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Python Program For Grading System (With Code)

In this guide, you will learn about the Python program for grading system.

Grading students’ performance is a crucial task in educational institutions.

However, manually grading numerous assignments, exams, and projects can be time-consuming and prone to errors.

To streamline this process, many educators are turning to automation through programming languages like Python.

In this article, we will explore how to create a Python program for a grading system that automates the evaluation process and provides accurate results efficiently.

Why Automate the Grading Process?

Manually grading assignments and exams is a time-consuming task that can lead to inconsistencies and errors. By automating the grading process with Python, educators can enjoy several benefits:

  • Time Efficiency: Automating the grading process saves valuable time that can be utilized for providing personalized feedback and engaging with students.
  • Accuracy: The automated grading system ensures consistent and objective evaluation, minimizing the risk of human errors and biases.
  • Immediate Feedback: With the grading system’s automation, students can receive prompt feedback, enabling them to identify areas for improvement and enhance their learning experience.

Logic: Python Program For Grading System

Before diving into the coding part, it’s essential to define the grading criteria and determine the weightage of different components.

Logic Behind Python Program For Grading System

Here are the key factors to consider when designing the grading system.

  • Grading Scale: Define the grading scale, such as letter grades (A, B, C) or numerical values (out of 100).
  • Components: Identify the components contributing to the overall grade, such as exams, assignments, quizzes, and projects.
  • Weightage: Assign appropriate weightage to each component based on its significance and contribution to the overall learning outcomes.
  • Grade Calculation: Determine the formula or algorithm to calculate the final grade based on the scores obtained in each component and their respective weightage.

Designing the Python Program for Grading System

Now let’s dive into designing the Python program for the grading system.

Here’s a step-by-step breakdown to guide you through the process:

Step 1: Define Constants and Variables

In this step, define any necessary constants and variables.

For instance, the PASSING_GRADE constant represents the minimum grade required to pass.

Step 2: Gather Student Information: Python Program For Grading System

Prompt the user to enter the student’s name and roll number to gather necessary information for evaluation.

Step 3: Input Marks for Each Component

Prompt the user to input marks obtained by the student in each component, such as exams, assignments, quizzes, etc.

Update the total_marks and maximum_marks variables accordingly.

Step 4: Calculate the Final Grade: Python Program For Grading System

Calculate the percentage obtained by the student by dividing the total_marks by maximum_marks and multiplying by 100.

Based on the percentage, assign a letter grade to the student.

Step 5: Display the Result

Finally, display the student’s name, roll number, marks obtained, maximum marks, and the assigned grade.

Complete Python Program For Grading System

Here is the complete python program for the grading system.

You can run this code on our free Online Python Compiler .

Welcome to the Grading System Enter student name: John Enter roll number: 01 Enter marks obtained: 97 Enter maximum marks: 100 Student Name: John Roll Number: 01 Marks Obtained: 97.0 Maximum Marks: 100.0 Grade: A

Testing and Debugging the Python Program For Grading System

Once the program is developed, it’s essential to thoroughly test and debug it to ensure its functionality and reliability. Here are some steps to follow during the testing phase:

  • Test with Sample Data: Use sample data to test the program’s calculations and verify if the grades are correctly computed according to the defined criteria.
  • Edge Cases: Test the program with various scenarios, including cases where students have scored exceptionally high or low marks, to ensure the program can handle extreme situations gracefully.
  • Error Handling: Implement appropriate error handling mechanisms to handle exceptions, such as invalid input or missing data, without causing the program to crash.

Enhancing the Grading System

To make the grading system more robust and customizable, consider adding the following features:

Adding Features for Customization

Allow educators to modify the grading criteria, weightage, and grading scale according to their specific requirements.

This flexibility ensures that the grading system can adapt to different subjects and educational institutions.

Modifying Grading Criteria: Python Program For Grading System

Give educators the option to change the grading criteria for different components or add additional components based on the course’s objectives and assessment methods.

Generating Reports

Incorporate a feature to generate detailed reports, including individual student grades, class averages, and any other relevant statistical information.

This feature can provide valuable insights for educators and administrators.

Deploying the Grading System

Once the grading system is developed and thoroughly tested, it’s time to deploy it for practical use.

Here are some considerations for deploying the grading system:

User Permissions

Set appropriate user permissions to ensure that only authorized personnel can access and use the grading system. This helps maintain data integrity and confidentiality.

Backup and Recovery: Python Program For Grading System

Implement regular backup procedures to safeguard the grading system’s data. Additionally, create a recovery plan to address any potential data loss or system failures.

User Training and Support

Provide training and support to the educators and staff members who will be using the grading system.

This ensures they understand its functionalities and can navigate any issues that may arise.

Real-world Applications of the Python Program For Grading System

The Python grading system can be implemented in various educational settings, including:

  • Schools: Automate the grading process for subjects like mathematics, science, language arts, and more.
  • Colleges and Universities: Streamline the evaluation of assignments, projects, and examinations across different departments.
  • Online Learning Platforms: Integrate the grading system into e-learning platforms to provide immediate feedback to students.

FAQs About Python Program For Grading System

Q: can i customize the grading scale in the python grading system.

Yes, you can customize the grading scale according to your institution’s policies and requirements.

You can modify the grade thresholds and associated letter grades in the program.

Q: Is it possible to include attendance as a component in the grading system?

Yes, attendance can be included as a component by assigning it a weightage and incorporating it into the grade calculation algorithm.

Q: Can the Python grading system handle large datasets of student records?

Yes, Python can efficiently handle large datasets by leveraging its powerful libraries and optimized data processing capabilities.

Q: Can I integrate the grading system with other educational software or databases?

Yes, the Python grading system can be integrated with other software or databases using appropriate APIs or database connectors.

Q: Is it possible to export the grading system’s results to external file formats?

Yes, you can implement functionality to export the results to common file formats like CSV or Excel for further analysis or record-keeping.

Q: Can I automate the generation of grade reports for multiple classes?

Yes, by extending the program’s functionality, you can automate the generation of grade reports for multiple classes, including individual student grades, class averages, and other relevant information.

Q: How do you program grades in Python?

To program grades in Python, you can follow these steps:

  • Gather necessary information such as student details and marks.
  • Define the grading criteria and assign thresholds for different grade levels.
  • Calculate the total marks obtained by the student.
  • Determine the grade based on the total marks and grading criteria.
  • Display the student’s grade as the final output

Q: How do you code a grading system?

Coding a grading system in Python involves designing a program that evaluates and assigns grades based on predefined criteria.

You can use variables to store student information and marks, apply conditional statements to determine the grade, and utilize input and output functions to interact with the user.

By following a systematic approach, you can create a grading system that automates the evaluation process.

Q: How to calculate score in Python?

To calculate a score in Python, you need to consider the components that contribute to the score and their corresponding weights.

Multiply each component’s score by its weight, sum up the weighted scores, and divide by the total weight to obtain the final score.

Here’s an example:

Q: What is the A+ B in Python?

In Python, the expression A + B represents the addition operation, where A and B are variables or values that can be added together.

The + operator is used to perform addition on numeric values or to concatenate strings.

For example, if A is 5 and B is 3, A + B would result in 8.

Wrapping Up

Conclusions: Python Program For Grading System

Automating the grading process using Python simplifies and enhances the evaluation of students’ performance in educational institutions.

By developing a Python program for a grading system, educators can save time, improve accuracy, and provide timely feedback to students.

The flexibility and robustness of Python enable customization and adaptation to various grading criteria and educational settings.

Embracing automation in the grading process paves the way for a more efficient and effective learning experience.

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how to make a grading system in python

Answered on: Thu May 18 , 2023 / Duration: 15 min read

Programming Language: Python , Popularity : 4/10

Python Programming on

Solution 1:

To make a grading system in Python, we need to define the criteria for grading and the corresponding grades. Here is an example of a grading system for a course with a maximum score of 100:

Score Range | Grade

Below 60 | F

To implement this grading system in Python, we can use conditional statements to check the score and assign the corresponding grade. Here is the code:

In this code, we first ask the user to enter the score using the input() function and convert it to an integer using the int() function. Then, we use a series of if and elif statements to check the score and assign the corresponding grade to the grade variable. Finally, we use the print() function to display the score and the corresponding grade.

Here are some sample outputs for different scores:

This grading system can be modified to include additional criteria or grades as needed.

Solution 2:

Sure, here is an in-depth solution on how to make a grading system in Python.

**Step 1: Define the grading scale**

The first step is to define the grading scale. This will determine how the student's grades will be converted into letter grades. For example, you might use the following grading scale:

* 90-100: A

**Step 2: Collect the student's grades**

The next step is to collect the student's grades. This can be done by asking the student to enter their grades, or by importing their grades from a spreadsheet or database.

**Step 3: Calculate the student's average grade**

Once you have collected the student's grades, you need to calculate their average grade. This can be done by adding up all of the student's grades and dividing by the number of grades.

**Step 4: Convert the student's average grade to a letter grade**

Finally, you need to convert the student's average grade to a letter grade. This can be done by using the grading scale that you defined in step 1.

Here is an example of how to implement a grading system in Python:

This code will print the following output:

You can modify this code to fit your specific needs. For example, you might want to allow the user to enter the student's name, or you might want to store the student's grades in a database.

Solution 3:

To make a grading system in Python, you can use a variety of techniques and tools, depending on the requirements of your specific application. Here is an example of how you can create a simple grading system using Python:

First, you will need to define the grading criteria. For example, you might use a letter grade or a numeric score to represent the level of performance. You can create a function to calculate the grade based on the criteria you have established.

Next, you can create a class to represent a student and their grades. You can store the student's name, the grades for each subject, and the overall grade.

You can then create a list of students and iterate through the list, calling the print_grades method for each student.

This will output the grades for each student and their overall grade based on the criteria established in the calculate_grade function.

Note that this is just one example of how you can create a grading system in Python, and you may need to modify the code to suit your specific requirements.

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How to Calculate Average and Grade in Python

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Calculate Average and Grade in Python

How to Calculate Average and Grade in Python

In this article, we’ll explore a Python program that tackles two essential tasks: calculating the average marks for five subjects and assigning grades based on a predefined grading scale.

This program is particularly useful for students looking for a simple solution to their school assignments or for those interested in creating a grading system for educational purposes.

This test average and grade Python program has two main tasks: calculate the average marks against 5 subjects and calculate the grade against the average marks.

Code example:

Let’s explain the code above. We have two main functions, the calculate_average(total) and the find_score(grade) .

The calculate_average(total) calculates the average of the total marks provided as input. The find_score(grade) assigns a grade ( A , B , C , D , or F ) based on the input grade using conditional logic.

Inside a loop, we prompt the user to enter marks for 5 subjects one by one. It also displays the corresponding grade using the find_score() function.

The entered scores are stored in the scores[] list. After we enter all subject marks, the program calculates the total sum of the scores.

It then calculates the average marks by calling the calculate_average() function and passing the total as an argument. Finally, we used the find_score() function to assign a grade to the calculated average and display both the average and the corresponding grade to the user.

In the output, the program summarizes our input by displaying grades for individual subjects based on a predefined scale immediately after each input. After all five subject marks are entered, the program calculates and displays the average mark and the corresponding final grade based on the average.

In this article, we’ve discussed how to calculate averages and assign grades in Python, making it valuable for both students and educators alike. The program stands out for its well-organized functions, ease of use in taking user inputs and providing feedback, and flexibility in allowing customization of the grading scale.

With its clear and understandable output and its adaptability, it serves as an invaluable resource for educational contexts. Moreover, it can be extended for more complex grading systems or specialized educational applications.

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Zeeshan is a detail oriented software engineer that helps companies and individuals make their lives and easier with software solutions.

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Given different scored marks of students. We need to find a Grade Calculator in Python . The test score is an average of the respective marks scored in assignments, tests, and lab work. The final test score is assigned using the below formula.

The grade will be calculated according to the:

Also, calculate the total class average and letter grade of the class.

Create a Grade Calculator in Python

Enter Marks Obtained from 5 Subjects to get your Grade.

Optimized code to create a grade calculator in Python

Time Complexity: O(n*l), Here n is the number of students and l is the total number of subjects Auxiliary Space: O(1), As constant extra space is used.

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Python Program to Calculate Grades

Python programming examples tutorial index.

It is a common practice for educational institutions to evaluate students based on their performance through grading. This tutorial aims to help you understand a Python program that inputs a student's marks and displays the corresponding grade based on the marks obtained.

Understanding the Grading System

A grading system is a method of evaluating students' performance based on their marks. The system usually divides the entire range of possible marks into segments, with each section representing a specific grade. For instance, marks could be translated into grades as follows:

  • A : 90 and above
  • B : between 80 and 89
  • C : between 70 and 79
  • D : between 60 and 69
  • F : below 60

Implementing the Grading System in Python

The program compares students' marks against predefined grade ranges. Here's how you can implement it:

  • Input Marks : Start by taking the student's marks as input.
  • Determine Grade : Use if-else statements to compare the marks against the grade boundaries and assign the corresponding grade.
  • Display Grade : Finally, display the grade to the user.

Code Example

Below is a simple Python program illustrating the above logic:

In the program above, we start by taking the marks as input and converting them into a float data type for accurate grade calculation. Next, the program validates if the entered marks fall within the acceptable range of 0-100. After validation, if-elif-else statements compare the marks against the grade thresholds and assign the appropriate grade based on the entered marks. Finally, the program displays the grade. If the input is not a valid numeric value or falls outside the acceptable range, the program outputs the input error and prompts to enter the correct data.

This Python program provides an example of using conditional statements to solve a common problem - grading students based on their marks. Knowing how to apply such logic is essential for beginners in Python programming. It serves as the basis for more complex decision-making in software development. Perfecting these fundamental concepts enables you to tackle more intricate programming challenges and implement them in real-world situations.

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Python Program to Calculate a Student's Grade

In this article, you will learn and get code in Python to calculate the grades of students. Here is a list of programs for determining a student's grade:

  • Calculate the student's grade based on the results of five subjects.
  • Based on the marks obtained in N number of subjects

The grade must be calculated as per the following rules:

Calculate the Grade of the Student in Python

This program figures out and prints a student's grade based on the marks they got in five subjects that the user enters at run time.

To calculate the grade of students in Python, you have to ask the user to enter marks obtained in five subjects. Now, add up all the marks and figure out the average to find the student's grade based on the average marks they got, as shown in the program below:

The following Python program asks the user to enter marks obtained in five subjects to calculate and print the student's grade:

Here are some sample runs of the above Python program to demonstrate how to calculate the grade of a student.

When you run the above code, you will see the following sample output, which asks the user to enter marks obtained in 5 subjects:

calculate student grade python

Now enter the marks obtained in 5 subjects, say 89, 99, 98, 92, and 77, and then press the ENTER key to see the grade obtained according to the marks entered, as shown in the snapshot given below:

calculate grade of student python

Note : If mark contains decimal values like 98.6, 86.9, etc., then replace int with float.

That is, to handle floating-point (values containing decimal) values, replace the following block of code:

with the block of code given below:

Receive marks using Loop and Find Grade

This program uses a loop to receive marks obtained in five subjects. It also uses a loop to find the total mark:

Here is its sample run with user input: 89, 76, 78, 45, and 35 as marks obtained in 5 subjects:

python calculate grade of student

Note : You can also use append() in place of insert(). To do so, just replace the following statement:

with the statement given below:

The following block of code (from the above program):

is created to execute the following statement:

five times from 0 to 4. That is, this statement gets executed five times with the value of i ranging from 0 to 4.

When i's value is 0 (at first execution), then the mark entered by the user gets stored in the list at mark[0]. Now, the value of i is 1, so the mark entered by the user is stored in the list at mark[1], and so on up to five times.

Obtain Marks for N Subjects and Determine Grade

This program allows the user to enter the number of subjects along with the marks obtained in all subjects. That is, this program finds and prints the grade of a student based on the marks obtained in N subjects. The value of N and marks in N subjects must be entered by the user:

Here is its sample run with user input, 6 as the number of subjects, and 56, 46, 76, 87, 45, and 37 as the marks obtained in the 6 subjects:

calculate student grade in python

Here is another sample run with user input, 10 as the total number of subjects, and 56, 76, 87, 90, 45, 44, 34, 56, 76, and 80 as the marks obtained in the 10 subjects:

find student grade in python

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Automatically grading Python code assignments

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  • Python is a popular programming language in education, especially for introductory courses and applied scripting or data science courses. 
  • With the right tools, it is very easy and beneficial to autograde Python.
  • Learn about Python I/O Testing , PyTest Unit Testing for education, Code Quality Grading with Flake8 and PyLint and Python Code Structure grading.

The need for Python autograding

Coding is slowly but surely becoming part of every professional field, making a fundamental knowledge of programming extremely useful. And with computer science classes being introduced in K-12/primary education, we’re sure to see an even bigger increase in Computer Science students, especially in Python courses.

With that being said, teachers can also expect a higher workload. Unzipping, downloading, running, adding feedback and re-uploading submissions per student and per assignment is a great burden! Unfortunately, this can take time away from teaching and giving students personal attention. This is where autograding can really help! 

Not only does automatic grading help teachers, but it also directly benefits students. Firstly, with an instant feedback mechanism, students can submit their work and see immediately where to improve. They can correct their code and resubmit, and this feedback loop continues. This quick turnaround helps students learn at a consistent pace - no longer do they need to wait a few days for their answers, only to forget how they did it in the first place. Moreover, with CodeGrade, students can also directly code in our integrated editor (directly from within the LMS) or hand work in directly through their GitHub or GitLab repository and get their feedback instantly! 

Secondly, after handing in, students can see if their solution works and fix it if it doesn’t, making sure you will never have to fix their compiler errors again. Finally, you have more time to focus on the interesting and important facets of teaching. For example, cutting down hours of grading time allows educators to give more attention to student questions and wider learning objectives.

Ideally, an autograder balances two elements; ease of use - students and teachers should be able to get to grips with the autograder quickly and easily; and flexibility - as learners move from basic programming assignments to more advanced ones, an autograder should function with a wider range of accepted outputs, among other nuances. 

Setting up a basic autograded Python, Jupyter Notebook or IPython Notebook assignment is pretty simple. We’ve outlined some of the options below.

Input/Output autograding

Many programming courses, particularly introductory courses, teach students how to create programs and interact with them through the command line interface (CLI). For instance, a simple program might prompt a user to provide a number and, in return, print a statement telling the user that their number is odd or even. Input/Output (I/O) tests are a great way of checking that these simple programs work as expected. However, this would traditionally require teachers to download each of their students’ submissions and run them independently in their local environment, putting inputs to the program one at a time and making themselves vulnerable to human error.

Fortunately, CodeGrade’s I/O test step allows you to run a program as you would on your own CLI - enter an input (either standard input, stdin, or as input argument) to the program, and test that the predicted output matches the actual output. With CodeGrade, this doesn’t have to be an exact match, but can be made more flexible by the teacher by modifying case sensitivity, substring matching, whitespace sensitivity or by using a regex.

Unit Test autograding

Once courses begin to venture into more complex programming assignments, particularly those with functions and other encapsulated code, unit testing is a natural tool for autograding. Unit testing frameworks often enable multiple ways of testing that aren’t just limited to matching a predicted outcome with an actual outcome. For Python, CodeGrade has support for PyTest out of the box. But frameworks like PyUnit can be installed too.

CodeGrade’s dedicated Unit Test Step parses the XML output of your unit tests and displays each test individually and checks whether or not they passed. The Unit test step makes customizing your unit tests really easy, enabling you to write custom descriptions for each test, weighting them differently, and even providing hints when the tests fail!

Code Quality autograding

While coding classrooms mostly cover the syntax of programming languages and the functionality of functions, procedures and modules, one thing that is sometimes overlooked is the readability and quality of code. Instantly autograding Code Quality or Style directly shows students where they can improve their code inside their learning environment. This can help students use better variable and function names, use their whitespace more consistently and prevent other common coding bad practices. 

The Code Quality test step in CodeGrade’s AutoTest makes a host of industry-standard linters and static code quality assessment tools available for teachers to automatically grade code quality and formatting! For Python, CodeGrade offers linters such as Flake8 and PyLint. While some configurations are available by default, CodeGrade offers you the ability to upload your own custom style guides and rules to give you full control. Custom style guides allow you to select which rules to check and alter the severity level of each infraction. The Code Quality step doesn’t just provide a grade, it also automatically highlights your students' code directly on the lines where the mistakes were identified, making it simple and intuitive for students to understand what went wrong and how to fix it.

Code Structure autograding

A type of autograding that is exclusively offered by CodeGrade’s AutoTest is easy code structure checking . For this, we have implemented our own version of the powerful Semgrep tool. 

With this, you can now not only check if your students’ code works and whether the style is correct, but you can also check if they actually solved your coding challenge in the way that you want. You can automatically check if they use prohibited libraries, if they actually use a for-loop and not a while-loop and if they did not hardcode their answer but rather solved the problem. What’s more, you can also make sure that students define the correct variables, and functions, to make sure they get a helpful warning if they did not.

Devin Hillenius

Devin Hillenius

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Parameter hints

Functions calls with positional-only arguments can get quite unreadable:

Some IDE’s support inlay hints, but these can get cut off and make line length hard to measure:


Could we add a notation to hint the parameter names, but which is ignored at runtime?

Edit: with 6+ people against, I won’t follow through with this.

Why use positional-only arguments then? They’re not the default.

This is just an example, this mostly applies to built-in functions such as range() . Although I also use it when the signature of a class is incompatible with its super class. e.g.

Also, using parameter hints would be faster than keyword arguments:

Yes, I know this is pre-mature optimisation, but it would be as readable as keywords.

I think this is a needless complication to work around a poor API design.

Something like this?

Yes, both, I would put them on separate lines anyway when they don’t fit on a single line:

But this is overkill for functions like range() , and it makes more sense if the parameter name comes first.

I see 6 people disagree with me. OK, then not.

If you find that someone else’s interface is awkward because it uses positional-only arguments, make a wrapper.

For Python code, you can probably use the inspect module to automate this. It’s not trivial, though.

The problem is that built-ins don’t actually have names for those positional-only arguments, because they’re implemented in a context that doesn’t need names - the C code receives the arguments via the C API which has already stuffed them into a tuple, and assuming those arguments are unpacked into local variables in the C code, those names aren’t exposed anywhere (even in a debug build, they’d only be visible to a C debugger). So we can’t support something like range(step=2) “automatically”, because range doesn’t just reject passing the arguments by keyword - it doesn’t have any keywords to use.

I don’t really understand why. That doesn’t seem like a good way to signal the issue. But aside from that, __init__ and __new__ are special, because they’re concerned with object creation. Beyond that point, methods should uphold the Liskov Substitution Principle .

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