Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay

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This essay about travelling abroad explores all the advantages and disadvantages of this activity.


  • Advantages of traveling
  • Disadvantages of traveling
  • How to choose a trip

Traveling refers to movement from one geographical location to another, either for recreation or work. The majority of the people who love traveling do it when they are young because of the availability of adequate time and lack of pressing responsibilities such as work and family (Hasbrouck, 2011). Traveling is an important pastime activity that is fun, and that exposes people to other countries, cultures, and societies. Travelers learn a lot because traveling necessitates changes in lifestyle and ways of communication. Moreover, travelers learn new languages, interact with people from other races and ethnicities, and explore new geographical locations (Mitchell, 2006). Individuals who travel regularly possess adventurous spirits that yearn for new experiences to learn new things. Despite having numerous benefits, traveling has disadvantages too. It is costly, exposes individuals to the risk of contracting diseases, and causes excessive fatigue.

Advantages of Traveling

Traveling offers people an opportunity to visit interesting places, learn new things, and meet new people ( 5 Benefits of Travelling , 2013). It is one of the best ways to interact with people from other races, cultures, and ethnicities. Travelers explore the various beliefs and traditions that guide other people’s lives and learn how interconnected humanity is (Mitchell, 2006). For example, there are very many cultures in the world that have preserved their traditional beliefs, customs, and practices. Visiting countries such as Kenya, Mexico, China, and India is an occasion to experience such unique cultures. On the other hand, meeting new people who speak different languages and who live differently is exciting and educational. Travelers also visit interesting places that have great cultural and historical value ( 5 Benefits of Travelling , 2013). For example, the Eiffel Tower in France, Machu Picchu in Peru, and the Pyramids in Egypt possess great historical and cultural value. Learning about their histories can help travelers to comprehend the cultures, traditions, and customs of different tribes and societies, as well as their dynamics.

Another advantage of traveling is the chance to learn, relax, and widen one’s scope of knowledge (Mitchell, 2006). In certain cases, one of the requirements of traveling abroad is learning the language that is used in the country that one intends to visit. English is an international language. However, it is not spoken in all countries. Therefore, it would be necessary to learn new languages in order to enhance effective communication and interaction with people who speak indigenous languages (Thumb, n.d). There are numerous historical sites to visit around the world, and visiting them teaches furnishes knowledge about their historical significance to various countries and cultures (Marks, n.d). For instance, people who travel to Egypt learn a lot about the pyramids as well as when and why they were built. Exploring the cultures practiced by different communities increases appreciation for human diversity (Mercer, n.d).

Traveling allows people to improve their communication skills and create networks that can be beneficial in their lives (Mercer, n.d). Interacting with people who speak different languages and who have different cultures is challenging. However, it is important for the improvement of communication skills. Multicultural interaction is an important skill in contemporary society, especially due to globalization and technological advancements (Mitchell, 2006). Learning to interact with different cultures inculcates strong communication and social skills that are beneficial in personal and professional life (Marks, n.d). On the other hand, it helps to create networks that can be used in different areas of life. For example, travelers can create business, social, political, and religious networks that can help them to improve their lives, communities, and society at large. The international labor market is open for exploration to everyone around the world. Therefore, possessing strong networks and multicultural communication skills is beneficial and necessary.

Traveling exposes people to different living styles. As a result, it inculcates the value of compassion and changes people’s perspectives regarding life (Hasbrouck, 2011). For instance, travelers from developed countries who travel to developing countries get an opportunity to see the effects of poverty, ignorance, and diseases on communities. This makes them grateful for their lives. Also, it enhances the development of compassion and empathy toward the needy and the suffering. Traveling exposes people to new cultures, societies, people, and lifestyles (Mitchell, 2006). This exposure changes people’s perspectives, attitudes, and opinions. They develop new ways of looking at the world, and it also gives their lives meaning.

Disadvantages of Traveling

One of the major disadvantages of traveling is the costs involved. Traveling is expensive and involves the use of money that many people cannot afford (Thumb, n.d). For example, traveling to foreign countries by plane is costly, and people incur numerous expenses that can have severe financial consequences. Many people only travel locally because they cannot afford to travel internationally. Traveling includes other expenses such as food, entertainment, and accommodation (Thumb, n.d). Both local and international travel offer opportunities for exposure to new people, places, and cultures. However, the pricey nature of trips and vacations prevents many people from indulging and enjoying the many thrills they offer.

Another disadvantage of traveling is the risk of exposure to diseases and deadly illnesses. In the past few years, outbreaks of deadly diseases such as Ebola and severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) have been reported in several countries. These diseases put the lives of travelers at risk because they can cause death within a very short time once contracted. In many countries, governments impose travel bans on regions that have been flagged for disease outbreaks. A disease outbreak can lead to the quarantine of affected individuals until the disease is contained. Quarantine causes inconveniences and delays that can interfere with the exhilaration of taking a trip.

Traveling requires a lot of time and planning, which can cause great stress and fatigue (Hasbrouck, 2011). Preparing for a trip is time-consuming because of the need to book accommodation, arrange for transport, and make all the necessary inquiries. On the other hand, trips usually involve pre-arranged plans that eliminate flexibility and the freedom to engage in other unrelated activities. Following strict schedules creates rigidity that eliminates the fun that is involved in traveling.

How to Choose a Trip

Choosing a trip is primarily based on the purpose of travel. People usually travel for reasons that include recreation, tourism, migration, work, religious pilgrimages, business, trade, and volunteer work, among others. Others travel to relax, discover new things, explore, and get acquainted with new cultures (Hasbrouck, 2011). If an individual is traveling to relax or for recreation, they may choose to visit historical sites and beaches. On the other hand, people who travel to learn and explore new places may choose to visit countries where communities that have preserved their traditions are found.

For adventure, they may choose to travel to countries with mountains and forests that can provide fun and enjoyable experiences. Those who travel for migration reasons choose countries that provide the opportunities they are looking for. The steps to choose a trip include the establishment of a purpose for traveling, research regarding countries and regions that can fulfill that purpose, and determination of all the requirements for traveling to that location, such as vaccination and learning a new language or skill. There are various types of trips available that serve the aforementioned purposes. The two most important aspects of taking a trip are determining the purpose of traveling and selecting the most appropriate travel option.

People travel for many reasons, including relaxation, recreation, work, business, adventure, migration, and exploration. Taking trips is beneficial because it offers an opportunity to learn, interact with new cultures, learn new languages, improve communication skills, gain new insights and perspectives regarding life and the world, and meet new and interesting people. In contemporary society, traveling has been made easier by globalization and technological advancements. Despite its benefits, traveling has disadvantages too. It is expensive, time-consuming, causes fatigue, and exposes people to risks of diseases. It is important for travelers to determine the purpose of their trips in order to enable them to choose the most appropriate travel plan or program. It is also important to make all the necessary inquiries and arrangements before traveling to avoid getting stuck in new places. For example, it could be necessary for a traveler to learn the basics of communication or language when traveling to certain areas of the world where indigenous languages are used. This is necessary for the enhancement of communication and interaction.

5 Benefits of Travelling . (2013). Web.

Hasbrouck, E. (2011). The Practical Nomad: How to Travel Around the World . New York, NY: Avalon Travel Publishing.

Marks, H. (n.d). 8 Benefits of Travelling . Web.

Mercer, L. (n.d). Educational Benefits of Travel . Web.

Mitchell, S. (2006). Global Adventure: Travelling Around the World . New York, NY: AuthorHouse.

Thumb, C. (n.d). The Pros and Cons of Travel . Web.

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IvyPanda. (2020, August 17). Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay.

"Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay." IvyPanda , 17 Aug. 2020,

IvyPanda . (2020) 'Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay'. 17 August.

IvyPanda . 2020. "Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay." August 17, 2020.

1. IvyPanda . "Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay." August 17, 2020.


IvyPanda . "Traveling, Its Advantages and Disadvantages Essay." August 17, 2020.


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  • Advantages and Disadvantages of Traveling Abroad

Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling Abroad

Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu

Updated On Oct 13, 2023


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 Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling Abroad

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Top 10 Advantages of Traveling Abroad

Top 5 disadvantages of traveling abroad, tips to encash disadvantages to advantages, traveling abroad, surely has much more for you to uncover.

“Live life to the fullest. You have to color outside the lines. Once in a while, if you want to make your life a masterpiece.” - Albert Einstein

The most commonly heard hobby from all age groups is “Traveling”. While few take it as a way to get away from everyday hassles and stress, some of them take it as an opportunity to learn and explore different cultures, and nationalities. Irrespective of whether it is for revitalization or for exploring, there are various advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad.

Amidst this traveling abroad imbibes mixed emotions for the traveler, as on one hand he has the packed excitement from what could be expected to form his or her trip and on the flip side he or she is holding his/her worries for any possible barriers or problems they might have to face in the foreign land.

So, if you are also someone who has the mindset to travel and explore abroad, we have cumulated a quick read through the pros and cons of traveling abroad.

Having the advantages of traveling listed might be long or maybe never-ending because when you travel you grab your own set of benefits, experiences, and certain advantages. However, we have listed the 10 best advantages below:

1. Strengthens your life skills

Life Skills are essential for everyone. Not necessary that you need to be born with it, certainly life skills can be nurtured, and traveling is the best school to strengthen your Life skills from Communication, decision–making, interpersonal skills, creative thinking, empathy, and more.

Traveling in a way introduces you to the hard facts of life that hype your critical thinking and problem-solving abilities, ensuring your sustained peace and readiness for future uncertainties or challenges.

2. Helps attain the most required boost for your emotional and mental revitalization

Traveling not just helps with life learning and experiences but has a significant role in wellness and health.

Holiday has been believed for a long as the best getaway from your daily stressful schedules and to replenish your body and soul, through nature’s way (therapy).

3. Expand your thinking horizons

“Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness.” - Mark Twain

Traveling to different places or rather a journey away from your safe hub brings in many experiences and learnings, one of the major of which is broad-mindedness and new ways of thinking.

When you travel to different foreign lands you get to explore their culture, festivity, diversity, and much more, (default) as part of your trip but this plays a crucial role in indirectly understanding to evolve from the misconception society that’s been prevailing around.

4. Contributes to your self-development and personal growth

Considering the pros and cons of traveling, one of the major benefits or rather say advantages is that you gain confidence and other major skills (practically) required to sustain a better life.

While you travel you get to explore many places, a chance to witness their lives and strive (which we generally do not specifically take note of in our daily life), this will make you understand and realize the hard facts of life and nurture you towards a more organized and systematized living.

Traveling no doubt involves meeting new people (co-travelers, residents, etc.), hence interactions for sure which bring out or develop your communication skills and build confidence.

5. Experience different cultures and diversity

Exploring and experiencing different diversities and cultures can introduce you to very varied learning concerning their history, living, eating habits, behavior, festivals, celebrations, etc.

This also helps you to view life from a new perspective, strengthening your knowledge and morale.

6. Explore and live the foreign beauty

“Surely, of all the wonders of the world, the horizon is the greatest.” - Freya Stark

One of the additional benefits of traveling also includes the unique and breathtaking sceneries.

Sometimes nothing too very special but the benefit here is the moment you hold on (a while longer) to appreciate its essence, brings you the true definition of utter bliss and satisfaction.

7. Booster to start your career (business)

You never know how! exploring, meeting new people, communicating, and understanding the different perspectives and gaps might hype your interest toward the required push for you to set up your career pathways (business)

8. Explore yourself

“You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your way can illuminate the world.” - Oprah Winfrey.

Traveling can help discover yourself – your interests, your passion, and sometimes even help search for the meaning of your life.

Traveling indirectly (but directly) brings a huge change in your daily routine (for the time being that you travel), hence ropes in great leisure to ponder over your thinking, life, interests, etc helping to strengthen your connection with your soul.

9. The best opportunity to learn foreign languages

Among the best advantages, traveling abroad could include the learning experience of new languages among the natives and not as a course or by being part of an institute. It’s a known fact that we humans learn faster while doing it.

Read More: 11 Ultimate Benefits of Learning a Second Language

10. Networking (personal and professional connections)

“A journey is best measured in friends, rather than miles.” -Tim Cahill

Traveling not just can be benefiting for learning and exploring but also includes building connections.

These connections can be in terms of new friends (meeting people from different nations and bonding with them on the go, irrespective of their backgrounds, status, etc.) or maybe one of these people you meet could refer you to your future employer (you surely gain the benefit of physical networking rather than online).

Also, international experiences can be the brownie points for your next employment consideration as companies prefer people who are adaptable and flexible. This could be a major advantage for people in the marketing or advertising domain.

Where the list of advantages of traveling abroad is impressively long and unique concerning the individual traveler, this act also accounts for fewer disadvantages that we as well might list down.

Before we read through the list below it is also important to note that the disadvantages do not necessarily apply to every of your foreign travel package, there are as well aspects like time, place (destination), etc.

1. You might miss the Company

Traveling alone does have a few drawbacks and one of the majorly felt or experienced is the feeling of isolation or loneliness.

Where every day of yours is filled with peers or known faces suddenly moving around between unfamiliar places and people might be overwhelming to start with.

2. You might feel disassociated or distanced from your nativity

This is something common among long-term travelers, spending a long period at home surely does introduce you to an altogether new world and scenario, but might have you loosen your strength or hold on to your roots.

This according to me is certainly not a complete disadvantage if you bag in more advantages collateral to it like broadening your perspective or thinking horizons, discovering yourself like such.

3. Traveling might decrease your saving

As the act is certainly not economically free, the cost involved can stress you down a little, but on the brighter side to it, you get to gain a lot more than invested which certainly not in monetary terms but rather, as a person or emotionally (a lot more meaningful than money) along with building ways to economic standing.

4. Health problems

Well changing atmosphere and environment can take a toll on your health, not just that the change in the time zones and different cuisines can further hit you with dietary problems.

5. Might miss important dates

Though this disadvantage is not mandatory, sometimes it might have its reflection on the traveler’s life if you are involved in very long periods of traveling.

Anyway, this problem is not difficult to resolve, you can probably plan your travel dates considering the life events, another way for it to risk missing it (weighing the importance of the event).

  • Ensure to make a note of your travel requirements (necessities) like medicines, things to help your guidance, etc.
  • While ordering food ensure to check with (read through if possible) the ingredients to reduce any possible health issues.
  • Check with the destination’s climate and weather checks to ensure the suitable clothing is packed.
  • Try traveling with a company as this reduces your loneliness yet is effective for exploring and shared learning.
  • Ensure not to have frequent long traveling – traveling can be an advantage when added to your resume but overdoing is not suggestive as this might hinder your work efficiency.

While traveling ropes in many learnings and experiences, the act has been witnessing high growth in numbers year on year. Traveling is a package of numerous factors namely sharing, learning, smiling, enjoying, adventure, exciting, growing, and so on all in all the conclusion that can actively draw here is relaxing, revitalizing, exploring, and most importantly transforming.

Hope this article has charged you up to get on and plan your next destination. Ensure to make your checklist and pinpoint the tips mentioned above so that you do not miss any of the possible experiences of a lifetime.

“You only live once ensure to make the Best of it ”

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Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu

Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu

Sr. Content Marketing Specialist

Lakshmi Lavanya Pagallu has been working as Content Marketing Specialist with GetGIS since 2022 and has been extensively working to help candidates’ career transitions. Her experience spans across multiple industries in the fields of Sales and Marketing. Her core competencies include communication and research, which enable her to create and deliver in-depth guides as a Subject Matter Expert

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What Are the Pros and Cons of Traveling Abroad?

Find Out Whether International Travel Is Right for You

essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

Visiting another country can reward you in many ways, but you will also encounter issues you would not face at home. Here are some points to consider as you think about traveling abroad.

What's in It for Me?

  • History - There is something special about standing where history happened. Whether you want to take a photo from Catherine the Great’s doorstep at St. Petersburg’s Winter Palace or walk along the Great Wall of China, there is an unmistakable thrill that comes from being where history was made.
  • World Cultures - Some travelers want to immerse themselves in another culture, trying everything from local foods to traditional sports. If you would like to travel like a local, choose a “home base” and rent an apartment or cottage where you can buy groceries, take walks, experience festivals and hang out with the neighborhood denizens. You will come away feeling you have really learned about your chosen city or region.
  • Food Adventures - For some vacationers, it’s all about the food. You might want to taste all the dishes you have seen on an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern or learn how to make veal marsala. If culinary adventures appeal to you, consider combining your trip abroad with cooking lessons or a wine tasting tour.
  • Sense of Accomplishment - Travel can be challenging if you are unfamiliar with the language, customs and cuisine of your destination country. For some travelers, that’s part of the fun. When you unscramble the dinner menu or finally board the right bus, you will feel an adrenaline rush and a sense of pride.
  • Dream Destinations - Perhaps your grandfather told you stories about Lake Como or played Hawaiian traditional music for you, and those experiences inspired you to consider traveling abroad. If you can supply an answer to “I’ve always wanted to visit (blank) because..." in five seconds or less, consider crossing a border or two during your next trip.
  • Learning Experiences - According to the American Society on Aging, your brain continues to make new cells and establish nerve connections throughout life. For this to happen, you must exercise your brain. Combining travel with learning experiences can keep your brain as healthy as the rest of your body.
  • Wonders of the World - Some travelers like to make lists of related destinations – such as the New 7 Wonders Of the World – and visit each place on their list. If you are looking for a worldwide travel project and climbing the Seven Summits isn’t your thing, a visit to each of the New 7 Wonders of the World could be just the project you’re looking for.
  • Family Connections - Many travelers decide to visit their ancestors’ homeland on their first trip abroad. Genealogy is an extremely popular hobby, and there is nothing quite like doing your research on-scene . You might see the buildings your ancestors lived in or meet a distant cousin. Finding new information about your ancestors and immersing yourself in their culture will add new dimensions to your family history research.

What Problems Could I Encounter While Traveling Abroad?

  • Language Difficulties - Learning a few words in another language can be a daunting experience. If language barriers bother you, but you would still like to visit another country, consider traveling with a tour group.
  • Increased Cost - Transportation costs add up quickly. If you want to travel to another country, you may discover that transportation costs use up a large portion of your budget. Save money by booking a tour or cruise through a travel agent who has access to promotions and discounts.
  • Poor Accessibility - Some destinations are not wheelchair-friendly. Elevators are narrow, important places do not have elevators or wheelchair ramps and curbs lack cuts. Subway travel might prove difficult – long staircases are a hallmark of subway stations – so you will need to check on elevator availability and learn how to request assistance before you travel. Check with a travel agent who specializes in accessible travel to find the best destinations for persons with your particular disability.
  • Dietary Issues - If you like to eat certain types of food – meat and potatoes, for example – expect to pay a premium for the meals you prefer when you travel abroad. Dietary restrictions and food allergies may present special problems. Wherever you travel, bring along a menu translation card or dictionary so you can discuss dining options with the wait staff.
  • Safety - While you can avoid most travel-related crimes by wearing a money belt, securing your valuables in hotel safes and staying away from high-crime areas, safety is still an important concern. You will need to identify safe places to stay and learn how to avoid scams and pickpockets .
  • Passport Problems - If you are traveling on the spur of the moment, you might not have time to get a passport. As soon as you think you might want to travel abroad, find out how to apply for a passport and start the application process.

How Can I Minimize Problems and Still Travel Abroad?

If you do not want to plan every detail of your trip, consider an escorted tour or international cruise. An independent tour, where the tour operator handles travel logistics but does not hold you to a set itinerary, might help you deal with details while giving you more schedule flexibility. Traveling with an experienced companion could be a cost-conscious way to see the world with a readily available helper.

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Advantages and Disadvantage of Travelling

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Travelling is an adventure for most people and they like to travel but there are many Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling . It is as amusing for you as any other activity of your life. However, to travel it is necessary that you are strong both financially and mentally. Financially in the way that it would cost you a lot of money to travel around and mentally in the manner that sometimes you come across some hurdles that you have not even thought about in your entire life.

advantages and disadvantages of travelling

With traveling there come some advantages and disadvantages . Let us start with the advantages as traveling is filled with them. Take the plunge into the unknown and you stand to achieve immensely unknown and you stand to realize immensely.

Table of Contents

Advantages of Travelling

Before we get into the advantages of travelling we start with travelling itself. Travelling can be tricky, amazing, and fearsome at the same time. The idea of travelling when it crosses the mind gives you a calm feeling of exploring and discovering new things. You may have seen many people that travel around the world capture the beautiful moment in a camera and keep it with themselves as a lifetime memory.

Meet New People

Meeting new people is quite an amusement and some people take it as a hobby. With traveling, you will have the advantages to come across some amazing and new people. You will learn about them as you start to engage yourself with them. This way you can make some new friends.

The idea of meeting new people would also improve your communication skill and it is this communication skill that will improve your personality in almost every way.

Meeting new people improves your exposure and makes you a man of a better talking person. You can express your ideas and thoughts in an improved way while people are not getting bored at all.

Explore New Places You Have Never Before

Traveling lets you explore some new places that you have always dreamt about. These plays were probably a fairy tale for you during your childhood now it is suddenly a beautiful reality. You hear about these wonderlands in your textbook when you were in school now you see them with your naked eyes. These are some of the primary and foremost reasons why you should travel.

You may have seen the pictures of some ruins on the televisions, in your textbook, and many other sources you have witnessed it from. Now you have got the opportunity to witness it with your own eyes. Travelling is what gives you such an experience. Ironically if you say, the more you travel the bigger our world gets, it would not be a false statement.

Experience of an Adventure

Have you ever desired to go on an adventure to fulfill your dreams of which you always have dreamt while your eyes were wide open? Of course, you have desired and wished for it.

You always have wanted to go on an adventure and feel the experience of it, touch the experience of it. You have always wanted to explore the places that you may probably have seen in Disneyland movies. At that time you disparate wanted to be a part of it but unfortunately, that is not how nature works.

Frankly speaking, this honor is not honored by everyone in this world. The reasons, well you already know about the reasons. They may be a finical crisis, restrictions from your family sides, and what not but when you have been discharged from all these restrictions you feel a new person. You want to give it a shot and lose yourself of what you wanted to become a reality which now it is.

Witness Immense Beauty of Nature

You know the world is full of mysterious and wonderful places. This adds another reason to why you should travel all around the globe for good. You are thinking that beauty is everywhere and guess what you are probably right! But this does not add a convincing reason why you should not travel thousands of miles away to see the beauty beyond the horizon.

Another reason that you should not stick to only one refreshing spot each and every time is that at some point in your life you get bored with it. Your mind and heart start shouting like, “give me some more”.

Experience You Can Get

There is a famous saying, “Experience is better than Knowledge”. The experience opens your mind to whole lots of new ideas, diversifies your thoughts, and gives you the power due to which you will be preferred most of the time over many other people. If you think, give me a reason to travel. Well, I have got to ask you the same, give me a reason not to travel.

The world is full of such miraculous things and places that no one has even discovered yet. Don’t you want to get experience by seeing all the Seven Wonders of the World? Don’t you want to see the Sahara desert, Africa? Don’t you want to spend some time with your friends in the Amazon Rainforest, Brazil? These are some questions that you cannot deny and if you have the resources do even waste a second giving it a try.

Do Something Different

Life is short and you have to get the most out of it in this short time. You have to do something new in your life to feel this experience. You really do not know what is up to your sleeve. All you need to do is to follow your dreams and believe in yourself.

Travelling can also make you a very strong person because you after a lot of traveling have done different things from which you have gained experience. You will learn how to pull the strings? How to get out of trouble? How to cope with hardships? And many many more. I really love this quote about the hardships of life.

“Difficult Roads often lead to beautiful Destinations”.

Build Your Confidence

Traveling is good because it is difficult although not impossible if you are up for it mentally. Difficult things that you do boost your confidence and give you an edge over other people.

Don’t you want to lead? Yes, you do!

Travelling gives you a boost to your confidence and gives you a desire to lead that you have always thought and dreamt of. The traveling that I am talking about is not for weeks but for months and even years. But confidence and leadership qualities are not made in days.

As the famous sayings, “Rome was not built in a day”. Similarly, you cannot build up the qualities that you have and polish it in days.

Learn about Yourself

Travelling gives you an opportunity to identify yourself. You might have wondered at some part in your life that what is my purpose that I was born? Travelling can help you answer all these questions.

Well, traveling refreshes you and your brain work 100% in an amusing environment. This is the main reason that you should make your brain work by providing it the environment it needs.

It will also help you understand your weakness and strength. Which area you should work on yourself which to avoid? These questions will be automatically answered once you get to travel.

Heal Your Soul

If you go out on traveling what you will find is that you will forget all the unpleasant activities that you had experienced in the past. Your soul will refresh itself and you will find yourself in dreamland.

There is a deep connection between the soul and the body and when your soul is relaxed so will be your body. People nowadays are afraid of traveling to faraway places such as abroad. There might be a lot of reasons for that but the one thing is for sure that your soul needs to breathe in different places and you should not stick yourself to only one place each and every time.

Expand Your CV

Last but not the least; you also can expand your CV by exposing yourself to different environments in different places. This will help you in getting your dream job. What if your boss needs you to travel to a place that you have already traveled to? Wouldn’t this be great? Of course, it will be and this will increase the trust of your boss in you.

What if you could pull some strings by traveling to a place you already have discovered earlier? It would create a huge positive impact on your boss. This is why you should not confine yourself to only one place.

Disadvantages of Travelling

With the advantages of traveling , there also comes some disadvantages and it would be quite unfair to look at something from one angle. That is why we are also going to discuss the disadvantages of traveling as well.

  • Travelling is very very expensive and it quite becomes a very difficult job for a common man to handle.
  • You are, if not millions then thousands of miles away from home, and quite frankly speaking no one knows what would happen even the next second.
  • You also can miss some important all of sudden events at home if you are traveling at the moment.
  • It is also home sickening. Traveling days after days you at some point miss your home very badly.
  • You can also fall behind in your career (if traveling is not your career). Of course, traveling is good for your CV but you also have to catch up on the work that you have missed during your traveling days.
  • Travelling is also very tiring. You have to explore new places like every day and some time it sickens you and you get tired.
  • You may also feel the feeling of isolation from your friends and neighbors and whoever you have a deep relationship with.
  • Last but not least traveling gives you new experiences but at the same time, you are also putting a lot of time into that so time spending is also a factor.
  • You can also lose something or even someone that is very precious to you during your traveling time.

Whether it is a local place or a place beyond your limits, travelling will give you an experience that you would not have experienced anywhere in your lifetime.  You also have to keep in mind the cons of travelling. However, planning on to travel somewhere you also have to keep the precautionary points in your mind to protect yourself from any possible harms and threats that could happen anywhere at any time. I hope you like all points of advantages and disadvantages of Travelling if you want to add your opinions on advantages or in disadvantages don’t hesitate to contact us.

essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

October 24, 2020 at 8:04 am

To travel ten thousand kilometers is better than to read ten thousand books, as the Chinese saying goes. But during this pandemic, all we can do is sitting at home looking at the computer or mobile phone. The travelling can only take place in dreams.

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Advantages And Disadvantages Of travelling abroad

  • Post author: Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka ACMC
  • Post published: January 9, 2023
  • Post category: Fashion Updates and Trends

Advantages And Disadvantages Of travelling abroad: Travelling is among the most popular pastimes. Traveling, exploring, and learning about the cultures of different nations are things that people adore and enjoy. Every aspect of a foreign country, including the people, the language, the food, the sights, and an entirely new culture, may be different when you visit. It provides an opportunity for self-discovery and environment adaptation.

It is difficult to feel happy and sad while traveling. You are thrilled to visit a foreign nation on one journey. You worry and worry about traveling, on the other hand. The following list of benefits and drawbacks of traveling abroad will help you decide if you should do so.

Pros and Cons of Traveling Internationally

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Table of Contents

Advantages (Merits) of traveling abroad

1. Traveling may be instructive: Traveling teaches us all something, whether it’s about a new culture, a different way of life, or just people in general. Even just hearing someone else speak a different language and seeing a new culture might make us more aware of how similar we all are to one another.

Disadvantages of travelling to other countries

Traveling typically makes us more accepting of others and increases our capacity for self-development.

2. Your horizons can expand via travel: Traveling, especially venturing beyond of our comfort zones, affords us the ability to experience things firsthand that we otherwise wouldn’t learn about. Just think of how ignorant we were a decade ago about the presence of old temples in Cambodia, Peru, or Sudan.

What Are the Pros and Cons of Traveling Abroad?

3. We gain a fresh perspective on life when we travel: It’s critical to consider things from several angles. It enables us to appreciate how fortunate we are to have the life we do and to have the people in it. Despite the fact that it’s not always simple to accept that when we’re overseas, traveling may also help us value what we have more in contrast.

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4. Travel teaches us to be humble: Some individuals think that traveling gives you humility while discussing tourism, which has both benefits and drawbacks. It helps you to comprehend how those who don’t have your comforts may survive and prosper. It helps you appreciate your blessings and opens your mind to new ideas rather than making you more critical of others’ differences.

5. We can gain confidence through travel: It’s common for people to feel they lack personality or direction when they first start traveling, but it’s crucial to push over this feeling. We become more self-aware and aware of our goals in life when we travel.

When this occurs, our confidence soars and, without even realizing it, we end up being much stronger than we were before the trip! This is especially true when traveling alone by backpack!

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6. Traveling can assist you in learning a new language: It’s incredible how quickly your language abilities advance when you visit new areas! It’s always beneficial to learn a few new languages, and traveling makes it simpler to do so. It all adds up to a significant travel benefit when you consider that you are surrounded by native speakers.

7. Traveling creates new possibilities: If you want to work after your trip or even if you wish to launch your own business abroad, traveling frequently opens doors for future career prospects.

Additionally, it helps us socially and tends to make us more accepting of others. You could even wind up doing what I did and permanently relocating to a foreign nation!

Advantages And Disadvantages Of travelling abroad

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8. Traveling aids in letting go of domestic tension: When you board an aircraft, will you bid your problems farewell? Yes, for some people! Some people, not so much. You are about to go on an adventure, though. Your stress levels will drop significantly while you’re traveling, regardless of how high they were before you left for your vacation.

It feels like a new universe as soon as the voyage starts, and all of the issues that were before holding us down suddenly seem less significant.

Although it’s simple to blame our unfamiliar surroundings and lack of local contacts for this, the truth is that it’s our mentality that has enabled this shift.

9. Traveling produces priceless memories: Making lifelong experiences when traveling is one of the main benefits. We get to carry these memories and fresh experiences with us as we travel through life. They serve as a continual reminder of our past journeys and the people we were when we arrived. People, interesting places, and things that move us to laugh, cry, smile, or simply think will stick in our memories. And there is only good to come from this!

What are good reasons for traveling abroad?

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Disadvantages (Demerits) of traveling abroad

1. You could become ill or unwell when traveling: This may occur everywhere in the globe, but it happens considerably more frequently when traveling. We are constantly exposed to new substances, which causes our immune systems to gradually deteriorate. Additionally, traveling exposes us to potentially harmful pests and diseases from all over the world!

2. Your career ladder may be impacted: Traveling, especially for long stretches of time, can have real negative effects on your professional prospects. Most companies will logically inquire whether you plan to go on any other trips. Another drawback is that it may take some time to catch up at work if you have been out for a while.

3. Your bank balance will be steadily declining as you see it: Your bank account can be a source of anxiety when you spend a lot of time abroad, unless you’re working while you travel or have some other type of steady income. Even with a salary, this money can vanish without warning.

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4. Important events might be missed: The possibility that you might miss significant family and friend events back home increases when traveling for any length of time.

Your relatives and friends will be moving on with their lives while you are experiencing a separate one, which will involve engagements, marriages, babies, and other important milestones. You’ll need to compare the expense of going to missing these important events.

5. We frequently lose sight of our origins: Even brief journeys overseas might cause us to lose sight of who we are and where we come from. This is probably more applicable to long-term travelers, but it isn’t always a negative thing if it helps us become more global citizens or widen our views.

6. It could be lonely: This is particularly true for lone travelers, but it may happen even while traveling with companions if you don’t always agree with each other and get weary of being with one another. It’s simply how traveling is.

Arriving in a new city and finding yourself with few opportunities to meet people can be overwhelming.

Also see: Advantages and Disadvantages of living in the United States

Although it offers many benefits for development and exploration, traveling has some drawbacks as well. Traveling has many benefits, including the opportunity to make new friends, discover fascinating cultures, and expand one’s horizons.

However, there are also drawbacks, such as social isolation (particularly when traveling alone for an extended period of time), loneliness, losing touch with your origins or loved ones back in your own country, and falling ill while traveling. Your choice to travel or not will be your own, but this essay should give you some idea of what may occur if you go out into the great globe.

essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

Edeh Samuel Chukwuemeka, ACMC, is a lawyer and a certified mediator/conciliator in Nigeria. He is also a developer with knowledge in various programming languages. Samuel is determined to leverage his skills in technology, SEO, and legal practice to revolutionize the legal profession worldwide by creating web and mobile applications that simplify legal research. Sam is also passionate about educating and providing valuable information to people.

A Broken Backpack

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Traveling

by Melissa Giroux | Last updated Dec 31, 2023 | Travel Tips

When it comes to traveling, it can look like it’s all sunshine and rainbows on social media (and sometimes it really is).

However, like with anything in life, there are some pros and cons to the travel lifestyle, especially when it comes to long-term travel or solo travel.

In this blog post, we’ll discuss the advantages and disadvantages of traveling so that you can decide if traveling is the right option for you.

Travel essentials

Advantages Of Traveling

Let’s take a look at the main advantages of traveling the world.

Adventures And New Experiences

Without a doubt, the biggest plus to traveling is all of the new experiences you will get across the world. These are usually experiences you wouldn’t have otherwise like staying with local hill tribes in Thailand or snorkeling with sharks in Australia .

A lot of time while traveling is spent prioritizing having fun and experiencing new adventures, which is so different from our usual daily lives. You can create memories that last a lifetime while traveling, and this is definitely a huge plus when it comes to looking at the advantages of traveling.

Experience New Cultures

You can expand your mind and open yourself up to new cultures and ideologies while traveling. During travel, you are coming into contact with cultures and people that you might not have come into otherwise.

Immersing yourself in the culture of another country can be an opportunity for a lot of learning, and you will see the world through fresh eyes and with a completely new perspective once you get to see how other people live.

Personal Growth

During travel, you spend a lot of time outside of your comfort zone, which leads to a lot of growth at a rapid pace! You will grow to be more independent, even if you are traveling with others.

This can be a great way to gain more confidence too, and learn more about yourself, especially when traveling alone.

Traveling can bring a lot of clarity when it comes to how you want your life to be in the future.

Without the regular stressors of day-to-day life, your mind is clearer to start seeing what is really important to you for your life and your future.

Traveler at a waterfall

Lower Cost Of Living

Depending on where you travel, your day-to-day living expenses could end up being much cheaper than in your own country. If you are working while traveling, you might even end up saving some money.

The great thing is, you will have the option of doing things on the cheap in the majority of places that are popular with travelers. You will be in a position to choose a hostel over an expensive hotel in more places.

Make New Friends

You will meet people from all over the world that you would not have met otherwise.

It often happens that you make deep and meaningful connections with people extremely quickly while traveling.

This has a lot to do with the fact that a lot of travelers will be on a similar wavelength to each other. Most people you will come across are in search of adventure and connection.

Depending on where you are traveling, you might meet people several times if they are on a similar route to you. If you are traveling solo, you might even find some people to travel with from time to time.

It’s also an incredible excuse to see more of the world by visiting your new friends in the future.

Disadvantages Of Traveling

Of course, there are also some disadvantages of traveling. Here are a few things to remember before booking your trip.

It Can Be Expensive

Although your cost of living may be cheaper than in your home country, if you’re not working while traveling, you could go through your hard-earned savings quite quickly. This is especially true if you are traveling to more expensive places like Europe or Australia.

Staying in hotels, eating in Western restaurants, or taking part in organized group tours are all likely to burn through your savings very quickly.

If you are willing to travel on the cheap and stay in hostels while only eating local food, you can definitely stretch your money much further.

This is an unavoidable part of travel, unfortunately. Whether it’s from food, water, or some mysterious source, the vast majority of people traveling long-term pick up some sort of sickness from time to time.

It can range from a simple tummy bug for 24 hours, to fully-fledged food poisoning that could require medical attention. 

essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

It Can Be Lonely

Particularly if you’re traveling solo, there can be moments of loneliness while traveling. If you are in a country that has fewer solo travelers or backpackers than others, it can sometimes be difficult to make connections and people can end up spending a lot of time on their own.


This is often something that holds people back from travel, and for good reason. Being homesick is a huge drawback for a lot of people when it comes to traveling.

Some people struggle with the thoughts of missing important occasions and milestones with their family at home. It’s also tough to imagine being away from home in case of an emergency.

Final Thoughts On Pros And Cons Of Traveling

So, what’s the verdict? There are advantages and disadvantages of traveling. It all comes down to what your priorities are.

I hope this guide helped you understand some of the advantages and disadvantages of traveling.

Ultimately, the decision comes down to your personal preferences and needs.

Consider your savings, opportunities for adventure, time away from loved ones, and personal growth, and decide what works best for you at the moment.

Want more travel tips? Read one of the following blog posts:

  • Tips for staying in hostels
  • Advantages and disadvantages of staying in a hotel

essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad







essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

  • College Study Abroad
  • College Study Abroad Blog

What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

April 17, 2024

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@cieestudyabroad These are the pros and cons of studying abroad! #cieestudyabroad #studyabroad #studyabroadadvice #studyabroadprograms #wheretostudyabroad #howtostudyabroad #college Sunshine - WIRA

Studying abroad is a big decision. On one hand, studying abroad has endless advantages and is a life-changing opportunity that only comes around during your college years. On the other hand, it can feel like a total leap of faith. 

If you’re on the fence about taking the next step with CIEE Study Abroad , keep reading! W e’ve created the ultimate list of the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad . Why? So, you can make an informed decision about whether studying abroad is the right choice for YOU.

1. You will learn to think more broadly.1. Studying abroad can be expensive.
2. You will make lifelong connections.2. There will be language barriers.
3. You will gain a competitive edge.3. You may experience culture shock.
4. You will build your language skills.4. You might get homesick.
5. You will step out of your comfort zone.5. Re-integration can be hard.
6. You will be better for it. 


Read More: Is Studying Abroad Worth It? 10 Outcomes of Studying Abroad  

The Pros  of Study Abroad

Studying abroad opens the door to a world of new possibilities. We couldn't be more passionate about that. The benefits of living and learning in a new culture will impact all parts of your life, from the day you enroll to every day thereafter.  

You will be surprised at the impact this one experience will have on you. And you will be so glad you took that leap of faith, after all. 

The Top 6 Advantages of Studying Abroad  

As you weigh the pros of studying abroad , add these to your list:  

1. You will learn to think more broadly.    

By immersing yourself in a new culture, you will be exposed to a new language, new perspectives, foreign foods, and life-changing experiences. All of this will change the way you see the world and your role in it. 

2. You will make lifelong connections.    

By sharing new experiences, you can’t help but connect deeply with other students in your cohort and at your partner institutions. And trust us, you will share many new experiences while studying abroad. These are the kind of friendships that last a lifetime. 

ciee study abroad excursion in the middle east

3. You will gain a competitive edge.    

Ninety-seven percent of students who study abroad find employment within 12 months of graduation and 25 percent earn higher salaries than their peers. How’s that for standing out in today’s competitive job market?  

Bonus : You can even boost your resume by gaining real-world experience through a global internship ! We offer full- and part-time international internship opportunities across a wide variety of industries. So, if it’s a competitive edge you want, then a competitive edge is exactly what you’ll get. 

Read more: How to Put Study Abroad on Your Resume: 4 Steps

4. You will build your language skills.    

Whether your goal is to master a new language or just get by with a conversational understanding of the local language, studying abroad will help you do it. There is nothing quite like cultural immersion for optimal language learning.  

Do note , however, that most CIEE programs are delivered in English unless you’re in a language class or program for advanced speakers, like our Summer Intensive Spanish Language program in Alicante or our Advanced Arabic Language program in Amman.   

student learning chinese from a language tutor abroad with ciee

5. You will step out of your comfort zone.    

Trying new things helps you learn how to adapt to new situations. A key life skill for our rapidly changing world.  

Just think, you will be working with new professors, new peers, a new currency, a new language, a new transit system, new food, and more – you get the idea. And just know, CIEE will be there to support you every step of the way, 24/7. Our program is a truly great way to safely take that leap of faith. 

6. You will be better for it.    

We hear it all the time : “study abroad changed my life.” And it’s so true. Studying abroad teaches you leadership, cross-cultural communication, adaptability, and so much more. Mark this down as a key advantage to studying abroad.  

advantages and disadvantages of study abroad

The Cons  of Study Abroad

Charting new territory is not in everyone’s comfort zone. And studying abroad, for many students, is definitely classified as uncharted territory. We know the unknown can be intimidating, and we also know studying abroad comes with a bit of sacrifice.  

This is why we’re sharing some of the disadvantages of studying abroad so you can make the most informed decision possible.  

The Top 5 Disadvantages of Studying Abroad  

Here are the cons of studying abroad you should address when weighing your decision:  

1. Studying abroad can be expensive.    

It can be . But there are scholarships and grants available to help you make studying abroad a reality . Your college or university may offer their own scholarship and grant options. Others you can apply for at CIEE directly in your CIEE Study Abroad application . We offer millions each year for students with demonstrated financial need, proven academic merit, or who’ve enrolled in specific programs as well.  

On average, a semester with CIEE costs $18,861 . A little less when studying abroad in Latin America ($17,291) . A little more when heading to Europe ($19,968) .   

Our Open Campus Block program option, in which you can choose one, two, or three consecutive six-week study abroad sessions, costs about $18,750 but drops significantly to a little over $6,000 for students who choose to pursue only one block (6 weeks) or about $12,000 for two blocks (12 weeks).  

Bear in mind, too, that CIEE tuition provides a high level of student support. Not every program can say the same. Our program fee covers most of the essentials, outside of airfare and meals, and typically includes: 

  • Tuition  
  • Housing  
  • Pre-departure advising  
  • Orientation  
  • On-site staff + 24/7 emergency on-site support  
  • Cultural + co-curricular activities  
  • Travel protection  

students on cultural excursion at throne hall korea

Read More: How Much Does it Cost to Study Abroad in 2024?  

2. There will be language barriers.   

Even for the most advanced speakers, immersion into a new culture will stretch your language capabilities. We see that as a really good thing. And we believe that if you go abroad with us, you will, too.  

But there’s no getting around the fact that there will be a steep language learning curve as you make your way through the program. We bet you’re up for the challenge. Plus, most of our classes are taught in English, so you will still make big gains academically. 

3. You may experience culture shock.   

The food will be different. The language will be different. The architecture will be different. The style of communication will be different. The local customs and social norms will be different, too. You will have to adjust. But isn’t that at least some of the point? You will return home with a new perspective! 

Read more: What is Culture Shock? 4 Examples and Tips to Adjust

4. You might get homesick.  

Most of our students are traveling for the first time without their family or friends. And that’s a huge step that may cause homesickness . 

Just know that CIEE offers a ton of support, including around-the-clock on-site staff. So, we’re always available. Plus, you’ll have a cohort of new friends to keep you company when those homesick feeling begin creeping up.  

And remember , you can always call home when you need to hear a familiar voice. Our students love to FaceTime, Skype, Zoom, and so on to virtually connect with their loved ones whenever they want. 

cape town dorm student meeting

5. Re-integration can be hard.    

This is an adjustment most students don’t anticipate.   

Often, when the study abroad experience is really great and there’s a ton of personal growth, students have a hard time adjusting back into their typical routine back home. You may experience this, too. It’s a sort of homesickness for the study abroad culture.  

Just know it will get better once you’ve had time to adjust to your routine again. And, for those who just can’t shake the feeling, there’s the opportunity to apply to join CIEE’s Student Ambassador Program to get paid to talk about your study abroad experience! 

Learn More: Become a CIEE Student Ambassador  

The Choice is Yours  

Thinking through the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad is an important first step in your study abroad experience. If you have any questions or want to talk through your personal list of studying abroad pros and cons, we ’re happy to connect .   

In the meantime, check out t he 170+ incredible programs we have to offer to begin planning your perfect study abroad experience! 


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IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Many people nowadays travel abroad for their university education (discuss)

  • IELTS Essays - Band 9
  • by Simone Braverman

This is a model response to a Writing Task 2 topic from High Scorer’s Choice IELTS Practice Tests book series (reprinted with permission). This answer is likely to score IELTS Band 9.

Set 1 General Training book, Practice Test 5

Writing Task 2

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Many people nowadays travel abroad for their university education.

Why do people do this? Would you consider doing this yourself and why?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your knowledge or experience.

You should write at least 250 words.

essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

In recent years it has become normal for high school graduates to travel abroad for their university education. There are numerous positive aspects to studying in a foreign country, such as the discovery of new cultures, the possibility of learning more about oneself and the chance of learning a new language.

By travelling to a foreign country, it is certain that one will be confronted with foreign customs and traditions. Experiencing and understanding these customs and their origins provides students with an interesting chance to develop a more open-minded attitude towards others. Additionally, it is also extremely stimulating to learn more about the reasons behind certain traditions and practices.

A prime reason for students studying abroad is the prospect of finding oneself and growing as an individual. When living in a foreign country, students have to become increasingly independent and they are confronted with their strengths and weaknesses. Typically students develop increased self-esteem and also acquire or improve upon their skills of housekeeping and cooking, which are important for living independently later on in life.

When living in a foreign country students are exposed to a new language and in most cases attempt to learn it. If they already possess some knowledge about the language, they have the possibility of advancing and improving upon these skills with the native population. The ability to speak multiple languages offers students a higher chance of being successful on the international job market, which makes studying abroad an attractive choice.

Personally, I would like to study abroad in either Scotland or France, because I would like to experience the life and customs in these countries. Additionally, I would like to become more fluent in French, as I believe this will be beneficial for me later in life.

In conclusion, studying abroad offers the possibility for students to grow and develop as individuals and to acquire valuable skills that will be useful in adult life.

Go here for more IELTS Band 9 Essays

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5 thoughts on “IELTS Band 9 essay, topic: Many people nowadays travel abroad for their university education (discuss)”

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Simone Braverman is the founder of and the author of several renowned IELTS preparation books, including Ace the IELTS, Target Band 7, the High Scorer's Choice practice test series, and IELTS Success Formula. Since 2005, Simone has been committed to making IELTS preparation accessible and effective through her books and online resources. Her work has helped 100,000's of students worldwide achieve their target scores and live their dream lives. When Simone isn't working on her next IELTS book, video lesson, or coaching, she enjoys playing the guitar or rollerblading.

The Benefits of Studying Abroad

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Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain new experiences, and broaden their perspectives. It is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a new world, and the benefits of studying abroad are endless.

In this article, we will explore the reasons why studying abroad is a life-changing experience and examine the pros and cons, and considerations that should be taken before making the decision.

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Why studying abroad is a life-changing experience?

Studying overseas presents a multitude of advantages that go beyond pure academic education. There are numerous reasons why studying abroad is beneficial, such as gaining exposure to diverse cultures, acquiring new language skills or improving existing ones, personal growth and development, and expanding career opportunities.

By studying abroad, individuals have the opportunity to fully immerse themselves in a new culture, gain insights into different customs and ways of life and encounter novel ways of living. Moreover, this type of experience provides a chance for students to practise the local language regularly, which can be advantageous for future job prospects.

In addition, studying abroad can help students cultivate independence, self-assurance, adaptability, and problem-solving skills while providing them with a global perspective on various issues.

Finally, studying abroad can bolster a student’s CV and job prospects, demonstrating their willingness to take risks, adapt to new surroundings, and acquire new proficiencies.

A group of international students

Why study abroad?

Studying abroad presents a unique opportunity for students to reap several benefits, such as:

  • Discovering new adventures: Studying abroad opens up avenues for students to explore new destinations and engage in exciting adventures. 
  • Improving language proficiency: Studying abroad can help students hone their language skills, acquire new languages, and enhance their future job prospects.
  • Gaining insight into diverse educational systems: Studying abroad gives students a chance to gain insights into diverse educational systems, which can broaden their outlook and comprehension of various teaching methodologies.

Pros and cons of studying abroad

Studying abroad is an exciting opportunity for students to explore new cultures, gain new experiences, and broaden their perspectives. It is a chance to step out of your comfort zone and into a new world, but like any decision, studying abroad comes with both pros and cons.

Pros of studying abroad

  • Exposure to new cultures: Studying abroad allows students to immerse themselves in a new culture, learn about different customs and lifestyles, and experience new ways of living.
  • Language skills: Studying abroad can be an opportunity to learn a new language or improve existing language skills. It offers an immersive experience, allowing students to practise the language daily, which can be beneficial for future job opportunities.
  • Global perspective: Studying abroad offers a global perspective, providing students with the opportunity to learn about global issues, understand cultural differences and similarities, and gain insight into international relations.
  • Personal growth: Studying abroad is a chance for students to develop independence, confidence, adaptability, and problem-solving skills. It can also foster a sense of self-awareness and broaden one’s understanding of themselves and the world around them.
  • Career prospects: Studying abroad can enhance students’ resumes and job prospects, demonstrating their willingness to take risks, adapt to new environments, and learn new skills.

A woman studying abroad on a street with a map

Cons of studying abroad

  • Culture shock: Studying abroad can be challenging for students who experience culture shock. It can take time to adapt to a new culture, and students may feel homesick, isolated, or overwhelmed.
  • Financial considerations: Studying abroad can be expensive, and you may need to cover tuition fees, travel, accommodation, and daily living expenses, which in some cases may be higher than they would be in your home country.
  • Academic challenges: Studying abroad may involve adapting to a new educational system, which can be challenging. Students may struggle with language barriers, different teaching methods, or academic expectations.
  • Distance from family and friends: Studying abroad can be emotionally challenging for students who are far away from their family and friends. They may miss important events, birthdays, or holidays, and feel isolated or disconnected from their support networks.
  • Visa and immigration issues: Depending on where you are from and where you will be studying in, you may need to deal with visa and immigration issues, such as obtaining the necessary student visa.

Students should weigh the pros and cons before deciding to study abroad, consider their personal goals and priorities, and explore the available support and resources. Studying abroad is an opportunity for personal growth and development, and by taking the time to make an informed decision, students can have a fulfilling and rewarding experience.

Should I study abroad?

When considering whether to study abroad, students should reflect on their goals and priorities. Personal and academic aspirations are an important factor. You should consider your academic goals and how studying abroad might impact your academic progress.  

Financial factors are also important. You should carefully consider the costs associated with studying abroad. Think about if you are able to afford it, and make sure to look into possible scholarships and grant opportunities that may help cover some or all of your expenses.

Also make sure to look into available support and resources you could use. Organisations such as study abroad offices, local embassies, and student associations are used to dealing with exchange students and they may be able to offer you valuable insights and ideas you might not have thought of yourself.

Two international students at graduation

Final thoughts

  Studying abroad can be a transformative experience that brings various advantages like acquiring a global perspective, immersing oneself in diverse cultures, enhancing language skills, personal growth through adventure and making lifelong friendships. However, it also comes with potential difficulties such as culture shock and financial constraints.

Therefore, students should weigh the benefits and drawbacks and evaluate their personal aspirations to make an informed decision about studying abroad. Pursuing education overseas is a chance to expand one’s outlook and encounter life-changing experiences that can have lasting impacts.

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Advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

Advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

Posted On : 2023-04-21

Advantages and Disadvantages of Traveling Abroad

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What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad

What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad? IELTS Writing Task 2 Essay

The IELTS writing task 2 requires an individual to present their views on a topic that has been assigned to them. They are required to go through the topic and present their side of the argument. One such example of it could be: “What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad?”

So, whenever you are presented with such topics, all you are required to do is present your side of the argument. There is no right or wrong in these answers – all an individual is required to do is to let the examiner know their understanding of the topic that they are provided with.

So, let’s move forward to learn a little about this topic and present an amazing essay answer afterwards to let you know how it’s done.


What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad? 

The decision to study abroad depends solely on the different advantages and disadvantages of that thing.

So, let’s move forward to know all about them.

What are the Advantages of Studying in a Foreign Country? 

Studying abroad has today become the new normal, every other child wishes to move out of their resident country to enjoy among a bunch of completely new people to study between them and to gain as much knowledge as possible with the help of this.

Given below are a few advantages of studying abroad:

#1. Improved Language 

The greatest benefit of studying abroad is that it helps you to improve your language skills to a great extent. you get to learn some new words each day and among a bunch of people who speak this language on a regular basis, you get to enjoy the benefits of learning a language completely.

Talking to your friends on a daily basis in the same language helps you to have that fluency in the language which you were not able to achieve before.

#2. New Friends and Career Opportunities

Another benefit that one gets to enjoy after studying abroad is that it really helps an individual to expand his/her network and have some really good friends which can also turn into friends for life. One gets to enjoy their time with people they have not known before and have a great time in their company.

It also helps one to expand their network for some great business or job opportunities overseas. A wider network helps one to connect to some really amazing people and have the benefits of so many new opportunities in life.

#3. Confidence Booster

When you enjoy time among people from a different country and culture altogether, you get to learn so many new things from them on a regular basis. Along with this, it helps one to practice the language on a daily basis which helps in boosting their confidence.

With a great and built-up confidence level, it’s easy to then achieve the heights that you want to.

Also Read: Important Points to Keep in Mind while Answering IELTS Writing Task 2

#4. Explore the World

Moving out of your resident country provides you with an opportunity to live in a new city altogether which also comes with the benefit of exploring a new city and a place never seen before.

When you live in a completely new place, you get to enjoy the scenic beauty of that place, the unexplored yet the most famous places at the same time which serves as an amazing experience.

Now, let’s move forward to learn some of the disadvantages of studying abroad.

What are the Disadvantages of Studying Abroad?

Everything that has some advantages comes with some disadvantages too. So, while there are many advantages of studying abroad, there are many disadvantages of the same too.

So, let’s check them out.

#1. Highly-Priced

Studying abroad might look fascinating to you but it is extremely expensive. Bearing all the expenses of studying abroad for an individual can be quite expensive and tiring at the same time.

The expenses of studying abroad depend solely on the place that you have chosen for yourself and the university that you’re going to get your degree from. The more advanced the country, the higher the expenses.

Also Read: Guide to Ace The Advantages & Disadvantages Essay Questions in IELTS Writing Task 2

#2.   Language as a Barrier

One of the biggest problems that many students face while studying abroad is the language that they are not fluent in. It is extremely important for one to learn the official language of the country that you have decided to move to in order to enjoy the benefits of having meaningful conversations.

Many times students have a lot of difficulty in speaking the native language or even understanding it. There are many cases in which teachers prefer to teach the entire lessons in the local language of the city. Therefore, it’s extremely important to have a good grasp of the language.

#3.   You’re Dependent on Your Own

Living in a foreign country means you are completely on your own. All the work that you need to do, right from washing your clothes to doing all the household chores, all need to be done by yourself.

There are many students who have never lived out of their home for a long period of time and studying abroad requires them to have such experiences for the first time. While this may have a lot of benefits like you learn so many new things, it can also have some serious demerits too. Many times it has been noticed that students who live alone tend to suffer from loneliness or in some cases, even depression.

IELTS Advantage Disadvantage Model Essay 

So, let’s move ahead to discuss one such advantage disadvantage essay in order to know how to present an answer while in the examination hall.

The question for today is: With more and more people moving out of their own country to study abroad, it has been a trend these days. What do you think are the advantages or disadvantages of the same? Share your opinions with us.

Also Read: Want Band 9? Check These Previous IELTS Writing Task 2 Exam Questions and Answers

Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – IELTS Model Essay

With changing times, more and more students wish to move out of their native country to a completely new place where they can study among a bunch of students who are new to them. And this has certainly given a rise to the number of students moving abroad to study among them. While the idea of going out seems fun, is it actually true in real scenarios?

Elaborate – IELTS Model Essay Answer

There are many benefits of studying abroad but according to me, I believe the number of demerits of studying abroad is more than its advantages. Starting with knowing about its benefits, it feels great to study abroad. When one starts studying abroad, they become more independent as a person. This is because everything, right from all the household chores to outdoor things needs to be done on one’s own and this helps an individual to become a better version of himself/herself. They learn to be better and dependent on themselves. Living abroad allows an individual to learn different foreign languages in order to converse with their peers and fellow classmates. This further helps them to broaden their horizon, that by learning new languages and living for a period of 2-3 years in a foreign country, they tend to learn new cultures and how things are done differently in their country. They learn about their customs, traditions, and values.

Talk about the Disadvantages

But despite having so many advantages, the number of disadvantages succeed them. Though it is true that students get to learn new languages while living in a foreign country, with that comes the possibility of isolation and loneliness. There are many students who face difficulty while speaking in languages other than their native ones and while learning these languages, there are times when they are not able to converse fluently and swiftly as other students. And this leads to the different language barriers that arise among them. Thus, these children tend to spend most of their time alone without anyone’s company which can further lead to failure in examination and also depression.

Move towards Conclusion of the IELTS Essay Model Answer

Another demerit of studying abroad is that one has to do all of their work on their own which can be quite tiring at times and can lead to fatigue. This can also affect the students psychologically and they can suffer from various mental illnesses. Further, living abroad for a long time alone without being with anyone from your family or loved one can lead to homesickness and even lead to depression among many students. Along with this, studying abroad can be extremely expensive as compared to the cost one bears when he/she decided to study in their native country.

In conclusion, I believe it’s always better to study in one’s own country while being in the company of your loved ones and it should be encouraged more than moving out to study.

Hopefully, you must have found this article useful and if you have any doubts regarding the same, feel free to comment down below and let us know about the same.

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Sakshi bachani.

Sakshi Bachani is a freelance Content Writer and Teacher. She has completed her Bachelor's degree from Delhi University.. She has been a freelance teacher for the past five years and has worked towards helping young kids achieve their dreams. She had also worked as an Intern teacher with an NGO. Apart from writing and teaching, she really enjoys music, animals, and plants. She even has her own little garden which she loves very dearly and can be sometimes seen buying more plants for herself.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Travelling

Looking for advantages and disadvantages of Travelling?

We have collected some solid points that will help you understand the pros and cons of Travelling in detail.

But first, let’s understand the topic:

What is Travelling?

What are the advantages and disadvantages of travelling.

Broadens the MindscapeCan be Costly
Hones Socialization SkillsCauses Stress
Boosts ConfidenceCan Lead to Culture Shock
Enriches the SoulCan be Dangerous
Inspires CreativityTakes a Toll on the Environment

Advantages and disadvantages of Travelling

Advantages of Travelling

Also check:

Disadvantages of Travelling

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Studying Abroad — Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad


Pros and Cons of Studying Abroad

  • Categories: Human Development Studying Abroad

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Published: Jan 28, 2021

Words: 617 | Page: 1 | 4 min read

Works Cited

  • Dolby, Nadine. ‘Encountering an American self: Study abroad and national identity.’ Comparative Education Review 48.2 (2004): 150-173.
  • Evans, Alun, and Caroline Wilson. ‘Linking attainment to interculturalism and global citizenship.’ Student Attainment in Higher Education: Issues, Controversies and Debates (2016): 54.
  • Lewin, Ross, ed. The handbook of practice and research in study abroad: Higher education and the quest for global citizenship. Routledge, 2010.
  • Perry, Lane, et al. ‘The importance of global citizenship to higher education: The role of short-term study abroad.’ Cambridge Journal of Education and Science (2016): 754.

Image of Dr. Charlotte Jacobson

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essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad


What are the Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad- IELTS Writing Task 2

Janice Thompson

10 min read

Updated On Aug 01, 2024


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The article provides essay structures, sample answers for Band 7, 8, and 9, key vocabulary on IELTS Writing Task 2 topic on the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

essay on advantages and disadvantages of travelling abroad

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Achieving proficiency in the IELTS Writing Task 2 poses a difficulty for numerous test-takers as it assesses your ability to write a well-structured and cohesive essay in response to a given topic. Hence, it is essential to enhance your essay writing abilities before undertaking the IELTS to ensure success.'

'Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad' is an Advantages and Disadvantages essay that assesses a writer’s ability to evaluate both the positive and negative aspects of a particular issue. To effectively prepare for the IELTS Writing Task 2, it is highly recommended to practice with a variety of sample essays. offers a comprehensive collection of IELTS Writing practice tests that can help you hone your essay writing skills and achieve a high score in the exam.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task. What are the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. You should write at least 250 words.

Structure Breakdown

Band 7 Sample Answer for Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – Writing Task 2


Studying abroad has become much more prevalent in this current day and age than it was before. Today, nearly every student considers studying abroad for higher education, especially for their Master’s degree. Since travelling to a foreign country has become relatively straightforward, people are availing themselves of the best of opportunities. However, there are both pros and cons to studying abroad, making it a challenging decision to take. In the following paragraphs, I will go through the advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

Body Paragraph 1:

The present-day economy is known to be competitive and demanding. Today, if an individual is not decorated with impressive degrees and accolades, they are bound to miss out on various profitable opportunities. Amidst such relentless competition, an individual will inevitably choose to be educated at a reputable academic institution. Since the quality of education is often not superlative in developing countries, people from such nations tend to move abroad for better alternatives. Also, the amount of time a student spends studying abroad and adapting to the foreign environment significantly increases their interpersonal skills and facilitates their overall development.

Body Paragraph 2:

On the contrary, there are numerous limitations to choosing a foreign university for higher education. First and foremost, we must acknowledge that studying and living abroad is an exceedingly costly affair. Most students have to give up on their ambition of studying abroad due to financial hindrances. Moreover, staying away from one’s family and native place is an onerous ordeal. There are also several cases of discrimination and social exclusion against non-native students, which makes it difficult for such individuals to adopt the lifestyle of the host country.


Finally, I would like to end by saying that, like any other course of action, studying abroad has both benefits and drawbacks. It is upon the individual who needs to weigh their options and make a prudent decision.

Band 7 Vocabulary

Now check out some relevant vocabulary used in the above Band 7 IELTS Writing Task 2 sample essay on advantages and disadvantages of studying abroad.

Meaning: widespread in a particular area or at a particular time.

Example: There are many social obstacles still prevalent in today’s society.

  • Challenging

Meaning: testing one’s abilities; demanding.

Example : The journey was lengthy and challenging.

Meaning: make (something) look more attractive by adding extra items or images to it.

Example: The building was decorated with lights during Diwali.

Meaning: an award or privilege granted as a special honour or as an acknowledgement of merit.

Example: The army officer was presented with numerous accolades.

Meaning: unceasingly intense.

Example: His relentless efforts finally resulted in his success.

  • Superlative

Meaning: of the highest quality or degree.

Example : She possessed a superlative skill in dancing.

  • Exceedingly

Meaning: extremely.

Example: The Taj Mahal is an exceedingly beautiful monument.

Meaning: a thing that provides resistance, delay, or obstruction to something or someone.

Example: There were many hindrances during the execution of the plan.

Meaning: (of a task or responsibility) involving a great deal of effort, trouble, or difficulty.

Example: The duty of raising a child is an onerous task.

Meaning: acting with or showing care and thought for the future.

Example: He made a prudent decision in the end.

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Band 8 Sample Answer for Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – Writing Task 2

Studying abroad has become increasingly popular in recent years, with students from all over the world opting to pursue their higher education in foreign countries. There are many advantages to studying abroad, including a better learning experience, international exposure, and enhanced employment opportunities. However, there are also some disadvantages to consider, such as the high cost of living and education, the challenges of adapting to a new culture, and the potential for homesickness.

One of the biggest advantages of studying abroad is that it provides students with a better learning experience. Foreign universities often offer more specialized programs and cutting-edge research facilities than their domestic counterparts. Additionally, students are able to learn from world-renowned professors and interact with classmates from diverse backgrounds. This can lead to a more well-rounded education and a deeper understanding of the world.

For example, students who study engineering at a top university in Germany may have access to state-of-the-art laboratories and equipment, as well as the opportunity to work on research projects with leading experts in the field. Similarly, students who study business at a prestigious university in the United States may have the chance to learn from experienced entrepreneurs and business leaders.

Another advantage of studying abroad is that it exposes students to new cultures and perspectives. This can help them to become more open-minded and tolerant individuals. It can also give them a competitive edge in the global job market, as employers increasingly value candidates with international experience.

For example, a student who studies abroad in Japan may learn about Japanese culture and values, such as the importance of hard work and respect for elders. This knowledge can be invaluable when applying for jobs in Japanese companies. Similarly, a student who studies abroad in France may learn about French business culture and etiquette. This can be helpful when working with French clients or colleagues.

Body Paragraph 3:

Finally, studying abroad can enhance students’ employment opportunities. Many employers are looking for candidates with international experience and intercultural skills. Students who have studied abroad can demonstrate these skills through their resumes, cover letters, and job interviews.

For example, a student who has studied abroad in China may have the opportunity to work for a Chinese multinational company. A student who has studied abroad in India may be able to land a job in a tech company in Bangalore. In both cases, the student’s international experience will give them an advantage over other candidates.

Overall, the advantages of studying abroad outweigh the disadvantages. While the cost of studying abroad can be high, there are many scholarships and financial aid options available. Additionally, the challenges of adapting to a new culture can be overcome with careful planning and preparation. For students who are willing to put in the effort, studying abroad can be a life-changing experience.

Band 8 Vocabulary

Have a look at the IELTS Vocabulary for Band 8 sample answer on 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad'.

  • Opting (verb)

Meaning: choosing, selecting.

Example : Students from various countries are opting to study abroad for a more comprehensive educational experience.

  • Cutting-edge (adjective)

Meaning: innovative, advanced.

Example : Foreign universities often provide students with access to cutting-edge technology and research facilities.

  • Well-rounded (adjective)

Meaning: comprehensive, balanced.

Example : Interacting with diverse classmates contributes to a student’s well-rounded educational experience.

  • Invaluable (adjective)

Meaning: extremely useful or valuable.

Example : The knowledge of local culture and customs can be invaluable for students seeking employment in foreign countries.

  • Etiquette (noun)

Meaning : the customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

Example : Understanding French business etiquette can be crucial for effective communication in a professional setting.

  • Overcome (verb)

Meaning: succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty.

Example : With proper preparation, students can overcome the challenges of adjusting to a new culture.

  • Comprehensive (adjective)

Meaning: complete, including all or nearly all elements or aspects of something.

Example : The comprehensive educational experience provided by foreign universities benefits students in various ways.

  • Multinational (adjective)

Meaning: involving or operating in several nations or countries.

Example : Students with international experience have an edge when applying to multinational companies.

  • Tolerant (adjective)

Meaning: showing willingness to allow the existence of opinions or behaviors that one does not necessarily agree with.

Example : Exposure to different cultures fosters a tolerant attitude among students studying abroad.

  • Life-changing (adjective)

Meaning: having such a strong effect that it changes one’s life.

Example : For many students, the experience of studying abroad is truly life-changing, shaping their perspectives and future opportunities.

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Band 9 Sample Answer for Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad – Writing Task 2

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The landscape of international education has expanded significantly, attracting a growing number of students pursuing higher degrees abroad. While studying abroad offers diverse cultural exposure and personal development, it comes with financial and socio-cultural challenges. This essay contends that the advantages, such as enhanced career prospects and personal growth, are balanced by significant disadvantages, including financial burdens and potential difficulties in adapting to new environments.

One major advantage of studying abroad is the unparalleled exposure to superior educational opportunities. As competition intensifies globally, students seek admission to prestigious institutions, aiming for degrees from renowned universities. This exposure not only broadens their academic horizons but also positions them for better career opportunities. For instance, students often lack access to state-of-the-art facilities in their home countries, compelling them to explore education abroad.

Conversely, a noteworthy disadvantage is the financial strain associated with studying overseas. The costs involved, encompassing tuition fees and travel expenditures, pose a significant barrier for many students. Consequently, dreams and aspirations may be surrendered due to the inability to manage these expenses. The financial burden extends to the challenges of relocating far from home, creating additional hurdles for those unfamiliar with such separation.

In conclusion, the decision to study abroad entails a careful consideration of its advantages and disadvantages. While the exposure to diverse cultures and superior education is advantageous, the financial and socio-cultural challenges cannot be overlooked. Prospective students must weigh these factors diligently to make informed decisions aligned with their academic and personal goals. Ultimately, the benefits and drawbacks are intrinsic to the pursuit of international education, demanding thoughtful reflection before embarking on this transformative journey.

Band 9 Vocabulary

Use the following Band 9 vocabulary while writing your essay on 'Advantages and Disadvantages of Studying Abroad' and improve your IELTS band score .

  • Consequential (adjective):

Meaning: Resulting from or having important consequences.

Example : The decision to study abroad is consequential, impacting both academic and personal aspects of a student’s life.

  • Landscape (noun):

Meaning : The overall look or view of a particular subject or situation.

Example : The educational landscape has evolved, with more students considering international studies.

  • Prestigious (adjective):

Meaning: Having a high reputation or honor.

Example : Students aspire to gain admission to prestigious institutions for a quality education.

  • Horizons (noun):

Meaning: The range of one’s knowledge, experience, or interest.

Example : Studying abroad broadens students’ academic horizons, exposing them to diverse subjects and cultures.

  • Intrinsic (adjective):

Meaning: Belonging naturally; essential.

Example : The benefits and drawbacks are intrinsic to the pursuit of international education.

  • Conducive (adjective):

Meaning : Making a certain situation or outcome likely or possible.

Example : The exposure to diverse cultures is conducive to personal development.

  • Diligently (adverb):

Meaning: With careful and conscientious effort.

Example : Prospective students must diligently weigh the advantages and disadvantages before deciding to study abroad.

  • Encompass (verb):

Meaning: To include or contain something.

Example : The costs of studying abroad encompass tuition fees, travel expenses, and living costs.

  • Harbor (verb):

Meaning: To shelter or provide a home for.

Example : Students may harbor concerns about adapting to new environments when studying abroad.

  • Reiterate (verb):

Meaning : To say or do something again, usually for emphasis.

Example : In the conclusion, the essay reiterates the importance of weighing the advantages and disadvantages before making a decision.

Connectors Used in the Above Sample Answers

Connectors, also known as connectives or transition words, are words or phrases that link ideas or parts of a sentence or paragraph together. Here are some of the connectors/linking words for writing used in the above sample answers:

  • For instance
  • Consequently
  • In conclusion
  • For example

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Janice Thompson

Janice Thompson

Soon after graduating with a Master’s in Literature from Southern Arkansas University, she joined an institute as an English language trainer. She has had innumerous student interactions and has produced a couple of research papers on English language teaching. She soon found that non-native speakers struggled to meet the English language requirements set by foreign universities. It was when she decided to jump ship into IELTS training. From then on, she has been mentoring IELTS aspirants. She joined IELTSMaterial about a year ago, and her contributions have been exceptional. Her essay ideas and vocabulary have taken many students to a band 9.

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Band 8+: Some students take a gap year after graduating high school to work and/or travel. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this.

A growing number of students are spending a year after leaving high school on applying for work and/or traveling, a trend that has become increasingly popular nowadays.

On the one hand, one of the main advantages of taking a gap year after graduating high school to find a job or visit some destinations is the opportunity to develop themselves and discover their personal strengths. This is because students can accumulate real experiences that are difficult to obtain while studying in traditional classes. These jobs allow them to learn and practice various crucial skills such as time management, taking responsibility for their finances, and communicating tactfully, which are very necessary for achieving their own success in the future. For example, a student spending a gap year working in a variety of environments where their workload is high, such as a restaurant or hotel, not only stimulates the student’s efforts and studiousness but also helps them learn how to solve numerous different real-life situations, providing many benefits when returning to school or becoming an employee. In addition, by traveling, students can also encounter various cultures and different types of languages, allowing them to enhance their knowledge about the world and their own adaptability. Consequently, these real experiences help a student become a well-rounded individual, preparing them with a good spirit to cope with many difficult challenges in education and future life. However, besides the impressive advantages, they also need to pay attention to the drawbacks of “taking a gap year”.

On the other hand, the disadvantage of a gap year is the risk of losing study motivation and interest. After spending a year outside the structured environment of study, most students will encounter difficulty in regaining their own discipline and effort to focus on study, leading to academic accomplishments. For instance, a student who takes a year to travel and visit a wide range of destinations around the world can feel affected and bored after a long period of freedom and comfortability as they must take part in various classes and examinations but not have enough time to entertain themselves. As a result, spending a gap year traveling and applying for a job can make them lose their encouragement and passion for study.

In conclusion, taking a gap year to find a job or travel after graduating high school brings numerous merits such as developing themselves and having time to experience. But it also presents some challenges with studying. So students should consider these factors and their own circumstances before making a decision to take a gap year.

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A number of students spending a year after leaving high school on applying for work and/or traveling has become a popular trend nowadays. On the one hand, one of the main advantages of taking a gap year after graduating high school to find a job or visit some destinations is the opportunities to develop themself […]

In many parts of the world, high school graduates are encouraged to take a gap year before attending college. While there are some shortcoming of this trend, I am of the opinion that the merits are more significants On the one hand, travelling or working before starting college provides significant benefits to young people. The […]

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