Bioinformatics Review

Tips & Tricks

Current research topics in bioinformatics.

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

Researchers working in the scientific area always want to explore new and hot topics to make informed choices. In this article, all new, current, and demanding research topics in bioinformatics are mentioned. This article is helpful for the researchers who are looking for trends in bioinformatics to select a research topic of broad-spectrum.

Since the research in bioinformatics and its applications

are exponentially increasing every year, it is essential to know hot topics for researchers who are trying to make a career in this area. Currently, most of the research is focused on treating deadly diseases such as “ cancer, coronary artery disease, HIV, chronic infections ”, and so on . In silico drug designing is always demanding in designing inhibitors or potential drugs for such diseases. Besides, a lot of scientists are working on next-generation sequencing, big data , and cancer . A recent study has found that the interest of researchers in these topics plateaued over after the early 2000s [1].

Besides the above mentioned hot topics, the following topics are considered demanding in bioinformatics.

  • Cloud computing, big data, Hadoop
  • Machine learning
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Functional genomics
  • Rna-seq analysis (equally relevant along with next-generation sequencing techniques)
  • Data mining (including text search, data integration, database development, and management)
  • Neural networks
  • Mathematical modeling
  • Mirna function identification
  • Evolutionary studies
  • Genomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics
  • Metabolomics

If you are new and trying to learn bioinformatics, then read the following articles:

  • Bioinformatics- Where & How to Start?

List of Bioinformatics Books for Beginners

  • Hahn A., Mohanty S.D., Manda P. (2017) What’s Hot and What’s Not? – Exploring Trends in Bioinformatics Literature Using Topic Modeling and Keyword Analysis. In: Cai Z., Daescu O., Li M. (eds) Bioinformatics Research and Applications. ISBRA 2017. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 10330. Springer, Cham.

Careers in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology

Md simulation using gromacs: things to remember.

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

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dissertation topics in bioinformatics

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CMake installation and upgrade: What worked & what didn’t?!

Dr. Muniba Faiza

CMake is a widely used cross-platform build system that automates the process of compiling and linking software projects. In bioinformatics, CMake can be utilized to manage the build process of software tools and pipelines used for data analysis, algorithm implementation, and other computational tasks. However, managing the versions of CMake or upgrading it on Ubuntu (Linux) can be a trivial task for beginners. In this article, we provide methods for installing and upgrading CMake on Ubuntu.


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Site-specific docking: Frequently Asked Questions & answers for starters

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

I have been getting several E-mails from researchers and students alike regarding in-silico docking. Most questions are similar in nature, so I thought of answering them once and for all. In this article, I have collected some frequently asked questions and provided the link to their answers present in our question-answer section of Bioinformatics Review.

It is good to have questions in mind and they can be solved in a way as quoted by Sir Einstein:

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

In this article, I have collected some of the most Frequently Asked Questions while performing site-specific and/ or blind docking. You have to consider a lot of factors before performing an actual docking on a protein with a specific ligand.

Question: How do you predict protein’s binding sites? 

Question:  What is the difference between the blind docking and binding site based docking?

dissertation topics in bioinformatics


dissertation topics in bioinformatics

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

BSc and MSc Thesis Subjects of the Bioinformatics Group

On this page you can find an overview of the BSc and MSc thesis topics that are offered by our group. The procedure to find the right thesis project for you is described below.

MSc thesis: In the Bioinformatics group, we offer a wide range of MSc thesis projects, from applied bioinformatics to computational method development. Here is a list of available MSc thesis projects . Besides the fact that these topics can be pursued for a MSc thesis, they can also be pursued as part of a Research Practice .

BSc thesis: As a BSc student you will work as an apprentice alongside one of the PhD students or postdocs in the group. You will work on your own research project, closely guided by your supervisor. You will be expected to work with several tools and/or databases, be creative and potentially overcome technical challenges. Below you will find short descriptions of the research projects of our PhDs and Postdocs. In addition you can take a look at the list of MSc thesis projects above.

Procedure for WUR students:

  • Request an intake meeting with one of our thesis coordinators by filling out the MSc intake form or BSc intake form and sending it to [email protected]
  • Contact project supervisors to discuss specific projects that fit your background and interest
  • Upon a match, take care of the required thesis administration together with your supervisor(s) and enroll in the thesis BrightSpace site to find more information on a thesis in the Bioinformatics group

Procedure for non-WUR students or students in other non-standard situations: We have limited space for interns from other institutes. If you are interested, please email our thesis coordinators at [email protected]; please attach your CV and indicate what are your main research interests.

BSc thesis topics

Integrative omics for the discovery of biosynthetic pathways in plants, molecular function prediction of natural products, linking the metabolome and genome, linking metagenomics and metatranscriptomics to study the endophytic root microbiome, exploiting variation in lettuce and its wild relatives.


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Open thesis topics

Within our group we can offer various topics in the field of applied bioinformatics, high-throughput data analysis, genome and metagenome research as well as postgenomics and systems biology. Below you can find a list of suggested open topics for BSc and MSc theses and student projects. For further details on each topic or alternative projects please contact us.

Exploring the Role of Nasal Microbiota in Neurological Diseases ( M.Sc.) Background Microorganisms, including those in the human nasal cavity, maintain stability and functionality. Recent research suggests a potential link between the nasal microbiota and neurological diseases such as Parkinson’s disease (PD), Alzheimer’s disease (AD), and multiple sclerosis (MS)(1). However, the nature of this relationship remains unclear due to a limited number of studies. While much focus has been on the gut-brain axis, the influence of the nose-brain axis on the immune system and respiratory homeostasis requires further investigation (2). Some studies have indicated that altering the nasal microbiota could potentially prevent or treat neurological diseases, highlighting the need to understand the complex interactions between the nasal microbiota and the brain. Evidence suggests that the nasal microbiome may travel through the olfactory pathway to the brain (2, 3). The diversity of bacteria in the nasal cavity is highly dynamic and can vary depending on age, physiology, and lifestyle. This project will investigate how nasal microbiota stability impacts the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and its potential role in the development and progression of neurological diseases. Our goal is to gain a comprehensive understanding of the nasal microbial community, the conditions under which it remains stable, and how disruptions in nasal homeostasis might contribute to neurodegeneration. Objective The primary objective of this project is to explore the conditions under which nasal microbiota stability or instability is associated with neurological diseases, focusing on potential diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Methodology 1. Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing studies on the nasal microbiota and its potential impact on neurological diseases. 2. Data Comparison and Analysis: Compare data gathered from literature on the nasal microbiota, analyzing differences in composition and diversity, and identifying potential patterns. 3. Mechanistic Studies: Explore how alterations in the nasal microbiota might influence the BBB and contribute to the pathology of neurological diseases. 4. Model Creation and Analysis: Develop a model based on literature data to analyze the stability of the nasal microbiota and its potential role in modulating the risk of neurological diseases. Expected Outcome This project aims to shed light on the role of the nasal microbiota in neurological diseases, potentially leading to novel diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. By understanding the dynamics of nasal microbiota stability, we hope to uncover new insights into preventing and treating neurodegenerative conditions. Reference 1.García-Jiménez, Beatriz, et al., Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 19 (2021): 226-246. 2. Xie, Jin, et al. Pharmacological Research 179 (2022): 106189. 3. Thangaleela, Subramanian, et al., Microorganisms 10.7 (2022): 1405 Contact: Dr. Reihaneh Mostolizadeh

Automated reconstruction of high-quality genome-scale models using machine learning ( or background genome-scale metabolic models (gems) are essential in biological research and biotechnological development, as they enable the comprehensive analysis of metabolic networks and fluxes. reconstructing a high-quality genome-scale model (gem) involves a detailed workflow of 96 steps (6). despite the standard protocols and operating procedures available for gem construction, the process remains time-consuming. this has led to recent efforts aimed at automating the reconstruction steps. researchers have developed various protocols that combine automated steps to streamline the reconstruction and refinement of gems. in recent years, machine learning (ml) has played a significant role in the reconstruction and analysis of gems, enhancing their quality and accuracy (1, 4).  objective: this project aims to develop an automated protocol for reconstructing high-quality genome-scale models using available ml approaches. we have compiled all available literature focusing on the application of ml in the reconstruction of gems. by integrating these ml-based methods into a cohesive automated procedure, we intend to facilitate the reconstruction and refinement of gems. methodology: 1. literature review and compilation: gather and analyze literature on ml approaches used in gem reconstruction. 2. automation protocol development: combine the identified ml-based steps into an automated workflow. 3. comparison and selection: in the first step, for organism with multiple annotated genomes, for instance, compare the annotations and select the most comprehensive one. 4. gem reconstruction: apply the automated protocol to reconstruct the gem. 5. refinement using ml: to refine the reconstructed gem, employ ml algorithms such as gapfill, pathway tool prediction (2), gene essentiality (5), ec numbers (3), etc. expected outcome: this project will result in an automated, ml-based protocol for gem reconstruction. it will allow for comparing different ml approaches and improve the efficiency and quality of gems.  reference: 1. kim, yeji, gi bae kim, and sang yup lee. "machine learning applications in genomescale metabolic modeling." current opinion in systems biology 25 (2021): 42-49. 2. dale, joseph m., liviu popescu, and peter d. karp. "machine learning methods for metabolic pathway prediction." bmc bioinformatics 11 (2010): 1-14. 3. ryu, jae yong, hyun uk kim, and sang yup lee. "deep learning enables high-quality and high-throughput prediction of enzyme commission numbers." proceedings of the national academy of sciences 116.28 (2019): 13996-14001. 4. zampieri, guido, et al. "machine and deep learning meet genome-scale metabolic modeling." plos computational biology 15.7 (2019): e1007084. 5. hasibi, ramin, tom michoel, and diego a. oyarzún. "integration of graph neural networks and genome-scale metabolic models for predicting gene essentiality." npj systems biology and applications 10.1 (2024): 24. 6. thiele, ines, and bernhard ø. palsson. "a protocol for generating a high-quality genome-scale metabolic reconstruction." nature protocols 5.1 (2010): 93-121. contact: dr. reihaneh mostolizadeh, comparative genome analysis of streptococcus agalactiae (gbs) from elephants (

Background Group B Streptococci are fairly common. In livestock, they are the causative agent of an udder inflamation, most often seen in dairy cows. 

In elephants, S. agalactiae is associated with Paronchya. Under human care, elephants are known to reach a high age. This comes with an age-related decline in their immune system, which can lead usually harmless skin- or foot diseases to become chronic. Gaining a better knowledge about the bacterial infections is a vital foundation for optimized treatments and therapeutic approaches. 

In a newer study done by the "Hessische Landeslabor" (Hesse state labratory (LHL)), some S. agalactiae isolates were compared, using microbiological methods and had extensive biochemical profiles created.  Noticable was the high number of isolates, for which the serotypes could not be determined. For this reason some isolates got sequenced, so a full comparative genome analysis could be done, using the latest methods in bioinformatics.

Thesis aims

  • Implementation of typical bioinformatic analyses (Assembly, mapping, annotation...)
  • Comparative analysis of GBS Isolates (ABR, pan- and coregenome, virulence factors...)
  • Closer inspection of Genes for serotyping


  • Interested in solving biological/veterenary questions by usage of bioinformatics
  • Extensive knowledge of the Linux command line
  • Ability to work independently and methodical

Contact: Linda Fenske

Workflow Design (Nextflow) (M.Sc.)

Analysing (bacterial) sequence data for biological/medical questions means often repeating certain standard processes (QC, Assembly, Annotation etc.)

For better reproduceability and simplification of these processes, flexible pipelines with a wide palette of tools are used. Often Nextflow (of similar workflow tools) is used to enable support for a variety of enviroments or to simplify the installation.

With DSL2, Nextflow recently introduced a significant development of the Nextflow language, which promises a better scalability and modulariziation of pipelines, along with a better design of workflows.

  • Revision and updating of an existing workflow for analysing bacerial data
  • Transmission of the workflow from nf-DSL1 to DSL2
  • Visualising the results (creating a GUI)


  • Knowledge of Nextflow or motivation to become acquainted with Nextflow
  • Programming knowledge in Python, Groovy (Nextflow) or similar
  • Knowledge and interest in visualisation and processing of data

Platon Bioinformatics Tool Enhancement for Faster Plasmid Identification (M.Sc.) - taken

Modern high-throughput sequencing devices enable the rapid determination of sequence data obtained from interacting microbial communities without a prior cultivation step. Hereby, access to genetic information from otherwise unculturable microbiota is easily achieved. (Computational) Interpretation of such data relies on either assignment of raw sequencing reads to corresponding source organisms in order to infer their taxonomic origin or gene-coding content, or, these metagenome datasets can be assembled, thereby recovering longer contiguous DNA stretches of the underlying microbial genomes.

Assembled metagenomic contigs are typically clustered (most often, depending on coverage or nucleotide composition), yielding individual draft or complete genomes of novel bacterial species. In this process, however, contigs of non-chromosomal origin such as plasmids are often overlooked.

Still, the analysis of plasmids is of utmost imoprtance, since they constitute a key mechanism of horizontal gene transfer between microbial hosts. They are known to harbor essential genes that are beneficial or important for microbial fittness or survival under certain environmental conditions (e.g. in the presence of certain antimicrobial agents) or perform metabolic processes that they otherwise wouldn‘t have been able to (e.g. degradation of novel substrates).

Several bioinformatics applications have been developed for the computational identification of plasmid-borne contigs, most typically focusing on the extraction of plasmid contigs from the assemblies of individual draft genomes. Among these tools are Platon (Schwengers et al., 2020), PlasClass (Pellow et al., 2020) and PlasFlow (Krawczyk et al., 2018), of which Platon exhibits excellent performance, but its runtime characteristics currently impede its application to potentially large metagenome assemblies.

  • Overhaul of the Platon code base, switching from a contig-centered approach to one based on bulk data processing in order to significantly decrease overall runtime.
  • Inlining of certain sub-analysis steps such as circularity testing into the python codebase instead of relying on the invocation of external tools: (Pyrodigal, pyHMMER, PyTrimal)
  • Conditional tool execution: Do not invoke additional tools if preceding steps already exclude a sequence from being a plasmid
  • Runtime and performance assessment with regard to the original implementation


  • Familiarity with Linux and (modular) python programming (incl. unit testing)
  • Methodological way of working
  • Able to work independently

Contact: Oliver Schwengers

Develop and Compare Curare Modules for Different DGE Libraries (M. Sc)

Differential gene expression analysis (DGE) is a commonly used method in RNA sequencing, in which the expressions of different genes in samples from different conditions are statistically compared to identify relevant genes in stress or defense situations. To simplify the execution of these analyses, the software Curare was developed.

Currently, the R library DESeq2 is used for the statistical evaluation of expression data, but there are also alternative libraries such as edgeR or Limma that pursue similar or completely different statistical approaches.

This Master's thesis aims to write, compare, and combine Curare modules for various DGE libraries. This requires working with different R libraries, integrating the evaluation into Curare (written in Snakemake), and visualizing the results in an HTML report.

  • Write Curare modules for different DGE libraries and compare and combine them.
  • Learn about different R libraries for statistical analysis of expression data.
  • Integrate the analysis in Curare (written in Snakemake) and visualize the results in an HTML report.

Contact: Patrick Blumenkamp

Reconstruction and visualization of KEGG metabolic pathways in the EDGAR platform (M.Sc.)

EDGAR  is a web-based platform for analyzing microbial data. It is developed by employees of the Bioinformatics and Systems Biology department at JLU Giessen and provides multifaceted methods for investigating genomes.

KEGG ( Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes) provides curated databases and resources for (among other things) the functional annotation and classification of genes. In previous projects, KEGG functional categories for all organisms and their corresponding genes were computed in the EDGAR platform. These are currently displayed directly in two analysis modules, in purely quantitative terms.

MinPath is a program for reconstructing biological/metabolic pathways. It attempts to infer a minimal biological metabolic network by excluding redundant metabolic pathways that can explain the genes found in a given dataset. The above-mentioned KEGG categories will be used as input for this program.

The goal of the project is to develop a comparative analysis module, based on KEGG pathway information, for the EDGAR platform.

Thesis Aims

  • Parse the available KEGG data in a structured manner and compute KEGG metabolic pathways for all given genomes in EDGAR using MinPath.
  • Design comparative visualizations for the EDGAR frontend using the resulting data, allowing users to interactively explore their data (see fig. 4 here as an example)
  • Adjust the project scope in consultation with the student depending on the project status to accommodate shared ideas, as EDGAR incorporates a wide selection of data with potential for creative analysis methods.


Programming skills in Python and JavaScript (can also be learned during the process)

Basic SQL database knowledge

PlasmidHunter: Validation of a metagenome-based plasmid search using public plasmid sequences (M.Sc.)

Plasmids play an important role in the genetic variability of organisms. They replicate independently and between organisms - within and between species. Therefore, plasmids are key drivers of horizontal gene transfer. Often, they are the effective and only difference between commensal and pathogenic bacterial strains. In recent years, it became obvious that plasmids belong to the main mechanisms for the dissemination of antimicrobial resistances and hence are of special interest in medical microbiology. Detecting plasmids and analyzing their dissemination is an important epidemiological and scientific topic that might help to detect current and prevent future outbreaks of antibiotic resistances.

One promising data source containing known and unknown plasmids are whole-metagenome datasets of samples from different sources (soil, waste water, the human gut). For many of these samples, sequencing data is freely accessible in public databases, often annotated with additional meta information such as date, source and location of each sample.

Our project processes these datasets from the MGnify database in a standardized way via modern cloud technologies and makes them accessible to users for a fast search of new plasmids within this huge amount of data.

This master thesis should validate this search via existing plasmid databases (such as PLSDB) and analyze search results including comprehensive visualizations.

  • Implementation of a workflow to process PLSDB entries with our existing search workflow
  • Statistical analysis of the results, and screen for potential interesting candidates for further analysis
  • Visualization of the results
  • Knowledge of command line tools and Python
  • Interest in cloud technologies
  • Prior experience with workflow systems, like Nextflow or Snakemake

Contact: Sebastian Beyvers

Webservice for searching gene families in plants (M. Sc.)

The input is a list of protein sequences. In step 1a, a Pfam search is performed with the sequences to find common domains. In step 1b, a multiple sequence alignment of the sequences is calculated. The conserved regions are automatically extracted from the alignment to calculate HMMs. In step 2, the HMMs of the domains from 1a and 1b are used to search a database of plant proteins.

  • The results are visualized and made available for download
  • Steps 1 and 2 are also provided as a command-line tool
  • The programming language(s) and frameworks can be freely chosen
  • Test data will be provided

Contact: Oliver Rupp

R ibosomal binding site prediction based   on 16S-rRNA (M.Sc.)

Bacterial translation is initiated by the assembly of ribosomal proteins as part of the translation initiation complex at the coding sequence (CDS) start site. For most CDS, there is a ribosomal binding site (RBS) immediately upstream of the gene, consisting of a 5-10bp spacer and a (partial or complete) Shine-Dalgarno sequence (SD) 5’-AGGAGG-3’ to which the ribosome binds. However, some genes have neither an SD nor a known RBS and are still expressed (Omotajo, D. et al. , 2015) . The Shine-Dalgarno sequence was first described in E. coli but is found in many bacterial genomes and is complementary to the anti-SD sequence at the 3′-end of 16S-rRNA.

The exact Shine-Dalgarno and spacer sequences vary between bacterial species. However, because the anti-Shine-Dalgarno sequence is present in the 16S-rRNA of each bacterial genome, it can be used to predict RBS in a species-independent manner.  Therefore, a deep learning approach using the 16S-rRNA sequences and the sequence upstream of the CDS is promising for accurately predicting the presence of RBS independent of species-specific variants.

  • Design and implementation of a neural network for ribosomal binding site prediction in bacteria,
  • evaluation of the features used by the neural network, and
  • analysis of the presence of RBS in exemplary bacterial genomes
  • Prior experience with deep learning frameworks such as Tensorflow/Keras, or willingness to learn them
  • Prior experience in the development of documented code and dependency management or willingness to learn them

Contact: Julian Hahnfeld

Integrative Omics FAIR Workflow (M.Sc.) Background

Processing and analysing 'omics data often requires applying predefined building blocks of code, i.e. for performing quality control, statistical analysis or machine learning. However, biologists and ecologists are often overwhelmed with the technical complexity of programmatic approaches and interfaces. Hence, scientific workflows can not just automate, but also facilitate important re-occuring processes in high-throughput 'omics analysis.

The existing modularized iESTIMATE pipeline aims at automating and facilitating the complex analysis of ecological metabolomics data and the integration with other phenomics and preparation for sequencing and (meta-)genomics data. The central aim of the pipeline is to extract so called molecular traits that explain molecular mechanisms in plants or microorganisms. Thesis Aims

  • Revision and modularisation of existing code  to create the R package "iESTIMATE"
  • Implementing a workflow in NextFlow or Common Workflow Language (CWL) using test data, implementing unit tests and capture provenance information
  • Publish R package and the workflow following the FAIR principles
  • Knowledge of R and a bit of Python
  • Knowledge of Linux command line, containers, NextFlow (Groovy), YAML, or motivation to become acquainted with them
  • Keen interest in analysis of integrative 'omics data and in topics in molecular ecology

Contact: Kristian Peters

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

Medical Bioinformatics and Computational Modelling

PhD students at the Bioinformatics Laboratory

In Progress 

  • Lashgari, D. Kinetic maturation in the Germinal Center . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Supported by AMC. Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), Van Gils, M. (co-promotor), Hoefsloot, H. C. (co-promotor).
  • Mahamune, U. Single Cell RNAseq and computational modelling .   University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. ARCAID . Marie Curie COFUND, Horizon 2020. Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), Moerland, P.D. (co-promotor), E.G.M. van Baarsen (co-promotor).
  • Valiente, R. G. Development of multiscale mathematical models of the germinal center (GC) to study its role in B-cell lymphoma (BCL) and/or rheumatoid arthritis (RA). (PhD thesis). University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. COSMIC . Marie Curie ITN, Horizon 2020. Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), De Vries, N. (promotor), Hoefsloot, H. C. (co-promotor), Guikema, J. E. (co-promotor).
  • Stobbe, M. (2012). 18 October 2012. The road to knowledge: from biology to databases and back again. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. NBIC BioRange. Van Kampen,  A.H.C. (promotor),  Moerland, P. D. (co-promotor). [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Shahand, S. (2015). 29 October 2015. Science gateways for biomedical big data analysis. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. COMMIT. Van Kampen,  A. (promotor), Olabarriaga, S. (co-promotor). [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Reshetova, P. (2017). 2 March 2017. Use of Prior Knowledge in Biological Systems Modelling. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. NBIC Biorange. Van Kampen,  A.H.C (promotor), Smilde, A.  (promotor), Westerhuis, J.  (co-promotor). [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Tejero Merino, E. (2022). 7 November 2022 Multiscale modelling of plasma cell differentiation in the Germinal Center. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Supported by AMC. Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), Guikema, J.E.J. (co-promotor), Hoefsloot, H. C. (co-promotor). [ PhD thesis] [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Nandal, U. (2023). Computational approaches for biological data integration. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. NBIC BioRange. Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), Moerland, P.D. (co-promotor). [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Balashova, D. Repertoire sequencing . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. ARCAID . Marie Curie COFUND, Horizon 2020. Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), De Vries N. (promotor), Greiff V. (co-promotor). – Terminated

Co-supervised PhD students from other research groups

In Progress

  • Balzaretti, G. Repertoire Sequencing . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. De Vries, N. (promotor), Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor).
  • Lermo Jimenez, M. Epigenetics and breast cancer drug resistance . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Verschure P. J. (promotor), Moerland, P.D. (co-promotor).
  • Olivieri, A. Repertoire Sequencing. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. ARCAID , Marie Curie COFUND, Horizon 2020. De Vries, N. (promotor), Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor).
  • Stratigopoulou, M. Germinal Center and B-cell Lymphoma . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. COSMIC. Marie Curie ITN, Horizon 2020. Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), Van Noesel, C. J. (promotor), De Vries, N. (co- promotor), Guikema, J. E. (co-promotor).
  • Sontrop, H. (2015). 15 January 2015. A critical perspective on microarray breast cancer gene expression profiling. TU Delft, Delft. NBIC BioRange. Reinders, M. (promotor), Moerland, P. D. (co-promotor). [ Link ]
  • Beckman, W. (2021). 17 August 2021. The Role of Epigenetics in Transcriptional Stochasticity and the Implications for Breast Cancer Drug Resistance . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. EpiPredict. Marie Curie ITN, Horizon 2016. Verschure P.J. (promotor), Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor). [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Barros, R. S. (2022). 1 November 2022 High performance computing for clinical medical imaging . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Henk Marquering (promotor), Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), Olabarriaga, S. (co-promotor). [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Anang, D. (2023) 6 November 2023. B and T Cell Immune Responses in Rheumatoid Arthritis and Myositis. In Search for the Immunological Drummers and Dancers . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. COSMIC . Marie Curie ITN, Horizon 2020. De Vries, N. (promotor), Van Kampen, A.H.C. (promotor), van Baarsen, E.G.M. (co-promotor). [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Wegdam, W. (2024). In search of protein biomarkers in ovarian cancer and Gaucher disease. University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. Aerts J.M.F.G. (promotor), Kenter, G.G.  (promotor), Moerland, P.D. (co-promotor). [ UvA-DARE ]
  • Pollastro, S (2024) 17 May 2024. Understanding Response to Rituximab Treatment in Rheumatoid Arthritis Through Immune Fingerprinting of T and B Cells . University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam. De Vries, N. (promotor), Van Kampen, A.H.C. (co-promotor). [ UvA-DARE ].

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dissertation topics in bioinformatics

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Dissertation Archive

All UNC Charlotte dissertations and theses can be found in ProQuest University of North Carolina at Charlotte .

Dissertations of past Ph.D. students from the Bioinformatics program.

Adam Price: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Understanding Bias in Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies and Analyses

Benika Hall: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Constructing microRNA eQTL Networks Using Integrative Network Learning Approaches in Cancer

Rosario Ivetth Corona de la Fuente: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Structural Analysis of Protein-DNA Binding Specificity and its Application to Protein-DNA Docking Assessment Library

Sajedeh Safari: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Evolution of Flavonoid Pathway in Legumes Library

Adam Michael Whaley: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Genetic Mechanisms of Ozone Tolerance in Soybean and Methods of Evolutionary Distance Library

Yan Ni: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Data Analysis Workflow for Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics Studies Library

Meng Niu: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology De Novo Prediction of Cis-Regulatory Modules in Eukaryotic Organisms Library

Jaime Lynn Sheridan: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Elucidation of Mirnas in Avena Sativa Library

Saeed Khoshnevis: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology The Effect of Structure in Short Regions of DNA on Measurement on Short Oligonucleotide Microarry and Ion Torrent PGM Sequencing Platforms Library

Jonathan Ward McCafferty: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Microbial Contributions to Disease Phenotypes Library

Shatavia Sharday Morrison: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Vibrio Vulnifcus Virulence and Survival Mechanisms Revealed through Comparative Microbial Genomic Analysis Library

Cristina Baciu: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Bioinformatics and Biomolecular Tools for biomarker discovery in peripheral blood lymphocytes from patients with sporadic amyotrophic lateral sclerosis Library

Charles David: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Time Delayed Dynamical Systems and the Duffing Equation Library

Verma Deeptak: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Elucidating the Effects of Mutation and Evolutionary Divergence Upon Protein Structure Quantitative Stability/Flexibility Relationships Library

Christopher C Overall: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Microarray Tools and Analysis Methods to Better Characterize Biological Networks Library

Luis Gonzalez: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Systems Biology A Virtual Pebble Game to Ensemble Average Graph Rigidity Library

Nina Sanapareddy: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Using Bioinformatics to Analyze the Role of Microbial Taxa in Complex Ecosystems Library

Melanie Spencer: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Stability, Resistance and Change in Mammalian Microbiota and Their Associations With Host Health Library

Timothy Tickle: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Data Mining the Serous Ovarian Tumor Transcriptome Library

Vladyslava Ratushna: Ph.D., Bioinformatics ans Systems Biology The Effect of Target Secondary Structure on Microarray Data Quality Library

Robert Reid: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Improving Data Extraction Methods for Large Molecular Biology Datasets Library

Raad Gharaibeh: Ph.D., Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Studies on the Relationships Between Oligonucleotide Probe Properties and Hybridization Signal Intensities Library

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Thesis Preparation and Filing: Staff from the University Archives and the UCLA Graduate Division present information on University regulations governing manuscript preparation and completion of degree requirements. Students should plan to attend at least one quarter before they plan to file a thesis or dissertation. More information is found at

The official UCLA manuscript preparation guide for PhD Dissertations can be found at

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dissertation topics in bioinformatics

Systems Biology and Bioinformatics Group

Department of Information Engineering – University of Padova

Thesis topics

Are you a Bachelor or Master’s student looking for a thesis topic in Bioinformatics and Machine Learning on clinical data?

Here you can find topics that may interest you. SysBioBig will be glad to help you explore the topics that most stimulate your interest.

In-silico models of the interaction between immune system and tumor cells informed by sequencing data

Recently, several computational modeling approaches have been applied to study and simulate the interaction dynamics between immune and tumor cells in human cancer. However, each tumor is characterized by a specific and unique tumor microenvironment (TME), emphasizing the need for specialized and personalized studies of each cancer scenario. Theses on this topic will focus on developing computational models to simulate cancer progression using multi-agent based models to simulate the interactions between immune system cells and tumor cells, as well as the effects of treatments, and their implementation in a Python package. Data mining techniques and bioinformatics tools will be used to analyze patient specific sequencing data and thus simulate patient specific tumor progression and treatments.

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

Keywords : agent-based model, spatio-temporal evolution, tumor microenvironment, single-cell, data-driven, Python, R, Git/Gitlab, Docker

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

Development of bioinformatics methods for the analysis of cell-cell communication from single cell RNA-sequencing data

In complex organisms, the interaction between different cell types has a major role in controlling and coordinating cellular activities, such as tissue and organ development and function. For the first time ever, the advent of single cell RNA sequencing has enabled the possibility to study cellular communication in an high-throughput way. However, the bioinformatics analysis of cell communication from scRNA-seq data is a quite young and fast evolving research area, and much work has still to be done to improve the quality of current bioinformatics analyses. Theses on this topic will focus on developing computational models to infer cell-cell communication from sequencing count data.

Keywords : scRNA-seq, cell-cell comunication, signaling networks, reverse engineering, differential cellular communication, R, Python, Git/GitLab, Docker

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

Robust identification and simulation of biomarkers in RNA-sequencing and metagenomic data

The development of increasingly efficient and cost-effective sequencing techniques has enhanced the possibility of studying complex microbial systems. Mining microbiome data, however, requires specific computational methods to extract the information useful for analysing the micro-world of interest. Another recent sequencing technology, Single-cell RNA-sequencing (scRNA-seq) has emerged in the last decade. scRNA-seq is a powerful technique for profiling the transcriptomes at the single-cell resolution, i.e. the amount of mRNA (expression level) of each gene transcribed in each individual cell. Microbiome and scRNA-seq data show some characteristics in common. Consequently, bioinformatics analysis methods coming from the RNA-seq field can be used to perform microbiome analysis. However, although many methods have led to important conclusions in different fields, the lack of a known biological truth makes it impossible to validate the results obtained in both contexts. Theses on this topic will focus on evaluation of bioinformatics methods for biomarkers discovery in sequencing data.

Keywords : scRNA-seq, microbiome, differential abundance, differential expression, simulation, benchmarking, R, Git/GitLab, Docker

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

Implementation of a Python simulator for microbial communities’ evolution via agent-based modeling

Modeling microbial communities’ evolution has gained immense importance in many scientific fields, from agronomy and food science to human medicine and even material engineering. However, such an interconnected system composed of several molecules and a plethora of bacterial species requires advanced modeling techniques to catch the intrinsic complexity. Agent-based modeling can be exploited to model bacterial communities: by decomposing the complexity of the system in a simpler description of each species with its own decoupled behavior, we aim to simulate a system in which peculiar ecological mechanisms such as commensality or amensalism rises from a model-free interaction. While the overall model structure and a preliminary GUI has already been drafted, many improvements still need to be implemented.

Keywords : Agent-based modelling, microbial community, Python, Dash, Git, GitLab

dissertation topics in bioinformatics

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Graduate Theses and Dissertations - Biostatistics, Bioinformatics & Biomathematics

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Creators Titles By Creation Date

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Cover for Deconvolution Analysis and Differential Expression Inference for Bulk Tissues and Spatial Transcriptomics

Deconvolution Analysis and Differential Expression Inference for Bulk Tissues and Spatial Transcriptomics 

Cover for Contributions to Parametric and Semiparametric Structural Equation Modeling Methods with Applications in the Biomedical Sciences

Contributions to Parametric and Semiparametric Structural Equation Modeling Methods with Applications in the Biomedical Sciences 

Cover for Enhanced Doubly Robust Estimation for Group Comparisons in Presence of Missing Data and Time-varying Confounders

Enhanced Doubly Robust Estimation for Group Comparisons in Presence of Missing Data and Time-varying Confounders 

Cover for Functional Data Analysis and its Application in Biomedical Research

Functional Data Analysis and its Application in Biomedical Research 

Cover for Effective Semiparametric Analysis for Causal Inference with Time-to-Event Outcomes

Effective Semiparametric Analysis for Causal Inference with Time-to-Event Outcomes 


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Richard and Loan Hill Department of Biomedical Engineering

Colleges of engineering and medicine, dnc impact on campus, ms in bioinformatics.

Required Semester Hours: 36

Thesis track Heading link Copy link

DNA helix with computer code

The thesis track is designed for MS in Bioinformatics students who are interested in conducting research. This track is strongly advised if you may be interested in pursuing a PhD in the future.

Researching and writing a master’s thesis is an academically intensive process that takes the place of 8 credits of traditional coursework. Students work with a faculty advisor to choose a topic of interest, engage in high-level study of that topic, and develop a paper that is suitable for presentation at a conference or submission to a journal.

The thesis experience provides definition to your master’s degree experience and can bolster your application for jobs or doctoral-level study by demonstrating your capabilities.

In the thesis option, you will earn 8 credits in BME 598 Master’s Thesis Research and at least 28 credit hours from coursework. At least 12 of your coursework credits must come from courses at the 500 level, excluding BME 595, BME 596, and BIOE 598. You may be allowed limited credit hours from BME 596 Independent Study with department approval. There is no comprehensive examination.

Recent UIC master’s thesis projects in bioinformatics include:

thesis titles Heading link Copy link

Nikita Dsouza

Strategies for Identification of Small Molecule Inhibitors of Ad2 E3-19K/HLA-A2 Binding Interaction

A Statistical Framework for GeneSet Enrichment Analysis based on DNA Methylation and Gene Expression

Navya Josyula

Identifying Ligand Binding Sites of Proteins using Crystallographic Bfactors and Relative Pocket Sizes

Non-thesis track Heading link Copy link

In the non-thesis track, you earn all of your required 36 credit hours from coursework. Of these, 16 must be from courses at the 500 level. There is no comprehensive examination.

Across-the-board requirements Heading link Copy link

  • 1 hour of BME 595
  • Present at least one seminar (BME 595) before graduation
  • Students entering the program without an undergraduate degree in bioengineering or biomechanical engineering must also take BME 480, BME 481, and BME 530

MS alumni in their own words Heading link Copy link


Daiqing Chen ’21 MS in Bioinformatics

What led you to choose bioinformatics for your MS degree? How do you think computational technology is changing biomedical engineering? I was doing molecular biology during my undergrad. Wet lab experiments are very time- and money-consuming. I have seen people using bioinformatics methods to solve biological questions, and I want to be able to use them. I actually don’t know much about engineering, but I believe a computational method can be useful for any field. The high efficiency allows people to do more things than ever before.

What are your plans for once you have completed your degree? I am planning on working as a research assistant in biological lab, most likely doing research about cancer. My time at UIC helped me get more familiar with American culture.

Have you worked in any labs? Yes, the Computational Functional Genomics Laboratory . I did a project to validate machine learning models that predict kidney function decline. I also worked on high-throughput single-cell sequence analysis.

Your primary hobby/outside interest: Playing badminton.

Favorite restaurant in Chicago: Minhin’s cuisine for the dim sum.

Additional information Heading link Copy link

  • MS in Bioinformatics course checklist: thesis track
  • MS in Bioinformatics course checklist: non-thesis track
  • MS in Bioinformatics graduate catalog page
  • UIC Graduate College admissions
  • Important deadlines for BME graduate students
to post a comment.

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    University of Southern California
  Aug 17, 2024  
USC Catalogue 2022-2023    
USC Catalogue 2022-2023 [ARCHIVED CATALOGUE]


The Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology offers a PhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics. The PhD in Computational Biology and Bioinformatics is awarded in conformity with the general requirements of the USC Graduate School. Study in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics PhD program emphasizes original research that culminates in a doctoral dissertation. A separately published guide, available from the Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology, provides additional information on the topics listed below, along with other program policies. Application deadline: December 15 Course Requirements Students in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics PhD program take graduate courses that cover topics from biology, computer science, mathematics, statistics and other disciplines. These courses guarantee a broad foundation in our field, and ensure students have sufficient scientific background and intellectual tools for success in research. A list of required courses can be found at the bottom of this page. Screening Procedure As per Graduate School requirements, all students in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics PhD program undergo a screening procedure. This procedure consists of written tests taken by each cohort before the end of their first year. Advisement Each student in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics PhD program is assigned an academic adviser from among the Department of Quantitative and Computational Biology’s faculty. This person will act as the student’s dissertation committee chair. Advisers are determined by the end of the first year based on shared research interests with the student. The primary role of the adviser is to guide the student as they work towards their dissertation. Qualifying Examination Students must pass a qualifying examination to advance to candidacy in the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics PhD program. The qualifying exam consists of a written part and an oral part. Both parts are evaluated by a faculty qualifying committee, which is formed separately for each student and is led by the student’s dissertation chair. Dissertation After advancing to candidacy, each student forms a faculty dissertation committee. Students work toward their dissertation research under the guidance of their adviser and with input from their dissertation committee. The dissertation committee meets annually to ensure appropriate degree progress. The central requirement of the doctorate is a dissertation based on the student’s original research that makes a substantial advance to scientific knowledge or technical capability in our field.

Required Courses (30 units)

  • BISC 593 Practicum in Teaching the Biological Sciences Units: 2
  • CSCI 570 Analysis of Algorithms Units: 4
  • MATH 505a Applied Probability Units: 3
  • MATH 541a Introduction to Mathematical Statistics Units: 3
  • QBIO 502 Molecular Biology for Quantitative Scientists Units: 4
  • QBIO 542 Seminar in Computational Biology Units: 1 *
  • QBIO 547 Ethics and Professional Conduct in Computational Biology Units: 1
  • QBIO 577 Computational Molecular Biology Laboratory Units: 2
  • QBIO 578a Computational Molecular Biology Units: 3
  • QBIO 578b Computational Molecular Biology Units: 3

* Students register for QBIO 542 for 5 semesters.

Elective Courses (6 units)

Choose a minimum of 6 units from the following courses:

  • BISC 502a Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry Units: 4
  • BISC 502b Molecular Genetics and Biochemistry Units: 4
  • BME 530 Introduction to Systems Biology Units: 4
  • CSCI 521 Optimization: Theory and Algorithms Units: 3
  • CSCI 559 Machine Learning I: Supervised Methods Units: 4
  • CSCI 567 Machine Learning Units: 4
  • CSCI 596 Scientific Computing and Visualization Units: 4
  • CSCI 670x Advanced Analysis of Algorithms Units: 4
  • MATH 502a Numerical Analysis Units: 3
  • MATH 505b Applied Probability Units: 3
  • MATH 555a Partial Differential Equations Units: 3
  • MATH 565a Ordinary Differential Equations Units: 3
  • PHYS 516 Methods of Computational Physics Units: 3
  • PHYS 518 Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics Units: 3

Research and Dissertation (4 units minimum)

  • QBIO 794a Doctoral Dissertation Units: 2
  • QBIO 794b Doctoral Dissertation Units: 2

Students may register for additional units by using QBIO 790 or the remaining QBIO 794 courses.

University of Delaware

PhD in Bioinformatics Data Science


A Ph.D. in Bioinformatics Data Science will train the next-generation of researchers and professionals who will play a key role in multi- and interdisciplinary teams, bridging life sciences and computational sciences. Students will receive training in experimental, computational and mathematical disciplines through their coursework and research. Students who complete this degree will be able to generate and analyze experimental data for biomedical research as well as develop physical or computational models of the molecular components that drive the behavior of the biological system.

Students must complete a minimum of 15 hours of coursework, plus 3 credit hours of seminar, 6 credit hours of research and 9 credit hours of doctoral dissertation. The Ph.D. requires a minimum of 33 credits. Students who are admitted directly after a B.S. degree will be required to complete up to 9 additional credits in order to fulfill the core curriculum in the following areas: Database Systems, Statistics, and Introduction to Discipline. In addition, if students entering the program with an M.S. degree are lacking equivalent prerequisites, they also will be required to complete courses in these three areas; however, these courses may fulfill the elective requirement in the Ph.D. program, if approved in the program of study.

(31 Credit Hours Total)
Core and Elective Courses (15 - 24 Credits)
Bioinformatics Data Science Core9 Credits
Prerequisites - Direct Admit Students3-9 Credits
Electives6 Credits
Seminar and Research (18 Credits)
Seminar (6 semesters)3 Credits
Research6 Credits
Doctoral Dissertation9 Credits

Academic Load

PhD students holding research assistantships (or teaching) are considered full-time with 6 credit hours . Students without RA or TA  are considered full-time if enrolled in at least 9 credit hours or in sustaining credit. Those enrolled for fewer than 9 credit hours are considered part-time students. Generally, a maximum load is 12 graduate credit hours; however, additional credit hours may be taken with the approval of the student’s adviser and the Graduate College. A maximum course load in either summer or winter session is 7 credit hours. Permission must be obtained from the Graduate College to carry an overload in any session. 

Bioinformatics Data Science Courses

Students must take one course in each of the following areas (9 credits):

Bioinformatics and Computational Biology Core (9 Credit Hours)
[select one]
BINF644 Bioinformatics (3)
CISC636 Computational Biology and Bioinformatics
Data Science - Systems Biology
[Select One]
BINF694 Systems Biology I (3)
BINF695 Computational Systems Biology (3)
Data Science - Data Analytics
[select one]
NURS/HLTH844 Population Healthcare Informatics
CISC681 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
CISC683 Introduction to Data Mining
CISC684 Introduction to Machine Learning
BINF610 Applied Machine Learning
BINF620 Big Data Analytics in Healthcare


Students must fulfill core curriculum in each of the following areas (3-9 credits):

Prerequisites (3 - 9 Credit Hours)
[select one]
BINF640 Databases for Bioinformatics (3)
CISC637 Database Systems (3)
[select one]
STAT656 Biostatistics (3)
STAT611 Regression Analysis (3)
Intro to Discipline
[select one]
Computational Sciences Concentration
BISC609 Molecular Biology of the Cell (3)
BISC654 Biochemical Genetics (3)
PLSC636 Plant Genes and Genomes (3)
Life Science Concentration
BINF690: Programming for Bioinformatics (3)

Elective Courses

Students must take two courses to compliment their bioinformatics data science dissertation project (6 credits): 

See Elective courses

Students must take six semesters of seminar (three 0 credit; three 1 credit) and give a presentation during three semesters.

Seminars (3 Credit Hours)
SeminarBINF 865 Seminar (0-1)

Other Requirements:

  • Formation of Graduate Dissertation Committee
  • Successful completion of Graduate Preliminary Exam
  • Research on a significant scientific problem
  • Successful completion of Ph.D. Candidacy Exam
  • Successful completion of Dissertation Defense

Formation of Graduate Committee

The student needs to establish a Dissertation Committee within the first year of study. The Committee should consist of at least four faculty members, including the primary faculty advisor (serving as the Committee Chair), a secondary faculty advisor (in a complementary field to the primary advisor), a second faculty from the home department, and one CBCB affiliate faculty outside the Departments of the primary and secondary advisors or from outside the University. Students must complete the Dissertation Committee Formation form and submit to the Associate Director.

Students should convene their dissertation committee at least once every six months.

Preliminary Examination

The preliminary examination should be taken before the end of the fourth semester and will consist of an oral exam in subjects based on the Bioinformatics Data Science core.* In recognition of the importance of the core curriculum in providing a good test of the student’s knowledge, students must achieve a minimum 3.0 GPA in the core curriculum before taking the preliminary exam. Students will not be permitted to take the preliminary examination if the core grade requirements and cumulative GPA of 3.0 has not been achieved. The exam will be administered by the Preliminary Exam Committee , which will consist of one instructor from each of the three core courses. Each member of the Committee will provide a single grade (pass, conditional pass or fail) and the final grades will be submitted via the Results of Preliminary Exam Form :

  • Pass . The student may proceed to the next stage of his/her degree training.
  • Conditional pass . In the event that the examination committee feels that the student did not have an adequate background or understanding in one or more specific areas, the Preliminary Exam Committee will communicate the conditional pass to the student and must provide the student with specific requirements and guidelines for completing the conditional pass. The student must inform the Preliminary Exam Committee, the Graduate Program Director and Program Committee when these conditions have been completed. The Preliminary Exam Committee will then meet with the student to ensure all recommendations have been completed and whether a re-examination is necessary. If required, the re-examination will be done using the same format and prior to the beginning of the next academic semester. If the student still does not perform satisfactorily on this re-examination, he/she will then be recommended to the Graduate Affairs Committee for dismissal from the graduate program.
  • Failure . This outcome would indicate that the Examination Committee considers the student incapable of completing degree training. The student’s academic progress will be reviewed by the Graduate Affairs Committee, who will make recommendations to the Program Director regarding the student’s enrollment status. The Program Director may recommend to the Graduate College that the student be dismissed from the Program immediately.

*Students who need to complete prerequisite courses may request a deadline extension for the preliminary and subsequently the candidacy examination. Requests must be submitted to the Graduate Program Committee prior to the start of the third semester.

Candidacy Exam

The candidacy examination must be completed by the end of the sixth semester of enrollment.* It requires a formal, detailed proposal be submitted to the Dissertation Committee and an oral defense of the student’s proposed research project. Upon the recommendation of the Dissertation Committee, the student may be admitted to candidacy for the Ph.D. degree. The stipulations for admission to doctoral candidacy are that the student has (i) completed one academic years of full-time graduate study in residence at the University of Delaware, (ii) completed all required courses with the exception of BINF865 and BINF969, (iii) passed the preliminary exams, (iv) demonstrated the ability to perform research, and (v) had a research project accepted by the Dissertation Committee. Within one week of the candidacy exam, complete and submit the Recommendation for Candidacy for Doctoral Degree form for details. A copy of the completed form should be given to the Associate Director.

*Students who need to complete prerequisite courses may request a deadline extension for the preliminary and subsequently the candidacy examination.  Requests must be submitted to the Graduate Program Committee prior to the start of the third semester.

Dissertation Exam

The dissertation examination of the Ph.D. program will involve the approval of the written dissertation and an oral defense of the candidate’s dissertation.  The written dissertation will be submitted to the Dissertation Committee and the CBCB office at least three weeks in advance of the oral defense date.  The oral defense date will be publicly announced at least two weeks prior to the scheduled date. The oral presentation will be open to the public and all members of the Bioinformatics Data Science program. The Dissertation Committee will approve the candidate’s dissertation. The student and the primary faculty advisor will be responsible for making all corrections to the dissertation document and for meeting all Graduate College deadlines.  Within one week of the dissertation defense, complete and submit the Certification of Doctoral Dissertation Defense Form. A copy of the completed form should be given to the Associate Director.

Thesis or Dissertation

Each graduate student in the program will work on a dissertation project under dual mentorship, consisting of a primary advisor who is Program Training Faculty, and a co-advisor who may or may not be Program Training Faculty, but must be from a different disciplinary area.

It is expected that the student will meet at least annually with the committee to update the members on his or her progress. As a partial fulfillment for the PhD degree, the student will submit a complete dissertation to be evaluated by a doctoral committee chosen by his or her mentors in consultation with the bioinformatics steering committee. The doctoral dissertation will be submitted to each member of the doctoral committee at least four weeks before the final examination. The student will defend his or her final thesis after the committee's evaluation and will pass or fail depending on the committee's decision.

  • PLEASE READ:   FAQ on scheduling exams
  • UCSD Writing Hub's services for graduate students, including the Dissertation Writer's Workshop

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Bioinformatics Research Centre

Master's thesis in bioinformatics.

In the Master’s program in bioinformatics, you must do a 30 ECTS Master’s thesis. You must start your 30 ECTS thesis no later than February 1 (or September 1 ) a year and a half after commencement of your studies (i.e. February 2021 for students admitted in summer 2019, or September 2021 for students admitted in winter 2020). You must complete your thesis (including the exam) no later than June 30 the same year, if you started on February 1 (or January 31 the following year, if you started on September 1).

You can read the course description for the MSc thesis project at:

You can read some general information and advice about Master’s thesis work at:

You can see abstracts of (some) Master's theses from BiRC at:

Thesis contract

Before you start your thesis, you must make a thesis contract. The thesis contract must be completed and approved by January 15  (or August 15 ). You can read about how to submit the contract on the above www page. As part of the thesis contract, you must attach a pdf file containing project description, project goals, activity plan, and supervision plan. This is very much like what you have to describe for a Project in Bioinformatics. At BiRC, you should use the following template for this description.

Problem statement, activity plan, and supervision plan (in docx format)

When formulating the thesis project, you should keep in mind that it should cover 30 ECTS of work, i.e. full-time work for the entire semester and the following exam period. Group projects should of course cover this for every group member.

Choosing a topic

Before you can make a thesis contract, and commence your thesis work, you must (of course) chose a topic and a supervisor. The supervisor must be a tenured researcher associated to BiRC, but you can also have one or more co-supervisors.

When choosing a thesis topic, it is a good idea to think about the classes and projects that you have done during your Master’s studies, and what kind of work do you like? Contact potential supervisors as early as possible to discuss your wishes and ideas. Remember that you are always welcome to come by our offices and discuss. You can also ask potential supervisors for examples of thesis’s that they have supervised in order to get a better idea of how a thesis can look.

Also, we plan an information meeting for students that focus on thesis and project work every Fall. Below are the slides from the last such information meeting.

Slides from MSc info meeting (November 2023)

Ten simple rules for writing a great MSc thesis at BiRC (November 2022)

The slides also contain good advice about how to organize your thesis work. The above www page also contains some advice.

Group projects: It is possible to do the thesis project as a group project. Each group member must fill out individual contracts stating the other groups members. A group hand in a single thesis, but each group member is examined individually. In general, we very much encourage group assignments as it for many students is motivating to work together in a group, and to have group member to discuss and solve the many the details of a thesis project together with.

Projects involving external collaborators: It is possible to do a project that involves external collaboration, e.g. with people from industry, or from other university departments. Such collaborators will be associated to your thesis as co-supervisors. In the thesis contract, it is possible to indicate that the thesis project is done in collaboration with an industrial partner, if an NDA has been signed, and if the final thesis report must be made public available.

The thesis report presents the completed work and can be written in Danish or English. The report must contain an English summary/abstract. The summary/abstract is included in the assessment, and the assessment places emphasis on the academic content, as well as the student’s spelling and writing skills. The extent of the thesis report is agreed with the supervisor, but is typically about 50-60 pages excluding frontpage, table of content and appendices. If the MSc thesis is done as a group project provided, the report must be done in such a way that the group members can be assessed individually. This means that you can either (1) do a joint report in which everyone is equally responsible for all parts of the report, or (2) do a joint report, where it is stated (fx in the table of content) who of you has done the individual parts of the report and is responsible for them. See under "Group assignment" for details.

In your thesis contract, you state the hand in date. This can between June 1 and 15 (or January 1 and 15 ), earlier dates are also possible. The exact date is (of course) decided in collaboration with your supervisor. You hand in your thesis via Digital Exam (like you are used to for Projects in Bioinformatics).

The thesis exam is 60 min oral exam. It starts with a 30 min presentation from you about your thesis work followed by a 30 min discussion between you, the examiner (your supervisor), and an external examiner. Your presentation is based upon a question that you get from your supervisor one week before the exam. The exam must be held before June 30 (or January 31 ). In principle, the exam can be held from the day after you hand in your thesis. The exact date is decided upon by your supervisor, and often depends on the availability of external examiners. The final grade reflects an overall assessment of your report, your presentation, and your discussion.

If you have any questions about thesis work, then you are always welcome to ask!

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Links for Theses and Dissertations

  • Proquest Dissertations and Theses Search US theses and dissertations. Accessed through OxLip+, search for 'dissertations and theses'.
  • Oxford Research Archive (ORA) Search for and download recent Oxford DPhil theses. Also contains an archive of articles, papers and research posters produced by academics and researchers at Oxford University. more... less... ORA is freely available and does not require a log-in.
  • EThOS Access to UK theses from the British Library [Currently unavailable]. more... less... To use this service you will be required to set up an individual account.
  • DART-Europe Search European E-theses.

Theses and Dissertations On-line

Electronic collections.

A number of recent theses and dissertations prepared at Oxford are available to download from the Oxford Research Archive (ORA) . The British Library provides access to UK theses through its EThOS service  [currently unavailable]. Already digitised UK theses can be downloaded freely as PDF files. Requests can be made to digitise older theses, but there is a charge for this service and waiting time of 30 days for digitisation. The British Library no longer provides theses on microfilm.

Finding Oxford Theses

SOLO allows you to search for Theses in the Oxford collections.

1. Navigate to the  SOLO  homepage.

2. Click on the ' Advanced Search ' button

3. Click the ' Resource Type ' menu and choose the ' Theses ' option.

4. Type in the title or author of the thesis you are looking for and click the ' Search ' button.

Other Relevant Guides

  • ORA: Oxford University Research Archive by Jason Partridge Last Updated Apr 10, 2024 3244 views this year
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Help on how to decide masters thesis topic

I am doing my masters now and I have to submit a thesis for my program. I am not sure on what topic should I do on .

I have the following modules in my bioinfo masters: statistics, omics, machine learning and system biology.

1.Can I have some recommendation on topics which I can do my thesis on.(the topic must have programming aspect in it )

2. Does your thesis decide the job you could apply for later during the job search. for example : if I am doing my thesis on variant calling am I limited to apply for jobs related to that??

3.which fields are blooming in the industry (with respect to bioinfo) and what are the skills required to be trained for such a industry?

Any advices apart from these question would be appreciated.

Thanks in advance for the replies .

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2024 National LGBTQ Health Conference Held at Emory


Starting today, the 2024 National LGBTQ Health Conference will take place at Emory University, bringing together researchers, students, and thought leaders dedicated to advancing research and promoting public health practice in communities across the country. Chaired by Jodie Guest, PhD, professor of epidemiology, this is the second time the conference has been hosted at Emory. “I think it’s incredibly important to bring together people who do work; research; and clinical, policy and community work, to support LGBTQ health particularly at a time in our country when multiple states are working to limit gender-affirming care, when HIV rates are still so high in the Southeast, and when PrEP rates are still too low, though increasing thanks to programs like Travis Sanchez’s Together TakeMeHome project ,” Guest says. In her role as chair, Guest has led the vision for the conference’s speakers and topics, fundraising and grant support, the conference’s mentoring program and scholarships, and the pre-conference workshops being held at Rollins today (one where junior investigators meet with NIH program officers to help build successful research programs and an afternoon session on science implementation). The conference’s theme, Bridging Research and Practice, speaks to the importance of communicating research to individual communities, as well as Emory’s focus on interprofessional education through the Office of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice (IPECP) at the Woodruff Health Sciences Center. Tickets are sold out for the in-demand conference, but Guest discusses a few of the major highlights, the continued need for LGBTQ public health research, and current research at Rollins.

Are you speaking at the conference? What other sessions are you looking forward to?

What types of professional development opportunities are featured at the conference, can you share a few major research projects happening at rollins in the lgbtq space either that will be featured at the conference or that you think people will be interested in learning about, how are we doing—public health as a whole—in terms of advancing lgbtq health where do we need to focus more efforts/resources, associated topics:.

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August 16, 2024

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Key biofuel-producing microalga believed to be a single species is actually three

by Ashley Vargo, Texas A&M University

Key biofuel-producing microalga believed to be a single species is actually three

When a global pandemic forced previous graduate student Devon Boland, Ph.D., out of the lab and onto the computer, he found a world of difference hidden in the long-studied species of Botryoccocus braunii—and discovered that it isn't one species at all, but three.

Botryococcus braunii was first discovered in the mid-1800s. Technically a plant, it undergoes photosynthesis and, most interestingly to researchers, produces high amounts of hydrocarbons that can be used as a renewable source of fuel.

It was previously believed to be a single species with three races: A, B and L, which each produce slightly different types of oils. But after uncovering a dramatic 20%–30% genetic difference between each race , a team of Texas A&M AgriLife researchers proposed a new classification—and completed any biologist's dream of naming species.

"As a graduate student, you read papers that all say the same thing, that this is a single species with three chemical races, and you internalize it," said Boland, first author of the study showing the genomic comparisons. "You start to think that must be right. No one has found otherwise, and all those scientists have had much longer careers than me—I'm just a kid.

"But I ended up getting to propose names for a species that were accepted for publication, which is something I never thought would happen."

Half necessity, half circumstance

Before coming to Texas A&M, Boland spent his undergraduate research working on "bread and butter" biochemistry research in areas like protein engineering. His graduate thesis was meant to center around the production process Botryococcus braunii uses to synthesize its unique hydrocarbons.

But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Boland was worried about losing time on his thesis and the possibility of it delaying his graduation.

In response, Tim Devarenne, Ph.D., associate head of undergraduate programs and associate professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics at the Texas A&M College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, suggested that Boland take the opportunity to dive into genetic data and bioinformatics.

"Having the genome of your organism of interest mapped out is always ideal in research because it allows you to more easily find genes and work to determine their functions," Devarenne said.

Another previous graduate student in the lab, Daniel Browne, had performed some sequencing and assembled the B race's genome. During one of Devarenne and Boland's weekly meetings, Devarenne proposed they try to do the same thing with the A and L race.

"It had a double benefit," Boland said. "We were able to do something that hadn't been done before, plus it could help us to better understand the hydrocarbon biosynthesis."

Though the races are practically indistinguishable under the microscope, Boland said there had been some debate on whether these were different species. They were interested to know whether a genomic study could shine light on the question.

Along with Devarenne, Boland and Browne, the research team included Ivette Cornejo Corona, Ph.D., postdoctoral researcher in Devarenne's lab; John Mullet, Ph.D., another researcher and professor in the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics; Rebecca Murphy, Ph.D., a former graduate student in Mullet's lab; and a longtime collaborator on Botryococcus studies, Shigeru Okada, Ph.D., a professor at the University of Tokyo in Japan.

Genetic analysis

Even though Botryococcus is commonly studied for its hydrocarbon production, sequencing its genome has proven difficult.

Boland, now an assistant research scientist at the Texas A&M Institute for Genome Sciences and Society, said the thick, oily medium the cells live in makes extracting and isolating the DNA a challenge.

Nonetheless, the team was determined to analyze the genomes to see the similarity between the genes and proteins involved in each race's biofuel production processes.

But after piecing together the genomes and using the supercomputers at the Texas A&M High Performance Research Computing Center to run genomic comparisons, Boland said it became clear these organisms were not the same species.

"It was like everywhere we looked, things were different," he said.

In the end, the researchers said around 1 in every 5 genes were unique to each of the Botryococcus races. To put that 20% difference in perspective, the genetic difference between humans and chimpanzees, our closest evolutionary relative, is less than 2%.

After some further validations, Boland and Devarenne set out to reclassify the Botryococcus races. Boland said the team spent months workshopping different names.

They kept race B with its original name of Botryococcus braunii to preserve its history and renamed race A to Botryococcus alkenealis and race L to Botryococcus lycopadienor, which signify the type of hydrocarbons each produces.

What makes a species

In the recent past, biologists have given more weight to genes and genomes when it comes to classifying organisms.

But even with all the evidence for these Botryococcus algae to be considered separate species, Devarenne said what really makes a species is the general acceptance by the scientific community.

After publishing their study in PLOS ONE , Devarenne shared the team's findings with more than 100 other researchers who study the organisms in their own labs.

"How we define separate species might not change much with how these organisms are used in research," he said. "But it's important for the scientific understanding, how we think about the ways these organisms are related to each other and to all other species."

Boland said he and Devarenne published in an open-access journal so that other scientists could build off their work. The complete genomes of the species are also available on the National Center for Biotechnology Information website .

"It was important to us that the information was publicly available when it was ready to publish," he said. "Science is community driven. The ultimate goal is always to further our collective knowledge, and I think that's what we accomplished here."

Journal information: PLoS ONE

Provided by Texas A&M University

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  19. Oxford LibGuides: Bioinformatics: Theses & Dissertations

    Electronic Collections. A number of recent theses and dissertations prepared at Oxford are available to download from the Oxford Research Archive (ORA). The British Library provides access to UK theses through its EThOS service [currently unavailable]. Already digitised UK theses can be downloaded freely as PDF files.

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    Help on how to decide masters thesis topic. academic. I am doing my masters now and I have to submit a thesis for my program. I am not sure on what topic should I do on . I have the following modules in my bioinfo masters: statistics, omics, machine learning and system biology. 1.Can I have some recommendation on topics which I can do my thesis ...

  24. Upcoming Dissertation Defenses

    Recent News. August 12, 2024 Upcoming Dissertation Defenses; August 12, 2024 DFCI Data Science Seminar - 8/13; August 12, 2024 Help Planning 2024 Data Adventure Day; August 12, 2024 HBC 'Upcoming Current Topics in Bioinformatics' Workshop - 8/21; August 12, 2024 2024 PQG Conference Earlybird Registration now open!; August 5, 2024 Du Bois Scholars Program Summer Research Presentations ...

  25. 2024 National LGBTQ Health Conference Held at Emory

    In her role as chair, Guest has led the vision for the conference's speakers and topics, fundraising and grant support, the conference's mentoring program and scholarships, and the pre-conference workshops being held at Rollins today (one where junior investigators meet with NIH program officers to help build successful research programs ...

  26. Schar School Adjunct Professor Lee Roberts is 'Teacher of Distinction'

    Schar School of Policy and Government adjunct professor Lee Roberts was recognized as a 2024 Teacher of Distinction by George Mason University's Stearns Center for Teaching and Learning.Roberts, who is a U.S. Army strategic intelligence officer in his 17th year of active-duty service, is the first Schar School adjunct to receive the award since its inception 12 years ago.

  27. Key biofuel-producing microalga believed to be a single species is

    But when the COVID-19 pandemic hit, Boland was worried about losing time on his thesis and the possibility of it delaying his graduation. In response, Tim Devarenne, Ph.D., associate head of ...