintain focus, prevent redundancy, and organize your essay cohesively. It serves as a solid foundation for building a compelling and logically flowing business essay.

Writing the Essay

Begin with a captivating introduction that provides context and introduces the essay’s topic. Include a thesis statement that outlines your main argument or research question.

Each body paragraph should focus on your argument’s single point or aspect. Start with a clear topic sentence that introduces the paragraph’s main idea.

Provide evidence, examples, and data to support your argument. Cite your sources correctly. Use transitional phrases to maintain coherence and connect ideas between paragraphs.

Summarize the main points made in the essay without introducing new information. Restate the thesis statement and highlight the significance of your findings. Offer insights, implications, or recommendations based on your analysis.

Editing and Proofreading

edit and proofread

Editing and proofreading are indispensable final steps in crafting a polished and effective business essay. After you’ve written your initial draft, reviewing and refining your work for clarity, correctness, and coherence is crucial.

Start by revisiting your essay’s overall structure and organization. Ensure that your ideas flow logically from one paragraph to the next and that your arguments are well-supported with evidence.

Check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors, and make necessary corrections.

Pay close attention to the consistency of your writing style, formatting, and citation throughout the essay, adhering to the specific guidelines provided by your institution or instructor.

Proofreading should involve a meticulous examination of your work, preferably after taking a break to gain a fresh perspective. You may feel inadequate to work on your work, you may consider a qualified MBA editor or a general essay editor to assist you.

Additionally, seek feedback from peers or mentors to gain valuable insights and suggestions for improvement.

A well-edited, error-free business essay demonstrates professionalism and enhances your credibility as a writer and researcher.

Josh Jasen working

Josh Jasen or JJ as we fondly call him, is a senior academic editor at Grade Bees in charge of the writing department. When not managing complex essays and academic writing tasks, Josh is busy advising students on how to pass assignments. In his spare time, he loves playing football or walking with his dog around the park.

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Sample Business School Essays

Studying business is a great way to gain valuable working experience across many industries. As such, many students decide to further their education with a degree in business. To help set your business school application apart from the others, having a stellar application essay can help tremendously. Before writing your own essay make sure you explore our sample essays to gather a few ideas and thoughts on how you can make your essay unique and engaging.

This section contains five business essay samples:

Business School Essay Sample One

Business school essay sample two, business school essay sample three, business school essay sample four.

  • Business School Essay Sample Five

Watching my brother transform from a man who had lost his ability to walk to a man who can play basketball with my father kindled my fascination of the physical therapy world. The Bureau of Labor Statistics anticipates the field of physical therapy to grow faster than average in the upcoming years. I hope to join this field during an exciting time of growth, furthering the rehabilitation of those who have been injured.

Following graduation from ABC Business School, I intend to serve a marketing team in a local physical therapy company, such as Ridgeview Physical Therapy. My short-term goal is to lead a team, furthering success in the Ridgeview area. Due to the popular physical therapy company thirty miles from Ridgeview, much of the local population is unaware of the quality services Ridgeview Physical Therapy has to offer. I hope to increase visits by 40 percent in the first 5 years of my employment. My long-term goal includes extending the company’s reach into surrounding cities, and eventually beyond national barriers, becoming a global marketing manager.

I expect to gain skills and experiences from ABC Business School that will propel my short and long-term goals. I hope to develop an experiential and diverse learning experience and have the opportunity to interact with different groups of people to learn from their business insights and endeavours. From ABC Business School, I seek the tools and resources needed to further engage in my marketing knowledge, perform professional strategic analyses, and re-evaluate my past work experiences. I look forward to taking courses from Professor Jim. W. Reid, who has published the research of the success of Matthews and Marketing in his book, “Matthews Commerce,” which has helped me continue my career this far. I also look forward to taking the unique classes taught by Professor Rachel E. Davis, introducing me to the physical therapy world and enriching my business skills in that area.

When my brother’s car accident in 2011 caused immobility in his left leg, he never thought he would be able to play his favorite sport again. David Andrews, a 1994 graduate from ABC Business School, ensured that that would not come to pass. I spoke with Andrews about his journey, and he told me that it was through the opportunities and education he received from the professors and students at ABC Business School that helped him open his own practice. I hope to follow in Andrews’s footsteps. With the passion I have for the success of Ridgeview Physical Therapy, and the determination I learned from watching my brother, all I need to complete my goals is the knowledge available to me through an MBA at ABC Business School. I look forward to completing my career aspirations using the tools received from ABC Business School to contribute to my professional career.

The world of physical therapy is growing, and with my skills in marketing, I hope to grow the local Ridgeview services across the globe.

In this essay, the applicant is assigned to answer the prompt in approximately 500 words. The admissions officer expects a clear and concise essay that does not veer off the question and exemplifies quality writing, grammar, and punctuation. In questions similar to these, the admissions officers are looking for: Student’s understanding and knowledge in answering questions: The writer explains his short and long-term career goals, referencing the future of the career (Bureau of Labor Statistics) and quantifying his goals (Increase by 40 percent within the first 5 years). A deeper look into who the applicant is: Writer shares personal information that also relates to answering the question (brother in physical therapy). Make sure that any personal information you share does not veer off of the question that needs to be answered. Proper research on the school to adequately answer the second question: Student mentions names of professors who have demonstrated help in the past (professor’s business research book) giving credibility to the student that he believes they will be able to help him in the future. Avoid flattery and only speak of the school in a way that shows proper research and answers the question presented.

Nancy, the CEO of Jasmine Publishing House, bought me a coffee and told me I should invest in warm gloves as we sat down at a corner diner for what would be a game-changing business meeting. As the leading publishing house in Europe, Nancy informed me that JPH was interested in closing a multi-million dollar deal with our fashion magazine, Zoelle, provided we changed the magazine's appearance to attract a broader European audience.

As production manager, my job was to lead and supervise a staff of 30 to match Nancy's vision, working closely with the design team, photographers, production staff and marketing team. After three weeks of heavy brainstorming, we developed a fresh appearance for the magazine.

I invited Nancy to a meeting with me and three of our executive producers. I shared with her the strategy we had created in order to solve our appearance problem, as well as estimated costs and complications. Nancy agreed that the direction our magazine was going fit well with her vision and audience, and that JPH would be happy to work with us within the next week.

Although the team was excited to accept the offer, I was concerned that we were not prepared to complete the project so quickly. Though the executive producers did not understand, as our production team was to begin work on the next issue the following day, I explained that there may include deep financial consequences if we rush into the process. I wanted to ensure that JPH received a consistent layout from Zoelle magazine. Nancy agreed to wait until the upcoming issue was complete before beginning work on the new look.

We began work the following Tuesday, after the latest issue was produced. I collaborated with an eight member marketing team to develop new branding for our magazine and mediated this branding with the design team, ensuring that it was able to blend well with their ideas and insights based on the first meeting with Nancy. I led the operation of the first issue to be published via JPH, supervising 30 employees.

After the issue was published, our sales increased by 42 percent in the first week. After leading the Zoelle team to a business deal close and a fresh start, I learned that with the proper leadership, a staff of varied talents, insights and opinions can work closely together to produce a magazine that continues to increase its sells each issue. My initiative helped provide Zoelle with its largest new contract that year, a $2 million deal. Customers from Europe and the United States commented with positive remarks on the new look, showing interest in the replacement of the former look, which had been being published for seven years.

After this leadership experience, I was able to see my potential as a leader. I can communicate effectively with all members of a group and help connect them with one another to make a larger picture. I protect my business discernment even against an upset crowd, and am able to properly persuade others to understand other perspectives. Through learning more about leadership every day with my work in Zoelle, I hope to continue to strengthen these abilities and witness the success they can bring to media production.

In this essay, the applicant was asked to detail her leadership abilities through the application of a relevant example. She was asked to do this in approximately 550 words, using concise language and proper grammar and punctuation. In questions similar to these, the admissions officers are looking for: Applicant's ability to share leadership qualities with a relevant example: This writer shared leadership qualities of communication (brainstorming with different staffs and helping them connect their ideas together), listening (brainstorming and understanding staff concerns), delegating (ensuring each team did what was supposed to be done), and managing (managed and supervised a staff of 30) through the use of an example from her work with Zoelle Magazine. Proof of a potential growth in these leadership skills: The writer hopes to “continue to strengthen” her leadership skills. She provides examples of how she learned from previous leadership roles. How these skills will help further your career: The writer used an example from her current career and concluded her essay with a look into the potential of leadership in her field.

I looked across my celebratory cheesecake and beamed up at my new coworkers. I couldn't believe I had finally landed my dream job. All of the senior editors were having lunch in the cafe across the street from the bakery where the finance team and marketing team shared dessert. I had been hired as a budget analyst at my favorite magazine. My job was to work alongside the business manager to help create a more healthy marriage between the finance and marketing departments, thus improving our sales and workplace environment. On my way home, I reflected on my relief in finally having an exciting and secure career.

Just three months later, we met at the same bakery where I had celebrated my new job. Every department from our small, close-knit staff was present. As the publication manager began to tell us the news, I remember how our faces fell. Our publication company was going out of business, and every publication was to be shut down. She explained that they had tried to find another publishing company without success.

Not only did I feel as though I failed the company, I also knew that I, as well as the other 17 employees, was out of a job. We went back to our offices and packed up our things. Writers and designers were frantically calling around, asking for open positions. An employee from the finance department began tweaking his resume, and the marketing department apologized to the publication manager and editor-in-chief, who responded graciously.

I had to leave my apartment not long after losing my job. I stayed with a friend on the north side of town as I tried to find a job in a shrinking economic suburb. It took six months to find a position, and though I had to move and leave behind my dream, I found a new way to work toward my new dream.

From this experience, I learned the importance of adaptability. Only through my ability to embrace the change happening around me was I able to find a new job and start a new life with new visions and goals. Applying for my MBA would have sounded bizarre to the disheartened, homeless idealist who lost her dream. But now, after finding in me the strength to persevere, I am able to take what I learned from my previous job and pair it with what I learn from the university. This knowledge will help me ensure that the future companies I work with will not have to endure a similar fallout.

However, if there comes a time when I am again involved in a lost company, I know how to repair. I know how to restore.

In this essay, the applicant was asked to recall a challenging situation to which the writer overcame the boundaries. The writer was asked to do this in approximately 450 words, using concise language and proper grammar and punctuation. In questions similar to these, the admissions officers are looking for: Applicant's ability to identify a challenging moment in her life: This writer uses a relevant example of a challenging situation, describing the challenge of losing a job, losing housing, and having to move to a different city. Examples of how the applicant overcame these challenges: The writer cites her “adaptability” as the reason why she was able to overcome this challenge. Instead of giving up, the applicant tells of applying for other jobs, even ones that were out of her comfort zone and in another city. Brief insights to what the applicant learned from the challenge: This writer learned how to maintain strength, perseverance and adaptability in challenging situations. The applicant tells of continuing the learning process in her MBA program and allowing it to help future companies.

“Gallery Furniture saves you money today!” As a child, these words rang out to me, sandwiched in between the episodes of Pokemon and Yu-Gi-Oh that I gleefully watched every Saturday morning. During commercial breaks, an older gentleman known as Mattress Mack would dominate all 24 inches of my cartoon box with his signature hundred-mile-per-hour pitch, reserved for sputtering off the praises of American-made furniture sold at affordable prices. Mattress Mack reigned as a household favorite in the Greater Houston area; in fact, my cousin and I made games out of memorizing his lines and spitting them out as fast as we could whenever his ads came on TV.

Mack’s distinctive elevator-pitch talking style stemmed from the financial difficulties he faced at the start of his career. At that time, Mack invested his entire life savings in a single ad that aired on two stations. While watching the ad himself, he grew unhappy with the producers’ work and ad-libbed a rapid pitch which would be later recognized as one of his greatest sparks of unconventional genius. Mack's unique re-branding has taught me to recognize the value of bootstrapping and developing creative solutions to solve problems.

Beyond his unorthodox sales strategies, Mack also had a heart that was truly the size of Texas. In August of 2017, Hurricane Harvey made landfall and caused $125 billion in damages, and several people that I personally know lost everything. While most of us worried solely about our own survival, Mack opened his two biggest showrooms and provided food to those who needed it most. His heroic actions eventually earned him his own day, August 26th, appropriately named Mattress Mack Day. He has inspired Houstonians just like me to pursue entrepreneurship opportunities that put social focus on the forefront.

As Harvey pummelled through the Gulf Coast, I noted the amount of devastation the hurricane has caused for our local automotive industry. This sparked an idea. As a passionate watchmaker and a car enthusiast, I partnered with my co-founder to create one-of-a-kind wristwatches from wrecked supercars with stories to match. A portion of each sale would then be donated to Habitat for Humanity to rebuild communities affected by natural disasters. My dream came to fruition, and over the last two years, the work I did has gained the attention of Mayor Turner, Capital One Bank, and various other notable individuals and organizations across Texas, Florida, Switzerland, and the UK. Born from a company bootstrapped with a $10,000 award from Capital One Bank, we are now projected to take in a revenue of $500k in the coming year.

Mattress Mack’s unconventional business approaches have taught me that tackling problems with limited capital yields the most innovative solutions and that the numbers, albeit essential, are not the end-all-be-all of a company. His ability to see equal importance in their lesser-noticed counterparts -the people his business serves and the community he resides in- are what sets him apart from traditional bosses as a truly effective leader. His actions have taught me that marrying unconventional problem-solving skills to a strong moral code is the key to greater personal success.

Business Sample Essay Five

Fuqua was the first business school I visited at the beginning of my application journey. No one in my family has ever attended college, let alone business school, so my visit opened a new world of opportunity for me. I sat in the auditorium with 300 other Management Leadership for Tomorrow (MLT) fellows soaking up facts about Fuqua’s collaborative culture, global perspective, and distinguished faculty. My most vivid memory of the experience was at the end of the first day when the Black and Latino MBA Organization (BLMBAO) came on stage and helped me understand what it truly means to be on “Team Fuqua.” Dancing, cheering, and wearing their Blue Devil gear, the students made it easy to see a cohesive community for students of color – one that I have not felt so palpably at any other business school since. As I sat in that auditorium, I began to imagine myself as a part of “Team Fuqua,” and after the visit I became more confident that there was a place for me at Duke. For these reasons, I am seeking a spot in the entering class of 2022.

Post MBA, I plan to work as a Product Manager in an innovative digital healthcare company focused on using technology to transform patient care. Specifically, I would like to work in wireless tech and data analytics focused on chronic disease management similar to Twine Health, a platform integrated into patients' Fitbits to monitor diabetes-related vitals. In preparation for a career in healthcare, I plan on being a part of Fuqua’s Health Care Club (HCC). I look forward to contributing to this community through my perspective in healthcare consulting as well as my experience in the health insurance marketplace. By participating in the HCC, I will leverage the insight from 2nd year students as I navigate the healthcare recruiting process during HCC life line sessions. In time, I hope to return the favor by helping new students navigate recruitment, coursework, and life in Durham. Particularly, I am excited to gain valuable insight into the healthcare industry through programming coordinated by HCC such as the Duke MBA Health Care Conference and panel discussions throughout the year. HCC will not only provide me the knowledge and professional aptitude for a meaningful career in the healthcare sector, but will also grant me a life-long network of Fuqua healthcare leaders. To further promote health, I want to take part in the Fuqua Running & Triathlon Club. As a cross country athlete in high school and college, I look forward to exploring the Raleigh-Durham area and sharing my love of running.

Beyond my involvement in the Fuqua healthcare community, I also plan to join BLMBAO. It is very important for me to be part of a collective of leaders of color that empower each other to reach their full potential in business. For this reason, I am interested in joining the leadership cabinet of BLMBAO and shaping events such as the MBA Minority Business Conference. I want to continue BLMBAO’s work of increasing the visibility of underrepresented minorities, engaging Fuqua on issues of race and inequality, and being an advocate for women of color in business. For example, as a Fellow and alumna of MLT, I will commit myself to building a pipeline for Latina prospective Fuqua MBA students. This will include holding workshops that focus on the application process and challenges specific to Latinas in management.

In the end, Duke is the ideal place for me to become the business leader I know I can be. The opportunities in healthcare at Fuqua with HCC in conjunction with the school’s close proximity to the research triangle are second to none. A Fuqua MBA will give me the opportunity to learn, grow, and lead among lifelong friends. As a part of the incoming class, I will continue to learn more about Fuqua and expect that the “Team Fuqua” spirit will stand out in all of my interactions within the larger community. Just as BLMBAO students inspired me on my first day at Fuqua, I hope to one day inspire a young Latina professional setting her sights on business school.

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  • How to write an essay introduction | 4 steps & examples

How to Write an Essay Introduction | 4 Steps & Examples

Published on February 4, 2019 by Shona McCombes . Revised on July 23, 2023.

A good introduction paragraph is an essential part of any academic essay . It sets up your argument and tells the reader what to expect.

The main goals of an introduction are to:

  • Catch your reader’s attention.
  • Give background on your topic.
  • Present your thesis statement —the central point of your essay.

This introduction example is taken from our interactive essay example on the history of Braille.

The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability. The writing system of raised dots used by visually impaired people was developed by Louis Braille in nineteenth-century France. In a society that did not value disabled people in general, blindness was particularly stigmatized, and lack of access to reading and writing was a significant barrier to social participation. The idea of tactile reading was not entirely new, but existing methods based on sighted systems were difficult to learn and use. As the first writing system designed for blind people’s needs, Braille was a groundbreaking new accessibility tool. It not only provided practical benefits, but also helped change the cultural status of blindness. This essay begins by discussing the situation of blind people in nineteenth-century Europe. It then describes the invention of Braille and the gradual process of its acceptance within blind education. Subsequently, it explores the wide-ranging effects of this invention on blind people’s social and cultural lives.

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Table of contents

Step 1: hook your reader, step 2: give background information, step 3: present your thesis statement, step 4: map your essay’s structure, step 5: check and revise, more examples of essay introductions, other interesting articles, frequently asked questions about the essay introduction.

Your first sentence sets the tone for the whole essay, so spend some time on writing an effective hook.

Avoid long, dense sentences—start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

The hook should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of the topic you’re writing about and why it’s interesting. Avoid overly broad claims or plain statements of fact.

Examples: Writing a good hook

Take a look at these examples of weak hooks and learn how to improve them.

  • Braille was an extremely important invention.
  • The invention of Braille was a major turning point in the history of disability.

The first sentence is a dry fact; the second sentence is more interesting, making a bold claim about exactly  why the topic is important.

  • The internet is defined as “a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities.”
  • The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education.

Avoid using a dictionary definition as your hook, especially if it’s an obvious term that everyone knows. The improved example here is still broad, but it gives us a much clearer sense of what the essay will be about.

  • Mary Shelley’s  Frankenstein is a famous book from the nineteenth century.
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale about the dangers of scientific advancement.

Instead of just stating a fact that the reader already knows, the improved hook here tells us about the mainstream interpretation of the book, implying that this essay will offer a different interpretation.

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Next, give your reader the context they need to understand your topic and argument. Depending on the subject of your essay, this might include:

  • Historical, geographical, or social context
  • An outline of the debate you’re addressing
  • A summary of relevant theories or research about the topic
  • Definitions of key terms

The information here should be broad but clearly focused and relevant to your argument. Don’t give too much detail—you can mention points that you will return to later, but save your evidence and interpretation for the main body of the essay.

How much space you need for background depends on your topic and the scope of your essay. In our Braille example, we take a few sentences to introduce the topic and sketch the social context that the essay will address:

Now it’s time to narrow your focus and show exactly what you want to say about the topic. This is your thesis statement —a sentence or two that sums up your overall argument.

This is the most important part of your introduction. A  good thesis isn’t just a statement of fact, but a claim that requires evidence and explanation.

The goal is to clearly convey your own position in a debate or your central point about a topic.

Particularly in longer essays, it’s helpful to end the introduction by signposting what will be covered in each part. Keep it concise and give your reader a clear sense of the direction your argument will take.

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See an example

how to start a business studies essay

As you research and write, your argument might change focus or direction as you learn more.

For this reason, it’s often a good idea to wait until later in the writing process before you write the introduction paragraph—it can even be the very last thing you write.

When you’ve finished writing the essay body and conclusion , you should return to the introduction and check that it matches the content of the essay.

It’s especially important to make sure your thesis statement accurately represents what you do in the essay. If your argument has gone in a different direction than planned, tweak your thesis statement to match what you actually say.

To polish your writing, you can use something like a paraphrasing tool .

You can use the checklist below to make sure your introduction does everything it’s supposed to.

Checklist: Essay introduction

My first sentence is engaging and relevant.

I have introduced the topic with necessary background information.

I have defined any important terms.

My thesis statement clearly presents my main point or argument.

Everything in the introduction is relevant to the main body of the essay.

You have a strong introduction - now make sure the rest of your essay is just as good.

  • Argumentative
  • Literary analysis

This introduction to an argumentative essay sets up the debate about the internet and education, and then clearly states the position the essay will argue for.

The spread of the internet has had a world-changing effect, not least on the world of education. The use of the internet in academic contexts is on the rise, and its role in learning is hotly debated. For many teachers who did not grow up with this technology, its effects seem alarming and potentially harmful. This concern, while understandable, is misguided. The negatives of internet use are outweighed by its critical benefits for students and educators—as a uniquely comprehensive and accessible information source; a means of exposure to and engagement with different perspectives; and a highly flexible learning environment.

This introduction to a short expository essay leads into the topic (the invention of the printing press) and states the main point the essay will explain (the effect of this invention on European society).

In many ways, the invention of the printing press marked the end of the Middle Ages. The medieval period in Europe is often remembered as a time of intellectual and political stagnation. Prior to the Renaissance, the average person had very limited access to books and was unlikely to be literate. The invention of the printing press in the 15th century allowed for much less restricted circulation of information in Europe, paving the way for the Reformation.

This introduction to a literary analysis essay , about Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein , starts by describing a simplistic popular view of the story, and then states how the author will give a more complex analysis of the text’s literary devices.

Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein is often read as a crude cautionary tale. Arguably the first science fiction novel, its plot can be read as a warning about the dangers of scientific advancement unrestrained by ethical considerations. In this reading, and in popular culture representations of the character as a “mad scientist”, Victor Frankenstein represents the callous, arrogant ambition of modern science. However, far from providing a stable image of the character, Shelley uses shifting narrative perspectives to gradually transform our impression of Frankenstein, portraying him in an increasingly negative light as the novel goes on. While he initially appears to be a naive but sympathetic idealist, after the creature’s narrative Frankenstein begins to resemble—even in his own telling—the thoughtlessly cruel figure the creature represents him as.

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Your essay introduction should include three main things, in this order:

  • An opening hook to catch the reader’s attention.
  • Relevant background information that the reader needs to know.
  • A thesis statement that presents your main point or argument.

The length of each part depends on the length and complexity of your essay .

The “hook” is the first sentence of your essay introduction . It should lead the reader into your essay, giving a sense of why it’s interesting.

To write a good hook, avoid overly broad statements or long, dense sentences. Try to start with something clear, concise and catchy that will spark your reader’s curiosity.

A thesis statement is a sentence that sums up the central point of your paper or essay . Everything else you write should relate to this key idea.

The thesis statement is essential in any academic essay or research paper for two main reasons:

  • It gives your writing direction and focus.
  • It gives the reader a concise summary of your main point.

Without a clear thesis statement, an essay can end up rambling and unfocused, leaving your reader unsure of exactly what you want to say.

The structure of an essay is divided into an introduction that presents your topic and thesis statement , a body containing your in-depth analysis and arguments, and a conclusion wrapping up your ideas.

The structure of the body is flexible, but you should always spend some time thinking about how you can organize your essay to best serve your ideas.

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McCombes, S. (2023, July 23). How to Write an Essay Introduction | 4 Steps & Examples. Scribbr. Retrieved September 9, 2024, from

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how to start a business studies essay

How to Write an Essay Introduction (with Examples)   

essay introduction

The introduction of an essay plays a critical role in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. It sets the stage for the rest of the essay, establishes the tone and style, and motivates the reader to continue reading. 

Table of Contents

What is an essay introduction , what to include in an essay introduction, how to create an essay structure , step-by-step process for writing an essay introduction , how to write an essay introduction paragraph with paperpal – step -by -step, how to write a hook for your essay , how to include background information , how to write a thesis statement .

  • Argumentative Essay Introduction Example: 
  • Expository Essay Introduction Example 

Literary Analysis Essay Introduction Example

Check and revise – checklist for essay introduction , key takeaways , frequently asked questions .

An introduction is the opening section of an essay, paper, or other written work. It introduces the topic and provides background information, context, and an overview of what the reader can expect from the rest of the work. 1 The key is to be concise and to the point, providing enough information to engage the reader without delving into excessive detail. 

The essay introduction is crucial as it sets the tone for the entire piece and provides the reader with a roadmap of what to expect. Here are key elements to include in your essay introduction: 

  • Hook : Start with an attention-grabbing statement or question to engage the reader. This could be a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or a compelling anecdote. 
  • Background information : Provide context and background information to help the reader understand the topic. This can include historical information, definitions of key terms, or an overview of the current state of affairs related to your topic. 
  • Thesis statement : Clearly state your main argument or position on the topic. Your thesis should be concise and specific, providing a clear direction for your essay. 

Before we get into how to write an essay introduction, we need to know how it is structured. The structure of an essay is crucial for organizing your thoughts and presenting them clearly and logically. It is divided as follows: 2  

  • Introduction:  The introduction should grab the reader’s attention with a hook, provide context, and include a thesis statement that presents the main argument or purpose of the essay.  
  • Body:  The body should consist of focused paragraphs that support your thesis statement using evidence and analysis. Each paragraph should concentrate on a single central idea or argument and provide evidence, examples, or analysis to back it up.  
  • Conclusion:  The conclusion should summarize the main points and restate the thesis differently. End with a final statement that leaves a lasting impression on the reader. Avoid new information or arguments. 

how to start a business studies essay

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to write an essay introduction: 

  • Start with a Hook : Begin your introduction paragraph with an attention-grabbing statement, question, quote, or anecdote related to your topic. The hook should pique the reader’s interest and encourage them to continue reading. 
  • Provide Background Information : This helps the reader understand the relevance and importance of the topic. 
  • State Your Thesis Statement : The last sentence is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and directly address the topic of your essay. 
  • Preview the Main Points : This gives the reader an idea of what to expect and how you will support your thesis. 
  • Keep it Concise and Clear : Avoid going into too much detail or including information not directly relevant to your topic. 
  • Revise : Revise your introduction after you’ve written the rest of your essay to ensure it aligns with your final argument. 

Unsure of how to start your essay introduction? Leverage Paperpal’s Generative AI templates to provide a base for your essay introduction. Here’s an example of an essay outline generated by Paperpal.  

how to start a business studies essay

Use the generated essay outline as your base for the introduction. If you’re stuck writing, you can use Paperpal’s Predictive AI writing features to continue writing. 

how to start a business studies essay

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This is one of the key steps in how to write an essay introduction. Crafting a compelling hook is vital because it sets the tone for your entire essay and determines whether your readers will stay interested. A good hook draws the reader in and sets the stage for the rest of your essay.  

  • Avoid Dry Fact : Instead of simply stating a bland fact, try to make it engaging and relevant to your topic. For example, if you’re writing about the benefits of exercise, you could start with a startling statistic like, “Did you know that regular exercise can increase your lifespan by up to seven years?” 
  • Avoid Using a Dictionary Definition : While definitions can be informative, they’re not always the most captivating way to start an essay. Instead, try to use a quote, anecdote, or provocative question to pique the reader’s interest. For instance, if you’re writing about freedom, you could begin with a quote from a famous freedom fighter or philosopher. 
  • Do Not Just State a Fact That the Reader Already Knows : This ties back to the first point—your hook should surprise or intrigue the reader. For Here’s an introduction paragraph example, if you’re writing about climate change, you could start with a thought-provoking statement like, “Despite overwhelming evidence, many people still refuse to believe in the reality of climate change.” 

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Including background information in the introduction section of your essay is important to provide context and establish the relevance of your topic. When writing the background information, you can follow these steps: 

  • Start with a General Statement:  Begin with a general statement about the topic and gradually narrow it down to your specific focus. For example, when discussing the impact of social media, you can begin by making a broad statement about social media and its widespread use in today’s society, as follows: “Social media has become an integral part of modern life, with billions of users worldwide.” 
  • Define Key Terms : Define any key terms or concepts that may be unfamiliar to your readers but are essential for understanding your argument. 
  • Provide Relevant Statistics:  Use statistics or facts to highlight the significance of the issue you’re discussing. For instance, “According to a report by Statista, the number of social media users is expected to reach 4.41 billion by 2025.” 
  • Discuss the Evolution:  Mention previous research or studies that have been conducted on the topic, especially those that are relevant to your argument. Mention key milestones or developments that have shaped its current impact. You can also outline some of the major effects of social media. For example, you can briefly describe how social media has evolved, including positives such as increased connectivity and issues like cyberbullying and privacy concerns. 
  • Transition to Your Thesis:  Use the background information to lead into your thesis statement, which should clearly state the main argument or purpose of your essay. For example, “Given its pervasive influence, it is crucial to examine the impact of social media on mental health.” 

how to start a business studies essay

A thesis statement is a concise summary of the main point or claim of an essay, research paper, or other type of academic writing. It appears near the end of the introduction. Here’s how to write a thesis statement: 

  • Identify the topic:  Start by identifying the topic of your essay. For example, if your essay is about the importance of exercise for overall health, your topic is “exercise.” 
  • State your position:  Next, state your position or claim about the topic. This is the main argument or point you want to make. For example, if you believe that regular exercise is crucial for maintaining good health, your position could be: “Regular exercise is essential for maintaining good health.” 
  • Support your position:  Provide a brief overview of the reasons or evidence that support your position. These will be the main points of your essay. For example, if you’re writing an essay about the importance of exercise, you could mention the physical health benefits, mental health benefits, and the role of exercise in disease prevention. 
  • Make it specific:  Ensure your thesis statement clearly states what you will discuss in your essay. For example, instead of saying, “Exercise is good for you,” you could say, “Regular exercise, including cardiovascular and strength training, can improve overall health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.” 

Examples of essay introduction 

Here are examples of essay introductions for different types of essays: 

Argumentative Essay Introduction Example:  

Topic: Should the voting age be lowered to 16? 

“The question of whether the voting age should be lowered to 16 has sparked nationwide debate. While some argue that 16-year-olds lack the requisite maturity and knowledge to make informed decisions, others argue that doing so would imbue young people with agency and give them a voice in shaping their future.” 

Expository Essay Introduction Example  

Topic: The benefits of regular exercise 

“In today’s fast-paced world, the importance of regular exercise cannot be overstated. From improving physical health to boosting mental well-being, the benefits of exercise are numerous and far-reaching. This essay will examine the various advantages of regular exercise and provide tips on incorporating it into your daily routine.” 

Text: “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee 

“Harper Lee’s novel, ‘To Kill a Mockingbird,’ is a timeless classic that explores themes of racism, injustice, and morality in the American South. Through the eyes of young Scout Finch, the reader is taken on a journey that challenges societal norms and forces characters to confront their prejudices. This essay will analyze the novel’s use of symbolism, character development, and narrative structure to uncover its deeper meaning and relevance to contemporary society.” 

  • Engaging and Relevant First Sentence : The opening sentence captures the reader’s attention and relates directly to the topic. 
  • Background Information : Enough background information is introduced to provide context for the thesis statement. 
  • Definition of Important Terms : Key terms or concepts that might be unfamiliar to the audience or are central to the argument are defined. 
  • Clear Thesis Statement : The thesis statement presents the main point or argument of the essay. 
  • Relevance to Main Body : Everything in the introduction directly relates to and sets up the discussion in the main body of the essay. 

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Writing a strong introduction is crucial for setting the tone and context of your essay. Here are the key takeaways for how to write essay introduction: 3  

  • Hook the Reader : Start with an engaging hook to grab the reader’s attention. This could be a compelling question, a surprising fact, a relevant quote, or an anecdote. 
  • Provide Background : Give a brief overview of the topic, setting the context and stage for the discussion. 
  • Thesis Statement : State your thesis, which is the main argument or point of your essay. It should be concise, clear, and specific. 
  • Preview the Structure : Outline the main points or arguments to help the reader understand the organization of your essay. 
  • Keep it Concise : Avoid including unnecessary details or information not directly related to your thesis. 
  • Revise and Edit : Revise your introduction to ensure clarity, coherence, and relevance. Check for grammar and spelling errors. 
  • Seek Feedback : Get feedback from peers or instructors to improve your introduction further. 

The purpose of an essay introduction is to give an overview of the topic, context, and main ideas of the essay. It is meant to engage the reader, establish the tone for the rest of the essay, and introduce the thesis statement or central argument.  

An essay introduction typically ranges from 5-10% of the total word count. For example, in a 1,000-word essay, the introduction would be roughly 50-100 words. However, the length can vary depending on the complexity of the topic and the overall length of the essay.

An essay introduction is critical in engaging the reader and providing contextual information about the topic. To ensure its effectiveness, consider incorporating these key elements: a compelling hook, background information, a clear thesis statement, an outline of the essay’s scope, a smooth transition to the body, and optional signposting sentences.  

The process of writing an essay introduction is not necessarily straightforward, but there are several strategies that can be employed to achieve this end. When experiencing difficulty initiating the process, consider the following techniques: begin with an anecdote, a quotation, an image, a question, or a startling fact to pique the reader’s interest. It may also be helpful to consider the five W’s of journalism: who, what, when, where, why, and how.   For instance, an anecdotal opening could be structured as follows: “As I ascended the stage, momentarily blinded by the intense lights, I could sense the weight of a hundred eyes upon me, anticipating my next move. The topic of discussion was climate change, a subject I was passionate about, and it was my first public speaking event. Little did I know , that pivotal moment would not only alter my perspective but also chart my life’s course.” 

Crafting a compelling thesis statement for your introduction paragraph is crucial to grab your reader’s attention. To achieve this, avoid using overused phrases such as “In this paper, I will write about” or “I will focus on” as they lack originality. Instead, strive to engage your reader by substantiating your stance or proposition with a “so what” clause. While writing your thesis statement, aim to be precise, succinct, and clear in conveying your main argument.  

To create an effective essay introduction, ensure it is clear, engaging, relevant, and contains a concise thesis statement. It should transition smoothly into the essay and be long enough to cover necessary points but not become overwhelming. Seek feedback from peers or instructors to assess its effectiveness. 


  • Cui, L. (2022). Unit 6 Essay Introduction.  Building Academic Writing Skills . 
  • West, H., Malcolm, G., Keywood, S., & Hill, J. (2019). Writing a successful essay.  Journal of Geography in Higher Education ,  43 (4), 609-617. 
  • Beavers, M. E., Thoune, D. L., & McBeth, M. (2023). Bibliographic Essay: Reading, Researching, Teaching, and Writing with Hooks: A Queer Literacy Sponsorship. College English, 85(3), 230-242. 

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  • What are Journal Guidelines on Using Generative AI Tools
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  • Powerful Academic Phrases to Improve Your Essay Writing 

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Business Essay Examples

Cathy A.

13 Business Essay Examples for Students

14 min read

Published on: May 1, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

business essay examples

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Are you struggling to figure out the structure, research, or data required to make your essay stand out? Or frustrated by the lack of inspiration and ideas for your essay?

But don't give up yet! We have a powerful solution that will make your essay writing a breeze. Our list of business essay examples is here to help! 

We have compiled expertly written business essay examples that will illustrate how to write a striking business essay.

With our examples, you'll be able to see how to structure your essay and generate creative ideas for your topic. And our tips will help you make the most of these examples.

So, let's dive in and get ready to learn!

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What is a Business Essay?

A business essay is a type of academic writing that focuses on business-related topics and issues. These essays can cover a wide range of topics such as marketing, finance, management, entrepreneurship, and more.

The importance of business essay lies in presenting a well-researched and informed analysis. To do this effectively, writers need to conduct extensive research and analysis on the topic at hand.

Referring to examples of business essays can help you gain insight into the structure, tone, and content of a well-written essay.

Business Essay Examples For Students

Here is a list of business writing examples

Business Essay Examples Pdf

Business Essay Example Grade 10

Business Essay Example Grade 11

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University Business Essay Examples

International Business Essay Examples

Short Essay About Business

College Essay About Starting A Business

Types of Business Essay with Examples

When it comes to business essay writing, there are several different types that you might encounter. 

Here's a brief overview of each type, including their characteristics and an example of each.

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Case Studies

A case study is an in-depth analysis of a specific business situation or problem. It involves extensive research and data analysis to provide recommendations.

Case studies often showcase the application of theory to real-world business scenarios.

In today's highly competitive business environment, it's essential for companies to have effective marketing strategies that can help increase sales and generate revenue. In this case study, we will examine how Company X, a leading retailer, was able to increase their sales through an innovative marketing approach.

Company X was facing tough competition from other retailers in the market. They needed to find a way to differentiate themselves and attract more customers. They decided to focus on their customer experience by offering personalized recommendations, exclusive discounts, and rewards programs. They also implemented a multi-channel marketing approach that utilized social media, email marketing, and targeted advertising.

Their efforts paid off as they saw a significant increase in customer engagement and sales. Their personalized recommendations and rewards program helped to build customer loyalty, while their multi-channel marketing approach helped them reach a wider audience.

Furthermore, Company X also used data analysis and optimization to continuously improve their marketing strategies. They tracked their marketing campaigns and analyzed the results to identify what worked and what didn't. This allowed them to adjust their approach and optimize their marketing spend.

In conclusion, Company X was able to increase their sales by implementing effective marketing strategies that focused on the customer experience, utilized a multi-channel approach, and used data analysis for optimization. Their success shows that with the right marketing approach, businesses can achieve their goals and stand out in a highly competitive market.

Research Papers

Research papers involve a more academic approach to business writing. They typically require an extensive literature review, data analysis, and original research. 

Business research papers aim to contribute new knowledge to the field of business. These often involve a hypothesis or research question.

The relationship between employee satisfaction and company profitability has been widely studied and documented in academic literature. A number of studies have consistently shown a positive correlation between employee satisfaction and company profitability (Bockerman & Ilmakunnas, 2012; Saks, 2006). When employees are satisfied, they are more engaged, productive, and committed to the success of the company. This leads to increased profitability and a competitive advantage in the market.

Employee satisfaction also has a significant impact on reducing employee turnover and associated costs. Studies have shown that when employees are satisfied, they are less likely to leave their jobs, reducing recruitment and training costs for the company (Harter, Schmidt, & Hayes, 2002).

Moreover, employee satisfaction can lead to positive word-of-mouth advertising and increased customer satisfaction. Satisfied employees are more likely to provide excellent customer service, leading to increased customer loyalty and repeat business (Heskett, Sasser, & Schlesinger, 1997).

Therefore, it's essential for businesses to prioritize employee satisfaction by providing a positive work environment, opportunities for growth and development, fair compensation, and benefits. Businesses should also regularly assess employee satisfaction levels and address any issues promptly.

In conclusion, the evidence shows that employee satisfaction is a crucial factor in the success of a company. By prioritizing employee satisfaction, businesses can increase profitability, reduce turnover costs, and improve customer satisfaction. It's essential for businesses to invest in employee satisfaction and consider it a corporate social responsibility to gain a competitive advantage in the market and achieve long-term success.

Argumentative Essays

Argumentative business essays aim to persuade the reader to adopt a particular point of view or take a specific action. They present an argument and use evidence and logic to support their claims. 

Argumentative essays can address various business topics such as management practices, ethical issues, or market trends.

Benefits of Telecommuting for Companies and Employees

Telecommuting, or working from home, has become increasingly popular in the business world in the United States and globally as well. While some employers are still skeptical about the effectiveness of telecommuting, there are many benefits to this work arrangement for both companies and employees.

One major benefit of telecommuting is increased productivity. Studies have shown that employees who work from home are often more productive than those who work in traditional office settings. This is likely due to a combination of factors, including fewer distractions, less time spent commuting, and greater flexibility in scheduling.

Another benefit of telecommuting is reduced overhead costs for companies. By allowing employees to work from home, companies can save money on office space, utilities, and other expenses. This can be especially beneficial for small businesses or startups that are operating on a tight budget.

Telecommuting also has benefits for employees. It can reduce stress and improve work-life balance by allowing employees to spend more time with their families and avoid long commutes. It can also be a valuable perk for attracting and retaining top talent, especially in industries where remote work is becoming increasingly common.

Of course, there are some potential downsides to telecommuting as well. For example, it can be more difficult to collaborate with colleagues and build strong relationships with coworkers when working remotely. Additionally, some employees may struggle with self-discipline and motivation when working from home.

Overall, however, the benefits of telecommuting for both companies and employees are clear. By embracing this work arrangement, businesses can increase productivity, reduce costs, and improve employee satisfaction and retention.

White Papers

A white paper is a document that provides a detailed explanation of a particular issue or problem, often with recommendations or solutions. 

White papers are typically used to educate stakeholders about a specific topic. These are often used in the business-to-business (B2B) context.

Navigating the Benefits and Challenges of Implementing a New CRM System: Insights for Informed Decision Making.

Implementing a new customer relationship management (CRM) system can be a challenging yet highly beneficial undertaking for businesses. In this white paper, we will outline the benefits and challenges of implementing a new CRM system and provide insights to help businesses make informed decisions.

Benefits of implementing a new CRM system:

Improved customer experience: A CRM system can help businesses gain a better understanding of their customers' needs and preferences, allowing them to tailor their products and services accordingly. This can lead to increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Increased efficiency: A CRM system can automate many processes, such as customer data management and lead tracking, freeing up valuable time for employees to focus on more strategic tasks.

Better data management: A CRM system can provide businesses with a central database for customer information, making it easier to manage and analyze data. This can lead to more informed decision-making and better business outcomes.

Challenges of implementing a new CRM system:

Cost: Implementing a new CRM system can be expensive, with costs including software licensing, hardware upgrades, and employee training.

Implementation time: Implementing a new CRM system can take several months, during which time businesses may experience disruptions to their operations.

Resistance to change: Some employees may resist the implementation of a new CRM system, requiring significant effort from management to ensure buy-in and adoption.

Comparative Essays 

Comparative business essays compare and contrast two or more topics or ideas. They typically analyze the similarities and differences between the topics to evaluate their pros and cons. 

Comparative essays can focus on various aspects such as products, companies, markets, or strategies.

Coca-Cola and PepsiCo are two of the biggest soft drink companies in the world. Both companies have been in competition for decades, and their marketing strategies have evolved over time. This comparative essay will analyze the marketing strategies of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo.

Coca-Cola is known for its classic marketing campaigns that focus on emotions and memories. One of their most famous campaigns is the "Share a Coke" campaign, where the company personalized its products with customers' names. This campaign helped Coca-Cola increase its sales and improve customer loyalty.

PepsiCo, on the other hand, is known for its focus on youth culture and celebrity endorsements. The company has collaborated with popular musicians and actors such as Beyoncé and Michael Jackson to promote its products. This marketing strategy has helped PepsiCo attract younger consumers and improve brand recognition.

When comparing the marketing strategies of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo, it is important to note that both companies have their strengths and weaknesses. While Coca-Cola's emotional marketing approach has helped it establish a strong brand identity, PepsiCo's focus on youth culture has helped it appeal to a wider audience.

In conclusion, the marketing strategies of Coca-Cola and PepsiCo differ significantly, but both companies have been successful in their own right. It is up to each company to determine which marketing approach works best for them and their target audience.

Choosing the appropriate essay type can help you in effectively conveying your message to the target audience.

How to Structure Your Business Essays

As you begin writing your business essay, it's important to structure it in a clear and organized way. 

Here's a step-by-step guide with business essay samples to help you do just that:

Executive Summary

The executive summary is a brief overview of your entire essay. It should summarize your main points and highlight your recommendations. 

This section should be written after completing the essay, as it gives a clear picture of what the essay covers. 

Here is how you start a business essay sample:

This essay provides an in-depth analysis of the marketing strategies employed by Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. The essay highlights the similarities and differences between the two companies' approaches to product development, distribution, and advertising. Based on the analysis, recommendations are made for how each company can improve their marketing strategies to better meet the needs of their target audience. The implementation plan outlines the steps necessary for each company to execute these recommendations successfully.


The introduction sets the stage for the rest of the essay. It should introduce the topic, provide background information, and explain the purpose of the essay. 

Here is a business essay introduction example:

In recent years, the concept of telecommuting has gained popularity as a means of increasing productivity and reducing costs for companies while providing flexibility for employees. This essay will explore the benefits of telecommuting for both companies and employees, including increased productivity, cost savings, and improved work-life balance. Additionally, the essay will discuss potential challenges associated with telecommuting and provide recommendations for successful implementation of a telecommuting program.

Industry Analysis

In this section, you'll conduct a thorough analysis of the industry in which the business operates. You should examine factors such as competition, market trends, and customer behavior. 

Here is a sample industry analysis

An analysis of the soft drink industry reveals a highly competitive market dominated by two major players, Coca-Cola and PepsiCo. Both companies have a strong global presence and compete fiercely for market share. Recent trends in the industry show a shift towards healthier beverage options, with consumers becoming increasingly health-conscious. This has led to a rise in demand for low-sugar and low-calorie alternatives, such as sparkling water and fruit-infused drinks. In addition, technological advancements in the industry have allowed for greater customization and personalization of products, with companies using data analytics to better understand consumer preferences and target their marketing efforts.

Key Issues or Problems

This section should identify the main issues or problems faced by the business. You should provide evidence to support your claims and analyze the impact of these issues. 

Here is an example paragraph:

In recent years, the XYZ Corporation has faced several key issues that have impacted its bottom line. One of the main issues is increasing competition from new entrants in the market. This has led to a decrease in market share and reduced profit margins for the company. Additionally, there has been a shift in consumer preferences towards more environmentally-friendly products, which the company has been slow to adapt to. These issues have caused significant concern for stakeholders and highlight the need for the company to address these challenges in a timely manner.

Solutions or Recommendation

Here, you'll provide solutions or recommendations to address the issues identified in the previous section. Your solutions should be well-supported and feasible. 

For instance:

To address the issues of low employee morale and high turnover rates, the company should consider implementing an employee engagement program. This could include regular employee feedback sessions, recognition and reward programs, and opportunities for career growth and development. By investing in their employees' well-being and growth, the company can create a more positive work environment and reduce turnover rates. Additionally, the company should consider implementing a mentorship program to provide guidance and support to new employees, which can also contribute to employee retention and overall job satisfaction.

Implementation Plan

For this part, you'll outline a plan for implementing the solutions or recommendations you've proposed. This is sort of a description of the business model you suggest. 

This section should be detailed and include specific action steps. 

For example:

The implementation plan for our proposed solutions will involve several key steps. Firstly, we will need to gather a team of experts to oversee the implementation process. This team will be responsible for coordinating with various departments within the company, such as global marketing and operations, to ensure that the plan is executed smoothly. Secondly, we will need to allocate the necessary resources, such as funding and manpower, to carry out the plan. Finally, we will need to establish a timeline with specific deadlines for each action step, so that we can track our progress and make adjustments as needed.

Finally, you'll wrap up your essay by summarizing your main points and reiterating your recommendations. 

This section should be clear, concise, and impactful. 

In conclusion, this essay has highlighted the importance of customer relationship management (CRM) systems in modern businesses. The analysis of industry trends and key issues facing businesses has shown that effective use of CRM can improve customer satisfaction, increase sales, and ultimately lead to a competitive advantage. Through the proposed solutions and implementation plan outlined in this essay, businesses can overcome the challenges of implementing a new CRM system and reap the benefits. It is recommended that businesses invest in CRM and continuously evaluate their usage to stay ahead of the competition in the ever-changing market.

By following this structure, your business essay will be well-organized, coherent, and easy to follow for your readers.

Tips for Using Business Essay Examples Effectively

Now that you have quite a few business essay examples at hand, you should know how to use them effectively:

  • Use them as a guide, not a template : While it's great to learn from examples, you should never copy them outright. Instead, use them as a starting point for your own research and writing.
  • Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the essay : Take note of what works well in the example essay, as well as any areas that could be improved. This will help you understand how to make your own essay even better.
  • Use them to inform your own research and writing : Pay attention to the research methods, sources, and evidence used in the example essay. This can give you ideas for your own research and help you strengthen your arguments.
  • Avoid plagiarism and ensure proper citation: Whenever you use ideas or information from an example, make sure to cite your sources. This will help you avoid plagiarism and maintain academic integrity.

You now have a plenty of business essay examples on different topics to help you get started!

By following our tips and studying the sample essays, you can confidently write your own essays that are clear, concise, and impactful. 

However, if you still find yourself struggling with your business essays, just reach out to our professional business essay writing service . 

We have the best online essay writing service and are ready to provide you a high-quality business. Our writing service has subject specialist writers who can tackle any business essay topic.  

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Art Of Smart Education

How to Write a Band 6 Business Studies Essay

how to write a band 6 hsc business studies essay

Studying HSC Business Studies and have no clue where to begin when it comes to the essay you’ll need to write in the final exam?

That’s okay! We’re here to help with this handy guide to writing in this style that you’re not as familiar with.

What are you waiting for? Let’s get started!

What Does the HSC Business Studies Essay Involve? Step 1: Decide on Your Approach Step 2: Plan Your Essay Step 3: Finish Your Introduction Strong Step 4: Choose Your Case Studies Step 5: Write the Essay Step 6: Practise Writing HSC Business Studies Essay Plans How to Write a Band 6 Thesis For Your HSC Business Studies Essay How to Write Band 6 Body Paragraphs For Your HSC Business Studies Essay

What Does the HSC Business Studies Essay Involve?

The HSC Business Studies Essay makes up 20 marks of Section IV in the HSC exam.

It is also often known as the ‘ Case Study’ essay , because students are expected to integrate case studies or real life business examples into their response.

The general marking criteria for a Band 6 in the HSC Business Studies Essay is that a student:

  • Applies relevant case study/studies and contemporary business issues
  • Presents a sustained, logical and cohesive response and communicates clearly using relevant business terminology and concepts

As usual they are based on the guidelines and comments from HSC markers: the ones who mark hundreds of essays year in year out.

Example Question

Here is the example question we’re going to use throughout this article to demonstrate what to do to get that Band 6 in your HSC Business Studies Essay:

how to write a band 6 hsc business studies essay

Step #1: Decide on Your Approach

The 30-70 rule.

As mentioned above, there are two ways to approach a HSC Business Studies essay:

  • 70% case studies and 30% theory explanation
  • 70% theory explanation 30% case studies

It’s important to understand that either approach, if executed well, is FINE.

The 30-70 Rule:  all essays had either 30% theory and 70% case study or vice versa. 

If you look at many top scoring HSC Business Studies essay responses over multiple years, all of them followed the 30-70 Rule.

Provided you follow the 30-70 Rule, pick the approach you find most logical and you are most comfortable writing with and you are well on your way to crafting that Band 6 HSC Business Studies essay!

Note: Students often you stress too much about the structure or approach of your essays. While structure is important, don’t forget to provide  well explained and supported arguments that answer the question .

Which Approach Should You Take?

There are essentially two schools of thought when it comes to writing a Band 6 HSC Business Studies essay.

Some teachers and markers believe that the case study should be the driving factor in your essay , adding theory to explain the case where needed. On the other hand, some believe that the case study should only be used as evidence to highlight or accentuate your theory and explanation.

For your school assessments, it’s best to follow your marker’s preferred school of thought. However, for the HSC exam, choose whichever approach suits you the best!

This is a similar approach to using statistics in an Economics essay, which if you also study, you can check out a similar guide to writing a Band 6 Economics essay !

Access our HSC Business Studies Essay Structure and Template

Business Studies Essay Structure

Step #2: Plan Your Essay

As you probably have experienced, the HSC Business Studies syllabus encompasses a large variety of dot points you will be expected to recall.

#1: Write Down All Relevant Syllabus Dot Points

To make sure that this doesn’t trip you over, use the first page of your writing booklet to sketch a plan of your response. Importantly, include the syllabus dot points you will be referring to.

By jotting these down on the page you ensure you first of all don’t forget any , but secondly also give yourself an opportunity to draw connections between different syllabus dot points to better answer the question!

If you are finding it hard to memorise the syllabus content, check out memorisation tips for Business Studies !

#2: Use the Directive Verb to Create Your Thesis

Before we plan, we must understand the NESA directive verbs . This will determine the level of depth and how the markers want you to answer the question.

With a plan, it makes your essay structure clearer and allows you to organise your ideas in a way which keeps your response  sustained, which is a key component of the A range marking criteria.

Your essay must continually drive towards developing your thesis — the actual answer to the essay question itself.

Step #3: Write A Strong Introduction

A strong introduction includes a strong thesis that provides context for the essay.

Now, connect your paragraph points to answering the thesis  and introduce your case studies. This is better than simply stating which external influences you will be looking at, which is not as effective and thesis-driven.

For example, rather than saying:

Globalisation, quality expectations and corporate social responsibility are the external influences which operations management must respond to. These influences are best represented by leading pizza franchise Domino’s Pizza, local school textbook manufacturer Secondary Textbooks, and leading sportswear and footwear manufacturer Nike.
These influences are exemplified by globalisation, which has opened businesses to the influence of global factors and increasingly demanding supply chain management needs, increased quality expectations that have created more stringent quality processes and management strategies, and an emerging emphasis on corporate social responsible behaviours to ensure legal compliance and ethical responsibility. Leading pizza franchise Domino’s Pizza, local school textbook manufacturer Secondary Textbooks, and leading sportswear and footwear manufacturer Nike are businesses that respectively demonstrate the crucial response of operations management.

It is much more impressive to the marker if you are able to show a direct link between your points and the thesis you are addressing , as it shows a more logical and well-planned response.

Together the intro would look like:

Operations management involves the set of processes used by businesses to transform inputs into outputs. These processes are continually influenced by external influences which can significantly hinder or promote a business’ competitive advantage. Operations management therefore must respond to these external influences using its operations strategies to capitalise on new developments and adapt, hence highlighting the importance of responding to external influences. These influences are exemplified by globalisation, which has opened businesses to the influence of global factors and increasingly demanding supply chain management needs, increased quality expectations that have created more stringent quality processes and management strategies, and an emerging emphasis on corporate social responsible behaviours to ensure legal compliance and ethical responsibility. Leading pizza franchise Domino’s Pizza, local school textbook manufacturer Secondary Textbooks, and leading sportswear and footwear manufacturer Nike are businesses that respectively demonstrate the crucial response of operations management.

Step #4: Choose Your Business Studies Case Studies

In addition to choosing how much of the essay to focus on case studies, you will also need to decide which case studies (and how many) to use in your HSC Business Studies essay. Again, it varies and depends on what you are comfortable with .

Top responses have however followed these trends:

  • Use more than one case study (usually three in total, or one per body paragraph)
  • Typically been large real life businesses where there is a wide range of information available .
  • Use the most recent events and issues 
  • Have not used hypothetical

Think about it this way — would you trust someone if they said that a certain business strategy has worked if it hasn’t actually happened in real life?

Should You Use Hypothetical Case Studies in Your Business Studies Essay?

This is isn’t saying to stay away from hypothetical case studies (i.e. a made up business). It’s not impossible to  get 20/20 with hypothetical case studies .

However, markers have found that hypothetical businesses are often a ‘super business’ that is perfect in every single way and therefore have no issues.

This ultimately does not give you much to write about and hence, you fail to show adequate knowledge of contemporary business issues. Which is obviously a problem for your HSC Business Studies Essay.

If you do choose to use a hypothetical (which I did in my plan), remember to make it realistic and that the whole point of the hypothetical is to show understanding, not to be a perfect business.

Tip : I recommend that you come up with the entire business as part of your exam preparation and also write out how it connects to each syllabus dot point. You can be creative, but don’t take too many liberties, it still needs to be realistic. 

Step #5: Write the Essay

The other general criteria in an HSC Business Studies essay is the related to the way you write and use language , including business terminology and concepts. 

This of course means you must know your content well and be able to connect different parts of the syllabus together and understand their relationships.

Once you have mastered your content, the criteria then asks for a ‘ sustained, logical and cohesive ‘ response. In order to achieve this, it is best to use a clear structure (which we have planned for in Step 1) as it forces you to retain a logical and cohesive structure.

Here’s how to do it:

#1: Use DPEEL (writing structure)

To provide a basic structure, follow DPEEL  which will ensure you are using business terminology and concepts consistently in your essay.

How to Write a HSC Business Studies Report - DPEEL Structure

Definition:  assume the marker is a layperson (has limited knowledge of the course) and ensure you are defining the business term or concept to reflect your understanding. Can be integrated into the response and does not need its own sentence. Point:  Attack the question and pinpoint what your overall answer will be, akin to a mini thesis. Explain:  Provide further details that elaborate on your point. Depending on which directive verb you are asked, this is also where you can start to show relationships (analyse), provide additional economic theories that demonstrate a cause and effect (explain) or make a judgement (assess/evaluate). Evidence:  Use your case study to illustrate how real life businesses apply the business studies content to achieve their goals rather than simply telling the reader that the business uses a specific strategy and not elaborating on how. Also be careful of simply ‘retelling the story’ of what the business does but not connecting it to your thesis! Link:  Conclude your paragraph by linking your points back to your original thesis.

#2: Use Transition Signals

The ‘sustained’ element of the marking criteria means the markers want the essay to flow uninterrupted . No additional details or sidetracks.

The best way to achieve this is through the use of transition signals.

Transition signals include words such as furthermore, hence, as a result, this leads to, but, however.

These are ‘linking’ words which along with the DPEEL structure FORCE  you to stay on track and sustain your attack on the thesis, as each sentence must relate to the previous. This makes it more difficult for you to stray off topic, allowing you to create a sustained response!

#3: Prepare a case study table for your Business Studies essay

Just like with English, Business Studies is also a subject with high demands on memory.

Not only must you remember course content, you must also remember relevant case studies. An efficient way to facilitate this process is a simple table that allows you to organise your information.

Here’s an example of a good HSC Business Studies Case Study Table: 

Table Preview

This will increase your mind’s ability to chunk the information without feeling overwhelmed, and it will be easier to remember!

Don’t wait until it’s too late! At Art of Smart Education our Hills District HSC Business Studies Tutors  can support you with tutoring at our Castle Hill campus, or tutoring in your home or online across NSW!

#4: Write a Strong Conclusion

Good news — HSC Business Studies essay conclusions are quite straightforward!

They need to:

Reaffirm your position and perspectives by restating your thesis — your answer to the question. Tie up your points and case studies and summarise how they have supported your thesis.

Make sure you don’t overdo the conclusion. 3-4 sentences is more than enough and the last thing a marker wants to see is a conclusion that has overstayed its welcome!

Step 6: Practise Writing HSC Business Studies Essay Plans

The final and most important tip is to practise this approach using different styles and topics of essay questions. It is also important that you plan the essays as you would in an exam to give you practice for planning for unseen questions.

Apply these steps to build your consistency in writing logically and systematically.

That is the only way you will improve and when you do improve, you will notice that you have become a better overall writer and this should reflect in your other subjects too. If you need more essay questions you can use past HSC exams , your textbook, or ask your teacher.

How to Write a Good Thesis for your HSC Business Studies Essay

The most important thing about any essay is the answer to the question itself with your thesis.  All paragraphs, business theory and case studies are simply used to support the thesis .

As a result, begin the plan by writing a direct answer to the question. In your thesis you want to:

  • Provide context for the question — include definitions of key terms such as external influences and operations management
  • Then use qualifiers or intensifiers (to some extent, significantly, is ineffective) to answer the essay question.

For our example, the thesis for our example questions would look like this:

Operations management involves the set of processes used by businesses to transform inputs into outputs. These processes are continually influenced by external influences which can significantly hinder or promote a business’ competitive advantage. Operations management therefore must respond to these external influences using its operations strategies to capitalise on new developments and adapt, hence highlighting the importance of responding to external influences.

How to Write Band 6 Body Paragraphs for your HSC Business Studies Essay

Now you should organise your ideas into dot points which you will write your paragraphs about. 

Also note down any sub points or arguments you think of underneath. This can include theory or case study events.

As this is the planning stage, it isn’t essential to get it all down perfectly — even just a word or key term to retain your train of thought is fine.

Below is an IDEAL plan using our example question. I’ve used more words than I normally would to help you read along (in reality, a few word dot points are fine, as long as you can understand what you’ve written).

how to write a band 6 hsc business studies essay

If there are natural links and connections between paragraphs this can also be useful in transitioning in between different paragraphs to maintain the  cohesiveness  of the essay, i.e. making it flow better.

Preparing for your Visual Arts exam too? Check out our Band 6 Essay Scaffold for HSC Visual Arts ! 

On the hunt for other HSC Business studies resources?

Check out our other guides and articles below:

Everything You Need To Know About HSC Business Studies

  • HSC Business Studies Practice Essay Questions
  • How to Write Killer Short Answer Responses for Business Studies
  • How to Write a Band 6 Business Report for Business Studies

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Terry Huang  completed his Bachelor of Secondary Education with a Bachelor of Commerce at the University of New South Wales. A strong believer that lessons should be engaging, relevant, and effective, his hustle and teaching approach have led to his recognition on the UNSW Faculty of Social Sciences Dean’s List for Academic Excellence, the NSW Teachers Federation Future Teacher scholarship, and the New Colombo Plan program. Terry enjoys listening to Kanye West, learning about cryptocurrency and memorising scenes from  The Office .

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How to Pick a College Essay Topic, According to an Admission Expert

A student in a USC hoodie writes in a notebook outdoors. (USC Photo/Philip Channing)

The personal essay is one of the most crucial parts of a college application. While your transcripts and test scores highlight your achievement, they’re ultimately just stats and figures.

That’s where the college essay comes in: It helps colleges determine who you are. You can let your personality shine through and also show off your biggest wins — and explain away any potential shortcomings.

Of course, not everyone loves to write. And even if you do, it’s not always easy to figure out what to say. After all, most college essay prompts are quite vague. Where do you even start?

We spoke with Dan Phan, the academic program manager for USC Bovard Scholars , to learn how to pick the perfect college essay topic.

What Should a College Essay Focus On?

First things first: You need to determine what your dream school is asking for. Some will ask for just one essay, which is in response to several possible prompts. Usually, these prompts have to do with your background, your ambitions, challenging or formative times in your life or your personal beliefs. Other schools, however, will require you to write a personal statement, in addition to answering several shorter supplementary essay questions.

So, different universities have different application requirements. However, the essay’s goal remains the same, regardless of the prompt or format.

“The main personal statement should be introspective and shed light on the student’s core values, experiences that shaped them and aspirations for the future. Who is this student? Where have they been

Where do they hope to go?” Phan said.

What are Some Examples of College Essay Themes?

Many people use the college essay to reflect on hurdles in their lives. These difficulties could be related to academics or personal struggles. The idea is to show how you handle adversity. Essays can also focus on a personal turning point, to illustrate your personal growth or how you adapt to change.

Other applicants focus on topics related to identity and diversity, diving into their cultural background or family history to explore how their heritage and upbringing have shaped them into who they are today.

Some students write about their passions, hobbies or community involvement, showing what they have to offer besides good grades. It’s also a way to paint a picture of how they could participate in campus culture. After all, the goal is for the university to want you to be there and bring your personal touch to campus!

Phan’s favorite college essay themes?

“I love reading stories about the movers and shakers of the world, young adults that I can envision in the college setting, wherever that may be, and making a big difference once there,” she said.

And while Phan sees plenty of stories about family, culture, personal obstacles and achievements, she’s also read some “beautifully written essays” that she “remembers vividly to this day.”

The topics of these essays were wide-ranging and, often, highly personal.

“Playing music with symbrachydactyly (a hand anomaly characterized by missing fingers),” Phan recalled. “Visiting the neighborhood wig shop after school to chat with cancer patients. Defying gender stereotypes. Living close to the state prison and getting involved in prison-to-school pipeline programs. Car rides listening to NPR. Peach dumplings. Natural hair. Treasure maps.”

So, don’t be afraid to get creative. While your college essay should express who you are, there are many different ways to do so.

How Do You Choose a College Essay Topic?

When faced with vague prompts and open-ended suggestions, it can be hard to think of one story that summarizes who you are. Unfortunately, you can’t write about everything that makes you unique. Instead, narrow it down to a specific thesis.

Phan recommends that students think about the top four things a stranger would need to know to get acquainted with them.

“I encourage students to be vulnerable, to build connections and to think about some of their most formative or meaningful experiences, whether that involves family, identity, culture, extracurricular activities or interests,” Phan said.

Ask yourself what your strengths are. What are the skills and qualities that separate you from others? Then, consider the stories in your life that illustrate these traits.

Maybe you’re proud of your resilience. What’s a time in your life that it was tested? Or perhaps you have a passion for improving your community. What led you to that? What are some times you’ve demonstrated that dedication?

Once you consider what you want the essay to reveal about you, it’s easier to determine what examples in your life illustrate that.

“The most compelling essays are not only well written but have rich details that humanize the student’s experiences,” Phan said.

What Not to Write in Your College Essay

While you have plenty of options for your college essay, there are also some topics you don’t want to write about. For example, Phan advises applicants to avoid writing about grades or academic performance. Your transcript already covers that.

Another common pitfall? Not writing about yourself.

“Sometimes, students make the mistake of bringing in another person like a family member, friend or leader they admire, and the essay ceases to be about the student but rather about how incredible the other person is — which completely misses the point,” Phan explained.

Similarly, keep in mind that you’re writing about yourself now. That means you should be discussing who you are as a prospective college student, not who you were in kindergarten. While stories from your youth may help explain who you’ve become, the focus should always be on personal growth and development.

Some essay topics are so overused that they’ve become clichéd, such as teenage heartbreak, mission trip experiences or winning a sports game, Phan said: “Considering how admissions committees may be reading tens of thousands of applications each application cycle, admissions readers want to read unique college essays with fresh perspectives and angularity.”

Should Someone Proofread Your College Essay?

Applying for college is a process with many steps, and most students ask for help confirming they’ve done each part correctly. The same goes for your college essay!

Once you’ve selected the topic, it’s normal to ask for feedback to ensure you’re on the right track. Your college counselor or a teacher would be the right people to ask.

Similarly, it’s a good idea to ask them for help refining the essay once it’s done. They can help you deliver your thesis in the most compelling way possible. Remember, even the most talented writers need a copy editor to check that their work is free of misspellings and grammatical errors.

However, don’t have too many people read your essay.

“I’ve seen essays become so disjointed because there were too many voices in the essays,” Phan said. “Additionally, working with multiple people can pull students in different directions, resulting in a bit of Frankenstein of an essay and the student’s original voice being completely lost.”

So, trust your gut! With enough preparation, hard work and proofreading, you can write a solid college essay that makes you stand out to potential schools.

Learn more about USC Summer and Online Pre-College Programs today.

Author: Becca van Sambeck


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