What is the Structure of My Life Essay?

Writing an essay about your life can be a meaningful and introspective exercise. At the same time, the specific structure may vary depending on your personal experiences and the purpose of the essay.

how to write my life essay

Here is a general why essay outline that you can follow:


  • Begin with a compelling opening sentence or anecdote to grab the reader’s attention.
  • Provide some background information about yourself, such as your name, age, and any significant events or circumstances that shaped your life.
  • Clearly state the purpose or main theme of the essay, highlighting what aspects of your life you will be discussing.
  • Share details about your childhood, you as a family member, family background, and upbringing.
  • Discuss any influential people or events during your early years that had a lasting impact on you.
  • Describe your educational experiences, hobbies, or interests that developed during this time.

Milestones and Achievements

  • Highlight significant milestones or achievements you have accomplished throughout your life.
  • Discuss any personal, academic, or professional accomplishments that you are proud of and the challenges you overcame to reach them.
  • Reflect on the lessons you learned from these experiences and how they contributed to your personal growth.

Life-Changing Experiences

  • Identify and elaborate on key life-changing experiences that had a profound effect on you.
  • These could include personal hardships, relationships, travel, cultural encounters, or moments of self-discovery.
  • Share how these experiences transformed your perspective, values, or goals in life.

Influential People

  • Discuss individuals who have played a significant role in shaping your life.
  • This could include family members, friends, mentors, or role models.
  • Explain how these people influenced your beliefs, choices, or aspirations.

Lessons Learned and Values

  • Look back and reflect on the most important lessons you have learned, not only in high school but throughout your life journey.
  • Discuss the values or principles that guide your actions and decision-making.
  • Share examples or anecdotes that illustrate how these lessons and values have impacted your life choices.

Current Perspective and Future Goals

  • Provide an overview of your current outlook on life, including your beliefs, aspirations, and goals.
  • Discuss how your past experiences and hard work have influenced your present mindset.
  • Share your vision for future endeavors and how you plan to achieve your goals, meet new people or make a difference.
  • Summarize the key points discussed in the essay, emphasizing the main themes or lessons learned.
  • Offer a final thought or reflection on your life journey and the impact it has had on you.
  • Leave the reader with a sense of closure or inspiration.

Remember, this outline is a general guideline, and you can adapt it to suit your own unique experiences and writing style. You can change the structure or even delete some of the abovementioned sections in case you believe that they do not suit YOUR LIFE .

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how do i write an essay about my life

How to Write an Essay About Your Life?

Let’s move to the next section where I’ll dive deeper into examples of how you should write an essay about your life experience. Ready? Of course, you are 😉

Take Some time to Think before Making a Final Draft

Open MS Word or take out a notepad and write some points. For now, you just need pointers. Talk about your past. What motivates you the most in your life? What gets you going, what is the source of your fuel? Do you think you have come far in life? Talk about your aspirations and all the relevant experiences.

And finally, circle back to the takeaway. Ideally, the beginning of your life experiences essay should be the conclusion of the essay as well. Because you need to remind the readers of what you want to do in your life at the beginning and in the end of the essay.

It’s MY LIFE ESSAY -> Just Be Yourself

This is an essay about you and your life. This is your chance to speak about yourself and just yourself. The readers need to know about what drives you. The biggest mistake students make is that they start talking about the organization they are linked with. For instance, if you worked at the UN for your summer internship , you do not need to define what the UN is and what do they do. Everybody knows about that and that is what Google is for as well.

But what we need to know about is what you learnt from the experience and how did it help you achieve the goals of your life. Talk about how as a student, working at the UN was an eye-opening experience and how. Explain what you did and not what the organization made you do. Keep in mind that the ‘my life experience essay’ is about you. So, make sure you fill it with yourself and be as original as possible.

Divide the Essay into Different Parts

You might have heard this point during your English subject classes as well. For any essay, it is essential that you break the essay in different paragraphs. A 5-paragraph essay about your life seems sufficient to cover the bits and pieces you want to the readers to know. This will help you remain concise and cover different topics in one essay.

For instance, the first paragraph can be the main purpose or motivation you have in life and how did you find the calling. The second can be about your academic training so far, the third can be about professional experiences you have had so far, fourth can be what you wish to do about the motivation and a conclusion to wrap things up. Different paragraphs allow you to put different puzzles. It will also not bore the reader as an essay without paragraphs can be hard to read.

Write it and Read it and Re-read it!

Most people read books. When you read a book, some parts may require several rereads. The same thing with your essay. When you are writing an essay about yourself and your life, one go is not enough. Every time you read it again , you might remember a different point about yourself that is pertinent to the article. Each time you read it again, you might view the piece with a different outlook.

Just like things did not happen in your life overnight, your personal essay cannot be written in one go, either. Give it time and thought. Invest some time in your essay, just as you should in your life goals.

Also, reading it repeatedly helps pointing different mistakes as well and for any essay, it is essential that it is free from mistakes. If possible, ask your trusted sibling or best friend to give it a read as well. Getting a second opinion on the written piece will help you make the essay better as well.

Finally, what you need to do is to reread the essay after a couple of hours or a day. Give your mind a break in between, get yourself occupied in something else and then read the essay all over again. A fresher mind always works better, regardless of what the assignment is. And when it comes to my personal life essay, something we struggle to express, giving a break to your mind goes a long way.

Ready to write an essay about your life?

So, it does not sound as difficult as you thought, right? Start writing from this very moment and remember, the essay is about your life, your journey, and your motivations in life. There is no right and wrong answer to the article, but there sure is a way to perfect the essay, which we explained in this article.

Just remember, the best way is to go in with a clear head and start penning down whatever thought you have in mind. Do not stop yourself. Keep writing. Once you are done, only then start connecting the points.

You will get there!

Meanwhile, if you are looking for a professional writer who can assist you with an essay about your life, look no further than Writing Metier . We have a team of experts who specialize in this exact essay type. Some of them have even worked on the admissions committee; therefore they are quite knowledgable in this field.

So contact us or fill out our online form with details of your task and order a custom essay online.

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Laura Orta is an avid author on Writing Metier's blog. Before embarking on her writing career, she practiced media law in one of the local media. Aside from writing, she works as a private tutor to help students with their academic needs. Laura and her husband share their home near the ocean in northern Portugal with two extraordinary boys and a lifetime collection of books.

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