612 Environment Essay Topics & Examples

Looking for interesting environment essay topics? This field is really exciting and worth studying!

🏆 Best Environment Essay Examples & Topics

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Environment study field includes the issues of air, soil, and water pollution in the world, environment conservation, global climate change, urban ecology, and much more. In this article, we’ve gathered interesting environmental topics to write about. You might want to use one of them for your argumentative or persuasive essay, research paper, and presentation. There is also a number of great environment essay examples.

  • Human Impact on Environment Another important action we perform to improve the situation with water is avoiding water pollution. It helps to keep the healthy and to reduce water pollution.
  • The Effect of Technology on the Environment At the present moment, humankind has to resolve one of the most complicated dilemmas in its history, in particular how to achieve equilibrium between the needs of people or and the risks to the Earth.
  • Mining and Its Impact on the Environment The purpose of this paper is to describe and discuss the effects of mining on the environment. This approach is sustainable and capable of reducing the dangers of mining.
  • Protecting the Environment Protecting the environment is the act of taking care of natural resources and using them rationally to prevent annihilation and pollution.
  • Impacts of Overpopulation on the Environment Other primary causes of deforestation are construction of roads and residential houses to cater for the increasing population. As the natural habitats are destroyed, many wildlife species have been displaced and many died due to […]
  • Electric Car and the Environment Other factors that contributed to the rise in demand of electric cars included a rise in oil prices and the need to conserve the environment by controlling the rate of greenhouse gas emission. One of […]
  • Plastic vs Paper Bags: Production and Environment Though the production of plastic bags is frequently banned nowadays because of considerable harm to the animal world and marine life, the effects of this product on people and the environment seem to be less […]
  • Impact of Science and Technology on the Natural Environment He “is constantly aware of the influence of nature in the form of the air he breathes, the water he drinks, the food he eats, and the flow of energy and information”.
  • Environmental Concerns in the Modern World Loss of biodiversity which is the decrease of species in ecosystems is also among the major concern faced by human race.
  • Human Behavior Effects on the Environment However, while some people are doing all they can to protect the environment, some are participating in activities that cause harm to the environment.
  • Solution to Environmental Problems Environmental problems can therefore, be defined as the issues that result to the degradation of the environment because of the negative actions of human beings on the biophysical environment.
  • Overcrowding in Cities as Social & Environmental Problem Uncontrolled growth in the number of cities leads to the unchecked spread of pollution and the escalation of poverty. Atmospheric pollution is the most serious in cities, and its primary source is road transport, which […]
  • Bakhoor as a Harmful Incense for Health and Environment In this study, the researcher will conduct a scientific investigation to determine if, indeed, the use of Bahkoor in the United Arab Emirates is harmful to the environment.
  • Application of Geography (GIS) in Biotechnology in Field of Agriculture and Environment According to Wyland, “the ability of GIS to analyze and visualize agricultural environments and work flows has proved to be very beneficial to those involved in the farming industry”.
  • Globalization and Environment Essay While this is the case, citizens equally have a role to play in addressing the issue of globalization and climate change.
  • Environmental Abuse and Its Adverse Effects The poor are often the most affected by environmental abuse, as they are the least able to protect themselves from the harmful effects of pollution and other environmental hazards.
  • Humanity and the Environment Many key factors affect the relationship between population and the environment within a particular region, including the number of inhabitants, their living standards and needs, technological advancements, the population’s attitude and philosophy towards nature, and […]
  • Panama Canal and Its Environmental Impacts The construction of the Panama Canal has profound local environmental impacts which are based on socio-political management of the project that has demonstrated the infrastructural and ecological interdependence of its service as a global transportation […]
  • Environmental Pollution and Its Effect on Health In climate change, due to air pollution, the main force to prevent environmental disasters need to change the approach to the production of substances from fossil fuels.
  • Fast Fashion’s Negative Impact on the Environment And this is the constant increase in production capacity, the low quality of the product, and the use of the labor of the population of developing countries.
  • A Role of Human Beings in Protecting the Environment This attitude would be informed by the notion that humans are engaging in actions intended to transform the planet and the natural environment in order to suit them.
  • Food Production and The Environment So all aspects of production – the cultivation and collection of plants, the maintenance of animals, the processing of products, their packaging, and transportation, affect the environment.
  • Tourism – Environment Relationships Relationship between tourism and the environment There is a great dependency of tourism on the environment as described by Holden and Fennel’s book The Routledge Handbook of Tourism and Environment.
  • McDonald’s: Human Rights and Environmental Sustainability Core values of the company One of the core values of the company is the respect for the fundamental rights of human beings.
  • Social, Economic and Environmental Challenges of Urbanization in Lagos However, the city’s rapid economic growth has led to high population density due to urbanization, creating social, economic, and environmental challenges the challenges include poverty, unemployment, sanitation, poor and inadequate transport infrastructure, congestion in the […]
  • Environment and Human Attitude Towards It Although the issue of attitude towards the environment can address most of the predicaments affecting humanity today, there are various actions and initiatives that can be undertaken to transform the situation and reduce people’s ecological […]
  • E-Waste Management for the Local Environment The negative consequence of poor e-waste management, such as poor e-waste disposal, might cue the thoughts of the locals on the need to improve on their environmental awareness, thus joining the local environmental organization proposed.
  • Role of Non-Governmental Organisations in the Development of Sustainable Environmental Initiatives 1 The questions that currently ringer in people’s mind include why the NGOs are increasingly participating in environmental conservation projects, whether their initiatives are different from those they initiated in the past, and what exactly […]
  • Urbanization and the Environment Due to urbanization, the number, the size, the kind and the compactness of cities, in addition to the effectiveness of their management of the environment are major concerns for attainment of the international sustainability.
  • Mining and Environment in Papua New Guinea In line with this commitment, the company implemented some of its strategies as indicated in the 2017 report on its operations in Chile.
  • Changing Environment and Human Impact Also, a changing environment can fundamentally contribute to the advancement of one’s sense of agency and leadership values as they make an epistemological logic of their learning environment at a younger age.
  • Tourism and Environment In order to address the impacts of tourism on the environment, there is need to discuss how to replace the income that may be lost by implementing these measures. Environmental conservation in tourism is responsible […]
  • The Effect of Plastic Water Bottles on the Environment In addition, the proponents of plastic use have argued that recycling is an effective method of mitigating the effects of plastic to the environment.
  • Climate Change: Human Impact on the Environment This paper is an in-depth exploration of the effects that human activities have had on the environment, and the way the same is captured in the movie, The Eleventh Hour.
  • Overconsumption and Its Impact on the Environment The purpose is to examine the statement’s applicability in light of global mineral production and consumption, emphasizing the Canadian resource industry.
  • E-Waste Management in the School Environment Recycling Recycling is one of the best ways of managing e-waste in the school. Specifically, the school should roll out a comprehensive campaign on the need to dump the e-wastes in these bins.
  • Human-Environment Interdependence The problem of the environment change and the attitude of people to their own culture remains one of the most curious and urgent problems of modern time.
  • Green Buildings and Environmental Sustainability This paper scrutinizes the characteristics that need to be possessed by a building for it to qualify as green coupled with questioning the capacity of the green movements across the globe to prescribe the construction […]
  • Importance of Recycling in Conservation of the Environment This piece of work looks at the different aspects associated with the process of recycling with much emphasis being given to the history of recycling and the facts associated with recycling process.
  • Construction Solutions in Saline Environment The researcher concluded that, indeed, salinity is one of the major causes of concrete disintegration and reduces the durability of buildings in saline environments.
  • Impact of Emirates Airlines’ Operations on the Environment This makes it difficult for Emirates to develop policies that can have a direct influence on the environmental performance of the aircrafts.
  • Technology’s Role in Environmental Protection: The Ocean Cleanup Proponents of The Ocean Cleanup technology emphasize the fact that the devices have the capacity to effectively address oceanic plastic pollution.
  • The Concept of Environmental Ethics Environmental ethics is concerned with the ethical relationship of human beings with the environment. Human beings must relate ethically with all other living organisms.
  • Human Population and the Environment The fertility rate of a given species will depend on the life history characteristics of the species such as the number of reproductive periods in the lifetime of the species and the number of offspring […]
  • Poverty and the Environment The human population affects the environment negatively due to poverty resulting to environmental degradation and a cycle of poverty. Poverty and the environment are interlinked as poverty leads to degradation of the environment.
  • Fog and Its Effects on the Environment Depending on where and how the cooling effect takes place, the appearance and lasting duration of fog are affected and using this scientists have been able to categorize fog into various groups namely steaming fog, […]
  • Environmental Protection and Waste Management The analysis also focuses on the intellectual behaviour of people regarding the environmental effects of waste. There is lack of strong basis for scientific findings and current guidance is causing the environmental challenges to become […]
  • Food Contamination and Adulteration: Environmental Problems, Food Habits, Way of Cultivation The purpose of this essay is to explain reasons for different kinds of food contamination and adulteration, harmful contaminants and adulterants and the diseases caused by the usage of those substances, prevention of food contamination […]
  • Wood and Its Importance for Environment Support Despite the intentions to use wood in a variety of ways without thinking about consequences, wood has to be considered as a helpful natural resource with many positive impacts on the environment, human health, and […]
  • The Go-Green Programs: Saving the Environment Thus, the spirit of going green entails getting different people in the world to become aware of their decisions and activities that hurt the environment and the world at large.
  • Historical Relationship of the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos and How It Is Changing the Environment To begin with, the hunting practices of this native group, as well as the invasion of the European into their land, led to a great decline in the herds of the white-tailed deer in the […]
  • Ancient Egypt: Geography and Environment Thus, the country’s main river occupies a central place in the peculiarities of the culture and development of Egypt. Being a transit region, Egypt also managed to absorb the influence of other areas and enrich […]
  • Environmental Policy Recommendation Furthermore, the policymakers need to be fully supported by the relevant agencies such as the ministry of environment to eliminate the existing and the projected obstacles that will prevent the full implementation of renewable energy […]
  • Environmental Crisis: People’s Relationship With Nature It is apparent that people have strived to steer off the blame for the environmental crisis that the world is facing, but they are the primary instigators of the problem.
  • Tundra Biome: Environmental Impacts on Organisms The major difference between the alpine and the arctic tundra is that the alpine grounds are not covered by the permafrost.
  • Organic Food Is Not a Cure for Environmental and Health Issues For instance, the same group of scientists claims that the moderate use of pesticides in organic agriculture is particularly important to consider while purchasing food.
  • Environmental Initiative: Reducing Plastic Waste In this presentation, it has been proposed to reduce the use of plastic products despite their wide popularity.
  • Hairy Frog’s Adaptations and Environment It releases the claw by contracting the muscles in its rear feet and causing the claw to appear by piercing the frog’s skin.
  • Environmental Impacts of Tourism The sphere of tourism is reliant on the environment of the sites in which the visitors are interested. The industry of invasive tourism continues to grow people are becoming more and more interested in traveling […]
  • Relationship Between Population and the Environment The results revealed after the statistical analysis was performed that there is a negative relationship between the population increase and the emissions of carbon dioxide in the case of developed countries while on the other […]
  • Environmental Health Practice The WHO has executed the Global Environment Monitoring System – Food Contamination Monitoring and Assessment Program; this program informs government, non-governmental organizations and the public of various levels of contaminants in food and their effects […]
  • The Nestle Company’s Environmental Sustainability Efforts What I like about Nestle’s environmental sustainability efforts: Nestle’s environmental sustainability efforts are concise and clear towards the company’s sustainability plans, that is, clear goals and objectives which are time bound. The company’s sustainability efforts […]
  • Negative Impact on the Environment The fact that human activity and industrial development negatively affect the environment is not debated because the sad reality shows that oceans, soil, and air are polluted, and many species are endangered. Overall, the main […]
  • Environment: Endangered Species Global warming also increases the risk of storms and drought, affecting food supply, which may cause death to both humans and animals.
  • The Impact of Food Habits on the Environment The topic of this research is based on the issue of human-induced pollution or another environmental impact that affect the Earth and dietary approaches that can improve the situation.
  • Population Growth and Its Impacts on the Environment High population growth is destructive to the society and the environment. In the US and Germany, the rate of population growth is estimated to be 0.
  • Environmental Science & Technology In terms of architecture, the attempts of architects to decrease the impact on the environment right from the beginning is based on the desire to produce the item of the building components, continuing so in […]
  • Wireless Power Transmission Implication for the Environment Designing the coils would form the trickiest task, since they have to be adjusted to the right frequency relying on the distance of the wire, the amount of loops in the wire and the capacitor.
  • Environmental Factors and Health Promotion: Indoor and Outdoor Air Pollution This presentation offers some information about the damage of air pollution and presents a health promotion plan with helpful resources and evidence from research.
  • Eco-Labels: Environmental Issues in Business Overall, it is possible to argue that they can certainly lead to the improvement of environmental practices in many industries; however, this goal can be achieved only if these certificates are given by independent and […]
  • Restaurant’s Environment-Friendly Rules In conclusion, though it may prove to be costly, this is just a step that I have taken towards making our environment better and safer, and the more significant task lies with you.
  • Environmental Impacts and Solutions: Solid Waste The objective of solid waste management is to reduce the amount of solid waste disposed on land and lead to the recovery of material from solid waste through various recycling efforts.
  • Importance of Environmental Studies for Society It is upon the people to take care of the planet and understanding how human activities affect the environment is a critical step in that process.
  • E- Commerce and the Environment Introduction Reliance on the internet and mobile devices to do business leads to the so-called E-commerce. The term is hardly old, based on its adoption in the 2000s after the internet revolution. E-commerce is a real force in the present and future business world due to several facets. For example, the invention’s capacity to eliminate […]
  • Technology Impact on Society and Environment It is possible to think of a variety of effects of technology. Availability of food also adds to the increase of people’s lifespan.
  • Environmental Psychology: The Impact of Interior Spaces on Childhood Development Nevertheless, with regards to children and their physical and cognitive development, environmental psychology addresses how experiences and exposures to various socio-environmental components affect children’s brain structure and their ability to control their emotions and behaviors.
  • Endangered Species: Modern Environmental Problem Some of the activities which cause danger to these species include the following; This refers to loss of a place to live for the animals and can also be expressed as the ecosystem or the […]
  • Environmental Factors in the Emergence of the Egyptian Civilization Importantly, the physical composition of the land and natural resources alongside artifacts of ancient Egypt had a substantial impact on the country’s growth and development.
  • The Importance of Saving the Environment Toxins and contaminants pollute the environment and consequently interfere with the health of man and other animals. In other words, the future is guaranteed if the environment can be safeguarded and preserved at the current […]
  • Water Scarcity and Its Effects on the Environment The core objective of this research paper is to examine water scarcity and its effects to the environment. This is because sufficiency of water supply depends on water conservation methods, distribution channels available in the […]
  • Environmental Impact of Bottled Water The process of manufacturing the water bottles, such as the dependence on fossil fuels, is causing a lot of direct as well indirect destructing to the environment.
  • Environmental Pollution: Causes and Consequences The essay will provide an overview of pollution and proffer solutions to combating pollution for a sustainable environment and health. Preventing pollution lowers the cost to the environment and the economy.
  • Ensuring Healthy and Clean Environment: Importance of Recycling Ensuring that we have air to breathe, water to drink and that we do not create a planet which becomes the very cause for the end of the human race.
  • Open-Pit Mining Environmental Impact Finally, the author claimed that the absence of social conflict was explained through the community’s dependence on CLC’s economic activity and the assumption made by the members of the community regarding the role of government […]
  • Importance of Environmental Conservation for Public Health The research study has also recommended the conservation of tropical forests so that the broad diversity of natural plant species can be beneficial in the management of public health.
  • Environmental Assessment – Environmental Management Systems Additionally, a good EMS is usually structured in a manner that allows the identification of the impact of the organization on the environment.
  • Importance of Environment Schlosberg believes that all the terms has only led to confusion with little help, he says “Yet all of these developments in justice theory, very little has been applied in environmental justice movement”.
  • The Introduction of Environmental Legislation Governments in Australia and all over the world try to protect the environmental damage through the introduction of environment-related laws and regulations. In Australia, the State, Commonwealth, and the local governments introduce and administers legislation […]
  • UAE Laws and Regulations for Environmental Protection In the meantime, specialists point out that the activity of UAE’s focused on the environment preservation has become more consistent and efficient within the past decades. The principal governmental structure responsible for the problems of […]
  • Eco-Friendly Food Product Production and Marketing The innovation of the airfryier has not only been a benefit to the health of the people but it also helps in the conservation of the environment.
  • Environmental Risk, Risk Management, and Risk Assessment The estimation of the possible consequences includes presence of the hazard, the possibility of the receptors getting affected by the hazard and the consequential damage from exposure to the hazard.
  • Organisms in Terrestrial and Aquatic Environments Water is a dense medium, and thus plants living in water have a weak shaft for supporting the foliage and the upperparts of the plant.
  • Environmental Pollution: Causes and Solutions The consequences that have risen as a result of neglecting to take care of the environment have now become a reality to the whole of mankind.
  • Environmental Sustainability on a Global Scale Compared to the world at the beginning of the 21st century, it required perceptional changes toward nature, biodiversity, and ecosystems, as well as reforms in agriculture and management of water, energy, and waste.
  • Climate Change: Causes, Impact on People and the Environment Climate change is the alteration of the normal climatic conditions in the earth, and it occurs over some time. In as much as there are arguments based around the subject, it is mainly caused by […]
  • Health and Environment: The Impact of Technology This is a foundation of the healthcare sector that has been offering support to the integration and operation of variety of health services applications and thus contributing to the betterment of the healthcare sector.
  • Business Obligations With Respect to Environment The analysis focuses on the ethical concerns faced by Virgin Blue Holdings which is one of the major airline company’s in Australia, and how the management deals with these issues within the environmental setup.
  • Environmental Pollution in the Petroleum Industry At the same time, it threatens nature and creates many long-term issues related to pollution of air, soil, water, the weakening of the ozone layer, and the facilitation of the greenhouse gas effect.
  • The Aral Sea’s Environmental Issues Prior to its destruction, the Sea was one of the biggest water bodies, rich in different species of flora and fauna; a case that is opposite today, as the sea is almost becoming extinct.
  • Environmental Problem of the Ok Tedi Copper Mine In this case, the agreement achieved by the BHP and the government of Papua New Guinea cannot be discussed as ethically appropriate and effective because the decision to continue operations without the significant changes in […]
  • Population Growth Impacts on the Environment Today, the fact that the population is growing steadily is the reason of the environment to change drastically. Water pollution is a direct consequence of the rapid growth of the population on the Earth.
  • Urbanization and Environment The resources can be identified through the acquisition of knowledge about the environmental conditions of the areas in which urban development is expected to take place.
  • Are Electric Vehicles Better for the Environment? This article reviews and evaluates the energy efficiency and environmental impact of electric vehicles with rechargeable batteries. Electric cars meet these requirements and provide opportunities for people to create transport that is safe for the […]
  • Food Web and Impact of Environmental Degradation In the course of this paper, ‘conservation’ refers to the preservation of natural resources that are, in any way, involved in the functioning of the food web.
  • A Study of the Brine Shrimps and Their Natural Environment Brine shrimps can be used as environmental indicators and this is because one of the fundamental requirements in the breeding them is a salty environment.
  • The Genus Rosa’s Adaptation to the Environment Alternative hypothesis: The abundance and distribution of stomata, storage, transport, and floral structures have a substantial influence on the adaptation of the genus Rosa to its environment.
  • War in Modern World: Effects on the Environment I have used the concept of massacres and killing to show the effects of hatred and bloodshed in this world and the horrific effects of death and fatalities on human kind and the atmosphere.
  • Fish Farming Impacts on the Environment To begin with, according to Abel and Robert, fish farming has been generalized to have adverse effects on the environment, which ranges from the obliteration of the coastal habitats which are sensitive in the environment, […]
  • Environment Destruction: Pollution Pollution usually causes a destabilization of the ecosystem through the intrusion of foreign materials into the environment. These forms of pollutants affect the environment through air pollution, noise pollution, water pollution, and soil pollution.
  • The Role of Man in Environment Degradation and Diseases The link between environmental degradation and human beings explains the consequences of the same in relation to the emergence of modern-age diseases.
  • Urban Sprawl and Environmental and Social Problems The concept of immense use of automobiles, which goes hand in hand with increase in the number and size of cities, is well known as urban sprawl and motorization.
  • The Impact of Green Energy on Environment and Sustainable Development Traditional methods of receiving the necessary amount of power for meeting the needs of the developed cites and industries cannot be discussed as efficient according to the threat of the environmental pollution which is the […]
  • Environmental Ethics: Land Ethic and the Platform of Deep Ecology Attfield defines environmental ethics as the study of ethics of the day to day interactions of human beings with their environment and their impacts on the systems of nature.
  • Disney’s Representations of Nature At the end of the films, man’s relation to nature shows a strong sense of commitment to conservation. It is the swamp which ultimately leads Snow White to a teeming life of the forest.
  • Reducing Personal Impact on the Environment I noticed that I allowed the largest water loss during bathing, and after I began to take a shower, I started to consume about a third less water.
  • Biodiversity Hotspots and Environmental Ethics The magnitude of the problem of losing biodiversity hotspots is too great, to the extend of extinction of various species from the face of the earth.
  • Environmental Impact of Livestock Production The implications of the article were concerned with the need to bring the attention of the public to the issue that the livestock sector requires the use of a large number of natural resources while […]
  • Environmental Health Factors: Positive & Negative Additionally, it will expound on the impacts of nutrition, globalization, and observance of human rights to an individual’s health. Some of the positive environmental factors include adequate sources of nutrition, availability of safe water, presence […]
  • Environmental Laws in the UAE The laws and regulations of Federal Law No of 1999 for the Protection and Development of the Environment form the backbone of the Environmental Law within the UAE.
  • Kuwait’s Desert Pollution Obviously, the given problem might seem not that important if to observe the general environmental situation of the country, which is extremely close to that of the environmental catastrophe, but as an ordinary citizen, who […]
  • Economic Growth and Environment Relation Although the relevance of the EKC and the focus on the stages of development as the important factors to speak about the relationship between the economic growth and environment are highly debatable issues, it is […]
  • Environment and Species in International Relations According to Torgerson: “The environmentalism that came onto the public scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s was part of an outburst of activism in civil society that was followed by the emergence of […]
  • Sea Foods in the Environment Protection Context Further, the purpose of the website is to give information that seeks to reward the efforts of people who protect and safeguard the ocean and seafood supplies such as lobsters.
  • Impacts of Alternative Energy on the Environment The term “alternative energy” refers to energy sources other than fossil fuels, including renewable sources, such as solar and wind energy, as well as nuclear energy.
  • How “Making It Eco Friendly” Is Related to Information Technology and the Environment In itself, IT is related to making IT eco friendly if resources such as IT hardware utilized are environmentally friendly and the actions of users uphold conservation of the environment.
  • How Solar Energy Can Save the Environment? Over the past few decades, the level of greenhouse gasses in the environment has been on the rise. The only cost in the production of solar energy is making the solar panels.
  • Environmental Hazards and Human Health In particular, it is necessary to examine the evolution of the techniques that are used by people in order to utilize unwanted materials or goods.
  • The International Relations Theories in Addressing of Environmental Issues The political dimension of the green theory has led to the emergence of “environmental justice, environmental democracy, environmental activism and the green states”.
  • Environmental Impact of Medical Wastes These inconsistencies are present in the Federal guidelines laid down by the States with regards to the definition of medical waste and the management options available for handling, transporting, treating and disposing medical waste.
  • Environmental Injustice in Modern World This has led to the accumulation of gases and deforestation hence affecting the environment negatively. Agricultural activities have led to the destruction of forests for settlement and cultivation thus affecting the environment negatively.
  • Marine Environment Protection and Management in the Shipping Industry Therefore, criminal penalties system in collaboration with the Environmental Protection Agency should reinforce legislations to protect sea creatures and humans from oil pollution or wastes from ships.
  • Paper Recycling: Environmental and Business Issues In order for paper to be properly recycled, the several types of paper must be separated because the different types of paper must be used for different types of products. This is the most common […]
  • Lancelets’ Adaptation and Environment The first describable organism in the evolutionary phylogeny of lancelets is the ‘Branchiostoma Lanceolatum’, a molluscan slug of the Limax species.
  • The Roles of Environmental Protection Agencies As a personal response to the argument; the individual’s involvement in environmental conservation is not enough as there is need for policy and regulation enforcement where he can only give advice to the federal government […]
  • Social and Eco-Entrepreneurship for Environment Social entrepreneurship is a field that deals with the recognition of social problems in society and using entrepreneurial concepts, operations, and processes to achieve a social change.
  • Sustainability and Human Impact on Environment Sustainability entails the analysis of ecosystem functioning, diversity, and role in the balance of life. It is the consideration of how humanity can exploit the natural world for sustenance without affecting its ability to meet […]
  • Impact of Plastics on the Environment Aquatic animals that feed on fish may mistake plastics for jellyfish and consume them and this may lead to death of such animals.
  • The Trends, Opportunities and Challenges of Environmental Sustainability The environmental issues on earth have extended radically in the past decades and are currently among the main threats and challenges which have impacts on people lifestyles and organizations processes around the world.
  • Human Impact on the Environment The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the impacts of logging on the forest resources in Uganda and offer recommendations that can be used to mitigate and manage the identified impacts.
  • Environmental Issues in Asia This paper is going to have a look at the key environmental issues in Asian countries as well as the policies put in place by various agencies to address the issues.
  • The Impact of Industrial Pollution on the Environment The attainment of these higher costs is through compulsory inclusion of the social costs of production in determination of the price of the goods.
  • The Effect of Polymers on Environment vs Glass One of the first pioneers in the application of polymers was Joseph Priestley who in 1770 made a remarkable discovery that led to the use of natural rubber as an eraser.
  • Is Humanity Already Paying for Environmental Damage? Companies that do not include the environmental factor in their price calculations and which do not use the revenue to make amends to the environment allow for their products to be much cheaper and available […]
  • How to Fight Environmental Imbalances The environment has to have balance in it because of the need to uphold the equilibrium of interactions inside food webs and maintain the cyclic flow of materials from the abiotic environment to the biosphere […]
  • Kenya and Brazil: Comparing Environmental Conflict This loss of habitat has contributed to the species loss already aggravated by illegal hunting and open armed conflict in the region.
  • Environmental Issue: Hunting on Whales The case study at hand presents an environmental issue involving the Makah tribe that had hunted whales over two thousand years until the 1920s when this practice had to be discontinued due to the decline […]
  • Is Recycling Good for the Environment? Recycling is good for the environment and should be included in the daily routine of any person that cares about the planet and the future of our children.
  • Pollution & Climate Change as Environmental Risks The purpose of this essay is to provide an analysis of the three articles, focusing on the environmental risks and the risk perceptions of the authors.
  • Overpopulation Effects on the Environment In comparison to the population in 2000, the population in 2050 is predicted to rise by 47 percent. The aim of this research is to describe the effects of overpopulation on land, air, and food […]
  • Environmental Issue – Climate Change If the right measures are put in place, our environment will be regenerated and the continued alterations to the climate will eventually stop.
  • Environmental Protection: Liquid Waste To understand the role of the EPA in protecting the human health and environment in the United States from liquid waste pollution, it is necessary to discuss the EPA’s activities and importance and to focus […]
  • Working for the Environment This means that all creatures in the world belong to the ecosystem because they are related in one way or the other.
  • Corporate Responsibility to the Environment Critics of Rawls theories included Nozick who held the view that inequality had to exist in the economic distribution of goods or wealth in a society.
  • Environmental Protection of the American Forests Two approaches to the issue of environmental protection of forests will be examined in the following paper, the approach described in the article “The American Forests” by John Muir and in the article “Save the […]
  • Environmental Science: Smart Water Management Among the essential elements in human life is water, which is required for maintaining the water balance in the body and for cleanliness, as well as for many economic sectors, from agriculture to metallurgy.
  • Packaging and Protection of Finished Goods and the Environment Moreover, the paper views what concerns the problem creates and identifies preventive measures so as to contribute to the development of safety in the environment and society.
  • Microbial-Environmental Interactions in HIV & AIDS The virus manifests in two subtypes, HIV-1 and HIV-2, and the severity of infection depends on the type of viral attack.
  • Approaches to the Environmental Ethics The ethical approach Victor expresses is the one that humanity has used for centuries, which made the planet convenient for people, but it also led to the gradual destruction of the environment. The benefit of […]
  • Does Recycling Harm the Environment? Recycling is the activity that causes the most damage to the environment. Summarizing the above, it is necessary to state that waste recycling has a negative connotation in relation to nature and the environment.
  • Industrial Meat Business and Environmental Issues According to Goodman, it is essential to consider the ethical implications of our food choices and their impact on animals, the environment, and society. By choosing to consume meat, individuals are complicit in the perpetuation […]
  • The Environmental Impacts of Exploratory Drilling
  • Globalization in the Environmental Sphere
  • Climate Change, Economy, and Environment
  • Participatory Action Research on Canada’s Environment
  • Global Climate Change and Environmental Conservation
  • Environment in the Novel “Ishmael” by Daniel Quinn
  • Mining in Canada and Its Environmental Impact
  • Eco Businesses’ Effect on the Environment
  • Environmental Pollution and Human Health
  • Consumer Relationship With Pro-Environmental Apparel Brands
  • An Environmental Communicator Profile
  • Water Pollution as a Crime Against the Environment
  • Human Activity: Impact on the Environment
  • Genetic and Environmental Impact of the Chornobyl Disaster
  • Risk Factor Analysis and Environmental Sustainability
  • Negative Environmental Impacts and Solutions
  • Environmental Ethics of Pesticide Usage in Agriculture
  • Network Organizations and Environmental Processes
  • Carbon Offsets: Combatting Environmental Pollution
  • The Formation of the Environmental Protection Agency
  • Protecting the Environment Against Climate Change
  • Environmental Pollution: Waste Landfilling and Open Dumping
  • Thermodynamics: Application to Environmental Issues
  • How Bottles Pollute the Environment
  • Environmental Problems in China and Japan
  • Exploring Environmental Issues: Marine Ecotourism
  • Influence of Technology on Environmental Concerns
  • Environmental Legislation in Texas
  • Middle East and North Africa Region: Environmental Management
  • Environmental Injustice Impeding Health and Happiness
  • Environmental Impact of Wind Farms and Fracking
  • The Dangers of Global Warming: Environmental and Economic Collapse
  • The Effects of Gold Mining in the Amazons on the Environment and the Population
  • Environmental Racism: The Water Crisis in Flint, Michigan
  • Environmental Illnesses and Prevention Measures
  • Deforestation Impact on Environment and Human
  • Market-Based Approaches to Environmental Law
  • Social and Environmental Problems in Oakland and Detroit
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University of Nevada, Reno

What Is Environmental Activism and Why Does It Matter?

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Environmental activists demonstrate against global warming.

The conversation about protecting the environment is broad in scope: Pollution, climate change and natural resource depletion are all important topics that urgently need to be addressed. Activists taking the initiative to drive change often inspire these discussions.

For example, assistant professor Jennifer Willett from the University of Nevada, Reno School of Social Work utilized a grant from the Corporation for National and Community Service to work with 15 high school students to gather photographic evidence of the impact of environmental disasters in their communities. The students and Willett then led community discussions about the photographs and developed a legislative bill as a way to learn firsthand about environmental activism.

This project demonstrates the importance of getting people involved in advocating on the environment’s behalf. While Willett’s project involved youth, environmental activism needs engagement from all age groups. Activists young and old can work together to bring us closer to protecting the planet for future generations to enjoy.

What Is Environmental Activism?

The term “environmental activism” is defined as the actions of individuals or groups that protect or aid the environment. Those involved in the movement identify issues that threaten the planet’s viability, from community to global concerns, and then develop strategies to promote awareness or produce solutions that directly address the problem.

There are several ways to undertake this, from local grassroots strategies to nationwide campaigns. In some cases, advocating for the environment can also include other important activism, such as civic and social justice.

Environmental activism can also be executed creatively. In the project Planet Ocean, artist Thirza Schaap highlights the problem of plastic waste by building sculptures made exclusively from plastic debris collected from South African beaches.

Regardless of how it’s performed, the goal of environmental activism is clear: to create a harmonious living environment that can be handed down from generation to generation without succumbing to poor human stewardship.

How to Get Involved in Environmental Activism

The first step toward environmental advocacy can be small and simple, such as undertaking a volunteer project planting trees or cleaning up beach pollution. This can help an individual get comfortable with activism and identify a particular environmental cause that engages them.

Then they may be ready to join a larger movement or be inspired to build awareness themselves. Working with community leaders and politicians can empower people to use their own voices to engage in activism and can help paint a clearer picture of the government’s role in protecting the environment.

The students involved in the University of Nevada, Reno’s research project, for example, were trained by Willett on research techniques, phenomenology and gathering photographic data. They then went out into their communities and gathered stories from residents about their experiences with environmental hazards and natural disasters.

The students then led critical dialogues in their communities to discuss their findings and brainstorm strategies for change, backed by training in civic engagement, legislative advocacy and shaping public policy. By the end of the research project, the students created an action plan and sought legislative sponsorship of a bill based on their photo research.

Willett’s work is a prime example of the nontraditional jobs for social workers that a Master of Social Work (MSW) can lead to, from activism to health education.

Why Is Environmental Activism Important?

Environmental activism can bring important attention to serious issues, mobilizing others to use their voices — and their votes — to influence political leaders. Activists can also help shape environmental legislation. The teen-led activist coalition Zero Hour, for example, has held climate change protests at the National Mall in Washington, D.C., and met with lawmakers to discuss its platform and inspire other teens to join the cause.

This kind of activism can also have an impact at the corporate level. Increased awareness of environmental concerns may cause companies to develop more sustainable practices, adopt green strategies and proactively engage in corporate social responsibility.

Environmental activism can also lead individuals to become involved with other critical forms of civic engagement, particularly in relation to social and racial justice issues.

Prepare to Leave a Positive Mark

Future generations are in danger of inheriting a planet ravaged by environmental damage. While today’s youth may be particularly motivated to find solutions that can benefit their own future, being effective stewards of the planet is a responsibility for people of all ages. Professionals in positions of public leadership can use their skills and knowledge to engage people in environmental advocacy and help create a better planet for everyone.

There are many different types of social workers , and for those interested in becoming agents of change, the online Master of Social Work from the University of Nevada, Reno is designed to help you gain the knowledge to address complex problems across a range of disciplines. Learn more about how the MSW program can help prepare you to make a lasting impact in diverse environments and underserved communities.

Recommended Reading:

The Role of IT in Helping Social Workers Serve Rural Communities

Understanding the 12 Grand Challenges for Social Work

What Can You Do With a Social Work Degree Besides Social Work?

Conserve Energy Future, What Is Environmental Activism?

DoSomething.org, “7 Volunteering Ideas to Help the Environment”

Fast Company , “It’s Worse Than You Think: The Case for Creating Climate Change Panic”

Investopedia, “Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)”

NBC News, “Why ‘I Can’t Breathe’ Is Resonating With Environmental Justice Activists”

Pew Research Center, “Gen Z Looks a Lot Like Millenials on Key Social and Political Issues”

The Goldman Environmental Prize, “How Grassroots Environmental Activism Has Changed the Course of History”

The Guardian , “Beachcombed Sculptures Made of Ocean Plastic — in Pictures”

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Environmental Topics

Zero Hour, Who We Are


  • Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU)
  • Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Accreditation

The social work education programs provided by the University of Nevada, Reno School of Social Work are accredited at the baccalaureate and master’s levels by the Council on Social Work Education (CSWE). This indicates to the public and to potential employers that graduates meet the high professional standards established by CSWE in its Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS). Please refer to  www.cswe.org  for a complete list of Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards. The university’s MSW program has been accredited by CSWE since 1991.

  • Recognized as a National Tier 1 University by  U.S. News & World Report
  • Ranks among the top 150 national universities in research and development
  • R1 Carnegie Classification research institution
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Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats

The legitimacy and ethics of environment activism are often discussed by legislators and journalists. People, who are engaged in this activity, can be regarded as fighters against corrupt practices of companies. However, at the same time, they can be viewed as criminals disrupting the life of the community. In many cases, this form of civil disobedience can be criticized by governmental officials. Overall, it is possible to argue that environmental activism helps to increase public awareness about the problems community faces; however, this activity can be justified in those cases, when it does not pose a threat to the property and lives of other people. This is the main argument that should be elaborated.

At first, one should discuss the benefits of environmental activists. It should be kept in mind that in many cases, existing legislation does not prohibit unethical practices of corporations or governments. This issue has been discussed in Letter from Birmingham Jail written by Martin Luther King. This author argues that legal and ethical standards may not coincide with one another. In order to prove this point, he refers such phenomena as racial or ethnic discrimination that was once legitimate in many countries (King 78). Therefore, one can agree with people who protest against the practices that threaten environment, for instance, one can mention whaling or overfishing. Provided that no action is taken, it is unlikely that any improvements will ever be made.

A similar idea has been expressed by Edward Abbey who believes that environment activism can be viewed as a form of self-defense (Abbey 3). In other words, an individual has a right to protest when he/she sees that other people destroy environment. Moreover, this author notes that in many cases, the government is very inefficient, and it is unable to prevent various malpractices (Abbey 4). Judging from this perspective, one can say that it is the duty of citizens to express their discontent with the policies of the government or businesses. To some extent, it is possible agree with this argument, because one should not assume that the government can eliminate every form of injustice without the assistance of the public. This is one way of looking at the problem.

Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that environmental activism can sometimes produce adverse effects. For instance, very often protesters can damage the property of companies. Moreover, sometimes they can block roads or bridges, and in this way they can create inconveniences for people who are in no way related to the unethical practices of businesses or governmental organizations. One can also refer to activists who attempt to disrupt whaling. It is possible to say these individuals pursue a noble cause, but at the same time, they can affect the performance of many small businesses. Provided that environmental activism leads to such consequences, it can hardly be justified.

Overall, environmental activism is a necessary part of modern life, because it raises the standards of social responsibility. Moreover, it increases the awareness of policy-makers about possible malpractices. Thus, it has beneficial effects on the life of a community. However, protesters should remember that their activities can affect people who do nothing wrong. So, they should make sure that their civil disobedience does not turn into deviance or crime. These issues are important for the legitimacy and morality of environmental activism.

Works Cited

Abbey, Edward. “Forward!” Ecodefense: A Field guide to Monkey wrenching . Ed. Dave Foreman and Bill Haywood. New York: Abbzug Press, 1993. 3-5. Print.

King, Martin. “Letter from Birmingham Jail.” The Atlantic Monthly 212. 2 (1963): 78- 88. Print.

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StudyCorgi. (2020, September 11). Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats. https://studycorgi.com/environmental-activism-benefits-and-threats/

"Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats." StudyCorgi , 11 Sept. 2020, studycorgi.com/environmental-activism-benefits-and-threats/.

StudyCorgi . (2020) 'Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats'. 11 September.

1. StudyCorgi . "Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats." September 11, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/environmental-activism-benefits-and-threats/.


StudyCorgi . "Environmental Activism: Benefits and Threats." September 11, 2020. https://studycorgi.com/environmental-activism-benefits-and-threats/.

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What environmental justice means—and why it matters.

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January 4, 2022

Environmental activism isn’t just about protecting the natural world—it’s also about protecting people. Nowhere is this concept better illustrated than with the environmental justice movement. At its most basic level, environmental justice asserts that environmental issues and social justice are inextricably linked.

What is Environmental Justice?

Environmental justice is the idea that people of all cultures, races, ethnicities, and socioeconomic backgrounds deserve fair protection from environmental and health hazards, as well as equal access to the decision-making processes behind environmental policies and development.

Historically led by Black, Latino, Indigenous, and low-income communities, the environmental justice movement in the United States has a few separate but connected goals:

  • Highlight the fact that historically marginalized groups of people—generally low-income and/or Black, Indigenous, and people of color (BIPOC) communities—are disproportionately affected by pollution, climate change, and other environmental dangers.
  • Work to stop corporations, businesses, and government bodies from placing landfills, chemical plants, oil refineries, and other pollution-causing sites in or near marginalized communities; help create a cleaner, healthier, and safer environment for these groups.
  • Give disenfranchised communities the ability and tools to participate in policy decision-making about the environments in which they live and work.

In an interview with Earth First! Journal , pioneer of the environmental justice movement Dr. Robert Bullard summarized, “The environment is everything: where we live, work, play, go to school, as well as the physical and natural world. And so we can’t separate the physical environment from the cultural environment. We have to talk about making sure that justice is integrated throughout all of the stuff that we do.

The Origins of the Environmental Justice Movement

The environmental justice movement isn’t new. Historically oppressed groups have fought for their environmental well-being for years, but the concept didn’t gain widespread meaning and momentum in the United States until the latter half of the 20th century. Among its many goals, the Civil Rights Movement of the 1960s prompted activists of all kinds to reckon with a difficult reality: African Americans were often experiencing severe health effects as a result of living in close proximity to toxic landfill sites and polluted areas.

In 1968, Black activists came together during the Memphis Sanitation Strike to fight for better working conditions for Memphis garbage workers. The strike marked the first time a group of people in the United States collectively opposed unfair environmental practices. Then, over a decade later, in 1979, a group of Black homeowners in Texas formed the Northeast Community Action Group to oppose a proposed landfill near their local schools. Their lawsuit cited environmental discrimination and set a precedent for activists to come.

However, it wasn’t until a 1982 protest in Warren County, North Carolina—when over 500 Black civil rights activists gathered to protest a landfill in their community—that the fight for environmental justice finally attracted national attention and spurred mainstream coverage and research.

The Evolution of the Movement

Over the past several decades, elected officials and the larger public have become increasingly aware of unfair environmental practices manifesting as environmental racism and class discrimination.

A 1987 study was the first of its kind to highlight the significant correlation between race and toxic waste site locations. The report found that over 15 million African Americans, 8 million Latinos, and half of all Asian/Pacific Islanders and Indigenous Americans resided in communities with at least one abandoned or uncontained toxic waste site.

Since then, countless groups and councils have formed to address environmental inequities, including the Indigenous Environmental Network , the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice , and the National Environmental Justice Advisory Council . In 1990, Dr. Bullard published Dumping in Dixie , the nation’s first book on environmental injustice. Then, in 1994, President Bill Clinton signed an executive order to funnel federal resources into addressing the poor environmental conditions in minority and low-income populations.

Policy-makers have increasingly joined the efforts to create change, enacting new laws and bringing oversight to the issue, but individual grassroots activists are still the driving force behind the environmental justice movement. A large number of Goldman Prize winners have been part of that movement and have helped push the nation—and the world—forward.

For 13 years, teacher-turned-activist Margie Richard (United States, 2004) led a community campaign to fight against the Shell refinery that released toxic chemicals into the air near her home in Louisiana. Thanks to her tireless work, Shell agreed to reduce its emissions by 30% in 2000.

Activist and high school student Destiny Watford (United States, 2016) mobilized her community to prevent an incinerator from being built in her Baltimore neighborhood. Grandmother Sharon Lavigne (United States, 2021) held peaceful protests to stop the construction of a plastics manufacturing plant next to the Mississippi River, and continues to campaign against industrial projects in her community.

Sharon Lavigne joins community members in adding flowers to a fence around the Buena Vista Cemetery, the burial site of enslaved ancestors

Environmental Justice Today

Today, the environmental justice movement also focuses on the ramifications of a global and insidious threat: climate change. A 2021 report from the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) shows how climate change is harming vulnerable populations in the United States.

The report found that African Americans are 34% more likely to live in areas with high rates of childhood asthma, and 40% more likely to live in areas with extreme temperature-related deaths.

Recently, President Joe Biden issued an executive order to establish the first White House Environmental Justice Advisory Council , as well as the Justice40 Initiative , which will work to ensure that 40% of clean energy and climate investments go to disadvantaged communities.

There’s still a long way to go in the fight for environmental justice, but there is progress. Thanks to grassroots activism and increased public awareness about climate change and other environmental issues, more elected officials, corporations, and concerned citizens are making strides to ensure that everyone has access to a clean environment.

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New Histories of Environmental Activism: A Review of Rethinking the American Environmental Movement

Robert Gioielli reviews Ellen Griffith Spears's  Rethinking the American Environmental Movement post-1945 (New York: Routledge, 2019).

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For more than twenty years, scholars have sought in article after book after conference paper to expand the timeline, reach, and definition of environmental concern and activism. This uncoordinated but multi-pronged effort has given us a fuller sense of activism that emerges from and addresses larger social and economic inequalities. What we call environmental justice is finally getting a full and complete history.

What has yet to be done, until now, is to bring that broader story together with the more traditional history of the environmental movement. Ellen Griffith Spears has accomplished that in her important new history, Rethinking the American Environmental Movement post-1945 . In this tightly argued volume, Spears provides the first work that truly synthesizes the different strands of environmentalism, giving them equal narrative and analytical weight. This book represents the culmination of a generation of scholarship on environmentalism that sought to expand our narrative in order to consider environmentalism as a "field of movements" (5) that brings together actors, organizations and institutions from a variety of backgrounds at the local, regional, and national level. The field of movements concept allows Spears to consider the mainstream organizations such as the Sierra Club or the Natural Resources Defense Council on comparable footing with grassroots movements, working to weave all strands of activism into the synthesis. She also includes developments in the history of science and public health, especially in ecology and toxicology, as well as the regulatory responses by the federal government. These are important not only to provide background and context, but also because the often-contested terrain of scientific knowledge and expertise is so central to understanding the movement. Rethinking the American Environmental Movement also engages larger structural changes within the US economy and society, such as mass suburbanization in the 1950s and deindustrialization in the 1970s and 1980s.

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The core of Spears's book centers on the postwar period, which she ably covers while also introducing lesser known developments. For example, any book of this nature has to discuss Rachel Carson , and Rethinking devotes one of its largest section to this groundbreaking author. But instead of putting Carson on a pedestal, where she often sits in public memory, Spears places her in context, showing how she was building on and amplifying the work of grassroots activists and scientists. Americans had been raising concerns about the ecological and public health effects of dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDT) soon after World War II. This accelerated into a series of lawsuits filed by New York based conservationists protesting the indiscriminate spraying of DDT in the late 1950s. The legal action failed, but the activists caught the attention of Carson, who began investigating the impact of DDT across the country. That research culminated in the publication of Silent Spring in 1962, and Spears ably delineates how and why this book was so important. It was not just an expose about the dangers of chemical spraying; Carson helped bridge the old conservation era to more contemporary concerns about human health, and she "crystallized the recognition that humans were fundamentally altering the environment" (83).

Just as significant as this rethinking of Silent Spring and pesticide activism is what comes before it: a short but important consideration of urban environmental concerns during the 1950s—especially the National Urban League 's "fight blight" and block club campaigns that targeted neighborhood cleanup, rats, empty lots, and community health. Spears examines urban activism by African American and other minority populations in more detail later, but by putting this section right before the discussion of Carson, she makes a valuable narrative intervention. Justice-focused activism by minority communities was occurring at the same time that more well-known parts of the movement were emerging, buttressing the argument that these strands of environmentalism are deserving of a longer history, and were not just a product of the environmental justice movement of the 1980s.

In addition to making sure that urban and minority neighborhoods and populations are firmly part of the narrative, Spears gives significant weight to the decades after 1980. This allows her to cover the conservative reaction to environmentalism during the Reagan administration and afterwards, but also climate activism, and recent environmental justice conflicts such as poisoned water in Flint, Michigan, and the Dakota Access Pipeline protests . Rethinking is especially strong on climate activism, representing an important shift over the past decade. The final chapter provides background on concerns over anthropogenic climate change (a subject that has figured in every United Nations environmental since 1972) and the international negotiations and treaties over the limitations of carbon and greenhouse gases in the 1990s. Spears includes a special section on the Dakota Access Pipeline protests in 2016. Because the pipeline violated indigenous rights, was a threat to the water supply of the Standing Rock Reservation, and would also allow for the cheaper transportation of fossil fuels, Spears argues that the NO DAPL protests were a great example of "an intersectional grassroots movement linking indigenous rights, climate change, and water protection" (213).

essay topics for environmental activism

By the end of the Rethinking , readers may feel a little overwhelmed by the field of movements approach, as Spears jumps, for example, from climate activism, to green jobs, food justice, religious work on climate change, and to standalone discussions of Flint and Standing Rock, all in the second half of the last chapter. Critics could argue that this "big-tent" conceptualization risks diluting what they would classify as an environmental movement, but this is the value of Spears's approach. She convincingly shows how environmentalism has never been one particular set of activists or institutions, but a diverse set of organizations, scientists, firebrands and regulatory bodies that have always been in conversation, conflict or coalition with each other. This broad coverage helps readers understand many implicit and explicit connections. And coverage is one of the goals of this kind of book, which seeks to introduce a topic to a broader audience. This makes Rethinking especially admirable. It places activism centered upon injustice and inequality on equal footing with more commonly known parts of the movement. As someone who teaches the history of environmentalism, I believe this is vitally important. Most students begin with strong preconceived notions about environmentalism (Birkenstocks, tofu) that prove tough to dislodge.

This field-of-movements framework does raise a broader question within environmentalist writing and the narrative we tend to tell. Lurking beneath the surface of many histories of environmentalism is the conflict between the movement's different strands, particularly between environmental justice organizations, radical wilderness groups , and the mainstream "nationals." Spears does not shy away from these tensions, showing how radical factions emerged partly in opposition to the perceived "business friendly" policies of groups such as the Environmental Defense Fund , and how grassroots organizations have long been critical of the overwhelming white, middle-class staffing and policy orientation of well-funded national groups based in Washington, DC.

essay topics for environmental activism

We need more work that takes the connections between corporations and major, national environmental groups at face value, and attempts to understand their roots and trajectories—and their lack of attention to people and geographies of color. One of Spears's primary concerns is the "multiple ways in which the color lines drawn in U.S. society have hampered environmental reform movements" (4). But as strong as it is in exploring the grassroots activism by people of color, Rethinking doesn't explore the color lines that existed in environmental organizations; why they were reluctant, for decades , to address the concerns of marginalized groups, or even make their professional staffs more diverse. This is not because Spears does not want to explore these problems. It's simply that the literature is not there. The white privilege of US environmentalism has only really been critiqued at the margins. We lack a full accounting of its development and impact, particularly on the continual escalation of environmental injustice and inequality.

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About the Author

Robert Gioielli is an associate professor of History at the University of Cincinnati and the author of Environmental Activism and the Urban Crisis: Baltimore, St. Louis, Chicago (Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2014). Find him on Twitter at @robgioielli .

Bullard, Robert D. Dumping in Dixie: Race, Class, and Environmental Quality . Boulder, CO: Westview Press, 1990.

Dowie, Mark. Losing Ground: American Environmentalism at the Close of the Twentieth Century . Cambridge, MA: The MIT Press, 1996.

Gottlieb, Robert. Forcing the Spring: The Transformation of the American Environmental Movement . 2nd ed. Washington, DC: Island Press, 2005.

Park, Lisa Sun-Hee, and David N. Pellow. The Slums of Aspen: Immigrants vs. the Environment in America's Eden . New York: New York University Press, 2011.

Powell, Miles. Vanishing America: Species Extinction, Racial Peril, and the Origins of Conservation . Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016.

Sabin, Paul. "Environmental Law and the End of the New Deal Order." Law and History Review 33, no. 4 (2015): 965–1003.

Spears, Ellen Griffith. Baptized in PCBs: Race, Pollution, and Justice in an All-American Town . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2014.

Taylor, Dorceta E. The Rise of the American Conservation Movement: Power, Privilege, and Environmental Protection . Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2016.

Thomson, Jennifer. Wild and the Toxic: American Environmentalism and the Politics of Health . Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2019.

Wells, Christopher. Environmental Justice in Postwar America: A Documentary Reader . Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2018.

Woodhouse, Keith Makoto. The Ecocentrists: A History of Radical Environmentalism . New York: Columbia University Press, 2020.

Bailey, Louis D. " Louis D. Bailey ." Interview by Louise Sunshine. A People's History of Harlem: A Harlem Neighborhood Oral History Project . New York Public Library (New York, New York). April 26, 2014. oralhistory.nypl.org/interviews/louis-d-bailey-2cdd67.

"Gaylord Nelson and Earth Day: The Making of the Modern Environmental Movement . "  Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin-Madison (Madison, Wisconsin). Accessed June 2, 2020. nelsonearthday.net/index.php.

Mock, Brentin. " Are there Two Different Versions of Environmentalism, One 'White', One 'Black'? " Mother Jones . July 31, 2014. motherjones.com/environment/2014/07/white-black-environmentalism-racism/.

Purdy, Jedediah. " Environmentalism's Racist History ."  New Yorker , August 13, 2015. https://www.newyorker.com/news/news-desk/environmentalisms-racist-history.

Reid, Laura. " Why Race Matters When We Talk About the Environment: An Interview with Dr. Robert Bullard ." Greenpeace . March 1, 2018. greenpeace.org/usa/why-race-matters-when-we-talk-about-the-environment/.

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Catherine McNeur, , Reprint edition (Harvard University Press, 2017); Carl A. Zimring, (New York: New York University Press, 2015); Mark Fiege, (Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2012).
Mark Dowie, (Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1996).
The core "heroes" come from the wilderness and early conservation movements. See, for example, Roderick Nash, (New Haven: Yale University, 1996 [1965]); Aldo Leopold (London: Oxford University Press, 1949).
Paul Sabin, "Environmental Law and the End of the New Deal Order," 33, no. 4 (November 2015): 965–1003; Jennifer Thomson, (University of North Carolina Press, 2019); Keith Makoto Woodhouse, (New York: Columbia University Press, 2020).
Lisa Sun-Hee Park and David N. Pellow, , (New York: New York University Press, 2011); Dorceta E. Taylor, (Durham, NC: Duke University Books, 2016).

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The Journal for Student Geographers

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Evaluating the success of contemporary environmental activism

By Eve Nicholson, Hill House Sixth Form Doncaster 

Nicholson, E. (2021) Evaluating the success of contemporary environmental activism.  Routes  1(3): 291-297.

This essay explores a brief historical transformation of environmental activism and the varying levels of acceptance it has met internationally. The main argument of this essay is that environmental activism is not sufficient to make the necessary global changes in accordance with current scientific recommendations. There are many flaws, not only from the unresponsive governments, but within the movement itself. The key argument of this essay is that there are fundamental problems in environmental activism, but also issues of public reception and acceptance of the movement. The essay offers a balanced evaluation, factoring in the positive impacts of the movement, but highlights the overlooked issues. This article focuses on Extinction Rebellion as the most pertinent example however there is scope to assess wider environmental movements.

1. Introduction

With the growth of the virtual realm of social media, through increased accessibility to technology, environmental activism has transformed into contemporary groups such as Extinction Rebellion and Fridays For Future, which have captured the global media’s attention. Environmentalism has become not only a fight for recognition, but a battle for change in environmental attitudes and wider political systems. The issue arises due to the generally poor diffusion of this idea to global socio-economic players such as national governments and international organisations, and this article explores the deeply rooted issues from the conception, to the acceptance of the movement. For example, the ability to balance economic development with environmental decline, and the conflict which arises is explored within this essay. This article does not offer the solutions to make wider change, but highlights the often-neglected need for societal reflection and recognition of all the dynamic factors involved in this global dialogue. 

Contemporary environmentalism is fuelled by modern fears of climate change, arguably the biggest threat facing humanity. Rising sea levels (Marshall, 2018), and land temperatures threaten the consumerist West as well as the smallest contributors, such as the carbon negative kingdom of Bhutan (TED, 2016). As ecosystems are destroyed, environmentalists, feeling duty bound, seek to pressure international economic systems for world change. The earth has reached a tipping point where humanity must make a choice. By understanding the transformation of environmentalism in a modern context, this essay explores not only the issues surrounding environmentalism, but the issues within it.

2. The transformation of environmental activism and its contemporary pertinence 

The rise of groups like Extinction Rebellion (XR) has been exponential. Environmental movements became globally recognised in the 1960s, evolving into today’s debatable extremism. Then, as now, environmental revolutionists are considered unrealistic or radical by governments. Peaceful protests have transformed into tube disruptions and vandalism (BBC Three, 2018), as civil unrest grows in response to a lack of action from the elite global powers, such as governments or multinational firms. Today, climate activists are multidimensional, tackling the interconnectivity between environmental ignorance, political corruption and profit maximisation. Using social media as a tool to diffuse their message on a global scale has helped the movement flourish, but also has created a platform for criticism and false information which can erode the core message of environmentalism.

Previous wars rooted in religious, political dogma have triggered the mass genocide of peoples over centuries. But now, political organisations arguably face the world’s biggest battle yet. The Nixon administration (Hudson, 2020) created the Environmental Protection Agency in 1970. An international conference (Stockholm, June 1972) gave the world the United Nations Environment Program, but little else. World powers historically prioritise capital over climate instability. The economic downturn of the 1970’s birthed desperate mass production and legacy pollutants that impact local hydrological systems today (Barrett, 2019). It is uncertain when environmental duty will overhaul economic imperative. In the Hind Swaraj, Ghandi wrote ‘civilization is such that one has only to be patient, and it will be self-destroyed’, but, ‘it is destroying the planet and our lives, it is destroying our future’. (Shiva, 2019). If the international community does not acknowledge this, the result may be the ‘mass extinction’ XR refer to.

3. Inherent issues with the movement

In the ‘Declaration of Rebellion’, XR state, ‘we are in the sixth mass extinction event’, ‘we will face catastrophe, if we do not act swiftly’ (2019: 3). Environmentalists suggest that to conserve biodiversity and reduce emissions is humanity’s duty. Ironically, these calls come from VHHDs (high human development countries), areas privileged with access to global networks. Critics suggest that climate protestors are still likely to be enjoying imported avocadoes on toast and ordering fast fashion online. Although we have seen the appearance of social media accounts such as ‘Fridays for Future Bangladesh’ the children of such low-income countries are unlikely to consider how much methane was produced to feed them. Familial incomes may barely be enough to necessitate a carbon neutral lifestyle. Even so, their lifestyles will be far more sustainable than the consumer driven global middle class (Roberts, 2017). Although accessibility to social media is increasing in the global south, there is still a significant proportion of unheard voices and the discussion is dominated by the West, from Facebook to the 2015 Paris Climate Accord. Perhaps if their opinion had more recognition, there would be more apprehension towards slowing economic growth at the expense of the world’s poorest. 

Demanding global climate mitigation exacerbates the development gap. Conversely, activism may highlight the plight of the densely populated Bangladesh (Marshall, 2018) where climbing sea levels could reduce landmass by 1/5. Reduced glacial melting from the Himalayas has increased the rate of desertification, endangering the primary sector-based economy. But presently, the cost of preventing this may be the incomes of millions of factory workers, trying to provide for their family. Thus, activists who wish to halt production in rapidly industrialising nations are hypocritical. The iPhone used to preach sustainability came from a Chinese Foxconn factory. Certain activists do not understand the consequences of extreme activism on those low-income households in the global south who are trying to attain the global middle-class lifestyle enjoyed in the West (Hamel, 2019).

Cultural diffusion has meant that increasingly switched-on countries desire the western lifestyle. Emulating the American Dream comes with consequences. Environmental sustainability is not profitable, but depleting resources is. This is the biggest issue with environmentalism. People are myopic, but realistic. Someone working a low paid factory job, who’s income might be paying for their children’s education, will not stop because the ice caps are melting. For those in famine, veganism is absurd. The growth of the middle class in developing nations (e.g India and China) has had catastrophic environmental effects, increasing pollutants with rising demand for cars and meat. China now has the biggest demand for processed foods, meaning overcultivation and overgrazing in fragile ecosystems (Kuo, 2013). Yet, no one has the right to deny people a sufficient quality of life, which varies across different social indicators used by different organisations. 

Some countries are leading the industrial change to cleaner energy, but it is uncertain whether we can rebalance the environment’s tipping point. For producers, ‘going green’ increases production costs, which means potential wage reductions or unemployment. It is difficult for a firm to alter its profit motives in order to become more sustainable while ensuring job security (White, 2014). Many countries cannot afford to subsidise clean technology or invest in supply side policies (e.g providing greener infrastructure). These technologies can only mitigate the inevitability temporarily and remain under- researched and inaccessible to LHDs (low human development countries). 

4. External issues with the movement

Aversion to environmental politics has been attributed to the older generations’ fear of change. Angela Merkel thought that German children protesting in 2019 were prompted by Russian agents (Frankopan, 2018). This reiterates XR’s message. They demand international cooperation, thus the abolition of intergovernmental suspicion.  Politicians generally agree that climate action is a burden on economic progress. At the Paris Climate Accord, Trump stated it was an ‘example of Washington entering into an agreement that disadvantages the U.S to the exclusive benefit of other countries’ (Frankopan, 2018). This tribal mindset is what XR believes prevents the necessary global cooperation. Governments have become complicit in climate failure, as they funnel tax revenue into infrastructure projects (e.g HS2). Once again, economic prosperity is valued over ecological balance. 

Mitigation efforts have advanced in the past decade, with emerging economies like China set to become the ‘renewable superpower of the world’ (Dudley, 2019). However, this does not forgive environmental concerns of Air Quality Index (AQI) levels of 999, and the loss of 50% of China’s vertebrates since 1970 (Yan, 2016), proving that green policies can be used as political tools to appease growing global environmental concerns. Plus, the movement has not been wholly accepted by governments, evident in certain significant political figures rejecting the theories and insisting that climate change is a concept created to make ‘manufacturing non-competitive’ (Cheung, 2020).

It has been equally as difficult to reach a public consensus on green changes. Climate change concerns are failing to universally reach the general public. Extremist activism often preaches doomsday prophecies. Communication breaks down between scientific findings and media reports, exacerbated by the persuasive and confusing force of the internet, coupled with false information. Only 28% of news stories reflect the scientific consensus (TED, 2018), because scientific jargon does not reflect the language of government policy or public opinion. The potential breakdown of food chains and water crises in the Sahel region (Muggah and Cabrera, 2019) are issues that may not impact the average western consumer in the short term. Many are not aware of their role in such degradation. It is uncertain whether society will comprehend the potentially devastating impacts before it’s too late. The effects on the environment will be irreversible. So, for now, sea levels may continue to rise until the West truly feels the repercussions. Western diets may lose exotic foods when the soil degrades completely from overgrazing and cash-crop overcultivation. The Amazon may become a complete carbon source, rather than a carbon sink (Malhi, 2010). The nutrient cycle may fail, terrorised by the unquenchable first for imports to satisfy an instant gratification driven society (Clark and York, 2005). It is important to note that all these predictions are uncertain, we do not truly know how our ecosystems will respond to climate changes. Thus, environmental activists feel it is their duty that we do not risk the potentially devastating consequences. 

There is some evidence that the movement has penetrated general attitudes, evident in the rise of green consumerism such as thrifting, or initiatives to reduce single use plastic consumption such as 5p plastic bags, the popularity of metal straws or reusable coffee cups (White, 2019). That said, there is a general lack of consideration regarding the life cycle assessments or the true environmental cost of certain ‘sustainable’ alternatives. Perhaps, the economic shock of COVID-19 is giving consumers time to reflect on personal waste production. 2/5 of Britons are planning to live more ecofriendly lifestyles after restrictions are relaxed (Randall, 2020). This pandemic has helped demonstrate the impact of human activity on the environment yet could also exacerbate the problem, as there may be economic requirements to boost consumption to recover from the impending recession.

5. Conclusion

To conclude, grassroots movements inspired by contemporary voices such as Greta Thunberg and Boyan Slat are often unfeasible. Activists can scream ‘how dare you’, but it will not penetrate an ignorant world. A world still dictated by fears of the inflation monster and crashing markets. Although a social media movement has ignited the conversation, the extreme measures proposed by groups like XR are too controversial to ever hold water with policy makers economically, but the message still deserves international recognition. The movement’s fundamental issues can be overcome if important political and economic stakeholders are willing to discuss and cooperate. In particular, the global south deserves a more significant stake in global discussion. Moreover, like most revolutions, this could climax within months. Environmentalism must become a fundamental part of everyone’s lives. 

As Shabecoff states, ‘If environmentalism is to be an agent of necessary social transformation, it will have to transform itself’ (1993: 309). Transform itself to relate to all classes, and allow people to be active in affordable ways. It should not be restricted to VHHDs who can afford to be sustainable. Change can occur in a multitude of ways; thus, environmentalism must become more adaptable and inevitable. It must become humanity’s duty to save the planet.

6. References

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Barrett, T. (2019) ‘Legacy’ pollution from the 70s still damaging UK rivers [Online]. Available at: https://environmentjournal.online/articles/legacy-pollution-from-the-70s-still-damaging-uk-rivers/ (Accessed: 21 May 2020)

BBC Three. (2018) Life of an environmental activist | generation activism [Online]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ei-a_Rbe8TU (Accessed: 26 May 2020) 

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Frankopan, P. (2018) The new silk roads: the present and future of the world. 2 nd edn. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.

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Randall, I. (2020) Almost three quarters of Britons think coronavirus social distancing measures have had a positive impact on the planet — with two in five planning to live more eco-friendly lives when restrictions are lifted [Online]. Available at: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-8241879/Almost-three-quarters-Britons-think-social-distancing-measures-good-impact-planet.html (Accessed: May 15 2020)  

Roberts, D. (2017) Wealthier people produce more carbon pollution – even the ‘green’ ones [Online]. Available at: https://www.vox.com/energy-and-environment/2017/12/1/16718844/green-consumers-climate-change (Accessed: 10 February 2021) 

Shabecoff, P. (1993) A fierce green fire: the American environmental movement. 1 st edn. Washington D.C.: Island Press. 

Shiva, V. (2019) This is not a drill: an Extinction Rebellion handbook. 1 st edn. London: Penguin Random House UK.

TEDxTalks. (2018) Let’s change the way we talk about climate change | Jes Thompson | TEDxNMU [Online]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXOu-dezdKo (Accessed: 26 April 2020) 

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TED. (2016) This country isn’t just carbon neutral – it’s carbon negative – Tshering Tobgay [Online]. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Lc_dlVrg5M   (Accessed: 20 May 2020)

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112 Protest Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Protests have been a powerful tool for social change throughout history, allowing individuals and groups to voice their opinions and demand action from those in power. From civil rights movements to environmental activism, protests have played a crucial role in shaping the world we live in today.

If you're looking for inspiration for your next protest essay, here are 112 topic ideas and examples to get you started:

  • The Black Lives Matter movement and its impact on racial justice
  • The #MeToo movement and the fight against sexual harassment and assault
  • Climate change protests and the need for urgent action
  • The role of youth activism in shaping the future
  • Protests against police brutality and the need for criminal justice reform
  • Women's rights protests and the fight for gender equality
  • Protests against government corruption and the need for transparency
  • Indigenous rights protests and the fight for land and cultural preservation
  • Protests against gun violence and the need for stricter gun control laws
  • LGBTQ rights protests and the fight for equality and acceptance
  • Protests against systemic racism and the need for structural change
  • Protests against income inequality and the fight for economic justice
  • Protests against war and the need for peaceful conflict resolution
  • Protests against immigration policies and the need for compassion and empathy
  • Protests against animal cruelty and the need for ethical treatment of animals
  • Protests against voter suppression and the need for fair and accessible elections
  • Protests against environmental destruction and the need for sustainable practices
  • Protests against corporate greed and the need for ethical business practices
  • Protests against healthcare disparities and the need for universal healthcare
  • Protests against educational inequality and the need for quality education for all
  • Protests against mass incarceration and the need for criminal justice reform
  • Protests against censorship and the need for freedom of speech
  • Protests against ableism and the need for accessibility and inclusivity
  • Protests against ageism and the need for respect and dignity for all ages
  • Protests against xenophobia and the need for acceptance and diversity

These are just a few examples of the countless protest topics that you can explore in your essay. Whether you're passionate about social justice, environmental issues, or human rights, there's a protest topic out there for you. So get out there, raise your voice, and make a difference in the world.

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essay topics for environmental activism

I'm Joyce in Kenya

5 Sep, 2024

3 mins read time

From Passion to Action: A Journey in Activism

My name is Joyce and my activism started with a passion for environmental conservation. Living on the coast of Kenya, I saw how plastic pollution was choking our oceans, occasionally hearing of fisherman coming home with no fish. Their words “bahari chafu” meaning the ocean is dirty in Swahili.

Because of this, I gathered the courage and decided to host a beach clean-up. This act alone motivated me and inspired me to do more beach clean-ups, but I wanted to do even more conservation work.

Climate activist, Joyce Koech, stands among recently planted mangroves as part of her pioneering restoration project in Mombasa, Kenya. Photo: Victor Wahome/Oxfam.

Climate activist, Joyce Koech, stands among recently planted mangroves as part of her pioneering restoration project in Mombasa, Kenya.

Climate activist, Joyce Koech, stands among recently planted mangroves as part of her pioneering restoration project in Mombasa, Kenya.

Conserving the coast

I started to hear about Climate activism through a man called mzee Omar, who told me the ocean is becoming too warm. He had lived in Mombasa his entire life and he sparked my curiosity. What could be making the ocean too warm, and what could I do about it? It seems too big of a problem, I thought, the ocean is so vast and big, whatever is making it too warm sounded like a mammoth problem.

Learning that greenhouse gases were responsible for what was happening to the oceans sparked my activism. Plus, Mombasa had become too hot and was unbearable. But what could an individual like me do?

The damage that had been done seemed irreversible, clearly this damage has been going on for a long time. But coming from the coast, I realised that there was something I could do. I realised that I could be part of solving the problem, I just didn't know if it would have an impact. But it was worth trying…

From individual change to collective action

I embarked on a journey to reduce my carbon footprint. I walked more, composted food remains, shared rides and much more. But then I discovered the power of Mangrove Forests. Mangroves lie on the coast of Mombasa; they are trees that grow on the salty waters. I realised that I had been seeing these trees all my life, but I had never known their power!

Community members join the Blue Earth Organisation as they plant new mangrove seedlings, boosting coastal protection and biodiversity in Mombasa, Kenya. Photo: Victor Wahome/Oxfam.

After doing some research, I was fascinated. They had the power to solve the climate crisis! The trees take in 10 times more CO2 than terrestrial forests. I told myself, I have found a solution to the climate crisis... and now I can do something. Together with my community and other young people I organised my first mangrove planting event and planted 100 trees.”

Joyce Koech , Kenya

Along the way I co-founded an organization called Blue Earth Organisation. It’s been an amazing journey. I have met many people and inspired my own community through the power of unity and nature-based solutions, such as mangroves. Together, we have managed to restore degraded areas and bring back biodiversity by planting more than 30,000 mangroves. This has been our climate action, our way of taking away carbon emissions.

Fighting climate injustice: Now and for the next generation

Climate change, I have realised, affects us differently. It affects women differently from men, boys and girls, and even countries. Countries like mine, Kenya, contribute very little to global emissions, yet we are faced with the harshest reality of the climate crisis, from severe droughts to flooding to extreme heatwaves. This is climate injustice because it is the marginalised communities who are affected the most, since they don't have the capacity to respond when disaster strikes. Women particularly lose out because they are usually responsible for gathering natural resources like water and firewood, meaning that if these items become scarce, they may need to travel further for them. This means more time spent doing unpaid domestic labour and, in some areas, greater risks of gender-based violence. This leaves women more vulnerable and can exclude them from decision-making, even though reports show that they are powerful agents in the fight against climate change.

Activist and conservationist Joyce Koech talks with Khadijah Suleiman, a schoolgirl from Mombasa who was inspired to take climate action by Joyce. Photo: Victor Wahome/Oxfam.

Young girls are having to compromise their education, being given away for marriage so that the family can recoup lost livelihoods through dowries. The inequalities we experience as women motivates me to continue raising awareness about climate injustice, because our role in the fight against climate change is crucial.”

Women's involvement ensures diverse voices are heard, and their firsthand experiences with these challenges make them powerful advocates for climate justice. The traditional knowledge they hold contributes significantly to sustainability and climate resilience as well.

Stay in the fight

Every day I am inspired to see small actions create big impacts. My motivation for young people is that your actions today can be our big hope for tomorrow. We have a planet to protect, not only for us, but for future generations. We need to look at nature as our source of hope and peace and we must live in harmony with it. What gives me hope is the other young climate activists I have met on my journey. I am motivated by their fight for a better tomorrow! LET’S CONTINUE STAYING IN THE FIGHT!

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Kenyan activist Joyce leading a climate crisis protest march. Photo: Rogers Ouma.

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  • Gen Z, Millennials Stand Out for Climate Change Activism, Social Media Engagement With Issue

Majorities of Americans support array of measures to address climate change but stop short of full break with fossil fuels

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  • 1. Climate engagement and activism
  • 2. Climate, energy and environmental policy
  • 3. Local impact of climate change, environmental problems
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essay topics for environmental activism

Pew Research Center conducted this study to understand how Americans view climate, energy and environmental issues. We surveyed 13,749 U.S. adults from April 20 to 29, 2021.

The survey was conducted on Pew Research Center’s American Trends Panel (ATP) and included an oversample of adults ages 18 to 24 from the Ipsos Knowledge Panel. A total of 912 Generation Z adults, born after 1996 , were included in the sample.

Respondents on both panels are recruited through national, random sampling of residential addresses. This way nearly all U.S. adults have a chance of selection. The survey is weighted to be representative of the U.S. adult population by gender, race, ethnicity, partisan affiliation, education and other categories. Read more about the ATP’s methodology .

Here are the questions used for this report, along with responses, and its methodology .

In the first year of Joe Biden’s presidential term, climate, energy and environmental policy have been the subject of renewed federal attention. In recent months, the United States has rejoined the Paris Agreement on climate change, the Environmental Protection Agency has moved to sharply restrict greenhouse gas emissions, and Biden has outlined a range of policy goals, including getting the U.S. to “net-zero” by 2050.

Chart shows Gen Z, Millennials more active than older generations addressing climate change on- and offline

Even as Americans identify a number of pressing national problems , majorities see an array of actors, from government to business, as doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change and are broadly supportive of a range of policy approaches that would help address climate change, including moving toward renewable energy sources, developing infrastructure for electric vehicles, and increasing taxes and restrictions on carbon emissions.

Still, most Americans favor using a mix of energy sources to meet the country’s needs – including renewables as well as oil, coal and natural gas. There is limited support for phasing out the use of fossil fuels altogether. And the public is closely divided over the idea of phasing out the production of gas-powered vehicles by 2035.

Partisan gaps in views of climate change remain vast – from the salience of the issue to the role for government addressing it. And divisions over renewable energy and stricter environmental regulations are wider today than they were under Donald Trump’s administration, due to increased opposition among Republicans.

Chart shows the generations defined

But meaningful generational differences over the need for climate action, and engagement with the issue, stand alongside these partisan divisions. Younger activists are often at the forefront of the climate debate, with voices such as those of Greta Thunberg and the Sunrise Movement – a youth-led political organization urging increased attention to climate change – among the most visible in global conversations advocating climate action.  

Younger Americans – Millennials and adults in Generation Z – stand out in a new Pew Research Center survey particularly for their high levels of engagement with the issue of climate change. Compared with older adults, Gen Zers and Millennials are talking more about the need for action on climate change; among social media users, they are seeing more climate change content online; and they are doing more to get involved with the issue through activities such as volunteering and attending rallies and protests.

While many forms of political engagement – such as voting – tend to be higher among older adults, 32% of Gen Zers and 28% of Millennials have taken at least one of four actions (donating money, contacting an elected official, volunteering or attending a rally) to help address climate change in the last year, compared with smaller shares of Gen X (23%) and Baby Boomer and older adults (21%).

The survey finds that, when asked about engaging with climate change content online, those in Gen Z are particularly likely to express anxiety about the future. Among social media users, nearly seven-in-ten Gen Zers (69%) say they felt anxious about the future the most recent time they saw content about addressing climate change. A smaller majority (59%) of Millennial social media users report feeling this way the last time they saw climate change content; fewer than half of Gen X (46%) and Baby Boomer and older (41%) social media users say the same.

Anxiety about the future also is a predominant emotional reaction to climate change content among those who are most engaged with the issue on social platforms (those who follow a climate-focused account, interact with, post or share climate content themselves). Majorities of these climate-engaged social media users report feeling angry that not enough is being done when encountering climate change content online; but large shares also say they feel motivated to learn more and confident in the ability to reduce the effects of climate change.

As a group, larger shares of younger adults identify with, or lean toward, the Democratic Party than the GOP. But generational differences in climate change attitudes and behaviors are not simply a reflection of the Democratic orientation of younger adults. In fact, among Republicans , generational differences in views are often quite pronounced. For example, 49% of Gen Z and 48% of Millennial Republicans (including Republican leaners) say action to reduce the effects of climate change needs to be prioritized today, even if that means fewer resources to deal with other important problems; significantly fewer Gen X (37%) and Baby Boomer and older (26%) Republicans say the same.

Attitudinal differences by generation among Democrats are less common, as large shares prioritize climate action and back policies to help reduce climate impacts. Still, younger Democrats are more likely than older Democrats to be talking about the need for action on climate change and to have been personally encouraged to become more involved. And on the policy front, Gen Z and Millennial Democrats express more openness to breaking with fossil fuels entirely than Gen X and Baby Boomer and older Democrats.

The new national survey by Pew Research Center, conducted April 20 to 29 among 13,749 U.S. adults, including 912 Gen Z adults, finds a majority of Americans (64%) say efforts to reduce the effects of climate change need to be prioritized today to ensure a sustainable planet for future generations, even if it means fewer resources for addressing other important problems; far fewer (34%) say climate change should be a lower priority, given other important problems facing Americans today.

Chart shows majorities say large businesses, energy industry and ordinary Americans are doing too little on climate

In line with the public’s view that climate change should be addressed today, majorities believe a range of public and private actors are not doing enough to help reduce climate impacts. More than six-in-ten Americans say large businesses and corporations (69%) and the energy industry (62%) are doing too little to address climate change. Such critiques extend beyond industry: Two-thirds say ordinary Americans are doing too little to help reduce the effects of climate change. Consistent with past Center surveys, majorities also say the federal government is doing too little across a range of environmental concerns – such as protecting air and water quality – and 59% see it as doing too little to reduce the effects of climate change.

Despite ongoing support for prioritizing alternative energy, nearly two-thirds of U.S. public opposes phasing out fossil fuels; closely divided over phasing out gas-powered cars

Chart shows younger generations more willing than older to give up fossil fuels, phase out gas-powered cars

There are limits to how far the public is willing to go on climate and energy policy, especially when it comes to breaking with fossil fuels, a potential shift that gained increased attention during the global drop in carbon emissions in 2020 that accompanied the COVID-19 pandemic .

Most Americans (71%) continue to say the U.S. should prioritize development of alternative energy sources, such as wind and solar, over expanding production of oil, coal and natural gas. And there is strong policy support for tougher restrictions on power plant carbon emissions, as well as for higher fuel-efficiency standards for cars and trucks.

But the public is cool to the idea of phasing out fossil fuels from the country’s energy supply altogether and closely divided over transitioning away from gas-powered cars.

Nearly two-thirds of Americans (64%) say the U.S. should use a mix of energy sources going forward – including oil, coal and natural gas, along with renewables; far fewer (33%) support phasing out fossil fuels entirely. By 51% to 47%, a slightly larger share of Americans oppose than favor phasing out the production of new gasoline cars and trucks by 2035 – a proposal that has been put forward by governors in 12 states , including California and New York. Phasing out gas-powered vehicles is one of several measures the International Energy Association says will be needed to reach net-zero emissions globally.

The views of Gen Zers and Millennials are distinct from those of older adults over the use of fossil fuels. Majorities of Gen Zers (56%) and Millennials (57%) favor phasing out new gasoline cars and trucks by the year 2035; by contrast, majorities of Gen X (53%) and Baby Boomer and older adults (59%) oppose this idea. And while adults across generations are inclined to use a mix of sources to meet the country’s energy needs, support for phasing out the use of oil, coal and natural gas is significantly higher among Gen Zers and Millennials (43% and 42%, respectively) than among Gen X (32%) and Baby Boomer and older adults (25%).

Broad support among U.S. adults for key elements in Biden’s infrastructure plan; half say it would help the U.S. economy

The Biden administration signaled a focus on climate change since taking office, calling it a profound crisis. The new Center survey finds majorities of Americans support a number of proposals to address climate change, including three specific elements in Biden’s infrastructure plan .

Chart shows majorities support three specific proposals in Biden’s infrastructure plan; half think plan will help economy

More than seven-in-ten Americans (74%) support a proposal to require power companies to increase their reliance on renewable energy sources in order to reduce carbon emissions. A smaller majority (62%) backs federal spending to build a network of electric vehicle charging stations across the country in order to increase the use of electric cars and trucks. And a similar share (63%) supports raising corporate taxes to pay for more energy efficient buildings and improved roads, a key funding mechanism in Biden’s infrastructure proposal.

Chart shows those most concerned with climate change place high importance on protecting planet for future generations

On the question of the economic benefits – or costs – of Biden’s infrastructure plan, 50% of U.S. adults think the plan to rebuild the country’s infrastructure in ways that are aimed at reducing the effects of climate change will help the economy, while fewer (30%) think it will hurt the economy; 18% say it will make no difference.

As expected, there are sharp partisan divisions over these proposals and their likely economic impact: 78% of Democrats think the Biden administration plan will help the U.S. economy, while a majority of Republicans (59%) say the opposite and expect it to hurt the economy.

The roughly three-in-ten Americans most concerned about climate change differ widely from other Americans in their beliefs, priorities for climate policy

The survey provides a detailed look at the 31% of Americans for whom climate change is a top personal concern. This group is distinct in their views on climate from the 30% of Americans who say that climate change is not important to them personally, as well as from the 39% who call it one of several issues – but not a top issue – they care about.

For example, those with a strong personal concern about climate are much more likely than other groups to say human activity contributes “a great deal” to climate change, to believe climate scientists understand the phenomenon “very well” and to say climate scientists have too little influence on policy.

This group also stands out for their priorities in thinking about climate policy. Those most concerned about climate change are particularly likely to say protecting the quality of the environment for future generations (89%), getting the U.S. to net-zero carbon emissions as quickly as possible (67%) and making sure proposals help lower-income communities (65%) are very important considerations to them in climate policy proposals.

Other key findings from the survey include:

  • A narrow majority in U.S. say climate scientists have too little influence on climate policy debates. Overall, 54% of Americans say that climate scientists have too little influence on related policy decisions, 22% say they have about the right amount and another 22% say they have too much influence. Democrats (77%) are far more likely than Republicans (27%) to say that climate scientists have too little influence on climate policy debates.
  • Majorities of Black (68%) and Hispanic (55%) adults prioritize help for lower-income communities when considering climate policy proposals. A smaller share of White adults (38%) say helping lower-income areas is a very important consideration to them in climate proposals. Middle- and upper-income Black adults are about as likely as lower-income Black adults (70% and 66%, respectively) to say this is very important to them. Similarly, there are no differences on this question between middle/upper-income Hispanic adults and those with lower incomes (54% vs. 57%, respectively).
  • Half of Americans say they have experienced extreme weather over the past year. Three-quarters of U.S. adults support a proposal to change building standards so that new construction will better withstand extreme weather; 23% say this is a bad idea because it could increase costs and cause delays in important projects. Those who say they have experienced extreme weather events are more likely than those who have not to consider it a good idea to change building codes, though majorities of both express this view.
  • Republicans’ views on energy issues have shifted compared with a year ago, leading to wider political divides between the parties. Republican support for expanding wind and solar power, while still a majority, has decreased 13 and 11 percentage points, respectively, compared with a year ago when Trump was in office. The shares of Republicans and Republican leaners who support expanding hydraulic fracturing for oil and natural gas (up 10 points), offshore oil and gas drilling (up 6 points) and coal mining (up 6 points) have risen over the same period. Even so, younger Republicans remain less likely than their older counterparts to support expanding fossil fuel sources, consistent with past Center surveys.

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essay topics for environmental activism

The Role of Youth Activism in Environmental Conservation


In an era marked by environmental challenges, the role of youth activism has become increasingly pivotal in driving meaningful change. This article explores the significant impact of youth activism on environmental conservation, highlighting its role in shaping policies, fostering awareness, and inspiring collective action.

Awakening Environmental Consciousness: Education and Advocacy :

Youth activists play a crucial role in raising awareness about environmental issues. Through educational initiatives and advocacy campaigns, they empower their peers and communities with knowledge about climate change, biodiversity loss, and sustainable practices. By fostering environmental consciousness, young activists lay the groundwork for a generation that understands the urgency of conservation.

  • Elevating Voices: Youth-Led Movements and Grassroots Initiatives :

The power of youth-led movements cannot be overstated. From the global phenomenon of Fridays for Future to local grassroots initiatives, young activists are amplifying their voices to demand decisive action. These movements not only create a sense of unity but also hold governments and corporations accountable for their environmental policies and practices.

Innovation and Technology: Youth as Catalysts for Change

In the age of technology, young activists leverage innovation to address environmental challenges creatively. Whether through developing sustainable technologies, promoting eco-friendly apps, or utilizing social media for advocacy, the youth are driving change through the intersection of innovation and environmental conservation.

  • Policy Advocacy: Influencing Decision-Making for a Sustainable Future

Youth activists engage with policymakers to shape environmental policies that align with sustainable practices. Through petitions, meetings, and participation in international forums, young advocates ensure that their perspectives are considered in the decision-making processes. This involvement not only brings fresh ideas to the table but also fosters a sense of responsibility among the youth towards policy advocacy.

  • Community Engagement: Local Solutions for Global Challenges : 

Environmental conservation is not confined to international agreements; it starts at the local level. Youth activists are actively engaged in community-based projects that promote sustainability. By implementing tree-planting initiatives, waste reduction programs, and advocating for renewable energy solutions, young activists demonstrate the impact of localized efforts in addressing global environmental challenges.

  • Overcoming Challenges: Building Resilience in the Face of Adversity :

Youth activists often face challenges such as skepticism, limited resources, and systemic barriers. However, their resilience and determination in the face of adversity are driving forces for change. By persistently pushing against obstacles, young activists exemplify the strength needed to overcome challenges in the pursuit of environmental conservation.

  • Greta Thunberg (Sweden): -Greta is a prominent youth activist who gained global attention for her Fridays for Future movement. She initiated school strikes to raise awareness about climate change and advocate for stronger environmental policies.
  • Xiuhtezcatl Martinez (United States): -Xiuhtezcatl is a climate activist and hip-hop artist who started speaking out about environmental issues at a young age. He co-founded the organization Earth Guardians, which focuses on empowering young people to be environmental leaders.
  • Licypriya Kangujam (India) : -Licypriya is an Indian child environmental activist who has been actively campaigning for climate action. She is known for her efforts to raise awareness about the impact of climate change and has participated in various international forums
  • Ridhima Pandey (India): – Ridhima, another young activist from India, filed a petition against the Indian government for not taking sufficient action against climate change. She is part of global movements, advocating for sustainable practices and policies.

These youth activists demonstrate the power of young voices in driving environmental conservation efforts globally and locally.


In conclusion, the role of youth activism in environmental conservation is multifaceted and indispensable. From education and advocacy to policy influence and grassroots initiatives, young activists are catalysts for positive change. As we look toward the future, it is evident that empowering the youth in their environmental endeavors is key to ensuring a sustainable and resilient planet for generations to come.


  • Greta Thunberg. “No One Is Too Small to Make a Difference.” Penguin Books, 2019.
  • United Nations. “Youth 2030: The United Nations Youth Strategy.” https://www.un.org/youthenvoy/youth2030/
  • Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). “Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5°C.” 2018.

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The Role of Youth Activism in Environmental Conservation

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In recent years, youth activism has emerged as a powerful force in addressing the pressing issues of our time, including environmental conservation. Young people around the world are taking the lead in advocating for sustainable practices, raising awareness about climate change, and demanding action from governments and corporations. This article explores the significant role of youth activism in environmental conservation, highlighting its impact, challenges, and potential for creating a sustainable future.

The Rise of Youth Activism

Over the past decade, we have witnessed a surge in youth activism worldwide. Young people are increasingly stepping up to address the environmental challenges that threaten the planet’s health and future. With the rise of social media and digital connectivity, youth activists can now amplify their voices and reach a global audience, inspiring others to join their cause.

Environmental Conservation

Environmental Conservation: A Global Challenge

The state of our environment is a matter of concern for everyone. From deforestation and pollution to climate change and biodiversity loss, the challenges facing our planet require urgent attention and action. Environmental conservation aims to protect and preserve natural resources, ecosystems, and biodiversity for future generations.

The Intersection of Youth and Environmental Conservation

Youth activism intersects with environmental conservation in profound ways. Young people bring fresh perspectives, innovative ideas, and a sense of urgency to tackle environmental issues. Their passion and determination are driving transformative change and inspiring individuals from all walks of life to take action.

Creating Awareness and Advocacy

One of the primary roles of youth activism in environmental conservation is to create awareness and advocate for sustainable practices. Through social media campaigns, protests, and educational initiatives, young activists raise public consciousness about the importance of preserving the environment and encourage individuals to make sustainable choices in their daily lives.

Creating Awareness and Advocacy

Mobilizing for Change

Youth activists are skilled at mobilizing communities and driving collective action. They organize rallies, strikes, and demonstrations to demand policy changes and corporate accountability. By uniting people around a common cause, youth activism has the power to create a groundswell of support and drive systemic change.

Youth-Led Innovations

Youth activists are at the forefront of innovation in environmental conservation. They develop and implement sustainable solutions, leveraging technology and creativity to address environmental challenges. From renewable energy projects to waste management initiatives, young people are proving that age is not a barrier to making a significant impact.

Challenges Faced by Youth Activists

While youth activism is powerful, it is not without its challenges. Young activists often face resistance, skepticism, and even backlash from those who underestimate their abilities or question their motives. Limited access to resources and funding can also hinder their efforts. Overcoming these obstacles requires resilience, perseverance, and the support of like-minded individuals and organizations.

Youth Activists

Overcoming Barriers to Action

To overcome barriers to action, youth activists form alliances and networks. They collaborate with established environmental organizations, engage with policymakers, and leverage the power of collective action. By uniting their voices and resources, young activists can overcome challenges and amplify their impact.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Effective youth activism in environmental conservation relies on collaboration and partnerships. Engaging with stakeholders such as governments, businesses, and community leaders allows young activists to influence decision-making processes and drive change at a larger scale. By building coalitions and fostering dialogue, they create opportunities for collective problem-solving.

Youth Activism: A Catalyst for Change

Youth activism serves as a catalyst for change by inspiring others and pushing for transformative actions. The energy, passion, and idealism of young activists create a ripple effect, motivating individuals of all ages to become environmental advocates. By igniting a sense of responsibility and urgency, youth activism shapes a sustainable future.

The Role of Education and Empowerment

Education plays a crucial role in nurturing young environmental activists. By integrating environmental education into curricula, empowering youth with knowledge and skills, and fostering critical thinking, we can cultivate a new generation of environmentally conscious individuals. Educational institutions and youth-focused organizations play a vital role in equipping young people with the tools they need to drive change.

The Role of Education and Empowerment

Government and Corporate Engagement

Government and corporate engagement are essential for the success of youth activism in environmental conservation. By holding governments accountable for their environmental policies and urging corporations to adopt sustainable practices, youth activists influence decision-making processes and drive policy changes. Engaging with key stakeholders ensures a collaborative approach toward a more sustainable future.

Policy and Legislative Influence

Youth activists can influence policy and legislation through advocacy efforts. By lobbying for environmental protection laws, participating in policy-making forums, and leveraging their collective power, young activists shape the legal frameworks that govern environmental conservation. Their contributions ensure that the voices of future generations are heard and considered in decision-making processes.

The Future of Youth Activism in Environmental Conservation

The future of youth activism in environmental conservation is promising. With each passing year, more young people join the movement, expanding its reach and impact. As environmental challenges persist, the collective power of youth activists will continue to drive transformative change and shape a sustainable future for generations to come.

Youth Activism in Environmental Conservation

Youth activism plays a crucial role in environmental conservation by raising awareness, advocating for change, and driving innovative solutions. The passion, resilience, and determination of young activists inspire individuals worldwide to take action and make a positive impact on the environment. By embracing youth activism and supporting their initiatives, we can create a more sustainable and equitable future for all.

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