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How to Write an Essay for CSS?

essay writing tips for css

Writing an essay is obliviously a difficult part of the CSS exam. Most candidates fail in the composition part of the CSS exam because they don’t understand the requirement of the essay. FPSC syllabus provides a detailed understanding of what an examiner wants you to write. Therefore, aspirants have to analyze the given topics and write upon them critically. Writing an essay will be an art if you are able to solve the problems asked by the examiner. Before explaining the mechanics of an essay, let’s have to understand the definition of an essay.

According to Wikipedia, “The word  essay  derives from the French infinitive  essayer , “to try” or “to attempt”. In English  essay  first meant “a trial” or “an attempt”, and this is still an alternative meaning. The Frenchman Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592) was the first author to describe his work as essays; he used the term to characterize these as “attempts” to put his thoughts into writing.”

This means that an essay is a writer’s attempt to solve a problem or issue he is asked for. Or, an essay can be the name of expressing your thoughts on a topic based on a single subject matter. It often gives a personal opinion of the author.

To write an excellent essay, you have to focus on the four components mentioned and explained below. Let us explore and understand them one by one.

This is an essential part of an essay. You can understand the structure, learn grammar and use it accurately, but you would never be able to write an outstanding essay if you lack useful content. A writer without content is like a soldier without a gun. As mentioned earlier, the essay explains the problem and its solution. For this, you have to make your ideas broader, and you have to think out of the box. Then and only then, you would critically analyze a problem and jot it down on a piece of paper.

Read books that you find subject-oriented to your topics. Read magazines, newspapers, and research papers. These sources will help you build the content which is required for an essay later. 

Remember! Do not read books only. Those who read and accept are called consumeristic mindsets. They never come out of the box; rather, they acknowledge what they have read or seen. Instead, be a critical and keen observer while reading. It will make you competitive, critical, and creative enough that you would see unseen as well.


The second essential component of writing an essay is its structure. An essay cannot be written randomly without any structure; instead, it needs to be fixed in a frame that gives a systematic view to a reader. The structure of an essay has three main parts: the introduction, the body, and the conclusion, and let us understand each one individually.

Introduction (10% of an essay)

This is the first paragraph of an essay. The introduction of an essay introduces the topic that has to be explained later; it has two jobs to do. First, it tells the reader or examiner what the essay is all about. Second, it grabs the reader’s or examiner’s attention at the very beginning of an essay so that he stays till last.

There are three additional elements to be focused on in the introduction: the motivator/hook, bridge, and thesis statement.

A motivator or hook  is a statement that a writer uses to attract his reader or examiner. He uses quotations, famous sayings, questions, proverbs, facts, or short stories that win the reader’s interest.

The element in an introduction is called  a bridge . It helps the writer to connect his motivator or hook to the main idea. He brings the reader to the point where he is going to explain his opinion. In short, it brings the reader towards the exact topic.

The last element in the introduction of an essay is called  Thesis Statement . This statement offers the purpose and concise summary of an overall essay, and it shows a road map to the reader that he will go through in the body of an essay. Briefly explain in one or two statements what your essay is all about and the purpose of your essay.

Remember! A good introduction will always give you a good essay. 

Body (80% of an essay)

After you have written a wonderful introduction, now is the time to expand your introduction into greater detail. The body is composed of paragraphs that support the main idea you have introduced at the start of your essay.

Each paragraph should have a  clincher statement  at the end, and it resolves whatever questions or claims were previously put forth. It should not end the topic ultimately; rather, it should connect the upcoming paragraph in a way that the reader thinks that the previous paragraph was a prerequisite of the next one.

You can support your main idea with facts and figures, reasons, references, case studies, etc. there is another formula used for supporting the main idea, which is called  FRIES.  Here, “F” stands for the facts that you can provide to your topic, “R” stands for reasons, “I” stands for incidence, “E” stands for examples, and “S” stands for statistics. All these elements or some of them can help you strengthen your reasoning in an essay. Use them gently and be authentic.

Indeed, the primary goal of solving a problem or issue given in the topic should not be forgotten.

Conclusion (10% of an essay)

Last but not least is the conclusion of an essay. Your conclusion should do two jobs. First, it should provide a summarized view of the essay. In other words, it should reflect what you have introduced in the beginning. Second, it should predict the future aspects. If your essay didn’t solve a problem or express a topic with the writer’s opinion, it should not be called an essay. The conclusion of an essay should briefly show the prediction of the topic.


The third essential component of an essay is grammar. You should have sound grammar to use in your writing. If you don know good grammar, you would be unable to write an excellent essay. You would never know what you have written correctly and what you have written wrong. There are some grammar topics that we recommend you improve one by one.

Tenses:  This is the first area of grammar that provides you with an understanding of the time perspective of a sentence. Learn them first of all as they are heavily used in the best part of the grammar.

Parts of Speech:   Many aspirants take them easy. Some of them just read them and cram the definition of parts of speech. Remember! There is a difference between one who knows the definition and one who knows the actual use. Be the latter one so that you use them conceptually.

Narrations:  Writing heavily deals with narration. You should have a great command of direct and indirect narration, and it will help you to use them whenever required in writing correctly.

Conditionals:  Most people get confused when they are using conditionals. Remember that each conditional has syntax semantics and pragmatics, and use them correctly when writing.

Types of sentences:  You should improve the types of sentences. For example, affirmative, optative, imperative, interrogative, and explanatory sentences will help you have a better understanding of them while writing.

Forms of the sentence:  There are four primary forms of a sentence: simple, compound, complex and compound-complex. This is the most essential part of written communication. Sometimes, aspirants think that they have written an outstanding essay without any grammatical mistakes, but they are unable to rectify structural mistakes.

Phrases:  Phrases are important to be studied. They are used as different parts of speech, and learning them will prevent you from committing mistakes in big units.

Clauses:  Clauses provide a real understanding of a sentence. If you have a great command of clauses, you will use them correctly without any structural mistakes.

Punctuations:  Punctuations can give a great sense or can completely destroy the meanings. Knowing punctuation for writing an essay is very necessary, and you can inspire your examiner or reader if you know the great use of punctuation.

These areas of grammar must be good enough for writing a brilliant essay. If you know them yourself, you can easily take out your mistakes.

Instructions to be followed while writing an essay

The fourth essential component of an essay is the instructions that serve as necessary principles in an essay. Below are some principles or instructions that should be understood while writing an essay.

Objective approach

When you start writing an essay, you first deal with the title of an essay. Capturing the exact meanings in the beginning is very important. Have an objective approach so that you stay on track.


This refers to the oneness. All paragraphs in an essay should be related, and it must show that the paragraphs written in an essay come from one family.


Chaining between sentences is called coherence. Each sentence should be accurately connected with one another in a meaningful manner, and every previous sentence should look like it was a pre-requisite for the next one. To gain coherence, use transitional words.


Write all ideas in a logical order. Your reader should see the most important points in the beginning and the weaker ones later. You should have a chronological order of ideas in your essay.


Variety refers to the change of words, examples, and thoughts for one topic. It often bores the readers when you repeatedly use the exact words, ideas, or examples for one topic again and again.

Writing three thousand words in the CSS exam would never mean that you should exaggerate unnecessary words. In other words, it refers to the addition of adverbs and adjectives that are unnecessarily coming in your writing. Be brief. You can add a variety of examples but not too many adjectives and adverbs. The more you write a brief, the clearer it will be to the readers.

All these are the tips and tricks that can help you write an excellent essay. Read books because they will always broaden your ideas. Look at sample essays or books of essays that provide a better understanding of the expert’s work. If you need CSS books , or even past papers and FPSC Syllabus that can build your content for the CSS exam, contact us now , and we will deliver them free of cost.

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A fresh graduate, With a mindset to bring ease to all of those Aspirants who want to be CSPs! Not that boring, I love to eat, travel, and have fun with mates too :)

2 thoughts on “ How to Write an Essay for CSS? ”

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It’s very helpful 👍 thanks alot. I need css books and syllabus and past papers please help me.

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7 Important Tips for Writing Better CSS

Cem Eygi

One of the biggest issues in programming is dealing with maintenance. In a real-world scenario, we don't always start developing projects from scratch. Mostly, we are assigned (or take) a project that has already been written maybe a couple of years before or even longer.

To work efficiently on that project, first we need to understand the source code. This is the point when we immediately realize the importance of clean code. As developers, we must try to write our code as cleanly as possible.

This is also the case for CSS. There are some points we need to pay attention to while writing CSS. In this post, I would like to share some of the most important ones with you. I believe these 7 tips will help you to improve the quality of your CSS code.

So let's begin...‌                 ‌

DRY stands for "Don't Repeat Yourself" . This is a general software development principle and can be applied in any programming language, as well as in CSS. As we can understand from its name, DRY aims to avoid or reduce repetition as much as possible.

For example, we can create 3 CSS classes for 3 buttons like this:

Or we can use the DRY principle by writing the common rules once in an additional class and the different rules each in other classes:

As we can see, applying the DRY principle avoids repetition, decreases the number of lines, and improves readability and even performance.

Naming CSS selectors is another important point for writing better CSS. The name of a selector should be self-descriptive and readable ...

Normally, <p> is an HTML tag and stands for paragraph. Above, we can't really understand what class p is. Also, you should avoid names like myFirstForm , and I don't advise using camel case .

Instead, use declarative names (separated by a dash for multiple names):

I think the names make more sense now :)

Naming things in programming is not that easy, but there are various naming conventions that you can use in your project. BEM (block element modifier) is one of them. I've worked with BEM before and I can recommend it.

3. Don't Use Inline-Styles

Well, there are arguments on the web about this: some are telling you never to use inline styles, while others are arguing that it can be useful in some cases.

In my opinion, the best practice is actually not using inline styles. I will focus here on why we shouldn't.

Separation of Concerns

According to the separation of concerns principle, design (CSS), content (HTML) and logic (JavaScript) should be separated for reasons like better readability and maintenance.

Including CSS rules inside HTML tags breaks this rule:

We should rather keep our styling rules in external CSS files.

Difficulties in Search

Another problem with using inline-styles is that we can't search for them. So when we need to make a change on styling, we normally look for CSS selectors of the HTML element.

For example, let's change the font-size of text on our webpage. To do that, first we find that specific part on the browser where the change is needed by looking at the HTML structure:

Then we need to find the selector, which is the text-bold class here. Finally, we go to that class and make the changes:

But if the rules are written inline-style instead of using classes:

Even if we find the HTML tag, we can't know whether there are other font-size rules inside the HTML or not. Since there is no selector used, we have to go through all the HTML pages one by one, try to find the other font-size rules and change them too.

Wouldn't it be easier with a CSS selector? But there's something even worse…

Specificity / Overwrite Issues

Inline-Styles have the highest specificity among CSS selectors (when we don't count !important tags ).

Considering we are using both a class and an inline-style for an element:

Here, the font-size of the text will be 14px , because inline-styles have higher specificity than CSS classes. When you make a change in the class:

The font-size will still be 14px. So your change in the CSS class won't work, which will cause you to end up saying:

"Hey, why is my CSS code not working? I hate CSS!"

and lead you to use an !important tag which does the magic:

Which is a big no-no and leads us to the next point…

4. Avoid the !important tag

OK, so your CSS wasn't working as was supposed to, and you made it work by applying the important tag:

What happens next? The !important tag has the highest specificity of all CSS selectors.

You're basically saying to the browser to apply that specific rule with the !important tag always and under any circumstances. This is not good because CSS rules can differ from one selector to another, from parent selector to child.

The only way to override an important tag is to use another important tag . And this leads to using more and more important tags. Trust me, in the near future your project code will be full of ! important tags , which makes your CSS code much harder to maintain. So try not to use it.

5. Use a Preprocessor

Working with a CSS Preprocessor like Sass or LESS is very useful in bigger projects. A preprocessor brings additional features to our CSS code that we normally can't do.

For example, we can define variables, functions and mixins, we can import & export our CSS files in other CSS files and we can write nested CSS code:


A preprocessor has its own syntax and later it gets translated into standard CSS (in a separate CSS file) because browsers don't understand the syntax.

I like working with Sass and have used it in various projects. I have covered some of the advantages of using a CSS Preprocessor here .

6. Use Shorthands

Some of the CSS properties like paddings, margins, fonts and borders can be written in a much simpler way by shorthands. Using shorthands helps to reduce the lines of rules.

So without shorthands, a CSS class would look like this:

and with shorthands it looks like this:

You can find here more info about how to use shorthands properties and for which CSS properties they can be applied.

7. Add Comments When Necessary

Normally, quality code doesn't need comments because it should already be clear and self-descriptive. But still, in some cases, we may need to write additional explanations.

So when you feel that some parts of the code are unclear, then don't be afraid to add comments (but on the other hand, make sure not to overdo it :)).

As a Frontend Developer with a couple of years of experience, these are the most important tips that I can suggest for improving your CSS skills. If you have any questions, or you think there are also other tips for writing better CSS, don't hesitate to comment down below.

If you want to learn more about web development, feel free to follow me on Youtube !

Thank you for reading!

Front-end Developer // Follow Me on Youtube: https://bit.ly/3dBiTUT

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CSS Exam - Essay Writing Tips for CSS

Essay paper of CSS Exam is considered the most difficult one. In fact, it is the make or break for a candidate. There are numerous candidates who secured more than 700 marks in written exam but could not get 40 marks in Essay Paper of CSS Exam. Essay paper requires special attention and preparation but it does not mean that it is impossible to pass. Concerted effort and proper preparation make it easy to pass. Essay is similar to speaking in concise & precise manner with the aim to convey the ideas & thoughts with proper justified grounds. We admire those speakers who present things in proper array similarly a good piece of writing should be properly arranged keeping the reader's attention and interest affixed on it.

How to Write an Essay for CSS

Here we try to get an idea how to write a piece of writing or essay in better way; particularly essay for CSS Exam.

  • First impression is the last impression so the opening paragraph or introduction of an essay is the main ingredient to grasp the reader's attention and stance depicted in that essay. Introduction should contain plot & thesis around which the whole essay or a piece of writing is based. Consider the novels or fictions which are best seller; they consist of opening three or four pages intelligently crafted to keep the reader interested in the book till the very end. Whatever is written should be relevant and the purpose of all these method is to catch the attention of your reader.
  • Traditional standards of correctness are the base of a good essay. Correct use of tenses, phrases, grammar, punctuation, proper verbs & adjectives, narration, idioms make an essay successful. The basic purpose of essay writing is to find out the candidate who may be able to produce text having subtlety, depth, a subtext, creativity, and clever (even poetic) use of language.
  • A great opening line and an absorbing plot should start the essay; followed by the explanation of the subject matter leading to its merits & demerits ending with conclusion along with solutions & recommendations. The main theme of the topic should remain intact throughout. Short sentences work best from a single point of view. Strive for active rather than passive voice. Use strong verbs rather than adverbs.
  • Shortlist 50 topics for essay preparation and then gather information about them from books, newspapers, articles and internet. Keep in touch with the current political and social issues on daily basis. Do not try to learn any essay but develop ideas and then express them on paper. Repeat this practice regularly.

CSS Essay Topics

The most repeated CSS Essay Topics with little modification, enhancement and change are given below:

  • Women Empowerment
  • Democracy V/s Dictatorship
  • Energy Crisis
  • Child Labor
  • Political Instability
  • United Nations
  • Judicial System
  • Nuclear Energy/ Arms
  • Rule of Law
  • India Pakistan Relationship
  • Financial Issues of Pakistan
  • Foreign Policy of Pakistan
  • New World Order
  • Clash of Civilization

AoA Sir, My question is that are Engineers allowed to appear for CSS competitive exams?

AoA! Dear sir Msc chemistry can appear in css exam.

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How to write an Essay for CSS / PCS / PMS or any Competitive Exams

How to write an Essay for CSS / PCS / PMS or any Competitive Exams

Table of Contents

How to write an Essay for CSS

Css essay writing tips, what is an essay.

A good essay is a comprehensive composition on a particular topic; beneficial, convincing and easily comprehensible for a reader. Essay writing is a skill of formulating your ideas about a topic in an adequate manner with the aid of rational arguments which convince the reader about what is discoursed in the essay.

The essay is a particularly academic form of writing and is a standard method of developing and demonstrating a student’s intellectual abilities at almost all levels of a humanities degree programme. Developing skills in essay-writing is, therefore, crucial to success in your studies.

QUESTION FORMAT (CSS Exam): Make an outline and write a COMPREHENSIVE ESSAY ( 2500 – 3500 words) on any one on the given topics. Make sure you use different forms of discourse e.g. description, narration, illustration etc.

How to write an Essay

In essay writing, the most important starting point is to listen carefully to what the essay title is telling you.

Choice of topic

Choice of topic should be clearly based on your holistic understanding of the subject matter. So choose a topic with which you are most comfortable. At times we think that the topic is so common that most of the people will choose it, so let me choose some unconventional topic. This is a totally wrong thinking, many people end up scoring poor marks due to this. So fight with your best weapons on.  

Interpretation of the essay topic

Do not be in a hurry to write an essay. Many people see the broader title and start writing the essay without even understanding the theme of the topic.

Eg- With greater power comes greater responsibility Now the moment people see power they somehow relate it to politics and bureaucracy and start building their essay around it, writing all theories, quotes and examples they know related to it. Here the theme of this topic is philosophical which talks of power present in any institutional system (family, religion, community, politics, administration etc ), throughout society power is banked from people to a leader so that he can use that power for a common good. So with greater power comes greater responsibility. In this context we need to critically analyze the theme of the essay.

Essay writing can be divided into following four parts on the basis of marking in CSS Exam.

  • Discourse/ideas and thoughts presented in an essay
  • Structure of essay
  • Making Outline
  • Principles and Qualities of a good essay

What is Paragraph in CSS Essay

  • In essay begin with a general point about the central issue
  • thesis statement ( what you are trying to prove ) should be included in essay writing
  • Essay should have mapping statement or statements ( what and how you will argue )
  • Topic sentences ( sentences that introduce your topics ) should be included in the essay.
  • In essay show your understanding of the topic that has been set ( given ).
  • Show how you plan to address the title in your Essay structure
  • Our advice would be to use simple language. As Anton Chekov once said ‘Brevity is the sister of talent’.
  • The idea of using ornamental language to showcase your English vocabulary may backfire at times.
  • There should be a logical continuation from beginning to end.
  • The essay should be organized in well-structured paragraphs coherent with the flow of the essay.
  • Don’t be too aggressive or pessimistic in your tone.
  • Come up with good points and express new viewpoints.
  • Go through well written essays by experts in newspapers and magazines, and understand how they frame the ‘Introduction’ and ‘Conclusion’ paragraphs.
  • The conclusion should be there in essay writing.

A powerful introduction is invaluable ( extremely useful ) in an essay. It can engage your readers, and can give them confidence that you have thought carefully about the title, and about how you are going to address it. It may be possible to use only one paragraph for your introduction, but it may fall more easily into two or more. You will need to adapt and extend this basic structure to fit with your own discipline and the precise task set. Following the thesis, you should provide a mini-outline which previews the examples you will use to support your thesis in the rest of the essay. Not only does this tell the reader what to expect in the paragraphs to come but it also gives them a clearer understanding of what the essay is about.

Essentially, this is what you are doing within the essay process, breaking ideas down, and then building them up again. Writing essays, You just need to break down the essay title into its component parts, and consider possible ways of addressing them work with these component parts, as you select your reading and make relevant notes, build up the essay using the material you have collected ordering it, presenting and discussing it, and forming it into a coherent argument.

Supporting Paragraphs (Body of Essay)

In writing essay supporting paragraphs make up the main body of your essay. List the points that develop the main idea of your essay. Place each supporting point in its own paragraph Develop each supporting point with facts, details, and examples. To connect your supporting paragraphs, you should use special transition words. Transition words link your paragraphs together and make your essay easier to read. Use them at the beginning and end of your paragraphs. Transitions are words and phrases that provide a connection between ideas, sentences and paragraphs”. Transitions help to make a piece of writing flow better.

What should a paragraph do?

At the risk of being silly, consider this. What you look for in a partner, a reader looks for in a paragraph. You want a partner who is supportive, strong, and considerate to others. Similarly, a good paragraph will:

Be Supportive

Even in the most trying of times a good paragraph will find away to support the essay. It will declare its relationship to the essay clearly, so that the whole world knows what the paragraph intends to do. In other words, a supportive paragraph’s main idea clearly develops the argument of the essay.

A good paragraph isn’t bloated with irrelevant evidence or redundant sentences. Nor is it a scrawny thing, begging to be fed. It’s strong and buffed. You know that it’s been worked on. In other words, a strong paragraph develops its main idea, using sufficient evidence.

Be Considerate

Good paragraphs consider their relationship to other paragraphs. A good paragraph never interrupts its fellow paragraphs to babble on about its own, irrelevant problems. A good paragraph waits its turn. It shows up when and where it’s supposed to. It doesn’t make a mess for other paragraphs to clean up. In other words, a considerate paragraph is a coherent paragraph. It makes sense within the text as a whole.

When you’ve written a paragraph, ask yourself these questions:

  • Do I have enough evidence to support this paragraph’s idea?
  • Do I have too much evidence? (In other words, will the reader be lost in a morass of details, unable to see the argument as a whole?)
  • Does this evidence clearly support the assertion I am making in this paragraph, or am I stretching it?
  • If I am stretching it, what can I do to persuade the reader that this stretch is worth making?
  • Am I repeating myself in this paragraph?
  • Have I defined all of the paragraph’s important terms?
  • Can I say, in a nutshell, what the purpose of this paragraph is?
  • Has the paragraph fulfilled that purpose?

The body of the essay will take each of these main points and develop them with examples and illustrations, using clearly defined paragraphs. This is where you will need to think about the structure of your essay and make sure you follow a clear path through to your conclusion. This section is where most writers go wrong, but if you plan carefully you should have a direction for your essay before you start writing.

Critical Analysis

Avoid unnecessary description

In an essay only include general background details and history when they add to your argument, e.g . to show a crucial cause and effect. Practice distinguishing between description ( telling what happened ) and analysis ( judging why something happened ).

Interpret your evidence

While writing essay explain how and why your evidence supports your point. Interpretation is an important part of critical analysis, and you should not just rely on the evidence “speaking for itself”.

Be specific

In essay avoid making sweeping generalizations or points that are difficult to support with specific evidence. It is better to be more measured and tie your argument to precise examples or case studies.

Use counter-arguments to your advantage

In writing an essay if you find viewpoints that go against your own argument, don’t ignore them. It strengthens an argument to include an opposing viewpoint and explain why it is not as convincing as your own line of reasoning.

A powerful conclusion is a valuable tool. So in essay writing the aim is to leave your reader feeling that you have done a good job. Having done all of that, the final element – and final sentence in your essay – should be a “global statement” or “call to action” that gives the reader signals that the discussion has come to an end. A generic structure that you may find useful is

  • Brief recap of what you have covered in relation to the essay title
  • Reference to the larger issue and Evaluation of the main arguments
  • Highlighting the most important aspects in the essay.

Watch Video: 25 Preparation Tips on How to Study for CSS at home

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  • Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (September 22, 2022) for CSS, PMS
  • Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (September 21, 2022) for CSS, PMS
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  • Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (September 18, 2022) for CSS, PMS
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  • Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (August 27, 2022) for CSS, PMS
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  • Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (August 23, 2022) for CSS, PMS
  • Daily Top-10 Current Affairs MCQs / News (August 22, 2022) for CSS, PMS

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Shahzad Faisal Malik is the administrator of CSSTimes.pk and is responsible for managing the content, design, and overall direction of the blog. He has a strong background in Competitive Exams and is passionate and sharing information with others. Shahzad Faisal Malik has worked as a Graphic Designer/Content Creator at CSSTimes in the past. In his free time, Shahzad Faisal Malik enjoys watching Cricket, writing blogs for different websites and is always on the lookout for new and interesting content to share with the readers of this website. As the website administrator, Shahzad Faisal Malik is dedicated to providing high-quality content and fostering a welcoming and engaging community for readers. He looks forward to connecting with readers and hearing their thoughts and feedback on the website.

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Tips for css exams and essay writing by dr madiha fatima.

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Important Study Tips for CSS Exams and Essay Writing by Dr Madiha Fatima

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GRE Analytical Writing Section (Revised): Tips to Write GRE Issue Essays

Analytical writing and critical thinking skills are assessed in the GRE Analytical Writing Section . A strong GRE score above 4.5 is advised if you plan to apply to the top-ranked universities. We’re testing your capacity to formulate arguments, defend complex concepts, and make decisions. Now just one activity is available in the revised Analytical Writing Assessment GRE: Analyze an Issue. You have thirty minutes to compose an essay based on the provided prompt. Your writing style and word count will determine how well you do on the GRE Analytical Writing section. Write the essay in no more than four or five paragraphs, keeping its word count between 500 and 600.

Analytical Writing Measure Overview

Starting on September 22, 2023, the GRE General Test’s Analytical Writing measure evaluates your analytical writing and critical thinking abilities by looking at your capacity to:

  • articulate and support complex ideas
  • construct arguments
  • sustain a focused and coherent discussion
  • It doesn’t assess specific content knowledge

The “Analyze an Issue” activity, which takes 30 minutes to complete, is the Analytical Writing measure. In this activity, a viewpoint on a matter is presented along with guidelines for how to react. You must assess the problem, take into account all of its nuances, and create a case for your position that is supported by facts and examples.

GRE Issue Essay Format

An issue-based GRE AWA essay should be between 500 and 600 words long. The common subjects are interesting and can be approached from many angles. Keep your mind that there are no perfect answers in GRE AWA. Examining a problem is an assignment that assesses your ability to think critically on a common subject. You must provide a strong justification for your choice. Go through the guidelines carefully and draft a preliminary plan of action before starting to write your response. The following categories of instructions are possible:

  • Provide justifications and examples for your position on the suggested course of action.
  • Write a strong answer outlining how much you agree or disagree with the stated claim.
  • Write a response outlining your position and supporting it. You must talk about the two points that have been made.
  • Give a rationale for your stance on the stated claim.
  • Write a response outlining the policy’s effects and how they affected your choice.

GRE Analytical Writing Section Topics

There is currently only one task in GRE AWA: examine a topic. Critical thinking and analytical skills are assessed in this part. The GRE AWA question type is not standardized. To comprehend the most recent modifications, you must refer to the revised GRE pattern. Typical subjects for a GRE analysis include the following:

  • Technology and Society
  • Intellectual Endeavours
  • Government and power

Tips for Writing GRE Issue Essay

Aside from picking a side, the fundamental GRE issue tips are to use powerful, declarative phrases, relevant, and precise examples. In their GRE essays, candidates might use the following AWA GRE issue tips:

  • Start by Practicing GRE Issue Essays: In the GRE issue problem, applicants are asked to share their thoughts on a topic of general interest. GRE AWA advice requests that applicants practice writing three or more essays for the GRE. This will assist applicants with time management, understanding the different kinds of prompts, and gathering the information needed to write.
  • Pick One Side: Applicants are required to endorse just one side of the question. Speaking from both perspectives will weaken and confuse their essay. The examiner evaluates the candidate’s argumentative style. Those who study the AWA GRE examples and advice will be better able to write.
  • Give Relevant Examples: GRE AWA advice assists applicants in offering useful examples that will bolster their essays. Candidates must only include examples that bolster their essay; they cannot cover the entirety of it. Examples from a variety of fields, including business, the arts, history, and more, are available.
  • Follow a Structured Pattern in GRE Issue Essay: A well-structured essay is a crucial GRE AWA recommendation. Examiners like reading well-organized essays over poorly written ones. It raises the GRE AWA score and gives readers more clarity.

GRE Analytical Writing Score Range

After the test, scores for the GRE will be accessible on the official ETS website in eight to ten days. The range of scores for the GRE analytical writing is 0 to 6.0. The GRE score is valid for five years; in order to be admitted, candidates must submit or mail their extra score reports to the universities of their choice during this validity period. Let’s talk about the criteria that ETS looks for in your AWA essay grades:

GRE AWA Score Explanation
6.0 – Outstanding Clear identification of the most important features of the argument with deep analysis.
Looks for cogent ideas, logical organization, and connecting them properly without sudden transitions.
Strongly supports the main points of the critique.
Demonstrates superior control of the English language, sentence formation, spelling, grammar, and GRE vocabulary and the variety used in standard written English.
Few to no flaws in the writing.
5.0 – Strong Clearly, identification of the important features of the argument and analyzes them thoughtfully.
Develops ideas clearly, and connects them logically, with appropriate transitions.
Gives very sensible support to the main points of the critique.
Has clear control of language, GRE grammar, including diction and syntactic variety
It may have minor flaws like spelling errors, but no major flaws.
4.0 – Adequate Capable of identifying and analyzing the main features of the argument.
Develops and organizes ideas satisfactorily, but some important connections and transitions may be missing.
Supports the main points of the critique.
Demonstrates sufficient control of language, but may lack syntactic variety.
May have many minor flaws or some major flaws.
3.0 – Limited Does not identify or analyze many of the important features of the argument.
Has limited logical development and no proper organization of ideas.
Offers support of little relevance and value for points of the critique
Uses language imprecisely and/or lacks sentence variety Contains occasional major errors or frequent minor errors in grammar, usage, and mechanics
2.0 – Seriously Flawed Demonstrates no understanding of the main features of the argument.
Almost no analyses of the main points have been made.
Does not develop any ideas or is disorganized
Provides zero to few relevant pieces of evidence.
Has frequent serious problems in the use of language, grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
1.0 – Fundamentally Deficient Provides little to no evidence of the ability to understand and analyze the main idea.
Failure to develop an organized response.
Contains severe and persistent errors in language and sentence structure
Has an unusually frequent pattern of errors in grammar, usage, and logic.
A totally incoherent response.
0.0 – Unscorable The responses are off-topic.
The responses are written in a language other than English.
The responses are a mere copy of the given topic.
The responses consist only of random keystroke characters.
No response.

GRE Analytical Writing Section Practice Questions with Answer

GRE Analytical Writing Section- FAQs

What is the awa score on the gre.

The GRE AWA score has a 0.5-point increment structure and ranges from 0 to 6 levels. Nearly all of the best colleges in the world accept applicants with a GRE AWA score of at least 4, which is regarded as a respectable score.

What is the AWA portion of the GRE?

The analyze an issue task and the analyze an argument task are the two distinct components of the GRE AWA. Analytical and critical thinking skills are assessed in the GRE AWA section.

What is the passing score for GRE AWA?

The GRE AWA does not have a set passing score. A GRE AWA average of more than 4.5 is regarded as a strong performance and is accepted by the majority of the world’s best colleges.

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Crafting the Perfect College Essay: Tips from Admissions Experts

Writing a college application essay can be one of the most challenging parts of the college admissions process. 

However, with the right approach and tips from our admissions consultants, you’ll have no problem crafting an essay that stands out. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process, explaining everything you need to know about writing your college essay. We’ll also share some college essay tips, formats, examples, and common pitfalls to avoid.

Complimentary Initial Consultation

Fill out this form to book your complimentary initial consultation., how to start a college essay, understand the prompt.

Before you start writing, make sure you thoroughly understand the essay prompt. You might find it helpful to break it down into smaller sections to better understand what the admissions committee is asking. 

Look for keywords in the prompt that highlight the main focus, such as “describe,” “explain,” or “reflect.” 

Understanding the prompt’s objective is important. Work out whether it’s asking you to share a personal story, explain your motivations, or discuss your goals. If any part of the prompt is unclear, seek clarification from teachers, parents, or peers to avoid misinterpreting it.

Brainstorm ideas

brainstorming for college essays

Consider free writing. It can help uncover potential topics by allowing you to write freely about different experiences and ideas without worrying about structure or grammar. 

Creating a mind map with the prompt at the center and branches for different ideas and experiences may also be helpful. Similarly, making lists of significant life events, accomplishments, challenges, and influences can generate ideas. 

Ask yourself reflection questions like “What am I most proud of?”, “What challenges have I overcome?”, and “What experiences have shaped my values and goals?” to find meaningful topics.

Spend some time brainstorming potential topics. Think about experiences, achievements, or personal stories that highlight your character and strengths. 

Choose a unique angle

Select a topic that is personal and unique to you. Admissions officers read thousands of essays, so finding a distinctive angle will make your essay stand out. 

Write about something meaningful to you rather than what you think the admissions committee wants to hear. 

Choose a topic that demonstrates personal growth, resilience, or a significant change in perspective. Highlight your core values and beliefs through a story that reflects them.

Create an outline

outlining a college essay

Start with an introduction that includes a hook to grab the reader’s attention , introduces the main theme or story, and provides a brief overview of what the essay will cover. 

Develop your main points with clear, concise paragraphs in the body of the essay, each focusing on a single idea and providing evidence or examples to support it. 

Summarize your main points in the conclusion. Restate your thesis in a new light, and end with a strong closing statement.

Organize your thoughts by creating an outline. This helps you structure your essay logically and ensures you cover all necessary points. 

Set the tone

The introduction sets the tone for the rest of your essay. Make sure it reflects your voice and personality. Whether your tone is serious, humorous, reflective, or passionate, it should be consistent throughout the essay.

End your introduction with a roadmap that outlines the main points you’ll cover in your essay. This helps the reader follow your narrative and understand the structure of your essay.

College essay format

As mentioned above, the introduction is your first chance to make an impression. You should start with a captivating hook to grab the reader’s attention. It could be an anecdote, a thought-provoking question, a striking statement, or vivid imagery. 

After the introduction comes the body of your essay. You should develop your main points with specific examples and clear, concise paragraphs. 

The conclusion summarizes your main points, restates your thesis in a new way, and ends with a strong closing statement.

Formatting tips

  • Font and Spacing: Use a readable font, such as Times New Roman or Arial, in size 12. Double-space your essay.
  • Margins: Set margins to one inch on all sides.
  • Title: Include a title if not specified otherwise. It should reflect the main theme of your essay.
  • Length: Adhere to the word limit specified by the college, typically between 250 and 650 words.
  • Consistency: Ensure consistent formatting throughout the essay, including font size, spacing, and paragraph structure.
  • Proofreading: Carefully proofread for spelling, grammar, or punctuation errors. Consider an external review.
  • Adherence to Guidelines: Follow any specific formatting guidelines provided by the college, such as submission format and file naming conventions.

7 college application essay tips

Be authentic.

Your essay should reflect your true self. Admissions officers can tell when you’re not being genuine, so write about what matters to you, not what you think they want to hear. Authenticity can make your essay stand out because it showcases your voice and perspective.

Show, don’t tell

Use descriptive language and specific examples to illustrate your points. Instead of stating that you’re determined, describe a situation where your determination helped you achieve a goal. This makes your essay more engaging and memorable.

Stay focused

Stick to the topic and avoid drifting off. Each sentence should contribute to your main theme or story. Keeping your essay focused ensures that your message is clear and concise, making a stronger impression on the reader. 

While it’s important to provide enough detail to support your points, avoid being too wordy. Concise writing is more powerful and keeps the reader engaged.

student focussing on writing his college essay

Carefully review your essay, checking for spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors. A well-polished essay shows attention to detail and respect for the admissions process. Consider asking a teacher, parent, or friend to read it over and provide feedback.

Follow instructions

Adhere to the word limit and any formatting guidelines provided by the college. 

Following the instructions shows you can pay attention to details and follow directions, both of which are important skills for college students.

Seek feedback

Get feedback from teachers, parents, and friends, but make sure the final essay reflects your voice. Constructive criticism can help you improve your essay, but it’s important that it remains your own work.

Practice good time management

Start early to give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, write, and revise your essay. Rushed writing often lacks depth and clarity, so taking your time can significantly improve the quality of your essay.

Types of college essays

Personal statement.

The personal statement is a general essay that provides an opportunity for you to share your story, experiences, and personal qualities. It often addresses broad prompts that ask you to reflect on significant life experiences or describe your goals and motivations. Look at it as your chance to give the admissions committee a deeper understanding of who you are beyond your grades and test scores.

samples of college application essays

Supplemental essays

Supplemental essays are additional essays that many colleges require in addition to the personal statement. These essays often ask specific questions related to the college’s values, culture, or specific programs. Examples of common supplemental essay prompts include:

  • “Why do you want to attend this college?”
  • “Describe an extracurricular activity or work experience.”
  • “Discuss an issue of personal, local, national, or international concern and its importance to you.”

Scholarship essays

Scholarship essays are written as part of an application for a scholarship. These essays typically focus on your academic achievements, leadership experiences, community involvement, and financial need. Scholarship essays often ask you to explain why you deserve the scholarship and how it will help you achieve your educational and career goals.

Common App essays

The Common Application (Common App) essay is a personal statement required by colleges that use the Common Application platform. The Common App provides several prompts each year, allowing students to choose the one that best fits their story. The prompts are designed to be broad and open-ended, giving students the flexibility to write about a wide range of topics.

student writing her common app essay

Coalition application essays

Similar to the Common App, the Coalition Application also requires a personal statement. The Coalition Application offers different essay prompts, but they serve the same purpose: to allow students to share their personal stories and reflections.

University-specific essays

Some universities require essays that are specific to their institution. These essays can vary widely in topic and format. They might ask you to discuss how you would contribute to the university community, your interest in a particular program, or your thoughts on a current event or societal issue.

Diversity essays

Diversity essays ask you to discuss your background, experiences, and perspectives on diversity. These essays are an opportunity to reflect on how your unique experiences have shaped your worldview and how you will contribute to a diverse and inclusive campus environment.

Career goals essays

Career goals essays require you to outline your professional aspirations and how your chosen college and program will help you achieve them. These essays are common for applications to business schools, engineering programs, and other professional degree programs.

Creative essays

Some colleges may ask for creative essays that allow you to showcase your creativity and originality. These essays might include prompts that ask you to write a short story, imagine a hypothetical scenario, or describe a unique perspective.

Analytical essays

Analytical essays require you to analyze a text, event, or issue. These essays test your critical thinking and writing skills by asking you to provide a well-reasoned analysis supported by evidence. They are more common in applications to humanities and social sciences programs.

“Overcoming Adversity” essays

Essays on overcoming adversity ask you to describe a significant challenge or obstacle you have faced and how you dealt with it. These essays highlight your resilience, problem-solving abilities, and personal growth.

Winning college essay examples

Reading examples of successful college essays can provide inspiration and guidance. Look for essays that have a strong voice, clear structure, and compelling content. 

Analyze what makes these essays effective and try to incorporate similar elements into your own writing.

Do all colleges require essays?

Not all colleges require essays as part of their application process. Some schools, particularly those with open admissions policies, may not require an essay. However, most selective colleges do require at least one essay, and many have additional supplemental essays.

Things to avoid when writing a college essay

There are things you should include in your college essay, but there are also some things you should try to avoid if you want to give the best impression.

Avoid overused topics and phrases. Be original and authentic in your writing.

Controversial topics

Steer clear of highly controversial topics unless you can address them thoughtfully and respectfully.

Focus on positive experiences and growth rather than negative events.

Overly complex language

Use clear, straightforward language. Avoid using complex words, phrases, and ideas just to impress the reader.

Don’t repeat information already covered in other parts of your application.

Additional tips

In this final section of our guide on how to write a college application essay, we’ll share some quick and easy tips.

  • Start early: Give yourself plenty of time to brainstorm, write, and revise your essay.
  • Seek feedback: Get feedback from teachers, parents, and friends, but make sure the final essay reflects your voice.
  • Stay positive: Highlight your strengths and positive attributes.
  • Be honest: Write truthfully about your experiences and aspirations.

student writing a college essay

By following these tips and guidelines, you can write a compelling college application essay that showcases your unique qualities and stands out to admissions officers.

Remember, your essay is an opportunity to share your story and make a personal connection with the admissions committee. Use it wisely!

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Extensive English Essay and Precis Course for CSS 2025 and PMS 2024

English Essay and Precis Course for CSS 2025

  • October 27, 2023
  • Online Classes

Are you looking to extensively prepare for English essays and precis papers for the CSS or PMS exams? Then, let’s join Sir Syed Kazim Ali to learn Advanced English grammar and communication skills to write your ideas and arguments coherently, make assertions and support them with relevant evidence to qualify for the CSS and PMS English essay and precis papers.

English Essay and Precis Course

Nearly 50,000 aspirants start preparing themselves each year for the CSS examination in Pakistan. However, except for the second and third-attempt aspirants, almost all aspirants who begin their preparation do not give English their due importance. Instead of learning English grammar functionally, from its basic to advanced level, and written communication skills with extensive and rigorous practice and evaluation, they start preparing for other subjects. As a result, although they quickly grasp their compulsory and optional subjects, they cannot address examiner questions from their perspectives, which is crucial to qualify for any paper. And this is why you always see aspirants unsatisfied and confused when attempting either a 20-marks question or essay and precis.

Whether it is CSS or PMS, English papers in both examinations are divided into essays and precis. To talk about the precis paper, aspirants think that learning grammar books and memorizing some error rules can help them qualify for this paper. So, they keep practising sentence corrections and grammar exercises from various books, which do not help them crack the paper in the examination. English, for sure, has dozens of cryptic grammatical rules, many of which the CSS PMS examiner does not test. But, without any doubt, the CSS and PMS precis papers are not set out to test grammar rules; they, instead, are set up to check your clarity of the written expression and your language sense. So, as long as you do not learn the functionality of the parts of speech, sentence structuring, appropriate vocabulary usage, and English grammar from basic to advanced level, you cannot crack this paper.

Let’s consider the following sentences.

  • Crossing the road, a motorbike almost struck me. 

The sentence is wrong because it does not communicate the intended meaning to the examiner. The grammatical meaning of the sentence is that a motorbike was crossing the road . However, the intended meaning is that as I crossed the road, a motorbike almost struck me . 

  • Similar to a floppy disk, data is usually stored in the hard disk in sectors .

The sentence is wrong because it also does not communicate the intended meaning to the examiner. The grammatical meaning of the sentence is that the data is similar to a floppy disk . However, the intended meaning is that “ Similar to a floppy disk, the hard drive stores data in sectors. ”

As far as an essay paper is concerned, qualifying for this paper requires you to have a good command of English written communication skills, and based on how rationally, analytically, and logically you write and transfer your viewpoints and ideas to the examiner. Contrary to the misconception propagated by some inept teachers and academies, from the essay’s outline and introductory paragraph to the critical analysis and conclusion, an examiner evaluates your articulation, grammar, structuring, vocabulary, viewpoints, attitude, and tone. Nevertheless, aspirants build an analytical approach by learning quality books and content alone; they don’t even practice and learn to give their thoughts words. As a result, despite having a great deal of knowledge regarding subjects, aspirants cannot satisfactorily transfer their ideas to the examiner. Thus, if you have better writing skills, analytical approaches, and knowledge, you can easily give your ideas a motion required to qualify for the paper. Undoubtedly, an English essay paper demands you to write your perspective on the selected topic rather than reproducing sentences and paragraphs you cram from the newspapers. It is a fact that even the most learned aspirants cannot understand the flow of coherent ideas and can make occasional errors – especially in essays and precis papers – and that is where Sir Syed Kazim Ali comes in. For years, he has been the best CSS and PMS English teacher in Pakistan, with the highest success rate of his students.

Free Orientation for English Essay

Studying Competitive English with Sir Syed Kazim Ali Always Makes A Difference

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About the course

Sir Syed Kazim Ali has opened an  Online Extensive English Essay and Precis Course for CSS and PMS . This course is designed for aspirants who plan to take the CSS and PMS exams and want to dive deep to grip English writing skills, including English grammar, essay writing, precis writing, and communication skills from basic to advanced levels. It equips you with writing skills and gives you the confidence to get the best possible exam results. In addition, this course helps you develop a habit of writing fluently, accurately, and appropriately by improving your core English skills with students at the same level. It is a perfect course if your level is between beginner and intermediate, and it helps you identify your strengths and weaknesses. So, whether you’re looking for your write-up evaluation or extensive coaching to take your writing skills to the next level to qualify for a competitive exam in Pakistan, Sir Syed Kazim Ali has an English language program to suit your needs. 

The extensive English Essay and Precis Course by Sir Syed Kazim Ali focuses on your English communication skills and help you give your thoughts fluently, coherently, and grammatically. His thorough evaluation, lecturing methodology, monitoring techniques, and constant feedback help his students develop the confidence required to qualify for the exams. That is why Sir Syed Kazim Ali has been the top English coach for CSS and PMS aspirants, with the highest success rate of his students in Pakistan.

Howfiv Official WhatsApp Channel

Although hundreds of aspirants want to join Sir Kazim for their English papers preparation, the available seats are only 50. To secure admission in the course, aspirants must submit an online form and a 200 words paragraph among the given topics. As you know, getting admission to the course has always been challenging; your entry is strictly based on paragraph writing. Besides a paragraph, students might have to attempt 100 to 200 MCQs based on English Grammar and English Communication Skills to secure final admission. Important Announcement

Here, You will Find the Following

  • ✓ Course Details
  • ✓ What will you learn?
  • ✓ Course Syllabus
  • ✓ How to register for the course?
  • ✓ How to reserve a seat in the course?

Course Details

Sir Syed Kazim Ali
Extensive English Essay & Precis Course for CSS and PMS
December – January – March – July- September
Monday, August , 2024
Online (via Zoom)
4 Months
4 Lectures (2-4 hours long class)
Evening (after 6 p.m.)
65 Seats Only
Rs. 15,000/Month

Free Orientation for English Essay

Interested aspirants wanting to secure their seats in advance must apply for the course and qualify for paragraph writing. If you qualify, the admin will contact you for further process to secure the seat.

What will you learn in this course?

  • ✓ Grammar and Language Focus
  • ✓ Synonyms and Antonyms
  • ✓ Vocabulary Usage
  • ✓ Tenses, Voices, Narration
  • ✓ Sentence Correction
  • ✓ Punctuation and Translation
  • ✓ Paragraphs Writing
  • ✓ 20-Marks Question Attempting
  • ✓ Precis Writing
  • ✓ Comprehension
  • ✓ Essays Writing
In this course, students learn grammar, precis, comprehension, 20-marks question attempting, and essay writing in detail. Moreover, students practice and get the last 10 years’ past papers evaluated individually by Sir. Each of the students is given individual time for his write-up evaluation Course Speciality

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Course Syllabus Details

The following are the parts of the course that students cover in this session.

English Language Focus (Basics to Advanced)

  • ✓ Grammar & Sentence Structuring
  • ✓ Sentence Varieties & Sentence fragments
  • ✓ Structural & Clauses Contraction
  • ✓ Nouns and Pronouns
  • ✓ Adjectives and Adverbs
  • ✓ Comparisons and Degrees
  • ✓ Modal Verbs and Their Usage
  • ✓ Gerunds and Infinitives with Their Usage
  • ✓ Conjunctions and Conjunctive Adverbs
  • ✓ Structures after Verbs, Adjectives, and Adverbs
  • ✓ Parts of Speech with Their Particular Usage
  • ✓ Speeches: Narration and Voices
  • ✓ Phrases and Clauses and Their Usage
  • ✓ Misplaced Modifiers & Adjustments
  • ✓ Faulty Parallelism & Adjustments
  • ✓ Verbal Concepts, Errors & Usage
  • ✓ Academic Diction, Mood & Tone
  • ✓ Journalistic Diction, Mood & Tone
  • ✓ Story Diction, Mood & Tone
  • ✓ Articles, Demonstratives, Modifiers & Quantifiers Usage
  • ✓ Punctuation & Punctuation Expressions
  • ✓ Conditional (All Types – Rules, Errors, and Usage)
  • ✓ Auxiliaries & Modals (Rules, Errors, and Usage)
  • ✓ Prepositions (Rules, Errors, and Usage)
  • ✓ Phrases & Clauses (Basic to Advanced)
  • ✓ Advanced Usage of Phrases & Clauses
  • ✓ Sentence Analysis, Transformation & Synthesis
Contact Mam Zaineb at WhatsApp 0300-6322446 & Get Your Seat Reserved Now.

Vocabulary In Focus

  • ✓ 750 Modern Vocabulary Words (Appropriate Usage)
  • ✓ 500 Plus Idioms & Phrases (Appropriate Usage)
  • ✓ 500 Confusing Words (Appropriate Usage)
  • ✓ 350 Phrasal Verbs (Appropriate Usage)
  • ✓ 150 Proverbs (Appropriate Usage)
  • ✓ 300 English Expressions (Appropriate Usage)
  • ✓ 250 Smilies & Metaphors
  • ✓ 200 Uncommon Words & Phrases
  • ✓ 500 Most Used Synonyms
  • ✓ 500 Most Used Antonyms
  • ✓ 500 One-word Substitutions

Basics of the Wiring Process

  • ✓ What is sentence structuring?
  • ✓ What level of grammar do you need to start writing?
  • ✓ How to use contemporary vocabulary appropriately?
  • ✓ How to get focused & organize your thoughts?
  • ✓ How do you get ideas & collect information?
  • ✓ How to establish a thesis statement?
  • ✓ How to write all comprehensive topic sentences?
  • ✓ How to grab examiners’ attention?
  • ✓ How to organize your thoughts coherently?
  • ✓ How to write catchy titles and teasers?
  • ✓ How to start and end a paragraph?

Elements of Paragraph Writing

  • ✓ What is a paragraph?
  • ✓ What is the writing process?
  • ✓ What is a topic sentence?
  • ✓ What is a stance, and how to take it?
  • ✓ What is the way to support a stance?
  • ✓ What is paragraph unity?
  • ✓ How do we write coherently and relevantly?
  • ✓ How to connect sentences and paragraphs?
  • ✓ What are connection and transition words?
  • ✓ What is the effective way of writing paragraphs?
  • ✓ What are effective sentences, and how do write them?
  • ✓ What is a narrative paragraph, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is a descriptive paragraph, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is an argumentative paragraph, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is a comparison paragraph, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is an exemplification paragraph, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is a cause-effect paragraph, and how to write it?

Essay Writing Process

  • ✓ What is an essay?
  • ✓ What is an outline?
  • ✓ What is the thesis statement?
  • ✓ How do we write a thesis statement with specific evidence?
  • ✓ What is the topic sentence, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What are unity and connectivity?
  • ✓ How do we write introductory paragraphs?
  • ✓ How do we write a coherent essay?
  • ✓ What is a narrative essay, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is a descriptive essay, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is an argumentative essay, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is a comparison essay, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is an exemplification essay, and how to write it?
  • ✓ What is a cause-effect essay, and how to write it?

Precis and Comprehension

  • ✓ Introduction to precis writing
  • ✓ Elements of a good precis
  • ✓ Requirements of a good precis
  • ✓ Putting the titles of a good precis
  • ✓ The uses of tenses in precis writing
  • ✓ Last ten years solved precis
  • ✓ 30 precis writing exercises by Sir Kazim
  • ✓ Introduction to comprehension
  • ✓ Elements of a comprehension
  • ✓ Requirements for a good comprehension
  • ✓ The writing process of a comprehension
  • ✓ The last ten years solved comprehension
  • ✓ 30 comprehension practice by Sir Kazim

How do you secure admission to the course?

There are two possible ways to secure admission to the extensive English essay and precis course for CSS and PMS. 

You register for the online orientation session and attend two days of classes. At the end of the session, Sir usually sets a test for those who want admission to the course. The test syllabus is the same as whatever you are taught in the orientation. So, whoever qualifies for the test is offered admission to the course.

As you know, whenever Sir Kazim introduces an Extensive Session for CSS and PMS preparation, hundreds of aspirants start applying to secure admission to the course. However, Sir grants admission to a limited number of students. This time, there are just 65 seats in the April Session, and 23 seats are already filled. So, you are advised to follow the process to secure your admission to the course in advance. 

How do you secure admission to the course in advance?

You can apply for the course before the orientation session, where you must write a paragraph of around 200 words. Sir judges your English skills through this paragraph. If your basic English (usually at an intermediate level) is OK, the main admin— Miss Zaineb —contacts you for further processing, and you are granted admission to the course.

To secure your admission, Kindly write 100 to 200 words paragraphs on any of the following topics. 

  • 1- Why do I want to become a bureaucrat?
  • 2- What two wishes do I want to make come true?

After writing the paragraph, you have to send it to any of the following WhatsApp numbers 

  • 0300-6322446
  • 0332-6105842

Next Process

If your paragraph is not plagiarized, has little English articulation, and does not contain basic writing errors, Miss Zaineb will contact you for further details and ask for fee submission. 

  • Qualifications
  • Designation (if any)
  • Contact Number
  • Any CSS or PMS Previous Attempt
  • Crossed Copy of ID Card
Your seat is reserved in the course as soon as your particulars are completed and the fee is submitted. 

So, the best option you have is to apply before the orientation session. If you think your English basics are OK and you can quickly learn advanced English writing and communication skills, you can apply for the course now.

Punctuation Practice Passages

Important FAQs

Does sir kazim introduce an essay or precis session each month.

Sir Kazim’s approach to teaching is different from that of other educators. He firmly believes that teachers who offer monthly courses are taking advantage of their students. In his view, when a student enrols for subject preparation, it is the teacher’s duty to ensure that the student not only learns and comprehends the important concepts but also gains the confidence to express themselves fluently in writing. According to Sir Kazim, a genuine teacher will not let their students leave until they are fully confident, which typically takes 3 to 4 months. Therefore, he rejects the idea of monthly sessions and instead prefers to announce successive sessions once the previous one has been completed. For Sir Kazim, prioritizing monthly sessions may bring in more money, but it falls short of doing justice to the teaching profession.

How much evaluation does Sir Kazim offer to his students?

One of the key aspects that sets Sir Kazim apart is his unwavering support, guidance, and evaluation. After covering a topic like precis, comprehension, or essay writing, he provides immediate feedback, not just in weekly or monthly assessments, but daily if you wish. This continuous support ensures that you can get your essays, precis, etc., evaluated until your exams. Once you are a Sir’s student, you are always his student.

Does Sir Kazim teach one-to-one or individually?

No, Sir Kazim does not teach individually or one-to-one. Individual classes are available for international students, authors, bloggers, and writers. The fee for individual classes starts from $3,000 a month. For Pakistani students, he introduces his Extensive English Essay and Precis Course for CSS, PMS aspirants, Teachers, Officers, Writers, Professors, and Professionals four times a year, whose fee is Rs. 15,000 per month.

Does Sir Kazim offer Essay or Precis mock exams, and what are the charges?

Unlike other teachers who exploit aspirants in the names of mocks and charge money for this again, Sir does not do this. Sir Kazim’s extensive course includes unlimited mock exams and evaluations. If you have completed his session, you can get your essays, precis, etc., evaluated until your exams. Once you are Sir’s student, you are always his student.

Does Sir Kazim offer evaluation services to outsiders?

Sir Syed Kazim Ali stands out from other teachers due to his unique approach to evaluating his students’ work. Unlike others who may evaluate essays and papers for financial gain, Sir Syed only evaluates the work of his own students. He provides this valuable service to his students throughout their sessions and even up to their exams. As a result, a significant 60 to 70 per cent of his students consistently qualify in their essays and precis papers, making him Pakistan’s top CSS and PMS English coach with the highest success rate of his students.

Will there be recorded lectures if someone cannot attend the class?

To comprehend the response to the question at hand, it is imperative to acknowledge the ineffectiveness of recorded lectures for serious CSS and PMS aspirants, resulting in their consistent failure to meet the examination requirements.

While many aspirants invest in recorded lectures, readymade notes, and YouTube tutorials, the reality is that these methods often lead to disappointing results in the CSS and PMS examinations. In contrast, live or online classes provide a unique level of interactive engagement and immediate feedback that recorded lectures cannot match. In a live class, students can ask questions, participate in discussions, and receive instant clarification from instructors. This not only enhances understanding and retention of material but also fosters a collaborative learning environment. Sir Kazim’s live lectures, in particular, are known for their ability to engage students and make them feel involved in their studies. For serious aspirants, the choice is clear: live or online classes are the best way to prepare for the CSS and PMS examinations.

Experienced coaches, including Sir Kazim, refrain from offering recorded lectures, understanding that this method does not provide substantial benefits to students. Sir Kazim believes that the one-way flow of lecturing in recordings limits opportunities for deeper engagement. However, serious aspirants always thrive on active learning, asking questions, and participating in discussions. Recorded lectures lack the back-and-forth dialogue that clarifies concepts and fosters critical thinking. Additionally, the asynchronous nature of recordings makes it challenging to gauge understanding in real time. Serious students benefit from immediate feedback and the ability to adjust their learning based on the instructor’s response. While recordings can be a valuable supplement, they cannot replace a live lecture’s dynamic and interactive environment for students who truly want to prepare and qualify for the CSS and PMS examinations.

Due to these reasons, Sir Kazim does not provide pre-recorded lectures. Sir typically revises the lecture if a student cannot attend any classes.

Interested in knowing how Sir Kazim’s students write?

If you are interested in knowing how Sir Kazim’s students give their ideas and thoughts words, let’s explore this section. Here you will find hundreds of articles and solved CSS and PMS past papers question by those students who scored the highest marks in their compulsory and optional subjects because of their writing skills.  Click to Land on CSS Solved Past Papers

Want to learn essays by Sir Kazim’s students?

If you are curious about how Sir Kazim’s students write essays and always qualify for the essay papers in the CSS and PMS examinations, let’s explore this section. Here you will find many essays written by Sir Kazim’s students who qualify for the paper and also learn how to attempt the essay paper.  Click to Land on CSS and PMS Solved Essays

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Essay Papers Writing Online

A comprehensive guide to essay writing.

Essay writing guides

Essay writing is a crucial skill that students need to master in order to succeed academically. Whether you’re a high school student working on a history paper or a college student tackling a critical analysis essay, having a solid understanding of the essay writing process is essential.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the essential tips and tricks that will help you improve your essay writing skills. From generating ideas and organizing your thoughts to crafting a strong thesis statement and polishing your final draft, we’ve got you covered.

Not only that, but we’ll also provide you with useful templates that you can use as a framework for your essays. These templates will help you structure your writing, stay focused on your main argument, and ensure that your essay flows smoothly from one point to the next.

The Ultimate Essay Writing Guides

Essay writing can be a challenging task for many students, but with the right guidance and tips, you can improve your writing skills and produce high-quality essays. In this ultimate guide, we will provide you with valuable advice, tricks, and templates to help you excel in your essay writing endeavors.

1. Understand the Prompt: Before you start writing your essay, make sure you fully understand the prompt or question. Analyze the requirements and key points that need to be addressed in your essay.

2. Create an Outline: Organize your ideas and thoughts by creating a detailed outline for your essay. This will help you structure your arguments and ensure a logical flow of information.

3. Research Thoroughly: Conduct extensive research on your topic to gather relevant information and evidence to support your arguments. Use credible sources and cite them properly in your essay.

4. Write Clearly and Concisely: Avoid using jargon or complex language in your essay. Write in a clear and concise manner to convey your ideas effectively to the reader.

5. Proofread and Edit: Before submitting your essay, make sure to proofread and edit it carefully. Check for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, and ensure that your essay flows cohesively.

By following these ultimate essay writing guides, you can enhance your writing skills and produce outstanding essays that will impress your instructors and peers. Practice regularly and seek feedback to continuously improve your writing abilities.

Tips for Crafting an A+ Essay

Tips for Crafting an A+ Essay

1. Understand the Assignment: Before you start writing, make sure you fully understand the assignment guidelines and requirements. If you have any doubts, clarify them with your instructor.

2. Conduct Thorough Research: Gather relevant sources and information to support your arguments. Make sure to cite your sources properly and use credible sources.

3. Create a Strong Thesis Statement: Your thesis statement should clearly outline the main point of your essay and guide your readers on what to expect.

4. Organize Your Ideas: Create an outline to organize your thoughts and ensure a logical flow of ideas in your essay.

5. Write Clearly and Concisely: Use clear, concise language and avoid unnecessary jargon or complex sentences. Be direct and to the point.

6. Revise and Edit: Always proofread your essay for grammar and spelling errors. Revise your work to ensure coherence and clarity.

7. Seek Feedback: Ask a peer or instructor to review your essay and provide constructive feedback for improvement.

8. Use Proper Formatting: Follow the formatting guidelines provided by your instructor, such as font size, margins, and citation style.

9. Stay Focused: Keep your essay focused on the main topic and avoid going off on tangents. Stick to your thesis statement.

10. Practice, Practice, Practice: The more you practice writing essays, the better you will get at it. Keep practicing and refining your writing skills.

Tricks to Improve Your Writing Skills

Tricks to Improve Your Writing Skills

Improving your writing skills can be a challenging but rewarding process. Here are some tricks to help you become a better writer:

1. Read widely: Reading a variety of genres and styles can help you develop your own voice and writing style.

2. Practice regularly: The more you write, the better you will become. Set aside time each day to practice writing.

3. Get feedback: Share your writing with others and ask for constructive criticism. Feedback can help you identify areas for improvement.

4. Study grammar and punctuation: Good writing requires a solid understanding of grammar and punctuation rules. Take the time to study and practice these essential skills.

5. Edit and revise: Writing is a process, and editing is an important part of that process. Take the time to edit and revise your work to improve clarity and coherence.

6. Experiment with different writing techniques: Try experimenting with different writing techniques, such as using metaphors, similes, or descriptive language, to enhance your writing.

7. Stay inspired: Find inspiration in the world around you. Whether it’s nature, art, or literature, draw inspiration from your surroundings to fuel your writing.

By following these tricks and practicing regularly, you can improve your writing skills and become a more confident and effective writer.

Step-by-Step Essay Writing Templates

When it comes to writing an essay, having a clear and structured template can be incredibly helpful. Here are some step-by-step essay writing templates that you can use to guide you through the process:

  • Introduction: Start your essay with a hook to grab the reader’s attention. Provide some background information on the topic and end with a thesis statement that outlines the main argument of your essay.
  • Body Paragraphs: Each body paragraph should focus on a single point that supports your thesis. Start with a topic sentence that introduces the main idea of the paragraph, provide evidence to support your point, and then analyze the evidence to show how it relates back to your thesis.
  • Conclusion: Summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis in a new way. Avoid introducing new information in the conclusion and instead focus on tying together all the points you have made throughout the essay.

Expert Advice for Writing Top-Notch Essays

When it comes to writing a top-notch essay, it’s essential to follow expert advice to ensure your work stands out. Here are some key tips to help you elevate your writing:

1. Start with a strong thesis statement that clearly outlines your main argument.

2. Conduct thorough research to support your points with credible sources.

3. Organize your thoughts logically and ensure your essay flows smoothly from one point to the next.

4. Use a variety of sentence structures and vocabulary to keep your writing engaging.

5. Proofread and edit your essay carefully to eliminate errors and refine your arguments.

By following these expert tips, you can take your essay writing skills to the next level and produce work that is both informative and compelling.

Resources to Enhance Your Essay Writing Process

When it comes to improving your essay writing skills, there are a variety of resources available to help you enhance your process. Here are some valuable resources that can aid you in becoming a more effective and efficient writer:

  • Writing Guides: There are countless writing guides and books that offer tips, tricks, and strategies for improving your writing skills. Whether you’re looking to enhance your grammar, structure, or argumentation, these guides can provide valuable insights.
  • Online Writing Communities: Joining online writing communities can be a great way to connect with other writers, receive feedback on your work, and engage in writing challenges and prompts. Websites like Writing.com and Wattpad are popular platforms for writers to share their work and receive critiques.
  • Writing Workshops and Courses: Participating in writing workshops and courses can help you hone your craft and develop your writing skills. Whether you prefer in-person workshops or online courses, there are many options available to suit your needs and schedule.
  • Writing Apps and Tools: Utilizing writing apps and tools can streamline your writing process and help you stay organized. Tools like Grammarly can assist with grammar and spelling checks, while apps like Scrivener can help you organize your research and ideas.
  • Libraries and Writing Centers: Visiting your local library or university writing center can provide access to valuable resources, such as writing guides, research materials, and writing tutors who can offer personalized feedback and support.

By taking advantage of these resources, you can enhance your essay writing process and become a more skilled and confident writer.

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5 Tips for Writing Awards Essays

Student awards program.

With almost $4 million dollars in student awards, scholarships, bursaries and other types of funding, it is always in your best interest to log in to our s tudent awards portal and start the application process. When you do, you might notice that many of NSCC’s student awards require an essay as part of the application process. For some of us, writing an essay can seem like a daunting or near impossible task. Use these tips to take the stress out of the essay-writing process.

  • Know your toolbox. Take some time to reflect on yourself and your life up until now. Ask yourself what makes you different? What are your strengths? What led you to where you are now? What are your future goals? Sometimes self-reflection can be hard. You may want to consider asking your peers and/or loved ones for input. We can realize a lot about ourselves through the perception of others.
  • Toot your own horn . If ever there was an occasion to brag, this is it. List all your accomplishments (big and small) and ask yourself how they impacted you, what skills they helped you develop and how they will contribute to your future.
  • Be persuasive . Explain why you’re the most deserving person for the award. Try and make it impossible for the reader to not want to choose you for the award.
  • Focus on the content, not the structure . Don’t get too caught up on the structure of the essay. At the end of the day, we just want to hear your story. This can be told through bullet points just as well as it can be through a formally structured essay.
  • Seek out support . Connect with the Writing Centre for additional resources and assistance to help with writing your student awards essays.

NSCC Student Advising Handbook 2024-2025 Copyright © 2024 by Nova Scotia Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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